employee support programme: ktejjeb dwar is ......introduzzjoni x’inhu l-employee support...

EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAMME: Ktejjeb dwar is-servizzi li noffru

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Page 1: EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAMME: Ktejjeb dwar is ......Introduzzjoni X’inhu l-Employee Support Programme? L-Employee Support Programme (ESP), fi ħdan id-Diviżjoni dwar Nies u Standards,

EMPLOYEE SUPPORTPROGRAMME:Ktejjeb dwar is-servizzi li no�ru

Page 2: EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAMME: Ktejjeb dwar is ......Introduzzjoni X’inhu l-Employee Support Programme? L-Employee Support Programme (ESP), fi ħdan id-Diviżjoni dwar Nies u Standards,
Page 3: EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAMME: Ktejjeb dwar is ......Introduzzjoni X’inhu l-Employee Support Programme? L-Employee Support Programme (ESP), fi ħdan id-Diviżjoni dwar Nies u Standards,


EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAMMEKtejjeb dwar is-servizzi li no�ru

Page 4: EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAMME: Ktejjeb dwar is ......Introduzzjoni X’inhu l-Employee Support Programme? L-Employee Support Programme (ESP), fi ħdan id-Diviżjoni dwar Nies u Standards,

Introduzzjoni X’inhu l-Employee Support Programme?

L-Employee Support Programme (ESP), fi ħdan id-Diviżjoni dwar Nies u Standards, jo�ri servizz ta’ sapport għal impjegati pubbliċi li jkunu qed jesperjenzaw di�kultajiet kemm fil-ħajja personali tagħhom kif ukoll fuq ix-xogħol. Dan is-servizz jindirizza fost l-oħrajn di�kultajiet bħal stress, nuqqas ta’ saħħa mentali, problemi fir-relazzjonijiet jew fil-familja, sapport wara l-mewt ta’ xi ħadd għażiż, abbuż ta’ alkoħol u sustanzi, kif ukoll di�kultajiet oħra li jistgħu jkunu qed ja�ettwaw il-benesseri tal-persuna.

Id-Diviżjoni dwar Nies u Standards tagħraf il-valur kbir tal-impjegati tas-Servizz Pubbliku u tħarriġhom biex jipprovdu servizz ta’ eċċellenza lill-klijenti interni kif ukoll dawk esterni.

IntroductionWhat is the Employee Support Programme?

The Employee Support Programme (ESP), within the People & Standards Division, is a support service available for public employees who may be experiencing personal or work-related di�culties. The service addresses issues such as stress, mental health di�culties, relationship and family concerns, bereavement support, alcohol and substance abuse, and any other di�culty that may be a�ecting their wellbeing.

The People & Standards Division values people and empowers them to achieve a service of excellence for the entire Public Service.

Il-Missjoni Tagħna

“Li no�ru servizz ta’ sapport lill-impjegati pubbliċi bil-għan li jtejbu l-kwalità tal-ħajja tagħhom kif ukoll li jkunu produttivi fuq il-post tax-xogħol, sabiex jikkontribwixxu lejn ambjent iktar san fuq il-post tax-xogħol.”

Our Mission

“To o�er quality support services to public employees with the aim of improving their individual wellbeing and productiveness, so to be able to contribute towards organisational e�ectiveness and a healthier work environment.”

Page 5: EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAMME: Ktejjeb dwar is ......Introduzzjoni X’inhu l-Employee Support Programme? L-Employee Support Programme (ESP), fi ħdan id-Diviżjoni dwar Nies u Standards,

1Laqgħat ta’ taħriġ u għarfien

L-ESP jorganizza inizjattivi ta’ taħriġ fuq bażi regolari, bħal laqgħat, konferenzi u seminars, biex iqajjem għarfien dwar l-importanza tal-benesseri fost l-impjegati u għal saħħa mentali aħjar. Dawn il-laqgħat ta’ taħriġ huma indirizzati kemm għall-maniġment kif ukoll għall-impjegati u jittrattaw temi diversi, fosthom l-importanza ta’ kif wieħed jieħu ħsieb tiegħu nnifsu, għarfien dwar is-saħħa mentali u l-benesseri fuq il-post tax-xogħol. Barra minn hekk, dan il-Unit joħroġ newsletter fuq bażi regolari, bil-għan li tipprovdi informazzjoni dwar temi komuni relatati mal-benesseri u biex jiżdied l-għarfien dwar is-servizz.

Training and awareness sessions

The ESP Unit regularly organises initiatives such as training sessions, conferences and seminars, to raise awareness on the importance of employee wellbeing and better mental health. Training sessions are delivered to both management and employees upon request of the department on various topics, including the importance of self-care, mental health awareness and fostering wellbeing at work. Additionally, the Unit regularly issues a newsletter, which aims to provide information on common wellbeing issues for increased awareness.

X’inhuma s-servizzi pprovduti mill-ESP?

What services are o�ered by the ESP?

