the olive branch c o - nys historic...

BV FFALO EXPRESS, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 34. 1868. TIME TABLE. ATKiVAl AND DEPARTURE OF TUAISB.AND STACKS AT AMO FROM BUFFALO. |Ox *11 roads, except the Lake Shore, train* arrive an i leave on New York time, twenty minuter th u> Buffalo tiiue.J NEW YOKE CENTRAL. LEAVE. New York Express ................................ Accommodation ....................................... I>ay Express .............................................. Atlantic fctprum (sleeping car) ........ Mi l aid A*-*-..inundation.................... Night Ex|.rew (sleeping car) ............. Cinciiiiiali Express ................................ 8 un.U> Train. ...................................... ARRIVE. New V-.rk Expreae ................................. H liter Aocm-un >d»tion.................. N i.tit KX|ire«*......................................... Pacirtc Express ......................................... A xoinmoilation ................................. .. Da; Kxpreaa.............................................. i faetcr 4.35 A 11 4.15 A M 8 -JU A R 5L.40F M culatod that Drew had aold to Woodward, -put* on, 50.00Uahares of « mm-.n nock at 70for tbir.r d .ra. Tlie following were the cloatng quotations ; Money ....................................................... E xchange, 00 daya ........... New fork Centra: ................................ Cumberland ............................................. . 4 jic kail v er .............................................. Canton ........................................................ Pacific M ail .............................. Western Union Telegraph ............... Hartford A Erie ............... Krie.. - 3 *6 * M Erie, preferred..!! 7 116 " M . 11, 4) P M MO P M 12.15 AM . 10 30 A M . 0.30 AM . 12.00 V M 3.40 P M 8 40 P M MAO AKA FALLS AND LOCKPORT. LEAVE. I. jemt >n and Toronto Express ...................... 9.00 A M T >ront-j and Detroit Kxpr-i» ........................ A M Accom nutation .................................................... 1 If. P M Kvcuioq Express ................................................ 7.15 P M Bu Taio and Lock p rt. ..................................... fl. 15 A M L-HiXi-.n aid Way (beyond) .......................... 4.10 P M ARRIVE. From Niagara t all*,Sua. Bridge ................. 7 45AM 1 r* n Niagara Kill*,Sun. Bridge . 10.05 A M Fr.MU NiagaiaFtdla.ttua. Bridge ................... S 60 I' M From NiagaraK*ll«,rtu*. Bridge .................... ll 14 P M from Lockport ....................................................... 10.45AM Prom Lockport . .................................................. 10.20 P H udaon River.. ia ked 7 p. c 109] ■■•I “I to 10 »* 'h 2 '£ ? ERIK RAILWAY LEAVE. . 7.00 A M 7 30AM . 2 60 I 4 10 P M 7 2* P M "11.20 P M , 2.60 P M . 1 10 A M . r, M A M 8.60 A M 12 20 P M . 1 *7 P M 8.27 1' M L'ghtnlng Ex pri .-ax........................................... Buffalo Di.iaion Mail U iruellHville Auoommodatlon ............. Cincinnati Expr^** ..................................... Lightning Kinross (Sunday, only train). ARRIVE. Fir * York irey Express .................................. New York Mail Hornrilavllle Atjcornmodatlon........... N-w York Nigirt, Express N..W York and Baltimore Express. . Emnra wid Coirpug Mall LAKE M toKh A MICHIGAN SOUTHERN LEAVE. Muml...T Kipr»« - - 8.30 AM Through Train to Chicago (Sunday ■ludnd) .......................................................... Erie Accommodation .............................. - HtoainlK«at Kxpreaa (Sunday included). Might Exprww............................................... I*a> Kxpreaa, Sunday... B team Boat Kxpreaa..................................... ARRIVE. .INF. 12.15 P M 4 00 P M 0 00 P M 1 16 A M 12.15 A M 0.00 P M Night Expreae ...................... Atlantic Kxpreea (Sunda. D»y Kxpreaa. ................. Cincinnati KxpruHa............. included ) 8 55AM 2.10 P M «.46 P M 10 46 V M GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY LEAVE. Morning Exp !cut ......................................... Day Express .................................................. Ac.iinunodathjM ......... ........................................ Night Express ........................................................ Ni.-'lit Kxpreaa Ac uinruodati-t Morning Ex pre. flay Ex prom. . ti 60 A M 12.60 P M 3 30 P M 0 30 P JM 4.00 A M 12.10 P M o. 15PM ii 66 P M GRK.\T WEST. -v RAILWAY. -.rning Kxpreaa . iy iU|.r«M ............... ri omui'/ilatiou. . . ■ Lean11.oat Kxpreaa rxlna arrive at . . . 9.00 A M 11.20 A M 3 16 P M 7.! f» P M . 7.45 AM . JO.06 A M 3 60 P M . 3 15 P M BUFFALO ii WASHINGTON RAILWAY. Train leave* Gcjitrai Depot ............................. 10 40 A T ain leave* 4amlral Depot.............................. 4.25 P KTAUEH. | Depart from MKj arrive at Krankiiu House, conn of scncca and Ellicott atreet*. | LEAVE. ....................................... Y Oil P . Bpri: W Willi gville .......................................... o a Corner# and B.1 «tou ---- umvllle and Clarence ......... ARRIVE, ■'a Corner* and Boston. gville ........................................... unavdla and Clarence .......... 10.30 A M 10.30 A M It'.OO A 51 F IN A N C E A N D T R A D E . OF KICK o r TIIK BUFFALO KXPKEH8 , ? Ti K.aoxT, November 23 —fl P M f Gut.ii in New York, a« telegraphod to House A Co., Broker*, No. 10 East Seneca street, ranged a* foi .............................I*, i m ....... l-'flj 6 r M .................................. mini.**'■ ' iemerci or NewYou* The following 1 thc oxja.-rts, (exclusiveof #)*>ie) fromtiu ..f Nc* Y..rW k. foreign p..rUi f..r the »eek o-liil** Iti, lssSa, « tho la-ginning For thc'wccl Previously 1868 8 3,:t:..»u4 . Ii'.l,471,616 141,504,2 Price of < I J uii 1 « liil.lWiH.iW 6173,o4S,l* 127 Tlie following shows tho Imp .rta of foreign dry goods and general mer handixo at tlic port of New York for the week ending November I'd, artd since the Itoginniiig of the year: For thc week. 1K57 1S«8. Dry Good*.. I 631,51)5 9 969,692 General Mur 2,386.4)89 2,fl9T,863 ihalidi .10 9 3,1)67, 9 34»5,581 2.202.289 | 1.14)4,861 Total for week. $ 3,11 Previously re ported ......... 120,475,580 219,228,129 201 .UW.2U Biuce .Ian. I . .9228,078,268 9212,883,48* #264.225,004 The following aro the dry goods imports, Included In the, for the same period: ror the week. isti7 H 68 I 860. Entered at port $ 631,695 1 959 flW* f 885.682 Thrown on market jKi3,733 862,85J 746,370 Since Jan. 1. Filtered at port . . .h i,996,464 75.183, Thrown on market The v \ m Vember 20 831,124 7 ti of spe -ie during the week i were aa h Ih-ws; Total for the week . 1 rev lously reported.. 9 172,074 29,986,139 - 930,16' x com pa ,239 Total sinee.Jaii- 1, 13C9...................... Sracia Exmara. Tbe foliowiug statement of the exjK.rU of sp-cie from the port of New York to foreign port* for eighteeu years, from Jan. 1 to November 20, ls«9, and for the correspond ing periods in the midernoted 1 h.V .1. l*4is. 1*04 1S4J3. 18452........ 1»«1 ......... The ree for the v 91 o07,imh 7,213 68,258,070 64.341 782 . 58,243)524 27,266 302 43.420.TOI . 42,5 0,241 1866.. 1864.. 1863. 1862.. $41,960,880 . . t57 .*4*4,733 . 24,191,786 . 36,300,11 . 3o,326.464 . 36,679, .. 37.ti82.Osl ,. 23,6*8.003 .. 23.776,54'd 126.541 ... 3,340,108 pu of fractional currency at Waehingtoi *k ending November 20, amount t 1 he shipmenU to the Aseixtant Trear „re*s were a* follows: New York, 9100,000; Philadelphia, 9100,04)0. To the United States De positnriee Baltimore, 936,ood; Cincinnati, 960,000; t«. the National Banks, Ac., #368,000. The Trea* urer holds in »ruet for National Ranks as security for circulation, 9342,601,759; f • public deposit*. *19,408,oOO National bank n o t .-a burmd during the week, 9108,900; total amount burned, 91' 861,820; bank currency issued for bills Octroyed during the week. 92*54,730; total issued therefor, $17 Ci*7,'-J4). Balance due for mutilated notea, #154. 69(5 outbuilding circulation at this dale, F299, 777 543. Fractional currency deetr<>>ed during the week, #360,990. ^ NEW YORK MONEY AND STOCKS A. M Ohio A Miaaiaprippi......................................... C. C. C. A Ind ................................................. New Jersey fJentral ...................................... Michigan Southern ...................................... U'htoag*. A A lto n ............................................. Chicago A Alton, pro/crred •-......... Bankers and Brokers ................................ Terre Haute ................................................... Terr* Haute, preferred ............................ Waheah .............................................................. Wahaah, preftnwd . ................................ Milwaukee A St. Paul ................................ *• preferred ............... Fort Wayne ...................................................... Illinois Central ............................................. Cleveland k Pittsburgh .............................. Toledo................................................................. Toledo, preferred ...................................................... ... N »rth Western .................................................. T4J North Western, preferred ....................*.............. 87 J Del. A Hud. Canal .................................................... .... Manpoaa ..................................................................... S Mariposa, preferred ........................................... 18 Lake Shore ................................................................. .... Harlem .................................................................... 1 S3 J Harlem, preferred .................................................. 136) Michigan Centra: ................................................... l*w Ht. Joseph ....................................................................... 89 44 preferred ................................................... .... Rock Island ................................................................. 104$ Dubuque, Sioux City .............................................. .... Boston Water Power ............................ 13] Chicago, B. Sl <4 ...................................................... 1**> Consolidated N. Y. r & Hudson 9?J 9* )p, do ... ...................... 'S r’ i Coi c.k i.c ....................................... -uj SolvTreasury baJane -, 9*9,912,075 Kxpres* SUiek* The following were the dosing quotation.; WeRs, Fargo A Co .................................................... 19 American ................................................................... *4 A-lams............................................................ ............. 67 J United State* ............................................................. 62] Merchant*' Union .................................................... tl FOREIGN. Loxnoif, Ewning Consols elosed 93] f-<r both. American w ciritie 6 Tus of '82 93], doof 66 old, 801; do ..f «r «♦ n> 4*>» 78], Blocks Krie 2o]; Illinois Central 99] .'.lantic A Great Western 26* COMMERCIAL MATTERS ItaiJroiwJ) during the- pad 24 hour*. Flour, bri* .... J6U4 I-cad, pigi ........ 54ti Wheat, b u .... 03,953 Lumlier, ft M llfred, lba. 189,413 Corn, b u .......... 19 3(9 20,0"X) • H a Ij *. I>U............... 22,500 Oil caks, acka.. 99 liurb-y, bu ........ 800 Oil, bbia............. 3 Butt* r, Ilia *60 Oatinual, brla . 7 l)r->oiii c u m . Id* 21 Peaa, bu 850 Coal tn* . . WIS Potatoe*, l.u . 12 Jattle, uo ........ 21 Pelts, bdla ......... 49 Hardware, pk;<* 2 Sheep, no 182 If.,,a. no . . . 4 Whiaky, bbl* . 6 Iron, scrap* lba ■500,"XX) U'xsxr, KxroKTfl. Tlie following are the princlpa cxjMjrt* by canal during the |<axt 24 hours: Wheat, Corn, Oats, Barley, Flour liU bu. bu. bu brls 10.258 ............. 14,000 ........................... 39,906 .......................................... 13,51A) 643 . ... 35,7Sti 40.442 14,000 To Troy ......... l.'tlca ......... Lockport . Rochester Total ... Tna following are the receipt* ami shipments at Chicago and Milwaukee for the past 24 hours at re ported by telegraph : rniCAno. Rec't*. Hh.f/ts. 7.UUU 3.600 36.000 2I,4.oo 20,4 400 *9,4>JO 11,44410 28,004) 26.000 200,00 2,400 ... W.5‘)0 2 ,«»o Flour, brl* . Wheat, hu.. Corn, bu... Oats, hu ___ Ky.-, bu. . Barley , bu. . MILWt! Rec't s. hliip'ts S. 04X1 9,4)00 14",oo0 16o,U4j>i 'ing is the Elevators ... Mr Wm. rd of Trade, t<> Die amount last rioda of the past iHAiN im S to h * Hi'PPALO.- Tlie foil* junt of grain L. fiom in Buffa M mday morning, as r>-|Mjrte< Tinirvtotic, ticcretary of Lie R- a Inch »« add the flgiircs showing week and at the Corresponding p two years: Ky., bu ... Harley, hu T H E M A R K E T S. ---------1869--------- x 1868. 1887. Nov. 22 Nov. 15 Nov. 20 Nov 26. 900,000 329,000 327 000 114.000 14.1,090 '46.'<00 j>9,00o *6,04:0 68,000 lfl4,4K»0 228,04)0 3,000 3 000 80,iHJ0 119',000 01,1)04) 135,380 100,000 120,000 14,000 1,000 10,(00 54a.3a0 79a,"/uo to4.**)| 25,6100 OFFICE OF THK BUFFALO EXPRESS, 1 Tl KtAT, Nor. 2k, l'tiy fl P. M. ( Floi a 4 jm et and earner. Sales loO brls W4 ja'erii 'lute nlutei at #7 00. 60 trls Southern do at 9T 50; M brls at #ti 2* U* 6 50 f'-r bak- rs' and #C 00 for Southern spring. M iisat Sales 1604) bu Pt WashiugLm at #■ 05. C>,its Su; ply light and market firm. Sa cs 13,- N-- nd nunr.nal at at*-. Sale* r rowed Ca: mix at I and neglected. Last ■ • 83c. Baulk- 91 00. Rt*- 1 Ht I kWHIAT S liictw uiir F 104) His. I’SAft Inactive 1 10 Hkais Scarce mt 93 50tf®2 76 for prime MiLuraxn Duil and lower City ground held at #17 f->r coarse 9<9tg20 for tine, and 923>g3o • ; r (Juiet 'a t |3 50#t3 75 |>er Selling in a small way at Jl 04'd IF 2 i.he .1 imail li'ta. ligher. New State at 2U'3??e. at |1 do for Ooarse, and 91 70 for I'K.ivo. is Heavy niena pork dull at 929 50ijx30 00; light do 92k 50,<r29 o»>. Ham* Sugar eured canvasaed scarce »t 19c, do. ehoulders at H]c. Lard firm at IT] -r 17Jc. Ilall Firm aiul scarce. Mli.te at $6 iUtfC 76, trout at 98 oo .rfl 26. Cod George'* Bauk, j»er 100.................... ;.#7 261 if7 60 .934 90 .. 17 60 " '7* ickerel r.brls.. 20 (Ki 1 I brla. 13 3 26 18 60 9 2 26 kitts N->. 2 , brls ......... « brls... " kitts ___ Halibut herring, M b rl .... ! ......... 91 03 to 1 06. Prime State dair 10 00 Mack. Mess, brla... * brla " kitt* . Selected, l.rls., ] hrl*. kitta. Extra, hris ........ 4 brla.. . " ltitD .... H ioiiwi. nks Sale* si tail luta Bi rraa Firm at the decli scarce at 40c. Western easy at 2 V,g34 )c. i llr.tea i^uiet and stea<ly with improved demand at lsicf 19c fur prime factory, farm dairy at 16.5134:- F.uoa Fresh scare* and higher at 34c by the barrel. CRANBXR.RIKS Steady at 912 <>0 per brl for Wes tern. 914 00-crl5 UO for Cape Cod. Ari-Lk* Dull aud easy at $j 60 t>> 3 04) per brl. PuTATuta Lull an.l plenty. PeacUOlowa are quoted at 50<£60c per hn by the car load. Halt—Onondaga 6ne 92 40;*« F2 65 |>er brl. l.XATHKR Active and firm at 34* for best city aula; second qualitv M 32c; damaged al 21t^25c; Bucuos Ayres wet salted at 32c. Hinu Green, loc; wet salted, 10*Al2c; sheep |ielt.s, S0 <r&0c for shearlings. 70-<»80c fur lami.s. U'axAL Fhkioiit* Dull and unchanged. To New Tork Wheat, 20c, corn, lflo; oats, 1lc; staves, 91 00 )>er ton and tolls. To Albany Soft wood #8 00<gf 8 5"; hanl wood, 910 00(^10 6i». To New York Soft wo .d, 910 00; hard wood, 912 <X>. BO3T0N LIVE STOCK. Kxxr Cattl* Receipts li)50. Demand improved, and for the best kind prices are a shade higher, but f..r mcilium aud common grades no change, they being rather slow of iaid] Sales of extra at 912 to 912 75. first quality 111 tc# ll 76; second quality Jo .Vi J Jin for Sales of 254)0 tbe efterno4>n the m arket waa irregular at 90#c, aelier Nov. in ber. Coax -Dull. Saies of No. t a t 23] to S4c for No. 2 In th* afternoon No. 2 waa unaettlcl at St.c bid; aeller thi. j>ar Oat* l)uf#t and Arm Halei of No. 2 at 43] to 44c. RTB-4^uiet. No 2 at o'lc. BaalST "quiet aud firmer. Buyers at 91 04. Paoviaioxa - Dull and easier. Sale* at 929 08 to 929 3u for prime mesa; #28 60 to #27 00 for ri pork. S v u r PitiLKii H aas Sales at 19# to 19* for short ribbed. MiLOLxa -Looae al 14] to 16e; rough side# at 14] to I4]c. Dkt S altbh S hoclpex* I»oee at 11] to ll]c. Larp saiee at 17# to 17]c for ehoic* kett.a ren <l#rtd, 18] Ui 17]c for choice ream . Dxamrp H'-.s Active aud steady at 911 50 to 912 00. . 6 KXiull'4 Dull and nominal CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. Cattl* (quiet at #9 87] to 94 00 tor fair 98 04Mtt 97 00 for good smooth shipping. OSWEGO. Floc* - In good demand anil ready. Sale# IsOO brl* at |6 25 for No. 1 Spring, 96 60 for amber Winter; f7 00 for double extra. W hiat Dull. tale* 9000 bu red Wabeeh at 91 21 . 4,o«x Unchanged. Sales 3404) bu at fl 00. Ba* l«t In moderate iemai.d. Sale* 3600 up lake Cacada at fl 03, 15,304' bu do at fl 03j, ~5,000 Bay of iquint# at 91 18 to f l 23. Kr* (quiet. P*a* (quiet. CoaxwKxL -92 00 per cwt. Mill F iid Unchanged Short* |18"321. Smrarrm 928-328. M1PPLIX0H J31 a 33 per ton C' a. val F rbiohts Wheat 15]c; rye 15c; barley 12] to New York. Railroad F rkioots - Flour to BoeLm, 91 00; to New York, Stie. to Albany, 7ae. I. a** I mkixth 22,300 bu whe*', 1700 hu barley, 26,300 bu peas, l.r.l,'X)0 ft .umber. C abal KspoRTM—2290 brla flour,20,0"W bu wheat, 63,00") bu iiarley, 14,8'X) bu rye, 10,600 bu oata. 1,109,000 ft lumber. TOLEDO. F loi * -(quiet. W hiat steady and regular. White Michigan at ?1 10; arniier at #1 11; No 1 r 4 .*J a t $1 12, N-». 2 red 91 07], No. 3 red at 91 oO. Coax Steady. No 1 at 92c; No 2 st 9oe Oatm Advancwi lqs2.-. No 1 at 66c. DRM8BD Hoo* $12 00 to 912 50. R*caiTT» 2800 hris Hour, 7500 bu wheat. 1000 oa**. wt, 6O 0u MILWAUKEK. Flccr Dull arid unchanged. W heat—Firm No 1 at 93c, No Gat* Steady aud uDchtng*<l Coax F i n n At fe 6c f..r No 2. Rva Nominal. Barlbt I nchanged. Fuxiuur* -NomiuaJ M A R IN E . Arrived i earner Interna louai, May 1* 0 RT o r BUFFALO. ..................................................... Nov. 23. Fort Erie; 1* ers scrap J Whitmore; 440 bu barley O Lang, 1 bx pl.n 3 bxs butter, 08 lambs, 78 sheep, 1 car millfeed, IS cattle, 20 sheep, 1 car peas, 26 bxs butter, 3 cattle, owner. 440 bu barley Murray h Lynde; 548 pigs lead binadiau of Commerce; 14 cars scrap iron Piatt .t ('o; 1 car scrap iron U I Works; 7 car* scrap iron Emmett Flemming. Propoller Equinox, Moore, Chicago; 22,600 bu oats, 1694 l.rls Hour, 1*9 pkg- linseed meal, 35 bu oat meal, 6 brls whiskey, 3 brls red oil. 4 brls potatoes, 21 bis broomcorn, 49 bdls pelts, 4 bxs sunds 2 bxs hard war* S Caldwell agt Tug Danforth, Ryers Ft Colborne; light. Tug Protection, Thlc<,tt, pt Abino. Bark S I il Wa’sun, Maaori, If ilwauk*e; 89 ba wheat Jas D Sawyer. Bark Lottie Wolf, MoFaddeu, Milwaukee; 20,403 bu wheat J M Richmond. Bark D ; :-*ir Mist, W oUoit; Milwaukee; 30,550 bu whpat Bank of AUlca. Bark Alic >, Goldsmith Chicago; 19J94W bu eom M L Crittenden. Schooner Resolute, Wax, Cleveland; 389 tons coai Pam ham A A Fen. Scho*jner Eli Bates, Murray, Erie; 6()0 *.j*I E Hai r<i. ner Nettie Weaver, Kelly, Toledo; 169,414 ft lumber, 27 m ft h-gs Scatchanl A lieltwn. Cleare«l................................................................ Nov. 23. Steamer International. Mav, Fort Erie. SLamer Ivanhoe, NcNish, Fort Erie. " "peller Toledo, Sisson, Chicago. ’1 ug nt Lawrence, Thr.mjison, Ft Colborne l ug Grace L Denny,, Tonawanda. Tug F L Danforth, Byers, Pt Colborne; light. Tug (quickstep, Howard, T -i awunda Tug Protection, Talcott, Point Ahino. Bark Sain Ward, lJtrge, Ashtabula. icbo .ner 11 C, Kirby, Pt H unn. Schooner J V T%ylor, Glenn, Chicgan. Scho.mer Otter, Shillkauff, Chicago; 2000 hris lime. Schooner Miranda, Brown, Detroit; 300 ton* coal. Schooner Llhhie Nan, Peterson, Chicago; 2400 brls lime. Schooner Blossom, Noppia, Pt Dover, hooker Defiance, FI«L-her, Dunville. hconer Win Kelly. MaKay, Cleveland. Schooner G L Brown, Berg, Chicago, 4)0 tons coal VARIOUS ITEMS. •I Mer. Union Kx. United State*... Amer. M. U .. • • Fucith Mai"....... N V. Ceutral. 10 11 ik 1 En Ha Hud.- -•-• 34] ........... 62] 62# 183] D2J 182] Hit toj * i K . Kea«ling............. Mich. Cent ----- Mich. S ............. 111. C en t ............. Cleve. .V Pitti Cleve. .v Tol. O .A R .I .......... W U. T e l .... To1 * Wab ........ Chi. A Alton.. ■ Canton ................. N. Western ........ N. 'vest, p .......... Chicago, B. «V<J. ........ O x Mi--".......... Md k >t P .... Mil. A St. p p. 136 .... I8J| 98] 98] .... 120 . 90] 90] .... 137 . .... 89! 104] 104] 1 .... 35] »5] •• l«i ........... .:v. r:?, is 73] 73] . »7] s7] 8S - :::: isj :::: .... 26] 62# .... 62] 34 34j 611 61| - 182| 1 S2| 182] 28# 28] 2d] 133 ................. 182 ................. 9S 98| 98] 89j 90 90] 103] 104 36] . . . 86] 86] 67] .... 19 . . . . . 68] .... b7j of 'Bi lls 6-20’a • <W| ........... 84] ... .... 113] ... 113] A9] 84] . reg113] i of T.2. 115] 6-'('•* "f lA 113] 6 20 * ..* '66 113].... 1 1; 6-20’s ' 86, new.. lluj .... 11 : ... 113] 113] 1 5] 6-20** 't)6, new.. 116] .... 115# .... 115# .............. 5 2u’s '67, ne-.v.. 116 .... llvj .... 115# ................. 6 2»'v 'tW, new . 116* ------ 1 u# ----- U5i ............... 10 40a ........ 107# .... 1071 .... 107} ................. CLOSING QUOTATIONS. Mosey rather more active at fled7 p. o. for ial loans, sterling Exchange quiet at lu 8]-<*luw Io dr*t claa* bills. Gold firmer, opening at 128] aud ch sing at 128]. Government*dull a d hear Tne following wei* tlie closing quotations: V. 8 rogfstered 6's of 1881........ U. S, coup*, na of latil ................... 6- 20a registered '62 ........................... U. 8. 6-20 coupons of 1 M2 ......... U B. 6-2*) coupons of la84 ......... U 8.5-20 coujsina of lo66 ... V tt. 5-20 coupons of Jan. and J U tt. 6-90 coupons of 1867......... U 8 . 5-20 coupou* ef 1868......... V tt. 10-40 registered .................. U 8. 10-40J eei Currency, O’*.. Pacifica............. Tlio Ene Raiiwajr Company's annual dividend of 7 per cent on preferred •%* k, payable in m iere-t bearing scrip, having flve ye r* to r .n, will be ready for dehve.y at the Treasurer's office on and after De- c**id>- r 16 to registered ho der* of atock. The i.enafer will eleae Dvcemiier 1 and re open l>tc tuber 16. . . . Stock* dosed strong Tli# r es and activity in Jjpfdjwestcrn eha e» i* due to the report fieely clr- I Bid. Asked. ... 11S 118] ... 119 118] ... Jl* ml 115# ii** 116] ... 113] 114 '« 115! 116] .... 1161 118 .... H5l 118 10T j 107} io7| 107] NKW YORK. Cottox- lle'vy and ]c lower, bales at 26e for middling up'anda. Flo* a. Receipts --f 39,273 brls. Flour heavy and in buyer's favor, with rather more doing. Sale* of 10,4(k> bl.D, at #4 45 t-.‘g4 96 for euperflue State and Western; $6 10 to fl 00 for common to choice extra State; 94 95 to 8 00 for do extra Weet ern; 96 90 to ti 35 for good to choice whit# wlieat extra; 96 26 to 6 00 for common to choice R. H. Ohio; $5 75#8 00 for r mmon to fair extra St |,oui«; 98 60 to 9 00 for good to choice do, closing dull, ineluding 3500 low * redes extra for export. Rve Floi-a Dull and decliniag Sales of 200 bb s at 94 60 to #fl 00. t'oaVMKAL— In moderate request. Sale* 400 brls i#st< rn private trrm . 200 brls city at 96.# | WitissT Ixiwer. Sales of 360 obis Western et 91 t j 91 07] free. Receipts of 96,231 bu. Wheat 1 to tc tetter, more doiog both f.-r eX)»*rt and speculation. Sales of 134,"O0 bu*. at #1 09 to V15 for No. 3 Spring; #1 23 to 91 25 for No. 2 do; Jl 28 to 1 30 for Ne. 1 dc: *1 15 to 1 25 for W inter red Illinois; Jl 80 to Jl 34 for Winter red and amber Western; Jl Sl to 91 35 for aintier State; Jl 35 for choice old No l Spring; 95 for rejected spring; Jl 50 for white Michigan, Jl 80 for white California. KT6—Dull. BakLBt Heavy and lower. Sale* ..f f9,()00 bu at 91 to Jl 06 for two-ruxed State, #1 15 for Canada East. Hakliy Malt (quiet. Sale# 8000 bti Canada » tti a t 91 CO. Cox.v Receipt* of 2362 bu. Corn ..pened shade li«tter but dull andsva celv so firm. Hales of, 47,000’bu et 91 06<91 10 for uuw.und; #1 X 0]^1 1 | for sound mixed Weateni Oat*-Receipt# 25.663 bu. data m ore a..-tivi opening firm ar d rloaing declining Saiee of 94, hu at 64c to 66Jc for Western; 64 t Lpflc foi State, closing at 65c. Rice—Dull- Sales of 25 tee al flfe for Uar.dtua i\,rru Quiet. Sales ol 900 bags Rio on p t. ttfOAk—Lee# active. Sales of 810 hhda of Cuba ll Ul lie. Ill t.' 15. Lr P--!“ MokJUMBH- Dull. PiTaoLBta Quiet at 20o for erud# and 33] for refimd. Hors -Dull »t 20 to *Sc for Amen an. Pi.r*—► inner. Sx ea of 650 brla at J3S60 to JS3 75 .ess dosing |S3 75 ca-h; #24 50 to 926 00 for prime; end 927 00 to #30 50 for prime mess. Ke*r - Stead v. Sales 140 brls at 55 00® 13 00 for new plain n-ese;J10 00017 00 for new extra mess. Tieree beef Ulead; and more active. Sales 1000 tcs ei J2fi 00 to Ti 00 for prime meee; 9*0 00 to 32 00 for India mexa B**r H ams iq.det. Sales of 90 brls at 916 00 to *1 (0 for old. 932 00 to J33 60 for new Clt Mt ats Q uitt and heavy, sales of 76 pkg* at 12 to 13}c for ehoulders; 18018c for hams. Miudlbs - Firm and qu et. Sales of 170 boxes of eity on p t. Lard Finn and in moderate demand. Salas of 400 tcs at ls01»c for steam; 19 to 19]c for ket tle rendered. Alxo 760 tea steam seller for February at 18] to 18]c. B o m a —Steady. Sales at 20®S3c for Ohio. 96® 46c for State. * CHUH ~ Quiet at 17 to 18c Propellers,*; bark*, 11; brigs, S; tujr.l; barges, t; schooner*, 36: eeowe, 6. Total, 62. Poxror Milwai bxb, Ndvember i \ Buffalo BTrk Ci'y cf Painesvilie. Cleared for Buffalo Prop Nebraska, 10.000 ba e heat, 4400 brls flour, 857 brls pork, 175 tc* beef, 135 tcs lard, 64 bris tallu*, 66 Laics wool, 1-ft empty oil barrels, 42 wagon boxes ; brig Waucoma, 20,00 bu wheat ; *<-hr C Hinkley, 20,000 bu wheat ,J echr Kate Hinrhman, 13,700 I u wheat. Fiaar axd L ast. Tlio liars Lotus Wolf has g .ne to Ene, where she w.ll load with coal for Chicago. She was the first sail vessel that reached Cldeag'- from this port on the opening of navigation last May, and if she succeeds in goiug through she will probably be the last for thia Morb Disasters—We iuarn by special telegram tbat the schooner Lincoln Dai! i# asnore at Thunder Bay Point. The schooner William Fiike is also ported ashore at Devil Biver. A T otal Lose. A private telegram s va that the new bark Carlingford haa broken ln two and gone to pieces. Her outfit is ali that wili be saved. Prgpbllb* Bbllb Bcbxis. The smell propeile: Belle waa destroyed hy fire ou Lake Michigan last Saturday evening. The following details of the dis aster are furnished ky the Chicago Journal Tbe Belie was on her way from Manitowac to Mil waukee, laden witk lumber, wood and shingles. There were but six persons on board, wh«. wer* Cap tain Patrick Hamas, Man it >woe, first mate George Dueold, Manitowac; first engineer, George Wall*, Milwaukee: second engineer, Riekl Fulken, Milwau kee; Charles Meyeiv, and wheelsman, Charles Men fus, Manitowoc. When off Fort Waahington, Wis., the boat waa db covered to te on fire. The lake was verv rough at the time, the sea running ao l.igh that it seemed a- if no common row boat could be kept ride *id« up very Jong. Nevertheless, that was the only resort of the rtii'-ers a’.d crew, aud the boat w*a accordingly low ered and all got into her, when thc burning vessel waa abandoned. In a few momenta after the fire first broke out, the flame* had spread so rapidly that it wa* found impo s ble to extinguish them, and soon after th* row boat was pushed off the prope'ler was ompietely enveloped in flames. Four of tbe crew 'ere saved, but two of the party, Captain Berne- and Charles Me-Jfus, were lost. The body of Captain Barues wm brought to this port, with the survivors, by the brig Hutchinson, lt appears that after drift iug about in tbe ojieu boat lor »everel hours, and uffering terribly from exposure to the cold and the ■earing wares, four of the party were picked up alive by the Captaiu and crew - i the Hutchinson. Immediately upon tha arrival of that vessel in thi* port, tlic Coroner was norifled of the fact. He pro :eeded U> Burlington ilip, where the vessel w*» noored, and held an inquest ou the remains. The erdic. was in ace irdance with the teiliiuony given jelow. Thc watcli of the deceased was stopped at twenty minutes to t) o’clock, at which time it is sup ■used the accident occurred, although the statement*" I those rescued place it at a lster hour. Captain iiarnt-i wa* formerly -.f Clyde, Wayne county, N. N.. wl.ere hia parent* still reside Me was about twenty three years of age Thf'Bell was insured for*I0,0t)0 on a val 912.500. .1uation of THE CANAL. ........................................... .Nov.23 A23. James Leiglon W H Bowman livid Plumb Buffalo J K Bentley, Jr Lockport .......................................Nut. 22 A 24 Arrived ......... John H Leach Blue Bird Medina Cl. ared ......... J K Niles, Rinehart lumber Albany, Jas V room an, Covell, staves do do. (rixie H Fi-her, Ruby, 784)0 coiu. Wm B Hoyt, lord, staves Troy. H 8 Hebhard, Blampin. 7900 corn Moute/iuua. Geo Whitt nden, Myiick, 6500 wheat Lockport Medway, Packard, 14,000 oats Troy. Lieut Gen Grant, ('ole, 7868 wheat do do. Carrie King, Vanderwort, 7GO0 wheat do do. F Shoemaker, Carroll, 8200 corn Montexuma. Buff *lo, Devendorf, feed Troy. John H Leach, Crosby, 704)0 wheat Lockport. J ri F.ldridge, Drake, 697a wheat and 542 oort Rush ester A D Hoyt, Brown, 8000 corn Mutitesuiua. Three 8 i*terx, Dickinson, SOO) corn do do. i'eerless, Krapp, lumber Rochester. ’"A K Weld, Du.II, lumb r Medina. i has Henry. Stanueiu, ..fc........ Smith, Stanfield, Ii3ht do *:•». LADIES’ r tn n f lix f i. R IS IC U . FURS! FURS!! SM IT H & B ROTHER a r; lain Street, Have on hand a large and stiotee m lju • f LADIES’ AND MISSES' FL’BS, EY E ASH EAK INFIRMARY. intion of buy- hewhere, feelii 0 confident that they cau offer them superior advantages. To w inch they invite thc particular at ers before purchasing thee The stock eonsists in part ef HUD60H BAY SABLE. B0YAL ERMINE. EXTRA DARK MINK, CHOICE FITCH DARK SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, RIVER MINK, FRENCH CONEY. ASTRACHAN SACQUES Aj >, a large variety ef C en ts' F u r C u p s, M ufflers, G loves, BUFFALO AND FANCY ROBES. High*st prioe paid fer RAW FUR*. J29toal FURS, FURS. Blindness snd Deafness Cured. U Tinaii tns aid ear DDias iisiins CATARRH CURED WITHOUT PAIN. CONSULTATION.......................................................... FREE Office S. Diviaion et., leiw .en Main and Waahing ion sta., buffalo, N. Y. F. G. STANLEY, M. D , Of the Ophthalmic Hospital, New York, MWF _________ Late Bargeon C. 8 . A . T H E S U K t: C U K E J E N N E R ’S COl'GH MIXTURE Jures Coughs, Colds, Unerteness, and all affection* if theThixat or Lungs. Fifty eenta per bottle, held eel v by E. JENNBR. ChWaMt, 418 # » '" « « • * « *be Park. LUM BER. jyrOSES SMITH, DEALER IN LUMBER, ri.lii WASHINGTON ST., Between'Tupper aiul Gooden six., Ha* on hand and well eaaoned, PINE, HICKORY, BLACK WALNUT. CHESTNUT, LASII, WHITEWOt D, CHERRY. M qdhht , Ba«w#oi Iipif, B irrh. Buitemut. PLANED AND MATCHED FLOORING, Jei'ing and Siding, Shaved, Sawed and Cut Shinglcn and Lath. Having over twenty thousand nuperflciai feet of slieda for the better protection and iteasouiiig of try hard wood and other lumber, a fact unparalleled in th s State, and with a large stock constantly on hand f rcaenLi ailvantagcs t-> all desiring Good and Dr; umber rarely to l># found. nraciAL to tub buffalo axrt Vbsssls Pxssixo Dbtroit. Ths following vessel a passed Nov. 23, up to 8 P M : rum n Prop Campbell and barge;.bark Mar.\ Jane; *ehra Exile, tteoville, Margaret Dali. I'p Props Idaho, Dictator; schr Gerritt Stnith. I'Uand Schr <ieo Waud. A rrivnl —Prop Tioga. Wind North. I.ark Fukioiits. Very few vesicles sre_offering f**r up. freights. To-d*y Collins A Henry mads the fol lowing engagements : Bark Lottie Wolf, coal Erie to ''■ic >go at |2 05 free in aud o u t; bark Alice, eoal to i *™ :...,*1 00'r~ At N.T— .V r * - «h» uteuU w.rc tci.ort.d: Stht. W*"> “ ■* d, wheat to Oswego at 10c; schr Jane JUhrtO1 » lumlier Au ttauble to Buffalo al #5 00. Port of Ciicaoo, November to. —Arrive*l from Buffalo. Prop* Sun, Mohawk, Bradbury; schr Anglo •axon; bark Rariue; schrs Imperial, Frank l’erew. Cleared for Buffalo Barks E Coming, St L.w- •uee 10,18* bu rye, S brls flour ; sclira F W Gifford> Newsboy. Gallatin, 19,604 be wiieat. Tna Scmmast. We give herewith a claa lfled liat o the vessels w hich have been reported aa having met* sailers durirg tlie past week. Tbe list is far from complete as many vessels are still mia»icg and unac counted for on one hand, while on the other many- unknown wrecks have been seen at various places along the coast. No e'timate on the amount of low. can vet he made with any accuracy. PKOl-BLlBKtf. Thomas A. Scott in the Stra;ta. Prohably total loss. Granite State ashore at Kelly'* 1-land. Since been taken to Detroit for repairs. Belie burnt off Port Washington. Total lo»*. BARKS. Oneonta athore in Strait*. Total loss. George Tburstonashore on Nicholson's Island, Lake Ontario. Total lose. Invincible ashore in Thuuder Bay. W. T. Graves, Southwest and Carlingford went sshore at ths Manitous. The Graves has been got off. The others are low. P. S. Marsh ashore at Bois Blanc Islaud. Since got off. Pride of America lost her canvas. Taken to Port Burwel'. Winona damaged by collision with prop Nebraska Since arrived here. De Soto dismasted ami badly damaged on Lake Superior. Fontanelle struck a reef in Strait* ; reaching Mil waukee t>adly damaged. BEios. Concord sunk seven miles off Port Burwell. Total Ioxi with six lives. Banner ashore on Point. S. F. Gale canvas carried away; brought here. Tl'oa. Kat-j Cerloch burned off Cleveland. BABOSS. Henr.i Howard and W arrington ashore iu Saginaw Bar Iowa ashore al Kewaunee. Total loss. ICHOOXBka. Jennie and Annie, ashore near Racine. Probably total loes. A. S. Hanson and Quickstep, ashore on Long Point. Eliza White,sunk tff Port Dover. Ca(fl Wing, sunk at Colchee'er. Total I PLANING MILL. COURT ST., FROM SEVENTH TO ' 8TAATS ST8 (Formerly Market Building.) James W. Brown & Co., DEALERS IN .V ll DpiC ripl iocs df Planed Limbfr, AND MANUFACTURERS OF IKK)KS. M()UL1)1N( tS, ANDOTHER JOINERS' WORK, PACKING BOXES, Ac ; lumber planed *uwe<i nr oth-rwi«e worked to or der promptly and in the bu»t manner. Having in one of Dobson A Belding’s scroll S4W9, work of this kind will be dune with extraordi nary smoothness and raoidity; and having also in op eftio n “McClelland's planing machine duster,’’which removes t;i®.',l,*v'nKB ^rom t,ie nttchine as soon ai n»d.-. th;'pl 5,..1 >> n,A,« mueh .m than without this new eontrivan*... A long ^ ex pen ene** in the businea*, an*i having new mac-.. 2 vry ot the iiest kind and with the latest improvement* warrant an assurance that tlic work of tiiis null will be of a first character and claa* in every respect. HOLMES F U K S THE LAROENTJBEST CHEAPEST. ASSORTMENT ur l{usiian|Siiblf, Hudson HayJ'uble, Dark Mink, (iernian Fitch, Silierisn Stjuirrt-l, River Mink, French i Salile, Aslrakhau Sacques, Persian Sacques, Seal Sacques. CIIILDKKN’S FUKS, OF ALL KINDS. FoX, BEAR, WOLF AND BUFFALO ROBES. EJtilrf and Cans, FOR MEN,.BOYS AND‘CHILDREN, AT .PRIC F (BELOW] COMPETITION. CALL AND HE CONVINCED. FIRS REPAIRED. M a in S t. BEKGTOLD S BROTHER. SIGN OF THK LARGE UPRIGHT BEAR. ■A ftlFA CTFK ES. g U FFALO STEAM TILE W orks . PUFFER 8TREHT, COLD SPRING#. BRANCH OFFI HC....................................... M9 8*ceea st JOHN ROBSON, Supwr-nSencent. Havimr p'aced steam in our works,we are new i rr pared to fill al. order* f.»r SEWER VIPE4 and I RAIN TILE. Fanners and others wishing to drrii ’heir and will flt.d our Round. Cral and 9 juare I ,le tbe beet made and hardea burned. When requited • x p-rienced meu will he sent u> put them in. jkll or ders sent to 82 Jackson st , or Portottce box 2c4t ktn-tteotim s irs s ik T ie iia RICH AM) CHEAP FT JltS COST FOR THK NEXT SIXTY DA i S Headquarters for anytliing in THE ' n um ber -Line. BEST WORKS IN THE STATE. With all the modern improvements fur making B iln D ried. Sa-di, D oors. Blinds, and all kinds of finished work for builders. A o >nat*nt supply of Dry Flooring, O iling, Siding Stuff, Mouldings and Bracket* kept ou hand. Also large stock of Rough Lumber, Joist * and Timber, their old stand, COR. MICH.GAN ST AND THE CANAL, »Near< 'entral and Erie Passenger Depots. P1HRI8TEY k JEXKS. J (Successors to A rthur Christey.) Dealers ia TATIDNERY, PAPER, AND BLANK BOOKS PRINTERS’ AND BINDERS’ STOCK, Nos. 200 and 202 Main St., Buffalo. ARTHUR CURI 8TE__________________JK*Ka C. WOODRUFF A CO., PAPH lAJllFM’TliKES ASD DIALH8, 24 and 23 PEARL TREET, BUFFALO, Keep on hand and manufacture to order paper* of every grade, avt Wholesale Price*. CASH PAID for *11 kinds ofPapw stock. Warehouse of the Niagara Falls Paper Mills, Wy- otning Paper Mills, Erie Paper Mills. L C. WO<U)IU.'Kr. EDWARI) KEROTENS, ;n IR KcDOr.I.IH. OIRR.V P W.IODRI'E F loi-a 95 50. Wuaar CHICAGO. Dull aud nomiual. Spring extras 93 75 to Steady. Sale# of No. * at 90] to 91«. Iu one life. i Scotland, ashorq at Pigeon Bay. J. seph CiK-hraife, lost her canvas. Sin«-e arrived here Juliette, ash-Te at Nanticoke. No particula Sam Anderson, ashore at Port Dover, full of aster Volunteer, ashore st Port Ontari". A> row, ashore at Grosse Point. Lake Michigan. Total loai 8-fth *i;ht lives. Eclipse, dapvized ard sunk ln Kenosha Harbo M -ntaagle, ashore at Long Point. Prohably loss. , Plnnouth Rock, Kate Kelly, Bahama and L'olum bid, aahote in tttraita. Moet if not all a ll 1 prove total '4.a *.*. Tracy J. Bronson, ashore in Hammond's Bay. Lincoln Dali, ashore at Thunder Bay Pelnt. Philo ttcovill. L. S. Hammond and Supply, ashore at Manitous. ttcovil'.s lias l>e*n got off. Other total lots. J. F. Waruer. asliore at Au Sable, Lake Huron Shook, ashore at Rond Esu. 