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Under the mighty hand of God Under the mighty hand of God Under the mighty hand of God H H U U M M B B L L E E Y Y O O U U R R S S E E L L V V E E S S Rs.10/- | Vol 14 - Issue 9 | September 2021

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Under the mighty hand of GodUnder the mighty hand of GodUnder the mighty hand of God


Rs.10/- | Vol 14 - Issue 9 | September 2021

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HumbleHumble yourselves, yourselves, therefore,therefore,Humble yourselves, therefore,underunder GOD'S MIGHTY HAND, GOD'S MIGHTY HAND, that He maythat He mayunder GOD'S MIGHTY HAND, that He mayLIFT YOU UP in due time. LIFT YOU UP in due time. LIFT YOU UP in due time.

CAST all your CAST all your ANXIETY on HIM ANXIETY on HIM CAST all your ANXIETY on HIM because for you. because for you. HE CARESHE CARES 1 Peter 5:6,71 Peter 5:6,7because for you. HE CARES 1 Peter 5:6,7

Sections...02 Points to ponder

03 From the Executive Director

08 Special Feature

10 A Prayer

13 Petite Feelings

15 Bible Study

17 From the Network Chairman

20 From the Director - Prayernet

23 Field News

PUBLICATION OFFICE:1-10-28/247, Anandapuram, Kushaiguda, ECIL Post, Hyderabad. Ph: 040-27125557.Email: [email protected]

ADMIN. OFFICE:20, Raghul Street, T.M.P. Nagar, Pudur, Ambattur, Chennai-600053. Ph: 044-26869200.Email: [email protected]

This mission journal from Vishwa Vani is being published in Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Gujarati, Hindi, Odia, Bengali, English,

Kokborok and Soura languages. Yearly Subscription: Rs. 100/-

S Obliviousness to obedience for Lord, is void of submission to all.

S Disobedience leads people astray, ultimately making them complacent and contemptible life.

S Absence of fear to God or in-subordination to an authority, ramifies in impaired judgment and catastrophic pain.

S Prov. 30:17 says,"The eye that mocks a father, that scorns an aged mother,Will be pecked out by the ravens of the valley, will be eaten by the vultures"

S Samson's disobedience, envisaged his debacle.

S Jesus said 'Follow me', meaning, 'Be obedient to me'.

S Obedience of 120 people to the Holy Spirit made the church grow.

S Obedience brings God's presence and favor, while disobedience brings condemnations.


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LETTER EXECUTIVE FROM THE DIRECTORFor all those who have given hand for the Lord's work…

We greet you in the name of Lord Jesus Christ who is willing to lift you at the appointed time.Lord is willing to lift and bless you:We believe that you and your family members are happy in the Lord and are keeping good. We continue to remember you, so that God will bless your efforts, your children's education and their future. May the Lord give special strength for all the elders in the family. We pray for Lord's comfort to all those who lost their loved ones. May the Lord bless the humbled and strengthen them and lift your children and give them good positions.God enables us to see great results in Vishwa Vani Ministry:The Lord is blessing the works of Vishwa Vani ministries daily. The name of God is glorified as 701 people confessed their faith during the month of July at our field! 16 churches were dedicated from April 2021 to August 2021 in the fields. 147 churches are under construction. The new believers are growing spiritually through 7195 Bible Study Groups. The training for the 30 new workers in Odisha has completed this year and they are going to step into new villages in the month of September. We have given medical support and dry grains to those who were affected by pandemic and natural disaster. We are also supporting the missionary sisters who have lost their husbands and their children through monthly support. The Lord is graciously supporting our ministries daily. Praise the Lord!Humbleness under the powerful hand of God:Beloved, we read, the importance of humbling under the hands of God and we understand, the concern that He has for us.In this portion we see the following advices – Humble yourself, give up sadness, be firm in faith, stand against Satan, be patient Vishwa Vani Samarpan | September 2021 | ENGLISH

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in troubles and there is eternal glory. We also read in 5,6 & 7th verse that God is against who is proud and gives grace to who are humble. The proud cannot receive the blessings and the call kept for the humble! Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. (James 4:10).Fruitless works related to the proud:I request you to read the following verses and meditate the verses given below:1. Eat and be content – self-satisfaction (Deut. 8:11-17;

Hosea 13:4-6)2. Heart of content that it is the work of my hand (Isa. 10:12-13;

Dan. 4:30-32,37)3. The thought that there is no God (Psalms 10:4; 14:1).4. To be equal to God (Isa. 14:12-15)5. No desire to give glory to God (Acts 12:21-23)“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is.” (Eph. 5:11,17).Glory that are related to be humble:The result of being humble in the hand of God is that at the right time, He will give the right glory. We can understand these things through the saints of the Holy Bible.1. Noah – Obedience through faith (Gen. 6:16-22)

Noah and all those who are in the ark alone were saved (Gen. 7:23)

2. Hagar – Moved forward with faith (Gen. 16:7-13 & 21:14-20)They moved with faith that the future of the child is always in the hands of God who sees us all the time.

3. R u t h – Wa i t e d w i t h f a i t h ( R u t h 2 : 2 3 ; 3 : 1 8 )Ruth has the faith that God will brighten her future and came to the house of bread Jerusalem with her mother-in-law Naomi and waited patiently for the appropriate time of God.

4. Elisha – Followed with faith without turning back (2 Kings 2:1-14) Elisha followed Elijah until he will get the double portion of the Spirit.

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5. Simon Peter – left the net and followed Jesus with faith (Matt. 4:18-20). He was changed to the disciple who will catch men rather than fish. He got a prime position in the history of church.

Ministry partners, you will be also lifted up if you are within the will of God! “If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. “ (Deut. 28:1)Save and Give; Collect and Give:The first part of this financial year is ending by September 30. We have to collect the financial support through prayer. We have received 43% out of 41 crores of the budgets. Praise the Lord! We thank all those who have supported us.Unfortunately, due to pandemic, we haven't been collecting through savings boxes and monthly contribution by visiting your houses. Whenever the workers and representatives come in search of you to your houses, give the offerings cheerfully. You could collect and give us the offering as a voluntary representative from the houses that are not visited by us. The results in heaven will be great! As an alternative, we welcome you to use online bank transfer.We need Ministry Coordination Centres:Most of the offices in the 41-year ministries of Vishwa Vani to reach the vision are in rented buildings. We are to change the offices very often due to various reasons. This has resulted in decline in the ministry, and, hindering the contact with the ministry partners. Keeping this in mind, we are taking efforts with prayer to construct our own offices at some important cities.Through the grace of God, we have given advance on 30.7.21 for the purchase of a building in Delhi for our training center and to coordinate the ministry in the 13 states in North India. We request you for generous support. If God leads you, you could donate your own land or buildings for Vishwa Vani ministries. Rest assured through your sacrificial commitment, thousands of people are entering heaven. Hallelujah!Vishwa Vani Samarpan | September 2021 | ENGLISH

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Joining Hands with New Ministry Partners:We thank you for supporting Vishwa Vani ministries through Savings Boxes, monthly support on village adoptions and special donations. The idea is to introduce two new ministry partners to enable us to move forward in the vision.1. Kindly introduce new believers who could get a savings box,

pray daily, and save Rs 10 daily.2. You could donate Rs 3000/- every month as an individual,

family or a group and support the missionary work and adopt the village that has not heard about the gospel of Jesus even once.

