expressqq 20140820

E F S ASTERN REE TATE TEL: 058 - 3035411 WEDNESDAY 20 AUGUST 2014 WWW.EXPRESS-NEWS.CO.ZA FREE WANTED: The former Bloemfontein Celtic and Golden Arrows goal minder Nkosana Maseko who is wanted by the police. Photo: Sydney Mahlangu/BackpagePix S Visit for other stories about Maseko. } Tladi Moloi BETHLEHEM. – The former Bloem- fontein Celtic and Golden Arrows goal minder Nkosana Maseko is in hot water. Maseko, who hails from Baken Park near Bethlehem, is on the police wanted list for two charges of assault common and assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm to his wife, Mpho Maseko (31). It is alleged that Maseko stabbed his wife with a knife on Friday, 8 August, at the Dihlabeng municipal headquarters. He is still at large. A source in the municipality told Express Eastern Free State that Maseko had arrived at her work- place looking for his wife on that Friday. “We were shocked when he chased his wife before he took out a knife and stabbed her. She had tried to run for her life but she could not escape from her husband. I think he was under the influence of liquor. A security guard tried to catch him but he fled the scene,” a source said. According to a source, the wife was taken to the Mediclinic Hoog- land in Bethlehem for treatment after the attack. Sgt. Mmako Mophiring, the police spokesperson, confirmed the inci- dent and added that two warrants of arrest had been served out for Maseko. “He is wanted for two charges of assault common and assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm,” he said. He said on 26 July Maseko assault- ed his wife after they had had an argument. “It is alleged that he requested money from his wife claiming that he was going to Johannesburg for a Carling Black Label game between Kaizer Chiefs and Orlando Pirates. Later that day he called his wife and wanted to know where she was. When he arrived home on 26 July, he called her a liar before punching and kicking her,” he said. Mophiring said the second inci- dent happened at Mpho’s workplace where Maseko stabbed her with a knife. “It is alleged that he was under the influence of liquor when he arrived there. He accused his wife of removing a ring from her finger before he chased and stabbed her with a knife. She was stabbed in the head and the back. She was taken to hospital for treatment,” he said. Wanted Allegedly stabbed his wife Visit for photos, videos and news and page through previous issues of the newspaper.

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WANTED: The former BloemfonteinCeltic and Golden Arrows goal minderNkosana Maseko who is wanted by thepolice.Photo: Sydney Mahlangu/BackpagePix

S Visit for other storiesabout Maseko.

} Tladi Moloi

BETHLEHEM. – The former Bloem-fontein Celtic and Golden Arrowsgoal minder Nkosana Maseko is inhot water.Maseko, who hails from BakenPark near Bethlehem, is on thepolice wanted list for two charges ofassault common and assault withintent to cause grievous bodilyharm to his wife, Mpho Maseko(31).It is alleged that Maseko stabbedhis wife with a knife on Friday, 8August, at the Dihlabeng municipalheadquarters. He is still at large.A source in the municipality toldExpress Eastern Free State thatMaseko had arrived at her work-place looking for his wife on thatFriday.“We were shocked when hechased his wife before he took out aknife and stabbed her. She had triedto run for her life but she could notescape from her husband. I think hewas under the influence of liquor. Asecurity guard tried to catch himbut he fled the scene,” a sourcesaid.According to a source, the wife

was taken to the Mediclinic Hoog-land in Bethlehem for treatmentafter the attack.Sgt. Mmako Mophiring, the policespokesperson, confirmed the inci-dent and added that two warrantsof arrest had been served out forMaseko.“He is wanted for two charges ofassault common and assault withintent to cause grievous bodilyharm,” he said.He said on 26 July Maseko assault-ed his wife after they had had anargument. “It is alleged that herequested money from his wifeclaiming that he was going toJohannesburg for a Carling BlackLabel game between Kaizer Chiefsand Orlando Pirates. Later that dayhe called his wife and wanted toknow where she was. When hearrived home on 26 July, he calledher a liar before punching andkicking her,” he said.Mophiring said the second inci-dent happened at Mpho’s workplacewhere Maseko stabbed her with aknife.“It is alleged that he was underthe influence of liquor when hearrived there. He accused his wifeof removing a ring from her fingerbefore he chased and stabbed herwith a knife. She was stabbed in thehead and the back. She was takento hospital for treatment,” he said.

