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  • 7/31/2019 Bulletin Sept Eng PDF




    #6 September

    Your Local Partner

    CiDA Successfully nished Minority IntegrationOriented project

    CiDA nished implementation of Integration of Kvemo Kartli Mi-

    nority Youth in the Election Process project.

    The project covered several components and the goal was to support

    integration of ethnic minorities youth from 4 municipalities: Gardabani,

    Marneuli, Bolnisi and Dmanisi into election processes. Though above tar-

    get municipalities the project also covered Tsalka and Javakheti.

    In target municipalities were created target groups which members

    have undergone trainings in communication and team work; and election

    issues. After groups were trained were conducted education-information

    type meetings. Target group members met with population and distrib-

    uted information regarding election issues. Also within the frames of the

    project were conducted imitation of elections in 4 municipalities. Were

    created materials in Georgian, Azeri and Armenian languages.

    Due to project Kvemo Kartli youngsters enhanced their knowl-

    edge in election issues. The project direct beneciaries were 3 thousand

    people, no directed were 15 thousand. We specially selected big villages

    for information campaign. Were created 5 type commixes in Georgian,

    Azeri and Armenian languages: why should we participate in elections,

    gender issues in election process, election processes, how is peoples

    vote protected. These commixes were published as yers and posters-

    said the project manager Revaz Barbakadze.

    The project was positively assessed by its participants.

    The project was very signicant. We imitated elections in

    one of the Azeri school that was especially important for Azeri

    representatives, who participated. I think we received a lot

    of information about election process, which will be nec-

    essary for us,- said Keti Nakhutsrishvili, GardabaniCivil Education Center representative.

    The project started at August 18 and n-

    ished on

  • 7/31/2019 Bulletin Sept Eng PDF



    September 30.

    The project is nancially supported by CEC Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Training Center.

  • 7/31/2019 Bulletin Sept Eng PDF



    Juveniles in conict with Law fullled public benet activities on June 29 in the Municipal Theatre nearby ter-


    The activity was organized by Civil Development Agency (CiDA) with support of LEPL National Probation Agen-

    cy Kvemo Kartli Bureau and Rustavi City Hall.

    During the action juveniles conducted public benet activities. Namely, cleaned the square and participated in city

    environment cleaning. The activity was joined by those teenagers who were not in conict with law. CiDA also plans

    to conduct such activities in the future.

    The project Public Benet Activities is implementedby the Civil Development Agency (CiDA) with nancial

    support of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia.

    Rustavi City squarecleaning action

  • 7/31/2019 Bulletin Sept Eng PDF



    CiDA trainers conducted trainings for 60 farmer females

    Within the frames of the Economic Prosperity Initiative (EPI) CiDA trainers Shorena Kochlamazashvili and Davit

    Tarimanishvili conducted trainings in Bolnisi, Tetritskaro and Aspindza. The training covered small business planning

    issues specially desined for farmer females.

    60 females have undergone trainings. At the trainings we

    discussed topics as for what to conduct business, what to con-

    duct, where to sell, how to make price and control expenses.

    The interest was quite high and I think they will use this infor-

    mation for their business planning, - said CiDA trainer, Tavit


    The Economic Prosperity Initiative (EPI) project is 4 years

    program, targeting development of private sector and increas-

    ing competition in business eld in Georgia.

    The project is nanced by the USAID with 40 million

    USD. The project is implemented by Deloitte.

  • 7/31/2019 Bulletin Sept Eng PDF



    Juveniles in conict with law visited BaramboWith the initiative of the Civil Development Agency (CiDA) and

    support of the Bureau of National Agency of Execution of Non-Custo-

    dial Sentences and Probation and Kvemo Kartli Bureau of Probation

    juveniles in conict with law visited Barambo company on September

    10. The juveniles observed the company and got familiarized with

    modern technologies of producing chocolate. Finally, representatives

    of Barambo granted children with sweets.

    The project Public Benet Activities is implementedby the

    Civil Development Agency (CiDA) with nancial support of the Min-

    istry of Justice of Georgia

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    Training circles in Kvemo Kartli municipalities

    Training circles launched within the frames of the

    Integration of Kvemo Kartli Minority Youth in the Elec-

    tion Process project.

    The training topics cover team working, effective

    communication and election issues.

    The trainings were conducted by Tsira Tavshavadze

    and the expert of the Central Election Commission Revaz


    The trainings were conducted in administration cen-

    ters of project all four target municipalities and were par-

    ticipated by over 80 youngsters.

