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y the MAD MAR

W. R. Edwards, 571 McIntosh, Los Angeles,Calif.Sirs: Eddie Orcutt on KGB Mon-

day through Friday is a most worthyand intelligent news analyst. Youoften leave him out. Why? He isnot even listed in the program find-er. Also, what became of "JohnsonFamily?" It is no longer on KGB.

The reason Eddie Orcutt is left outof the radio log and program finder isthat we lack space to list all the Cali-fornia stations. Lack of space forces usto confine our program information fo


Nr4,44. ,sh t1As&

)119r sc101%4,3,40







largest -sellingwines


1z7 '2c1,1 e0e),w

&Ye&the stations in the metropolitan area.Since receipt of your letter, another


of programs shows theFamily airing on KGB at 3:d5 p. m.daily.

*Congressman Bill Rogers, Washington, D.

C. lin a personal letter to Carl M.Rigsby, Publisher of Radio Life).Dear Carl: Just saw the June 6 is-

sue of Radio Life. I certainly thinkyou should be allowed all the news-print in the world, if you will con-tinue to use it in such fine compli-ments to a Congressman.

Anything that needs to be done for

On Our CoverOn our cover is Anita Ellis, mel-

low -voiced songstress destined forbig things. Heard on the TommyRiggs show now for several monthsand in her own little quarter hourof melody over KNX at 10:30 p.Monday, Tuesday and Thursday,Anita has just added another net-work assignment to her increasingregister of popularity. She iswarbling Wednesday nights overthe new Jack Carson variety halfhour, adding lustre to this 6:30p. m. riot, now nicknamed "TheHellzapoppin' of the Air Lanes."

Ted Allan, photo.

Listen to

The Broadway

NewsEvery day at 12 noon andMonday through Fridayat 5 p.m., over KHJ.

THE BROADWAYWhere Los Angeles Shops with Confidence

you here in Washington, just drop usa line about it, and we'll do our bestto help you.

Thank you for your prompt andhighly satisfying answer. We assureyou Radio Life wilt continue to com-pliment such Congressmen as deservepraise --along with radio folk. eitherfamous or unknown. who merit if. Andwe'll much appreciate your able aid insolving future problems.

Mrs. Annie Kuttner, 504 South Illnel Street,Los Angeles, Calif.Sirs: What has become of Beatrice

Kay of the "Gay Nineties" program?Also, why is it San Francisco doesnot have a magazine similar to Ra-dio Life? I mail one from hereweekly to a relative up there, on re-quest.

Sorry. but thus far, we have found(Please turn to next page)

Jaen and J dig Ma/CAA ./SAVE SUGAR



PowderedPectin is sent by

the Governmentto our iood-

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jams and jellies.Make all YOU

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ing "old-fashioned-liquid pectins.



color of C,

liquid pectins

will startleyou when compared

with the pule whitenessof M C . P.

TASTEComparethe strong, dis-

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with the faint lemontaste of

M C. P.

Think whatthis means

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cue not sweets but rich,healthful foods. For wartimehealth and economy _makeall you con NOW!


Page Two

THIS WEEKAugust 8, I 9 4 3

ARTICLES * * * *An Announcer Gripes 4

To Mary Greene

Information, Please, Mr.Golenpaul! 6

By Evelyn Rigsby

What Price Candor? 33hu Coniar

Rudy Leaves Radio 34

Why They Call MeGroucho 36

tin Groucho trace

PHOTO FEATURES * *Album of StarsSeen on the Radio




COLUMNS * * *Gags of the Week 3

Tel -E -Types 13Diggin' Discs 13Radio Lifelines 15Chef Milani 39

PUBLIC OPINION * *Ear Inspires the. Pen 2

RADIO WEST * * *National, International 9

ORGANIZED LISTENINGTime Changes 14Precasts and Previews 14Daily Logs 16-29Daily Highlights 16-28Program Finder 30-31

Publisher, Carl M. Rigsby; ManagingDirector. Cuibreth Sadler; BusinessManager, Vinson Vaughan; Editor.Evelyn Ilipstv; Art Director, AllenRicks: Log Editor, Pearl Rail; Editor-in -the -Service, John F. Whitehead.

c9RADIO LIVE is published weekly byCompton Printing Company, 1029 WestWashington Blvd., Los Angeles. PhoneRI. 5262. Postpaid Subscriptions, $2.00par year of 52 issues. Advertising ratesmay be had on application to the Busi-ness Manager. Single copies are 3q. Un-solicited material Is sent at sender'srisk. Radio Life assumes no responsibil-ity for same. All remittances should beby Postal Money Order. Express MoneyOrder or Chock In favor of Radio Life.Currency Is sent at sender's risk. Thisissue is numbered Volume 7, No 22,Entire contents of this issue copyrighted,1943. Reprinting in whole or part with-out permission strictly prohibited. Edi-torial Offices, 1556 North ,ac street.Hollywood. Telephone HEn.7..stead 2025.Business and Advertising Offices, 1070West Washington Blvd., Los Angeles.Telep,--::e Richmond '.262. Entered asSecond Class Matter May 8, 1942, at thePostoffice of Los Angeles. Califol.: a,under the Act of March 3, 1879.

GAGS OF THE WEEKFor the best Gags of the Week, heard over Radio and sent Radio Life,tickets will be sent winners for admission to radio broadcasts. Send yourbest gag selection to 1029 IVest Washington Boulevard, Los Angeles.

Miss Blanche Williamson, 626 St PaulAvenue, Los Angeles, Calif.Heard on the "Quiz Kids" program:Mr. Kelly: What kind of paper is

the best to use for air mail?Claude: Fly paper, if you want a

gag.Mr. Kelly: I was afraid you'd be

stuck on that one.

Mrs. F. B. O'Brien, 16037 Juealuska Way,Pacific Palisades, Calif.Heard on "Breakfast at Sardi's:Uncle Corny: Why was the capture

of the three islands in the Mediter-ranean like catching rats in a trap?

Tom Breneman: I don't know Corny.Why was it?

Corny: It was a snap.*

Mrs. Glen E. Shuster, 787 North Michigan,Pasadena, Calif.Heard on the "People Are Funny"

program:Announcer: Did you hear about the

eight morons who went to bed andonly seven got up?

Art Baker: All right, I'll bite. Whydid only seven get up?

Announcer: Because the alarm wasset for seven. *John C. Witt, 1646 El Rite Street, Glenda's.

Calif.Heard on the "Kate Smith Hour":Henny Youngman. The reason you

ladies can't get silk stockings from Japan is that all their worms are inthe army.



AlsoGold Seal Eggs


Bill Field, 7811 Walnut Drive, Los Angeles,Calif.Heard on t h e "Camel Comedy

Caravan":Garry Moore: What did the little

kitten say as he watched the tennismatch?

Announcer: I give up. What ?Gary: "My m ot her is in that


Mrs. P. Hill, 911 North Wetherly Drive, LosAngeles, Calif.Heard on "Breakfast at Sardi's":Uncle Corny: Say, did you know

that Rin Tin Tin changed his name?Tom Breneman: No. What did he

change it to?Uncle Corny: Rin Tin. He's patri-

otic, so he dropped the other tin onthe scrap pile. * *Ear Inspires Pen

(Continued from Page 2)no-one who can give us definite infor-mation about Beatrice Kay. Ur'd liketo know about her. too. Perhaps aletter to the New York office of CBSwill bring us the answer to your ques-tion about her, arid if so. we'll let youknow at once, in "The Ear Inspires thePen" columns. Yes. San Francisco lacksa magazine such as Radio Life, but hopethe copy of ours which you mail to yourrelative up there fill the bill for thatone resident, at least. We accept mailsubscriptions at $2 a year, in case youwish Radio Life sent direct.*

Miss Lois Stearns, 475 South New Hamp-shire, Los Angeles, Calif.Sirs: I've been in California for a

year and a half and in that time Ihaven't missed a single issue ofRadio Life, which should give you anidea how wonderful I think yourmagazine is.

Being one of the many Fr a n kSinatra fans, I'd like to request anarticle about him and a photo of himon your album page.

Your praise of Radio Life is notedand. believe us. sincerely appreciated.We have had other requests for an ar-ticle about the "Swoon Singer" and apicture of him. so don't be surprisedif you open a new copy of Radio Lifeand find both one of these days a fewweeks hence. We hope to interviewhint when he comes west.






Page Three







nouncers and thereby targets for thehatred of combined populations of thU. S., Canada, and other English-speaking peoples of the earth?

I. WAS WITH a sardonicsmile playing about our lipsthat we read Radio Life'srecent account of the vari-ous gripes of engineer, pro-ducer, sound man, and writer. So they think they've

got troubles!Stooping to become analytical, we

ask just what are their grievances?The producer is mad at the actorfor displaying temperament and badmanners, and at the writer becausehe gets his material in a little late,and at the engineer because he won'tput up one more microphone; thewriter is good and sore because theproducer and the actor get the by-line for copy he's originated; thesound man is unhappy because some-one didn't tell him whether it was apolice whistle or a kid's whistle thatwas needed.

Now all these complaints arestrictly minor-league. What is thepuny-and private-wrath of a co-worker, which after all can be dis-missed as the unavoidable irritationincident to any job, compared to thediabolicallydirected hatred of thecombined populations of the UnitedStates, Canada, and other Englishspeaking peoples of the earth?

For is there a more venomouslyregarded individual anywhere than aradio announcer?

The irony of it is that, whereasthe producer, the engineer, the writer,and the sound man are censured forsins they've committed, the announc-er is blamed for crimes of which he'sabsolutely innocent. For instance: It'ssuchand-such a time on such -and --such a night, and your favorite pro-gram comes on; it proceeds, and rightin the middle of it, at its most en-joyable moment, comes a break, and"Have you brushed your teeth withEnameloff today? Go now and buy atube of lusterless, quick -decay Enam-eloff without fail." You turn bluewith rage. "That - announcer!"you say. In those three words theannouncer is held responsible for thefollowing conditions: that you'veneglected your teeth; that you'resupposed to leave your favorite pro.gram at once; that toothpaste exists;and that American radio is financedby private industry.

At the risk of seeming ungallant,we'd like to say that it's about timeto let the punishment fit the crime,the punishment fit the crime; andthat the bowed -down shoulders ofthe announcer should be permittedto lift, by means of a re -distributionof the load of blame.

A few leading questions and an -

BANE OF ANNOUNCERS IS THEAUDITION. Nerve-wracking ordeals,they make us stammer, shake in our


swees may be apropos at this point:(1) Who neglected your teeth?

You!(2) Who suggested dental hygiene

In the first place? Dentists.(3) Who invented tooth paste?

Chemists.(4) Who manufactured same?

The sponsor.(5) Who wrote the "Commercial"?

An advertising agency.(6) Who sandwiched this com-

mercial between two good gags inthe show? The producer.

(7) Who had nothing whatever tosay about the material he read, thetime he read it, or even the tone ofvoice he delivered it in? The an-nouncer!

And yet at whom are a millionfingers of scorn, rancor, and con-tumely pointed? Exactly!

The childishness of the gripes ofother members of the radio fraternitybecomes apparent, doesn't it? Theybeef because they don't get creditfor what they do. Let them be thank-ful they don't get credit for whatthey don't do.

Getting the above principal loadoff our chest, we can give attentionto other annoyances. First on thelist are these very commercials. Ifthey're hard to listen to, imaginehow much worse it hurts to have toread them. The long dull ones, inwhich the sponsor tries to mentionevery detail involved in the manu-facture and sale of the product, arebad enough. But by far the worstare the cozy ones, those in which wehave to appear coy and winsome. Themajority of us would rather be drawnand quartered than say anythingcute, but orders are orders.

The' envy of all is the announcerwho is permitted to deliver a well -

written commercial; an, intelligentsalestalk, the sort a salesman wouldemploy in your home . . . not cozy,not 1 o u d, not interminable as tolength.

Another fellow who is envied isthe announcer whose lines are wovenpainlessly into the dialogue. Suchhas even been known to get an oc-casional fan letter.

Next in potency for causing ourbile to rise is the institution of theaudition. A sponsor, anxious to makecertain he has the best, decides totry all of us. This is the ultimate inabsurdities, because he wouldn'tconsider any but the top-rankingones of us, each of whom has doneshow after show, and whom he'sheard at least a thousand times.

Nevertheless, he orders an audi-tion, and listens to us over and overagain, and pretty soon we all beginto sound exactly alike to him, sothat he becomes confused and says,oh give me any of them. He'll endby selecting the one who screamsthe loudest, unless his brother-in-lawalready has the job sewed -up. Theseauditions are n e r v e -wracking or-deals, and many an announcer whohas faced a mike leading to a mil-lion pairs of ears will lose poise,

stammer, and shake in his shoeswhen performing at one.

The shouting of the winning an-nouncer, mentioned above, is anothertrial to us. All advertising copywriters produce lines intended to bescreamed forth. It is assumed themessage to be conveyed must betransmitted across a wide field to alarge audience by lung -power alone.The average size of a radio audienceis three people, sitting in the roomwith us. So why the noise? But onwe go, strong and manly, and de-tested for it.

In the show itself, problems arise:there's the "star" of the outfit, whocan never rest unless he's the centerof attention. He considers the timeset aside for the reading of the com-mercial as a heaven-sent lull, inwhich he can demonstrate to thestudio audience what a master of theart of caricature he is.

And so he stands there makingfaces, and the audience roars withlaughter, and the people listening incan't figure out what it's all about.Could it be the announcer broke hissuspenders? This same star maywell be the mike -hog who edges upon the announcer, pushing him asidebefore he has a chance to read hislast line, in order that said mike -hog may be there in plenty of timefor his own stuff. A set of spursspecially designed for this occasionis in process of manufacture.

Well, we don't expect appreciation.We're willing to stand by and watchpeople rush up to the star or theproducer, as the show goes off theair, and yell "Great show! Greatshow!" When they know well enoughit was a stinker. We're willing to dothe work of the producer, who doesn'tknow what it's all about most of thetime: we can even overlook hisstanding in the wings and cryingalternately "Slow down! Hurry up!"

(Please turn to Page 28)

r.; (41-1 ,)


SPECIAL SET OF SPURS has beendesigned for announcers' use when

mike -hoggish actors insist on preemptingthe microphone.

.111p. ONE OF THE BIGGEST GRIPESis to sign oil, then see the writers

and others responsible for the show crowdaround the producer and yell -Greatshow! Great show!" when we all knowwell enough it was a stinker.G.GREAT SHOwtREAT


P 4---. ..\ ...- -)

9,/141. GotowatiBy


We'd Like to Know MoreRegarding Your AmazinglySuccessful Quiz Program

Q444%%4j0 DAN GOLENPAUL, "In-formation, Please" isn't aradio program - it's aproperty, and one so val-

uable that the creator -owner of thismatchless quiz is guarding his for-mula like a porcupine.

It mattered not to him, when "In-formation, Please" recently visitedSouthern California whether RadioLife readers were told about hisshow.

"I don't care about 60,000 circula-Page Six

Monduu. p.m.NBC -ti Ft


But Radio Life's editor thought thatthe "60,000 circulation" comprised ofloyal "Information, Please" fans wereentitled to know about the program.

The "story' which we eventuallygathered is a conglomerate, carefullyculled from three sources: networkreleases, a watchful visit to thebroadcast, and a fortunate socialmeeting with Golenpaul.

In the American Room of the VineStreet Derby where NBC was fetingthe erudite visitors, we found eagergroups of radio folk in compact clus-


411t. EXPERTS ACT DUMB. Pictured ontheir recent visit to Los Angeles

are regular members of NBC's ace quizshow, -Information, Please.- Back row, DanGolenpaul, left, Clifton Fadiman; front,Oscar Levant, John Kieran, F. P. Adams.

ters. Each little group had as itsnucleus, a Levant, a Fadiman, aKieran, or an Adams. Ours had Go-lenpaul.

Our conversation was like huntinggame. Fairly bursting with questionswe wanted answered, but fearful lest"Info. Please" owner should sidestep the queries, we mentally stalkedour prey, treading lightly when itappeared we might be snapped at,or boldly advancing when our prog-ress seemed unsuspected.

The facts we captured indicatedsome of the laborious advance workfor an "Information, Please" broad-cast.

In Golenpaul's New York office areemployed 12 readers-men and wo-men who do nothing but open mailbearing questions submitted for theprogram. Mail may total 23,000pieces a week, with each reader al-loted approximately two thousandletters to scrutinize.

After weeding out less likely setsof queries, the readers select perhaps100 possibilities for consideration ofthe editorial board. Comprising fivemembers, this board usually sits, twoat a time, with Mr. and Mrs. Golen-paul when questions for the upcom-ing broadcast are chosen.

"When we first started the pro-gram, she and I were the board,"Golenpaul stated.

About three editorial meetings are

held each week. Likely questionswhich don't fit into the next broadcast are filed to await future place-ment.

"We don't let anything go towaste," Golenpaul remarked. "Wehave some questions that have beenwaiting in the files for five years."

All these questions are meticu-lously catalogued.

"If, for instance, we were to havea scientist as guest on our program,we could go at once to the properfile and procure suitable questionsslanted toward the guest expert," Go-lenpaul explained.

He also revealed that the type ofguest announced for a forthcomingprogram influences the questionsmailed in during a given week.

"When it was announced that Cor-nelia Otis Skinner was to appear,hundreds of questions based on thedrama were received."

Proclivities of guests-the extramember on the board of experts sup-plementing regulars, Levant, Kieran,and Adams, are always catered to

when a certain week's query quotais arranged. That's why appearanceof cinema actor -writer -director Greg-ory Ratoff, native of Russia, evokedso many questions concerning Rus-sia.

On the night when Ratoff ap-peared with the three regular expertson the broadcast from Hollywood'sRadio City, the quizees were con-ducting themselves informallyaround Studio B before air time. Sud-denly, when the clock hands swungto 7:15, Golenpaul pulled the socialreins up with a forceful clap of thehands. His command that the ex-perts take their seats at the long,microphone -strewn table was met asif the famous specialists were of kindergarten age.

Nearest the audience sprawledswarthy Oscar Levant, smoking acigaret; next was ingratiating JohnKieran, his grey suit matching hissparse locks, his bright eyes beam-ing puckishly; stocky, enthusiasticRatoff came next; prominentlynosed"F. P.," sporting a deep tan, a car-nation boutonierre, and a light coat

verging on a zoot suit -model com-pleted the intellectual battery.

Across the stage, Clifton Fadiman 'stable stood defiantly. Golenpaulseated himself beside the emcee.

It was up to Fadiman to make theusual before -show introductions.

"This is a Hollywood -Los Angeles -Iowa audience, and I know thatyou'll know the answers before thesehighly paid experts," he said. "Butplease dont suggest the answers tothem. They haven't seen the ques-tions and havent been coached onthe answers. Its impossible for thesegentlemen to remember anythingmore than 24 hours.

"Now if the questions seem tcoeasy to you in the audience, justleave," Fadiman concluded face-tiously.

Then he introduced the four ex-perrts and Golenpaul. The latter ree-ogniZed his introduction with a stiff,smile -less nod.

A few warm-up queries were posedbefore air time. Ratoff distinguished

(Please turn to Page 32)

Apr EN MASSE. "Ink. Please" experts and their family members acccompanied them. Top row, loft to right, Mrs. Adams, Fadiman, Mrs.Golenpaul, Jonathan Fadiman, Mrs. Fadiman, Joe Bell (producer), Mrs. Levant and Marcia, Levant and little Lorna. Bcttom

row, Golenpaul, F. P. Adams, John Kieran.

of NBC's "National Barn Dance"



RADIO: West * Nationaland International

Blue SoldAs we're ready to put this week's

magazine to press, a very importantpiece of news has broken: the Bluenetwork has been sold by Radio Cor-poration of America to Edward J. No-ble, former Under -Secretary of Com-merce and Chairman of the Board ofLife Savers Corporation. A reported$8,000,000 was given in exchange forthe 159 -stationed network.

Sale of the Blue marks the financialdivorce of this skein from RCA andNBC. It was ordered about a yearago by the Federal CommunicationsCommission. Programming, sales, andother departments of the Blue systemhave been operating independentlyfrom NBC ever since February, 1942.

Confirmation of the sale, which hadbeen rumored as a possibility alongRadio Row, was made Friday, July 30,in a closed circuit talk to Blue networkpersonnel. Noble indicated that pres-ent staff members of the Blue headedby Mark Woods, president, and EdgarKobak, executive vice-president, wouldremain on the job. Commenting onthe outstanding work the Blue hasdone in support of the war e f f or t,Noble voiced his intention of continu-ing it as the company's paramountobjective.

Said Don E. Gilman, vice-presidentin charge of the Blue's Western divi-sion: "The sale of the Blue, networkis a very happy conclusion to manymonths of constructive developmentof the new, but old, network. It sim-ply means that American radio hasone more avenue of expression for theprinciples which characterize thisdemocratic system. We are all grati-fied and enthusiastic over what willundoubtedly prove enlarged and moreuseful service to the radio public."

Although now fully divorced fromNBC, the Blue in most parts of thecountry, including Hollywood, willhave to live under the same roof forawhile longer, with its erstwhile mate,It is anticipated that Blue will moveinto its own studios as soon as wardemands ease sufficiently to a 11 o wbuilding or remodeling suitable quar-ters for the progressive new chain.

Lawton LeavesIn order to gain first hand Informa-

tion of European war fronts, NBCom-mentator Fleetwood Lawton rode outof town last Thursday on an Ameri-can Airlines plane for Washington,

first lap of his trans -oceanic trek toEurope. One of his cherished hopes isto reach Rome and to broadcast fromthe continent to his listeners at homein America.

Lawton will be gone for six weeks,is scheduled to resume his regularcomments here on Monday evening,September 13.

Meanwhile, his daily airings are be-ing taken over by Pete de Lima ofthe KFI-KECA staff, and Larry Smithfrom NBC in San Francisco. De Limawill handle Lawton's 6:45 a. m. broad-casts over KFI and his 7 a. m. pro-grams over KECA. Smith will occupyLawton's 8:15 p. in. spot on KFI Mon-day, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Wallenstein HonoredThe Alfred Wallenstein named as

permanent conductor of the Los An-geles Philharmonic Orchestra is thesame Wallenstein well-known to radiolisteners as musical director for "Voiceof Firestone" over NBC and "Sinfoni-etta" on Mutual -Don Lee. With his ap-pointment, the Los Angeles organiza-tion becomes the only major sym-phony concert orchestra in the coun-

.try with an American -born conductor.Radio Life talked with him when he

visited Hollywood last winter withRichard Crooks. At that time, Wallen-stein recalled incidents of his youthin Los Angeles. Though still a youngconductor, he has distinguished him-self in various musical fields. He istaking a leave of absence as musicaldirector of Mutual's New York station,WOR, and his post will remain vacantuntil he returns East at the end ofthe symphony season.

It's NewMark September 4 on your calendar.

It's the date of a brand new, hourlong radio show which will sail underthe name, "What's New." Radio Cor-poration of America is to be the spon-sor for the airer, which will be wel-come if for no other reason than itbrings back to the ether lanes thatslick master of -ceremonies, DonAmeche.

With him as host, the program willpresent a kaleidoscopic word pictureof what's new in the world today.Most of the 60 -minute broadcast willoriginate in Hollywood, with occa-sional switches to New York, Wash-ington, and all parts of the United

States, plus shortwave pickups fromabroad. _

"Whats' New" will cover the gamutof news, comedy, drama, sports, sci-ence, and anything that comes withinthe scdt)e of the American's naturalstate of inquisitiveness.

A leading commentator returningfrom the war front will describe ac-tion there to the home front. The re-search scientist who has made a new,significant discovery in one of the na-tion's great laboratories, will rev gal itin plain, everyday language.

Telling the world "What's New" willbe the current hero in the world ofsports; recording stars will sing theirlatest releases in person; opera andconcert personalities; leading comedi-ans returning from the front, wherethey entertained the troops, also willfind their way to the "What's New"microphone.

The dramatic portion of the showwill highlight a Hollywood star ap-pearing with Ameche in a colorfulscene from a movie, new play or abest selling book. The RCA -Victor or-chestra and RCA -Victor chorus will beregular features on the program. Pro-gram will be released over the Bluenetwork. Watch Radio Life for furtherannouncement.

Shirer PredictsThat the Allies should have Ger-

many licked within the next two yearsis the prediction of CBS news cor-

William L. Shirer. Thefamed newsman and author of "BerlinDiary" is newly back in the UnitedStates after broadcasting his regularSunday night programs from Londonfor the five weeks preceding.

Shirer declares that Nazi armamentproduction is being greatly reduced,German morale weakened and the di-minishing Luftwaffe spread thin byAnglo-American day and night bomb-ing of Germany and Nazi -held bases.The Allies now have air superiority inWestern Europe, the Mediterraneanand Russia, he asserts.

"German bombing of Britain has vir-tually ceased. While I was in Londonthe Nazis would send a lone nightbomber over the capital two or threenights a week. No one paid any at-tention to it," reports the commen-tator.

Shirer is lavish in his praise of theEighth U. S. Air Force for its successin daylight precision bombings in oc-cupied Europe and feels it has not re-ceived due credit for the excellent jobit has done.

Shirer's stay abroad was cut shortby broadcasting difficulties in Algiersand he arrived unexpectedly in timefor his CBS broadcast from New Yorkat 10:30 p. m. Sunday, July 19. He hadplanned to head south from Englandfor a broadcast from Algiers and pos-sibly one from Sicily. He explained,however, that a broadcast at his cus-tomary time, 10:30 p. m., EWT, wouldnecessitate going on the air in Algiersat 4:30 a. m., Algiers time and theFrench transmitters are closed downat that hour.

On his clipper ship crossing, Shirerhad dinner in Limerick Saturday


SUZANNA BURCE as she appeared on"Hollywood Showcase," where she

won talent contest and was, signedimmediately for MGM contract.

night, breakfast in Newfoundland Sunday and lunch in Canada.

Stairway to StarLittle Suzanne Burce, lyric soprano,

dropped into KNX from Portland theother day on her summer vacation.The holiday was but a few hours oldwhen the captivating and gifted 14 -year -old had won the "Showcase" tal-ent contest and signed on the dottedline for an M -G -M zicture contract.

Suzanne's reaction to winning on"Showcase" was typically feminine.She broke into a flood of tears, muchto the amusement of her proud mother,mistress of ceremonies Janet Gaynor,and all bystanders. But when the nextday M -G -M came along with an offer,Suzanne was too amazed and over-whelmed to cry.

"It's like a dream," the petite, brown -eyed little girl sighed later when theexcitement had quieted down. "I guessI'm very happy. Well, almost happy.The only thing that spoils it is that Ijust can't imagine leaving Portland

and all my friends and relatives.Daddy is a broker and he won't beable to come to Hollywood whenmother comes back with me earlythis fall."

The mother, Mrs. Paul E. Burce, asmall sensible woman who is an olderedition of Suzanne, looked a little wor-ried.

"Yes," she agreed, "that bothers me,too. A movie star daughter is a bigsurprise for us, and we're thrilled ofcourse. But I wouldn't want it tochange our lives too much."

Suzanne, who is 4 feet eleven inchestall, weighs 93 pounds and has brownhair to match her hazel eyes, is veryyoung -appearing for her age, entirelyunaffected, and the type of Americangirl the screen public will take totheir hearts.

Suzanne has just finished publicschool, and plans to enter BeverlyHills High this fall if a public schoolwill fit into her busy movie -radioschedule. She swims, rides lorseback,plays handball and loves to dance.

"But," she adds, "I hate to jitterbug.I like rhythm."

Suzanne's pert little face pinkedwhen asked about dates.

"Oh, no!" she exclaimed. "I don'tgo out with boys yet. I go to parties,but they are just little kid parties.My mother and father are very strictabout such things."

Radio is not new to Suzanne. Shehad had her own program "For You,"on KOIN a year, and is also hostess onthe "Million Dollar Club." A year agolast March the new starlet was madethe "Victory Girl of Oregon" and touredthe state raising over a million dollarsfor bonds.

Suzanne won on "Showcase" withher rendition of "Il Bacio." Her voicehas a range of E above high C. Thescreen predicts it has another DeannaDurbin. But Suzanne declares her heartwill always be true to her first love,"Mike."

ON FIRST OF RED CROSS PROGRAM SERIES ("Since Pearl Harbor"). Left to right,John Milian, Bob Purcell, Special Events director of KFI-KECA, and Mrs. RobertMontgomery slanting broadcast toward civilians asking what they may do to aid the

war effort. Series wilt run 13 weeks, Thursdays, KECA, 3:15 p.m.

SUBSTITUTES FOR WINCHELL. Lou-clla Parsons takes over five minutes ofWalter Winchell's Sunday night pro-gram on Blue-KECA (6 p.m.) whilecolumnist vacations beginning Au-

gust 8.

Contest StartsHow would you finish the sentence,

"I am buying an extra war bond be-cause. "? That is the requirementfor competition in the contest launch.ed Sunday, August 1, by General Elec.tric, sponsors of NBC's "The Hour ofCharm." The contest, planned to spurthe sale of War Bonds and promotethe huge September bond drive, beganwith the 7 o'clock broadcast of theprogram on Sunday night, over stationKFI.

General Electric, through its MazdaLamp "Hour of Charm" program, willgive away prizes totalling more than$10,000 in war bonds. Contestants willsubmit essays of 50 words or less on"Why I Am Buying An Extra WarBond." Full details and rules weregiven in the August 1 broadcast. Win-ner of first prize will receive a $5,000bond. Other prizes offered include ten$100 bonds and ninety $50 bonds.

The first weekly contest will closeat midnight August 12, the second isto open August 13 and close at mid-night, August 19, and the third andlast will begin August 20 and end atmidnight, August 26. For each of the30 best entries in each weekly contest,a $50 war bond will be the prize. Eachof these 90 winners of $50 war bondsthen will become eligible for the firstprize.

The NBC network carries the "Hourof Charm," featuring Phil Spitalny andhis all -girl orchestra, weekly as aregular Sunday night feature at 7o'clock.

First DividendThe radio institute created by the

National Broadcasting Company inHollywood and the University of Cali-fornia at Los Angeles as a war man-power training project has yielded itsfirst dividend.

Irvin: Zielinka, a chemical engin-eering student from the California In-stitute of Technology, was hired byNBC's Chief Announcer Clinton (Bud-

AUGUST 8, 1943 RADIO LIFE PAGE 11dy) Twiss as a junior network an-nouncer before he even finished hiscourse.

Zielinka is exempt from militaryduty. His home is in Alhambra.

A total of 112 students, mostly fromcollege and over 60 per cent women,have been studying radio production,acting, announcing, writing, surveys,control room operation and news edit-ing under NBC specialists in Holly-wood Radio City.

Graduates of the Institute will bemade available to NBC and its inde-pendent affiliated stations to solvemanpower problems and help keep thewheels of the essential radio industrygoing during the war, while gainingexperience for post-war radio careers.

TemPus FugitsIt's not so long since Dix Davis,

popular juvenile actor of the airways,arrived at rehearsals in cars chauf-fered by his mother or his olderbrother, Tim. He has been playingroles in various shows since the ageof eight.

But it's all very different now. YoungDix, having attained the age of 16summers, now comes alone and driveshis own car-a snappy red job withleather upholstering. Currently, he'staking part in "The Fred Brady Show,"as "Orson," and "A Date With Judy,"as "Randolph."

Bea Wain AgainWhile Joan Edwards takes a leave of

absence from CBS' "Hit Parade," BeaWain has returned to pinch-hit for heron the Saturday night procession ofpopular music. Miss Wain, wife ofAnnouncer Andre Barush (now a U. S.Army captain serving overseas), wasregular femme vocalist on the Paradefrom 1939 to 1941.

According to GranikDynamic Theodore Granik, moder-

ator of Mutual's "Forum of the Air"and object of a recent Radio Life ar-ticle, recently asked Wendell L. Will-kie and Col. Robert McCormick, pub-lisher of the Chicago Tribune, to ap-pear together on one of his forumround tables.

According to United Press, McCor-mick refused to be linked on the pro-gram with Willkie. "Willkie is deadand buried. Why should I dig himup?" McCormick Is reported to havesaid.

Best-seller author Willkie ("OneWorld") is not known to have made areply.

Thus did radio listeners lose out ona hotly seasoned broadcast.

:Meets WinstonHearing the news of Mussolini'sresignation was thrilling enough in

itself, but to hear it from the lips ofWinston Churchill-illusion though itwas, that was the thrill Blue networknews commentator Clete Roberts ex-perienced.

At the Beverly Hills Brown Derby onSunday afternoon, July 25, Roberts

Next WeekWe give you "America's one-man

newspaper"-Walter Winchell, de-lineated in a story entitled "TheHand That Keeps the World In-formed" . . . we continue o u r"Gripes" series with "An OrchestraLeader Gripes" (to Ann Comar)with illustrations by our staff art-ist, Al Ricks . . . we present DickHaymes, rising young soloist, onthe Album page . . . we print anamusing, informative a r t i c 1 e."Broadcasting in Japan" by NBC'scommentator Larry Smith, formerlyof Tokyo ... we continue our Sum-mer Bonanza series with a spreadon "Paul Whiteman Prevents-"we lighten spirits with MaryGreene's clever article on "MusicDepreciation" . . . we give you aninside story.. on.. Tommy Riggs,"Actor by Accident". Watch for itall, next week.

ook a seat near the telephone. Hedidn't look at a man who passed close,went to the phone and dialed. But hedid prick up his ears when he heardthe man say, "What's that? Mussolinihas resigned? That's great news. Itlooks like we're winning, all right!"

The voice made Roberts gasp. Hewheeled around and beheld the speak-er in amazement. Britain's Prime Min-ister in the flesh!

However, another long look broughtrecognition, Roberts realized the manleaving the telephone was DudleyField Malone noted attorney -actor whoportrayed Churchill in Warner Broth-ers' "Mission to Moscow."

The news analyst spoke to Maloneand told him of the start he hadgiven him.

"I say, aren't you Clete Roberts, theradio news commentator?" asked Ma-lone.

On receiving Roberts' surprised andpleased affirmative reply, Malone ex-plained, "I used to listen to you allthe time; but I've missed your voiceon the air the past six months."

Roberts explained that he had beenaway as a member of the EnlistedF lots' Reserve of the Army Air Force,but was now a civilian once more,back on the Blue network on the "BlueNewsroom Review."

The two struck up quite a friend-ship and finished the day at Malone'shome. There the newsman met the petsparrow which the attorney -actor hasnamed Winston for the British PrimeMinister.

Moves "11'i r al sNews commentator John B. Hughes

showed up for work recently in shirtsleeves and dungarees. He was one ofmany KHJ staff members and officialswho faced the ordeal of moving, neces-sitated by a revamping of the studios.

Among other possessions which thenews analyst helped transport acrossthe street to new quarters in the KHJannex, were his highly -prized "mu-rals," collected in his travels. The

(Please turn to Page 12)



HECAWalter Winchell, who r e c e n t l y

breezed into Hollywood for a coupleof broadcasts, then breezed back toNew York again, is breezing oncemore . . . this time on a four -weekvacation.

Robert St. John

Three famous per-sons will substitutefor the "one-mannewspaper" f r o mAugust 8 to 29.

Fulton Oursler,writer, commentatorand former maga-zine editor, raisesthe curtain on thethree-ply show;Louella Parsons fol-lows with five min-utes of Hollywoodgossip, a n d Robert

St. John, famous newscaster and warcorrespondent, closes with five min-utes of comment.

The three -act replacement substitutewill be heard over KECA at 6:00 p.m.Winchell's new Sunday night spot.

Here's news for Terry and the Pi-rates fans. And who isnt? Terry andhis friends-Major Flip Corkin, PatRyan, Dude Hennick, Burma and therest of those adventurers in China-are back on the air. On KECA, ofcourse, at 5:00 p.m., with another se-ries of timely, authentic and excitingadventures.

The original Dude Hennick was onKECA on Wednesday, July 28, as aguest on "It Can't Be Done." He isFrank Higgs, chief pilot of China Nation like the comic strip Dude.like the comic strip Dude.


Drew Pearson, Washington column-ist and one of the Blue network's topcommentators, is running up a tre-mendous battingaverage i n pre-dicting comingevents in war andpolitics. Since Jan-uary 1, accordingto the mathemati-cal minded check-ers on his prog-nostications, 68per cent of hispredictions haveproved correct, 14per cent are stillin the works, andonly 18 per cent have been incorrect.

His amazingly accurate predictionsare features of Pearson's weekly showson KECA. at 5:45 p.m. Sundays.

Just a little more evidence to showthat the biggest parade of Sundaynight features right now is broadcastby KECA.