WantedAllegedly stabbed his wife photos, videos andnews and page throughprevious issues of the


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} Tladi Moloi

BETHLEHEM. – Michael Masutha,the minister of Justice and Correc-tional Services, has established asexual offences court in the FreeState at the Bethlehem Court onFriday.This came as a result of a

petition from the community ofBethlehem to the deputy ministerof Justice, Andries Nel, to inter-vene following the escalating levelsof sexual violence against elderlywomen and children.The petition was submitted early

this year.Masutha says they are a govern-

ment that listens to its people,hence they had to intervene asthey could not allow criminals to

be a menace to the society.He says this was done towards

enhancing the services regardingsexual offences in order to protectand promote the rights of victimsas complainants in the sexualoffence court.“We ought to take pride in our

Constitution for globally position-ing our country as one of the mostliberal countries that expresslyaffords all victims of crime withinternationally recognised humanrights that entrench the culture ofequality.“The re-establishment of this

sexual offences court aims toprovide victim support services ina bid to eliminate secondaryvictimisation of complainants insexual offences.

“This will also ensure thatsexual offence trials are dealt withspeedily, especially those involvingchildren and that the investigationand prosecution of the sexualoffences are effective and strength-ened through the cooperationbetween stakeholders,” he said.Masutha says it is not fair that

women and children of SouthAfrica are living in fear in theirown country.“As part of the three-year

commitment to the roll-out, the 57courts received funding to monitorthe outcomes of the first ninesexual offence courts which wereestablished in terms of the 2013-’14Medium-term Strategic Frameworkfrom Criminal Asset RecoveryAccount,” he says.

} Nkareng Moloi

QWAQWA. – The electricity supply in theMaluti-a-Phofung Local Municipality is anightmare since the termination of theRural Maintenance contract and now thecommunity is up in arms.The community of Namahadi Village in

Qwaqwa recently hosted a meeting andthey are planning to take action.Apparently they had spent seven week-

days without electricity and water.This meeting was attended by about 70

residents.Express Eastern Free State has learnt

that this area is one of the few that hadthe electricity meter boxes installed byRural Maintenance and they are nowstruggling to buy electricity.Neo Mahao, one of the concerned

residents, told Express EFS that themunicipality is violating their basic needs.“In case of the electricity, we are not the

ones who brought Rural Maintenance intoour homes but the municipality. Thetransformers are damaged. It is theirresponsibility to buy new transformers. Asfor why we can’t get water, only themunicipality knows,” he said.Mahao further explained how tough it

was becoming for them to live a normallife. “Some people really need that electric-ity because their medication is stored in afridge. For us to have a proper meal, likebuying meat, one has to take a taxi toSetsing because local businesses are alsoaffected so that they can’t sell meat. Isuggest that we write down our challengesto the mayor, municipal manager, thepremier and public protector,” he said.An effort to get a comment from the

municipality was fruitless.Questions were submitted to the commu-

nication department last Friday, but at thetime of going to print, they failed torespond.

Municipality leaves people powerless

} Tladi Moloi

HARRISMITH. – The Department of HomeAffairs in Harrismith is appealing to thecitizens of Thabo Mofutsanyana DistrictMunicipality to come and apply for new IDsmart cards at the Harrismith Local Officeand Bethlehem Local Office.Motake Mopeli, the manager of the

Harrismith office of Home Affairs, says theyare not happy with the number of peoplewho applies for the smart card. It mighthappen that people do not have the correctinformation that is why the department hasa slow turnout.“At the first stage we concentrated on the

first-time applicants and the pensioners. Wecould not attend to all the people because wehad long lines at our offices,” he said. “Wehelp everyone. It does not necessarily meanyou have to go to the office in your residen-tial area.”The offices are open Monday to Friday

from 07:30 to 14:00. These are the require-ments for an ID smart card:(1) Citizens 60 years and above (pensioner)

) Identity document

) Payment = Free) All applicants need not have to take photos(2) First-time applicants 16 years and above

) Computerised birth certificate) Copy of mother’s ID) Payment: Free) All applicants need not have to take photos(3) All other citizens

) Identity document) Payment: R140) All applicants need not take photos.