3. You could be the leader to organize a prayer group where a minimum of three believers could gather and pray or come forward to be the volunteering representative in your area.

The effort that you take to introduce the ministry will hasten the speed of Vishwa Vani ministry. The gospel of Lord Jesus Christ will spread everywhere, and the name of God will be lifted up. You will receive the reward for it now on earth and forever in heaven. Therefore request you to join hands with us.Missionary Family Support:We take care of the missionaries and their families through “Society for Care and Needy”, a registered body. It supports the workers in their medical need, loss, and meet the funeral expenses of bereaved workers' family. The ex-gratia is provided in order to protect their future; the fees for the education of their children will be taken care by this society. If you are interested to support the missionaries' family, you could contact me. May the Lord bless you.

Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the province of Babylon. (Daniel 3:30).

Chennai Yours in His ministry12.8.21 W. Wilson Gnanakumar

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'Wiping the Hunger' is one of the fond services. The social development department is carrying out this during the past 5 months in the fields. The work of the native workers, reach out to the families that are poverty stricken with grains and basic necessities during the pandemic and lockdown situation. They have distributed nearly 3000 face masks and dry grains for 2000 families for a month. We were able to bring happiness in the faces that were once distressed and depressed in the villages.

We bring greetings to all the ministry partners who have abided to the Word of God “send some to those who have nothing prepared” (Neh. 8:10) and has sent their portions! Sorrows were turned away. Heaviness of heart was gone. The greetings that the people group have sent with great peace but the fulfilment belongs to God.

ME MY FAMILY AND My wife was suffering with thyroid and tormented with evil spirit. Moreover, I was worried thinking about my younger daughter whose liver was damaged. In addition to this, I was also affected by fits! Thus, our whole house became a sickbay. All the income we had was spent on hospitals expenses. Our future seemed dark.

Worker Balbir from Kalabakra, Punjab visited us and this became a turning point for all the three of us. My wife and daughter were totally delivered. I realized that nothing could be more powerful than the gospel. We are now living in the name of Jesus without any tears, worries, fear, sorrow and symptoms of sickness. Through us our relatives are also attending the worship. Praise the Lord. – Baljinder Singh

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From Sorrow To Happiness

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Republishing of Special Feature written by Emil Annan for Vishwa Vani Samarpan - February 2004

Obey! Is it a command which controls man's independence?

In this era that gives importance to independence, where no one is a slave to anybody. Is it prerogative to give the command, 'obey'?This is the first question. To respond, first we have to answer the question,what is independence?

'Living the life as we please' or 'Doing as we like'. Is this independence?

When we travel by roads, we don't drive the vehicles as we please. We must keep our vehicle to our left and must drive within the lines marked on the road. Can we, then say, the road laws are taking away man's freedom? The road laws are given, so that the roads do not haul, a human life.

Likewise, for us, in our walk of life, God's laws are there. They are given, not to deprive us of our independence but help us move forward along the course of life independently!

We can breakdown all the encounters of our lives into two. One is 'sorrow', and the other 'needs'. Every day, all of us face sadness and needs, establishing our journey of life.

Human beings are either optimistic or pessimistic in their thoughts. Our daily errand is to be an optimistic without giving room to pessimistic thoughts.

Why do we become emotional?Is it, because we are grappled by an evil spirit, which kindles our sentiments?

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'Being Obedient' doesn't restrict independence. Rather we deliberately submit ourselves to evil spirits. They spawn our mindset even to reckon. Even in least of the situations, our blood would bump and boil within seconds.

Why do emotions like anger, irritations, and hastiness govern us?Is it, we are bound by evil spirits?Why do bitterness, enmity and revengefulness become dominant in us?Flesh, and desire to sin has overpowered us.Anger and sin have strapped the independent man.It is right from birth, man has lost his independence.

The Bible says, "My mother conceived me in sin."We are advised to, 'Meditate and guard your thoughts and mind'. But, such an advice can't be accomplished by themselves.Why is it so?It is like wrong emotions mix in our blood, and our blood has become impure blood.Until all this impure blood is drained out, and pure blood is infused, man is controlled by the wrong spirits.He has subdued himself to act erroneously and have fallacious emotions.

Even if he is a scholar, but can't control his emotions, he hasn't passed the first step.Even though he is placed at an authoritarian position, and continuous to act corruptibly, then, his condition is like that of the prodigal son who lived amidst the pigs.

The Holy Bible sees, a man who is in this condition is completely changed to a new state.The sinful and cursed blood, which runs through the human soul, is completely removed and the life-giving blood of Jesus Christ is sent into it. Vishwa Vani Samarpan | September 2021 | ENGLISH

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This blessed wonderful blood when sent in gives, a renewed fulfilling experience.

"Without being emotional he is led by the Holy Spirit" so says the Holy Bible.Either you will be subdued by the evil spirit or will abide in the Holy Spirit.

All those who obey the evil spirit produce evil fruits.Those who abide in the Holy Spirit produce the fruit of the spirit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.Through their fruits, it will be known to whom they must obey.

A PRAYERO Lord, Ruler of Heaven and Earth, I come in submission, asking, control my thoughts. I have conformed to the devil, and been in bondage.I have transgressed and thus, lived like a lame man.Heavenly Father, grant me a life of obedience just likeSt. Paul who proclaimed,"Not I, but let Christ live in me".Grant me a life, to live in compliance to the Holy Spirit. Help me soar like an eagle that flitters its wings to safeguard my life's holiness, from this world's fleshly desires, and corrupt practices.Protect my gaze, beliefs, and deeds from morning till evening, for I am set apart for You.In the name of Jesus, who listens and answers our prayers and delivers from our sins. Amen.

ou live

in this world,

obeying either the world

or the Lord of Heaven.

Either to your flesh

or to the Holy One.

Either to the devil or

to the One who overcome the devil?

Your joy or sorrow, loss or gain,

depends on whom you obey.

If you await on the truth and

godliness, you will increase.

You will eat the fruit of your labor.

Your strength

will be in accordance to your days.

So consecrate your life

and pray today.

Lord Jesus,

Help me to dwell in you.

You live today and forever!


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Jana Chhetri: In the Dimdiha district, of West Bengal, worker Kushal Chhetri and his wife, Jana Chhetri (29) work with Nepali and Santali people group. With great vigor and commitment, they to work for the Lord. But, regrettably, pneumonia and diarrhea had troubled this sister for a while and has now, gone to be with the Lord on 29.7.2021. Kindly, uphold in your prayers, worker Kushal Chhetri, and their sons, Amey Chhetri (4yrs) and Aaron Chhetri (6 months). May their near and dear find peace in Christ.

Manoj Bhati, a 37 year old gospel worker, working among Pahadi people group at Lapiyana in Kangra region of Himachal Pradesh went to be the Lord on 31.7.2021. He is survived by his 3 children- Priska (7), Ridhika (5) and Harun (18 months). He died of heart attack. His wife Finka, too went to be with the Lord earlier this year on 31.01.21. He was the sole member taking

care of the three children and also continuing to do the ministry. During the last three

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Jana Chhetri:

Manoj Bhati

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months, his work has been commendable.

