every evening—wilmington, delaware, friday, june …wu. an outstanding leader in uls k!’”r,nl...

V EVERY EVENINGWILMINGTON, DELAWARE, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1922, 20 Ham« flfr»! Foreign Affair« upon hl« return home but aoon after resigned. Dr. Wu wna active during the Boner uprising nri(l for hl« determination to aavo the live« of American» and PHILA. BOY SCOUT SLAIN. IX. PETE DECLINES BUT RALLIES AGAIN G. 0. P. CLANS AT THE CECIL tOITHTY NOTES. STOCK QUOTATIONS 2.00 o'clock Ten year« ag«■» It n*' me HI* have th« house I live In treated »o »w« coat* of jailnt. Thre« year« Iftftr X r«-4 ISO for n »Ingle ro»f of f>alnt. Rft painting ha» again become « n*'«m\ry. For two coata the lowest hid I ko A Special Correspondence Rvary Evening Klkton, Md., June 23.Dr. .1. Eugene donee, Jr., who for the past two year« liae been a member of the medical staff of the University of Wisconsin, Is visiting hin father In Elkton. In the enrly fall he will assume his new duties at the Children« Hospital, Philadelphia. Profens<#r C. W, Webber has re- signed his position In the English department nt Tome Institute, Port Deposit, and accepted a position nt Olrnrd College, Philadelphia. Ho will reside at Ijimsdowne, Pa. The 100th anniversary of Bt. Au- gustine Church, Hohemla Manor, will bo celebrated next Hunday. Ilev. M. M. Ooldlo of (Vcllton, will havo charge of the services, and the choir of the Church of the Oood Shepherd, Chesa- penlio Clly, will furnish rnusle. The Holloway vs. Black Injunction case, which had been before the Cecil County Court for two years, owing to a dispute over a right of way at Charlestown, has lieen dismissed be- cause of the dpath of the defendant, Walter E. Black, of Ohnrlestown. The election supervisors for Cerll county organized by electing Bayard d. Black chairman, Fred' H. l-cffier rlerk and Albert D. Mackay counsel. William dlllcsple and John Price painters, employed at Tome Institute, were Injured yesterday, when a scaf- folding on which they were standing gave way, throwing lioth men to the ground broken ankle and a severe ctit on the head, while Mr. Price wns severely bruised about the hotly. The girls of Zion have organized a baselmll team. Murdered end Robbed, Police Think; ^.ad Left Home June 7. ? NEW YOltK STOCKS. Europenna his loyalty to the Dowager Empress was questioned and he lest jhls yellow Jacket and Peacock feather, get Is 1360. Evidently normaJoy hag 1 wo exalted decorations, and It was said .not been reached when It cornea l* nr . . i. rj h,,, head wag In danger had he return- ; painting houses And ye* penile erg believed to nave Been onartng e(1 to f^lna at that time as he had being urged to "build now. prt'ee *ri Fate of Chinese President When Death* Came. » Reported Pally by Laird ft Co, Se- curity Brokers, du Pont Bunding. Previous Clos«. « By Associated Press to Every Evening. rhllndelphla, June 23.The body of a young man, found by mushroom pickers on the outskirts of the city, with a mask over hie face, a botany book by hi* side and three bullet wounds In bis back today was Identi- fied by hl« parent« as that of Fcnl> more Cooper Lawrence, student and boy scout leader. He was murdered and robbed, the theory of police. A pistol, with one chamber exploded which was found In his tight hand, Is believed to have been placed there by his murderer. His clothes containing neither money or Jewelry. Any one of the three bullet wounds would have been fatal accord- ing to the coroner« physician, law- rence left the home of his parents June 7, alone to go camping. His Identity was established when his v>ar- ents roAd of the llbdlng of a botany book near the body. Pan-Amarican Gains 7 V* Points D. L. A W. Up Four Marks, Coast Line 3. Committees, Comprising Men and Women. Will Meet and Hear Addresses. Company. Allied Oh«wu. ft Dye AU1» Chalmers ........... lft«t. 08 > liable to go higher."IndWr «polls u,*r, been command'd 40' A A 4(1 . C Am. Car ft Pdy........................ Am. Hide ft Leather.......... 14 Am. Llide ft Leather, pfd. 67*, International ................ 431* Linseed .............. .......... Am 4(1 4,- SUMMER RESORTS Bp Aa*totaled ' ws to Every Evening. New York , Juno 23. (Wall street lh.30 a. ro.l.Announcement that the •toefc exchange authorities had order- ed an tmestlgatlon Into the recent re- DMtrkahle movements *f Mexican Pe- troleum made that stock the central feature at the active snd strong open- ing of today's session. Mexican Petro- Alia*, Com.......... l«um was the tiret stock to appear on the ticker, the initial transaction of Loco.' .. 600 shares at 1*4 showing a gain of half a poli* over yesterday's final price In the next half doien sales, em- bracing lots of 100 to 500 shares, the ■took declined to 1*2l* Otherpopular shar«>e were higher by fraction« to one point with heavy buying of Studelviker and several of th<* (alls. New York ('antral, Haiti - A Joint meeting of the llepuhllcan Committees (men and women) of New CnHtle county will Im held tomorrow afiernoon upon Invitation of the Chris tiana hundred committee, nt "The Old Mill," Senator du Pouts country place, nt Hlllaldn, In their hundred. Irene® du lont, a member of the hundred committee, will welcome the visitors. Charles A. Patterson, chair- man of the county cotiynlttao, who has Just returned from an extended bnsl- riees trip, which took him to the Pacific Coast, will preside. The speakers of the afternoon will Include Hon. Car- roll L. Reedy, Congressman from Maine, who will stop in Delaware on his way by motor to New England, where ha Is to fill the speaking engage merits of Senator Fernald of his na- tive State, who la Incapacitated at present from speaking by loss of voice. Mr. Beedy addressed the Mary- land Society dinner In the spring at Hotel du Pont. Another speaker wilt be Mary Suart, assistant chief of the United States Bureau of Employ- ment. who la well known In this state from having spent some time here during the campaign of 1920 In the organization of the womens commit- tees. Col. Thomas W. Miller will also he among the speakers. It Is expected that Col. Henry A. du Pont will be present and may say a few words. Previous to the mooting, which will bo e.allod at 2 oclock, city time, a box luncheon will ho served In the orchard of the garden adjacent to the Old Mill and. after lunch, there will be afi opportunity for the visitors to en- joy the beauties of this delightful spot. It has come to the attention of the committee that many of tho notices that wero sent out by mull on Mon- day have not been delivered. It Is desired that every member of the several county organl/jitlons, who can find It convenient so to do. shall be present, whether they have received a notice of the meeting or not, as this Is a regular meeting of the committee Automobiles will leave the several meeting places of tho committees at 12.30 oclock. 103 By Associated Press to Every Evening Shanghai, June 23.Wu Tlng-Fnng, former Minister to Washington, more recently foreign Minister for Bun Ynt j Ben, In the disrupted southern Ro- puhllean government at Canton died Tenne»«eie Avr and . , .... m jiCTtW Beach Punning water at Canton today, according to Beider ^ fcU rnftmß flaming; despatch. shower. European * 150-42 dav up; Wu. an outstanding leader In UlS K!r,nl w,",lv * ' "' politics and Jurisprudence of China AVON INN '/"*Homelike olr for many years, remained, at last re- runrtlng* Amer "'and Kurop plana purls, loyal to Sun Yat-Sen and was Elevator Bun water believed to have fled Canton with the relient cuisine. Booklet deposed south China president. The Reuter despatch gave no details. Dr. Wu Ting-Fang, Americas fa- vorite Chinaman, diplomat, atatesman, ; vegetarian, and baseball fan, famed for his wit and philosophy, was born nt Singapore, In 1842 He entered St. Pauls College at Hong Kong nt the age of thirteen nnd at twenty obtain- ed an appointment as a court Inter- preter In the service of the colonial government. Twelve years Inter ho ' went to london to study law, nnd In 1877 wan admitted to practice. Hi» talent attracted the attention of the Chinese government, and In 1882 he received a place on the staff of IJ ; Hung Chang, who was then grand chancellor of the Chinese Empire. Dr. Wu was appointed minister to the United States In 1896, but it was ga.no qp dolly, »p«ol«l wkly. Am«r. piss his first visit to thin country. On. ftpPflFVj I | (<■ jnrbijh I ■■ ■! § the seventies he «pent some time I ; here mnklng a RtUdy of American In gontaekjr •▼*. n«arb«»chAtlantic Cit/'a 111 ..(.„iLn. „„,1 flno»t snd most popular rate hotel. Or- 111 «mutions and colleges. ch««tra. dancing, «levator Errata baths Hardly had the*successor of Minister II RUNNING WATFR IN ROOMS Yang Yu become established In Wash Ington than the capital recognized him as one of the most Interesting charac- ters In the realm of foreign diplomats Entertaining him became a fad. and his audacity In question« made him the subject of dally comment Although a hard worker, Dr. Wu found time to attend baeoholi games. Tho bicycle appealed to him. and dally ho was a conspicuous figure In his Oriental garb riding about the streets on his wheel. Am. Am. Am. Locomotive ... Am Smelt, ft Ref. Am. steel Rdya. . Am. Sumatra Tob. Am Tel. ft Tel. ... •Am. Woolen........... 421« 113 M>R 3d i 59 atlamth; city, k. ». ATLANTIC MTV, N. 4. 3U 39** 130)1 no Kentucky Ave nr ft"«. Elevator to Pri- vate baths, running water a. V Kopp, owner and prop Open all year 091% 8'» Westminster Anaconda Copper Aten.. Top. ft S. F. SIB 98*t Mb 011 3BJ. 112*, 38 Hadiophon* Conrmrti Daily r*r*rl'nft A«« . of? Ho«r<4wa»» near P me All |ffllM*m«n'a lw<) Tt.'r'*» to Pf l(NMMI m*4 ( ' burrhe- Am &mr t4 A •>» A\j , «1 vfct* RUNNING WATIR IN CYC*/ ROOM lmr>f*v#4 «» f o*< $90,000 j All room* r-ftjrn «K^J •tftrtrlc »-«hU 1 » r 'I r * « ' - prlvat C. « ' e » ft'ßOrm; Uh!», prlrmrtVp^'f p'*r* tyfttV hoTj*»»* (t.qwrri with «'^e '» ' Writ* fr* Rklt ( ftJ ttf *b, y,, ^ Vprp'miWf m*'-ft^(«z1 vf U2W 48*4 76»t 2AH DaKtmorv ft Ohio . Heih. Steel. Class B. Brooklyn Ksp T»s EutteCop. ft Ziu Callfbrnla Pei............ Canadlau Pacltic Central Leather Co Corro de l»»co Chandler Nlotor . Chrs ft Ohio. Chi. Great West. Con....... Chi . Mil. ft St. Paul......... and Ohio and Reading, second I Chi. ft Northwestern ..... 1 Chi . R. I. ft Pao....... ........... Chile Copper ....................... ChlifJ Copper ................... Coca Cola ...................... Columbia Graph................ Columbia Gas ft Elec. . Corn Product« itef............. Cosilen ...................................... Crucible Steel ..................... Cuba Cane Sugar ........... Cuba Cauo Sugar pf. .. Cuhan-Araer. Sugar ... _ , . . , . . Denver ft Rio Grande . In Ran American «hares increased. ; Denver ft Rio Grande pf the "A" Msue gaining «Ix jxilnts. and du Pont Debenture........... du Pont common, now Endlcott-Johufion . Shipping« also were favored. At- Kilo ....... ................... Untie Oulf. common and preferred, j Çîltî'0Clayors-Lasky ristn« * pointa. American ship and I ^nerMA.phait I:::::.:: v'ommerce snd United Fruit were one General Electric .............. __ to almost two points higher. i General Motors ...................... _____ .. * . ,, ....... (icneral Motors 8 per cent- Anvong the motors. Maxwell. A General Motors 7 }»rcenu 94«, and B" '.«eues, were the strong»»! Great Northern pf. ................ so foatuvee. Chandler recovered part of ' It« h'«« and rubber »pect.vltt»*» were Hup Motor Car tlrm. I Inspiration Copper. Inter. Harvester ... liner Mer Marine ern was the feature among rails, ad- Inter Mer. Manne vartclng almost four points with throe- Nickel ................ rolnt gain for Atlantic Const Une. Ke\îy Sprlniflel'd flre Sear*-Roebuck and Montgomery Kennecott voppr.- Ward wt're bought nt considerable ! Keystone Tire ft it. I Lackawanna Steel .. Call money opened at 3 per cent. 4 k»!, 76H 241* frlv baths. K* H W WilJlams , 63», 13S!, 37», 3fiH 0»', 8fl>, (14!, 1 38 HOTEL BOTHWELL 33 V, (.61, (IV, I 2d 4IH Virginia Ave., Allan tic City, N. J. Second house from Boardwalk and Steel Pier % 4 PRIZES AWARDED AT 2(1 73 , 43U 21', 28', 6d *■, more preferred, were among the strongest 1 tftrfn I ItTtttJ 'n-r. I! tra importations. U. S Steel reacted a small fraction and other Industrials of that class were Irregular. NoonMexican Petroleum made a Open all year, Centra! location, ry appointment. Highest dard in Cuisine and aervee "A netter „oAerate Itete » -.tel " 67), Eve stanr Rooms en miite with private hath. Running water in all room* Write for terma and booklet. 44 4U as S7 It1 RMi 1041 i 48 71H 72), 1()«4 84!, 24 V, Mr. Gillespie siiHtalned a further decline to 1*0 during the morn- ing. rallying tmulerntely from that level Meanwhile speculative activity 16*, gR*ntcxr avz.nlz nr.ah «xacti rjnrrmr r**u**. »rtr» <*f all « ftg»»1 iUjrri h* »•••▼ n . nr^n1« Yr+m prlr' /mm npt* < rW*.