Apply for ID smart card

THE new ID smart card.

THE community of Namahadi Village inQwaqwa gathered to discuss the electricity failure. ONE of the damaged transformers at the Namahadi Village in Qwaqwa. Photos: Nkareng Moloi

Court speeds up service

TJHETANE MOFOKENG (left, executive mayor of the Dihla-beng Local Municipality) and Michael Masutha (minister ofJustice and Correctional Services) during the establishmentof a sexual offence court in Bethlehem. Photo: Tladi Moloi

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HARRISMITH. – Six high school learners ofthe New Horizon College (NHC) in Harri-smith punched above their weight when theymade it into the fourth position at theStudents for the Advancement of GlobalEntrepreneurship (Sage) World Champion-ships in Moscow, Russia, last Monday.

This group represented the Free State andwas competing with other entrepreneuriallyinspired learners from 55 countries from allover the world.

The Free State team took fourth place afterIreland, America and Nigeria as announcedat a gala dinner held in Moscow. Theyreceived medals and a trophy.

This exciting youth empowerment entre-preneurship programme is the initiative ofSage, a non-profit organisation which aims toenhance entrepreneurship skills among highschool learners.

Mosebenzi Zwane, the MEC for EconomicDevelopment, Tourism and EnvironmentalAffairs, supported the New Horizon HighSchool as part of the department’s SMMEincubation and entrepreneurial development.

Speaking from Russia after the announce-ment, Retshedisitswe Losabe, a New HorizonCollege learner, said this was the opportuni-ty of a lifetime.

“We were competing with the best in theworld and this has given us confidence thatwe can compete on the world stage. Thisprogramme will go a long way in fightingcrime and contributing to job creation in ourcountry,” she said.

Retshedisitswe explained that what shehad noticed about other countries participat-ing at the competition was that they wererepresented by more than two schoolscompared to South Africa.

“I would like to encourage other schools inour country to enter the competition nextyear, as this will add to our advantage inwinning,” emphasised Retshedisitswe.

She thanked Zwane on behalf of the teamfor supporting them and believing in them.

NHC puts FSon world map

THE Miss South Africa 2015 Road Showis underway as women across thecountry celebrate Women’s Month.

Two of South Africa’s most beautifulwomen, the current Miss South Africa,Rolene Strauss, and a former Miss SouthAfrica and the pageant’s nationalexecutive, Melinda Bam, are visitinguniversity campuses across the country.

They are talking to the students abouttheir personal ambitions and beingdriven to achieve success, reveal whothey are beneath all the make-up andglitz, and disclose what it will take forprospective entrants to walk away with

the Miss South Africa 2015 crown in SunCity in March next year.

The Miss South Africa pageant is apowerful platform for developingpotential. It is a celebration of thecountry’s savvy, smart and beautifulyoung women who are determined to bethe best they can be while being true tothemselves.

The road show allows young women tohear first-hand what being Miss SouthAfrica entails and learn about themyriad of opportunities it can provide.Great prizes are also up for grabs.

The road show started last Tuesday at

the University of Pretoria. It wasfollowed by the University of theNorth-West, the University of theWestern Cape and the University ofStellenbosch, as well as RhodesUniversity.

Today both Strauss and Bam arevisiting Varsity College (KZN). Thereaf-ter they will be at the University ofLimpopo before they wrap up the tour atthe University of the Free State.

Those wishing to enter Miss SouthAfrica 2015 can enter online or downloadthe entry forms at

Entries close on 31 August.