His death was unprecedented and untimely. The believers and the workers in the mountain region are shaken and they are awaiting for the comfort from the Lord.

No amount of words can comfort the three as they have lost their parents in a short period of 6 months. Only Jesus can grant them comfort during this time of grief. Remember to pray for the grandparents who are currently taking care of the children by strengthening them both physically and emotionally. Also, pray for the protection of God on the workers and their families so that such misfortunes might not occur.

Lalbhumi Jamatia:

Mahabir Jamatia, a field worker at Sub Colony in Tripura. His wife Mrs. Lalbhumi Jamatia (28) lost her vision and the ability to hear as she had tumor in her brain. Despite, her suffering, she neither lost her faith in Jesus nor her desire for the ministry till the end. She used to travel with her husband as a gospel worker in accordance to her ability. She was laid to eternal rest on 3.8.21. She and along with her 7 year old son Kwtham Jamatia attended the chain prayer daily that was conducted in the month of July. The prayer used to begin at 4 in the morning.

We, praise the Lord for Lalbhumi Jamatia's ministry and her faith. Kindly pray, that we may harvest many souls through the seed that is sown at Sub Colony province. Also, pray for Mahabir Jamatia who is waiting to see his loving wife at the Lord's Day and for their son Kwtham, to be comforted.

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Lift its Head

Petite Feelings

Just like other years, the Independence Day has passed by. We had saluted the Tiranga, watched the parade in Delhi, read and heard some news and spent as a holiday.

75 years have gone, India lies still on the earth's surface and added some experiences from the scholars from varied fields. Chuckling and giggling at the children speaking different languages and coming from a different cultures. Just like a father who admires every movement of the child and laughs at Him.

Unlike, we pass the Independence Day, we might not pass through the independence, as it not received freely. It comes from the sacrifice of great people who sowed in tears, and now it is blooms and flourishes.

The blood boils for freedom from slavery, a gift greater than caste or creed. It is greater to have independence from slavery, for they that desire and have concern for the growth of the nation than for the one who was born in free India.

There is none other than the Jews who are known to protect their independence. Because their slavery was so deep.

They had lost the peaceful life for not one or two but for generations! This tribe that was one of the primitives of the earth, was shattered without a nation and as a refugee they were like a vagabond without any affirmation in life. The dream that their children had was to reach their native country!

Their dream came true on May 14, 1948. The nation that was promised to Abraham, and was divided by Joshua, later was ruled by many kings and finally was given to them as a torn cloth. They started to sculpt the independence they received little by little. The reason was that they had the fear of God and the love for the nation!Vishwa Vani Samarpan | September 2021 | ENGLISH

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“On that day I swore to them that I would bring them out of Egypt into a land I had searched out for them, a land flowing with milk and honey, the most beautiful of all lands.” (Ez 20:6).

That dream came true when they made a vow that no one should put the nation to slavery. 74 years earlier their nation was like a garbage dump but now a great nation. Their country seem so small that the air force flights may not take a round across their own country from the runway.

If we take away the Jews who are in the front line in agriculture, medicine, communication, army and protection, water resources and telecommunication, then it may get difficult for the world to function. The nation that God has given to the Jews has risen to new highs as they loved the God who has given them the nation. They worked not for themselves but for God and do well for the nation.

Every Jew does not pass the Independence Day easily! The exhibit great attitude of reverence and honour towards the country and thank the Lord! If other people of the world would show at least a small percentage of this love for the nation then they could do great things for it.

This was the same tribe that God went in search for. But due to their hard heartedness they turned away from God. Moreover they killed Jesus and also his disciples who shared the love of God. However today's Israelites are the result of the promise that God gave to the early fathers whom he loved.

Israel has one year less experience than independent India, but has grown ~75 times more than India.

The Lord has kept the doors open of this nation. All we need to do is to share the love of Christ through that door. If acceptance of Christ's love becomes part of every Indian family, then, the country will start enjoying the rich benefits of His grace. Consequently our nation will also become one among the great nations! Hallelujah!

- Haris Prem, Vishwa Vani Media.

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uke had written the Acts of the Apostle. The purpose of writing Lthis Apostle is seen in the first two verses. It expresses, what we must do and what we must preach? Acts of the Apostle is an Epistle and Epistle is a book. Question that arises is: Why write to Theophilus only? 'Theophilus' means friend of God. Some believe it is a common name and not a real person. While the scholars believe, he was a Roman authority as Luke addresses him as the most respectful person. And still others believed that Theophilus has backslidden and Luke had written to strengthen his faith. Despite umpteen opinions existed, Acts of the Apostle was given by the Holy Spirit as a diary for the churches and believers. For those who are in church ministry and gospel work may build their ministry as in Acts of the Apostle, this must be led by the Holy Spirit and should bring glory to God always.

Luke yearned to acquaint, the Romans and Jews living during those times about Christianity. It neither caused harm, nor hurt to others, nor did it blame others. It is a religion where the Roman kings, judges and the Jewish priest cannot blame or judge. It is not beyond law, but, it is the fulfillment of the Jewish religion.

We need to keep two things in mind when we read this book. Firstly, the teachings and the actions of Lord Jesus Christ which were spread by the believers of the early church members. Secondly, how we must fulfill the plan, purpose and command through the help of the Holy Spirit in the present time.

Acts 1:3 says “After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God.” Jesus spoke about the kingdom of God for 40 days until He was taken to

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Bible Study: Acts of the Apostle

The Continuity Of

GOD'S PLAN- Pon Subarson

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heaven. He revealed that He was alive. Luke too wrote about the kingdom of heaven. The plan of God was revealed from the very beginning till the end through the scriptures. God wanted the people of His kingdom must be present with Him. He had already taught His disciples and St. Luke thought, they must continue what they had learnt. Some scholars twist the truths of the Bible, saying that, Jesus Christ had taught many unclear new teachings that are not told in the Bible to the apostles. We can understand because of the present well-informed revelations.

Today, such wrong teachings are becoming a threat and danger to Christianity as many churches, ministries and ministers are giving importance to what is formulating in their minds that they preach as many rely on such teachings. No one can run the church if the teachings of Christ, the ministry of the Apostles and the Worship of the early church was not in unison. If the Christian teachings are not centred on the Bible then they are not according to the will of God. Therefore, we need understand the core message of Christ, before, we may know the plan of God.

Jesus revealed His plan in Luke 4:43, But he said, “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.” Jesus said He has come proclaim the kingdom of God. Presently, either misunderstood or forgotten. The purpose is that not few but all must come to this kingdom for which man must repent. “After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” (Mark 1:14-15). He was proclaiming this urgent message for 40 days. He not only voiced it but revealed himself too many. The reason, the risen God is surely alive and He affirmed that He would come again!

Truly, beloved, rather than we say, we are Christians, we must inquire whether we are Christians based on the Word of God. All those who have accepted Jesus Christ, will surely understand the heart of God. They will think about the expansion of the kingdom of God, and will shoulder responsibilities with fellow believers. To them Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ said: “I will be with you till the end of the world”.Vishwa Vani Samarpan | September 2021 | ENGLISH

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Beloved brothers and sisters in the name of Lord Jesus Christ,

May grace and peace be with you, through our Father God and Lord Jesus Christ

The Lord uses exceedingly those that lean on God, cling to the Word of God, committed to live for Him and humble themselves under His mighty arm to be used in the ministry. Their feet would inherit souls wherever they go. Apostle Paul is an ideal exemplar for the ministry who filled the churches with assistance from the Holy Spirit.