Page 6: EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAMME: Ktejjeb dwar is ......Introduzzjoni X’inhu l-Employee Support Programme? L-Employee Support Programme (ESP), fi ħdan id-Diviżjoni dwar Nies u Standards,





€ €500


€ €500


€ €

L-ESP jipprovdi wkoll taħriġ għall-maniġment fuq suġġetti relatati mal-benesseri u riskji psikoloġiċi fuq il-post tax-xogħol, u kif tidentifika u tgħin impjegati li jkunu għaddejjin minn żmien di�ċli. Il-Unit iżomm kuntatt regolari mad-diretturi responsabbli mir-riżorsi umani, biex jippromwovu l-organizzazzjoni ta’ dawn il-laqgħat.

Jekk id-dipartiment tiegħek huwa interessat li jorganizza laqgħat ta’ għarfien dwar dawn is-suġġetti, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja lill-ESP Unit għal aktar informazzjoni (ara d-dettalji fi tmiem dan il-ktejjeb). Dawn il-laqgħat normalment isiru fil-bini tad-dipartiment ikkonċernat, biex tkun faċilitata l- parteċipazzjoni; madanakollu, il-Unit jista’ jwassal sessjonijiet f’postijiet oħra skont il-ħtieġa.

Counselling u appoġġ psikoloġiku

L-ESP jipprovdi għajnuna u appoġġ psikoloġiku fuq bażi individwali lill- impjegati pubbliċi li jesperjenzaw problemi personali, emozzjonali u/jew ta’ mġiba li jistgħu ja�ettwaw negattivament il-kwalità tal-ħajja tagħhom.

Counselling and psychological support

The ESP provides individual counselling and psychological support to public employees experiencing personal, emotional and/or behavioural problems, which may be negatively a�ecting their wellbeing.

Raġunijiet għaliex tista’ tirrikorri għas-servizz

Għalkemm l-impjegati jistgħu jaċċessaw dan is-servizz għal kull tip ta’ di�kultà, sew personali kif ukoll relatata max-xogħol, dawn li ġejjin huma raġunijiet komuni għaliex l-impjegati jużaw is-servizz:

• Stress, dipressjoni, ansjetà kif ukoll di�kultajiet oħra ta’ saħħa mentali

• Niket u mewt • Di�kultajiet fiż-żwieġ u/jew

fir-relazzjonijiet • Vjolenza domestika • Abbuż ta’ alkoħol jew sustanzi • Tħassib fuq il-familja jew kif trabbi

l-ulied • Di�kultajiet relatati max-xogħol li

qed ja�ettwaw il-benesseri

Reasons for using the service

Although employees may access the service for any type of personal or work-related issue, the following are common reasons why employees contact the Unit:

• Stress, depression, anxiety and other mental health di�culties

• Grief and bereavement

• Marital and relationship issues

• Domestic violence

• Addictions

• Parenting and family concerns

• Work-related di�culties

Kif jista’ l-Employee Support Programme jassisti lill-maniġers u d-diretturi?

Il-Unit jista’ jiggwida maniġers u kapijiet tad-dipartimenti biex jassistu impjegati li jkunu qed jesperjenzaw di�kultajiet fl-imġiba tagħhom fuq ix-xogħol.

Il-maniġers u l-kapijiet tad-dipartimenti huma mħeġġa biex jirreferu lill-impjegati tagħhom f’ċirkostanzi speċifiċi, bħal tnaqqis serju fil-prestazzjoni tagħhom, problemi ta’ mġiba, suspett ta’ teħid ta’ alkoħol u/jew abbuż ta’ sustanzi, kif ukoll għall-impjegati li qed jirritornaw fuq il-post tax-xogħol wara sick leave fit-tul.

Għal aktar informazzjoni u gwida ta’ kif kap ta’ dipartiment/maniġer jista’ jirreferi impjegat, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja lill-ESP Unit jew żur il-websajt www.esp.gov.mt.

How can the ESP assist managers and directors?

The Unit can guide managers and Heads of Department (HODs) to assist employees who may be experiencing serious performance issues.

Managers and HODs are highly encouraged to refer employees for support through a formal referral in specific circumstances such as serious decline in performance, behavioural problems, suspicion of alcohol and/or substance abuse or for employees returning to work following long-term sick leave.

For more information and guidance on how to submit a formal referral, please contact the ESP Unit or visit www.esp.gov.mt.

Kif taċċessa s-servizz

Biex isir appuntament, kull impjegat jista’ jċempel jew jibgħat imejl u jitlob appuntament. Malli jikkuntattja l-Unit, l-impjegat jingħata appuntament, biex nifhmu aħjar il-bżonnijiet tiegħu. Skont il-bżonn, l-impjegat jistà jiġi riferut internament lis-servizz tal-counselling għas-sapport neċessarju. Is-servizzi kollha jingħataw minn professjonisti, li jinkludu social workers, psikologi u counsellors, u huma mingħajr ħlas għall-impjegat. Impjegati Għawdxin li jixtiequ jagħmlu użu mis-servizz jistgħu jaċċessaw is-servizz ipprovdut f’Għawdex stess.

Accessing the service

To make an appointment with the Unit employees can either call or send an e-mail requesting an appointment. Upon contacting the Unit, the employees are given an appointment to better understand their needs. Should additional support be required, the employees are referred internally to the counselling service for the necessary support. All services and interventions are provided by professional sta�, which include social workers, psychologists, and counsellors, and at no cost for the employee. Gozitan employees who wish to make use of the service may also access the ESP’s service in Gozo.

