extended until saturday, december 9thchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89081022/1922-11-29/… ·...

\'<K IRVING Nov. 27—The order of the day is to, put up storm doors and windows and; to get heating stoves in order for the Coming winter. Ragnild *Nepsund returned home last Monday from a three days visit with the John Haugen family of Paynesville where she has been em- ployed before. Wendell Jebb who runs an auto- mobile paint shop in Paynesville moved his family to town last week. Tony Jebb moved his brother, Wen- dell's furniture on a truck to Pay- nesville last Tuesday. Henry Wigdahl called on O. J. Orson last Tuesday. Leonard Nepsurid spent a few days in Willmar last week. "••" A Happy Thanksgiving is extend- ed to all. Clement Jebb was a visitor in TJist. 52 last week. Lulu Hill called on Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hanson recently. Mr. Hanson is not well. _. • The Ladies Aid of the Nordland church met at H. A. C. Hanson's oh Wednesday and was fairly well at- tended. Mary Schoulz, the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schoulz, living southwest of Paynesville, was mar- ried to Math. Sivas of Lake Henry last Tuesday. Miss Schoulz is well known in this community having at- tended school in Dist. 52. Congratu- lations are extended with the best wishes for long, happy and prosper- ous married life. Anna Larson, a daughter of Ing- vald Larson of Irving, slipped on the floor and sprained her foot very sev- erely. —We want your turkeys Decem- ber 6, 7, 8. Central Minnesota Pro- duce Co., Willmar, Minn. What is called the Augsburg day will be held in the Nordland church on Thanksgiving Day. There will be program with dinner and in the evening the young people will have their meeting and refreshments will be served. All proceeds go to the Augsburg Seminary. All are wel- come. Mr, Moses, the well known ped- dler, made his usual rounds thru the community last week. Mr. and Mrs. Peder Nepsund vis- ited at John Vigdahl's last Thursday. O. B. Thorson canvassed the com- munity last week to get members for a society called "Society for the Country's Welfare," which aim is as follows: Devoted to the promotion of active Christian citizenship, res- pect for law and authority, law en- forcement, social betterment, world prohibition international peace, etc. He was favorably met as far as he had canvassed. ^ " Torlief Vika accompanied his'un-[ cle, P. Nepsund, and cousin *Ragnild' to Paynesville on Friday afternoon. ' Chas. Johns \was taken suddenly sick last week while outside working at "his "home. His son had to help him in the house. All hope for his speedy recovery. DOVRE Nov. 21—Mr. and Mrs. 'Albin Bjork and son Clifford called on Mrs. Mathilda Otterness Sunday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mftier and son Donald visited Friday with Mr. and 'Mrs. Christ Otterness at Will- mar. Clarence Bjork called "on Andrew Berg Saturday. Gladys Swenson assisted Mrs. H. Bergeson Friday with the work. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carlson from Wisconsin and Mrs. Pete Olson of Willmar visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Albin Bjork. Charles Miner called on M. "Vikse Thursday. ... ' Verna Swenson is at present as- sisting Mrs. R. C. Sletten with the work. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and Clara Olson of Willmar visited Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hol- land. —We want your turkeys Decern* ber 6, 7, 8. Central Minnesota Pro* (luce Co., Willmar,' Minn. Mrs. Mathilda Otterness and dau- ghters Ethel and Verna and sons, Russell, Joseph and Harry attended the wedding of her son George to Sophie Hanson at Hawick Saturday. Alice Olson is at present visiting 'With her aunt, Mrs. Albin Bjork. SALE STILL ON The Big Thanksgiving Sale at the Ladies Store is still on. It will close on Saturday of this week. Special items which might be mentioned are Misses silk fashioned hose at $1.25 a pair and Misses Silk Lisle hose at 50c a pair. The sizes of these hose are 9, 9V Z and 10.