Let me take you through my travel diaries of the last issue. We were following the places where, Apostle Paul had journeyed.

During his second missionary journey, Apostle Paul was in Ephesus (Acts 18:19-28). But he stayed at Ephesus for 2 years only during his third missionary journey (Acts 19). It was then, the church was formed by him.

I saw, the Artemis temple c o n s t r u c t e d i n E p h e s u s , considered as one of the seven wonders of the Ancient World. The ruins of the temple show the pillars were made of marble stones.

As I, walked through these ruins, an overwhelming and humbling feeling engulfed me, as the Lord showed me the cities of Ephesus and Apostle Paul's gospel work.

In Ephesus then, the Christians were greatly tortured, the young believers in this city would identify themselves as believers through signs that were carved in the marble stones and were also seen near the shops, houses or streets.

It is intriguing to see, the ciphered Greek letters of the gospel “Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Saviour of the world”.

Through the inscriptions, I could comprehend the magnitude of

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troubles the early Christians experienced and their life in faith that enabled them to stand in the love of God. The mere glance of their life, brought tears in my eyes.

The ancient city of Ephesus was excavated by the archaeologist. I saw the roads along the beach was made of marble. The road to the reading room, the Temple of Diana (Acts 19:27, 28) and the houses were renovated.

We read in Acts 19:29 that Paul resided in the arena and the road to it was built semi-circle with marbles on a small mount that was in the city. The arena had a capacity to seat 24000 people.

History mentions that Apostle John had spent about a year and half in the island of Patmos and stayed along with Mary the mother of Jesus in Ephesus. He was made the leader of the church in Ephesus. There I also saw, St. John's cathedral and John's grave.

I found some interesting facets at the St. John's cathedral. Here, I saw different chapels for funeral a n d b a p t i s m . E v e n m o r e

interesting was, they were well- organised. They had a baptism tank with separate inlet and outlet for water. Furthermore, the stairways for people to go up and down for baptism were separate. Later, I returned back to the cruise.

There are numerous ancient churches in Greece. Currently, about 98% of the population are still Christians.

As I, continued to travel with others, we had started from Kusadasi port and reached Greece the next morning at the port of Rhodes (same as in Acts 21:1). A colossal was built near the port and the entrance of this colossal was called St. Paul's E n t r a n c e . I t ' s a J e w i s h synagogue. Further, we moved 40 km from Rhodes to come to a place called Lindo. Here too, there was a huge fort and it was refuge for the early Christians when they were in trouble at the caves there. Similarly, here too, we found many Greek churches.

Next day, I left from Rhodes Island to Bodrum Island in Turkey to see the St. Peter's

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Cathedral. The church that was situated within the Bodrum fort was converted as a mosque by the Muslims.

On August 10th, I arrived at Santorini Island, a place of ancient Christian churches. The skies showcased, a half moon just like the volcanic eruption that took place 3500 years ago, in a place called Thera. That place, has become a part of the sea. The ramification of the eruption was so devastating that it was even felt further in the island of Crete in the South (Titus 1:12).

On August 11th, I was at the Monemvasia, an island in Greece. There I saw the ruins of the fort over the mountain. On the way, I saw, beautiful villages and churches.

Next was Athens, the capital of Greece. This city of Athens, is also, referred in Acts 18:1. The foremost Olympic game was held here. I remembered, an analogy, Apostle Paul drew between Christian life with an athlete's in Heb. 12:1 and 2 Tim. 2:5.

As I travelled to 'Corinth' and 'Thessalonica', their mere name boards, made me realise the travel Paul made during those days with very less travel facilities for him to garner souls for the Lord.

Then, I moved onto Areopagus, a prominent rock located in Athens. At this place, not only, Apostle Paul proclaimed about Jesus Christ to the scholars, but also, Plato, Aristotle and Socrates had shared about their philosophies. Also we visited Acropolis of Athens an ancient citadel located on a rocky outcrop above the city of Athens. On the way, I saw olive and fig trees.

As I poised, overlooking at Areopagus, I reflected on Apostle Paul's life that changed the world. Despite lack of facilities, he was committed to preach the gospel. That day, I stood at were Paul once stood and recommitted my life to preach the gospel to the untold India. I praise and thank the Lord for giving me mesmerizing journey. On the early hours of August the 14th, I reached back to Delhi.

May the Holy Spirit, guide every gospel worker sent to the village as Apostle Paul. May the Heavens and the partners of the ministry, rejoice and be glad in Him.

Hyderabad In Christ's Service10.8.21. P. Selvaraj

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Once I saw a mother monkey, sitting by the side of a road

with its young one. Whenever the little one would jump and move a little away from its mother, the mother would stretch its hand and pull it back. Sometimes, she would grab its hand, but, if it were farther away, she would pull by its tail. To me, this incident was hilarious, as I wondered about the mother's tail being so long and powerful. And yet again I saw, this time, the mother monkey pulled its little one and gave a good spanking. Undoubtedly, an analogy crossed my mind as I thought more profoundly. On the one hand, mother's protection and comfort contrasting's to the beating. Likewise, we see the hand of our Lord of Lords and God of Gods is both loving and disciplining. Let us reflect about it!

Isaiah 59:1 says “Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear.” Furthermore, in Numbers 11:21-23. There is a dialogue between God and Moses (the servant of

God), wherein, the Israelites were crying for meat and God promised to give them meat not for 1 day, or 2 days but for a whole month. But Moses said, “Here I am among six hundred thousand men on foot, and you say, 'I will give them meat to eat

22 for a whole month!' Would they have enough if flocks and herds were slaughtered for them? Would they have enough if all the fish in the sea were caught for them?” Verse 23 goes onto say, “The LORD answered Moses, “Is the LORD's arm too short? Now you will see whether or not what I say will come true for you.” Implying that the hand of God does mighty things and that is the reason God says in 1 Peter 5:6 “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.”

a) What kind is God's Mighty Hand:

It is the Mighty Hand: Exodus 6:6; Deut. 4:34; 5:15; 7:19; 9:29; 11:2; 26:8 states explicitly, God orchestrated the Israelites

The Hand Of God

- Rev. Emmanuel Gnanaraj, Director, Prayer Network

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redemption from slavery of the Egyptians with His mighty hand. He did massive miracles before Pharaoh and brought His people safely from Egypt. He led them for 40 years in the desert. His hand was never short to save them. God is all-powerful, to fork out any type of temptations and situations, if we call unto Him. He said in Psalm 50:15 “call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honour me.”! Then He bailed out the Israelites and delivered them. Would He not save us from all tribulations even today?

