remote access to the wago ethernet controller… · this application note describes the basic...

WLAN Access to the WAGO Ethernet Controller Using an iPod Touch Application Note Last Update: 30.03.11

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WLAN Access to the WAGO Ethernet Controller Using an iPod Touch

Application Note

Last Update: 30.03.11

2 • General

Application Note

Copyright 2011 by WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH All rights reserved.

WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH Hansastraße 27 D-32423 Minden

Phone: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 0 Fax: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 1 69

E-mail: [email protected]


Technical Support Phone: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 7 77 Fax: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 87 77

E-mail: [email protected]

Every conceivable measure has been taken to ensure the accuracy and com-pleteness of this documentation. However, as errors can never be fully ex-cluded, we always appreciate any information or suggestions for improving the documentation.

We wish to point out that the software and hardware names, as well as the trademarks of companies used and/or mentioned in the present manual, are generally protected by trademark or patent law.

Contents • 3

Application Note


1 Important Notes ......................................................................................... 4 1.1 Legal Principles ..................................................................................... 4 1.1.1 Copyright ............................................................................................... 4 1.1.2 Personnel Qualification.......................................................................... 4 1.1.3 Intended Use .......................................................................................... 4 1.2 Scope of Validity ................................................................................... 5 1.3 Symbols ................................................................................................. 5

2 Description.................................................................................................. 6

3 Material....................................................................................................... 6

4 Set-Up.......................................................................................................... 7

5 Program Description ................................................................................. 8 5.1 CoDeSys Program.................................................................................. 8 5.2 Determining the MODBUS Addresses.................................................. 8 5.3 Visualization Interface......................................................................... 10

6 iPod Configuration .................................................................................. 11 6.1 WLAN Settings.................................................................................... 11 6.2 ScadaMobile App ................................................................................ 12 6.3 Communication Settings...................................................................... 13 6.4 Processing the Configuration File ....................................................... 13 6.5 Operating Interface .............................................................................. 15 6.6 Access to Multiple Controllers ............................................................ 16

7 Appendix................................................................................................... 17 7.1 Required Files for WAGO-I/O-PRO CAA.......................................... 17

4 • Important Notes

Application Note

1 Important Notes

To ensure quick installation and start-up of the units, please carefully read and adhere to the following information and explanations.

1.1 Legal Principles

1.1.1 Copyright

This document, including all figures and illustrations contained therein, is sub-ject to copyright protection. Any use of this document that infringes upon the copyright provisions stipulated herein is prohibited. Reproduction, translation, electronic and phototechnical filing/archiving (e.g., photocopying) as well as any amendments require the written consent of WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH, Minden, Germany. Non-observance will involve the right to assert damage claims.

WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH reserves the right to enact changes that serve technical progress. WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH owns all rights arising from the granting of patents or from the legal protection of utility patents. Third-party products are always mentioned without any reference to patent rights. Thus, the existence of such rights cannot be excluded.

1.1.2 Personnel Qualification

The use of the product detailed in this document is geared exclusively to spe-cialists having qualifications in PLC programming, electrical specialists or persons instructed by electrical specialists who are also familiar with the valid standards. WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH assumes no liability resulting from improper action and damage to WAGO products and third-party products due the disregard of the information contained in this document.

1.1.3 Intended Use

For each individual application, the components are supplied from the factory with a dedicated hardware and software configuration. Modifications are only admitted within the framework of the possibilities documented in this docu-ment. WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH will be exempted from any liability in case of changes in hardware or software as well as to non-compliant usage of components.

Please send your requests for modified and new hardware or software configu-rations directly to WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH.

Important Notes • 5

1.2 Scope of Validity

This application note is based on the stated hardware and software from the specific manufacturer, as well as the associated documentation. This applica-tion note is therefore only valid for the described installation. New hardware and software versions may need to be handled differently.

Please note the detailed description in the specific manuals.

1.3 Symbols

DANGER Always observe this information to protect persons from injury.

NOTICE Always observe this information to prevent damage to the device.

NOTE Boundary conditions that must always be observed to ensure smooth opera-tion.

Note Routines or advice for efficient use of a device and software optimization.

Additional Information References to additional literature, manuals, data sheets and INTERNET pages.

Application Note

6 • Description

2 Description

This application note describes the basic procedures for access to the WAGO Ethernet Controller 750-8xx or the WAGO Ethernet Coupler 750-3xx using an iPod Touch. An iPhone can also be used as an alternative.

The connection is established using a WLAN access point. The protocol used is MODBUS TCP.

3 Material

Supplier Qty. Designation Item No.