—Adv. ENTERTAINED Mrs. George Otterness and Miss 'Barbara Williams entertained the Al- trurians at the Presbyterian church Monday evening. The usual pro- gram and social hour were enjoyed. —Lid wants to see you. tf Headache? Kidneys Wrong? Weak back, sick headache and diz- ziness are nature's warning that your kidneys need attention. Solvax tab- lets taken regularly will keep them clean and healthy. Sold by S. B. Carlson & Son. Price 50'cents.—Ad. /, ,, STIVER f : Nov. 27—Mrs. John Carlson re- turned v ho'me 1;h*e l a t t e r p a r t of the week from Litchfield where She un- derwent an operation some' time ago. She is improving nicely. * Mr. and Mrs. Christ Carlson and daughters from Litchfield were the guests of relatives here on Sunday. Peter Buro and Christ Stockvig left Saturday for a visit with friends at Montevideo. Miss Minnie Gustafson who teach- es at Pennock arrived here Saturday for a visit with her folks. Mrs. A. M. Lunde departed the first of the week for Moorhead where she will spend Thanksgiving with her daughter, Miss Helen, who" attends Concordia College at that place. —-We want your turkeys Decem- ber 6, 7, 8. Central Minnesota Pro- duce Co., Willmar, Minn. The regular meeting of the Green Lake community club will be held at the Woodman Hall Friday evening, Dec. 1st. A good program will be rendered, beginning a t 8 o'clock af- ter which refreshments will N be ser- ved. Admission 15 c, John Bergman Jr. left last Wed- nesday for Minneapolis where he will be employed after a couple of weeks visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bergman. Rev. A. M. Lunde returned home last Thursday from Christina, N. D., where he attended a convention held at the Lutheran church of which he was a former pastor. The Green Lake Shipping Associa- tion shipped stock to So. St. Paul on Tuesday. Misses Alice Anderson and Ruby Larson were Willmar visitors on last Saturday afternoon. A class of four, namely Albert Pe- terson, Kenneth Thompson of Spicer, Corella Solbrack of Irving and Anna Stulen from Long Lake, were con- firmed by Rev. A. M. Lunde at the Zion Lutheran church last Sunday morning. Silver Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Iver Pederson very pleasantly entertained about twenty of their relatives and friends at a six o'clock dinner last Friday evening, it being their 25th wedding^anniver- sary. A very enjoyable evening was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Pederson were presented with a purse of silver as a remembrance of the occasion. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. T. M. Findley, pastor Sunday school at 10 a. m. Services at 10:45 a. m. * * * SWEDISH LUTHERAN Rev. A. F. Aimer, pastor 1 / s V'^*^ Sunday school at 10 _a.*ni.ki.& "C Services a$ 11 a. m. " * J >"p r , "*- *£%$&$— * * * . v $ ""' J - .i-^'-ZION LUTHERAN- ^ \ V . 1 -Rev. A. M. Lunde, pastor/J*; Sunday school at 10 a. m. ^ " *>, No services. Ladies Aid will serve lunch in the Annex Wednesday, Dep. 6th, in the afternoon 'and evening. All are wel- come. J Services will be held at Long Lake on Thanksgiving Day at 11. a. m. ; , V \ The'Luther League will serve sup- per and^give a program in the even- ing. ROSELAND Nov. 27—Mr. and Mjfs. Johnny Johnson and family were entertained at P. M. Renstrom's Wednesday eve. Mr. and Mrs. Ture Carlson and son and Mrs. Teresia Cedargren and daughter Elenor visited at A. O. Renstrom's on Thursday afternoon. -Mrs. Albert Rodelius was among those who attended the ladies aid which was held last Thursday. Oscar Erickson of Olivia made a business call at Oscar Lindquist's one day last week. Axel Leverentz was a county seat caller one day last week. ' "" Archie Eastman who has been em- ployed at Roy Lindquist's' for some time, returned to his home in Will- mar N where be will spend a few days and later will be employed north of Willmar. —We want your turkeys Decem- ber 6, 7, 8. Central Minnesota Pro- duce Co., Willmar, Minn. Oscar Lindquist was a Svea caller on Tuesday. Mrs. Walter Olson and sons of Paynesville visited at P. G. Gibson's last week. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Anderson and family of Jackson county are at present visiting at Carl Anderson's. John Zobul of Olivia called at Os- car Lindquist's on Monday. Rosemond Holmgren motored to Willmar on Saturday. * The Ladies Aid which was held at W. R. Lindquists on Thursday was well attended. —We want your turkeys Decem- ber 6, 7, 8. Central Minnesota Pro- duce Co., Willmar, Minn. .r% laMETRY VS. HAUCKLAND T*<>* Case Arising Frtfin Anlotnobae CbiHsibit in Minneapolis Tried k Municipal Contt iThe case of A. LaMetry of Minne- apolis against James Hauckland of •Willmar was tried before Judge George Muller in Municipal Court on "Friday morning at ten o'clock. The case is the result of a collision that occurred j on the afternoon of Sep- tember 2nd in* Minneapolis at the corner of Nicollet avenue and 12th Street. The car of Mr. LaMetry, a police officer of the city of Minne- apolis, was damaged, the frame, fen- ders, wheels and other parts of the car being broken. »The sum of $151.56 was needed to repair the car. The plaintiff' was represented by R. W. Stanford and T. O. Gilbert ap- peared for the defendant. The depo- sitions of H. L. Alden, A. G. Hoff, Paul Rosenfelt and H. H. Donicht were offered to the court to be read at leisure. Mr. A. LaMetry and Mr. Oscar E. Peterson were examined by the plaintiff's counsel. The defendant called no witnesses and did not put in any defense. The parties rested. OIL AXIVANHOE , l * ^ According to rumors, it, is. prob- able that oillvelis wfll^e" developed at Ivanhoe,. located in Lincoln ;coun- ty. t Some years ago a man discov- ered shale rock and oil scum on the top of water that-was''oozing from ttye ground. An experienced, oil man in Pittsburg, /Pa., "was. notified and -lately as 'he was passing thru stop- ped to look at the l&rid. He said that oil '"certainly existed there * but to what «extent he 'COuld noVsay. It is also"rum&retfthat an option has been taken on four thousand acres in the vicinity 'of the spot where oil was discovered. ' , ' - - / U__' >' ' V FOOTBALL AT OLIVIA _ Football is now recognized as one of the leading sports at the" Olivia. High School. Last Saturday the Ol- ivia boys defeated the -Hutchinson team by a score of 19 to 3* The Ol- ivia team is not fully equipped with new suits and other things needed as yet but these will be provided next year and the Olivia high school will be heard from in sport circles in the future. > , GARAGE BURNS Twenty motor cars were destroyed in a fire at the Chollette Garage at Marshall. The total loss is estimated at $30,000. The building and its con- tents burned to the ground. GIVEN SURPRISE The congregation of the Swedish M. E. church tendered a surprise on their pastor, 'Rev. Claus Johnson, on Thursday evening. Speeches were made by several of the members of the congregation. Rev. Emil Malm- strom of Atwater also gave a nice talk. A fine lunch was served to the large gathering later in the evening. A purse of money was presented to Rev. Johnson and he wishes to thank the parishioners for their kindness. Wm, N. Peterson TUNER P i a n o T u n i n g Piano Repairing Leave Orders at Edison Shop Res. Phone 574-R v. Willmar MinnJ HOOPING COUGH must run its course— there is no "cure," but Vicks helps to ease the coughing paroxysms. Apply often. Use freely at bedtime. , i Over 17 Million Jars Used Yearly Two boys, age of 6tandl3 of Thief J j y fevfer v F^Is^av^^tflte most peculiarly 1 ailment^? Their Aodies,. are£ covered zf*% with skins' like, those of an alligator. M Their Bodies i a V ^ ^ t ^ t o y ^ o v - ^ ered with scales. I IV^atniefitS at the - University Hospital h^ve lessened the ;: nmtitifr, <tf 'scales.. -fi ~?' a '"*''>^i *m —LJJ w*nt« : 't<».