ff i i we untr - university of kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt70k649pz82/data/0303.pdf · uvi-iff i...

Uvi- i Ff I lTTTTU t IT I I i i I We iis i b jf untr r < VOLUME 10 COLUMBIA ADAIR COUNTY KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 23 1907 NUMBER 50 t Rev P A T Kasey broths of Rev i R Kasey of this place was mar ¬ r Tied yesterday morning the 22nd inst to Mjss May Johnston Elkton Ky r JCr Kaaey is pastor of the Methodist Church Mumfordville and the couple will be at home November 1st Mr P C McCaffree has exhibited at this office specimens of the corn grown on his farm this year There were six ears 12 inches long the finest of grain Mr McCaffree states that his whole v crop is the best ever grown by him There will be services at the Christain church next Sunday morning and eve ¬ ning The new pews and other repairs will be completed which adds very much to the appearance and comfort of the church t eo The Spectator has been considerably improved in appeance in the last two weeks due to the skill of Mr J C Strange who has returned to the office after an abscence of more thana year r All persons indebted to R A Wag gener oy note or account are fequest ed to settleat once He needs the money 491 1 I have 20 good mules for salein pairs single or will sell the bunch They are coming 3s WT DOHONEY t 492t Columbia Ky 4i 1 Titafn ierce who killed his brother was tried hi the Metcalfe circuit court list week t The Jury gaffe hin twenty one years in the penitentiary Y FOR SALE About 5000 strawberry plants of a very fine variety Terms reasonable Call on Dr Jams Men zies Columbia Ky 503t The brick masons are moving along rapidly with Mr N M Tutts res ¬ idence and will probably finish their work by Saturday night t Be sure and hear the celebrated carv toonisthumorist Alton Packard He will be at the Court House Saturday evening November 2 Dr John Shaw and his son Will Ed were fined225 in the Federal Court last week for making whisky unlaw ¬ fully The fine was paid Dr J H Grady heard Hon George Sanfly speak at Jamestown last Mon ¬ dayA large crowd heard him audit was a fine speech Alton Packard has a national reputa- tion ¬ as a cartoonisthumorist Meet him at the Court House Saturday even ¬ ing November 2 I Mr R L Caldwell is erecting a handsome and commodious residence on his farm recently purchased of Mr Jo Hunter Co Reserved seats for the Packard en- tertainment ¬ will be on sale at M Cra ¬ vens drug store beginningnext Mon ¬ day t If you want to be entertained x be at i the Court House Saturday evening November 2 C E Powell of Lexington will be ¬ gin aseries of meeting at the Christain church Nov 6th I Bear in mind that Alton Packard wil be at the Court House Saturday even ¬ ing November 2 Born to the wife of R Mont Feese October 1907 a daughter In a few days we will kiiow who will be next Governor of Kentucky Alton Packard at the Court House Saturday evening November 2 t Next Tuesday week will be the election i 4tQnl y twelve days until the eeCtiOI1 < f AiniIr i r GRADYVILLE TEACHERS ASSOCI- ATION ¬ 4 Under somewhat frowning skies that dropped slight effusions of rain and sleet a small percentage of teachers from the magisterial districts met at the hospitable town fof Gradyville on Saturday October 12 The Baptist brethren of that place kindly opened the doors of their church for the more comfortable housing of the Association and after some 20 minutes of enjoyable music the Association was called to or ¬ der by the chairman Mr John Pickett Brother Robert Keltner led in prayer after which Miss Celeste Shirley gave the address of welcome the response to which was in the absence of Mr R L Campbell begun by Tobias Huffaker and finished by him after Mr Camp ¬ bells arrival Noon being arrived the Association adjourned for dinner At 1 oclock the work of the program was taken up and Tobias Huffaker discuss ¬ ed Grammar its importance a dhow to teach it Mrs ShirlVand R LR Camp- bell ¬ also spoke on the same topic HistorYhow to make it Interesting waS well represented by Miss Corinne Dowell Join Pickett Mrs Shirley and others Miss Pearl Hindman read a splendid paper on the value of Litera- ture ¬ in self culture The question should third class certificates be abol ¬ ished was ably discussed by J A Caldwell Rhue Squires and others but was not definitely settled J A Cald 1 well gave an excellent short talk on how to cultivate the power of observa- tion ¬ The subject of Reviews was briefly but well treated by Miss Bertna Hamilton and Miss Celeste Shirley A few words on dicipline was spoken by J A Cal wellJ and Tobias Huffker in the absence of the program speakers Mrs Shirley closed the discussions rpf the program with an excellent paper on the teacher sa moulder of moral character Supplemented by a few well timed remarks byR L Campbell The discussions of the program were varied and enlivened at intervals by de ¬ lightful recitations rendered by Misses Lethia Wilmore Nell Hindman Mabel Hindman and Celeste Shirley and a song rendered by Miss Mary Wilmore These recitations and the song were all splendidly rendered and were much appreciated by the audience The Din ¬ ner was superb mostof the teachers bringing their dinner with them but several of the kind