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Engagement: The Power of U Shauna Hughes [email protected] Based on concepts by Otto Scharmer and Jon Kabat-Zinn Engagement: The Game Changer

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Engagement: The Power of U

Shauna Hughes

[email protected]

Based on concepts by Otto Scharmer and Jon Kabat-Zinn

Engagement: The Game Changer


• Shauna Hughes

• Founder – Eye Change Consultancy

• Caterpillar Inc – HRM, Global OD Manager

• Engage for Success – Lead Regional Ambassador


• BSc Occupational Psychology

• Certified Master NLP Practioner

• Certified Mindfulness Trainer

• P/T lecturer QUB – CIPD; UU

Engagement: The Game Changer


• The Changing World

• Employee Engagement

• Mindfulness and Theory U

• Personal Application

Engagement: The Game Changer

The world is changing

Global warming

Terrorism Internet



Globalization Global debt

Social media


Aging population

Flexible Workforce

Information age

Millenials Leadership crisis




Financial crisis

The world is changing

Global warming

Terrorism Internet



Globalization Global debt

Social media


Aging population

Flexible Workforce

Information age

Millenials Leadership crisis




Financial crisis


The world is changing

Global warming

Terrorism Internet



Globalization Global debt

Social media


Aging population

Flexible Workforce

Information age

Millenials Leadership crisis




Financial crisis



The world is changing

Global warming

Terrorism Internet



Globalization Global debt

Social media


Aging population

Flexible Workforce

Information age

Millenials Leadership crisis




Financial crisis


Uncertain Complex

The world is changing

Global warming

Terrorism Internet



Globalization Global debt

Social media


Aging population

Flexible Workforce

Information age

Millenials Leadership crisis




Financial crisis


Uncertain Complex Ambiguous

Your World – Health Care

• Engagement in the NHS has increased over the last two years but there remains significant scope for improvement.

• NHS unprecedented squeeze – demand growing; costs rising; budgets frozen - “Do more for less”. Steve Trenchard, CEO Derbyshire Healthcare

• Ongoing pay restraints.

• NHS expected to deliver ever safer and higher quality care (Francis

Report – Mid Staffordshire).

• Increasing work intensity.

• Organisational change – restructuring, regrading, redundancies.

• ‘The outcome of the seemingly endless restructuring is change fatigue among … the NHS workforce’ – RCN.

• Significant amount of staff ill health comes from musculosketal & mental health conditions.

Engagement: The Game Changer

Why is Engagement Important?

Why is Engagement Important – Health Care

Engagement: The Game Changer

Staff Wellbeing

Patient Satisfaction

Clinical Outcomes e.g. mortality

Safer Care

Creativity & Innovation

Improved Decision Making

Increased Efficiency

Reduced Sickness Absence

Stress Reduction


What is Employee Engagement?

“A positive attitude held by the employee towards the organisation and its values. An engaged employee is aware of business context, and works with colleagues to improve performance within the job for the benefit of the organisation. The organisation must work to develop and nurture engagement, which requires a two-way relationship between employer and employee.”

IPA Report 2014

Engagement in Action is When an Employee…

• Chooses to work late to complete a project.

• Asks how they can better serve a customer, their team, or another co-worker.

• Makes the connection between their decisions and business results.

• Treats company resources with the same concern as their own.

• Initiates improvement in work methods / projects.

• Pursues self development through their own initiative.

• Comes to work even when they are not “feeling” the best.

• Executes the right thing … at the right time … the right way … even when no one’s watching.


Drivers of Engagement


Compelling Vision of the Future

Values Empowerment

Communication Partnership

Social Consciousness


Decision Making



Development Career Path


Employee Voice



Honesty Respect

Job Design Working Patterns


The Four E4S Enablers of Engagement

09/12/2014 ENGAGE FOR SUCCESS 2012 16


Theory U - The Blind Spot

Source: Who

Blind Spot: Inner place from where we operate

Process: How

Results: What

Engagement: The Game Changer

“The success of an intervention depends on the interior condition

of the intervener.”

