financial abundance & prosperity€¦ · you can take control of your own destiny, transform...

Financial Abundance & Prosperity Workbook

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Financial Abundance and Prosperity 1

Table of Contents

DISCLAIMER ................................................................................................................. 2

Hi ............................................................................................................................................ 3

My Message ............................................................................................................................ 4

Foreword ................................................................................................................................ 5

Financial Abundance & Prosperity ................................................................................ 5

How to Attract Abundance in Life ......................................................................................... 7

What’s Your Current Money Story? ............................................................................... 9

Where Am I Now? ........................................................................................................ 14

Root Chakra Expenses ......................................................................................................... 15

Sacral Chakra Expenses ....................................................................................................... 16

Solar Plexus Expenses .......................................................................................................... 17

Heart Chakra Expenses ........................................................................................................ 18

Third Eye Expenses .............................................................................................................. 19

Business Monthly Expenses .................................................................................................20

Desired Income .................................................................................................................... 21

Current Monthly Income ..................................................................................................... 22

Income Generation ....................................................................................................... 23

Income Generation............................................................................................................... 24

Desired Monthly Targets ...................................................................................................... 25

End of Week Accounts ......................................................................................................... 26

End of Month Accounts........................................................................................................ 27

Manifesting Abundance ............................................................................................... 28

Business Gratitude Journal .................................................................................................. 29

Affirmations To Stimulate Prosperity & Abundance ...........................................................30

Miracles Tapping Script ....................................................................................................... 31

Recommended Reading List ........................................................................................ 33

Higher Self Code... ........................................................................................................ 35

Financial Abundance and Prosperity 2


The advice contained in this material might not be suitable for everyone.

The author designed the information to present her opinion about the

subject matter.

The reader must carefully investigate all aspects of any business, life,

health, decision before committing her or himself.

The author obtained the information contained herein from sources she

believes to be reliable and from her own personal experience, but she

neither implies nor intends any guarantee of accuracy.

The author is not in the business of giving legal, accounting, health or

any other type of professional advice.

Should the reader need such advice, he or she, must seek services from a

competent professional/GP.

The author particularly disclaims any liability, loss or risk taken by

individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained


The author believes the advice presented here is sound, but readers

cannot hold her responsible for either the actions they take or the result

of those actions.

Copyright © 2017 Davinder Ojalla

Financial Abundance and Prosperity 3


I’m Davinder Ojalla

I believe…

Financial Abundance and Prosperity 4

My Message

I believe you were born for a far greater purpose than you may have been told.

You have a unique gift & unique seed of potential within you.

You have a purpose & a calling...

Because of it, you can step into your true Potential, Power & Value to make a

positive impact within this world.

You can take control of your own destiny, transform your ideas, life, health,

business & relationships & be who you were born to be.

You can live an authentic life beyond the masks, fears & illusions of this world.

Your life story matters, you matter & through your life lessons you can discover

your most valuable gifts & contribution to the world.

No matter what life conditions have been passed down to you by your

ancestor's, parents, society, genetics etc... you can transform & change. I know

this from my own experience.

You were born to remember your connection to something far greater than just

yourself so that you can make a massive difference in this world.

You’re not flawed, there’s nothing wrong with you & you’re already enough.

It’s time to step up, be visible & show the world you believe in you.

You can be, have & do more than you have ever imagined possible.

Financial Abundance and Prosperity 5

Financial Abundance &


Financial Abundance and Prosperity 6


Abundant, prosperous & enriched living is a mind-set. It’s not dependent upon

how much cash or resources you currently have.

Some might feel rich and be in the flow of divine abundance with barely anything

in the bank, whilst others might feel lack of not having enough even with millions

in the bank or feel constant anxiety & fear at the prospect of losing it.

It all starts within you. Your feelings and mindset are what decide the quality of

your life story & circumstances. A mindset of lack or not enough will either strive,

push & pull externally to gain wealth but never feel enriched inside or will remain

stuck in poverty mentality.

Neither of these options are sustainable nor the recipe for joy, freedom & true

authentic abundance.

The only sustainable system to create a prosperous, wealthy, abundant & enriched

life is to understand the laws of creation & manifestation.

The universe has always been an abundant place. There’s more than enough

evidence of this around us. Look around and you'll see nature is

lavish, extravagant & constantly replenishing itself.

However, one common mistake we tend to make in reference to receiving this

abundance is believing that we are separate to nature.

Yet, the truth is we are made up of the same stuff: the 5 elements. When we

understand our makeup & learn to use the tools we’ve been given: the mind, body

& soul, we access the same power as the universe. You have that power &

unlimited potential right inside of you.

Financial Abundance and Prosperity 7

How to Attract Abundance in Life

What you focus on is what you will attract into your life.

