legal m ices. cuba. - nys historic...

tm Bumi* Brans, PUBLISHED BY the express prixtingco . KO . 14 E. 8WANSTRKfcT. TERMS: ■orelng, (per year) .............................. |10 oo 8 S K - I:::::::::::::::::;;:::-.:: r s THE EVENINGKXPKK8H , (two edituaujot 2 and 4 P. M ., delivered to city •uteM .ribcrs at SIXTEEN reata i»er week. BUSIN ESS DIRECTORY. NAME, ae.'trXBSS AXD LOCATION OF THK LKA 1)1 SO HOUSES OF BUFFALO. ITh.w.: of our readers who Make pinvhaeaa in Buf falo, oy rutting tin* out and uning it as a referemx will «av„ time auditroub.e. The ecUctioo has been carefully ma.e aud te*n#*ly FIoBTCLASS.] 'lL '-N tS . EIXiE T’LS, SKATES. L. & I ,. WHITE, 312Exchange. O A S T I N OS AC. IIOSAkC IKuS l u u i , Umd. bankers . II. ». BIT.TA Co.. W . cor. „vJ??OKS AND STATIONERY. sawisw rms - “ -19 w *“ '«*• IIKIN* y * JEXK 4, *ouand fOSlfafti. a f u. — BOOTS A SHOES. A. L. N< HBYVah 2H5 Ma'i. JAMEH h JEWEiT, eonMain. blank book MANCFACTURER. I* ClIICHKjTER, tM*n4 m Wwhiniltoa. CONFI.7 TI0N Kits, (WholMal.! A Retail. • M Ijp’LLOGKA CO., 16H . Irv.-l ,n. t t ( t o VOL. XXIY. jwnwuL. i etUs not exceeding Jour Une* inertsv Under this heading Jor 545 cent*, each addiliona -5cent*. IK JAM KS M •TKBBINS IS IN M F X . fal . he is a«t < !to c mniunira e by a u .te !:ft a office, with Mat-hew (McCauley, fromI’liiiadeiph.a n*arch of his ? hima- b"inir with M r ^tehhina iho baa c nx >n, r. p>.t *d t- M V WIFE LUCY HAVING LKKT mv h»l *i,dboard without just cgu r o»>r<v ration, I f.-rM -l any |wr-.,-. tru tin* «,r i.arborir * hei onmy iwt. HENRV BIDDLECuM F 'O R A DOPTION—AN Y PERSOJ wlahlntrto adopt a heal hy male chiJ*! r»ie y. ■ ildc -n findsuj.'. an cueLyapply iw* 21 , 'th < O KKCTJ IIENRV II EARN £., NKKS, (Wholesale.) ^ CROCKERY. U| INA, GLAS-i MAT IIt -'O'NEIL,. OEt*. t. NEW .MA#, 441Mam . _ 4 . OAUK1AGES. ®ARVi# fi W allace . IOca near Courter llous . A CRACKERS, AC. IL OVBH8 ASON , It«aud 1*5?Ellicott. OOAL, / Wholesale and Retail.) i H IHJPLhi < •»., r»r Lri •and Terrace. OfcOKC* OAIV IN, A^i., Foot Oentae?. OOAL AND FIG IRON. *}■R- Kf4L**ON ACO ., noOhi , c r Mukissiiq-i. L. •. HLOHTROM , 2 iominercial Wharf, loot oi Main af. cet. DRY GOODS. DODD, HEST i CO., 392 Main. DRAPERS A TAILORS. M . H. TRYON, 294 Main. DYER AND RENOVATOR. LLCA8CHESTER, 483 Maiu. ENVELOPE MANUFACTURERS. II. W . PKoHsKK, 22 W . Swan. ENGRAVERS ON WOOD. ORO D . WJGHTMAN, 200 Main. FURNITURE, AC. ISAACI) WHITE, 257 Main E. BKIbTuL«t CO., 203 Mein. FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN. W . H. Terrac. cor Evais. FRUIT AND OYSTERS. PI.ATT FRUIT CO., 267Washington. GROCERS, (Wholesale.) A. M . JOUNSTON, 7 I Main. GROCERS (Wholesale and Retail.) K . I». H o LM a N, 17!) Main. CEO. W . hCOTT, 17 E. B^ncra GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. ADDISONH. STAFFORD 397 Main. B- N LAWRENCEA £0.4, 315 Main M 'iTT * BENEDICT. 367 Main GUNS AND JEWELRY. J. O . ROBfUNA - CO., 1M6Main. HARNESS, SADDLES, AC. J. 8. LVTLEA SON, 20 Bxrhani'o, npixxtlteMansion. DAN 'L K . HUal'HHKV, Sut’cessor to Jno. Hum phrey h Bro., 303 Maiu. HARDWARE, IRON, AC. C. E. WALBKJ: (IE, 271 Mainand 0Swan. HORTwNS a KIP, cor I’.arl and Seneca. SIDNaYSHel'ARDA t , Main. FOWLEK Asons t>St H it a. DE W .TTC. WEEDA CO.,2o4 Main, cor W . Swan. HARDWARE AND METALS. TRATT * CO.. Ui. 48 and 150Terrace. HOT AIR FURNACES. A. D . GILBERT, 85Main. HATS, CAPS AND FURS. C. * F. OE RP.KR, 508Main. UERGTOLP. AHR »., 291Main. WM . W '.VPKKT, 321Main. IKON FOUNDRY. KAOIF, IRON WORKS, I*, rv. -or M ississippi. CLINTON iRON WoRHS, Cuurch,cor JackM>n. IRON FOUNDERS, ENGINES, IJOILERS CIEO . W . T1FIT, S ons CO., Washington, nrOhio. IRON FLAILS, R. U. SPIKES, AC. J’RATT aCO., 4t», 40anti 6uTerrace. LIGHT CARRIAGE AND SLEIGH. D . C . GODWIN. 333anti S35 Waahinctun. LOOKING GLASS, PICTURE FRAMES. HOWARD A BUNTING, 15 «. Swan. MALLEABLE IRON. PRATT A LETCHWORTH, 52and 64 feriacr. MARBLE MANTLES AND GRATES. C. H . COOPER, ill Delaware. L. SWARTZA C . 3tiSMam . MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. JOHN CRAWFORD, 107and 169Nia, ara. MILLINERY (vvhnlesaie and Retail.) HENRY OBRIEN, 290 Wain. W . H. W . OD** ARL), 409Main. MOURNING GOCDS. DODD, BEST ACO , 414Maiu MANUFACTURING JEWELERS, &C. H. F. JUENGLlNti, 327Washiujfton. MUSK DEXLERS AND PUBLISHERS. JEW E rr &>1ISCHKA, 263 Main. ORGANS (Portable Pipe.) DERRICK, FELGEMAKER ACO., 39, 41 and 43 Cllutuu ORGANS, MELODEONS, AC. GEO. A PRINCEACO., Niagara, 8eveuth and Ma ryland. OILS, PAINTS, AC. F. S. PEASE, 65 and 67Main. PLANING MILLS, DOORS, SASH. AC. W . A . EVANS k COv Mechanic. PLASTIC SLATE ROOFING, B. F. INNES, 244 Main. PIANOS, MUSIC, AC. COTTIER k DENTON, 269Main. PIANO MANUFACTURERS. C. KURTZMAN, 106, 106and 110 Bua.ia. DEVINE BROS., 4ul Niagara cor Maryland. paper hang ing s , ac . M . H. BIROE,218Main MONDOMKRYnllos., 295Main. MEURVrrr NICHOLS, 679 Main. phot< k; ram ’Hl :rs. W . M . KNIGHT, 'LrM Main. B. U . HAMBLEToN, 305ami 400Main. II. L. BLISe, 379Main. SEWING MACHINES. flROVER k BAKERS. M . CO ., 411 Main. WHEELER .VWILSON S- M f(>.,275 Main, «N>r I Swan. WILCOX k GIBBSS M<’(>., 14S. Division. 11 OWES. M . CO, 18W . Swan. FLORENCE S. MCO., 401 Main. SADpLERY HARDWARE, AC. PRATT * LETTdWORTH, 52and 64Terratte. SILK HAT MANUFACTURERS. . C. MACKENZIE, 187M»in. STAINED GLASS. BUFFALO STONED OLASi WORKS, 29 Pearl. 