'Total loss. Harvest Home, sunk at Mud Lake In Sault. M Ivina, ashore on White Shoals. Badly damaged. Mary o'Gorman, found ashore u- ar Ojwego I ilamaged an-l abandoned. Racer, foundered in Lake Huron. Total loss. Margaret R. Goffe, lost canvas and ruider; brought in here. H. Mr>»», dnven luck to Milwaukee badlv daiu aged ia rigging. Sutherland, a*hore at Michigan Ci y. Souvenir and M- Mitchell, ashore at South Haven. Traveler and Alic* Craig, ashore at ttt. Joseph, Lake M-chigan. St. Peter, ashore ou Green Island. Total loss scows. Mona ashore at Kelly's Island. Sea Bird aahete at Rock Falls, Lake Michigan. D. R- Braman ashore at Kelly's I-land. Mona faundered on I ake Michigan; total »oea Witk all bands. Wm. Bates, John Lillie and J. M Itou ashore at St. *u’.ter GUI aakore at Kelly's Island BOOKS AMD STATIOW EKT. gLASK BOOKS. ,T. L . C H IC H E ST E K . t MANUFACTURER, Shipfise. Cvswrnal VAsrk. BuTing u<i Bisdisg The most extensive stock ia th# city at wholesale jrices. AH the new style# of A8TRAHKAN, ANGOR1A, PERSIAN AND SEAL SACQUES, EXTRA RUSSIAN AND HUDSON BAY SAB E DARK MINK, IMPERIAL STYLE, ROYAL ERMINE And an Immense assortment of cheap Furs. Arctic White Fox, Wolf, Beaver and Buflalo RoDee. Buyer* and Shippers of Raw Furs. L. A. SIRRET, 913 Main st. DKVOKATION. JJEDOCE YOUR Make your ho>. using the COAL BILLS. romfortahle in cold weather by PATENT DOUBLE ACTION RUBBER MOULDING IWEATHER ISTRIP. AI.LfiORDEKtt i PROMPTLY ATTENDHD ITO , M . H . B IItG E , lmporter*auil Dealer in PapT W indffw] S b k Oil"U#tbs. ltrN NO. 218 MAIN STREET. ^Y ^K ’S 5 A R S A P A R IL L A , rOK PURIFYING THE BLOOD. The reputat:on thie ex . eellent medicine enjoys is derived from ita cure*, many of which are truly marvellous Inveteratu- cases of Scrofulous d s- eascs, where th# system seemed saturate*! with corruption. hav# bet u p'ir fled and sured by it. hc -ofulous affections and utisordent, whieh wer* ag gravated by tiie serofuious contamination until they were painfully afflicting, have been radically cured in -■ucli g n a t numliers i ■ aim >xt every section of the country, that the public scarcely be iaformsd of its virtues or uses. Scrofui.-us puisou ia one of t|ie i;i- st destructive enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfett tenant of Die organism undermines tiu constitution and invites the attack of cnftcbling or fatal diseases, without exciting a suapi. ion o> ita presence. Again, it seems to breed infection throughout the body, and then on some f*v«.iable occw-ion vapidly developing one or other of its hideous forms, either ou the stir face or am* ng the vital*. In the latter, tubercles mav be suddenly deposited in the lungs or heart, or i luiuom formed in the liver, or it shows iu presence ^ >y eruptions on tbe skin or foul ulcerati'-:is pm some part of the body. H?nc* th* occasional use of a but tie of this B»rst|»*riila ia advisable, tven when nu active symptoms of disease appear. Persona afflicted with the following complaint* generally fina immed: ate relief, and at length <-ure, by the use of this SARSAPARILLA : St. Anthony's Fire, Ro-e or Krysi|ielaii, Tetter. Sait kheum.'ttcald Head, Ring worm, Sore Eye.-,snd other eruptions i r risible fomu of Scrofulous diaeve. Also, in tlip more conceded forms, aa p j 9|>e]>.iia. Dropsy, Heart Disease, Fit*, Epilepsy, Neuralgia, and the various I Iceroua affec tions of the muscular and nervous syttiins. Srptiili* or Venereal an-j Mercurial Dweases art cured by it, though a long time is required for sub duiug these o -vtiumte maladies hy any medicine. But long conticued uve of this medicine will cure the complaint. Lc-ucorrhcra or Whites, Uterine Ulcerations ud Kern de Diseases are commonly soon rel eve<l and ult uiatel. curctl by iu purifying snd in vigorating tfleet Minute directions tor each case can l»c found in our Almanac supplied gratis. Kheu- mat-siu *iid G..nt » »-in ,,y ^.-cumulations of extraneous matteis in the blood, yield quickly to it, as alao Liver t omplaints. Torpidity, Congestion oi InflatL-in'tion of tiie Liver, ar.d Jaundice, ehen aris ing, as they often du, from the rankling poi»>ns in tlie bio d. This SARbA PA RILLA is a great restorer for the strength and vigor of the system. Those win. who ure ■anguid and Listless, Despondent, Sleepless, and troubled with Nervous Apprehensions or Fears, or any of the affections symptomatic of Weakne-s, ! And immediate and couv.ncing evidence of it* restorative power upon trial. I PREPARED BY IJll. J* C . A V Flt & CO .1 LOWELL, MASS. Practical and Analytical Chemists. Sold by all Druggists evnrvwVre. e*7da SLEIGHS. SLEIGHS, SLEIGHS. A numher of Square Box and Bob Sleifhs, Both new and second bans', for sal* at FROSTIER (ARB I AGE SHOP. 1244 KIAGAI] 8T k!7maalm f 8 . SMITH 4 SON. QFFICE OF THE BROOKLYN WHITE LEAD COMPANY, a hide* like, m row. CAUTION: DEALERS IN WHITE LEAD and CONSI DERS OF PAINT are C'utioned against ’Jic uuiiy Si I 111 OlTtt PAINTS put up in imitation of the bran I# of this Company. Every pec a age "f PURE I.EAD aent out bv «,'i ha. the following COPYRIGHTTRADE M 4RK aita. ked, printed on blue jwiwr. None othf i are genuius ^TllSrE A lrlT EM PO R IU iV I. THE LABOZSt STlH K IN I'HE WEST OK FRCNCH AND CEfiMAN FLAT E MIRRORS. 1 Al'-TINOS, ( IHOMOS, ENGRAVINGM, Staturv. Brackets and Swiss Carvings, JapanessEGoods, GUI, Walnut. Velyet and Knstie Frames, bictui-e Itdla. Dxikina Glasees at Wholesali-. Lim *■ _________________________________DODGE A BEKSOH. 216 and 4«4 M ^n U -- - eiisa m e m a im e . ~ _ * THE OLIVE BRANCH PATEN" HOT AIR DRAFT OK INC S T O V E ( Ul OH, COLD OK SOKE THROAT immediate attention, »> cn remltt in an incurable iaae. B R O W N ’S BRONCHIAL TROCHES will most invariably give ln t nt relief. For BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, CATARRH CONSUMPTIVE AND THROAT DISEASES, tliey have a soothing effect. SINCEKS AND PCBLIf SPEAKEHS use them to clear and strengthen th* voit e. ()wing to the good reputation and popularity of tiie Procliee many worthless mi l clieap imitations are offered, which are good for notliiug. Be sure to ob tain the true BROWN’S BRONCHIAL TROCHES. Sold everywhere. k !6 flmdac T HE INCOMPARABLE REMEDY. Try It -It N ever Fails. JENNER’S HAIR TONIC AND RKSTORATI This preparato-n stops the hair falling out and promotes a vigorous growth * cleanses the seal; of dandruff, and renders tho ba soft ani1 glossy. It contains no sulphur,sugar of lead or oth ir coloring matter, being designed sx-iresaly for itrengthening the hair. 60 cents and Jl per t>ottle. Prepared by R. JENNKR, Chemist, 418 Main st.. opposite the Park. Du CHARLES SMITH, OFFICE, 215 MAIN ST., (UP STAIRS ) Over Tiphaine’s Store, BUFFALO, NEW YORK-! DR. SMITH treat* Scrofula, Rheumatism, Dyspep sia. Canker, Sa t Rheum, Neuralgia, Erysipelas, Liv er Complaints, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sore Eyes. Also cures Syphilitic Scrofula in its most mxligimnt forma. NO CHAftGIC# FOR CONSULTATION. DR. RICHAU’S G O L D E N R E M E D I E S . 9104)0 reward for any case of diseaao in any stage which thev fail to cure. DR. E|CHAU"S GOLDEN BALSAM NO. 1 Cure* Ulcers, Ulcerated horc Throat and Mouth, Sore Eyes, fkin Eruptions, Copjier Colored Blotches. Scrofula. Ac.: is the greatest Blood Purifier known removes all diseases from the system. *% DR. RICHAU’S GOLDEN'BALSAM NO. 2 A Cores Mercurial Affections, Rheumatism in all its forms, gives immediate relief in all cases. No diet ing necessary. Pr.CC of either N-».l or 2, 95 per Many |laint grinders in New York * I, and siae • here are sailing I»ead branded .ft close Imitalh it of •urs, such aa “ Brooklyn btandaid," “ Brooklyn (Aiiite I^*adetc., et-. AH of thrm are mere b-jeuk production*, containing LITTLE or No LIAD. aud only intemlsd to deceive tiie public. We put no otlier name than our own end n upon o . folloi r bran is ; PREMIUM IM RK." Stand u-d *r*nd Rl .rLihel “ REFINED ” Yellow Label, ' BALTIC," Red Ubel Railways, Steamships snd Manufacturer, supi Jim! at lowest market raUa. All order* pr<>mptlr filled Add ess MWFdc 80 MAIDEN LANE, New Yor*. LICHT HOULJ c o ^ s q .ia t d*#eov#-y, Are san i># kept tive tn tu e year ' Without K®-Kindling, * if lVewirod. F o ' Bo i*y of Desige, Economy of Fuel fftmjdicity of Use, Perfection ie Operation, th# KLIVB BRANCH CHALLENGES THE WORLD. . ,k*‘ " • * *"■ l i t i i l i i . M l.iW Iron kn»l>.a, ,t n ,,,. » " "" Vcu.,., II..*.. Fo^ Sale by FETHOUSEN & RUSSELL. 139 and 141 Main at. THE LAWSON FURNACE. RETURN FLUE FURNACE It i. siiti'ely free from leakage of gaa It is ail u#b»t iron. A aiitqle Uxsuninalion of tldi« Furuaee will at onco convince a/y person that grvat economy of Fuel t i cured by -ta peculiar construction and the superior inauuer iu vlucli it u made and mouuteJ. I.AWS4J th a. • wool) " FURNACE, BEST WOOD FURNACE k IK U6 K Jg,S-de Age’its for tiieae fum vces at JEWETT’S^ HOUSEKKEI’ER’S EMPORIUM, i *19 MAIN ST., BUFFALO. N. Y. K J1T ST PREM T .T JM ST O V E S AT THE INTERNATIONA L 'EXHIBITION. i t AMERICAN,” IMI’ROY k D COOKING STOAK AVI irli has also tvksi. tlie wb ch has hoen First Premio improved durii: ive] vrafs, atjtlio NewJYeik [Huts Fairs, U BRILLIANT” SELF FEEDING, BASEj jBl’RMNG, BASE HEATING PARLOR STOVIi. THIS STOYF. iS UNEQUAI LKI) FOR BEAUTY OF DESIGN, ELEGANCE OF FINISH J ND GREAT DU K AB ILITY IT KEEPS A CONTINUOUS FIRE JS EASILY MANAGED. A QUICK AND POWERFUL HEATER. CONSUMES ALL THK <^9. and is entire'y fr«e from t o.» tmflBng* and sx >lo- sion* so ronmioti in otlier B n* Burning s’-ivea It has a litavy C>*-t Iron Ktrt- Cylinder, wliieh ob- via'es the nercsai'y f>>r biick iiiiinBs, and thus clinkers. THE DOUBLE BOTTOM DIV NG FLUB LIGHT HOUSE Has no equal as a lla-e Heater. It kce|« liis f oor warm, insuring warm ftet. A PORTA DUE OVEN c rn l.e attaciied, afford boiling. The larges," s're is cm ug fsw i itie. for hakiag jid strnrted »itb hot air ahqm r two bottles for #9. DR. HCtlAD'o Gol.DEN ANTIDOTE, SHAW, FERRIS A CO., Mo. 446 Mam|n. S^EWKU PIPE. REDUCTION|IN|PRICE AT THE QUEEN CITY PIPE WORKS, No. 332 FIFTH ST. We have on hand a laige xt*.. of 9e*er Pipe, f om 4 inches to 24 inrhrs capacity. which we are sel mg cheaper than <an be bought eUewhere. Pips dvliv ered to any j>art of the city COfSLAKD RATHBUN t 00., 8 3m Office 14 Henry »t. A kafe and radical cure for ail Urinary Derangements, accompanied with full directions. Priee *3 peri>ottle. DR. RICHAU'S GOLDEN ELIXIR D’AMOUR, Awadical cure for Nervous Debility, in old or young; imparting energy with wonderful effect. Price #6 l*r bottle, or two bottles for #t). On receipt of price, SOLE AGENT FOR BUFFALO. kl 2 W .1 B. OLVER, 8ucceesor to THOMAS BRIGGS, No. 6 Genesee St., Genesee House Rlock. PORTRAIT, PICTURE AND LOOKING GLAB# FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. A variety, of Frames and Chromo* constantly oe band. He nse and Sign Painting in the basement. Order Lt the Store MARTIN TAYLOR. BtXIkSF.UB ANU STATIONKR. 385 Main Street- ALL POPULAR NEW BiJOKS BECEIVED.FRESB FROM THE PRESS. CHURCH BOOK*. WORSHIP OF THE CHURCH IN TUE HOUS* Readings for Lent, an-l othet Devotional B<>ok«. Sundav School Books published by the Society for the promotion of Christian knowledge. Also, Agent f -r the General Protestant Fpisco|* Sunday ttSvcol Union and Church Book Society FASHIONABLE1 STATIONERY. THE LATEST STYLES OP FRENCH, ENGLISH od American Stationery of the best quality. Monogram and Initial'Stamping d>>ne in the most t Wedding an i Visiting Card' engraved and printid BUSINESS STATIONERY. OFFIC* AND DESK STATIONERY OF AU k^nda and beat qualities. The fines* line of So*.-, Letter and Cap, Flat Cap, Folio, Demy and Medium Papers made in tiiis coun-* try, tor saie at mid prices. Envelopes m*d<- I rom fiott-dass papers, of ail aUee *■4 styles ' Blank Books on hand and made toorder in th i Mq gganuer and from the very best stock. Ppatlo# and Binding don# pOST k VIEBGIYBR, Deaton pt PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, W1NDOWEBASH, ARTISTS' MATERIALS,#6«. Mo. 1# K. S tru St., Buffalo^A. T. JOMW n * . auSTJ _.^r. JACOB ViKRGlYU. Address Cimulars sent. IC HARDS, No. 228 Varick St., New York. MWF EXPKESS. A. M E R I C A N MERCHANTS’ UNION EXPRESS COMPANY, NOS. T, 9,11 AND 13 W. SENECA ST:, BUFFAL CAPITAL..................................- .................SIS.000,001’ Forward with th# greatest 8Deed and Safety, COIN, BANK NOTES, JEWELRY And other valuable Merchandise aud Packages, And collect NOTES, DRAFTS and ACCOUNTS, Bill* sent with goods, and execute all otlier Comroiaaioni connected with tlie Exprca» business, at all the prin cipal place# between the city of NEW YORK and thr WR.STERN, NORTH and SOUTHWESTERN STATES and CANADAS, connecting with other r« •ponsible Exprera Companies. OODS. COIN, BANK NOTES. JEWELRY AND VALUABLES. WM. O. FARGO. President, WR. p. PK4 K, Vice-Preaid-Dt S' T U R T E V ANT'S FAN AND PRESSURE BLOWER4 FOR CUPOLA FT'RNACES, v PUDDLING AND HEATING FURNACES, STEAM BOILERS, FORGE FIRES VENTILATION AND SUCTION heae Blowers are of a very superior man . faa.urr and ar* unequalled for th* purpose* ahov# i.m tioced. F«r sal* at manufacturer'* pri<-es by JOHN T NOTE A SON Ageuta, 128 Waaiungton C BASE BURNER, BAS J-HvATEIi, SELF-FEEDER. 1 J#** uue(|u\Ilr>l St.ivp*, each It* !i Judge-* at tim recent lutematmi For Sale by 12 warded the Y Hits city, ar# Premium lii thatr r W iL K RIIM IE, -ill Main Slrrrl. THE PEERLESS. The Great I’n-miun Cook Sto'-o ol Ihe World, taking the l^ad. Over 14,0110 sold duriiic the Last Year. ELE.VEN Dlfi-'EHENT SIZES. Am ong the advantages of tlila Htove overall oilirn are the fqilowing 'pa/caof tlie evei mg ;l AN hs advantages o EQUAL TEMPERATURE is maintained in all 1 , so tii at no articls. whi ti GREAT SAVING •quired, being one third )«•«» tiian any other Ktove COMPLETE VENTILATION OF THE U.VKN . a ourrent.Z hooted uir takoking. ■ mtanUy through it. ................................ mbling tho capa.-tty - rjd. Articles bake e«iually aa well ujem tbe aiide a. upon the r’veu bottom, tlnn of vi • Btovo for baking. Thin can lie done in uo ^thcr Stove. . th . Msata are roasted in this oven bv mean* ru a :.u\» |>uteiit Spit, aa perfectly aa in a tta kttrhn. I.*- fcr . 'Ji e fire. In otiier Stovea nieata are ltaked; h> TIIK PKERI.E.SS they are RoANlKl). itb. GREAT DURABILITY. It ia made o( the very bOMtqugiity ef iron, and ia HKAVIKK than anv ■the tttovc node. 7:1. GREAT BEAUTY OF DESIGN and 87OOTIINE88 OF,CASTINGS. the** respects It kaa rm em .a * hia Stove waa awarded the FIRST PRIZE at tlie GREAT UARI9 EXPOSITION It has alao W « s» |i led tbe First Pramluru at the Fair of the .imerioan InatitMe, New York, an I at every other plane wtfeft exhibited. An exammatioe of this Stove (auuot fail to aaimfy auy oue of its auiierierity ever ail oti ei f. ■die price at whlcii It i* ani I taking lntn ac- Hjn*. it# great dut ability and other advantages, renderv it h. '^HEArESTas wsllM tl>e BEST COOKJNC rsTGVE IN TUP WORKD, 8olJ only ky SHAW, FERRIS & CO., 446 Main St. 1‘ARIS, 1867 EXPOSITION UNIVKK8KLLK. ^.PEASE’S IMPROVED OILS, dCKKOWLEDGED THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Grand Silver Medal and Diploma, [THE OVLY ONE.] 1 at For tbe G reatest ,I;xeellftnce in Oils TWO PRIZE MEDALS. I!World's Fair—i.ondoB, 186U, to ' MF. t. PEASE S IMPROVED EN0INE, SI8NAL, LARD AND P R E M I U M '! P E T R O L E U M , " AHITHF.I8F.ST MADE. I •hx«‘»:ii»p-oT#d|Oila;oo*t no more thac many'■if jt*# common otto In market, whlie;they>r*;eadorae<f|f>| , tb e greatest experience and highest .autnoriy la the world, aa * The Beat^Oila Made for Lubricating and Burning.: F. S. P E A S E , |OIL MAMUfAC RER, 61 A *P 6» MAIM BTRKBT, BUFFA ■OTBLft. gHEPPARD IKON WORKS, OHIO STREET, BUFFALO. N, Y. WM. 8. KING. Jr , Pre.-le t H. O. PKRRY, Tic# Prea't and Supt. STEAM ENGINES. BOILERS, 8TFAM PUMPS, MINING PI MPS. STEAM Fi KR KNGIaiBtt, Propeller Wheels, Iron and J'.raao Ca-uar* Wr, ugh ron Works, Ac. U -v NITED STATES PATENT AGENCY SOTICES. ^ ^ u r * ; ; ? ^ rp » THE WORKING CLASS.—WE I are now prepared to furnish all cla—ea with constant employment at home, the whole of the time «r for tne spar* montha, Buaineaa new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex eaaiiy earn from 50 cents U» *5 per evening, and a proportional turn hy devoting tbeir whola time to the buaineaa. Bov* and girla earn needy aa much aa men. That al: who aee thia m ar-end titeir address, and t*at the buaineaa, we make’tnli unpxral ed offcr; T<- auch aa are not we 1 satisfied we will sen I 01 to pa; for tb# trouble of writing. For particulars^ a valua ble "ample, which will do to comm ene- work on, and a copy of “The People’# l.iterary Companion (one of th# largest beatfam iy newapapera published) ail aent free by mail. Reader, if y#u want permanent, r>rofltaUe w.wk, ajdi.m K C. ALL LN A CO. Angtiata. Mi. J-fc *m STATIOXEBY. HAVE JUST HAD n * hufacturcd in E urope aaA lmpcrted for our own trade, the richest lin* of PO C K ETfflH ILS EVER OFFERED ** "~ grflS CITY. and aee No trotabto to "bow tbm»- I FELTON * RRO BURKE. FRAZFR A OSOOOD, late of J. . ___ A Co., obtain P.tents in the United Stair*, C(,iar.» and Europe. EDkfLNl) P.ITKE, formerly Commiaelon*< ot Patent*, Attorney and Counselor in Patent caae*. •ttfice in BuffaJo, N. Y., oorner Main Beneaa U\rw SLEIGHS. HARVEVI& WALLACE. THOMAS’ I 0'JSL &DINING ROOMS, - (OW THK EUROPEAN PLA*. f«W J b 'b ir u) Wuliifia Mt. Buffulo, N. Y. LADIES AND GENTS' friVate dining rooys. g.,TRANCE on WASHINOTON ST. 0# ELI CTffTERS, CLAM AND Y < 0ALT riSH RECEIVKi) Di^LT. UlNNk RA FROM It TO ». 4KAL8 4EAVEI) AT ALL HOURS. C O IIIffllO II. _____________ * SMITH & IR6DUCE UNDERHILL, COMMISSION M E H C H A N T H . 28 Whitehall Street, New T( rk. loi .itaialfl ! f -A aaiee xmalgnmenU ot ail kindaof prod end prompi return*. SLiP*'* Fectea * * ai'wiwc ■AceiXBw. TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN. TUB FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE fltanda to day wifliout a rival In Ita beauty of epera- ti^n, perfei-fneaa A>f aliteh ar.d durability of the work performed Al—, among ita many advantages it bas » reveraabl* feed. Ita aliuttia I.a* a K-lf adjust ing tenalor Its range )*-f *urk i* greater than any otnar ma chine. It# tnotioii-a are all positive. Ita hermnf’r turns any width >A hetu dssir d. it ta aitnoi I noiaeless. It will hein, fell, braid, o>rd, tuek, gath«er, bsm ■titch, gathar and sew on a ruffle at tbs same time without any extra acc<dnp*nyment. Ever; mai hlne ia warranted aa represented. FaU aot tocall ai'd •iam ui* th**« mazhina* bsfors pug- Uvma 1*1 Iia -L, kAk FOSTER Si RICHARDSON, BUFFA* . AGgttTS. -c- DEfUGSIM tt IN S B N C K A flN i. FLOUR, FACT POTTKB 8 PATENT ADJUnTAdi.K HTKMfl I BAGMARK9, LINEN MARKS, *>K8, HUtHIIKS And all naAriala on hand aad i-tade to order at dac Corner Exchaoq* \r j Waahiigton .t 1 W. W. PUTTER A OO CUAbtEM E. BR1NKW0RTH (LAW WITH OEO. H. STRONG.) ENGRAVER, #75 MAIN IT , CORKER EWAN, BUFFALO, N Y Visiting airtk, meaog rants, tc..%asatiy angrav*. aad prlatmU Oold andaUver anrking. Zinc Mgrni ci tte* omntry cured t o # * - ' . Baakett -a ."Vtt , (tom iup*d‘ed with I LK*>r NP* Plata . Lbdg* •»* Notary Eeato. SGttA .rlta tew; A c. mad* teTrtor. Ori*r* «>**utaJ i ROTTING SLEIGH8, -.—»««- sria S '!S .,S J 3 K --ft lDtii »J UtHltW I L A oqiio. cpaaiw o, h -atpo * ii «. Window C: pi and ttilla, •**#«#,«' Offo. a il Yard c .r*sr ol M^togaw ta. aaltb ( 1 " S - c;- a 11 'I " ' >

