ethernet remote potentiostat.doc

Ethernet Remote Ethernet Remote Potentiostat Potentiostat Design Report Design Report Ethernet Remote Potentiostat Veronica Cojocar [email protected] Cătălin Stefan Ionescu [email protected] Submitted for the 2011 Digilent Design Contest Cluj-Napoca, Romania May 14-15, 2011 Advisor: Associate Professor Cristian Zet, Ph.D. The “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi Iasi, Romania page 1 of 30 Copyright Digilent, Inc. All rights reserved. Other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners.

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Ethernet Remote Potentiostat


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Ethernet Remote Ethernet Remote PotentiostatPotentiostatDesign ReportDesign Report

Ethernet Remote Potentiostat

Veronica [email protected]

Cătălin Stefan [email protected]

Submitted for the 2011 Digilent Design Contest

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

May 14-15, 2011

Advisor: Associate Professor Cristian Zet, Ph.D.

The “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of IasiIasi, Romania

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Ethernet Remote Potentiostat Design Report


1.1 Abstract

The aim of the project is to build a remote potentiostat based on the CREBOT 32MX4 board. Its main purpose is to control a chemical process, into an electrochemical cell, from a remote PC. The apparatus will generate necessary signals via the PWM outputs of the microcontroller and will acquire the useful signals from the cell using the ADC available on the microcontroller. It will accept commands from the host PC via Ethernet and sends back the acquired data. The potentiostat has an analog front end for current to voltage conversion, output signal conditioning and range scaling. It has two operating modes: as potentiostat (for electro-deposition while applying constant potential over the electrolytic cell) and as impedance analyzer (for electrochemical analysis).

1.2 Objectives

The main objective is to create a cheap device which to allow electrochemical experiments.

1.3 Features-in-Brief

- generate complex signals from DC up to 100kHz- acquire voltage and currents from DC up to 100kHz- control the potential across the electrochemical cell- characterize the electrochemical cell using impedance spectroscopy- driving it remote via Ethernet network

1.4 Project Summary

The project consists of two main parts: the analog hardware part and the software part. Problems like identifying and using the available resources on the microcontroller board and fitting the analog part to the digital hardware had to be solved. The two team members took care each of one part.

1.5 Digilent Products Required

- Cerebot 32MX4 ;- PmodNIC – Network Interface ;

1.6 Tools Required

- MPLAB IDE;- MPLAB C32 Compiler;- LabView.

1.7 Design Status

Hardware is ready. Some software parts are ready: generating sinus waves using PWM, communicating via Ethernet network. Due to the fact that the Cerebot 32MX4 is a new product and the available libraries for network communications are not fully working, the team lost a lot of time for making them running. page 2 of 25

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Ethernet Remote Potentiostat Design Report

2. Background

2.1 Why This Project?

The project has a great complexity. It asks hardware resources (2 PWM channels, analog data acquisition with high sampling rate and general I/O ports and Ethernet connection) and computing power from the CPU (when in impedance spectroscopy mode). The Pic32 microcontroller hosted by the Cerebot 32MX4 seems to be the right piece for this application. Previous students working in Prof. Zet lab already built other potentiostat versions. Regarding the two previous statements the idea perfectly fits for this project.

3. Design

3.1 Features and Specifications

- generate programmable DC voltage with mV resolution- measure DC voltages and currents on ranges over 8 decades (2nA to 2mA) - generate programmable pulsed voltage with pulses length down to 1ms- measure pulsed voltages and currents on ranges over 8 decades (2nA to 2mA)- characterize the electrochemical cell at constant potential using impedance spectroscopy in