««*y<»u.^3^- 'tf;vj> • .-itfMK 1 •s w< HIKED TO KANDIYOHI A number of the employees of the Willmar Co-operative Store-hiked to Kandiyohi on Wednesday evening. Those who made the hike were: Ed. Benson, Arnold Erickson, Henry Samingson, Peter Bassebo, Luella Berg, Irene Stevens, Anna Harold- son, Dora Peterson and Mabel Lund- uist. They had lunch at the 'hotel in Kandiyohi and returned to Willmar on the evening train. Do you have",a*dull,Atea<ly;aehe ijvi^l^ the small'of the' bac^-^harpr stab- '~? •TUng" twiriges - wheat stojppirig 'or lift- * ing—-distressing*!. Urinarjr ^disorders?, ' _ For bad back, an^fweakened kidneys^l i Wiltmat residents Tefcommiehd- Doanls . +1 Sidney Pills: f'Re%^this' v Willma*^p J statement: "'*" '; i -^ -" V ^Mts. A. JohnsoliV rl 724. First'Sfc^Si . iays: /We *h,ave 'uSe^^ali's^KidnTey^ „Pills - in" our home with satisfactory, * resf Its and*I recommend them nigh-^|< l^^oyer-t&xed "my strength- whicftly^ brought on trouble'with my kidneysXif v - They acted -irregularly^ and my backf{% ached. There wa.s a||lull,, naggingf';!,. in'my back'and I "felt nervous-', ^ " $ pam "in my and miserable. —Nels Norborg of Maynard'was a Willmar business caller on Tues- day of last week. Cod-liver oil Ts ulfferent;| from other fats because of its great richness of vitamines and is so readily absorbed by the weakened system. 11 *• • * is an effective agent in im- proving nutritidn arid building ,up the re- sistive-powers of the body. Scott's Emul- sion is Norwegian cod-liver oil at its best Scott & Bowue Bloomfield. N.J. 22-36 'mim ?J. I'- started taking .7 •Doan's Kidney Pills and jvas relieved fl- atter finishing two boxes. Doan's^ cured 'me and I have felt no returnt K of the trouble:" '"'"'^\ I Price 60c, at all/dealers.' Don't simply ask for a k^dVey remedy—get" Doan's Kidney PHls—the s^amfe that r Mrs. Johnson had. Foster-Milburn * Co., Mfrs., Buffalo/N. -Y.-^-Adv. . ^ KC KCKC- KCKC-KC SAME PRICE tor oyer o y years •/• v ' O R Ounces for Use less (X •b,VA;' BAKING POWDER than of higher priced brands. The goverhttietit used . mittibns of fk>und8 KOKOKOKOKOKC EXTENDED UNTIL SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9TH Owing to the bad condition of the roads in the country we have decided to extend our big sale until Saturday, Dec. 9th., so as to give the peopleof the neighboring towns and country an opportunity to avail themselves of the many bargains we are offering on our entire stock of Ladies' Oxfords and Pumps Lotl '*• - $1.98 Lot 2 - - $3.45 Women's Overshoes Four Buckle $2.98 Clothing, Shoes and Furnishings FELT SLIPPERS Values to $2.50 $1.48 Fleecelined Unionsuits 79c 98c $1.33 Men's Suits One -lot of men's suits values to $30.00 .75 Overcoats SPECIAL-One lot of overcoats values to $32.50 $13.75 Men's Suits One lot of men's suits, values to $45.00 $28.76 ill Buy Your Xmas Gifts Now-You'll Save Money Ties, Mufflers, Shirts, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Bathrdbes, Sweaters, Pajamas, Hosiery, Hats, Gaps, all at big reductions FOUR CASH PRIZES GIVEN AWAY FREE Drawing on the last day of our sale™Ask forCoupons; Children's Shdes, Overshoes and Stockings at big reductions mmmmmm**m*± Children's Night Shirts an4 Fleeced Underwear : £ Night Shirts, values to $1.35 Unionsuits, values to $1.50 69c SILK TIES Spedal 43c Lined and Unfined MITTENS ! 83c f *j +tm*M MEN'S H E ^ RUBBERS \* BOY'S 2 PAK46 SUITS All sizes values to^8;#5. *. **y s ArealtMfrjgain a "*4i,''£"L''«»**-*:~ihi' Sheeplined Coats, Mackirtavvsipiii ' Leather V#sts all reduced - ; ^ >*stC • t ?ai- TURKEmFREE Fri. and Sat only ^ .e*j.