Notice the presence of abundance, wealth & prosperity that's already showing itself in

your life experience. Pay much closer attention to these and allow yourself to feel the

appreciation & gratitude for the richness these add to your life.

Perhaps cuddling your dog, acknowledging the post delivered to your door, the food in

the fridge, the lighting in your home, the warm shower, the cosy bed, the luxury of your

car, the voice of a loved one, the smell of home cooked food, marvel at the list of

friends, the beauty of a blade of grass, a flower et etc...

Resolve to change your habitual pattern of thinking here & now. The abundance

stream flows to the expectant mind which has been trained to focus on all the richness,

abundance & prosperity that is already flowing.

A few powerful tips:

1). Declutter: Let go of all the “things: that you really are no longer using or needing.

Donate old clothes, clear out cupboards, drawers, car etc etc to create space.

This will make room for the fresh stuff and remind you that it's simple to relinquish

because you have trust that more will always show up in perfect timing.

2). Trust the perfect flow of giving & receiving. If you pay a bill or go to the ATM and

place cash in your wallet, see it busting at the seams and your bank balance moving up

and up and up. Say thank you for the exchange.

3). Get into the habit of anticipating abundance, and give thanks for it as though it’s

already there. Keep a 50 pound note in your back pocket every day & don’t spend it.

Instead, each time you see something you would like, simply say to yourself “I could

have that...” This shifts the energy from craving, needing to possibility & expectation.

4). An abundance of blaming & excuses ensures a lack of cash and success. The habit

of making excuses & not taking responsibility for what’s showing up keeps you

powerless. Money is an energy of power, value & gratitude. Stop this right away; stop

making excuses or blaming. Take responsibility now.

5) Meditate to create space within the subconscious mind to get creative with ideas

so that you can create momentum towards inspired action. Allow the mind to focus

on the many ways you can create more income.

Financial Abundance and Prosperity 8

6) Work with a coach to break through any dis-empowering limiting beliefs & fears

that might be holding you back from receiving success & allowing true abundance.

Receiving is essential and allowing yourself to be in the receptive mode for this is key.

7) Get clear on exactly what it is you really want & create an action plan, a budget &

vision for your desired goals & dreams. Follow your heart & your truth. Let your

heart speak.

8) Take action & at least one step every day that is going to move you closer to your

big vision. Never quit on your dream.

9) Loosen your grip - allow abundance to flow into your life without holding onto

money too tightly. When you hold to your money too tightly, you give money power

over you. This leads to generation of scarcity thoughts in your mind and this in turn

interferes with the flow of abundance of money in your life.

10) Use mantras & positive affirmations to build the mind muscle to focusing on high

vibe words, thoughts & feelings to keep you on your track & to stay out of other

people’s tracks that might pull you off course.

11) Make a difference in the world, give freely from an abundant heart & trust.

12) Remember, abundance is simply an energy of love. Are you open in your

generosity in giving love? Are you open & receptive to receiving love?

Use my “Follow Your Heart” Meditation to release any blocks and stuck energies.

Here’s To Your Ultimate Success!



Financial Abundance and Prosperity 9

What’s Your Current Money


Financial Abundance and Prosperity 10

What’s Your Current Money Story… Where Are You Now?

What Beliefs/Behaviours Did Your Parents/Peers Demonstrate Re: Money?

What Actions/Behaviours/Stories Have You Modelled?

Create Your Vision? What’s Your New Money Story? How Do You Feel?




Financial Abundance and Prosperity 11

What’s Your Immediate Response To The Above?

Write Down Your Goal, Dream Or Aspiration

What Sensations Arise Within The Body & Where?

Financial Abundance and Prosperity 12

I.e.. I feel anxious in my stomach, deep feeling of nausea…. 2

How Does This Make You Feel? How Does Your Body React/Respond? Do You Feel In

Alignment With It?

Give The Feeling A Rating From 0 (Uncomfortable) 10 (In Alignment)

What Might Other People Say About Your Dreams/Goals If You Shared It With Them &

The Feelings That Arise From This?

What Beliefs Do You Have About Fear Or Rejection? Give The Feeling A Rating

From 0 to 10

Financial Abundance and Prosperity 13



What Beliefs Might Be Holding You Back?

Exercise: Tools For Dissolving The Fear Of Rejection

What If There Was No Risk In Personal Rejection?

Financial Abundance and Prosperity 14

Where Am I Now?

Financial Abundance and Prosperity 15

Use the below to get clear on where you are now. To get

intimate with your finances it is important to get clear where

your money is going. From this exercise you can then look

to minimising your expenses & instead investing it where

you will are likely to enjoy a return.

Root Chakra Expenses - These are a need not a want.

They are essential for survival & allow you to survive.