the frequency domain from 1Hz to 100kHz- driving it remote via Ethernet network

3.2 Design Overview

The project consists of two parts: the analog front end built in the house and the digital part (Cerebot 32MX4). The analog part has a signal generator and a signal acquisition part. The signal generator uses two PWM channels. On first PWM channel a DC or pulsed voltage is generated while the device is working in the potentiostat mode. On the second channel a sinus with programmable frequency is generated while the device is in the impedance spectroscopy mode. The sinus is 20 times smaller than the DC voltage because the measurement is performed at constant potential. The PWM voltages are filtered with a programmable switched capacitor filter (LPF). The cut-off frequency is modified in concordance with the generated sinus because the PWM frequency is rises with the sinus frequency. The filtered signals are weighted summed (1 to 20). The resulting voltage is attenuated using a programmable divider in order to generate any value without losing the resolution. Because an electrode immersed in solution has an electrode potential and it is needed to have the desired potential over the cell, this potential is measured with the reference electrode (A3) and it is subtracted from the applied voltage (A2). The current flowing through the cell is transformed into voltage with a current to voltage converter (connected to the working (WE) electrode). The resulting picoamperemeter has multiple decade ranges from 2nA to 2mA. In the impedance spectroscopy operating mode only the sinusoidal voltage and current are necessary. The DC part is removed by a high pass filter (HPF). From the sinusoidal voltage and current the impedance is computed. By varying the sinus frequency the impedance spectroscopy is performed. page 3 of 25

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The microcontroller communicates, via Ethernet, with a host PC which controls the entire process.


3.3 Detailed Design Description

3.3.1 IntroductionPotentiostats are electronic systems used for keeping constant the potential difference between

two electrodes (working electrode and counter electrode). In order to achieve this some conditions must be fulfilled:

The reference electrodes keep a constant potential in respect to that of the hydrogen electrode (being considered as the general reference potential). A silver wire covered with a layer of silver chloride becomes a simple reference electrode if it is immersed in a chloride solution. If a small current passes through electrode, this will be polarized and the potential will vary with the current. In order to have it as a reference electrode no current must pass through it. The input impedance of the potentiostat must be big enough (G, T) in order to keep the current under certain limits.

Electrochemical cell, reference electrode, controllable potential

The potentiostats must fulfill two tasks: measure the potential difference between the working electrode (WE) and the reference electrode (RE) without polarizing the last one and to compare the potential difference with a preset value and to force a current through a counter electrode (CE) toward the WE in order to reduce the potential difference between the prescribed potential and the working electrode potential.

A simplified diagram of a potentiostat is the following: page 4 of 25

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The schematic diagram of the potentiostat

The electronic circuit has 4 building blocks. The electrometer

It measures the difference of potential between the working electrode and the reference electrode. Its output is the negative feedback of the potentiostat. An ideal potentiostat has the input current equal to zero and infinite input impedance. A real electrometer has a finite but very small current and its effect can be neglected. Two of the most important characteristics of an electrometer are the frequency band and the input capacitance. The frequency band refers to the frequency the potentiostat can measure. The input capacitance and the reference electrode resistance act like a low pass filter. If the time constant is to big the frequency band will be limited. Small input capacitances means high instabilities.The current to voltage converter

It converts the current flowing through the cell into voltage. Due to the amplifier the current is forced to pass through the resistor Rm , and the voltage drop appears at the output. If the resistor has a value multiple of 10 the voltage digits are the same as those of the current. The current varies from one experiment to another sometimes over few decades. Thus, the resistor Rm is formed from many resistors that can be switched in the amplifier’s feedback in order to get many measuring scales. By switching the scales, currents in a large interval can be measured. The control amplifier

This is in fact a servoamplifier. It compares the voltage measured from the cell with the prescribed one and pushes a current into the cell in order to make them equal. Due to the connection mode (the measured reference voltage is connected at the inverting input) it crates a negative feedback.

The signal generatorThis is controlled voltage source. It is generated by a digital to analog converter. At its output

various values and signal shapes can be obtained: continuous, pulses or sinus. The signal is not continuous but it composed from small steps (depending on the update frequency and on the resolution of the DA converter.

The impedance spectroscopy plays an important role in fundamental and applied electrochemistry and materials science. In a number of respects it is the method of choice for characterizing the electrical behavior of systems in which the overall system behavior is determined by a number of strongly coupled processes, each proceeding at a different frequency. The paper presents a virtual instrument and the associated hardware that allows performing the impedance spectroscopy on the electrolytical cell. It is aimed for studying phenomena (charge transfer, diffusion page 5 of 25

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Ethernet Remote Potentiostat Design Report

or electrode polarization) that occur for example while growing nanowires by electrodeposition in polycarbonate templates.