The ESP Unit also provides training to employees in managerial positions on issues related to wellbeing at work, managing psychosocial risks and how to identify and support employees in distress. The Unit keeps regular contact with Directors responsible for people management to promote the organisation of such sessions.

If your department is interested in organising an awareness session on issues related to wellbeing, kindly contact the ESP Unit for more information (contact details at the end of this booklet). Training sessions are usually held within the department’s premises to facilitate participation; however, the Unit can deliver sessions in other locations as necessary.


Kull kuntatt mal-Unit jibqa’ kunfidenzjali. Fl-ebda punt ma tingħata informazzjoni dwar il-kuntatt li jkun għamel l-impjegat jew tingħadda informazzjoni lill-post tax-xogħol tiegħu. L-informazzjoni li tingħata lill-Employee Support Programme ma tiġix żvelata ma’ ħaddieħor mingħajr il-permess miktub tal-impjegat, sakemm ma jkunx hemm riskju għall-ħajja tal-impjegat jew ta’ xi ħadd ieħor. L-ebda dokumentazzjoni ma tinżamm fil-fajl personali tal-impjegat.


All contact with the ESP Unit is kept confidential. At no point will information about the employee’s contact with the Unit be passed on to their place of work. Information shared with the ESP will not be disclosed to anyone without the employee’s written permission unless there is risk of physical harm to the employee or someone else. No records are included in the employee’s personal file.

Page 7: EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAMME: Ktejjeb dwar is ......Introduzzjoni X’inhu l-Employee Support Programme? L-Employee Support Programme (ESP), fi ħdan id-Diviżjoni dwar Nies u Standards,

Counselling u appoġġ psikoloġiku

L-ESP jipprovdi għajnuna u appoġġ psikoloġiku fuq bażi individwali lill- impjegati pubbliċi li jesperjenzaw problemi personali, emozzjonali u/jew ta’ mġiba li jistgħu ja�ettwaw negattivament il-kwalità tal-ħajja tagħhom.

Counselling and psychological support

The ESP provides individual counselling and psychological support to public employees experiencing personal, emotional and/or behavioural problems, which may be negatively a�ecting their wellbeing.

Raġunijiet għaliex tista’ tirrikorri għas-servizz

Għalkemm l-impjegati jistgħu jaċċessaw dan is-servizz għal kull tip ta’ di�kultà, sew personali kif ukoll relatata max-xogħol, dawn li ġejjin huma raġunijiet komuni għaliex l-impjegati jużaw is-servizz:

• Stress, dipressjoni, ansjetà kif ukoll di�kultajiet oħra ta’ saħħa mentali

• Niket u mewt • Di�kultajiet fiż-żwieġ u/jew

fir-relazzjonijiet • Vjolenza domestika • Abbuż ta’ alkoħol jew sustanzi • Tħassib fuq il-familja jew kif trabbi

l-ulied • Di�kultajiet relatati max-xogħol li

qed ja�ettwaw il-benesseri

Reasons for using the service

Although employees may access the service for any type of personal or work-related issue, the following are common reasons why employees contact the Unit:

• Stress, depression, anxiety and other mental health di�culties

• Grief and bereavement

• Marital and relationship issues

• Domestic violence

• Addictions

• Parenting and family concerns

• Work-related di�culties

Kif jista’ l-Employee Support Programme jassisti lill-maniġers u d-diretturi?

Il-Unit jista’ jiggwida maniġers u kapijiet tad-dipartimenti biex jassistu impjegati li jkunu qed jesperjenzaw di�kultajiet fl-imġiba tagħhom fuq ix-xogħol.

Il-maniġers u l-kapijiet tad-dipartimenti huma mħeġġa biex jirreferu lill-impjegati tagħhom f’ċirkostanzi speċifiċi, bħal tnaqqis serju fil-prestazzjoni tagħhom, problemi ta’ mġiba, suspett ta’ teħid ta’ alkoħol u/jew abbuż ta’ sustanzi, kif ukoll għall-impjegati li qed jirritornaw fuq il-post tax-xogħol wara sick leave fit-tul.

Għal aktar informazzjoni u gwida ta’ kif kap ta’ dipartiment/maniġer jista’ jirreferi impjegat, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja lill-ESP Unit jew żur il-websajt www.esp.gov.mt.

How can the ESP assist managers and directors?

The Unit can guide managers and Heads of Department (HODs) to assist employees who may be experiencing serious performance issues.

Managers and HODs are highly encouraged to refer employees for support through a formal referral in specific circumstances such as serious decline in performance, behavioural problems, suspicion of alcohol and/or substance abuse or for employees returning to work following long-term sick leave.

For more information and guidance on how to submit a formal referral, please contact the ESP Unit or visit www.esp.gov.mt.

Kif taċċessa s-servizz

Biex isir appuntament, kull impjegat jista’ jċempel jew jibgħat imejl u jitlob appuntament. Malli jikkuntattja l-Unit, l-impjegat jingħata appuntament, biex nifhmu aħjar il-bżonnijiet tiegħu. Skont il-bżonn, l-impjegat jistà jiġi riferut internament lis-servizz tal-counselling għas-sapport neċessarju. Is-servizzi kollha jingħataw minn professjonisti, li jinkludu social workers, psikologi u counsellors, u huma mingħajr ħlas għall-impjegat. Impjegati Għawdxin li jixtiequ jagħmlu użu mis-servizz jistgħu jaċċessaw is-servizz ipprovdut f’Għawdex stess.