| m-jp" - «sjt. K\w*%*rrr U> §*r*+t J»/> i/g-*/'ied JV p 'inilJ 8p*'>«î WAcirlf p **i %r .• »are t Gftfftffw Fmm 4Kr/. Hc« lr> N** M*Mf««*sat- (Ui/V MF/TLfY Interesting Commencement Ex- ercises Held There on Tuesday Evening. J. Bothwell. 24 R S1», 0 to 17 S.Georgia av Cap 2AO. Noted tor *3 up dally. *18 Up weekly Miller Cottage Us table. Bill iv»son EMERSON CROTTHAMEL. Mgr 132 th*< "B 7 4 point« 78), Special Corresp»'>ndeti»'e Every Evening. Smyrnn, Juno 23. The commence- ment exercise» of the High School were held Wednesday evening. Prize» were awarded as follows; Daughters of American Revolution prize to the best student In American history nnd civics, pre»ented by Miss M. Edith Beck- First prize. *5 In gold, to Helen Evans; second, Î2.60, Bertha Skrlvan. Rev. Ranson P. Nichols prize to the member of the senior class writing the best book review on "Your Biggest 1SV, IM» SLEEP WHERE LIFE -UFE8T Hrlck. Ste«! and 9»one ' onstntr'lon VI 71)1, ir>>4 64', lM, 63 V, 1(1'. 1116 1 1 14 SI*, 04^ Ocwn *-nd o. Carolina Avr- [.arge-' -d- erate rate hou*e of modern 'arge ri»y ! sr.nictlon. I Hot and fiold Running Water la 4.1 Boon I Baths ; French chef Encollent '-able '»rete«-r* i Dar.ring. Free hath houses fnr ruesIf ; board-»ilk entrance *3 V) and up da' , *m plan special m-kly Bookie* ***n -vito road map mailed Phone 4314 2' PA FT, f ROajrr-KAVa Ovn.r ,r/ p*. TO BE NAMED NEXT WEEK Ml Certs. 38* 19», 30't 38*4 4 0'4 IVm« ;01* * cV Writ« tar bklt ft -ntn •r I»elaware. Igtckttwsnna and West- l 100 BATHING FROM HOTfl 201, l«»t Council Gives Assurance Ordi- nance Creating New Office Will be Passed. 7.3», 16*, 46', 46V, 33 V, P>. 73 V, 10=*» Ownership mangt. Fsttzs A not.WKC.rn >Pert ins mike, r/ou feel 'Al. ffomtf th« C/if/ of Robust rl'uilth- f 1__ HOTEL ^OPtOtl 1 AV, l Lewis Smith presente»! by llev. Thonins Getz Hill- First prize, *5 In gold. Bessie May Thompson; honor- able mention, Emma May Walker. American Society of Colonial Dames, for the best essay on Patriotism pre- sented by Hon. W. O. HnfTecker FlrBt 31 I prize, bronze medal, Rebecca Hobson; 3*4 certificate of award. Elizabeth Thorn- 68V, 80** ; In the absence of president Word, nf Council, Councilman Abraham» js-o- slded at 1 ast night« regular session nf that body. As chairman of tho law ■ommlttee he announced that at the next meetings an ordinance wlH preisented, by agreement of tho mem- bers, for the employment of a second assistant city solicitor for a term not tn exceed one year, from July 1, 1922, at snlary of *1.800 per year, whose (line will be devoted to the collection of back taxes. It was demonstrated In conference to the satisfaction of the councll- , Is'hluh V alley ! Mexican Pet I,. Midvale 8t«>e 03*t 183*, !?& 21 K2V, 20», 70'* i M<. Kails ft Texas Mo. Iaclflc ............... NY. Central NY N H ft H |l««ntt of Ylerser of little« ft Jones anil Northern PaciHc pur» on Okla. pfd. ft ref With an authorized oapttAllzatlon Pacific oil of 130.006.000. articles of Incorporation p*n *ru- ......... hat e been filed at Dover for the Con- pênoa "k r «■'lUlated Machine Tool Corporation of 1ro Marquette America. The amalgamation will In- phi!upg p(,t thf Machine Tool C*o.t Ii^rcc-Arrow plant 's located in Uo'iiostrr. < £*orco ou •• N Y.. the mr.es ft Jonea Co., of this Pre^il^Tciar .............." *»ty; the Colburn Machine Toni Co.. Pullman Co. .................. of Cleveland, the Modern Tool Co., of j Çun^* Al«sr» Sugar Phl adelrhla. and the Newton Machine ; R^Ä Iron ft Steel Toe; Works. Inc., of Philadelphia. Royal Dutch. N y According to H. J Bailey, president SÎ' L°uJ*-8an Fran of the Hille« ft lone» Co, permanent SheH^^* TranSV"1* x**™ organization will be perfected by the 1 Slots Sheffield . alar Don of officers and directors In the aJ^th^nPadilc croiras ot a few week«. Today Mr. Southern Railway ISatley decJared that th* proposed Or- 8troiuberg Carbureior Studebaker Oo. Tenn Coppar ft C hain are ex- 'I>xas Co. Texas ft Pacltic ... .'] Tobacco Products Transcontliguual Oil " Union OU Union Pacific U. S. Alloy Steel ............ United Retail Stores Union Food Prod........ ... The following ©or. , £ g BubberC°ho1 .......... ' » harter» her« ' V. S. Steel . .. ................. V. S. Skd. pfd. White Motors WtUys-Dverland . •Ex.-Div. ........ WO.OOO.(KMi CONCERN. ^Write for BooVcleL Other Tool Companies. 3 I Wu Ting-Fang throughout his life wo» Interested in railways and at one time wa» promoter and chief director of the Kal Ping Railway. Subsequent- ly ho was appointed co-director of the Railway Bureau. A year before his first diplomatic appointment to the United States the statesman ostabllsh- men that the duties of the city so- ed the Tlen-Tsin University and be- lirltor are euch as to occupy his time | came Its chief director. Ho wag re- fully, covering the defense of milts | called from Washington in 1902 after igalnat the city as well as the prepa- six years of service, but wa, sent back ration of cases in which the city la I to his old post five years later. In tj PULLMAN LAYOFF .38 V* 76», 70 41», 80»* . ] ley, Julian Hodgson. Ruth Daly. ! Frances Aloxamler, Margaret Hill. Faculty Club prize to the senior j making the best scholastic record dur- Flrst prize, second VirqiniA Ave Ezra. C BeTl --Paul M Ccrpft 170 ffoomp wrth Punning \Pxtnr u*/ Te/eoPnntt Ç«/a«feg incMing 50 Suiter urtb promt« ßnthi ^ art station Oaragm 800 Ff FT PROU BO*»CM«LF AMO 5TFE1 P*PB Atlantic City 7.3 41*4 80», .32** j Ing the post four years si i *10 *n Fold. Kmma Walker; I prize $5. William 8. Patterson. Rev. J. M. L. Eckard prize for pro- ficiency in Latin for the year, pre- 8»*nted by Rev. j m i, Eckard First Customary at This Time of Year prize In g«>id. Mary Robinson. Because Most of the Cars Awarding of the senior gift to Miss ! Anna Louise Morris presented by Are in Use. MAY NOT BE SERIOUS .32 V Auto (Wl *sw Orc/tetfro * Whttn r.«r*nM 19** 3 621, ) .'■> 49V, 731, 70', 39*; 49V* 72», Sh«. 4 60», 27 27 ; 27V, 27», j August, 1909, he was again recalled. ,j and on sailing for Oilna via Liverpool ; the plaintiff, and also advice to the de- partments on .proposed ordinances and regulations The ending of the official term of the new assistant will coincide with that of City Solicitor Safterthwalte. The Inspector of oils reported the testing of 31,847 gallons during the month and the receipt of $159.23 In fees. Mills way Broadway, was for the train- a3. j Ing given by Miss Morris to tho senior gpi* class v>art!clpants In the class day play, auth ritntive presented on Tuesday evening. 12fik subject was "Safety First learned today from sources that the gen- It wns 33 k remarked that he would come hack 1 again 1n fifty years, "long after you i I ! young ship news reporters are dead.,| Asked why, he replied: "You are all i| meat-eaters, arid such fellows cant d Uve as long as us vegetarians.Dr. Wu wa« appointed Minister of SIB* 23 k 48k 128»* ?? MARYLAND The i ,,rai re»luction In forces at tho Pull- shops will not be so serious Awarding of the S»hool S to the j community ns wrs at first be- members of the baseball and track J ( A ganizfttlon Is being continually dis- ! ouaeed and new developments ported at any time. At the Head Waters of the Cheeaneeke Bay, Mid Nature'« Most Beeaty. Ftshlng. Bathing and Boating f. mail car Wondrous 48 *1U ; teams presented by J. H. Menden- !0entral iAbor Union 15 , ball. The Smyrna High S»h»*ol won Al)OUt g50 wrirkr(, w^re employed 3tk the Interscholastic h.uieball champion- <hp ,an^ pr(.vloIln to the posting Rh'p of year. * f 'of a "reduction In the fore«»" notice. M», An award of *2^0 was made to the WBa than believed, would ~~77 four girls of the Household Arte De- i ____* - partmenta, who won the $100 prize at ,mwm 1 iat or 00 61k the state meal getting contest. Dover, i worker» at the plant would be kept on Ion May 25. 1922. The winners were the Payroll, meaning that 85 per cent j,. ! Alma Coleman, Eva Stehlev, Florence 1 would be laid off. Artis and Catharine Ford. j According to the wording of tho I agreement that In operation between ! the Pullman Co. and the Railway EmployesDepartment of the Ameri- I can Federation of Labor, and Indorsed by the United States Railroad I^tbor I Board, whenever the workers, or any j part of the total number are to be laid off for a longer period than five days, a notice of "a general reduc- i tlon In forces" must be made and the lleve»L according to an officer of th« ■A 27 81 14, 20k 137k 6.3 k 60k 61^ 991» 119', *8*; THE FERNCLIFFE Large and comfortable rooms, home oook- Ing, large porch and plenty of made tree«: near beach. Write for rare«. MRS. HARRY C, HAMILTON. HOTEL CHESAPEAKE Directly on the beach. Our table supplied with fresh vegetable« and s*-a foods from | farm» and bay. Pure spring water. MRS. L. M. OWENS THE WILMER JtKW CORPORATIONS. A petition from property owners on West Ninth streed protesting against the erection of a garage cn the aouth side of that street between Clayton and du Pont was presented by Council- man James Evans, and referred to the public building committee. A communication from the Central I-abor Union, opposing the appoint- ment of a second assistant city so- licitor, was received and filed. All the Comforts of Home.. rooms. Home Cootdng bay -arge, airy HTBAMBOAT LIHE8. SpecUxl Correapondence Every Evening. Dovar, June 2*poratlons filed their EaaterdtQ' - Auatln Mineral.Water Co., Wilming- ton, capital I2.250.ooo. Patrl-Glazo Co.. Philadelphia, $1 - 000.000. Chalmette Petroleum Wilmington. $1.000.000 Somerset Securities #Co, Wilming- ton. 11,000,000. , _ . Industrials. Supply Co.. Br-Am.Tob c............. Cont. Motors ........... Durant Motors . Glen Aid. Coal .....' Wilmington, ragana Oil ............. I'erftgt Tire............... Republic Tire ....... " er, Sweets Co. Am. .... Uni Prof. 8har. (standard Oils Ë. O New York ....... Independent Oils. Allied Oils................... Cities Service .......... Cit 8erv. B. ctfs. . Acid Recovery Corporation. Brook- LU. S*fT„pf............... I>n. N. Y $160.000 Maracal'boöii i au Hecurltles Corporation, Whit« Merritt Oil... Plains. N. Y.,-»I50.(K.0 8ktoJo®L..V. Air.Ajncan RacK Co., Wilmington Host. Mont............... . $100,000 El Salvador ............... Tbs Intercity Radio Telegraph Co.. Ton NUniny ' ot New York. Increased Its capital ■lock fron, $1.000 000 to $5.00o.000. and the Detachable Wheel Co. of America changed lu narr.« to the P.udge Whit- worth Co. of America. Fine re» nt r~m MBS. E. L. vrii^ua. WILSON LINE CREWS HOTEL comfort* of h. ptivar,« homegree porcoe« and lawn«, home-grown vogefahi»«. S?rfH C ^^innn El^trtr lights w H ( HEW Prop Phone oo 120 Philadelphia, Peim's Grove, Chester MR« 70 F 73. 8», Schedule In Effect Saturday, May 27. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME. Subject to Change Without Notice. I^save both Wilmington. Fourth Street . , ,, . Wharf, and Philadelphia. Pter 5 North *hmdy !'?wn- Homegrown vegetable«, above Arch street, at 7.30. 9.00 *10 30 banltary Improvements Enlarged Dining Request of the Independence Day çu.oo a. m.. *12 o'clock noon. 1.30. 3*00* a°°m* Ke^«onabie Rate^. committee for financial aid for the 4.1Ö, 600. 7.00. *8.30 and 0.30 p. m. firework« display planned tes the even- J fekttoy®^7" Hutid,ya onJyREDUCED KATK8 IN EFFECT. Excursion. Philadelphia. Weekdays One Way. Philadelphia. Weekdays Excursion, Philadelphia. Sundays i One Way, Philadelphia. Sundays WILMINGTON - PENN'S GROVE I . ROUTE. Leave Wilmington ad .30. 6.45. 7.45. nl, ,, , , 10.00. 11.(3Ô a. rj.. 12 noon, t.oo. Bids on grading work around the 2.00. 3.00. 4.00. bö.30. 6.00, 7.00, 8.00 Incinerating plants, submitted to the al0-°°v 11-00, al2.0u p. m. and U.4U a. m. Leave Penn s Grove 6.00, a7 OO. 8.00. Josi'ph S. Hamilton Co., $398; 9.oo, 10.oo. 11.00 a. m., 12.00 noon. 1 oo E H Robin 3 00< 3 00* <*15. 5.00. cfl.15. 7.00, 8,00. , _, . K ° n »0.00. 10.00, all.00, 12.00 p. m. al2 40 *ric Lights. Thonipeon, a. m. 1923 o THE WILTSHIRE N»ar Beacn. AU Modern Con-rerjenees. Auto .Meet.« Boats and Trains. ~r-«n ewe tames. MRS. IDA R WTÜ.I3 OWENS COTTAGE NEIV YORK CURB MARKET. ELMHURST TO HAVE Corporation, Reported Dali, at Noon by Laird ft Co, da root Building. Previous Close. THE MARYLAND MRS IDA OWENS. 1 HOTEL BETTERTON GF_ FARE NOW nigh location, magnificent view of Che«»- peoke Bay. one square from beacn. v*m»*- •50c lables from our own garden. Open aU 30c year. Booklet. JAS. T. CREW. Proprietor ... 