expressqq 20140423

E F S ASTERN REE TATE TEL: 058 - 3035411 WEDNESDAY 23 APRIL 2014 WWW.EXPRESS-NEWS.CO.ZA WWW.EXPRESSPAPER.MOBI FREE } Tladi Moloi LESS than a month after the power supplier Rural Maintenance parted ways with the Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipali- ty, the United Residents Front and commu- nity members have shown their frustration with the situation. Rural Maintenance announced their termination of the controversial 25-year electricity contract between them and the local municipality a fortnight ago. But community members want Rural Maintenance back. About 100 community members marched to the local municipality to hand over a memorandum of grievances to the mayor. Lekhotla “Bongo Man” Rammiki, the United Residents Front national organiser, said they wanted Rural Maintenance back because they were the best company the municipality had ever contracted. “We want them to tell us why they fired the power supply company. They should bring it back as soon as possible. We have instructed the community members to remove electricity meters and to use free electricity until Rural comes back. We want them to become bankrupt,” he said. The community members, who were joined by political parties including the DA, Pan-Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC) and the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), as well as the United Residents Front, spent about four hours at the municipal head office waiting for the executive mayor, Vusi Tshabalala, who never showed up. They were later addressed by Charles Taetsane, the municipal manager, but they refused to give him a memorandum even though they were told that the mayor was not available. They said they would come back before the end of this week to give the memorundum to the relevant person. However, Express Eastern Free State was reliably informed that the mayor had been sitting in his office and had refused to come out to accept the memorandum. Rammiki said they would not give the memorandum to anyone besides the mayor. He said they had submitted their first memorandum on 20 March and they should have received the response on 10 April but that had never happened. “We don’t know if he received the first memorandum because we did not give it to him personally. So, this time we wanted to make sure that he has it in his hands.” Rammiki said they would meet with the municipal officials for a new march date. “We’ll have a bigger march on that day,” he said. Taetsane confirmed that the concerned residents had indeed refused to give him a memorandum. He added that they would hold a meeting with them to give them another date when the mayor would be available. ) Do you think Rural Maintanance should return? Share your thoughts on our Facebook page at ExpressEFS. Mayor plays hide-and-seek Community up in arms; wants Rural Maintenance back UP IN ARMS: Some of the community members who took part in the march to hand over a memorandum to the Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipality. Photo: Tladi Moloi

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} Tladi Moloi

LESS than a month after the powersupplier Rural Maintenance parted wayswith the Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipali-ty, the United Residents Front and commu-nity members have shown their frustrationwith the situation.

Rural Maintenance announced theirtermination of the controversial 25-yearelectricity contract between them and thelocal municipality a fortnight ago.

But community members want RuralMaintenance back.

About 100 community members marchedto the local municipality to hand over amemorandum of grievances to the mayor.

Lekhotla “Bongo Man” Rammiki, theUnited Residents Front national organiser,said they wanted Rural Maintenance backbecause they were the best company themunicipality had ever contracted.

“We want them to tell us why they firedthe power supply company. They shouldbring it back as soon as possible. We haveinstructed the community members toremove electricity meters and to use freeelectricity until Rural comes back. We wantthem to become bankrupt,” he said.

The community members, who werejoined by political parties including the DA,Pan-Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC)and the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF),as well as the United Residents Front, spentabout four hours at the municipal headoffice waiting for the executive mayor, VusiTshabalala, who never showed up.

They were later addressed by CharlesTaetsane, the municipal manager, but theyrefused to give him a memorandum eventhough they were told that the mayor wasnot available. They said they would comeback before the end of this week to give thememorundum to the relevant person.

However, Express Eastern Free Statewas reliably informed that the mayor hadbeen sitting in his office and had refused tocome out to accept the memorandum.

Rammiki said they would not give thememorandum to anyone besides the mayor.

He said they had submitted their first

memorandum on 20 March and they shouldhave received the response on 10 April butthat had never happened.

“We don’t know if he received the firstmemorandum because we did not give it tohim personally. So, this time we wanted tomake sure that he has it in his hands.”

Rammiki said they would meet with themunicipal officials for a new march date.

“We’ll have a bigger march on that day,”he said.

Taetsane confirmed that the concernedresidents had indeed refused to give him amemorandum. He added that they would

hold a meeting with them to give themanother date when the mayor would beavailable.) Do you think Rural Maintananceshould return?Share your thoughts on our Facebook

page at ExpressEFS.