Accessing the service

To make an appointment with the Unit employees can either call or send an e-mail requesting an appointment. Upon contacting the Unit, the employees are given an appointment to better understand their needs. Should additional support be required, the employees are referred internally to the counselling service for the necessary support. All services and interventions are provided by professional sta�, which include social workers, psychologists, and counsellors, and at no cost for the employee. Gozitan employees who wish to make use of the service may also access the ESP’s service in Gozo.


Kull kuntatt mal-Unit jibqa’ kunfidenzjali. Fl-ebda punt ma tingħata informazzjoni dwar il-kuntatt li jkun għamel l-impjegat jew tingħadda informazzjoni lill-post tax-xogħol tiegħu. L-informazzjoni li tingħata lill-Employee Support Programme ma tiġix żvelata ma’ ħaddieħor mingħajr il-permess miktub tal-impjegat, sakemm ma jkunx hemm riskju għall-ħajja tal-impjegat jew ta’ xi ħadd ieħor. L-ebda dokumentazzjoni ma tinżamm fil-fajl personali tal-impjegat.


All contact with the ESP Unit is kept confidential. At no point will information about the employee’s contact with the Unit be passed on to their place of work. Information shared with the ESP will not be disclosed to anyone without the employee’s written permission unless there is risk of physical harm to the employee or someone else. No records are included in the employee’s personal file.


Page 8: EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAMME: Ktejjeb dwar is ......Introduzzjoni X’inhu l-Employee Support Programme? L-Employee Support Programme (ESP), fi ħdan id-Diviżjoni dwar Nies u Standards,

Counselling u appoġġ psikoloġiku

L-ESP jipprovdi għajnuna u appoġġ psikoloġiku fuq bażi individwali lill- impjegati pubbliċi li jesperjenzaw problemi personali, emozzjonali u/jew ta’ mġiba li jistgħu ja�ettwaw negattivament il-kwalità tal-ħajja tagħhom.

Counselling and psychological support

The ESP provides individual counselling and psychological support to public employees experiencing personal, emotional and/or behavioural problems, which may be negatively a�ecting their wellbeing.

Raġunijiet għaliex tista’ tirrikorri għas-servizz

Għalkemm l-impjegati jistgħu jaċċessaw dan is-servizz għal kull tip ta’ di�kultà, sew personali kif ukoll relatata max-xogħol, dawn li ġejjin huma raġunijiet komuni għaliex l-impjegati jużaw is-servizz:

• Stress, dipressjoni, ansjetà kif ukoll di�kultajiet oħra ta’ saħħa mentali

• Niket u mewt • Di�kultajiet fiż-żwieġ u/jew

fir-relazzjonijiet • Vjolenza domestika • Abbuż ta’ alkoħol jew sustanzi • Tħassib fuq il-familja jew kif trabbi

l-ulied • Di�kultajiet relatati max-xogħol li

qed ja�ettwaw il-benesseri

Reasons for using the service

Although employees may access the service for any type of personal or work-related issue, the following are common reasons why employees contact the Unit:

• Stress, depression, anxiety and other mental health di�culties

• Grief and bereavement

• Marital and relationship issues

• Domestic violence

• Addictions

• Parenting and family concerns

• Work-related di�culties

Kif jista’ l-Employee Support Programme jassisti lill-maniġers u d-diretturi?

Il-Unit jista’ jiggwida maniġers u kapijiet tad-dipartimenti biex jassistu impjegati li jkunu qed jesperjenzaw di�kultajiet fl-imġiba tagħhom fuq ix-xogħol.

Il-maniġers u l-kapijiet tad-dipartimenti huma mħeġġa biex jirreferu lill-impjegati tagħhom f’ċirkostanzi speċifiċi, bħal tnaqqis serju fil-prestazzjoni tagħhom, problemi ta’ mġiba, suspett ta’ teħid ta’ alkoħol u/jew abbuż ta’ sustanzi, kif ukoll għall-impjegati li qed jirritornaw fuq il-post tax-xogħol wara sick leave fit-tul.

Għal aktar informazzjoni u gwida ta’ kif kap ta’ dipartiment/maniġer jista’ jirreferi impjegat, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja lill-ESP Unit jew żur il-websajt www.esp.gov.mt.

How can the ESP assist managers and directors?

The Unit can guide managers and Heads of Department (HODs) to assist employees who may be experiencing serious performance issues.

Managers and HODs are highly encouraged to refer employees for support through a formal referral in specific circumstances such as serious decline in performance, behavioural problems, suspicion of alcohol and/or substance abuse or for employees returning to work following long-term sick leave.

For more information and guidance on how to submit a formal referral, please contact the ESP Unit or visit www.esp.gov.mt.