Search for Miss SA is onMISS SOUTH AFRICA ROAD SHOW: These beautiful women are from the left Valery Mthuniwa, Victoria Naidu, Rolene Strauss(Miss South Africa 2014), Melinda Bam, Ipeleng Sefularo and Maria Kalymnios. Photo: Supplied

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I AM Koloti Malakoane, the third child in afamily of five.

I am married to Thabiso Malakoane. Weare blessed with two daughters, Lebohang(29) and Pontsho (27).

There’s no looking back

KOLOTI MALAKOANE (49), who hails from Wilgepark in Harrismith, poses next to her bigblack car. Photo: Tladi Moloi

KOLOTI MALAKOANE (49),who hails from Wilgepark inHarrismith, says women shouldstand up and pursue theirdreams.She says nothing is impossiblethrough hard work.Malakoane took a risk yearsago when she resigned as anacting principal at the Itebohe-leng Primary School and joinedthe Independent Field Advertis-ers (IFA), the network market-ing division of Clientèle Life.She has never looked back.She has travelled to Thailand,Mauritius, Indonesia, Europeand Brazil, courtesy of IFA. Sheis also a shareholder of MTN,Vodacom and Sasol, to mentionjust a few.Tladi Moloi chatted with herto find out more.

Tell us about yourself.

Where did you grow up?

Where did you go to yourschool?

I grew up in Tsheseng Village in Qwaqwa.Believe you me, it was very nice to growup in such an underrated village. Peoplealways thought Tsheseng was in Lesotho.

In 1976 I first went to the TshesengLower Primary School. From there I wentto the Koos Mota Primary School in 1979.I then went to Phofung Secondary before Ifinished my matric year at the ManthatisiHigh School.

I furthered my studies at the SefikengCollege of Education where I got myPrimary Teacher’s Diploma. In 1990, I wentto the University of the Free State (UFS)Qwaqwa Campus to study for a BAdegree.

I studied for a Further Diploma inRemedial Education at the University ofJohannesburg in 1994. I went back to theUFS for an honours degree in Geography.

I also did Educational Management theNorth-West University in Potchefstroom.

I started working at the Katleho PrimarySchool as a teacher in 1992. I was pro-moted to a head of department (HOD)position at the Sekgompepe PrimarySchool in 1995. Then, in 1998, I was adeputy principal at the Iteboheleng PrimarySchool.

I was promoted again at Iteboheleng asan acting principal.

I resigned in 2004 from the Departmentof Education.

Where did you work first;where did you go from


Why did you resign?

I came across this IFA business in 2002and it won my heart.

I worked in that business for two yearswhile I was a principal, but after that I sawno reason to stay at the school.

How was it, leaving yourprofession and going into


I compared the two fields – I realised thatthere was more money in the IFA.

I worked for the Education Departmentfor 12 years and only worked part time atthe IFA for two years. But I’ll tell you,what I was getting at the IFA was alreadyon the same level with what I was gettinganyway.

I asked myself, what would this give meif I concentrated more on it? I then madea choice and that worked for me.

As far as I know, however Icould be corrected on thisone, you are the mostsuccessful woman in theIFA from Thabo Mofutsan-yana. How did you manage

to achieve this?

It is simple to be successful. However, ittakes a strong person to achieve that.

You need to be dedicated and bedetermined.

You should also be focused and have apassion for what you are doing.

You need to imitate from people whohave already been on top.

August is Women’s Month.What message do youhave for women?

What I can say to them, is to work hard.They should associate themselves with

the best because they will be able to learnfrom them.

They should keep going no matter thesituation.

The problem that most people have, isthat they are never focused and they endup losing what they want.

Perseverance is the mother of success.

You grew up in the dustystreets of Tsheseng. Didyou always think you would

get this far?

I never believed (ntate). Never. But once Igot into this business, I never looked back.

I refused to look at those who hadfailed.

The problem that mostpeople have, is that they arenever focused and they endup losing what they want.