Mayor plays hide­and­seekCommunity up in arms; wants Rural Maintenance back

UP IN ARMS: Some of the community members who took part in the march to hand over a memorandum to the Maluti­a­PhofungLocal Municipality. Photo: Tladi Moloi

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} Tladi Moloi

“I WANT to vote but I can’t,” says EvelynMosimanga who hails from the Makgoloko-eng Village near Harrismith. At 62, thisgrandmother has never cast her vote forany political party.Mosimanga is a South African citizen who

has always wanted to vote, but says she hasnever had the chance to exercise her rightsbecause she does not have an identitydocument (ID).“Election days hurt me. I always want to

join the others and vote for my belovedparty. I know that I won’t be able to do itwithout an ID.“I’ve never had one in my life because my

children did not want to help me obtain it,”she says.Mosimanga grew up on a farm near

Harrismith. She has, however, not lost hopeto vote and is hoping to vote before shedies.“I won’t die before I vote. I know that it

is impossible to vote in the upcomingelections but I am certain that my day willcome.”Mosimanga is unemployed and an ID will

also help her to qualify for an old-age grantlike others her age. She lives with heryounger sister, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.Ntombi Motaung (31), who lives with her,

says she has given up on getting an ID forMosimanga. She says she has visited theDepartment of Home Affairs in Qwaqwa andHarrismith numerous times without luck.“They sent me from pillar to post until I

told myself I should stop bothering them.They wanted me to find her mother’s IDwhich at the time was obviously a dompas.I could not obtain that ID because the housethey lived in was destroyed by fire. That iswhy my mother took her in,” she says.Motaung says they are all unemployed

and that they depend on child grants tosurvive.

She says even though she is paid thatmoney every month, it is not enough forthem.“Eish, life is difficult here. At times we

ask for food from the neighbours,” she says.On Tuesday last week, the Masibon-

isenaneni Sonke Project from Harrismithvisited the family to donate food parcels andclothes.Collen Charlie, the project manager, says

they were touched by the living conditionsof the family.

“We had a meeting with the managementof Home Affairs in Harrismith and theypromised that the granny would be helpedas soon as possible.“However, we’ll do a follow up to ensure

she is helped,” he says.

Gogo without ID has never voted

HELPING HANDS: Collen Charlie, the manager of the Masibonisenaneni Sonke Project, Ntombi Motaung, Evelyn Mosimanga and Ca­tharine Majona with a donation from the project. Photo: Tladi Moloi

THE Debt Counselling Industry hasapplauded the clampdown on thecredit industry by Dr Rob Davies, theminister of Trade and Industry, follow-ing the several radical and far-reachingprovisions of the National CreditAmendment Bill announced recently.Deborah Solomon, founder of the

Debt Counselling Industry Portal,, an online informationplatform for debt counsellors andconsumers, said the provisions of thebill “desperately needed good news”for consumers and the economy.She said the provisions would go a

long way to ensure the long-termsustainability of the credit industryand the economy, while prohibitingwidespread abuse by criminalisingcertain contraventions of the newregulations, such as overcharging andselling prescribed debt, which hascaused severe financial stress forconsumers.“We applaud the minister and the

government for taking a strong standand for understanding the plight ofconsumers who have suffered the bruntof the many loopholes in the NationalCredit Act (NCA) over the past sixyears.“Self-regulation by the banks and

other credit providers has faileddismally and the minister has come tothe rescue to forever change thelandscape of this vital financial sector,”Solomon said.“These radical changes will empower

debt counsellors and consumers bybreathing new life into the debtreview process, which until now hasbeen hampered by severe legal challeng-es.”Solomon has lobbied the government

on behalf of debt counsellors to takethe plight of consumers seriously,after it became evident that the well-intentioned NCA has failed to protectconsumers in certain aspects ofthe credit granting and debt reviewprocess.“We are absolutely delighted that the

minister took our submissions on the

bill as debt counsellors very seriouslyas he has implemented many of ourrecommendations in the final provi-sions.”Solomon added the move to develop a

statutory industry code and affordabilityassessment regulations were “hugesteps” that would “sweep clean” thecredit industry.“These regulations will give the

regulator and the courts more teethwhen it comes to assessing cases ofreckless lending and will leave nowriggle room for credit providers toblame debt-stressed consumers forlying about their financial positions.”Solomon added that the decision was

taken to cap the cost of credit lifeinsurance and to include a provisionthat credit providers would no longer beable to terminate a credit agreementwhen a debt review application is beforethe court.She also added that the decision offers

consumers “protection and predictabili-ty”.“The provisions will ensure that the

credit market works efficiently forconsumers, the banks and the economyas a whole.“The way the credit market has been

operating was not sustainable, giventhe high levels of household debt,consumers with impaired creditrecords and the continual granting ofadditional credit to the already over-in-debted.”The household debt to income ratio

rose to 75,8% in the second quarter of2013 – the highest level in a year, while9,53 million consumers have impairedcredit records.Solomon said more good news for

consumers was the ban on buying,selling and collecting prescribed debtsby third parties.“South African consumers have been

plagued for many years by companiesthat seek to profit from chasing consum-ers for payments of prescribed debts.“Finally, these companies can now be

brought to book, along with theirbullying tactics.”