Kif taċċessa s-servizz

Biex isir appuntament, kull impjegat jista’ jċempel jew jibgħat imejl u jitlob appuntament. Malli jikkuntattja l-Unit, l-impjegat jingħata appuntament, biex nifhmu aħjar il-bżonnijiet tiegħu. Skont il-bżonn, l-impjegat jistà jiġi riferut internament lis-servizz tal-counselling għas-sapport neċessarju. Is-servizzi kollha jingħataw minn professjonisti, li jinkludu social workers, psikologi u counsellors, u huma mingħajr ħlas għall-impjegat. Impjegati Għawdxin li jixtiequ jagħmlu użu mis-servizz jistgħu jaċċessaw is-servizz ipprovdut f’Għawdex stess.

Accessing the service

To make an appointment with the Unit employees can either call or send an e-mail requesting an appointment. Upon contacting the Unit, the employees are given an appointment to better understand their needs. Should additional support be required, the employees are referred internally to the counselling service for the necessary support. All services and interventions are provided by professional sta�, which include social workers, psychologists, and counsellors, and at no cost for the employee. Gozitan employees who wish to make use of the service may also access the ESP’s service in Gozo.





[email protected]


Kull kuntatt mal-Unit jibqa’ kunfidenzjali. Fl-ebda punt ma tingħata informazzjoni dwar il-kuntatt li jkun għamel l-impjegat jew tingħadda informazzjoni lill-post tax-xogħol tiegħu. L-informazzjoni li tingħata lill-Employee Support Programme ma tiġix żvelata ma’ ħaddieħor mingħajr il-permess miktub tal-impjegat, sakemm ma jkunx hemm riskju għall-ħajja tal-impjegat jew ta’ xi ħadd ieħor. L-ebda dokumentazzjoni ma tinżamm fil-fajl personali tal-impjegat.


All contact with the ESP Unit is kept confidential. At no point will information about the employee’s contact with the Unit be passed on to their place of work. Information shared with the ESP will not be disclosed to anyone without the employee’s written permission unless there is risk of physical harm to the employee or someone else. No records are included in the employee’s personal file.

Page 9: EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAMME: Ktejjeb dwar is ......Introduzzjoni X’inhu l-Employee Support Programme? L-Employee Support Programme (ESP), fi ħdan id-Diviżjoni dwar Nies u Standards,

Counselling u appoġġ psikoloġiku

L-ESP jipprovdi għajnuna u appoġġ psikoloġiku fuq bażi individwali lill- impjegati pubbliċi li jesperjenzaw problemi personali, emozzjonali u/jew ta’ mġiba li jistgħu ja�ettwaw negattivament il-kwalità tal-ħajja tagħhom.

Counselling and psychological support

The ESP provides individual counselling and psychological support to public employees experiencing personal, emotional and/or behavioural problems, which may be negatively a�ecting their wellbeing.

Raġunijiet għaliex tista’ tirrikorri għas-servizz

Għalkemm l-impjegati jistgħu jaċċessaw dan is-servizz għal kull tip ta’ di�kultà, sew personali kif ukoll relatata max-xogħol, dawn li ġejjin huma raġunijiet komuni għaliex l-impjegati jużaw is-servizz:

• Stress, dipressjoni, ansjetà kif ukoll di�kultajiet oħra ta’ saħħa mentali

• Niket u mewt • Di�kultajiet fiż-żwieġ u/jew

fir-relazzjonijiet • Vjolenza domestika • Abbuż ta’ alkoħol jew sustanzi • Tħassib fuq il-familja jew kif trabbi

l-ulied • Di�kultajiet relatati max-xogħol li

qed ja�ettwaw il-benesseri

Reasons for using the service

Although employees may access the service for any type of personal or work-related issue, the following are common reasons why employees contact the Unit:

• Stress, depression, anxiety and other mental health di�culties

• Grief and bereavement

• Marital and relationship issues

• Domestic violence

• Addictions

• Parenting and family concerns

• Work-related di�culties

Kif jista’ l-Employee Support Programme jassisti lill-maniġers u d-diretturi?

Il-Unit jista’ jiggwida maniġers u kapijiet tad-dipartimenti biex jassistu impjegati li jkunu qed jesperjenzaw di�kultajiet fl-imġiba tagħhom fuq ix-xogħol.

Il-maniġers u l-kapijiet tad-dipartimenti huma mħeġġa biex jirreferu lill-impjegati tagħhom f’ċirkostanzi speċifiċi, bħal tnaqqis serju fil-prestazzjoni tagħhom, problemi ta’ mġiba, suspett ta’ teħid ta’ alkoħol u/jew abbuż ta’ sustanzi, kif ukoll għall-impjegati li qed jirritornaw fuq il-post tax-xogħol wara sick leave fit-tul.

Għal aktar informazzjoni u gwida ta’ kif kap ta’ dipartiment/maniġer jista’ jirreferi impjegat, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja lill-ESP Unit jew żur il-websajt www.esp.gov.mt.

How can the ESP assist managers and directors?

The Unit can guide managers and Heads of Department (HODs) to assist employees who may be experiencing serious performance issues.

Managers and HODs are highly encouraged to refer employees for support through a formal referral in specific circumstances such as serious decline in performance, behavioural problems, suspicion of alcohol and/or substance abuse or for employees returning to work following long-term sick leave.

For more information and guidance on how to submit a formal referral, please contact the ESP Unit or visit www.esp.gov.mt.