60c 40c MRS. M. A. TULL. PROP Near Beach. High rievatio*. Home Comfort.» NEW M. E. CHURCH Amer*, «'an Veterinary Wilmington. $850,000. Drewrv ft ytr ns Co . Dover, $700,000. Oeil Investment Co, •400.000. Burk e Tire and Rubber Co. Dov 850,000. OtJtrol Piston Ring Co, Philadelphia, 1250.000, Singer Machine Co., Pittsburg, $150,- Last. ing »va« refu«»?d. A bill from the United States Shlp- $4,016.13 r.H 7k 38 k HOTEL RIGBIE 3 3 ping Board charges on the cost of sewering and other improvements at Union Gardens was referred to the Finance for Interest Directly on Beach. Combination «ooöore and country. Rest and ecretuoc « .1 resort amusements. *t*ntng, »UUng. canoeing, tenma. electric Ught» 'oumern cooking Orcbeatlft. Special attecu<tn given »utomobue parues, phone. W 8 HOTEL BAYSIDE Superb View of Cheaapeake Bay Highest elevation, large, shady «awn. Wide veran- das. Garage. Phone Still Pond. Md. 75-F-3 L. HARRIS CREWE _ , , i notlc-es posted 1n tho particular plant Site for the Building Purchased where the lay.orr to he effective, at Mathes Avenue and Newport Pike. Park Labor men who are In a position to discuss the Pullman situation, stated today that the reason for the big lay-off. which they believe is but Board of Health were recelv<?d as fol» ; for ten days or two weeks at the most, that the seashore and moun- tain travel h^( »-ailed out most of tho Pullman rolling stock to take care of the enormous travel. By July 1, It Is stated, this travel will have abated to euch an extent that the usual sum- j mer working schedule may be pla»:ed ' in operation at the Pullman plant j In Wilmington, which Would mean that j approximately 600 workers would be l employed here. Workers at the Pull- j man plant have always anticipated a short loy off at this period In June, according to their reports to the Cen- tral Labor Union, therefore the news ! that the situation Is n»it us serlcus as | wns at first believed is gratifying | to the labor officials of the city and j to the general community. Committee. Long tllitou« BRICE. Mgr ......... 430 430 BELMONT PRICE COTTAGE ; Entirely Remodeled au«l Renovated. Shady Lawn Cool Rooms. All Sanitary. Un- surpassed Table. Fresh Vegetables. Eiec- Terni» Moderate. MRS. L. A HICKMAN Special Correspondence Every Evening. Richardson Park. June 23.The of- ficial board of the Methodist Episcopal Church ha« purchased a tract of land at Matthe« avenue and the Newport pike for a site for a new church. The new edifice will be located In Elm- j hursrt, the latest suburban tract to iv, be developed along the Newport pike. The plot of land secured measures ; 100x178 feet. 232 600 232 J!hady Lawn. Sanitary Improvement«. Home Cooking Home-»iro«n Yen-taaie«. Garage. MRS. ! LEONARD 'RICE. Phone 70 F-ll. BEDFORD -SPRINGS, FA. lows: J. H. Phillip«, $552.60: son, $562.60; John $655. 23k 69k 69 iok w. a Runs on Sundays and Holidays only. , bo .00 p. m. on Sundays and Hobdays. C4.00 and 6.00 p. m. on Sundays and Holidays. OCEAN CITY. N. J. 10', iok 8 k 9 iok iok ; .3 iifEDFOPD Hw/SPRINGS 3a.. HOTEL THE BREAKERS Ocean City, N. J Only Boardwalk Hotel Special day and weekly rates on rooms with hot and cold running water dur- ing June and from July 5 to 26 AMER- ICAN PLAN. J A. YOUNG. Mgr 1 3 leave wilminoton French 8t. Wharf. 5 p. m. FREIGHT ONLY LEAVE PHILADELPHIA [Pier 10, North Whorvw» <- (Race «tree!). 6 p. m. 4 r i LOCAL SECCKITIBS. fphe present church at <aynrich Reported Dally by I.alrd ft C<g» S avenue and Eureka street. Richardson curlty Brokers, da Pont Rnlldlnr *" I>arlL wus erevl6d oltout 15 years ago Diamond Ice ft Coal Co., pf.. 75 f» and the congregation has Increased du Pont dets-nture fractions. 8U >,3 I until now the building inadequate. Herrults.com............. I"!!;:' jßo t-o^ rhls 1H ,<"'iall>' lrU(of lho Sunday 'Jeorge Hercules, pfd............... ioj jq* s«-hool department, which has an en- operating an ,AndusWlSidtage........................... ?tl 7 rol:mnt of 200 hlldren and adults 11- I »Ex-Div. ....................... 1/4 2 I While the site fora new building has i been secured nothing definite lias been , don© towards we»'tlr.g a new structure. Efforts will be made to dispose of the Cities Service Company plans to return ' Preaent property before plans are to cash dividend payment on Its pre- made for the new building. ferred stock on September 1. and on the Members of the Fiv»> Points Civic preference share* on October 1 oxemoers 01 .no 1 ivt 101ms ‘vie sale of American Railways Company Association at ft meeting to be held to- __ °r w^icAthere are outstanding night will complete axlungements for C- R»Pre«eniatlv« lr. at auction W.fineidayat 17l''the*highest the second annual carnival, which be- iMUioro. Asse mb. y from ine S.xth price recorded since tlu-lr Issue At that gins at ElmhurBt tomorrow night. The L'iBtrtct of Now Castle county, who le retllrn affair will come to u close on Satui- «•rlctuny in hru> te er, », and about 11 per cent figured to maturity , . . , , , * Ul- G**en to 1enn- 1 Industrial stability has Ixten more near- 1 ,la-v n;«ht, July 1. •>.varia mountain» for the benefit of attained In the last thirty days than K. V. Rudolph is chairman of the at any time «Inc» the beginn!of thr* ___ ... world war,says the National Rank of c0rmnHt*e ln charge ol the carnival .Some Indus- i acd he Is being assisted by the foUow- ln ing committees: Blankets, <>»-orge Prunroae; dolls, C. R. Vansant; fruit and groceries, Andy Bpath; candy, Mrs. Delaware Mright; cigars cigarettes, -Mr. Richardson and Mr. Bowen; fi«h pond, Mrs William H. Watson; canes, George August; aluminum, William Schueler; variety 1-resjuem warren. 01 tne P»>nn Sea-» 1 booth Mrs David PatterKon- board Steel Corporation, today announced . ! that the diroctors have voted to acquire lues and milk, Mr«. William iinsman; nre- al1 Nt<Jck J'*10 Carpenter Steel Com- soft »irinks and hot dogs, Howard Tal- , vr puyltile*\uKu«t°in 1>",'n mallei! ioih„ «m-kholderH | lf,y , hl''k'nB' William 11 Watson; Flis'trji < 011 ».nt <y*!lln»' u ■ibecial meutlng July 7 to ratify confetti stand, tickler« and hats, Miss quarterly of lk per ct-ut. payable Au- Jmr<has' I'pon completion of the ! Mildred Tin aman. «ust 18 purchase it is propose»! to etianae the 1 t'olumbU Petroleum Company monthly 10 ,luLarpenter .Steel Corporation . «>f 1 per cent payatde Julv 1 * /he seventeeuth annual report of the Building up Ihe Marinos. V < onUneuvai lnnuran.-ecompany, semi- Maryland. Delaware ft Virginia Railway S)nce the opening of the Marine annual of 12 percentpa»*l»l. Jut, 11 °° Pennsylvania System, shows a ne , opening or me -Marine Federal Motor Tru»*k Company •> oer railway operating dtdlcit for 1821 of *102, Corps recruiting offices in front of the cent, payabh June to ' ?;i7 Increase of *166,672 Defl<i old City Hall, two Wilmington men il . Il mer Compati V i.... transferred profit and loss from year' li____ __ ... . . , .. , * . , _ pc**f*i rwi. pay abj*. jui> ; ; operations was *24.3.041, making tota bate enlisted in the service. The re- Maple Leaf Mining Companv quarterly L,r 4,rofl! and loss 0,1 December 31 < ruits are Russell F. Jackson and Rus- •f 2 per oeat u«i common and D* per cent, i 'KVs^SrtSfta «he market th«t Studs- j6"11 Butl(r' b ,1('f whom have been J baker is working out a plan whereby to Philadelphia to undergo further Uie *9.890.000 preferred stock will be examination. Sergeant Anthony who retired Inasmuch as the preferred is , u , U"1J"no,B callable at 12.3. It would cost *12.250 000 18 . »harge of the local recruiting to retire ihe Issue, but it Is believed that Office, stated today that several other many iireferred stockholders wotUd be lBnnlli*ilnn« . . 1 m willing to trade in preferred for common iaPPlKatlons had been made, but some and secure a share In the heavy profits of cause, usually lack of weight has rentTvZ&nd £r&- , barred the ,nen devi.-dogs| By - 1 --------- Make this summer » outing he finest you've ever ho«i by 'oo ing to beautiful Bedford Springs. Situated 1290 fe^t above »ei-level on a wonderful 3006-ocr« »'«tato. Tennis, golf, boating, riding, »»vlrrimlng. riunclng i evening. Exceentcuisine. Big mo»t#rn ho- tel with every convenience. n Lincoln Highway. Splendid roods. Famous Bedford Springs cura- tive waters. Garage service, fiend for booklet. Now open. MARTIN SWEENY. Manager. OCEAN CITY, MD. Ill Health Brings I-enlency. Bacauste he 1* In 11health. ffftwl«y, charge»! with automobile without COLONIAL HOTEL Ocean Front, Strictly Modem, Booklet. Southern Terminus of du Pont Boulevard Ask for LA1RD& COMPANY . ar operators oono* and «ptw-ding, gamed the - ^en* tercy of Judge Hastings in Municipal! ■K ourt today and \»a* dlamissed Paw- ley ha« taken out a license «ince hl» OITtftt REH0B0TH. DEL. -ft- riNAÄCTAD NOTES. The Secret of Success is Persistent Effort Members of N. Y. Stock Lx-bange Investment Securities du Pout Building Wilmington, Delawctrs Wilmington Telephone 4242 New York Telephone Canal MSS Spald does With Messier. Arthur F. Spald. a graduate of the j University of Delaware* In the class I of 1921, who has recently completed j a course In commercial urt and lllus- j tration at the lratt Institute of New i York, has taken a position with Hess- ler, Inc., of this city. Mr. «paid was the designer of the University of Del- aware seal at the time of the change I In the title from Delaware College. Hotel Henlopen will Open Wednesday. June 28. Booklet C. P. BURTON. M 1932 aaager When the thought comes to you that you ought to sa\e dont dismiss it. Think it out. Think till a work; able plan for saving is in sight. Then start your ac- count with the Wilmington Savings Fund Society. By patient, persistent ef- fort keep up regular de- posits, l'ou will never re- gret it. Ln»nk Xlller Goes to Monut&in«. WILDWOOD y. J. DELAW AJbLE WATER G AC. DORSEY ££ Ä private hath Amer. plan. FAHRRST l1«'»»»« Wa.er »jx > Rocuns with r w ^ 1 Central local ion, •liigntf'j* Vii r«y»lern IMva vo Ftatriag. , _ . , , Excellent meals Special early rate«. *3.50 day. *17 50 week and up. Ownership rnan- agccient. K E WTIITESELL. HOUSE surrounding». improvements. Exc. table. BoaUng A L. MARSH. baths. be hstvlth world war. Omnnere»' of New York tries have shown moderate gains in others conditions have altered but little and In a few Unes a seasonal dullness lias occurred." Phillips Petroleum net earnings after Interest and taxes for May were *l,M)4 - OOO before depreciation Earnings so far this year have been Increasing monthly *follows January $180.701. February $.302.443 March. *6.34,335. A prit *703 - 2.31: May *1.104.000 President Warren, of the Penn DIVIDENDS DECLARED. mm Wilmington Trust Company Rights Bought-- Sold li» ittüim WWWWWHEWMBBBaMEBEMEEEEBMkBWMWBMElliMh .«Httfa, m iiimilElllliü uUmoHÉB n. 'kiiUciv.u, hm Amerlcai Radiator Company »luarterly 01 «1 a «tiare ou oiriitiion payable Sep- tember 30. and D* per oeut on preferred payable August l7, * Auitln Nichols Company, »juarterly of I** per cent 00 pr*'ferred gu«t 16. Central Railroad Company of New Jer- sey two quarterlies of 2 per cent each par«Mi Je , «nt \ »gu.t fj < Ule« bei v ire Company. '• of 1 i„.r c*-nt In «crip on common, preferr»*! and f. rred h and 1), ■1 o*«rrlp on qonimou Columnl« a » am| * % and > »' Cl 4% INTEREST RAID 09 ALL DEPOSITS n WILL YOUR WIFES NAME 0 3 > i^avisbk* a\u- Jf 1 . % s WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY S»E.Cor.9th i Market St» 0 w I cakes, ZB « A ever appear on one oi the beu» traded in by diehoneet brokers and shrewd confidence men? The answer rests largely with you. ; F. D. LACKEY A CO. (l.arkey Building.) 3 Till !l SB 923 Market Ml., Wilmington, Del. J When a widow' is known 6ohave inherited insurance», Then b«- 3 Equitable Trust Co. her name is quickly placed on one of these lists, gins the game to induce her to inveet ;n stock paying ex- !^8 3 i « Ninth and Market Sts. Wilmington traorihn&rv dividendsto the promoters. on pr«*fHrr#*d uf>Lr JuJy 18 NU-am C'otton ACCOUNTS CARRIED ON CONSERVATIVE MARGIN 3 Company. ••ml «nouai of per c».|it and extra of 5 tier cent payant» July 1 New NlqiMTo Sugar Company »»»ml-an- nval of 3 tier cent on preferred, payable Tobacco iroduct* Corporation, »juarter iy of 1 y per »ent on common, payable Au«u«t 15 Transporta tlon ( nmnaoy. »juarterly of cent' a «hare payable Julv 15 Wastiluuj'on Baltimore and Annapoln > .eriri» Railr ad Company quarterly of 1 per .-er, i on common and 1)* per cent on preferred, payable July 1. In Delaware A Life Insurance Trust, which you can arrange now, will relieve your wife of the responsibility of inventing your in- Conaider with our Trust Officer, the advantages of such an arrangement. 0 Founded 1889 > * Member Federal Reservefiystc m Trustee The Delaware Foundation surance. IU Z Owens, Anderson Si Rumford Members New York Stock Exchange Wilmingtow, Deb Telephone Wilmington 7i>80. 1 i ^ f* ^ 1 du Tont Building. If you telephone your ad, ask about 5«- a line per day for classified | the »Recount ads an a monthly contract.Adv, QM31llliliuftiMiuMiiüi«iii«iftiaa,i-iMix.-.l!iaiiliftiiaaiii:.,ftUa»uiiiiapm^1jir..i)^i^.|)j^||)^t|||>-||»)|t||-.|i.|.jjy|.. ^ .mtij,_iianujiiLi;,. imf ..... B you can get on the prie« j m j quoted you.Adv. 1 ft t « t I ■w

