esb networks aip programme meeting of the igg, october 18 th 2007

ESB Networks AIP Programme Meeting of the IGG, October 18 th 2007

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ESB Networks AIP Programme Meeting of the IGG, October 18 th 2007. ESB Networks AIP Programme : Agenda. Agenda 1. Review of where we are 2. Unscripted Market Trials 3. Cutover 4. Issues 5. Other Updates 6. Next Steps 7. TAG Update. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: ESB Networks AIP Programme Meeting of the IGG,  October 18 th  2007

ESB Networks AIP Programme

Meeting of the IGG, October 18th 2007

Page 2: ESB Networks AIP Programme Meeting of the IGG,  October 18 th  2007


ESB Networks AIP Programme : Agenda


1. Review of where we are

2. Unscripted Market Trials 3. Cutover

4. Issues

5. Other Updates

6. Next Steps

7. TAG Update

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 1. Review of where we are

Before the Special IGG of 7th June 2006, a first draft document ‘Impact of AIP on ROI Retail Market’ issued from ESB Networks AIP programme. This set out the impacts for the Irish Retail Market that had at that time been identified by ESB Networks as a result of the AIP, in so far as the requirements were known.

Before the IGG of the 22nd June 2006, all key design issues were included in Appendix 8 in the second draft of the discussion document. At the IGG on the 22nd June there was a walk through of each of the issues in that document.

Before the IGG of the 13th July 06, updated Appendix 8 issued on 7th July , ver 0.3, containing feedback from Market Participants, SIMDRACS Co-Ordinator, new requirements that were received from Regulatory Authority, and review of Design Issues by ESB Networks.

Following the IGG of the 13th July 06, four Market Participants responded to specific queries raised at that IGG.

At the IGG of August 10th 2006, the responses were debated.

In early August 2006, CER/SIMDRACS gave approval to proceed with the detailed design based on what had been discussed to date with the IGG.

At the IGG of 21st Sept 2006 there was a recap of the high level design for AIP and an update on issues.

On 7th Oct 06 draft ver 0.4 issued, followed on 13th October by version 0.41 which had the marked-up changes of ver 0.4 removed. This document was reviewed at the Special IGG on 16th October. Option 3 of the Message Model was presented and all Market participants were asked to respond by 19th Oct.

MCRs issued in 3 batches over 24th,25th and 26th October 2006. All Market participants responded by 26th October to Option 3 : 4 in favour, 3 not. Option 3 of the Message Model was incorporated into these MCRs.

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 1. Review of where we are ……contd

At the IGG of 1st November 06, draft ver 1.0 MCRs and issues were discussed. Retail Market Participant Comments were fed back and baselined ver 1.1 MCRs were issued on 15th November.

On 6th December 06 draft ver 0.5 issued having been updated with the outcome of the discussions from the Special IGG on the 16th October and the IGG on the 1st November. It summarises the contents of the ver 1.1 MCRs.

At the IGG of 14th December 06, alternative proposals for MCR063 were presented and comments were requested. Two Market Participants have responded

On 21st December 06 , ver 1.2 of MCR123 issued for comments. Two comments have been received.

On 8th January 2007 ver 1.0 ‘Impact of AIP on ROI Retail Market’ issued , which was a cleaned-up copy of draft ver 0.5 without the marked-up changes.

At the IGG of 1st February 07 , initial proposals for Market Trials, Market Assurance and Cut-Over were presented and three Market Participants fed back comments.

On 12th February 07, 8 Discussion Requests issued for comment and two Market Participants responded.

On 1st March 07, the draft XML schema issued

At the IGG of 8th March 07, 7 Discussion Requests were agreed and revised proposals for DR0137 were presented

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 1. Review of where we are……contd

On 15th March 07, responses were received from two Market Participants to DR0137, both in favourand on 2nd April, MCR140 issued based on revised proposals for DR0137

On 15th March 07, one Market Participant responded in agreement to slides presented at the IGG of 8 th March on MCR063/Validation of Aggregation.

On 15th March 07, two Market Participants responded to proposals presented at the IGG of 8 th March on the Basic Rules for calculation of QH Estimates for use in Indicative Aggregation. Both weregenerally in favour , and one had a specific comment which was put forward for your consideration on 2nd April.

On 16th March 07, 7 MCRs issued based on the 7 DRs which were agreed at the IGG of 8th March 07. New DR0141 to remove the pattern in the XML for the GUID issued and based on this, MCR143 issued on 12 th April.