Kif taċċessa s-servizz

Biex isir appuntament, kull impjegat jista’ jċempel jew jibgħat imejl u jitlob appuntament. Malli jikkuntattja l-Unit, l-impjegat jingħata appuntament, biex nifhmu aħjar il-bżonnijiet tiegħu. Skont il-bżonn, l-impjegat jistà jiġi riferut internament lis-servizz tal-counselling għas-sapport neċessarju. Is-servizzi kollha jingħataw minn professjonisti, li jinkludu social workers, psikologi u counsellors, u huma mingħajr ħlas għall-impjegat. Impjegati Għawdxin li jixtiequ jagħmlu użu mis-servizz jistgħu jaċċessaw is-servizz ipprovdut f’Għawdex stess.

Accessing the service

To make an appointment with the Unit employees can either call or send an e-mail requesting an appointment. Upon contacting the Unit, the employees are given an appointment to better understand their needs. Should additional support be required, the employees are referred internally to the counselling service for the necessary support. All services and interventions are provided by professional sta�, which include social workers, psychologists, and counsellors, and at no cost for the employee. Gozitan employees who wish to make use of the service may also access the ESP’s service in Gozo.



Kull kuntatt mal-Unit jibqa’ kunfidenzjali. Fl-ebda punt ma tingħata informazzjoni dwar il-kuntatt li jkun għamel l-impjegat jew tingħadda informazzjoni lill-post tax-xogħol tiegħu. L-informazzjoni li tingħata lill-Employee Support Programme ma tiġix żvelata ma’ ħaddieħor mingħajr il-permess miktub tal-impjegat, sakemm ma jkunx hemm riskju għall-ħajja tal-impjegat jew ta’ xi ħadd ieħor. L-ebda dokumentazzjoni ma tinżamm fil-fajl personali tal-impjegat.


All contact with the ESP Unit is kept confidential. At no point will information about the employee’s contact with the Unit be passed on to their place of work. Information shared with the ESP will not be disclosed to anyone without the employee’s written permission unless there is risk of physical harm to the employee or someone else. No records are included in the employee’s personal file.

Page 10: EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAMME: Ktejjeb dwar is ......Introduzzjoni X’inhu l-Employee Support Programme? L-Employee Support Programme (ESP), fi ħdan id-Diviżjoni dwar Nies u Standards,

Counselling u appoġġ psikoloġiku

L-ESP jipprovdi għajnuna u appoġġ psikoloġiku fuq bażi individwali lill- impjegati pubbliċi li jesperjenzaw problemi personali, emozzjonali u/jew ta’ mġiba li jistgħu ja�ettwaw negattivament il-kwalità tal-ħajja tagħhom.

Counselling and psychological support

The ESP provides individual counselling and psychological support to public employees experiencing personal, emotional and/or behavioural problems, which may be negatively a�ecting their wellbeing.

Raġunijiet għaliex tista’ tirrikorri għas-servizz

Għalkemm l-impjegati jistgħu jaċċessaw dan is-servizz għal kull tip ta’ di�kultà, sew personali kif ukoll relatata max-xogħol, dawn li ġejjin huma raġunijiet komuni għaliex l-impjegati jużaw is-servizz:

• Stress, dipressjoni, ansjetà kif ukoll di�kultajiet oħra ta’ saħħa mentali

• Niket u mewt • Di�kultajiet fiż-żwieġ u/jew

fir-relazzjonijiet • Vjolenza domestika • Abbuż ta’ alkoħol jew sustanzi • Tħassib fuq il-familja jew kif trabbi

l-ulied • Di�kultajiet relatati max-xogħol li

qed ja�ettwaw il-benesseri

Reasons for using the service

Although employees may access the service for any type of personal or work-related issue, the following are common reasons why employees contact the Unit:

• Stress, depression, anxiety and other mental health di�culties

• Grief and bereavement

• Marital and relationship issues

• Domestic violence

• Addictions

• Parenting and family concerns

• Work-related di�culties

Kif jista’ l-Employee Support Programme jassisti lill-maniġers u d-diretturi?

Il-Unit jista’ jiggwida maniġers u kapijiet tad-dipartimenti biex jassistu impjegati li jkunu qed jesperjenzaw di�kultajiet fl-imġiba tagħhom fuq ix-xogħol.

Il-maniġers u l-kapijiet tad-dipartimenti huma mħeġġa biex jirreferu lill-impjegati tagħhom f’ċirkostanzi speċifiċi, bħal tnaqqis serju fil-prestazzjoni tagħhom, problemi ta’ mġiba, suspett ta’ teħid ta’ alkoħol u/jew abbuż ta’ sustanzi, kif ukoll għall-impjegati li qed jirritornaw fuq il-post tax-xogħol wara sick leave fit-tul.

Għal aktar informazzjoni u gwida ta’ kif kap ta’ dipartiment/maniġer jista’ jirreferi impjegat, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja lill-ESP Unit jew żur il-websajt www.esp.gov.mt.

How can the ESP assist managers and directors?

The Unit can guide managers and Heads of Department (HODs) to assist employees who may be experiencing serious performance issues.

Managers and HODs are highly encouraged to refer employees for support through a formal referral in specific circumstances such as serious decline in performance, behavioural problems, suspicion of alcohol and/or substance abuse or for employees returning to work following long-term sick leave.