Consumers offeredmore protection

} Tladi Moloi

DAVID MASHININI, a well-knownbusinessman in Bethlehem, was allegedlyrobbed at gunpoint by three unknownpersons at his house last Tuesday.It is alleged that the suspects withdrew

cash from his bank account and laterabandoned his vehicle in town. No familymembers were injured in the process.Sgt Mmako Mophiring, police spokesper-

son, confirmed the incident.“It is alleged that on 15 April at approxi-

mately 08:00 three armed suspects wearingbalaclavas approached the businessman athome while he was with his children,” saidMophiring.“They demanded money and withdrew an

undisclosed amount at the bank while one

of them stayed behind and held the familyat gunpoint. Their hands were tied withpieces of cloth.“It is further alleged that two of the three

suspects came back and left in two ofMashinini’s vehicles,” said Mophiring.He said the two vehicles had later been

found abandoned in town and the other inPanoroma East.“No one was injured,” he said.Mophiring said it was not yet clear how

the suspects had gained entry into thehouse and that a case of armed robberywas being investigated.“Anyone with information that may lead

to the arrest and conviction of the suspectscan call the Bethlehem Police on 058-307-5700, Crime Stop on 086-001-0111 or thecrime line 32211,” he concluded.

Businessman robbed at homeDAVID MASHININI, a well­known businessman from Bethlehem, was allegedly robbedat gunpoint by three unknown persons at his house. Photo: Tladi Moloi

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} Tladi Moloi

WITH the 2014 national elections aroundthe corner, leaders of political parties aredoing everything in their power to obtainnew voters and to secure the old ones.

On Friday Mosioua “Terror” Lekota, theCongress of the People (Cope) leader,travelled around Bethlehem and toldExpress Eastern Free State that his visitwas aimed at meeting people in differentareas to talk to them about issues confront-ing the nation and to tell them about theimportance of voting for the party.

“I have been talking to people on theradio and from a podium in parliament. Wefelt that it was time to visit them so thatthey could ask us their questions directly.In essence it was to let them know that Iam familiar with the conditions underwhich they live and to persuade them totrust me and vote for me, for a party thatwill work for them,” he said.

Lekota said the level of unemploymentin Bethlehem was devastating.

“People need jobs because they needfood,” he said.

“The money that used to be available toemploy young people and people to cleanthe streets now disappears into the pocketsof the corrupt local and provincial leaders.The result is these people are no longeremployed,” he said.

Lekota said he was not giving peoplehope, but explained that if they voted formen and women who were reliable (refer-ring to those who worked with Mbeki andMandela) the country would surely change.

“At the moment we can see that theruling party has been taken over by corruptelements. You must vote for a politicalparty that will not protect corrupt people.We want to focus on the education of yourchildren. If you educate children they willgrow up to build their own homes. Theywill take their parents out of the four-roomhouses of apartheid,” Lekota concluded.

Vote to make a difference – Lekota

MOSIOUA “TERROR” LEKOTA (right), the Congress of the People (Cope) president, withMaria Matroos, Madintja Mokoena, PinkyMofo­keng and Sylvia Motaung (Cope youth secretary). Photo: Tladi Moloi

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Malema callsAce ‘fake Jesus’

JULIUS MALEMA, leader of theEconomic Freedom Fighters(EFF), during his address inBohlokong, Bethlehem.

Photo: Tladi Moloi

ga ba bosi, ba na le bathusi lebaeletsi. Fa motho a bua fale re reo botlhale.Rre yo o botlhale o dula le

mogatse ba bontshane mme e re atswela kwa ntle a bue jaakatlhogo.Rona basadi ba ba rutegileng re

tle re nagane gore re botlhalemme borre ba re nyalaneng lebone re ba feta ka botlhale.Fa o le botlhale o tla gakolola

rre mme nako dingwe le fa e karega a go reetsa o le mme o tla bonaa tla ka yone tlhagiso e, e kare keya gagwe. Se mo gakolole gore kego reetse jalo.Itumele mme o mo reye o re eya

rra, ke kakanyo e e botlhale eo.Bothata ke gore rona re rata

matshwao le gore batho ba itse fare le botlhale mme rre e lesematla.Hlompha lenyalo la gagoLenyalo le phepa, le itshekile, le

le shweu le a galalela.Kano e re e tsayang mo len-

A re buengAdvocate Kuni DitiraAuthor

Hao hlompha lenyalo la gao wa le tiisaRE LAYA banyalani ka letsatsi lalenyalo mme gantsi ga ba utlwesepe.Letsatsi le o ba bo ba itumetse

mme ditlhaloganyo tsa bone di saletle sepe se se ka nnang sa bakgopisa.Dipuo di le dintsi ebile ba lapile

go reetsa. Ba tla utlwa fela fa e legongwe lenyalo le gatisitswe mmeba le bona le go utlwa mo kgati-song ya video. Fa go sa nna jaloga ba utlwe sepe.Ka moetlo go tle go nne le

ditlhobogano. Ga ke itse gorenggotwe ke ditlhobogano.Ka letsatsi le, e ka nna letsatsi

morago ga lenyalo kgotsa go neletsatsi la lenyalo mo dikgaolongtse dingwe, bobedi bo kopana lebagolo mme ba lawe.Ke kopane le mme yo o santseng

a le monnye a re, re a ba nyadisamme ga gona nako epe mo moragore ba rotloetsang re ba fa dikga-kololo.Go na le batho ba ba atleng ba