As it is known, impedance spectroscopy means the evaluation of impedance behavior of a physical system in a wide frequency range by applying a single frequency voltage and measuring the current flowing through it.Considering a sinus wave signal as voltage

applied to a system, the current response

of this system can be measured. Following, the impedance of the system can be calculated as:

In complex it will be

The impedance can be plotted in the plane in either rectangular

or polar coordinates

Impedance representation in the plane

IS is a necessary analytical tool in materials research because it involves a relatively simple electrical measurement that can be automated and whose results may often be correlated with other complex materials variables, like mass transport, rates of chemical reactions, corrosion and dielectric properties, or defects, microstructure and compositional influences on the conductance of solids. IS can mark out aspects of the performance of chemical sensors and it has been used extensively to investigate membrane behavior in living cells or in electrodeposition processes. It is also useful as an empirical quality control procedure. IS has an equally important area of application in the study of materials that are not intended for electrical applications, for example, structural ceramics, in which transport properties are incidental to the main application.

If the real part of impedance is plotted in the plane on the X axis and the imaginary part on the Y axis, we get a "Nyquist plot". Next figure shows two RC circuits common in impedance spectroscopy and typical Z complex plane response for them. page 6 of 25

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a), b) – two common RC circuits; c), d) – their impedance plane plot. The arrows indicate the direction of increasing frequency

Analysis of experimental data that showing a full semicircular arc in the complex plane, such as in figure 2(c), provides estimates of the parameters R1 and C1 and hence, lead to quantitative estimates of conductivity, faradic response rates, relaxation times, and interfacial capacitance.

3.3.2 Hardware Analog front end

The hardware is built around the Cerebot 32MX4 board. It has been chosen because of its high speed of computation and because of the high sampling frequency (up to 1000kHz) that are necessary for observing charge transfer that can be highlighted at frequencies above 50kHz. The hardware is completed with analog front end and digital buffers for driving input and output scales. The block diagram is presented in the following figure:

For generating the DC potential and the sinus wave superposed on it (for impedance spectroscopy), we need both analog outputs: PWM1 for the DC potential and PWM2 for the sinus wave. Both will be generated with maximum of resolution (16 bits, full scale). Next the two voltages are weighted summed () in order to get a 20 times smaller sinus than the DC potential. The sinus wave is attenuated together with the DC wave when the operator change the DC range (JC). Five ranges are available: 2V, 1V, 0.5V, 0.25V and 0.125V. Thus, the ratio between them remains 20, no matter which is the DC potential. Because in electrochemistry electrodes must be referred to some reference potential, the amplifier A3 is buffering the voltage given by a reference electrode, inserted page 7 of 25

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also in the cell. The amplifier A2 is subtracting the reference voltage from the generated one. This way, the potential between the counter and the working electrode will be the prescribed voltage from the front panel of the virtual instrument. The applied voltage on the counter electrode is then read using the analog input AI0 (JJ) in order to calculate the impedance. Because the signal carrying the information is the sinus, and its amplitude is reduced (100mV amplitude for 2 V DC), it is extracted with a high pass filter (HPF and K1).

The current flowing through the cell is measured with the picoamperemeter realised with the stage A4 (LMC6001). Its conversion ratio is programmable using the digital lines D3D5 (JC) of the DAQ card. There are 8 ranges available for current: 20mA, 2mA, 200A, 20A, 2A, 2000nA, 20nA, 2nA. The measured current contains also, the DC component and the sinus component which is 20 times smaller. The scale cannot be changed because the DC component will bring the amplifier into saturation. Therefore, the sinus is separated and the gain of the input amplifier from the data acquisition board will be fixed to get the optimal resolution.

The system can work also as potentiostat too (electrodeposition), by keeping to zero the sinus wave amplitude, when K1 and K2 are switched on position 1. In this case only DC voltage or pulsed voltage can be generated on PWM1. Digital circuitry: Cerebot 32MX4 microcontroller board

The project is based on the Cerebot 32MX4 microcontroller board from Digilent which controls the signal generation and acquisition, as well as the TCP/IP communication with the PC. The board provides nine Pmod connectors for Digilent peripheral module boards, multiple power supply options ( including USB powered) and ESD protection and short circuit protection for all I/O pins. Its heart is the PIC32MX460F512L microcontroller from Microchip and it offers support for programming and debugging within the Microchip MPLAB development environment.