0*0. L. BURNS, 2 8 Man STEAM COFFEE A SPU E MILLS. CHASE * CO., 331 Mainopposite Ci urehex. FCHOOL FURNITURE. W . CHA8A * sos« 2,2 Sevtnth. SCALES AND SAFES. UFFALO 'fOALE WORKS, KI Main. SCALES, SAFES AFND BELLS. L. DANFCHirH, 86Main. STOVES and HARDWARE. SHAW , FERRIS k CO., 446 Main. STOVES, FURNACES AND RANGES. L. SWARTZ k CO., 363Ma n. TOBACCONISTS. A . M . AD4MS k C».,250 Waxhlnprton& 40k 50 Pearl. GIBSON Y HOWARD k Co., 260Washington. WATCHES, JEWELRY A DIAMONDS. PITKIN '* JEWELRYSTORE. 292Main. T. AE. DICKINSON. 254 Main. DAN . B . CASTLE, 161 Main. BrEVENaBROS., 459 Main. WATCH MAKERS A JEWELERS. JULIUSWALKER. 2 7Main. l.OsT 4\;» to i \|*. Adrrrfine.nent* not exceeding Jour line* inner)* under thu heading Jor 35 cent*, each additiona Une 5 cent*. sii 1 ~ rew ard lost, a scotch * J 1 Terrier hitch, short tail *hitof. white aptr. on breast. JoHN KYAN 2 >iarket. feet,and Elk Street I OST—#10 RKWSKD. J *Ik ta-t -a i.,-t al the Acad -venin V lei A BLACK demy of Mu ic umt i»«*ve reward T $25 REWARD. A $100 BILL between the corner .f Wa hingv.n and kx •ml c..nie• Divixi.n and Elm ate tX D LOIH IM - Adverti vmantt not exceeding four Ene* maerted r AT* een**, ea-h add iti,.nal thi» hra. »eem \\ ' N i l I) -BOARDING »» >»’e Pruteatant fanu v. near I y a young man Lately landed. Te, IN A PRI American Block ms, #... A ’drer* I*) rillFPEWA ST.—TO RKNT— - I’I'Tisaiit rooms with Ix^ird can he hail hv a- l.lyin > «» 1 ? < h». T ,. -v t. •) •) A PEARL. ST., BETWEEN EAGLI - + and Cnirt Ms. Board with or withou* rtfcm .H , a*r! *na|.ieasant location Term* reasonable FBI HAleR. Advertieemhni* not exceeding Jtmr line* inecrtec under thi* heading Jor *5 cent*, reek additiona Une ti ernhi. L’OR SVLE CHEAP.—A HAM A lat e in working order. Appy *t the 8peLcti Hou e, tor. of 8. D lVud .hund Wa»» in^ton at*. 1,’ iK SALE CHEAP—A COOD GRO X c ry tounter, n arly new. Inquire at ISS. D i ilaionst. I j^OR SALE OR EXCHANGE—A DE aimhleimproved farm, situate in Darien, Gtne seecounty, one half mi'e froiu Kailro.d I)spot, con ta s.iiur 1 »0 acre*, witn first ra't huildimr-, orchard t> : grafted fru t. etc.; is de- rat !e. W .ll be sold cheap •n easy termy or a portion f city pr -pertytaken ii. -xc an:c. HASTINGSA (iTI'0,3 Brown’s Buildings. F OR SALE— A VELOCIPEDE MaDE by Wo-d Brrjthers, of NewVork, to order, for present owner; ha- never been used, and is <>ne oi the best mac .in> » eve mad n this e untry; wid b«^ '< .!•! low . AiidriHs VKmjX, Box T , Expriys Grtice. OOM kURStfDRE F o r " SALE .i with lease ol room corner Seneca ami over Ba k of Attica. Inqu re at Nu. R I^OR SALE OR TO RENT—A SPLEN X dnl suit '4M>. niture for sale cheap, con istin^r ,f carjKt ng, blace walnut tiedxuads, bureaus, wash tan s, c .air*, tte , one Morning Glor stove, hair i.attra-se-, tedding, hack walnut lounges, etc., etc. Ko mem be rented cheapby purchasing furniture, mt a lv located ou Niagara >t. near Main Inquire icon. Party wa t- to lia c town. EDWARDS A ol < Kl.AND, 10 r. Ser.ccast C ’O tt SALE- AT BAKGAS4RR A I Brothers, So. 55 8cneoast.. two eugine lathes and"ne Ironplaner. OK SALE AT 333 M AIN ST—THE j-lebrat«d 1 iumph Coo mg Stove, ou- own fnamifactiirn. DUDLEYA ROCKWELL,333Man st l T y REASON OF SUPERIOR W o k * ma-shipand fine reputat on the Triumph ha- :oicplete’>takenthe windout ofthesa'lsof un> .-r> hy rival-. Call acd ace it. DUDLEY A ROCKWELL, 3-33Main xv . DO i i 1,1 287*2; (>TT ST.—A FEW BOARD lie ict ommi dated with hoard snd Alsoa fewday hoarders wanted. DIVISION ST., CORNER OF A fiwb'larders can acv.mim -dated with pVaaant room* ami board, aiao, a i *• .lav lioarderx wanted. . ‘JO I SWAN ST.—TWO B0ABD3BS ’J ■* I <*n l*e accuiiiinodv'ed in a small f.'vm :! h‘re there are no oth* r Iw iardirs. I AAI tD . Advertisement* not exceeding Jour line* inserted under this heading Jor !4» «tiU, each additional 'i cent*. \V a NTKI) A SHALL, NEAT COT- ff tage, suitabc for a famiI v ..f three adult* in a good totality west of Main *t. Addre-t, giving lo- callonand nnw, “M./’tblaoflice. / 1K EEK U >T \V A N1 E D—A I A 5 i ■ : \_J200 oe3P0ft front on south side rf Buffalo Kin r wanted for investment by HI ME a SANKDlfD lb MV . Swan st. I1BLI* rKSAI.KK. Advertisement* not ezceeamo J„ur lnu under thin heatliiuj line 5 centk inserted J45 cent*, each add.tiona i lady, who is well read in 4*- literature, and has some knowledge of tl-.- fine arts, isofferedau opport'-nity for an applii-ati.ui ..f ber faculties in promoting thr **!<-of a fav .ri e work ofartagainxtliberalcompensati .il. Add re >,s 11, Advertisement* not exceeding Jour lines inserted under this heading Jor 543 cents, each additiona line 5 cents. OU8INES9 PROPERTY FOR SALE LJ The 2-story brick office now oc upied by the Mer.-hanLs’ Dispat.-h on Exchangest., near Alabama Ihe building>svery substantia ly built, and will te sold at a ha-gain Also- the tavern *tandon the AM>ott plar.k road, known as the Charter «ak House, about three miles trom Main*. The building is acomm dious l story r. k, with barn and sheds, witheight acres of land. Price g jis.iu. LYOH k B AKER, Erie LandOffice. LLINGS FOR SALS — THE hrick dwelniik on thesoutheast cor ner of NiagaraSquare. Thebuildingis near y new, substantial yami elegantly built,and furnished with all the in deni irapro.euients necessary for omfort and convenience. Also- The new2-story brick with wing, Nu. 482 Delaware; w i 1 be sold with or without furniture; lot 56x156t'- %-. alley, with hart, on rear of lot. I uot sold within thirty days will be nnted ior tlie I )v:i , a new 2-story brick; Al*.