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Post on 01-Nov-2019




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Page 1: THE OLIVE BRANCH c o - NYS Historic · Total sinee.Jaii- 1, 13C9..... ,239 Sracia Exmara. Tbe foliowiug



|O x *11 ro ad s , excep t th e Lake S h o re , tra in * a rr iv e a n i leave on New York tim e , tw en ty m in u te r th u> Buffalo tiiu e .J


New York E x p re ss................................A ccom m odation .......................................I>ay E x p re ss ..............................................A tlan tic fc tprum (sleep ing c a r ) ........M i l a id A*-*-..inundation....................N ig h t E x |.re w (sleep ing ca r).............C inciiiiiali E x p ress ................................8 un.U> T ra in . ......................................

A R R IV E .N ew V-.rk E xpreae .................................H li te r Aocm-un >d»tion..................N i . t i t KX|ire«*.........................................Pacirtc E x p re ss .........................................A x o in m oila tion ................................. . .D a; K xpreaa..............................................

i fae tc r

4.35 A 11 4.15 A M 8 -JU A R 5L.40F M

cu la tod th a t D rew had aold to W oodw ard, -p u t* on , 50.00Uahares of « m m -.n no ck a t 7 0 fo r t b i r . r d .ra .

T lie follow ing w ere th e cloatng q u o ta tio n s ;

Money .......................................................E xchange, 00 d ay a ...........New f o r k C e n tra : ................................C um b erlan d ............................................. .4 j ic kail v e r ..............................................C a n to n ........................................................Pacific M ail ..............................W estern U nion T e le g ra p h ...............H a rtfo rd A E r ie ...............K rie ..

- 3 *6 * M E rie , p re fe r re d . .! !7 116 " M

. 11, 4 ) P MM O P M

12.15 A M . 10 30 A M . 0.30 A M . 12.00 V M

3.40 P M8 40 P M


I. je m t >n a n d T o ro n to E x p re ss ...................... 9.00 A MT >ront-j an d D e tro it K x p r- i» ........................ u . a u A MA ccom n u ta t io n .................................................... 1 If. P MK vcuioq E xpress ................................................ 7.15 P MBu Taio an d Lock p r t . ..................................... fl. 15 A ML-HiXi-.n a id Way (b e y o n d ).......................... 4.10 P M

A R R IV E.From N iagara t all* ,S ua. B rid g e ................. 7 4 5 A M1 r* n N iagara K ill*,Sun. Bridge . 10.05 A MFr.MU N iag a iaF td la .ttu a . B rid g e ................... S 60 I ' MF ro m N iagaraK *ll«,rtu*. B rid g e .................... ll 14 P Mf ro m L o c k p o rt....................................................... 10 .45A MP ro m L o ck p o rt . .................................................. 10.20 P

H udaon R iv e r . .

i a ked7 p. c


“ It o10» *

' h


'£ ?


. 7.00 A M 7 3 0 A M

. 2 60 I 4 10 P M7 2* P M

"1 1 .2 0 P M, 2.60 P M

. 1 10 A M

. r, M A M8 .60 A M

12 20 P M. 1 *7 P M

8.27 1' M

L 'g h tn ln g Ex pri .-ax...........................................B u ffalo D i.ia io n MailU iruellHville A uoom m odatlon .............C in c in n a ti E xpr^**.....................................L ig h tn in g K in ro ss (S u n d ay , on ly tra in ).

A RR IV E.F ir * York irey E x p ress..................................New York MailH o rn rilav llle A tjcornm odatlon ...........N -w York Nigirt, E xpress N..W York and B altim ore E xpress . .E m n ra w id C o irpug Mall


M uml...T K ip r » « - - 8.30 A MT h ro u g h T rain to C hicago (Sunday

■lu d n d )..........................................................E rie A ccom m odation .............................. -HtoainlK«at Kxpreaa (Sunday included).M igh t Exprw w ...............................................I*a> Kxpreaa, S u n d a y . ..B team Boat K xpreaa.....................................


.IN F .

12.15 P M 4 00 P M0 00 P M1 16 A M

12.15 A M 0.00 P M

N ig h t E xpreae ......................A tlan tic Kxpreea (Sunda.D»y Kxpreaa. .................C in c in n a ti KxpruHa.............

inc luded )8 5 5 A M2.10 P M «.46 P M

10 46 V M


M orning E xp !c u t.........................................D ay E x p re ss ..................................................Ac.iinunodathjM .................................................N ig h t E xpress ........................................................

Ni.-'lit Kxpreaa Ac u in ru o d a ti-t M orning Ex pre. flay Ex p ro m . .

ti 60 A M 12.60 P M3 30 P M 0 30 P JM

4 .00 A M12.10 P M o. 1 5 P M ii 66 P M

G R K .\T W EST. - v RAILW AY.

-.rning Kxpreaa .iy iU |.r« M ...............

r i om ui'/ila tiou . . . ■ Lean11.oat Kxpreaa

rxlna a rriv e a t . .

. 9.00 A M 11.20 A M 3 16 P M 7.! f» P M

. 7.45 A M

. JO.06 A M 3 60 P M

. 3 15 P M

B U FFA L O ii W A SH IN G TO N RAILW AY.T ra in leave* G cjitrai D e p o t............................. 10 40 AT ain leave* 4 am lral D epot.............................. 4.25 P

K T A U E H .| D epart fro m MKj a rriv e a t K rankiiu H ouse, conn

o f s cn cca and E llic o tt a treet* . |LEAVE........................................ Y Oil P .Bpri:

W l.itW illi

g v ille ..........................................o a C orner# and B.1 « to u ----u m v llle a n d C la re n c e .........

A RR IV E, ■'a C orner* and B o s to n .g v ille ...........................................unavdla and C la re n c e ..........

10.30 A M10.30 A M It'.OO A 51

F I N A N C E A N D T R A D E .

O F KICK o r T IIK BU FFA LO KXPKEH8 , ?Ti K.aoxT, N ovem ber 23 —fl P M f

Gut.ii in New Y o rk , a« te leg raphod to H ouse A C o ., B roker*, No. 10 E ast Seneca s t re e t , ranged a* foi

.............................I*, im ....... l- 'flj 6 r M ..................................

mini.* * '■' ie m e r c i o r N ew You* The fo llow ing1 th c oxja.-rts, (exclusive of #)*> ie) from tiu..f N c* Y..rW k. fo reign p..rUi f..r th e »eek

o-liil** Iti, lssSa, « tho la-ginning

F o r thc 'w cc l Prev iously

1868 8 3,:t:..»u4

. Ii'.l,471,616 141,504,2

P rice of <I J uii 1 « liil.lWiH.iW 6173,o4S,l*


Tlie follow ing show s tho Im p .rta of fo reign dry g oods and general m er handixo a t tlic p o r t of New York fo r th e week ending N ovem ber I'd, artd since the Itoginniiig of th e year:

F or th c week. 1K57 1S«8.D ry G o od* .. I 631,51)5 9 969,692G eneral Mur

2,386.4)89 2,fl9T,863ih a lid i.10

9 3,1)67,

9 34»5,581


| 1.14)4,861T o tal for w eek. $ 3,11 P reviously re

p o rted .........120,475,580 219,228,129 201 .UW.2U

Biuce .Ian. I . .9228,078,268 9212,883,48* #264.225,004

T he follow ing aro th e d ry goods im p o rts , Included In th e ala .vc, for th e sam e period:

r o r th e week. isti7 H 68 I860.E n te red a t p o r t $ 631,695 1 959 flW* f 885.682T hrow n on m ark e t jKi3,733 862,85J 746,370

Since J a n . 1.F ilte red a t p o rt . . . h i ,996,464 75.183,T hrow n on m ark e t

T he v \m Vember 20

831,124 7 t i of spe -ie du rin g th e week i w ere aa h Ih-ws;

T o tal fo r th e w eek .1 rev lously r e p o r te d ..

9 172,07429,986,139

- 930,16'x com pa

,239T o ta l sinee.Jaii- 1, 13C9......................S ra c ia E x m ara . T be foliow iug

s ta te m e n t of th e exjK .rU of sp-cie from th e p o rt of N ew York to fo re ign po rt* fo r e ig h teeu years, from J a n . 1 to N ovem ber 20, ls« 9 , and for th e c o rrespond­ing periods in th e m idernoted1 h.V.1. l*4is.

1*041S4J3.18452........1» « 1 .........

T he ree fo r th e v 91 o07,imh

7,213 68,258,070 64.341 782

. 58,243)524 27,266 302 43.420.TOI

. 42,5 0,2411866. .1864.. 1863.1862..

$41,960,880 .. t57 .*4*4,733 . 24,191,786 . 36,300,11 . 3o,326.464 . 36,679,

. . 37.ti82.Osl , . 23,6*8.003 . . 23.776,54'd

126.541 . . . 3,340,108

p u of f rac tiona l cu rren cy a t W aehingto i * k e n d in g N ovem ber 20, am o u n t t

1 he sh ipm enU to th e Aseixtant T rear „re*s w ere a* fo llow s: New Y ork , 9100,000;P h ilad e lp h ia , 9100,04)0. To th e U n ited S ta te s De positnriee B altim ore, 936,ood; C in c in n a ti, 960,000; t«. th e N ational B anks, A c., #368,000. T he Trea* u r e r ho lds in »ru e t for N ational R anks as security fo r c ircu la tio n , 9342,601,759; f • public deposit*. *19,408,oOO N ational bank n o t .-a b u rm d du ring th e w e e k , 9108,900; to ta l am o u n t b u rn ed , 91' 861,820; bank cu rrency issued fo r bills O ctro y ed d u rin g th e w eek . 92*54,730; to ta l issued therefo r, $17 Ci*7,'-J4). Balance d ue fo r m u tila ted notea, #154. 69(5 o u tb u i ld in g c ircu la tion a t th is da le , F299, 777 543. F rac tiona l cu rren cy deetr<>>ed d u rin g th ew eek , #360,990. ^


Ohio A Miaaiaprippi.........................................C. C. C. A In d .................................................New Je rse y f Je n tra l......................................M ichigan S o u th e rn ......................................U'htoag*. A A lto n .............................................Chicago A A lton , p ro /c rre d •-.........Bankers and B ro k e rs ................................T e rre H a u te ...................................................Terr* H a u te , p re fe r re d ............................W aheah ..............................................................W ahaah, p re ftn w d . ................................M ilw aukee A St. P a u l................................

*• “ p re fe rre d ...............F o rt W ayne......................................................Illinois C e n tra l.............................................C leveland k P i t ts b u rg h ..............................T o ledo.................................................................Toledo, p re fe rre d ...................................................... . . .N »rth W este rn .................................................. T4JN orth W estern , p re fe r re d ....................* .............. 87 JDel. A H ud. C ana l.................................................... . . . .M a n p o a a ..................................................................... SM ariposa, p re fe rred ........................................... 18Lake S h o re ................................................................. . . . .H a rlem .................................................................... 1S3 JH arlem , p re fe rre d .................................................. 136)M ichigan C e n tra : ................................................... l*wHt. J o s e p h ....................................................................... 89

44 p re fe r re d ................................................... . . . .Rock Is lan d ................................................................. 104$D ubuque, Sioux C ity .............................................. . . . .B oston W ater P o w er............................ 13]Chicago, B. Sl <4...................................................... 1**>Consolidated N. Y. r & H u d so n 9?J 9*

)p, do . . . ...................... 'S r ’iCoi c . k i . c ....................................... -uj

S o lvT reasu ry baJane -, 9*9,912,075 Kxpres* SUiek*The follow ing were th e do sin g q u o ta tio n .;

WeRs, Fargo A C o .................................................... 19A m e r ic a n ................................................................... *4A-lams............................................................ ............. 67 JU nited S ta te * ............................................................. 62]Merchant*' U n io n .................................................... t l

FO REIG N .Loxnoif, E w n in g Consols elosed 93] f-<r both.

Am erican w c ir i t ie 6 Tus of '82 93], do of 66 old,801; do ..f « r «♦ n> 4*>» 78],

B locks Krie 2o]; Illinois C en tra l 99] . '.lantic A G rea t W estern 26*


ItaiJroiwJ) d u r in g the- pad 24 hour*.F lo u r, bri* . . . . J6U4 I-cad, p ig i ........ 54tiW heat, b u . . . . 03,953 L um lier, ft

M llfred , lba.189,413

C orn , b u .......... 19 3(9 20,0"X)• HaIj*. I>U............... 22,500 Oil caks, a ck a .. 99liurb-y, b u ........ 800 Oil, bbia............. 3Butt* r , Ilia *60 O atinual, brla . 7l)r->oiii c u m . Id* 21 Peaa, bu 850Coal tn* . . WIS Potatoe*, l.u . 12J a ttle , u o ........ 21 P elts , bd la ......... 49H ardw are, pk;<* 2 S heep , no 182If ., ,a . no . . . 4 W hiaky, bbl* . 6Iro n , scrap* lba ■500,"XX)

U'xsxr, KxroKTfl. Tlie follow ing a re th e p r inc lpa cxjMjrt* by canal d u rin g th e |<axt 24 hours:

W h ea t, C orn , O ats, B arley, F lour liU bu. bu. bu brls

10.258 ............. 14,000 ........................... 39,906 ..........................................13,51 A)

643 . . . .

35,7Sti 40.442 14,000

ToTroy .........l . 't lc a .........L ockport .R ochester

T otal . . .T n a follow ing a re th e receipt* am i sh ipm en ts at

Chicago and M ilw aukee fo r th e p ast 24 hours a t re ­p o rted by te leg rap h :

rniCAno.Rec't*. H h.f/ts .

7.UUU 3.60036.000 2I,4.oo 20,4 400 *9,4>JO11,44410 28,004)26.000 200,00

2,400 . . .W.5‘)0 2 ,«»o

F lou r, brl* . W heat, hu .. C orn , b u . . .O ats, h u ___Ky.-, b u . . B arley , b u . .

MILWt!Rec't s. h liip 'ts

S. 04X1 9,4)0014",oo0 16o,U4j>i

'ing is the E levators

... Mr Wm. rd of T rade, t<> Die am o u n t last rioda of th e past

iHAiN im S to h * Hi'PPALO.- Tlie foil* ju n t o f g ra in L. f io m in Buffa M m day m orn in g , as r>-|Mjrte<

T inirvtotic, ticc re ta ry of Lie R- a Inch »« add th e flgiircs showing week and a t th e Corresponding p two years:

K y ., bu . . . H arley, hu

T H E M A R K E T S .

---------1869--------- x 1868. 1887.Nov. 22 Nov. 15 N ov. 20 Nov 26.900,000 329,000 327 000 114.00014.1,090 '46.'<00 j>9,00o *6,04:068,000 lfl4,4K»0 228,04)0 3,000

3 000 80,iHJ0 119',000 01,1)04)135,380 100,000 120,000 14,000

1,00010 ,(00

54a.3a0 79a,"/uo to 4 .* * ) | 25,6100

O F F IC E OF THK BU FFA LO E X PR E SS, 1 T l K tA T , N o r. 2k, l 't iy fl P. M. (

F lo i a 4jm e t and earner. Sales loO b rls W4ja 'erii 'lu te n lu te i a t #7 00. 60 t r l s S o u th e rn do a t 9T 50; M b rls a t #ti 2* U* 6 50 f'-r bak- rs ' and #C 00 for

S o u thern spring.M iisat Sales 1604) b u P t W ashiugLm a t #■ 05. C>,its Su; ply ligh t and m a rk e t firm . Sa cs 13,-

N--nd nunr.nal a t at*-.

Sale* r row ed Ca: mix at

I and neglected . Last ■ • 83c.

Baulk-91 00.

Rt* - 1Ht I kWHIAT S l i i c t w u i i r F

104) His.I’SAft Inactive

1 10Hka is Scarce mt 93 50tf®2 76 fo r prim e MiLuraxn Duil and lower City g round held

at #17 f->r coarse 9<9tg20 fo r tine, and 923>g3o

• ; r (Ju iet ' a t |3 50#t3 75 |>er

Selling in a sm all way a t J l 04'd

I F 2

i.h e .1

imail li'ta.

lig h er. New S ta te a t 2U'3??e.

a t |1 do fo r Ooarse, and 91 70 for

I'K.ivo. i s Heavy niena pork d u ll a t 929 50ijx30 00; lig h t do 92k 5 0 ,<r29 o»>. Ham* Sugar eured canvasaed scarce »t 19c, do. ehou lders a t H ]c . L ard firm a t IT] -r 17Jc.

I la ll F irm aiul scarce. M li.te a t $6 iU tfC 76, t r o u t a t 98 oo .rfl 26.Cod G eorge'* B auk, j»er 10 0 .................... ;.#7 26 1if7 60

.934 90 . . 17 60



ickerelr .b r ls . . 20 (Ki 1 I brla. 13

3 26 18 60 9 2 26

k ittsN->. 2 , b r ls .........

« b r l s . . ." k i t t s ___

H alib u .Iur herring ,

M b r l . . . . ! .........91 03 to 1 06. P rim e S ta te dair

10 00

Mack.Mess, b r la . . .

* brla" kitt* .

Selected , l.rls .,] hrl*.

“ k it ta .E x tra , h r i s ........

4 b r la .. ." l t i t D . . . .

H ioiiw i.nks Sale* si tail lutaB i r ra a F irm a t th e decli

scarce a t 40c. W estern easy a t 2V,g34)c.i llr.tea i^u iet and stea<ly w ith im proved dem and

a t lsicf 19c fur p rim e fa c to ry , farm dairy a t 16.5134:-F.uoa F resh scare* and h ig h e r a t 34c by the

barrel.CRANBXR.RIKS Steady a t 912 <>0 per b rl for Wes

te rn . 914 00-crl5 UO fo r Cape Cod.Ari-Lk* Dull aud easy a t $ j 60 t>> 3 04) per brl.PuTATuta Lull an.l p len ty . PeacUOlowa are

quo ted a t 50<£60c per hn by th e car load.H a l t—O nondaga 6ne 92 40;*« F2 65 |>er brl.l.XATHKR Active and firm at 34* fo r b est c ity aula;

second q ua litv M 32c; dam aged a l 21t^25c; Bucuos A yres w et salted a t 32c.

H in u G reen , loc ; w et sa lted , 10*Al2c; sheep |ielt.s, S0 <r&0c fo r shearlings. 70-<»80c fu r lami.s.

U'axAL Fhkio iit* Dull and unchanged . To New T ork W heat, 20c , co rn , lflo; oats, 1 lc ; staves, 91 00 )>er ton and to lls. To A lbany Soft wood #8 00<gf 8 5"; h an l wood, 910 00(^10 6i». To New York Soft wo .d, 910 00; ha rd wood, 912 <X>.

B O 3T0N LIVE STOCK.Kxxr Cattl* R eceipts li)50. D em and im proved ,

and for th e best k ind prices a re a shade h igher, but f..r m cilium aud com m on grades no change, they being ra th e r slow of iaid] Sales of e x tra a t 912 to 912 75. firs t qu a lity 111 t c # l l 76; second qu a lity Jo .Vi

J J infor

Sales of 254)0

tb e efterno4>n th e m a rk e t waa irre g u la r a t 90#c, aelier Nov. in ber.

C oax -Dull. Saies of N o. t a t 23] to S4c fo r No. 2 In th* a fte rn o o n No. 2 waa u n a e ttlc l a t St.c bid; aeller t h i . j> a r

O at* l)u f# t and Arm Halei o f No. 2 a t 43] to 44c.

RTB -4^uiet. No 2 a t o'lc.BaalST "quiet au d f irm e r . Buyers a t 91 04. Paov ia ioxa - D ull and easier. Sale* a t 929 08 to

929 3u fo r p rim e m esa; #28 60 to #27 00 fo r ri pork.

S v u r PitiLK ii H a a s Sales a t 19# to 19* fo r sh o rtribbed.

MiLOLxa -Looae a l 14] to 16e; rough side# a t 14] to I4]c.

D kt S altbh S hoclpex* I»oee a t 11] to l l ] c .L a rp saiee a t 17# to 17]c for ehoic* k e tt .a ren

<l#rtd, 18] Ui 17]c for choice r e a m .D xam rp H '- .s A ctive aud s teady a t 911 50 to

912 00.. 6 KXiull'4 D ull and nom inal

CHICAGO L IV E STOCK. C a t t l * (quiet a t #9 87] to 94 00 tor fair

98 04Mtt 97 00 for good sm ooth shipping.

OSWEGO.F lo c * - In good dem and anil r e a d y . Sale# IsOO

brl* a t |6 25 fo r No. 1 S p rin g , 96 60 fo r am ber W in te r; f7 00 fo r double ex tra .

W h ia t Dull. ta le * 9000 bu red W abeeh a t 91 2 1 .

4,o«x U nchanged. Sales 3404) bu a t f l 00.Ba* l«t In m odera te iem ai.d . Sale* 3600

u p lak e C acada a t f l 03, 15,304' bu do a t f l 03 j, ~5,000 Bay of iquint# a t 91 18 to f l 23.

K r* (quiet.P*a* (quiet.CoaxwKxL -92 00 per cwt.Mill F i i d U nchanged Short* |18"321.S m r a r r m 928-328.M1PPLIX0H J31 a 33 per tonC'a .val F rbiohts W heat 15]c; rye 15c; barley 12]

to New Y ork.Railroad F rkioots - F lo u r to BoeLm, 91 00; to

New Y ork , Stie. to A lbany , 7ae.I.a** I mkixth 22,300 bu w h e* ', 1700 hu barley ,

26,300 bu p eas, l.r.l,'X)0 ft .um ber.C abal KspoRTM—2290 brla f lo u r ,20,0"W bu w heat,

63,00") bu iiarley , 14,8'X) bu rye, 10,600 bu oata. 1,109,000 f t lu m b er.