Among the most important features of the microcontroller that were useful in our project there are: Operating Voltage Range of 2.3V to 3.6V 80 MHz Maximum Frequency 512K Flash Memory (plus extra 12KB of Boot Flash) page 8 of 25

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32K SRAM Memory five compare/PWM output channels five 16-bit timer/counters sixteen 10-bit analog input channels

The next list represents a summary of the pins used by us:

Signal Pin connector FunctionOC2/RD1 JD-02 PWM output for sine voltage generationOC3/RD2 JD-08 PWM output for constant and pulse voltage generatonAN0/RB0 JJ-01 Analog input from Working Electrode (WE)AN1/RB1 JJ-02 Analog input from Counter Electrode (CE)AN2/RB2 JJ-03 Analog input from Reference Electrode (RE)VREF+/RA9 JK-07 ADC positive reference voltageVREF-/RA10 JK-08 ADC negative reference voltageRE[0:3] JA-[01:04] Adaptive filter address lines (A[0:3])RE[4:5] JA-[07:08] Adaptive filter data lines (D[0:1])RE7 JA-10 Adaptive filter write bit (nWR)RG[12:14] JC-[01:03]RG15:RG[0:1] JC-04:JC-[07:08]OC4/RD3 JE-08 Adaptive filter clock

JB-[01:12] PmodNIC PmodNIC

The PmodNIC is an interface board for the Microchip® ENC28J60 Stand-Alone Ethernet Controller.

The basic features of the PmodNIC are: standard SPI interface 10Mb/s data rates IEEE 802.3 compatible Ethernet controller MAC support 10BASE-T PHY support page 9 of 25

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In our project, we have used this module for adding the Ethernet functionality to the Cerebot32MX4 board. It must be said that it only provides the hardware for a network interface, the protocol stack software (such as TCP/IP) having to be provided by the user.

3.3.3 Software:

The software designed for this project is composed of two main parts: the software for the PC, designed using LabView, and the embedded software, for the microcontroller, designed using the Microchip MPLAB development environment. LabView software

In order to offer a user-friendly interface for the remote operation of our potentiostat, we have chosen to design the software for the remote PC using LabView. To this point, we have developed the TCP client, by using the “TCP Communicator – Active” example from LabView, and the user commands. Thus, our program is capable to communicate with the remote potentiostat via Ethernet network and to send the desired configuration information. The front panel of the virtual instrument and the block diagram can be found in Appendix E. Embedded software

The embedded software designed for the PIC32MX460F512L microcontroller must cover the three working modes of the final circuit: potentiostat with continuous voltage, potentiostat with pulse voltage and impedance spectroscopy. In order to assure these functionalities, the microcontroller must be capable of generating and acquisitioning all the necessary signals, according to the selected mode.On the other hand, the whole process must be monitored and controlled from a remote PC through Ethernet, so the software must cover the TCP/IP communication part as well. Analog signal generation

There are three basic types of voltages that must be generated by the microcontroller: continuous, pulse and sine. In order to obtain these desired signals, we have used two of the PWM outputs, one for generating a sine wave (OC2) and one for generating a continuous or a pulse voltage (OC3), each controlled by a different timer.

The sine wave generation process consists of generating a PWM signal with a variable duty cycle. There are two problems that must be taken into account of in this stage. First, the duty cycle must be modified after each PWM period. The simplest solution is to update the duty cycle using an interrupt generated by Timer2. Also, in order not to delay the generation process (resulting in reducing the frequency of the generated signal), the duty cycles corresponding to each point of the sine wave must be loaded into a lookup table before starting the PWM generation.Another problem is that the sine wave frequency is modified every 10 periods, this implying that the PWM frequency or the number of generated points must be also modified, in order to maintain optimum results. This requires the reconfiguration of the channel.The configuration of the other PWM channel is easier (PWM2), the Timer3 period being a constant. For the continuous voltage generation, the duty cycle remains the same until modified from the PC. For the pulse mode, two values are alternated using an interrupt from Timer3. The reconfiguration of page 10 of 25

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the channel is necessary only when changing the working mode or when modifying the duty cycle values from the remote PC.Basically, the configuration of a PWM channel consists in setting the timer period and the desired duty cycle:

The macros used to configure the PWM channels and the interrupt routines for the two timers are listed in the Appendix A . Signal acquisition and ADC conversion

The signal acquisition and processing is a very important part of our project. It allows both the monitoring of the electro-deposition process, in potentiostat mode, and the electrochemical analysis, in impedance spectroscopy mode. On the microcontroller, we have used three ADC acquisition channels, one for each electrode in the electrochemical cell.