- No. 403 Franklin s gas aad water; lot 30x138. LYON<5 t BAKER, Brie Land Office. I HAVE A VERY FINE HOUSE AND 1 I ♦or North street for sale. The house is new and hull in good modern style. The lot i' 65 feet front hy 229 deep, und can lie had at a very great bargain, as tre owner lias di- rcced me to sell it, and I amdot- nn tied to follow instructions. JOSEPH CHURCHYARD, Builder, residence 54 Bwery st.; shop ami yard on A*ains t., near Clinton. 1: quireat either placefor inform ation. BMMUMB CTMtCM. A nm mrnndin, fhtir Km. inmruc .ndtr Ui. Jm »j mn!., m d. mddiaonn ine 3 cent*. pVENIXO KKPLOYMKXT—THE AD id v*rti->ri w«i V , M nikuSiiud^, "in“d dim • *>' m.d join tin i< ■ „ sr#L“ ; «_•’,“>*• *iiro. w ^ -w. i 58s K . £M i-,on*t.. Buffalo. A *LULRl*m>G DRY GO *0610^1 ness for sale r<siuired capital f7600. Addres. >*-er 186 Lo. kp«rt, N . Y . vyANTED —hOMETHING NEW AND . n J* 1- The fa-test selling article iver offered totbepubic. A cha c; for young and old. A* pie sent to any address fo th rtv-five cents. For an n or aduieas KENNINGTON* C 348Main *t , fir-t r.fBce up st-d.s, Buffalo, N . Y . B i aiNLss W anted—a Party hanng f om#3000to #4000cash wi*hesto pu - unaaean interest insome well established anJ huHiness. Address “B., Buffalo P. O . F or sale—by m. MccombTnoTid -outh Divi-ion street, afirst cla-s Ba ber Shop doing a good busin. ss. L cation fine. Posxesxio immediately. Th.s isan excellent chauce for a good Barber. SlLE—AT A bAKGAIN, A malt k ln iron punching machi..e, marie at Ha-- dee's na hine works a.t yea , in perf ct order; also. press and dies for inaki- g copp r and tin str- et gas lamp*.witha 1 the patt rns; to be s .idonacc unt of 11 health; also, the copp r.miih and plumbingbuai- witu a good leas-. Apply to W . CL&RKE & >*N , «1 -eav- r st., Albanv, N . V . ROGERV «T« *RE FOR SALE — ’ Goods, fixtures andgood will of a store 011 Elk street at #a00. The present owner is going west is the reason »f his selling, -.ent of store #250 per y ear. HUME k SAN KURD . 16M ext 8w an street. i-o blacksmithswe ha\>. till xhap .n; o- the black mith shopsituate lietween Waterand Erie streets, formerly o. eupied bythe late M r. S. Kinnear. We will sell s*ock an. tools, and rent or Bell thebuilding with a lease of lot, HI ME& HANFORD, No. 16VVnstSwan st. mortgages . M oney to lo a n —i h ave fif teen thousand dollars, which 1wish to inv»s ureha»e money mortgages. JOHN oTTO, 18 LEGAL miCES. CITYAHPflOn OFFICE, I Ifiriu), (M. 4, 1 em. » TffE UNDERSIGNED ASSESSOR.*" X of the dty ot Buffalowouldherebygive n- ti«ethat, in ptmuanoeoftbedlnctloos of tbe Com m-nCouncil of - aid citv, we hav*mads the follow in; isiieuient rolls for theamount* aad pnrpo— her# matter mentioned, uponth* property d*rm*d bene fitted byth*improvement*beremaft* r specified, a nc - ’hat thesaidassessment roll*willremain inthe offic. of the Board of Awawn for th* term of twe hr. days from date, subject to examination and review >y any person or p -raons interestedthervit^vix.: TO L E T — H OI S ES. Advertisements not exceeding Jour lines inserted neler this heading Jor 545 cents, each additional line H cents. mo J. am Palmer month P U R N IS HEDDWELLIS gs to X No. 166Niagara st., 2-storyand liaxement V ".'\s X 2-story ELEVENTH 8 T. • J i good girl to do general hoi well recommended. WANTED, A rework. Must come PARK PLACE -WASTED competent girl to do general housework. S. DIVISION ST IN >sJ ELI IOOIT ST a HEAD DINING '-JO Room girl; also, a laundress wanted, infer ences rcijuiml. o any natiuiiali •'u* those con»pe 8 '.riot lefereuce <6 M AG fl O O to do gen# jiatcly 19 WANTED, • acom; c’cnt g rl nationality to d , g, n.oai housew«.rk. n n. •so competent t»> fill t-.e situation need ap, ly. Strictefereuee w i 1 be reqirred. M A G AKA 8T WANTED. A G1RI general housework for a »*ffai familv ini meuiately. w. EAGLI* sr WANTKIL A a-ssg r: for kit< h n w.,rk in a mall fami y. Must undcrxt no her hu.-iiiesA and lunush good city references bRa.N . LIN .vi— a gooi aanteJ inini- d a'i ly l.eference# 216 s- DIVISION ST ») ^ Jin neral h u 1 wo'k. I CO* 'h r* quired MA. aR, goodgirl t>> <1 A GIRL FOR man | -- ft it . il. W ANIKI »T A housework. Refer 4 :u Come well re by cal ing 011 0 6 8 .1 I K KLST— ' ANTED, A KIRS’l • ate cook, in a smal family . one whocan "nunc red mav Mar ol a good place .M rs. COCHRANE. iliatcly, a thoroughly compet*nt cook; required HELP MALES. Advertisements not exceeding Jour lines inserted under this heading for AS cents, each additional line. 5 cents. ______ BE BRIGHT r 1 ife F. W . |>OY WANTED—MUST XJ and l.-ent. Apply to Knickerltocker lns-irance Company , No. 8 S. K . AGlvS, Gdieial Agent. w ANTED—A FIRST CUSS COAT maker, to go to Sp in ville. T•a first .11 g od w ig xwill be paid, and cons:ant 1 loyment Appl. to JAS. Me ORMICK, Hot I, be:ween9 A . w Mand I.I’ M . ANTED—BY A LEADI G Goods lions 1, a lac-, silk and Dre< Clerk Address•achdepartment, through jm i DRY 1 Goods itotticc r, en USGl \V r A> I fcD FIVE »IKiI ULA vV ergctic sa'e-mun None but thoro " p tent in wanted. Apply at SON, 129 Main at. _______ _____ V s'iudknt wanted to learn . De tixtry Any young man comingwith the j-im |>«rt|uahfi ationaaiidrequL.ite»eanlearnof a pla v by in«|'iiriug at thia office. \V\NTKD—AYOUNG MAN FOR $50 T \ can lat plac. ti 11 a good, p^nnanent position; a knowledge of the gent's luruishing trailc neces«.