eigenvalue bounds for orr-sommerfeld equation ‘no backward wave’ theorem

Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.), Vol. 106, No. 3, August 1996, pp. 281-287. ,~ Printed in India Eigenvalue bounds for Orr-Sommerfeld equation 'No backward wave' theorem MIHIR B BANERJEE, R G SHANDIL and BALRAJ SINGH BANDRAL Department of Mathematics, Himachai Pradesh University, Shimla 171 005, India MS received I8 January 1996 A~tract, Theoretical estimates of the phase velocity C, of an arbitrary unstable, marginally stable or stable wave derived on the basis of the classical Orr-Sommerfeld eigenvalue problem governing the linear instability of plane Poiseuille flow (U(z) = 1 - z 2, - 1 <~ z ~ + 1), leave open the possibility of these phase velocities lying outside the range U=t, < C, < U=,., but not a single experimental or numerical investigation in this regard, which are concerned with unstable or marginally stable waves, has supported such a possibility as yet, U=l . and Urn.. being respectively the minimum and the maximum value of U(z) for z e [ - 1, + 1]. This gap between the theory on one side and the experiment and computation on the other has remained unexplained ever since Joseph derived these estimates, first, in 1968, and has even led to the speculation of a negative phase velocity (or rather, C, < U=i, = 0) and hence the possibility of a 'backward' wave as in the ease of the Jeffery-Hamel flow in a diverging channel with back flow ([1]). A simple mathematical proof of the non-existence of such a possibilityis given herein by showing that the phase velocity C, of an arbitrary unstable or marginally stable wave must satisfy the inequality Uml, < C, < U=.~. It follows as a consequence stated here in this explicit form for the first time to the best of our knowledge, that 'overstability' and not the 'principle of exchange of stabilities' is valid for the problem of plane Poiseuille flow. Keywortls. Bounds; Orr-Sommerfeld equation. 1. Introduction In the linear instability problem of parallel shear flow of a nonviscous fluid, Rayleigh showed that the phase velocity C, of an arbitrary unstable wave must lie in the range Umi . < C, < U~, and since then the problem of generalizing this result with the inclusion of the effect of viscosity of the fluid, which results in the basic flow being a Poiseuille one, has been much sought after. Joseph [3] discovered in the context of plane Poiseuille flow a lower and an upper bound of C, of an arbitrary unstable, marginally stable or stable wave in the form 2[dWl Umin'+ l_TZ2Jmi.__ -4 - - <C,< Urn..= 1, (1) n 2 + 4~t2 n 2 + 4~ 2 which leave open the possibility of these phase velocities lying outside the range U=i n < C, < U .... but not a single experimental or numerical investigation in this regard, which are concerned with unstable or marginally stable waves has supported such a possibility as yet. This gap between the theory on one side and the experiment and the computation on the other has remained unexplained ever since Joseph derived these estimates and has even led to the speculation of a negative phase velocity (or, rather, C, < U.,t. = 0) and hence the possibility of a 'backward' wave as in the case of the Jeffery-Hamel flow in a diverging channel with back flow. A simple mathematical 281

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Page 1: Eigenvalue bounds for Orr-Sommerfeld equation ‘No backward wave’ theorem

Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.), Vol. 106, No. 3, August 1996, pp. 281-287. ,~ Printed in India

Eigenvalue bounds for Orr-Sommerfeld equation 'No backward wave' theorem

M I H I R B B A N E R J E E , R G S H A N D I L and B A L R A J S I N G H B A N D R A L Department of Mathematics, Himachai Pradesh University, Shimla 171 005, India