On 23rd March 07 , one sample message for each new or changing message type issued to all Market Participants

On 2nd April 07, two new DRs viz DR0142 and DR0143 issued to correct text in MPD2- QH COS and MPD20 - Change of SSAC and/or Supplier Unit

On 16th April 07, Release 13.0 of the MPCC and Webforms was issued to all Market Participants by CD.

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 1. Review of where we are ……contd

At the IGG of 19th April 07, 9 MCRs were approved viz MCR131, MCR132, MCR133, MCR134, MCR135, MCR136, MCR137, MCR140, MCR143. 2 DRs were agreed to be progressed to MCR viz DR0142, DR0143 and 4 new DRs were proposed.

On 23rd April 07 an updated sample 595 xml message (Version 6.1) issued to all Retail Market Participants.

One Retail Market Participant indicated that they were in agreement with the 1st July 07 as the proposed Closing Date for registration of Non-Participant Generators with MRSO.

ESB Networks AIP Programme made a presentation to the Small Scale Generator Forum on May 4 th 07 covering Registration for Non-Participant Generators

On 4th May 07, 4 DRs issued for comment viz DR0144, DR0145, DR0146, DR0147. These were based on the slides that were presented at the IGG of April 19th 07. In addition, 2 DRs were progressed to MCR and also issued for comment viz MCR145/DR0142, MCR146/DR0143

By 10th May 07, two Retail Market Participants had responded to the DRs and MCRs that issued on 4 th May with no specific comments on their contents.

On 31st May 07, 4 MCRs issued for comment viz MCR148, MCR149, MCR150, MCR151. These were based on the DRs that issued on 4th May.

By May 31st 07 MRSO had contacted all NP Generators who had not registered.

At the IGG of 7th June 07, 5 MCRs were approved viz MCR145, MCR146, MCR148, MCR150, MCR151. Subsequently, MCR149 was approved.

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 1. Review of where we are ……contd

On the 2nd July 07, MPRN Data Set - Explanatory Note v0.1 issued . This was in relation to a Cutover Action Item to issue a document with the aim of reviewing the contents of the MPRN Dataset. One response has been received.

On the 9th July 07, Retail Market Participants were requested to install Release 13.0 on their TEST MPCC and to carry out connectivity testing (999 message) at the earliest opportunity.

On the 19th July 07 there was an update to the IGG.

On the 27nd July 07, MPRN Data Set Explanatory Note v1.0 issued

On 7th August 2007 'Impact of AIP on ROI Retail Market’ draft ver 1.1 issued which reflected progress since the last release of this document including 15 MCRs which were formally approved through the IGG and Progress Updates given at the last 5 IGGs

During August 13th through August 24th 2007 the project supported IPT testing

During the last week in August 2007, MRSO issued confirmation of export arrangements to Non Participant Generators

On 7th September 2007 the Scripted Market Trials finished and the project completed its support for the sending of scripted data to the SEMIT

End Aug/ early Sept 07 , the project carried out a Data Verification exercise with Retail Market Participants in advance of Unscripted Market Trials

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 1. Review of where we are ……contd

On September 12th & 13th 2007 , The MPRN Dataset issued following the Cutover to Unscripted Market Trials

On September 12th 2007, Retail Market Participants were requested to contact us about carrying out connectivity testing (999 message) at the earliest opportunity for Unscripted Market Trials.

On 2nd October 07, 'Impact of AIP on ROI Retail Market’ Ver 1.1 issued During Sept/Oct 07 the Project supported Unscripted Market Trials , including connectivity with Retail Market Participants

On 10th Oct 07, Release 14.0 of the MPCC and Webforms issued to all Retail Market Participants by CD.

On October 12th 2007, RMDS issued their document ‘Market Approach to Cutover Version 6.1’

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 1. Review of where we are……. contd

18th May - Introduction to IGG

1st June - Draft ver 0.1 ‘Impact of AIP on ROI Retail Market’ issued to IGG

7th June - Special IGG

21st June - Draft ver 0.2 ‘Impact of AIP on ROI Retail Market’ issued to IGG

22nd June - IGG discussion on Appendix 8 – Key Issues - TAG discussion on Key Issues

29th June - Responses from Market Participants 4th July - SIMDRACS Co-Ordinator clarifications/decisions

7th July - Draft ver 0.3 [Appendix 8] ‘Impact of AIP on ROI Retail Market’ issued