William O’Brien,

former CEO of the Hanover Insurance Company

Engagement: The Game Changer


• Originally based on Eastern meditation traditions.

• It is about being aware of what is happening in the present on a moment-by-moment basis without judgement and not coming to premature conclusions.

• Science of Mindfulness – new brain imaging techniques.

• Mindfulness / Mental activity changes the physiology of the brain.

• Neuroplasticity: changes in the structure and function of the brain as a result of experience.

• Brain hygiene – use it or loose it.

Engagement: The Game Changer

Mindfulness has positive effect on physical health

Improves acceptance,

coping strategies and

well-being chronic pain


Improved well-being, symptom

control in patients with fibromyalgia


Improved skin clearing in

psoriasis and symptom relief

in IBS


Improved immune

function in healthy and HIV patients


Reduces stress, anxiety &

depression, and improved symptoms in heart disease


Reduces blood pressure


Improved glycaemic control in diabetes


Reduced levels of cortisol and



Copyright 2012 Dr Shanida Nataraja, Author of The Blissful Brain: Neuroscience and Proof of the Power of Meditation

Engagement: The Game Changer

Mindfulness has positive effect on mental health

Reduces anxiety


Reduced risk of relapse or recurrence in depression


Improved anxiety &

depression in bipolar



Improves sleep time

and efficiency in chronic insomnia


Weight loss in women with binge eating

disorders and/or obesity


Improved decision

making & abstinence in

substance abuse


Improves well-being, QoL and

coping strategies in

cancer patients


Reduced anxiety and

stress in schizophrenia


Copyright 2012 Dr Shanida Nataraja, Author of The Blissful Brain: Neuroscience and Proof of the Power of Meditation

Engagement: The Game Changer

Mindfulness practice has multitude of effects on cognitive function

Promotes insightful problem-solving

Cultivates positive attitude to

perceived stress

Facilitates sustained attention

Enhances emotional intelligence

Increases openness and extroversion

Reduces negative emotions and


Promotes emotional stability

Enhances curiosity and receptiveness

to new experiences

Decreases tendency to self-


Cultivates observing attitude

Copyright 2012 Dr Shanida Nataraja, Author of The Blissful Brain: Neuroscience and Proof of the Power of Meditation

Engagement: The Game Changer

Organisational Benefits

• Happier, more engaged employees.

• Healthier Employees.

• Greater creativity / innovation “This [innovation] will be vital in order to protect service quality and safety in more challenging times.”

• Improved decision making “Incremental innovation alone will not be enough to deliver the savings NHS trusts face and there will continue to be organisational changes ……… engaging employees in the process of change will ensure better quality decision-making.”

Quotes from IPA report 2014 Meeting The Challenge: Successful Employee Engagement in the NHS

Engagement: The Game Changer

Interested? You’re in good Company Mindfulness

• Embrace mindfulness to build better support frameworks for the health & wellbeing of staff. – Google, Twitter, Intel, Facebook, Arianna Huffington, Harvard business school,

Nortel Networks, Starbucks, Reebok, Xerox, Volvo, United Health Care, Unilever, Toyota, IBM, GM, Fortis Bank, eBay, Apple, Virgin

• NHS Mindfulness programs – Oxford, Sussex, Lancaster, London……..

• 30% UK GP’s refer patients to mindfulness courses.

Theory U

• Created Global Wellbeing & GNH Lab – Lead global innovators to prototype new ways of implementing well-being into societies.

• Anti-corruption process – Indonesian government.

• African agriculture transformation initiative - Ethiopian government.

• Collective innovation capacity building in Eileen Fisher Inc. Engagement: The Game Changer

Practice - Raisin

Engagement: The Game Changer

In Summary

• Neurologically, Theory U & Mindfulness are about developing and using a "balanced brain”. Allowing more use of the right brain faculties of lateral, creative, and innovative thinking and less analysis, filtering and judgement.