REMINDER: Baukhage fans willfind their favorite commentator onKECA at 11:00 a.m. beginningAugust 9. Advertisement

Drew Pearson


"murals" include pictures whichchronicle his various trips around thecountry in the last three years. Sub-jects are varied. They range all theway from screen luminaries to bigbusiness men who posed with theradio newsman.

Won't Be StumpedIf NBC crooner Bing Crosby can't be

father to any but male offspring, henevertheless may become godfather toa girl. He hopes that thrill will be hiswhen the second child of song writerand Mrs. Johnny Burke arrives. Bingwill be the baby's godfather no matterwhether it's a boy or girl, but "TheGroaner" admits he has his "rathers."

Yacht's War JobSummer -time just can't be quite the

same in wartime. For Cecil B. DeMille,Columbia's "Lux Radio Theater" pro-ducer, it won't mean a cruise on hisswank yacht, "Seaward," this year.

The yacht has a wartime job of itsown to do for Uncle Sam's Navy. It'sbusy on coast patrol duty.

So the stacks of scripts which it hasbeen DeMille's habit, for years, to readwhile cruising around on the brinyblue must be perused elsewhere thisyear, in preparation for resumption ofhis "Lux Theater" productions in thefall.

Practical AdviceNBC's "Hour of Charm" emcee, Phil

Spitalny, recently auditioned a singerwho was a trifle overweight. He turnedher down and added that she wouldprofit by paying attention to the scales.

"Chromatic?" queried the vocalist."No," replied Spitalny, "bathroom."

In "Julius Caesar'Title role in the premier Los An-

geles performance of Handel's "JuliusCaesar" on August 18 will be playedby Lee Sweetland, popular baritoneof the National Broadcasting Com-pany. This presentation of the workwill be America's second. Ernst Geb-ert, who presented the original revivalin Germany, will conduct it. The wholescore will be in the English language.

Joker Jolts AbbeIn all his long and colorful career,

Blue network news commentator JamesAbbe has never put in quite such agruelling few minutes as his announc-er gave him recently.

Abbe has a sponsored program on alocal Portland station, besides hisMonday - through - Saturday sponsoredbroadcasts over the Pacific Coast Bluenetwork at 7:30 a. m.

Due to a broken water pipe, the sta-tion was off the air for 15 minutes atthe scheduled time for his local airstint, on the day in question, but Abbefailed to hear an announcment aboutthe interruption. Gordon Bambrick, hisannouncer, decided to have a little funwith the famous little news analyst.He signed Abbe onto a dead mike.

The dynamic commentator aired his

opinions on the day's news for sevenminutes, then turned the microphoneover to Bambrick for the commercial.After ad libbing a good line for Pan-cake Flour, the joker waxed louderand clearer with "Make yourself astack of these pancakes, friends-thatis, IF they don't give you heartburn."

A gasp from Abbe was quickly fol-lowed by lavish praise of the pancakeflour from him, to cover up this blas-phemy. Light as a feather-pancakesmade from Youknow's flour, and hewished he had a stack right now, withsizzling hot sausage. Wasn't that right,Mr. Bambrick?

The announcer's answer, boomed in-to the mike, was, "Oh, yes, to be sure,Jim. But these days, who the hell hasany sausage?"

Abbe, feeling faint, signalled frant-ically to the control room, in a plea forsomeone to cut out Bambrick's mike.But the announcer stayed with his actlong enough to comment, sourly, "Peo-ple eat too damn much, anyway."

Then a light dawned and Abbe un-derstood. He slumped and mopped hisbrow, but the rest of the day was atotal loss for him.

Not Sunburn!Rehearsal of his part in the Blue

network's "Parker Family" programwas progressing beautifully for Mich-ael O'Day. Then he came to a bit inthe script which had him reading thehome town newspaper's gossip sheet,thus: "What local belle lost her bath-ing suit yesterday at the beach? (Cheerup, folks! She wasn't in it at thetime").

All was well until Michael came tothe last line. He muffed it, substitut-ing "was" for "wasn't." The red facehe wore from that point on wasn't theresult of sunburn.

Cut to FitWhen Vick Knight can't find a song

to meet special needs, he just sitsdown and writes one. That's what hap-pened recently. The song files didn'tcontain a number exactly suited to theair raid warden theme of Columbia'sJack Carson show.

So, to save time, Vick sat himselfdown at his piano and brought fortha brand new number called, "Accordin'to Gordon, the Air Raid Warden." Nosooner had Anita Ellis sung it on theprogram than requests for song sheetsbegan to pour in and now the newsong is fast on its way to top of thehit list.

Only a few months ago, Vick Knightdid the same thing to meet a songneed when he was producing the GinnySimms show. His musical brain -childof that instance was "Savin' Myself forBill." How many hundred times haveyou heard it?

Off Air, PeriodVictim of wartime travel problems,

Edmund Lowe recently was forced offthe air both as a guest radio actor andas a civilian plane traveler. His wasthe first instance of a star missing

a "CBS Playhouse" show due to thetravel difficulties which are with usfor the duration.

A wire from Lowe informed directorCharles Martin that the film star hadbeen put off the plane from Holly-wood to New York to make room forArmy officers. Scheduled, as a last-minute -addition, to co-star with CaroleLandis in "Too Many Husbands," hewill be heard on the air later.

Adds Allen GemIt may be because they have at

least one big interest in common thatKate Smith and Grade Allen havebeen such good friends for so manyyears. Anyhow, there is now in Kate'scollection of rare records anotherpriceless musical gem-a recording ofGracie's wacky piano recital, "Concertofor Index Finger." There are only fivecopies of the transcription in circula-tion. The record was presented to thelarge vocalist by the half-pint come-dienne at the end of a joint shoppingtour. Kate helped Gracie pick out adress to soothe her nerves before hermemorable "concert" at Cornegie Halla few months back.

Bird Puzzles BoyRunning into the house, the other

day, Chester Lauck, Jr., tugged athis father's sleeve and tried to tell himabout a strange object he had seen.Chester, the three -year -old son of Ches-ter Lauck, "Lum" of the Blue network's"Lum and Abner," is an observing lit-tle boy and he knew the bird in thetree was something he had never seenbefore.

"Daddy . ah . . . ah," said the lit-tle fellow, but he had no word to use.However, he insisted that his fathergo out into the yard with him. Hepointed. Perched on a limb was a par-rot, of gorgeous coloring. Lauck, theelder, realized it must be someone'spet called the Beverly Hills police de-partment.

"Well, thank goodness!" the desksergeant exclaimed, "Someone's beencalling up here every hour, asking usto be on the lookout for that bird.We'll send someone after it rightaway."

Violin VagariesThe amazing story of a violin that

indirectly brought death to StanleyKetchell, the world's most viciousprizefighter before World War I, andsuccess to Jack Benny, now one of theworld's most -liked comedians, was

told by Bill Stern on his "Sports News-reel" show over NBC.

Stern revealed that Ketchell had al-ways secretly longed to be a violinist-and at the height of his career re-tired to a Missouri farm to studyfiddle -playing. While on the farm,Ketchell was brutally murdered. Theviolin he used was sent to Chicagowhere it was bought by Jack Benny,then a fledgling performer, and helpedBenny ascend in the amusementworld.


Diggim' DiscsWith JACK LAWSON

Behind the scenes in every branchof the entertainment business arehundreds of workmen who toil likeants to build stars or put acrossideas. They are the liaison betweenthe entertainment business and thepublic. Some sport loud ties, somePackard convertibles. Some live onestates, some in furnished rooms.They are the press agents.The importance of the press agents

must never be underestimated. With-out them, newspapers and magazineswould be very dull, indeed. For theyare the geniuses who dream up mostof the sensational stories you read.They plot and scheme and produceNEWS as we know it in the TwentiethCentury. And they are responsible.for the success of many "artists" ofthe entertainment business.

Take, for example, Barney Mc-Devitt, band publicist deluxe, untillecently publicity director at theHollywood Palladium. Few peopleknow it, but Barney McDevitt, morethan any other individual in Holly-wood, has been responsible for thesuccess of name bands here.A few years ago, Hollywood looked

down upon bands. As motion picturematerial, that is. One or two of thestudios tried band pictures, but theywere flops. Entirely because theywere badly produced. Millions ofband fans throughout the nation re-sented Hollywood's attempts to putover bands with trick photography In-stead of good old solid jive.


Barney McDevitt, the voice ofbanddom, talked to movie moguls,explained the situation to them,told them they had to put out pic-tures for band fans if they wantedany response, wooed them with re-ports and figures on record sales,radio fan mail and personal ap-pearance dates of name bands.


It took a long time before Holly-wood got "hep." And McDevitt putin a lot of hard work toward thatcause. But all at once the studioswent overboard. Louis B. Mayer andDarryl Zanuck decided to give theband fans a break. They bought upall the big bands they could lay handson. RKO, Paramount, Columbia andUniversal fought for the rest.


Proof of the success of McDes Orswork is the fact that a number cfsharp press agents from New Yorkhave migrated out here to jump onthe gravy train. Columnists andpress associations which wouldn tgive bands a nod a few years ago.now are watering at the mouth fornews about them. Today bands accupy a respected spot in the Holly-wood sun.


bT E-Types BILL RATIGAN74 2 4_4,Q 0 0 4 9_2_4 4 4 I) 0 0 12 t) 0


"K" RATIONSRadio City-(BR)-By the time this hits print, it may have already hap

pened. Like sore thumbs, two islands stick out in the news: KISKA in theAleutians, KRETE in the Mediterranean. Both are comparable to Britain'sMalta. Unsinkable aircraft carriers, they represent a constant menace to alliedsupply lines, and, in Kiska's case, a threat to the security of our Pacific Coast.

Some observers believe that both islands will be occupied by allied troopsby October and there are logical reasons to suppose so.Take the evidence pointing toward occupation of Kiska.

That island has been bombed by Canadian andAmerican warplanes innumerable times this summer,always an essential preliminary to a landing in force.In the last few weeks, Kiska has been bombardedseveral times from the sea, as Attu was just before thezero hour struck. A primary purpose of these bombard-ments has been to force the defenders into revealingthe location of their gun batteries, so that our amphib-ious forces and the aircraft which support them mayknow where first to direct their shells and bombs be-fore landing parties swarm ashore.

Another argument pointing toward imminent oc-cupation of Kiska is the disposition of our forces inthat area. Save for Kiska, and a small island nearbywe contrpl all of the Aleutian chain. Control of Attu by our troops has effec-tively boxed in the Kiska garrison from the West. In the East, at Adak and inthe Andreanoff Islands, we have formidable outposts stretching from the majorbase at Dutch Harbor. Several months ago, Amchitka, only 65 airline milesfrom Kiska, was taken over by American forces, putting our bombers only 12minutes away.

That means we have the proper bases to do the job, and new ships, planes,and troops trained and fully equipped for battle are now pouring into thePacific. We have Admiral Nimitz' word for that.

Time is an important factor if Kiska is to be seized in 1943. From now onthe weather gets worse until October, when it gets impossible . . . even forseals and polar bears. Many news observers believe that the Kiska attack willbe held off this year, that we will attempt to save American lives by starvingand bombing the Japs to death on the island.

"EASY MARK-QUESTION MARK"Critics point out fallacies in this type of tactics. Captured Japs, both onGuadalcanal and Attu, long pictured as wasting away of hunger and disease,

were found to be well fed and healthy. Another Jap convoy was recently way-laid trying to creep into Kiska. How many we fail to stop is another matter.Because of the fog and the prolonged winter night, it is well nigh impossibleto prevent submarines and surface vessels from slipping thru the allied block-ade and into Kiska with supplies.

Some experts are convinced that an attempt to take Kiska this year will bemade in order to give valuable experience to more troops, men who must someday fight their way onto other islands much nearer Tokio. The campaign,directed against upwards of ten thousand Kiskanese Japs strongly entrenched,would be a better test of strength than was the occupation of Attu.The idea that Kiska can be bombed out of the war doesn't get much support

from experienced newsmen. They point out that the Japs have held the islandover a year already and that we are still a long way from bombing them out.The 1943 mania is that everything can be accomplished with air power. Yetbombers have failed to do more than dent Kiska. Malta in the Mediterraneanstands firmer than ever. In the southwest Pacific, the Jap base at Munda,bombed for nine months by allied planes, had to be finally turned over to theinfantry. Pantellaria in the Mediterranean, a pinpoint of an island, is the ex-ception which proves the rule, the only defended island which ever surrenderedto air power alone. In .this case, we must all agree that a garrison of Italians,already convinced they were fighting in a lost cause, is quite a different thingto a garrison of Japs who are still confident of ultimate victory for their countryand who, so far at least, have sold their:lives dearly in every Pacific theater.

"SUM AND TOTAL"Capture of Kiska woi.ld give us still another airfield on the shortest routeto Tokio, the skyway across the North Pacific. Larry Smith, one of NBC's

brilliant Far Eastern aces, in Hollywood while Fleetwood Lawton tours theEuropean theater of war, would like to break that news. So would the Deanof Far Eastern experts, Upton Close.






AUGUST 8, 1943



Sunday, August 8-Walter Winchvll'sJergens' Journal," KFI, 10:45 p.m.(15 min.). From KFI, Sunday, 11p. m. This is a rebroadcast of Win-chell's 6 p. m. program over KECA.

Monday, August 9 - Al Williams'Health Club, KHJ, 9:45 a. m. (15min.). From KFI, Sunday, 8:45 a. m.

Monday, August 9 - Listen to This,KECA, 10:30 a.m. (30 min.). Daily.replacing Andy and Virginia. FromKECA, 10:45 a.m., Monday throughFriday.

Monday, August 9-Your Gospel Sing-er, KECA, 10:45 a.m. (15 min.). Daily.From KECA, 11 a.m., Mondaythrough Friday.

Monday, August 9-Baukhage Talking,KECA, 11 a.m. (15 min.). Daily fromKECA, 10 a. m., Monday throughFriday.

Tuesday, August 10 - "Salute toYouth," KFI, 9 p. m. (30 min.). FromRFT, Tuesday, 9:30 p. m.

VarietySunday, August 8-"Ceiling Unlimit-

ed," KNX, 11 a. m. (30 min.). Lock-heed -Vega ends its summer seriesand returns to .the air in a brandnew show formatted as a variety of-fering. Pat McGeehan will be thevoice of Lockheed -Vega; Joseph Cot-ten will emcee; Nan Wynn will bethe vocalovely; and Wilbur Hatchand 24 -piece orchestra will supplythe music. Theme of the half-hourbroadcast will stress the "This IsAmerica" idea, with the top songof the week, top dramatic bit, andother indications of current moodsoccupying the spotlight.

DramaSunday, August 8-"Foreign Assign.

ment," KHJ-Mutual-DLBS, 2:30 p. m.(30 min.). This new series of dra-matic adventure stories will beplayed against authentic localeswhich will change in accordancewith the news headlines. The newprogram made its debut August 1.Bartlett Robinson, Maurice and VickiCola will portray the three mainroles, with Tom Riley directing.Frank Phares is the author.

Thursday, August 12-"These AreAmericans," KNX, 9:30 p. m. (15min.). In this series of weekly broad-casts, the Columbia Pacific Networkand the Southern California Councilon Inter -American Affairs join forcesto present a series of originaldramas. The broadcasts will beaimed at giving local dialers an ap-preciation of the Mexican -Americansituation in Los Angeles.

*Drama and Narration

Monday, August 9-"American Wom-en," KNX, 2:45 p. m. (15 min.). Anew program featuring the import-ance of women's role in the nation'swar effort. Sponsored by the makersof Wrigley's Spearmint Gum, it willtake the form of a series of informa-tive and exciting dramatizationssaluting the women in the armedforces and war industries and alsothose in the jobs left vacant bywar's demands. *

Quiz ShowsFriday, August 13-"What's the Name

of That Song," KHJ, 8:30 p. m. (30min.). Emceed by Dud Williamson,this new feature is a musical quizshow, which had its initial airing onAugust 6. Contestants guess thenames of songs old and new, playedand sung, in part, on the program,with George Wright at the organ.Listeners will submit names of songsin groups of three. Cash awards willreward the contestants and alsolisteners submitting accepted namesof songs. *

CommentationTuesday, August 10-Rex Miller, KHJ-

DLBS, 9:15 p. m. (15 min.). Rex Mil-ler, extension lecturer of the Uni-versity of California and formerforeign correspondent in Europe andthe Orient, presents this new seriesof news commentaries Tuesday andThursday evenings.

766fttc /frimi

Special EventsSunday, August 15-"Trans-Atlantic

Call," KNX, 9:30 a. m. (30 min.).The annual Indian inter -tribal cere-monies at Gallup, New Mexico, onthis date will be broadcast over CBSand overseas for the first time inthree years. Chet Huntley, CBS news-caster and editor of the Pacific net-work's Bureau of War Information,will act as narrator.

AddressesThursday, August 12-U. S. Senator

Tom Stewart, KFI, 7:45 p.m. (15min.) Senator Stewart, Democrat, ofTennessee, will discuss the topic"Freight Rate Discrimination."

MusicMonday, August 9-"Carnation Con-

tented Hour," KFI, 7 p. m. (30 min.).Featured on this date will be thefour most famous Gilbert and Sul-livan tunes.

DramaMonday, August 9-"I Love A Mys-

tery," KNX, 8 p. m. (15 min.). Be-ginning with the broadcast of thisevening, the mystery drama serialtakes its two super -sleuths to theone-time boom town of Doverville,California, to aid a spinster heiressin unravelling what she predictswill be a series of murders. Theythereby launch a new set of Mon-day -through -Friday episodes, titled"Murder Is the Word for It."

Wednesday, August 11 - "SherlockHolmes," KHJ Mutual - DLBS, 8:30p. m. (25 min.). The mystery dramafor this date is "The Missing Leo-nardo de Vinci."

)fne,A ll6fillyeMusic

Saturday, August 7-"Million DollarBand," 7 p. m. (30 min.). CarmenCaballero will appear as guest con-ductor, with Barry Wood, baritonesoloist, formerly of the "Hit Parade"program, as singing star.

Saturday, August 7-"Your Hit Pa-rade," KNX, 9 p. m. (45 min.). Shar-ing the spotlight with Frank Sinatraon this date is Bea Wain guestingas featured feminine vocalist duringJoan Edwards' absence.*

DramaMonday, August 9-"Screen Guild

Players," KNX, 7 p. m. (30 min.). Acast of English stars, headed byHeather Angel, Basil Rathbone andReginald Gardiner, will broadcast aradio adaptation of "Spitfire." Thisis the English -produced play whichwas the last film vehicle of LeslieHoward before his untimely death


in the Lisbon -to -London plane wasihot down by the Nazis.

Wednesday, August 11 - HollywoodTheater of the Air, KFI, 8 p. m.(15 min.). With "My FavoriteBlonde" as his vehicle, handsomeM -G -M leading man, William Gar-gan, is next star scheduled to ap-pear on this program, heard Mon-days through Fridays. The play willbe serialized through August 13.

Sunday, August 8-"Silver Theater,"KNX, 3 p. m. (30 min.). Guests ofthe theater today will be DennisDay, singing star of the Jack Bennyair show.


Sunday, August 8-Walter Winchell's"Jergen's Journal," KECA, 6 p. m.,KFI, 10:45 p. m. (15 min.). In the ab-sence of Walter Winchell, who isvacationing, the Jergen's Journal"broadcast for this Sunday and thenext two will be presented by FultonOursler, Louella Parsons and RobertSt. John.

VarietySunday, August 8-"Paul Whiteman

Presents -," KFI, 5 p. m. (30 min.).Scheduled as guests today are Burnsand Allen. Jimmy Dorsey is set tohold down the "alumni" spot.

Sunday, August 8-"Old Gold Show,"KFI, 7:30 p. m. (30 min.). Listenerson this night will hear as guestsinger, on the Bob Crosby show,lovely Jean Barthold, who has beenfast winning popularity as a con-tributor to Victory Command andArmy camp shows.

Tuesday, August 10-"Johnny Mercer'sMusic Shop," KFI, 7 p. m. (30 min.).Man -chasing Vera Vague of the BobHope show will guest tonight onTunesmith Mercer's melodic sum-mer show.

Wednesday, August 11-"Soldiers WithWings," KHJ-DLBS, 6:30 p. m. (30min.). Scheduled for this date is aradio adaptation of a scene fromthe all -soldier show "This Is theArmy," with Joan Leslie and ClaudeRaines in guest starring roles. TheArmy Air Forces Orchestra, underMajor Eddie Dunstedter's direction,will play all the hit tunes from theshow.

Wednesday, August 11-"Jack CarsonShow," KNX, 6:30 p. m. (30 min.).Due to the cancellation of the CBSCarson comedy show on July 28,guest stars scheduled for that pro-gram each will appear later thanoriginally planned. Phil Harris andSimon Simone will share honors onAugust 11.

Thursday, August 12-"Kraft MusicHall," KFI, 6 p. m. (30 min.). Theerudite "Archie," of "'Duffy's Tav-ern" fame, here to make a movingpicture, will lend his cultured pres-ence to the Kraft show on this eve-ning, as guest star.


R. L. GETS AROUND: A few issues back we had a story aboutMutual's forum moderator, Theodore Granik. The yarn was a compositeaffair in which Charlie Zurhorst of Washington, D. C., shared the by-linewith Lester Gottleib. In the same issue we carried a story about NBC'stelephone operators in which Chief Operator Billie Clevenger's phonechats with an invalid ex -newspaper woman were mentioned.

To get to the point of our story, this week came a note from Charliein Washington, saying that he had received a letter from the invalid ex -newspaper woman. Seems she knew Charlie's father when she lived inWashington, but hadn't been in touch with the Zurhorst family for 35years until she caught Charlie's by-line on the Radio Life story andpromptly wrote him.

HAVE YOU ONE IN YOUR HOME? Was interested in reading aboutthe average "Quiz Kid" and wondered whether we had any here to matchwith Ruthie, Claude, Richard, and Joel. According to recent statistics,the average "Quiz Kid" has light hair, blue eyes, plays baseball, enjoysreading "Li'l Abner," loves fried chicken, hates asparagus, is male,aged 12% years, is 5 feet 3.5 inches tall, weighs 100.46 pounds.- The average "Kid" helps mother with the housework but is not aperfect child, so has been spanked frequently. The average war savingsper week is 38.5 cents.

WHATNOT DEPT.: GeGe Pearson, recently covered on Radio Life,has snared a comedy part in pictures . . . Les Raddats, picture editor ofNBC, and his wife held open house Sunday following the christening oftheir six weeks' old twin sons, Eric and Paul . . . Frank Bull, popularSouthern California sportscaster, now has his own show on KMPC Mon-days through Fridays at 7:15 p.m., re-creating major league baseballgames . . . Bob Crosby is one up on Brother Bing on one count-he hasa swimming pool in his new Bel Air home. The place Bing bought afterhis Toluca Lake home burned, has none, so "The Groaner's" four lovelyboys splash in, Uncle Bob's.

CUTS NEW RECORD: Shirley Dinadale and her Judy doll cut a newaudition record at NBC last night before a jam packed Studio A. It wasa much better show than the last one, which was good but plenty. KenNiles, Verna Felton, Frank Graham, Tommy Cook were among know-howsupporting players. Hoped -for sponsor is Eversharp, which has beenknown to be On the lookout for another program to supplement "Take Itor Leave It." We've had faith in Shirley since we first met her a year ago,and we feel that she's going to click big any day now. Maybe this is it.Rumor has it that the show will go on Blue network, which will beperfect, for Blue needs a show like Shirley's to round out its repertoire.With the new Don Ameche airer scheduled Sept. 4 and with "Duffy'sTavern" here, too, while the picture is being filmed, Blue will have somefirst class audience programs to dangle in front of fans. Better get !how*tickets early!


SEEN AT OPENING: Radio folk, as usual, were in evidence lastTuesday evening when jimmy Dorsey opened his six weeks' engagementat the Palladium. Cynosure of all orbs were Mr. and Mrs. Harry James.Lyman Smith of KMTR, Ted ("Lamplighter") Yerxa, Jane Withers, theMerry Macs, Lou Bring, and R. L. columnist Jack Lawson were here 'n'there. Hal Halley, new press agent for the Palladium and his bride,(formerly Joyce Nissen of NBC) were a good looking couple.

Lou Bring had just come cutting a record for a potential new showinvolving Frances Scully, Clete Roberts, Lou's music, and several couples.He was enthusiastic over the idea, thought show might land a sponsor.

* *

CALLED: Visitor at our office this week was Elmore Vincent, re-membered by you old-time listeners as "Senator Fishface," a characteri-zation Vincent did for five years on NBC during the era of old "CarefreeCarnival." During past two years he's been airing an early morning pro-gram on Portland's KEL, has been on KPO with a half hour variety showWednesday nights. With 13 years of ether experience, Elmore now hopesto land an early riser show in Southern California and do characterparts on other programs.

SUNDAY, AUGUST 8At hours where no listing isshown for a local station.recorded music has beenscheduled.

*Indicatee News Broadcasts

The WORLDTomorrow!


analyzes today'snews with the pro-phecies for TheWorld Tomorrow.

9:30 A.M.

KMTR nerlrj

KFI-Rhapsody of the Rockies.0*KNX, KGFJ, KGER-NPN11.

KF:CA, KFSD-Soldier ofProduction.

KAI, KGB. KVOE-WesleyRadio League.

KM Pt .-Ma urice Johnson.*K5ITR-News, Voice of Pro-

phecy.KFAC-Country Church.ICRKID-Ranch Program.KFVD-Res. Sales.KFOX-Rev. Dean Reed.

8:05-KNX-Religious Conference.KGER-Kingdom Within.

8:16-11FI-Book 'of Kooks.KPAS-Immanuel Baptist

Church.KFWIR--Shop Fields Orch.

11:30-KM-Waltzes America Loses.KNX-Invitation to Learning.KECA, BPS')-African Trek.KHJ-Uncle Ge and Aunt

fee Ge.KMPC-Sunday Drive.KFWB-Union Rescue Mission.KWKW-Gospel Hour.KFAC-Strollin' Tom.KFVD. KGB-Church of

Christ.KFOX-Waltace Roes.KVOE-Radio Chapel.

11:46*KFI-News.KGER-Baptist Resival.KFOX-Varieties.KFSD-Call to Worship.

x:58-KMTR-TIme Signal.9Km-Larry Smith. Comment.

KNX-Salt Lake Tabernacle.*KECA. KMPC. KGER-News.

KHJ, KGB. HAVE-DetroitBible ('lass.

Church On High9:30 a. m. SundaysKPAS-1110 kcy.

Rev. A. V. HavensM.A., B.D.

TEMPLE CHOIRtos E. Colorado


*KMPC-World Wide News.KPAS-Judge Gardner.

*KMTR-News: Songs of Salva-tion.

KWKW-American Jew lab Hr.KFAC-Liberal Catholic Hour.xrPc-Tower Chimes.KFSD-Wor Journal.

11:05-fEGER-Rev. Boron.:15-KM-Dorothy Desmond. Songs.

KECA-Speaking of Glamour.KMPC-Frank and Ernest.KFAC-Voice of Health.KPPV-Organ Prelude.KGER-Dr. Lavelle

9:30-K11-That They Might Lie.*K N -Transatlantic Call.

KECA-Music Hone.KHJ-Memo for Tomorrow.KMPC-Old Sunday School.KFWB-Swing Session.

*KMTR-The World Tomorrow...KPAS-Church on High.KPPC-Dr. James Leislunan.KFSD-Stars from the Blue.

KVOE-Arthur Ceaeth. Com-mentator.

KGER-Radio Resisal.9:45-KHJ-Al Williams.

KGB, KVOE-Letters to MySon.

KGER-Full Gospel.111II*KM-News, Ted Meyers.V KNX-Opportunity Hour.

*KHJ, KGB, KV1.11-News,Glenn Hardy.

*ILFWB KGER. KFOX-News.KMPC-Wesley Radio League.

*KMTR-News, Fannie Rein-hart.

KPAS-Slavic Program.KIND-This Is Official.

111:05-KGER-Fullerton Foursquare.111:15-KFI-Sunday Serenade.

KHJ. KGB. KVOE-Romanceof Highways.

KMTR-Fanny Reinhart.Kn./II-Swing Session.KPPC--The Gift Shop.KFOX-People's Church.

111:30-1KFI-Rupert Hughes.HECA-Musical Toast.KHJ-It Happened This Week.KMPC-Off the Record.KPAS-Czech Polkas.

KFSG-Aimee McPherson.KGB, HAVE' --Pucker Cp.KFSD-The Kiddisedlers.

10:45*KM-Alvin Wilder.KHJ-Morning Melodies.

*KPAM, KFSD-News.RPPC-Tower Chimes.KGB. KVOE-Canary Chorus.

11-KFI-ChicagoRound Table.

KNX-Lockheed Show.*KECA. KFWK-Nesys.

KHJ. KGB, KGER-PilgrimHour.

*KMTR-News. Church ofChrist.

KWKW-Community BibleChurch.

KPAS-Church of Open Door.



5101-6401-790-7-930-T-10201- 1150 1240 713301-1390600 710 870 980 1070 1 10 1230 1280 1360 1430 1490

* - *

Lockheed and Vega present


America-Ceiling Unlimitedwith Non Wynn, WilburFlotch'sOrchestrod. Chorus

KNX11 A. M.


KFAC-1st Methodist Church.KGFJ-Sunshine Mission.REST)-Coast to Coast.IIPPC-Church Sersice. Rel.

George Easton Petrie.KFOX-Presbyterian Chu rub.

11:15*KECA-Radio News Weekly.KFWB-Swing Session.KFOX-Varieties.

SUNDAY Program HighlightsMorning Programs Appear In Lightfsee Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs in Boldface

Variety:510-Afrlesn Trek. KECA-

KFSD.8:30-Invitation to Learning.

KNX.11:00-Lockheed Show, KNX.2:30-Sneak Preview." KECA.3:05-Here's to Romance, FLVA:A3:30-Sergeant Gene Aare.

KNX4:00-Jerry Lester Show. KNX.5:00-Paul Whiteman Presents,

KFI.5:00-Radio Reader's Digest,

KNX.0:15-Chamber Music Society

Lower Basin Street. RFT.0:30-James Melton, TeNlie0o

RNX.7:00-(inod Will Hour. RECA-

KFSID.1:30-Bob Crosby Show. 1101.1:15-Booking Horse Rhythms.

KHJ.I0 :00-University Explorer.


War!I :301-Transatlantic Call. KNX.9:45-America at War, KHJ-

KGB. KVOE.12:15-Hanson W. Baldwin, Mili-

tary Analyst, KECA.12:30-Army Hour. KFI.2:00-Freedom from Want.

K PAS.4:30-Question of the Week.

KNX.4:30 --Stars and Stripes in Reit.'

sin. KI1J-KVOE-KFXM.8:30-Wings Over the West

Coast KHJ-KGB.11:15-Pacific Story. KFI.

Drama10:15-Romance of the Highways.

KHJKGR-KVOE1:30-Foreign Aseignment, KHJ.2:16-Dear John, RNX.3:00-Murder Plinio, 5111.1-KGB-

KFXM-KVIIIE.3:00-Silver Theater. KNX,3:45-Newsmakers. KM.4:00-Those We Love. KFI.5:30-Two on the Aisle. Please.

KWKW.5:30-One Man's Family. KFL

7:45-Agent V. KNX.8:00-Crime Doctor. KNX.8:00-Farragitt Calling. 5151.9:00-Inner &tortoni Mystery,

KECA-IIPSD.9:00-Black Chapel. KMTR.0:30-Point Sublime. KNX.9:30-Hermit's Case. KMPC.

Quiz Programs7:00-Take It or Leave It KNX.5::5-Quiz Quotient, KNX.8:30-Quiz Rids. ILFA'A-111FSIL9:30-Joe E. Brown, Stop and Ge.


Outstanding ill usic0:00-Salt Lake Tabernacle.

KNX.11:30-John Charles Thomas. 1:5712:80-New Pork Philharmonic,

KNX.1:30-Pause That Refreshes.

RNX.2:00-Family Hour, KNX.2:00-Memory alirsie. T. Karon,

KIR.1.2:00-Summer Symphony, KM.4 :30-11tch Bandwagon. KM.coo-Manhattan Merry -Go -

Round. KFI.8:30-Album of Familiar Music.

KM.:00-Il nor of Charm, KFI.

111:00-11ancock Eneemble KHJ.8:30-Standard Symphony, KFI.9:45-Chapel Quartet, KFI.

10:30 --Lucky Lager Danee Time.KFAC.

11:15-Bridge to Dreamland.KM:A-RE/SD.

Public Affairs10:30-Rupert Hughes. KFT.11:00-Chicago Round Table, KM.12:15-Wake Up America. BACA-

KFSD.1:110-This le Official. KECA.

5:30-W*01,100n Inside Out.KECA.

Soort3-Comment12:00-Rob Nash. KWKW.1:30-Baseball. KMPC.0:00-Bowling. KFAC.7:15-Major League Series.


RVOE-Word of Life.11:30-KFI-John Charles 'Thomas.

*KNX-Worid News Today.KFOX-1st Christian Church.

11:45*KECA-News.KFSD-Speaking of Glamour.

11:55-KNX-The Mullet Show.lap-KM-Washington on Rationing

KECA-Taylor Made Melodies.KNX-N. Y. Philharmonic.

*KHJ-Broadway News.*KFWB. KGER-News.*KMTR-News, St. Brendan's.

Stories of SportsChampions

with Bob NashKWKW - 1430

Sun. -12:00-12:15 P. M.

KW K W -Bob N1101, ...Too s.KFOX-Rev. Earl Isie.KFVD-Musical Res ue.KIND-Three Romeo*.KGB. KIVE-Fort Dix.

12:05-KGER-Olga Geese'.12:15*K101-Upton Close.

KHJ-Top Tunes of Week.KECA, KIND-Hanson W.

Baldwin. Military Analyst.KMAR-Swing Session.

*KWKW-News.KFAC-Tallored Melodies.KPPC-Music of Masters.

12:30-101-This Is the Army Honr.KHJ-Dreamin' in Dixie.KECA-Hot Copy.KMPC-Off the Record.KEW/I-Jean Leonard.KWKW-At the Console.

*KRKD-News, Browning.KGER-Church of God.KGB-Blackwood Quartet.

12:411-KRIED--Musle.It :IA-KM-Musical Interlude.

*KPAS-News.KGPI-Hoosier Observer.KFOX-Jewish Church.

-RNX-N. V. Philharmonic.KECA, KFSD-Sunday Vespers


Lutheran Hour.K1111'('-Samuel B. McKee.KWKW-Italian S de.KPAS-Prayer Convoy.KFAC-Victory Players.KGFJ-Cowboy Trails.

1:15*KMPC, KFAC-News.KEVIII-Spectre Production..

*KMTR-Dr. Sheldon Shepard.KIND-Moods in Music.

1:30*KFI-News.KECA-The Great Melody.KNX-Pause That Refreshes.

KGB, KFX,11,Voung People's Church.

KMPC-Baseball.*KFAA s.

KVCICW-Concert.SPAS --Church in Barn.KMTR-Betty Phillips.KGER-Gospel Gleaners.KGPI-Sunday Concert.KFOX-Ital Taberin.KIVD-Hawaiian Music.KFSD-Berger String Quartet.

1:45-KFI-Treasury Star Parade.KECA-It Happened During

the Week.KMTR-Planos.KFVD--Civoru Group.

2 -Ku. IIFSD-NBC Symphony.

KNX-'-Family Hour.KECA-This Is Official.KIIJ-Memory Music. Ted

RacismKPAS-Freedom From Want.

*KMTR-News, Happy Hour.KFVD-Eidtor of the Air.

*KGF'J-News.511,XM-Melodies for Sunday.KFOX-Good News.KGB, KVOE-Answering Von.

2:15*KFOX-News.KVOE-Organ Recital.

2:29-KGER-Long Beach Band.2:30-KE('A, KFSD-Sneak Preview

KILL KGB-Foreign Corre-spondent.

KM% K-Sun way.KMTR-French Program.RYAS-liorbank Foursquare.KWKW-Lower Lights.

AUGUST 8, 1943 RADIO LIFE PAGE 17 SUNDAY LOGSKFVD-Popular Favorites.FIFOX-Rev. Billy Adams.KGB-Meditations.

*KFXM-News.EV0E-Bethel Tabernacle.

2:45-KNX-Irene Rich. Dear John.KFXM-Romance of HighwaysKFVD-Colored Revue.

3-KNX-Silver Theater.*IEFI. KGER-News.

MD, KGB, KFXM, EVOE-Murder Clinic.

HECA-Interlude.*KFWB- News.*KMTR-Round Table M. Hoff-

man.KWRIV, KGFJ-Locy West

Sunshine Mission.HPAS-E1 Monte Nazarene Ch.HFSG-Evangelistic.KFOX-Rev. Earl hie.