rulaganye dikopano mo banyalaniba kopanang gone mme ba dulematsatsi a le mmalwa ba bua kalenyalo le dikamano tsa lenyalo.Mo dibekeng tse di latelang keeletsa go bua gagolo le banyalanile bao ba ikaelelang go tsena monyalong.Lenyalo le monate e bile le

lentle. Mo bukeng ya me Botshelobo Marara, ke kwadile ka lenyalo.Ke Mokreste mme ke tla sekega

dikgakololo tsa me mo Beibeleng.Hlompha monna wa gago.Beible e re monna ke tlhogo. Ke

gakolola bomme go tlhomphaborre. Se omane rre mo pele gabatho o mo tlontlolola.Shupa tlhompho ka dinako

tsotlhe. Rre le ene a reetse mme, ase ka a tsaya ditshwetso a le esi.Tlhogo e ka se phele kwa-ntle le

mmele.Nagana tlhogo ke ele e tlola-tlola

e le yosi – dikgakgamatso.Moeteledipele mongwe le

mongwe o na le bagakolodi.Pele moeteledipele a tsaya

tshwetso o bitsa pitso mme athagisese a se akantseng.Morago ga go bona dikeletso, ke

gone a tsayang tshwetso.Moeteledipele yo o botlhale o

itikaganyetsa ka baeletsi ba babotlhale go mo feta mme o reetsadikeletso.Fa re lebeletse baeteledipele ba

ba botlhale jaaka borre Mandela,borre Obama, re tle re lebale gore

yalong e re –“ke tla mo rata, ke mo direle, ke

mo rate, ke mo tlotle, ke mmolokemo pobolong le mo boitekanelong,mme ke tlogele botlhe ke itsheget-se mo go ene a le esi, ka sebakasotlhe se re tla tshelang ka sonere le babedi”.O seke wa letlelela wa boraro go

tsena mo gare.E ka nna motsadi, ngwana,

kgaitsadi, nyatsi kgotsa mongwe lemongwe.hlompha kano ya gago. Hlompha

lenyalo la gago. Se letlelele sepego lo silafatsa.Fa o lebelela pala-monwana ga o

bone gore e simolola kae, e felela

kae, le gore e kopantswe kae.Fa lo nyalana, lo babedi mo

gare ga pala-monwana e. Seletlelele ope kgotsa sepe go ekgaola.) Mang kapa mang ya abatlang ho ngola kholomongena, a ka ikopanya le JabulaniDlamini ho 051-404-7910 kapaho: [email protected]) Mongodi ha ana ho lefiwa.) This feature is part of afour-part series on Marriage.Part 2 will be published nextweek - Ed.) Visit follow the series

Ka letsatsi le, e ka nna letsatsi moragoga lenyalo kgotsa go ne letsatsi la lenya­lo mo dikgaolong tse dingwe, bobedi bo

kopana le bagolo mme ba lawe.Ke kopane le mme yo o

santseng a le monnye a re, re a banyadisa mme ga gona nako epe momorago re ba rotloetsang re ba fa

dikgakololo.­ Adv. Kuni Ditira

} Tladi Moloi

JULIUS MALEMA, com-mander in chief of theEconomic Freedom Fighters(EFF), said Ace Magashule,the premier of the FreeState, should be voted out ofgovernment because he wasa criminal.He said Magashule had

failed the people of the FreeState and that he should bereplaced by the EFF premiercandidate, Mandisa Ma-khesini.“We know about your

frustrations. Your childrenwent to school but they arenot employed because ourmunicipalities give jobs totheir friends.“You don’t get a job if you

don’t have a relative workingin government.“You don’t get RDP houses

because Magashule haschewed up the moneybudgeted for these homes.”Malema spoke that in

Bohlokong, Bethlehem,during his visit on Thurs-day.He said in the whole of

South Africa the Free Statewas the only province thathad a backlog in RDPhouses.He said the Free State was

without leadership.“Magashule gave that

money to his business

partners.“We know that if you have

a business and you don’tsupport Magashule you willnever get a job.“If you’re working and you

don’t support him, they fireyou because he is ‘Jesus’ inthis province.“We celebrated Jesus on

Friday, but in the Free Statethere is a fake Jesus. Wedon’t know Jesus as acriminal.“We know a Jesus Christ

who loves his people.”He said the EFF were

going to put an end tocorruption in the Free Stateand make sure that theyarrested Magashule.“We know that he was

taught crime by his father,Jacob Zuma.“We know that Zuma has

stolen your money. Yourchildren don’t have food.The roads are bad. You don’thave electricity, land andclinics, but Zuma built aswimming pool.“What is a 72-year-old man

going to do with a pool?”Malema urged the commu-

nity to vote for the EFF on7 May because they are theones who can change thecountry.“We’ll give you land

because if you have land,you have everything,” hesaid.

‘We know that Zumahas stolen your money.