It is a Protecting Hand: As Proverbs 18:10 says “The name of the LORD is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” If His name itself, is such, a powerful refuge then how much more would His hand be? If the monkey could stretch her hand and protect its baby, then the hand of our God is looking forward to protect us. Moreover, the hand of God has been a pillar of cloud in the morning and pillar of fire at night when the Israelites travelled through the desert. This we read in Exodus 14:19, “Then the angel of God, who had been travelling in front of Israel's army, withdrew and went behind them. The pillar of cloud also moved from in front and stood behind them” it was like a protecting hand between them

and their enemies. Our God, raises the banner when Satan comes as f lood. For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you. We read as a promise in Isaiah 43:2 “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.” This protecting hand is powerful. The same that h a d p r o t e c t e d S a d r a c h , Meschach and Abed Nego from the blazing furnace and Daniel from the lion's den.

Hand that lifts you up: Do not forget that God's purpose is to lift you up. His desire is to bless Israel. Deu 28:13 says,” And the LORD shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the LORD thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them”. He has called you for this. Just like He has chosen the shepherd to be the king, He has made the one who fled away to be a great warrior and He has made the one who was sold as a slave to be the prime minister of

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the land to save His people. Likewise, the Lord has chosen a way that might be pitiable and mournful. You might even have to tread through those difficult times for a long time. Therefore, do not be disappointed rather humble yourself under His arm, so that He would lift you up at the appointed time. We must meditate on two things in this verse. Underlining for the advancement are: 1. Due time. 2. Humble Ourselves.

b) When is the Due Time?

In the story of Joseph, Joseph had to wait for the fore destined time so that he might be elevated. God moulds us continuously till the time comes, where, we will not be contemptuous but accountable. He is never late with regards to keep His promises as we assume. What could have been the right time in Joseph's life to be lifted up? Was it when his brothers sold him for 20 silver coins, or, when he was put in prison after he had worked faithfully at Potiphar's house, or, when he had been forgotten by the cup bearer whom he helped?

The appointed time came when God brought famine in the land for 7 years. Till then he needed to be patient.

c) Why to persist in being humble?

Man does not like to stay humble.

Even though a man might be passive in behaviour and emotionally stable despite his stature and authority, he might be still aggressive in his thoughts.

It is human, to be rebellious. But in order to take away the entanglements of our life, we need to be positioned and disentangle patiently. If we continue to rebel, the cords would intertwine and it would defer to reach the destiny. But if we obey and yield, we could be easily liberated. If we wait on the Lord patiently, just as Joseph, we would be elevated up one day like him.

Psalm 105 reveals, how God upheld the covenant He had given to Abraham and Isaac. He upheld it for Joseph too despite he was sold, chained and put in prison, and also was kept behind iron bars. In verses 17 to 19, we see, that the Word of God was with him despite his sufferings. As he waited patiently and his eyes on God, we read in verses 20 to 22 that 'The king sent and released him, the ruler of peoples set him free'.

Hence “Humble your-selves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time (1 Peter 5:6).

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1. Jammu Kashmir Vision Villages: 1000

Praise points: 7 people confessed their new faith at Pargwal and u

Panch Peer Gol. Ganesh Sharma, badgered by the evil spirit, u

was delivered in the name of Jesus. Pooja's family blessed with a u

child at Karkayal village. Nirmala's witness as a new believer is u

commendable, at Asiamorh.

Prayer request: Kewal, from Dhanodi, paralyzed for last 2 years. u

u u Faith confession service of 273 people to take place Campus training for 15 youths who are interested in doing full time ministry. u Receive new workers for 250 new villages which were identified for the ministry.

2. Himachal Pradesh Vision Villages: 2000

Praise points: Kataro Chawk has opened up for ministry. Reeta u u

was delivered from the clutches of evil spirit. 6 people confessed u

their faith in Christ 12 families have joined the Believers' u


Prayer request: Pray for blessing of Ram Saran and his family as u

they donated their land for the construction of a church. Tailoring u

class was started at Barot. For the spiritual growth of 296 people u

who are getting ready for faith confession. Pray for Kamjeet, u

kidneys were affected.

3. Punjab Vision Villages: 3000

Praise points: 16 youngsters have committed themselves for u

full time ministry. 63 families have confessed their sins and were u

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born again. 74 people who confessed their new faith are sharing u

their witness. The Word of God spread, when healing was u

received by Kiranjit Kaur's for his skin problems.

Prayer request: u The church at Tung to grow spiritually Deliverance from sickness for worker Yunas's mother. u u

Compound wall to be constructed for the churches at Khera, Attowal and Ballamgarh. The involvement of the believers at u

Granthgarh in the ministry, to be a blessing to the whole village.

4. Uttarakhand Vision Villages: 2000

Praise points: Worship group was started at Labholi village. u u

174 people heard the Word of God for the first time through Seekers' Meeting. Laxmi's family from Rishikesh, was blessed u

with a child after 11 years. 14 people who have confessed their u

sins are praising the Lord.

Prayer request: Strengthen the legs of Pushpa Chand who is u

unable to walk. Due to swelling in the skull of Rajendra, he gets u

fits often. Campus training for the 13 youth who have come for u

full time ministry to be started soon. New residential places for u

Raiwala believers who were relocated to another place.

5. Haryana Vision Villages: 1000

Praise points: 52 families who were below the poverty line were u

given food grains for a month. Worker Lakhan Singh who was u

healed from typhoid has started to do ministry again. 5 people u

who heard the gospel has started new life in Jesus. We are u

witnessing the spiritual growth of the believers at Sevali and Aurangabad fields.

Prayer request: Salvation of Sharamjeet Singh. Neighboring u u

villages has to come to know about Jesus through the believers at Hodal where a new church is built. The Lord to give co-workers u

for the ministry of Ramesh Kumar. Janacholi field church u

members are praying that their church renovation needs may be met.

6. Rajasthan Vision Villages: 4000

Praise points: 27 people confessed their new faith in Christ.u

u Believers have given their land to raise a church at Padla Mokha field. The children's ministry at Pati worship group has been u

fruitful. Jekda field believers are interested in the gospel work. u

Prayer request: Kali from Bildi field, is suffering with swollen u

eyes for the past two months. Priyanka Dodiyar's young u

daughter is mentally ill. The farmers who are waiting for rain. u

u The children from villages do not have equipment and internet

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facilities for online classes…

7. Uttar Pradesh – Bhojpuri Vision Villages: 4500

Praise points: Awareness for pandemic and health camps were u

held at 6 villages. 15 youngsters have committed themselves to u

do full time ministry. 45 people from Bhojpuri province have u

confessed their new faith. 34 families have found deliverance u

from their sins and are part of the Believers' Fellowship.

Prayer request: We are getting ready to give food grains for a u

month for the families that are in poverty. Ezra camp has to be u

started at 4 centers To identify full time workers. To improve the u

living conditions of Maheshpur villagers. Rajapur villagers to be u

delivered from gambling and drugs.

8. Uttar Pradesh – Lucknow Vision Villages: 4500

Praise points: The Lord has blessed Guddu's family at u

Bhatpurwa village with the gift of child after 25 years. The u

believers have come forward to donate their land for the construction of church at Mohamadpur. 5 new families have u

joined worship at Kaluwa. Worker Ramesh has shared the u

gospel with Munim Singh who was suffering from fits. He has got complete healing.