- ry. AdJress B D. , this office. SITI XTIONH - f EM ILEX. Advertisements not exceeding Jour lines inserted under this heading Jor 543 cents, each additional Une 3 cents. GttUATION WANTED—FOR A MID* kj die aged girl iua private family as cook; good references given. Apply at 38Swan st. cor. Erie. ^ rANTED-A SITUATION tag KM undenitaiulx drcs ix»l refer# his office BY A making a- <1ma in be furnished. lady hine m Address WA # T s.-wing on thc machine, and also light work. Applyat 121FoliumSt., below < hicago. antid - a SITUATION as wet nurse in a fLst cknx familydesiredimmed*- atc'y. Applyat 98Cak st. ______________ ALE AT A BARGAIN—THE and basement brick iiouxe 469.‘■enecast., be twe n Louisiana -nd A’ab.-ma sts ; w.ll l>esold at i price that wili pay 15 1 *"- cent. 011 thc investmeft. HAS 1 I.n#USa: OTTlJ, Real Estate brokers, 3Brown’s Buildings. F )R SALE—IHE ELEGANT '1-STORY brick house No. xUSSwan st.. with ira*, wster, hath, «c ; lot 35x1.5 to a paved alley. The hou-e nusr eently oeen thoroughlyrenovated sml is in the best po>-i ie condition throughout, and will he sold at a bargain if applnd for wvm . HASTI' G> k UTD>, tual Estate Brokers, No. 3 Brown’sBuildings. SA LE BY HUME A SANFORD, ext Swan sfeet « large sized modern It house, with fine lot, een ra ly located, withfur nace, hath, gaxand tixt res; ah in good orier. For sale cl-ca . or exc.-iauge or -mall house and lot, per sonal pr pert> , or a nice farm. ______ I>»K SA X 16 Wei L OK r is CHEAP— THE NEAT -story frame c- ttage 16- Ninth-nt , will be -old •heap if applud for soon, as tbe owner desires to re uove We t HASTING-, k OITO, Real E-tate mokers, 3 Brown’s Building. a LK BY EDWARDS t BUGK- , Real Estate aud Insurance Brokers, L*UK L LAN 16East Senccastreet. 2-story frame house, with kitchen and small bam, on Fifth st., about 100 feet from Maryland; lot 30jx 100. 1-story frame on Hampshire st., lietween Eleventh and Twelfth sts., w ith kitchenand wood shed,cistern, &c.; lot 32x1 "0. Price 81260. Also, a farm of 5aces, with briok house andlarge ham, plenty of fruit, An., within the city line; Bui- >al<> and Washington Railroad stops near thehouse 10 s. p O R S.^LE— BY M. McCOMB, X? Divi-ionst. No. 1Fargo «v nue,2-story frame(new) finished in fine sty:*; lot 35x156 No. 3 Fargo a.enue, 2-st*ry frame (new), with wi k , ce 1r, ga-, Ac.; iot 4lxl5o. No. 3 7Swan >t eet, 2-story f ame; irill exchange for a g- od houae near M i higau sTeet wort1-#4-’XM ) No. 4ii5 -outh Divi-i .n s reet, 1-story inuuc; lot 4UX-20, fruit 01 all kiuda. N . 612Swan street, lj-story frame; lot 30x133, s good jila e f r agroc-iy. No. 332Senecastree , 2-st*rystore and dwelling; will sell cheapas tlie parties are . ning " est. N•. 14o Brcckenridge str>.ct, 1story frame; lot 50X175; wdl mil heap Comer Virginia and Pa'iner, 2s-tory frame, gas, water andc> liar; this is a flue location. Corn, r Albanyand North Jefferson street, 2-storj brick, lot 100*20 ; large nun, fruit, ev*:. Several fa ms L r sale or exchange for citv prop erty, from7acres up to 160 acics, in thia county, a.l undergotM l cultivation. ______ ______ 1 MNE BUfLDlNG LOTS FOR SALE. ; By HUM k S-NFORD 16 WSwanst. Southeast cor North and Eleventh sts, lOOxlti© . Pi ice #2506 Niagarast, n e side, 200ft n of Rhode Island, lOOx 264. Price*3006. College st, e side, 550 ft n of Cottage, 50x100. Price $1100. Filth st, etide, ti of Hudson, 50x100. Price #700. Pennsylvaniaat, s sloe, n of Twelfth, 110x166, per foot #25 Eleventh «t, wside, 200ft n of Hudson, 57x148, p^r foot #25. Htids 11 st, n ?ide. between Tenth and Eleventh, 300x200, per foot #50. Nor»h Pearl st, * sid-*, n of Virginia, 70ft to alley. Price *40uu. Northeast cor Jersey ai d Tenth tt**, 13Sixl38j. Price #5o. Allen st, sside, 100ft * of Coll«^re, 30x110. Pric. #1060. _____________________________________ ALE—THE 2-STOKY BRICK 232Ninthat HASTINGS k 0TT(‘, Real Brok rs, 3Brown’a Building. _______ IAGARA ST— HOl'SE AND for s#Ie. 2-story and hascnient brick, ith brick bamand fine larg.i lot. Can b« hail on ll.hera. terms. Apply to HUME k SANFORD, No. MW. Swanst. */UK F hur B‘Utc h ni s.t 70 »o* u VV1 u-T] h ' LET—A TWO STORY HOUSE d lot, 242 Maryland st.. north side, between iner andTenth sts., well, cistern, kc Kent #23a month Apply to ED . W . PALMEK, 143Cottage st. LET. lasement brick, ter; furnished in good style. Reut p r mu-a, #900. ANo—The 2-story brick wi*h win', on the soutb- tast comer of Georgia and Seventh sts, with al in *demimprovements, with furuit re entire LYONABAKER, Erie Land Offiee. r p o LET—ONE STORY BRICK BUILD X in 2 . near cornerChicagoand Perry sta., suitable manufacturing purpose*; size< f building, 30x76. H. THOMPSON, cor. Chicagoand Perry sts. 10 LET— O. 1 FARGO AVRNUE, 2 _ story d veiling; (house new,; fini hed off iu fine style. Apply to M . Me OMB . \) LE r —NOi U7 ttW A N ST.—1] . storydw elling house, nearly new, 9or 10room-; ssesnon 1st Oct. Apply to M l . M c C u MB. rpo LET—NO. 524 SWAN ST., f STO- X ry frame, gas, water and cellar; house new. Ap ply to M . McCO .M rt. rp< i L ET-NO.