Your children don’thave food. The roads

are bad. You don’thave electricity, landand clinics, but Zuma

built a swimming pool.’– Julius Malema

} Tladi Moloi

WATER is a source of life and it isa given that dirty water can causehealth problems. The residents ofPaul Roux have been strugglingwith water, but this is a thing ofthe past thanks to the Bethlehemand Paul Roux Bulk Water andSanitation Project, worth R51 mil-lion, that was launched on Wednes-day.Express Eastern Free State was

told that there had been only fourtaps in the Fateng tse Ntsholocation and that water had comefrom boreholes.Ndabiseng Ndaba (37), who hails

from Fateng tse Ntsho, said shewas happy with what the govern-ment had done for them. She saidwater was a problem, as at timesthey had to travel far to get it.“At least we were still getting it.

The most irritating thing was thebucket system. At times we had tosit with a full bucket when themunicipal workers were on strike.

They have built VIP toilets for usand they are installing the pipes. Iam very happy,” she said.The project was launched by Ace

Magashule, the Free State premier.He was accompanied by Sisi

Ntombela, the MEC for SocialDevelopment, Sisi Mabe, the MECfor Public Works and Olly Mlamle-li, the MEC for CooperativeGovernance, Traditional Affairsand Human Settlements. Magashulesaid he was happy that people ofPaul Roux would now have water.“I am very happy for you. I want

to thank you for being patient. Wetold you in 2009 that life would bedifferent. You should go and votefor us, because we’ll make surethat after the votes we come backhere and do the same,” he said.Tjhetane Mofokeng, the executive

mayor of the Dihlabeng LocalMunicipality, said the launch of theproject was a good story to tell.“We want to thank our govern-

ment. They have brought hope toour community,” he said.

Water problem solved

CLEM HARRINGTON (left), the MMC for local economic developmentand tourism in the Dihlabeng Local Municipality, and Ace Magashule,the Free State premier, at the launch of the Bethlehem and Paul RouxBulk Water and Sanitation Project. Photo: Tladi Moloi

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THE University of the Free State (UFS)Qwaqwa Campus management hasrecently held a series of presentations toupdate staff and student leaders onrecent developments. The presentationswere titled The year behind and theyears ahead.Prof. Prakash Naidoo, the campus

principal, Teboho Manchu (vice princi-pal: support services) and Elsa Crause(vice-principal: academic and research)looked back at 2013 as well as the plansgoing ahead.“We are proud of the numerous and

significant strides that we have seenover the last year. Our academics havewon about nine awards, highlighting ouremphasis on research and development.We are proud to have two of the ten topresearchers at the UFS, Dipane Hlaleleand Riaan Luyt.“Hlalele specialises in rural education

and spent three months in Sweden lastyear researching how to make educationaccessible to rural communities.“Luyt specialises in polymer science.

They have both put our campus on theinternational map and they rub shoul-ders with the best in the world and weare indeed very proud of them,” saidNaidoo.Naidoo said they were also very glad

that the winner of the 2013 Vice Chancel-lor’s Prestige Award, Aliza le Roux, wasof their Department of Zoology andEntomology.“Her research on the communicative

skills of wild mammals like foxes andmonkeys has created big waves withinthe international research world,” hesaid.Naidoo also revealed how the campus

had physically developed the last fewmonths.“We are one of the very few institu-

tions with almost 100% wireless internet

connection which helps in reducing theburden on our computer labs. We have aneye-catching entrance which has becomemore than just our gate. It has become animportant landmark for all people drivinginto Qwaqwa. You just cannot ignore it.“Looking ahead, we have two major

constructions underway – the new Physicsand Geography labs to advance scientificresearch and the new 250-bed residence.“There are long-term plans like a student

life centre and the construction of theablution and change room facilities at thesports fields which will benefit the entirecommunity.“In as far as sports is concerned, these

new facilities will make us competitive andwe’ll be able to offer outstanding students

sports bursaries.”The management also acknowledged

growing interaction between the campusand the surrounding communitiesthrough joint partnerships forged bycommunity engagement.Naidoo said they were currently

running a leadership programme inpartnership with the Kagiso Trust andthe University of the Western Cape.“The programme trains our students

to be mentors to the gr. 10 learners atour local schools. Their graduationceremony late last year was a communi-ty affair with parents of the gr. 10learners present who gave testimonieson how the programme had changed thelives of their children.“We also have deepened involvement

with the community through theMandela Day activities where we lend ahelping hand beyond the day itself. Weare becoming a truly community-basedcampus,” he said.Naidoo also revealed that plans were

at an advanced stage to introduce theBachelor of Administration (BAdmin)degree in 2015.“This degree will empower students

who are planning to make an impact inthe management of both governmentdepartments and local government. Weare also working hard to introduce thenew and unique Bachelor of CommunityDevelopment degree. Our communitieshave a lot of community workers whoare, unfortunately, not qualified and thismakes it hard for them to progress. ThisBachelor of Community Developmentdegree will afford them such a qualifica-tion,” he said.Going forward, Naidoo revealed that

the campus would soon have completeaccess for the disabled to make it fullyaccessible to all members of the commu-nity.