TOLEDO.F loi * - (q u ie t.W h ia t s te a d y and regu la r. W hite M ichigan a t

?1 10; arniier a t #1 11; N o 1 r4.*J a t $ 1 12, N-». 2 red 91 07], No. 3 red a t 91 oO.

C oax Steady. N o 1 a t 92c; No 2 s t 9oeOatm Advancwi lqs2.-. No 1 a t 66c.DRM8BD H oo* $12 00 to 912 50.R*caiTT» 2800 h ris Hour, 7500 bu w heat. 1000

oa**.w t, 6O0u

M ILW AUKEK. F l c c r Dull arid unchanged. W h e a t— F irm No 1 a t 93c, No G at* S teady aud uDchtng*<l Coax F in n At fe6c f ..r No 2. Rva N om inal.B arlbt I nchanged.F ux iuu r* -N om iuaJ

M A R I N E .

A rrived i earner In te rn a louai, May

1*0 RT o r BUFFALO...................................................... Nov. 23.

F o r t E rie ; 1* ers scrapJ W hitm ore; 440 bu barley O Lang, 1 bx p l.n

3 bxs b u tte r , 08 lam bs, 78 sheep , 1 c a r m illfeed , IS c a ttle , 20 sheep , 1 ca r peas, 26 bxs b u tte r , 3 ca ttle , ow ner. 440 bu barley M urray h L ynde; 548 pigs lead b in a d ia u of Com m erce; 14 cars scrap iron P ia t t . t ( 'o ; 1 car scrap iron U I W orks; 7 car* scrap iron E m m ett F lem m ing.

P ropoller E qu inox , M oore, Chicago; 22,600 bu oats, 1694 l.rls H our, 1*9 pkg- linseed m eal, 35 bu oat m eal, 6 b rls w hiskey, 3 brls red oil. 4 brls po tatoes, 21 bis b room corn , 49 bdls pe lts , 4 bxs sunds 2 bxs h ard war* S Caldwell ag t

Tug D an fo rth , Ryers F t C olborne; ligh t.Tug P ro tec tio n , Thlc<,tt, p t Abino.Bark S I il W a’sun, Maaori, I f ilw auk*e; 89 ba w heat

J a s D Sawyer.Bark L o ttie W olf, M oFaddeu, M ilw aukee; 20,403 bu

w heat J M Richm ond.Bark D ; : -*ir M ist, W o U o it; M ilw aukee; 30,550 bu

w hpat Bank of AUlca.Bark Alic >, G oldsm ith Chicago; 19J94W bu eom M L

C rittenden .Schooner R esolu te , W ax, C leveland; 389 tons coai

P am ham A A Fen.Scho*jner Eli B ates, M urray , E rie ; 6()0 L .na *.j*I E

Hai r<i. ne r N ettie W eaver, Kelly, T oledo; 169,414 f tlum ber, 27 m ft h-gs S ca tchan l A lieltwn.Cleare«l................................................................ Nov. 23.

S team er In te rn a tio n a l. Mav, F o rt Erie.S L a m e r Ivanhoe, N cN ish, F o rt Erie." "peller Toledo, Sisson, Chicago.’1 ug n t Law rence, Thr.m jison, F t Colbornel ug G race L D enny,, Tonaw anda.Tug F L D an fo rth , Byers, P t C olborne; light.Tug (quickstep, H ow ard, T -i awundaTug P ro tec tio n , T a lco tt, P o in t Ahino.Bark Sain W ard, lJ trge , A shtabula .ic b o .ner 11 C P, K irby , P t H u n n .Schooner J V T%ylor, G lenn , Chicgan.Scho.m er O tte r , Sh illkauff, Chicago; 2000 h ris lime.Schooner M iranda, Brown, D e tro it; 300 ton* coal.Schooner L lhhie N an, Pe te rson , Chicago; 2400 brls

lime.Schooner B lossom , N o p p ia , P t Dover,

hooker Defiance, FI«L-her, D unville. h coner W in K elly. MaKay, Cleveland.

Schooner G L B row n, B erg, C hicago, 4)0 to n s coal


• I

M er. U nion K x . U n ited S ta te* .. . A m er. M. U . . • •Fucith Mai".......N V. C eutral.

10 11 ik 1

E nH aH u d .-

- • - • 34] ...........62] 62#

183] D 2J 182] Hit t o j *

i K .K ea«ling.............M ich. C e n t-----M ich. S .............111. C e n t .............C leve. .V P i t t i C leve. .v T o l .O . A R . I ..........W U. T e l . . . .

To1 * W ab........Chi. A A lto n . . ■C an to n .................N . W estern ........N. 'v e s t, p ..........C hicago, B. «V <J.Q u .e k a d .e r ........O x Mi--"..........Md k > t P . . . . Mil. A S t. p p.

136. . . . I8J | 98] 98] . . . . 120 . 90] 90]. . . . 137 .. . . . 89!

104] 104] 1. . . . 35]


• •• l « i ...........

. :v . r : ? ,

i s 73] 73] . »7] s7 ] 8S -

: : : : is j : : : : . . . . 26]

62# . . . . 62]34 34j611 6 1 | -

1 82 | 1 S2 | 182] 28# 28] 2d]

133 .................182 .................9S 98| 98]

89j 90 90]

103] 104 36] . . . 86] 86] 67] . . . .19 . . . .

. 68 ] . . . .


of 'B i­ l ls6-20’ a •

< W |...........84] . . .

. . . . 113] . . . 113]


. reg 113]i of T.2. 115]

6-'('•* "f lA 113]6 20 * ..* '66 113] . . . . 11;6-20’s '86, n e w .. l l u j . . . . 1 1 :

. . . 113]

113]1 5]

6-20** 't)6 , n e w .. 116] . . . . 115# . . . . 115# ..............5 2u’s '67, ne-.v.. 116 . . . . l l v j . . . . 1 1 5 # .................6 2»'v 'tW, new . 116* ------ 1 u# ----- U 5 i ...............10 4 0 a ........ 107# . . . . 1071 . . . . 1 0 7 } .................

CLOSING QUOTATIONS.M osey ra th e r m ore active a t fled7 p. o. for ia l

loans, s te r lin g E xchange q u ie t a t lu 8 ]-<*luw Io dr* t claa* bills. Gold firm er, opening a t 128] aud ch sing a t 128] . G o vernm en t*du ll a d hea r

Tne follow ing w ei* tlie closing quotations:

V. 8 rogfstered 6's o f 1881........U. S, coup*, na of l a t i l ...................6-20a reg istered '62 ...........................U . 8 . 6-20 coupons of 1 M 2 .........U B. 6-2*) coupons of la8 4 .........U 8 .5 -2 0 cou jsina of lo6 6 . . .V tt. 5-20 coupons of J a n . and JU tt. 6-90 c oupons of 1867.........U 8 . 5-20 coupou* ef 1868.........V tt. 10-40 re g is te re d ..................U 8 . 10-40J eei C u rren cy , O’*..Pacifica.............

Tlio E n e Raiiwajr C om pany's annual d iv idend of 7 per cen t o n p re fe rred •%* k , payable in m ie re - t bearing scrip , hav ing flve ye r* to r .n , w ill be ready fo r deh v e .y a t th e T reasu rer 's office on and a f te r De- c**id>- r 16 to reg is te red h o der* of a tock. The i.e n a fe r will eleae D vcem iier 1 and re open l> tc tuber 16. . . .

Stock* do sed s tro n g Tli# r es and ac tiv ity in J jp fd jw es tc rn eha e» i* d ue to th e rep o rt fiee ly clr-


B id . A sk ed .. . . 11S 118]. . . 119 118 ]. . . J l* ml

115#i i* * 116]

. . . 113] 114' « 115! 116]

. . . . 1161 118

. . . . H 5 l 11810T j107}

i o 7 | 107]

NKW YORK.Cottox- l l e 'v y and ]c low er,

bales a t 26e for m iddling up 'anda.Flo* a. R eceipts --f 39,273 brls. F lo u r heavy and

in b u y e r 's favo r, w ith ra th e r m ore do ing . Sale* of 10,4(k> bl.D , a t #4 45 t-.‘g4 96 for euperflue S ta te and W estern ; $6 10 to fl 00 for com m on to choice e x tra S ta te ; 94 95 to 8 00 fo r do e x tra Weet e rn ; 96 90 to ti 35 for good to choice w hit# w lieat e x tra ; 96 26 to 6 00 for com m on to choice R.H. O hio ; $5 7 5# 8 00 fo r r m m on to fa ir e x tra S t |,oui«; 98 60 to 9 00 fo r good to choice do , closing du ll, ine lud ing 3500 low * redes e x tra for export.

Rve F lo i-a Dull and declin iag Sales of 200 bb s at 94 60 to #fl 00.

t'oaVMKAL— In m odera te req u est. Sale* 400 brls i#st< rn p riva te t r r m . 200 b rls c ity a t 96.# |

WitissT Ixiwer. Sales of 360 obis W estern e t 91 t j 91 07] free.

Receipts of 96,231 b u . W heat 1 to tc t e t t e r , m ore do iog both f.-r eX)»*rt and speculation . Sales of 134,"O0 bu*. at #1 09 to V 15 for No. 3 Spring ;#1 23 to 91 25 fo r No. 2 do ; J l 28 to 1 30 for Ne. 1 dc:*1 15 to 1 25 for W in ter red Illinois; J l 80 to J l 34 for W in te r red and am ber W estern ; J l Sl to 91 35 for ain tier S ta te ; J l 35 fo r choice o ld No l S pring ; 95 for re jec ted sp r in g ; J l 50 fo r w h ite M ichigan, J l 80 for w hite C alifornia.

KT6—Dull.BakLBt Heavy and lower. Sale* ..f f9,()00 bu a t 91

to J l 06 for tw o-ruxed S ta te , #1 15 for C anada East.

Hakliy M alt (quiet. Sale# 8000 bti C anada » t t i a t 91 CO.

Cox.v Receipt* of 2362 bu. Corn ..pened shade li« tte r b u t d u ll an d sv a celv so firm . Hales of, 47,000’bu e t 91 06<91 10 fo r uuw .und; #1 X0 ] ^ 1 1 | fo r sound m ixed W eateni

O a t* -R e c e ip t# 25.663 bu. d a ta m ore a..-tivi opening firm ar d rloaing declin ing Saiee of 94, hu a t 64c to 66Jc fo r W estern ; 64 t Lpflc foi S ta te , closing a t 65c.

R ice—Dull- Sales of 25 tee a l flfe fo r U ar.dtua i \ , r r u Q uiet. Sales o l 900 bags Rio on p t. ttfOAk—Lee# ac tive . Sales o f 810 hhda of C uba

l l Ul l i e . I l l t . ' 15. L r P - - ! “MokJUMBH- Dull.PiT aoL B ta Q u ie t a t 20o fo r erud# and 33]

fo r re fim d .H o rs -D u ll » t 20 to *Sc for A m en an.P i .r* —► in n e r . Sx ea of 650 brla a t J3S 60 to JS3 75

.ess d o s in g |S 3 75 ca-h ; #24 50 to 926 00 for p rim e; en d 927 00 to #30 50 for p rim e mess.

Ke*r - S tead v . Sales 140 b rls a t 55 00® 13 00 for new plain n-ese;J10 0 0 0 1 7 00 fo r n ew e x tra mess. T ieree beef Ulead; and m ore ac tive . Sales 1000 tcs e i J2fi 00 to Ti 00 fo r p rim e m eee; 9*0 00 to 32 00 for Ind ia mexa

B**r H ams iq.det. Sales of 90 b rls a t 916 00 to *1 (0 fo r o ld . 932 00 to J33 60 for new

Clt M tats Q u itt and heavy, s a le s of 76 pkg* a t 12 to 13}c fo r ehoulders; 18018c fo r hams.

Miudlbs - F irm and qu e t. Sales of 170 boxes of e ity on p t .

Lard F in n and in m odera te dem and. Salas of 400 tcs a t ls0 1 » c fo r steam ; 19 to 19]c fo r k e t­tle rendered . Alxo 760 tea steam seller fo r F eb ruary a t 18] to 18]c.

B o m a —S teady. Sales a t 20®S3c for O hio. 96® 46c fo r S tate . *

C H U H ~ Q uiet a t 17 to 18c

P ro p e lle rs ,* ; bark* , 11; b rig s , S; t u j r . l ; barges, t ; schooner*, 36: eeowe, 6 . T o ta l, 62.

P o x r o r M ilwai bxb, N dvem ber i \Buffalo BTrk C i'y c f Painesvilie. C leared for Buffalo P rop N ebraska , 10.000 b a e hea t, 4400 brls flour, 857 b rls p o rk , 175 tc* beef, 135 tcs la rd , 64 bris t a l lu * , 66 Laics w ool, 1-ft em p ty o il barre ls , 42 w agon boxes ; b rig W aucom a, 20,00 bu w hea t ; *<-hr C H in k ley , 20,000 bu w heat ,J ech r K ate H inrhm an, 13,700 I u w heat.

F ia a r axd L ast. Tlio lia rs L o tu s W olf has g .ne to E n e , w here she w.ll load w ith coal fo r Chicago. She was th e firs t sail vessel th a t reached Cldeag'- from th is p o rt on th e open ing of navigation last May, and if she succeeds in go iug th ro u g h she will p robably be th e la s t fo r th ia

Morb D isasters—We iuarn by special te leg ram tb a t th e schooner L incoln Dai! i# asno re a t T h u n d er Bay P o in t. T he schooner W illiam F iik e is also p orted asho re a t D evil B iver.

A T otal Lose. A p riva te te leg ram s va th a t th e new bark C arling fo rd haa b roken ln tw o a n d gone to pieces. H e r o u tf it is a li th a t wili be saved.

P rg p b l lb * B b llb B c b x is . T he sm ell propeile: Belle waa destroyed hy fire ou L ake M ichigan last S a tu rd ay e vening . T he fo llow ing d e ta ils o f th e d is­a s te r a re fu rn ished ky th e C hicago Journal

T be Belie was on h e r w ay from M anitowac to Mil­w aukee, laden w itk lu m b er, wood an d shingles. There w ere b u t six persons on board , wh«. wer* C ap ta in P a trick H am as, Man it >woe, firs t m a te G eorge Dueold, M anitow ac; first en g in ee r, G eorge Wall*, M ilw aukee: second en g ineer, R iekl F u lk en , M ilw au­kee; C harles M eyeiv, and w heelsm an, C harles Men fus, M anitowoc.

W hen off F o r t W aahington , W is., th e boa t waa d b covered to t e on fire. T he lake was verv rough at the tim e , th e sea ru n n in g ao l.igh th a t i t seem ed a- if no com m on row boa t could be k e p t ride *id« u p very Jong. N everthe less, th a t was th e only re so r t of the rtii'-ers a ’.d c rew , aud th e bo a t w*a accordingly low

ered and all g o t in to her, w hen th c b u rn ing vessel waa abandoned . In a few m om enta a f te r th e fire first broke o u t, th e flame* had spread so rap id ly th a t it wa* found im po s ble to ex tin g u ish th em , and soon a f te r th * row boa t was pushed off th e p ro p e 'le r was

om pietely enveloped in flames. F o u r of tb e crew 'ere saved, b u t tw o of th e p a r ty , C aptain B erne-

and C harles Me-Jfus, w ere lo st. T he body of Captain Barues wm b ro u g h t to th is p o rt , w ith th e surv ivors, by th e brig H u tch inson , l t appears th a t a f te r d rift iug a b o u t in tb e ojieu b o a t lo r »everel h o u rs , and uffering te rr ib ly from exposu re to th e cold and the ■earing w ares , fou r o f th e party w ere picked up

alive by th e C aptaiu an d crew - i th e H u tch inson . Im m ediately upon th a a rriva l o f th a t vessel in thi* p o rt, tlic C oroner was norifled of th e fac t. H e p ro :eeded U> B u rling ton il ip , where th e vessel w*» n oored , and held an in quest ou th e rem ains. The e rd ic . was in ace irdance w ith th e te iliiu o n y given

je low . Thc w atcli of th e deceased was stopped at tw enty m inu tes to t) o’clock, a t which tim e it is su p ■used th e accident occu rred , a lth o u g h th e statement*"■ I those rescued place it a t a ls te r h ou r. C aptain iiarnt-i wa* form erly -.f Clyde, W ayne c o u n ty , N. N .. wl.ere hia paren t* still reside Me was ab o u t tw en ty th ree years of age

T h f'B e ll was insured for*I0 ,0 t)0 o n a val 912.500.

.1 ua tion of

T H E CANAL............................................ .Nov. 23 A 23.Jam es L eig lon W H Bowman liv id P lum b BuffaloJ K B en tley , J r Lockport .......................................N u t. 22 A 24

A rriv ed .........Jo h n H Leach Blue Bird M edina

Cl. a re d .........J K Niles, R in eh a rt lu m b er A lbany ,Ja s V room an , Covell, staves do do.(rix ie H F i-her, R uby , 784)0 co iu .W m B H oyt, lo r d , staves T roy.H 8 H ebhard , B lam pin. 7900 corn M oute/iuua. G eo W h itt nd en , M yiick, 6500 w hea t Lockport Medway, P ack ard , 14,000 oats T roy.L ieu t Gen G ran t, ( 'o le , 7868 w heat do do.C arrie K ing, V anderw ort, 7GO0 w heat do do.F S hoem aker, C arro ll, 8200 corn M ontexuma. Buff *lo, D evendorf, feed Troy.Jo h n H L each, C rosby, 704)0 w heat L ockport.J ri F.ldridge, D rake, 697a w heat and 542 oort

R ush esterA D H oyt, B row n, 8000 corn M utitesuiua.T hree 8 i*terx, D ickinson, SOO) corn do do. i'eerless, K rapp , lu m b er Rochester.’ "A K W eld, D u.II, lum b r Medina.

i has H en ry . S tan u e iu , ..fc........K S m ith , S tanfield , Ii3ht do *:•».

L A D I E S ’ r t n n f l i x f i . R I S I C U .

F U R S ! F U R S ! !

S M I T H & B R O T H E Ra r ; l a i n S t r e e t ,

Have on han d a large and stiotee m l j u • f



intion of buy- h ew h ere , feelii0 confiden t

t h a t th ey cau offer th em su p e rio r advan tages.