MS received I8 January 1996

A~tract, Theoretical estimates of the phase velocity C, of an arbitrary unstable, marginally stable or stable wave derived on the basis of the classical Orr-Sommerfeld eigenvalue problem governing the linear instability of plane Poiseuille flow ( U ( z ) = 1 - z 2, - 1 <~ z ~ + 1), leave open the possibility of these phase velocities lying outside the range U=t, < C, < U=,., but not a single experimental or numerical investigation in this regard, which are concerned with unstable or marginally stable waves, has supported such a possibility as yet, U=l . and Urn.. being respectively the minimum and the maximum value of U ( z ) for z e [ - 1, + 1]. This gap between the theory on one side and the experiment and computation on the other has remained unexplained ever since Joseph derived these estimates, first, in 1968, and has even led to the speculation of a negative phase velocity (or rather, C, < U=i, = 0) and hence the possibility of a 'backward' wave as in the ease of the Jeffery-Hamel flow in a diverging channel with back flow ([1]). A simple mathematical proof of the non-existence of such a possibility is given herein by showing that the phase velocity C, of an arbitrary unstable or marginally stable wave must satisfy the inequality Uml, < C, < U=.~. It follows as a consequence stated here in this explicit form for the first time to the best of our knowledge, that 'overstability' and not the 'principle of exchange of stabilities' is valid for the problem of plane Poiseuille flow.

Keywortls. Bounds; Orr-Sommerfeld equation.

1. Introduction

In the l inear ins tabi l i ty p rob l em of para l le l shear flow of a nonviscous fluid, Rayle igh showed that the phase veloci ty C, of an a rb i t r a ry uns table wave mus t lie in the range Umi . < C, < U ~ , and since then the p r o b l e m of general iz ing this resul t with the inclusion of the effect of viscosi ty of the fluid, which results in the bas ic flow being a Poiseui l le one, has been much sought after. Joseph [3] d iscovered in the con tex t of p lane Poiseui l le flow a lower a n d an upper b o u n d of C, of an a rb i t r a ry uns table , marg ina l ly s table or s table wave in the form

2[dWl Umin'+ l_TZ2Jmi.__ -4

- - < C , < Urn . .= 1, (1) n 2 + 4~t 2 n 2 + 4~ 2

which leave open the poss ib i l i ty of these phase velocities lying outs ide the range U=i n < C, < U . . . . bu t not a single exper imenta l or numer ica l inves t iga t ion in this regard, which are concerned with uns tab le or marg ina l ly s table waves has s u p p o r t e d such a poss ibi l i ty as yet. This gap between the theory on one side and the exper iment and the c o m p u t a t i o n on the o ther has r ema ined unexpla ined ever since Joseph der ived these es t imates and has even led to the specula t ion of a negat ive phase veloci ty (or, rather, C, < U., t . = 0) and hence the poss ib i l i ty of a ' b a c k w a r d ' wave as in the case of the J e f f e ry -Hame l flow in a d iverg ing channel wi th back flow. A s imple ma thema t i ca l


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proof of the non-existence of such a possibility is given herein by showing that the phase velocity C, of an arbitrary unstable or marginally stable wave must satisfy the inequality Umi n < C, < U ~ . It follows as a consequence, stated here in this explicit form for the first time to the best of our knowledge, that 'overstability' and not the 'principle of exchange of stabilities', is valid for the problem of plane PoiseuiUe flow.

2. Mathematical analysis The classical Orr-Sommerfeld eigenvalue problem governing the linear instability of plane Poiseuille flow against two-dimensional perturbations is given by

d2Ut~ "l-~(D2tottt - ~2)2q5 = (U - C)(D 2 - ct2)~b - ~ (2)

and qb=0=Dq~ at z = - I and z = + l , (3)

where z is the real independent variable such that - 1 ~< z <~ + 1 and D = d/dz; a is the wave number of the perturbation and is real; R > 0 is the Reynold number of the flow; C = C, + iCi is the complex wave velocity of the perturbation, C r and C~ being respectively the phase velocity and the amplification factor; q~(z) is the amplitude of the stream function perturbation in the form ~ (z)e ~(x- ") and is a complex valued function of the real variable z while U(z) = 1 - z 2 is the basic background flow. Equations (2) and (3), thus define an eigenvalue problem for C for given values of a and R, and a perturbation is said to be unstable if ctC~ > 0, marginally stable if ~tC~ = 0 for some values of~t and R with the further condition that aC: > 0 for any neighbouring values of a and R, and stable if ~C~ ~< 0.