3:05-HECA, KFSD-Here's to Ro-mance.

I:-)innin H. Case.



of World Affairswith noted guests

KMTR3:06 P. M. Sunday

"Talentime"-Sat. 8:30 P.M.

3:15-KFI--Labor for Victory.3:30*KFI-Reports from the Battle-

front.KNX-Sergeant Gene Autry.KECA-Music for Sunday.

*KHJ. KGB, 111411E-UptonClose.

KPAS-Church of Christ.KGER-Philathea.KFVD-Hank. Nightwatchman

*KFXM-America at SanHFSD-Korn Kobblers.

3:45-ILFI-Newsmakers, Keating.*KECA-News.

KHJ-Around Towner.HMS-Help Wanted.HFSD-Soldiers of the Press.KGB, KFXM-Duke Ellington.

4KU-Those We Love.-KNX--Jerry Lester Show.

HECA-Church FederationVespers.

KHJ, KGB, KF7C6.1. HVOE-Flojd B. Johnson.

KFW B-Gospel and Song.KFAC-Musicale.HPAS-Gospel Tidings.

*KMTR-News, Nazarene Voice*KGER-News.

KFOX-Sunshine Pastor.HFSD-Navy Dance.

4 :15-KM'S-CS° Reporter.


andKing's Ambassador Quartet

KHJ d DON LEE Network4:00.4:30 P. M.

Also KMTR:151-9:00S 1.. N. son.

10:30-10:45 A. M. Mon. Giro Fri.

4:30-KFI-F7tch Bandwagon; Newsby Alexander Dreier.

KNX-Question of the Week.HECA-Behind the War NewsKHJ, HGB, KFX111-Stars and

Stripes in Britain.K GB-Supper Date.

WHFWIi-Nees.KPAS--I.utheran Gospel Hour.KAITR-Bible Treasury Hour.KFI D-90-110 Club.KGER-Colonial Tabernacle.KV0E-The Glory Hour.

4:43-liMB-Stuart Hamblen.AMA -Sunday Serenade with

Sammy Kaye.KFAC-sv. rdenborg Hr.

S 1i1'-Pool Whiteman Presents.KNX-Bill Hay Comment.KEl'A-l'atholic Hour.

RADIO LIFE LOGS are checked carefully and intelligently. item hritem each week, with program information furnished by the variousstations. They are, therefore, RS accurate as is humanly possible underpresent shifting wartime conditions.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-Mediation Board.

KFID-Es ening Serenade.KFOX-Rev. Wm. Gay.

*KMTR-News, Bethel Chapel.

Twice Weekly

The Sweet Chariot HourFavorite SpiritualsWednesday, I p. m.

Sunday 5 p. m.KWKW: 1430 on your dial

SPAS-Open Bible Hour.KVII1W--thveet Chariot Hour.Ktik'J--Concert.KFVD-Carter Wright.KFSD-Inez Dorene.KGER-News.

5:05-KGER-Radio Chapel.5:15-KNX-Stan Kenton.

KFAG-Christian Science.KFSD-Neighbors.

5:30-1111-One Man's Family.*KNX-William Winter, News.

HECA-Washington Inside OutKMTR-Soldier's Program.KFAC-Organ Recital.K PAS-Helen Markham.KWKW-Two on the Aisle,

Please.KFVD-Evening Serenade.KFOX-Lutherno Church.KGER-Rev. Webber.

5:45*KECA, ILFSD-Drew Pearson.*KNX-Boh Andersen. News.*KIM KGB. KFXM, Ki0E-

Gabriel Heatter.*KMPC-News.

5:55*KNX-Eric Sevareld, News.6-K11-Manhattan Merry -Go -

Round.KNX-Conrad Nagel Show.

*KE('A, KFSD--Oursier, Par-sons, St. John-for Winchell.


ioned Revival Hour.KMPC-Major H. S. Turner.KFAC'--BowlIng.KRKD, KFVD-Nude.

*KMTR-News, Hollywood Pre-sents.

KPAS-Holliston M. E.KWIEW-Church of Truth.KFVD-Harlem Holiday.KGIV-Gospel Time.

*HOER-News; Music.KFXM-Voice of Prophecy.

6:15-KECA--Chamber Music Soc.,Lower Basin Street.

KFWB-Dave Ormont.KMPC--Symphonla.EMIR-Hollywood Presents.KWKW-Rev. Earl hie.KGER-Rev. Burpe.KFOX-Pastor Marsh.

*KFSD-News.6:30-KFI-Album of Familiar Music

KNX-Texaco Summer Thea-ter, James Melton.

KFWB-Joe Crail.HPAS-Beyond Tomorrow.MIER-Bible Quiz.KFOX-Varieties.KFXM-Uncle Sam Speaks.




P. 0. Hoz 1123.Lon Angelo..,

Calif.6:00 P. M.-Mutual Network

KHJ. 930 Kilocycles.KPMC, 1560 Kilocycles.KGB. 1360 Kilocycles.K VOE, 1490 Kilocycles.

9:00 P. M.-RebroadcastKPAS. 1110 Kilocycles.H MO. 1440 Kilocycles.

9:15 P.M.-RebroadcastRFXM. 1240 Kilocycles.

10:00 P. M.-RebroadcastKMPC, 110 Kilocycles.KFOX, 1290 Kilocycles.

6 :45-HECA-Jimmy Fidler.*KRKD-News. Browning.

KMTR-Viennese Ensemble.liPPC-Story Hour.EGER-Dance Time.

'7-KW-Hour of Charm.I KNX-Take It or Leave It.*KHJ, KGB-John B. Hughes.

HECA, HFSD-GoodwIll Hour.*EMPC, KGER-News.

KFWB--Dr. S. P. MaeLennso.KMTR-News, Music.KPPC-Evening Concert.KPAS-Ethel Hubler.KWKW-Hungarian Baptist

Church.KFAC-Open Forum.KGFJ-Program del Oro.KFVD-Evening Serenade.KFOX-Off the Record.EFSG-Aimee McPherson.HIOE--Fairliew Church of

Christ.7:05-KGER-Sister Sylvia.

:15-KHJ. KGB-Song Spinners.KMPC-Major League Series.KMTR-Church of Christ.

*KPAS-News.[WPC-Religious News.KFOX-Excursions In Science.

:30*KFI-Bob Crosby Show.KNX-William L. Shlrer.KHJ-Round Towner.HMS-Fighting French.KPAS-Church of Open Door.EPP( -Organ Recital.

*KFWB-News.7:45-KNX-Ajent V.

KHJ, Kult. KI0E-RockingHorse Rhythms, BobbyHookey.

KFVVB-Strollin' Tom.HMT11-"Unseen Enemy."HPPC-Sacred Song Recital.

8KFT-Farragat Calling.KNX-Crtme Doctor.

*KECA KFSD-Watch theSoria Go By.

KHJ-Hancock Ensemble.*KMPC, KGER-News.

KFWB-Hollywood Presby-terian Church.

HMTR-Floyd Johnson.KFAC--Ist Methodist Church.KPPC-Dr. Jas. Gordon GilkeyKFX3I-Gospel Light.EGFJ-B. & R. Bowboys.

:05-HG ER-Olga Graves.:15-SECA-Amen e.

KMPC-William Parker.11:2S-ISNX-Quiz Quotient.11:30-KFI-Standard Symphony.

KNX-Bob Trout; CallingAmerica.

KECA, HFSD-Quiz Kids.KHJ, HGB-Wings Over the

Rest Coast.KMPC-Mother's Album.KGFJ-The Four Aces.KPPC-Religious News.KFOX-Musical Comedy.

11:45--IKMIPC-Raine Bennett.KPPC-Word of Life.

9-11LNI-Eleanor King. BeautyTalk.

/MCA, KRID-Inner SanctumMysteries.

*RM.,. KGB, HVOE, KFXM-News, Glenn Hardy.

HP'VYB--Uniots Rescue Mission*KMTR-News, Black Chapel.*KGFJ, KGER-News.

KMPC-F. 0. B. Detroit.KPAS KPRO-Old Fashioned

Revival.KFAC-Sunday Evening Club.KFOX-Country Barn Dance.

9:15-KNX-Deane Dickason.EH& KGB. KVOE-Voice of

Prophecy.KFSD-Freddy Martin Orch.

KFXM-Old Fashioned Re-vival.

9:30-KFI-Stop or Go, Joe E.Brown.

*KECA, HFSD-News.KNX-Point Sublime.KAIPC-Hermit's Cave.KFWB-Lutheran Church,KFAC-Glorious Hope.KMTR-Viennese Ensemble.KFSD-Russ Morgan Orch.

9:45-1(ECA-(:apt. Quiz.HIOE-Jos Reich -

man Orch.*KMTR, KIND-News.

9:55-KM'A-Music.3.0*,,7-Richfield News Flashes.

WEN X-News Analysis, WallaceSterling.




CBS 9:30 P.M.

Kra 1,05 Angeles KOIN PortlandKQW San Francisco KIRO SeattleKOWA Stockton PM( SpokaneKROY Sacramento KSL Salt Lake CityKARM Fretno ROY Phoenix 1Thurs.

KTUC Turson$ 7:30p. nt.


Old Fashioned RevivaLKECA, KID-University Ex-

plorer.KFWB-Dave Ormont.

*HMTE-News, Music.KGFJ-Hank, Niehtwatchnus.



Clyde J. KennedyDirectorKFWI

Sun., 10:1 5 P. IC

'After the News-The Good News"

10:15-KFI--Chapel Quartet.KNX-Alvino Rey.SECA, IEFSD-Melodies for

Uncle Sam.KFWB-Good News Hour.KMTR-Pete Pontrelll Oreh.KFXM-Church of Christ.

10:30-KW-Inside the News (ThriftyDrug Co.).

10:30 P.M.-KFI"Inside the News"With JOHN BURTON


x-J trout,' Dorsey Orch.KMTR-Happy Johnson Orch.KFWB-Voice of the Army.HPAS-Bright Corner Church.KFAC--Lucky Lager Dance

Time.10:45-KFI-Oursler. Parsons, St.

John; for VI inchell.*HFSB-Volce of the Army.

KMTH-Singing Waiters.

11'FI-EleventhHour News.

KNX-News.KHJ-Halls of Montezuma.KMPC'-Stage for Song.KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance


11:15-KW-Pacific Story.HECA. KFSD-Bridge to

Dreamland.KMTR-Nick Cochrane Orel.KGER-Preach the Word.

11:20-KNX-Eda Brown.11:30-KHJ--So. American Serenade.

KNX-!Nanny Strand.HPAS-Old Plantation.KFSG-Beauty of Scriptures.

11:45-KW-Songs Without Words.KNX-Paul Featherstone.KHJ-Leon Mojica's Orch.

11:55*KNX, KFWB, EMPC-News.

MONDAY, AUGUST 9*Indicates News Broadcasts

At hours where no listing isshe W n for a local station,recorded m u s i c has beenscheduled.


Friendly Hour8 A. M.-KFAC


0-Ri1-Johnny Murray.KNX-Calling Collins.

*KECA-Between the Lines.KILI-Rise and Shine.


KFAC-Friendly Hour.KWKW-Don't Re Alarmed.RKKI)--Morning Melodies.KFVD-Stuart Hamblen.KGB, KENN'. KWOE-14hady

Valley Folk.KFSD-Breakfast Club.

11:15-KFI-This and That.KNX-Valiant Lady.

*KECA-News.KFWB-Shop Fields.KMPC-Markets and Sports.KMTR-Dr. A. U. Michelson.KGER-Mispah.1E1:F.1-Pastor Swan's,.

FOX-Firestone Foursquare.11:30*KFI, RAJ, KRKD-News.

KECA-MeNeill' BreakfastClub.

KNX-Kitty Foyle.KMPC-Unity Dully Word.KFWB-Help Wanted.KPAS-Hasen of Rest.RHIN-Helen Markham.KGB, lit 0E-Merry-lio-Round.KFXM-Sunshine Service.

11:45-KFI-David Harum.KNX-Aunt Jenny's Real Life

Stories.*KFWB. KEAC-News.

KMTR-Bible Treasury.KGER-Rev. Bennington.RFOX-Curtis H. Springer.KFVD-Vocal Fasorites.

8:58--KMTR-Time Signal.9K-FI-The Open Door.KNX-Kate Smith Speaks.

*KILL KFXM, KGB, MOE-News, Boake Carter.

*KMPC, KGFJ, KGER-News.KM% KFSD-Dr. Reynolds.El:CA-Dorothea Ramsay,

Women Who Make News.ILMTR-News, Salute ProgramEPAS-Polly and Pat.MAIM-Words and Music.KFAC-Musiral Comedy.KRKD-Sagebrush Serenade.RFON-Firehrands for Jesus.

9:65-Rev. !Immo.


DR. R. L. McMASTERfor the

McCOY HEALTH SYSTEMEvery morning-Mon. then Fel.

RFA(' at 9:13Rf.FJ at 10:13

11:13-B11 -11 dry Marlin.X-Big Sister.

RI-LI-Time Out.*KE('A, REVD-News.

KMPC-Accent on Song.KFWB-Curtis H. Springer.KMTR-Let's Go to the Dogs.KFAC-Voice of Health.RWKW-Light Classics.RGER-Dr. J. A. Lovell.KGFJ-5Iedleal.

Let's Go to the Dogs


1 5 A.M.Monday thru Friday

KESD-.Good Cheer.KFXM-Old Family Almanac.KGB-Uncle Sam Speaks.

KFWB-News.KNX-Romance of Helen

Trent.KHJ-Happy Homes, Norma

Young.KECA, KFSD-Breakfast at

Mardi's.KMPC-Family Bible.

*KEW FI-News.KMTR-W. B. Record.KWKW-Gladys Seeks.KGER-Radio Revival.KGB. FLVOE-Aberdeen ord-

nance Band.KIND-Dr. Richardson.

9:35-KFI-Listen to This.9:45-KFI-Ruth Wentworth. Econo-

mist.KNX-Our Gal Sunday.

*KMPC, KRKD-News.KFWB--Glen Gray.KMTIK-Curtin H. Springer.KWKW-Varieties.KGER-Full Gospel.KIND-Here Comes Parade.

10-KFI-Mid-morning Journal.KNX-Life Can Be Beautiful.*KECA, KIND-News.*KHJ, KFXM, KGB. KVOR-

News. Glenn Hardy.KMPC-Housewives Exchange.KMTK-News, Pastor H. A.

F:gertson.KEWB-Kitchen Renege. Chef

Milani.KWKW-Lest We Forget.

*KGFJ, KFOX-News.KFVD-Morning Serenade.RREED-Turf

*KGER-News: Full Gospel.10:15-KFI-Larry Smith, Com.

KNX-Ma Perkins.RF:CA-Jay Burnett.KHJ, KGB, KV0E-Garden-

er's Friend.KMTR-Victory Newsreel.

*RI'AS, KWKW-News.FIGFJ-Wolire of Health.FIRMS-Dr. Richardson.KGER-Kingdom Within.KIND-Uncle Sam.KFXM-All Around the Town.

10:30*KFI-Burritt Wheeler.KNX-Vic and Sade.

KFSD-Listen to Timis.*KHJ. KFWB. KFAC-News.

KMPC-Easy Listening.KPAS-Meet Priscilla Alden.



570T6401-7901r930-T1020T T1330/-1390 1-600 110 970 980 1070 1110 1230 12 80 1360 1431 1490

KMTR-Floyd B. Johnson.KVIKW-Forget-Me-Nots.KIND-Union Rescue Mission.KRKD-Voice of Government.

10:35-KGB, KFXM, KWOE-Lunch-eon with Lopez.

RFOX-Music.10:45*KFI-Art Baker. News.

KNi X The Goldbergs.KECA-four Gospel Singer.RHJ-Lady of Charm.FL FWB-Fieienee of Mind.KMTR-Dr. Phillip Lovell.RKKD-Midnight Mission.

*RHIN-Arline Daniels. News.KFXM, KGB. RW0E-Two

Keyboards.KINI)--11ally Institute.

11 -KFI-Guiding Light.KNX-Young 1/r. Malone.KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Dr. Limuis T. Talbot.KECA-Bankhage Talking.KMPC-This ('hanging World.

*KNITR-News., Curtis H.Springer.

KFWB-Al Jarvis.KFAC-Les Adams.KWKW-At the Console.KKK'S-Personality Quiz.



Exclusive-KFWBB P. M. Mon. thru Fri.Also AP, UP, and INS

KESD-Ann Gibson.II:15-KFI-Lonely Women.

KECA. REND-Mystery Chef.KNX-Joyce Jordan. M. D.KMPC-War At Home.

*KPAS-Pasadena News.11:30-KFI-Light of the World.

KNX-We Lose and Learn.RECA-Morning Roundup.KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KYOF

Mutual Goes Calling.tot pc -11 Headlines.

MONDAY Program HighlightsMorning Programs Appear In Lightface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs In Boldface

Variety8:00-Rise and Shine, KILL8:00-Johnny Murray, KIM.9:00-Kate Smith, KNX.9:30 --Breakfast at Bard!'..

KECA-KFSD.10:35-Luncheon with Lopes.

KGB-KFXM-KVOE.4:06-Hello from Hollywood.

KNX.5:00-Beryl Wallace, KNX.6:00-Romance, KNX.6:39-Broadway Randbox,8:30-Spotlight Bands. KECA-

REIM.8:15-Lnm and Abner. KECA-

KFSD.8:30-Gay Nineties Revue. KNX.9:30-Vox Pop. KNX,9:30-Hollywood Spotlight.


ar10:15-Garlener's Friend, KHJ.1:00-Fletcher Wiley, Home

Front, KHJ.1:15-Victory Gardening, Kl'AS.6:00-Woman's World. KMTR.2:45-Keep the Home Fires

Burning, KNX.3:25-Lenders of United Nations,

KHJ.8:00-Reuter's News Dispatch.

KFWB.8:31-C,o,nter Soy. KECA.

Drama2:00-Adventures of Raffles.

KNX.2:15-American Women, KNX,4:43-Capt. Jack, KECA.6:00-Eyes, Aloft. KFI.6:38-Return of Nick Carter,7:00-Screen Guild Theater.


7:38-Biondi,. KNX.7:30-Lone Ranger, KIII-KGB-

KFXM-RVOE.8:60-I Lose is Mystery. KNX.8:30-Cavalcade of An/erica.

KFI.9 :00-Ad s ent urea of Nero Wolfe.

KECA.9:00-I Was There," KNX.9:30-Hawthorne House. KFI.

Outstanding Music10:45 --Tour Gospel Singer, WEC2:30-Milide to Remember.

KFCA.3:30-Keep Singing, America.

KNX.5:30-Voice of Firestone, KFI.7 :00-Contented Program. Mg.8:00-Fred Waring. RFT.8 :00-Evening Concert RI AC.9:00-Telephone Hour. RH.

10:00-Lucky Lager Dance Time.KFAC.

l0:30-Eaelside Dance Tonite.ILFW11.

11:36-Masterworks. KNX.10:45-Classic Hour, KECA.

Quiz Programs8:36-Dr. I. Q., KFI.8:30-Double or Nothing. MD-


Public Affairs6:30-Town Hall. KMPC.8:45-Hon. Jerry Voorhis, KPAN

Sports-Comment10:00-Turf Bulletins. KRKD.4:00-Sportscast. KFAC.5:30-Race Results. KRKD.6:00-Sports Page. KMPC.7:15-Major League Series,


*KPAS-Pasadena Independent.KWKW-Bing Croats,.KGFJ-City Dwellers.

*KRKD. KION-News.KFSD-Jack Baker, Songs.KGER-Rev. Hardt

11:45-KF1-Hymns of All Churches.KNX-TexasKHJ, KGB-Rose Room.

*KECA RFSD-News, TedMeyers.

KM I'('-America Marches.KPAS-Hoot's Painted Post.KFOX-Marching Along.KIVU-Violet Schram.Mini-Light Concert.

-Rig-Farm Reporter.KNX-Frank Crumit. Julia

Sanderson.*K11.1-Broadway News.

'MCA. KFSD-Morton Dow-ney.

KMTR-Hi, Neighbor.KFAC-Band Music.KPAS-Frontiersman.KWKW-Uncle Sam.

*KGFJ, KGB. KV0E-News.KRKIS-Prairie Schooner.

*KGER-News; Music.KIND-Editor of the Air.

12:15*IiNN-Rob Andersen, News.KFI-Ma Perkins.



CAS% 01


1_ -4

irvt hou toad Fltzroy2I4I*KECA-News.

KI1.1-Homemakers' Club.*KMPC, KFOX. KFXM-News.

KFAC-I Solemnly Swear.KWKW-News.

KGB-Molly Morse.MsER-Lonis .1. Mertins.KGFJ-Aunt Margaret.KVOE-Have Won Read?KFSD-Farm and Home.

12:30-REt-Pepper Young Family.*KNX-William Winter.

KECA-10-:;-4 Ranch.KMPC-29 Palms.

*KFW11. KFAC'-News.KPAS-Curtis H. Springer.KWKW-Rev. R. D. Morrison.KFXM-Farm Front.KFVD-Gospel In Song.

12:45-SW1-Right to Happiness.KNX-Bachelor's Children.KECA, RFSD-Between the

Bookends.ollEFWII-Al .Jarvis.KWKW-Familiar Ballads.KFAC-Vernon Steele.KFON-Science of Mind.KFVD-Violet Schram.KFXM-Cheer-up Gang.KGER-Western Farm Fair.

-KFI-Backstage Wife.KNX-Your Home Front Re-

porter, F. Wiley.KECA, KIFSD-Blue News-

room Review.KHJ-This Is Music.KMPC-Your Evangelist.

*RFWII-Today's War Moods.*KMTR-News, Music.

KIND-Uncle Sam Speaks.KFAC-Dr. Helen Collier.KPAS-G. Allison Phelps.

*KGFJ. KGER-News.KWKW'-Poland vs. Hitler.KRKD-Porter L. Barrington.

1:15-KFI-Stella Dallas.KFWIt-Al Janie.KMTR-PlanoKFAC-J. Newton Yates,

Organ.RYAS--Wietory Gardening.KWKW--Concert Matinee.KliFJ-Meet the Band.KGB-Pulpit Highlights.KFXM, KVOE-Sweet and

Sentimental.1 :25*KNX-Dick Joy. News.1:30-KFI-Polly Patterson.

KN X-Music.arliE PAS-News.*KRKD-News, Music.

KGFJ-Donn Mansfield Cald.well

REOX-Christian Science.1:45-111-hung Viidder Brown.

KNX-Mountain Music.KGFJ-Listen Ladies.KRKII-Singing Waiters.

AUGUST 8, 1943

-KF1-When a Girl Marries.Z KNX-Adventures of Raffles.KECA-What's Doing. Ladies.

*KHJ, KFXM, KGB, KVI/E-Sheeiah Carter.

KMPC-Pan-Americana.*KMTR. KGFJ-News.

KFWB-Hal Styles.Kl'AS-Popular Melodies.IEFAC-Ilarry LeRoy Calling.HIVD-Organ Melodies.

1:05-HMTR-Woman's World.2:15---KFI-Portia Faces Life.

KNX-Questions m Music.KHJ, KGB, KFNM, HVOE-

Newsreel Theater.*KWKW'. KIND-News.

K RIM-Women', Work.KGFJ-Remember Pearl Har-

bor.2:30-KIII-Just Plain Bill.

*KNX-News. Deane Dickason.KECA-Music to Remember.

*KFWB, KMPC, KRKD-NewsKMTR-Victory House.KWKW'-Mexican Art.KGFJ-Volunteers of America.KFOX-Western Songs.

2:45-K1'l-Front Page Farrell.KNX-Keep the Home FiresBurning.KMPC-Week's News Review.liFSD-My True Story.

*KFAC. KIVU-News.II-KM-Hollywood Theatre ofsai the Air.

KNX-Housewit es ProtectiveLeague.

*KM" HUB. KVOE-Prayer:Philip Keyne-liordon.

*KECA-Pat Bishop, News.KMPC-Sagebrush Serenade.

*KMTR-News, Music.*KGFJ. KGER-News.

KIWS-Vocal Fatorites.KFAC-Symphony.

*FLPAS-Listeners' Digest.KRIED-Salvatore Santee'''.KFSD-Listening Time.KIND-Popular Favorites.

3:011-KGER-John Brown.3:15-K11-Road of Life.

KECA-Lou Bring Orch.*KFWB-News.

KIND-America Calling.KGB. KVOE-The Johnson

Family.3:25-KHJ-Leaders of United Na-

3:30-KM-Vic and Sade.KNX-Philharmonic Speaker,

Music.KFAA-Ladies. Be Seated.


KM'S-Horace Heidi Oreh.KMTR-Piano.KWKW-Name Band.

*KRIM-News. Music.K GFJ-l'ncle Sam.

3:45-KM-Snow Village.*KNX-C. Huntley. The World

Today.KECA-Afternoon Roundup.KHJ-Bill Hay Reads the


4 KII-Dr. Kate.KNX-Hello from Hollywood.KECA-My True Story.

*KHJ. KFXM, KGB. IEVOE-News. Fulton Lewis. Jr.

KMPC-Tell Me a Story.KFWB-Pinno Paintings.KWKW-Italian Radio Melo-

dies.ILFAC-Sportsrast.KGFJ-Home Hour.KIHED-Toast to the Town.


4:15*KFI-News of the World.*15NX-Sam Hayes. News.

KHJ, KGB-Judy and Jane. r('-r. S. Army.KFWIS-Morton Gould.

*KFAC. KWKW. HEAD-News.KWKW, KRKD-Star News.KRKD-Nlovieland Quiz.KFXM-.Johnson Family.

*HVOE-Monitor News.4:30-KFI-Art Baker's Notebook.

KNX-Voice of the Army.*KECA-News.


HMI-Johnson Family.*HM PC-News.

KWKW-Dane Time.KGB, Monitor News.KFXM-Dr. Philip M. Lotell.KFSD-Red Cross.HVOE-Army Ainr Force..

4 :45-KM-H. V. Kaltenitorn.KECA-Captain .lack.KHJ-Sweet and Sentimental.KGB-Musical Scoreboard.KM'S-Stuart Hamblen.KFSD-Three Romeo..

I:55-KHJ-Earl Carroll's.KM-Voice of a Nation.

S KNX-Phil Hanna, DianaGayle.

KECA. KIND-Terry and thePirates.

*KHJ-News.KMPC-Victory Varieties.

*KMTR-News, Music,KWKW-Hayes Hour.KPAS-Uncle Charlie.

*KGFJ, KFXM, KGER-News.KRKD-Songs of the Saddle.KFOX-Sunshine Pastor.KGB-Liberator's Bulletin.

5:15*KIFI-Pat Bishop.KNX-Meet the Music.KECA-Twilight Tale,.KHJ, KFX1111, KGB, HYDE --

Superman.KMPC-Fire Prevention.

*KFAC-News.KMTR-Radio Newsreel.

5:30-KFI-Voice of Firestone.*KNX-Harry Flannery.

HECA, KFSD-Jack Arm-strong.

MU-Charlie liamp.KFXM, IEVOE-Black


KMTR-Irwin Allen.KFAC-Whois Kill Club.KIIKD-Race Results.KFOX-On the Range.KFVD-90-90 Club.

5:15*KNX-News. Truman Bradley.*KECA, KIND-News.

RH& KGB, KFXM, IEVOE-Norman Nesbitt.

KMTR-Old Age Pension.KFVD-Evening Serenade.KGER-J. A. Lovell.KGFJ-Cowboy Tunes.

:55*K.N X-rec il Brown.

6 IEF1-Eyes Aloft.KNX-Romance.KECA, KIND-Hop Harrigan.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-News, Gabriel Heatter.

KMPC-Sports Page.KMIX. KGER,

KFXM-News.*KMTR-News, Music.

KFAC-Dinner Dance.6:15*KILL KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Faces and Places.*RICA, KIND-Today in His-

tory.Mil PC-T. B. Blakiston.KMTR-Pay Day.KFWB-Dave Ormont.HPAS-4'hurch of ('hrist.KGFJ-Jit e Jammers.KGER-Rev. Webber.

R:25-KECA-Reserve.6:39-ILFI-Dr. 1. Q.

'MCA, HFSD-SpotlightBands.

KHJ, KFXM-Return of NickCarter.

KMPC-Town Hall.IHMR-Pre Wee Hunt Orch.KMTR-Bill of Rights.KGFJ-Dinner Concert.KGER-Prophecy Speaks.

*KGB-Eddie Orrutt.KV0E-Gospel Light.

11:15-KPAS-Hon. Jerry Voorhis.IERKEI-Friendly Advisor.

6:55-KECA-War News Roundup.7-HM-Carnation Contented


Raymond Clapper.KN X-Screen Guild Theater.

*KECA, KFOX. KIND-Ray-mond Grant Swing.


KFAC-Floyd A. Allen.KGFJ-Spanish Hour.

1:09-KGER-Spanish Missionary.7:15-KHJ, KGB. KFXM-Seaboard

News, George Irwin.*KE('A, KFSD--News.

KMPC-MaJor League Base-ball.

KPAS-Our Daily Bread.7 :30-KFI-I oration Serenade.

KNX-Biondie.KFA'A, KIND-Alec Temple-


1,0ne Ranger.*KMR-News.

KMTR-Dr. A. U. Michelson.KWKW-Italian Melodies.KPAS-Morgan Family.K FAC-L. A. Bar Ass'n.KRIED-Do You Know?

7:35-HECA-Free Men Are Fight-ing.

:45-KFWB, KFOX-Robert Arden.KPA(4-Uncle Henry.HECA-Romance of Industry.



King's Ambassador QuartetECMTR-8:00.9:00 P. M.

Slsn 10:::0-111:15 A. 11.

Monday through Friday

KM-Fred Waring Victory0 Tune Time.

KNX-I Love a Mystery.KECA. KIND-Watch the


Bulldog Drummond.*K91111', KGER-News.

HMIS-Reuter's News Dis-patches.

KMTR-Floyd B. Johnson.*KPAS-List ' Digest.

KFA(-Evening Concert.KliF.1-11 & IR Cowboys.

9:05-KGER-March Ahead of Time.5:15*KFI-Larry Smith, for Fleet-

wood Lawton.KNX-Dean DIckason.KECA, KFSD-Lum & Abner.KMIT-William Parker.KPAS-J. Frank Burke.

8:30-KM-Cavalcade of America.KNX-Gay Nineties Revue.KECA. FEFSD-Counter Spy.KILL KFXM, KGB, HVOE-

Double or Nothing.KMPC-Design for dancing.KPAS-P. E. Gardner.KGF.1-Four Aces.

5:15-KMR-Help Wanted.KMIT-Goternment News.

8:95-KNX-Joseph Hoesch.-Telephone-Telephone Hour.ck

KNX-"1 Was There."HECA. IEFSID-Adventures of

Nero Wolfe.*KHJ, HMS, KGB. KVOE-

News. Glenn Hardy.KFWB-Victory Service Club.

*HMTR. KGFJ. KGER-News.KPAS-Dr. Louis Talbot.KFAC-Evening Concert.

9:05-KGER-Greek Hour.



KMTR-9:15 P. M.1lunday that Sittnrilis3

9:15*KILL KGB, KFX.M, KVOE-News. Cal Tinney.

KMTR-Bark to the Bible.9:30-KM-Hawthorne House.

KN X-Vot Pop.KECA-Erskine Johnson,

Holly% 00(i Spotlight (Thrif-ty Drug).


Barrows.liPAS-Ethel Hubler.KGFJ-Bother Tommy.

9:30 P.M.-KECA"Hollywood Spotlight"


"Inside the News"With JOHN BURTON



Fulton Lewis, Jr.KMTR-Bob Brooks.HPAS-Charles W. Kamp.

41:A*KFI-Richfleld News.0*KNX-Sears 10 O'Cloek Wit%


0."10 (Mock 114.OP4DAY o,. rtoba, .re.

sane10s05a...was. mints'SEARS, eossure AND CO

Rob Green -Wm. Winter.KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Dr. Polyzoides.KMPC-Rainbow Rendezvous.HMIS-Remember with

Floretta.KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance

Time.KGFJ-Hank. Nigh Watchman.

111:15-1EFI-Manchester Roddy.KNX-Changing Tide.KECA-Fighting toast Guard.

*KILL KGB, Kl0F.-PaulSchubert.



10:30 to 11:30 P.M.Every Nile Except Sunday

KFWBAmerica's Finest Bands

10:30*KFI-Inside the News (ThriftyDrug).

KS N-Palladium.KILL KGB-Symphony.KFV313-Eastside Dance To-

nite.KMTR-Happy Johnson Orch.

113:45*KM-H. V. Haltenborn.KNX-Ed Miller.KECA-Classic Hour.KMPC-Uncle Sam.KMTR-Happy Johnson Orldb



*KHJ, KFXM. KV0E-News,Sweet and Lovely.

KM Pt for Song.KFIVII-FAistside Dance To-

nite.KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance

Time.11:15-KM-Henry King's Oreh..11:20-KNX-Eda Brown.11:30-KNX-Masterworks of Music.

KHJ-AnsweringKMPC-Silter Nocturne.KMTR-Count Basle Urch.

11:45-Ell-Songs Without Words.KM-Uncle Sam.KMPC-Silver Notturne.

11:55*KNX, KMPC, KMTR, KFWBNews.

HE'S SWORN OFFJohnny Mercer, of NBC's "Music

Shop" program, confesses he once in-dulged in painting water colors. Theorchestra leader and composer says,"I worked in water colors for nearlya year. One day I stepped back toadmire my work. I quit right thenand haven't touched the stuff since."

REALLY AUTHENTICThe score of George Gershwin's "An

American in Pa:is" calls for four Paristaxicab horns. To make the effectsreally authentic, the four hornsbrought back from Paris by Gershwinhimself were used when the NBCSummer Symphony played the com-p....Mon on a summer program.

JUST MADE ITTalking to his son, John, who was

home on leave from his service withthe Royal Canadian Air Force, OscarBradley nearly missed a recent "We,the People" broadcast. When helooked at his watch, he had exactlyeight minutes to get to the broadcast.By a rush taxi trip, he made it.


TUESDAY, AUGUST 10At hours where no listing isshown for a local station,recorded music has beenscheduled.

*Indicates News Broadcasts



0-KFI-Johnny Murray.0 K.SX-CallIng Collins, with

Polly Patterson.KECA-Between the Lines.HAL KFXM, KGB, KVOE-

Haven of Rest.*KMPC. ILMTR, KPAS, KGFJ,

KGER-News,KFAC-Country Church.KWKW-Don't Be Alarmed.KRED-Morning Melodies.}1FSD-Breakfast Club.

8:05-EWER-Soul Patrol.8:15-KFI-This and That.

KNX-Valiant Lady.*KECA-News.

KFWB-Shep Fields' Arch.KMPC-Markets and Sports.KMTR-Dr. Michelson.KGFJ-Pastor Carl Sweazy.KGER-Mizpah.KFOX-Firestone Foursquare.

11:30*KFI, KHJ, KRED--News.KECA-McNeill's Breakfast

Club.ENX-Kitty Foyle.WRFC-Unity Daily Word.KFAC-Mercy Mission.SPAS-Baptist Brothers.KFWB-Help Wanted.EFOX-Helen Markham.KFXM-Sunshine Service.KGB, KVOE-Merry-Go-Round

4:45-KFI-David Harum.FCSX-Aunt Jenny's Stories.

*KFWB, KFAC-News.KGER-Rev. Bennington.

*KMTR-Bible Treasury.KFOX-Curtis H. Springer.RFVD-Vocal Favorites.

8:58-ESITH-Time Signal.

8-KFI-The Open Door.ENX-Kate Smith.

*KHJ. KFXM, KGB, KVOE-Boake Carter. News.

KECA-Smile in the Morning.KFWB, KF8D-Dr. Reynolds.

*KMPC, KGFJ, KGER-News.KFAC-Musical Comedy.SPAS-Polly and Pat.KMTR-News, Salute ProgramHRED-Sagebrush Serenade.RFOX-Firebrands for Jesus.

11:15-KFI-Mary Marlin.ENX-Big Sister.

*KECA, KFVD-News.EHJ-Women of Today.KMPC-Accent on Song.AFAR-Curtis H. Springer.KMTR-Let's Go to the Dogs.KGFJ-Medical.KFAC-Voice of Health.KWKW-Light Classics.KGER-Rev. J. A. Lovell.KFSD-Good Cheer.KFXM-Old Family Almanac.KGB-Uncle Sam Speaks.

:30*KFI, KFWB-News.KNX-Romance of Helen

Trent.KECA, KFSD-Breakfast at

Sardi's.KHJ-Happy Homes, Norms

Young.KMTR-W. B. Record.