Prayer request: Protection of worker Ram Dulare who is facing u

oppositions in the ministry. Healing of Shri Ram who has leprosy.u

u u Redemption from alcohol for a youth at Barola village. Remove the oppositions faced in the ministry at Majra Farm

9. Jharkhand Vision Villages: 5000

Praise points: God has given a new life for Emalen and Medline u

who were battling for their lives because of the pandemic. 50 u

people were benefitted through the gospel tracts. 150 people u

who attended the Seekers' Meeting heard the gospel for the first time. 8 people have confessed the new faith at Patgratu field. u

Prayer request: Protection of workers Masih Topno and Samuel u

Tiru who are working among Mundari people. Strengthen the u

8 people who were born again at Bholagari village by the Word of God. Healing for Deep Narayan Singh who is suffering with fits u

for the past 1 year. Deliverance from alcohol for Kotamtoli and u

Sikwar villages.

10. Bihar Vision Villages: 6000

Praise points: The Lord has stirred Tusan's heart away from u

creating any further troubles in the gospel work at Rupaspur; His whole family has joined the Believers' Fellowship. Arthritis was u

healed for Bhola after suffering for 1 year. Sarita Kumari from u

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Belchi village was healed from anemia. The witness of new u

believers Pappu and Subodh Kumar were useful for the neighbors.

Prayer request: God's help for the church construction work at u

Rupash field. Healing for Munnu who is under the clutches of u

mental illness for the past 6 months. The whole family of Gauri u

Kumari has accepted the faith through her. Healing for Sunaina u

who is suffering with breathing issues.

11. West Bengal – Coochbehar Vision Villages: 1000

Praise points: 4 people have confessed their new faith. u

Thanking the Lord for Amit's and Rina's gospel work at u

Umacharanpur. Door to door gospel was spread at Saldhura. u

u The Lord has opened Ram Chandra's deaf ears during the fasting prayer at Dipuline.

Prayer request: Sanil Oraon's family is grieving as he was u

addicted to alcohol. Renew the hearts of those who heard the u

gospel at Changrabanda. Efforts taken up to start Sunday u

School at Kariya Basti. 7 people to confess the faith in Christ.u

12. West Bengal - Darjeeling Vision Villages: 1000

Praise points: Sunit Oraon's house at Septiguri has become u

worship centre. Opportunities for ministry has opened at u

Guabari. Rohan Kerketa's family has been a blessing in Katajhar u

village. More people have joined Khal Line Worship Group.u

Prayer request: Pay for Talu Jote villagers who are addicted to u

alcohol. Chumta region people require the gospel as they u

believe in magic and are thus being cheated. The new families, u

attending Telgamuni Bible Study Group, share witness for the Lord. God's protection on the 5 families who are facing u

opposition because of their faith at Bijlemoni village.

13. West Bengal – Kolkata Vision Villages: 6000

Praise points:u Ministry at Abdalpur village is opening up. u u 7 people have confessed their faith in Christ. Josan Tudu was saved from snake bite at Chandipur field. Late Subrata's (our u

thfield worker) daughter passed 12 standard with good marks.

Prayer request: Worker Sanjay Mandi is suffering with pain in u

the spinal cord. Seekers' meeting at Churulipur and Jaita to get u

new souls. Purchase of land to build a church for Laxmonda u

worship group as the believers are increasing. Stir the hearts of u

Sarisha villagers for the Word.

14. Sikkim Vision Villages: 200

Praise points: Bedridden worker Nimcho Lepcha, was healed u

post a nervous problem. Keni Lepcha's family has come forward u

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to serve Jesus. The witness of Dhan Maya Chettri is wonderful u

example while ministering the gospel. Spiritual growth among u

the Upper Bhaluthang village believers.

Prayer request: Pray for Bhaluthang field worker whose house u

was destroyed because of heavy rain. Construction of a room for u

a worker at Lower Rakshey field. Construction work of Melli u

church may be completed. Through the witness of Chumbong u

believers, neighbouring villages may know the gospel.

15. Manipur Vision Villages: 800

Praise points: Healing received for worker Chirom Shomen's u

family who were affected by covid. Gospel has reached out to u

157 people through Seekers' Meeting. 2 people confessed their u

new faith in Jesus. About 260 villages are being ministered u

through mobile and virtual meetings.

Prayer request: Spiritual growth of all the 193 people who are going to u

confess the faith. Pray for the Lord to bless and feed the families who u

have lost their living because of covid. Purchase of land for the u

construction of churches at 9 fields. Pray for the protection of the doctors u

and primary healthcare workers and their service at every village.

16. Assam Vision Villages: 4500

Praise points: Basic necessities for 100 families at Chirang and u

Bongaigaon district were met. 19 people confessed the faith in u

Jesus at Bhowraguri field. Worker Rahul Rabha's daughter was u

healed from sickbed. God has opened opportunities in the u

ministry among Santali workers at Rajpur.

Prayer request: 50 people among Karbi and Mishing group are u

getting ready for faith confession. Believers at Kujabguri field u

have to increase. 6-months pregnant wife of worker Prasanto is u

suffering with fever and continuous cough. Pray for spread of u

gospel at Ahatguri region.

17. Tripura Vision Villages: 1500

Praise points: Healing for Biswajit Jamatia who was affected u

with corona during the pandemic. 30 people have confessed u

their faith in Jesus. The new believers at Parakta and Doboi u

Kobra fields are interested to learn to pray. The ministry of u

Jagesh at Anandachow Kami region has become a web centre.

Prayer request: Worker Mahabir Jamatia's wife passed away; u

may the Lord comfort him and his son. The preparatory works u

for the faith confession service at Folo Chandra Kami. Healing of u

the wounds of Mankumar who met with an accident. Remember u

family of Jagadish Debbarma who is involved in the gospel work.

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18. Odisha – Ganjam, Gajapati Vision Villages: 2000

Praise points: 32 people confessed their faith in Jesus. 3 new u u

families have joined Kurubandha worship group. The Lord u

enabled us to feed 40 families during the lockdown. The door for u

the gospel was opened at Gudari as Brundavan's family was delivered from evil spirit. Kendhugumma field people are u

praising the Lord as they have got road facilities from the government.

Prayer request: Believers of Kanabaunsa village be delivered u

from opposition. Deliverance from opposition in the ministry at u

Langasahi. A new church was built for the S.Kharigumma field u

believers. The Lord to be the support of Sajay Sabar's family u

who were deserted by the villagers.

19. Odisha – Ho, Santali Province Vision Villages: 1000

Praise points: 3 people confessed their faith in Jesus at Adelsahi u

field. Worker Phudan Tudu was healed from typhoid fever and u

has started to work. Witness of Surai and Sania Birya were given u

during ministry. Ministry has been blessed through the efforts of u

worker Shyam Sunder Munduya.

Prayer request: Sadhu Charan to be healed from mental illness. u

u Deliverance from opposition faced by the new believer Jagannath Masih's family. Deliverance for Bhima Pingua from u

the fear of sickness. The hearts of Rasa Nanda and Chandra u

Hansda be renewed.

20. Odisha – Kandhamal District Vision Villages: 500

Praise points: 7 people confessed their new faith. 3 new u u

families have joined Badganda Believers' Fellowship. The name u

of God was glorified at Gangalarka as Tasha Digal was healed from mental illness. Sumantha was delivered from evil spirit and her u

witness to Nandini villagers enabled the people to know God. Praise the Lord.