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Post on 21-Mar-2018




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IRVING Nov. 27—The order of t he day is to,

put up storm doors and windows and; to get heating stoves in order for the Coming winter.

Ragnild *Nepsund returned home last Monday from a three days visit with the John Haugen family of Paynesville where she has been em­ployed before.

Wendell Jebb who runs an auto­mobile paint shop in Paynesville moved his family to town last week.

Tony Jebb moved his brother, Wen­dell's furniture on a truck to Pay­nesville last Tuesday.

Henry Wigdahl called on O. J. Orson last Tuesday.

Leonard Nepsurid spent a few days in Willmar last week. "••"

A Happy Thanksgiving is extend­ed to all.

Clement Jebb was a visitor in TJist. 52 last week.

Lulu Hill called on Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hanson recently. Mr. Hanson is not well. _ . •

The Ladies Aid of the Nordland church met a t H. A. C. Hanson's oh Wednesday and was fairly well at­tended.

Mary Schoulz, the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schoulz, living southwest of Paynesville, was mar­ried to Math. Sivas of Lake Henry last Tuesday. Miss Schoulz is well known in this community having at­tended school in Dist. 52. Congratu­lations are extended with the best wishes for long, happy and prosper­ous married life.

Anna Larson, a daughter of Ing-vald Larson of Irving, slipped on the floor and sprained her foot very sev­erely.

—We want your turkeys Decem­ber 6, 7, 8. Central Minnesota Pro­duce Co., Willmar, Minn.

What is called the Augsburg day will be held in the Nordland church on Thanksgiving Day. There will be program with dinner and in the evening the young people will have their meeting and refreshments will be served. All proceeds go to the Augsburg Seminary. All are wel­come.

Mr, Moses, the well known ped­dler, made his usual rounds thru the community last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Peder Nepsund vis­ited at John Vigdahl's last Thursday.

O. B. Thorson canvassed the com­munity last week to get members for a society called "Society for the Country's Welfare," which aim is as follows: Devoted to the promotion of active Christian citizenship, res­pect for law and authority, law en­forcement, social betterment, world prohibition international peace, etc. He was favorably met as far as he

had canvassed. ^ " Torlief Vika accompanied his 'un-[

cle, P. Nepsund, and cousin *Ragnild' to Paynesville on Friday afternoon. '

Chas. Johns \was taken suddenly sick last week while outside working a t "his "home. His son had to help him in the house. All hope for his speedy recovery.

DOVRE Nov. 21—Mr. and Mrs. 'Albin

Bjork and son Clifford called on Mrs. Mathilda Otterness Sunday after­noon.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mftier and son Donald visited Friday with Mr. and 'Mrs. Christ Otterness a t Will­mar.

Clarence Bjork called "on Andrew Berg Saturday.

Gladys Swenson assisted Mrs. H. Bergeson Friday with the work.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carlson from Wisconsin and Mrs. Pete Olson of Willmar visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Albin Bjork.

Charles Miner called on M. "Vikse Thursday. ... '

Verna Swenson is a t present as­sisting Mrs. R. C. Sletten with the work.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and Clara Olson of Willmar visited Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hol­land.

—We want your turkeys Decern* ber 6, 7, 8. Central Minnesota Pro* (luce Co., Willmar,' Minn.

Mrs. Mathilda Otterness and dau­ghters Ethel and Verna and sons, Russell, Joseph and Harry attended the wedding of her son George to Sophie Hanson a t Hawick Saturday.

Alice Olson is a t present visiting 'With her aunt, Mrs. Albin Bjork.

SALE STILL ON The Big Thanksgiving Sale a t the

Ladies Store is still on. I t will close on Saturday of this week. Special items which might be mentioned are Misses silk fashioned hose a t $1.25 a pair and Misses Silk Lisle hose a t 50c a pair. The sizes of these hose are 9, 9VZ and 10.—Adv.

ENTERTAINED Mrs. George Otterness and Miss

'Barbara Williams entertained the Al-trurians a t the Presbyterian church Monday evening. The usual pro­gram and social hour were enjoyed.

—Lid wants to see you. tf

Headache? Kidneys Wrong? Weak back, sick headache and diz­

ziness are nature 's warning that your kidneys need attention. Solvax tab­lets taken regularly will keep them clean and healthy. Sold by S. B. Carlson & Son. Price 50'cents.—Ad.

