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  • 7/21/2019 English 14.12


    E C: S WC E F E V:

    P C, M X

    M E:L BL E:J B

    E:S Y, C W, K Z

    G E:M T, C Z, Y W

    E V: G C


    Faken by Karolyn Zhu

    On hursday, Hands Volunteer took part

    in the Drawing with the Waste which

    was organized by the community. One

    o the main idea o this activity was to

    please the elderly and the other idea is

    urge the public to protect the environment

    surrounding us. Hands Volunteer Club

    Im waiting or you, someone I dont

    know and I hope that you are waiting or

    me at the same time. Maybe I can see the

    colorul nebula which has vanished rom

    lie or a long time relecting in your

    eyes, so please waiting or me at the gate

    o ate just a second more.

    Born to Die

    It was a Monday that I irst encountered

    the portmanteau called Movember. Does

    it mean Move-November? Are we going

    to do some crazy things, like moving all

    Novembers away? Eventually I understood

    the real meaning o Movember

    Moustache +November.


    Cause it's like I lose mysel

    In dreaming o summer days in bloom

    For Ive got no clue whatever happened

    All that I am is worth a dime

    Worth a dime

    Listen to that Song

  • 7/21/2019 English 14.12



    3. American V series. Key words: ABC, Deserted island, survivors, airplane crashed, the Others.

    6. What day will December 5thin 2024 be?

    8. You have the right to remain silent and reuse to answer questions. Anything you do say may be used against you in a

    court o law. Tese are called rights.

    10. Editor in Chie o Moment Newspaper Club.

    12. Te title o the emperors o ancient Egypt.

    13. Aquamans wie. Queen o Atlantis.

    Down:1. Lyric: Couldnt drag me away... Wild Wild .

    2. Te name o Garfields teddy bear.

    4. Republic: the republic established in Germany afer WWI.

    5. Family name o Beatles drummer.

    7. First name o the NBA player who scored 1001 points in one game.

    9. Nirvanas second album, which was usually considered as the Nirvanas greatest work.

    10. Rock, paper, scissor, lizard, .11. Te Brown: One o the most well-known wizards in the Lord o Rings.

    CMade by Michael Xu


  • 7/21/2019 English 14.12















    X L


    A A




    S L N D

    W C HT N

    N CM I E R A F TO





    G O L T





    EU Y








    I N GN D







    OO R H E SV

    Answers of Last-Time

  • 7/21/2019 English 14.12


    Paralyzed by ancient delight

    And riding or a all today

    I am dressed in style, so eager in mind

    But urthermore distracted by you

    And it's like I lose mysel

    In dreaming o summer days in bloom

    Oh, Ive got no clue how I could fight that

    All that I am is worth a dime

    Worth a dime

    Tis liquid lunch will not stop my punch-

    Drunk quality to doze while I run

    It is thirty-nine degrees in my mind

    It's thirty thousand miles more to go

    Cause it's like I lose mysel

    In dreaming o summer days in bloom

    For Ive got no clue whatever happened

    All that I am is worth a dime

    Worth a dime

    S D B

    Origin By Maximilian HeckerRecommended and ransletd by Sophia Yang


    L B

  • 7/21/2019 English 14.12


    Im walking down the city street which has a thin

    cover o rain that relects the corner o the building.

    Te pale moon light shining above my head is my only

    accompany. I cant remember since which day that I

    cant see the sun light above me.

    Maybe Im waiting or you, whom I dont know. Lie,

    which is keeping moving on, gets more conusing and

    harder. I dont have a clue to tell me whether I can be

    the person I dream to be. I dont have a best method to

    communicate with people walking besides me. Whats

    more, I cant describe what my sorrows are or the origin

    o the sadness and the reason why I am crying silently.

    We are born to die, however, we are not born to be

    desperate. No matter what will the uture holds, the

    only thing that I have realized is that nothing gonna

    stop though I am suering. However, I can change

    the attitudes towards my lie, exhilarate others with

    my wisdom and values, read the books that I like and

    be determined to my dream, but I need someone to

    encourage me.

    It doesnt matter where you are rom or who you are.

    Sometimes a person who has a solitary soul just need a

    little bit more encouragement to build up sel confident

    and a little bit more balmy air in winter to warm the


    Im waiting or you, someone I dont know and I hope

    that you are waiting or me at the same time. Maybe I

    can see the colorul nebula which has vanished rom lie

    or a long time reflecting in your eyes, so please waiting

    or me at the gate o ate just a second more.

    B D

    Written by Penny Chen


    W A

  • 7/21/2019 English 14.12


    On Tursday, Hands Volunteer took part in the Drawing with the Waste which

    was organized by the community. One o the main idea o this activity was toplease the elderly and the other idea is urge the public to protect the environment

    surrounding us.

    Initially, the activity started by a dance which was perormed by volunteers and

    the elderly. As it was the very first time or volunteers to take part in this kind o

    situation, they were not really energetic. Whereas, with the loving smile on the

    ace o the elderly, volunteers started to communicate with them happily. Finally,

    all the groups created a painting which was ull o creativity.

    At the last part o this activity, everyone got a small git. hough, it was cold

    outside and the prize was not invaluable, still, every single person, including

    volunteers o our school and the elderly, got a great smile on their aces.

    L Y HANDSWritten by Betty Chen

    he red lag was lying. he national anthem was sonorous and orceul. Ater the National Day holidays, we just

    began our own mini vacation.