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Page 1: EVERY EVENING—WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, FRIDAY, JUNE …Wu. an outstanding leader In UlS K!’”r,nl w,’",lv * ' "' politicsandJurisprudenceof ChinaAVON INN '/"*Homelikeolr for48*4


Ham« flfr»!Foreign Affair« upon hl« return home

but aoon after resigned.Dr. Wu wna active during the Boner

uprising nri(l for hl« determination to

aavo the live« of American» and




2.00 o'clockTen year« ag«■» It n*' me HI*

have th« house I live In treated »o »w« coat* of jailnt. Thre« year« Iftftr X r«-4

ISO for n »Ingle ro»f of f>alnt. Rft

painting ha» again become « n*'«m\ry. For two coata the lowest hid I ko A

Special Correspondence Rvary Evening

Klkton, Md., June 23.—Dr. .1. Eugene

donee, Jr., who for the past two year« liae been a member of the medical

staff of the University of Wisconsin,

Is visiting hin father In Elkton. In

the enrly fall he will assume his new

duties at the Children’« Hospital,

Philadelphia.Profens<#r C. W, Webber has re­

signed his position In the English

department nt Tome Institute, Port

Deposit, and accepted a position nt

Olrnrd College, Philadelphia. Ho will

reside at Ijimsdowne, Pa.