Campus reaches great hights

PROF. PRAKASHNAIDOO, the campus prin­cipal at the University of the Free State,Qwaqwa Campus. Photo: Supplied

THE view from the luxurious chalets at the Basotho Cultural Village in the Golden GateHighlandsNational Parkwith the veld teemingwithwild animals, including blesbok, elandand zebras. Express and SANParks are running a competition in which one lucky readerwho enters before the end of April stands a chance to win a weekend stay for a familyof four at the Basotho Cultural Village in the Golden Gate Highlands National Park. Allyou need to do to win, is to visit the Express mobi site (, loginand enter by answering an easy question. If you have not yet registered, now is yourchance. To register, go to the mobi site by opening your phone’s internet browser, typein and enter. Follow the instructions to register. Directions onhow to enter the competition will be on the site. The winners will be announced in theExpress edition of 7 May. Photos: Christo van Staden

THE South African National Blood Service(SANBS) is experiencing yet another difficulttime with regards to blood collection.Almost 40% of blood collected comes from

schools and universities and due to theholidays the SANBS is unable to host theseblood drives.This, and the many donors who decide to

take a break, impact the blood stock levelssignificantly, the SANBS says in a pressrelease.Currently, the blood stock at national level

is 2,7 days and in the Free State andNorthern Cape province it is 3,4 days.“The SANBS needs to maintain a stock

level of 5 days at all times by collecting 3 000units of blood per day to meet the demand ofthe thousands of patients who rely on bloodtransfusions for their survival,” saysVanessa Raju, communications manager ofthe SANBS.The organisation is appealing to members

of the public who meet the minimum blooddonor requirements, especially blood donorswho may have missed a blood donation, tohelp boost supplies by committing todonating blood.In order to become a blood donor you

must weigh at least 50 kg, be between theages of 16 and 65, lead a safe sexual lifestyle,be in general good health, and consider yourblood safe for transfusion to a patient.For more information, call 080-011-9031,

send a email to [email protected] oor visit za.

Blood levelslow due toholidays

For more news andphotos go to

Win with Express

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SportsstarswantedARE you good atsport – or issomeone in yourschool or place ofeducation good atsport? Are youmotivating ortraining others tobe good at sport?Are you a youngcoach who iscoaching future stars? Are you gettingpeople active at your school, community orgym?Express Eastern Free State wants to hear

from you.SuperSport’s Let’s Play identified the

need amongst the youth to get more sportactive.

With this in mind SuperSport and Let’sPlay, in association with Express EFS, havelaunched a special initiative.

We want to find and give recognition tolearners at either primary or high schoollevel who excel in sport or who are helpingothers to be more active.

The SuperSport’s Let’s Play Sports Starof the Month is a competition for anyoneaged six to 18.

You can nominate yourself or be nomi-nated by a friend or any teacher, lectureror coach at your school or place of educa-tion. You can even be nominated by afamily member or friend who knows howgood you are.

The winner is chosen from all thenominations received for that month. Themonthly winner will receive a Let’s Playhamper filled with goodies.

From all the entries received eachmonth, one player will be chosen as theSuperSport Let’s Play Sports Star of theMonth.

At the end of the year one player fromall the monthly winners will be chosen asthe SuperSport Let’s Play Sports Star of theYear.

Send your nomination today (nomina-tions received before the 20th of everymonth will be included in that month’sselection. Nominations received after the20th of every month will be carried over tothe next month’s selection).

Your nomination must include yourname, age and a short paragraph (less than200 words) on what you have achieved, aswell as your contact details.

You can email your nomination [email protected] or send a fax to086-552-4922.

For more information contact Lynne orJuanré at Z PR on 051-522-9574.

Write storiesfor newspaperEXPRESS EAST-ERN FREE STATEis looking forvolunteer citizenjournalists to writeabout eventshappening in andaround their area ofresidence.

The paper also wants to know aboutthe kind of issues that the communityis faced with, as well as the good newsin your community.

You may have a story you want toshare, or you may want to writereviews of any kind for the ExpressEstern Free State website.

Maybe you want to offer otherdrivers traffic reports on your way towork via the mobi-site, or maybe youwant to start a blog and become afamous blogger.

The paper’s website can help youwith that.

You may even be a keen gardenerand want to offer tips on gardening viathe website, or you could have afascinating local story to tell.

As long as it is local and original,Express Eastern Free State is interest-ed.

Register at join the team as a citizen journal-ist.

THE drum majorettes team of the Tiisetsang Secondary School in Bethlehem was part of the Human Rights Day Celebrations at thenew Bohlokong Hall. Photo: Tladi Moloi

Free State Stars beat UPFREE STATE STARSdefeated the University ofPretoria 1-0 in an early AbsaPremiership match at theCharles Mopeli Stadium onWednesday evening, withMoeketsi Sekola scoring theonly goal of the game.

This result is a crucial onefor Ea Lla Koto, who haveboosted their hopes ofavoiding the dreaded promo-tion relegation playoff, thoughthey remain – temporarily atleast – second from thebottom on the log.

Stars were the morepositive team in attack in thefirst half, pinning the visitors

back and creating severalgood chances from whichthey could have claimed thelead.

Sekola, Richard Henyekane,Luyolo Nomandela andPaulus Masehe all attemptedgoals that were no trouble forTuks goalkeeper WashingtonArubi.