hospitable people of Gradyville showed their appreciation of the Teachers Association by bring ¬ ing sumptious and bountiful repasts with them and inviting all to shareI The Association was a success though the attendance was not specially large What was lacking in quantity wasmade up in quality TOBIAS HUFFAKER Sec of Association A CARD I Editors of The New r t With all due appreciation of yourI kind mention of my sermons on The Kingdom of Heaven and Civil Goy ernraent 1 must say that your com- ment ¬ was too brief to give an adequate idea of my position on the tariff andI as there has been considerable discus sion since aboiJt it I ask for space in which to give the substance of my re- marks ¬ on that topic pt- x Incidentally attention was drawn to the fact that the prjme difference Aibr tween the Democratic andtheRepubliI J can parties in which the one contends for a tariff for revenue otdy and the other insists on avingigp ot tive tariff is only academic and cannot be realized in f Ht Even if the Presi- de ¬ i the Senate and the House off Rep ¬ resentatives were all Democrats and were to attempt to create aotariff for c Jf 1 revenue only their every impost would operate as a protective tariff in the case of products the like of which is grown or manufactured in this coun try There has I never been a time since the existence of this contention between these two parties when a tax on articles of Commerce not produced in this country would have given suffi cient revenue to support the Federal Government and now since we have cquired the Hawaiian Islands the Philipines and Porto Rico and are actu- ally ¬ producing everything that is made or that grows under the sun a tari ffa that will not act as a protective tari is simply impossibleI Having made this evident to every thoughtful person who heard the ad ¬ dress I undertook to show why a re- vision of the tariff is desirable In do ¬ ing so> I recited some facts relative to certain imposts devised by the Colonial Council in a British cqlony showing how the members of the Council being wealthy proprietors of sugar estates and the like they imposedduties which enriched the aristocracy and impover ¬ ished the peasantry I stated that there are tariff laws in this country which operate in the same way and added that it is a hopeful sign of better- ment ¬ when distinguished men in both the great parties seem anxious to re vise the tariff The main object of my discourse was to advocate a wholesome independence of party behests on the part of voters that competent men may be chosen for office who shall be able to cope with the real problems that confront us Yours truly W K AZBILL 4 After razing the old dwelling of N M Tuttsxa breastpin which is the property of Mrs Mary Cravens mother of Mr M Cravens was found Thirty five years ago Mr Mij Rhorer re- sided ¬ in the property and one day his son Lynn at that time about three years old was given the pin to quiet him He pushed it through a crack in the floor and it could not be found It1 is a fine piece of old containing a car bunkle set and is nra perfect state ofj preservation Mr Cravens will send it to his mother who is at Middlesboro Last Monday was the firs E day of the Russell circuit court A yery large crowd was at Jamestown ahdthe mer chants were busy from early in the morning until late in the af ternnoon Judge Baker convened court about 1030 and by the dinner hour the grand jury had received its instructions The af- ternoon ¬ was taken up by speakers rep ¬ resenting the two political parties There was some stock on the market but very little changed hands Mr J W Flowers of this place has purchased of G Murrell Middleton of Shelbyville an extra fine Burkshire sow which won first money at the Illinois State Fair this year Her name is Lord Lee thex famous champion Lord Lee A great many called to see this animal last Fri- day ¬ pronouncing her the best sow in all this country Miv Flowers paid a fancy price for her Uncle Jim Morrison of v Green county born and reared in Adair was here to attend court recently JHecis 92 years old and this year he raised a good crop of tobacco and a fine crop of corn doing the work nimself He is in fine health and many believe that she will live to be one hundred years old I e had three v sisters and two brothers all of whom lived to be nine ¬ ty odd years of age Mr Logan Sherrill son of Arch Sherrill who removed ifrom Adair county to Texas a few years ago died near Quanahf recently He was about thirtyfive years old sndwraa a victim of consumption 1 r 4- iiU l A GAS WELL I 1 A Strong Flow Struck ia Columbia at the Depth ofl75 Feet ON TOE PROPERTY Of N M fUTT r Gas at the depth of175 feet has been struck on the Tutt addition in this place the fact creating considerable excite- ment last Saturday evening and during the day Sunday Mr Tutt was having well bored for water in the South end ffof town and for several days there have been strong iudications of gas Last Saturday afternoon about 5 oclock a pipe one inch in diameter was stuck in the ground the upper end being about twelve feet from the earth The gas waS set on fire and during the whole night and most of Sunday a blaze five or six feet long gushed from the pipe Many citizens visited the scene