WAGO 1 Programmable fieldbus controller 750-8xx

WAGO 1 Digital input module 750-402

WAGO 1 Digital output module 750-504

WAGO 1 End terminal block 750-600

- 1 iPod Touch

- 1 WLAN access point

- 1 Switch + Patch cable

The following software is also required for programming and commissioning:


SweetWilliam ScadaMobile or ScadaMobile Lite

Additional Information: The libraries and documentation used are available at /Service/Downloads/Libraries

Additional Information: Information about the different versions, manuals, and the required CSV file templates is available at

Application Note

Set-Up • 7

4 Set-Up

Illus. 4.1: Network set-up

The controllers are connected to a WLAN access point. The network settings must be adapted from the access point to the controller's IP addresses (see illus. 4.1).

Note: The set-up described is only one example. The set-up can be expanded as required by the respective application.

Application Note

8 • Program Description

5 Program Description

5.1 CoDeSys Program

Illustration 5.1 shows the set-up of an example program in the CoDeSys soft-ware.

Illus. 5.1: CoDeSys program

The declared variables are distinguished according to bit and register access and are referenced at the corresponding flag addresses. These flags can then be read and described using corresponding MODBUS addresses.

5.2 Determining the MODBUS Addresses

The MODBUS addresses for bit and register access, which are a function of communication direction, are listed in the following tables.

Note The included tables show only an excerpt of the MODBUS communication addresses. The complete tables are available in the manuals for the controller and coupler in the chapter “MODBUS Access Mapping”.

Application Note

Program Description • 9

Application Note

Bit Read Access

MODBUS address Memory area [dez] [hex]


0...511 0x0000...0x01FF Physical input area (1) First 512 digital inputs 512...1023 0x0200...0x03FF Physical output area (1) First 512 digital outputs

4096...8191 0x1000...0x1FFF %QX256.0...%QX511.15 PFC-OUT-Area Volatile PLC output variables

12288...32767 0x3000...0x7FFF %MX0...%MX1279.15 Flag area


s: 116.23/All series (general modules)/Fieldbus communication/MODBUS/MODBUS register mapping - bit write access (using FC5, FC15) (Controller, x41) @ 3\mod_1235398841703_6.doc @ 27594 @

Bit Write Access

MODBUS address Memory area [dez] [hex]


512...1023 0x0200...0x03FF Physical output area (1) First 512 digital outputs 8192...12287 0x2000...0x2FFF %IX256.0...%IX511.15 PFC-IN-Area

Volatile PLC input variables 12288...32767 0x3000...0x7FFF %MX0...%MX1279.15 Flag area

Register Read Access

MODBUS address IEC-61131- [dez] [hex] address

Memory area

0...255 0x0000...0x00FF %IW0...%IW255 Physical input area (1) 256...511 0x0100...0x01FF %QW256...%QW511 PFC-OUT-Area

Volatile PLC output variables 512...767 0x0200...0x02FF %QW0...%QW255 Physical output area (1)

12288...24575 0x3000...0x5FFF %MW0...%MW12287 Flag area


s: 116.20 / All series (general modules)/Fieldbus communication /MODBUS register mapping - register access (using FC6, FC16, FC22, FC23) (Controller, x41) @ 3\mod_1235392386281_6.doc @ 27579 @

Register Write Access

MODBUS address IEC-61131- [dez] [hex] address

Memory area

512...767 0x0200...0x02FF %QW0...%QW255 Physical output area (1) 768...1023 0x0300...0x03FF %IW256...%IW511 PFC-IN-Area

Volatile PLC input variables 12288...24575 0x3000...0x5FFF %MW0...%MW12287 Flag area

Pos: 116.21/All series (general modules) Fieldbus communication/MODBUS/MODBUS register mapping - section Coil services, bit access @ 3\mod_125393917265_6.doc @ 27582 @@

s: 116.22/All series (general modules)/Fieldbus communication/MODBUS/MODBUS register mapping - bit read access (using FC1, FC2) (Controller, x41) @ 3\mod_1235394387921_6.doc @ 27586 @ Po Pos: 116.21/All series (general modules) Fieldbus communication/MODBUS/MODBUS register mapping - section Coil services, bit access @ 3\mod_125393917265_6.doc @ 27582 @@ Pos: 116.22/All series (general modules)/Fieldbus communication/MODBUS/MODBUS register mapping - bit read access (using FC1, FC2) (Controller, x41) @ 3\mod_1235394387921_6.doc @ 27586 @

10 • Program Description

5.3 Visualization Interface

The declared variables are changed or displayed using elements in the visuali-zation interface (see illus. 5.2).

Illus. 5.2: Visualization with examples

Note: WAGO-I/O-PRO CAA visualization requires that the PC is connected to the WAGO fieldbus controller. Depending on the fieldbus controller used, two options are available. The first option is available for all types of fieldbus controllers. Here, connec-tion to the fieldbus controller's service interface is established via 750-923 Communication Cable. With ETHERNET fieldbus controllers, connection is also possible using the ETHERNET interface.