/, ,, STIVER f : Nov. 27—Mrs. John Carlson r e ­

turned vho'me 1;h*e latter pa r t of the week from Litchfield where She un­derwent an operation some' time ago. She is improving nicely. *

Mr. and Mrs. Christ Carlson and daughters from Litchfield were the guests of relatives here on Sunday.

Peter Buro and Christ Stockvig left Saturday for a visit with friends a t Montevideo.

Miss Minnie Gustafson who teach­es a t Pennock arrived here Saturday for a visit with her folks.

Mrs. A. M. Lunde departed the first of the week for Moorhead where she will spend Thanksgiving with her daughter, Miss Helen, who" attends Concordia College at that place.

—-We want your turkeys Decem­ber 6, 7, 8. Central Minnesota Pro­duce Co., Willmar, Minn.

The regular meeting of the Green Lake community club will be held a t the Woodman Hall Friday evening, Dec. 1st. A good program will be rendered, beginning a t 8 o'clock af­ter which refreshments willNbe ser­ved. Admission 15 c,

John Bergman Jr . left last Wed­nesday for Minneapolis where he will be employed after a couple of weeks visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bergman.

Rev. A. M. Lunde returned home last Thursday from Christina, N. D., where he attended a convention held at the Lutheran church of which he was a former pastor.

The Green Lake Shipping Associa­tion shipped stock to So. St. Paul on Tuesday.

Misses Alice Anderson and Ruby Larson were Willmar visitors on last Saturday afternoon.

A class of four, namely Albert Pe­terson, Kenneth Thompson of Spicer, Corella Solbrack of Irving and Anna Stulen from Long Lake, were con­firmed by Rev. A. M. Lunde a t the Zion Lutheran church last Sunday morning.

Silver Wedding

Mr. and Mrs. Iver Pederson very pleasantly entertained about twenty of their relatives and friends at a six o'clock dinner last Friday evening, it being their 25th wedding^anniver-sary. A very enjoyable evening was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Pederson were presented with a purse of silver as a remembrance of the occasion.

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. T. M. Findley, pastor

Sunday school a t 10 a. m. Services a t 10:45 a. m.

* * * SWEDISH LUTHERAN Rev. A. F . Aimer, pastor

1 / s V ' ^ * ^ Sunday school a t 10 _a.*ni.ki.& "C Services a$ 11 a. m. " *J >"pr, "*-

*£%$&$— * * * . v $ ""' J- . i - ^ ' - Z I O N LUTHERAN- ^ \ V . 1 -Rev. A. M. Lunde, pastor/J*;

Sunday school at 10 a. m. ^ " *>, No services. Ladies Aid will serve lunch in the

Annex Wednesday, Dep. 6th, in the afternoon 'and evening. All are wel­come. J

Services will be held a t Long Lake on Thanksgiving Day a t 1 1 . a. m. ; , V \

The'Luther League will serve sup­per and^give a program in the even­ing.

ROSELAND Nov. 27—Mr. and Mjfs. Johnny

Johnson and family were entertained at P. M. Renstrom's Wednesday eve.

Mr. and Mrs. Ture Carlson and son and Mrs. Teresia Cedargren and daughter Elenor visited a t A. O. Renstrom's on Thursday afternoon.

-Mrs. Albert Rodelius was among those who attended the ladies aid which was held last Thursday.

Oscar Erickson of Olivia made a business call a t Oscar Lindquist's one day last week.

Axel Leverentz was a county seat caller one day last week. ' ""

Archie Eastman who has been em­ployed a t Roy Lindquist's' for some time, returned to his home in Will­mar Nwhere be will spend a few days and later will be employed north of Willmar.

—We want your turkeys Decem­ber 6, 7, 8. Central Minnesota Pro­duce Co., Willmar, Minn.

Oscar Lindquist was a Svea caller on Tuesday.

Mrs. Walter Olson and sons of Paynesville visited at P. G. Gibson's last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Anderson and family of Jackson county are a t present visiting at Carl Anderson's.

John Zobul of Olivia called at Os­car Lindquist's on Monday.

