energy used in burdur turkey kaan peksen


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Page 1: Energy used in Burdur Turkey Kaan Peksen


Page 2: Energy used in Burdur Turkey Kaan Peksen

Electricity:• The gross electricity consumption in Turkey in 2014 was 257,2 billion kWh, while this figure rose by 2,7% in 2015, reaching 264,1 billion kWh. At the same time our electricity output fell by 3,1% when compared to the previous year (252,0 billion kWh) to 259,7 billion kWh

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• According to the highly probable scenario of an increase of 6,9% to 392 TWh in the base scenario, electricity consumption in the year 2020 is expected to rise by 5,5% to 357,4 TWh. In 2015, power plants containing a total of 4.288 MW additional capacity were added to the system, and our capacity has risen to around 73.147 MW. As of the end of 2015 number of power plants has risen to 1.514.As the end of 2015, power plants containing a total of 4.558 MW additional capacity were added to the system.

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• The breakdown of the generation plants which have been taken into operation as part of this total of 4.558 MW installed capacity, is as follows:• 12 ( 219 MW) geothermal,• 73 (835,6 MW) wind,• 88 (2.229 MW) hydraulic,• 18 (50) landfill gas and biogas,• 362 (208,658 MW) solar,• 22 (1.015 MW) thermal plants.

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• As of the end of 2015, EUAS ( State Electricity Generating Company) had a share of 27,8% and the rest is generated by privite sector.In line with the aim of liberalising the electricity market, it has been set forth that new generation investments be carried out by the private sector, in accordance with the Legislation numbered 4628 and the new Electricity Market Legislation numbered 6446

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• It is aimed that a transparent and competitive market be formed in the electricity sector, and that the environment for investment be developed in this way. Within this scope, EPIAS (Electricity Markets Operating Corporation) has been established and started its operations.

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Natural gas • is a Petroleum derivative which is

inflammable. lighter than air. colourless and odourless. It consists of various hvdrocarbons. mainly methane (CH4) and ethane (C2H6). It is found beneath the ground. usually together with petroleum or in gas reservoirs. Natural gas, which can be used without refining, is transported with pipelines or vessels after liquefied.

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• 76 trillion cubic-meters of the natural gas reserves (41%) are located in Middle Eastern countries, with 59 trillion cubic-meters (33%) in Russia and the Commomvealth of Independent States, 31 trillion cubic-meters (17%) in the Africa / Asia Pacific countries.76 trillion cubic-meters of the natural gas reserves (41%) are located in Middle Eastern countries, with 59 trillion cubic-meters (33%) in Russia and the Commomvealth of Independent States, 31 trillion cubic-meters (17%) in the Africa / Asia Pacific countries. As of the end of 2015, our remaining producible natural gas reserves were 18,5 biîlion m3. Our installed capacity using natural gas for the generation of electrıcity as of the end of

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• 2015 was 21.222 MW, and this value meets 29 percent of our total installed capacity.According to the studies on the natural gas supply-demand balances, there are no issues concerning the meeting of the annual natural gas demand. However, during the winter months, when demand is high, the fail of temperatures to levels below seasonal norms, and as a result the rise of consumption to maximum levels, and any faults in the source countries or countries en-route during the same period, can lead to periodic imbalances between supply and demand.

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Solar • Turkey is a lucky one to possess a high

solar energy potential in terms of its geographical location.• According to the Solar Energy Map (SEM)

of Turkey prepared by the Renewable Energy General Directorate, it has been determined that the total annual insolation time is 2.737 hours (a total of 7,5 hours per day), and the total solar energy derived per year is 1.527 kWh/m2 per year (total 4,2 kWh/m2 per day).

