entrepreneurship event speech youthspeak


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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Why Entrepreneurship?37% of Europeans would like to be self-employed, compared to 51% in USA and China. According to YouthSpeak Survey 61% of millennials have plans to become an entrepreneur. 8 out of 10 companies wont make it to survive one year.

Mom, can I be an entrepreneur?Not everyone is built to be an entrepreneur. Not everyone can handle uncertainty Long hours workingNo work-life balance Frustration Failure

5Entrepreneurship is the pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources currently controlled.

The entrepreneur develops a business model, acquires the human and other required resources, and is fully responsible for its success or failure.

Defining Entrepreneurship


Famous Entrepreneurs

Business ModelA Business model describes the rationale of how an organisation creates, delivers and captures value

Business Model GenerationAlexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur


Canvas, your business at a glanceCanvas Its a tool that help us designing and innovating our business in a visual way.

VALUE PROPOSITIONWhat value do we deliver to the customer segment?What customer problem (pain) are we trying to solve?

Customer segments:Mass market, Niche Market, Segmented, Diversified, Multi-sided platforms

Value proposition:What value do we deliver to the customer/segment?What customer problem are we trying to solve.Values may be quantitative (Price, speed of service) or qualitative (Design or customer service)Newness, Performance, Customization, Getting the job done, Design, Brand/Status, Price, Cost reduction, Risk reduction, Accessibility, Convenience/Usability

ChannelsChannels to reach the customers?Channel types (Direct vs Indirect, Own vs Partner)Channel functions on the following 5 phases.AwarenessEvaluationPurchaseDeliveryAfter Sales

Customer RelationshipsPersonal Assistance, Dedicated Personal assistance, Self-Service, Automated services, Communities, co-creation,

Revenue StreamsAsset Sale, Usage Fees, subscription fees, Lending/Renting/Leasing, Licensing, Brokerage fees, advertising

Key ResourcesPhysical, Intellectual, Human, Financial

Key ActivitiesProduction, Problem Solving, Platform/Network.

Key Partnerships3 motivations for creating partnershipsOptimisation and economy of scale, Reduction of risk and uncertainty, Acquisition of particular resources and activities.

Cost StructureCost-drivenValue-drivenFixed CostsVariable CostsEconomies of ScaleEconomies of Scope


How is it going to be?

Customer segments:Mass market, Niche Market, Segmented, Diversified, Multi-sided platforms

Value proposition:What value do we deliver to the customer/segment?What customer problem are we trying to solve.Values may be quantitative (Price, speed of service) or qualitative (Design or customer service)Newness, Performance, Customization, Getting the job done, Design, Brand/Status, Price, Cost reduction, Risk reduction, Accessibility, Convenience/Usability

ChannelsChannels to reach the customers?Channel types (Direct vs Indirect, Own vs Partner)Channel functions on the following 5 phases.AwarenessEvaluationPurchaseDeliveryAfter Sales

Customer RelationshipsPersonal Assistance, Dedicated Personal assistance, Self-Service, Automated services, Communities, co-creation,

Revenue StreamsAsset Sale, Usage Fees, subscription fees, Lending/Renting/Leasing, Licensing, Brokerage fees, advertising

Key ResourcesPhysical, Intellectual, Human, Financial

Key ActivitiesProduction, Problem Solving, Platform/Network.

Key Partnerships3 motivations for creating partnershipsOptimisation and economy of scale, Reduction of risk and uncertainty, Acquisition of particular resources and activities.

Cost StructureCost-drivenValue-drivenFixed CostsVariable CostsEconomies of ScaleEconomies of Scope


How are you going to reach customers?

Where does the money come from?

Are you going to be cheap? Are you going to be expensive?

What do you need to do to create that value proposition?

1.- Wider Reach2.-Outsourcing opportunities3.-Not free

Which resources do you need to create value?

Who is your customer?



Why MVP?(Minimum Viable Product) A Minimum Viable Product is the smallest thing you can build that delivers customer value and you can enables you to keep improving your vision.

Execution is the key

Your job now !OPTION 1 To significantly increase access to information and communications technology and strive to provide universal and affordable access to the internet in least developed countries.

OPTION 2To promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepeneurship, creativity and innovation, and ecourage the formalization and growth of micro-small-medium sized enterprises, including through access to financial services (The Global Goals for Sustainable Development)