Rosemond Holmgren motored to Willmar on Saturday. *

The Ladies Aid which was held a t W. R. Lindquists on Thursday was well attended.

—We want your turkeys Decem­ber 6, 7, 8. Central Minnesota Pro­duce Co., Willmar, Minn.


Case Arising Frtfin Anlotnobae • CbiHsibit in Minneapolis Tried

k Municipal Contt iThe case of A. LaMetry of Minne­

apolis against James Hauckland of •Willmar was tried before Judge George Muller in Municipal Court on "Friday morning a t ten o'clock. The case is the result of a collision that occurred jon the afternoon of Sep­tember 2nd in* Minneapolis a t the corner of Nicollet avenue and 12th Street. The car of Mr. LaMetry, a police officer of the city of Minne­apolis, was damaged, the frame, fen­ders, wheels and other parts of the car being broken. »The sum of $151.56 was needed to repair the car.

The plaintiff' was represented by R. W. Stanford and T. O. Gilbert ap­peared for the defendant. The depo­sitions of H. L. Alden, A. G. Hoff, Paul Rosenfelt and H. H. Donicht were offered to the court to be read at leisure.

Mr. A. LaMetry and Mr. Oscar E. Peterson were examined by the plaintiff's counsel. The defendant called no witnesses and did not put in any defense. The parties rested.

OIL AXIVANHOE ,l * ^ According to rumors, it , is . prob­

able that oillvelis wfll^e" developed a t Ivanhoe,. located in Lincoln ;coun-ty . t Some years ago a man discov­ered shale rock and oil scum on the top of water that-was' 'oozing from ttye ground. An experienced, oil man in Pittsburg, /Pa., "was. notified and -lately as 'he was passing th ru stop­ped to look a t the l&rid. He said that oil '"certainly existed there * but t o what «extent he 'COuld noVsay. I t is also"rum&retfthat an option has been taken on four thousand acres in the vicinity 'of the spot where oil was discovered. ' , ' - - /

U__' >' ' V

FOOTBALL AT OLIVIA _ Football is now recognized as one

of the leading sports a t the" Olivia. High School. Last Saturday the Ol­ivia boys defeated the -Hutchinson team by a score of 19 to 3* The Ol­ivia team is not fully equipped with new suits and other things needed as yet but these will be provided next year and the Olivia high school will be heard from in sport circles in the future. > ,

GARAGE BURNS Twenty motor cars were destroyed

in a fire a t the Chollette Garage a t Marshall. The total loss is estimated a t $30,000. The building and its con­tents burned to the ground.

GIVEN SURPRISE The congregation of the Swedish

M. E. church tendered a surprise on their pastor, 'Rev. Claus Johnson, on Thursday evening. Speeches were made by several of the members of the congregation. Rev. Emil Malm-strom of Atwater also gave a nice talk. A fine lunch was served to the large gathering later in the evening. A purse of money was presented to Rev. Johnson and he wishes to thank the parishioners for their kindness.

Wm, N. Peterson T U N E R

P i a n o T u n i n g P i a n o R e p a i r i n g

Leave Orders at Edison Shop R e s . P h o n e 5 7 4 - R v.

W i l l m a r M i n n J

HOOPING COUGH m u s t r u n i ts course— the re is n o " c u r e , " b u t Vicks he lps t o ease t h e coughing p a r o x y s m s . Apply often. Use freely a t bed t ime . , i

Over 17 Million Jars Used Yearly

Two boys, age of 6 t a n d l 3 of Thief J j y fevferv F^Is^av^^tf l te most p e c u l i a r l y 1 ai lment^? Their Aodies,. are£ covered zf*% with skins' like, those of an alligator. M Their Bodies i a V ^ ^ t ^ t o y ^ o v - ^ ered with scales. I IV^atniefitS a t the - „ University Hospital h^ve lessened the ; :

nmtitifr, <tf 'scales.. -fi ~?' a '"*''>^i *m

—LJJ w*nt«:'t<».««*y<»u.^3^- 'tf;vj> •

.-itfMK1 •s


• HIKED TO KANDIYOHI A number of the employees of the

Willmar Co-operative Store-hiked to Kandiyohi on Wednesday evening. Those who made the hike were: Ed. Benson, Arnold Erickson, Henry Samingson, Peter Bassebo, Luella Berg, Irene Stevens, Anna Harold-son, Dora Peterson and Mabel Lund-uist. They had lunch at the 'hotel in Kandiyohi and returned to Willmar on the evening train.