Prayer request: 50 villages that are in need were identified for u

the ministry. There is a need for a church building at u

Dashnipada. The Lord to protect 8 workers and their families u

at Firingia region from antagonists. The believers at field u Shudra are tortured. Pray.

21. Odisha – Rayagada District Vision Villages: 2000

Praise points: 65 believers attended the fasting prayer meeting u

that was continued at Sampani field. The Lord enabled us to u

distribute food grains for a month for the 51 families of Jamboguda village that have lost their living. The love of God u

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has reached 279 people through gospel movies in Kandakuty. u Nuagaon village believers are experiencing spiritual growth.

Prayer request: The doors for the gospel to be opened at u

Mariguda. Protection of the villagers at Lagatiguda from u

malaria. The Word of God to work at the hearts of the people at u

B.Dharkunty. The Lord to strengthen the legs of worker u

Jameswara Bada Raita whose legs are weak.

22. Odisha – Sambalpuri Vision Villages: 1500

Praise points: 10 people were baptized at Bargarh region. Anchal u u

Badi was healed from skin problem and is now sharing her witness with neighbors. Deliverance received, from evil spirit tormenting Nandini u

Sahu. The family of Babula Dash has come forward to serve Jesus. u

u 2 new people have joined Godbhaga field Believers' Fellowship.

Prayer request: Healing for Makardhaj who had a head injury. u

u u Godhabari Bag was deserted by the family because of the faith. Ganesh Pradhan's witness brought his family to be saved. Sumitra u

Meher is suffering with heart pain for the past two months.

23. Chhattisgarh – Champa Province Vision Villages: 3000

Praise points: 23 people confessed their faith in Jesus. The u u

ministry was started at 74 new villages. 5 people have joined Tilai u

field church. Farmer Chandrika Bhai's debt was solved through u


Prayer request: To start worship group at Kendutola. Deliver u u

Ela believers from their oppressors. 13 new workers need cycle u

for the ministry. Completion of church construction at Baloda u

field on time.

24. Chhattisgarh – Raipur District Vision Villages: 3000

Praise points: Special training for Baloda Bazar district pastors u

was conducted. Gospel was shared at 25 villages through 5 new u

workers. Jitendra was healed from skin disease. Worker Daya u u

Sagar has been ministering God's love and the knowledge of the Lord at the Kosrangi province.

Prayer request: Bhog Lal's family is grieving as he is addicted to u

alcohol. Workers's training is carried out by worker Satish u

Suryavanshi. Success of purchase of land for the construction of u

church at Pathariya. Field survey were continued at u

Mahasamund and Durg districts.

25. Madhya Pradesh Vision Villages: 7000

Praise points: Worship groups were started at Patan and u

Bamhori villages. The Lord has protected worker Ashok u

Suryawanshi and his family from the roof collapse. The evil spirit u

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that was tormenting Dhanmatia was chased away in the name of Jesus. 12 people have confessed their new faith.u

Prayer request: Break the alcohol addiction from Rohit Markam. u

His family too is saddened. Healing for Kanhaiyalal from u

Tuberculosis. Roopa's family is praying for the gift of child. u

u Mahesh 's family to be saved through his witness.

26. Gujarat Vision Villages: 6000

Praise points: 17 women have completed their tailoring classes at u

Ambach field tailoring class. 22 villages were identified through field u

survey for the ministry. Among them ministry was started at 7 villages. u u 25 people confessed their faith in Jesus. The believers at Galan and Pati villages have offered their lands for the construction of churches.

Prayer request: 12 new workers to join and to open new field at u

Navsari district. To complete the construction work of church at u

Amoni, Gantha and Vedshi fields. Nariyas, son of Manubhai's u

has some birth disabilities, kindly pray for his health. Worker u

Anil Chaudhari's family is praying to be blessed with a child.

27. Maharashtra Vision Villages: 7000

Praise points: 12 people confessed their faith in Jesus. The u u

Lord enabled us to distribute food grains to 358 families who had lost their living during the lockdown. Praise the Lord for u

N.A.Jadhav's family who gave 3 cycles for the field workers. The u

Lord saved the field worker Bhaskar Goradwar from a road accident; his surgery was completed successfully.

Prayer request: Pray for construction of church to be completed u

at Chandori. Office materials kept at Kalyan office was u

destroyed due to rain water flooding the premise. New materials were to be repurchased. Land for construction of church at u

Hardoli and Sukdi to be purchased as the believers were increasing. To begin with tailoring classes, evening tuitions and u

social development schemes for many villages.

28. Telangana Vision Villages: 5000

Praise points: The gospel work was started at 53 villages. u

u Tailoring classes was started at Gujja and Janagam fields and 32 Women are benefitted. The Lord has healed 6 workers who were u

affected because of the pandemic. 5 people have confessed u

their new faith. The new believer Laxman was without job. But u

God has given him a four-wheeler to take care of his family.

Prayer request: Healing for Worker Gangaram from Adilabad u

province who is weak and is suffering from tuberculosis. 63 u

people are attending the preparatory classes for baptism. More u

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EALTH JESUS NAMEIN I had pain in my head for the past 18 years and

which distressed me and my parents. My

husband and my parents tried all types of

treatment but in vain. Worker George Masih

visited us as at Bariar in Punjab. He shared with

us the power of Jesus to heal. My life that was

bound by evil spirit, and was delivered in the

name of Jesus. There is great peace at my house

after 18 years. It is only through Jesus the

Saviour, my relatives one after another have tasted the love of

Jesus and are now bearing witness for Jesus and blooming in life

and health! - New Believer Rupa

workers are to be sent among the Chenchu people. The Lord to u

bless the neighboring villages with the gospel through the witness of Chinthakani field believers.

29. Andhra Pradesh Vision Villages: 8000

Praise points: Bible Study Centers was started at Bonduru, u

K.Garlapadu and Tamaraguda. 63 people who have confessed u

that 'Jesus is the Savior'. The construction of the church at u

8 fields has begun. B.Ramesh and B.Mohan are sharing their u

healing witness with others.

Prayer request: The Holy Spirit to work at the 45 villages where u

the gospel tracts were distributed. The Lord to fulfill the vision to u

reach '500 worship groups' this year. Restoration of health for u

Sombari and Dharma Rao from their sick beds.

30. Karnataka Vision Villages: 6000

Praise points: · Chikka Chelluru believers are praising Jesus as Thippamma was blessed with a child after 8 years. 11 people u

confessed their faith in Jesus. Sunkamma family has been a u

blessing at Nagaramgere. The witness of Thippeswamy at u

Honnuru field was a blessing in the ministry work.

Prayer request: Construction work of church to be completed at u

Avulanna village. Healing for Anil Kumar who is battling with u

blood cancer at Mahadevpur. Deliverance for Venkatamma at u

B.G.Kere who is being tormented by evil spirit. The seekers' u

meetings held at Obanahalli and Devarahalli to bring many into righteousness.

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TAILORING CLASS IN THE FIELD!The village people residing in regions b eyo n d h ave g ot e m p loy m e nt opportunities in small scale business and also, livelihood through tailoring secured through the tailoring classes.

20 women from Mirzapur field in Uttar Pradesh have completed their 6-month training. Moreover, 7th tailoring class has started at Puranpatti on 7.8.21 by the grace of God. 20 new people have joined as a new batch on 10.8.21. 1640 women were trained in the tailoring classes in 7 Indian states and by the end of this financial year we are expecting to empower 2000 women. Kindly, pray.