    The trainings will last till September 8.

    After the trainings its participants will conduct education-information meetings within project target municipali-

    ties of communities settled with ethnic minorities.

    The information campaign of the Civic

    Electronic Monitoring System is planned

    During September within the frames of the Your City

    Government and You project which is implemented by

    CiDA in Rustavi were prepared information campaign prod-

    ucts. Namely, during October-November, 2012 is planned

    public awareness rising about the Civic Electronic Monitor-

    ing System (CEMS) prepared within the frames of the proj-

    ect. For this purpose, was prepared TV clip with 1 minute

    length and clearly denes to the audience importance and

    rules of using the CEMS. The clip will be broadcasted via

    Kvemo Kartli TV Chanel 4. For the same purpose, were

    printed 2000 stickers which will be posted in the city at the

    buildings and public places. The information campaign will

    be launched by the end of October.

  • 7/31/2019 Bulletin Sept Eng PDF



    Slogan contest ended

    Slogan contest launched within the frames

    of the Integration of Kvemo Kartli Minority

    Youth in the Election Process project ended.

    During the contest over 20 slogans were

    submitted and nally the winner is slogan: You

    Chose Your Future, whose author is Orkhan

    Perverdiev from Marneuli.

    The winner was granted with the certi-

    cate and cash prize.

    The winner slogan will be placed at every

    visual material created within the frames of the


    Juveniles in conict with law visited theNational Archives

    With the initiative of the Civil Development Agency (CiDA) and

    support of the Bureau of National Agency of Execution of Non-Custo-

    dial Sentences and Probation and Kvemo Kartli Bureau of Probation

    juveniles in conict with law visited the National Archives of Geor-

    gia on September 14th. The event was held within the project PublicBenet Activities.

    The juveniles observed the National archives and familiarized

    with Ancient documents dedicated to the life and deeds of the fa-

    mous Georgian historian and ethnographer Saint Ekvtime. Film clips

    and photos from respective archives show various periods of Ekvtime

    Takaishvilis life.

    Mission of the project is to teach Rustavi-based Juveniles in

    conict with the law new knowledge and abilities, integrate them into

    society and develop their personal skills.

    The project Public Benet Activities is implemented by the

    Civil Development Agency (CiDA) with nancial support of the Min-

    istry of Justice of Georgia.

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    CiDA in National and Regional Media

    National Media

    10 September, 2012.The TVcompany PIK showedbroad story about Civil Development Agency (CiDA). It was an inter-

    view with the organization Director, Zviad Devdariani.Mr. Zviad Devdariani answered journalists questions regarding CiDAs

    priorities and history, also about organization related issues regarding ethnic minorities, IDPs and future plans.

    18 September, 2012. CiDA Director, Zviad Devdariani was invited to the Public Radio (FM 102.4) to the program OpenStudio regarding the project nancially supported by the Embassy of Japan which was implemented in Rustavi City and cov-

    ered rehabilitation of the Care Center for Elderly. The project was implemented during November, 2011 and August 2012 and

    was co-nanced by the Rustavi self-government.

    28 September 2012. The program Chveni Ezo (Our Yard) on the Georgian Public Broadcaster showed the story about

    CiDA project which covers informing ethnic minority youth about eletion procedures.The project was implemented in Kvemo


    Regional Media

    11 September 2012.Kvemo Kartli TV company Channel 4 broadcasted activity initiated by CiDA which covered inform-

    ing citizens about election procedures via engagement of Gardabani municipality youngsters.

    12 September 2012.Kvemo Kartli TV company Channel 4 in its news reporting showed the story regarding the presenta-

    tion of the rehabilitated Care Center for Elderly. The project was nancially supported by the Embassy of Japan and co-nanced

    by the Rustavi self-government.

    13 September 2012. Marneuli TV broadcasted activity initiated by CiDA which covered informing citizens about election

    procedures via engagement of Marneulimunicipality youngsters.

    19 September 2012. Kvemo Kartli TV company Channel 4 broadcasted imitation of elections participated by the ethnic

    minority youth, implemented in Gardabani.

    21 September 2012. Bolnisi TV company Bolnelibroadcasted imitation of elections participated by the ethnic minority

    youth, implemented in Bolnisi.

    22 September 2012. Marneuli TV broadcasted imitation of elections participated by the ethnic minority youth, imple -

    mented in Marneuli.

    The donors and the partners of our ongoing projects

    Published by Civil Development Agency (CiDA)