In impedance spectroscopy mode, two of these inputs are scanned continuously during the sine voltage generation process. After having generated 10 sine wave periods, before changing the sine frequency, the last channel, corresponding to the reference electrode, is acquisitioned 8 times. The information must then be processed and sent via Ethernet to the remote PC. After all these operations are done, the next frequency is generated and so on, until reaching the maximum frequency required.

In the potentiostat mode, the channels are scanned in a similar manner and information is sent to the PC periodically.

This part of our project is yet to be finished. So far, we have developed the macros for the ADC configuration and offset calibration and are working on modifying the Timer2 interrupt routine (so it also controls the AD conversion process) and developing the macros for the management of the acquisition process in the potentiostat mode. The final step will be to develop the macros for processing the gathered information.Our work up to this point can be found in Appendix C. Working modes

The microcontroller must be capable of working in one of two modes: potentiostat and impedance spectroscopy. As a potentiostat, it can generate either a continuous or a pulse voltage on the OC3 PWM channel. In impedance spectroscopy mode, a sine wave is generated on the OC2 PWM channel and a continuous voltage is generated on the OC3 channel.The desired mode is selected from the remote PC and the information necessary for the proper configuration of the microcontroller is sent via Ethernet. page 11 of 25

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The macro describing the configuration of the working mode is listed in Appendix B. TCP/IP communication

The TCP/IP communication with the remote PC has been configured using Microchip’s TCP/IP Stack, by following the instructions in the Cerebot 32MX4 Microchip TCP/IP Stack™ Reference Design. The TCP server macro was inspired by the example found in the GenericTCPServer.c file from the Microchip Solutions v2010-10-19 folder.

So far, the macro was modified to receive the configuration information from the remote PC and recognize the requested operating mode. The function that configures the microcontroller as requested is then called. In order to test that the communication takes place in a correct manner, the macro includes instructions for a feed-back consisting in resending the received information along with a message indicating the recognized operating mode.

After finishing the software for the acquisition and data processing part of the project, the further development of this macro will also include sending the results to the remote PC. The TCP server macro is listed in Appendix D.

4. References

- CerebotMX4 reference manual- PIC32MX4F512 Datasheet- MPLAB C32 guide- MPLAB C32 peripheral libraries- other datasheets- documents on potentiostats, impedance spectroscopy, PWM page 12 of 25

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Appendix A0: PWM.h

Appendix A1: PWM.c – Timer2 period calculation macro

Appendix A2: PWM.c – OC2 PWM output configuration macro

Appendix A3: PWM.c – OC3 PWM output configuration macro page 13 of 25

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Appendix A4: MainDemo.c – PWM global variables

Appendix A5: MainDemo.c – PWM global variables

Appendix A6: MainDemo.c – Update duty cycle macros page 14 of 25

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Appendix A7: MainDemo.c – Update PWM frequency and number of points macro

Appendix A8: MainDemo.c – Update sine wave frequency macro

Appendix A9: MainDemo.c – Timer2 interrupt routine page 15 of 25

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Appendix A10: MainDemo.c – Timer3 interrupt routine page 16 of 25

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Appendix B: MainDemo.c – Mode configuration macro page 17 of 25

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Appendix C0: ADC.h

Appendix C1: ADC.c – Defined constants

Appendix C2: ADC.c – ADC initialization macro page 18 of 25

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Appendix C3: ADC.c – ADC offset callibration macro

Appendix C4: ADC.c – ADC mode configuration macros

Appendix C5: MainDemo.c – ADC global variables page 19 of 25

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Appendix C6: MainDemo.c – Timer2 interrupt routine modified for controlling the AD conversion

Appendix C7: MainDemo.c – Read ADC result buffer macro page 20 of 25

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Appendix C8: MainDemo.c – Save conversion result macro

Appendix C9: MainDemo.c – AN2 mean value calculation macro

Appendix C10: MainDemo.c – Macro for separating the values from each channel (AN0 or AN1) page 21 of 25

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Appendix D: MainDemo.c – TCP Server macro page 22 of 25

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Appendix E0: – Front Panel

Appendix E1: – TCP Communicator

Appendix E1: – Initializations page 23 of 25

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Appendix E2: – Impedance spectroscopy mode

Appendix E3: – Potentiostat continuous mode page 24 of 25

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Appendix E4: – Potentiostat pulse mode page 25 of 25

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