    Tis National Day holiday was the most special one or me during 15 years. Te reason was that I had a lot o lie

    lessons afer this activity. In addition, my riend and I had an unorgettable and meaningul experience during thisperiod o time.

    One o the great spirit o the MUN club is---the spirit o staying up late! Our leader, Michael Xu told us just a ew

    minutes afer we arrived in Shanghai. Tis was the first lesson that we learned. We ollowed this during the whole 5


    When we finally joined the MUN party (simulating the UN, having meetings to solve international issues), we

    realized that we had a great deal o work to do, such as English problems, document problems and so on. However,

    thanks to our charming, humorous and intelligent supervisors Penny and Michael (Mr. John and Mrs. Lei as well),

    we fixed all these issues (I mean almost) on time. O course, our own effort was the main actor. Nearly everyone slept

    at 12:00 pm every day, or they had to work or their PP (just a document) or something about their conerence. Te

    second lesson I had learned is to ace difficulties by mysel, just do it!

    Except this tension, we also got plenty o un. he riendship between us was stronger than beore because we

    challenged ourselves together. As the saying goes, A riend in need is a riend indeed!

    Time with MUN Written by Cheryl Wu

  • 7/21/2019 English 14.12



    aylor Swifs new music video Blank Space rightened

    most people. It looks like she was really insane: standing

    on the back o a horse, burning the clothes o Sean OPry,

    crashing the car, and shouting the whole duration o the

    video. I was rightened too, but I was actually scared by

    the sequence that she changes clothes, during which she

    has more than 20 styles. Now lets see the ashion show

    o her own.

    Look 2

    With the dress o Elie Saabs, she dressed up like a airy

    and walked down the stairs elegantly.

    Dancing with Sean OPry, she dressed

    in the shining Dolce & Gabana in

    the corridor, besides seeing the

    ascinating scene which looks exactly

    the same as the airytales, it also

    shows one wordRich.

    Look 4 Look 7

    Even its only or walking the

    dog, rich people will always

    make it look like they are going

    to night parties in gowns. With

    the dressing up o Christian

    Louboutin and Elie Saab, aylor

    and her boyriend look not only

    rich and luxious.

    It was a Monday that I first encountered the portmanteau called Movember. Does it mean Move-

    November? Are we going to do some crazy things, like moving all Novembers away? Eventually I

    understood the real meaning o MovemberMoustache +November.

    Tis is not the first time or us to participate in such kinds o charitable events. However, the eeling o

    expecting to see our teachers new-look still caused us students to all into great excitement.

    What interests us most is to watch the moustache growing rapidly on our male teachers aces. I

    noticed that Mr Schiller has got the bushiest moustache and it grows really dashing. (We have our

    math classes per week, so it is not very difficult to observe his moustache.)

    According to the Movember participant list, Mr Humphreys, Mr Kenyon, Mr Kruse and Mr Murtaugh

    have also entered the event energetically. Students have raised a sum o money to support Movember

    already. As November draw to a close, I hope we have all realized the importance o health. And

    remember the original intention o Movember: keeping healthy is the best policy, always.

    Written by May ang

    MovemberWritten by Sophia Yang

  • 7/21/2019 English 14.12


    1. Are you the only child in your amily?

    Yes - 2

    No - 3

    2. Do you have a crush on somebody ?

    Yes - 6

    No - 4

    3. Have you ever run away rom home?

    Yes - 6

    No - 4

    4. Which one do you preer?

    lef - A

    right - B

    5. Which one do you preer? Sports or delicacy?

    Sports - A

    Delicacy - 6

    6. Your riend gives you a knie as a gif, you would like to

    cut the ruit - C

    something else - D


    A: Congratulations! Your are a popular doubi**adorable, humorous man Everybody loves you!

    B:Both Gaoleng & Doubi depending on other peoples appearance

    C: Arrogant and finicky doubi

    D: Te most Gaoleng man!

    Are you a Gaoleng* man?* noble, elegant

    For Mr. Marthews:

    Musical: he usually plays music beore starting theclass.

    Rare: as a math teacher, he is so energetic and lovely.

    Modern: I dont mean the appearance, I mean the

    way he talks.

    Amusing: he oten tell us many ancient Chinese

    things (Classics o the virtue o the tao).

    Responsible: there is no need to quetion that.

    Tidy: no rubbish in the classroom. No mess on the

    note book and the text.

    Humourous: he makes us laugh by making some

    strange noise.

    Enjoyable: we learn a lot o philosophy when he tells

    some unny stories.

    Wise: he thinks very quickly when figures out a math

    question .

    Serious: in a way, he sometimes is serious, it depends

    on the situation.

    For Mr. Chitty:

    Cautious: he is so careul in his work and our study.

    H onest: he oten tells his eelings honestly,without


    Industrious: he works hard, preparing the material

    and the practical.

    Tolerant: he will orgive us twice i we did some-

    thing wrong.

    Tricky: he likes to play a practical joke on someone .

    Yauld: he is so active and energetic.

    To Be Continue

    Now, you probably finished reading this newspaper, and guess what?

    Nearly all the passages were written by the members o the Moment! We

    need more people to show their talent! o show their ideas, express their

    emotions, and share their experience. Tere is no limitation. You can

    write or draw anything that you would like to show in the newspaper. You

    can choose to write in English or Chinese or Indian, but the passage cant

    be over 1500 words!!

    I youre willing to do these cool things, please send your passage or

    drawings to this e-mail:[email protected].

    We are waiting for you!

    Something to our teachersWitten by Cheryl Wu