^95 N. DIVIs ION ST I 1s’orydwelling, with a gjod bam; a good place for a mil - man. Apply to M . McCOMB . Fl K NISH ED HOUSE—A FIKST- imely furnish d, will lierent*il until May 1st, 1876, to a goodte ant as the occupant propncs being ab- -ent from Buffaloduring the coming winter; posse sion wil begivenas soon as d»sired. For further KOoimation appyto Ji •!!’- ' « TT>> , ?l Pearl st. OU Es TO LET—Vk. 232 NINTH Street, two story brie withgas, celar, kc , md is very desirable. Rent $10. bo 61 Clifton P*ac*, one story frame, 8 rooms, cistern, kc Rent #260. No. >4Huds n street, one sto-y. Rent tl8 » . No. 52C ttage street, • wo story frame, gas, cellar. kc. Rent $406. HASTINGSA OTTO , No. 3 Brown’s Building. ___________ H‘ I 'ran lire. A O KENT—FOR 1 tlE WINTER OR unt1 tl efirst of June, a desirabii residence on Franklin st., above Ch p ewa, with or without furin cure. Inquire at 254 Frank 1 n st. FURNiSH ED HOUSE TO RENT. My house. No. 617 Main St., Buff*lo, with a .garden in a high s^ate of cultivation attached, i to lierented to asmall lamily tor .hrce or six month- r uii’i! 'he first of Maynext. Possesion five a on the l-t of July next. P'ano, pictures, kc., included •as, water, furnace. woou>hedaud bam For infor -nation, applv o . the premises on any day before 1 A M . during the present month GEoKGK W , 4“! GHT<>•, No 617 Mam*L ry l et k o o v is Advertisements not exceeding Jour lines inserted under this heading Jor 555 ceiU*. each additional ine H cents. Tj t : I ET - A Inquire at N - LET "UIT OF FIVE ROoMS. . 360 Terrace. the new- agle st^ , I ui ti;-.- prem -ROOMS AND SUITS OF econdand thi d floors, just finished, <-k i.uild ng at cor <UNiagara and 33, tor offices or dwellings. Inquire K OFFICES FOR RENT—NOS &16 Main St., 2offices on 2d floor and 2on 3d floor. No. 9 Central Wharf, one ofti c on 3d flc-r The**#: officesare fitted up and are very con venient. Fo further par lculars apply to c ner on the premises, or of tiUME &SANJrORD, 16 West iwan st. Also—An office in -Etna Buddings, corner Prime and Llovd sts., well fitted up. For further par ticular apply to Capt. K . P. DORR, or HUME k SiSFOal), 16 West Swanst. { /OR RENT—THE THIRD FLOOR of the 3-st ry brick dwrelliug north*ast comer cd Swan a d Washngton ‘ts., knownas the Shad) s, with steam pow-r ‘f dtsi -m1 . Suitable for a light r.ianufaciu’ing business. HASTINGS k OfiO, Keai R-tat- Brok- 8. IV ” 1 I / 14 I H OOMS AND POWER TO RENT The rooms are desirable and the power con s.ant. Inquire of i . k . HOLM E3, M ichigan st. an! the Cana! Buffalo. POLITICAL. W ateiy. A, . _ best of references snd fully t si'uati-jn as housekeeper. Can North st. SITt'ATIOXS-JIALES. Advertisement* not exceeding Jour lines inserted under this heading Jor 545 cents, each additiona line 3 cents. MARRIED. BKAlf- P’ERCE—Sept 33, at the residen#* of the bvMe’s mother, by Hev. n D Marshal, M r L. M . Beansand M i sSopha L. Pi -rce, b th of this city. DIED. BUfGEMAN—Oct. 4 Caroline Pfeifer, wife of John Bingetnan.agod26ye rs and 11m . nth*. FutMfal MTednewGyat 2o’cloi k p. M , from the re«- idcne*of her hus -and, on Hi,h st., lwtweeu M ich- Igan snd Elm . Friends andacquvntanci -i are re- ■neetfillv invitedto tte .d. Y ITA N TED — BY A (; KNTLEM AN WHO ? has had a nuns er of years' expcr enceinSt«te Fairs, a position to introduce articles at the lut rra- tion.l Fair, to If held in thus citv. Address CoN STANTIN 'K . thi -offi,-. i DRY GOODS SALESMAN, THOR- XA. ou. hly p stcd In thc trad general y, and w»-o has an extended ai-qna ntan e in thc city, is open f<> an engm.emctit. Rcfcreuies given. Address I> . #J. 8 ," this office. O l i e A TlUN NV N 1ED IA v T lLTa t” #2 to sny one that will get me(omethingto do Tokeep iooksor do laboriou work. Address H . F. COLU'8,334 Ter ace. _______ W /ANTED — SITUATION BY young mm 90years of age;/peaks A a*M jruuetit at reasouab'e prtcea BUFFALO»MOrRNINO 8TOH*. 414 Main st. , American Block. and En’ lish '.’understands bock kee in , iswlltng ’ work and make niniself useiul. has gtw 'd references Aililreai ‘A . L . this ■ ffi.e. _____________ t YOUNG MAN FROM CANADA. x\ agood * ng isheduc tion, w-antsempl y ment na rocery or #lryg nds-tor ;will c to ma e h ms If use iil Addres*. **W . P ..** this office. SITUATION!> WAN!ED JBY 2 VfH'Nt; O men asclerks: jus#arrived from Scotland. Both, have a thorough knowled.e of book-*eepi g and m*r«anulwhoiutuiluties. Fir-t-class c rt ftcau.-. tui reference. Address OE * . H. DALGEoY, care of ROB r. SO# rtT. 24W l keson st. fflafara Plaaiag Mill Ceatpaay. Door Beehand Blind Manufactory, fW A Benen at., Buffalo. Flooring, Biding, Moulding^, Brerk- ete. Kiln Dried Doore, Glared and Umrlaaed Sreh. i—u gnd OuUtie Blinds; Door and (fftndow Frarere. Alao, f’tantaff. B*wi*g mA Turning of •van dreerlption dou#to order on shert notice and wtth dispatch. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ Glass, Glstaa. Glass. ported Maaa. PLATE DWELLINGS at Les. __ _ tssjm Ma. WHITS LEAD, ss * bbls. LIN8BBC OIL For reW by _ A BSYNOIDH A00 lfl Mainst. and 46Lloyd st., Buffalo, N.Y. W ANTED—A SITUATION BY A RE liablemiddle aged man in someactive bu iness, Ha had cons’ .d^rabeexpert# D i-e. AUdr ssMAGNUS, this offic-. HEN YOU BUY A NIUE HOUSE lon t forgetto put into your kitchen a Tri- •nph. DUDLEY k ROCKWELL, 833Main st. f OR SALE—THE FOLLOWING DE- sirat le res dences: No. 2i Delawaresu, 2-‘tory wing and ham; gas, water and fumacx Lot 94jxll5. No. 625Mainst., 3-story, with 2-story rear; eas, w ater andf urnace. Lot 20x115, with a i extension V> Wasiiingtoi..t. No. 4S9 Washingtonst,3-story and attic, with a lot 13x36; gas, water andfurnace. Lot25x160. No 46KastMoliawk st., 3-story&n.l attic; gas and water. A finehouse and large ground at Batavia, Genesee county. No. 568 Main st., 3-story, with wing; gas, water andfurnace. Lot 42x115. No. 74Edwardst., 2-storyand wing. Lot 73x40. ‘ No. 33Delaware Place; gas, water and furnace. Lot 40x200 No. 236 Connecticut cornerTenth st., 2-story. Lot 75x100. No. 315E. Eaglest, 2-story front and rear. Lot 16x728. No. 302Franklin st, 2-story front and rear; gas, veater soufurnace. Lot 40xl73J. N" 98Johnson Place, 2-etory brick; ga*, water lumac't Lot 30x120. No. 1Sixth st, 2-story frame, withgas and water, lot 30x132. Nn. 102 Seventh st , l)-story fnune, with trick bum; gas and water- Lot 26x— No. 107 Swan>t., 3-s:urymasticfront, with2-story ifar; Niagara water, gas, furnace, Ac. Apply to JOHNoTTO, Pearl st. • >EPUBLIGAN COUNTY CONYEN LX TION.—The Republican Electors of •..unty are requested *"choo.-e three delegates frotu th* ir respective townsand wards to represent them i.i the Coun yConvention, to he held at the Opera House Arcade Building, in the city n5 Buffd ', on ■put-day, the )2'h day <> f October next, at 2o 'clocu p. M ., for the purpose of nominating oudidites for county offiocrsto be supp,rt4-d a* , the ensuingtl c- ti<n. R.#RER1 MILLS, Chairman. 8 OAKYADAMS, D.C. WELCH, W . B SIRRET, ALONZO TINNER, J )IN ' 11 WEB ' H , LoUIS P. REICHERT, JOSIA1I SOUTH W ICK , WILLIAMFLEulNG. Republican County Committee. BfFKALLO , Fept #0. 1-6 I^IGHTH DISTR vertion —ARepul TRICT JUDICIAL CON- HOILSEH AXP CAEBIA 6 E 8 . Advertisements not exceeding Jour lines inserted t nder this heading Jor 545 cents, each additional i-ne 3 cents. __________________ T iears old, sound and kind; a'«o,a light spnrg wagon and a fox cutter, suitable fo: a grocer. Buf- tal • Scale Works. 324 Exchange sr., Buffal". ____ X>R SALE CHEAP—A HORSE NINE JP1 REAT INDUCEMENT—ONE BAY AJTmvre, seven vcare old, sound kind; and oi,e I uht wagon, n ar >n w; one of •* eber1- oak tanned •over mounted haru#*«8, for aal cheap Appy to 4.1 Man s'. Buffilo, or .-ran lbi House stvb '.e. _____ lblican Un on Conventionfot the Ruhth Judiciil Distri-1 wi 1in- heldat the T iff*. ;iouse, in th '.* citvof Buffxlo, on Wednesday, the 6th i jayof October next, at 2 P. M .. forthe pu pose of 90'ininatmg t*o candidaUs forthe offic• of Justice of the Supreme Court, t •be support' dat the enaui-- irg Nove l>er election; one in the plsce of Charles >an'els, Esq., who e teim of office exp r s <>nthe last dav of December next and one to till the uncx- *>iredtermof Noah Davis, Ksq , resigned. Each As- fembly l>is*rict is entitled to send twodelegates to lAidConvention. J. D . H. r HAMBERLIN, * L N . B4NGS. L. W . SMITH, W . S. HINCKLEY, S hRf'CB. E A. NASH, J. D . AMES, S. K . iTLKlNS, ' Dated Sept. 11. 1S69. Committee. Republ can pa|*ersinsaid District pleasecopy. __ R epublican county commit- TtE-l of the Committee wil be _nId at their rooms. rinde Buil ing, Wednesduy evening of each week until further notic-. Mem bers of the Committee ore requested to attend. ROBT. MILLS, Chairman. LEG IL NOTICES. RoIL For working South street between Ohio *.ndHamburg street* ..................... #2543 51 or repairing Pratt street between Syca morean Geneseestrrets .................. 109 7f For rearingCanalstreet betweenCommer- •al street and Maiden Lane ...... 101 26 For r-pa'r ngCarlton atreet betweenfx>cust and Lemon streets ......................... 50 48 For repairingAsh street between Sycamore and Bat«viastreets ........................ 113 06 For repairing South Division street between repring anu ueff rson streets ............. 41 10 For repairing J. (Tenon street between Ba tavia *ud Matthews streets ............... 109 20 For repairing Sycamore street between Pratt and Hickory treet* ................. 101 92 For ret«aringScott street between Heacock andVan tienss. Uer streets ............... 162 90 For repainug A he-st street betweenNiag ara and East streets ......................... 5 or rep.iring Amber I street between East and Thompson street# ....................... 5 For repairing A* lisrst ■ reet between Thompsonand T i.awanda s’reet-. 5 For repai'ingTwelfth street between Vir ginia aud MsiylatK . streets .................. 17i F r repo iring Jefferson street betw. en Brown and Sycamore streets ............. 5 For repairing thepavement in Wash n«ton st. #K st Ut*i«u Seneca and Exchange streets ....................................... 2< For repairingS- an otreet betweenthe east erly line ol Jefferson s iett aud the end of f e pavement iu Swan street ........... 101 For repairingthe pavement on Main street between .Swanat d seneca streets ........ If For repairingnorth side of sycamore Jtr et sewer betwe n Oak and r hn streets ....................................... 1( Ft r repairing W illi im street over sewer at northwest corner of W ill am and P Uer streets. ( xtinded) ......... I For rei ai ingW il iam street ov- r sewer on south side, about 70 feet west of Potter street, ^extended .......................... 5 For repairing W illiamstreet over sewer »nd water ppe at u rtiieast corner of W i liam and Mortimer stieets ..................... 