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I AM the last born and the onlyboy in my family and this sawme growing up as a loner. Inmost cases I would use the timeto analyse and try to find reasonin how life works.I got to realise that life is very

simple and tailored in such away that all is relative andpeople will believe anything

they are told regardless of thetruth.One would ask where I am

headed with this and the answerwould be our public transportindustry.Bethlehem is a growing town

and the executive municipalitywithout a university, radiostation or a shopping complex inthe location, yet you find theresidents paying crazy taxi fareamounts.I mean, one would try to

understand the method used tocalculate these fares. I wasshocked when I got back last

year to see that we are nowpaying R10 for a single trip. Imean, Bethlehem isn’t even halfthe size of Bloemfontein orWelkom, yet I still pay R8minimum in Bloemfontein to goto suburbs kilometres awayfrom the CBD.I then realised why we are

paying so much.We have taxi owners who

have about ten taxis on theroute and the industry is being

monopolised by no more thanfive big players whose taxis areeverywhere, from long distanceand kasi to town daily routes.What baffles me is that should

one buy a taxi, getting a permitis a nightmare as these bigplayers regulate who gets in.Bullying is also the order ofbusiness and prices are beinginflated so as those with one ortwo taxis could break evenbecause it makes no sense to

pay R10 from kasi to town.They will claim it is due to

running costs and maintenanceplus salaries, yet how is it thenthat one pays R8 in Bloemfon-tein for a distance that is fourtimes further than that fromcircle three to town?Well, then again, I guess the

citizens are happy and seenothing wrong with this injus-tice, so I guess the sooner Ileave here, the better.

Increase in taxi fares is daylight robbery

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KHLAHISA MAIKUTLO A HAODitlhahiso le Dimamelo

Komiti e lkemetseng ho tsa Ditjhelete e mema ba amehang le ba nang le thahasello ho kenya ditlhahiso tsengotsweng ka dibili tse latelang:

Bili ya Nakwana ya Ditefello le Boleng baDitjhelete le Phetolo ya Melao ya Pokello ya Lekgetho

Bili ya Nakwana ya Ditefello le Boleng ba Ditjhelete le Phetolo ya Melao ya Pokello ya Lekgetho e ikemiseditse ho:• Lokisa ditefello tsa lekgetho le tlwaelehileng • Fetola Molao wa Lekgetho Ia Kuno wa 1962, hore ho fetolwe ditefello leboleng ba diijhelete • Fetola Molao wa Lekgetho Ia Madibohong le Lekgetho Ia Kahara Naha wa 1964, hore ho fetolweditefello tsa tshebeletso e ho Sekejule sa 1 sa Molao oo • Le ho fana bakeng sa dintho tse amanang leona.

Bili ya Nakwana ya Phetolo ya Melao ya LekgethoBili ya Nakawana ya Phetolo ya Melao ya Lekgetho e ikemiseditse ho: • Fetola Molao wa Lekgetho Ia Kuno wa 1962,hore ho fetolwe, ho hlakolwe ho be ho kenngwe ditlhahiso tse itseng; ho etsa ditokiso; ho tloswe melao e meng; hofetolwe melao e meng; ho etswe melao e metjha; ho be ho etswe diphetolo tse ngotsweng le ditokiso tse latelang;• Fetola Molao wa Lekgetho le Kentsweng Thekong wa 1991, hore ho fetolwe melao le dikejule tse itseng • Ho tlosa Molawa Lekgetho Ia Letlole Ia Ho Sea Meja Fatshe wa 1996 • Fetola Molao wa Lekgetho Ia Phetiso ya Ditshireletso wa 2007,hore ho fetolwe molao • Fetola Molao wa Tefo ya Kgothaletso ya Lekgetho Ia Kgiro wa 13, hore ho fetolwe melao e itseng• Fetola Molao wa Phetolo ya Melao ya Lekgetho wa 2013, hore ho fetolwe melao e itseng • Ke ho fana bakeng sa dinthotse amanang leona.