We now prove the following theorems:

Theorem 1. If(dp, C) with otC~ # 0 is a solution of the Orr-Sommerfeld eigenvalue problem described by eqs (2) and (3) for prescribed values of ~ and R then the integral relation

2C~ ( U - C , ) [ I D F I 2 + ot 2 [F[2]dz -1

1 f* l (U - C,)[[D2F[ 2 + 2e2[DF[ 2 + e4[FI2]dz _ ,

f + l 1 ~+1 d4U 2 1 .,_,d~U[21OFI2+~21FI2]dz+-~-d-~j_x -d~z41FI d z = 0 , (4) ~R - t az

with F = qS/(U - C), is true.

Proof. We apply the ze [ - 1, + 1], since aC i # 0. Equations (2) and (3) then transform into

i lR (O 2 - ~t2)z [(U - C)F] = O[ (U - C)2 OF] - ct2(U - C)Z F, (5)


F = O = D F at z = - I and +1 . (6)

Multiplying eq. (5) throughout by F* (the complex conjugate of F) and integrating

transformation q~ = (U - C)F which remains valid for all values of

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Eigenvatue bounds for Orr-Sommerfeld equation 283

the resulting equation over the range of z, we get

f:l' 1 F,(D2_ot2)2[(U_C)F]d z i~R

;)11 f+! -- F*D[(U - C)2DF]dz - ct 2 (U - C)2[F[Edz. (7) - 1

Equating the imaginary parts of both sides of (7), we have

_ 1 Re F*(D 2 - e2)2 [(U - C)F]dz

= Im F*D[(U - C)2DF]dz - e 2 Im (U - C)2[F[Edz, (8)

where the symbols Re and Im respectively denote the real and imaginary parts of the quantities that succeed them.


j '+ l Re F*(D 2 - ~2)2 [(U - C)F]dz


t '+ 1

= Re F*(D 4 - 2e2D 2 + e4)[(U - C)F]dz -1

l '+ 1

= Re F*D4[(U - C)F]dz - !

- 2~x2 Re f +ll F*D2[(U - C)F]dz + ct4 Re f +11(U -

which upon integrating the first integral twice and the second integral once by parts and making use of the boundary conditions (6) yields

f+1 dU d2U Re D2F*[(U-C)DZF + 2~zDF +-~z2 F]dz

-1 ,~1 ~ [+1

+ 2~ZRe DF* [(U - C)DF + F]dz + ~4 (U - C,)lFl2dz, -1 J-I

which upon rearranging yields

f +l I ( u - + + C,)[tD2F[ 2 2~21DFI 2 ctalFl2]dz

+ R e D2F * 2 D F + - ~ j F | d z - I

+2~t2Ref+_;DF*~zFdZ. (9)

Integrating 2~_ + 11D2F*(dU/dz)DFdz, ~*_ ~DEF*(d 2 U/dz2)Fdz and S+_~DF*(dU/dz)Fdz by parts once, twice and once respectively and making use of the boundary conditions

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284 M ihir B Banerjee et al

(5), we derive

R e 2 f § d2U 2 _ _ -d~-z21DFJ dz, (10)

l'+x 2 , d 2 U [ + ' d 2 U 1 ( + ld4U z Re ! D F -5~_2 Fdz= - [DFIZdz + (11) J_, dz j_, ~ ~ j , _ --~-z4 IF[ dz,


Re DF*dUFdZ=dz - 2 J _ ~ "-d~-z 2 IFj2dz" (12)

It then follows from eqs (9), (10), (11) and (12) that

Re _ F*(D 2 - a 2 ) 2 [ ( U - C)F]dz

f+' = (U - Cr)[ID2FI 2 + 20~21DFI 2 + ot4lFI2] dz - 1

+ 1 ~ + l d g U 2 - f + ~ ( ~ ) [ 2 , D F , 2 + ~ 2 , F l 2 ] d z ~ j _ l -d~z, ,F} dz. (13)


Im F*D[(U - C)ZDF]dz - ~2Im (U - C)2 [FlZdz

= - Im (U - C)2[IDFI 2 + a2iFI2]dz

f+' = 2C~ (U - C,)[IDFI 2 + 0r (14) - 1

which follows by integrating the first integral by parts once and making use of the boundary conditions (5).

