dry goods - nys historic...

(tend*} » except* dj by THE EXFttESN PftJMLNtf CO. THE BUFFALO EXPRESS, PUBLISHED EVERY MORN I.VO so. u z. b w an um nrt. fHtllmH !<)• ■ '-V » the <-ftj r • • .riMn 0# |>er aui.u®. . -I Sn fiv Bl.'.NLNlvsS DlUKCTOliY. A ' A MU, UUSIMMMS A9U LOCATION OF T ilt I.K A b t i UOU3KH OF HUFFAIAJ. .Ill M t ' • tank Mvl bi sie: uij luiti . . » ! r» win. 'inki (>ur hm .ut mini i-liu, i: an a ibn. Mw -ei*cU' n i-. usl.y t LLA.-. flfYK* TS. If. fAM r/T JM | v o l. XXV. TUESDAY. MAY 31* W70. W A V IRM . A't L i ; ulkml .\ is, cAsriN(;s, ac. I <!.'> i* 0<4i* fl, C l MIK'I n e a r Lmruk*. BAN K fcKS. ii. w. uur a < . •' >m Hi.lv D HIM .HS, KINK CASTINGS, &c. C ., . .. * , ■ a m.'I Virgwua «l*. 1,001. > M* STATIONER?. I*A » » M #«-■' ->• Mmi, I:. J! OT Kl. ».« '♦*1 M«n *r«l y W. net .a K«.<>Kn, HTATiUNKRY, AC. *. *, vyK V i iu.> * Joll.N'HuN, :**« AUiu. • •<«' 4iV .*■ r.V v, •«**>•>.-( -Mo ' Jl-nt. I>< >*! I ' A sliOiiS. A. I. t.UllVV Ki;, . Si y n A.*, i ji. Jimio. 1AN*UFA< T l RBR. j. r- r,.m # +*tk i: *w xi.fi i®** Wsri.srgtoH- •»*»*, L i I iI m a I * .} , vV '>iiol.v.ti*- >i li W rAN I LU -# 20.000 OF THE HTOUF .. tl.*- c u.tra and Trotters’ ita, » A^.i f J M4N v i m * >Wd A. ^ \ 1,1 <f v*stx» n n m m ■* .. li™ ! . tt>‘ 'U ’**•» Call .• J? . u !£ ™ ?ms t‘y * cr,' t,u* om et.xu su 10- > j J1K M * rilftA L lih, *H\«JON Pi, v I iii t . do go t n l i ■- - WAMEU •> ort. r « 6t _________ M * # »- j.; \ Y ^ * Hl>- -bKY T ! _____ 1 * I,A" MKLL-hi^ji A CO. u FK"M 16 Tu It nonllrl SALES \\ ’.I 0 au w }£b i re ul a .■ r%- *"d t., *wt»t In la- Ir f *• •* 1 M.iu »t. b Intel! tut hou ». r m i _________ »si-» -GLNLKAL A iiEM . WJL a- claa gt nerm: sgent to open . . %t>oUa it -t rth(ji.it. in 11,.» ei ) :-.r mi r.*» li nn MYi tie heain/ Mach'u*. Kur lie . nr* luu.ialitii on a|i(>l."allon Aiidrt. > sh VS ISd a A«Ju IAh Oij. , (J e»ai and I) a m h ^ I , VV’. J . o l . v t , .oTfis, K ^ a th p : rs . si l*!!T H " -Z .* * * 411 f.. , «•. ^ * R R . .i. E!lS, (WboletUkle.) ^61 i«4a .4^ Si, teTiflt If .uae. », -A , S |.A w R « K ( >« P. E R Y. w I/NUU :i.i la i M. Sfc. ttAK, *44 Main. C MCKI A«iKS. T*ArV-.TR WAI.LAC1C, hn k mar OourVr Houm ; kackki : s , ic . fcN'v , I 107 K • itt. * ‘ XL*, ' /.■ iiamje ami Retail.) • k Co., cor Kri MM 1 rraiio. V--. *. *A IN, A« ... K'lOt (luuuaoa. < i)t KKK a' SPICE MILLS. u -1 tA Oi,, fcl Maiuopp>«itt hburcUoa. « O Af. AN I) PIG IKON. iJ. >. '' 1. N V )'«>., WHOlii.. c r SI• -» naippt. *-• ' I'l'rtlK'iM, t (.oinnMircai Wiiart, loot ol UKY GOODS. BRST k CO.. m Main DRAPERS A TAILORS. M. u. IK YulK, -A* Maiu. OVER AND RENOVATOR. Mr-7 Kit, t*3 Mam. KN V K|>»PK M AN I FA CTUKKRS. !l. S\. | i.<i - KK, 'Si W Swan. ENG RA VEILS ON W(K)I). VIU>. b v. ii,tn sa.N 4U< i Main. KANCY 1 HWUS, AC. VOf/JK.K, KIFM.INO A CO., *-0 Main. Kl RNITCRK, AC. *A‘« It WHITK, 4ft7 1-L v ; Mai Kfi*»I’R, FEED AND GRAIN. W. U. U Mtrt. IVrrau. <>,r Rrana. P Kill* AND OYSTERS. PLATT rd IT C * » .,tt7 ** aMtiiiufVon. FINE BRASS CASTINGS. BCKKAI jO UKAMd KOUNI»K¥,7« K*i liaujra GLACS AND PAPER SHOW CARDS. J. V. HUFFMAN, Id K Monoca *t up ntaixa. (• KOC fc Rs, IW holeaaie.) A. M. Jo il VHTmn . 7 ; M ain I>140CERS (\Vbul«HAle aod Retail.) K. 1» i.ui.M \N, 17MMam OKU. w *.*»r r. 17 K MM iorta. GEN rs- U K NISH ING GOODS. AIHHH N II -TAKKUKb 8HT Wain. , H . N LRAKKNCK « -UN, am Haim .MOTT.* liL N r l»U;T, 3fc7 Mam. (iI'NS AND J fciVELRY. J. O. BOBmoN X CO 10f> Mam. HOTELS. BONNEY’B IIOTKL, eor Wa«nlnift. n aud CarroIL HARNESS, SADDLES. AC. J. LYTI.K .v SUN, J< j Kx. iiaiuie, opi».»lte Manalon. U ARD'X ARE, iitUN , AC. C. K WAMIKt T kjK, 27l Main and wSwan HUKI iVv V KIP, nor P. arl an.l S--i ... HIDNH.Y MHHiPAKM i o. V . I UMI.KK « moN'., - a. OK WITTC, WKED * CO , M Mvin, oor W. Hwan. HARDWARE AND METALS. P It A TT a ro t«, I' m«l 150 T.-rrar*. H« >T \ I U FURNACES. A. L> . OII.HKur, <’ Main. v IIA M , CAPS AND FURS. 0 . p F tii.oits wanted coat , p . ani ai.d Vaat V.a clan, oi l ) «an .-.I in at y at J. W RijW . AS U X C«/-», hrai.k. i w AN I HD 4) GOOD on fl .ur Uar. tis Apjdj t'*u. V WtutVKLL, and Ot iu COOPEk S t Pw ) v»..fk ai.' MTI tTlONS WAKTRD. VV ^ an i ei >• A sll I A I ION To T a K i SITUATION .•I i aperien t-d B O IH .H M . ANII LOIM .IM ^ y \N I ED -BY A I 7 WEST swan I i ru M> t.j rent, ait 224 2 2.1 PE \ KL ST. rnoti.< Tenna r Pc. A R 1. ST GENTLEMAN he«l rootna, with $•> •<■ iy. on the w*-t aide ulfi -e e.u it , NEAR MAIN wllhnit h ard, in a -A FEW GENTLE ii.ino.il ed witii hoard ai d Il.ti r ..11 1HKEE Pl.HAS If I NlftK** i H A Nf Es. 1ENTRAL B TSINESS PROPERTY ‘0 k ,s\1 .S Oft I.EASK, known a> ihe .Id Merchant-1 II .r. l, hav,mr a Ir n'a <• i 103 le m tJ ie i.-nai, *1 fe i ou > nnu-jrciai rlr.tt, a> d ex cr -mii >lanti.i n|fh to t.l r.l The hull , w.th -ton ali • tern 1-Yu.N * IK I M I LLI N DRV STORE FOR SALE in a .le 'r Ul location with Ht«*:k of 140.-1 - aaonahle leriua. iiASll.NGS x ()TTU, 4 hr. wn' HORSES 4X1) C IRRI USES, tj^OR SALE CHEAP \ SECOND L f>a »l pi ai n wagon. n*arly i cw. i*l'., a lm* 1-SCEI LA If Ol s. TJTTTCHER FIXTURES N..3U 9 We9t Forty flnt at., near Klghfh Av, HK •T< • I Ma'd. WM. IRON FOUNDRY. KAOLF. IKON- •»t»CS. P - r r y .r ^ MlttlMlpflL CLINTu.N IKON AoilKS, C. arcj,t c..r J a . ^ t u IRON FOUNDER' OKu. tY TIFFT, r-<: . f.NGlNES, BOILERS A CO., W u<hin^tnn, nr Ohio. Ac. tr.nv. -'.AILS, R. R. SPTKE rtITT v uO.,iW.WwlMT,mn. T j .VUKI; HLKR. BILL1 VKDS, io. ‘‘..ClIAti. R IK..TK1, SOI JUIn.t LI. Ill 1' CARRIAGE AND SLEIGH. l>. C. OUI'WIN, 4a;i and Vn-luutcton. LOOKING GLASS. I'ICTl'KE FRAMES. Uu.VA.tU x BUKTINU, 11. *. Swu. MALLEABLE IRON. FRATT k LBT* IWUKTU, 52 and M Terrace. MVKRLE MANTLES AND ORATES. C. S. OO.I‘*RR, 611 belaware. T. SlY VKT/ A C • ikid Main. MARBLE *. GRANITE WORKS. l>RMKO>S v F.iltsoN, Ciirmr C«»urt and Morgan. JUIIN CF\W Ful, :>, IU7 and ’«» N'la*:»ra. MILLINERY (WhnloMla *nd ReUil.) HKVUY u'HUiKN.itm Main. VN li WOOb'A AKIi, 4"WMain. MOURNING GOODS. 0"lll». RkMT x CO, 414.Main. M fS|c DEXl.KRS AND PUBLISHERS. JdWKTT A il-i.’IISA, W3 Main. »*Rtl \N> (Portable Pipe.) OKKBIOK. FK. IKMAKKd X CO., 3d, 41 and 4* FOR SU*?. ____ OK SALK A SPLENDID n o p SAl.lv - 2 'HMi FEET OF I.AND ON 1 J.-ff T<onH l-tn , Hand t n, Hainlall, prfng -n i V t i. i.i u -tre«u* in I t and n time ' -..it pur- had-re. npply fo JOHN ulTO. Sl r’earl -t K SALE LOT 3T»xlO0 FT., NORTH i wfst -in n.-ar Allen. LYON A KKU .N. 1 liman's Building H30 Kl. PROPERTY FOR SALE -AT i e 11 ill, timi es fmm tialavi*; hu t«li g ia . frunic. LYuN & iUki.U, I A dSO GOOD ENGINE AND BOILER FOR sale c.,ca,i at th>- Union Planing Mill. LOt.LiK & HKC1 KNWALT, C.-me- Chi a*r” < PAPERS FOR SAL 1 i hurlred attl - AT 50 hti f; m oist :*. F R SALE -THAT VALUABLE prorerty <>n he smith e-t corner of Vain ml - ree's, w th 1ir.c and flrs’ . c'aas rc*’denc fl ii-hvd. *l*i, several i ! ga i va ant 1 i> dn» th>- ahove prnp.rfy on the suuth J HN . 81 f e ri -f. e 3 1 <iOK S a L E — NO S s'. rv frai 119 SIXTH ST . A 1.; I..t 3 xUi2 ; price FDH HU E HOrSfcH. IF . •IKABLE LUILDING LOTS FOB •ALL— IOT 2 I'fUwn ,t. r. , ft V. at 80x -is Linw ..d r.venue M ' , -s c »r. l i n -V>, kdwa: j s t , our. Virginia « A hYug k g^1T R. Ll 'R -AiJ- -A VERY UKSIKARLF. L !uomj ar <1 almost o r- >k,w.«9o- Cjar-ctH ul at • iw e:. T nth and ► lr-v«uth 'tr eta. Tu« h u -ni .in a f-,m , '-r-aie a It'ge ha 1and atrtr-; *«• * !dj. T « pmp^f'Tv wh 1—vdd ch ap 1 , p.’h d for immariiate-iy. If m-t ai.ld by tha tim o •lay wi | be r ute4 Ju**N 4/fTu. ol c-ari r IOITAGhS Full S.VLr.— " J So 120 Spruce at., lj-*>t ry frame; lot 80x180 ■rice 81250 o 4-3 swan «t , near sprin.', 1-atcry frame; price i280*. •25 ______LY i.V A BAKER. Ere Land fdlira. ^ENFf A ST. PROPERTY FOR SAL) U at a bargain. N 414 San.ca lot ?0 thmuKt » r I .mu ■« , « th a*»u»ry h i A Looae and : ■aril, iu r.ar 7 hia .» a rare ihaiice Iur a nnikiuai ■r aa .Warparty Jmv n/h.itiiettin that la.au- 1 A t anid <si H e a. n m.» Fw ft.r*ber par?, u !»n a;>,-J l u U t M l i aANFuRb, 10 Meat Swan »t fib M uu SALE OR 10 EXCHANGE Fol I ti rut . in.s rt -ul. rice tn thi citv, a farm -f 104 %rev fl -et juxiiey nf land, lytng ju-a w td e ef ’h- dty hunt , . aa a U'ge <-rcn*rd. uue o tie te-t ; • urry.fi •■•■*.»-story h ick h..u*e and three goo» M m«. W;.l he anul ch-an li»qu re ui b2j_____________ HuWABb A HAPelLL. LV>R S A L E -435 S UTH DIVI-IO' F at . 1 eu.ry cottage l-.t 4**x 1.0, graf-e-. a»-d iru" t'cea. Thu- »• cr-eao,flfaW A.p y t*j it. McCO.MB Su. So h I i.istun -t. ell FOR S4I.F, FtKMS; F ‘R SALE OR KXUHAGK—C 6 ACRES of land, wi h rood lioue* and barn, frui*, «c , ie Kmp.iur Mnnn.n r'-ad wrhitifour m I • from • «I Kb ■* ARbh i. MCI KLANU, No. 2 K JR SALE-31 ACRES 0? LAXH m Wvat heneca, 4 milea from Maia at., plruty oil. go- d i.ou e an 1 aro Juqui-e at tb- kbs 4i Ll .KLA.NU, No. t Bruwu'a Building F 'l . S A L E f Un4 i, OR HX HANGE .72 l.ler a ne -tat- of cultivaiio im e fruit, well fenc* u, ti ual«d n e t on tin* Potter’-. Cnrutr* 1 BLChLA.Nb, No. 2 Broau'a HJK SALE—X FINE DAIRY FARM [ «.f 2 o acre*, with iroo I h u u and l.arna, situ- ■e in C- 'd-n < '• tif re, ah uf 2 i.fee fr-.m Coidea . >g-; r.l/Vt'ARiL'* a LcKLA2»b, N- 2 liruw '» A LEN DID OPPORTUNITY—FOR e .. r - \ . an.-e f-.r improved i-i-y proper*>, |(a<* » re* of fan 1 i . Wa\n <0 M> • i.an, 25 mile> f om l*e r>i*, part tim er d and balance in h ..raire i or • nna ai.pu to KUMARbS & ltl • h LAND. N t li u »u’a h.mdi g. LXa RM F or sale p. est garden L laid in Ene County Mu* l>e ao.d to cioe ",tinm U tr, 2sJ a rea, *2 mil-* from the Court *1 n WI! e a. Jd cheap by II iRli * CHA.'* [AYRMS FOR SA I of l'A acre-, in I I.E - \ Good F \KM he town ol West Siiiecx n Boffato. >11 e, three hundred gra't-d uw. voiy cheap. tiuWAhb treet ii lu F OK„ R EXCHANGE Veate 11 la d*. 130J i- t iver, alM.ut 5 in c 1 at K WaKu* A d l -.ur.uut- Agents, FOK 2 Ur. •- Mud 1 A el 7 FINE F \ K VI FOR SAl.fc OK KX . t ang con m n. 14<i acres. 25 w >od Ian iced I t, w .1 Wai 'i d due orchard,n« w2--.i.,rj dw i.ln . with lurn-., 0111 bou e-, *h d>, Ac go sf "r*!«*r Cii, prop. r*y will be tal en ii «. uwui, fttlan. e oue.n; terms. LLL xhlUh 0 st. el.» F A,“ K\1 nd -1 FOR SALE—33 AG RES OF 1. ted on Ferr s', about 2 luile- east nf h u- , splendid bi.rn,sheds, Ac , H-hir.J .f I*0» . w,.rf r»ar ani 10J appb a id he « •d . lump or wili exchang* f- BLAdll.sUd & i/lTU ,£o. 4 Brown • h frj . U Ud- NR OF THE FINEST FARMS IN Er c Co nty f'*r sale, consisting of about ia -, 1" axrre* w-.'.il ba a me excel ont soil und r a st-t of cult'va* >on, with bnc* dwelling, fi'u «, outb. uses fish pood, living wator, and or soiKveral I uudred Iwaruig tees of ever) •ty of truit. 1 his pnjperty can be bought, verj p a,.don easy terin« A ply to KK * I’U’KRRIVfi, 13 w»«f«viin ■ t AKMS ! FARMS—SfcVERAL FIN F g and small farms forsaleor exchange I.KK A P O Fill NO. 13 W swan *t. bl V' rp\V( TO LET - HOT% E PURNI () STORY Khin three r .iu -hed hr , A and w .1 ten HEDHOU>ETO inilei wvlk of 'he post ghout in g od order; ha i t rent'd on rea-.uiahl* Hastings a oTT«* Bui T ' LEI - TWO NEW 2-SToRT h um*, fur i'he I cniupleto situated i*hwent c roer of SUrila d and : e30 I) ttEl-LING FOR SALE f HEAP-A go..<1Ka 1 ain will l e given in the*ale r>? the 4 brick dwelling. No 437 *: chigan -t; 1» room* .. I wa er. Lfc -NARU Wl. bbN A S>», N i I X ESI K A RLE B 1 HALE- 1 j-wt >rv h gs- and wat OTTO 4 Brow « K' BRICK f*rl k h"U*“ ie-1 f 1out t< ,p, term* e*sy ling* HOUSE FOR , 174 Franklin it HaMI'OS A Pel!! SALE 2) story A NEW AND dl tha ■ h side ->f Ferry street, w. .VvJ feet. Term.- easy. FIRST odero i:n r1* ol l»el c M E L O D E O N S , A.C. <;•>., Niagara, Sevcuth and Ma ORGAN QK»*. A. PHI St I rylattd. OILS, PAINTS, AC. 8 PCASIC. *i5 and *>7 Main. PL A N I NO MILLS, DOORS* SASH, AC. W. A. Kt ANN A CO., Mechanic. PRINTERS & KLVNK ROOK MAN’FS, BA •. Fit JMN C8 fc SMI TH. 220 and 222 W TjY o R SALE -HI I1 low a tic a0.1 cel 4 Hollister Building K HOUSE, 2 STOR , situate on *>ak s*., neai AC. PIANOS, MUSIC, 0OTT1KR * l*KSTt>N, 26d Male. PIANO M AVUF aiTTUR ERS. J Kl’ilT/M VN, I'fl, li.w and Ul) Haia-ia. ilKVlNK IIKft-s . hd N'agarm, «»r Mary;nt»«L PAPER HANGINGS, AC. M. n . Hi 841^(18 Mx.rv M*)N rmMKl.V •.;•»> , 2»f. Main. 41KKRKTT Mv'llUi.S. 7'. Main PIIOTI m111 APH ERS. W M . KHIOHT. 456 Main. V. li. 11AMBLETON, 3U5 and 4*m« Man. Si ALE-S AND SAFES. BUFFALO RCAI.K MTORKH. «'! Main. SEW I NO MAl'HINES. WHEELKR fc Wil.SON S. M CO., 275 Main, cor ft w an. Wl -.coX fc OI BBS S M. CO.. 14 S. Diction. HOA Ks M. CO., la W. Swan. ri.OKr-CKA M.CO 4*H Main. S ADDLERY HARDWARE, AC. FRATT %I,ETC I WORTH, ST and M Terrace. SILK HAT MANUFACTURERS. 0. MACKENZIE, 187 Miin. STOVE HOLLOW WARE. BIRO * CO., c r. Brace -<t. and F.rie Cana STAINED OLA 88. BUFFALO STONED OI.AS9 WORKS, W Pearl. 0 O L. BURNS, 308 Ma r. SCHOOL FURNITURE. W. CHASF fc S'’N. 413 Seventh. STOVES AND HARDWARE. RH <W, FKRHIs .« CO , 446 Main. grovfws, k.’RN*. K9 AKB R\N0F.-. 1 . SWARTZ S CO., S*-3 Mam. TRUNKS. DANIEL H HUMPH ‘EY. Snccenur to Jm. nnm- phrty fc Bru . 3 ‘S Main aV TOBAC* ’ON! STS. A M APASIS fc 00.,4!W WTaahinjrUT fc 484B0 PearL (.illsoN F '! »WARI'fcCu.,?Vl> Wxihmgtou. WVTGHBS.JKWEI.liV * DIAMONDS. PITKIN'S JEWELRY SToKB M vin. T * K. IHCKlNSbS, 454 Ma , DAN 11. CASTLE, 161 Alain. BrBVKXA BROS., 458 Main. W.VTUH MAKERS Jt JEWELERS. JULIl'S WALKER. 2 ;7 Main. SALE I 1 »t I-ctorv s • ill S’ U h -|. S' Pro "0 Ajql Div.-... «L. y o u ' a le r nt ry N i"k, • i i »..• - .11 c h e a p If .ol 1 • ithin ta snce *- ’-*' Applj . B Vh K. Ln I NORTH S« ty ia yu ng M . Me uMi : i.and Office. DIVISION -.*.-*(► M-NK gi*. 1 condition, the parti in g- i , wi I akc »4 . »ii. McJoMB, N \ ST . Thi- pr pert s TORE Fi rick «t r old n.'. 4M.K- aALE CHEAP—3 STORY S • 313 "cn ea «t Lo 2sxl< 0, rgam. HASTINGS fc 01 To 4 TH *T VERY DK"IR ame dwelling, '» 42 G - k I 11»t , iu ilrM ou ivcaieu •* JO -LN OITO, ,t ______________ Si Is Ai RES OF LAND FOR SALE AT A >>a gui , 011 Idmeat -ne R dg--, be we - 11 Whiu*- Corner- PUnk Roa 1 and the Turnpike, w i n orchard f -ele. c • fru t A very pl aea land de-ira'-le li.ci- ion. Pric 815 0 Apply at No 5 Ni g ira t. .KUNAKn Wilson * "ON. Real Eatate and In.-ur 1 -oe Ag’ nta. «7 1 .MX'h at , >rder; g an Sixtn 3t . , : I NGN FOR SALE OR TO 4d*i, IJ -torv frame; 8 room*. Ls.'ii' Ali .Wl n 4s»»v. No 5 .a a a tt FOR RENT-MI »•8-atory hrtek, with r«a ail. a de 1 Ltful lo a ion. MiP Le rented ,u» t« . .1 tenant. LEE \ I I'.KER N 13 West wo LMM5 I EVIDENCE I 136 Uot ag »t , new *-«* .W LI.LIN'G slur base 1 1 -> : ra rt , with ga B oarding h rh« l.rge 3-tory building,No. 135 I'D RfcNI—THE '2 nd a'tic b i<k dwelling No a h"t c d cold wa'er a d 4 conveme, t lo at.,*" I r a man. i EE & FIU5I RING, el® H (HJs E FOR RENT- baaeinent and at ic hrick • -t w ill i-e rented at a mod fc I’H KF.LlNG, 13 W'. Swan s' 030 \Y SIRABLE HOUSES Tl) KENT- With immediate pn-aessiu le u-e. No 23i .'eventh *tr et, cllar. A!-", the very . omn , the 2-sti w ith g s. « wliou- 3-«t ter. - ik ! ry brick ivcn'ei lo. at d; In the house d.xired b»th, v. Her an 1 -tab.e |H»rtiuii m the whol- of the ' bought cheap by F n a delight KENT—THE FINE 2-> m dw lHng No 20 V. rr;* P a e, w •ul I citi 11 W 'P be rented low t IT Kfc P « K) RISC. 3 Wot J-uai J MALL > ta - u gV FARM FOR AI.K—2 STORY 4 Fra* k in at , wit ienience; m 64xl4u lerui OT 1\), ol Pearl at. P v OT l o. a F'iS. RKH K H- it-tr. rroier 1 favcra. le. 1 13 icn *. - Ni ii \y T ■■ iiwil n g 1- a n« at 2-s oiy got'k . m dern »r • i.a n and uirh u-e> al in fine or'er. TLe I nd i- iwlin ra* Iv a-<aptrdf ji fri it. having ab ul HkO rut: i c,togctfu r w h grap tne. a.d -mal iruit- Tn -at'on'a beautiiul and the I'ei.hhorhood firvt , a - A' v one de-in>u- o a -upcr ->r rural houu will Bnd it h»re. Apply to LYoN fc BAKr.U ►k 1. u .1 cfflue._______ r£S ESlKMiLE BUSINESS PROPERTY >KSA K The 3 at.; nppar fl ora »iv ' ri. k t»u' d.ng 1 icar and tt*s wa'er ai.d oi ... r fc 'a web *.!ai t--U to buanco ur oianufti- umu: j'l-.J-i. h-t 45x19040 a'ley; wiilheaoli on r a«.n- ,blr mrulv HaSHNO-A OTTO HI6 4 Br w^N B Hiding. SINE'S PROPERTY (ORSALE. 30f\S0O cn Louiaianv rt ., corner of llambu'gh st. jnal 2 uxSdO on Hamburgh »t.,corucr of Hamburgh tt. Tf# LET—HtHTsES. H ouses to rent by m, mccomb, No. 5 South Diviaioo «t. S85 Hudaon at , t-far* frame, gaa, eeflar and a • gd wel. of wafer. #• i* ed m 9o atyle. Ihia ta jucof the fi est 1 •-ation* in Buffalo, rent ft 4W ) 97 G«ogia s t , I- t-uy brck, Ln ixoellent con'*i- B'*n; a-.wat. r ,nd cei »r: thia is mvery central o* »*i t ; rei.t 0*50 64- swan -t , 4 -**ory frame hou-e new; at d flr.ia-- 1 • ff 1 i exc !lr . manner with al. the mu-iern uu- p'ovt-ment- ni;l | 5 ' Hrick-tore an«* dw* ng V-r»rrt tn a pnod Inaation for a f*mBy grocery. Ute >«nt baa a gmd '-rick • ven. BRICK B\KN FOR KENT—SITU- the allev *n rea- of No. 15* Swran «t , ma iX.chiganst. LlE fc P1UKRR1NU, 18 W. dwan .treet elfl T<# L E T —S T O R t S . fir? STORE TO RENT—sWAN ST., ■!* No 13. 'e'ween Main ai d W 'aai ington -fe , flrwt flo *r ai.d ba-rm*nt of a 3 .to y h tck. W»T! ‘ e put m gi* d order, i-»-eoi.-n Ju*.e la*. A vary c**n- t al a id drairdb e .uu iuu for the grocery an i pro- riat a bu-i e>* • r m ■ any oti.er ki d f hu»i e-.- Apply at . no. 5 Niagara t. »E NAKD WILSON fc <oS .81 F OR RENT—store no 170 PEARL «- , r car Niagara ft. 1EE * PICKERING, 15 eat Swa It. e48 TOR E S N o s r s s r w a ” 93 M \ IN S f~, *x>rent. Apply to JOtlN OTTO, 81 Pear! at. ^ roi O ’-o I ’.. I ENT — A FINE BUSINESS stand 3 m 'ta 1r>m Main at , on Seneca at , -t r**, d- elWrg and tarn. K-n* lo». Appy mot.a He ith itivud n *t. M. McCOXb e!7 fTGRK FOR RENT-BRICK STORE flt Maui -t.,chej't.. • gor, 1 i,- arit il VST NONfc •Tro, 4 r.ium’a H-lldfng. s d "0 VJTORES TO KENT— p4 Ma;n at, o r<woccupied by Ly b fc Fleirah&im. 8* W ’r«: S neca »t, C- urter Ul ck. M9 tliico.t st, cur. of So th Division. UA.NTINOS % OTTO, •120 4 Browu’* Budding. T O l.ftv'l nOllM.V 109 NORTH DIVfS[f iug rooms furniahed o ST—1.0DG- nfnn.L-bed. ir is FuR RENT—THE t of a house pieiaanti. situeted Inquire at No. 25 WacUworth WEST CHIPPEWA ST.—TO LET. jrui.hLd rouma ur uue dollar per wi ek. IT ROOMS FOR t and 3d floors s for a doctor, o* USIR ARLE RI’SINESS RKvT 23f> Re d at . he f- with ga* and » ati t A 10**1 pD* f ir a fir t claa- dreaa tna- ing i-.-u give a L i g it-wae LYoN fc MAKE flea. ESIR ABLE ROOMS FOR RENT.— r.tra.n locat'd in a g od in igh‘-rho< d, i hga>, water fce.; 111 rbla onii- liev in fi . 1 1 , ■* i be rented to a a tenant. ,M *Efc 1*1 K-.6ING IShw.. . at. 1 I " ('em I 01 Ij IFTS FOR RENT—IN THE NEW (dock oorner of •vaahington a»dGrien ttvecta ■ry over N um . 1 j 3 and 156. The vbok f the third story Apply U j Ma c 17 187-). cl -tf JEW ETT A ROOT. rpH REE NICE SLEEPING ROOMS IN L that central locality, 333 Main street, ov Dudley fc Rookwtll. Apply to GEO B. BULL MORTGAGES. JJONKY. M**NEY. hvaemoney mortgage'wanted by HOWARD 34s M 1 eSl /~1ITY Vj st.k and COUNTY ORDERS, Stocks, Ronds and Mnrtgagea, ('omme'cia1 r. nesoiaUd by KI'WaKDS - x hlOKLAND l-.-La a a d Loiu tr- kers. No 2 Brown's LJuiid- 02o KC tl A>E MONEV — MORTGAGE' wanted !>y II4MSL H R.MSMIDiG. ______ GAS FIXTURES! GAS FIXTURES. W. H. GLENNY, SONS & CO., V R llY LOW PRICES5, OLD STOCK OF FIXTUEES AT LESS THAN COST. W ’E OFFER N«w Single Swine Brackets at 60 ets. each. Double Swing Btackets at 80 14 I Light Pendant at 70 *2 Light Pei. dan ts at _ $1 50 *' GLOBES AT 35e AND UPWARDS. We call attention ta ear EXTENSION CIUVDELI ER A most drr.rable article for Lib-ary or Dtnlng-roonfe. AI*o, the NOI IK ) inch Pur e'ain s iched U j Port*, .lei K-»S ARGAND R’ RN'ER, with a le, at $ 76 va h. C u be a or Coa'idelieru. Th ; CORNELL LEAD CO. MANUFACTURERS OF W H I T E LEAD, WARRANTED PfRFKCTLY PURE. LEAD PIPE, BAR & SHEET LEAD R K N T - T M E N E W 2 S T i ) R Y ck houae. with gar, water, bath and furoa e 506 Kru p c t Avenue A delightful locali U i E fc »‘K hKKIN*», 13 Wea- Swan -t.______ e5_ A BARN IN TFE RE >K ;t th it , on » paved alley. J( 'H ' el» t ^OR RENT 1 No 102 S*-v OTTO, M Pi arl st. F' URN I SHED COUNTRY SEAT FOR rent at l e»isU> >, on the ? iag ra River. «■••• ing of a good medium sued dwtiing, wi h out- bmhJingM. three wer • ul lan.l witn a fine gr ve »hru -b- ' V, h" c fl •»tn, frui: and IwrrieM, a m-.*t .lt l .htful re-i.ien.'e W 1 be rmtcd c mplet-1 urowheu. f.u f.-u' m u.tha or longer, with inn» ii i# po «e— i n. LKE fc P CK-R1NG, 13 W. S-vai l?0R RENT—A AI.TM kV—M»v Si), in PttiMgard. Wurtem'vrg, Germany, J< aph Al mm. banner, hr., her m A rV'-un 41»ma i. of life* vity, 4,n(l SOye*.» *i»d 4 ru ".t'm Rneheat r pap*r* plena r py. MMH5 Mav 2i* * tW« cLy, Km. lT Kendal!, dangh tar oi ii L a dS-rafi h N uu, a^ed 11 tn .nths and 5 da.* Funeral on Tu- rd»v, tl.aSlst *n*t., at * o’clock, from the raaida if f her par.mtir, 1 8 Delaware at. PLUMB April H , in Catt«raugu«, N. Y , Mn 4llsvbeth A , ada of Jcaeph Plumb, Arad 00 jean PI UM ft—May ?5, in Cattaraugus, S. Y., Joeapb l‘iUi:ib,« ul Tttyeaj*. noarolng Ooom. A ?omplata as-ortmeut at rawmnabi* prlcae. * UaNlSG dr>j 41* tf e n * i Bivck. *>(«*•• O lfL M . O H M . A* 0 Boxer Window letaaa, w». rad xt-aa. PTAtl GLAj -B FOu 3. ;iJCd AND DWELLINGS at fla n f t n v f •- lorn. 60 ,000ta. WM1TK LLAL, IPO bt'ls. L1N--*LSL OIL. r oe aaia by A. KKTNOLDd * QO 191 Main it. ami 40 Lloyd aC Bufhd*. - fc BAKER SJENECA ST.—STORE FOR SALE IO on Srnec* St., !>atw«:en Main and Wa hing»on, ry brick. Liv.'N fc BAKER, Kne band utk » cCS t r»i>] 1 d >K SALE A SPLENDID RESl denre in lewhtnn.N. Y ; a Ana houae with .6 built in thv '-e*t manner, with e.a. vi i g ou.iia, l»rge sta -le, cb*>i e iru t-, hva thtul c l- u U-.flur driv » m tha v».-iniry runantie -cenerr, 6 m.nutc* driv f.oai *al!», on through nute to lo- d M’Uiireal, ana on L. D. ftnuro R. R , near lepo ; a ajfte- did borne or a family, or an ele.-an retreat fnwn t'je citj; aui 1 low; terma eaay. Apply at Lewtatoo to JOHN OI.1PHANT. dfcSin ' DK ESlKABuE PKOFEKTY FOK SALE. fcUioott at. 2 story brick houae, vary deairabia, good order; price #5600. Mda »t, houae and lot; prioa $18 900. Ninth «*. hou* and lut; puce $8000 North Dlviauui at, be; wren Mic pan and Ckeat- n it aU, t atory hrick bon-e; price fOAO lit'WAR I) fc CUAPFEL .. 848 Main rt. p o k SALE CHEAP. iVo new S-atory 'rwer hmwi finis' ed complete; ,w«, cellar, >c. nnated on thr aoutbw at ceroar ••! Jaryia d ai.d Twalfui ^.u; lot 25»1 8 aan, ara vary destra >.e; w iib a a o a e .e p on eaay terma. Ne* 4 at-.rj and wing house. i5i Nortn Wilham street, finely fi.iiabc ; naarrle mantles, cell r, ga*, sc. Lot 86x100. LLAliNGd fc felTO. 4 Br wu'a Building. C YERY DESIRABLE h 2-story framr*. r - v lj e-t-el.ent oruer JuUN "I- eld For Sale by al! Dealers. CASH PAID HOfs - •1 6-2 rn ) LEAD _!»M 1 )R*riOY £>0ST A V IE Ki 1 1V EK, Dealers ln PAI.NTS, OILS, GLASS ATNDOW SASH. ARTISTS’ MATERIALS fce. , No. 13 K. Swan rt., Buffalo, N. Y. H OUSE'5 FOR RENT BY HI ME f NFORD. Wear Swan street. 65 Allen st, 4-arory hr ck; barn, ka», hot ani c ki ater, *ath, fur ac.-, etc. 6c<J Delaware st, 3 story brick; ham, gas, hot an. cold w at.r, h th, furo ce, etc -265 Pear! st, 3-eU.ry br.ck; ga-, water, bath, fur n-e, etc -0 Alien st, 2-storv brick; gaa, water,bath, furnace, etc. 90 M hawk »t, -st-'rjr brick; gaa, wat.r, bath, furoa e, etc. Jersev -t. tat-Ty brick; ga-, water, a-g ot. 18 C« urt at, 2 s*oiy br-ck aud t asemeut, gas and wnter. 124* fteneca *», S-atory brick with haaement; gaa and water. C ttage st, - st-iry bnck with ba-ement; g * waU-r bain,-tc 42 Uhippe va -t. S^Uiry bnok; r»» ar-d water. SS- Sixth at, 4-story brie*, and French touf; (new) gas, water, oath. 44 Morgan »t, 3-story brick wlthbaacmeBt: gaa aad water. Virginia ■* t-aU>ry frame; gas, e»e, 131 ja . <>Uet, 2-atory brie*; ga* and water. SO®North lnvWuai a: 2-*tory frame, gas and water. 9 86 Unioa et, JnKory frame; gas and water. 13 AHen i t l-stor> frame with ' aafcei.t 853 Eleventh st, 2-atory frame wit i large lot. 78 I'niou n , 2-at •»▼fram - 24 Wilkewon -t. 2-story frame. 2^9 S..uth D vi.ioo at. 2-at -ry Irvine; water. 801 North Div ann st •-au^r- 'rame. et-tern. Corner ferment an I Thirteenth *u, 2-atory frame, well and cKfe rv 235 Thirt ei th at, 2«torv frame. 868 T*e fth -t. frame cottage. 261 Cedar *t frame cottage hevanth near C-jnnec* cut at, 2-atory brick; Fraoefc roof, g*a. arater, ate. tt« Mackinaw st. 2 story frame; wall and cistern. * -* * am* cottage. bkt toons. EXTRAOHOINARTIIDUCENENTS TO Pl.'RCHASSRS OF DRY GOODS BARXES &|BANCROFT. Our 25 Oent DRESS .GOODS COUNTER Is supplied at all times with tha . M08T DESIRABLE FTTLES CF DRESS GOODS, (FREQUENTLY WORTH 35 and 50 Cents per Yard. FRIDAY & SATURDAY O Pi BACH WEEK OUR 25 CENT COUNTER Of a variety of ariielca, acd AT GREAT BARGAINS. ENORMOUS SALES WHITE i PIQUES:! At 25 Cen*s per yard aud'up wards. Black Alpacas, Embroideries, Glov and Parasols. SHAWLS AND WRAPS. BLACK. COLORED AND JAPANESE SILKS! BARXES fc IHN 0R 0FT, CASH HOHSE, “■ /> MAIN street. do Song for Soprano, composed by H. Sutter, prtee SOcent*. A very eff. ctive song for a concur*, quite easy and w also Geriran wo dv L‘se*ten M'altz s -Fmil Wahle pr’ce 5; Amel a Pol-a Re'owa—Fmil Wahle.. do 8' Among the V st nf Wahle*.- compositions. We ha e Ju-l pub is’ ed the above and will mail th* »aine on rtc* ii t price el» CO'TIER * DENTON, 2‘9 Main rt. r iHRlS KURTZM AN, PTANO MANU ) FACTURER, corner Batavia and Elm sta., tw xjuaree from old Court House. Theaubacrile>r kee|* onstantly on hand a choice assortment of Pitre F .rte*.‘n eloga.'t rosewood caseaf which hewarrame 0 *x»equal In tone, touch and #riuih to any mauufai - ureri n the country. Persians deairoua of obtaining 1superior instrument ara respectfully Invited tr i f f him a call hefor* pH*v'vas'ng r’HHl'*TrAV gi-RT7v> J. JOSEPHS. HOUSE, SIGN FANCY PAINTER, 4d Exchange t , Buffalo, New York. QRAnrrxG. makbliho , GILDING OX GLASS. Walls snd Ceilings Kalcomined Ib the BEST MANNER and wtth deapateh. M IS H A I,. TT A.UNTIXG IMAGE— NO. 821)5. JEWETT & MUCHKA’S, M U fi I C S T O R E. CO W ain Street. AGENCY FOR THE UNRIVALLED CH CKCRINC PIANOS Vt prices reduced to such ar. extent that they csn b» •urrhased for nearly the same fi.-ure which Inferio' snd sunblM* instnmwDto omraand. Cad and get an illustrated price list. Wo are ali*. Agents for the celebrated DECKER BROTHERS’ PIANOS Which are now taking the lead over ail other Me» York m ke- Our lante aa-or'meu of Pianos also ine! des En- •rument* fr- m tue celebrated manufactories of J. B. DL'NhAM. BLOOMFIELD fc OTI8, ItrxN * 8T 0 A BLEB We have nn hand an assortment o the "celebrate.: BEO. WOOCS A CO. PARLOR ARO VESTRY 0R8AR, vhich for 'eautiful and pipelike quality of t'ne, IcgsiK-e of fini-*h * d durability of construction ex *-od all other makes. Call and examine our large variety of PIANO Tl'OLS, PIANO COVER'S fce. Pianos moved, stored, boxed and shipped on ahar* .so'ice. OLD PIAN^>8 taken in exchange. We are c»n-tantly adding to our very large a*d •veil seb-cted *t- ck ol 8 'iee* Music, Musical Instru nenta and Misical Merchandi*! of vv.?tt dea ripti#r. JEWETT fc n c a u , «K3 V.A IN STREET, BuSU... N. Y. HKW IXe W W H IM 'S e e rrs * rrm sin k . G rO ! . G O ! O O ! TO BERGTOLD fc BRO., •SET A *OOD PAN AEA BAT BERGTOLD & BRO., OBT A WOOD iTRAW.RAT. BERGTOLD fc BRO,, •ET A CO?D HAT (ofevery kind). BERGTOLD & BR0„ GET A GOOD BOT’B HAT. BERGTOLD & BRO., GIT A GOOD CHILD* HAT' BERGTOLD fc BRO., GET A GOOD GENTS FELT HAT BERGTOLD fc BRO., BY TELEGRAPH. MEMORIAL DAY. GET A ROOD FILE HAT. BERGTOLD fc BRO., | GET A GOOD WHITE BEAYEB HAT. BERGTOLD fc BRO., GET GOOD WHITE OASSIMERE HAT. Look tor the- Largo I prigiit Bear 291 .M ain Street- SERCTOLD & BRO. GAUZE & GOSS I MER MERINO SILK AND COTTON UNDERWEAR, AT KENNETT’S, •U 273 MAINIBTREET.W IM P« jSI \G CEREMONIES. New Yoh*, May 3*J—Dispatches from lifferent points show that tbe celebration f the Jay set apxrt for the decoration of the T n:on dead was rery generally ob served, and the commeuiorative aencts were impoeing and impressive. I N N E W Y O R K . 'W this city and vicinity flags were dif- played at ha^f m ist nn the sh-pplng in the harbor and many pnblic and privkfe hoild- inga. The ditf«rent Poet* of the lined Army of the Republic marched dowu Biuwd- wav to Wall Street Ferry. On reaching the Brooklyn fide the divi 'H>n waa leoeiv d by the King* l.ouuty ) "Ste a*<d «aoorted to the uars for k y pree* u.n t-t ^ the city proce-aion COAL A •> w on# COAL. 187t» 1870. THR DftiKiM AMDHUDSOMCAM .AL ffl.'S LACKAWANNA COAL delivered in good oondition > :rchasera. Pnce* for the preeent per ton of 2000 Ibe, delivered witlrn tbe old civ unit*, are aa follows: Ton. JJCor. £ Tii irate...................... #7 15 3 70 19 Sgg................................... 7 26 * 75 IP' stove....................... T W . 3 85 ID riheetnut............ T GO 8 00 1 le -£Aleo, BLOS9BURG. LF.HIGH, LUMP AND PKF PAKhD <OAL. SCOTCH AND AMKRICAN Pl«. IRON, FlRE BRICK, etc., sholeaaieand retail g. k. Wilson a oo., 96 Ohm st., corner Mi«uu"«ipr<’. COAL AND COKE. E llis ' W e b sto \ >FF10K AND YARD, 219 EitlKBT., TO COIT M lJ Will sell genuine Lackawana, Scrm 'TVn, Pitt on, and other hard coals Alao. krie end Orv und beet soft roaU, Blotwburgb, soft nut and aliw . or tte am purpi eos •* th- lovreet market pric* , whk w.ll be - rewiieo ani lellvered In good condition, u quant>»>" • • - ‘‘•ecre. Rf.f Tft WVB-rrgH Q UEEN CITY COAL YARD, OKNBSCK BRIDGE AND ERIE CANAL Office 4W9 Oen-wee st., Buflalo, N.Y. For sale ,-wod am*• rtmei t of ail kin Is uf HARD AND S i ! 70AL, wlwle ale and rtl L Constantly on ha|. iieo, a sufierior quality uf HARO AND 80 FT WOOD for sale, saw d and epiit, or in the stick, 0. ivered ib any part ol the city Dealers wai.ltti. small lots ol ci>al j r wood will do weil to give u- ^11 *»efore i>nrchsr.inr »lsewh*^e ft i»AHI.fV»;, COAL. 1S7' WHEELER & WILSON’S ISToiseless SEWING MACHINES. iXPOSITIOH U5TVER8ELLE, PARIS 186 AWARDED, OYER 82 COMPETITORS, THE HI6HEST PREMIUM. rhe O nly Gold. M edal. 81,000 Machines Sold in 1869. THEY COMBIN'! ALL LATEST IMPROVEMENTS.! “ Wheeler and Wil» ki s Mvctiinrs combine *v*ty- ‘hinir tnat-wn be r-quired in he manufacture c-f .arm* nts. (>ur iri- n Is a! road may be a-u-e.tf»ii they wi.l give entire satis acti »n, and that to pur- ie ■>e of them ts a safe inresun«nt.”—N. Y. 1870. THE ANTHRACITE COAL CO JSTKEAL 0F7ICK, NO 221 MAIN 8TREI ALSO, FOOT OF GENESES ST., will .ell until fU'ther rotire these celebrated coa! * the f 4 «*ing p-ioee yer fern of 4000 ihe, deiivere* in any pan <>f f>e o d d.y inn is outride or wbicn imall charge wiil .■*made fur curtage. Ab*'. BLOflSBCEG, LkillGH LUMP AND 3) LECT EL.lt SOFT COAL. Ton jTon Jrave ................................................. #7 15 370 18 Eg.’ ...................................................... 7 45 375 1 Ht .-love....................... .............. 760 8^6 2 0 Chestnut................................ 7 00 8 00 1 8 Terms strictly Cash when order*d. x GEO BGK DAK IN. Agent. May 2, 1970 ________________ Hill were several large trunks tilled with fl .ral • •tFenngs. and wagons aud stages in which were seated veterans of the late war and pupils ot the I nion Homq and schools. Ail tbe government utfices and many Hanks, stores snd other places of lariuesa were dosed, and very little business «r» transacted in the afternoon. At the ceme teries dirges were piaytd and appropriate orations delivered-* l-Otters were received from President flraufc. Admiral F*rra_;ut, Genera! McClel lan, Governor Huffman, Vice President Colfax, Secretary Belknap aud others, pressing tbeir inability to be present. The celebration concluded this evening with the memorial exorcises at tho Academy ot Musia. PHILADELPHIA. At Philadelphia the ceremonies here be gun yesterday, so as no; to interfere uifth the inspective parades which were tix-d f*i to-day. The various Posts of thu Grand Army of the Republic afsenibiod at Inde pen* len ce Hall, and after marching our on Chestnut to Broad street tb* y separated info detachment* for proceeding to the dif ferent cenieteries in the city. A t Glenwood t «metery the ceremonies were partuiuiariy impressive, Irom the pres ence of over one hundred soldiers’ orphan girls, and a company of cadets, from tft* Soldier's Orphan Home. General Burnside headed the procession. EButlDENCK. At Providenoe, Rhode Island, busines* was generally sum.-ended, bells tolled and minute guns tired. CINCINNATI. The procession was not large in Uipcip- nati. An address wus delivered at Sprifcg Grove Cemetery by Durbin Ward. B »STflW. In Boston the posts of the Grand Arnsv of the Republic were out in full force lalOn with tijral trioutes for the brave dead. WA3H1NCT N. The city rf Washington wore the appear auoe of a general holiday. Coi grvHt* w>- not in session, all the government depart rnepts were cloae<i aod comparatively little boaiueas wae transacted. All the avsilaij* vehicles were ia motion during the fi*ret;o0 n with passengers on the wa\ to Arlington. •Some of tbe carnages were trimmed witii miniature Hags. lic»id*s, wagon loads of dowers and evergre* ns in tfue form 0> wreaths aud boquuts left the several pl*c9" of collection for that attractive point. 4# i.oug before noon thouvauds of persons bad collected on the grouuds of tbe s-U fliers’ cemetery, and tbe number increased from time to time. Tbe ceremonial it »Arl>ngton commenced at 1 o’clock, when a naliojal salute wai tired bv a battery sta tioned mear the cemetery; the marine baq>' then pArformed a dirge. After prayer b> Rev. Dr. Newman, a grand chorus, consist ing of five hundred singers, sang, "iA Strong Castle is our Lord," a full marih* hand accompanying them. Dr. C. C O x read a poem written by himself f *r tbe dc- casion, after which General Logan deliv ered an address. The ceremony of decorating the grawrt- throughout the cemetery by the entire As semblage then took place, aud soon t\t^r\ rasfy mound was covered with beautiful wers, arranged in wreaths, boquefs, rosses, etc. After the exercises closed at the Natiofla! Cemetery the decoration of the graves ‘of colored soldiers ju»t north of it took plate. AUBURN. The day was duly observed at Anbuin. X. Y. The different oemettries were ri* ed and the grsvos of tbe dead her-fe^ beautifully *trewn with flowers. The ofn- lon was (ieliv* red by the Rev. Barkholo- inew, of the Universal >st Church. H L DSON, N T. The dsy' was apf*r..pnately observe*! (j %processu-n of soldiers and sailors of ♦$)• ate war, civic S'*cieties. citv and county •< icia!s and citizens in general. Some tiNj soldiers’ graves w.-re prefnsely deeoraf Deluding that of tbe late Colonel Cowli The address was delivered by John Stanthi »i>u!d. Flags w*re placed at half ma^t, be rewspajjer offices, the pnblic hmidu^i and the principal placet or business Wflr* losed dunng the ceretnonie*. FORTRK88 MONHriC. At Portress Monroe the pra*"es of tfi* oldiers in the National Cemetery at Han^p n Grove w* re d* co-ated CONCORD, NEW HA5TTSHIRE. A feature - f the day at Concord, X. vsg tbe dedication of a monument to tceasqd soldiers of the city. ALBANY. At Albany the cerrra"nie 0 were perfo •*! at the Kurai ( emetery under the au of officeis of the Grand Army of Republic. Rev. Dr. Rufus W. Clark vered an oration. A large number ltizccs participated. CLEVELAND. At Cleveland the day was observed aft a holiday. A large number of eitiz-ros visits- he cemeteries aud d eon rated tee eoidi^r* ra/ea. i BISGHAMTriN. At BiDghamtou tbe day was rbserved b> he B*wt Wairons; bells wero rung and tft.< ceremonies were impreenve, FOUGHKEBPSIN. At Bonghkeepsie several thonsanl porsdn*- :»arti0Tpated in '.he exercises. Addresfte' ere made by Major Robert F. Wilkinabn •»ud John Tbpmpson GEnTYSBURO. At Gettysburg the Soldier’s National •jemetery was crowded with visitors a^n omrades to decorate the graves of tbe hin •re*i d e a d . At Wilmington, North Car.JJi u NION COAL ASD WOOD CO., Foot of Court rt. A lu rt quantity of HARD AND SOFT COAl Fc*R 94 LE. And 1000 0ORD9 <»F CAN AD \ WOOD (Bew.) A Map e),ei her ;n atick or aawed or split. Delivered in auy p\rt of the ait j. Liberal deductions ma e to dealers U-tl '»ARH«G fc M >YTk'l'l C. H. DUDLEY CO., a a n d R e t a il D*i>*'.sr» ia WOODBX WARE. 22 M taiai at h a i 4 Artansaa at, U QOOPERAOK. F. K. PLUMBLY. Tank and deters Buildw, aid derier n new ai.d second Land bamtie, tanks, hoop-, -t*»es snd heat lug All ki-k I s f Cuupcr*|c co'j'X.Ut or. h^r.d hi. ' m ate in he neatest s'jle, sad wsrr»n»-*i. joNtdui do e at ril tun s and amthe w>rt ntMbnm -x I r a n No. 90 Washmgtno sl., enuaacs ot. Put-. hstsweo Mate aWd V e k h U a su Forty aa— i ta d TANKS (fir sate, —ryt— fn— right ap te e— hundred ead tweniy tefirriacfti—p white a-h aad pine, tn m od erriert sikttesM ch— ur *• irunmL-t. ■o.eviiin *■ , 8. W . STOHE fc CO . Agto. Office and Salearoom 275 Main atreet, eoroer Swan eet. AriKNTS AND CANVASSERS WANTED elftlaa C. WOODRUFF & CO., PiPPi la m m iB s \sb m m U adfN^EAKL ST EET.iBUkFAL-*, Keep hand ed otnuhetere te order paysn C..SH r ;ir .T s ? JL * t7 £ ,'iT t W at ih e— a of tea Nia— ra Fail* Ps^w Mm* Wy cmt— Fe—r Mide. Erie Fa wr S Uk _______ xTcVooEtorr, xdwaed ubetcnr . *— CUAU* a WOODRUFF SUGAR LOAF. LEHIGH •F&INOllROOK, FRANKLIN, m m i LACiAVUii iv m m b. AJSD CLEVELAND. COAL. OORNER ERIE AND TERRACB I YARD, FOOT OF ERIE WT. Buffalo. Apri r . iwt® J. T. HOOT F & CO., nn i rife IN HARD AND SOFT COAL O m S- fi R Dtvtri— A , ftS M a,Rl J.Y.BDOLK K L.NEDCTRI »a on fchnt at te r "E rt tBV a, the memorial ceiebraii m waa ais > large y attended. NEW JERSEY The day was observed in J^rrey Ci^y Newark,* i’atteraon. New Buuswiftk Irauge, Camdeo, Trent#m, H b*»keu atn >ther towus in New Jersey with procei « iod8, addresses, etc. Business was genfcr Uly suspended. MISCELLANEOUS. M 'P.B INDIAN VI3IT »R3. WxshingTuN, May 3*) --General Parker, ommiisioner of Indian Affairs, received a -legram announcing the arrival of Red loud and party at Chicago to-day, aftd stating they would reach Washington W#d- tesday. IMPEAfHMEXT. Judge Bingham, chairman of the Judi lary Committee, says there ia do prospect whatever that time can be fomod this -ion for even tbe most enreory exammatirr. of the petitions —fcirg for the impeachment if Judges Field and 11 ff'«»an- The omen- sal opinion on to* rut j*ct hire is that #be •>%tter w i l l d»« » natural death m the c-*n .mttee. ALL QUIET ALOSO TUB BORDER. OGDSSfiBUKrtH, 3o —All is qrffet rinog the im— to-day. 1 he <anaoian mil tary aothoriti'.ies at Preeoott arrested a aomber of person# while cr> scrog from this «de, snppontd to be Fenians to Canada frpm he rmideen. MershalQa mby is farni*hkg 'aniportation to tbe Fecisns remaioing at Malone Alderman Lark ine. o f Mgdehfi- orth is *mon« FV Fonsr * ffi »rs h*-W‘s* (r«me. Raint last week fell very general and timely. A large area of land was plant ed and more fertilisers amd. The planters *w ^ k w hard. U1UG4AL JU .ICIAL Y0TE. A lbany, May 31.—The full official vote of tbe r» fn ' judicial election |« as follow*: R-cfiblican—Selder. 152*288; Mum, IM 9-S4 Aorirev.*, 152,9fll»; Folger, !54 667; Hale. laii.-hA D"U"vrats —L’h u r rh , 239 G63; Allen, 239 2 -9, Grover. 238 834; i’tcwham, 230 • 337; kipsllo, 235.777. riROL Chioaoa, May S1*.— I’he p-rk pvking house oi G. H. Huhbnro tt t ’-o. on Clay ixturve avenue waa burned thia afternoon Loss $5l».U0 l) The North Chicago Rolling Mills had a narrow escape. I'ha l**oi hy a tire \esterdsy on Sonth Canai street was #9<lllu'to Huckhart A to. ana f 16.0U0 to Clarke A Samsoua—parti) insured at tne East. Arf incendiary tire at Mankato, Min nesota, yeafe-rdry morning destroyed prop •rty worth II t LudO. TUE COAL STRIKERS. The Ls Selle coal miners, who hausbeer ou s stnke sines the hrst of App), wil' resume work the first of Jude,' haring accepted the terms i f th« owners. general Hancock rkagy fur indian$ The Laws from Gi nttai Hancock, now bi Dakota Territory, indicates that he i- mal lug such disposition of the United Slat** troops as be*t to protect settlers from tb« In.lino*. The General also says that be wiii soon be prepar*5«l to strike the iudiau* a terrible blow should they compel him. ANOTHER INDIAN RAID. Bbtan, W. T , May 3u. -The India#* made a raid on the stage route from her* tn South 1 ’aas y*-aterd*v, and run off tfii. head of etWxe h r»ea nt Big Bandy Station a.id woundod one man named Juhn Carnes All tbe stock between there and South Pass is *rrppo«ed tn he gone. NKW YORK. FTTINOT10N • F flt.ATr.RT. New Yord, May 30.—Au A***»»np Ajar special aav a that Senator Kurnner ie ot opinion that if the Npantah Cortee adopt the draft for a law introduced on Tburs<lg> by the Colonial Minister for the extinction of slavery ua aJl the Spanish possemioni* jit sill have great effect iu mollifying pul'lu- opinion m the United States ou the l obftu question. THF. FENIAN BUSlNEftS The military commauders and U- F. Marshals along the CUuadian froutier tete graphed here last night, saying thst th*Y« was a large amount of abandoned arms at(< ammunition acntt Tod at d ffnrent piacea tho i'urder, And tiiey d*-sire«l to know w 'Imposition to make of them. The mat in-iug callcl to the attentiou of tbe Tr* •tent, he directed that instructions shoi be sent to have all the arms oolieoted gether and placed under the control of military authorities. At the Feuian headquarters in tbis ci|y thia morning a few recruits were enrolled, notwithstanding the reports from the Ixir der that the Fenian army was breaking up. JII'MORS. A dispatch was received Dons the front anuouucing the fact ib*t * battle hvl befit, tougbt, and that Coloosl 0 Leary had a<i vauced some distance into Cauada, captur iug about sixtyipruotmrs. Uhter dispatcher, state that troopa were now crossing at BiU- talo and Detroit, aud that a general moije ment all .ahiog the liuefi would be ms^le to-night. Great excifecuiqnt prevailed dfir- ing the rexdiug of these improbable d|* pa’ches. A number of recruits leave tii. citv to-night ou the 11 o'clock train for t#ie border. THE DR VIVBACK FRAUD. In\he case of.Galdwell, who is accused-of •omplicity in the drawba* k funds, in fh* United Jftatee Circeit (wart to-day an pr ler was granted requiring the defendant -1to tarnish two sureties, ea*rh of whom should justify in the sum of $15, (MS), and a furtftei •riler was granted by the eourt reft ram m, <'ommissioner Bette from aooeptiug H .l>«r Boyle as a surety in tho case, on tbe grou|i<i ntat he haa already given hail bonds in tins cour, the *nm of which amounts to £180, Of*. TUE INDIVN VISITOR^. The good which will accrue from the vf«- ■t of th>« Indian chiefs to the «apitaL ifc already begiiituog to Ih> felt at the.ludiftm Bureau here. The chiefs no lunger talk in bat spirit of boldness and abilny to cat*-) ■n *n -cehsfuHy an Indian war unless thfi r demands are aoceeded t«., which character z* their arrival- Ihe chiefs now here pt<> t -ss s great readiness to return home, ape feiviae the hoati'e tribes to alisti/ion the ^ir path, and hereafter to pnraue their peaoe :ul callings. CARLE D SPAT. HE4, The cable dispatches r- port that tiie Danish Cabinet haa been reorganized. A fearful conflagration ooccrred at Con stantinople, which destroyed hity buddiqg* iu s wealthy quarter of the city. The lauds anj »uiug the Su z Canal baffe >cen ordt red to be sold by the Viceroy lof Egypt, ahd their estimated value is £4 •#*() • MMI Tb* proceeds to be divided Oeiwtfer tno Viceroy and the canal cmpany. Mr. Ashbury dt-cliut-s the chailengejof he owner u# tbt 'iapj.ho, Lut will oouifiai with her at New York. It te r«q*orted that the disooaery of a plot to release tff« Feuian prisoners in . lerkenwell prison has occasioned extraftr- fiuary preCntions by the poiice. Rio Janeiro advices state thst ther# i* • rest disorder iu Butrs Rios. Fresuf^.t Mitre was moving agamat tbe rel*ds wtth U) U00 tro -ps. The rebels under Joniku *re only * 20 u0 strong, but they worsted ^ie a.fvance guard of tbq Argentines on seveftal ■cession*. A hoavy battle is expected. GEN. kOSECRANS’ MEMuKI KU General Rowcraus wili soon pndish ko address to the pe<*ple of the United Mates ustaming, aud explaining, the metn-»dal which he ia af»ut to submit Ut <>nigress oo the su l*ject of our National poikcy tow arl •lexloo. General itocecrans urges a formal declaration )>y C ngreas of the policy whkh ai l assure tbe Mexican government of tie firm sympathy, and m* rs! support, and dur ttizens that therr rights aLaii Oe protecifid, in whatever hgetimate m* rcanti e, iuri 9 «- trial, or other enterprises they may under take ic that conotry. The policy proposed nsa received the approval of m -tocretiry 8ewar«i, Ch ef Juatnre Chase, Caleb CuAh- ug, (ien. Schenck tt'. U. Aspinwall afini »tn- r prominent citizens, by whom it ffa* been examined and from whom letters vfili t«e published. General Kosecransaffirm* that a decisive declaration by (Jongrea* at the present tipi* would strengthen and estabfuh Juar**’* lecliinng adiniDiatration iu Mexico, mdfice \m«ncan capital tbitbrr to engage in !>aijk mg and railroad enterpn—*, thus raising ‘.hat country to tbe Dignity of an independ ent *ulf protecting rei ublic and a fauthiul ally of the United States. rREdBYTERIAN SYNOD. At a m eeting of tbe "ynod of the Itefortn- ed Presbyterian Church to-day, a letter «f greeting wa* read from the R-fornJed Church of Ireland which ex pre— d the. ..pinioo that tbe only h *pe for the E km copal Church la E.igland was in ita aisestib iiahmeut. B '.SE BALL Tb* Ba** Ball u.aG;n i*. day between <he Mutual* of >’»•• York aod the Forest tity club, of R.-ckf r Unoia, w— won by the Matuals—21 to i l HEAVY DAMAGES. A verdict was rend*-rod to day in ^Le Supreme Court Circuit in the ca*e of Tr^cy K Roberts agsinst the Toledo and Wab#»h Kail road C-muaoy. in which tke pla nt-ff cauoel $100,UIM» damages, on account of a dis'ocaU</n of hts h'p while traveling Son ih-ir »me in 1804 Tne j 117 awarded the plaint ff. who was travelling on a pass * at the time of the accident, damages to the a m o u n t c f $4WUU. MOBBED. This afternoon a man named Jerry Murphy, a Twenty first Ward politician, having made some remarks abont the — gfi of tbe Y-innjr Democracy, wn* net opoa #»y f >ur attachres of Bhenff (TRfjeM’* «<!>'• and vt-rj naily f^aten. his face and hi at THE BUFFALO EXPBEH JOB miNllNlLUWHL'l J*T «H. 1 THE VERT BERT ¥ AT g flU l» ia a l ias vnrtsQK * IFEFW . it 5 FREPAMKD IT) YJ Tl HBTi I f E j F f f t Mlft n o w d f Bd> •», c a » an» J e w w on. A *a 14 EAET SWAN ---------- *** S) to dsy, Iwtween Dreadnas^hft, Brinoa, Dreedan, Topey, Loutaa, hssftsm Qaten *nd l aptain Gill, three in ffentmM^no, •on by Dreadnought, Beal tune 2i32f. ,,f ' 4 T H E NLG1UA A f VNEST fOIXZ. ADTENT OF THE FIRST COL' RED CADET AT TUK Ml*.I. ART ACADAXT. INsst Puiut Co re*,- uficii** N«w - York Time* | C4>nefel«rable txciU m eut waa PiTen (j here •n Tu^d.j, ty th. w ri.J of tL. colur.,1 .|>pomt^ fur th. Mininihoi Md.Uhii.. Ilia name is Michael Howard, atod hit pure African descent is unanxtakaMy tasnife t* d m hi* clear hlsck o- mpbfi.ri, |— white eye* and c’oeely crimped hefty. Hm pevaou- a( appear an oe i* by no meaie aayri pussm* •ng In height he ia ahent fivnlmftfour •nchev; bt* tiguro ie wradl ron—Wd, and his •amsge not st all angracafnL Hiaooun- ronanoa has a pl—sant, shrewd , ud esolute exprcnaaun. U m quite wvidenft that he ia aware of the peculiar position in whioh he is placed, aod althuagh —nsitiva, he is not cm har assed nor discouraged. ' Hia appear*no# aa be wandered about the 1‘laina, carrying in hi* hand an ioameuse oarp-t-bag, aud in quiring the direction to the Commandant's ffice, w u somewhat amusing. He waa po ll ely informed that he was in advance of he appointed time, and that new cadrta conld not Iie (Tsmintd nntil after the ?5 h. He then endeavored to MMWfi board, !<ut •rvery w heVe'Tie applied" W ifi informed that ihero was no aooomim«Utm loft, whrr. i">n be pr *wr^ed to ths vil lage of Highland F. 1 s, two w..iei below, a..«J apjdied eft OrCSfu’s H"tel. Dinner and supper were fnrauhed him there, but all the rooms were "engag ed;" 90 he had recourse to a colored family • ho live close by. and who are now ent.r- 'sinmg him He appears eery quiet, but apcaresUy determined to *‘pa*h things" re foluudy. His sffvant ia the aeusstiun f th# scSHon The cadets especially are not a little exercised In mind over the matter, and it is a th* me >! not a little oon tedious argument kri • n the offnwra, while discarding all political bias iu the matter, and after having fought for the oolored rare, both at the p*.|ls and on tho battlefield, while hel tog kindly toward him, apeak very JoubUrliy on the expediency of thii venture. They regard it a* a more decided «d vance of the cnlnred man Into eon*] ci-cfee than even tbe elevation of Senator K.-vels to Congressional rank. Ihe uosi- uan uf the new ca*lrt, if accepted and re- auied, must grow nmre aud more etnhsr- ratelng from his isolst'nn and tbe peculiar novelty of bis social connections. No louot but this recruit will have a thorough initiatory "devilment" from the cadets, to -Urtain which will test his fortitude. Otherwise he will hn treated, by hoih rtfl- cere and osdeti, with courtesy and ktod ies*, their s» use of honor being tvv h*afi to peruut auy other o**nr*e CARDINAL ANHINELLf. THE POPF.’H PMMK MJMSTRR. | Iti'ias . tne-pJid. i oo fjtk UsrsI'.J Cardinal Giawmu,Ant*>nelli has now at tained bis silty fourth year, hxving lieen h*»rti a%ffontlino, a village on the frontier between Rome and Naples, April 2 Itt d. lie doe* not appear over titty at pre***-nt, ins physical appearance b..ng wondetfully youth)u! for his yeats. 11 •* family wss irigmally almost in a state of rusticity, but possessed of sosne pr»|«rty. Aa a youth ho-entered the priesthood, which has borne him U> lus present high, |M>werful and wealthy position as tbe Rope’s Primo Min ister. He is now many ttnn s a nubmnairn, md ba* all tbat he could desire, exoept the Romagna by the oUl Fontihcal U rnfe-ry, over which he once ruled, but which wa<*, ten years ago, wrested from his gra'p, notwithstanding bi* adroit intrigue* snd • hnndenng dispatches launched at the head of Cavour, when those two Italian wrestlers m diplomacy had tbeir splendid bout to gether. Cavour had the strongest backer —Napoleon ill —and won tbe game. An- tonelli bad the misfortune to tw backed only by Francis Joseph, of Austria Th>-y say- that he privately co-id* re all dipb m- scy to Tw so much vanity of vatiriies since tbet day, baviug lost ail regard for hu manity, prinoe* and principalities, except a very *, iteful one. baa f"i»r hr..t.^era here, all wealthy and well sliced off with the PbtttSfi 'tl cake, one being President of tbe bank and the others in high eooimias- tmal office. Jle er j >ys the rrputatiou of taking care of ins laurily, which he alone ha* drawn nut of ol*s*:urity. Strange a* it may sound he is emph«t- eally one of the self marW men of the tunes. Since it>4( .l. or during the last twenty -or • years, h*-has occupied the position of Sucrs- t^ry of State*, and during tnis period won a reputation as a man of brains and adroit ness Bnenrpaaacd hy none and equalled by tew m Europe. Ue is cultivated both in life and letters, his intellect being chsrso- terizjd by quickness and depth at the same rime, his drawback the pitiful plight into which be, his rule sud hia dominions are now cast, being due to tbe fact tb»t he uever had auy very heavy battalions at his ha* k—for really a pope’s soldiers do not cooDt. Hero all accord him the honor at iMMM*nn« **a long h«a.l. ” aad he ts nailed »u “old fox ’’ They all will tell yon that he never was known to be Iwatdi in a game where cunning c*>uM gain the mastery. Witbel many p’q n n t stories ciruuNre ?n regard V> him and his fortunes; he enjoys that thing called prestige, and passen ivr a most charming, fas -mating, unctuous gen- tVcnan towards al! and a special admirer of the ladies—although he himeslf wear* a gown. At the head of a great State bs • oald moat protw ly have dune wonders; as it i*, lus chief victories havtfelwen wou I y aheer aupermr intellect, by ruse m a place where all bas te* be achieved by uud< r vot.w und unrler-hand work Even the Jesmts, wir.h all ’heir • dines-, have never been too many for him. T hi F oot L a t h c f j r a PRor««*io*AL MAN.—I'tru st my a<iaiiring rea-ler will not think I have taken np s new fancy or have become hobby-horsicaL It M now over forty years sn.ee 1 became the owner of a lathe. It was a clumsy, wooden concern, even to the driving wheel, and the whole apparatus co-t but seven dollars. Since then 1 hsve seldom heen without one, though always, till very lately, had only some very cheap, second hand »ff*ir. Ho# the difference in the enjoyment of s food few! over a poor one is immees'irabie. If you want a tool to ke the ceotre of all man ner of tinkering and mending, or for exer cise thst is gentle and cheap, or, for calling tha mind off from anxiety or hard thinking, or for tke training of tbe boys hi th* fam ily, or for health tu! and artistic creations, I know of no mat rn meat to be compared with tbe lathe. Unlike the horse, it doea not eat its* If np ic a single Winter, nor de- sod a hired mao to groom it, oor fill your clotbefi with the *tne(kof the stable, if yow ft will not get s| or lame, ’it is easily kept in order, i groom it yourself. results are so quick, so varied and eo been- tiful tbat yow never get tired of it To men in my pr-Jessi-m, aud to artieaaa, and to men of ta-te and means united, I can hardly speak of it too warmly. In Europe, many of the very tieat amstenr turners are among the professors and clergy. hy u,“ w *‘- d **“ C h Z i X z ;.n •t h jo ue S>UTHERK CR^M iBlfr N tt of O Briea* «tfi^e m tbe-»w >at|he rot |o- Oeaftsa S UTHCtB CR>P4 Af cr>TA, G-orgia, Msy 30 —The wheat dip A Gcorffta gtv*-* g*»od promise f *r •«rfte yield. A small rbipmaat <rf oew fi ler was made to-day. The Sooth Garohea, •ieorgja, Florida aad Alsb.wts exchange* [wfmk mcaanfmglj ti mm wui. i oartfcnuae.. 1 HE E.fEH The America* Girl is tha favorite rate of $10() to $80 for the great trot morrow with George Wilkee and Get Palmar. Th# trot oa tha Utfioa aowfm CVoew) linw from Texa* — Hoofitoc, Texaa, naa bad a uew indus'Ty establish'd within her limits lately. Some enterpris ing mrn have pot up a large establishment for the roasting aad packing of betf. The oven for cooking the meat is two mtirek high, and wili hold from right to ten steerfi at a time. The buildings are calculated f. r tbe preparation of one nundred Iwevc* a day, and ft is intemied to increase the facilities for production as fast aa s mark ft can be created for the meat Th# build- lugs are furnished with all the appliances ’o carry offi tha business with exoedition sud deadlines*. withfsteam#p**»er, ho , so thst there should be ae little manual laoor used ia ths handbag of the meat aa peaeibla. Tba nsaft will be supplied in sealed ap aans, which ara also made by tbe ta u t firm. It ift anticipated that aa the factory becrones known, there will he a large d«-msad, b >«h d u.estte and fnru|n, for this aasrTessn j export The pop** arity «t pr*pared msata depeuds tn-ar'y a t- >gether apoa the way in which they are pat np They have not take* tke general j ub'te taste ta tha extent wuspMri. t i o ^ k DUMk '*"!» fe* bauferjBut, ud Mid to b. m oooriMiog, ■ n tab lj fioM tko (oot *ta» • • P te o n nflod *o Modj tW OJO 00 m * M *fco poloM

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Page 1: DRY GOODS - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030921/1870-05-31/ed-1/seq-1.pdfT H E E X F ttE S N P f tJ M L N tf CO. THE ... Mr-7 Kit, t*3 Mam. KN V K|>»PK

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1AN*UFA< T l RBR.j . r - r , . m # + * t k i: *w xi.fi i®** Wsri.srgtoH-

•»*»*, L i I iIm aI* .} , vV'> iiol.v.ti*- >i li

Wr AN I L U -# 2 0 .0 0 0 O F T H E HTOUF.. tl.*- c u.tra and Trotters’ ita, »A .i f J M4N v im * >Wd A. ^

\ 1 , 1 < f v * s t x » n n m m■* .. li™ ! . tt>‘ 'U ’**•» C all.• J ? . u ! £ ™ ? ms t‘ y * c r , ' t,u* o m e t .x u s u

1 0 - > jJ 1 K M * r i l f t A L l i h ,

*H\«JON P i, vI iii t . do go t n l i ■- - W A M E U

•> ort. r « 6t

_________ M * # »- j.;

\ Y ^ * H l > - - b K YT !_____ 1 * I,A" MKLL-hi^ji A CO. u

FK "M 16 T u It

n o n l l r l SA LES

\ \’.I 0 au


} £ b ire ul a .■ r%- *"d t., *wt»t In la- Ir f *• •* 1 M.iu »t. b Intel! tut hou

». r m i _________ » s i - »

-G L N L K A L A i i E M . WJLa- claa gt nerm: sgent to open .

. %t>oUa it -t rth(ji.it. in 11,.» ei ) :-.r mi r.*» l i nn MY i tie heain/ Mach'u*. Kur lie . nr* luu.ialitii on a|i(>l."allon Aiidrt. > sh VS I S d a A« Ju IA h Oij. , (J e»ai and I)

a m h ^


, VV’. J . o l . v t ,

. o T f i s , K^ a t h p : r s

. s i l*!!T H " - Z . * * * 411f.. , «•. ^ * R R .

.i. E!lS, (WboletUkle.)^ 6 1 i« 4 a

.4^ Si, teTiflt If .uae.», - A , S | . A w R « K ( >« P. E R Y .

w I/NUU :i.i la i M. Sfc. ttAK, *44 Main.

C MCKI A«iKS.T*ArV-.TR WAI.LAC1C, hn k mar OourVr Houm

; k a c k k i : s , i c .fcN'v , I 107 K • itt.* ‘ XL*, ' /.■ iiamje ami Retail.)

• k Co., cor Kri MM 1 rraiio.V--. *. * A IN, A« ... K'lOt (luuuaoa.

< i ) t KKK a ' S P IC E M IL L S.u -1t A Oi,, fcl Maiuopp>«itt hburcUoa.

« O Af. AN I) PIG IKO N.iJ. > . '' 1 . ■ N V )'«>., WH Olii.. c r SI• -» naippt.*-• ' I'l'rtlK'iM, t (.oinnMircai Wiiart, loot ol


D R A P E R S A T A IL O R S .M. u. IK YulK, -A* Maiu.


KN V K|>»PK M AN I FA CTU K K RS.!l. S\. | i.< i - KK, 'Si W Swan.

ENG RA VEILS ON W (K )I).VIU>. b v. ii,tn sa.N 4U<i Main.

KANCY 1H W U S, AC.VOf/JK.K, KIFM.INO A CO., *-0 Main.

Kl R N IT C R K , AC.*A‘« It WHITK, 4ft7

1 -L v ; MaiKfi*»I’ R, F E E D A N D G R A IN .

W. U. U Mtrt. IVrrau. <>,r Rrana.P K i l l* A N D O Y ST E R S.

P L A T T r d IT C * » . , t t7 ** aMtiiiufVon.


( • KOC fc R s , IW holeaaie.)A . M. J o i l V H T m n . 7 ; M a in

I>140CERS (\Vbul«HAle aod Retail.)K. 1» i.ui.M \N, 17M Mam OKU. w *.*» r r. 17 K MMiorta.


, H. N LRAKKNCK « -UN, am Haim .MOTT.* l iL N r l»U ;T , 3fc7 Mam.

( i I ' NS A N D J fciV ELRY .J. O. BOBmoN X CO 10f> Mam.

HOTELS.BONNEY’B IIOTKL, eor Wa«nlnift. n aud CarroILH A R N E S S , SA D D L ES. AC.J. LYTI.K .v SUN, J<j Kx. iiaiuie, opi».»lte Manalon.

U ARD'X A R E , iitU N , AC.C. K WAMIKtTkjK, 27l Main and w Swan HUKI iVv V KIP, nor P. arl an.l S--i ...HIDNH.Y MH HiPAKM i o. V .I UM I.KK « moN'., - a.OK WITTC, WKED * CO ,M M vin, oor W. Hwan.

H A R D W A R E A N D M ETA LS.P I t A T T a r o t« , I ' m«l 150 T .- rra r* .

H« >T \ I U F U R N A C E S .A. L>. OII.HKur, <’ Main.

v I IA M , CA PS A N D F U R S .0 . p F

t i i . o i t s w a n t e d —c o a t , p .a n iai.d Vaat V.a clan, oi l ) «an .-.I in

at y at J. W RijW . A S U X C«/-», hrai.k. i

w AN I HD 4 ) GOODon fl .ur Uar. tis Apjdj t'*u. V WtutVKLL,and Ot iu

COOPEk S tPw ) v»..fk ai.'

M T I t T l O N S W A K T R D .

VV ^a n i e i >•

A s l l I A I ION T o T a K i

SITUATION.•I i aperien t-d

B O I H . H M . A N II L O IM .IM^ y \ N I E D - B Y A

I 7 WEST s w a nI i ru M> t.j rent, ait

2242 2.1


rnoti.< Tenna r Pc. A R 1. ST

GENTLEMANhe«l rootna, with $•> •<■ iy. on the w*-t aide ulfi -e e.u it

, NEAR MAINwllhnit h ard, in a

-A FEW GENTLEii.ino.il ed witii hoard ai d

Il.ti r ..111HKEE Pl.HAS


‘0k,s\1.S Oft I.EASK, known a> ihe .Id Merchant- 1 II .r. l, hav,mr a Ir n'a <• i 103 le m tJ ie i.-nai, *1 fe i ou > nnu-jrciai rlr.tt, a> d exc r

-mii> lanti.i

n|fh to t.l r.l Thehull , w.th -ton

ali • tern 1-Yu.N

* IK I

M I LLI N DRV S T O R E FOR SA LEin a .le 'r Ul location with Ht«*:k of 140.-1-

aaonahle leriua. iiASll.NGS x ()TTU, 4 hr. wn'

H O R S E S 4X 1 ) C I R R I U S E S ,

t j^ O R S A L E C H E A P \ S E C O N DL f>a »l pi ai n wagon. n*arly i cw. i*l'., a lm*

■ 1-SCEI L A If O l s .T JT TT C H E R F IX T U R E S

N..3U9 We9t Forty flnt at., near Klghfh Av,

HK •T< • I Ma'd.WM.

IRON F O U N D R Y .KAOLF. IKON- •»t»CS. P -rry .r^ MlttlMlpflL CLINTu.N IKON AoilKS, C. arcj,t c..r J a .^ tuIRO N F O U N D E R ' OKu. tY TIFFT, r - <:

. f .N G lN E S , B O IL E R SA CO., W u<hin tnn, nr Ohio.

Ac.t r . n v . - '.A IL S , R. R. SPT K Er tIT T v uO.,iW .W w lM T ,m n .

Tj .VUKI; H L K R . BILL1 VKDS, i o .‘‘..ClIAti. R IK..TK1, SOI JUIn.t

L I . Ill 1' C A R R IA G E A N D S L E IG H .l>. C. OUI'WIN, 4a;i and Vn-luutcton.L O O K IN G G L A SS. I 'IC T l 'K E FR A M ES. Uu.VA.tU x BUKTINU, 11. *. Swu.

M A L L E A B L E IR O N .FRATT k LBT* IWUKTU, 52 and M Terrace.M V K R L E M A N T LES A N D O R A T E S .C. S. OO.I‘*RR, 611 belaware.T. SlY VKT/ A C • ikid Main.

M A R B L E * . G R A N IT E W O R K S.l>RMKO>S v F.iltsoN, Ciirmr C«»urt and Morgan.JUIIN CF\WFul, :>, IU7 and ’«» N'la*:»ra.

M IL L IN E R Y (W hnloM la *nd R eU il.)HKVUY u'HUiKN.itm Main.VN li WOOb'A AKIi, 4"W Main.

M O U R N IN G GOODS.0"lll». RkMT x CO, 414.Main.M f S |c D E X l.K R S A N D P U B L IS H E R S .JdWKTT A il-i.’IISA, W3 Main.

»*Rtl \N > (P ortab le P ipe.) OKKBIOK. FK. IKMAKKd X CO., 3d, 41 and 4*

F O R S U * ? . ____OK SALK A S P L E N D ID

n o p S A l.lv - 2 'HMi F E E T O F I .A N D ON1 J.-ff T<on H l-tn , Hand t n, Hainlall, prfng

-n i Vt i. i.i u -tre«u* in I t and n time ' -..it pur- had-re. npply fo JOHN ulTO. Sl r’earl -t

K S A L E LOT 3T»xlO0 F T ., N O R T Hi wfst -in n.-ar Allen. LYON A

K KU .N . 1 liman's Building H30

Kl. P R O P E R T Y FOR S A L E - A Ti e 11 ill, timi es fmm tialavi*; hu t«li g ia . frunic. LYuN & iUki.U, I


GOOD E N G IN E A N D B O IL E R FORsale c.,ca,i at th>- Union Planing Mill.

LOt.LiK & HKC1 KN WALT,C.-me- Chi a*r” <

P A P E R S FOR S A L 1i hurlred attl

- A T 50

h t i f; m o i s t :* .

F R S A L E - T H A T V A L U A B L Eprorerty <>n he smith e-t corner of Vain ml - ree's, w th 1 ir.c and flrs’. c'aas rc*’denc fl ii-hvd. *l*i, several i ! ga i va ant 1 i>

dn» th>- a hove prnp.rfy on the suuth J HN . 81 f e ri -f. e 3

1<iOK S a L E — NOS s'. rv frai

119 S IX T H ST . A1.; I..t 3 xUi2 ; price

F D H H U E H O rS fc H .


IOT 2 I'fU w n ,t. r. , f t V. at80x -is Linw ..d r. venue M' , -s c »r.l i n -V>, kdwa: j s t , our. Virginia « A h Y u g k g ^ 1 T R.

L l 'R - A iJ - - A V E R Y UK SIKA RLF.L !uom j ar <1 almost o r- >k,w.«9 o- Cjar-ctH ul at• iw e:. T nth and ► lr-v«uth 'tr eta. Tu« h u -ni .in a f-,m , '-r-aie a It'ge ha 1 and atrtr-; *«• * !dj. T « pmp f'Tv wh 1—vdd ch ap 1

, p.’h d for immariiate-iy. If m-t ai.ld by tha tim o •lay wi | be r ute4 Ju**N 4/fTu. ol c-arir IO IT A G hS F u ll S.VLr.—" J

So 120 Spruce at., lj-*>t ry frame; lot 80x180 ■rice 81250

o 4-3 swan «t , near sprin.', 1-atcry frame; price i 280*.

•25______LY i.V A BAKER. Ere Land fdlira.

^ E N F f A ST. P R O P E R T Y F O R S A L )U at a bargain. N 414 San.ca lot ?0 thmuKt » r I .mu ■« , « th a*»u»ry h i A Looae and : ■aril, iu r.ar 7 hia .» a rare ihaiice I ur a nnikiuai ■r aa .Warparty Jmv n/h.itiiettin that la.au- 1 A t an id <si H e a. n m.» Fw ft.r*ber par?, u !»n a;>,-J lu U tM li aANFuRb, 10 Meat Swan »t

f i b

M u u S A L E OR 1 0 E X C H A N G E F o lI ti rut . in.s rt -ul. rice tn thi citv, a farm -f 104 % rev fl -et juxiiey nf land, lytng ju-a w td e ef ’h- dty hunt , . aa a U'ge <-rcn*rd. uue o t ie te-t ;• urry.fi •■•■*.»-story h ick h..u*e and three goo»

M m«. W;.l he anul ch-an li»qu re uib2j_____________ HuWABb A • HAPelLL.

LV>R S A L E - 435 S U T H D I V I - I O 'F at . 1 eu.ry cottage l-.t 4**x 1.0, graf-e-. a»-d iru"

t'cea. Thu- »• cr-eao,flfaW A .p y t*j it. McCO.MBSu. So h I i.istun -t. ell

F O R S 4 I .F , F t K M S ;


‘R S A L E O R K X U H A G K —C6 A C RESof land, wi h rood lioue* and barn, frui*, «c ,

ie Kmp.iur Mnnn.n r'-ad wrhitifour m I • from • «I Kb ■* ARbh i. MCI KLANU, No. 2 K

JR S A L E - 3 1 A C R E S 0 ? LA X Hm Wvat heneca, 4 milea from Maia at., plruty

oil. go- d i.ou e an 1 aro Juqui-e at tb - kbs 4i Ll .KLA.NU, No. t Bruwu'a Building

F ' l .S A LE

■ f Un4 i,OR HX H A N G E .72

l.ler a ne -tat- of cultivaiioim e fruit, well fenc* u, ti ual«d net on tin* Potter’-. Cnrutr* 1 BLChLA.Nb, No. 2 Broau'a

H J K SALE—X F IN E DAIRY FARM[ «.f 2 o acre*, with iroo I h uu and l.arna, situ-■e in C- 'd-n < '• tif re, ah uf 2 i.fee fr-.m Coidea . >g-; r.l/Vt'ARiL'* a LcKLA2»b, N- 2 liruw '»

A LEN D ID O P P O R T U N IT Y — FORe ..r - \ . an.-e f-.r improved i-i-y proper* >,

|(a<* » re* of fan 1 i . Wa\n < 0 M >• i.an, 25 mile> f om l*e r>i*, part tim er d and balance in h ..raire i or • nna ai.pu to KUMARbS & ltl • h LAND. N t li u »u’a h.mdi g.

LXa RM F o r s a l e p. e s t g a r d e nL laid in Ene County Mu* l>e ao.d to cioe

" , t i n m U tr, 2 s J a rea, *2 m il-* from the Court *1 n W I! e a. Jd cheap by II iRli * CHA.'*

[AYRM S FOR SAI of l'A acre-, in I

I.E - \ G o o d F \K Mhe town ol West Siiiecx n Boffato.>11 e, three hundred gra't-d uw. voiy cheap. tiuWAhb t r e e t ii lu

F OK„ R EX C H A N G EVeate 11 la d*. 130J i- t iver, alM.ut 5 in c 1 at K WaKu* A d l -.ur.uut- Agents,


2 Ur. •- Mud 1

Ael 7

FIN E F \ K VI FOR SAl.fc OK KX. t ang con m n. 14<i acres. 25 w >od Ian

iced I t, w .1 Wai 'i d due orchard,n« w 2--.i.,rj dw i.ln . with lurn-., 0111 bou e-, *h d>, Ac go sf "r*!«*r Cii, prop. r*y will be tal en ii «. uwui, fttlan. e oue.n; terms. LLL xhlUh

0 st. el.»

F A,“K\1nd -1

FOR S A L E —33 AG RE S OF1. ted on Ferr s', about 2 luile- east nf

h u- , splendid bi.rn,sheds, Ac , H-hir.J .f I* 0» . w,.rf r»ar ani 10 J appb a id he « • d . lump or wili exchang* f- BLAdll.sUd & i/lTU,£o. 4 Brown

• h frj

. U Ud-

NR O F T H E F IN E S T F A R M S INEr c Co nty f'*r sale, consisting of about ia

-, 1" axrre* w-.'.il ba a me excel ont soil und r a st-t of cult'va* >on, with bnc* dwelling, fi'u «, outb. uses fish pood, living wator, and or soiKveral I uud red Iwaruig tees of ever)

•ty of truit. 1 his pnjperty can be bought, verj p a,.don easy terin« A ply to

KK * I’U’K RRIVfi, 13 w»«f«viin ■ t

AKMS ! FARMS—SfcVERAL FIN Fg and small farms forsaleor exchange I.KK

A P O Fill NO. 13 W swan *t. blV '

r p \V (T O L E T - H O T % E

P U R N I() STO RYKhin three r .iu -hed hr , A and w

.1 ten

HEDHOU>ETO inilei wvlk of 'he post ghout in g od order; hai t rent'd on rea-.uiahl*

Hastings a oTT«*Bui

T ' L E I - TWO NEW 2 -S T o R Th um*, fur i'he I cniupleto situated

i*hwent c roer of SUrila d and :e30

I ) t tE l-L IN G FO R S A L E f H E A P - Ago..<1 Ka 1 ain will l e given in the*ale r>? the 4

brick dwelling. No 437 *: chigan -t; 1» room* .. I wa er. Lfc -NARU Wl. bbN A S>», N i

I X ESI K A RLE B 1 HALE- 1 j-wt >rv h

gs- and watOTTO 4 Brow « K'

BRICKf*rl k h"U*“ ie-1 f 1 out t<

,p, term* e*sy ling*

H O U S E FOR, 174 Franklin it


P e l ! !S A L E 2) story

A NEW AND dl tha ■

h side ->f Ferry street, w. .VvJ feet. Term.- easy.

FIRSTodero i:n r1* ol l»el

cM ELO D EO N S, A.C.<;•>., Niagara, Sevcuth and Ma


rylattd.OILS, PAINTS, AC.

8 PC A SIC. *i5 and *>7 Main.P L A N I NO M IL L S, DOORS* S A S H , AC.W. A. Kt ANN A CO., Mechanic.P R IN T E R S & KLVN K ROOK M A N ’FS,BA •. Fit JMN C8 fc SMI TH. 220 and 222 W

TjYo R SALE -HII 1 low a tic a0.1 cel

4 Hollister Building

K HOUSE, 2 STOR, situate on *>ak s*., neai

AC.PIANOS, MUSIC,0OTT1KR * l*KSTt>N, 26d Male.

PIANO M AVUF aiTTUR ERS.J Kl’ilT/M VN, I'fl, li.w and Ul) Haia-ia. ilKVlNK IIKft-s . hd N'agarm, «»r Mary;nt»«L

PAPER HANGINGS, AC.M . n. Hi 841^(18 Mx.rvM*)N rmMKl.V •.;•»> , 2»f. Main.41KKRKTT Mv'llUi.S. 7'. Main

PIIOTI m 111 A PH ERS.W M. KHIOHT. 456 Main.V. li. 11AMBLETON, 3U5 and 4*m« Man.


SEW I NO M Al'H IN ES.WHEELKR fc Wil.SON S. M CO., 275 Main, cor

ft w an .W l-.coX fc O I BBS S M. CO.. 14 S. Diction.HO A K s M. CO., la W. Swan. ri.OKr-CKA M.CO 4*H Main.



STOVE HOLLOW W ARE.BIRO * CO., c r. Brace -<t. and F.rie C ana



STOVES AND HARDW ARE.RH <W, FKRHIs .« CO , 446 Main.g rovfw s, k . ’ RN *. K9 AKB R \N 0 F .- .1 . SWARTZ S CO., S*-3 Mam.

T R U N K S .DANIEL H HUMPH ‘EY. S n c c e n u r to Jm. nnm-

phrty fc Bru . 3 ‘S Main aVTOBAC* ’ON! STS.

A M APASIS fc 00.,4!W WTaahinjrUT fc 484B0 PearL (.illsoN F '! »WARI'fcCu.,?Vl> W xihmgtou.W V TG H B S.JK W EI.liV * DIAMONDS.PITKIN'S JEWELRY SToKB M vin.T * K. IHCKlNSbS, 454 Ma ,DAN 11. CASTLE, 161 Alain.BrBVKXA BROS., 458 Main.


S A L EI 1 »t I-c to rv s• ill S’ U h -| . S 'P r o "0 A jq lD iv.-... «L.

y o u ' a l er n t ry N i" k ,• i i »..• - .11 cheapIf .ol 1 • ith in tasnce *-’-*' • A pp lj

. B Vh K. LnI NORTHS« ty ia yu ng

M. Me uMi

: i.and Office.D IV ISIO N

-.*.-*(► M -NKgi*. 1 condition, the parti in g- i , wi I akc »4 .» ii. McJoMB, N

\ ST .Thi- pr pert

s TORE Firick «t r

old n.'.4M .K -

aA L E C H E A P —3 STORYS • 313 "cn ea «t Lo 2sxl< 0,rgam. HASTINGS fc 01 To 4

TH *T VERY DK"IRame dwelling, '» 42 G -kI 11 »t ,

iu ilrM ou ivcaieu •* JO -LN OITO,,t ______________ Si Is

Ai RES OF L A N D FOR SA L E A T A>>a gui , 011 Id meat -ne R dg--, be we- 11 Whiu*-

Corner- PUnk Roa 1 and the Turnpike, w i n orchard f -ele. c • fru t A very pl aea land de-ira'-le li.ci- ion. Pric 815 0 Apply at No 5 Ni g ira t. .KUNAKn W ilso n * "ON. Real Eatate and In.-ur 1 -oe Ag’ nta. «7

1.MX'h at ,

>rder; g an Sixtn 3t . , :


4d*i, IJ -torv frame; 8 room*. Ls.'ii' Ali .W l n 4s»»v.

No 5 .a a a ttFOR R E N T -M I

»• 8-atory hrtek, with r«a ail. a de 1 Ltful lo a ion. M iP Le rented ,u» t«

. .1 tenant. LEE \ I I'.KER N 13 West wo

LMM5 I EVIDENCEI 136 Uot ag »t , new *-«*

.W LI.LIN'Gslur base 1 1 -> : ra rt , with ga

Bo a r d i n g hr h « l . r g e 3 - to r y

building,No. 135

I'D R fcN I—TH E '2 nd a'tic b i< k dwelling No a h"t c d cold wa'er a d

4 conveme, t lo at.,*" I r a man. i EE & FIU5I RING,

el®H (H Js E FOR R E N T -

baaeinent and at ic hrick • -t w ill i-e rented at a mod

fc I’H KF.LlNG, 13 W'. Swan s'030

\ Y S IR A B L E HO U SE S T l) K E N T -

With immediate pn-aessiu le u-e. No 23i .'eventh *tr et, cllar. A!-", the very . omn

, the 2-sti w ith g s. « wliou- 3-«t

ter. - ik! ry brick ivcn'ei

lo. at d;In the house d.xired

b»th, v. Her an 1 -tab.e |H»rtiuii m the whol- of the

' bought cheap by

F na delight

K E N T —T H E F IN E 2->m dw lHng No 20 V. rr;* P a e, w •ul I citi 11 W'P be rented low t IT K fc P « K) RISC. 3 Wot J-uai

J M ALL► > ta - u gV


A I.K—2 STORY• 4 Fra* k in at , wit

ienience; m 64xl4u lerui OT 1\), ol Pearl at.P vOT l o. a


RKH K H- i t - t r . rroier 1 favcra. le.

1 13

icn *. - Ni ii

\ y

T ■■ iiwil n g 1- a n« at 2-s oiy got'k . m dern »r • i.a n and uirh u-e> al in fine or'er. TLe I nd i- iwlin ra* Iv a-<aptrdf ji fri it. having ab ul HkO rut: i c ,togctfu r w h grap tn e . a.d -mal iruit- Tn -at'on'a beautiiul and the I'ei.hhorhood firvt, a - A' v one de-in>u- o a -upcr ->r rural houu will Bnd it h»re. Apply to LYoN fc BAKr.U ► k 1. u .1 cfflue._______ r£S


at.; nppar fl ora»iv ' ri. k t»u' d.ng 1 icar and tt*s wa'er ai.d o i ... r fc 'a web *.!ai t--U to buanco ur oianufti- umu: j'l-.J-i. h-t 45x19040 a'ley; wiilheaoli on r a«.n-

,blr mrulv HaSHNO-A OTTOHI6 4 Br w N B Hiding.

S IN E 'S PROPERTY (O R S A L E . 30f\S0O cn Louiaianv rt ., corner of llambu'gh st.jnal2 uxSdO on Hamburgh »t.,corucr of Hamburgh tt.

T f# L E T —H tH T s E S .

Ho u s e s t o r e n t b y m , m c c o m b ,No. 5 South Diviaioo «t.

S85 Hudaon at , t - fa r * frame, gaa, eeflar and a • gd wel. of wafer. #• i* ed m 9o atyle. Ihia tajucof the fi est 1 •-ation* in Buffalo, rent ft4W)

97 G«ogia s t , I - t-uy brck, Ln ixoellent con'*i- B'*n; a-.wat. r ,nd cei »r: thia is m very central o* »*i t ; rei.t 0*50 64- swan -t , 4-**ory frame hou-e new; at d flr.ia-- 1 • ff 1 i exc !lr . manner with al. the mu-iern uu-

p'ovt-ment- ni;l | 5 'Hrick-tore an«* dw* ng V-r»rrt tn a pnod Inaation

for a f*mBy grocery. Ute >«nt baa a gmd '-rick • ven.

B R IC K B \K N FO R K E N T —S IT U -the allev *n rea- of No. 15* Swran «t ,

ma iX.chiganst. LlE fc P1UKRR1NU, 18 W. dwan.treet ‘ elfl

T<# L E T —S T O R t S .fir? S T O R E TO R E N T —s W A N S T .,■!* No 13. 'e'ween Main ai d W'aai ington -fe , flrwt flo *r ai.d ba-rm*nt of a 3 .to y h tck. W»T! ‘ e put m gi* d order, i-»-eoi.-n Ju*.e la*. A vary c**n- t al a id drairdb e .uu iuu for the grocery an i pro- riat a bu-i e>* • r m ■ any oti.er ki d f hu»i e-.- Apply at .no. 5 Niagara t. » E NAKD WILSON fc<oS .81

FOR R E N T —s t o r e n o 170 P E A R L«- , r car Niagara ft. 1 EE * PICKERING, 15

eat Swa It. e48TO R E S N o s r s s r w a ” 93 M \ IN S f~,

*x> rent. Apply to JOtlN OTTO, 81 Pear! at.^ ro iO ’-o

I ’..I EN T — A F IN E B U S IN E S S

stand 3 m 'ta 1r> m Main at , on Seneca at , -t r**, d- elWrg and tarn. K-n* lo». Appy mot.a

He ith itivud n *t. M. McCOXb e!7

fTGRK FOR R E N T -B R IC K STOREflt Maui -t.,chej't.. • gor, 1 i,- arit il VST NON fc •Tro, 4 r.ium’a H-lldfng.s

d "0


p4 Ma;n at, or<w occupied by Ly b fc Fleirah&im. 8* W’r«: S neca »t, C- urter Ul ck.M9 tliico.t st, cur. of S o th Division.

UA.NTINOS % OTTO, •120 4 Browu’* Budding.

T O l.ftv'l n O llM .V

109 NORTH DIVfS[fiug rooms furniahed o

S T — 1.0DG-nfnn.L-bed.

i r i s F uR RENT—TH Et of a house pieiaanti. situeted

Inquire at No. 25 WacUworth

WEST C H IPPEW A ST.—TO LET.jrui.hLd rouma ur uue dollar per wi ek.

IT ROOMS FORt and 3d floors s for a doctor, o*

USIR ARLE R I’SINESS RKvT 23f> Re d at . he f-

with ga* and » at i t A 10**1 pD* f ir a fir t claa- dreaa tna- ing i-.-u give a L i g it-wae LYoN fc MAKE flea.

ESIR ABLE ROOMS FOR RENT.—r.tra.n locat'd in a g od in igh‘-rho< d,

i hga>, water fce.; 111 rbla onii-liev in fi . 1 1 , ■* i be rented to a a tenant.

,M *Efc 1*1 K-.6ING IShw.. . at.

1I " ( 'e m

I 0 1 I jIFTS FOR R EN T—IN T H E NEW (dock oorner of •vaahington a»dGrien ttvecta

■ry over Num. 1j3 and 156. The vbok ■f the third story Apply Uj

Ma c 17 187-). cl - tf JEW ETT A ROOT.

r p H REE NICE SLEEPING ROOMS INL that central locality, 333 Main street, ov

Dudley fc Rookwtll. Apply to GEO B. BULL

M O R T G A G E S .J J O N K Y . M**NEY.

hvaemoney mortgage'wanted by HOW ARD34s M 1 eSl

/~1ITYV j st.k

a n d C O U N TY O R D ER S,Stocks, Ronds and Mnrtgagea, ('omme'cia1

r. nesoiaUd by KI'WaKDS -x hlOKLAND l-.-La a a d Loiu tr- kers. No 2 Brown's LJuiid-

02oKC tl A >E M ONEV — M O R T G A G E ' wanted !>y

I I 4 M S L H R .M S M ID iG .______

G A S F I X T U R E S !



V R l l Y L O W P R I C E S 5,




N«w Single Sw ine B rackets a t 60 ets. each. Double Sw ing B tack ets a t 80 14

I L ight P en d an t a t 70 “*2 Light Pei. dan ts a t _ $1 50 *'


We call attention ta ear

EXTENSION CIUVDELI ERA most drr.rable article for Lib-ary or Dtnlng-roonfe.

AI*o, the NOI IK) inch Pur e'ain s iched Uj Port*, .lei

K-»S ARGAND R’ RN'ER, witha le, at $ 76 va h. C u be a or Coa'idelieru. Th ;




R K N T - T M E N E W 2 S T i) R Yck houae. with gar, water, bath and furoa e

506 Kru p c t Avenue A delightful locali UiE fc »‘K hKKIN*», 13 Wea- Swan -t.______ e5_

A BARN IN T F E RE > K;t th it , on » paved alley. J( 'H '

el»t^ O R R E N T1 No 102 S*-v

OTTO, M Pi arl st.


rent at l e»isU> >, on the ? iag ra River. «■••• ing of a good medium sued dwtiing, wi h out-

bmhJingM. three wer • ul lan.l witn a fine gr ve »hru -b- ' V, h" c fl •»tn, frui: and IwrrieM, a m-.*t .lt l .htful re-i.ien.'e W 1 be rmtcd c mplet-1 urowheu. f.u f.-u' m u.tha or longer, with inn» ii i# po «e—i n. LKE fc P CK-R1NG, 13 W. S-vai

l? 0 R RENT—A

AI.TM kV—M»v Si), in PttiMgard. Wurtem'vrg, Germany, J< aph Al mm. banner, hr., her m A rV'-un 41»ma i. of life* vity, 4,n(l SO ye*.» *i»d 4 ru ".t'm

Rneheat r pap*r* plena r py.MMH5 Mav 2i* * tW« cLy, Km. lT Kendal!, dangh

tar oi ii L a dS-rafi h N uu, a^ed 11 tn .nths and 5 da.*Funeral on Tu- rd»v, tl.aSlst *n*t., at * o’clock, from the raaida if f her par.mtir, 18 Delaware at.

P L U M B April H, in Catt«raugu«, N. Y , Mn 4 llsvbeth A , ada of Jcaeph Plumb, Arad 00 jean

PI UM ft—May ?5, in Cattaraugus, S . Y., J o e a p b l‘iUi:ib,« ul Tttyeaj*.

n o a r o l n g O o o m .A ?omplata as-ortmeut at rawmnabi* prlcae.

* U a N l S G d r > j41* tfen * i Bivck.

* > (« * •• O lf L M . O H M .A* 0 Boxer Window letaaa, w». rad xt-aa. PTAtl

GLAj-B FOu 3. ;iJCd AND DWELLINGS at f l a n f t n v f •- lorn. 60,000 t a . W M 1T K L L A L , IPO bt'ls. L1N--*LSL OIL. r oe aaia by

A. KKTNOLDd * QO 191 Main it. ami 40 Lloyd aC Bufhd*. -


S J E N E C A S T .— S T O R E F O R S A L EIO on Srnec* St., !>atw«:en Main and Wa hing»on,

ry brick. L iv . 'N fc B A K E R , K n e b a n d u tk »cCS

tr»i>]1 d

>K S A L E — A S P L E N D ID R E Sldenre in lewhtnn.N. Y ; a Ana houae with .6

built in thv '-e*t manner, with e.a. vi i g ou.iia, l»rge sta -le, cb*>i e iru t-, hva thtul c l- u U-.flur driv » m tha v».-iniry runantie -cenerr, 6 m.nutc* driv f.oai *al!», on through nute to lo-

d M’Uiireal, ana on L. D. ftnuro R. R , near lepo ; a ajfte- did borne or a family, or an ele.-an retreat fnwn t'je citj; aui 1 low; terma eaay. Apply at Lewtatoo to JOHN OI.1PHANT. dfcSin '

D KE S lK A B u E P K O F E K T Y FO K SA LE .

fcUioott at. 2 story brick houae, vary deairabia, good order; price #5600.

M da »t, houae and lot; prioa $18 900.Ninth «*. hou* and lut; puce $8000 North Dlviauui at, be; wren Mic pan and Ckeat-

n it aU, t atory hrick bon-e; price fOAOlit'WAR I) fc CUAPFEL .. 848 Main rt.

p o k S A L E C H E A P .iVo new S-atory 'rwer hmwi finis' ed complete;

,w«, cellar, >c. nnated on thr aoutbw at ceroar ••! Jaryia d ai.d Twalfui .u; lot 25»1 8 aan, ara vary destra >.e; w iibaaoae.e p on eaay terma.

Ne* 4 at-.rj and wing house. i5i Nortn Wil ham street, finely f i.iia b c ; naarrle mantles, cell r, ga*, sc. Lot 86x100. LLAliNGd fc felTO. 4 Br wu'a B u i ld in g . C

Y E R Y D E S IR A B L Eh 2-story framr*. r-v lj

e-t-el.ent oruer J u U N " I - eld

For Sale by al! Dealers.

CASH PAID HOfs -•1 6-2 rn


_ ! » M ’1 ) R * r i O Y£ > 0 S T A V IE Ki 1 1V EK,

Dealers ln


, No. 13 K. Swan rt., Buffalo, N. Y.

HO U S E '5 FOR R E N T BY H I M E■f NFORD. 1« Wear S w a n street.

65 A lle n st, 4 -a ro ry h r c k ; b a r n , ka», h o t a n i c ki a t e r , * a t h , f u r ac.-, e tc .6c<J D e la w a re st, 3 story b r ic k ; ham, gas, hot an.

c o ld w a t . r , h t h , f u r o c e , e tc-265 P e a r! s t , 3 -eU .ry b r .c k ; g a - , w a te r , b a th , f u r n-e, e tc- 0 A lie n st, 2-storv b r ic k ; gaa, water,bath, fu rn a c e ,

etc.90 M hawk »t, -st-'rjr brick; gaa, wat.r, bath,

furoa e, etc.J e r s e v -t. tat-Ty brick; ga-, water, a-g o t .18 C« urt at, 2 s*oiy br-ck aud t asemeut, gas a n d

wnter.124* fteneca *», S-atory brick with haaement; gaa and water.

C ttage st, - st-iry bnck with ba-ement; g * waU-r bain,-tc

42 Uhippe va -t. S^Uiry bnok; r»» ar-d water.SS- Sixth at, 4-story brie*, and French touf; (new)

gas, water, oath.44 Morgan »t, 3-story brick wlthbaacmeBt: gaa aad

water.Virginia ■* t-aU>ry frame; gas, e»e,

131 ja . <>U et, 2-atory brie*; ga* and water.SO® North ln v W u a i a: 2-*tory frame, gas and

water. 986 Unioa et, JnKory frame; gas and water.13 A Hen i t l-stor> frame with ' aafcei.t 853 Eleventh st, 2-atory frame wit i large lot.78 I'niou n , 2-at •»▼ fram - 24 Wilkewon -t. 2-story frame.2^9 S ..u th D v i. io o a t. 2-at -ry Irv in e ; water.801 North Div ann st •-au r- 'rame. et-tern. Corner ferment an I Thirteenth *u, 2-atory frame, well and cKfe r v235 Thirt ei th at, 2«torv frame.868 T * e f th - t . fram e cottage.261 Cedar *t frame cottagehevan th n ea r C-jnnec* cu t at, 2-a to ry b r ic k ; Fraoefc

ro o f, g*a. arater, ate. t t « M ack in aw s t. 2 s to ry fram e ; w a ll and c is te rn .

“ * -* * am * cottage.

b k t t o o n s .





O u r 2 5 O e n t


Is supplied at all times with tha .


35 and 50 C e n ts p er Y a rd .

F R I D A Y & S A T U R D A Y



Of a variety of ariielca, acd

A T G R E A T B A R G A I N S .


W H I T E i P I Q U E S : !At 25 Cen*s per yard aud'up wards.

Black Alpacas,E m b r o id e r i e s ,

G lov an d


S H A W L S A N D W R A P S .


A N D J A P A N E S E S I L K S !

B A R X E S fc I H N 0R 0F T ,

C A S H H O H SE ,“■/> MAIN street .


Song for Soprano, composed by H. Sutter, prtee SO cent*.

A very eff. ctive song for a concur*, quite easy and w also Geriran wo dv

L‘se*ten M'altz s -Fmil Wahle pr’ce 5;Amel a Pol-a Re'owa—Fmil Wahle.. do 8'

Among the Vst nf Wahle*.- compositions.We ha e Ju-l pub is’ed the above and will mail

th* »aine on rtc* ii t priceel» CO'TIER * DENTON, 2‘9 Main rt.

r iH R lS K U R T Z M AN , PTA NO M A N U) FACTURER, corner Batavia and Elm sta., tw

xjuaree from old Court House. Theaubacrile>r kee|* onstantly on hand a choice assortment of Pitre

F .rte*.‘n eloga.'t rosewood caseaf which hewarrame0 *x» equal In tone, touch and #riuih to any mauufai - ureri n the country. Persians deairoua of obtaining1 superior instrument ara respectfully Invited tr if f him a call hefor* pH*v'vas'ng

r ’H H l '* T r A V g i - R T 7 v >

J . J O S E P H S .


F A N C Y P A I N T E R ,4d Exchange t , Buffalo, New York.

Q R A n rrx G . m a k b l i h o ,


Walls snd Ceilings Kalcomined

Ib the BEST MANNER and wtth deapateh.

M I S H A I,.


N O . 821)5.

J E W E T T & M U C H K A ’ S , M U f i I C S T O R E .


C H C K C R I N C P IA N O SVt prices reduced to such ar. extent that they csn b» •urrhased for nearly the same fi.-ure which Inferio'

snd sunblM* instnmwDto omraand.Cad and get an illustrated price list.Wo are ali*. Agents for the celebrated D E C K E R B R O T H E R S ’ P I A N O S

Which are now taking the lead over ail other Me» York m ke-

Our lante aa-or'meu of Pianos also ine! des En- • rument* fr- m tue celebrated manufactories of


ItrxN *8T 0 A BLEB We have nn hand an assortment o the "celebrate.:


vhich for 'eautiful and pipelike quality of t'ne, IcgsiK-e of fini-*h * d durability of construction ex *-od all other makes.

Call and examine our large variety of PIANO Tl'OLS, PIANO COVER'S fce.Pianos moved, stored, boxed and shipped on ahar*

.so'ice.OLD PIAN^>8 taken in exchange.We are c»n-tantly adding to our very large a*d

•veil seb-cted *t- ck ol 8 'iee* Music, Musical Instru nenta and M isical Merchandi*! of vv.?tt dea ripti#r.

J E W E T T fc n c a u ,«K3 V. A IN STREET,

BuSU... N. Y.

H K W I X e W W H I M ' S

e e r r s * r r m s i n k .

G r O ! . G O ! O O !







•ET A CO?D HAT (ofevery kind).





B Y T E L E G R A P H .M E M O R I A L D A Y .




Look tor the- Largo I prigiit Bear

2 9 1 . M a i n S t r e e t -

S E R C T O L D & B R O .





IM P«jSI \G CEREMONIES.New Y oh*, May 3*J—Dispatches from

lifferent points show th a t tbe celebration f the Jay set apxrt for the decoration of

the T n:on dead was r e r y generally ob served, and the commeuiorative aencts were impoeing and impressive.

I N N E W Y O R K .'W this city and vicinity flags were dif-

played at ha^f m ist nn the sh-pplng in the harbor and many pnblic and privkfe hoild- inga. The ditf«rent Poet* of the l in e d Army of the Republic marched dowu Biuwd- wav to W all Street Ferry.

On reaching the Brooklyn fide the divi 'H>n waa leoeiv d by the King* l.ouuty ) "Ste a*<d «aoorted to the uars for k y pree* u .n t-t ^ the city proce-aion

COAL A •> w o n #

C O A L . 187t»1870.THR DftiKiM AMD HUDSOM CAM.AL ffl.'S

L A C K A W A N N A C O A Ldelivered in good oondition > :rchasera. Pnce* for the preeent

per ton of 2000 Ibe, delivered witlrn tbe old civ unit*, are aa follows:

Ton. JJCor. £ Tiiirate...................... #7 15 3 70 19Sgg................................... 7 26 * 75 IP 'stove....................... T W . 3 85 IDriheetnut............ T GO 8 00 1 le-£Aleo, BLOS9BURG. LF.HIGH, LUMP AND PKF PAKhD <OAL. SCOTCH AND AMKRICAN Pl«. IRON, FlRE BRICK, etc., sholeaaieand retail

g. k. Wilson a oo.,96 Ohm st., corner Mi«uu"«ipr<’.

C O A L A N D C O K E .E l l i s ' W e b s t o \>FF10K AND YARD, 219 EitlKBT., TO COIT Ml J

Will sell genuine Lackawana, Scrm'TV n, Pitt on, and other hard coals Alao. krie end Orv und beet soft roaU, Blotwburgb, soft nut and aliw . or tte am purpi eos •* th- lovreet market pric* , whk w.ll be - rewiieo ani lellvered In good condition, u quant>»>" • • - ‘‘•ecre. Rf.f Tft WVB-rrgH


Office 4W9 Oen-wee st., Buflalo, N.Y. For sale ,-wod am* • rt me i t of ail kin Is uf HARD AND S i ! 70AL, wlwle ale and rtl L Constantly on ha|. iieo, a sufierior quality uf HARO AND 8 0 FT WOOD for sale, saw d and epiit, or in the stick, 0. ivered ib any part ol the city Dealers wai.ltti. small lots ol ci>al jr wood will do weil to give u- 11 *»efore i>nrchsr.inr »lsewh* e ft i»AHI.fV»;,

C O A L . 1S7'

W H E E L E R & W IL S O N ’S

I S T o i s e l e s s S E W I N G M A C H I N E S .iXPOSITIOH U 5T V E R 8E L L E , P A R IS 186


THE HI6HEST PREMIUM.r h e O n l y G o l d . M e d a l .

8 1 ,0 0 0 M a c h in e s S o ld in 1 8 6 9 .THEY COMBIN'! ALL

L A T E S T IM P R O V E M E N T S .!“ Wheeler and Wil» ki’s Mvctiinrs combine *v*ty-

‘hinir tnat-wn be r-quired in he manufacture c-f .arm* nts. (>ur iri- n Is a! road may be a-u-e.tf»ii they wi.l give entire satis acti »n, and that to pur-

ie ■> e of them ts a safe inresun«nt.”—N. Y.


ALSO, FOOT OF GENESES ST., will .ell until fU'ther rotire these celebrated coa! * the f 4 «*ing p-ioee yer fern of 4000 ihe, deiivere* in any pan <>f f>e o d d.y inn is outride or wbicn imall charge wiil .■* made fur curtage.


Ton jTonJrave ................................................. #7 15 3 70 18Eg.’ ...................................................... 7 45 3 75 1 Ht.-love....................... .............. 760 8^6 2 0Chestnut................................ 7 00 8 00 1 8

Terms strictly Cash when order* d. x GEO BGK DAK IN. Agent.May 2, 1970 ________________

Hillwere several large tru n k s tilled w ith fl .ral • •tFenngs. and wagons aud stages in which were seated veterans o f th e late w ar andpupils ot the I nion Homq and schools.

A il tb e governm ent utfices and many Hanks, sto res sn d o th er places of la r iu esa were do sed , and v e ry lit tle business « r» transacted in th e afternoon. A t th e cem e­teries dirges were p ia y td an d appropriate o rations delivered-*

l-Otters were received from P residen t flraufc. A dm iral F*rra_;ut, Genera! M cClel­lan, G overnor Huffman, V ice President C olfax, S ecre ta ry B elknap aud o thers, pressing tb e ir in ab ility to be present. The celebration concluded th is evening w ith the mem orial exorcises a t th o A cadem y ot Musia.

PHILADELPHIA.A t P h ilade lph ia th e cerem onies here b e ­

gun yesterday , so as n o ; to in terfere uifth the inspective parades w hich were tix -d f*i to-day . T he various Posts of thu G rand Army of th e Republic afsenibiod a t Inde pen* len ce H all, and a fte r m arching our on C hestn u t to Broad s tre e t tb* y separa ted info detachm ent* for proceeding to th e dif ferent cenieteries in th e c ity .

A t Glenwood t « m etery th e cerem onies were partu iu ia riy im pressive, Irom th e p res­ence of over one h u n d red so ld iers’ orphan g irls, and a company of cadets, from tft* S o ld ie r 's O rphan Hom e. G eneral Burnside headed th e procession.

EButlDENCK.A t Providenoe, Rhode Island , busines*

was generally sum.-ended, bells to lled and m inute guns tired.

C IN C IN N A T I .T he procession was not large in Uipcip-

nati. An address wus delivered a t Sprifcg G rove C em etery b y D urbin W ard.

B »STflW.In Boston th e posts of th e G rand Arnsv

of the Republic were o u t in fu ll force lalOn w ith ti j ra l trio u te s for th e brave dead.

WA3H1NCT N .T he c ity r f W ashington wore th e appear

auoe of a general holiday. Coi grvHt* w>- n o t in session, a ll th e governm ent depart rnepts were cloae<i aod com paratively little boaiueas wae transacted . A ll th e avsilaij* vehicles were ia m otion d uring th e fi*ret;o0 n w ith passengers on th e wa\ to A rlington. •Some of tb e ca rn ag es were trim m ed witii m in ia tu re Hags. lic»id*s, wagon loads of dow ers and evergre* ns in tfue form 0> w reaths aud boquuts left th e several pl*c9" of collection for th a t a ttrac tiv e po in t. 4#

i.oug before noon thouvauds of persons bad collected on th e grouuds of tb e s-U fliers’ cem etery , and tb e num ber increased from tim e to tim e. T be cerem onial i t

»Arl>ngton commenced a t 1 o’clock, when a n a lio ja l sa lu te w ai tired bv a b a tte ry s ta ­tioned m ear th e cem etery ; the m arine baq>' th en pArformed a dirge. A fter p ray er b> Rev. Dr. New m an, a g ran d chorus, consist ing of five h u n d red singers, sang, "iA S trong C astle is ou r L ord ," a fu ll marih* hand accom panying them . Dr. C. C O x read a poem w ritten by him self f *r tb e dc- casion, a fte r w hich G eneral Logan d e liv ­ered an address.

The cerem ony of decorating th e grawrt- th roughou t th e cem etery by th e en tire As­semblage then took place, aud soon t \ t ^ r \

rasfy m ound was covered w ith beautiful wers, arranged in w reaths, boquefs,

rosses, etc.A fte r th e exercises closed a t th e Natiofla!

C em etery th e decoration of th e graves ‘of colored soldiers ju » t n o rth of i t took p late.

AUBURN.T he d ay w as duly observed a t A nbuin.

X. Y. T h e d iffe ren t o em ettries w ere ri* ed and th e grsvos of tbe dead her-fe^

beau tifu lly *trew n w ith flowers. T he ofn- lon was (ieliv* red by th e Rev. Barkholo-

inew, of th e U niversal >st C hurch.H L D S O N , N T.

T he dsy' was apf*r..pnately observe*! ( j % processu-n of soldiers and sailors of ♦$)• ate war, civic S'*cieties. c itv and county •< icia!s and citizens in general. Som e tiNj

soldiers’ graves w.-re prefnsely d eeo raf Deluding th a t of tbe la te Colonel Cowli The address was delivered by Jo h n Stanth i »i>u!d. Flags w*re placed a t half ma^t, be rew spajjer offices, th e pnblic h m id u ^ i

and th e principal p lacet or business Wflr* losed d u n n g th e ceretnonie*.

F O R T R K 8 8 M O N H r iC .A t P ortress M onroe th e pra*"es of tfi*

oldiers in th e N ational Cem etery a t Han^p n G rove w* re d* co-ated

C O N C O R D , N E W H A 5 T T S H IR E .A feature - f the day a t Concord, X.

vsg tb e dedication of a m onum ent to tceasqd so ldiers of th e c ity .

A L B A N Y .

A t A lbany th e cerrra"nie0 w ere perfo •*! a t th e K ura i ( em etery under th e au

of officeis of the G rand Army of R epublic. Rev. Dr. R ufus W . C lark

vered an o ration . A large num ber ltizccs participated .

C L E V E L A N D .A t C leveland the day was observed aft a

holiday. A large num ber of eitiz-ros visits- he cem eteries aud d eon rated te e eoidi^r* ra /e a . i

B I S G H A M T r iN .A t BiDghamtou tb e day was rbserved b>

he B*wt W airons; bells wero rung and tft.< cerem onies were im preenve,

F O U G H K E B P S I N .A t Bonghkeepsie several th o n sa n l porsdn*-

:»arti0Tpated in '.he exercises. Addresfte' ere m ade by M ajor R obert F . W ilkinabn

•»ud Jo h n T bpm psonGEnTYSBURO.

A t G e tty sb u rg the Soldier’s N ational •jemetery was crow ded w ith v isitors a^n om rades to decorate th e graves of tbe h in •re*i dead. A t W ilm ington, N orth Car.JJi


Foot of Court rt.A lu r t quantity of

H A R D A N D S O F T C O A lFc*R 94 LE.

And 1000 0ORD9 <»F CAN A D \ WOOD (Bew.) A Map e),ei her ;n atick or aawed or split.

Delivered in auy p\rt of the ait j .Liberal deductions ma e to dealers U-tl '»ARH«G fc M >YTk ' l ' l

C. H . D U D L E Y C O .,

a and R e ta il D*i>* '.sr» ia

W O O D B X W A R E .

22 M ta ia i at h a i 4 A r ta n s a a a t, U

Q O O P E R A O K .

F . K . P L U M B L Y .T a nk and d e t e r s B u i ld w , a id d e r ie r n new ai.d second Land b am tie , ta n k s , h oop -, -t*»es sn d h ea t lug All ki-kIs f Cuupcr*|c co'j'X.Ut or. h r.d hi. ' m a te in he neatest s'jle, s ad wsrr»n»-*i. jo N td u i do e a t r i l tu n s and am th e w > rt ntMbnm -x I r a n No. 90 Washmgtno sl., enuaacs ot. Put-. h stsw eo M a te aWd V e k h U a s u

F o r ty aa— i t a d T A N K S ( f ir sate , — r yt— fn — r ig h t a p te e— h un d red ead tw e n iy te firr ia c ft i— p w h ite a -h a a d p in e , tn m o d e rr ie r t s i k t t e s M c h —ur *• i r u n m L - t .

■ o . e v i i i n *■ ,

8 . W . S T O H E f c C O . A g t o .

O ffice and Sa learoom 275 M a in a tree t, e o ro e r Swan eet.


C . W O O D R U F F & C O .,

PiPPi l a m m i B s \sb m mU a d f N ^ E A K L ST E E T . iB U k F A L - * ,

K eep — hand ed o t n u h e t e r e te o rd e r p a y sn

C..SH r ;ir .T s ? J L * t 7 £ ,'iT tW at ih e — a o f te a N ia — ra Fa il* P s^ w M m * W y

cm t— F e — r M id e . E r ie F a w r S U k _______x T c V o o E to rr , xdwaed u b e t c n r . * — CUAU* a WOODRUFF

S U G A R L O A F . L E H I G H•F&INOllROOK, F R A N K L I N ,

m m i L A C i A V U i i i v m m b .

A JS D C L E V E L A N D . C O A L .


Y A R D , F O O T OF E R I E WT.

Bu ffa lo . Apri r. iwt®

J . T . H O O T F & C O . ,n n i rife IN

H A R D A N D S O F T C O A LO m S - fi R D tvtri— A , f t S M a , R l

J . Y . B D O L K K L . N E D C T R I

»a on fchnt at te r" E

r ttBV

a, th e m em orial c eieb raii m waa ais > large y a tten d ed .

NEW JERSEY The day was observed in J^ rre y Ci^y

N ew ark,* i ’atteraon . New B uusw iftk Irauge, Cam deo, Trent#m, H b*»keu atn >ther tow us in New Je rsey w ith procei «iod8, addresses, etc. Business was genfcr Uly suspended.


M 'P .B IN D IA N V I 3 IT »R3.

W x sh in g T u N , M ay 3*) --G en era l Parker, om m iisioner of In d ian Affairs, received a

- leg ram announcing th e a rr iv a l of Red loud and p a rty a t Chicago to-day, aftd

sta ting th ey w ould reach W ash ing ton W#d- te s d a y .

I M P E A f H M E X T .Ju d g e B in g h am , cha irm an of the Ju d i

la ry Com m ittee , says there ia do prospect w hatever th a t tim e can be fomod th is -ion fo r even tbe most enreory exam m atirr. of th e petitions — fcirg for the im peachm ent if Ju d g es F ie ld and 11 ff'«»an- The omen-

sal opin ion on to * ru t j* c t h ire is th a t #be •>%tter w i l l d»« » na tu ra l death m the c-*n

.m ttee.A L L Q U IE T A L O S O T U B B O R D E R .

OGDSSfiBUKrtH, 3o —All i s qrffetr in o g t h e im — to -d a y . 1 h e < a n a o ia n m il t a r y a o th o r i t i '. ie s a t P re e o o tt a r re s te d a

a o m b e r of perso n # w h ile cr> scrog fro m th is « d e , s n p p o n td t o b e F e n ia n s to C a n a d a frp m h e rmideen. M e r s h a lQ a m by is f a r n i* h k g 'a n ip o r ta t io n t o t b e F e c is n s r e m a io in g a t

M alone A ld e rm a n L a r k ine . o f Mgdehfi- o r t h is * m o n « F V F o n s r * ffi » r s h*-W‘s*

(r«me. R a in t la s t week fell very general and tim ely . A large a rea of land was p lan t ed and m ore fertilise rs a m d . T he p lan te rs *w ^ k w hard .


A l b a n y , M a y 3 1 .— T h e fu l l o ffic ia l v o teof tb e r » f n ' jud ic ial election |« as follow*:

R -cfib lican—S elder. 152*288; M u m , IM 9-S4 Aorirev.*, 152,9fll»; Folger, !546 6 7 ; H a le . l a i i .-h A

D "U "vrats — L’h u rrh , 239 G63; A llen,239 2 -9, G rover. 238 834; i ’tcw ham , 230 • 337; k ip s l lo , 235.777.

riROLC h io a o a , M ay S1*.— I’he p - rk p v k in g

house o i G . H . H uhbnro t t t ’-o. on Clay ixturve avenue w aa burned th ia afternoon Loss $5l».U0 l) The N o rth Chicago Rolling M ills had a narrow escape.

I 'h a l**oi hy a tire \e s te rd s y on Sonth Canai s t r e e t w as # 9 < ll lu 'to H u c k h a r t A t o . ana f 16.0U0 to C lark e A Sam soua—p arti) insured a t tn e East.

Arf incendiary tire a t M ankato , M in ­nesota, yeafe-rdry m orning destroyed prop • r ty w o rth I I tLudO.

TUE C O A L STRIKERS.T he L s Selle coal m iners, who h a u s b e e r

ou s s tn k e sines th e h rs t of A p p ), wil' resum e w ork th e first of Jude,' harin g accepted th e term s i f th « owners.g e n e r a l H a n c o c k r k a g y f u r in d ia n $

T he Laws from Gi n t ta i H a n c o c k , now bi D akota T errito ry , ind icates th a t he i- m a l lug such d isposition of th e U n ited Slat** troops as be*t to p ro tec t se ttle rs from tb« In.lino*. T h e G eneral a lso say s t h a t be wiii soon be prepar*5«l to s trik e the iudiau* a te rr ib le blow should they compel him .

ANOTHER INDIAN RAID.B b ta n , W . T , May 3u. -T h e India#*

m ade a raid on th e stage rou te from her* tn So u th 1 ’aas y*-aterd*v, and run off tfii. head of etWxe h r»ea n t Big Bandy Station a.id woundod one m an nam ed Ju h n Carnes All tb e stock betw een th ere and South Pass is *rrppo«ed tn he g o n e .

N K W YO RK .F T T IN O T 1 0 N • F f l t .A T r .R T .

N e w Y o rd , M ay 3 0 .— Au A***»»np Ajar special aav a t h a t S enato r Kurnner ie ot opinion t h a t if th e Npantah C o rte e adopt the d ra f t for a law in tro d u ced on Tburs<lg> by th e Colonial M in ister for th e ex tinction of slavery ua aJl th e Spanish possemioni* jit s i l l have g rea t effect iu m ollifying pul'lu- opinion m th e United S ta te s ou th e l obftu question.

T H F . F E N I A N B U S lN E f tS T he m ilita ry com m auders an d U- F.

M arshals along th e CUuadian fro u tie r tete g raphed h ere las t n ig h t, saying th s t th*Y« was a large am ount of abandoned arm s at(< am m unition acntt Tod a t d ffnrent piacea tho i'urder, And tiiey d*-sire«l to know w 'Im position to m ake of them . T he m at in-iug c a llc l to the a tten tio u of tb e Tr* •tent, he directed th a t in structions shoi be se n t to have all th e arm s oolieoted ge ther and placed u nder the contro l of m ilitary au thorities.

A t the Feuian h ead q u arters in tb is c i|y th ia m orning a few recru its w ere enrolled, n o tw ithstand ing th e rep o rts from th e Ixir d e r th a t the F en ian arm y was breaking up.

J I I 'M O R S .A d ispa tch was received Dons th e front

anuouucing th e fac t ib * t * b a ttle h v l befit, tougbt, and th a t Coloosl 0 Leary h a d a<i vauced some d istance in to C auada, cap tu r iug ab o u t six ty ip ru o tm rs . U h ter dispatcher, s ta te t h a t troopa w ere now crossing a t BiU- talo and D etroit, a u d th a t a general moije m ent all .ahiog the liuefi w ould be ms^le to-n ight. G rea t excifecuiqnt prevailed dfir- ing th e rexdiug of th ese im probable d|* pa’ches. A num ber of re c ru its leave tii. citv to -n ig h t ou th e 11 o'clock tra in for t#ie border.

T H E DR V IV B A C K F R A U D .I n \h e case of.Galdwell, w ho is accused-of

•omplicity in th e drawba* k funds, in fh* U nited Jftatee C irce it ( w a r t to -day an pr ler was g ran ted requiring the defendan t-1 to ta rn ish tw o sureties, ea*rh of whom should ju stify in th e sum of $15,(MS), and a furtftei •riler was g ran ted by th e e o u rt re ft ram m ,

< 'om m issioner Bette from aooeptiug H .l>«r Boyle as a su re ty in th o case, on tb e grou|i<i n ta t he haa already given hail bonds in tin s cour, th e *nm of w hich am ounts to £180, Of*.

TUE I N D IV N V IS ITO R ^ .T he good w hich w ill accrue from th e vf«-

■t of th>« Indian chiefs to the «apitaL ifc already begiiituog to Ih> f e lt a t the.ludiftm Bureau here. The chiefs no lunger ta lk in ba t sp irit of boldness and a b iln y to cat*-)■n *n -cehsfuHy an Indian w ar unless thfi r

dem ands are aoceeded t«., w hich charac te r z* th e ir a rr iv al- Ih e chiefs now here pt<>

t -ss s g rea t readiness to re tu rn home, ape feiviae the hoati'e trib es to alisti/ion the ^ i r path , and h e reafte r to pnraue th e i r peaoe :ul callings.

C A R L E D S P A T . HE4,The cable dispatches r- po rt th a t tiie

D anish C abinet haa been reorganized.A fearful conflagration ooccrred a t Con­

s tan tinop le , w hich destroyed h ity buddiqg* iu s w ealthy q u a rte r of th e city .

The lauds an j »uiug th e Su z Canal baffe >cen ordt red to be sold by the V iceroy lof

Egypt, ahd th e ir estim ated value is £4 •#*()• MMI Tb* proceeds to be d iv ided Oeiwtfer tno Viceroy and th e canal c m p a n y .

Mr. A shbury dt-cliut-s th e chailengejof he ow ner u# tb t 'iapj.ho, L ut w ill oouifiai

w ith h e r a t New York.I t te r«q*orted t h a t th e d isooaery of a

p lo t to release tff« Feuian prisoners in . lerkenw ell prison has occasioned extraftr- fiuary p re C n tio n s by th e poiice.

Rio Jan eiro advices s ta te t h s t th er# i*• r e s t d iso rder iu B u trs Rios. F resu f^ .t M itre was m oving agam at tb e rel*ds wtth U) U00 tro -ps. The rebels u nder Jo n ik u *re only *2 0 u0 strong, b u t they w orsted ^ ie a.fvance guard of tbq A rgentines on seveftal ■cession*. A hoavy b a ttle is expected.

GEN. kOSECRANS’ MEMuKI KU ‘ G eneral Row craus wili soon p n d ish ko

address to the pe<*ple of the U nited M ates u stam ing, aud explaining, th e metn-»dal

which he ia a f» u t to subm it U t <>nigress oo the su l*ject of ou r N ational poikcy tow a r l •lexloo. G eneral itocecrans urges a formal

declaration )>y C ngreas of the policy w h k h ai l assure tbe M exican governm ent of t i e firm sym pathy , and m* rs! support, and dur ttizens t h a t therr r igh ts aLaii Oe protecifid,

in w hatever h g e tim ate m* rcan ti e, iuri9 «- tria l, or o th er en te rp rises th ey m ay u n d e r­take ic th a t conotry . The policy proposed nsa received th e approval of m - to c re t ir y 8ewar«i, Ch ef Juatnre Chase, Caleb CuAh- ug, (ien. Schenck t t ' . U. A spinw all afini »tn- r p rom inen t citizens, by whom it ffa* been exam ined and from whom le tte rs vfili t«e published.

G eneral Kosecransaffirm * th a t a decisive declaration by (Jongrea* a t the p resen t tipi* would s tren g th en and e s ta b fu h Juar* * ’* lecliinng adiniD iatration iu Mexico, mdfice \m « n c a n cap ita l tb i tb r r to engage in !>aijk mg an d railro ad e n te rp n —*, th u s raising ‘.h a t co u n try to tb e Dignity of an independ­e n t *ulf p ro tec ting rei ublic and a fauthiul a lly of th e U nited S ta tes.

rREdBYTERIAN SYNOD.A t a m e e t in g of t b e "ynod o f t h e Itefortn-

ed P resb y te rian C h u r c h t o - d a y , a l e t t e r «f g r e e t in g wa* r e a d f r o m t h e R-fornJed

C hurch o f I r e la n d w h ic h e x p r e — d the. ..pinioo t h a t t b e only h *pe fo r t h e E km c o p a l C h u r c h la E . i g l a n d w a s in ita a ise s tib i i a h m e u t .

B ' .S E BALL Tb* Ba** Ball u.aG;n i*. day betw een <he

M utual* of >’»•• York aod th e F o rest t i t y club, of R.-ckf r Unoia, w— won by the M atuals— 21 to i l


A verd ic t was rend*-rod to d a y in ^Le S u p r e m e C o u r t C i r c u i t in th e ca*e of T r^cy K R oberts ag sin st th e Toledo and W ab#»h Kail road C -m uaoy. in w hich tk e p la nt-ff c a u o e l $100,UIM» dam ages, on accoun t of a dis'ocaU</n of hts h 'p while trave ling Son ih - i r »me in 1804 T n e j 1 1 7 aw arded the p la in t ff. who was trav e llin g on a pass * a t th e tim e of th e accident, dam ages to th e am ount cf $4WUU.

MOBBED.T h is a f te rn o o n a m a n n a m e d J e r r y

M u rp h y , a T w e n ty f i r s t W a rd p o litic ia n , h a v in g m a d e so m e re m a rk s a b o n t t h e — g f i o f t b e Y - in n j r D e m o c rac y , wn* net o p o a #»yf >ur a t t a c h r e s o f B h e n ff (TRfjeM ’* «<!>'• a n d vt-rj n a i l y f ^ a te n . h is fa ce a n d hi a t


J*T «H. 1

T H E V E R T BERT ¥ AT g f l U l »ia a l ias vnrtsQK * IFEFW . i t

5 FREPAMKD IT) YJ Tl HBTi I f E j F f f t Mlftn o w d f Bd> •», c a » a n » J e w w o n . A

* a 14 E A E T S W A N ----------* * *

S )

to dsy, Iwtween Dreadnas^hft, Brinoa, Dreedan, Topey, Loutaa, h ssftsm Q aten*nd l aptain Gill, three in ffentm M ^no,

•o n by Dreadnought, Beal tune2i32f.

, , f ' 4 •



I Nsst Puiut Co re*,- uficii** N«w - York Time* | C4>nefel«rable tx c iU m e u t w aa P i Ten (j here

•n T u ^ d . j , ty th . w r i . J of tL . colur. , 1

.|>pom t^ fur th . M in in iho i M d.Uhii.. Ilia name is Michael Howard, atod h it pure African descent is unanxtakaMy tasnife t* d m hi* clear hlsck o- m pbfi.ri, | — whi t e eye* and c’oeely crimped hefty. Hm pevaou- a( appear an oe i* by no m eaie aayri pussm* •ng In height he ia ahent fivnlm ftfour •nchev; bt* tiguro ie wradl ron—Wd, and his •am sge not s t all angracafnL Hiaooun- ronanoa has a pl—sant, shrewd , ud esolute exprcnaaun. U m quite

wvidenft th a t he ia aware of the peculiar position in whioh he is placed, aod althuagh —nsitiva, he is not cm har­assed nor discouraged. ' Hia appear*no# aa be wandered about the 1‘laina, carrying in hi* hand an ioameuse oarp-t-bag, aud in­quiring the direction to the Commandant's

ffice, w u somewhat amusing. He waa po­ll ely informed tha t he was in advance of he appointed time, and th a t new cadrta

conld not Iie (Tsmintd nntil after the ? 5 h. He then endeavored to MMWfi board, !<ut •rvery w heVe'Tie applied" W ifi informed tha t ihero was no aooom im «U tm loft, w hrr.

i">n be pr *wr^ed to th s vil­lage of Highland F. 1 s, two w..iei below, a..«J apjdied eft OrCSfu’sH"tel. Dinner and supper were fnrauhed him there, but all the rooms were "engag­ed;" 90 he had recourse to a colored family• ho live close by. and who are now en t.r- ' sinmg him He appears eery quiet, but apcaresUy determined to *‘pa*h things" re foluudy. His sffvant ia the aeusstiunf th# scSHon The cadets especially

are not a little exercised In mind over the m atter, and i t is a th* me >! not a little oon ted io u s argument kri • n

the offnwra, while discarding all political bias iu the matter, and after having fought for the oolored rare, both a t the p*.|ls and on tho battlefield , while hel tog kindly tow ard him, apeak very JoubUrliy on the expediency of thii venture. They regard it a* a more decided «d vance of the cnlnred man Into eon*] ci-cfee than even tbe elevation of Senator K.-vels to Congressional rank. Ihe uosi- uan uf the new ca*lrt, if accepted and re- auied, must grow nmre aud more etnhsr-

ratelng from his isolst'nn and tbe peculiar novelty of bis social connections. No louot but this recruit will have a thorough

initiatory "devilment" from the cadets, to -Urtain which will test his fortitude. Otherwise he will hn treated, by hoih rtfl- cere and osdeti, w ith courtesy and ktod­ies*, their s» use of honor being tvv h*afi to

peruut auy other o**nr*e


T H E POPF.’H P M M K MJMSTRR.| Iti'ias . tne-pJid. i oo fjtk UsrsI'.J

Cardinal Giawmu,Ant*>nelli has now a t­tained bis s i l ty fourth year, hxving lieen h*»rti a% ffontlino, a village on the frontier between Rome and Naples, April 2 Itt d . lie doe* not appear over titty at pre***-nt, ins physical appearance b..ng wondetfully youth)u! for his yeats. 11 •* family wss irigmally almost in a state of rusticity, but possessed of sosne pr» |«rty . Aa a youth ho-entered the priesthood, which has borne him U> lus present high, |M>werful and wealthy position as tbe Rope’s Primo Min­ister. He is now many ttnn s a nubmnairn, md ba* all tba t he could desire, exoept the Romagna by the oUl Fontihcal U rnfe-ry, over which he once ruled, but which wa<*, ten years ago, wrested from his gra'p , notwithstanding bi* adroit intrigue* snd• hnndenng dispatches launched a t the head of Cavour, when those two Italian wrestlers m diplomacy had tbeir splendid bout to ­gether. Cavour had the strongest backer —Napoleon i l l —and won tbe game. An- tonelli bad the misfortune to tw backed only by Francis Joseph, of Austria Th>-y say- tha t he privately co-id* re all dipb m- scy to Tw so much vanity of vatiriies since tbe t day, baviug lost ail regard for hu­manity, prinoe* and principalities, except a very *, iteful one. baa f"i»r hr..t.^era here, all wealthy and well sliced off with the PbtttSfi 'tl cake, one being President of tbe bank and the others in high eooimias- tmal office. J le er j >ys the rrputatiou of taking care of ins laurily, which he alone ha* drawn nut of ol*s*:urity.

Strange a* it may sound he is emph«t- eally one of the self marW men of the tunes. Since it>4(.l. or during the last twenty -or • years, h*-has occupied the position of Sucrs- t^ry of State*, and during tnis period won a reputation as a man of brains and adroit­ness Bnenrpaaacd hy none and equalled by tew m Europe. Ue is cultivated both in life and letters, his intellect being chsrso- terizjd by quickness and depth at the same rime, his drawback the pitiful plight into which be, his rule sud hia dominions are now cast, being due to tbe fact tb» t he uever had auy very heavy battalions at his ha* k —for really a pope’s soldiers do not cooDt. Hero all accord him th e honor at iMMM*nn« ** a long h«a.l. ” aad he ts nailed »u “old fox ’’ They all will tell yon that he never was known to be Iwatdi in a game where cunning c*>uM gain the mastery. Witbel many p’q n n t stories ciruuNre ?n regard V> him and his fortunes; he enjoys tha t thing called prestige, and passen i v r a most charming, fas -mating, unctuous gen- tVcnan towards al! and a special admirer of the ladies—although he himeslf wear* a gown. A t the head of a great State bs• oald moat protw ly have dune wonders; as i t i*, lus chief victories havtfelwen wou I y aheer aupermr intellect, by ruse m a place where all bas te* be achieved by uud< r vot.w und unrler-hand work Even the Jesmts, wir.h all ’heir • dines-, have never been too many for him.

T h i F o ot L a t h c f j r a PRor««*io*ALMAN.—I 'tru s t my a<iaiiring rea-ler will not think I have taken np s new fancy or have become hobby-horsicaL I t M now over forty years sn.ee 1 became the owner of a lathe. I t was a clumsy, wooden concern, even to the driving wheel, and the whole apparatus co-t but seven dollars. Since then 1 hsve seldom heen without one, though always, till very lately, had only some very cheap, second hand »ff*ir. Ho# the difference in the enjoyment of s food few! over a p o o r one is immees'irabie. If you w ant a tool to ke the ceotre of all man­ner of tinkering and mending, or for exer­cise th s t is gentle and cheap, or, for calling tha mind off from anxiety or hard thinking, or for tke training of tbe boys hi th* fam­ily, or for health tu! and artistic creations,I know of no mat rn meat to be compared with tbe lathe. Unlike the horse, it doea not eat its* If np ic a single Winter, nor de-

sod a hired mao to groom it, oor fill yourclo tbefi w i th t h e * tn e(k o f t h e s ta b le , if yow

f t w ill n o t g e t s | o r la m e , ’ i t is easily k e p t in o rd e r , igroom it yourself.

r e s u lts a re so quick , so v a r ie d a n d eo b e e n - t i fu l t b a t yow n e v e r g et t i r e d o f i t T o m en in m y p r-Je s s i-m , a u d to a r t ie a a a , a n d to m e n of t a - t e a n d m e a n s u n i te d , I c a n h a r d ly s p e a k of i t to o w a rm ly . I n E u ro p e , m any of t h e v e ry tie a t a m s te n r t u r n e r s a re a m o n g t h e p ro fe sso rs a n d c le rg y .

— hy u ,“ w *‘- d * * “ C h Z iX z ; . n• t h j o u e S>UTHERK CR^ M iBl f r N tt of O B riea* « tfi^e m t b e - » w

> a t | h er o t |o - Oeaftsa

S U T H C t B C R > P 4 Af cr>TA, G-orgia, Msy 30 —The wheat

d ip A G c o rff ta gtv*-* g*»od p ro m ise f *r • «rfte y ie ld . A s m a l l r b ip m a a t <rf o e w fi l e r w as m a d e to -d a y . T h e S o o th G a ro h e a , • ie o rg ja , F lo r id a a a d A ls b .w ts ex c h an g e *

[ w f m k m c a a n f m g l j t i m m w ui.

i o artfcn u a e ..1 H E E . f E H

T h e A m e ric a * G ir l is t h a f a v o r ite ra te of $10() t o $ 8 0 fo r t h e g r e a t t r o t m o rro w w i th G e o rg e W ilk e e a n d G et P a lm a r . T h # t r o t o a t h a U tf io a aow fm

C V o e w ) l i n w f r o m T e x a * — H o o fito c , T e x a a , n a a bad a uew in d u s 'T y e s t a b l i s h 'd w i th in h e r l im its la te ly . S om e e n te rp r is ­in g m rn h a v e p o t up a la rg e e s ta b l is h m e n t fo r t h e ro a s tin g a a d p a c k in g o f b e tf . T h e o v e n fo r c o o k in g th e m e a t is tw o mtirek h ig h , a n d w ili h o ld fro m r i g h t t o te n steerfi a t a t im e . T h e b u i ld in g s a re c a lc u la te d f. r t b e p re p a ra t io n o f o n e n u n d re d Iw evc* a d a y , a n d f t is in te m ie d t o in c re a se t h e fa c il it ie s for p ro d u c tio n a s f a s t aa s m ark ft c a n b e c r e a te d fo r t h e m e a t T h # build- lu g s a re fu rn is h e d w ith a ll th e a p p lia n c e s ’o c a r r y offi t h a b u s in e ss w i th e x o e d itio n s u d d e a d lin e s * . w ith fs team #p**»er, h o , so t h s t t h e r e sh o u ld be ae l i t t l e m a n u a l la o o r used ia t h s h a n d b a g o f t h e m e a t a a pea e ib la . T b a n s a f t w ill b e s u p p l ie d in s e a le d a p aa n s , w h ic h a r a a lso m a d e b y t b e t a u t firm . I t ift a n t ici p a te d t h a t aa t h e fa c to ry becrones k n o w n , t h e r e w ill h e a la rg e d« -m sad , b >«h d u .e s tte a n d f n r u |n , fo r t h i s a a s r T e s s n

j e x p o r t T h e pop** a r i ty « t p r* p a re d m sa ta d e p e u d s tn -a r 'y a t->gether a p o a th e w ay in w h ic h th e y a r e p a t n p T h e y h a v e n o t t a k e * t k e g e n e ra l j u b 't e t a s t e t a t h a e x te n t w u s p M r i . t i o ^ k DUMk ' * " ! » f e * b a u f e r j B u t , u d M id t o b . m o o o riM io g , ■ n t a b l j fio M t k o (o o t * ta » • • P t e o n n f lo d *o M o d j t W OJO 00 m * M *fco poloM