13th July - Special IGG

10th Aug - Update to IGG

21st Sept - Update to IGG

6th October - Draft ver 0.4 ‘Impact of AIP on ROI Retail Market’ issued

13th October- Draft ver 0.41 ‘Impact of AIP on ROI Retail Market’ issued

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 1. Review of where we are……. contd

16th October - Special IGG - Draft ver 0.41 ‘Impact of AIP on ROI Retail Market’

24th,25th, 26th October - MCRs issued in 3 batches

1st November - IGG review of MCRs, ver 1.0

14th November - Comments/Queries on MCRs ver 1.0 issued

16th November - ver 1.1 of MCRs issued

6th December - Draft ver 0.5 ‘Impact of AIP on ROI Retail Market’ issued

14th December - Update to IGG, including alternative proposals for MCR063 and for which two Market Participants have commented.

21st December - ver 1.2 of MCR123 issued for comments - note that this was withdrawn at the IGG of 8th March and ver 1.1 of MCR123 was re-instated

8th January 07 - Ver 1.0 ‘Impact of AIP on ROI Retail Market’ issued

1st February 07 - Update to IGG including initial proposals for Market Trials, Market Assurance and Cut-Over

12th February 07 - 8 Discussion Requests Issued

1st March 07 - Draft XML Schema issued

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 1. Review of where we are……. contd

8th March 07 - Update to IGG, 7 DRs were agreed, revised proposals for DR0137 were presented

16th March 07 - 7 MCRs and one new DR0141 issued

23rd March 07 - Sample XML messages issued

2nd April 07 - MCR140 issued based on revised proposals for DR0137, two new DRs issued viz. DR0142,Dr0143 issued , and revised proposals for the Basic Rules for calculation of QH estimates for use in Indicative Aggregation issued

12th April 07 - MCR143 issued based on DR0141

16th April 07 - Release 13.0 of the MPCC and Webforms issued to all Retail Market Participants by CD.

19th April 07 - IGG approval of 9 MCRs viz MCR131, MCR132, MCR133, MCR134, MCR135, MCR136, MCR137, MCR140, MCR143. 2 DRs were agreed to be progressed to MCR viz DR0142, DR0143 and 4 new DRs were proposed.

23rd April 07 - Updated sample 595 xml message (Version 6.1) issued to all Retail Market Participants.

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 1. Review of where we are……. contd

4th May 07 - 4 DRs issued viz DR0144,DR0145,DR0146,DR0147, and 2 MCRs viz MCR145,MCR146, and two Retail Market Participants responded

4th May 07 - ESB Networks AIP Programme presentation to SSG Forum

31st May 07 - 4 MCRs issued based on the DRs of 4th May viz. MCR148, MCR149, MCR150, MCR151

31st May 07 - MRSO contacted all NP Generators who had not registered.

7th June 07 - Update to IGG. 5 MCRs were approved viz. MCR145, MCR146, MCR148, MCR150, MCR151. Subsequently, MCR149 was approved.

2nd July 07 - MPRN Data Set - Explanatory Note v0.1 issued . This was in relation to a Cutover Action Item to issue a document with the aim of reviewing the contents of the MPRN Dataset. One response has been received.

9th July 07 - Retail Market Participants were requested to install Release 13.0 on their TEST MPCC and to carry out connectivity testing (999 message) at the earliest opportunity.

19th July 07 - Update to IGG

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 1. Review of where we are……. contd

27nd July 07 - MPRN Data Set Explanatory Note v1.0 issued

7th August 07 - 'Impact of AIP on ROI Retail Market’ draft ver 1.1 issued August 07 - Project Support for IPT testing

end August 07 - MRSO confirmed export arrangements to Non Participant Generators

7th Sept 07 - Project completed its support for the sending of scripted data to the SEMIT

Aug/Sept 07 - Data Verification exercise with Retail Market Participants in advance of Unscripted Market Trials

Sept12/13th 07 - The MPRN Dataset issued following the Cutover to Unscripted Market Trials

Sept 12th 07 - Retail Market Participants were requested to contact us about carrying out connectivity testing (999 message) at the earliest opportunity for Unscripted Market Trials.

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 1. Review of where we are……. contd

2nd October 07 - 'Impact of AIP on ROI Retail Market’ Ver 1.1 issued Sept/Oct 07 - Project support for Unscripted Market Trials , including connectivity with Retail Market Participants

10th Oct 07 - Release 14.0 of the MPCC and Webforms issued to all Retail Market Participants by CD.