*KFWB-News.HAM-Family Bible.

*KWRW--(iladys Scoles.SPAS-Community Program.KGER-Radio Revival.KGB, KFXM-Marine Band.KFVD-Dr. Richardson.EVOE--Army Band.KGFJ-Swing Serenade.

9:35-KFI-Listen to This.9:45-KFI-Ruth Wentworth, Econ-

omist.KNX-Our Gal Sunday.KFWB-Glen Gray.,

*KMPC, KRED-News.KMTR--Curtls H. Springer.KWKW-Varieties.KGER-Full Gospel.KFVD-Here Comes the Pa-

rade.KFXM-Behind the Gun.

11:55--KEKLI-Ohi- Oh:*

10*1111-Manchester Soddy.KNX-Life Can Be Beautiful.

*KHJ, KFXM, KGB, WOE-News, Glenn Hardy.

. *KECA, KFSD-News.KMPC-Housewives ExchangeKMTR-Pastor H. 0. EgertsonKWKii-Treasury Star Pa-

rade.KFWB-Hitchen Kollege, Chef

Milani*KGFJ, RYAS, KFOX-News.

KRHD-Turf Bulletin.*KGER-News; Full Gospel.

10:15-KFI-Larry Smith, Com.KNX-Ma Perkins.KECA-Jay Burnett.KIM. KGB, KYOE-Garden-

er's Friend.KMTR-Dr. Sheldon Shepard.

*KWKW-News.KPAS--Ray Williams.KGFJ-Voice of Health.KRIED-Dr. Richardson.KGER-Helen Markham.KFOX-Student Assembly.KFSD-Uncle Sam.KFXM-All Around the Town

10:30-KFI-Burritt Wheeler.KNX-Vic and Sade.KECA, BEIM-Listen to This.


KECA-KFSD10:30 a. m.-Mon. thru Fri.

KHJ, KGB-Clinic Forum.KMPC-Easy Listening.

*111FWB. KFAC-News.SPAS-Meet Priscilla Alden.KMTR-Floyd B. Johnson.KRKD-Voice of Government.KFVD-Union Rescue MissionKVOE-Book of the Hour.KGER-Sunshine Pastor.

10:35-KGB, RENSI-Luncheon withLopez.eon with Lopez.

10:13*KFI-Art Baker, News.KNX-The Goidbergs.KECA-Your Gospel Singer.KFWB-Science of Mind.KMTR-Rockin' Chair.KRIM-Midnight Mission.KFOX-Arline Daniels.


lIFSDTKMPCTIEVTKFWITKNX1 Md KFOXTK681- KVOE5701-6401-7901-930-rio20/-

TIWO T133 OT 390 T

600 710 870 980 1070 1 10 1230 1280 1360 1430 1490

KFSD-Heasen on Earth.


KNX-Young Dr. Malone.KECA-Baukhage Talking.KILL KGB, KFXM, KYOE-

Dr. Louis Talbot.KMPC-This Changing World.

VELNITR-News. Curtis H.Springer.

KFWB-AlKRKD-Personality Quiz.KWKW-At the Console.KFAC-Les Adams.

*KGFJ, KGER-News.KFSD-Ann Gibson.

11:15-KFI-Lonely Women.KNX-Joyce Jordan. M. D.KECA, KFSD-Mystery Chef.KMPC-War at Home.

*SPAS-Pa soden& News.11:20-KWKW-Star Parade.

KFOX-Varities.SPAS-Music As You Like It.

11:30-EFI-Light of the World.ANX-Re Love and Learn.

EC A -M ornin g Roundup.KMPC-Musical Headlines.KARR -Bing Crosby.

*K PAS-Pasadena Independent.KGFJ-City Dwellers.

*KRKD, KFOX-News.KGER-Rev. Hauff.KFSD-Lawson's Knights.KGB. KFXM-Nashville I a-

rieties.11:45-11(1,1-Hymns of All Churches.

KNX-Douglas Aircraft.*KECA, KFSD-News, Ted

Meyer,.KHJ, KGB-Rose Room.KPAS-Gibson's Painted Post.KFVD-Violet Schram.

11:50-KNX-Testis Rangers.


KNX-Frank Crumit andJulia Sanderson.

*KHJ-Broadway News.KECA, KFSD-Morton Dow-

ney.KMTR-Hl. Neighbor.KWKW-Uncle Sam.KPAS-Frontiersman.


News.KRKD-Prairie Schooner.

TUESDAY Program HighlightsMorning Programs Appear In Lightfare Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs in Boldface

Variety8:00-Johnny Murray. EFL9:00-Kate Smith, KNX.9 :30-Brea f ast at Sault 'a.

KECA-KFSD.10:00-Chef fallsni. ICFWB.111:35-Luncheon withLopez.

KGB-KFXM-KVOE.1:00-Blue Newsroom Review,

KECA.4:00-Rello from Hollywood,

KNX.4:30-Art Baker's Notebook, KFI5:00-Beryl Wallace, ILNX.6:00-The Colonel. HNX.6:30-John Neshitt's Passing Pa-

rade, KF1.6:30-Spotlight Bands, KECA-7:00-Johnny Mercer'sohnny Mercer's Musk

Shop, EFL1:30-Beat the Band, KFI.8:15-Lam and Abner. KECA-

HFSD.8:30-Johnny Presents Ginny

Simms. KF1.9:00-Salute to Youth, KFI.9:00-Judy Canosa Show. KNX.9:15-What's In a Song. KECA.9:30-Boy Shields & Co., KFI.

War2:00-Woman's World. KMTR.:45-Keep the Home Fires

Burning, KNX.6 :55-War News Roundup.

KECA.8:00-Dispatch from Reuter's,

KFWB.7:45-Citrus Front. EHJ.

Drama2:00-Adventures of Raffles,


8:00-1 Loss a Mystery. 10M-B:30-Lights Out, ENX.

10:15-The Third Clue, KNI.

Quiz Programs3:45-Boulevard Quiz, EMT.8:00-Pay Day Quiz, KHJ-

KFXM.8:30-"Noah Webster Says."


Outstanding Music10.45-your Gospel Singer. KECA.5:30-Muslo to Remember,

KECA.4:30-American Melody Hoar,

.7:00-IngS lewood Park Concert,

KNX.8:00-Evening Concert, KFAC.8:00-Fred Waring. KF1.8:15-Harry James. KNX.

10:00-Remember, with Fioretta.KFWB,

10:00-Lucky Lager Dance Time.KFAC.

10:30-Eastsids Dance Tonne,KFWB.

Public Afairs4:00-Report to the Nation. KNX

11:05-American Forum, KHJ.11:30-Congress Speaks, KNX.

Sports-Comment10:00-Turf Bulletins. KRKD.4 :00-Sport vast , KFAC.5:30-Race Results, KRKD.6:00-Sports Page. WRFC.7:13-Major League Series,


RFOX-Just Relax.KFVD-Editor of the Air.KFXM-Neighborhood Call.

12:10-KGER-Listen Ladies.12:15-KFI-Ma Perkins.

*KNX-Bob Andersen. News.KECA-Dial-A-Ainner.11111-Homemakers' Club.


KFAC-1 Solemnly Swear.KGER-Civil Service.RFSD-.Nat'l Farm & Home.KGFJ-Hoosier Observer.

12:30-KFI-Pepper Young's Family.*KNX-William Winter.*KFWB, KFAC-News.

KMPC-29 Palms.KPAS-Curtis II. Springer.KWKW-Res. R. D. Morrison.KFOX-Mayor Bateson,KFXM-Farm Front.KFVD-Violet Schram.

12:13-KFI-Right to Happiness.KNX-Bachelor's Children.KHJ-Melody, Inc.SECA. KFSD-Itetween the

Bookends.KFAC-Gypsy Serenade.KGER-Western Farm Fair.KFXM-Cheer-up Gang.

1-KFI-Backstage Wife.FENN-Your Home Front Re-

porter.RAJ-This Is Music.KECA, KFSD-Blue News-

room Review.KMI'('-Your Evangelist.

*KFWIt-Today's War Moods.*KMTR. KGFJ, KFVD, KVOE

-News.KFAC-Dr. Walter RaymondKARA-Nom. egian Exile,KFOX-Dance Time.

1:15-KFI-Stella Dallas.KFWB-Al Janis.KMTR-Piano Moods.KFAC-J. N. Yates, Organ.KWEW-Concert Matinee.

1:25*KNX-Dick Joy, News.1:30-KFI-Lorenzo Jones.


*KPAS--News.*KRKD-News, Music.

KGFJ-California State Engi-neers.

1:45-KFI-Young Widder Brown.KNX-Uncle Sam.KRKD-Singing Waiters.

11Kill-When a Girl Marries.KNX-Adventures of Raffles.

*KHJ, KFXM, KGB, Ev0E-Sheelsh Carter.

KECA-What's Doing, Ladies.KMPC--Pan-Americana.

*KMTR, KGFJ. KGER-News.KFWB-Hal Styles.SPAS-Popular Melodies.KFAC-Harry LeRoy Calling.KFVD-Organ Melody.KFOX-Meet the Band.KMTR-Women's World.EGER-Uncle Sam.

1:15-KFI-Portia Faces Life.KNX-Questions on Music.

*KILL KFXM, KGB, EVOE-Don Lee Newsreel Theater.

*KWKW, KFSD-News.KGFJ-Remember Pearl Har-

bor.8:30-KFI-Just Plain Bill.

*KNX-News, Deane Dickasoa.KECA-Music to Remember.

*KFWB, EMPC, KRKD-NewsKMTR-Victory House.KWHW-Mexican Art.KFGJ-South America.KFOX-Songs of the West.RFSD-My True Story.

2:45-KFI-Front Page Farrell.KNX-Keep the Home Fires

Burning.ILMPC-Grant Gets His Story.

*KFAC-News.Ek'SD-Al and Lee Reiser.

3-1E71-Hollywood Theater ofthe Air.

ENX-Housewives' ProtectiveLeague.

*K111, KGB, EVOE-Prayer:Philip Keyns-Gormon.

*KECA-Pat Bishop, News.KFWB-Vocal Varieties.

*KMTR-News, Music.*KPAS-Listeners' Digest.

KFAC-Symphony.KRKD-Salvatore Santaella.

*KGFJ, KGER-News.KFSD-Listening Time.

3:15-KFI-Road of Life.KM-Pasadena Reporting.RECA-Lou Bring Music.



Family.3 :30-KFI-V lc and Sade.

KN X-Olga Coeho.KHJ, KGB. SVOE-Ot erseas

Report.KECA-Ladies. Re Seated.KFWB-Horace Heidt.KWKW-Name Band.KGFJ-Uncle Sam Series.

*KRKD-News.3:45-KFI-Snow Village.

HN X-The World Today.KF:C A-Blue Frolics.1111.1-Bill Hay Reads the

Bible.KMTR-Sant a ells Ensemble.KIIIB-Boulevard Quiz.


FIN X-Hello from Hollywood.KECA-My True Story.

*KHJ KFXM, KGB. HIVE-Fulton Lewis, Jr.

KM P(7 --Curtain Calls.ano Paintings.

K FAC-Sport sea st.KIIKW-Italian Radio Melo-

dies.*KMTR, KGER, KFOX-News.

KRKD-Toast to the Town.KGFJ-The Home Hour.KFVD-Piano Music.

*KGER, KFOX-News.4 :15-KFI- World News.

*KN X-Sa m Hayes, News.KHJ. RGII-Judy and Jane.RFS It-Gospel and Song.

*MAC, MISS. KIVU-NewsKREID-Movieland Quiz.TIMM-Johnson Family.KGER-Neighborhood Call.

4 :30-K FI-Art Baker's Notebook.KN X-American Melody Hour

*11( FT A, KFAC-News.KI1J-Johnson Family.

*KM Pt -News.KIIHM -Dance Time.KFID-Tea Time Music.KGER-Glad Tidings.KFXM-Dr. Philip Lovell.HVOE-Word of God.

4:45-KECA-Behind the War News.eet and Sentimental.

KEW B-St uart Hamblen.*HFSD. K RKH-News.

MITR-Curtis H. Springer.KGER-Between the Lines.

4:55-KHJ-Earl Carroll's.KF1-Voice of a Nation.5 K X-Beryl Wallace.

*KHJ-Broadway News.KECA, KFSD-Terry and the

Pirates.KM PC-Hotel Metropolis.KWRIV-Hoyes Hour.KPAS--I'ncle Charlie.

SeR6F.1, KFXM, KGER-News.*KMTR-News, Music.

KERD-Songs of the Saddle.KFOX-Sunshine Pastor.

S:05-RGER-Olga Graves.KNX-Anita Carroll, Organist

5 :15*KFT-News, Pat Bishop.KNX-Meet the Music.KHJ, KFXM, KGB, SVOE-

Superman.KMTR- Radio Newsreel.



Radio News Reel5:15 P. M. DAILY

KMTR570 K.C.

:30-KFI-Treasure Chest.*KN X-Harr,v M. Flannery.

KECA, KFSD-Jack Arm-strong.

KM-Round Towner.KGB. KELM, HVOE-Black

Hood.*KPAS-Curtis H. Springer.

KMTR-Irwin Allen.KFAC-Whoa Bill Club.K V-Race Results.KGER-Radio Chapel.

11:45*KN X-Truman Bradley, News.*KECA, KFSD-News.*KHJ, KGB, HEMS, KVOE-

NormanN esbitt.KMTR-Old Age Pension.KRKD-Hollywood Tune -

smiths.KGER-J. A. Lovell.

:53*K.N X-Cecll Brown, News.e-KFI-Battle of Sexes.

KNX-The Colonel.*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Gabriel Fleatter.ITECA, Kt-SD-Hop Harrigan.KM PC-Sports Page.


*KMTR-News. Music.MAC-Dinner Dance.KM KW-Catholic Social HourK l'AS-Future Pianists.KG e Jammers.

*KFXM-News.6 :15*K11.1, KGB, KFXM, IIVOE-

Faces and Places.KECA, KFSD-Today in His-- tory.KIWIS-Dave Ormont.

*KM PC-T. B. Blakiston.*KMTR-Nell Darling.

K PAS-Church of Christ.*KFVD-News.

6 :25-HECA-Resery e.6 :30-KFI-John Nesbitt's Passing

Parade.KECA, KFSD-Spotlight

Bands.KN X-Report to the Nation.KHJ-Cisco Kid.KM IT-Through the Tears.


"Present Day Events in theLight of Bible Prophecy"Tuesday thru Saturday

K T R - 6:30 P. M.

KMTR-Dr. ORM Davies.RFS B-Pee Wee Hunt.

*KPAS-Neem.KG FJ-Dinner Concert.KGER-Prophecy Speaks.

*A (:B-Eddie Orcutt.ncle Sam Speaks.

K OE-Gospel Light.6 :45-KPAS-mre. Elmer Belt.6 :55-EFTA-Mar News Roundup.

KFSD-Abbey for Mayor.7-TU1-Johnny Mercer's Music

Shop.KNX-Inglewood Park Con-

cert.*KECA, HFSD- Raymond


Douglas SteedeTenor

Male Quartet

Concert OrchestraEarl Towner, Director


Gram Swing.*111.HJ. KFXM, KGB. KVOE-

John B. Hughes.*K5IPC, SPAS-News.

KIM -M. Howard Fagan.H 6FJ-Spanish Hour.KW K W-Hungarian Baptist


-News.7 :OS-EGER-Spanish Missionary.7 :1S*R11.1. KGB. KFXM-News.

KECA, KFSD-Reserve.

HMI(-Mayor League Base-ball.

*K l'AS-Our Daily Bread.KFOX-Dr. Trotter.

7:30-K11-Beat the Band.KNX-Two Piano Team.KECA. KFSD-Red Ryder.KHJ-Manpower, Ltd.

*KFWB-News.KMTR-A. U. Michelson.KPAS-Morgan Family.KFAC-Wings Over the West

Coast.MIMI-Italian Melodies.KRKD-Do You Know?KGER-Jewish Hour.KFOX-O. W. 1.KGB, KVOE-Music That En-

dures.KFXM-Bobby Hookey.

7 :45*KNX-John B. Kennedy.KM, KGB, KVOE, KFILM-

Citrus Front.*MAC-News.*KFWB, KFOX-Robert Arden

SPAS-Uncle Henry.HFSG-Evangelistic Service.MI-Fred Waring.

0 KN X-1 Love a Mystery.KECA. KFSD-Watch the

World Go By.KFXM-Pay Day Quiz.

KGER-News.KFWB-Dispatch from Reut-

ers.MIT R-Grace Dotson.KFAC-Evening Concert.

*K PAS-Listeners' Digest.KGB-Jack McLean's Orch.KVOE-Orange Co., 0. C. D.

a :15*KFT-Larry Smith, for F.Lawton.

KN X-Harry James Orch.KECA, KFSD-Lum & Abner.KFWB-Citizens Defense Quiz

*HMI(-William Parker.HPAS-J. Frank Burke.

13 :30-KIT-Johnny Presents GinnySimms.

KNX-Lights Out.KECA, KFSD-'Noah Web-

ster Says."KHJ-StoryKMPC-Design for Dancing.MITR-Central Church of


KFXM-Air Depot.Kt:F.:I-The Four Aces.KFOX, SPAS-Judge GardnerEMIT-Government News.

9:45-KFWB-Help Wanted.

9 AFT-Salute to Youth.KNX-Judy Canova Show.KECA-Soldiers of the Press.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM,News, Glenn Hardy.

KFWB-Strollin' Tom.K l'AS-Dr. Louis T. Talbot.

*KMTR. KGFJ. KGER-News.KFOX-Church of Christ.

9:05-KGER-Olga Graves.:I5-1111.1. Mal-Busy Money.

WAR BONDfor a Song Title!

KECA-9:15 P. M."What's In a Song"Santa Fe Trailways

KECA-What's In a Song,KMTH-Back to the Bible.KFX.M-Famous Fathers.KGFJ-Dream Castles.MOE-Industry Looks to the


9 :.1S*KN X-Joseph Harsch.9 :30-KFI-ShielcIs & Co.

*KECA-Erskine Johnson(Thrifty Drag).

KN X-Edwin C. Hill.KHJ, KGB-General Barrows.

*KFWB, KFSG-News.HMTR-I iennese Ensemble.SPAS-Spotlight Stories.

9:30 P.M.-KECA"Hollywood Spotlight"


"Inside the News"With JOHN BURTON


KFXM-O. P. A.9 :45*HECA, KFSD-News.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-Fulton Lewis, Jr.

KNX-Alv ino Rey.KMTR-Bob Brooks.SPAS-Charley Hemp.

10*KF1. Richfield- News.*HN X-Sears 10 O'Clock Wire.

Bob Green -Wm. Winter.




*KHJ-News.KM PC-Rainbow Rendezvous.KFWB-Remember with

Floretta.FE PAS-Voice of Calvary.

*HMTR-News. Music.MAC-Lucky Lager Dane.

Time.KGB-Joe Reichman Orch.

*KFOX-Curtis H. Springer,News.

KGFJ-Hank, Night Watch-man.KGER-Victory Mission.

10 :15-KFI-Cheque Your Music.KS X-The Third Clue.KECA-Freddy Martin Orch.

KGB, HVOE-PaulSchubert.

*KM PC-News.


10:30 to 11:30 P. M.Every Nite Except Sunday

KFWBAmerico's Finest Bonds

10 :30-KF1-I aside News (ThriftyDrug).

'SEC A-C la ssic Hour.KS X-Anita, Ellis, Songs.

KGB-Symphony.KFV$ B--EastsIde Dance To-

nite.KMPC-Serenade.KMTR-Happy Johnson Ora.

K PAS-Rev . W. C. Parham.10 :45-KFI-Hal Curtis, Organist.

KNX-Jimmy Dorsey Orch.KMPC-Uncle Sam.

10 :55-1ENX-Paul Featherstone.11*KFI-Eleventh Hour News.

*KNX-News, Bob Andersen.*KHJ-News.

KFWB-Eastside Dance To-nite.

KM142-Songs of America.KFAC-Luck Lager Dance

Time.11 :OS-KM-American Forum of

the Air.11 :15-KFI-Henry King Orch.11 :20-KN X-Muzarcelleno.11:30-KHJ, K%OE-News, Jan Gar-

ber Orch.ANN-Congress Speaks.

11 :45-KFI-Music Without Words.11 :55*KN X. KMPC, KFWB-News.

OWNS RARE PIANOOne of the very few Grotrian Stein-

weg pianos in the country is ownedby Phillips H. Lord, producer of theBLUE Network's espionage drama,"Counterspy". Instead of Bach orBeethoven, he plays on it his ownsymphonic arrangements of Tin PanAlley's latest hits.

NOT TEMPORARYEdwin C. Hill, Columbia's veteran

news commentator, predicts that thou-sands of women employed in defensework will continue in their jobs afterthe war. However, in Hill's opinion,there will be no serious labor prob-lems, as new industries will providejobs for the many extra workers.

No NAZI PLANESEllen Drew, star of "Fifth Avenue

Girl," recently told an interviewerbackstage at the NBC show, "Holly-wood Theater of the Air" that shedidn't see a single Nazi warplane allduring her recent month -long visit inLondon with her husband, a UnitedStates Army major.

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11*Indicate, PVC Broadcast.

At hours where no listing fashown for a local station,recorded music has beenscheduled.

0-KFI-Johnny Murray.KNX-Collins, with Polly Pat-

terson.*KECA-Between the Lines.

KHJ-Rise and Shine.KFWB-Breakfast Club.


KFAC-Country Church.KWKW-Don't Be Alarmed.KFXM, KGB, HVOE-Shady

Valley Folk.KIND-Stuart Hamblen.

8:05-KGER-Soul Patrol.0:15-KFI-This and That.

KNX-Valiant Lady.*KECA-News.

KMPC-Markets and Sports.KMTR-Dr. Michelson.KGFJ-Pastor Carl Sweazy.KGER-Mizpah.KFOX-Firestone Foursquare.

11:30*KFL KR.). KRICD-News.KECA-McNeill's Breakfast

Club.KNX-Kitty Foyle.KSIPC-Laity Daily Word.KPAs-Hasen of Rest.KFOX-Helen Markham.KFXM-Sunshine Service.KGB, IL 1 OE-Merry-Go-Round.

11:45-KFI-David Hamm.KNX-Aunt Jenny's Stories.KMTR-Bible Treasury.

*KFAC-News.KFVD-Vocal Favorites.KGER-Rev. Bennington.KFOX--Curtis H. Springer.

11:56-KMTR-Time Signal.

PPolly and Patr IITTERSON"Household Hints"

KPAS-9:00 a. m.Monday Thru Friday

dek-KFI-The Open Door.KNX-Kate Smith.KECA-Women Who Make

News, Dorothea Ramsay.*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Boake Carter.*KMPC, KGFJ. KGER-News.

RAITR-News, Salute l'rogramKFA('-Musical Comedy.KPAS-Polly and Pat.KWKW-Wortis and Music.KRKD-Sagebrush Serenade.KFOX-Firebrands for Jeans.KFSD-Meet Your Neighbor.

11:08-KGER-Dr. J. A. Lovell.11:15-RFI-Mary Marlin.

KNX-Big Sister.*KECA, FUND-News.

KHJ-Time Out.KFAC-Voice of Health.KMPC-Accent on Song.KMTR-Let's Go to the Dogs.KWKW-Light Classics.KGFJ-Medical.KGER-;March Ahead of TimeKFXM-Old Family Almanac.ILFSD-Good Cheer.KGB-1'nele Sam Speaks.

1111:30*ILFI, KFAAR-News.KNX-Romance of Helen

Trent.TEHJ-Happy Homes, Norma

Young.KECA. KFSD-Breakfast at

Sardi's.KMPC-Family Bible.

*RFWB-News.KPAS-Community Program.

*KWKW-Gladys Scales.TIGER-Radio Revival.

KGB. KFXM, KVOE-CoastGuard Band.

ILFVD-Dr. Richardson.1:33-KFI-Llsteu to This.9:45-KFI-Ruth Wentworth. Econ-

omist.RNX-Our Gal Sunday.

*KMPC. KRKD-News.KFWB-Glen Gray.KMTR-Curtis H. Springer.KWKW-Varieties.

9:55-KRKD-Oh!- Oh!-ICIPI-Mid-Morning Journal.

V KNX-Life Can Be Beautiful.*KILL KFXM, KGB, KVOE-

News, Glenn Hardy.*KECA, KSFD-News.

KMPC-Housewives Exchange.KFWB-Kitchen Kollege,

Chet Milani.KMTR-Pastor H. 0. EgertsonKWKW-Soldiers of the tress

*KGFJ. KPAS, KFOX-hews.KFAC-F. E. Fagerberg.KIND-Morning Serenade.KRKI)-Turf Bulletins.

*KGER-News. Full Gospel.10:15-KFI-Larry Smith, Commen-

tator.KNX-Ma Perkins.KECA-,Jay Burnett.KHJ, KGB, KVOE-Garden

Talk.*FLIDTR-Victory Newsreel.*KWKW-News.

KPAS-Ray Williams.KGFJ-Voice of Health.KRKD-Dr. Richardson.KGER-Helen Markham.KFOX-Student Assembly.KIND-1'nele Sam.RIX111-A11 Around the Town

10:30-KEI-Burnett Wheeler.RNX-Vic and Slide.KECA, KIIFD-Listen to This.


KM IS-Easy Listening.'WA's-Meet Priscilla Alden.RSITR-Floyd B. Johnson.RI:WI-Salon Music.KRKD-Voice of Government.TIFVD-Cnion Rescue Mission.KGER-Sunshine l'astor.KFOX-Trade Wind Tavern.KFXM-Farm Front.

10:35-KGB, KFXM, KVOE-Lunch-eon with Lopez.

10:45*KIPI-Art Baker, News.KNX-The Goldbergs.KECA-Your Gospel Singer.KHJ-Lady of Charm.KFWB-Science of Mind.KMTR-Philip M. Lovell.1RFAC-Vocal Gems.KRKD-Midnight Mission.

*KFOX-Arline Daniels.


KNX-Young Dr. Malone.KECA-Baukhage Talking.KHJ, KGB, KFX31, KVOE-

Dr. Louis T. Talbot.KFWB-Al Janis.



9111-6401-790.1-930-1-10201- 1150 1240 TI3301-1390600 710 810 980 1070 1110 1230 1290 1360 1410 1490


KMPC-This Changing World.*RMTR-News, Curtis H.

Springer.KWKW-At the Console.KFAC-Les Adams.KRKD-Personality Quiz.R,FOX-Sing and Swing.KFSD-Ann Gibson.

11:15-KFI-Lonely Women.KECA, KFSD-Mystery Chef.KNX-Joyce Jordan. M. D.KMPC-War at Home.

*IIPAS-Pasadena News.KGER-Beacon Light.KFOX-Varieties.

11:20-KPAS-Music As You Like It.11:30-KFI-Light of the World.

KNX-We Love and Learn.KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Mutual Goes Calling.KECA-Morning Roundup.

*Ki'AS-Pasadena Independent.KWKW-Iling Crosby.KGFJ-City Dwellers.

*KRKD, KFOX-News.KFSD-Page of Melody.

11:43-RFT-Hymns of All Churches.KNX-True Story.

*KECA-News, Ted Meyers.KHJ, KGB-Rose Room.KMPC-America Marches.KPAS-Hoot's Painted Pont.KFOX-Marching Along.KFV13-Violet Schram.

*KFSD-News.11:50-KNX-Texas Rangers.11.42-KF7-Farm Reporter.

KNX-Frank Crumit andJulia Sanderson.KECA-Morton Downey.

*KH.I-Broadway News.*KMTR-News. Between l's

Girls.KFAC-Band.KPAS-Frontiersman.KWKW-Cncle Sam.


KRKD-Prairie Schooner.KFOX-Just Relax.KIND-Editor of the Air.

WEDNESDAY Program HighlightsMorning Programs Appear In Lightface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs to Boldface

Variety8:00-Rise and Shine. K14.1.11:00-Johnny Murray. Krt.9:00-Kate Smith, KNX.9:30-Breakfast at Bann's,

KECA-KFBD.10:00-Chef Milani, KFWB.10:35-Luncheon with Lopez.

KGB. KFXM. KVOE.3:00-Hollywood Theater of the

Air, KM.4:00-Hello from Hollywood.

KNX,5:00-Beryl Wallace. KNX.0:00-Date With Judy, KFI.8:30-Carson Comedy :how,

KNX.7:00-Ray Kiser, Kn.7:30-Cresta Blanca Carnival,

KNX.0:15-Lam and Abner. KECA-

IIEFSD.8:30-Tammy Dorsey Program.

BFI.9:00-Sammy Kaye. RNX.9:30-Lionci Rarrymore. KNX.9:30-Hollywood Spotlight,


War1:30-Where Free Men Are Fight-

ing. Caldwell.- KGF.I.2:00-Waman's World. KMTR.2:43-Keep the Bonne Fires

Burning, RNX.3:23-Lenders of United Nations,

KHJ.8:00-Reuter's News Dispatch.

KFWB.8:00-Television. Test Pattern,

W8XYZ.8:30-Television, Civilian De-

fense Instruction, WRXVZ.11:00-We, the War Workers. KHJ

Drama2:00-Adventures of Raffles.

KNX.4:45-1'apt. Jack, KECA.41:36-Mr. District Attorney. KFI1:30-Lone Ranger. KHJ-KGB-

R10E.0.00-i lose a Mystery, R.N...0:30-Sherlock Holmes. RHJ.8:30-Manhattan at Midnight.

KECA-KFSD.9:00-Mr. and Mrs. North, &F7.

10 :20-Suspense, KNX.

Quiz Programs0:00-Winner Take All, KNX.7:90-Do You Know. KRKD.8:00-Take-a-Card, KHJ.

Outstanding Music10:17,-Your Gospel Singer. KECA.1:30-Musle to Remember,

IOWA.7:00-Great Moments In Music.

KNX.0:00-Fred Waring. BFI.0:00-Evening Concert, KFAC.111:15-Marry James. KNX

10:00-Remember. with Floretta.KFWB.

10:00-Lucky Lager Dance Time.KFAC.

1.0:30-Eastside Dance Tootle.KFWB.Public Affairs

3:30-Hope for the Handicapped.KWKW.

7:45-Mayor Fletcher Bowron,KECA.

10:30-Nat'l Radio Forum. KECA.Shorts-Comment

Ni-Turf Bulletins. 1:11)(D.12:30-Baseball. K5IPC.4:00-Sportscast. KFAC.3:30-Race Results. KRKD.a:ea-Sports Page. KMPC.7:13-Major League Series.


*KGER-News: Music.12:10-KGER-Listen Ladles.12:15-KEI-Ma Perkins.



tIrt. 7- liCe; cner F rtzroy.

*KNX-Bob Andersen, News.*KECA-News.

KHJ-Homemakers' Club.KMPC-29 Palms.

*KFOX, KWKW, KFXM-NewsKFAC-1 Solemnly Swear,KGFJ-Let We Forget.KGER-Officials on Parade.KGB-Molly Morse.KFSD-U. S. D. A.

12:30-KFI-Pepper Young's Family.*KNX-William Winter.

K EC A-10-2-4 Ranch.KMI'('-Itnseball.

*KFWB, KFAC-News.KPAS-Curtis H. Springer.KWKW-Rev. R. D. Morrison.KMTR-131, Neighbor.KFXM-Farm Front.KEVD-Gosper in Song.KGB-Blackwood Quartet.KVOK-Cheer-Up Gang.

12:15-BFI-Right to Happiness.KNX-Bachelor's Children.KFAA. RFSD-Between the


*KPAS-News.KWKW-Familiar Ballads.RFOX-Scietwe of Mind.KFVD-Violet Scsram.KFSD-Between the Bookends

-MI-Backstage Wife.RNX-Your Home Front Re-

porter.KILI-This Is

*K1'WB-Today's War Moods.KECA-Blue Newsroom Re-

view.KFAC-Dr. Helen Collier.KPAS-6. Allison Phelps.


KWKW-Sweet Chariot Hour.*KGER-News; Music.

KFOX-Dance Time.KFSD-National Farm and

Home.1:05-K11.11, KFXM, KGB. KVOE-

Background for News.1:15-KFI-Stella Dallas.

KFWB-AI Jarvis.KMTR-Plano Moods.RrAM-Victory Gardening.KWKW-Concert Music.KFAC-J. Newton Yates, Or-

ganist.liGF.1-Meet the Band.KGER-Voice of the Army.KGB, KFXM, KVOE-Sweet

and Sentimental.1:25*KNX-Dick Joy, News.1:30-BFI-Polly Patterson.

KNX-Music; KNX-tra.KPAS-Aircraft Reporter.KFAC-Turntable Serenade.

*FLRKD-News. Music.KFVD-Hawalian Music.KFOX-Christian Science.KGFJ-Donn Mansfield Cald-

well.KFXM-Lois Suffield. Safety.KGB. KVOE-Styles for

Strings.Widder Brown.

KNX-Uncle Sam.KMTR-Aircrafters Speaking.KRKD-hinging Waiters.IFIGFJ-Listen Ladles.ICIPON-This Rhythmic Age.

41-KII-When a Girl Marries.ife KNX-Adventures of Raffles.

*KH.I. KFXM. KGB, KVOE--Sheelah Carter.

KECA-What's Doing, Ladies.RMTR-Woman' World.KFAC-Harry LeRoy Calling.


KWKW-concert Matinee.RGER-Long Beach Band.REVD-organ Melodies.RFSD-American Pen Women.

2:15-KFI-Portia Faces life.KNX-Questions on Music.

*KHJ, KFXM, KGB. KVOE-Don Lee Newsreel Theater.


*RWKW. KFSD--News.KG FJ-Remember Pearl Har-

bor.KFOX-Public Bulletin.

HEAR PIERREMaestro of the Chafing Dish

With Marion LeeWOMAN'S WORLD

2 P. M.-KMTR

:20-KGER-Long Beach Band.:30-KFI-Just Plain Bill.

*KNX-News. Deane Dickason.KECA-Music to Remember.

*11 KRKD-News.FL WK W-Mexican Art.K GFJ-The Unseen Enemy.KFOX-Songs of the West.KFSD-Clanry falling.

2 :15-KFI-Front Page Farrell.KNX-Keep the Home Fires


KRKD-South Sea Serenade.RIND-Al and Lee Reiser.

3 -It Ft-Hollywood Theater ofthe Air.

K N X- HOWIeWiS es' ProtectiveLeague.

*KHJ KGB. VOE-PrayerNews. Philip Keyne-Gordon.

*K ECA-Pat Bishop. News.KFWB-Vocal Varieties.

*KMTR-News, Music.K FAC-Sym phony.

*K PAS-Listeners' Digest.RFVD-Popular Favorites.

*KGFJ-News.KRIM-Niels afore Santaella.KFXM-Vocal Variety.KFSD-Lou Bring Orch.

3:05-KGER-John Brown.3 :15-KFI-Road of Life.

KECA-Navy WIMPS.KHJ-Babe Rhode's Orch.

*KFWB-News.KMTR-D. C. Tracy.KFXM-Devotional.FIFSD-America Calling.KGB. KVOF.-The Johnson

Family.3:25-KHJ-Leaders of toiled Na-

tions.3 :30-KFI-Vie and Rade.

KNX-.Jeri Suites an.RECA-Ladies, Be Seated.

*K H.I. KGB, KFXM, K VOE-Os erseas Report.

KFWB--Dr. Reynolds.K V1 KW-Hope to Handi-

capped.lifill-Encle Sam Series.

*KIIKIN-News: Music.KIND-Listening Time.

3 :15-KFI-Snow Village.*KN N -The World Today.

K EC A-Af t ernoon Roundup.RNA-Bill Hay Reads the

Bible.RPM B-Horace Heidi.KMTR-Santaella Ensemble,KGB-Voice of the Army.K VOE-Of Civic Interest.

3 :55-KN X-Newo Analysis, ChetHuntley.

4-KII-Dr. Kate.KN X-Hells. from Hollywood.KECA-My True Story.

*KH.I. KFXM. 111, OE, KGB-F'ulton Lewis. Jr.

*KMTIL KFOX, KG N:R-News.KFWII-Plano Paintings.RWK W-Ital ion Radio Melo-

dies.R EAc-SportNCOM.KRIM-Toast to the Town.K G FJ-Home Hour.

4 :13*KFI-News of the World.*KNX-Sam Hayes. News.

FLIIJ, KGB-Judy and Jane.*KM PC-News.

KFWFI-Gosiwl and Song.*KFAC. KWKW, FVD-News

KRIM-Mos ielnnd quiz.KGER-George Strange.REAM-Johnson Family.