Bili ya Nakwana ya Phetolo ya Melao ya Tsamaiso ya LekgethoBili ya Nakwana ya Phetolo ya Melao ya Tsamaiso ya Lekgetho e ikemiseditse ho: • Fetola Molao wa Lekgetho iaKuno wa 1962, hore ho kenngwe tshebetsong diphetolo tse latelang tse ngotsweng; ho hlakolwe molao; ho be hofetolwe melao e meng • Fetola Molao wa Lekgetho Ia Madibohong le Lekgetho Ia Kahara Naha wa 1964, hore hokenngwe tshebetsong diphetolo tse latelang; ho fetola melao e meng; ho kenngwe melao e itseng; le ho kenngwatshebetsong ditokiso tsa setekginiki • Fetola Moalo wa Lekgetho le Kentsweng Thekong wa 1991, hore ho kenngwetshebetsong diphetolo tse latelang; le ho fetola melao e itseng • Fetola Molao wa Ditshebeletso tsa Pokello ya Lekgethoya Afrika Borwa wa 1997, hore ho fetolwe molao • Fetola Molao wa Tsamaiso ya Lekgetho Ia Phetiso ya Ditshireletso wa2007, hore ho kenngwe tshebetsong diphetolo tse latelang • Fetola Molao wa Tsamaiso ya Lekgetho wa 2011, hore hofetolwe melao e meng; ho kenngwe tshebetsong ditokiso tsa setekginiki; ho be ho kenngwe tshebetsong diphetolo tsengotsweng le tse latelang • Fetola Molao wa Phetolo ya Tsamaiso ya Lek.getho wa 2012, hore ho kenngwetshebetsong ditokiso tsa setekginiki • Fetola Molao wa Tshebeletso ya Lekgetho Ia Madibohong wa 2014, hore hokenngwe tshebetsong diphetolo tsa setekginiki; diphetolo tse latelang; le ho kenya molao • Fetola Molao wa Taolo yaLekgetho Ia Madibohong wa 2014, hore ho fetolwe melao e itseng; ho kenngwe tshebetsong diphetolo tse latelang; leho kenya molao; le ho fana bakeng sa dintho tse amanang leona.

Dimamelo tsa maikutlo a setjhaba di tla tshwarelwa Palamenteng ka Labobedi, 26 le Laboraro, 27 Phato 2014.

Ditlhahiso le dikopo tsa ho etsa tlhahiso ka molomo di tlameha ho amohelwa ho fihlela ka 12:00 ka Labohlano,22 Phato 2014.

Ditlhahiso di tlameha ho romelwa ho Committee Secretary, Mr Allen Wicomb, 3rd Floor, 90 Plein Street, CapeTown 8000 kapa [email protected] or tel. (021) 403-3759/083 412 1475 or fax: 086 657 4896.

E ntshitswe ke Hon YI Carrim, MP, Modulasetulo: Komiti e lkemetseng ho tsa Ditjhelete (Seema sa Naha)

Human Communications (Cape) C111647

Parliament, Making Democracy


PHUTHADITJHABA. – Threestudents of the University of theFree State’s (UFS) Qwaqwa Campuswere recently invited to attend theprestigious National Astrophysicsand Space Science Programme(NASSP) held at the South AfricanAstronomical Observatory (SAAO) inCape Town.

The programme is targeted atstudents from formerly disadvan-taged institutions of higher learning,where the subjects of Astronomy andAstrophysics are not being offered.

As such, NASSP currently workswith a number of institutions likethe UFS Qwaqwa Campus, theNorth-West University MafikengCampus, University of Zululand,University of Limpopo and Universi-ty of Venda. Students are invited toapply for the programme, withemphasis put on students majoringin Mathematics and Physics, though

students from other fields are alsoinvited to apply.

This allows for the development ofblack astronomers and astrophysi-cists, which are in demand in theever-growing environment ofastronomy in South Africa. Theprogramme runs for two weeks andit is held in conjunction with theNational Research Foundation.

One of the students, ThokozaneNgcongwane, said the programmechallenged them to work on basicastrophysical concepts in groups,with individual written assignmentsbeing part of the learning process.