12th Oct 07 - RMDS issued their document ‘Market Approach to Cutover Version 6.1’

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : Agenda


1. Review of where we are

2. Unscripted Market Trials 3. Cutover

4. Issues

5. Other Updates

6. Next Steps

7. TAG Update

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 2. Unscripted Market Trials

We have been supporting Unscripted Market Trials since 2nd week in September

• we are meeting the Settlement Calendar

• and have since 10th October been sending the 590 messages to the SMO with Digital Certs and Digital Signatures enabled

• we are working in an ‘as-live’ environment

• volume test of 015 with relevant Suppliers – completed

• NQH->QH updates completed in the Unscripted Market Trials environment by w/e 21st Sept

In Summary, this is progressing well

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : Agenda


1. Review of where we are

2. Unscripted Market Trials 3. Cutover

4. Issues

5. Other Updates

6. Next Steps

7. TAG Update

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 3. Cutover

Cutover - General

• Timings – generally the same as advised at the September IGG Indications are that if we start the conversion on Saturday Morning Oct 27th then the likeliest timing for Retail Market Participants’ connectivity test will be from the midday on Monday 29th

• We are maintaining contact with NIE T&D for coordination of the cutover for Retail Market Participants in both jurisdictions.

• NIE T&D are still targeting to be finished by Sunday and ready for business on the Monday.

• the following slides give our best shot at indicative timelines for key events over the cutover weekend and an outline of communications for Cutover .

• any significant changes to timings will be communicated

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 3. Cutover

Retail Market Cutover Before we start into the cutover we will confirm again with CER that there is no change in the go-live date.

Friday 26th October Extranet This is planned to be updated during Friday – this will mean an outage of approx 1 hr for the update – details to be confirmed [and note - the extranet will not be available during the cutover]

18.30 This is the last day for submitting market messages under the old schema

Saturday 27th Oct

08.30-11.30 Market Message Reconciliations will take place in the morning

11.30 The system will be brought down as soon as all messages have been reconciled

Following this we will cut over with the new data model

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 3. Cutover

Sunday 28th Oct

Cutover and Business Reconciliations -continuing all day

Monday 29th Oct

In the morning , following completion of cutover, we will bring the system back up with the new schema

Morning Connectivity Test/Process Test with ESBCS

13:05-14.25 Connectivity Test/Process Test with MP1

14:25-15.00 Connectivity Test ‘999’ with TSO and SSA

15:15 Go/No-Go decision

System now live

15:15-16:45 Remaining MPs Connectivity Test

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 3. Cutover

Tuesday 30th October

9:00 Issue the MPRN dataset to Non-PES Suppliers and TSO

Thurs 1st Nov

9:00 Issue the MPRN dataset to PES


• any significant changes to timings will be communicated

• for Retail Market Participants, once the Market Message Reconciliation is completed on the Saturday morning, it is unlikely that we would need to contact you again until the Monday • and Communications will be via RMDS

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 3. Cutover

Retail Market - Cutover Details

Data Verification

• We will carry out a Go-Live Data Verification exercise with Retail Market Participants in the coming days

• have already done a similar exercise prior to Unscripted

• We will need responses back from yourselves by return

NB 23.10.07 is the last date for any 010 for COS that needs to be effective for 1.11.07 because of Wholesale Market Registrations of Trading sites


We have 24 hours contingency in the plan for the week-end – there is a job that could be run after the weekend if needed.

Also if still not completed by Tuesday morning then we plan to roll back to Saturday morning position and do it the following weekend unless we were confident that could be completed some time on the Tuesday

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : Agenda


1. Review of where we are

2. Unscripted Market Trials 3. Cutover

4. Issues

5. Other Updates

6. Next Steps

7. TAG Update

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 4. Issues – SLA for Actual/Estimate Flag

SLA for Actual/Estimate Flag on Agregation messages

All SEM settlement statements have the requirement to indicate if the settlement data is estimated or not. To facilitate this there is a field called the Reading Data Status field on the 590, 596 and 597 messages messages, and this is per 30 minute interval.

The percentage value to be used to determine whether the flag is set to actual or estimate needs to be agreed

For Unscripted Market Trials , these were set at

90% Indicative D+195% Initial D+499% M+4 RA99.5% M+13 RA98% Ad-Hoc

and we are looking for confirmation of values for go live

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 4. Issues – SLA for Actual/Estimate Flag …contd

Some additional info taken from Aggregation Briefing Paper

SIMDRACs has defined the following definition of ‘Estimated’:

• For each Supplier Unit aggregation D+1, D+4, M+4, M+13, there will be service level agreements for the different percentages of estimated data. Service level targets for meter readings are to be agreed , and if met then the Supplier Units aggregated data will be marked with an actual flag (1), otherwise an Estimated flag (0), per half hourly interval

• Interval meter data only and not NQH data to be considered in arriving at the estimated or actual flag.