Combinding eqs (8). (13) and (14), we obtain the integral relation

f+' 2C~ (U - Cr)[IDFI 2 + oc21Fl2]dz - 1

+ - ~ (U - C,)[ID2FI 2 + 2ct2IDF[ 2 + ~4iFl2]dz

a R j _ t -~f fz2[2lDFl2+~2lFi2]dz+-~j_~ -~z4 IFiedz = 0, (15)

and hence the theorem.

Theorem 2. I f (@, C) with otC i > 0 is a solution of the Orr-Sommerf eld eioenvalue problem described by eqs (2) and (3) for prescribed values of ~ and R then Cr must satisfy the inequality

Umi, < C r < Urea x. (16)

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Eigenvalue bounds for Orr-Sommerfeld equation 285

Proof. We write eq. (15), which is valid under the present conditions as

2aC i (U - C,)[]DF[ 2 + a2tFl2]dz

1 f + l + -~ (U - Cr)[ID2FI 2 + 2~21DFI 2 -4- ~t41Fl2]dz - 1

1 _I+f d2U DF 2 1 ~+ld4U R _ _ _ --~rz2 E21 I +.21FI2]dz+~-~j_~ -d-~slFI2dz=0. (17)

Now, for U(z) = 1 - z z, we have (d2U/dz 2) = - 2 and (d4U/dz 4) = 0 for all values of z e [ - 1, + 1] and further since aC i > 0, it follows from eq. (17) that

f+~ I2~tCi(IDF,2 1 2F 2 ct4lFl2)]d z _ (U--Cr) +a2IF[2)+~(ID I +2a21DFI2+

2 ~.+1 + ~ J _ l (2IDF[ 2 + a2tFlZ)dz = 0. (18)

The quantity within the square brackets under the first integral sign is a positive definite and therefore, for the validity of eq. (18), we must have for some z s

U(z~)-C~<O, z ~ e [ - 1 , + l], (19)

which implies that

C r > Umi .. (20)

Combining inequality (20) with Joseph's inequality given by (1) which holds good for aC i ~< 0, we derive the result that

Umi . < C, < U . . . . (21)

and hence the theorem.

Theorem 3. I f (c~, C) with aC i = 0 (~ # 0 since a = 0 corresponds to a trivial solution for ~) is a solution of the Orr-Sommerfeld eigenvalue problem described by eqs (2) and (3) for prescribed values of a and R then C, must satisfy the inequality

Umi n ~< C, < Urea x. (22)

Proof. Since C~ = O, it follows that the behaviour of U - C = U - C, must fall into one of the three mutually exclusive classes namely

(i) U - C r > 0 for all values o f z e [ - 1, + 1], (ii) U - C, < 0 for all values o f z z [ - 1, + 1], and

(iii) U - C, = 0 for some value ofz = z s e [ - 1, + 1).

If (i) is valid then under the present conditions the transformation c~ = ( U - C)F remains well defined for all values o f z r 1, + 1] so that we derive from eq. (15) that

f +l (U [[D2FI 2 + 2t~ 21DF] 2 ~4[FI2]dz C,) + 1

2 Jf-+x (21DF[ 2 + ~t 2 IFI2)dz = 0. + (23)

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286 Mihir B Banerjee et al

A necessary condition for the validity of eq. (23) is that

U - C, < 0 for some value o f z e [ - 1, + 1],

which clearly contradicts the starting hypothesis, namely (i). Thus (i) cannot be valid. If (ii) is valid, then we must have

U - C, < 0 for all values of z z [ - 1, + 1],

from which it follows that

C, > U(O) = Urn=,

which presents a contradiction, since by Joseph's estimate given by inequality (1) C, satisfies C r < Urea x. Thus (ii) also cannot be valid.