“Every group had a post-doctoratementor who helped with the unravel-ling of the tasks at hand. We alsohad guest lecturers giving usunderstanding on the multitude ofresearch topics offered within theumbrella of Astronomy and Astro-physics. Topics such as gravitational

lenses, black holes, stellar evolutionand the mysteries of cosmology werepresented and students were invitedto engage with the speakers duringand after the presentation,” saidNgcongwane, a third-year Entomolo-gy and Zoology student.

Ngcongwane said the lecturesoffered were relevant to quite a lotof the topics they studied as stu-dents.

“The information given by expertsin their specific fields became atreasure to the young and excitedminds, as the information could beused to further enhance their ownknowledge, as well as help in theirindividual studies. And given thelack of information about thecomplexities of Astronomy thestudents had, this was the most idealtime to learn about all mattersAstronomy and Astrophysics,”Ngcongwane said.

Students learn about space science

THOKOZANE NGCONGWANE (centre) poses with the third-yearPhysics and Chemistry students, Mbali Xaba (left) and Thabo Ku-malo. Photo: Supplied




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} Tladi Moloi

BETHLEHEM. – Edwin “TheGreat” Mofokeng, the Free StateDevelopment Academy mentor, sayshe is ready to compete in the SouthAfrican Football Association (Safa)ABC Motsepe League for the 2014-’15season.Mofokeng guided his team to the

Motsepe League through thenational promotional play-offs afterhe had won the championship of theSafa Thabo Mofutsanayana SouthAfrican Breweries (SAB) RegionalLeague.He said winning the league had

not been an easy task, but he hadmanaged to do it after five seasons.“We won it as that was our targetfor that season. We were there for along time and we felt it was time toplay in the next stage,” he said.Academy, a development outfit of

the Absa Premier league team FreeState Stars, finished second on thelog table in the four seasons thatthey had played in the SAB League.They watched the likes of Hurri-

canes FC, Dla2 FC and Mighty Witssnatching the title under their nose.Hurricanes won it twice in the2008-’09 and 2009-’10 seasons, Dla2 in2010 -’11, while Dla2 FC and Witsfrom Bethlehem won it in 2011-’12 .However, all those teams nevermade it to the next league as theywere knocked out in the nationalplay-offs.Mofokeng said they were not

going to the Motsepe League to addnumbers but to compete. However,he put it straight that winning theleague would not be their target forthis season. “We are going there tocompete. We don’t want to win theleague but keeping our status willbe a priority,” he said.He said their main aim was to

produce players for their seniorteam.“We would be happy if we could

produce players for our senior team.There is talent that needs to benurtured at grass-root level and it isour duty to develop that because asenior team has no time to nurtureplayers,” he said.They are preparing the team and

they hope to produce 25 players atthe end of the month.“We have some trialists at the

moment who are still working withour squad from last season. I amnot in a position to say who willstay and who will go until the endof the season. We need strikers,” hesaid.After winning the league, Themba

Sithole, who has been with Ea LlaKoto for more than ten years, wasdemoted to work with Mofokeng atthe development team.They will be working together for

the next season.Mofokeng said working with

Sithole was a blessing in disguise.“I am happy to work with him

because I am learning from him. Hehas been in football for a long timeand we know that one has to workwith the best to be the best,” hesaid.During this year’s Stars Gala

Awards ceremony, which was heldat the Orange Guest House which isabout 20 km from Fouriesburg onthe road to Clarens, Rantsi Mokoe-na, the general manager of theteam, said that the team wouldmake sure that they equip Mofokengfor his coaching career. He saidthey would send him on courses.“He has done a great job and he

deserves better. We’ll help him.Maybe he will be able to guide thesenior team in the season to come,”he said.

‘The Great’has big plans

DEDICATION: Edwin "The Great" Mofokeng, the Free State Development Academy mentor.

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“We are going there tocompete. We don’t

want to win the leaguebut keeping our status

will be a priority,”