For more information and guidance on how to submit a formal referral, please contact the ESP Unit or visit www.esp.gov.mt.

Kif taċċessa s-servizz

Biex isir appuntament, kull impjegat jista’ jċempel jew jibgħat imejl u jitlob appuntament. Malli jikkuntattja l-Unit, l-impjegat jingħata appuntament, biex nifhmu aħjar il-bżonnijiet tiegħu. Skont il-bżonn, l-impjegat jistà jiġi riferut internament lis-servizz tal-counselling għas-sapport neċessarju. Is-servizzi kollha jingħataw minn professjonisti, li jinkludu social workers, psikologi u counsellors, u huma mingħajr ħlas għall-impjegat. Impjegati Għawdxin li jixtiequ jagħmlu użu mis-servizz jistgħu jaċċessaw is-servizz ipprovdut f’Għawdex stess.

Accessing the service

To make an appointment with the Unit employees can either call or send an e-mail requesting an appointment. Upon contacting the Unit, the employees are given an appointment to better understand their needs. Should additional support be required, the employees are referred internally to the counselling service for the necessary support. All services and interventions are provided by professional sta�, which include social workers, psychologists, and counsellors, and at no cost for the employee. Gozitan employees who wish to make use of the service may also access the ESP’s service in Gozo.


Kull kuntatt mal-Unit jibqa’ kunfidenzjali. Fl-ebda punt ma tingħata informazzjoni dwar il-kuntatt li jkun għamel l-impjegat jew tingħadda informazzjoni lill-post tax-xogħol tiegħu. L-informazzjoni li tingħata lill-Employee Support Programme ma tiġix żvelata ma’ ħaddieħor mingħajr il-permess miktub tal-impjegat, sakemm ma jkunx hemm riskju għall-ħajja tal-impjegat jew ta’ xi ħadd ieħor. L-ebda dokumentazzjoni ma tinżamm fil-fajl personali tal-impjegat.


All contact with the ESP Unit is kept confidential. At no point will information about the employee’s contact with the Unit be passed on to their place of work. Information shared with the ESP will not be disclosed to anyone without the employee’s written permission unless there is risk of physical harm to the employee or someone else. No records are included in the employee’s personal file.

Page 11: EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAMME: Ktejjeb dwar is ......Introduzzjoni X’inhu l-Employee Support Programme? L-Employee Support Programme (ESP), fi ħdan id-Diviżjoni dwar Nies u Standards,

Counselling u appoġġ psikoloġiku

L-ESP jipprovdi għajnuna u appoġġ psikoloġiku fuq bażi individwali lill- impjegati pubbliċi li jesperjenzaw problemi personali, emozzjonali u/jew ta’ mġiba li jistgħu ja�ettwaw negattivament il-kwalità tal-ħajja tagħhom.

Counselling and psychological support

The ESP provides individual counselling and psychological support to public employees experiencing personal, emotional and/or behavioural problems, which may be negatively a�ecting their wellbeing.

Raġunijiet għaliex tista’ tirrikorri għas-servizz

Għalkemm l-impjegati jistgħu jaċċessaw dan is-servizz għal kull tip ta’ di�kultà, sew personali kif ukoll relatata max-xogħol, dawn li ġejjin huma raġunijiet komuni għaliex l-impjegati jużaw is-servizz:

• Stress, dipressjoni, ansjetà kif ukoll di�kultajiet oħra ta’ saħħa mentali

• Niket u mewt • Di�kultajiet fiż-żwieġ u/jew

fir-relazzjonijiet • Vjolenza domestika • Abbuż ta’ alkoħol jew sustanzi • Tħassib fuq il-familja jew kif trabbi

l-ulied • Di�kultajiet relatati max-xogħol li

qed ja�ettwaw il-benesseri

Reasons for using the service

Although employees may access the service for any type of personal or work-related issue, the following are common reasons why employees contact the Unit:

• Stress, depression, anxiety and other mental health di�culties

• Grief and bereavement

• Marital and relationship issues

• Domestic violence

• Addictions

• Parenting and family concerns

• Work-related di�culties

Kif jista’ l-Employee Support Programme jassisti lill-maniġers u d-diretturi?

Il-Unit jista’ jiggwida maniġers u kapijiet tad-dipartimenti biex jassistu impjegati li jkunu qed jesperjenzaw di�kultajiet fl-imġiba tagħhom fuq ix-xogħol.

Il-maniġers u l-kapijiet tad-dipartimenti huma mħeġġa biex jirreferu lill-impjegati tagħhom f’ċirkostanzi speċifiċi, bħal tnaqqis serju fil-prestazzjoni tagħhom, problemi ta’ mġiba, suspett ta’ teħid ta’ alkoħol u/jew abbuż ta’ sustanzi, kif ukoll għall-impjegati li qed jirritornaw fuq il-post tax-xogħol wara sick leave fit-tul.

Għal aktar informazzjoni u gwida ta’ kif kap ta’ dipartiment/maniġer jista’ jirreferi impjegat, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja lill-ESP Unit jew żur il-websajt www.esp.gov.mt.

How can the ESP assist managers and directors?

The Unit can guide managers and Heads of Department (HODs) to assist employees who may be experiencing serious performance issues.