The 100th anniversary of Bt. Au­

gustine Church, Hohemla Manor, will

bo celebrated next Hunday. Ilev. M.

M. Ooldlo of (Vcllton, will havo charge

of the services, and the choir of the

Church of the Oood Shepherd, Chesa-

penlio Clly, will furnish rnusle.The Holloway vs. Black Injunction

case, which had been before the Cecil

County Court for two years, owing

to a dispute over a right of way at

Charlestown, has lieen dismissed be­

cause of the dpath of the defendant,

Walter E. Black, of Ohnrlestown.

The election supervisors for Cerll

county organized by electing Bayard

d. Black chairman, Fred' H. l-cffier

rlerk and Albert D. Mackay counsel.

William dlllcsple and John Price

painters, employed at Tome Institute,

were Injured yesterday, when a scaf­folding on which they were standing

gave way, throwing lioth men to the

groundbroken ankle and a severe ctit on the

head, while Mr. Price wns severely

bruised about the hotly.

The girls of Zion have organized a

baselmll team.

Murdered end Robbed, Police Think; ^.ad Left Home

June 7.


NEW YOltK STOCKS. Europenna his loyalty to the Dowager

Empress was questioned and he lestjhls yellow Jacket and Peacock feather, get Is 1360. Evidently normaJoy hag

1 wo exalted decorations, and It was said .not been reached when It cornea l*

nr . . i. rj h,,, head wag In danger had he return- ; painting houses And ye* penile erg

believed to nave Been onartng e(1 to f^lna at that time as he had being urged to "build now. prt'ee *ri Fate of Chinese President

When Death* Came.

»Reported Pally by Laird ft Co, Se­

curity Brokers, du Pont Bunding.

Previous Clos«.

«By Associated Press to Every Evening.

rhllndelphla, June 23.—The body of

a young man, found by mushroom

pickers on the outskirts of the city,

with a mask over hie face, a botany book by hi* side and three bullet

wounds In bis back today was Identi­fied by hl« parent« as that of Fcnl>

more Cooper Lawrence, student and

boy scout leader.He was murdered and robbed, 1« the

theory of police. A pistol, with one

chamber exploded which was found In his tight hand, Is believed to have

been placed there by his murderer. His

clothes containing neither money or

Jewelry. Any one of the three bullet wounds would have been fatal accord­

ing to the coroner’« physician, law- rence left the home of his parents

June 7, alone to go camping. His

Identity was established when his v>ar- ents roAd of the llbdlng of a botany

book near the body. •

Pan-Amarican Gains 7 V* Points D. L. A W. Up Four Marks,

Coast Line 3.

Committees, Comprising Men and Women. Will Meet and

Hear Addresses.

Company.Allied Oh«wu. ft Dye AU1» Chalmers ...........


> liable to go higher."—IndWr «polls u,*r,been command'd40'A A4(1. C

Am. Car ft Pdy........................Am. Hide ft Leather.......... 14Am. Llide ft Leather, pfd. 67*,

International ................ 431*Linseed .............. ..........

Am 4(1 4,-

SUMMER RESORTSBp A a* totaled ' ws to Every Evening.

New York , Juno 23. (Wall street lh.30 a. ro.l.—Announcement that the •toefc exchange authorities had order­

ed an tmestlgatlon Into the recent re- DMtrkahle movements *f Mexican Pe­

troleum made that stock the central

feature at the active snd strong open­ing of today's session. Mexican Petro- Alia*, Com..........

l«um was the tiret stock to appear ■on the ticker, the initial transaction of Loco.' .’.

600 shares at 1*4 showing a gain of

half a poli* over yesterday's final

price In the next half doien sales, em­bracing lots of 100 to 500 shares, the ■took declined to 1*2l*

Other’ popular shar«>e were higher

by fraction« to one point with heavy

buying of Studelviker and several of th<* (alls. New York ('antral, Haiti -

A Joint meeting of the llepuhllcan Committees (men and women) of New CnHtle county will Im held tomorrow afiernoon upon Invitation of the Chris tiana hundred committee, nt "The Old

Mill," Senator du Pout’s country place, nt Hlllaldn, In their hundred.

Irene® du l’ont, a member of the

hundred committee, will welcome the

visitors. Charles A. Patterson, chair­man of the county cotiynlttao, who has

Just returned from an extended bnsl-

riees trip, which took him to the Pacific Coast, will preside. The speakers of

the afternoon will Include Hon. Car- roll L. Reedy, Congressman from

Maine, who will stop in Delaware on his way by motor to New England,

where ha Is to fill the speaking engage merits of Senator Fernald of his na­tive State, who la Incapacitated at

present from speaking by loss of voice. Mr. Beedy addressed the Mary­

land Society dinner In the spring at Hotel du Pont. Another speaker wilt be Mary Suart, assistant chief of the United States Bureau of Employ­

ment. who la well known In this state

from having spent some time here during the campaign of 1920 In the organization of the women’s commit­tees. Col. Thomas W. Miller will also he among the speakers. It Is expected

that Col. Henry A. du Pont will be

present and may say a few words.Previous to the mooting, which will

bo e.allod at 2 o’clock, city time, a box luncheon will ho served In the

orchard of the garden adjacent to the

Old Mill and. after lunch, there will be

afi opportunity for the visitors to en­joy the beauties of this delightful spot.

It has come to the attention of the committee that many of tho notices that wero sent out by mull on Mon­

day have not been delivered. It Is desired that every member of the

several county organl/jitlons, who can find It convenient so to do. shall be present, whether they have received a notice of the meeting or not, as this

Is a regular meeting of the committee Automobiles will leave the several

meeting places of tho committees at 12.30 o’clock.

103By Associated Press to Every Evening

Shanghai, June 23.—Wu Tlng-Fnng,

former Minister to Washington, more recently foreign Minister for Bun Ynt j

Ben, In the disrupted southern Ro- puhllean government at Canton died Tenne»«eie Avr and

. , .... m jiCTtW Beach Punning waterat Canton today, according to Beider ^ fcU rnftmß flaming;despatch. shower. European * 150-42 dav up;

Wu. an outstanding leader In UlS K!’”r,nl w,’",lv * ' "'

politics and Jurisprudence of China AVON INN '/"*Homelike olr for many years, remained, at last re- r„unrtlng* Amer "'and Kurop plana

purls, loyal to Sun Yat-Sen and was Elevator Bun water believed to have fled Canton with the relient cuisine. Booklet

deposed south China president. The

Reuter despatch gave no details.

Dr. Wu Ting-Fang, America’s fa­

vorite Chinaman, diplomat, atatesman, ;

vegetarian, and baseball fan, famed

for his wit and philosophy, was born

nt Singapore, In 1842 He entered St.

Paul’s College at Hong Kong nt the

age of thirteen nnd at twenty obtain­

ed an appointment as a court Inter­

preter In the service of the colonial

government. Twelve years Inter ho '

went to london to study law, nnd In

1877 wan admitted to practice. Hi»

talent attracted the attention of the

Chinese government, and In 1882 he

received a place on the staff of IJ ;

Hung Chang, who was then grand

chancellor of the Chinese Empire.

Dr. Wu was appointed minister to

the United States In 1896, but it was ga.no qp dolly, »p«ol«l wkly. Am«r. piss his first visit to thin country. On. ftpPflFVj I |

(<■ jnrbijh I ■■ ■! ■ ■ §

the seventies he «pent some time I ;

here mnklng a RtUdy of American In gontaekjr •▼*. n«arb«»ch—Atlantic Cit/'a 111 ..(.„iLn. „„,1 flno»t snd most popular rate hotel. Or- 111«mutions and colleges. ch««tra. dancing, «levator Errata baths

Hardly had the*successor of Minister II RUNNING WATFR IN ROOMSYang Yu become established In Wash

Ington than the capital recognized him

as one of the most Interesting charac­

ters In the realm of foreign diplomats

Entertaining him became a fad. and

his audacity In question« made him

the subject of dally comment

Although a hard worker, Dr. Wu

found time to attend baeoholi games.

Tho bicycle appealed to him. and dally

ho was a conspicuous figure In his

Oriental garb riding about the streets

on his wheel.

Am.Am.Am. Locomotive ... Am Smelt, ft Ref. Am. steel Rdya. . Am. Sumatra Tob. Am Tel. ft Tel. ... •Am. Woolen...........


113M>R3d i

59atlamth; city, k. ». ATLANTIC MTV, N. 4.

3U 39**130)1 no

Kentucky Ave nr ft"«. Elevator to Pri­

vate baths, running water a. V Kopp, owner and prop Open all year

091% 8'» WestminsterAnaconda Copper Aten.. Top. ft S. F.




38 Hadiophon* Conrmrti Daily

V» r*r*rl'nft A«« . of? Ho«r<4wa»» near P me• All |ffllM*m«n'a lw<) Tt.'r'*» to Pf l(NMMI m*4( ' burrhe- Am &mr t4 A •>» A\j , • «1 vfct*RUNNING WATIR IN CYC*/ ROOM

lmr>f’*v#4 «» • f o*< $90,000j All room* r-ftjrn «K^J •tftrtrlc »-«hU

1 » r 'I r * « ' ■ - prlva’t C. « ' e »ft'ßOrm; Uh!», prlrmI» rtVp^'f •p'*r* ■ tyfttV hoTj*»»* (t.qwrri with «’'^e '» 'Writ* fr* Rklt ( ftJ ttf *b, y,, • ^

Vprp'miWf m*'-ft^(«z1 vf


DaKtmorv ft Ohio .Heih. Steel. Class B.Brooklyn Ksp T»s EutteCop. ft ZiuCallfbrnla Pei............Canadlau Pacltic Central Leather Co Corro de l’»»co Chandler Nlotor .Chrs ft Ohio.Chi. Great West. Con.......Chi . Mil. ft St. Paul.........

and Ohio and Reading, second I Chi. ft Northwestern .....1 Chi . R. I. ft Pao....... ...........