The SIMDRACS rules for determining whether an aggregation of meter readings was estimated or actual is based on the concept that there is only one meter reading to be considered per MPRN. This may not be the case where there is Generation on the site, particularly where there is splitting of the generation between several suppliers outside of the market.

• Therefore, when calculating the value of this flag the actual/estimated value will be determined only from import meters• Also, where two 15 minute intervals are amalgamated together to a 30 minute trading period, if either or both of the 15-minute meter reading is an estimate then the 30 minute trading period metered volume will be considered as an estimate.

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 4. Issues – MPCC ver 14.0

• Release 14.0 of the MPCC and Webforms issued to all Retail Market Participants by CD on October 10th 2007

• Background

During a planned test of all market messages, a problem was found with message 114 and 330 – neither of which are being amended for AIP.

Impact of problem was that 114 and 330 would fail in certain circumstances

• Action Taken

Correction was made to these 2 market messages and was included in release 14.0 which was issued to all Retail Market Participants.

These are being tested with 2 Retail Market Participants in the Unscripted Market Trials environment

• Please install release 14.0 on your test MPCC if you have not already done so

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 4. Issues – MPCC ver 14.0…..contd

Additional Comments

• As already advised, this was a simple defect

• Testing picked up the defect – would have been picked up earlier except that this element of testing was running a little late

• An additional step has been included in the process for future releases of Schema to avoid a reoccurrence

• Again, apologies for any inconvenience caused

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 4. Issues – B/Fd to November IGG

We are bringing forward to the November IGG

Data Queries and AD Hoc Aggregations Issue 20

Material Differences Issue 18

Consumption Adjustments inside or outside the 13 months Issue 19 Definition of Working days Issue 1

Calendar for Aggregation Issue 7

Metering Responsibilities - placeholders in MCRs

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : Agenda


1. Review of where we are

2. Unscripted Market Trials 3. Cutover

4. Issues

5. Other Updates

6. Next Steps

7. TAG Update

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 5. Other Updates - EMIT

EMIT testing with the SMO ‘External Metering Interface Test’

EMIT Testing with SMO has completed successfully viz

• Connectivity Testing in EMIT was successfully completed including the SIMDRACS CR for new Digital Certificates with Digital Signatures enabled.

• Process Testing which consisted of the sending of 590 messages to the SMO’s EMIT test environment which are then processed by SMO – was re-run and successfully completed

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 5. Other Updates SIMDRACS CR - Trading Day/ Settlement Day testing with SMO

Trading Day/ Settlement Day testing with SMO

There is 1 outstanding SIMDRACS CR but does not impact on Retail MPs

• Trading Day/Settlement day CR for new or deregistered Wholesale registered

Units - we have agreement of the SMO to test a registration event in Unscripted

Market Trials next week, and a deregistration event in November in a test environment

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 5. Other Updates – MCRs/DRs

There are no new or outstanding MCRs or DRs

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : Agenda


1. Review of where we are

2. Unscripted Market Trials 3. Cutover

4. Issues

5. Other Updates

6. Next Steps

7. TAG Update

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 6. Next Steps

Next Steps

• Cutover is planned for the Bank Holiday Weekend

• Any changes will be communicated to you as soon as possible

• We will continue to support the Unscripted Market Trials and Retail Market Participants who hook into the test environment for Unscripted

• We will carry out a ‘go-live’ Data Verification exercise with Retail Market Participants over the next few days

• We will review at the next IGG any remaining items for handover to the regular IGG agenda

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : Agenda


1. Review of where we are

2. Unscripted Market Trials 3. Cutover

4. Issues

5. Other Updates

6. Next Steps

7. TAG Update

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ESB Networks AIP Programme : 7. TAG Implications

TAG Update…

Release 14.0 CD issued to all Market Participants on 10th October - This should be installed on Test MPCCs for now.

Rollback and connectivity test should have been carried out as per usual. Monday 29th October - Market Participants to be allocated guideline time slot to upgrade their MPCC with Release 14.

Upgrade should not be carried out until advised to do so by ESB representative.

Contact on the cutover day will be through RMDS.

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ESB Networks AIP Programme :

Thank You