Right brain • Abstract

• Intuitive • Holistic • Creativity

Left brain • Rational

• Analytical • Reductionist • Language

Engagement: The Game Changer

Application Today

• Listening

Engagement: The Game Changer


• A cornerstone of Engagement and Mindful Leadership.

• A still mind allows you to be open to listening and to bond with another for a meaningful experience of effective communication.

Engagement: The Game Changer

Leadership Competencies are Changing

Engagement: The Game Changer

What is Listening?

The process of receiving, constructing meaning from, and responding to spoken and/or nonverbal messages; to hear something with thoughtful attention.

(ILA, 1996)

Engagement: The Game Changer

Fast Facts

• We speak at 125-250 wpm, think at 1000-3000 wpm.

• 75% of the time we are distracted, preoccupied or forgetful.

• 20% of the time, we remember what we hear.

• More than 35% of businesses think listening is a top skill for success.

• Less than 2% of people have had formal education with listening.

• Google now have listening programmes.

Engagement: The Game Changer

Engagement: The Game Changer

Levels of Listening

reconfirming old

opinions & judgments Downloading habits of judgment

LISTENING 1: from habits

Engagement: The Game Changer

Levels of Listening

disconfirming [new] data

LISTENING 2: from outside

Factual listening noticing differences

reconfirming old opinions & judgments

Downloading habits of judgment

LISTENING 1: from habits

Engagement: The Game Changer

Levels of Listening

disconfirming [new] data

LISTENING 2: from outside

Factual listening noticing differences

seeing through another person‘s eyes emotional connection

LISTENING 3: from within

Empathic listening

reconfirming old opinions & judgments

Downloading habits of judgment

LISTENING 1: from habits

Open Heart

Open Mind

Engagement: The Game Changer

4 Levels of Listening

disconfirming [new] data

LISTENING 2: from outside

Factual listening noticing differences

seeing through another person‘s eyes emotional connection

LISTENING 3: from within

Empathic listening

reconfirming old opinions & judgments

Downloading habits of judgment

LISTENING 1: from habits

connecting to an emerging future whole; shift in identity and self

LISTENING 4: from Source

Generative listening (from the future wanting to emerge)

Open Will

Open Heart

Open Mind

Engagement: The Game Changer

Field: Structure

Of Attention

1 Downloading:

Talking nice

2 Debate:

Talking tough

3 Dialogue:

Reflective inquiry

4 Presencing:

Generative flow


Speaking from what I think Divergent views: I am my point of view Adaptive system (say what you think)

Speaking from seeing myself as part of the whole From defending to inquiry into viewpoints Self-reflective system (reflect on your part)

Speaking from what they want to hear Polite routines, empty phrases Autistic system (not saying what you think)

Speaking from what is moving through Stilness, collective creativity, flow Generative system (identity shift: authentic self)





Engagement: The Game Changer

Some Options

• Blend into consultancy.

– Strategy development

– Workgroup effectiveness

– Wellness Programme

– Reduce sickness absence, Tackle stress

– Change Management

– Coaching

– Communication, negotiations

• 8 week mindfulness course – personal or in organisation.

• Mindfulness workshop.

• Mindful Leadership workshops.

Engagement: The Game Changer

Transformational Change

• Requires a deeper understanding of oneself and others

Engagement: The Game Changer

The World Is Changing

Are You?


• C. Otto Scharmer (2009). Theory U: Leading from the future as it emerges.

• Jon Kabat-Zinn (2013). Full Catastrophe Living: Using the wisdom of your body and mind to face stress, pain and illness.

• Ted Talks.

• Todnem, R. (2005) Organisational Change Management.

• Dr Shanida Nataraja (2012). The Blissful Brain: Neuroscience and Proof of the Power of Meditation.

• NHS Health and Well-Being Final Report (2009).

• Transforming Your Care: A Review of Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland (2011).

• Meeting the Challenge: Successful Employee Engagement in the NHS (2014).


Engagement: The Game Changer