4 :30-KFI-Art Baker's Notebook.KNX-Easy Ares.KHJ-Johnson Family.

*KECA-News.KWKW-Dance Time.KFSD-Harley Knox.KGB. IC VOE-California Melo-

dies.:45*ILF1-11. V. Raltenborn.

KS X-1'racer of Lost Persons,Keene.

KECA-Captain Jack.KFWB-Stuart Hamblen.

KMTR-Curtis H. Springer.KFSD-News.

4:55-KHJ-Earl Carroll.

5-Kt-I-Voice of a NationKNX-Beryl Wallace.

*KHJ-Broadway News.KECA-Terry and the Pirates.KPAS-Victory Varieties.KPAS-Carle Charlie.KWKW-Hoyes Hour.

*FIGFJ, KMTR, KFXM, KGER-News.RKII-Songs of the Saddle.

K FOXSunshine Pastor.11611 --Liberator Bulletin.

:05-KGER-Olga Graves.KNX-Phil Hanna, DianaGayle.

5 :15*KFI. HECA. KFVD-News.KNX -Name in the News.KHJ, KFXM, KGB, KVOE-

Superman.KMTR-1111 din Newsreel.ILFSD-The Sea Hound.

5 :25,-KN X-Douglas Aircraft.5 :30-KFI-Als in Wilder.

*KNX-Ha re, W. Flannery.KECA. KIND-Jack Arm-

strong.KHJ-Charlie Hamp.

*KM P('-Symphof Melody.1151T11.-Ira in Alen.Al

*FL PAS-t'urtis H. Springer.KFAC-Whoa Bill nos.

K FV D-90-910 Club.KGER-Radio Chapel.MOLD-Race Results.KFOX-On the Range.KGB, KFXM, KVOE-Black

Hood.5 :45*KII-Louis Lochner.


Norman Nesbitt.KMTR-Old Age Pensions.KFVD-F:vening Serenade.KGER-J. A. Lovell.

5 :55*KNX-Cecil Brown. News.

6 KFI-Date With Judy.KNX-Winner Take All.KECA, KFSD-Hop Harrigan.

*KHJ, KGB, KVOF.--GabrielHeatter.


-News.*KMTK-News. Music.

K F AC-Dinner Dance.K PAS-Pa midribs Playhouse.KWh W-America Jewish Hr.K 1)-Es ening Serenade.KG F.I-Ji e Jammers.

:13*FLH.I. KGB, KFXM. K VOE-Faces and Mares.

K FA 'A, KFSD-Today in His-tory.

*K 1,411, KFSD-News.*KMIS'-T. R. Blakiston.

FL NITR-Pay Day.KFWII-Dave Ormont. TR-Victory Garden.KGER-Res-. Burp*.

:25-KECA R .

13:30-KF1-Mr. District Attorney.KNX-Carson Comedy Show.K EC A-Spotlight Band.RHJ. RN-NM-Soldiers With

Wings.KMPC-Through the Years.KFWIS-Pee Wee Hunt.KMTR-Dr. Clem Davies.

*KPAS-News.KGFJ-Dinner Concert.KGER-Prophecy Speaks.K FOX-Harm Memory Room.

*KGB-Eddy Oreutt.KVOF.--Gospel Light.

111:35-KPAS-Ethel Hubler.6 :45-K PAS-Spotlight Stories.

KRKD-Friendly Advisor.6:55-KECA-War News Roundup.7-KFI-Ray Kyser's Musical

College.1ENX-Great Moments in

Music.*BF:CA. RFSD-Raymond

Gram Swing.*KHJ, KGB, K VOE-.Iohn R.

Hughes.*KM PC, K PAS-News.*KMTR-News. MUSIC.

KVVKW-Hungarian BaptistChurch.

FLGFJ-elpanish Hour.*KRELD. KGER, K FON -News.

APP('-Pasadena RecreationDept.

7:O5-EWER-Spanish Missionary.7 :15*KECA, KFSD-News.

KH.11. KGB-Seaboard News,George Irwin.

KMPC-Mayor League Base-ball.

FLMTR-W. B. Record.*KPAS-Our Daily Bread.

K PPC-Organ Recital.

KFOX-Dr. Trotter.7 :30--KNX-Dr. Sterling.

K EC A-Alee Templeton.KHJ, KGB, KV0E-Lone


KMTR-Dr. A. C. Michelson.KFAC-Wings Over the West

('oast.X PAS-Morgan Family.KPI'C-Comments on Classics.KWKW-Italian Melodies.KFOX-O. W. I.KGER-American Jewish Hr.

7:35-KECA-Free Men Are Fight-ing.

7 :45-KEC A-Ma yor Bo wron.*KFWB, KFOX-Robert Arden.

K PAS-I" ncle Henry.*ILFAC-News.


andKing's Ambassador QuartetKMTR--8:00-9:00 P. M.

Also 10:30-10:48 A. M.Monday through Friday

-1111-Fred Waring.KNX-1 Love a Mystery.KECA. KIND-Watch the

World Go By.KIM KGB, K VOE-Take-a-

Card.KFWB-Renter's News Dis-

patch.*KMPC, KGER-News.

KMTR-Floyd B. Johnson.*K PAS-Listeners' Digest.

KFAC-Evening Concert.KGFJ-B. & R. Cowboys.KPPC,-Dr. Nathan Milo FiskeKFOX-Rev. Earl Isle.W6701E-Television, Test Pat-

tern.:05-KGER-Spanish Hour.:15-KFI-Larry Smith, for F.

Lawton.KNX-Harry James Oreh.KECA, KFSD-Lum & Abner.

*KMPC-William Parker.KPAS--J. Frank Burke.

:30-KFI-Tommy Dorsey Show.KNX-Dr. Christian, HerpiholtKECA. K FSD-Manha ttan at

Midnight.RILL KGB-Sherlock Holmes.KMPC-Design for Dancing.

*KFWB-News.K PAS-Radio Gospel Hour.KPPV-MarJorie Raitt. Songs.FIGF.1-The Four Aces.RFOX-Eyes Aloft.W6X 17.--Telet ision. Civilian

Defense.5 :45-11 MB-Help Wanted.

KM PC-Government News.11:55-KHJ-Round Towner.

KNX-Joseph Harsch.KE1-Mr. and Mrs. North.9 KN X-Sammy Kaye.K F:CA, KFSD-It Can Be

Done.*KHJ. KGB. KVOE-News,

Glenn Hardy.K rollin' Tom.

*KMTR-News, Music.Kt'AS-Dr. L. T. Talbot.KPPC-Voice in the Night.

KFOX, KGER-News.9:O%-KGER-Dr. Crouch.9 :15*KHJ. KGB, K VOE-Cal Tin-

ney.KFWB-Latin Americana.

KMTIt - Back to Bible.K PPC-Ci vil Ian Defense.

S:30-KFI-Scramb) Amhy.KS X-Lionel Barrymore.

*KECA-Erskine Johnson. Hol-lywood Spotlight (ThriftyDrug).

*KH.J. KGB. KFXM, K VON --General Barrows.

*KFIVIN, KFSG-News.KMTR-Viennese Ensemble.KG FJ-Brother Tommy.

9 :454111ECA, KIND-News.*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, K VOE-

Fulton Lewis, Jr.

9:30 P.M.-KECA"Hollywood Spotlight"


"Inside the News"With JOHN BURTON


K PAS-Charley Ramp.*KFXM-Cal Tinney,

10*K -Richfield.*K N X-Sears 10 o'Clock

Bob Green -Wm. Winter.


K F:CA -Freddy Martin Orch.*KHJ, KGB, K VOE-Dr. Poly-

soides.MB-Remember with Flor-etta.

K ',AC-Lucky Lager DanesTime.

KGFJ-Hank, NightwatchmanKGER-Free Italy.

10 :15-KFI-The Enemy Within.KNX-4 'hanging Tide.

*KIL KGB, KAI/F.-PaulSchubert.

*KMPC-News.KMTR-Pete Pontreili Orch.KFXM-Meet the Band.

10 :30*K FI-Inside the News (ThriftyDrug).

RN X-Palladiurn.KECA-National Radio ForumKHJ, KG B-Symphonette.


10:30 to 11:30 P. M.Leery Nile Except Sunday

KFWBamerico's Finest Bonds

KM l'C-Serenade.KEVVII--Eastside Dance To-

nite.KMTR-Happy Johnson Orch.KPAS-Has en of Rest.

10 :15*KFI-H. V. Raltenhorn.KNX-Woody Herman Orris.K.M PC-Uncle Sam.KMTR-Rovere's Singing

Waiters.10 :55-KECA-Vital to ictory.

1 l*KFI. KNX-News.*Ft HJ-News. C. S. MarineBand.

XEC A-Classie Hour.KFWII-Eastside Dance To-

nite.KM IS-Stage for Song.K PAS-Helen Markham.

11 :15-K11-Henry Orch.KMTR-Nick Coehrane

11 :20-KNX-Eda Brown.11 :30-K ILI-Music That Endures.

KNX-Masterworks.KirVI"B-Etchings In Ivory.KMTR-Count Basle Orch.KV0E-Voice of the Army.

11 :45-KFI-When Day Is Done.1111J. KVOF.--Ice Cubes.

11 :55*KS N. K M PC. KFWB-News.


An Extra Copy


Radio Life


Mail It to a

Boy in Camp.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 12At hours where no listing IS

shown for a local station,recorded rn usic has beenscheduled.

* Indicates Nen, Broadcast



0-KFI-Johnny Murray.0 KNX-Calling Collins.

*KECA-Between the Lines.KBJ, KFXM, REOE, KGB-

Haven of Rest.&UPC, KMTR, KPAS. KGFJ,

KGER, KFOX-News.KWKW-Don't Be Alarmed.KFAC-Country Church.KFi D-Stuart Hamblen.KFSD-Breakfast Club.

11:05-KGER-Soul Patrol.11:15-KFI-This and That.

KNX-Valiant Lady.*KECA-News.

KFWB-Ship Fields' Orch.KMPC-Markets and Sports.KMTR-Dr. Michelson."KGFJ-Pastor Carl Sweaty.KGER-Mispalt.

111:30*KFI, KHJ, KRHD-News.KECA-McNeill's Breakfast

Club.KNX-Kitty Foyle.KPAS-Baptist Brothers.KMPC-Unity Daily Word.KFWB-Help Wanted.KFAC-Mercy Mission.BRED-News,KFXM-Sunshine Mission.KFOX-Helen Markham.KGB-Merry-Go-Round.

11:43-11FI-Dalld Harum.KNX-Aunt Jenny's Stories.

*KFWB. KFAC-News.KMTR-Bible Treasury.KGER-Rev. Bennington.KFOX-Curtis H. Springer.KFVD-Vocal Favorites.

9:S8-KMTR-Time Signal.

9 Eirl-The Open Door.KNX-Kate Smith.

*KILL KGB, 11E0E. KFXM-Beak. Carter.

HECA-Smile in the Morning.*KMPC. KGFJ, KGER-News.

RFWB-Dr. Reynolds.*KMTR-News, Salute Program

KPAS--Polly and Pat.KFAC-Musical Comedy.I/FOX-Firebrands for Jesus.KFSD-Meet Your Neighbor.


DR. R. L. McMASTERfor the

McCOY HEALTH SYSTEMEvery morning-Mon. then Fri.

KFAC at 9:13KGFJ at 10:15

111:03--KGER-Dr. J. A. Lose!.11115-1KFI-Mary Marlin.

KNX-Big Sister.*RECA, SD-News.

KHJ-Women Today.H.MPC-Accent on Sung.KFWB-Curtis H. Springer.KMTR-Let's Go to the Dogs.KFAC--Voice of Health.KWKW-Light Classics.KGFJ-Medical.KGER-March Ahead of Time.KFVD-Good Cheer.KFXM-Old Family Almanac.KGB-Uncle Sam Speaks.

9:20-KHJ--Women Today.9:311*KF1, KFWB--News.

KNI-Romance of HelenTrent.

KHJ-Happy Homes. NormaYoung.

KECA, KFSD-Breakfast atKMPC-Famtly Bible.KPAS-Community Program.KMTR-W. B. Record.

*KWKW-Gladys Scoles.KGER-Radio Revival.KFED-Dr. Richardson.KGB, HEOE-Navy Band.

9:35-KFI-Listen to This.9:45-KFI-Ruth Wentworth, Econo-

mist.KNX-Our Gal Sunday.KFWB-Glen Gray.

*KMI'C, KRHD-News.KMTR--Curtis H. Springer.KGER-Full Gospel.

9:55-KRHD-Oh! Oh!


KNX-Life Can Be Beautiful.*KECA, KFSD-News.

HEXM, KGB, MOE-Glenn Hardy, News.

KMPV-Honsewil es' ExchangeKFWB-Kitchen Kollege.

*KGFJ, KPAS, RFOX-News.KMTR-News, Pastor H. 0.

Egertson.KWKW-Home on the Land.KRIM-Turf Bulletins.

*HGER-News: Full Gospel.10:15-KFI-Larry Smith, Comment.

KNX-Ma Perkins.HILL KGB, KVOE-Garden

Talk.KECA-Jay Burnett.KMTR-Dr. Sheldon Shepard.KPAS-Ray Williams.

*KWIEW-News.KGFJ-Voice of Health.KRKD-Dr. Richardson.KGER-Kingdom Within.KFOX-Student Assembly of

God.KESD-Uncle Sam.KFXM-All Around the Town.

10 :30-KFI-Burritt Wheeler.KNX-Vie and Sade.KECA, KFSD-Listen to This.


KECA-KFSD10:30 a. m.-Mon. thru Fri.


KMPC-Easy Listening.KPAS-Meet Priscilla Aldan.

*KMTR-Floyd B. Johnson.KGFJ-Salon Music.



T-K-FSDIKMPCIKIEVTKFWIT-KNX-1 Mb 1- 1,TC KFOY-PCBT KVOE670 -1640 -1F/901 -930-1-1020-T 1150 1240 Tli301-1390

600 710 810 990 1070 1110 1230 1280 1360 1431 14so

KRIM-Voice of Government.KFVD-Union Rescue 31iiesion.KGER-Sunshine Pastor.

10:35-KGB, KEOE-Luncheon aithLopez.

KFXM-Trading Post.10 :45*EFI-Art Baker. News.

KNX-The Goldberg..KECA-lour Gospel Singer.

Bankhage Talking.KHJ-Eddie Albright.KFAC-Vocal Gems.KFWB-Steienee of Mind.KRKD-Midnight Mission.KFOX-Arline Daniels.


KNX-Young Dr. Malone.HECA-Bankhage Talking.KHJ. KGB. KEX311, KVOE-

Dr. L. T. Talbot.KMPC-This Changing World.FIFWII-Al Jarvis.KFAC-Les Adams.

*KMTR-News, Curtis H.Springer.

KWKW-At the Console.KRIM-Personality Quiz.

*fitiFJ, REAM KGER-News.KFOX-Locy West.KFSD-Ann Gibson.

1.1:15-KFI-Lonely Women.RNX-Joyee Jordan, M. D.KECA. KFSD-Mystery Chef.FLYIPC-War at Home.

*KPAS-Pasadena News.KGER-Beacon

11:30-KF1-Light of the World.KNX-We Lose anti Learn.KHJ, KGB. KENAI, 11E0E-

Mutual Goes Calling.KECA-Morning Roundup.KWKW-Bing Crosby.

*KPAS-Pasadena Independent.KGFJ-City Dwellers.KGISR-Rev. Hann'.

*HRHD. REDX-News.11:45-KFI-Hymns of All Churches.

KNX-Douglas Aircraft.*KECA. KIND-News.

KHJ, KGB-Rose Room.KPAS-Hoot's Painted Post.KFVD-Yiniet Schram.

11:50-Texas Rangers.

12-K"-Farm Reporter.KNX-Frank Crumit and

Julia Sanderson.KECA-Morton Downey.

*KHJ-Broadway News.*KMTR-News. Hi, Neighbor.

KWEW-Uncle Sam.

THURSDAY Program HighlightsMorning Programs Appear In LIghtface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs In Boldface

Fariety3:00-Johnny Murray, ;CFI.9:00-Kate Smith. KNX.9:30-Breakfast at Sardi's.

KECA-KFSD.10:00-Chef Milani. KFWB.10:35-Luncheon with Lopez.

KGB-KFXM-KVOE1:00-Blue Newsroom Review.

[CEPA.3:00-Hollywood Theater of the

Air. HP1.4:00-Hello from Hollywood,

KNX.4:30-Art Baker's Notebook, KF15 :00-Bery I allace, KNX.6:00-Kraft Music Hall, HYL6:00-Major Bowes, KNX.6:30-That's Life, Fred Brady.

KFI.6:30-Spotlight Bands. RECA-

RFSD.7:00-The First Line. KNX.7:00-Moore-Durante- Cugat. Kr'7:30-Better Half, KHJ.9:15-Lam and Abner. [MCA-

IIII'SD.9:06-Roma Wine Show, KNX.9:00-Blind Date, RFI9:30-HKEollywCA.ood Spotlight.

War10:45-Victory Front. KFXM.11:30-Housewives Exchange,

KMPC.i2:00-Noire of the Army. KFXM.2:00-Woman's World. KMTR.8:00-Dispatch from Reuter's.

KFWB.8:30-Eye Witness News. KHJ.

Drama2:00-Adventures of Raffles.

KNX.1:30-Lone Ranger. HEWS.8:00-1 Love a Mystery. 141411.8:15-Night Editor. Kn.8:30-Death Talley Days, KNX8:30-World We're Fighting For.

KFL9:30-Ellerr Queen. KFI.

10:15-The Third Clue, PINE.

Outstanding Music10:35-Your Gospel Singer, KECA2:30-Mole to Remember,

KECA.8:00-Fred Waring, KFL8:00-Evening Concert, RFAC.8:15-Harry James. KNX.

t0:00-11.iicky Lager Dance TimeKFAC.

1.0:30-EasFWtelde Dance Tonite,KB.11:00-Classie Boor, KECA.

Public Affairs7:30-March of Time. Kn.7:45-Sen. Tom Stewart, Tenn.,

KFI.9:30-These Are Americans. 1114X

10:00-Town Meeting of the AirHECA-KFSD.

10:00-0. P. A. News. KH3.11:30-Public Affairs, KNX.

Sports-Comment10:00-Turf Bulletins. KRKD.4:00-Sportscast, KFAC.5:30-Rare Results REED.0:00-Sports rage. KMPC.7:15-MaJur League Series.

SPAS-Frontiersman.HEAC-Band Music.KRKD-Prairie Schooner.


KFVD-Editor of the Alr.*KGER-N -we; Music.

KFOX-Just Relax.KFXM-Voice of the Army.

1.2:15-KE7-Ma Perkins.*KNX-Bob Anderson, News.*KECA-Nec s.

KHJ-Homemakers' Club.KGFJ-Voice of the Army.


KFAC-I Solemnly Swear.Kt:ER-Dept. of Agriculture.

*KFXM-News.K1'0E-Concert Orch.

12:30-1(111-Pepper Young's Family.*KK X- V% il liam Winter.

KECA-Old Timer's Avenue.*KIVU, KFAC-News.

KMPC-29 Palms.KPAS-Curtis H. Springer.

' KWKW-Rev. R. D. Morrison.KFOX-Varieties.KGB-Blackwood Quartet.KFXM-Farm Front.KVOE-Cheep-up Gang.Kk'VD-% iolet Schram.

1.2:45-KFT-Right to Happiness.KNX-Bachelor's Children.KECA, KFSD-Between the

llookeneKILL KGB, KFX111, TEN'OE-

Melody Inc.KFWB-AI Jarvis.KFAC-Gypsy Serenade.KGER-Western Farm Fair.

1-KFI-Backstage Wife.KNX-Your Home Front Re-

porter.KECA-Blue Newsroom Re-

view.KHJ-This Is Music.liiMPC-Your Evangelist.

*KFV111--Today's War Moods.KPAS-Yesterday's Hit Pa-

rade.*HMS, KGFJ, KFVD,

KGB, KFXM, HVOE-News.KFAC-Dr. Walter Raymond.KWKW-Norwegian Exile.KFSD-Farm & Home Hour.

1:15-KF7-stella Dallas.KFWB-A1 Jarvis.KMTR-Plano Moods.FIFAC-J. N. Yates, Organ.KPAS-O. P. A.HRECD-Pan-Americana.KGFJ-Meet the Band.KGER-Officials on Parade.KFXM, KEOE-Sweet and

Sentimental.1:23*KNX-Dick Joy. News.1:30-RFT-Polly Patterson.

KPAS-Aircraft Reporter.RFVD-Hawailan Music.

*KGFJ-News; Music.KGFJ-Callf. State EngineersKFOX-Varieties.KGB. KFXM, HVOE-Joint

Recital.1:45-KFI-Young Widder Brown.

RN N-Encle Sam.KMTR-Aircrafters Speaking.KPAS-Women's Clubs.KRKD-Singing Waiters.RFOX-This Rhythmic Age.Kt-SD-Men of Land. Sea and

Air.401-KFI-When A Girl Marries.

ENE-Adventures of Raffles.*KHJ, KFXM, KGB, IL11.1E-

Sheelah Carter.KECA-What's Doing. Ladies.KMPC-Pan-Americana.KAILTR-Woman's World.KFWB-Hal Styles.KPAS, KURE, WIRD-Con-


KFOX-Meet the Band.KFAC-Harry LeRoy Calling.KFVD-Organ Melodies.KGER-Long Beach Band.

2:15-KF1-Portia Faces Life.*KHJ. KFXM, KGB. KY OE-

Don Lee Newsreel Theater.KNX-Questions on Music.

irKWKR. KFSD-News.KGFJ-Remember Pearl Her-

bor.fil'OX-Civic Affairs.

2:30-KF1-4ust Plain Bill.*KNX-News. Deane Dirkason.

KECA-Music to Remember.*KFYWIL KMPC, KRKD-News

KMTR-Victory House.Kt:FJ-Aimee Johnson.KWKW-MesicanKFOX-Songs of the West.


/:46-KFI-Front Page Farrell.K NX-Keep the Home Fires

Meninx.KM PC-Voice of the Under-

ground.HARD-South Sea Serenade.KIEND-Al and Lee Reiser.

3 -Kr -1 -Hollywood Theater ofthe Air.

X-Housewives' ProtectiveLeague.

*KHJ, KGB, MOE-Prayer ;Philip Keene -Gordon.

*RI:CA-Pat Bishop.KM PC-Sagebrush Seriejilik.

*KMTR-News. Musk.*KGFJ. KGER-News.

KFAC-Symphony.*K PAS- Listeners' Digest.

KRKD-Santaella Ensemble.3:05-KGER-John Brown.:15-KFI-Road of Life.

KECA-Pearl Harbor.MU-Charlotte Deeble, Organ

ist.*K FWD- News.

KIND -N urnes' Aid.K6 F.1-MUsiCalKGB, K VOE-The Johnson

Family.ic and Sade.

KNX-Golden Gate Quartet.KFA'A-Ladies. Be Seated.

*KHJ. KGB. KFXM, RV ON:-. Overseas Report.

&MB- Horace Heidi Orch.KGFJ-Uncle Sam Series.IRGER-FIGER Concert.

*MIMI-News ; Music.KFVD-Novelty Notes.Kr/ID-Victory Network.

3 :45-KFI -Snow Village.*KNX-The World Today.

IRECA-Afternoon Roundup.KHJ-Hill Hay Reads the

Bible.KFWB-Hollywood Blvd. QuizKMTR-Santaella Ensemble.

Kate.KECA-My True Story.

*KHJ, KELM, KGB. MOE-Fulton Lewis. Jr.

KNX-Hello from Hollywood.*KMTR, KGER, KFOX-News.

KFWB-Piano Paintings.MIKW-Italian Radio

Melodies.KFAC-SportSetibi.KGFJ-Home Hour.KRHD-Tonst to the Town.

4 :15-K FI-World News.*KNX-Sam Hayes, News.

KHJ. KGB-Judy and Jane.KFWB-Gospel and Song.KFAC-Swing Shift.

*K WK W. KIND-News.KRKD-Movieland Quiz.KGER-George Strange.KFXM-Johnson Family.KFSD-Cis II Service.

4:;b-K}1-Art Baker's Notebook.KNX-Easy Aces.

*K EC A-News.KHJ-Johnson Family.

*KMI'U- News.K V OE-Radio Newsreel.

4:40-KGB-True Story.4 :45-KN X-Tracer of Lost Per.

sone. Keene.KECA-Behind the War News.KGB. KFXM, K OF.-Mnsica I

Scoreboard.H F'WB-Stmirt Hamhlen.

*KRIM K.FSD- News.4 :M-KHJ-Earl Carroll's.1E-MI-Voice of a Nation.a KNX-Beryl Wallace.

KECA. RFSD-Terry and thePirates.

*K11.1- Broad way News.KM PC-Victory Varieties.

*KMTR-News. Music.K PAS- U neleKWH W -Noyes Hour.KRIM-Songs of the Saddle.KIND-Evening Serenade.

*KGFJ-News.KGB-Bulletin Liberator.1E11) X -Sunshine Pastor.

6 :05- KG ER-Olga Graves.KNX-Open House.

6 :15*KFI. KIND-News.KECA-Stars in the Spot-

light.KHJ, KGB. ILEX111. KVOE-

Superman.*MIT R-Radin Newsreel.*KFA('-News.

FSD-The Sea Hound.5:30-KFI-Iranseript ions.

*RN X-Illarry W. Flannery.KECA. KFSD-Jack Arm-

strong.KHJ-Round Towner.KGB, KFXM, MOR-Black


*KMPC--Symphony of Melody.Mint-Irwin Allen.

*K PAS-Curtis H. Springer.KFAC-Whoa Bill Club.REVD -90-90 Club.KRKD-Rare Results.KGER-Radio Chapel.KFOX-On the Range.

5 :45*KII-Louis Lochner.*KNX-Truman Bradley.*K EC A. KFSD-News.*KHJ KGB, KENN. K VOE-

Norman Nesbitt.KMTR-Old Age Pension.KGER-J. A. Lovell.

5:M-KNX-Cecil Brown.K FI-K ref t Music Hall.6 KNX-Major Bow es Amateurs.KECA KGB-Hoe Harrigan.

*KHJ, KGB, K VOL-GabrielHeatter.

KM Pt -Sports Page.KGER,

KFXM-News.*KMTR-News ; Music.

KFAC-Dinner Dance.KFV D-Serenade."UMW-Hungarian Baptist

Church.KGFJ-Jive Jammers.

6 :15*KIIJ. KFXM. KVOF.- Facesand Places.

ARCA. KFSD-Today in His-tory.

SIM PC-T. B. Blaklston.KFWR-Dave Ormont.

*K.MTR-Nell Darling.KPAS--Technocracy.KGER-Rev. Webber.

*KFVD-News.2A-B EC A-Reserve.

6:30-K11-That's Life-with FredBrady.

RNX-Stage Door Canteen.SECA, KFSD-Spotlight

Bands.K51 PC-Through the Veers.ILFWB-Pee Wee Hunt.KMTR-Dr. ('Iem Davies.


"Present Day Events In theLight of Bible Prophecy"

Tuesday thru Saturday

K M T - 6:30 P. M.*K PAS- News.

KGIFJ-Dinner Concert.KGER-Prophecy Speaks.KFOX-Hal s Memory Room.

*KGB-Eddie Oreatt.KV0E-Gospel Light.

:35-K PAS-Ethel Hubler.KGB-Harmony Hall.

s PAS-Mary Burke King.6 :M-RECA-War News Roundup.

KFSD-Little Known Facts.-Kn-Moore-Durant e-Cugat.

KNX-The First Line.*KHJ. MOE. KGB. KFXM-

Raymond Clapper.*KECA. KESD-Raymond Gram


*KMTR-News. Music.KFAC-Music.

KGER, KIFOX-News.KGFJ-Spanish Hone.MUM-Hungarian Baptist

Chitral.7:05-KGER--Spanish Missionary.7 :I5-*KECA. KIND-News.

*KHJ. KGB-Seaboard News,George Irwin.

*K PAS-Our Daily Bread.KM P('-MaJor League Base-

ball.KFX M. MOE-Chock Foster

Oreh.RIO X-Or. Trotter.1(1.1141-11)inner Mosir.

7 :30-1(111-.1fello,"

What Do You Think?NEW

War Answer Program

Dr. Wallace Sterling

CFD01-11.\ -lie. Sterling. Neal,

Kt 0E-Better Half.Fs Lt 5. Red Ryder.hi'AS-Morgan Family.*KINIB-News.KMTR-Dr. Michelson.

IIVIKW-latlian Melorlir s.KRKD-Do Von Know?KFO X-0. W. I.KFXM-Lone Ranger.

7:45*RNX-John B. Kennedy.KFI-Senator Tom Stewart.

Tennessee.*KFWB, KFOX-Robert Arden.

Kr/IS-Uncle Henry.el-KM-Fred Waring.a KNX-1 Love a Mystery.

KE('A KFSD-Watch theWorld Go By.

*KMPC-News.KFWB-Renter's News Dis-

patch.KMTR-March of Truth.KGF.I-B A R Cowboys.K FAC--Ev ening Concert.

*KPAS-Listeners' Digest.KGB, K V0E-America n

Forum.11:115-KGER-Spanish Hour.11:15-KF1-Night Editor.

KNX-Harry James Orch.KECA. KFS1)--Lum A Abner.

*KMPC-William Parker.KPAS-J. Frank Burke.

11:311-KF1 -The World We're Fight-ing For.

KN X -Death Valley Days.

TONIGHTThe Old Ranger he -sites you to hearanother of his fam-ous true stories of


KNX 8:30-9:00 P. M.

KEA' A-Taylor-Made Melodies.11111J-Eye Witness Sews.KM PC-Design for Dancing.K PAS. KFOX -P. E. Gardner.Kt:FA-The Four Aces.KGB. KFXM-so. American

Serenade.:45-BFI-Cheque Your Music.

KECA-Freddy Martin (Web.KM PV-Government News.KFWB-Help Wanted.KMTR-Fishing Facts.

e :55*KN X-Joseph Harsch.

n*IEFI-Blind Date.KNX-Roma Wine Show.KECA -Wings to Victory.

*KHJ. ILFYLM, KGB, IICWOF.-News. Glenn Hardy.

K FIA'11-Stroll in' Tom.KGFJ-Fishing Pals.MDR-Church of Christ.

11:115-KGER-Night in Mexico.MI-Three Suns Trio.

9:15-KIL1. KGB-nosy Willey.Money.

Kill-Three Suns Trio. FIV It- Latin Americana.MITR -Bark to the Bible.KFXM-Victerville Flying

School.K VOE-U. S. Nary.

:30-K11-Ellery Queen.*QN X-Thene Are Americans.*K EC A-Erskine Johnson.

KHJ, KGB. KFXM, MOE--General Barrows.

:43*KECA KFSD-News.ISSN-Quiz Quotient.

*KHJ KFXM, KGB. MOE-Fulton Lewis, Jr.

10-KECA. RFSD-Town Meeting

of the Air.*KNX-Sears In O'Clock Wire.

Bob Greets -Um. 'Meter.

*API-Richfield News.*KHJ, KGB-News.

KM PC --Rainbow Rendezvous.KFWB-Remember with

Floretta.KFAC-Lucky Lager Danes

Time.KGFJ-Hank, Nightwatchnia*KGB. IR VOE-Joe Reichman's

Orch.le :15*KFI-Manchester Boddy.

-KNX-The Third Clue.

9:30 P.M.-KECA"Hollywood Spotlight"


"Inside the News"With JOHN BURTON


*KHJ. KGB. MCIE-PaulSchnbert.

*KM PC-News.10 :30*KFI-Inside the News.

KNX-Anita Ellis. Songs.KHJ, KGB-Symphony.


10:30 to 11:30 P. M.Every Mite Except Sunday

KFWBAmerica's finest Bonds

KFWB-Ea stside Dance To-nite

MITR-Ilappy Johnson OreS.KPAS-Building for Tomorrow.

le :45-KFI-St. Francis Hotel Oren.KNX-Jimmy Dorsey Oral.ELPAPitr- Uncle Sam.

14 *Kn. KNX, KILI-News.KECA-Classic Hour.KGB --Ben Cutler's Orch.

Oreh.KM FC-St.i.ge for Song.KFWB-Eastside Dance Te-

nd*.K FAC-Lucky Lager Dane*

Time.K t 0E --Uncle Sam

11 :15-KEI-Henry King's Orch.11 :211-KNX-Eda Brown.11 :30-ILN X-Public Affairs.

KHJ, KGB, MOE-Styles forStrings.

KMPL'-Silver Nocturne.KMTR -Count Bask Melt.

11 AS-MI-Songs Without Words.KNX-Paul Featherstone.KILL KGB, K VOE-Army Air

Forces.11 :55*KN X. K 51 PC. KFWB-News.


An Extra Copy


Radio Lifeand

Mail It to aBoy in Camp.

FRIDAY, AUGUST 13At hours where no listing IsShown for a local station,recorded music has beenscheduled.

* Indicates News Broadcast0-KFI-Johnny Murray.

KNX-Collins, with Polly Pat-terson.

*KECA-Between the Lines.KHJ-Rise and Shine.


KFWB-Dave Ormont.KGER, KFOX-News.

KWEW-Don't Be Alarmed.KFAC--Country Church.KGB. KFXM KVOE-Shady

Valley Folk.KFVD-Stuart Hamblen.

8:03-KGER-Soul Patrol.$:15-KFI-This and That.

KNX-Valiant Lady.*KECA-News.

KFWII-Shop Feilds tin h.KMPC-Markets and Sports.KMTR-Dr. Michelson.KGF.I-Pastor Carl Sweazy.KGER-Mizpah.KFOX-Firestone Foursquare.

8:30*Kfl, RRED-News.*KHJ-News.

KECA-McNeill's BreakfastClub.

KNX-Kitty Foyle.KMPC-Unity Daily Word.KFWB-Help Wanted.KPAS-Haven of Rest..KFOX-Helen Markham.KGB, KFX.31-Sunsqnle Serv-


11:38-KKHD-Music.KVOE-Yankee House Party.

111:45-KFI-David Harum.KNX-Aunt Jenny's Stories.KMTR-Bible Treasury.

*F(FWIFI. KFAC-News.KGER-Rev. Bennington.KFOX--Curtis H. Springer.KFVD-Vocal Favorites.KFXM, KYOE-Yankee House

Party.0:50-KMTR-Time Signal.

9-RFI-The Open Door.IINX-Kate Smith.

*KHJ, KGB. KFXM, EVOE--Boake 'tarter.

KECA-1A omen Who MakeNews, Dorothea Ramsay.

*K3IPC. KGFJ. KGER-News.KFAC-Musical Comedy.KFWB--Dr. Reynolds.KMTR-News, Salute ProgramKPAS-Polly and Pat.KWKW-Words and Music.KRKD-Sagebrush Serenade.KFOX-Firebrands for Jesus.KFSIL-Memorable Music.

0:08-KGER-Dr. J. A. Lovell.11:15--KFI-Mary Marlin.

KNX-Big Sister.*KF,CA-News.

KHJ-Time Out.KMPC-Accent on Song.KFWB-Curtis H. Springer.KFAC-Voice of Health.KMTR-Let's Go to the Dogs.KWKW-Light Classics.KGFJ-Voice of Health.KGER-March Ahead of Time.KGB-Uncle Sam Speaks.KFXM-Fatn.lv Almanac.KVOE-Melodies.

*KFVD-News.11:30*KFI KFWB-News.

KNI-Romance of HelenTrent.

KHJ-Happy Homes, NormaYoung.

IEMPC-Family Bible.KECA, KFSD-Breakfast at

SardPs.11PAS-Community Program.KMTR-W. B. Record.

*liWKW-Gladys &Ides.ISGER-Radio Revisal.

*KFW13-News.KFVD-Dr. Richardsols.KGB, KV0E-Edgewood Ar-

senal Band.0:35-KFI-Design for Wartime Liv-

ing.10:40--K11-Listen to This.11:43-KFI-Ruth Wentworth.

Economist.KNX-Our Gal Sunday.KIFV113-Glen Gray.EWKW-Varieties.

*K31PC. KRKD-News.KMTR-Curtis H. Springer.KFVD-Here Cornea Parade.KGER-Full Gospel.

9:55-EKED-Oh:- Ohl-IA-EFL-Tillamook Kitchen.

KNX-life Can Be Beautiful.

*KH.11. KGB. KFXM, KVOE-News.

*KECA, KFSD-Nevi s.KM 1'C-Housewives' ExchangeKFWB-Kitchen Kollege.

*KMTR-News. Pastor H. 0.Egertson.


KWKW-Soldiers of the PressKRKD-Turf Bulletins.KFVD-31o;ning Serenade.