and it was generally conceded that gas in great quantities could be found on the hill x Mr Tatt will give the present well a thorough test and if he has strucka sufficient flow he will pipe it to his res ¬ idence using it for lights and fuel s PUBLIC SPEAKING Hon LRC Winfrey Democratic Candidate for Representative will ad ¬ dress the Voters of Adair and Cumber- land ¬ Counties at the following times and places Cane Valley Tuesday October 22 7 pm Knifley Wednesday October 232 p m Egypt Wednesday October 23 7 p m Milltown Thursday October 24 2 p m Grady lIe Thursday October 24 7Jp m Purdy Friday October 25 2 p m Fairplay Saturday October 26 2 p m Leslie Wednesday October 30 7 p m Cloyds Ldg Thursday Oct 312 PR m Jones Chapel Friday Nov 1 7tP m Breeding Saturday NoV 2 2pm Columbia Monday Nov 4liCm r My opponent Mr Luther Perryman invited to be present and an equal division of time will be given him Everybody invited to attend Hon f Ward Headley of Princeton I Ky HonLRC Winfrey Democratic Candidate for Representative will speak to the voters of Adair and Cum- berland ¬ at the following times and placesGlensfork Monday Oct 28 2 p m Amandaville Monday Oct 28 7 pm Burkesville Tuesday Oct 29 2 Pm Marrowbone Tuesday Oct 29 7 p m Everybody is invited to attend these meetings x SERIOUSLY HURT v J Mr J R DurhamofCampbellsville- brother of Mr R H Durham of this place was struck in the head and se ¬ riously hurt at the canning factory a few days ago The lick was struck from behind as we are informed by William Burress who interferred in a quarrel that was in progress between his brother John Burress and Mr Durham Mr Durham was badly hurt and has been confined to his bed since s The two Burress were arrested but they waived an examination and were held in the sum of X250 each e fk The rock crusher is now in operation and is being managed by Mr J V White At a meeting of the municipal hoard Thursday night an order was made to put rock on the street leading from Campbeilsville pike as farr out as Mrs Mollie Hudsons gate c FOR SALE OnepairoheaYv work mules and a good wa onbed and shafiitiBg So DI 49fit frhd alley Ky p h1 1 < t > F 1 I have just received new line of sam ¬ pie boots and shoos and will sell at a I bargain FRANK SINCLAIR a The Columbia Singletree Company is t7 ° again receiving hickory spokes paying r the same old prices The company is also on the market for good hickory logs 493t H T Baker bought quite a number of fine White Oak trees from C C y Henson last Saturday paying a fancy price The trees are on the farmof R R Conover who had first sold to Hen son I Dr W T Grissom has just returned from Elida New Mexico He has viaR ited the News office and exhibited spec- imens of corn caffir corn milo maze and California wheat all stock feed The corn is up to the average here and the milo maze and caffir is as good as grown in any country The firm ofPage Dohoneyhas beenI disolved Mr PagJ buying Mr Do honeys interest in the drugstore The firm has a number of accounts on their books and parties owing same are re- quested ¬ to call and settle at once The firm is ready to settle any claim against it 50lt Page Dohoney The popular game Lost Heir has struck Columbia Last Friday evening ii a party of young people met with Miss Fannie Jones a number of games be ing played the contests spirited It is r Innocent amusement but quite faciriat JS ihg The club me e t Severy Fri day evening The next meeting will x be with Miss Alice Walker s t Mr LGvi Dohoney who is now set ¬ tling the outstanding business of Page Dohoney will go to Quanah Texas asTspon as the affairs of said firm can be wound to a close which he thinks will take about three weeks He has already been offered a position at Qo h nah Adair county boys continue to f leave us for points where better in- ducements ¬ t are offered I LAST NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Below will be found a list of appoint = inents to meet the Tax payers of Adair K County for the last time for the year 1907 and give toy every one a fair chance to save this penalty and extra cost which will certainly be added and collected on all taxes that are unpaid on Oct 31st 1907 Elroy 24th Gradyville u25th Keltneru 29th N Milltown 28tha W BPATTESONS AJt THE BEST PAPER FOR FAMILY READING The contents of The Yduths Corn ¬ panion are chosen with a view to the interest of all tastes and ages The IA father as well as the son enjoys the tales of adventure the mother renews J her girlhood in the stories for girls whiles the paper always abounds in stories long and short which may bt read aloud in the most varied family + group to the keen pleasure of all i Full illustrated Announcement The Companion for 1908 will be sent to anyi address free with sample copies of the paper New subscribers who send 175 at once for 1908 will receive free all the r j remaining issues of 1907 besides the gift of The Companions ourLeaf Hanging Calendar for 1908 in full j color THE YOUTHS COMPANION 144 Berkeley Street Boston Mass a Dewitts Carbolized witch Hazel salve is good for ttlebri11s and big Jfcjwrni t T Ji small scratches or brusee and big ones rJ It is healing and smoothing Good for > to Pill Sold by Page do Dohoney 1 l f f < Qr- V j t T r i 0 tr t i 1 t j