Application Note

iPod Configuration • 11

6 iPod Configuration

6.1 WLAN Settings

The first step is to establish WLAN (WiFi) communication. In order to ac-complish this, the WLAN access point must be established and activated in the iPod settings (see illus. 6.1).

Illus. 6.1: WiFi network settings

Application Note

12 • iPod Configuration

The iPod's Safari browser can be used for a first communication test. Enter the controller's IP address in Safari's address bar (see illus. 6.2). For example: “”.

Illus. 6.2: Safari web browser

If the WLAN communication functions between the iPod and the WAGO con-troller, the WAGO WebBasedManagement for the corresponding ETHERNET controller will be displayed on the iPod.

Note The browser does not support JAVA, therefore, web pages created with CoDeSys cannot be displayed!

6.2 ScadaMobile App

In the next step, the application (app) “ScadaMobile” must be loaded on the iPod.

As an alternative, “ScadaMobile Lite” can also be used. This is a ‘lite’ version which can communicate up to 4 data points.

In the example, “ScadaMobile” version 1.5.1 was used. The manual is avail-able at the following homepage:

Application Note

iPod Configuration • 13

6.3 Communication Settings

In the “ScadaMobile” app, a few basic communication settings have to be set in the “Settings” tab. All of the following steps can be also be found in the “ScadaMobile User Manual”.

Illus. 6.3: Communication settings in ScadaMobile

Illustration 6.3 shows the typical settings for MODBUS communication. The WAGO controller's IP address can be entered under “Default Connection”, which should be considered a standard setting. In addition, the following set-tings are required:

Local Port: 502

Remote Port: 502

Address: e.g.:

6.4 Processing the Configuration File

The file server is launched using the “File Server” tab, and enables the ex-change of data between the PC and the iPod. After starting, the server address is displayed (see illus. 6.4). This address is entered in Internet Explorer and displays the CSV configuration files saved on the iPod. If no files are dis-played, the templates can be loaded using “Load Examples”. Then select the file “DataTypesModbusES.csv” and save it to the PC.

Application Note

14 • iPod Configuration

Illus. 6.4: Turning on the file server on the iPod

The saved template can now be opened and processed using Excel. The entries should be adapted to the example program shown in chapter 6. The columns have the following meaning:

Column A: Variable name, as it should be displayed in the iPod Column B: Data type of the CoDeSys variables Column C: MODBUS range and MODBUS address Column D: Additional parameters (appearance, headers, and commentary)

When entering the MODBUS address in column C, you must pay attention to the fact that in general, an offset of 1 must be added to the addresses docu-mented in the WAGO manual. If 32bit variables are entered (e.g. DINT or REAL), the attribute “word_swap:=true;” must be entered one time in column D (see illus. 6.5). After all changes have been made, the file should be saved using a different name.

Illus. 6.5: Example of a configuration file (WAGO_iPod_Example_1.csv)

Note More complete documentation and further details about the entry possibilities are available in the “ScadaMobile Manual”.

Application Note

iPod Configuration • 15

In the file server, select and upload the processed file using “File Upload”. This file will then have to be actively switched on in ScadaMobile (see illus. 6.6).

Illus. 6.6: Selected file

6.5 Operating Interface

The display is turned on using the “Connections” tab. The green LED light in-dicates an error-free MODBUS connection. The variables specified in the CSV file are displayed in the “Home” tab. The variables can be modified with write access (see illus. 6.7).

Illus. 6.7: Operating interface

Application Note

16 • iPod Configuration

6.6 Access to Multiple Controllers

Multiple WAGO controllers can be accessed using ScadaMobile. A separate CSV file must be generated for each controller. In each file, the attribute “lo-cal_ip:=x.x.x.x” must be present once in column D (see illus. 6.8). Files that do not contain this attribute will be assigned to the controller using the IP ad-dress from the standard settings.

Illus. 6.8: Configuration file with IP address (Wago_iPod_Example_2.csv)

The second CSV file is also uploaded to the file server and activated in the “Files” tab with a check. The “Tags” from all active files are displayed under “Home” (see illus. 6.9). The order of the tags within the sections can be changed using the “ord” attribute in the CSV file.

Illus. 6.9: Operating interface for two CSV files

Application Note

Appendix • 17

Application Note

7 Appendix

7.1 Required Files for WAGO-I/O-PRO CAA

No special libraries are required for these applications.

Library Description

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WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH PO Box 2880 • D-32385 Minden Hansastraße 27 • D-32423 Minden Phone: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 0 Fax: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 1 69 E-mail: [email protected] Online: