eece 574 - adaptive control - laguerre-based adaptive control - part i

EECE 574 - Adaptive Control Laguerre-based Adaptive Control - Part I Guy Dumont Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of British Columbia January 2013 Guy Dumont (UBC EECE) EECE 574 - Adaptive Control January 2013 1 / 39

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EECE 574 - Adaptive ControlLaguerre-based Adaptive Control - Part I

Guy Dumont

Department of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of British Columbia

January 2013

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Edmond Laguerre, Frenchmathematician,(Bar-le-Duc, 1834-1886)

He studied approximationmethods and is bestremembered for the specialfunctions: the Laguerrepolynomials

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Mathematical Premise

Consider the set of square-(Lebesgue) integrable functions y(t):∫∞

0‖y(t)‖2dt < ∞

This set of signals is denoted as the Lebesgue space L2[0,∞).

The impulse response of an asymptotically stable system lies in L2.

Such a system is said to be L2-stable. Obviously, neither a pure oscillatoror an integrator is in L2.

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Mathematical Premise

Now, define the inner product as

< x,y >=∫


We can define an orthonormal sequence {ψi} if it satisfies:

< ψi,ψj >= δi,j

where δi,j is the Dirac delta-function.

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Mathematical Premise

The set {ψi} is said to be complete if every y ∈ L2[0,∞) can be expandedinto the series:

y =∞


< y,ψi > ψi

Then, for any real ε > 0, there exists a positive integer N such that



< y,ψi > ψi‖< ε

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Mathematical Premise

An inner-product space with the property of completeness is called a Hilbertspace. Then we can state the classical Riesz-Fisher theorem:

Theorem (Riesz-Fisher Theorem)

Let {ψi} be a complete orthonormal set as specified above, and let {ci} be asequence of real numbers such that ∑

∞i=0 |ci|2 converges. Then, there exists a

unique y ∈ L2[0,∞) such that ci =< y,ψi >. Consequently,

y =∞



in the sense of convergence in L2[0,∞).

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Network synthesis using Laguerre functions (Wiener and Lee,1930’s-1960’s)

Data reduction in system identification (King and Paraskevopoulos,1970’s)

Description of nonlinear systems (Schetzen, 1980)

PID tuning (Zervos, Bélanger, Dumont) and adaptive control (Zervos andDumont, 1980’s)

Indutrial applications (Dumont et al., 1980’s-1990’s)

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Theoretical investigations and extensions (Mäkilä, Wahlberg, Van denHof, Ninness, 1990’s)

Nonlinear adaptive control (Fu and Dumont, 1990’s)

Commercial adaptive controllers (Universal Dynamics, 1990’s)

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Laguerre Functions Continuous Laguerre Functions

Laguerre Functions

In the time domain, the Laguerre functions are defined as:

li(t) =√



dti−1 [ti−1 exp(−2pt)]

Because Laguerre functions form a complete set in L2[a,b], if given areal and continuous function y(t) in L2[a,b], and a positive real ε > 0then, there exists a positive integer N such that,

E =∫ b

a|y(t)−S(t)|2dt < ε


S(t) =N


cili(t) = rT l

Where, cT = [ c1 c2 . . . cN ], and lT = [ l1 l2 . . . lN ].The constants ci’s are called the Laguerre spectrum gains.

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Laguerre Functions Continuous Laguerre Functions

Continuous Laguerre Functions

In the Laplace transform domain, the Laguerre filters are defined as:

Li(s) =√


(s+p)i , i = 1, ..,N

where i is the order of the function (i = 1, ..N), and p > 0 is thetime-scale

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Laguerre Functions Continuous Laguerre Functions

Continuous Laguerre Functions



U(s)- s−p


- q q qL2(s)- s−p





c1 c2 cN

? ? ?

Summing Circuit�Y(s)

Figure: Representation of plant dynamics using a truncated continuous Laguerreladder network

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Laguerre Functions Continuous Laguerre Functions

Example of Laguerre Modelling

Figure: Laguerre Modelling

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Laguerre Functions Discrete Laguerre Functions

Discrete Laguerre Models

An open loop stable linear system can be represented with arbitrary accuracy by:

y(k) =n



where Φi(q−1), for i = 1, · · · ,n, are the discrete Laguerre functions:

Φi(q−1) =√

1−p2 q−1(q−1−p)i−1

(1−pq−1)i , i = 1, . . . ,n

ci =∞


h(k)Φi(q−1)δ (k)

where δ (k) is the unit impulse and h(k) is the system impulse response

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Laguerre Functions Discrete Laguerre Functions

Modelling with Laguerre Functions

An open-loop stable system can be described by the stable, controllableand observable state-space model:

l(t+1) = Al(t)+bu(t)

y(t) = cT l(t)

withlT(t) = [ l1(t) l2(t) . . . lN(t) ]T

andcT = [c1 c2 . . .cN ]

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Identification of Laguerre Models

Identification of Laguerre Models

The classical method is to compute the Laguerre spectrum of a signalusing the correlation method, i.e.

ci =∫ b


where h(t) is the plant impulse response and li(t) is the ith Laguerrefunction

In practice, it is more realistic to use a least-squares type algorithm

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Identification of Laguerre Models

Identification of Laguerre Models

Consider the real plant described by

y(t) =N





where w(t) is a disturbance

This model has an output-error structure, is linear in the parameters, andgives a convex identification problem

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Identification of Laguerre Models

Identification of Laguerre Models

With the following standard notations:

φT(k) = [ l1(kT) l2(kT) . . . lN(kT) ]

φTU(k) = [ lN+1(kT) lN+2(kT) . . . . . . ]

This is somewhat of an abuse of notation, as in theory the true plant isrepresented as an infinite series. However, for all practical purposes, the trueplant can be exactly described by a large but truncated series.

ΦT = [ φ(T) φ(2T) . . . φ(nT) ]

ΦTU = [ φ

U(T) φ

U(2T) . . . φ

U(nT) ]

YT = [ y(T) y(2T) . . . y(nT) ]

WT = [ w(T) w(2T) . . . w(nT) ]

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Identification of Laguerre Models

Identification of Laguerre Models

Then, we can write:Y = Φ

Tθ 0 +Φ

TUθ U +W

The least-squares estimate θ of θ 0 is given by:

θ = [ΦΦT ]−1


We can write the estimate as:

θ = θ 0 +[ΦΦT ]−1

ΦΦUθ U +[ΦΦT ]−1


Taking the expectation yields:

E[θ ] = θ 0 +E{[ΦΦT ]−1

ΦΦUθ U}+E{[ΦΦT ]−1


It is easy to see that, for large n and zero-mean, white input u:

E[θ ] = θ 0

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Identification of Laguerre Models

Identification of Laguerre Models

Even if w(t) it coloured and non-zero mean, simple least-squares provideconsistent estimates of the ci’s.

The estimate of the nominal plant, i.e. of ci, for i = 1, · · · ,N is unaffectedby the presence of the unmodelled dynamics represented by ci, fori = N +1, · · · ,∞.

This provides us with a robust estimator, one of the two key ingredientsin a robust adaptive controller.

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Identification of Laguerre Models

Identification of Laguerre Models

The mapping (1+aeiω)/(eiω +a) improves the condition number of theleast-squares covariance matrix.

The implicit assumption that the system is low-pass in nature reduces theasymptotic covariance of the estimate at high frequenciesFor least-squares, the mean square error of the transfer function estimatecan be approximated by

π(eiω ) =12

(N(1−λ )


|eiω −a|2Φv(eiω )

Φu(eiω )+


1−λr1(eiω )


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Identification of Laguerre Models

Identification of Laguerre Models

The case a = 0 corresponds to a FIR model. The MSE is proportional tothe number of parameters. Compared with a FIR model, an orthonormalseries representation requires less parameters and thus gives a smallerMSE.The disturbance spectrum is scaled by


|eiω −a|2

thus reducing the detrimental effect of disturbances at high frequencies.

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Non Linear Systems

Extension to Nonlinear Systems

Special case of a Wiener model, where the linear dynamic partrepresented by a series of Laguerre filters is followed by a memorylessnonlinear mapping

Can be derived from the Volterra series input-output representation,where the Volterra kernels are expanded via truncated Laguerre functions

A finite-time observable nonlinear system can be approximated as atruncated Wiener-Volterra series:

y(t) = h0(t)+N


∫· · ·∫

hn(τ1, · · · ,τn)n


u(t− τi)dτi

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Non Linear Systems

Extension to Nonlinear Systems

For instance, truncating the series after the second-order kernel:

y(t) = h0(t)+∫

0h1(τ1)u(t− τ1)dτ1 +∫



0h2(τ1,τ2)u(t− τ1)u(t− τ2)dτ1dτ2

Assuming that the Volterra kernels are in L2[,∞), they can be expandedand approximated as:

h1(τ1) =N



h2(τ1,τ2) =N





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Non Linear Systems

Extension to Nonlinear Systems

Using Laguerre functions, this second-order nonlinear system can beexpressed as the nonlinear state-space model:

l(t) = Al(t)+bu(t)

y(t) = c0 + cT l(t)+ lT(t)Dl(t)

where c = {ck} and D = {cnm}.Note that since the Volterra kernels are symmetric, cnm = cmn and thus Dis symmetric. A discrete model can be derived in a similar form. Notethat this model is linear in the parameters, and can thus be easilyidentified.

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Non Linear Systems

Extension to Nonlinear Systems

Figure: Structure of the nonlinear Laguerre model

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Laguerre-based Control A Simple Predictive Control Law

Laguerre EHC

Given the discrete Laguerre model

l(k+1) = Al(k)+bu(k)

y(k) = Cl(k)

We can predict the plant output for the future d-steps based on using thecurrently measured output y(k), which is:

y(k+d) = y(k)+C[l(k+d)− l(k)]

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Laguerre-based Control A Simple Predictive Control Law

Laguerre EHC

Recursively using the state equation in Equation (1.2) gives the futureLaguerre model states:

l(k+1) = Al(k)+Bu(k)

l(k+2) = A2l(k)+ABu(k)+Bu(k+1)

· · · = · · ·l(k+d) = Adl(k)+Ad−1Bu(k)+ · · ·+Bu(k+d−1)

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Laguerre-based Control A Simple Predictive Control Law

Laguerre EHC

By assumingu(k) = u(k+1) = · · ·= u(k+d−1)

The future control inputs are held constant, the d-step ahead Laguerremodel state prediction is then:

l(k+d) = Adl(k)+(Ad−1 + · · ·+ I)Bu(k)

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Laguerre-based Control A Simple Predictive Control Law

Laguerre EHC

Substitutingl(k+d) = Adl(k)+(Ad−1 + · · ·+ I)Bu(k)

intoy(k+d) = y(k)+C[l(k+d)− l(k)]

we finally obtain the d-steps ahead output prediction:

y(k+d) = y(k)+C(Ad− I)l(k)+βu(k)

where,β4= C(Ad−1 + · · ·+ I)B

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Laguerre-based Control A Simple Predictive Control Law

Laguerre EHC

Setting the d-steps ahead output y(k+d) equal to the desired plant output yr,we obtain the control u(k) as:

u(k) =yr− y(k)−C(Ad− I)l(k)


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Laguerre-based Control A Simple Predictive Control Law

Laguerre EHC

It is worth mentioning that unless d is larger than the plant delay, β willbe zero.

Also, if the plant is non-minimum phase, a non-zero β is not guaranteedeven when d is larger than the plant delay.

Thus d should be sufficiently large. One must choose c such that β is ofthe same sign as the process static gain and of sufficiently largeamplitude.

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Laguerre-based Control A Simple Predictive Control Law

Laguerre EHC

Therefore a possible criterion to be satisfied when choosing the horizon dis:

β (k)sign(C(I−A)−1B)≥ ε|C(I−A)−1B|

with ε = 0.5.

Note that the matrix (I−A)−1B can be computed off-line as it dependsonly on the Laguerre filters.

In adaptive mode, additional computation has to be carried on-line sincethe identified model (i.e the Laguerre coefficients: C) is changing.

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Laguerre-based Control A Simple Predictive Control Law

Laguerre EHC

Sometimes, the control signal is expressed in velocity form. The controllercan be rewritten as:

u(t) = (yr− y(t))/β −CS(Al(t)−Al(t−1)−Bu(t−1))/β (1)

Using the definition of β and rearranging, one gets

∆u(t) =yr− y(t)− f T∆l(t)


where S = (Ad−1 + · · ·+ I), f T = cTSA, ∆u(t) = u(t)−u(t−1), and∆l(t) = l(t)− l(t−1).

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Laguerre-based Control Feedforward Control

Feedforward Control

Inclusion of a feedforward variable uf requires an additional Laguerrenetwork

lf (k+1) = Af lf (k)+Bf uf (k)

The plant output is then described by

y(k) = CT l(k)+CTf lf (k)

Following the same derivations as before but using the above modifiedmodel will give a control law that automatically incorporatesfeedforward compensation.

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Laguerre-based Control Integrating Systems

Integrating Systems

Time delay integrating systems are common in the process industries.

Although Laguerre functions are particularly appealing to describe stabledynamic systems, they cannot be used to represent dynamics that containan unstable or an integrating mode.

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Laguerre-based Control Integrating Systems

Integrating Systems

In case of an integrator, we can generally assume knowledge of itspresence. We can then simply remove the effect of the integrator fromthe data by differentiating it.

The Laguerre network is then employed to model only the stable part ofthe plant as in

l(k) = Al(k)+Bu(k)

∆y(k) = Cl(k)

where ∆y(k) = y(k)− y(k−1)

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Laguerre-based Control Integrating Systems

Integrating Systems

Good adaptive control of those systems requires estimation of thedisturbance

Assuming both known and unknown disturbances, the model states areupdated based on:

l(k+1) = Al(k)+Bu(k)

lf (k+1) = Af lf (k)+Bf uf (k)

ld(k+1) = Adld(k)+Bdud(k)

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Laguerre-based Control Integrating Systems

Integrating Systems

The output estimations are defined as:

y(k) = y(k−1)+C(k)l(k)+ yf (k)+ yd(k)

yf (k) = yf (k−1)+Cf (k)lf (k)

yd(k) = yd(k−1)+Cd(k)ld(k)

where f denotes a feedforward variable and d a variable associated withthe unmeasured disturbance model.

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Laguerre-based Control Integrating Systems

Integrating Systems

The disturbance is then estimated using an extended Kalman filter with

ud(k) = (y(k)+ yff (k)+ yd(k))− y(k)

where y(k), yd(k) and yff (k) are the estimated plant, known and unknowndisturbance model outputs.

A GPC type control law can then be derived.

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