Do you have",a*dull,Atea<ly;aehe ijvi^l^ the small'of the' b a c ^ - ^ h a r p r stab- '~? •TUng" twiriges - wheat stojppirig 'or lift- * ing—-distressing*!. Urinarjr ^disorders?, ' _ For bad back, an^fweakened k idneys^l i Wiltmat residents Tefcommiehd- Doanls .+1

Sidney Pills: f ' R e % ^ t h i s ' v W i l l m a * ^ p J

statement: " '*" ' ; i -^ -" V ^Mts. A. JohnsoliVrl724. First 'Sfc^Si .

i a y s : /We *h,ave ' u S e ^ ^ a l i ' s ^ K i d n T e y ^ „Pills - in" our home with satisfactory, * resf Its and*I recommend them nigh-^|< l ^ ^ o y e r - t & x e d "my strength- whicftly^ brought on trouble'with my kidneysXifv-They acted -irregularly^ and my backf{% ached. The re wa.s a | | lul l , , naggingf';!,.

in 'my back 'and I "felt nervous-', "


pam "in my and miserable.

—Nels Norborg of Maynard 'was a Willmar business caller on Tues­day of last week.

Cod-liver oil Ts ulfferent;| from other fats because of its great richness of vitamines and is so readily absorbed by the weakened system.

11 *• • *

is an effective agent in im­proving nutritidn arid • building ,up the re­sistive-powers of the body. Scott's Emul­sion is Norwegian

cod-liver oil at its best Scott & Bowue Bloomfield. N.J. 22-36


?J. I ' - started taking .7 •Doan's Kidney Pills and jvas relieved f l ­a t te r finishing two boxes. D o a n ' s ^ cured 'me and I have felt no re turn t K of the trouble:" '"'"'^\ I

Price 60c, a t all/dealers.' Don't simply ask for a k^dVey remedy—get" Doan's Kidney PHls—the s amfe that r

Mrs. Johnson had. Foster-Milburn * Co., Mfrs., Buffalo/N. -Y.-^-Adv. . ^



tor oyer o y years •/• v '

O R Ounces for

Use less (X

•b,VA; '

BAKING POWDER than of higher priced brands.

The goverhttietit used . mittibns of fk>und8


EXTENDED UNTIL SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9TH Owing to the bad condition of the roads in the country we have decided to extend our big sale until Saturday, Dec. 9th., so as to give the peopleof the neighboring towns and country an opportunity to avail themselves of the many bargains we are offering on our entire stock of

Ladies' Oxfords and Pumps L o t l '*• - $1.98 Lot 2 - - $3.45

Women's Overshoes Four Buckle


Clothing, Shoes and Furnishings

FELT SLIPPERS Values to $2.50


Fleecelined Unionsuits

79c 98c $1.33

Men's Suits One -lot of men's suits values to $30.00


Overcoats SPECIAL-One lot of overcoats values to



Men's Suits One lot of men's suits, values to $45.00

$28.76 i l l

Buy Your Xmas Gifts Now-You'll Save Money Ties, Mufflers, Shirts, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Bathrdbes, Sweaters, Pajamas, Hosiery, Hats, Gaps, all at big reductions FOUR CASH PRIZES GIVEN AWAY FREE

Drawing on the last day of our sale™ Ask forCoupons;

Children's Shdes, Overshoes and Stockings at big reductions


Children's Night Shirts an4 Fleeced Underwear : £

Night Shirts, values to $1.35

Unionsuits, values to $1.50 69c



Lined and Unfined MITTENS !

83c f *j




BOY'S 2 P A K 4 6 SUITS All sizes values to^8;#5. *. **y s ArealtMfrjgain a"*4i,''£"L''«»**-*:~ihi'

Sheeplined Coats, Mackirtavvsipiii ' Leather V#sts all reduced -; ^ >*stC • t ?ai -

TURKEmFREE Fri. and Sat only