10:05-KGER-Full Gospel.10:15-KFI-Larry Smith, Corn.

KNX-Ma Perkins.Al:CA-Jay Burnett.KHJ. KGB. KVOE-GardenTalk.KMTR-Victory Newsreel.KPAS-Ray Williams.H6F.1-Voice of Health.EKED-Dr. Richardson.KFOX-Assembly of God.KFXM-All Around the Town.

10:30-RH-Bur:ill Wheeler.KNX-Vic and Sade.SECA, KFSD-Listen to This.

ltaukhage Talking.*KHJ. KFAC-News.KMPC-Easy Listening.

*KFWB-Dase Ormont.*KMTR-Floyd B. Johnson.

Kl'AS-Meet Priscilla Alden.'Min-Voice of GovermnenLEl-VD-Union Rescue Mission.KGER-Sunshine Pastor.

10:33-E11.1. KGB, KFXM, KV0E-Luncheon with Lopez.

10:45*KFI-Art Baker. News.ENX-The Goldbergs.KECA-Your Gospel Singer.KHJ-Lady of Charm.KFAC-Vocal Gems.KFVVII-Science of Mind.KMTR-Dr. Philip M. Lovell.KGER-Sunshine Pastor.KRKD-Mid night Mission.KFOX-Arline Daniels.KFSD-Baby Institute.

11'11--Gulding Light.KNX-Young Dr. Malone.KECA-Bankhage Talking.KI1.1, KGB. KFX31, KVOE--

Dr. Louis T. Talbot.KMPC-This Changing World.

*KMTR-News, Curtis H.Springer.

KFWB-Al Jarvis.KWKW-This Is Our Enemy.


1-TICFSOTKMPCIllEVTKFWiTKNiliFo ITTC- KFOXTKGBT KVOE570T6401-7901-930-1102OT IT) 1240 Ti 3301-1390 T

600 110 810 980 1070 1110 urn 1280 1360 1430 1490 .

KFAC-Les Adams.KRKD-Personality Quiz.

*KGFJ KFVD, KGER-News.11:15-KII-Lissely Women.

KNX-Joyce Jordan, M. D.RECA, KFSD-Mystery Chef.HMI'('-War at Home.KWKW-Treasury Star Pa-

rade.*KPAS-Pasadena News.

11:20-KPAS-Music As You Like It.11:30-K11-Light of the World.

KNX-We Lose and learn.KECA-Morning Roundup.KHJ. KFXM, KGB. KVIIE-

Nlutual Goes Calling.*KPAS-Pasadena Independent.

KWKW-Bing Crosby.*KRIM. KFOX-News.

KGFJ-City Dwellers.11:45-K 11-Betty Crocker.

KHJ, KGB-Rose Room.*KECA. AFSD-News.

KNX-True Story.KPAS-Gibson's Painted Post.

I I :30-KNX-Texas Rangers.12-KFI-Farm Reporter.KNX-Frank Crumit and

Julia Sanderson.K ECA-Morton Downey.

WKILI-Broadway News.*KMTR-News. Hi Neighbor:-

KVVKW-L'nele Sam.KPAS'--Front iersman.


KRRD-Prairie Schooner.K FOX-.lust Relax.K FVD-Editor of the Alr.

12:10-KGER-Listen. Ladles.


CASH- IA I. 1.1


Fltzroy214112:13-KFI-Ma Perkins.

*KNX-News, Doh Andersen.

FRIDAY Program HighlightsMcrning Programs Appear in Lightface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs in Boldface

Variety8:00-Johnny Murray, KIM.9:00-Kate Smith. KNX.0:30-Breakfast at Sardi's.

KECA-KFSD.10310-Chef Milani. KFWEI.10:35-Luncheon with Lopez.

KGB-KFXM-KVOE.4:00-Hello from Hollywood,

ENX.4:30-Art Baker's Notebook, KF18:00-Beryl Wallace. KNX.0:00-Hollywood Showcase, KNX.6:30-People Are Funny, Krt.6:30-Spotlight Bands. KECA-

KFSD.7:00-Betty Lou and Tommy

Riggs, KFI.8:30-lour All -Time Hit Parade,

E VI.9:00-Furlough Fun. KFI.9:30-Hollywood Spotlight.

KECA.9:30-Joan Davis Show, Kn.

War2:00-Woman's World. KMTR.2:45-Keep the Home Fires

KNX.8:00-Reuter's News Dispatch.

RFWB.7:30-War Correspondent, KNX.5:00-Tries-talon rest -Pattern.8:15-Our Secret Weapon. KNX.5:3IS-Telesision, De-

fense Instruction,8:30-Eyes Aloft, KFXM.

Drama2:00-Adventures of Raffles,

EN X.3:00-Hollywood Theater of the

Air, KFI.4:43-1'apt. Jack, KECA.6:38-That Brewster Boy. RNX.

Love a mystery, KNX.

8:15-Lone Ranger, KHJ-KFXM-136B-KVOE.

8:15-The Parker Family,RFAA-KFSD.

8:30-Phillip Morris Playhouse.KNX.

8:30-Gang Busters. KECA-KFSD.

3:00-The Whistler, KNX.9:30-The Than Man, KNX.

Quiz Programs6:36-ouis of Two Cities. KHJ.7:00-Thanks to the Yanks. KNX

Outstanding Music10:45-Tour Gospel Singer, KECA.1:30-Theme and Variations,


2:30-Slosic to Remember.

3:30-Reek Singing. America.

8:01-W sits Time. EFL5:00-Fred Waring. KFI.8:00-Evening Concert. RFAC.

10:00-Lucky Lager Dance Time.KFAC.

10:30-Enstside Dance Tonne.FRB.

11:80-1 lassic Hour. KECA.11:30-Masterworks. KNX.

Public ffairs2:55-Day In Washington. K11.1.7 :45-Bill Henry Longs At

Washington, KNX.Sports-Comment

10:00-Turf Bulletins, KRKD.12:30-Baseball. KMPC.4:00-Sportscast, KFAC.0:30-Itace Results. EKED.8:00-Sports Page. FEMPC.7:15-Major League Series.

KMPC.7:30 .Sports Newsreel. RFT.10:00-Legion Stadium Fights,


KILI-Homemaker's Club.K3IPC-15 Palms.


New s.KFAC-I Solemnly Swear.KGER, FIVIIE-31tisic.KGFJ-Hoosier Observer.

12:30-14F1-Pepper Young's Family.*KNX-William Winter.

KECA-10-24 Ranch.KMPC-Baseball.

*KFWB, KFAC-News.KPAS-Curtis H. Springer.KWKW-Rev. R. D. Morrison.REVD-Gospel in Song.KFXM-Farm Front.KVOE, K613-Cheer-Up Gang.

le:43-KFI-RIght to Happiness.KNX-Bachelor's Children.KE('A, KFSD-Between the

Bookends.KIWB-Al Jarvis.KPAS--Pasadena Civic.KWKW-Familiar Ballads.KMPC-Voice of the Under-

ground.KFAC-City and County De-

fense.KFVD-Violet Schram.KFOX-Sctence of Mind.KFXM, KVOE-Shady Valley

Folks.4 Ell-Backstage Wife.

KNX-Your Home Front Re-porter.

KECA-Blue Network Review.KHJ-This Is Music.KMPC-tour Evangelist.KFWB-Today's W ar Moods.EPAS-G. Allison Phelps.


KWKW-Poland ss. Hitler.EFX111-Uncle Sam.KFSD--National Farm and

Home.KVOE-Waiter Compton.

1:05-HGEZ-Officials on Parade.1:15-KFI-Stella Dallas.

KMTR-Plano Moods.KFWB-AI Jarvis.KPAS--Victory Gardening.EWEW-Concert Music.KFAC-J. Newton Yates, Or-

gan.KGFJ-Meet the Band.

1:25*KNX-Dick Joy, News.1:30-KFI-Polly Patterson.

KB,), KGB, KFXM, KVOE-Theme and Variations.

KPAS-Aircraft Reporter,*MOLD-News, Music.

KGFJ-Donn Mansfield Cald-well.

KFOX-Christian Science.1:43-KFI-Young Vildder Brown.

KNX-Uncle Sam.KRKD-Singing Walters.KGFJ-Listen Ladies.

1:55*KECA. KFSD-News.KFI-Vilien a Girl Marries.2 KNX-Adventures of Raffles.KECA-What's Dein', Ladies.

*KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KV0E-Sheelah Carter.

HMI'('-Pan-Americana.KFWB--Hal Styles.

*KMTR-Woman's World.KWKW. ERKD-Concert

Matinee.KPAS-Army Emergency

Relief.KFAC-Harry LeRoy Calling.KFOX-Meet the Band.KFVD-Organ Melodies.KGER-Long Beach Band.

2:15-KFI-Ll'ortia Faces Life.KNX-Questions on Music.

*KHJ-Washington News.*KGB, liFX31. KVOE-Don

Lee Newsreel Theatre.KRKD-Women's Work.

*RWKW, RFSD-News.KGFJ-('earl Harbor.

2:20-KGER-Long Beach Band.2:30-KFI-Just Plain Bill.

KE(A-Music to Remember.*KNX-News, Deane Dickason.*KHJ-Newsreel.

KMPC--Basehall.*KFV113. EKED-News.

FCSITR-Victory House.KFOX-Songs of the West.KWKW-Mexican Art.KGFJ-Grant Gets His Story.

2:43-EFI-Front Page Farrell.KNX-Keep the Home Fires

Burning.KM PC-India Speaks,

2:33-KHJ-Day in Washington.

AUGUST 8, 1943

3-EFI-Hollywood Theater ofthe Air.

KNX-Housewives' ProtectiveLeague.

*IIECA-Pat Bishop.*KHJ KGB, HVOK-Prayer;

Philip Keyne-Gordon,KFWB-Vocal Varieties.

*KMTR-News. Music.KFAC-Symphony.

*KPAS-Listeners* Digest.KRIED-Salvatore Santaella.

*KGFJ. KGER-News.3:15-BFI-Road of Life.

KHJ-Fashion, V. Cloward.HECA-Clancy Calling.

*KFWB-News.*KGFJ-Musical Hawaii.

KFSD-America Calling.KGB, KVOE-The Johnson

Family.3:25-KiLl-Leader of Milted Na-

tions.3:30-KFI-Vic and Sade.

KNX-Civilian Defense.HECA-Ladies. Be Seated.KIO, KGB. KFXM,

Overseas Report.HMS-Hollywood Blvd. Quiz.HMTR-Piano.SIVKW-Name Band.KGFJ-Uncle Sam Series.

*KRKD-News; Music.HFSD-Listening Time.

3:45-KFI-Snow Village.*KNX-The World Today.

SHJ-Bill Hay.HECA-Afternoon Roundup.KNITR-Santaella F:nsemble.HMS-Horace Heidt.KINE-Civie Interest.K.F.X.M-Songs for Servicemen.

3:55-IRGB-Miracles of Faith.KNX-News Analysis, Chet

Huntley.H11-Dr. Kate.

a& KNX-Hello from Hollywood.KECA-Saludos Amigos.

*KHJ. FEFX31, KGB. HVOE-Fulton Lewis. Jr.

*KNITR-News, Mosie.KFWB-Piano Paintings.KWKW-Italian Radio Melo-

dies.KFAC--Sportscast.KGFJ-Home Hour.KFYLF-Plano Music.

*KGER, KFOX-News.4:15*KFI-News of the World. -

*KNX-Sam Hayes. News.RH.' KGB-Jane and Judy.KFWB-Gospel and Sung.KFAC-Swing Shift.

KWK W. KFVD-News.KRKD-Movieland Quiz.KGER-George Strange.KFXM-Johnaon Family.KFSD-Duration Dialogue.

4:30-KFI-Art Baker's Notebook.KNX-Easy Aces.


KHJ-Johnson Family.KVOE-Word of God.

4:45-*KFI-H. V. Haltenhorn.KNX-Tracer of Lost Persons.KECA-Capt, Jack.KHJ-Sweet and Sentimental.KFWB-Stuart Hamblen.

*KRKD KIND-News.KGB--3Iusical Scoreboard.

4:55-KHJ-Earl Carroll's.-IEFI-Voice of a Nation.5 KNX-Beryi Wallace.

HET& KFSD-Terry and thePirates.

*KHJ-Broadway News.KNIPC-N ictury Varieties.KWKW-Floyes Hour.KPAS-lincle Charlie.


KRIED-Songs of the Saddle.KFIJX-Sunshine Pastor.

5:05-KGER-Olga Grates.KNi X- Ph U Hanna -Diana

Gayle.5:15*KFI, KFVD-News.

HECA-Twillght Tales.KNX-Name in the News.KHJ. KFXM, KGB. SANE-

Superman.ILMTR-Radio Newsreel.KFAC-News.

5:25-KNX-Douglas Aircraft.

RADIO LIFE5:30-KFI-Alvin Wilder.

*HNX-Harry Flannery.HECA, KFSD-Jack Arm-

strong.KHJ-Charlie Hamp,KFX.M, HVOE-Black Hood.ELMPC-Symphony of Melody.HMTR-Irwin Alien.KPAS-Curtis H. Springer.KFAC-Wboa Bill Club.KRKD-Race Results.KFI'D-90-90 Club.KGER-Radio Chapel.KFOX-On the Range.

5:45-JEFF-Louis P. Lochner, Com-mentator.

*KNX-News, Truman Bradley.*KECA. KFMD-News.*KHJ. KVOE-Norman Nesbitt.*KMPC-News.

KMTR-Old Age l'ension.SWKW-tinity.KFVD-Serenade.KRKD-Hollywood Tunesmiths

5:55*KNX-Cecil Brown. News.

6 KFI-Waltz Time.KNX-Hollywood Showcase.

*KH.I. KFSD, EV0E-GabrielHeatter.

KECA KFSD-Hop Harrigan.KMPC-Sports Page.


KMTR-!Music, News.HPAS--Pilgrint Inspirational

Hour.KWKW-American Jewish Hr.KFAC-Dinner Dance.HVOE-Orange County News.

6:15*ILFSD. HVOE-News.*KHJ, KGB, KFXM. 111V0E--

Faces. and Places.*ELECA. KFSD-Today In His-

tory.*KMPC-T. B. Blakiston.

KFWB--Date Ormont.KMTR-Pay Day.KGER-Rev. Wheeler.

6:25-KECA-Reserve.6:30-KFI-People Are Funny.

KNX-That Brewster Boy.KECA, ELF:SD-Spotlight

Bands.KHJ-Music Depreciation.KFWB-Pee Wee Hunt.KMPC-Through the Years.KMTR-Dr. Clem Ditties.

*KPAS-News.KGFJ-Dinner Concert.HOER-Prophecy Speaks.

*KGB-Eddy Orcutt.6:45-SPAS-Coiled Races,

KRHD--Friendly Advisor.IEVOR-1. S. Army.

6:55-KECA-War News Roundup.EFSD-Little Known Facts.

7-ELFI-Betty Lou and TommyRiggs.

KNX-Thanks to the Yanks.*KECA-Free Men Are Fight-

ing.KHJ. KGB, KFX51, HVOE-

John B. Hughes.*K.MPC, HPAS-News.*KMTR-News, Music.

KGFJ-Spanish Hour.*HRHD. KGER, KFOX-News.

SWKW-Hungarian BaptistChurch.

7 :05-KG ER-Spa Mph Missionary.7 :15-KILL KGB-Seaboard News.

George Irwin.*HECA, HFSD-News.

&NM-Major League Series.KRKD-Three Quarter Time.

*Kl'AS-Uur Daily Bread.KFOX-Dr. Trotter.

7:30-BPI-Sports Newsreel.KNX-Viar Correspondent.KECA-Alec Templeton.KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV1.11.-

Lone Ranger.*KFIVB-N en s.

HERO OF THE WEEK-with John M. Kennedy-

presented by


Blue Network

PAGE 27 FRIDAY LOGSKMTR-Dr. Michelson.KWKW-Italian Melodies.KPAS-Morgan Family.KRHD-Do You Know?KGER-American Jewish Hr.

7 :40-HEC A-Hero of the Week.7:45-KNX-Bill Henry Looks at

Washington.KECA-RKFI-Cheque Your Music.KFWB-Robert Arden.

*KFA(!-News.KPAS-t ode Henry.Kr4D-Men, Machines and

Victory.8-KIM-Fred Waring.

KNX-1 Love a Mystery.KECA, KFSD-Watch the

World Go By.RAJ-Round Towner.KFWB-Dispatch from Rent-

er's.*IEMPC. KGER-News.*KINTR-Floyd B. Johnson.


andKiss's Ambassador QuartetZMTR--8:00 -9 :00 P. M.

Also 10:3040:45 A. M.Monday through Friday

KFAC-Evening Concert.*KPAS-List eeeee ' Digest.

KGFJ-B. & R. Cowboys.KFOX-Friendship Hour.WOXYZ-Television Test -Pat-

tern.11:05-KGER -Spanish Hour.8:15*KFI-Larry Smith, for F.

Lawton.KNX-Our Secret Weapon.KECA-The Parker Family.KFXM, KYOE-Round Towner

*KM PC- II illiam Parker.HPAS-J. Frank Burke.KFOX-Man Battle Stations.KGB-Fred Shaffer.

11:30-KIFI-('our All -Time Hit Pa-rade.

KNX-Philip Morris PlayhouseKHJ-What's the Name of

That Song?KECA RFSD-Gaug Busters,KMPC-Design for Dancing.

*KFWB-News.KRHD--Merry-G o- Roundup.KGFJ-The Four Aces.KINX, KPAS-Judge GardnerKFXM-Eyes Aloft.KGB. IFIVOE-Music Without

Words.WEIXYZ-Television, Civilian

Defense.8:45-1011J-Do You Remember?

KMPC-Goterament News.KFWB-Help Wanted.KNX-The Whistler.

al[F1-Furlough Fun.a KECA-Cowboy Hit Parade.

KFXM, KGB, *Witt.-News Glenn (lardy.

KFVFB--Strollin' Tom.SPAS-Dr. L T. Talbot.

*KGFJ. KGER-News.KMTR-News. Music.KFAC-Evening Concert.HI:DX-Church of Christ.

9:05-KGER-Aubrey Lee.KFI-Paul Martin and Orch.

9:15*KHJ, KFILM, KGB. KVIIE-News. Cal Tinney.

KGFJ-Dream Castles.KFWB-Latin Americana.& MTH-Flack to the Bible.K GFJ-Music.

9:30-KFI-Joan Davis -Jack HaleyShow.

JINX-The Thin Man.*KECA- Erskine Johnson,

11'wood Spotlight (ThriftyDrug).

*KHJ, KGB, HVOE-GeneralBarrows.

KFWK-News.KMTR-Viennese Ensemble.KGFJ-Brother Tommy.


9:30 P.M.-KECA"Hollywood Spotlight"


"Inside the News"With JOHN BURTON


Fulton Lewis, Jr.ILNITR-Bob Brooks.SPAS-Charley Hamp.

9:55-KNX-News Observer.10*KFI-Richfield News.

*KNX-Sears 10 O'Clock Wire,Bob Green -Wm. Winter.

SECA, KFSD-Hollywood Sta-dium Fights.

KHJ. KGB, KVOE-Dr. Poly -:aides.

KMPC-Rainbow Rendezvous.*KMTR-News, Music.

KFAC-Lucky Lager DanceTime.

KFWB-Remember withFloretta.

KGFJ-Hank, Nightwatchman*KFOX-Curtis H. Springer,

News,10 :10*KGER-Aubrey Lee, News,10:15-KFI-Stories for Husbands

and Wit's.KNIX-The Changing Tide.

*KHJ, $6B-Paul Schubert.*KMPC-News.

KMTR-Pete Pontrelli Drab.10:30*KFI-Inside the News

(Thrifty Drug).KNX-Jinuny Dorsey Orcb.KH.I. KGB-Symphony.KFWB-Eastside Dance To-



10:30 to 11:30 P.M.Itcery Nite Except Sunday

KFWBAmerico's Finest Bands

KIITR-Happy Johnson Orch.KMPC--Serenade.HPAS-E1 Monte Church.KFSG-South Gate Church.KFX5I-Joe Heldman Orch.

10:43*KFI-11. V. Kaltenborn.KECA-Taylor-Made Melodies.KMPC-Uncle Sam.KMTR-Singing Walters.


*KHJ-News, Sinfonletta.HECA-Classic Hour.KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance

Time.KFWB-Eastside Dance U-

nite.KMPC-Stage for Song.HVOE-tincle Sam.

11:15-KFI-Henry King Orch.KMTR-Nick Cochrane Orch.

11:20-KNX-Muzzy Marcelleno.11:30-EN X-Masterworks.

KILL KFX.M, KGB. KV0E-Winn Morro.

KNIP( -Silt er Nocturne.KFWB-String Ensemble.

11:45-KFI-Songs Without Words.KHJ-This Is Our Enemy.

11:55*KNX, KMPC, KFWB-News.

NEW SALUTEA card to Bob Hannon, the BLUE

network's singing discovery, from anold schoolmate now in Africa, said:"The Fascists have revised their sa-lute-they now hold up both hands!"

JUST FASTIDIOUSFather Barbour, in "One Man's

Family": I'm not getting absent-minded. It's just that at my age aman learns to select his memorieswith greater discrimination.

Box FOR BENNYA recent gift to Jack Benny from

Lloyd Wright, famous Hollywood pro-ducer, was a solid gold pill box. Heremarked, "I'm sure that a pill boxis one thing Jack always can use."


carefully and intelligently, item byitem each week, with program in-formation furnished by the tacklesstations. They are, therefore, asaccurate as is humanly possibleunder present shifting wartimecondi( ions.

*Indicates Netts Broadcasts

At hours where no listing iss h o w n for a local station,recorded music has beenscheduled.





*KECA-Between the Lines.KHJ, KFXM, KGB, KVIDE-

Haven of Rest.KEWB-Dave Clement.KWKW-Don't Ile Alarmed.KFAC-Country Church.KFVD-Stuart Hamblen.KFSD-Breakfast Club.

11:05-KNX-Let's Pretend.KGER-Soul Patrol.

11:13*HECA. KEWIS-News.KMIN.-Market Report.K FVVIS-SteepKMTR-l)r. A. t'. Michelson.KRKD-City Defense Council.1E1:F4-Pastor Carl Sweazy.KGER-Mizpali.IIEF'ON-Firestone FOUrmissure.

8:30-tiFI-('oust Guard on Parade.KNX-Fashions in "Cations,

Billie Burke.KECA-McNeill's Breakfast

Club.*KHJ, KRKD-News.

KPAS-P. E. Gardner.KFAC-Mercy Mission.KFOX-Neighborhood Call.KGB-Family Circle.KFXM-I'. S. Army Band. 011-Babe Rhodes' Orch.

8:45-KFI-Vegetables for victory.KIIJ-Junior Army.

*KFWB, KFAC'-News.KFVD-Vocal Favorites.KGB-Babe Rhodes Oreb.

$:3S-KMTR-Time Signal.9*KFI, KMPC, KGFJ, KGER-

News.KNX-Theater of Today.KECA-Smile in the morning.KHJ, KFXM. KGB, RVIPE-

Dr. Matthews.K 1,14 B-Jaek Leonard.

*KMTR-News. Salute ProgramKPAS-Polly and l'at.KFOX-Firebrands fur Jesus.Knit-Waltz Time.

8:05-Kt:ER-Ada S. Teeple.9:15-KFI-Consumer Time.

K ' A-Federated t'hurebes.*KFVD-News.

KFWB-Saltation Army.KMTR-$alute Program.KMPC-Dr. Corley.KWKW-Lest We Forget.Kt:FA-Health Talk.KIND-Good Cheer.

11:30-K Ft -Mirth and Madness.KNX-Stars Over Hollywood.HECA, KFSD-Breakfast at

Mardi's.KHJ. KGB-Here's Musk.

*KFWB-News.KPAS-Community Program.KMTR-W. B. Record.KFAC-(Silbert & Sullivan.KWKW-Light Classics.KIND-Here Comes Parade.KGER-Radio KPVIVal.KFXM-Family Almanac.

0:40-KFXM-Morning Matinee.$:45-KHJ-Food for Thought.

*KMPC-News.KFWB-C. S. 0. Germs.KMTR-Elmer Davis.

*KRKD-News.KGER-Full Gospel.KGB-Red Cross Reporter.

10-KFI-Cncle Sam Presents.KNX-Morning Melodies.

*KW, KFXM. KGB. KVOF.-News, Glenn Hardy.


KMPC-29 Palms.KFVVII-Kay KyserKMTR-News, Pastor Egert-

8011.KIRIED-Turf Bulletins.KIND-National Farm and

Home.KFVD-Gospel in Sung.

18:116-KGER-Full Gospel.10:15-KHJ-Sandy Spear Orel,,

KM PC-Naomi Reynolds.KMTR-Dr. Sheldon Shepard.KPAS-Ray Williams.

*KECA, KWKW-News.KGER-Rev. Smith.LEON-Assembly of God.KVOE-U. S. Army.

18:38-KFI-On the Job.KNX-Youth on Parade.KECA-Week in Review.

*KHJ, KFAC, KFXM-News.KMPC-Story Lady.KPAS-Our Neighbors.KWKW-Forget-Me-Notes.KRKH-Voice of Government.KFVD--Nidmorning Serenade.KGER-Sunshine Pastor.KFOX-Men, Machines and

Victory.KFSD-Board of Education.

10:33-KGB, KFXM, KV0E-Ltinch-eon with Lopez.

10:45-KFI-War Telescope, Morgan'Scatty.

KECA-County Medical Assn.HFSVII-Dave Ormont.

*KFSD-News.K FON-Arline Daniels.

11-KIT-Roy Shields St Co.KECA, KIND-Musette Music

Kos.*RN Country


Lani McIntyre's Welt.KMPC-Stars Cher ManhattanKFVVIS-Al Jarvis.

*KPAS-Pasadena News.IESITR-News,KWKW-At the Console.KRKD-Personality Quiz.

*IEGEJ, KFVD. KGER-News.KFON-Sing and Swing.

U:15-KWKW--Star Particle.KFAC-L. A. Medical Assoc.K GER-Venice Foursquare.




5701-6401-7901-930-1-10201. iiTi T1240 T13301-1390600 110 870 980 1070 11111 1230 1280 1360 1431 1499

NEWS 11110ADC 1STSIndicated by star *

in log listings.

*KHJ-News.KECA-Tommy 'rocker Topics.KFXM, KG11, KVOE-Mutual

Goes Calling.KFAC-Friendly Hour.

*KPAS-Pasadena Independent.*KRKD, KFOX-News.

KWKW-Bing Crosby.KGFJ-City Dwellers.KGER-Church of Jesus.

11:43-KFI-Peuple's War. Fleming.KGER-Police Inters ie..KFTD-S'inlet Sell rism.

II :35-KHJ-Bromo.

12-ILFI-Fans Reporter.KNX-Of Men and Books.KECA-Musical Fancies.

*KHJ--Broadway News.*KMTR-News, Hi, Neighbor:-

KWKW-Voice of the Army.KPAS-J. Newton Yates,


KFAII!-Band Music.KRKD-Prairie Schooner.KINIX-Just Rfill%.KGB-Elmer Duds.

18:10-KGER-Listen. Ladles.15-K111-U. S. Air Force Band.

Lamplighter. T.Versa.


KFXM-News.KFAC-I Solemnly Swear.RC:FS-Jungle Jim.

It :30-KFI-Unscheduled.*KNX-William Winter.

KECA--George Hicks Report-ing.

*KHJ. KFWB KFAC-News.KMPC-F. 0. B. Detroit.KFXM. KGB. KY tiE-norace

Heidt Orch.KGER-Bob Carlin.KIND-Violet Schram.

12:45-KFI-Visiting Nurse.

SATURDAY Program HighlightsMorning Programs Appear In Lightfare Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs In Boldface

Variety9:30-Break fast at Se rdl 's.

KECA FSDLuncheon with Lopez.NOB KFXM-NVtiE.

6:00-Barn (lance. Kn.6,30-Spotlight Bands. KECA-KIND.

6:30-Can Von Top This? KFI.7:99-Million Dollar Itand, KFI.7:15-Gnmeho Mars. KNN.1:30-Grand Ible Opry, "EFL8:30-11iilly.i.iii Open House.

KFI.9 : 1 nor Hit Parade. RN X.

War8:15-Garden Hints. KMPC.11:30-Eashlons in Rations. B.

Burke, KNX8:45-Vegetables for Victory.

KFI12:45-Victory Garden. KNX.12:43-Visiting Nurse, KFI.1:30-Calling Pan -America. KNX2:00-Not for Glory. Kn.2:00-Woman's World. KMTR.3:15-Voice of the Army KR.4:00-For This We Fight, KFI.4:00-Report to the Nation,

KNX.6:00-Man Behind the Gun.

KNX.9:00-Eyes Aloft. KIND.

Drama9:00-Theater of Today. KNX.9:30-Stars Over Hollywood,

KNX.3:30-Adelaide Byrd Co.. KGFJ.4:00-Coelho Archer, KNX.4:39-Perpetual Emotion, nit

6:00-Chicago Theater of theAir. KILL

7:00-The Green Hornet. KECA.9:50-Adventures of the Falcon,

KECA.9:30-Celeste Rush Theater of

Fume, KFWB.

Quiz Programs3:45-11miletard Oulz, KFWB.5:30-Words At War. KEL

Outstanding Musicit . S. Force Kano K t

5:15-Boston Symphony. KFA'A5:30-4'1es eland Summer Concert.

KILL6:00-liinnee Dance. KFAC.6:13-Saturday Night Serenade

KNX.8:00-Evening Concert, KFAC.9:110-Your Hit Pnrade, KNX.

10:00-Liscky Latter Dance TimeKFAC.

10 :30-Eastside Dunce Tonite.KFWB.

11:00-Classic Hour, KECA.

Public Affairs1:00 -8th Annie. Soc. Sec. Ad.

1E11.3 :15- PeApple's Platform. KN X.6:45-Adventures In Research,

KM Pt.10:45-People's War. KR.

Sports-Comment10:00-Turf Bulletins, KtiKD.1:15-Travers Stakes, KH.).1:30-Baseball, KMPC.:00-Sportscast, KFAC..

5:30-Race Results. KRIM6:00-Sports Page, KMPC.

KECA-The Marshal's.KNX-Victory Gardener.KFWB-AI Jarvis.KF'AC-Gypsy Serenade.

*KPAS-News.KGER-Western Farm Fair.

-K111 -8th Anni. of Soc.See. Ad.

*KNX-Report from London.KFA'A-Saturday Concert.KMPC-Unity Word.

*KFWB-Today's War Moods.*KHJ KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Slvation Army.*KFVD. KGFJ, KGER-News.*KMTR-News, Dick Rom

KFOX-Donee Time.KWKW-Treasury Song,

1:05-KGER-Traffic Whys.1:15-KNX-Dick Todd.

KFI-Belmont Races.KGB-Teeters Stake.KGFJ-Meet the Band.KWKW-Concert Matinee.KGElt-Salvation Army.HVOE-Jamuicit Races.

1:30-KFI-Music at War.*KNX--Calling Pan -America.

KHJKGB, KFNNI, HAUL--Brazilian Parade.

KMTR-George Highley.*KRKD-News, Music.

KFVD-Hawaiian Music.KGFJ-Mary %arrow.KGER-Long Reach Band.

1:43-KHJ, KVOE, KFXM-RhytliniEnsemble.

*KECA-News.KRKD-.Singing Waiters.KPAS-Saturday Session.KFVD-Viwal Varieties,KFOX-Public Bulletin.

42-KFI-Not For Glory.KNX-Ted Weems.KECA-Horace Heidt Orch.KHJ, KFXM, KGB, KURE-

Navy Bulletin Board.*KMTR-News, Woman's

World.KRKD-l'oncert Music.

*KGFJ-News.((FOX-Meet the Band.

2:15*KWKW. KFWIS-News.1C144-Remember Pearl Har-

bor.*KFOX-Music. News.

3:20-KGER-Long Beach Band.t:30-KFI-Three Suns Trio.

KS X.-Unscheduled.KM PC-Baseball.

*KRIED--Netse.KFXM-Navy Bulletin Board.KWKW-Mesican Art.ELI:IFJ-W. C. T. 1,.

2:43*KF1-W. W. Choplin.KPAS-Waves.KRKD-South Sea Serenade.

*KV% D-News.T*KFI-News, Music.

K N X-Civilian Defense.KECA-This Nation et War.KH I, KFXM. KGB-Prayer,

I Heur America Singing.IEFWIel-Dave Ormont.

*KMTR-News, Music.*KPAS-Listeners' Digest.*K144. KGER-News.

KRKD-Salvatore Santaella,REVD-Popular Favorites.KV0E-Prayer.

3:15-KF1-Voice of the Army.KNX-People's Platform.KILI, KFXM, KGB, ILVOE-

William Ewing.KMTR-International Sunday

School.3:30-14.11-Art of 1.1%Ing

KECA, KIND-Message ofIsrael.

KHJ. KFXM, KGB, KV0E-Hawaii Calls.

KFWB-TeaKMTR-Piano.KWKW-Name Band.KGFJ-Adelaide Byrd.

*KURD. KFOX-News. Must*KGER-Sam Gallagher.Ein'D-Novelly Notes.

3:43-KFI-Musieana.KNX-The World Today.

*KFWB-News.KMTR-SantaeUa Ensemble.

3:56*ILsiX-Bob Trout, Analyst.

AUGUST 8, 1943

-ILFI-For This We Fight.4 KNX-Corliss Archer.KHJ, KFXM, KGB HVOE-

American Eagle Club.KECA-Men, Machines and

Victory.HFWB-Gospel and Song.

*HMTR, KGER. KFOX-News.KFAC-Sportscast.

*KFVD, KWKW-News.KGFJ-Home Hour.KWKW-Itallan Radio Melo-

dies.KRHD-Toe 1 to the Town.KFVD-Plat

4:15-KFWB-Gos 9 and Song.KFAC-Swk Shift.

*KFVD, KW. W-News.KPAS, HST -Music.KRHD--Movi land Quiz.KFAC,--Swim Shift.KGER-Geon i Strange.

4:30-KFI-Perpetu. I Emotion.KNX-Benny 'adman.KHJ-Cnschet uled.

HGB, EFX.M, SVOE-Unscheduled.

KFWB-Blind Artists Guild.*Kt.:CA-Neu s.

KMTR-March of Prophecy.KWIEW-Dance Time.EGER-Prophecy Speaks.KFOX-You Can't Do Business

with Hitler.4:45-KECA-Behind the War News

KMPC-K. L. Flatau.KFWB-Stuart Hamblen.KFVD--Treasury Dept.

*KRIM-News.5-KF1-Hollywood Open House.

KNX-Henri Busse.*KGFJ. HGER, FUND-News.

KMPC-Saturday Serenade..KMTR-News, Music.KWKW-Hoyes Hoar.KPAS-Biota Hour.IERKD-Songs of the Saddle.KFVD-Evening Serenade.KFOX-Sunshine Pastor.

5:05-KGER-Olga Graves.5:15-KNX-KNX-tra: Music.

KECA-Boston Symphony.KMTR-Radio Newsreel.

*KFAC, KFVD-News.KFXM-Ray Noble Orch.

5:30-KFI-Traffic Tribunal.*HNX-Harry Flannery.*KHJ, KFXM, KVOE-Cleve-

land Summer Concert.*KMTR-Irwin Allen.*KPAS, KMPC-News.

KRKD-Race Results.*KPAS-News.

HOES-Angell° Arbizu.KFOX-On the Range.KFYD-90-90 Club.

5:45*KFI-Louls Lochner, Comment*KNX-Truman Bradley, News.

KHJ, KGB. HYDE-NormanNesbitt.

KMPC-Bishop Stevens.KMTR-Old Age Pensions.KFVD-Carter Wright.

5:55*KNX-Ned Palmer, Eric likVilreld.

Ls-KFI-National Barn Dance.V KNX-The Man Behind the


Chicago Theater of the Air.KMPC-World at War.


RADIO*KMTR-News, Music.

KPAS-Baptist Church.KFAC-Dinner Dance.KFVD--Serenade.

5:15-HECA-Taylor-Made eMlodies.KFWB-Dave Ormont.

*KMPC. KIND --News.4:30-KFI-Can You Top This?

MX-Unscheduled.KECA, SD-Spotlight

Bands.KFWB-What's Yon, Answer?HMI'('-Wartime Washington

Reports.KMTR-Dr. Clem Davies.KPAS-Rock of Ages.KGFJ-Dinner Concert.KGER-Rev. Gilford.

11:45-KNX-Saturday Night Sere-nade.

KMPC-Adventures in Re-search.

*KPAS-News.HRKD-Father Vaughan.