Chile Copper .......................ChlifJ Copper ...................Coca Cola ......................Columbia Graph................Columbia Gas ft Elec. .Corn Product« itef.............Cosilen ......................................Crucible Steel .....................Cuba Cane Sugar ...........Cuba Cauo Sugar pf. .. Cuhan-Araer. Sugar ...

_ , . . , . . Denver ft Rio Grande .In Ran American «hares increased. ; Denver ft Rio Grande pfthe "A" Msue gaining «Ix jxilnts. and du Pont Debenture...........

du Pont common, now Endlcott-Johufion .

Shipping« also were favored. At- Kilo ....... ...................Untie Oulf. common and preferred, j Çîltî'0M® Clayors-Lasky ristn« * pointa. American ship and I ^nerMA.phait I:::::.::

v'ommerce snd United Fruit were one General Electric .............. __to almost two points higher. i General Motors ......................

_____ .. * . ,, ....... (icneral Motors 8 per cent-Anvong the motors. Maxwell. A General Motors 7 }»rcenu 94«,

and ’’B" '.«eues, were the strong»»! Great Northern pf. ................ sofoatuvee. Chandler recovered part of '

It« h'«« and rubber »pect.vltt»*» were Hup Motor Car tlrm. I Inspiration Copper.

Inter. Harvester ... liner Mer Marine

ern was the feature among rails, ad- Inter Mer. Mannevartclng almost four points with throe- Nickel ................rolnt gain for Atlantic Const Une. Ke\îy Sprlniflel'd flre

Sear*-Roebuck and Montgomery Kennecott v’oppr.- Ward wt're bought nt considerable ! Keystone Tire ft it.

I Lackawanna Steel ..

Call money opened at 3 per cent.

4 k»!,76H241* f’rlv baths. K*

H W WilJlams ,.«




(14!,1 38


I 2d


Virginia Ave., Allan tic City, N. J.

Second house from Boardwalk and Steel Pier


PRIZES AWARDED AT2(173 , 43U 21', 28', 6d *■,

morepreferred, were among the strongest 1

tftrfn I ItTtttJ'n-r.

I’ !tra importations.

U. S Steel reacted a small fraction and other Industrials of that class were

Irregular.Noon— Mexican Petroleum made a

Open all year, Centra! location, ry appointment. Highest dard in Cuisine and aervee

"A netter „oAerate Itete » -.tel "67), Eve


Rooms en miite with private hath. Running water in all room* Write for terma and booklet.

44 4Uas S7 ‘It1RM’i 1041 i48

71H72), 1()«4 84!, 24 V,

Mr. Gillespie siiHtalned afurther decline to 1*0 during the morn­

ing. rallying tmulerntely from that

level Meanwhile speculative activity

16*, gR*ntcxr avz.nlz nr.ah «xactirjnrrmr r**u**. »rtr» <*f all «

ftg»»1 iUjrri h* »•••▼ n . nr^n1«Yr+m prlr' /mm npt* < rW*.| ’ m-jp" -«sjt. K\w*%*rrr U> §*r*+t J»/> • i/g-*/'ied J’ V p 'inilJ 8p*'>«î WAcirlf p **i %r .• »are tGftfftffw Fmm 4Kr/. Hc« lr>

N** M*Mf««*sat- (Ui/V MF/TLfY

Interesting Commencement Ex­ercises Held There on

Tuesday Evening.

J. Bothwell.24 R

S1», 0 to 17 S.Georgia av Cap 2AO. Noted tor

*3 up dally. *18 Up weeklyMiller CottageUs table.Bill iv»son


132th*< "B 7 4 point«78),

Special Corresp»'>ndeti»'e Every Evening.

Smyrnn, Juno 23. The commence­ment exercise» of the High School

were held Wednesday evening. Prize»

were awarded as follows;Daughters of American Revolution

prize to the best student In American

history nnd civics, pre»ented by Miss M. Edith Beck- First prize. *5 In gold,

to Helen Evans; second, Î2.60, Bertha

Skrlvan.Rev. Ranson P. Nichols prize to the

member of the senior class writing the best book review on "Your Biggest

1SV, IM» SLEEP WHERE LIFE !« -UFE8THrlck. Ste«! and 9»one ' onstntr'lonVI 71)1,


lM, —63 V,

1(1'. 11161 1 14

SI*,04^ Ocwn *-nd ‘ o. Carolina Avr- [.arge-' -d- erate rate hou*e of modern 'arge ri»y •

! sr.nictlon.I Hot and fiold Running Water la 4.1

Boon I Baths; French chef Encollent '-able '»rete«-r* i Dar.ring. Free hath houses fnr rues If ; board-»ilk entrance *3 V) and up da' — ,

*m plan special m-kly Bookie* ***n -vito road map mailed Phone 4314 2'PA FT, f ROajrr-KAVa Ovn.r ,r/ p*.





4 0'4IVm« ;01* * cVWrit« tar bklt ft -ntn •rI»elaware. Igtckttwsnna and West- l 100 BATHING FROM HOTfl201, l«»t Council Gives Assurance Ordi­

nance Creating New Office Will be Passed.

7.3»,16*, 46', 46V, 33 V,

P>. 73 V, 10=*»

Ownership man’gt. Fsttzs A not.WKC.rn


Pert ins mike, r/ou feel 'Al. ffomtfth« C/if/ of Robust rl'uilth-

f 1__ HOTEL


1 AV, l Lewis Smith presente»! by llev. Thonins Getz Hill- First prize, *5 In

gold. Bessie May Thompson; honor­able mention, Emma May Walker.

American Society of Colonial Dames,

for the best essay on Patriotism pre­sented by Hon. W. O. HnfTecker FlrBt

31 I prize, bronze medal, Rebecca Hobson;3*4 certificate of award. Elizabeth Thorn-


80** ;

7« In the absence of president Word,

nf Council, Councilman Abraham» js-o-

slded at 1 ast night’« regular session

nf that body. As chairman of tho law

■ommlttee he announced that at the

next meetings an ordinance wlH b»

preisented, by agreement of tho mem­

bers, for the employment of a second

assistant city solicitor for a term not

tn exceed one year, from July 1, 1922,

at snlary of *1.800 per year, whose

(line will be devoted to the collection of

back taxes.It was demonstrated In conference

to the satisfaction of the councll-

, Is'hluh V alley ! Mexican Pet I,.

Midvale 8t«>e



iM<. Kails ft TexasMo. I’aclflc ...............NY. Central NY N H ft H

|l««ntt of Ylerser of little« ft Jones anil Northern PaciHc ”pur» onOkla. pfd. ft ref

With an authorized oapttAllzatlon Pacific oilof 130.006.000. articles of Incorporation p*n *ru- .........hat e been filed at Dover for the Con- pênoa "k r

«■’'lUlated Machine Tool Corporation of 1’ ro Marquette America. The amalgamation will In- phi!upg p(,t

thf Machine Tool C*o.t I’i^rcc-Arrow

plant 's located in Uo'iiostrr. < £*orco ou ••N Y.. the mr.es ft Jonea Co., of this Pre^il^Tciar .............."

*»ty; the Colburn Machine Toni Co.. Pullman Co. ..................of Cleveland, the Modern Tool Co., of j Çun^* Al«sr» Sugar Phl adelrhla. and the Newton Machine ; R^Ä Iron ft Steel

Toe; Works. Inc., of Philadelphia. Royal Dutch. N yAccording to H. J Bailey, president SÎ' L°uJ*-8an Fran

of the Hille« ft lone» Co, permanent SheH^^* TranSV"1* x**™

organization will be perfected by the 1 Slots Sheffield . alar Don of officers and directors In the aJ^th^nPadilc

croiras ot a few week«. Today Mr. Southern Railway ISatley decJared that th* proposed Or- 8troiuberg Carbureior

Studebaker Oo.Tenn Coppar ft C hain

are ex- 'I>xas Co.Texas ft Pacltic ... .']Tobacco Products Transcontliguual Oil " Union OU Union PacificU. S. Alloy Steel ............United Retail Stores Union Food Prod........ ...

The following ©or. , £ g BubberC°ho1 .......... '

» harter» her« ' V. S. Steel . ...................V. S. Skd. pfd.White Motors WtUys-Dverland . •Ex.-Div. ........


^Write for BooVcleL

Other Tool Companies. 3 IWu Ting-Fang throughout his life

wo» Interested in railways and at one

time wa» promoter and chief director

of the Kal Ping Railway. Subsequent­

ly ho was appointed co-director of the

Railway Bureau. A year before his

first diplomatic appointment to the

United States the statesman ostabllsh-

men that the duties of the city so- ed the Tlen-Tsin University and be- lirltor are euch as to occupy his time | came Its chief director. Ho wag re-

fully, covering the defense of milts | called from Washington in 1902 after

igalnat the city as well as the prepa- six years of service, but wa, sent back ration of cases in which the city la I to his old post five years later. In tj

PULLMAN LAYOFF.38 V* 76», 7041»,80»*

.] ley, Julian Hodgson. Ruth Daly. !

Frances Aloxamler, Margaret Hill.Faculty Club prize to the senior j

making the best scholastic record dur-

Flrst prize, second

VirqiniA AveEzra. C BeTl --Paul M Ccrpft

170 ffoomp wrth Punning \Pxtnr u*/ Te/eoPnntt Ç«/a«feg

incMing 50 Suiter urtb promt« ßnthi ^

art station Oaragm


Atlantic City7.341*4 80»,

.32** j Ing the post four years si i *10 *n Fold. Kmma Walker;

I prize $5. William 8. Patterson.

Rev. J. M. L. Eckard prize for pro­

ficiency in Latin for the year, pre-8»*nted by Rev. j m i, Eckard First Customary at This Time of Year prize In g«>id. Mary Robinson. Because Most of the Cars

Awarding of the senior gift to Miss ! Anna Louise Morris presented by Are in Use.

MAY NOT BE SERIOUS.32V Auto (Wl*sw Orc/tetfro * Whttn r.«r*nM



) .'■>49V,731,70',39*;

49V* • 72»,

Sh«. 460»,27 27 ;27V, 27», j August, 1909, he was again recalled. ,j

and on sailing for Oilna via Liverpool ;

the plaintiff, and also advice to the de­

partments on .proposed ordinances and

regulationsThe ending of the official term of the

new assistant will coincide with that

of City Solicitor Safterthwalte.

The Inspector of oils reported the

testing of 31,847 gallons during the

month and the receipt of $159.23 In


Mills way Broadway, was for the train- a3. j Ing given by Miss Morris to tho senior

gpi* class v>art!clpants In the class day play, auth ritntive presented on Tuesday evening.

