flash spotting display - ivan mills, with graham (blue) johnson & ross baker picking up the...

Flash Spotting display - Ross Baker, with Graham (Blue) Johnson, and Ivan Mills. Behind Ross is Greg Davidson.

Upload: laureen-craig

Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

Flash Spotting display - Ross Baker, with Graham (Blue) Johnson, and Ivan Mills. Behind Ross is Greg Davidson.

Page 2: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

Flash Spotting display - Graham (Blue) Johnson with Ivan Mills. In background at the Sound Ranging display is Wayne Nash

Page 3: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

Flash Spotting display - Allan Harrison with Bob Morrison

Page 4: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

Flash Spotting display - Graham (Blue) Johnson with Greg Davidson

Page 5: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

Flash Spotting display - construction team looking on as Ross probes

Page 6: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

Flash Spotting display - Graham (Blue) Johnson, Ivan Mills and Ross Baker

Page 7: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, and Ross Baker is still probing

Page 8: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

Greg Davidson cementing the stone slabs into place for the Flash Spotting display

Page 9: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

Flash Spotting display - Graham (Blue) Johnson

Page 10: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

Flash Spotting display - Greg Davidson cementing with Wayne Nash at left of background

Page 11: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

Flash Spotting display - construction team hard at work

Page 12: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

Flash Spotting display - Ross Baker & Greg Davidson with newly acquired member

Page 13: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

Flash Spotting display - Ross Baker & Greg Davidson with newly acquired member

Page 14: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

Flash Spotting display - Professor Peter Oppenheim seems to be asking – “I'm looking for my front wall in my garden to be re-built. Can you guys see me after please”

Page 15: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

“Let’s set up the brew here” Joe seems to be suggesting to Bob Morrison and Allan Harrison.

Page 16: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

OK - Now whadda we do ?

Page 17: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

Whadda you mean “whadda we do”! how about …

Page 18: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

Greg Davidson foreground mixing concrete for Flash Spotting display, and in the background, the sign goes up on Sound Ranging display

Page 19: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

Joe Kaplun tying off the Locating Artillery sign with mannequin at the plotting board

Page 20: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

Joe adjusts the sign on the Sound Ranging display then asks “is that straight”

Page 21: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

Everyone gathers around the Sound Ranging display – “No its not straight Joe”.

Page 22: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

“Joe - it’s still not straight” - Wayne Nash seems to be calling out to Joe.

Page 23: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

Ivan Mills leans to one side and appears to be saying “at this angle Joe, yes it is straight” and Wayne Nash appears to be sending Ivan back to the Flash Spotting display.

Page 24: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

Inside the Sound Ranging tent with final adjustments to the display - “right one” - “steady” - “stand clear”.

Page 25: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

Sound Ranging display – Bob Morrison directs the mannequin to ‘stand fast’.

Page 26: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

Sound Ranging display - finished for the day - a sombre moment - now, a time for prayer of thanks.

Page 27: Flash Spotting display - Ivan Mills, with Graham (Blue) Johnson & Ross Baker picking up the pieces

‘Stand down’ - days end, and Flash Spotting & Sound Ranging are starting to take shape.