exploring the west unit 5 – chapter 11 – lesson 1 pages 426 - 432

Exploring the West Unit 5 – Chapter 11 – Lesson 1 Pages 426 - 432

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Exploring the West

Unit 5 – Chapter 11 – Lesson 1Pages 426 - 432

ObjectivesDescribe how early pioneers met the challenges of frontier life.

Explain why President Jefferson agreed to buy Louisiana.

Describe the expedition to explore the lands of the Louisiana Purchase.


Gap – a low place between mountains

Pioneer – an early settler of an area

Consequence – result of a specific action

Content Focus

In the 1700s and 1800s, many immigrants came to the United States. Some crossed over the Cumberland Gap to settle the frontier.

Immigrants and Pioneers

1700 – 1800s – Many immigrantsEngland IrelandScotlandGermany


Escape hard times

Escape war

Escape religious persecution

Wanted money and land


Ships would land at major ports along Atlantic coast

New York – popular port for immigrants


Many wanted to go to frontier




Large barrier that prevented easy westward movement

The Cumberland GapToday located where TN, VA, KY meet

Native Americans had a trail over the Appalachians through the gap.

Daniel BooneBest known PIONEER to cross AppalachianHired to widen the gapBuilt “The Wilderness Road”Becomes main route to WEST1792 – KY 15th state1st state west of Appalachians

Why was Wilderness Road important?

It helped pioneers cross the Appalachian mountains – opening up the West.

Many Americans searched for a _____ to pass through Appalachian Mountains.


What was the first state West of the Appalachians?



The Wilderness Road was difficultNo storesBring ALL suppliesMany wanted to go anywayWhy? East is over populated. Land west is cheaper and more available.

State of FranklinDispute in North Carolina3 counties in west create own stateJohn Sevier – elected governorN.C. soon took back control.

Tennessee (TN)1796 – 16th stateSevier elected governorName comes from TANSAI = Cherokee VillageAdmitted to Union

Ohio1803 – 17th state

Many settlers move in along the Ohio River area

45,000 people live there

Who was the first governor of Tennessee?

John Seiver

Cause & Effect

Because more people moved west. . .

The effect is many new states are formed.

Thomas Jefferson1801 – 3rd PresidentGoal = Expand BordersProblem-U.S. no ports on Gulf of MexicoPort of Orleans – owned by Spanish (remember French/Indian War?)

Big Purchase!1801 – Spain gives France Louisiana backU.S. Fear France would build settlements and prevent Americans from moving westNapoleon Bonaparte –Leader of France

Jefferson takes action

President Jefferson send officials to France

Request – U.S. wants to purchase New Orleans and Western Florida

This is just a small portion of Louisiana

France has problems!

Going to war with Britian

Short on money

Napoleon offers to sell ALL of Louisiana (800,000 square miles) for only $15 million

SOLD!April 30, 1803 the purchase is finalized

The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the U.S.

Why did France agree to sell Louisiana?

They needed money to fight a war against Britian

What agreement was made by Jefferson that doubled the size of the U.S.?

The Louisiana Purchase

Lewis & Clark

Jefferson hires his friend Meriwether Lewis to led an expeditionLewis asks his friend William Clark to come Clark’s job = keep records & make mapsJefferson’s task Find most direct water route across continent

Corps of Discovery

Team of 40Called Corps of DiscoveryYork – slave owned by Clark is also on teamMay 1804 – Leave St. Louis, MOTravel by boat up Missouri RiverDrew maps, gathered plants & animals

OctoberStop for winterToday North DakotaFort Mandan (Indian Village)Hire French fur trader and Shoshone Indian wife, Sacagawea as guides

Spring 1805

Continue up Missouri riverReach the Rocky MountainsUsed horses to crossAfter, built boatsClearwater, Snake, and Columbia River


November 1805

Reach the Pacific Ocean

3,000 miles

1 ½ years


Spent at Fort Clatsop

Now in Oregon

March 1806 – head back

September arrive in St. Louis, MO

BenefitsMAPS show mountain passes & major rivers

Brought back seeds, plants, and animals

The work done by Corps of Discovery added to the knowledge Americans had about the lands that became the WEST.

Pike ExploresZebulon Pike – 1806

SW area of purchase

Saw “Blue Mountain”

Now in Colorado – named Pikes Peak

Pike ProblemStrayed into Spanish territoryArrestedAfter release – spread word of Spanish need for manufactured goodsMany traveled to SW to sell goods to Spanish

How did Louisiana Purchase affect the U.S.?

Doubled sizeExtended border to Rocky MountainsLed to exploration

What obstacle did Lewis & Clark find in their direct water route?

Rocky mountains