12fik subject was "Safety First ”

learned today from

sources that the gen-It wns33 k remarked that he would come hack 1

again 1n fifty years, "long after you i I ! young ship news reporters are dead.” ,|

Asked why, he replied: "You are all i|

meat-eaters, arid such fellows can’t d

Uve as long as us vegetarians.”

Dr. Wu wa« appointed Minister of

SIB* 23 k 48k


?? MARYLANDThe i ,,rai re»luction In forces at tho Pull-

shops will not be so serious Awarding of the S»hool ’S to the j community ns wrs at first be-

members of the baseball and track

J (A

ganizfttlon Is being continually dis- ! ouaeed and new developments ported at any time.

At the Head Waters of the Cheeaneeke Bay, Mid Nature'« Most

Beeaty. Ftshlng. Bathing and Boating f.

mail car

Wondrous48 *1U

; teams presented by J. H. Menden- !0entral iAbor Union

15 , ball. The Smyrna High S»h»*ol won Al)OUt g50 wrirk„r(, w^re employed3tk the Interscholastic h.uieball champion- <hp ,an^ pr(.vloIln to the posting

— Rh'p of year’ . * f 'of a "reduction In the fore«»" notice.M», An award of *2^0 was made to the WBa than believed, would

~~77 four girls of the Household Arte De- i ____* - „partmenta, who won the $100 prize at ,mwm 1 iat ’ ’’or 00

61k the state meal getting contest. Dover, i worker» at the plant would be kept on

Ion May 25. 1922. The winners were the Payroll, meaning that 85 per cent

j,. ! Alma Coleman, Eva Stehlev, Florence 1 would be laid off.Artis and Catharine Ford. j According to the wording of tho

I agreement that 1« In operation between ! the Pullman Co. and the Railway

Employes’ Department of the Ameri-

I can Federation of Labor, and Indorsed

by the United States Railroad I^tbor

I Board, whenever the workers, or any j part of the total number are to be

‘laid off for a longer period than five

days, a notice of "a general reduc-

i tlon In forces" must be made and the

lleve»L according to an officer of th«



6.3 k



THE FERNCLIFFELarge and comfortable rooms, home oook-

• Ing, large porch and plenty of made tree«: near beach. Write for rare«. ’


HOTEL CHESAPEAKEDirectly on the beach. Our table supplied with fresh vegetable« and s*-a foods from | farm» and bay. Pure spring water.


THE WILMERJtKW CORPORATIONS.A petition from property owners on

West Ninth streed protesting against

the erection of a garage cn the aouth

side of that street between Clayton

and du Pont was presented by Council­

man James Evans, and referred to the

public building committee.A communication from the Central

I-abor Union, opposing the appoint­

ment of a second assistant city so­

licitor, was received and filed.

All the Comforts of Home.. rooms. Home Cootdng bay

-arge, airyHTBAMBOAT LIHE8.SpecUxl Correapondence Every Evening. ■

Dovar, June 2*—■ poratlons filed their

EaaterdtQ' -

Auatln Mineral.Water Co., Wilming­

ton, capital I2.250.ooo.

Patrl-Glazo Co.. Philadelphia, $1 -


Chalmette Petroleum

Wilmington. $1.000.000

Somerset Securities #Co, Wilming­

ton. 11,000,000. ,_ . Industrials.Supply Co.. Br-Am.Tob c.............

Cont. Motors ...........Durant Motors . Glen Aid. Coal .....'

Wilmington, ragana Oil .............I'erftgt Tire...............Republic Tire ....... "

er, Sweets Co. Am. ....Uni Prof. 8har.

(standard OilsË. O New York .......

Independent Oils.Allied Oils...................Cities Service ..........Cit 8erv. B. ctfs. .

Acid Recovery Corporation. Brook- LU. S*fT„pf...............I>n. N. Y $160.000 Maracal'boöii

i au Hecurltles Corporation, Whit« Merritt Oil... Plains. N. Y.,-»I50.(K.0 8k“toJo®L..V.

Air.Ajncan RacK Co., Wilmington Host. Mont............... .$100,000 • El Salvador ...............

Tbs Intercity Radio Telegraph Co.. Ton NUniny '

ot New York. Increased Its capital ■lock fron, $1.000 000 to $5.00o.000. and

the Detachable Wheel Co. of America

changed lu narr.« to the P.udge Whit­

worth Co. of America.

Fine re» nt r~mMBS. E. L. vrii^ua.

WILSON LINE CREW’S HOTELcomfort* of h. ptivar,« home—gree

porcoe« and lawn«, home-grown vogefahi»«. S?rfH C ^ innn El^trtr lights w H ( HEW Prop Phone


Philadelphia, Peim's Grove, Chester MR«70 F 73.8»,

Schedule In Effect Saturday, May 27.DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME.

Subject to Change Without Notice.I^save both Wilmington. Fourth Street . , ,, .

Wharf, and Philadelphia. Pter 5 North *hmdy !'?wn- Homegrown vegetable«, above Arch street, at 7.30. 9.00 *10 30 banltary Improvements Enlarged Dining

Request of the Independence Day çu.oo a. m.. *12 o'clock noon. 1.30. 3*00* a°°m* Ke^«onabie Rate^. committee for financial aid for the 4.1Ö, 600. 7.00. *8.30 and 0.30 p. m. firework« display planned tes the even- J fekttoy®^7" Hutid,‘ya onJy’


Excursion. Philadelphia. Weekdays One Way. Philadelphia. Weekdays Excursion, Philadelphia. Sundays

i One Way, Philadelphia. SundaysWILMINGTON - PENN'S GROVE

I . ROUTE.Leave Wilmington ad .30. 6.45. 7.45.

nl, ,, , , 10.00. 11.(3Ô a. rj.. 12 noon, t.oo.Bids on grading work around the 2.00. 3.00. 4.00. bö.30. 6.00, 7.00, 8.00

Incinerating plants, submitted to the al0-°°v 11-00, al2.0u p. m. andU.4U a. m.Leave Penn s Grove 6.00, a7 OO. 8.00.

Josi'ph S. Hamilton Co., $398; 9.oo, 10.oo. 11.00 a. m., 12.00 noon. 1 ooE H Robin 3 00< 3 00* <*15. 5.00. cfl.15. 7.00, 8,00. , — _, .

K ° n »0.00. 10.00, all.00, 12.00 p. m. al2 40 *ric Lights.Thonipeon, a. m.


THE WILTSHIREN»ar Beacn. AU Modern Con-rerjenees. Auto .Meet.« Boats and Trains. ~r-«n ■ ewe tames. MRS. IDA R WTÜ.I3


ELMHURST TO HAVECorporation,Reported Dali, at Noon by Laird ft

Co, da root Building.

Previous Close.


HOTEL BETTERTONGF_ FARE NOW nigh location, magnificent view of Che«»-

peoke Bay. one square from beacn. v*m»*- •50c lables from our own garden. Open aU 30c year. Booklet. JAS. T. CREW. Proprietor

... 60c 40c

MRS. M. A. TULL. PROP Near Beach. High rievatio*.

Home Comfort.»NEW M. E. CHURCHAm er*, «'an Veterinary Wilmington. $850,000.

Drewrv ft ytr ns Co . Dover, $700,000.

Oeil Investment Co,•400.000.

Burk e Tire and Rubber Co. Dov

• 850,000.

OtJtrol Piston Ring Co, Philadelphia, 1250.000,

Singer Machine Co., Pittsburg, $150,-

Last.ing »va« refu«»?d.

A bill from the United States Shlp-


r.H 7k38 k HOTEL RIGBIE3 3 ping Board

charges on the cost of sewering and

other improvements at Union

Gardens was referred to the Finance

for InterestDirectly on Beach. Combination «ooöore and country. Rest and ecretuoc « .1 resort amusements. *t*ntng, »UUng. canoeing, tenma. electric Ught» 'oumern cooking Orcbeatlft. Special attecu<tn given »uto mo bue parues, phone. W 8

HOTEL BAYSIDESuperb View of Cheaapeake Bay Highest elevation, large, shady «awn. Wide veran­das. Garage. Phone Still Pond. Md. 75-F-3


_ , , i notlc-es posted 1n tho particular plantSite for the Building Purchased where the lay.orr i» to he effective,

at Mathes Avenue and Newport Pike.


Labor men who are In a position

to discuss the Pullman situation,

stated today that the reason for the

big lay-off. which they believe is but Board of Health were recelv<?d as fol» ;

for ten days or two weeks at the

most, 1» that the seashore and moun­

tain travel h^( »-ailed out most of tho

Pullman rolling stock to take care of

the enormous travel. By July 1, It Is

stated, this travel will have abated to euch an extent that the usual sum- j

mer working schedule may be pla»:ed '

in operation at the Pullman plant j

In Wilmington, which Would mean that j

approximately 600 workers would be l

employed here. Workers at the Pull- j

man plant have always anticipated a

short loy off at this period In June,

according to their reports to the Cen­tral Labor Union, therefore the news !

that the situation Is n»it us serlcus as |

wns at first believed is gratifying |

to the labor officials of the city and j

to the general community.

Committee.Long tllitou«

BRICE. Mgr......... 430 430BELMONT PRICE COTTAGE; Entirely Remodeled au«l Renovated. Shady

Lawn Cool Rooms. All Sanitary. Un­surpassed Table. Fresh Vegetables. Eiec-

Terni» Moderate.MRS. L. A HICKMAN

Special Correspondence Every Evening.

Richardson Park. June 23.—The of­

ficial board of the Methodist Episcopal

Church ha« purchased a tract of land

at Matthe« avenue and the Newport

pike for a site for a new church. The

new edifice will be located In Elm-

“ j hursrt, the latest suburban tract to iv, be developed along the Newport pike.

The plot of land secured measures ; 100x178 feet.

232600 232 J!hady Lawn. Sanitary Improvement«. Home Cooking Home-»iro«n Yen-taaie«. Garage. MRS. ! LEONARD '’RICE.

Phone 70 F-ll.


lows:J. H. Phillip«, $552.60:

son, $562.60; John


23k69k •69

iok w.a Runs on Sundays and Holidays only.

, bo .00 p. m. on Sundays and Hobdays. C4.00 and 6.00 p. m. on Sundays and


OCEAN CITY. N. J.10', iok8 k 9iok iok; .3 iifEDFOPD



Only Boardwalk HotelSpecial day and weekly rates on rooms with hot and cold running water dur­ing June and from July 5 to 26 AMER­ICAN PLAN. J A. YOUNG. Mgr

1 3leave wilminoton

French 8t. Wharf. 5 p. m.


(Race «tree!). 6 p. m. 4

r iLOCAL SECCKITIBS.fphe present church at <aynrich

Reported Dally by I.alrd ft C<g» S avenue and Eureka street. Richardson curlty Brokers, da Pont Rnlldlnr *" I>arlL wus erevl6d oltout 15 years ago

Diamond Ice ft Coal Co., pf.. 75 f’» and the congregation has Increaseddu Pont dets-nture fractions. 8U >,3 I until now the building i« inadequate.