To w inch th ey inv ite th c p a rticu la r at ers before pu rchasing th e e

The stock eonsists in p a r t ef





Aj >, a large v arie ty e f

C e n t s ' F u r C u p s , M u f f l e r s , G l o v e s ,


H igh*st prioe paid fe r R AW F U R *. J29toal


Blindness snd Deafness Cured. U T i n a i i t n s a i d e a r D D i a s i i s i i n s

CA TA RRH C U R E D W IT H O U T PA IN . CONSULTATION..........................................................FR E E

Office S . D iviaion e t . , l e iw .e n M ain a n d W aahing ion s ta ., buffalo, N. Y.

F. G. STA N LEY , M. D ,Of th e O phthalm ic H osp ita l, New Y ork ,

M W F _________ L ate B argeon C . 8 . A.

T H E S U K t : C U K E

JE N N E R ’S C O l'G H M IXTUREJu re s C oughs, Colds, U nerteness, and all affection* if th e T h ix a t o r Lungs. F ifty een ta per bo ttle ,

he ld ee l v byE . JE N N B R . ChWaMt,

418 # » '" « « • * « *be Park.

L U M B E R .

j y r O S E S S M I T H ,


B etw een 'T upper aiul G ooden six.,

Ha* on hand and well eaaoned,PINE, HICKORY, BLACK WALNUT. CHESTNUT,


Mqdhht, Ba«w#oi Iipif, Birrh. Buitemut.PLA N ED AND M ATCHED FLOORING,

J e i 'in g and S iding, S haved , Sawed and C u t Shinglcn and L ath .

H aving ov e r tw en ty th o u san d nuperflciai fee t of slieda for th e b e tte r p ro tection and iteasouiiig of try hard wood and o th e r lu m b er, a fac t u n para lle led in th s S ta te , and w ith a large s tock co n stan tly on hand

frcaenLi a ilvan tagcs t-> all desiring Good and D r; um ber rarely to l># fou n d .

nraciAL to tu b b u f fa lo a x r t V b sss ls P xssixo D b tro it . T hs follow ing vessel a

passed N ov . 23, u p to 8 P M :rum n Prop Cam pbell a nd b a rg e ;.b a rk Mar.\ Jan e ;

*ehra Exile, tteoville, M argaret Dali.• I'p Props Idaho , D ic ta to r; sch r G e rr it t S tn ith . I'U and S ch r <ieo W aud.A rrivnl — P rop Tioga.W ind N orth .I .a rk F uk io iits . Very few vesicles s re_offering f**r

up. fre igh ts. To-d*y Collins A H enry m ad s th e fo l­lowing engagem ents : Bark L o ttie W olf, coal E rie to ''■ic >go a t | 2 05 free in aud o u t ; bark Alice, eoal to

i * ™ : . . . , * 1 0 0 ' r~At l i e t r . l t N .T — .V r * - «h »

u teuU w .rc tc i .o r t .d : S th t . W*"> “ ■*d , w heat to Oswego a t 10c; sch r J a n e JUhrtO1 »

lum lie r A u ttauble to Buffalo a l #5 00.Port of C iic a o o , N ovem ber to . — Arrive*l from

Buffalo. Prop* S u n , M ohaw k, B radbury ; sch r Anglo •axon; bark R ariue; sch rs Im p eria l, F ran k l ’erew.

Cleared fo r Buffalo B arks E C o m in g , S t L .w - •uee 10,18* bu rye , S b rls flour ; sclira F W G ifford>

Newsboy. G a lla tin , 19,604 b e wiieat.T n a Scmmast. We give herew ith a claa lfled liat o

th e vessels w hich have been rep o rted aa having met* s a ile rs d u r i r g tlie p ast week. T be lis t is fa r from

com plete as m any vessels a re s till m ia»icg and unac counted for on one h a n d , w hile on th e o th e r many- unknow n w recks have been seen a t various places a long th e coast. N o e 't im a te on th e am o u n t of low. can vet he m ade w ith any accuracy.

PKOl-BLlBKtf.Thom as A. S co tt in th e S tr a ;ta. P rohab ly to ta l

loss.G ran ite S ta te asho re a t Kelly'* 1-land. Since been

tak en to D etro it fo r repairs.Belie b u rn t off P o rt W ashington . T o tal lo»*.

BARKS.O neonta a th o re in S trait* . Total loss.G eorge T b u rs to n ash o re on N icholson 's Island , Lake

O ntario . T o ta l lose.Inv incib le asho re in T h u u d e r Bay.W. T . G raves, S ou thw est and C arlingford w ent

ssho re a t t h s M anitous. The Graves has been got off. T he o th e rs a re low.

P. S. M arsh ashore a t Bois B lanc Islaud. Since g o t off.

P ride of A m erica lo st h e r canvas. T aken to P o rt B urw el'.

W inona dam aged by collision w ith p rop N ebraska S ince a rrived here .

De Soto dism asted am i badly dam aged on Lake Superior.

F on tane lle stru ck a reef in S tra it* ; reach ing Mil­w aukee t>adly dam aged.

BEios.Concord sunk seven m iles off P o rt B urw ell. Total

Ioxi w ith six lives.B anner asho re on P o in t. S. F. Gale canvas

carried aw ay; b ro u g h t here .Tl'oa.

Kat-j Cerloch b u rn ed off C leveland.BABOSS.

Henr.i How ard and W arrin g to n ashore iu Saginaw B ar

Iow a ashore a l K ew aunee. T otal loss.ICHOOXBka.

Je n n ie and A nn ie , ashore n ea r Racine. Probably to ta l loes.

A. S. H anson and Q uickstep , ashore on Long Point.

Eliza W h ite ,su n k tf f P o rt Dover.C a ( f l W ing , sunk a t C olchee 'er. T otal I


(F o rm erly M arket B uild ing .)

J a m e s W . B ro w n & C o .,DEA LER S IN

.Vll DpiCripl iocs df Planed Limbfr,AND M ANUFA CTU RERS OF

I K K )K S . M ( ) U L 1 ) 1 N ( tS,A N D O T H E R JO IN E R S ' W ORK, PA CK IN G BOXES, Ac ; lu m b er planed *uwe<i n r o th -rw i«e w orked to o r­d e r p rom ptly and in th e bu»t m anner.

H aving in one of D obson A Belding’s scroll S4W9, w ork of th is k ind will be dune w ith ex trao rd i­nary sm oothness and rao id ity ; and having also in op ef t i o n “ M cClelland's p lan ing m achine d u s te r ,’’which rem oves t ;i®.',l,*v ' nKB ^ro m t,ie n ttc h in e as soon ai n»d .-. t h ; 'p l5 , . . 1 >> n,A,« m ueh .m ~ . th .rth a n w ith o u t th is new eon trivan* ... A long ̂ex p en ene** in th e businea*, an*i having new m ac-..2 vry ot th e iiest k in d and w ith th e la te s t im provem ent* w arran t an assurance th a t tlic work of tiiis nu ll will be of a first c h a rac te r and claa* in every respect.




l{usiian|Siiblf,Hudson H ayJ'uble,

Dark Mink,(iernian Fitch,

Silierisn Stjuirrt-l, River Mink,

F re n c h i Salile,

Aslrakhau Sacques,Persian Sacques,

Seal Sacques.



E J t i l r f a n d C a n s ,FOR M EN ,.B O Y S A N D ‘C H IL D R E N , AT .P R IC F


C A L L A N D H E C O N V IN C E D .


M a i n S t .


■ A f t l F A C T F K E S .

g U F F A L O

STEAM T I L E W o r k s .

P U F F E R 8TREH T, COLD SPR IN G #. BRA N CH O F F I HC.......................................M9 8*ceea st

JO H N ROBSON, Supw r-nSencent. H avim r p 'aced steam in o u r w orks,w e a re new i rr

pared to fill al. o rder* f.»r S E W E R V IPE 4 and I RAIN TIL E . F an n e rs and o th e rs w ishing to d rr ii ’heir an d will flt.d o u r R ound. C ra l an d 9 ju a re I ,le tb e

beet m ade and h a r d e a b u rned . W hen req u ited • x p -rienced m eu will he sen t u> p u t them in. jkll o r ­d ers se n t to 82 Jackson s t , o r P o r to ttc e box 2 c 4 t


s i r s s i k T i e i i a



H ead q u a rte rs fo r any tliing in T H E

' n u m b e r - L i n e .B E S T W O R K S IN T H E S T A T E .

W ith a ll th e m odern im provem en ts fu r m akingB i l n D r i e d . S a - d i , D o o r s . B l i n d s ,

and all k in d s of finished work fo r bu ilders.A o >nat*nt su p p ly of D ry F loo ring , O il in g , Siding

S tuff, M ouldings and B racket* k ep t ou hand . Also large stock of R ough Lum ber, Jo is t * and T im ber, th e ir old stan d ,

COR. M IC H .G A N ST A N D T H E CANAL, »Near< 'en tra l and Erie Passenger Depots.

P 1 H R I 8 T E Y k J E X K S .J (Successors to A r th u r C hristey .)


P R IN T E R S ’ AN D B IN D ER S’ STOCK,Nos. 200 and 202 M ain S t., Buffalo.

A R T H U R C U R I8TE__________________J K * K a

C . W O O D R U F F A C O .,

PAPH lAJllFM’TliKES ASD DIALH8,24 a n d 23 PE A R L T R E E T , BU FFA LO ,

Keep on han d a n d m a n u fa c tu re to o rd e r paper* of every g ra d e , avt W holesale Price*.

CASH P A ID for *11 k in d s o fP a p w stock.W arehouse of th e N iagara Falls P ap e r M ills, Wy-

o tning P ap e r M ills, E rie P a p e r Mills.L C. W O<U)IU.'Kr. ED W A R I) KEROTENS,; n IR K cD O r.I .IH . O I R R . V P W .IO D R I'E

F loi-a 95 50.

W u aa r

CHICAGO.D ull aud nom iual. Spring e x tra s 93 75 to

S teady. Sale# of N o. * a t 90] to 91«. Iu

one life. iS co tland , ashorq a t Pigeon Bay.J . seph CiK-hraife, lost h e r canvas. Sin«-e arrived

hereJ u lie tte , ash-Te a t N an ticoke. No p articu la Sam A nderson , asho re a t P o rt D over, fu ll of a s te r V olun teer, asho re s t P o rt O ntari".A> row , asho re a t Grosse Po in t. Lake M ichigan.

T o tal loai 8-fth * i ;h t lives.Eclipse, dapvized a r d sunk ln K enosha H arbo M -ntaagle, ashore a t Long Poin t. P rohably

loss. ,P ln n o u th Rock, K ate K elly , B aham a and L'olum

b id , aahote in tttra ita . Moet if n o t all a l l 1 prove to ta l'4.a*.*.

Tracy J . B ronson, ashore in H am m ond 's Bay. L incoln D ali, ashore a t T h u n d e r Bay Peln t.P h ilo ttcovill. L. S . H am m ond and S upply , ashore

a t M anitous. ttcovil'.s lias l>e*n g o t off. O ther to ta l lots.

J . F. W aru e r. aslio re a t A u Sable , L ake H uron Shook, ashore a t Rond E su . 'T otal loss.H arvest H om e, sunk a t Mud Lake In Sault.M Ivina, ashore on W hite Shoals. Badly dam aged. Mary o 'G o rm an , found ashore u- a r O jw ego I

ilamaged an-l abandoned.R acer, fo undered in Lake H uron . Total loss. M argaret R . Goffe, lost canvas and r u id e r ; b rough t

in here.H . Mr>»», d n v e n lu c k to M ilwaukee badlv daiu

aged ia rigging.S u th e rlan d , a*hore a t M ichigan Ci y.S ouven ir a n d M- M itchell, ashore a t South Haven. T raveler a n d Alic* C raig, asho re a t ttt. Jo seph ,

L ake M -chigan.S t. P e te r , ashore ou G reen Island. T otal loss


M ona a sh o re a t K elly 's Island.Sea B ird a a h e te a t R ock F alls, Lake M ichigan.D. R- B ram an ashore a t K elly 's I-land.M ona fau n d ered on I ake M ichigan; to ta l »oea Witk

all bands.W m. B ates, J o h n L illie and J . M Itou ashore a t St.

* u ’.te r GUI aakore a t K elly 's Island

B O O K S A M D S T A T I O W E K T .

g L A S K B O O K S .

,T . L . C H I C H E S T E K .t M A N U FA CTU RER,

Shipfise. Cvswrnal VAsrk. BuTing u<i Bisdisg

T he m o st e x tensive stock ia th # c ity a t wholesale jrices. AH th e new style# of




ROYAL ERM IN E And an Im m ense asso rtm en t of cheap F u rs . Arctic W hite F o x , W olf, B eaver and Buflalo RoDee. Buyer* and S hippers of Raw F u rs . L. A. SIR R E T ,

913 M ain st.

D K V O K A T I O N .



Make y o u r ho>. using th e


rom fortahle in cold w ea ther by



I W E A T H E R I S T R I P .


M . H . B I I t G E ,

lm porter*auil D ealer in

PapT Windffw ]Sb k Oil"U#tbs. ltrN


^ Y ^ K ’S

5 A R S A P A R I L L A ,r O K P U R I F Y I N G T H E B L O O D .

T he re p u ta t:on th ie ex . ee llen t m edicine en joys is derived from ita cure*, m any of which a re tru ly m arvellous Inveteratu- cases of Scrofulous d s- eascs, w here th # system seem ed saturate*! w ith co rru p tio n . hav# bet u p 'ir fled and su red by it. hc -ofulous affections and

u tisordent, w hieh wer* ag grava ted by tiie serofuious co n tam ina tion u n til they

were p a in fu lly afflicting, have been radically cured in -■ucli g n a t num liers i ■ a im >xt every section of the co un try , t h a t th e public scarcely need .to be iaform sd of its v irtu es o r uses.

Scrofui.-us puisou ia one of t |ie i;i- s t destruc tive enem ies o f o u r race. O ften , th is unseen and un fe tt te n a n t of Die organism underm ines t i u constitu tio n and inv ites th e a tta ck of c n ftcb lin g o r fa ta l diseases, w ith o u t e x c itin g a suapi. ion o> ita presence. Again, it seem s to breed in fection th ro u g h o u t th e body, and th en on som e f*v«.iable occw-ion vapidly developing one o r o th e r of i ts hideous fo rm s, e ith e r ou th e stir face o r am* ng th e vital*. In th e la tte r , tuberc les m av be suddenly deposited in th e lu n g s o r h e a r t , or i lu iuom form ed in th e l iv e r, o r i t shows i u presence ̂>y e ru p tio n s on tb e sk in o r foul u lcera ti '-:is pm some

p a r t of th e body. H?nc* th * occasional use of a but tie of th is B»rst|»*riila ia advisable, tv e n w hen nu active sym ptom s of disease appear. Persona afflicted w ith th e follow ing com plaint* generally fina immed: a te re lie f, a nd a t leng th <-ure, by th e use of th is SARSAPARILLA : St. A n thony 's F ire , R o-e or Krysi|ielaii, T e tte r . Sait k h e u m .'t tc a ld H ead , R ing­w orm , Sore E ye.-,snd o th e r e ru p tio n s i r risib le fo m u of Scrofulous d ia e v e . A lso, in tlip m ore conceded fo rm s, aa p j 9|>e]>.iia. D ropsy, H ea rt Disease, Fit*, Epilepsy, N euralg ia , and th e various I Iceroua affec­tio n s of th e m uscu lar and nervous sy ttiin s .

S rptiili* o r V enereal an-j M ercurial Dweases a rt cured by it , th o u g h a long tim e is requ ired for sub du iug these o -vtiumte m aladies hy any medicine. B ut long c o n ticu ed uve of th is m edicine w ill cure th e com plaint. Lc-ucorrhcra o r W hites, U terine U lcerations u d Kern de Diseases a re com m only soon rel eve<l and u lt u ia te l. curctl by i u p u rify ing s n d in­v igorating tf le e t M inute d irec tio n s to r each case can l»c found in o u r Alm anac supplied g ra tis . Kheu- m at-siu *iid G ..n t » »-in ,,y ^ .-cum ulations ofex traneous m a tte is in th e blood, yield quickly to it, as alao L iver t om plain ts. T o rp id ity , C ongestion oi InflatL-in'tion of tiie L iver, ar.d Jau n d ice , e h e n a ris­ing , as th ey o ften du, from th e ran k lin g poi»>ns in tlie bio d. This SARbA PA R ILL A is a g rea t resto rer for th e s tre n g th and vigor of th e system . Those win. who ure ■ an gu id and L istless, D espondent, Sleepless, and tro u b led w ith N ervous A pprehensions o r Fears, o r any o f th e affections sym ptom atic of W eakne-s,

! And im m ediate and couv .ncing evidence of it* resto rative pow er upon tria l.


I J l l . J * C . A V F l t & C O . 1LO W ELL, MASS.

P ractical a n d A naly tical C hem ists.

Sold by all D rugg is ts ev n rv w V re . e*7da


Square Box and Bob S le ifh s ,B oth new and second bans', fo r sal* a t

F R O S T IE R (A R B I AGE SH O P. 1244 K I A G A I ] 8T k !7 m a a lm f8 . S M I T H 4 S O N .


WHITE LEAD COMPANY, a h i d e * l i k e , m r o w .


OF P A IN T a re C 'u tioned aga inst ’J ic u u iiy S i I 111 OlTtt PA IN TS p u t u p in im ita tion of th e b ran I# of th is Com pany.

Every pec a age " f PU RE I.EA D aent o u t bv «,'i ha. th e follow ing C O PY R IG H TTR A D E M 4RK a ita . ked, p rin ted on b lue jwiwr. N one o th f i a re genu ius

^ T l l S r E A l r l T E M P O R I U i V I .T H E L A B O Z S t S T lH K I N I 'H E W E S T O K

FR C N C H AND C EfiM A N F L A T E M IR R O R S.1 A l ' - T I N O S , ( I H O M O S , E N G R A V IN G M ,

S ta tu r v . Brackets and S w iss Carvings, JapanessEGoods, GUI, Walnut. Velyet and Knstie Frames,

bictui-e Itd la . D xik ina G lasees a t W holesali-.L im* ■ _________________________________D O D G E A B E K S O H . 2 1 6 a n d 4 « 4 M ^ n U

- - - ■ e i i s a m e m a i m e . ~ _ *



( U l O H , C O L D O K S O K E T H R O A T

im m ediate a tte n tio n , »> cn r e m lt t in an incurab le iaae.