However, the Zimbabweanshot-stopper made an excel-lent save to parry a 33rd

minute effort from CamaldineAbraw that looked destinedfor the back of the net.

The visitors offered occa-sional threats, but they rarelycalled Ea Lla Koto’s AyandaMtshali into action during thefirst half, which ended withthe teams locked at 0-0.

The home side continued todominate in the second halfand finally broke the dead-lock at 57 minutes, with acorner kick seeing SadateOuro-Akoriko providing anassist for Sekola to beatArubi with a right-footedshot, 1-0.

Ten minutes later Abraw

almost doubled Stars’ leadwith a powerful shot ontarget that forced Arubi intoan excellent finger-tip save.

The University of Pretoriashuffled their pack byintroducing the likes ofRaymond Monama and LuckyMathosi off their bench, andthey very nearly forced anequaliser on 78 minutes whenGrant Kekana was denied bya diving save from Mtshali.

That was as good as it gotin the visitors’ search for anequaliser, allowing Stars tobreak a four-game winlessstreak in the League.–

Bring flair to celebrations

Ministry branch opens up in BethlehemLAST Saturday about 50community members fromBohlokong, Bethlehem, gatheredat house number 5773 inExtension 2 in celebration ofthe official launch of the Rivers

of Living Water Ministry ofArch branch in Bethlehem.

The branch was launchedsuccessfully and it was followedby the opening of anotherbranch in Reitz on the same

day.More people were healed on

the day as they also receivedprayers from different pastorswho attended the ceremony.

Most of the community

members who attended theceremony revealed that it hadalways been their wish to havea branch in Bethlehem andadded that a dream had cometrue.

Double tickets up for grabsTHE Nedbank Ke Yona TeamSearch 2014 is underway.

The search started inPolokwane on Monday andKwaZulu-Natal will follow onSaturday.

A first of its kind in thehistory of South Africanfootball, the Nedbank Ke YonaTeam Search launched in 2013is set to be even bigger andbetter this year.

The call was made byNedbank to ordinary SouthAfricans to grab the once ina lifetime opportunity to maketheir football dreams a realitywhen the search was officiallyannounced on 1 April.

To date, more than 18 000applications have been re-

ceived from aspiring footballstars from all walks of life andNedbank is again pulling outall the stops to ensure that itprovides the best platform forthe next football heroes tomake a name for themselves.

A total of 48 players will beidentified for a professionaland exciting boot camp thatwill see the squad eventuallytrimmed down to the final18-man squad to face thewinners of the most prizedtournament in South Africa,the Nedbank Cup.

Nedbank Ke Yona TeamSearch try-out dates andvenues:1. Saturday, 26 April: King

Zwelethini Stadium, Umlazi,KwaZulu-Natal.2. Monday, 28 April: CliveSolomon Stadium, Bloemfon-tein, Free State.3. Saturday, 10 May: Ajax CapeTown Ikamva Complex, Parow,Western Cape.4. Saturday and Sunday, 24 and25 May: FNB Stadium, Johan-nesburg, Gauteng.

Interested players can enterby simply dialling *120*KEYO-NA# or *120*539662# andfollowing the easy steps.

Players must be between theages of 18 and 35 and inpossession of a valid SouthAfrican ID to be eligible toenter. All entries close 48hours before each try-out date.

EXPRESS EASTERN FREESTATE and Nedbank are givingaway 15 double tickets for theNedbank Cup quarter­final gamebetween African Warriors andMaritzburg United on Saturdayat the Charles Mopeli Stadium.Towin a ticket answer this ques­tion: Who did African Warriorsbeat to qualify for the quarter­fi­nals? Send you answer startingwith the keyword “EXP” to45533.

Stars were the morepositive team in at­tack in the first half.

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MAMELODI SUNDOWNS,Kaizer Chiefs and Bidvest Witsare in a three-horse race to becrowned champions . . . but whowill finish at the top?

With just over four weeks ofthe 2013-’14 Absa PremierhipLeague season remaining, thedivision’s top two teams areseparated by three points in oneof the most fiercely contestedtitle races since the competitionhad begun in 1996.

The Brazilians, who no longerhave to divide their attentionbetween the Premiership Leagueand Nedbank Cup, are sitting atthe top of the log, and they havebeen in excellent form.

Amakhosi lie second, and theyhave one game in hand –although that does not guaranteethem three points.

The Soweto giants are also stillcompeting in the Nedbank Cupcompetition.

Mathematically, Bidvest Witsare also still in with a chance towin the league championship ifthey win all their remainingmatches. But that will onlyhappen if Sundowns and Chiefsfalter.

Express’s writers give theirverdict on who will prevail:

Tladi Moloi

Who? Kaizer ChiefsWhy? I think Kaizer Chiefs

stand a good chance of winningthe league championship thisseason. They may be sittingsecond on the table, but theyhave proven themselves to be agood team, and so have Mamelo-di Sundowns.

However, Pitso Mosimaneseems to run out of ideas attimes, despite all the qualityplayers he has at his disposal.Mosimane’s men still have toplay against Supersport Unitedin the Tshwane Derby and thatis where his side might kiss theleague title goodbye.