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Page 1: Ff I i We untr - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt70k649pz82/data/0303.pdf · Uvi-iFf I lTTTTU t IT I I i iI We iis i b jf untr r < VOLUME 10 COLUMBIA ADAIR COUNTY KENTUCKY

Uvi- iFf


iiI We iis

i b jf untrr <


tRev P A T Kasey broths of Rev

i R Kasey of this place was mar¬rTied yesterday morning the 22nd instto Mjss May Johnston Elkton Ky

r JCr Kaaey is pastor of the Methodist

Church Mumfordville and the couple

will be at home November 1st

Mr P C McCaffree has exhibited at

this office specimens of the corn grown

on his farm this year There were six

ears 12 inches long the finest of grainMr McCaffree states that his whole

vcrop is the best ever grown by him

There will be services at the Christain

church next Sunday morning and eve ¬

ning The new pews and other repairswill be completed which adds very much

to the appearance and comfort of thechurch

t eo

The Spectator has been considerably

improved in appeance in the last two

weeks due to the skill of Mr J C

Strange who has returned to the office

after an abscence of more thana yearr

All persons indebted to R A Waggener oy note or account are fequested to settleat once He needs themoney 491 1

I have 20 good mules for saleinpairs single or will sell the bunch

They are coming 3s W T DOHONEY

t 492t Columbia Ky4i1

Titafn ierce who killed his brotherwas tried hi the Metcalfe circuit court

list weekt The Jury gaffe hin twentyone years in the penitentiary

Y FOR SALE About 5000 strawberryplants of a very fine variety Terms

reasonable Call on Dr Jams Men

zies Columbia Ky 503t

The brick masons are moving along

rapidly with Mr N M Tutts res¬

idence and will probably finish theirwork by Saturday night


Be sure and hear the celebrated carv

toonisthumorist Alton Packard He

will be at the Court House Saturdayevening November 2

Dr John Shaw and his son Will Ed

were fined225 in the Federal Court

last week for making whisky unlaw ¬

fully The fine was paid

Dr J H Grady heard Hon George

Sanfly speak at Jamestown last Mon ¬

dayA large crowd heard him auditwas a fine speech

Alton Packard has a national reputa-



as a cartoonisthumorist Meet

him at the Court House Saturday even ¬

ing November 2 IMr R L Caldwell is erecting a

handsome and commodious residence on

his farm recently purchased of Mr JoHunter


Reserved seats for the Packard en-



will be on sale at M Cra ¬

vens drug store beginningnext Mon ¬

day t

If you want to be entertainedx

be ati

the Court House Saturday evening

November 2

C E Powell of Lexington will be¬

gin aseries of meeting at the Christain

church Nov 6thI

Bear in mind that Alton Packard wil

be at the Court House Saturday even ¬

ing November 2

Born to the wife of R Mont Feese

October 1907 a daughter

In a few days we will kiiow who will

be next Governor of Kentucky

Alton Packard at the Court House

Saturday evening November 2


Next Tuesday week will be the


i4tQnl y twelve days until the eeCtiOI1

<f AiniIr

i r





Under somewhat frowning skies thatdropped slight effusions of rain and

sleet a small percentage of teachersfrom the magisterial districts met atthe hospitable town fof Gradyville on

Saturday October 12 The Baptistbrethren of that place kindly opened

the doors of their church for the more

comfortable housing of the Association

and after some 20 minutes of enjoyable

music the Association was called to or¬