B R O W N ’S

BRONCHIAL TROCHESwill m ost invariab ly give ln t n t relief. F o r


tliey have a soo th ing effect.

SINCEKS AND P C B L If SPEAKEHS use th em to c lear and s tren g th en th* voit e.

( )wing to th e good rep u ta tio n an d p o p u la rity of tiie Procliee m any w orthless mi l c lieap im ita tions are offered, w hich a re good fo r no tliiug . Be su re to ob­ta in th e t ru e

B R O W N ’S B R O N C H IA L T R O C H E S .Sold everyw here. k !6 flmdac


T r y I t - I t N e v e r F a i l s .JE N N E R ’S H A IR TONIC AND RKSTORATI

T his prepara to -n stops th e h a ir fa lling o u t and prom otes a v igorous g row th * cleanses th e seal; of dand ru ff, and ren d e rs tho ba so ft ani1 glossy. I t con ta in s no s u lp h u r ,s u g a r o f lead o r o th i r co lo ring m a tte r , being designed sx-iresaly for itren g th en in g th e ha ir. 60 c en ts and J l per t>ottle. Prepared by R. JE N N K R , C hem ist,

418 Main s t . . opposite th e Park.

Du C H A R L E S S M IT H ,

O FFIC E , 215 MAIN ST ., (U P STA IRS )O ver T ipha ine’s S to re ,

B U FFA LO , NEW YORK-!DR. SM ITH trea t* Scrofu la , R heum atism , Dyspep­

sia. C anker, Sa t R h eu m , N euralg ia , E rysipelas, Liv­e r C om plain ts, C a ta rrh , Scrofu la , Sore Eyes. Also cu res S yph ilitic S crofu la in its m ost m xlig im nt forma.



9104)0 rew ard fo r a ny case of diseaao in any stage which th ev fail to cure .

DR. E|CH A U "S GOLDEN BALSAM NO. 1 Cure* U lcers, U lcerated horc Throat and M outh , Sore Eyes, f k in E rup tions, Copjier Colored Blotches. Scrofula. A c .: is th e g rea te s t Blood P urifie r know n rem oves all diseases from th e system . *%

DR. RICH A U ’S GOLDEN'BALSAM NO. 2 A C ores M ercurial Affections, R heum atism in all its form s, gives im m ed iate re lief in all cases. No d ie t­ing necessary. Pr.CC of e ith e r N-».l o r 2, 95 per

Many | la in t g rinders in New York * I , and siae • h e re are sailing I»ead b randed .ft close Im ita lh it of •urs, such aa “ B rooklyn b ta n d a id ," “ B rooklyn (A iiite I ^ * a d e t c . , e t- . AH of th rm are m ere b-jeuk production*, co n ta in ing LIT T L E o r N o L IA D . aud only in tem lsd to deceive tiie public.

We p u t no o tlie r nam e th a n o u r own end

n upon o

. folloi r bran is ;PREM IUM IM RK." S tand u-d *r*nd Rl . rL ih e l

“ R E F IN E D ” Yellow Label, ' B A LTIC ," Red U b e l R ailw ays, S team ships sn d M anu fac tu re r, sup i Jim!

a t lowest m a rk e t raUa.All o rder* pr<>mptlr filled Add ess MW Fdc 80 M AIDEN LANE, New Yor*.


c o^ s q . i a t d*#eov#-y, Are san i># k ep t tive t n t u e year

' W i t h o u t K ® - K i n d l i n g , * i f lV e w iro d .F o ' Bo i*y of D esige, Econom y of F u e l fftm jdicity of U se, P erfection ie O peration , th#

KLIVB BRANCH CHALLENGES THE WORLD.. ,k * ‘ " • * *"■ l i t i i l i i . M l . i W Iron k n » l > . a , ,t n , , , .

» " " " V c u .,., I I . . * . .

Fo^ Sale by FETH O USEN & R U S SE L L .139 a n d 141 M a in a t.

T H E L A W S O N F U R N A C E .

RETURN FLUE FURNACEI t i . s i i t i 'e ly free from leakage of gaaI t is ail u#b»t iron.A aiitqle U xsuninalion of tldi« Fu ruaee will a t onco

convince a /y person th a t g rvat econom y of F uel t i cured by -ta pecu lia r c o nstruc tion and th e superio r inauuer iu vlucli i t u m ade and m o u u te J .

I.AWS4Jt h a . •

w o ol) " FU RN ACE,

B E S T W O O D F U R N A C Ek IK U6 K

Jg,S-de A ge’its fo r tiieae fu m vces a t


*19 M AIN S T ., B U FFA LO . N. Y.

K J 1 T S T P R E M T . T J M S T O V E SA T T H E

I N T E R N A T I O N A L 'E X H I B I T I O N .

i t AMERICAN,”I M I ’ R O Y k D C O O K I N G S T O A K

AVI irli has also tv k si. tlie wb ch has hoen

First P rem io im proved durii:

ive] v rafs, a t j t l i o N ew JY eik [H u ts Fairs,








CONSUM ES A LL THK < ^ 9 . and is e n tire 'y fr«e from t o .» tmflBng* an d sx >lo- sion* so ronm ioti in o tlie r B n* B urn ing s’-ivea

I t h a s a l i t a v y C>*-t Iron Ktrt- C y linder, w liieh ob- v ia 'e s th e nercsai'y f>>r b iick iiiiinBs, and th u s clinkers.


LIGHT HOUSEHas no equal as a lla-e H eater. I t k c e |« li is f oor w arm , in su ring w arm f te t .

A P O R T A D U E O V E Nc rn l.e a ttac iied , afford boiling.

The larges," s 're is cm

ug fsw i i t i e . fo r h ak iag jid

s trn rted » i tb h o t a ir ahqm

r tw o b o ttle s fo r #9.DR. H C tlA D 'o G o l.D E N ANTIDOTE,

S H A W , F E R R I S A C O . ,Mo. 446 M am |n .

S ^ E W K U P I P E .



We have on hand a la ige xt*.. of 9 e * e r Pipe, f om 4 inches to 24 in rh rs capac ity . w hich we are sel m g cheaper th a n <an be b o u g h t eUewhere. P ip s dvliv ered to any j>art of th e city

C O fSLA K D R ATHBUN t 0 0 .,

8 3m Office 14 H enry »t.

A kafe and radical cu re fo r ail U rinary D erangem ents, accom panied w ith fu ll d irections. Priee *3 peri>ottle.

DR. R IC H A U 'S GOLDEN E L IX IR D’AMOUR, Awadical cu re fo r N ervous D ebility , in old o r young; im parting energy w ith w onderful effect. P rice #6 l * r bo ttle , o r tw o bo ttles for #t). On receip t o f price,


W . 1B . O L V E R ,

8ucceesor to THOMAS BRIGGS,N o. 6 Genesee St., Genesee H ouse Rlock.


A v a rie ty , of F ram es and Chrom o* co n stan tly oe band .

He nse a nd Sign P a in tin g in th e basem ent. O rder• Lt th e S to re


3 8 5 M a i n S t r e e t -ALL PO PU LA R N EW BiJOKS B E C E IV E D .F R E S B


C H U R C H B O O K * .W O R SH IP OF T H E C H U RCH IN T U E H O U S* R eadings fo r L en t, an-l o th e t D evotional B<>ok«. S undav School Books p ub lished by th e Society for

th e p rom otion of C hristian know ledge.A lso, A gent f -r th e G eneral P ro te s ta n t F p isco |*

S unday ttSvcol Union and C hurch Book Society


o d A m erican S ta tionery of th e best quality . M onogram and In itia l 'S tam p in g d>>ne in th e m ost


W edding an i V isiting C a rd ' eng raved and p r in t id

B U S I N E S S S T A T I O N E R Y .

O F F IC * A N D DESK STA TIO N ERY O F A U k^nda and beat qualities.

T he fines* line of So*.-, L e tte r a n d Cap, F la t Cap, Folio , D em y and Medium P apers m ade in tiiis coun-* t ry , to r saie a t m id prices.

Envelopes m*d<- I rom fio tt-dass papers , of ail aUee *■4 styles' B lank Books on han d and m ade to o rd e r in th i Mq

gganuer a nd from th e very b est stock.P p a t lo # and B inding don#

p O S T k V I E B G I Y B R ,

D eato n p t


Mo. 1# K. S t r u S t., Buffalo^A. T .

JOMW n *

. a u S T J _ . ^ r . JA CO B V iK R G lY U .

Address C im ulars sent.

IC HARDS, No. 228 Varick St., New York.


E X P K E S S .


EXPRESS COMPANY,NOS. T, 9 ,1 1 AND 13 W. SENECA ST:, BU FFA LC A PIT A L..................................- .................S I S .0 0 0 ,0 0 1 ’

F o rw ard w ith th # g re a te s t 8 Deed and S afety ,

COIN, BANK NOTES, JEWELRYA nd o th e r valuable M erchandise au d Packages,

And collect N O TES, D R A FTS a nd ACCOUNTS, Bill* s en t w ith goods, and ex ecu te all o tlie r Comroiaaioni connected w ith t lie Exprca» business, a t a ll th e p rin ­cipal place# betw een th e city o f NEW YORK and th r WR.STERN, NORTH and SOUTHW ESTERN STATES a nd CANADAS, c o n nec ting w ith o th e r r« •ponsible E xprera C om panies.OODS. C O IN , BANK NO TES. JE W E L R Y AND

VALUABLES.WM. O. FARGO. P resid en t, W R . p . PK4 K , V ice-Preaid-D t

S 'T U R T E V A N T 'S

F A N A N D P R E S S U R E B L O W E R 4



heae Blowers a re of a very superio r man . faa .u rr and ar* unequalled fo r th* purpose* ahov# i.m tioced . F « r sal* a t m anufac tu re r'* pri<-es by

JO H N T NO TE A SON A geuta, 128 W aaiungton C

B A S E B U R N E R ,B A S J-H vA T E Ii,

SELF-FEED ER.1 J#** uue(|u\Ilr>l St.ivp*, each It*

! i Judge-* a t tim recen t lu tem a tm i

F o r S a le by12

w a rd e d th e Y Hits c ity , ar#

Prem ium lii th a tr r

W i L K R I I M I E ,

- i l l M ain S l r r r l .

T H E P E E R L E S S .The G reat I’n-m iun Cook Sto'-o ol Ihe W orld,

tak ing th e l^ a d . Over 14,0110 sold du riiic the Last Year. E L E .V E N D l f i - 'E H E N T S I Z E S .

Am ong the advan tages of tlila Htove o v e ra ll o i l i r n a re th e fqilowing'p a /c a o f tlie evei

mg ;l AN

hs advan tages o EQUAL TEM PER A TU R E is m ain ta ined in all 1 , so tii a t no a rtic ls . whi ti

G R E A T SAVING •quired, b e ing one th ird )«•«» tiian any o th e r Ktove CO M PLETE V ENTILATION O F T H E U.VKN . a o u rre n t.Z hooted uir takoking. ■ m ta n U y th ro u g h it.

................................ m bling tho capa.-tty- rjd.

A rtic les bake e«iually aa well ujem tb e aiide a . upon th e r’veu bo ttom , tlnn of vi • Btovo fo r baking. Thin can lie done in uo ^ th c r Stove.

. th . M sata a re roasted in th is oven bv m ean* ru a :.u\» |>uteiit S p it, aa perfectly aa in a t ta k t t rh n . I.*- fc r . 'Ji e fire. In o tiier Stovea n ieata a re ltak ed ; h> T IIK PKERI.E.SS they a re R oA N lK l).

i t b . G R EA T D U RA BILITY . I t ia m ade o( th e very bOMtqugiity ef iro n , and ia HKAVIKK th an anv ■the tttovc node.

7:1 . G REA T BEAUTY OF DESIG N and 8 7 O O T IIN E 88 O F ,CASTINGS. the** respects It kaa rmem .a

* hia S tove waa aw arded th e F IR ST PR IZ E a t tlie G REA T UARI9 EXPOSITION I t has alao W « s » | i le d tb e F irs t Pram luru a t th e F a ir of th e .im erio an In a titM e , New Y ork, an I a t every o th e r plane w tfeft e x h ib ited . An ex am m atioe of th is Stove ( a u u o t fail to aaimfy auy oue of its au iie rie rity ev e r ailo t i ei f.

■ die price a t w hlcii It i* ani I tak in g ln tn ac- Hjn*. it# g rea t dut ab ility and o th e r advantages, renderv it h. '^ H E A rE S T a s w s llM tl>e BEST COOKJNC rsTGVE IN T U P W ORKD, 8 o lJ only ky

SHAW , FERRIS & CO ., 446 Main S t.


dCKKOWLEDGED THE BEST IN THE WORLD.Grand S ilver Medal and Diploma,

[THE O V L Y O N E .]

1 a t F o r t b e G r e a t e s t , I ; x e e l l f t n c e i n O i l s

TWO PRIZE MEDALS.I! W o r ld 's F a ir —i.o n d o B , 186U , to


P R E M I U M ' ! P E T R O L E U M ," A H IT H F .I8 F .S T M A D E .

I •hx«‘»:ii»p-oT#d|Oila;oo*t no m ore th a c m an y '■ if j t* # com m on otto In m a rk e t, w hlie ;they> r* ;eadorae< f|f> | , t b e g re a te s t experience and h ig h es t . a u tn o r iy la th e w orld , aa

* The Beat^Oila Made for Lubricating and Burning.:

F . S . P E A S E ,|O IL M AM UfAC R E R , 61 A * P 6» MAIM BTRKBT, B U FFA

■ O T B L f t .

g H E P P A R D


WM. 8. K IN G . J r , P r e .- le t H . O. PK RRY , Tic# P rea 't and S upt.



P ropeller W heels, Iron and J'.raao C a -u a r* W r, ugh ron W orks, Ac.



^ ^ u r * ; ; ? ^r p » T H E W O R K IN G C L A S S .— W E

I a re now p repared to fu rn ish all cla—ea with c onstan t em ploym en t a t hom e, th e w hole of th e tim e «r fo r tn e spar* m ontha, Buaineaa new , ligh t and profitable. Persons of e ith e r sex eaaiiy earn from 50 cen ts U» *5 p e r e ven ing , a nd a p roportional tu rn hy devo ting tb e ir w hola tim e to th e buaineaa. Bov* and girla ea rn n e e d y aa m uch aa m en. T ha t al: who aee th ia no .ice m a r - e n d tite ir address, and t*at th e buaineaa, we m a k e ’tn l i unpxral ed offcr; T<- auch aa a re n o t we 1 satisfied we will sen I 01 to pa ; fo r tb # tro u b le o f w riting . F o r particulars^ a valua­ble "am ple, w hich will do to com m en e - work on , and a copy of “ T he People’# l .ite ra ry C om panion (one of th# la rg est a .id b ea tfam iy new apapera p u b lished ) ail aen t free by m ail. R eader, if y#u w an t perm anen t, r>rofltaUe w.wk, a jd i .m K C. ALL LN A CO. A ngtiata. M i. J-fc *m


n * h u f a c t u r c d i n E u r o p e

aaA lmpcrted for our own trade, the richest lin* of

P O C K E T f f l H I L S


g r f lS C IT Y .

and aee No trotabto to "bow tbm»-I FELTON * RRO

BURKE. FRAZFR A OSOOOD, la te of J. . ___A Co., o b ta in P.te n ts in th e U n ited S ta ir* , C(,iar.» and E urope.

E D kfL N l) P .IT K E , fo rm erly C om m iaelon* < ot Paten t* , A tto rn ey and C ounselor in P a ten t caae*.

•ttfice in BuffaJo, N. Y ., o o rner M ain BeneaaU \rw


T H O M A S ’


f«W J b 'b i r u ) Wuliifia Mt.

B u f f u l o , N . Y .


f r i V a t e d in in g r o o y s . €





C O I I I f f l l O I I . _____________





28 Whitehall Street, New T( rk.loi .ita ia lfl ! f - A aaiee

xmalgnmenU ot ail kindaof prodend prom pi return*. SLiP*'* Fectea * *

a i'w iw c ■A ceiX Bw .



fltanda to day w ifliout a r ival In Ita beauty of epera- t i^ n , perfei-fneaa A>f a liteh ar.d d u rab ility of th e work perform ed Al—, am ong ita m any advan tages it bas » reveraabl* feed.

Ita a liu ttia I.a* a K-lf ad just ing tenalor Its range )*-f * u rk i* g rea te r th a n any o tn a r m a ­

chine.It# tnotioii-a are all positive.Ita hermnf’r tu rn s any w id th >A hetu d ssir d. i t ta aitnoi I noiaeless.I t will hein , fe ll, b raid , o>rd, tu e k , gath«er, bsm

■titch, g a th a r a nd sew on a ruffle a t tb s sam e tim e w ithou t any e x tra acc<dnp*nyment.

E v e r; mai h lne ia w arran ted aa rep resen ted . FaU a o t to ca ll a i'd • ia m u i* th**« m azhina* b sfo rs pug-

Uvma 1*1 Iia -L, kAk FOSTER Si RICHARDSON,

BUFFA* . AGgttTS.- c -

D E f U G S I M t t I N S B N C K A f l N i .


POTTKB 8 PATENT ADJUnTAdi.K HTKMfl I BAGMARK9, LINEN MARKS, *>K8, HUtHIIKS And all naAriala on hand aad i-tade to order at

dacCorner Exchaoq* \r j Waahiigton .t




Visiting airtk, meaog rants, tc ..% asatiy angrav*. aad prlatmU Oold andaUver anrking. Zinc Mgrni

ci tte* omntry cured t o # * - ' . Baakett -a ."V tt , (tom

iup*d‘ed with I LK*>r NP* Plata . Lbdg* •»* Notary Eeato.S G t t A . r l t a tew; A c . m ad* t e T r t o r . O ri* r* « > * * u taJ

i R O T T IN G S L E IG H 8 ,

- . — » « « - s r i a S ' ! S . ,S J 3 K - - f t

lD t ii » J UtHltWI L A o q i i o . c p a a i w o , h -a t p o * i i « .

Window C: pi and ttilla, •**#«#,«' Offo. a i l Yard c .r*sr ol M t̂ogaw ta. aaltb

( 1 " S -

c ; -a 11 'I" ' >