I.e.. Food, shelter, transport, utilities etc

Description Amount

Root Chakra Expenses


Home Insurance

Council Tax

Gas Bill

Electric Bill

Water Bill

Weekly Food

Travel Expenses (regular)/ Fuel

School Costs/ Childcare

Basic Clothing & Toiletries

Dentist/ Medical (regular)

Car Insurance

Car Maintenance & Repair

Road Tax

Breakdown Cover

Parking Costs (regular)



Root Chakra Expenses

Financial Abundance and Prosperity 16

These are expenses that allow you to fit in with society or make you

feel you belong. They are not a basic need but have become a

necessity to enhance your sense of self or make you feel better.

These are over indulgent or toxic habits, pleasures or energy drains.

They are financial leaks that are taking from you & have become

energy vampires.

Description Amount

Sacral Chakra Expenses

Alcohol/ Cigarettes

Extra Mobile Phone

Tech Overloaders


Extra Clothing & Shoes

Make-up, Hair & Beauty Treatments

Fast Food/ Takeaways

Entertainment/ Indulgence

Parties, Birthdays/ Over spend to impress

Extra Tv’s/ Computers/Licenses

Un-used Subscriptions

Fitting In – Labels/ Designer Stuff etc etc

Loan repayments/ Debts

Bank Charges

Credit Card Repayments






Sacral Chakra Expenses

Financial Abundance and Prosperity 17

These are expenses that are not a basic need but enhance your

sense of connection or improve the quality of your life.

Description Amount

Solar Plexus Expenses

Home Phone

Mobile Phone


TV License

Cable/Satellite Provider


Monthly Savings

House & Garden Maintenance














Solar Plexus Expenses

Financial Abundance and Prosperity 18

Description Amount

Heart Chakra Expenses


Extra Clothing & Makeup

Activities, Clubs, Gym,

Haircut & Beauty

Pets – Food, Grooming, Insurance, Vet Bills

Costa Coffee

Dining Out



Massages/ Spa Days


Music & Film

Birthdays, Anniversaries, Religious Holidays







Heart Chakra Expenses

These are genuine pleasures that the heart desires, uplift your

sense of self-worth, self-love & enjoyment in life.

Financial Abundance and Prosperity 19

Description Amount

Third Eye Expenses

Training Course




Audio Programs/Resources



Charitable Donations











Third Eye Expenses

These are expenses that are going to enhance your future vision.

They are investments in developing your greatest asset YOU.

These include things like training courses, skill development &

spiritual, emotional, physical & mental growth that are

contributing to improving life & moving you to your higher


Financial Abundance and Prosperity 20

Business Monthly Expenses


Description Amount


Personal Monthly Expenses Total

Business Monthly Expenses Total

Grand Total

Financial Abundance and Prosperity 21

Desired Income Money goes where there is genuine need & desire for it. Use

the below grid to get clear on creating some intentions for what

you would like to invite into your life/business and why.

Then write how much income you will require to meet this


Money needs to be allocated & have a clear channel and

pathway for it to show up.

Description & Why Amount


Financial Abundance and Prosperity 22

Current Monthly Income Month:

Description Amount


Financial Abundance and Prosperity 23

Income Generation

Financial Abundance and Prosperity 24

Monthly Expenses £______________________

Monthly Income £______________________

+/- £______________________

Desired Income £______________________

Monthly Expenses £______________________


Target £______________________

Income Generation

Financial Abundance and Prosperity 25

Desired Monthly Targets


March April May







June July August







September October November







December January February







Financial Abundance and Prosperity 26

End of Week Accounts Week:

Money Out Money In


Financial Abundance and Prosperity 27

End of Month Accounts Month:

Money Out Money In


Financial Abundance and Prosperity 28

Manifesting Abundance

Financial Abundance and Prosperity 29

Business Gratitude Journal Column A: Feel & Record Any Money Coming Into The Business Weekly/Daily

Column B: Feel & Record The £ Value Of Anything You Receive As Universal Gifts

Column C: Feel & Record Any Non-Monetary Gain Towards Your Goals


Financial Abundance and Prosperity 30

Affirmations To Stimulate

Prosperity & Abundance I attract prosperity effortlessly.

I'm a powerful prosperity magnet.

I attract incredible opportunities of wealth.

Abundance and prosperity is my birthright.

All my actions lead to abundance and prosperity.

I am rich.

I am wealthy.

I feel rich.

I am willing, ready and able to receive money.

I receive money happily now.

I see abundance everywhere.

I allow my income to constantly expand and I always live in comfort and joy.

I am a rich child of a loving universe.

I am a money magnet towards whom money is constantly attracted.

Every day I am attracting and saving more and more money.

Money is an integral part of my life and is never away from me.

I am debt free as money is constantly flowing into my life.

I am open to best things in life.

My wallet is overflowing with money.

Life is so easy.

I welcome money into my life.

I am open and ready to let money into my life.

The money is in my life just as natural as eating, drinking and sleeping

Financial Abundance and Prosperity 31

Miracles Tapping Script Margaret Lynch

I want MIRACLES in 2017… and that includes money!