der by the chairman Mr John PickettBrother Robert Keltner led in prayer

after which Miss Celeste Shirley gave

the address of welcome the response

to which was in the absence of Mr R

L Campbell begun by Tobias Huffakerand finished by him after Mr Camp¬

bells arrival Noon being arrived theAssociation adjourned for dinner At1 oclock the work of the program was

taken up and Tobias Huffaker discuss ¬

ed Grammar its importance a dhow toteach it Mrs ShirlVand R LR Camp-



also spoke on the same topic

HistorYhow to make it InterestingwaS well represented by Miss CorinneDowell Join Pickett Mrs Shirley and

others Miss Pearl Hindman read asplendid paper on the value of Litera-


in self culture The question

should third class certificates be abol¬

ished was ably discussed by J ACaldwell Rhue Squires and others butwas not definitely settled J A Cald

1well gave an excellent short talk on

how to cultivate the power of observa-



The subject of Reviews wasbriefly but well treated by Miss BertnaHamilton and Miss Celeste Shirley A

few words on dicipline was spoken by

J A Cal wellJ and Tobias Huffker in

the absence of the program speakersMrs Shirley closed the discussions rpf

the program with an excellent paperon the teacher sa moulder of moral

character Supplemented by a few well

timed remarks byR L Campbell

The discussions of the program werevaried and enlivened at intervals by de¬

lightful recitations rendered by MissesLethia Wilmore Nell Hindman MabelHindman and Celeste Shirley and asong rendered by Miss Mary Wilmore

These recitations and the song wereall splendidly rendered and were much

appreciated by the audience The Din ¬

ner was superb mostof the teachersbringing their dinner with them butseveral of the kind hospitable people

of Gradyville showed their appreciationof the Teachers Association by bring ¬

ing sumptious and bountiful repastswith them and inviting all to shareIThe Association was a success though

the attendance was not specially largeWhat was lacking in quantity wasmadeup in quality TOBIAS HUFFAKER

Sec of Association


Editors of The New r

t With all due appreciation of yourIkind mention of my sermons on TheKingdom of Heaven and Civil Goy

ernraent 1 must say that your com-



was too brief to give an adequate

idea of my position on the tariff andIas there has been considerable discussion since aboiJt it I ask for space inwhich to give the substance of my re-



on that topic pt-


Incidentally attention was drawn tothe fact that the prjme difference Aibr

tween the Democratic andtheRepubliIJ

can parties in which the one contends

for a tariff for revenue otdy and theother insists on avingigp ot tive

tariff is only academic and cannot berealized in f Ht Even if the Presi-



i the Senate and the House off Rep ¬

resentatives were all Democrats and

were to attempt to create aotariff forc Jf


revenue only their every impostwould operate as a protective tariff inthe case of products the like of whichis grown or manufactured in this country There has


never been a timesince the existence of this contentionbetween these two parties when a taxon articles of Commerce not producedin this country would have given suffi

cient revenue to support the FederalGovernment and now since we havecquired the Hawaiian Islands thePhilipines and Porto Rico and are actu-



producing everything that is madeor that grows under the sun a tariffathat will not act as a protective tariis simply impossibleI