Herrults.com............. I”"!“!;:' jßo t-o^ rhls 1H e«,<"'iall>' lrU(’ of lho Sunday'Jeorge Hercules, pfd...............ioj jq* s«-hool department, which has an en-

operating an ,AndusWlSidtage........................... ?tl 7 ■ rol:m‘‘nt of 200 ‘ hlldren and adults

11- I »Ex-Div. ....................... 1/4 2 I W’hile the site fora new building has

i been secured nothing definite lias been

, don© towards we»'tlr.g a new structure.

Efforts will be made to dispose of the

Cities Service Company plans to return ' Preaent property before plans are to cash dividend payment on Its pre- made for the new building.ferred stock on September 1. and on the Members of the Fiv»> Points Civic preference share* on October 1 oxemoers 01 .no 1 ivt 101ms ‘vie

sale of American Railways Company Association at ft meeting to be held to-__ °r w^icA‘ there are outstanding night will complete axlungements for

C- R»Pre«eniatlv« lr. at auction W.fineiday’ at 17l''the*highest the second annual carnival, which be-

iMUioro. Asse mb. y from ine S.xth price recorded since tlu-lr Issue At that gins at ElmhurBt tomorrow night. The L'iBtrtct of Now Castle county, who le retllrn affair will come to u close on Satui-

«•rlctuny in hru> te er, », and about 11 per cent figured to maturity , . . , , ,* Ul- G**en to 1’enn- 1 Industrial stability has Ixten more near- 1 ,la-v n;«ht, July 1.

•>.varia mountain» for the benefit of attained In the last thirty days than K. V. Rudolph is chairman of theat any time «Inc» the beginn!n« of thr* ___...world war,’ says the National Rank of c0rmnHt*‘e ln charge ol the carnival

’ .Some Indus- i acd he Is being assisted by the foUow-

ln ing committees: Blankets, <>»-orge

Prunroae; dolls, C. R. Vansant; fruit

and groceries, Andy Bpath; candy,

Mrs. Delaware M’right; cigars

cigarettes, -Mr. Richardson and Mr. Bowen; fi«h pond, Mrs William H.

Watson; canes, George August;

aluminum, William Schueler; variety 1-resjuem warren. 01 tne P»>nn Sea-» 1 booth Mrs David PatterKon-

board Steel Corporation, today announced . ’ !that the diroctors have voted to acquire lues and milk, Mr«. William iinsman;

nre- al1 Nt<Jck J'*10 Carpenter Steel Com- soft »irinks and hot dogs, Howard Tal-

, vr puyltile*\uKu«t°in 1>",'n mallei! io‘ih„ «m-kholderH | lf,y ’ , hl''k'nB' William 11 Watson;Flis'trji < 011 ».nt <y*!lln»' u ■ibecial meutlng July 7 to ratify confetti stand, tickler« and hats, Miss

quarterly of lk per ct-ut. payable Au- Jmr<has' I'pon completion of the ! Mildred Tin aman.«ust 18 purchase it is propose»! to etianae the 1

t'olumbU Petroleum Company monthly 10 ,lu‘ L’arpenter .Steel Corporation. «>f 1 per cent payatde Julv 1 * /he seventeeuth annual report of the Building up Ihe Marinos.V < onUneuvai lnnuran.-e company, semi- Maryland. Delaware ft Virginia Railway S)nce the opening of the Marine

annual of 12 percent pa»*l»l. Jut, 11 °° Pennsylvania System, shows a ne , opening or me -MarineFederal Motor Tru»*k Company •> oer railway operating dtdlcit for 1821 of *102, Corps recruiting offices in front of the

cent, payabh June to ' ?;i7 Increase of *166,672 Defl<i old City Hall, two Wilmington menil . Il mer Compati V i’ .... transferred t« profit and loss from year' li____ __... . . , .. , * . , _

pc**f*i rwi. pay abj*. jui> ; ; operations was *24.3.041, making tota bate enlisted in the service. The re-

Maple Leaf Mining Companv quarterly L,r 4,rofl! and loss 0,1 December 31 < ruits are Russell F. Jackson and Rus-•f 2 per oeat u«i common and D* per cent, i 'KVs^SrtSfta «he market th«t Studs- j6"11 Butl(‘r' b ,1‘ ('f whom have been J

baker is working out a plan whereby to Philadelphia to undergo further ■Uie *9.890.000 preferred stock will be examination. Sergeant Anthony who ■ retired Inasmuch as the preferred is , u „ , U"1J• "no,Bcallable at 12.3. It would cost *12.250 000 18 . »’harge of the local recruiting ■to retire ihe Issue, but it Is believed that Office, stated today that several other ■many iireferred stockholders wotUd be lBnnlli*ilnn« . . 1 mwilling to trade in preferred for common iaPPlKatlons had been made, but some

and secure a share In the heavy profits of cause, usually lack of weight hasrentTvZ&nd £r&- , barred the ,nen ’ devi.-dogs| ■

By - 1 ---------

Make this summer » outing ’he finest you've ever ho«i by 'oo ing to beautiful Bedford Springs. Situated 1290 fe^t above »ei-level on a wonderful 3006-ocr« »'«tato. Tennis, golf, boating, riding, »»vlrrimlng. riunclng i evening. Exceentcuisine. Big mo»t#rn ho­tel with every convenience. n Lincoln Highway. Splendid roods. Famous Bedford Springs cura­tive waters. Garage service, fiend for booklet. Now open.MARTIN SWEENY. Manager.


Ill Health Brings I-enlency.

Bacauste he 1* In 11’ health.

ffftwl«y, charge»! with

automobile without

COLONIAL HOTELOcean Front, Strictly Modem,

Booklet.Southern Terminus of du Pont Boulevard

Ask for

LA1RD& COMPANY.ar operator’soono* and «ptw-ding, gamed the- — ^en*tercy of Judge Hastings in Municipal!

■K ourt today and \»a* dlamissed Paw­ley ha« taken out a license «ince hl»


REH0B0TH. DEL.-ft-riNAÄCTAD NOTES. The Secret of Success

is Persistent EffortMembers of N. Y. Stock


Investment Securities du Pout Building

Wilmington, Delawctrs Wilmington Telephone 4242

New York Telephone Canal MSS

Spald does With Messier.

Arthur F. Spald. a graduate of the j

University of Delaware* In the class I

of 1921, who has recently completed j a course In commercial urt and lllus- j

tration at the l’ratt Institute of New i

York, has taken a position with Hess-

ler, Inc., of this city. Mr. «paid was

the designer of the University of Del­aware seal at the time of the change I

In the title from Delaware College.

Hotel Henlopenwill Open Wednesday. June 28. Booklet C. P. BURTON. M

1932aaagerWhen the thought comes

to you that you ought to sa\e don’t dismiss it. Think it out. Think till a work; able plan for saving is in sight. Then start your ac­count with the Wilmington Savings Fund Society.

By patient, persistent ef­fort keep up regular de­posits, l'ou will never re­gret it.

Ln»nk Xlller Goes to Monut&in«.WILDWOOD y. J. DELAW AJbLE WATER G AC.

DORSEY ££ Ä „private hath

Amer. plan. FAHRRST l1«'»»»« Wa.er »jx > Rocuns with r w 1 Central local ion, ’•liigntf'j*

Vii r«y»lernIM va voFtatriag.

, _ . , , Excellentmeals Special early rate«. *3.50 day. *17 50 week and up. Ownership rnan- agccient. K E WTIITESELL.

HOUSE surrounding». — improvements. Exc. table. BoaUng

A L. MARSH.baths.

be hstvlthworld war.Omnnere»' of New York tries have shown moderate gains in others conditions have altered but little and In a few Unes a seasonal dullness lias occurred."

Phillips Petroleum net earnings after Interest and taxes for May were *l,M)4 - OOO before depreciation Earnings so far this year have been Increasing monthly *’ follows January $180.701. February $.302.443 March. *6.34,335. A prit *703 - 2.31: May *1.104.000

President Warren, of the Penn





li» ittüim —WWWWWHEWMBBBaMEBEMEEEEBMkBWMWBMElliMh .«Httfa, m iiimilElllliüuUmoHÉB n. 'kiiUciv.u, hmAmerlcai Radiator Company »luarterly

01 «1 a «tiare ou oiriitiion payable Sep­tember 30. and D* per oeut on preferred payable August l7, * ’

Auitln Nichols Company, »juarterly of I** per cent 00 pr*'ferred gu«t 16.

Central Railroad Company of New Jer­sey two quarterlies of 2 per cent each par«Mi Je , «nt \ »gu.t fj

< Ule« bei v ire Company. '• of 1 i„.r c*-nt In «crip on common, preferr»*! and f. rred h and 1),■1 o*’I» «rrlp on qonimou

Columnl« ■ a » am|

* %and> »'Cl 4% INTEREST RAID 09



0 3>i^avisbk* a\u- Jf 1



S»E.Cor.9th i Market St»

0w Icakes, ZB

«A ever appear on one oi the beu» traded in by diehoneet brokers

and shrewd confidence men? The answer rests largely with



(l.arkey Building.)3Till



923 Market Ml., Wilmington, Del. JWhen a widow' is known 6o‘ have inherited insurance»,

Then b«-3

Equitable Trust Co. her name is quickly placed on one of these lists,

gins the game to induce her to inveet ;n stock paying ex-!^83

i «Ninth and Market Sts. Wilmington

traorihn&rv dividends—to the promoters.on pr«*fHrr#*d uf>Lr JuJy 18



••ml «nouai of per c».|it and extra of 5 tier cent payant» July 1

New NlqiMTo Sugar Company »»»ml-an- nval of 3 tier cent on preferred, payable

Tobacco i’roduct* Corporation, »juarter iy of 1 y per »ent on common, payable Au«u«t 15

Transporta tlon ( nmnaoy. »juarterly of cent' a «hare payable Julv 15

Wastiluuj'on Baltimore and Annapoln > .eriri» Railr ad Company quarterly of 1 per .-er, i on common and 1)* per cent on preferred, payable July 1.

InDelaware A Life Insurance Trust, which you can arrange now, will

relieve your wife of the responsibility of inventing your in-

Conaider with our Trust Officer, the advantages of

such an arrangement.

0 Founded 1889>

*Member Federal Reservefiystc m

Trustee The Delaware Foundation

surance.IUZ Owens, Anderson Si Rumford

Members New York Stock Exchange

Wilmingtow, Deb Telephone Wilmington 7i>80.

1i ^

f* ^■1 du Tont Building.If you telephone your ad, ask about

5«- a line per day for classified | the »Recount

ads an a monthly contract.—Adv,

QM31llliliuftiMiuMiiüi«iii«iftiaa,i-iMix.-.l!iaiiliftiiaaiii:.,ftUa»uiiiiapm^1jir..i)^i^.|)j^||)^t|||>-||»)|t||-.|i.|.jjy|.. ^ .mtij,_iianujiiLi;,. imf .....Byou can get on the prie« j m

j quoted you.—Adv. 1ft


« t I