Karate Chop Point:

Even though the truth is that one of the big miracles I want this year is money, and I’m not sure how I feel about that, I’m not sure how God/The Divine would feel about that, I am open to releasing all my negative judgements about money

I am open to allowing money to be a miraculous swirling, nurturing, flow in my life. Money has been flowing through my life in a trickle. I am now allowing it to be a river.

Even though ‘miracles’ is a really big word, I am open to being a miracle in my life. I am open to being the miracle in other people’s lives.

Even though ‘miracles’ really seems like a stretch, I am open to widening my view and suddenly seeing miracles unfolding all around me, in every smile, in every sunset and every person.

Even though it’s hard to believe in miracles, I am open to seeing the miraculous things that have already happened in my life, how far I’ve come, how much I have manifested.

EB: One of the miracles I want this year is money.

SE: And I have a lot of judgements about that.

UE: And I worry God/Divine has those same judgements.

UN: That it is wrong to ask for miracles in my money.

CH: I am ready to let go of that pretty bold assumption

CB: That I know the mind of God/The Divine

UA: And I am now open to allowing money, YES even MONEY

TH: To be a miraculous flow in my life

EB: Flowing and swirling and nurturing me

SE: Flowing in and out of my life

UE: Through money I am connected to millions of people

UN: I am connected through giving and receiving

CH: I am connected through exchange of buying and selling

CB: I am connected through our time and energy value!

UA: Money connects millions of people across the world

TH: All trading in their energy, using the currency of money!

EB: I am open to letting the swirling energy

Financial Abundance and Prosperity 32

SE: Flow into my life like a river

UE: And I am open to being a walking, talking miracle myself

UN: I am open to being the miracle in my own life

CH: I am open to being the miracle in the lives of others

Financial Abundance and Prosperity 33

Recommended Reading List

Financial Abundance and Prosperity 34

Think & Grow Rich Napolean Hill

Think and Grow Rich is a motivational personal development and self-help book written by Napoleon Hill and inspired by a suggestion from Scottish-American businessman Andrew Carnegie. While the title implies that this book deals only with how to get rich, the author explains that the philosophy taught in the book can be used to help people succeed in all lines of work and to do or be almost anything they want.

The Science of Getting Rich Wallace D Wattles

Wallace D. Wattles introduced the world to the power of positive thinking. He was a profound influence on Michael Losier and James Arthur Ray. Without

Wattles "Science Of" trilogy there never would have been books such as The Secret, The Laws of Attraction, and the Power of Positive Thinking. Now you can go directly to the source with this easy to understand lesson book on using the Laws of Attraction to attract wealth.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind T. Harv Eker

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind reveals the missing link between wanting success and

achieving it! Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get rich easily, while others

are destined for a life of financial struggle? Is the difference found in their education,

intelligence, skills, timing, work habits, contacts, luck, or their choice of jobs, businesses, or


The shocking answer is: None of the above!

The Prosperous Coach Steve Chandler

The bestselling book for coaches looking to build a practice with a small number of high-

performing, high-paying clients. With over 30,000 copies sold, The Prosperous Coach has

helped thousands of coaches and consultants build their businesses by invitation and

referral only. This book has been in the top 10 books on coaching on Amazon for over 3


Show your clients what they cannot see. Say to your clients what no one else would dare to

say. And you will have all the clients you ever desire

Financial Abundance and Prosperity 35

1. Correct Breath & Relaxation

2. Deliberate Presence & Mindfulness

3. Unique Vision & Purpose

4. Mental & Emotional Mastery

5. Body Awareness & Physical Exercise

6. Natural Superfoods & Hydration

7. Greater Mission & Contribution

The Milestones To Higher Self Mastery...

• Get Honest About Where You Are Now & Who You Are Now.

• Get Clear About What Is It You Truly Want & Who You Need To Become.

• De-clutter & Create Space Emotionally, Mentally & Physically.

• Ditch The Limiting Mindset & Harness Your Growth Mindset.

• Resolve The Distance From Where You Are Now To The Next Step.

• Create Step By Step Soulful Goals & Milestones For The Greater Vision.

• Build Up Your Support Network With Like Minded Uplifters/ Lightworkers.

• Master The Higher Self Code To Keep You Lit Up, Inspired & Thriving.

• Hire A High Level Mentor & Coach To Keep You Accountable & On Track.

Higher Self Code...

7 Essential Habits To Maximise Your Potential For Success

A Powerful System To Unlock Your Greatest Potential & Create The Lifestyle & Business You Really Want Through A

Journey Of Self Discovery, Mind Mastery & The Emergence Of The Higher Self”

Financial Abundance and Prosperity 36

“It’s not how much you do, but the

power of your PRESENCE that

determines your success in life”



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