Having made this evident to everythoughtful person who heard the ad ¬

dress I undertook to show why a re-vision of the tariff is desirable In do ¬

ing so> I recited some facts relative tocertain imposts devised by the ColonialCouncil in a British cqlony showinghow the members of the Council beingwealthy proprietors of sugar estatesand the like they imposedduties whichenriched the aristocracy and impover ¬

ished the peasantry I stated thatthere are tariff laws in this countrywhich operate in the same way andadded that it is a hopeful sign of better-ment


when distinguished men in boththe great parties seem anxious to revise the tariff

The main object of my discourse wasto advocate a wholesome independenceof party behests on the part of votersthat competent men may be chosen foroffice who shall be able to cope with thereal problems that confront us

Yours truly W K AZBILL4

After razing the old dwelling of NM Tuttsxa breastpin which is theproperty of Mrs Mary Cravens motherof Mr M Cravens was found Thirtyfive years ago Mr Mij Rhorer re-


in the property and one day hisson Lynn at that time about threeyears old was given the pin to quiethim He pushed it through a crack inthe floor and it could not be found It1is a fine piece of old containing a carbunkle set and is nra perfect state ofjpreservation Mr Cravens will send itto his mother who is at Middlesboro

Last Monday was the firs E day of theRussell circuit court A yery largecrowd was at Jamestown ahdthe merchants were busy from early in themorning until late in the afternnoonJudge Baker convened court about 1030and by the dinner hour the grand juryhad received its instructions The af-


was taken up by speakers rep ¬

resenting the two political partiesThere was some stock on the marketbut very little changed hands

Mr J W Flowers of this place haspurchased of G Murrell Middleton ofShelbyville an extra fine Burkshire sowwhich won first money at the IllinoisState Fair this year Her name isLord Leethexfamous champion Lord Lee A greatmany called to see this animal last Fri-


pronouncing her the best sow inall this country Miv Flowers paid afancy price for her

Uncle Jim Morrison of v Greencounty born and reared in Adair washere to attend court recently JHecis92 years old and this year he raised agood crop of tobacco and a fine crop ofcorn doing the work nimself He isin fine health and many believe thatshe will live to be one hundred yearsold I e had three v sisters and twobrothers all of whom lived to be nine ¬

ty odd years of age

Mr Logan Sherrill son of ArchSherrill who removed ifrom Adaircounty to Texas a few years ago diednear Quanahf recently He was aboutthirtyfive years old sndwraa a victimof consumption







1A Strong Flow Struck ia Columbia

at the Depth ofl75 Feet


Gas at the depth of175 feet has beenstruck on the Tutt addition in this placethe fact creating considerable excite-ment last Saturday evening and duringthe day Sunday Mr Tutt was having

well bored for water in the South endffof town and for several days there

have been strong iudications of gasLast Saturday afternoon about 5

oclock a pipe one inch in diameterwas stuck in the ground the upperend being about twelve feet from theearth The gas waS set on fire andduring the whole night and most ofSunday a blaze five or six feet longgushed from the pipe Many citizensvisited the scene and it was generallyconceded that gas in great quantitiescould be found on the hill x

Mr Tatt will give the present well athorough test and if he has struckasufficient flow he will pipe it to his res ¬

idence using it for lights and fuels


Hon LRC Winfrey DemocraticCandidate for Representative will ad¬

dress the Voters of Adair and Cumber-



Counties at the following timesand placesCane Valley Tuesday October 22 7 p mKnifley Wednesday October 232 p mEgypt Wednesday October 23 7 p mMilltown Thursday October 24 2 p mGrady lIe Thursday October 24 7Jp mPurdy Friday October 25 2 p m