BUBBLING JOYM y n a m e i s Paramjit Kaur. We are residing at Nehru Gate in G u r d a s p u r district. There was a tumor that was formed below my right wrist and it was troubling me for the past 5 years! I heard about the miracles that happened in Granthgarh worship group through the name of Jesus and I attended it with faith on 25.7.21. The worker prayed with much fasting and tears. God answered my prayer with proof that Jesus is sti l l alive and the tumor disappearing. Jesus has become the source of happiness to all in our house and has become our Savior. All that I say, wherever I go is “Jesus gives life to people”!

– Paramjit Kaur.

AGARTALA: AHMEDABAD: AURANGABAD: BENGALURU:7005891955. 9099019856. 08023333509.9960105702.

BANSWARA: BONGAIGAON: BHOPAL: 9414725164. 9954796394. 7987376762.

BHUBANESWAR: CALICUT: CHAMPA: CHENNAI: 06742360726. 9446161770. 9926176754. 9600888375.

COCHIN: COIMBATORE: DEHRADUN: DELHI: 9447521933. 9442006614. 9897175917. 9910762447.

HYDERABAD: IMPHAL: JAMMU: KOLKATA: 04027125557. 9856083151. 7006516080. 9433263705.

LUCKNOW: MADURAI: MUMBAI: NAGERCOIL: 8687951286. 9865352272. 9890223355. 9444343180.

NAGPUR: NASIK: PARALAKHEMUNDI: PATHANKOT: 9370405227 7006051200. 9881200860. 9337254062.

PATNA: PUNE: RAIPUR: RANCHI: SALEM: 9507845613. 9826452343. 9431927472. 97897583008600925527

SECUNDERABAD: SIKKIM: SILIGURI: SOLAPUR: 9848015247. 9733284076. . 8900321640 9689126734.

SONGADH: THANE: TIRUNELVELI: TIRUVALLA: 9979509172. 8888318884. 04622562028. 9447251358.

TRICHY: TUTICORIN: VISAKHAPATNAM: VILLUPURAM: 0431-2960135. 04612339774. 9701024808. 9443997515.

VIRUDHUNAGAR: 9659803075.

ContactIf the Spirit of the Lord leads you to reach the unreached villages of India, you may kindly join us as prayer partner, volunteering representative, village adopter or full time worker.

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As a result of celebrating the month of July as the month of prayer, we saw a great harvest in the month of August. Praise the Lord. We have decided to celebrate the month of September as the month for the ministry partners to strengthen their ministry involvement in Christ.

Keeping in mind the growing ministry through the grace of God, to obtain the opportunities that we have and to join the new workers who are waiting for the ministry training we need the support of the ministry partners.

Share with the believers and their families residing near houses the need of God's ministry and share with them about savings boxes and the monthly contribution for the ministry and ask them to join as ministry partners.

If you need help for this, you could contact your area worker or the representatives. We request you to inherit the ministry opportunities that are waiting with open doors.



Here is a special share for you in building the kingdom of God, if you are a person in the line of people who are saved by the grace and the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Here is an opportunity for you to send portions unto the villages and to partner with the ministries of Vishwa Vani which proclaims the Good News of heaven in the villages where the gospel is not heard even once.

£ You can adopt and support a village ministry as an individual / a family / a group

by sending Rs. 3000/- every month.

£ You can contribute to build a church building for the first-generation believers in

the mission fields.

£ You can also meet the field needs like mats, night lamps, musical instruments,

Holy Communion Vessels, megaphones, P.A. Systems, etc.

Vishwa Vani Samarpan | September 2021 | ENGLISH


Please update us with your transaction detail to acknowledge with receipt

) 944 445 5646

A/c Name : VISHWA VANIA/c No. : 10151750252Bank : State Bank of IndiaBranch : Amanjikarai, Chennai - IndiaIFS Code : SBIN0003273

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MY SHARE� I dedicate to pray at least once a week along with the nearby believers for the prayer points in

the Vishwa Vani Samarpan magazine.

� I commit myself as volunteering representative to share the ministry among believers and

churches in my locality and to collect Rs. 3000/- every month to adopt a ministry village.

� I shall support the ministry by distributing Saving Boxes among co-believers and family

members and to encourage them to support the ministry through their offerings.

� I decide to contribute Rs. ___________ towards the needs of mission fields such as bicycle or

musical instrument and PA System.

� I pledge to give Rs. ________________ as my share for ________ months for church building



One of the basic need a field worker

who has committed himself and

trained for fulltime time ministry

requires a bicycle to reach a village.

197 new workers have joined the

ministry, and each requires a bicycle

for themselves. We thank the

ministry partners for donation of the

bicycles for the workers in Uttar

Pradesh, Bihar and Chhattisgarh.

Glory to God!

Seven field workers from Siliguri

plains, stationed at the foothills of

H imalayas and s ix workers

from Ethelbari and Coochbehar

provinces, each require a bicycle

costing Rs 6000/-. Thus, amounting

to Rs 78,000/- which could be

contributed as special donation to

the representatives and workers

whom you would meet.


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1. Nano Harni Punjab 120 2400 sq.ft. 5.5 lakhs

2. Talwandi Virk Punjab 73 2240 sq.ft., 4.2 lakhs

3. Bandeypur Uttar Pradesh 20 2400 sq.ft., 3 lakhs

4. Birta-Torpa Jharkhand 60 4350 sq.ft., 5.1 lakhs

5. Bingaon-Karra Jharkhand 55 4350 sq.ft., 4.15 lakhs

6. Madhya Chekamari West Bengal 41 3600 sq.ft., 3.3 lakhs

7. M. Venkatapuram Andhra Pradesh 27 1307 sq.ft., 1.5 lakhs

When the gospel work yields the worship group in those regions, the believers grow and multiply spiritually and involve in missions.

The Worship Group is being started in a village where the number of people who confess their new faith crosses 10. On seeing the miracles that God performs among the believers, new people come with great interest and worship the Lord.

The following 7 fields are without churches. We request you to come forward to purchase lands for the construction of the church buildings. Through the donation of the children of God, we were able to purchase lands for the construction of church buildings at the above 2 fields.

Please come forward to give to the unreached people of our nation to be filled with the goodness and praise God with oneness.

Undoubtedly, the chiming of church bells in the regions and beyond, would be heard through your generous donations.

Come,Let us Inherit(Contribute a minimum of Rs. 2000/- or more

for at least 10 sq. ft.)


Vishwa Vani Samarpan | September 2021 | ENGLISH

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“He sends his command to the earth;his word runs swiftly.” (Ps 147:15)”

The regions beyond are becoming a blessing;In the name of Jesus

Miracles and wonders are happening as daily event; Hallelujah!

VISHWA VANI SAMARPAN - ENGLISH LANGUAGEPrinted and Published by P. Selvaraj on behalf of VISHWA VANI, a registered society ( Regn. No.17871 of 1987)

and printed at CAXTON Offset Pvt. Ltd., 11-5-416/3, Red Hills, HYD-04. and published at 1-10-28/247, Anandapuram, ECIL Post, HYD-62. EDITOR: P. SELVARAJ.

For private circulation only