Therefore (iii) must hold good so that we have

U - C, = 0 for some value of z = z ~ [ - 1, + 1],

which implies that

U ( z s) - c , = o,

from which it follows th~/t

v=n~ c,~< V~x. (24)

Combining inequality (24) with inequality (1) established by Joseph, we derive that such values of C, as given under conditions of Theorem 3 satisfies the inequality

Umi n ~ C, < Um~ x, (25)

and hence the theorem.

Remarks. An arbitrary perturbation with aC i = 0 (~ # 0) is a neutral perturbation and since Umi n = 0, Theorem 3 dearly shows that stationary (i.e. C, = 0) as well as oscillatory (i.e. C, # 0) neutral perturbations are both allowed by inequality (25). However, for such a neutral perturbation to be a marginal or marginally stable perturbation it is necessary that it lies on the stability boundary i.e. a boundary or boundaries in the (~, R) - plane on crossing which, C i changes sign, and this requires a more detailed analysis of the eigenvalue problem. In the next theorem we shall prove that all stationary non-neutral perturbations must of necessity decay which rules out the possibility of stationary neutral perturbations lying on the stability boundary which exists after the rigorous mathematical validation of Heisenberg's [2] results by Krylov [4]. Thus, it is the oscillatory neutral perturbations and not the stationary neutral ones that constitute the stability boundary or equivalently, in the Poincart-Eddington terminology it is 'overstability' and not the 'principle of exchange of stabilities' that is valid for the problem of plane Poiseuille flow.

Theorem 4. I f (q~, C) with aC i # 0 and C r = 0 is a solution of the Orr-Sommerfeld eigenvalue problem described by eqs (2) and (3) for prescribed values of ~ and R then

~C i < O.

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Eigenvalue bounds for Orr-Sommerfeld equation 287

Proof. From eq. (15), which is valid under the present conditions we derive that

2~C i U[IDF[ 2 + 0t2 ]Fl2]dz -1

1 U[ID2F[2 + 2ct2 IDF[ 2 + ~41fl2]d z + ~ _

+ ~ _ (2IDFI 2 + ~t2lFl2)dz = 0. (26)

But, since U(z) = 1 - z 2 >/0 for all values ofz~ [ - 1, + 1], we must have, for the validity of eq. (23), ~Ci < 0 and hence the theorem.

In view of the Remark mentioned above and Theorem 4 the following theorem is valid:

Theorem 5. I f (~, C) with aC i = 0 (~ ~ O) and C r ~ 0 is a solution of the Orr-Sommerfeld eigenvalue problem described by eqs (2) and (3) for prescribed values of ct and R then C, must satisfy the inequality

Umi n < C, < Uma X. (27)

Theorem 2 and Theorem 5 show that the phase velocity of an arbitrary unstable or marginally stable wave must lie in the range Umi . < C, < Urea X while Theorem 2 and Theorem 3 show that the phase velocity of an arbitrary unstable or neutrally stable wave must lie in the range Umi n ~< C r < Uma ~. Thus, in both cases the possibility of C, being, less than Umi n and hence, negative is ruled out and therefore no 'backward' wave can exist in the instability of Poiseuille flow.


One of the authors (BSB) gratefully acknowledges the financial support of CSIR.


1-1] Drazin P G and Reid W H, Hydrodynamic Stability (1981) (London: Cambridge University Press) I-2] Heisenberg W, Uber Stabilitat und Turbulenz yon Flussigkeitsstromen, Ann. Phys. Lpz. 74 (4) (1924)

577-627 [3] Joseph D D, Eigenvalue bounds for Orr-Sommerfeld equation, J. Fluid Mech. 33 (1968) 617-621 14] Krylov A L, The proof of the instability of a certain flow of viscous incompressible fluid, Dokl. Akad.

Nauk. 153 (4) (1963) 787-789