6:55-HECA-War News Round -up.7-KFI-Million Dollar Band.

/11 [MCA-The Green Hornet.Irlif 1J. KGB, HVOE-John B.

Hughes.KMPC-Christian Endeavor.

*KMTR-News, Music.HFAC-Dr. James Fifleld Jr.KWKW-Hungarian Baptist

Chun h.KPAS-Nazarene Church.

*KRKD, EGER, KFOX--News.KGFJ-Spanish Hour.KFSD-Whistling Parson.

7:05-KGER--Spanish Missionary.7:15-KNX-Groncho Mars.

KHJ, HVOE-Saturday NightBandwagon.

KFIVB-Rabbi Winkler.KFOX-Dr. Trotter.KGB-Keep 'Em Flying.

7:30-KFI-Grand Ole Opry.HECA. KFSD-Red Ryder.Imre-Through the leers*

*KFWB-News.ILMTR-Dr. A. U. Michelson.KFAC-Edwin Dunning.KPAS-Morgan Family.KRHD-Do You Know?KFOX-Varieties.SGER-Sister Sylvia.HYDE-Just Five Lines.

:45-KNX-1'uscheduled.KHJ, KFXM, HVOE-Henry

Jerome arch.*KFWB, KFAC-News.

SPAS-Uncle Henry.KFOX-Judge Gardner.HFSG-Evangelistic.

e*KFI-News.liNX-Suspense.KHJ-News, California Melo-

dies.KFXM, KGB, SVOE-George

Hamilton's Orch.KECA, HFSD-Watch the

World Go By.*ILMPC. KGER-News.

HEWS-American Sketches.SMTR-News. Music.

*KPAS-Listeners' Digest.SFAC-Evening Concert.HPOR-Judge Gardner.KGER-Spanish Hour.

5:15-KFI-Story Drama by Olm-stead.


KNX-Two Piano Team.HECA-Sherman Orch.KMPC-Garden Hints.KFWB--Sailors with Wings.KPAS-Frank Burke.KGFJ-California Engineers.KFOX-South American.KGB KFXM, K% 0E-Dick

Kuhn Orch.KFSD-Safety Program.

8:30-Mr. Smith Goes to Town.KNX-Hobby Lobby.KHJ--Clinic Forum.KECA-Enough-And On TimeKMPC-Valley Church of the




The outstanding talentprogram of the West . .

KMTR8:30 P. M. Saturday

Round Table-Sun. 3:06 P.M.

KMTR-M. Foffman's Tal-entime.

KPAS-Judge Gardner.KFOX-('ounty Barn Dance.KGB, KFXM, KVOE-Ilails of

Montezuma.KFSD-% ictory Network.

111:45-KFSD-Sol Lewis,5:55*KNX-News, Joy.n*EFI-News.a 1INX-Your Hit Parade.

KECA-Cowboy Hit Parade.*KHJ, KFXM, KGB, KVOE--

News.HFWB-Victory Service Club.

*KMTR-News. Music.KPAS-Pasadena Civic Dance.KFOX-Church of Christ.KOFJ, KEGR-News.HFSG-Radio S. S. Teacher.MSD--Eyes Aloft.

9:05--KGER-Christian Hour.KFI-Charles Dant Oreh.

9:15-KFI-Star Parade.KHJ, HVOE-Art Hassell.KMTR-Back to the Bible.

*KFOX-News.KGB-Victory Network.

9:30-KFI-Mystery of the Week.KECA-Adventures of the


KMTR-Viennese Ensemble.*KPAS-Listeners' Digest.

KGER-Rev. Rodello.KFOX-Ross Ballroom.

9:45-KNX-Don't You Believe It.KMTR-Bob Brooks.KFWB-Celeste Rush Theater

of Fame.SPAS-Charley Hamp.KFOX-B. & R. Cafe.


KGFJ, KGER-News.*ILNX-Ten o'Clock Wire.

Green -Winter.

SATURDAY LOGSKECA-Wings Over the World

*Hal. KGB, KFXM, KV0E-News, Bobby Sherwood Or.

KMPC-Tomorrow's Thresh-olds.

KFWB-Woody Herman Orch.KMTR-News, Music.KFAC-Lucky Lager Danes

Time.KPAS-Lutheran Gospel.KGFJ-Hank, NightwatchmaaliFSG--Chapman Family.

10:10-111GER-Music.10:15-M1-Pasadena Civic Orel:.


Joe Reiciunan Orch.KFOX-Ross Ballroom.

*KFSD-News.10:30-14FI-Harry Owens Orch.

KECA, HFSD--Freddy MartinOrch.

KNX-Palladium.KMPC-Journey Into Life.KFWB--Eastside Dance To-

oke.KMTR-Happy Johnson Orch.KING-South Gate Foursquare

10:35-KNX-Jimmy Dorsey Orch.10:45-HMTR--Singing Waiters.

KHJ-The Lamplighter, 1'.Versa.

HPAS-Pilgrim's InspirationalHour.

KGER-Young People's Re-vival.

KFOX-MaJestle Ballroom.10 :55-KFI-Interlude.

*KFI-News.KECA-Classlc Hour.KNX-Saturday Night Merry -

Go -Round.KHJ-Harmony Hall.KVOE KGB-Johnny Rich-

ards Orch.EMPC-Stage for Song.KFWB-Eaststde Dance To-

nite.KPAS-Kingdom Temple.KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance

Time.HMTR-News, Music.KFSD-This Moving World.KFOX-Victory Ensemble.KGER-Rev. CrevIston.

11:15-KFI-Henry King Orch.KHJ-The Lamplighter, T.

Verve.KMTR--Singing Waiters.KFSD-Popular Orch.HFSCI--Uncle Sam.

11:30-KFI-Charles LaYere.KHJ-For Victory.KMPC-Silver Nocturne.HMTR-Singing Waiters.KPAS-Old Plantation.KFSG-George Hahn, Organ.

11:415*11F1, KMTR-News.11:55*KNX. KMPC, RFWB-News.

BuyAn Extra Copy

ofRadio Life

Mail It to aBoy in Camp.

Announcer Tells(Continued from page 5)

all in the same breath, until the sen-tences we mouth are half -drawled,half swallowed.

Would it sound like lies -in -the -teeth if we were to say we love ourjob? Maybe we've exaggerated justa little: that matter of fan mail, forexample. There is a letter on recordin which an announcer received ap-proval, and he was not woven intothe program, and he did burst inright in the middle of someone's fa-vorite program. Here is an excerptfrom this letter: "Cannot begin totell you how welcome your interrup-tion was. It was on "GRUESOMEGRIMACES," my best -loved horrorshow. I love horror of all kinds, butI have a weak heart, and can't takemore than fifteen minutes of it with-


A soldier from Brooklyn recentlywas asked to define the word "soiree"on an NBC "Noah Webster Says"broadcast. Trying to help him out,Haven McQuarrie said, "What do theycall a Saturday night party in Brook-lyn?" The soldier, after a brief hesi-tation, answered, "A riot!"

out going off in a fainting spell. Soit is that I am deeply grateful everyweek to hear your homely, ordinary,uninspired talk about such uninter-esting matter as the product you ad-vertise. It serves well as a strikingcontrast, an antidote to the splendidshow I mentioned. Thank you againfor breaking in each time when theshow is half over. If you did not, Iwould have to -lay a cold towel overmy forehead."

SMALL WORLDWar hero Chris Drose of the U. S.

Marine Corps recently had reason torejoite that it's such a small world.He was one of the contestants se-lected at random for cavern -mouthedJoe E. Brown's quiz show, "Stop OrGo," broadcast from KFI over NBCevery Sunday night at 9:30 o'clock.Nineteen -year -old Dr o s e, who Mu;fought in four major engagementsand been wounded in action, turnedout to be one of the Marines Joe hadmet in the New Hebrides while onhis South Pacific tour this spring. Hewas Joe's special guest at the BrownDerby after the show.

* *Jimmy Blair, ballad singer on "Ba-

sin Street," says that what it takesto get a man is a fetching woman!


ALPHABETICAL PROGRAM FINDERNote: Programs marked with an asterisk () are of the contest, quiz, or offer type.

*indicates programs of news and commentation.Adams, Les . KFAC. 11 a.m. 111-FAdventures of the Falcon... KECA, 9:30 p.m. MaAdventures of Nero Wolfe.... ...... KECA. 9 p.m. SiAdientures of Raffles ..... t p.m. 51-FAfrican Trek___KECA, KFSD. 8:30 a.m. SoArent V KNX, 7:45 p.m. SuAlbum of Familiar Music KFI. 6:30 p.m. SuAlden. Priscilla_ KPAS. 10:30 a.m. 111-1,Allen, Irwin KMTR. 5:30 p.m. 1111-Sa

America at War KULL 9:45 a.m. SuAmerica Calling _____K1FSD. 3:15 p.m. ta-wAmerican Town Meeting of the Air

KECA, 10 p.m. ThAmerican Eagle Club

KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KVOE, 4 p.m. SaAmerican Forum KHJ, 11:05 p.m. Tu:

KGB, KVOE, 8 p.m. ThAmerican Melody Hoor_,_KINK. 4:30 p.m. Tu*Andersen. Rob__ _-.__KNK, 10 p.m. 311-F*.vraen. Kohl. KFIVIL KFOX, .:45 p.m. M.ThArlington Time Signal KMTIE 8:58 a.m. I)Armstrong, Jack._ ........ ...KECA 5:30 p.m. M-10Art of Living Kill, 3:30 p.m. SaArmy Flour _________.KFI. 12:30 p.m. SuAunt Jemima -_-__-KNX. U:55 a.m. SuAunt Jenny .KNX. 8:45 a.m. /1I -FAutry. Sergeant Gene__ .KNX. 3:30 p.m. SuBachelor's Children ...... ....KNX, 11:45 p.m. 111-FBackstage Wife_____- KFI, 1 p.m. 1111-FMick to the Bible 14MTH. 9:15 p.m. M-Sa*Art Baker, News Kn. 10:45 a.m. M -F

Baptist Brothers___.KPAS, 8:30 .m. To. ThBarn Dance....._....._._........__KY!, 6 p.m. SrBurrows. (.eneral......._..- KHJ. 11:3a p.m. 51-1,Baseball. Major League._ KMPC. 7:15 P.m. 31-F

1:30 p.m. Su; 12:30 p.m W. F30 p.m. Sa

Barry more. Lionel ______KN X. 9:30 p.m. VS

Battle of the Sexes...___...._. KFL, 6 p.m. Tu*Baukhage Talking. KECA, KFSD.KIND. 11 a.m. M -FBeni the Band RM. 7:30 p.m. TuBetter Half KILL 7:30 p.m. ThBetween Bookends_.KECA, 11:45 p.m. M -FBible Treasury Flour KMTR, 4:30 p.m. SuBig Sister .... .... KNX. 9:15 a.m. 111-111'

Bill Hay Beads the Bible KHJ. 3:45 p.m. 41-F(tine croohy ..... KWKW. 11:30 a.m. 111-FMolls Hour KPAS, 5 p.m. SaBishop. Pat...----KFI, 5:15 p.m. M, W, F

- C_. _-.... KECA. 3:00 p.m. M -F

B lack KMTR. 9 p.m. SuBlack Hood

KGB. KFXM. KVOE, 5:34 p.m. M -FBlakiston. T. B. ___KMPC. 6:15 p.m. 5I -FBlind Artists Guild..-._KFWB, 4:30 p.m. SaBlind hate KFL 0 p.m. ThBlondie KNX. 7:30 p.m. Miiio. Newsroom KECA. 1 p.m. M -FBlue Ribbon Town, G. Marx

KNX, 7:15 p.m.. Sa*Roddy. Manchester KFI. 10:15 p.m. 51. '1'h

KFI. 10 A.M. TuBoston Symphony....KECA. /UV). 5:15 p.m. SaBook of Books __KFI, 8:15 a.m. SuBowes, Major._ JINX. 8 p.m. ThBow run, Fletcher ....... _...._..KECA, 7:45 p.m. W*Bradley. Truman- KNX. 2:30 p.m. M-Th

'1:45 p.m. 1111-FBrazilian Parade KHJ. 1:30 p.m. MaB reakfast at Mardi's

...................KECA. RFS% 9:30 a.m. M-SaBrewster Boy ..... . ..... . .- ,....KNX. 8:30 p.m.Bridge to Dreamland.__RECA. 11:15 p.m. NUBroadway ISUU.11110% KNX. 6:30 p.m.*Broadway News ...KHJ 12 a, D: 5 p.m. 111-F

N*Broadway Pasadena ews._. .. ....KWKW. a.m. M-Sa

*Brown, . KNX. 5:55 p.m. M -FKFXM. 11111E, 5:30 p.m. 111Burke, J. Frank. IIPAS. 8:15 p.m. 51-1.

Burnett. Jay KECA, 10:15 a.m. M -F.Byrd (Adelaide) Players KGFJ. 3:30 p.m. Sa

Calling Pan -America. KNX. 1:30 p.m. SaCalling Collins KNX, s a.m. 311-1.Canova (Judy) Show KNX, 9 p.m. TuCanary Chorus

KGB. KVOE, 10:30 p.m. MuCao You Top This? KFL 6:30 p.m. SaCaptain Quiz KECA, 9:45 p.m. SuCaptain .lack......KECA, 4:45 p.m. id. W. FCarnation Hour _ _ KFI, 7 p.m. MCarson. Jack . ......... ._-.._ _...KNX. 8:30 W*Carter, Boake ._ _._.._ ..... _.._.._.-..

__KHJ. KFXM, ,KGB, 9 a.m. 101-F*Carter. Mheelah '

RHJ. KFXM, KGB. KVOE, 2 p.m. M -FCatholic Hour . .. ..... ___ .RFA'A. 5 o.m. NICavalcade of Ametica____KFE 8:30 p.m. 51Changing Tide... ............. ......- KNX. 11 a.m. Mu

10:15 p.m. M. W. FChamber Music Society LOW... Basin Street...... .. . . KECA, 8:15 p.m. SuChapel Quartet (Pierce Bros.).-- - ...-....-

KFI. 10715 p.m. Su* Chef Milani -....KFWB. 10 a.m. M -FChicago Round Table KFI. 11 .m. SuChicago theatre KHJ KGB. KFXM. a p.m. ThChristian Science RFAC. 5:15 p.m. Su*Thumb Federation Vespers. KECA, 4 p.m. Suv'i-co Kid RH& 6:30 p.m. ToCity Dwellers.-- _-...111GFJ. 11:30 a.m. NI -Re

Clancy Calling SECA. 3:15 p.m. Th, FCivilian Defense ___- 3 p.m. Ss

10:15 p.m. I'.*Clapper. Ray -. ...... ...KHJ, KGB. KFX31, KVOE, 1 p.m. NE Th

Clarion Call... ..... _._...KFWB, KPPC, 1 p.m. SuClassic Hour..-- ..... KECA. 10:30 p.m.

11 p.m. FCleveland 41rchestra.____ KNX, 2 p.m. Sa*Close. Upton. KFI, 12:15 p.m. Su

KHJ. KFKM, KVOE. 3:30 p.m. SuCoast Guard on Parade . . _..KFI. 8:30 a.m. SaColumbia Church KNX. 7 a.m.. 10 a.m. SuColumbia Country Journal KNX, 11 a.m. Si.Cong. Will Rogers, Jr KF'WB, 10:15 p.m. MConsumer Tips KII. 9:15 a.m. SsConcert Matinee..._.....KWKW. 1:15 p.m. M-SaContented KFI, 1 p.m. NICorliss Archer KNX. 4 p.m. NitCounter Spy _..ICECA. KFSD, 8:30 p.m. 111

Country Church of Bailee/01yd_- - __......_._...KFAC. 8 a.m. Tu-Su

County Medical Asso...._.KFAC 8:45 a.m. Ss........................_._...__.__..KECA. 10:45 a.m. Ss

Crail. Joe KFWB, 8:30 p.m. SuCrests, Blanca Carnival__

KNNTF:38 W*Crime Doctor_______-- KNX. 8 p.m. SuCrocker. Betty__ -----..K11. 11:45 a.m. FCrosby. Bing._________ 6 p.m. ThCrosby, Bob 7:30 p.m. SuCrumit, Frank -Julia Sanderaon

.KNX. 12 p.m. 111-F

Dance Time (Lucky Lager)KFAC. '0 p.m. 111-81a; 18:30 p.m. Su

Dance Tonite (EastsIde Beer)KFWB 10:30 0.01. 51-811*Darling, Nell IIESITIE 6:15 p.m. Tu. Th

Date With Judy KFI. 9 p.m. WDavid Hamm. _ KFI, 8:45 a.m. 111-FDavies, Dr. Clem ..... 6:311 p.m. Tu-SaDavis. (Joan) Show KFI. 9.30 p.m.*Davis, Elmer .........»»........__ KFI, 9 p.m. SsDear John 111101X. 2:45 o.m. MuDeath Valley Days--- KNX. 8:30 p.m. ThDetroit Billie Class._.K611, KVOE. 9 a.m. SuDinner Dance ... _ it p.m. M-SaDo You Remember?... .._...KHJ, 4:45 p.m. FDoctors at War AFL 2 p.m. SsDogs KMTR, 9:15 a.m. Si -soDon't You Believe It! KNX, 9:45Don't Be Alarmed.-- JIWKW. g a.m. 51-FDorsey. Jimmy___.. - K11. 8:30 p.m. W

111:35 p.m. InDouble or Nothing_

KHJ. KFXM. KVOE. 8:30 p.m. MDowney. ..... .... KECA. 12 n.Dr. Christian. _____.KNX. 8:30 p.m. W*Dreier. Alex. -KFI, 2:45 p.m. SaDr. I. Q. --------KFL 6:30 P.M. 51Dr. Kate .KFI. 4 p.m. '111-F

Dr. Michelson.___-__ KMTR. 8:15 a.m. M -Su

Easy Aces ___.__KNX. 4:39 p.m. W, Th. FEasy Listening KMPC. 10:30 a.m. 31-11,Eller, Queen -__-__KFL 9:30 p.m. ThEnjoy Yourself ..KFI. 3:45 p.m. SaEvening Concert -- .KFAC. 8 p.m. M-SaEyes Aioft________________ KFI. 6 p.m. M

.KFSD. 9 p.m. Sa*Eyewitness News _ KI1.11, 9:311 p.m. TbFaces and Places KI1J, 0:15 p.m. S1 -I.Family Bible_______.KMPC, 9:30 a.m. hi -rFamily Hour ____---.---KNX. 2 p.m. SuFarr:mit Calling .......... ..... _..__KFI. 8 p.m. SuFarm Reporter.....__.._..KFI. 12 o. M-SaFashions in Haloos, B. Burke

KNX, 9:30 .m. SsFederated Churches _SECA. 9:15 a.m. Sa*Fidler, Jimmy.. KECA, KFSD. 8:45 p.m. SuFifield. J. W ..... _______ . KFAC. 7 p.m. SsFighting France ......... 7:30 p.m. MuFirst Line. KNX. 7 p.m. ThFitch Bandwagon......_---- .. KFE 4:30 p.m. Mu*Flannery. Harry W. KNX. 5:30 p.m. II-SaFhing Feet K11.11. 10:30 p.m. Tu: 8:30 p.m. MaF. 0. B. Detroit__ KNX. it n. SsFood for Thought.-- ---JRMJ. 9:45 a.m. SsFor This We Fight .... KFI. 4 p.m. saForeign Correspondent KHJ, 2:30 p.m. SuFree Men Are Fighting..

REV& 7:35 p.m. IL W: 1 p.m. 11,

French Program ... .. KMTR. 2:30 p.m. SuFront Page Farrell__ KFI, 2:45 p.m. Si -FFurlough Fun..-.--_-- K11. 9:00 p.m. F

Gang Busters...--_JLECA KFSD, 8:30 p.m. FGarden Talk KHJ. 111:15 a.m. 51 -le(MM."... Janet ......... . ....... KNX.p.m. FGlorious Hope Hour..-._ KFAC 9:30 p.m. SuGoldIverits _ ... ..._-____KNX, 10:45 a.m. M -FGolden Melodies 1111. 12:15 p.m. SaGood News ..... .KFWB, 10:15 p.m. SuGood Old Days..._.._ KECA, 4:05 p.m. ThGood Will Hour KECA. KF141/. 7 p.m. Suliosiwi Light KVI1E. 6311 SII-FGrand 01 ()pry.._.._......_..--...KFI. 7:30 p.m. SaGreat Melody KFSD. 10:30 a.m. M -FGreat Moments in Music__ KNX, 7 p.m. W

KFCA. 7 p.m. MaGreen Hornet...*Green. Bob. Wm. Winter.....KNX. 10 p.m. 511-FGuiding Light .KFI. 11 a.m. 31-F

Hamblen. Stuart..-.KFWIE 4:45 p.m. Daily_KIND. 7:15 a.m. M -Ma

Hancock Ensemble.__ KHJ. 8 p.m. SuHunk the Night Watchman_KGFJ. 10 p.m. Daily*Hardy, Glenn

..KHJ. KGB, KVOE, 10 a.m.. 9 p.m. DailyHaven of Rest KPAS, 8:30 a.m. M. W. F

KILL KGB. KFX31, KVOE. 8 a.m. To. Th. SaHawaii Calls

KFXM, KGB. KVOE. 3:30 p.m SaHawthorne House.__.KFI 9:30

p.m.9:30 p.m. M

11 it k, Bolo_.__KFHay, . KHJ. 3:45 p.m. 51-F*Hayes, Sam' awl 7.45 a.m. M-Sa

_KNX. 4:15 p.m. 1111-F*IICTitter,--Gabriel KHJ, KGB, 6 p.m. M -F

----KHJ. KGB. 5:45 p.m. SuHeidi. Hen ice,...._ __AFL 5:30 p.m. TuHello from Ilawall.--KNX, 12:30 P.m. Sa11.11,. from Hollywood --- _JINX. 4 p.m. M -FHere's to Romance _ECA. 3:05 p.m. SuHermit's Cave.--_-_ KMPC, 9:30 p.m. SuIli Neighbor -----..KMTRK.xlx. 21:081p5 p.m...H m-Sa

Hilton. Jamee*Hill, Edwin C..... -_-...--KNX. 9:30 p.m. l'u

KNX, 9 p.m. SaHobby Lobby KKK, 8:30 p.m. SsHollywood 111%11. Quiz KIFWIL 3:30 p.m. Su, FHollywood Presents KMTR, 6 p.m. SuHollywood Open House KFI, 5 p.m. MaHollywood Showcase.. ... .....KNX. 0 p.m. FHollywood Theater of the Air_KFI, 3 p.m. M -FHollywood Tunesmiths_.KRKD. 5:45 p.m. tili-SaHomemakers Club.... KHJ, 12:15 p.m. 111-FHop Harrigan_ KECA. a a.m. M -FHot Foal KECA, KFSD. 12:3012:30Hour of Charm __.-Housewives' Protective League

KNX. p.m. M -FHousewives Exchange KNIPC, 1u a.m. 111-FMahler. KPAS, 8:35 p.m. 51-F: 7 P.M. Mu*Mahe.. Honer! EFL 10:30 a.m. Su*Hughes, John B. KM. KGB. KVOE

p.m. Su, W, SaHymns of All Churches

.... -._.K1F1. 11:45 a.m. M-Th

I Love a Mystery__ . _ 8 p.m. M -FIf They Come TonigiC KEE 2 p. m, SaInglewood Park Concert _____.K.SX, 7 Tulance Sanctum Mystery.......__

KECA,*inside the News (Thrifty ..........

International Sunday School. - .p.m. Sa

Invitation to Learning. KNX, 8:30 a.m. SuI Solemnly Swear.-...KFAC. 12:15 p.m. til-FIt Van Be lione KECA. NISI). 9 p.m. WItalian Melodies KWKW, 4 p.m., 7:30 p.m. 51-FJames, Harry__KNX. 8:15 p.m. To, W,Jars's. AI_ coos M-Sa

KNX. 11 a.m. So: 10:15 a.m. M. W. FJergens Journal -AFWB* KF111.Jerry 1.estee

TuJohnny PresentsJohnson Family

KW, 4:30 p.m. M -F: ISFKM, 4:15 p.m. M -FKGB. KVOE. 3:15 p.m. II -F

Johnoon, Floyd B KHJ, 4 p.m. SuKMTR. A p.m. Su, SE W. F: Ili:30 a.m. 31-F

*Johnson, Erskine___.KECA, 9:30 p.m. td -F*./11. Dick KNX. 1:25 p.m. M -FJoyce Jordan...-___KNX, 11:15 a.m. 111-FJ1111% and Jane. KW. KGB, 4:15 p.m. 111-1.Junior Army .._ RHJ, 8:45 a.m. SaJust . p.m., Tu. Th-F, SaJust Plain 2:30 p.m. SI-F

RFT 4:45 p.m.*Kultenboru.H.10:45 p.m. N. 5 Tv

Kaye. SammyKeep Singing America KNX, 3:30 p.m. M. W. F*Kennedy. John . _ KNX, 7:45 P.m. T. Tb*Keyne-Gordon. 11011p..KFIJ. KGB. 3 p.m. 114-FKitty Foyle --. --KNX. 8:30 a.m. 51-FKraft Musk 6 p.m. ThKyser, Kay...__._EFL 7 p.m. V.____Ladies. Be Seated ___ liECA. 3:30 p.m. M-1,Lamplighter 11:45 p.m. Sa*Lawton. lif_t_wooLTNIKeria.hasol5 's)

p.m. Tu. WLeaders of United Nations.. KHJ. 3:25 p.m. 91-FLetters to Sly Son

KILL KGB. KVOE. 9:43 a. m. SuLegion Fights-__-_KECA. KFSD. 10 p.m. lc*Lewis.Fulton. Jr KILL KGB.

RF7/51, KVOE. 4 p.m. M -F: 9:45 p.m. al -F*Listener's Digest KPAS. 3 p.m.. A p.m. 51 -Ma1.1steo to This KECA, KFSD, 10:30 a.m. M -F

KFI, 9:35 a.m. 111-FLiberal Catholic Hour. REAP. 9 a.m. SuLife Can Be Beautiful _.. KNX. In a.m.Light of the World. ...Kn. It:311 a.m. 111-FLights Out .

Little Known Facts-.-....KNX, g:311 p.m. Tu

. RIP1111. 6:55 n.m. M. W, Th,*Lochner, Louis KFI, 5:45 p.m. W' -MuLockheed Show KNXLone Ranger -.

11. _.. -..._

p,m.... KHJ, il-VOE. KGB, 7:30 p.m. M. V.

Lonely Women.----KFL 11:15 a.m. 1111-F

Looks at Books.... AFL 1:45 p.m. Su


Lower Basin Street KFI, R:15 p.m. SuLucky Eager Dance Time__KFAC. 10 p.m. DLam and Abner_KECA. KFSD,8:15 p.m. M-ThLuncheon with Lopez

KGB. KFXM. Kvoe, 10:35 p.m. 51-18Lutheran Gospel Hour.__.KPAS 4:30 p.m. SuLutheran Hour ....

... KILL KGB. KFXM, KVOE. 1 p.m. SuMake Believe Rallroom....KFWB,11 a. m. M-SaMacLennan. Dr. S. 1' .KFWIL 7 p.m. Su.Ma Perkins KFI, 12:15 p.m. M -F

KNX, 10:15 a.m. M -FManhattan Merry -Go -Round .._...KFI, 6 p.m. SuManhattan at Midnight

KECA, KFSD. 8:30 p.m. WMan Behind the Gun. KNX. 6 p.m. SsMarch of Truth..._.____._... .KE1T11, 8 .m. ThMarching to Music KMTR, 4:15 p.m. M -FMarket Place _ ....1E11J, 11:15 a.m. M. W. FMarkets and Sports KMPC. 2:15 a.m. M-SaMarc. Groin -41o._ ........ _.-..KNX. 7:15 p.m. MaMary Marlin KFI. 9:15 a.m.. M -FMasterworks KNX. 11:30 p.m. M. W. FMathews. Dr

KFXM.-KGB. KVOE. 9 a.m. SaMatinee in Rhythm ..KFI. 1 p.m. SuMcNeill's Breakfast ............ ......

K9CA. KFSD, 8:30 a.m. 51 -MaMediation Board KIEL 01.115. 5 p.m. SuMeet Priscilla Alden KPAS. 10:30 a.m. M -FMelodies for Uncle Sam ...KF'SD, 10:15 p.m. SuMelton, James KNX, 6:30 p.m. SuMemory Music, T. Bacon _._..2 p.m. MuMen. Machine and Victory KECA. 4 p.m. SaMercer's Mimi Shop .K1.7. 7 p.m. ToMessage of Israel... ___KECA, 3:30 p.m. SaMid ruing Journal__ 10 a.m. M. WMillion Dollar Band KFL 7 p.m. SaMoore, Garry-Suozzie Durante_KFL 7 p.m. ThMorgan Family K1'AS, 7:30 p.m. M-SaMr. and Mrs. North EFL 9 p.m. WMr. District Attorney___ ...KFI. 8:30 p.m. WMr. Keen.___ ..KNX.,--4:45 p.m. W. Th. FMr. Smith tioe11 to Town... .. Krt. 8:30 p.m. SaMurray. Johnny._.-_KFL 8 a.m. Ild-FMurder Clinic KHJ, KGB.

KFXM. KVOE, 3 p.m. SuMusic of the AmerIcas_.KFI. 1:30 p.m. Sa

KILL 6:30 p.m. FMusic DepreciationMusical Toast.-._-_.____KECA. 10:30 a.m. SuMusic Hour KECA, 9:30 a.m. SuMystery Chef___KECA. KFSD. 11:15 a.m. M -FMystery of the Sleek KFI, 9:30 p.m. Sa

Nagel, Conrad ....... -...-_- KNX, 6 p.m. SuNash, Rob KWKW, It n. MuNational Barn Dance_ KFI. 6 p.m. MaNational Defense_8:30 p.m. TuNational Farm & Home......KFI, 8:15 a.m. M -F

.ELFSD. 1 p.m. M -FNavy Bulletin Board..

.__.._...KHJ. KFXM. KGB. KVOE. 2 p.m. SaNavy in Review KFW11, 8 p.m. SaNavy School of Musie..-- KGB. 9:30 a.m. WNavy Waves KECA. ....... 3:15 p.m. WNesbitt's (John) Passing Parade__ .. _ .

KFI, 8:30 p.m. Tu*Nesbitt, Norman KM. 5:45 p.m 91 -tiNew York Philharmonic.._._...... KNX, 12 n. Su*News Makers -KM:. 3:45 p.m. Su*Newsreel Theatre .........

KHJ. REAM. KGB. KVOE. 2:15 p.m. M -FNight Editor. KFI, 8:15 p.m. ThNoah Webster Says_KECA, KFSD. 8:30 p.m. TuOf Men and Books KNX. 11:05 a.m. 8aOffice of War Information

9:15 a.m. W: 11 a.m. M -W..... 3 p.m. M. Tu. Th-SaOld iold ihow KNX. 9 p.m. WOld -Fashioned Revival .KMPC. 10 p.m. Sur. KHJ, KGB. KVOE, 6 o.m. 10 p.m. SuOld Timer's Avenue.. KECA. 12:30 p.m. ThOne Man's KFI, 5:30 p.m. SuOn the Job..._-____. ._.111FI. 10:30 a.m. SoO. r. A. News, George Irwin

.KIIJ, 10 p.m. T, Th. SaOpen Door KFI. 9 a.m.. /11-FOpen House KNX. 5:05 p.m. Tit*Our Daily Bread.--KPAS. 7:15 p.m. M -FOur Gal Sunday._-____ICNX, 9:45 a.m. M -FOur Morale KHJ. KVOE. 7:15 p.m. MOur Secret Weapon KNX. 8:15 p.m. F*Overseas Report-KHJ. 3:30 p.m. M, T. W,

Pacific Lutheran Hour._.HFWB. 9:30 p.m. SuPacific Story Kn. 11:15 p.m. SuPaige, Ray d .KFWIL 6:30 p.m.Pan American Holiday-- KF1. 10 a.m. Ss*Parker, William. KECA. 5 p.m. Sa.-

KSIPC. 8:93 p.m.Parker Family ....... KECA. KFSD, 8:15 p.m, FPasadena Reporting...-_.KHJ. 3:15 p.m. ToPause That Refreettes_ KNX. 1:30 p.m. Su'Pay Day Quis_____AH.1, KFXM. 8 p.m. Tu

_.KMTR- 6:30 P.m. M F*Pearson. Drew...HM.7A. RFS17.,_ 5:45 p.m. SuPeople Are 11:30 P.m. F.People's Platform. KNX. 3:15 P.M. MaPeople's Was KR. 11:45 a.m. MaPepper Young's Family . KFI, 12:30 p.m. M -FPer.iinalit% Quiz .. hIt8CD. II a.m. M -FPhilip Morris Playhouse KNX, 8:30 p.m. F

Terre 1:11TR. 9 n.m.Pilgrim Hour.._ ..Kill Ktill 11 a.m. SoPoint Sublime K ., 9:30 p.m. MuPolly and Pat.._.- RP ls 0 a.m. 51-1.Polly Patterson N X. I::30 p.m. M -F*Polysoides_____KHJ. K1.11. 111 p.m. M, W.

Portia Faces Life._ _AFL 2:15 p.m. M -FPrayer _MU, 3 p.m. M-SaPrepare to Live KMPC. 7:15 p.m. ThPublic Affairs. -KNX. 11:30 p.m. Tu, ThQueen. Ellery_____ ..-_EFL 9:30 p.m. ThQuestion of the Week-_ 4:30 p.m. SuQ ...idiom; on Music .KNX. 2:15 p.m. M -F*Quiz KFSD, 8:30 p.m. Su*Quiz of Two -Cities-. 8:30 p.m. FQuiz Quotient ...KNX. 8:25 p.m. Sit: 9:4.5 p.m. ThRabbi MagnitL_-.....KHJ, KVOE, 7:15 p.m. Su*Radio Newrweekly.__ KECA. 7:45 p.m. MRadio Newsreel.... KMTR, 5:15 p.m. M-SaRanch 10-2-4 _.KECA. 12:30 p.m. M. W. FRed Ityder...KECA, KFSD. 7:30 p.m. Tu. Th, SaReader's Digest___ ._.KNX, 6 p.m. SuReligious Conference___..101X. 8:05 a.m. SuRemember With Floretta...KFWIL 10 p.m. M -ERemember Pearl Harhor....KGFJ. 2:15 p.m. 51-Sa*Report from London. .KNK, 1 p.m. Sa*Reports from the Battlefront....

.KFL, 3:30 p.m. SuReport to the Nation_ - KNX, 4 p.m, MnRenter's News Dispatches_KFWIL 8 p.m. M -FHigh, Irene .. _ ....... .... . . KKK. 2:45 p.m. Su*Richfield Reporier.-___KFL 10 p.m. SwFRiggs. Tommy (Betty Lou) .KFI, 7 p.m. FRight to Happiness_.- KFI-. 12:45 p.m.Rise mid Shane....... ..... 8 a.m. M. W. FRoad of Life... ________KFL 3:15 p.m. M -FRocking Horse Rhythms. B. Hookey . . .... _..--

.KHJ. 7:45 p.m. SuRoma Wine Show. ___KNX, 9 p.m. TlaRomance. KNX, 6 p.m, MRomance of Helen Trent .KNX. 9:30 a.m. M -FRomance of Highways.-- ___ ..

...... KW. KGB KVOE, -10:15 a.m. SoItouiTatable, M. Hoffman_.KMTR, 3:116 p.m. SuSalt lake Tabernacle. KNX. 9 a.m. Susalute to Vouth KFI, 9 TSalvation Army_ _ ___KFW11 9:15 a.m. SaSaturday Night Serenade-_KNX 6:45 p.m. SaSelloherl., Paul

KHJ, KGB. KVOE, 10:15 P.m. M -FScience of Mind._._KFWB, 10:45 a.m. M -FSettles, Grace. ............ KNKW, 9:30 p.m. M -FSeramby Amby kFl. 9:30 p.m. WScreen Guild Theater---- KNX, 7 p.m. MSears 111 ollock Wire..:.---KNX, 10 p.m.Sergeant Gene Autry___..KNX 3:30 p.m. SuShields (Roy) Co.. KFI, 9:30 p.m. T

11 a.m. SaShepard, Sheldon.__....-...KMTR. 10:15 a.m. M -F*Shires, William KNX. 7:30 p.m. SuSideshow... ARCA. 11:30 a.m. 91 -leSilver Theater -.. KNX. :t p.m. SuSimms, Ginny ....-_.___KFI. 8:30 o.m. Tu*Sizing Up the News..._..- ........ . _.KHJ,

...KGB. KFXM KVOE,, 9:15 p.m. M. W. FSmile in the

MninKr.E7.._C79sm. Yu, Th, tlaSmith, Kate. .KNX. 9 a.m. M -FSmith, Larry ...KFI, 10:15 a.m. M -F"Sneak l'review AFL 2:30 p.m. SuSnow Village._-____-KFL 3:45 p.m. 51-FSoldiers of Production ..