Fairplay Saturday October 26 2 p m

Leslie Wednesday October 30 7 p mCloyds Ldg Thursday Oct 312 PR m

Jones Chapel Friday Nov 1 7tP m

Breeding Saturday NoV 2 2pmColumbia Monday Nov 4liCm r

My opponent Mr Luther Perrymaninvited to be present and an equal

division of time will be given himEverybody invited to attend

Hon f Ward Headley of PrincetonI

Ky HonLRC Winfrey Democratic

Candidate for Representative will

speak to the voters of Adair and Cum-



at the following times and


Monday Oct 28 2 p m

Amandaville Monday Oct 28 7 pmBurkesville Tuesday Oct 29 2 PmMarrowbone Tuesday Oct 29 7 p m

Everybody is invited to attend thesemeetings


v J

Mr J R DurhamofCampbellsville-brother of Mr R H Durham of thisplace was struck in the head and se¬

riously hurt at the canning factory afew days ago The lick was struckfrom behind as we are informed by

William Burress who interferred in aquarrel that was in progress betweenhis brother John Burress and Mr

Durham Mr Durham was badly hurtand has been confined to his bed since


The two Burress were arrested butthey waived an examination and were

held in the sum of X250 eache fk

The rock crusher is now in operationand is being managed by Mr J V

White At a meeting of the municipalhoard Thursday night an order was

made to put rock on the street leading

from Campbeilsville pike as farr out

as Mrs Mollie Hudsons gate


OnepairoheaYv work mules and agood wa onbed and shafiitiBg

So DI49fit frhd alley Kyp





I have just received new line of sam ¬

pie boots and shoos and will sell at a I


The Columbia Singletree Company is t7 °

again receiving hickory spokes payingr

the same old prices The company is

also on the market for good hickory logs493t

H T Baker bought quite a numberof fine White Oak trees from C C


Henson last Saturday paying a fancyprice The trees are on the farmof RR Conover who had first sold to Henson

I Dr W T Grissom has just returnedfrom Elida New Mexico He has viaRited the News office and exhibited spec-

imens of corn caffir corn milo maze

and California wheat all stock feedThe corn is up to the average here andthe milo maze and caffir is as good asgrown in any country

The firm ofPage Dohoneyhas beenIdisolved Mr PagJ buying Mr Do

honeys interest in the drugstore Thefirm has a number of accounts on theirbooks and parties owing same are re-



to call and settle at once Thefirm is ready to settle any claim againstit 50lt Page Dohoney

The popular game Lost Heir hasstruck Columbia Last Friday evening iia party of young people met with MissFannie Jones a number of games being played the contests spirited It is rInnocent amusement but quite faciriat JSihg The club me e t Severy Friday evening The next meeting will x

be with Miss Alice Walker s

tMr LGvi Dohoney who is now set ¬

tling the outstanding business of PageDohoney will go to Quanah Texas

asTspon as the affairs of said firm canbe wound to a close which he thinkswill take about three weeks He hasalready been offered a position at Qo


nah Adair county boys continue to f

leave us for points where better in-


tare offered


Below will be found a list of appoint =inents to meet the Tax payers of AdairK

County for the last time for the year1907 and give toy every one a fairchance to save this penalty and extracost which will certainly be added andcollected on all taxes that are unpaidon Oct 31st 1907

Elroy 24thGradyville u25thKeltneru 29th


Milltown 28thaW BPATTESONS AJt


The contents of The Yduths Corn ¬

panion are chosen with a view to theinterest of all tastes and ages The


father as well as the son enjoys thetales of adventure the mother renews J

her girlhood in the stories for girlswhiles the paper always abounds instories long and short which may btread aloud in the most varied family

+group to the keen pleasure of all


Full illustrated Announcement TheCompanion for 1908 will be sent to anyiaddress free with sample copies of thepaper

New subscribers who send 175 atonce for 1908 will receive free all ther jremaining issues of 1907 besides thegift of The Companions ourLeafHanging Calendar for 1908 in full jcolor


144 Berkeley Street Boston Massa

Dewitts Carbolized witch Hazel salveis good for ttlebri11s and big Jfcjwrni t T Jismall scratches or brusee and big ones rJIt is healing and smoothing Good for > to

Pill Sold by Page do Dohoney 1 l ff <



j t T ri0 tr ti 1