Managers and HODs are highly encouraged to refer employees for support through a formal referral in specific circumstances such as serious decline in performance, behavioural problems, suspicion of alcohol and/or substance abuse or for employees returning to work following long-term sick leave.

For more information and guidance on how to submit a formal referral, please contact the ESP Unit or visit www.esp.gov.mt.

Kif taċċessa s-servizz

Biex isir appuntament, kull impjegat jista’ jċempel jew jibgħat imejl u jitlob appuntament. Malli jikkuntattja l-Unit, l-impjegat jingħata appuntament, biex nifhmu aħjar il-bżonnijiet tiegħu. Skont il-bżonn, l-impjegat jistà jiġi riferut internament lis-servizz tal-counselling għas-sapport neċessarju. Is-servizzi kollha jingħataw minn professjonisti, li jinkludu social workers, psikologi u counsellors, u huma mingħajr ħlas għall-impjegat. Impjegati Għawdxin li jixtiequ jagħmlu użu mis-servizz jistgħu jaċċessaw is-servizz ipprovdut f’Għawdex stess.

Accessing the service

To make an appointment with the Unit employees can either call or send an e-mail requesting an appointment. Upon contacting the Unit, the employees are given an appointment to better understand their needs. Should additional support be required, the employees are referred internally to the counselling service for the necessary support. All services and interventions are provided by professional sta�, which include social workers, psychologists, and counsellors, and at no cost for the employee. Gozitan employees who wish to make use of the service may also access the ESP’s service in Gozo.

Sick Leave


Kull kuntatt mal-Unit jibqa’ kunfidenzjali. Fl-ebda punt ma tingħata informazzjoni dwar il-kuntatt li jkun għamel l-impjegat jew tingħadda informazzjoni lill-post tax-xogħol tiegħu. L-informazzjoni li tingħata lill-Employee Support Programme ma tiġix żvelata ma’ ħaddieħor mingħajr il-permess miktub tal-impjegat, sakemm ma jkunx hemm riskju għall-ħajja tal-impjegat jew ta’ xi ħadd ieħor. L-ebda dokumentazzjoni ma tinżamm fil-fajl personali tal-impjegat.


All contact with the ESP Unit is kept confidential. At no point will information about the employee’s contact with the Unit be passed on to their place of work. Information shared with the ESP will not be disclosed to anyone without the employee’s written permission unless there is risk of physical harm to the employee or someone else. No records are included in the employee’s personal file.

Page 12: EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAMME: Ktejjeb dwar is ......Introduzzjoni X’inhu l-Employee Support Programme? L-Employee Support Programme (ESP), fi ħdan id-Diviżjoni dwar Nies u Standards,

Appoġġ għal min jirritorna fuq il-post tax-xogħol wara sick leave fit-tul

Meta impjegat jirritorna għax-xogħol wara nuqqas twil minħabba mard jew raġunijiet oħra, l-ESP Unit jista’ jipprovdi sapport biex jassigura tranżizzjoni faċli għall-ħajja tax-xogħol. Is-sapport huwa pprovdut kemm għall-impjegat u kemm għad-dipartiment, u jista’ jinkudi żjarat fuq il-post tax-xogħol skont il-bżonn. Impjegati u kapijiet tad-dipartimenti li jixtiequ jagħmlu użu minn dan is-servizz huma mitluba li jikkuntattjaw il-Unit għal iktar informazzjoni.

Return to work support following long sick-leave

When an employee is returning to work following long-term sickness absence or other cases, the ESP Unit can provide support to ensure a smooth transition back to work. Support is provided to both the employee and the department as required and may include work visits as necessary. Employees or Heads of Department wishing to make use of this service are requested to contact the Unit for more information.



Page 13: EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAMME: Ktejjeb dwar is ......Introduzzjoni X’inhu l-Employee Support Programme? L-Employee Support Programme (ESP), fi ħdan id-Diviżjoni dwar Nies u Standards,

Appoġġ f’inċidenti kritiċi

L-Employee Support Programme jipprovdi appoġġ lil dipartimenti li jesperjenzaw inċidenti kritiċi jew trawmatiċi fuq il-post tax-xogħol, bħal mewt għal għarrieda ta’ kollega, inċidenti, vjolenza jew aggressjoni. F’dawn is-sitwazzjonijiet l-ESP jista’ jipprovdi kemm sapport immedjat fuq il-post tax-xogħol kif ukoll sapport individwali jew bħala tim.

Support incritical incidents

The ESP provides support to departments who have experienced critical or traumatic incidents at the workplace, such as the sudden death of a colleague, violence or aggression. In these situations, the ESP can provide both immediate support on premises as well as follow up support to individuals and as a team.


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Kif tikkuntattjanaContact details

Employee Support Programme62, Triq il-Kunċizzjoni,L-Imsida, MSD1839

(+356) 2200 1210

[email protected]


Page 15: EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAMME: Ktejjeb dwar is ......Introduzzjoni X’inhu l-Employee Support Programme? L-Employee Support Programme (ESP), fi ħdan id-Diviżjoni dwar Nies u Standards,
Page 16: EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAMME: Ktejjeb dwar is ......Introduzzjoni X’inhu l-Employee Support Programme? L-Employee Support Programme (ESP), fi ħdan id-Diviżjoni dwar Nies u Standards,