..Kka:-lifi3-1-37-11---a.m. Si'Soldiers of the Press._...........KECA 9 p.m.Soldiers With Wings. KHJ. 6:30 p.m. WSongs of America..--KMPC_, 11 p.m. DailySongs of Faith. KIM:, 6 p.m. M

anish Hour KGFJ, 7 p.m. M-Sis---weaking of G1111130111. KECA, 9:15 p.m. SuSportscast KFAC, 4 p.m. 111-SaSports Page.... JIMPC, 6 p.m. 1111-1?stole*, Newreel 7:31, p.m. FSpotlight Bands.-..KECA. KFSD. 6:30 p.m. M-SaStandard Symphony .. . . __KFL 8:30 p.m. SuStars and Stripes In Britain

KHJ KGB. Kvoit. 4:30 p.m. SuStars Over Hollywood._.__.. KNX, 9:30 a.m. SaStella Dallas._.-- ____KFI, 1:15 p.m. M-1,*Stop or Go (Joe E. Brown). KM. 0:30 p.m. SuStyles, Hal-- KFINR. 2 p.m. 111-FSummer Serenade HIFI. 7:30 p.m. MSommer 2 p.m. SuSunday Evening Club- KFAC. 9 p.m. SuSuperman AR; KGB. KFXM,

KVOE. 5:15 p.m. 51-FSuspense KNX, 8 p.m. Su

vest Chariot 5 DAIL, DU

*Swing, Raymond Gram..__.__.. ...------__KECA KFSD. 7 p.m. M-Th

KFAC. 4:30 p.m. M -FSymphony.__-._ KM. KGB. 10:30 p.m. 111-F

Takr-a-t 'gird KH.1, 8 p.m. W*Take It or Leave It.---.KNX. 7 p.m. SuTailor Made Melodies

KECA, 10:30 a.m., 12 0. Su"Talentione," 51. Hoffman

. . ... KMTR, 3:06 p. m. Su: 8:',10 p.m. SaTelephone Hour. KIF1, 9 p.m. SiTempleton, Alec__ ..KECA, 7:30 p.m. M -V1-1,10 .:-4 Ranch .......... KE1'.4. 12:311 p.m. M. VITerry and the Pir.ites SETA, S p.m. M -FTes.ttel. Summer Theater __JINX, 6:30 p.m. MuThat They Might Live_ _117FI, 9:30 a.m. SuThat's Life. ws.h Fred Brady KIK!. 41:30 p.m. 'En' Thanks to the Vanks..._ ......KNX. 7 p.m. FTh.. Colon, ........... _ ... _ _ .KK X. II p.m. TitTheater of Fame KFWII. 9:30 p.m. StyThe Third Clue KNX:, 10:15 D.M. Ti.. ThTheater of Today ..KNX. 9 a.m. SuTheme and Variations

KH.1. KGB. 1111701. KVOF:. 1:30 p.m FThese Are Americans KNX. 9:30 p.m. Th

Thin Man____This Changing World. *-- A"KMFC..1930 p1 a.m...: F -FThis Is OfficiaL.. KECA. 2 p.m. SuThis Is Our Enemy KHJ, KGB, 2:30 p.m. Su:

11:30Tills Nation at War _ KECA, 3 p.m. SoThomas, John Charies_.KFL 11:30 a.m. SuThose Old Gold Days.__.KECA, 4:05 p.m. ThThose We Lo%e KIM 4 p.m. SuTwilight Tales .. . _.-..KECA. 5:15 p.m. M. kTillamook Kitchen. Krt. 10 a.m. I'Time Out KHJ. 9:15 a.m. M. W. FTime to Smlle.----____KFL 6 p.m. W*Tinney. Cal

KGB. KFXM,-KVOE, 9:15 p.m. M. W. FToday in History .... _ ... __KECA. 6:15 p.m. M -k*Today's War Moods.._-KFWB. 1 p.m. 51-SaTooner%ille FolksTown Hall

Kt, 68:33011


Town Meeting _KECA, KFSD. 10 p.m. ThTraffic TribunaL._ .__KF7. 5:30 p.m. Sa'Transatlantic Call . _ ....... ___...KNX. 9:30 a.m. SuTreasure Home of Song____KH.11. 6:50 p.m. ThTreasure Chest_ _ 5:30 p.m. TuTruth or Consequences_Turf BulletinsTwilight Tales

KFI, 8 p.m. SaKRKD. 10 a.m. 31,,

_.KECA, 5:15 p.m. 11-tTwo on the Aisle. Please._ KWH% 5:30 p.m. Su

Uncle Charlie _ KPAS. 5 p.m. M -Ftorte Henry KPAS, 7:45 p.m. M -FUncle Ge and Aunt Ge Ge.-.. 8:30 a.m. SuUncle Sam Series KNX, 4:45 p.m. Na

KWKW, 1 p.m. 31. Tit, Th. kUnion R- escue Mission _ ... ___-___

----..- -._KFW113, 8:30 a.m.. 9 p.m. SuUnity Dally -Word._.KMPC, 8:30 a.m. M -FUnhersity Explorer KECA, 10 p.m. Su

Valiant Lady __ .KNX. 8:15 a.m. K -FValley Church._. .111111PC. 8:30 p.m. S.VIe and Made._- KFI, 3:30 p.m. M -F

.KNX. 10:30 a.m. M-1"Victory Players_____.KFAC. 1 p.m. SuVisiting Nu -se ...-____ _KIM 12:45 p.m. SoVital to Victory 10:55 p.m. MVolee of Calvary ---KPAS. 10 p.m. SuVoice of Firestone _KFI, 5:30 p.m. 11IVoice of Health______KFAC, 9:15 a.m. Su-i'Voice of the Army_____KFI. 3:15 p.m. Sa

pier 01 a Nation K.F1. 5 p.m. M-1.Voice of Prophecy-___KMPC, 11:30 p.m. Su---KHJ. KGB. KVOF , 9:15 p.m. So.KAM. 0 p.m. MnVoorhis. Hon. Jerry K1'AS, 6:45 p.m. MVox ...... -.-.KNX. 9:30 D.M. MWakely, Jimmy________KPAS, 12 n. M-SaWanner. Beryl ....... __________KNX. 5 p.m. 91-FWaltz Time._.._..__._KR. 6 p.m.War of Oume.......______XMPC. 11:45 n.m. W -TWaring, Fred__ ____KFI. 8 p.m. 9I -FWar News Roundup _.11111ECA. 6:55 p.m.War Telescope. M. Beatty...KV!, 10:45 a.m. SaWartime Nutrition. Milani_KFWIL 10 a.m. 111-kWashington on Rationing. KM 1? n. MuWashington Inside Out KECA. 5:311 p.m. o

Watch the World Go By KECA, 8 P.M. NI IWe Hold These Truths__KMPC, 8:t5 a.m. SuWe Love and Learn FLNX 11:30 a.m. 51-1Wesley Radio League KIIiPC, 10 a.m. Su

_ ___KHJ. KGB KVOE 8 a.m. SuWat 1)0 YouThink (Dr. Sterling)

KNX, 7:30 p.m. ThWhat's the Name of That Song? KHJ, 8:30 p.m.What's In a Song KFAIA. 9:15 p.m. TWhat's Your Answer? KFWB. 6:30 p.m. SisWhat's Your War Job?.

_KECA, KFSD. 4:05 p.m. W*Wheeler, Burritt Kn. 10:30 a.m. VI -FWhen Girl Marries.- .KFI, 2 p.m. M -FWhen Day Is Done KR, 11:45 p.m. DailyWhere Free Men Fight, Caldwell-. ........._ _...

..... ..... _ ...... -...-.KGFJ. 1:30 p.m. M. -W. FWhistler. KNX, 9 p.m. FWhite. Agnes.----KFL 10:15 a.m. 51. Tu. W. F

4.15 p.m. ThWhiteman (Paul) Presents KFI. 5 p.m. SuWhoa Bill Club.. KFAC. 5:30 p.m. 011-1,*Wilder. Alvin_ MEC& 5:15 p.m. Tu. ThK_ 1:30- p.m. W: 10:45 A.M. kluWiley. Fletcher, Home Front Reporter

KNX. 1 p.m. M -F*Williams. Al

Winehell. Walter.1111. 8:45 a.m. Su* KECA, 6:00 p.m. Mu

Wings Over the World...--...KECA, 10 p.m. SaWine. Over Jordan. __KMPC. 7:30 n.m. SuWham Over the West..__KFAC. 7:30 p.m. II

--....KIFIJ. KGB. 8:30 p.m. SuWinner Take All _._ KNX, 11 p.m. W*Winter, Wm...__._ __FLNX. 12t30 p.m. M-1,

KNX 5:31' p.m. Su; 11930 p.m. W: 9 p.m. SuWomen's Clubs Kl'AS, 1:45 p.m. ThWoman's World_____-KMTR, 2 p.m. M-SaWomen 'Indies KHJ, 9:15 a.m. Tu. ThWomen Who Make News -__-.-__

KECA 9 a.m. M, W,Words at War ..... ................KFI, 5 p.m. Sa*World News Twiny KNX, 11:30 a.m. SuWorld Didny KNX. :1,45 a.m. M -Se*World Tomorrow KMTR. 9:30 a.m. SoWorld We're Fighting For KFI, 8:30 p.m. TbYankee Hr.'. Party KGB. KVIDE. 8:30 a.m. M -FYoung. Norma KHJ 9:30 a.m. M-18Young People's Church

KHJ. Rtill, KFXM. KYOE, 1:30 p. M. IIYoung Widder Brown KFI. 1:40 p.m.Your All -Time Hit Parade . KFI, 8:30 4W. FYour Gospel Singer

uth on Parade._._.._._..... KNX.10:45 a.m. 51 -if

Yo . KNX 10:30 a.m. IM


Mr. Golenpaul(Continued from Page 7)

himself by answering two difficultquestions. Beaming with self-satis-faction he asked Fadiman: "Whydon't you ask me such questionswhen we are on the air?"

Subsequently, Fadiman experienc-ed difficulty in understanding Ratoff,whose accent did not appear to bean "act." He was trying like a babyto make himself understood, strug-gled with "bomb,' which came out"bum."

"Someday," remarked Fadiman incharacteristically dry fashion, "we'llrun this program in a single lan-guage."

Soon after, Ratoff and Fadimanengaged in a good natured tangleover identity of the central figurein a question. Seems Ratoff had thewrong man in mind. After it wasclarified for him, he threw up hishands in an expansive gesture: "Nowthat I understand it, I dont know it,"he expostulated.

Fadiman took his reply "big," infact two things which were promi-nent during the broadcast were Fedi-man's alert, sharp-witted control ofthe quizzing and Oscar Levant's enthusiasm. Having, up until thistime, only heard Levant on the air,we pictured him as something of asmart aleck, inclined to run awaywith things. Viewing him in person.we modified this opinion, decidedthat he was carried away by hisown enthusiasm. When he knew ananswer, he raised not only one hand,but both. Once failing a poser, Le-vant was chided by Fadiman, whoremarked: "There are some things,Mr. Levant, that happen that arenot in movies and not in books."

Levant distinguished himself byInstantly identifying musical quer-ies. While the pianist was givingclues, Golenpaul was standing overhim, having left his seat beside Fadi-man to insure a musical perform-ance according to his concepts.

Ratoff, as was to be expected,scintillated in questions based onRussia. Climax of his participationcame when Fadiman posed a set ofqueries concerning famous Russians."What famous Russian artist onceplayed the part of a butler?" askedthe emcee. The experts fumbled withluke-warm stabs.

Finally Levant upped his hand."Ratoff?" he proffered hesitat-

ingly."Quite right! It was Ratoff!" ex-

claimed Fadiman as Ratoff flushedself-consciously and wiggled on hischair.

This was one of those delightfulsituations about which one reads butwhich one seldom witnesses. An ex-pert had stumbled and gone "boom."Such a satisfying example for thoseof us, never to be considered "expert."

As soon as the program flashedofZ the air, the camera man bal-ar.... .1 his equipment to take pictures


If your subscription copy is late-please, dear subscriber, bear withus. All copies of RADIO LIFE aremailed on Tuesday night precedingthe week for which the logs arelisted. Uncle Sam's mail carriersare so overloaded with war timemail that it is sometimes impossibleto make delivery on schedule. Ifyour copy is consistently late, for-ward your zone number to RadioLife, 1029 West Washington Blvd.,Los Angeles, 15, Calif., or talk withyour local postoffice. Thank you!


"TALENTIME" EXPANDSMyrtle Hoffman's "Talentime" is ex-

panding. Originally scheduled withtwo fifteen -minute periods Wednesdayand Saturday over KMTR, the original"Talentime" is now heard Saturdayfrom 8:30 to 9:00 p. m. while an additional program under the same aus-pices is given Sundays at 3:06 p. m.in the form of a round table on worldaffairs with well known guests par-ticipating. Both prdgrams are broad-cast remote from Myrtle Hoffman'sstudios at Villa Arlington on WestVenice Blvd. The public is welcomeand an interesting afternoon or eve-ning, whether or not the visitor hastalent and wants to appear on thebroadcast, may be expected.


Kate Smith recently answered thequestions most asked by listeners toher commentary program. The ques-tions concerned where to send old puz-zles, books and magazines. Kate saidthat libraries like books, hospitalswelcome puzzles and pictures andchurches and community centers eas-ily can dispose of miscellaneous ar-ticles.


To Carl Goss, recent addition to thecast of NBC's "Just Plain Bill," hascome the break that most juvenileactors dream about. Goss, who playsConrad Powers in the dramatic serial,has just been given a part oppositeLana Turner in her next MGM pic-ture. Now is he glad he was side-tracked into an acting career insteadof using that University of Coloradoteacher's degree!

of the "board." His flash bulb pop-ped twice in rapid succession. As hewas shooting the second picture, werushed over with an idea: to haveRatoff pose in his still blushing con-fusion.

"Sorry," the lensman replied. "Canonly take two pictures tonight. Ordersof Mr. Golenpaul!"


For the best Gags of the Week, heardover Radio and seal Radio Life, ticketswill be sent winners for admission toradio broadcasts. Send your best gag se-lection to 1029 West Washington Boule-vard. Los Angeles.

Mrs. Sara H111, 4101 Valley Boulevard, LosAngeles, Calif.Heard on "Information Please":Clifton Fadiman: Who got scared

and rode out of town?Franklin P. Adams: Charlie Chaplin.

J. C. Witt, 1646 El Rito Street, Glendale,Calif.Heard on Groucho Marx' "Blue Rib-

bon Town":Linda Darnell: Won't you join me

in a cup of coffee?Groucho: Yes, but won't it be a

little crowded?

Miss Hettle M. Walker, 1354 Carlton Drive,Glendale, Calif.Heard on "Breakfast at Sardi's":Uncle Corny: Did you hear about

the book Hitler wrote, that won't bepublished until his death?

Tom Breneman: No. But I'll bet itisn't any good.

Uncle Corny: Maybe not, but I canhardly wait to read it!

*Miss Evelyn Dorweiler, 512 Tyler Street, El

Monte, Calif.Heard on "Stop or Go":Joe E. Brown: Hirohito may now be

seated on his throne, but pretty soonhe'll be thrown on his seat.

*Warren Winner, Apartment 408, 636 South

Burnside, Los Angeles, Calif.Heard on the "Vox Pop" program:Carole Landis, to Sailor Boy Don:

Don, are you married?Sailor Boy Don: No. I believe in

the old saying, "Why make one girl.miserable by marrying heg when youcan stay single and make all thegirls happy?" *Mrs. Mirna Morgan, 3117 Pico Boulevard,

Santa Monica, Calif.Heard on the Judy Canova show:Ken Niles: But, Judy, haven't you

a room with a bath?Judy: Lawsy, no! Out here, all we

have is a room with a path.*Mrs. F. B. O'Brien, 16037 Junaluska Way,

Pacific Palisades, Calif.Heard on "Breakfast at Sardi's":Uncle Corny: Why do icemen have

to be careful when they go on a sit-down strike?

Tom Breneman: I don't know,Corny. Why?

Uncle Corny: Because if they're notcareful, they'll be frozen to their jobs.

(Tickets also to %It's. Crossman. 2530South Sycamore Avenue, Los Angeles. andMiss Betty Jacobs. 9749 Lime Avenue.Long Beach).

What Price



Jimmie Fidler Says HonestyIs a Success Essential forAny Informer of the Public

Sunday. 6:15Blue-KECA. KFSfl

UICK, with the lantern, Soc-rates! Bring it down to Radio City any Sunday nightand turn its searching rayson Jimmie Fidler as he doeshis weekly stint, airing hisnews and views of Holly-

wood on the BLUE. He maintainsthat your blinding light would re-veal him as he really is,-an hon-est man. He avers that he strivesat all times to write and speak thetruth. ,

Surprised, Socrates? Well, it mustbe admitted, Hollywood is hardly theplace where you'd expect success inyour search for someone who sticksto the truth. Even conversation onthe topic of honesty is rare in thefilm city. But honesty was what Fidler was talking about not long agoover a table at the Derby.

Jimmie Fidler knows he has manyenemies who would deny he has evena nodding acquaintance with truth-fulness. Every once in a while, hesees fit to make some unpleasantstatement about someone or some-thing in the moving picture industry.Then the lampooned luminary-orwhatever - waxes extremely wrothand brands him with all sorts ofunflattering epithets. Better put yourhands over your ears while theytalk, Socrates! They say, "Fidler,bah! That parasite of the picturebusiness! He scorns little whiteones! He tells big black ones-andhe specializes in whoppers that


FIDLER BROADCASTING. "I was sort of a 'Smart Aleck'when I started,- he says. "But time has softened and

sobered me."

shock people right out of their seats.Fidler fiddles-at a fat salary-while Hollywood burns!"'According to these critics, Fidler

"doesn't care a hoot who or whatburns because of his column or radiocomments. His one worry is whetherhis 'stuff' will continue to hold thepublic's interest,-and his highlypaid jobs."

But let Fidler speak for himself,Socrates. This film capital has morethan 300 correspondents who sendout thousands of words about itevery day.' Jimmy Fidler has somevery definite convictions about howhe has won the mad scramble tostay at the top of the heap. Hesays, "Maybe you've heard me say,'This is Jimmie Fidler-in Hollywood-where the easiest way to thetop is the hard way!' Of all thehundreds of radio greetings that havegone out over the air in my broad-casts in the last 10 years, that's myfavorite. Experience has taught methat hard work and unswerving honesty make a sure formula for suc-cess."

Judge for yourself whether thatstatement has the ring of sincerity.Truthful or otherwise, Fidler struckus as having what is tritely described as a "frank and open coun-tenance." He was a handsome youngman when he first came to Holly-wood in 1919 as an aspiring thes-pian. He's still good looking in amiddle-aged way, but his long battlefor success has left its scars. He

(Pleas turn Po 12aue JR)

ipp JIMMIE AND WIFE, BONE. "Herjob is bossing the house," he re-

marks. "I don't interfere with her work;she doesn't interfere with mine."

illp "CHIN UP, CARRY ON," grins Rudy, but the cast, loyal to the last, show how they feel about it. Lelt to r ght, Jack Haley, newmanager of the store; Shirley Mitchell; Vallee; Joan Davis, new proprietor, and Verna Felton.

ItudylaiimZ4Alp STARS AND MEN BACK OF the success of the Vallee program. Rear, Writers Bill Demling and Dick Chevillat, with Rudy in center;

front, Producer Tom McAvity, Writer Ray Singer, James A. McFadden, vice president of McKee & Albright agency; Writer Sid Wink+,and Joan Davis.

Breaks Fourteen Year RecoOf Broadcasting for WiDuties in U. S. Coast Gu

\4 JHERE WERE many lumps"in the throats of Lieut.Rudy Vallee's cast andprogram associates when

he made his farewell broadcast be-fore undertaking wider duties withthe U. S. Coast Guard.

Vallee, during his 14 years as abroadcasting headliner, had broughtto the microphone more outstandingdiscoveries than practically anybodyin the business. His genius for unearthing new material was activeduring the past few years. It waswith Rudy that John Barrymoreemerged from an acting obscurity tobecome the most talked -of comedianon the air. After Barrymore cameJoan Davis, who did her first airshow for Vallee. Today, as an estab-lished comedienne, she heads theprogram that Rudy leaves behind.

The f a r e w ell program itselfbrought the unexpected and unusualappearance of a commander of theU. S. Coast Guard to wish Rudywell in his new endeavors. Just before the show signed off, CommanderH. B. Roberts of the U. S. CoastGuard Patrol Base at Wilmington,Calif., expressed the thoughts of theCoast Guard in the following words:

"Rudy, I felt I should come andtell you the Coast Guard feels a realsense of regret that you are leavingthis fine program. And I think yourmillions of friends in the radio audience will be happy to know thatyour new duties and responsibilitieshave brought you a well -deservedpromotion. Congratulations and bestwishes, Rudy Vallee, Lieutenant, Sen-ior Grade, United States CoastGuard."

The red light went off, signifyingthe program had left the air. Rudy,his eye on the signal, got up slowlyand walked to the front of the stage.

"That's all, folks," he said a bithuskily. Behind him the band stood.At a signal from Conductor EddiePaul, they broke into the strains of"For He's a Jolly Good Fellow," andthe entire cast and audience stoodand cheered. It was a touching fin-ish to one of radio's longest careers.

Later that evening, at a real fare-well party for the cast and programmembers at Rudy's hilltop home, thecast and sponsor presented Rudywith an engraved wrist watch, aCoast Guard traveling bag (Valleeand his band may be taken to foreignsoil), and a handsomely framedCrossley rating-the final popularityscore of the show. It showed theprogram at its highest relative posi-tion in history-sixth among all halfhour shows.

Joan Davis, chosen by the groupto make the presentation speech, foronce found herself at a complete

(Please Turn to Page 314)

ight. "THE KEY IS YOURS, JOAN." Rudy Vallee surrenders his Sealtest village store toJoan Davis as he signs of; for other Coast Guard duties. Photo is Rudy's first in

his new uniform of Lieutenant, Senior Grade.

THERE'S A NEW MAN ON THE SHOW, and Joan loses no time getting in solid.He's Jack Haley, Proprie-or Joan's new manager, and it appears Rudy is getting

a quick brush-off

SMOKE GOT IN HER EYES and my deadpansinger, Virginia O'Brien, went out of my life.


Saturday, 7:15 p.m.liNXDO Y NAME is Julius, but

c a 1 Is meGroucho. That is, ev-erybody except the peo-ple I owe money, and

what they call me is not a subjectthat I would care to discuss- in afamily magazine.

You'd Be Gltim, Too, If YourRadio Loves Were GlamorousBut. Vanished With the Show

People keep writing to me, askingwhy I am called Groucho. If I getone letter a year, I get ten thousand,all asking me the same question. IfI could only get one letter a year ...

It all goes back to my early child-hood. I was bcrn, as most peopleare, and with my brothers, spent afairly humdrum boyhood. Chico

would hum and I would drum. Soonthe neighbors took notice of our mu-sical talents. Both Chico and I stillhave the scars to prove it.

Then came the theatre. It was themost natural thing in the world forme to go on the stage. I just couldn'tsee a thing from where I was sitting.

The drama was a new field to me,

FAY McKENZIE WAS LURED by my heavenly music, but Alp CAROLE LANDIS TROD the terpischorean path with me anddeserted me when the melodic spell was broken. I walked on air until we left the air.

embraces, but only while this

glamorous Hollywood gal. I talk toher, make love to her, and she al-

seems devoted to me-devoteduntil the show goes off the air. ThenI get the air. I'm tired of neverbeing ablo to keep a gal for morethan half an hour a week. That'sthe r e al reason they call meGroucho. Do you blame me?

I ALMOST GOT AWAY with Lucille Ball-but my successwas short-lived. I tripped on a microphone cord!

and I was Inclined to ponder eachentrance and exit, to plan each ges-ture, to weigh each word. As a mat-ter of fact, I made it a practice tocarry a scale in my inside coatpocket, just to weigh words. Thatis what my rivals mean when theyinsist that all :ny early theatricalenterprises were on a small scale.

I entered the field of comedy quiteby accident. I was playing the heroin one of those old-fashioned melo-dramas. That in itself was a nov-elty. Usually, I played the heroine,but this particular one was smartand would have. nothing to do withme.

We had reached the scene inVI Itich the villain had me in thesawmill and was about to cut mein two. That 'tight, the rescuingsheriff was a bit late in making hisentrance.

"You'd say the words that wouldmake Nell a free woman," sneeredthe villain, "if you were half aman."

"And in a minute I will be," Iad libbed, "if the sheriff doesn't pickup his cue!"

Instead of taking my hint andshutting off the saw motor, the vil-;ain was amused by my quip, andlaughed heartily. In fact, he laughedso hard I thought I'd split.

It was not long after this incidentthat I developed my rapidfire com-edy style, which got me fired rap-idly from more I care tothink about.

Then came Hollywood, and soonafterward, that great cinematownevent, the annLal Academy Awarddinner. It was one of the proudestmoments of my life, and the next

At, IN MY ARMS! Luscious Joan Blondell yielded to mypicture was taken.

day, to celebrate, I went out andbought a new shirt with my tips.

was my next venture, andin that field, everyone assures methat I am a howling success espe-cially when I sing.

But radio has brought me mygreatest disappointment. Every weekon my show I get to entertain a

Alp SO I WAIT in melancholy anxiety by my mail box at 33Blue Ribbon Lane. Still looking for the girl who won't go

away and leave m grouchy.


Jimmie Fidler(Continued from Page 33)

has acquired a few of those un-wanted work -and -worry lines.

"Doubtless there are many 'bignames' in Hollywood who don't be-lieve that 'honesty is the best pol-icy.' Perhaps they think the oldmaxim holds true only for the poor,"says Fidler. "Candor can be costlyfor anyone, especially a person likemyself, who earns his living by tell-ing the public what he knows andthinks about film celebrities andtheir work. Of course, the less ofthis world's goods you have, the lessyou can lose by stepping on famoustoes and making enemies thereby.But I'm convinced that it pays."

KEEPS BOOKSAlthough writers are not exactly

noted for brilliance in bookkeeping,Fidler believes in maintaining afaithful record of income and outgo.He doesn't restrict it to his earn-ings, which have sometimes reachedas much as $8500 per week. Sayshe, "You have to keep books on hon-esty, too, if you really want to knowwhether you gain or lose by it."

The BLUE network commentatortook a sheet of paper, wrote "Ledger"at the top, drew a line down themiddle and headed half the sheet"Debits," the other half, "Credits."On the "debit' side he wrote,

1. Enemies.2. Quarrels with the moving pic-

ture industry.3. Constant bickering with the cen

sors.4. Blockades put up against me in

an attempt to bar me from gettinginformation.

On the "credit" side he put:1. Trust.2. Personal satisfaction."In my business," he remarked,

"as soon as people know they cantrust you, you can make money. Buthonesty's most valuable reward isthat second item. It's priceless. Theknowledge that you have been fairand square makes you feel so darnedgood inside.

"A lie makes you feel much likea husband who has had a flirtation.When he goes home to his wife,he feels guilty. Another man, withno such guilt on his mind, thinks,'Gee, I'm glad to get home!'

"It takes several items on the debitside to take away the credit of per-sonal satisfaction.

"That pleasant feeling that I havespoken of is what's inside. Thenthere's what you might call a 'feel-ing about a feeling.' That 'feelingabout a feeling' is business, - thebusiness of letting the people towhom you bring news and informa-tion know you are honest and fair.The only way to do it is to bendover backwards in your efforts, oncein a while, so they'll know you'rereally trying to he just."

Fidler pointed out, "There's notPage Thirty-eight

just the honesty of stating facts.There's also honesty of opinion. Idon't care whether or not the movingpicture industry or the people in itlike what I say about them. Re-gardless of how they react, I'm entitled to an opinion. I don't try todictate to them, but I can say whatI think. They also can say whatthey think about me. You-or any-one-can look at me and describeme in any way you see me. Saythat my hairline is receding if youthink it is. That's your privilege andanybody's."

Readers will recall that a goodlynumber of moving picture stars andmoguls have vigorously exercisedthat cherished right-free speech.Some of them have even said it withextreme indelicacy in public-withtheir fists. Errol Flynn, for one.

"NEVER MALICIOUS""There's an instance that illus-

trates a point, " asserted Fidler."I've never used my column for malicious purposes. I've never used itto get even with an enemy. Whenthose two girls sued Flynn, I hadpractically nothing about it in mycolumn. I didn't want people tothink I was trying to get back athim. But, aside from public opinion,I had to feel right about it withinmyself."

The man who has made a fortunetelling the world about Hollywoodsays he received one of his mostprized possessions because of his at-titude in the Flynn case. "A lettercame to me from the Naval TrainingStation in New Haven, Connecticut,"he said. "It bore the signature of77 men. They wrote to say theythought I was a good sport becauseI hadn't taken advantage of Flynn'splight. I'm mighty proud of thatletter. I put it in my scrapbook."

The radio commentator remarkedthat he had been regarded as aChaplin enemy. He said it all startedwhen he attacked Chaplin with re-gard to his demands for a secondfront.

"Who is he to tell the governmenthow to run the war?" queried Fidler."I said he had better let the government decide what course to pursue.The best he could do for this countryduring the war was to help keep upmorale by making good pictures. Iwasn't picking on Chaplin. I justdon't think any actor has any busi-ness interfering with the govern-ment's tactics in this world conflict.Neither have I or any other news-paper man - unless it's an etcpertsuch as Fielding Elliott, who knowswhereof he speaks."

Fidler' opinions on this subjectstirred bitter resentment in the mov-ing picture industry.

"Yet when the Barry girl broughtsuit against Chaplin, I didn't say oneword against him, either in my col-umn or on the air," declared Fidler."I couldn't see any reason to, any-how. They don't yet know whetherher child is his baby or not. Sup.pose he did have an affair with thegirl. A young woman 23 years old

should know what she's doing. Itwouldn't surprise me if he was en-tirely cleared before the baby isborn."

STICKS NECK OUTFidler says it's in writing open let-

ters and carrying on discussions thathe really "sticks his neck out." Oneof his open letters was to Linda Dar-nell, when she left home. Her ex-planation was that her mother inter-fered with her ways of findingpleasure, disapproved of her latehours and didn't think she shouldtake even one drink. Fidler, in hisletter, said any mother had a rightto curb the freedom of a daughterbetween 18 and 20 years old whowanted to keep whatever hours shechose, and to drink. That frank ex-pression of opinion resulted in aflood of letters. Some from heads ofinstitutions, saying they had takenunder their protection girls who hadleft home as a result of Linda Darnell's attitude.

"But you never can tell what's go-ing to cause a kickback," he re-marked. "Take the Gene Tierneyincident, for instance. I said she wastrying to smoke cigars in order tobecome inured to the smoke of herhusband's. I thought it was rathersweet."

As readers may recall, that men-tion of Gene Tierney raised a hulla-baloo that rocked Radio Row. Twentieth-Century-Fox f a i r l y belchedsmoke and fire. A series of state-ments ended with a studio edict for-bidding any and all Twentieth -Cen-tury -Fox players from participatingin guest broadcasts either over NBCor the BLUE. NBC executives pro-tested that the two networks wereentirely separate, that Fidler's pro-gram went out only over the BLUE.But the Fox studio was adamant.That edict has been rigidly enforcedever since-even when Carole Landisreturned from her tour of the armycamps in Africa and other overseasfighting fronts this summer. NBC in-vited her to appear on "Cavalcade ofAmerica" with the three other filmstars who made the trip with her.Kay Francis, Martha Raye and MitziMayfair all took part in the broad-cast but Fox forbade Carole Landisto join them.

All this uproar as a result of Jim-mie Fidler's forthrightness. "Yet,says he, "e v i d e n t l y my readersweren't shocked by that cigar story.I didn't get a single letter about it."

* *Goodbye Rudy

(Continued from Page. 35)loss for words. Gone were the flipremarks and pert cracks that havemade her one of radio's funniestcomediennes.

Rudy took command of the situa-tion. He grinned, leaned over andkissed her on the lips. Joan hadspent a year on the air trying with-out success for one of Rudy's kisses.

"That did it!" Joan gasped. "Whoam I to follow an act like THAT?"


DON'T DROWN 'EIVI :, Your vegetables, lady! Letthem keep their heads abovewater, so to speak. It's a specialkind of kitchen folly to use toomuch water, because then youhave to cook your vegetables al-most to the point of exhaustion.

Instead, use just enough waterto keep them from burning andto keep a good steam in the cook-ing utensil. This will cook themquickly to a tender crispness.

When you serve your vege-tables, you can use the water asa kind of sauce to serve them in.Or, if you like them "dry," storethe juice in the refrigerator anduse it later in soups, stews, orvegetable cocktails. Such cookingwater is also a good addition togravies.

The main thing, though, is to

use as little water as possible sothat the vegetables retain all oftheir goodness and nutrition.

FAT IN THE FIRE :It's kitchen fats and the firing

line that we're talking about. Weknow you've, been saving yourkitchen fats for over a period ofmonths now. You've been doinga good job, too. Now just keepit up.

Remember, you can conserveall kitchen fats-no matterwhether they are of animal, vege-table, or poultry origin. Baconor sausage fats can be used in avariety of ways. Try sauteingapples in them to be served withmeat or to make a white saucefor creamed vegetables, or youcan even use them in place ofbutter in mashing potatoes.

If you are doing any deep fat

Special Fruit Salad withEpicure Sauce

tbsp. gelatin2 tbsps. of cold waterSi cup boiling water

tbsp. sugarDash saltI cup of Sherry wine2 tbsps. lemon juice% cup whipped cream

1/2 cup sliced and seeded grapesSi cup diced fruit salad "drained

from syrup"cup celery

tbsp. chopped preserved ginger4 cup pecansI lettuce

1 cup epicure sauce

Soften gelatin in cold water, add boiling water and stir until the gelatinis well dissolved. Add the sugar, salt, sherry wine, and the lejuice. Chill. When this begins to thicken, fold in the cream, fruits,celery, the ginger and the pecans. Turn into individual molds and let:hill. When ready to serve unmohl on citified lettuce leaves and garnishwith epicure salad sauce.

Recipe for Epicure Salad Sauce% cup mayonnaise I tsp. Worcestershire sauce

tbsps. of French dressing I tsp. lemon juice4 tbsps. chopped olives Pinch salt and Dash pepper

1 tbsps. Tarragon vinegarMix all ingredients together am l when mixed use on the above salad.

L -- am. J


.frying, you can conserve yoursupply by being careful not tooverheat the fat, and also take iteasy when you are deciding onthe amount of food to be friedat one time. If you use too largea quantity at one time, it willlower the temperature of the fatand allow it to soak into thefood.

Use your fats to the best ad-vantage, and when they havebeen re -used to the point wherethey are no longer edible, sendthem to your local market. UncleSam will see to it that the "fat'sin the fire"-for the laps!

THE COOKING AGE :Nobody can say just when the

"'cooking age" begins. It takesyou unawares. One day you havea small daughter and the next,a would-be chef. ,4nd that's whenthe complicatioos can set in.These days we haven't got thefood to waste on a failure, buton the other hand, daughterwants to, and should learn tocook.

So let her try something verysimple first, like the following:

WIENIE BOATS: Slit wieniesthat have been simmered in hotwater for seven minutes, downthe center. Fill e a c h withmashed potatoes to which a littlechopped parsley has been added.Sprinkle with cheese and bake inan oven of 425 degrees for sevenminutes.

Listen to Chef Milani in"Kitchen Kollege" heard daily,Monday through Friday at 10.a. in. over Station KFWB.



Page Thirty-nine


HAPPY BIRTHDAY/ Mrs. Alex Dreier presents husband -com-mentator with replica of meal served on his natal day when he

was Berlin correspon nt lot NBC. On plate arc horse meapotato, thick, dark

HEADS NEW KMTR PROGRAM. Gene Austin nowoccupies 12:06-12:30 a.m. spot (except Tuesday)

is "Midnight Revels- array of name band music and guestappearances.

Page Forty

IN VACATION TOGS. Rose Mary Garbiall re-laxes after graduating from Chicago grammar

school. part of impishTootle or NBC' y of arlin.-

RADIO CANDIDATE NO. I for Pin -Up Girl. PDunlap, who has just completed her eighth ye

Janet Ryder on CBS' "Bachelor's Children," can compete withmost alluring favorites.