They also have MaritzburgUnited waiting for them on thelast day of the season.

Guess who is guiding United?Steve “Mr Mind” Komphela.

Coming back to Chiefs, theyhave lost two league games in arow but they will bounce back totheir winning ways.

They are used to this kind ofpressure. They will go on to beatevery team that comes their way,but let me tell you the Witsgame against Chiefs will be ahell of a game.

Jabulani Dlamini

Who? Kaizer Chiefs

Why? The mighty Amakhosihave the pedigree to bounce backfrom their demoralising defeat toMpumalanga Black Aces whichsaw the Brazilians overtake themto go to the summit of the AbsaPremiership standings.

In Stuart Baxter, Chiefs seemto have found the right man forthe job.

He seems to continuouslybring out the best in his playersand all he has to do now issimply show them that theleague is theirs to lose notSundowns’ to win.

While Bidvest Wits still havean outside chance to clinch it, Ibelieve Chiefs are hungryenough to fight to keep thetrophy for a second successiveseason. Whatever happens, thisone is going down to the wire.

Sidwell Guduka

Who? Kaizer Chiefs

Why? Because they are thebest team in it. I backed thembefore the season and while it istempting to switch to MamelodiSundowns, I’ll resist.

My money is still on Chiefs. Ibelieve they have the pedigree tosuccessfully defend their leaguetitle.

They may have two difficulttrips to Polokwane City andBidvest Wits to contend with,but Stuart Baxter’s side certainlyhas the quality and no otherdistractions.

However, they played theirbest in most of the games butfailed to perform in the gamesthat were vital (against Sun-downs and Black Aces).

The outcome of those twomatches affected their positionon top of the log.

This was a huge disappoint-ment for the team and the fansas they saw their dream becom-

ing a blur.Now they have to win all their

remaining matches and hopethat Sundowns will lose or drawso that they can have the PSLtitle in their hands. I put it toyou, Amakhosi will prevaileventually.

Boipelo Mere

Who? Kaizer Chiefs

Why? Kaizer Chiefs are morethan likely to be crowned theAbsa Premiership championsthis season.

The league seems destined fora photo finish as the presentchampions Kaiser Chiefs and thestar-studded Mamelodi Sundownsstand toe-to-toe for the 2014crown, and pocketing theR10 million prize.

Not because Sundowns haveexperienced a drought in thepast, but because the Chiefs arethe only team in the PSL whohave the never-say-die attitudeand the tendency of fighting tothe bitter end.

Kaizer Chiefs have played onegame less than Sundowns.

If both sides manage to win alltheir remaining games Chiefswill win it on goal difference.

Teboho Setena

Who? Mamelodi Sundowns

Why? The really big titles insport are the ultimate confirma-tion of excellence.

Thousands of people have thetalent, but only a chosen few aremade of the right stuff.

The bookmakers have put theirmoney on Kaizer Chiefs andMamelodi Sundowns given thetwo sides’ prospects to lift thetitle over third-placed BidvestWits.

The Students are like vultureswaiting for the kill, and couldspoil the party for the title raceis far from over.

Second-placed Chiefs are fourpoints off the lead and also havethe title in their sight with oneof their last four games againstAmaZulu and the leadersSundowns braced for MaritzburgUnited.

The title will be claimed thelast day of the league on 10 May.A lot of things can happenbetween now and the end of theseason.

Chiefs and Sundowns wish thatthey could win.

As it stands, Chiefs need fourpoints to regain the lead and tobecome best placed to wrestle thetitle from Sundowns, who arerequired to collect four points tohave their hands firmly on thecrown.

It is no longer the coaches butrather the team.

The players with the abilityand mental strength to executethe game plan will be thechampions.

If Amakhosi tie on points withSundowns, it will be motivationenough to ensure the title istheirs.

Such a scenario will put theBrazilians under immensepressure – costly mistakes areinevitable.

Sundowns have the edge unlessthe unthinkable happens.


THE remaining fixtures for theleague season are as follows:Sundowns’ remaining

matches:) vs Black Aces (LoftusVersfeld Stadium);) vs Moroka Swallows (Dobson-ville Stadium);) vs Supersport United (LoftusVersfeld Stadium); and) vs Maritzburg United (Harry

Gwala Stadium).Chiefs’ remaining matches:

) vs Polokwane City (PeterMokaba Stadium);) vs Bidvest Wits (BidvestStadium);) vs Free State Stars (FNBStadium);

) vs University of Pretoria(Mbombela Stadium); and) vs Amazulu (Peter MokabaStadium).

Wits’ remaining matches:) vs Moroka Swallows (Bidvest-

Stadium);) vs Supersport United (LucasMoripe Stadium);) vs Kaizer Chiefs (BidvestStadium);) vs Maritzburg United (BidvestStadium);) vs Orlando Pirates (BidvestStadium); and) vs Bloemfontein Celtic(Kaizer Sebothelo Stadium).

WHO will winthe Absa Pre-miership title?Express’s writersgive their verdict.

Remaining fixtures