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• While solar energy technologies are extremely varied in terms of their methods, materials and technological levels, they can be split into two principal groups:Photo-emissive Solar Technologies and Concentrated Solar Power (CSP): In this system heat is obtained from solar energy, and can be used either directly or in the generation of electricity. Solar Cells: Semi-conducting materials, which are also known as photovoltaic solar energy systems, convert the sunlight directly into electricity. The total established solar collector area within our country as of 2012 was calculated

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• as being close to 18.640.000 m2. The annual production of planary solar collectors was calculated as 1.164.000 m2, while that of vacuum-tube collectors was 57.600 m2. 50% of the planary collectors, and all of the vacuum-tube collectors which are produced are known to be used within the country.In 2014, close to 803.000 TEP Tonnes Equivalent to Petrol) heat energy was produced using solar collectors. The use of the heat energy produced in 2014 was calculated as 523.000 TEP in homes, and 280.000 TEP for industrial purposes.

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• The Renewable Energy Resources Legislation numbered 5346, which is necessary in order for the use of photovoltaic systems to become more widespread, was revised on 29.12.2010, and the studies concerning the Legislation were completed in 2013. It is expected that there will be more widespread use as a result of the costs of photovoltaic systems falling, and productivity rising in recent years.

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• This capacity will be increased in stages in the coming years, with the target of our Ministry being a minimum of 3000 MW installed capacity of license PV plants in 2023.As the end of 2015, the number of solar power plant has been 362 with the unlicensed power santralls and the installed capacity is 248.8 MW.

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Wind • Wind comes about from the varied

temperatures created by solar radiation on the surface of the earth. These different temperatures cause humidity and pressure levels to vary as well, and the difference in the pressure levels causes the air to move. Approximately 2% of the solar energy which reaches the earth is converted into wind energy.

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• In meteorological terms, wind can develop in the following locations:• Locations where changes in pressure

are high;• High, even hills and valleys;• Regions which are under the impact of

strong geostrophic winds;• Coastal areas;• Mountain ranges, valleys and hills

where canal effects are present.

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• The characteristics of the wind differs (in respect of time and region), based on local geographic differences and the non-homogenous temperatures of the surface of the earth. Wind is stated as two separate parameters – speed and direction. The speed of the wind rises with height, and its theoretical strength changes proportionately to its cubic speed.

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• The initial investment costs of wind energy applications are high, and their capacity factors are low. Together with this, they have the disadvantage of inconsistent energy production. Their advantages, on the other hand, can be listed as follows:• In plentiful and free supply within the

atmosphere;• It is a renewable and clean source of

energy, and is environmentally friendly;

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• Its source is reliable, and there are no risks of running out or prices increasing over time;• Its cost has reached the level where it

is able to compete with the power plants of today;• Maintenance and repair costs are low;• It creates employment;

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• Its raw materials are completely domestic, and it does not create a dependence on imports;• The installation and operation of its

technology is relatively simple;• It can be taken into operation within

a short time.

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Hydroelectricity• Among the various sources of energy,

hydroelectricity power stations are preferred due to their being environmentally friendly and carrying low potential risk.• Hydroelectricity plants work in harmony

with the environment, are clean, renewable, and highly productive plants with no fuel expenses. They take on the role of an insurance in energy prices, have a long lifespan, low operating costs, and are not dependent on imports.

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• The theoretical hydroelectricity potential of our country is 1% of theoretical potential of the world, while its economic potential is 16% of the economic potential of Europe.Our hydraulic resources, which hold the most important position in the renewable energy potential of our country, possess a hydroelectricity potential of 433 billion kWh, while the technically usable potential is 216 kWh, and the economic hydroelectricity potential is 140 billion kWh/year.

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• Turkey continues to take steps towards developing the investment environment based on competition within the energy sector, and establishing a transparent market structure and in particular with the influence of the legal arrangements directed at renewable energy in the electricity generation sector.

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• TAs of the end of 2016 June, there were 572 hydropower plants, with a total installed capacity of 26.246,6 MW. This is the equivalent of 34,3% of the total potential. It is aimed that all of the hydroelectricity potential which can be evaluated – both technically and economically – be used in the generation of electricity until 2023.