7 For repairingSwan street between a point mitway tet*e«n Spriru and efferaon *>rcets and the easterly line of Jefferson street ................. .’ ..................... 202 For rc airingSwan street b^twien the west eurb1L.eof M . higanstreet and a point midway betw en M ichigan street and Cnestnut street, (extended) .............. 1202 For repairing Oakstreet f om the northerly curb ineof Swanstre-t halfway through to South street ................. 100 For connectingthe pavement in t#e north siil" of Swanstreet with the pavement in Washingtonstreet, tocorrespondwith the present pavement in Swan street ........ 65 For connecting thepavement on south si te of Swan street with tbe pavement in Wa* ingtonstreet, the present pavement iu Swan * treet ........ 77 For constructingthe {lavement at the inter- see inn of Swan and M icniganstreets, to coriespoiid with tha present pavtme. t in Swanstreet, westeily therefrom ........ 142 For repairingcrossingof Ohioand Washing ton streets betweencurb lines ............ 200 For repairing the gutters on west, side of Mainstreet between Prim street andBuf falo Kiver .................................. For sprinkling Swan street between Wash ington snd M ichiganst eets for 1869 ..... For repaving tiie westerlyside of the Ter race lietween t rieand Lock streets - be- SIDEWALKS . For takin? up and relayingsidewalkon the north sideof Senecastreet, 1184fret east of Ellicott-treet, to a point 102 feet east erly therefrom .......................... For repairing sidewalk on thc northerly * de ol Nia. ara street between Georgia and Carolina streets ....................... For repairing eidewralk on the southerly s de of Niaga a stree between Virgi ia and Mary Iai.d-tree's ....................... For rep iringsidewak on#he north si Je of Niaga a treet bet sml Virginia and Ma ry a id streets .............................. F r repairing si itwalkon thenor herly sido of Motiawkstreet betwe u More an street an i a | oint 46fee wes.eriy ther. fr -m ... •or c nstructing ridowa k on north side of Bat ivia street betweenJohnson and Her man streets ................................. For repairingsidewalk on toe north sideof Court street between M«iu and Pe^rl streets ....................................... F- r repairing-idvwa.k oil the east side of Niagara street b tween Fore.-t avenue and ccajaquada C ’ree- .................... Forreiari g sidewalk on the east ide of Niaga astr et l*etweenDeevan andClin ton av.uue* ................................ For rcqiair ng sidewalk on east s de of Niag ara street beiwee Clinton ar.d Birdav- For repa ring s;dewaj# on ea-t side of Niag ara street betweenAub-rnand B .u.k av- For repairingS'dewaik on tas- side of Niag ara street between B rd and Forest ave- lfor opairingsidewalk on cast sole of Niag ara *re* t between Ferry and Brrekiu- rid.eatr et* ............. ................... For ie airing sidewakon < ait sid-' cf Niag ara hreet b twe.u Bidw^.l street and Dclev&n avenue ........................... For req>airin, sdrwa'k on southside of Uti castre. t between Rogers and Brayton streets ...................................... For repairing sidewalk on the cast side of N agari s.ree between Br.ckin idge otreet »nd Auburn aveuue ............... For repairingsi-lewal' ooeast side of Niag ara str. et i.etween Bouckavenueand Bid- well btre ts................................ For eonstr jet’ngsid. walk on south sde of l’err. street bet«een a point 35leet west of .M ichgan street anu bridge over Clark andBkinner Canal ......................... For constructing bide walk on northerly side of Canal sti eet, from a poin 2i2) feet ea te lyof Ev^nsstreet, to a point 20 fret e s erlythere'rom ......... ...... Ferre]Kuring*:de»alkon noihteasterlyaide of Ninth *'reet be ween York and Con necticut streets ............................. For repairing side«alk on north aste ly side of l*ame. street betweenHudson and Mary land street*. ......................... For rrpiiringsidtwalkjon thesouthwest side of E.eventh street between Jersey a d North streets ............................... For repairingsi ‘ewalk on the southeasterly sideof Pearl sirret between Terrace snd Commercal streets ........................ For repairing sidewalkon the southerly sole of Yrk street between Ninth and Elev enth stree s................................ For repairingsidewalk on the east side of Niagbrastreet etwren Albanyand ter ry sj rets ....................................... Fo- repa ringsiuearalk on the east side of Niagara street between School and Ninth street* ....................................... For repa:ri:tgsidewalk on tht west side of «kstieet between Carlton and High treets ....................................... For repairing side ws Ik on east sid*of Niag arastreet t etween Ninth and a point 330 fevt no tberly iherefrom .................. For r.-pxiringsidewalk onvhe fast si !e rf N.aga-a itrcet betweenTenth street and a point 336 feet northerly from Ninth street ....................................... For constructinga stone sidewalk on the north rly side of Whituev Flare, from the curi li e cn the reuthea-terly line of Carolinastreet and a pout 1915-12fret souther y from the southerly line of Car olinastreet ................................ . For constructinga stone sidewalk on south westerly side of Ninth street between Hudson and Pennsylvania streets ........ U S U R4TICK. For coistrect nga tile i ____ ___ we*- si eof Sixthstreet, from the centre of Maryl nd street to w ihiu 100 fort of Hudsonstreet .............................. For repairingmain sewer in Pearl street, about 225f el north of Senecastreet .... For repair ng stwc n Sereca street at t e c oasing. f Franklin -treet ............... For repairing Enu ie s.reet sewer at its moutn in Van tc ms.Iatr st eet ......... For comtmrting a sewer in M ichigan str et fromthe cent-e < f Elk str.e to the bouthiineof Ferry stoet................. 1612 5* CTLvmm For cottftructinrstone cul ert»aero**Bata viastreet betwe. n M akien reet at d the easterly line of W ilUamsv:i e Ru-d 4374 44 john M c M anus, GREGORY HITT, RICn’D C . KINNEY, Assessors. Office in llte Citv Building*, corner of Franklin and Eagle streets. Officeh*ur* ire»m 8 A . M . to 4 P. M . ____ j4-6t KK SALE— thr BEST family borse ever offer,d in th'* marke ; suitable for Carriageor buggy. Is * vood trav. Her, warra. ted •oundand kindevenway. A'-oon top buggy ano i.oop*atwo searwdwagon. Gan neseen at No. 8g '■Cw t Serwca etroe* ______ ®® olttf pub promts and T® LKT-STtKEL S TORE TO RENT -THE FINE STORE 85Peart st. , near Seneca, wtth privilege of atc- “ desired. HAS 11.'OS k OTTO , 3 mo LET THE NEW RRlcK STORE A Nn. 30 Elli ott «t., with twoupper ntorte*enn- ve ientlv fl ted u • f -r dweHinv*. with gaa, wtar Ac.; thestore ia waitable for a small ammdaclTiiw miliinet 7 or other light > uainem . Alao, the story fiaine cottage No. 13 Chestnut st.; pt____ gi.-en Oct 1, 369. Rent #250. nASTlNOaAOTTO, Beal EstateBtokers, No. 3Brown'* Building*. UOIMC rrM isH iiL •PBICMPH GKNPlSa-SO STOVt 1 haareceivedsuch abuse a* the Triumph, no atovehaa had such a saleaa the Triumph. It isto bt Wid inmor*Buffalo kitchens than any otuer; and »hyfi B cnusaitM thabwt, the oaaies; manaced. ’• muooaim), mm m rj ottar TO U uJ- tk Manufactured anl for saleonly by DL DLR »k ROCKWELL, 331Main «L Naany half the hou-* W Buff lonm our Triumph. 1 RIUftiPH GENUINE—TO * how tbe Triumphlaappreriafd ta on# fam il* ^fm, Wm. B. Lvmnngets u*s*, then Nathan Lyman, then John L. Lguan^then J. C . S l tag Stove. judge. *Call and seeour celebrated Triumph Coo DUDLEY A ROCKWELL. 333 Main it. OEWER AND RECEIVER CORNER kj OF EAGLE AND EMSLIE STRsETS. lire isher* by given tha: sealed proposals will I __ peved-t the officeof tbe 8trret Co:nmL>*;o- er until Wedn- sti ay . Oct. 6, 1869 ft 1C o’clock a. M .. for con- -tru lin as-aer ana rece ver, with patent east iron «t nch tra}*, at th.- n rtheas*. corn r of Eagle and Em*iestreets. ALEXANDER BRUSH, Street Comm iwnioner. Buffalo. vep*. 29. 1809. ___________ i3^6t N otice of intention.—notig is herebygiver, that the C- mmon Council of :he citv of Buffalointend '« orde-the Laxp Dis r ct exten-ied on both side* of ^ishington street, be twren Carlton and Virginia street*. GEO . 3. WARDWELL. 01♦- Clerk Dated Bulla'o, S pt. .BKt S TONE CROSSWALK ACROSS -CuTTSTREET.-.Notic- i* h reb giventhat *em 'eduro^osals will be rec >vedat tne Sue-t Com tms-iorwr’s Officeuntil Wednesday. Ort. 6, at 1C o’clock A . M , for constructuig a6-fee-’ c oee stone cro**walk aero s fcott stieet, on the west side ol M ichiganstreet. ALEXANDER BRUSH, Buffalo. Sept. 29. 1 J99B F lagging"stoj*e sid ew alk s os BOTHSIDES OF WELLS STKKffT. -Notice s hereby «.ven -hat wal.d prop- sals will be re- • fved a#the oflice of th* Stre ioncr until Wed csday, Oct. ”, i860, a lOo’c’otkA M .,f**rc n- (■trvc*ing Magging«tone sidewalks on the ea*t a- d west sides of *#ela stree , betwee » tu*- northerlv -orblineof Kxc ange street and the southerly curb line of Senecastreet. ALEXANDER BRUSH, Street Commissi o: er. Buffalo, Sept 2?, I860. ;30-6t F- r constructing stone ridewalk on the southwesterly side of Ninth street be tween Pennsylvaniaand JerseystreeU.. CROSSWALKS . For c 'nstructing stone crosswalk acros* 8ei ecastreet ontiiewesterlyside < f Pearl street ....................................... Yor repairing st*ne crossw 'alk a* 'r s>Fly street on tlie westerly side o: Maid- n Lane ...................................... Forr pair nr stone cro*swa!k acresi Chip- m i i reet on the e*st rly sid; W ORK-'. OliutnhU til THE CUM MNCOt V Ii.—Ihe owner* of the Ian- (■i-nungon tbe street ,an#tbetween the point*her# matter namwl, are horeby required to make the im prorement* hcrtiiL»ft*r ‘jiecifitsl in frent ot or o. h ir respective lots, ir the manner and within tb# iua*iimiteu r r each rcspecu.elv, a*follow*: O* ti esouthwesterly side of hinths reet, betweei Rhode Island aod Massachusetts ste#.i,ca.s .‘ide al k to l«e cc-nstruc ed f-rnr feet wide, oi g"o ^ine p.ank two inchesthick, witi.iu five < ay*. 1 «Jn the north side of Amherst street, b twee- ThompiM iu stieet ml n point midway Let»e#-i Tli"U-pson a d Tonaaanda street , cause a s-d walk re berejiaired withg o#l pine p a"k two incbe# tiiick, wheren#-Ces*a y, within fivedays. Ou the n-rth side of Ainiier st street, between Toua anda street and a p iut mid ay :et*e«. louawanda ar.d ihomjMon streets, cau e a-idewa s to bvrep-ired with go#sJ 11 #- j> l «.k, two tache. thick, where necessary, witnin five d.yj. Ou the north side of Amherst ‘tree., betwe n Thompx n treet ai.d a |>oi.ii midway betacen I'bompson and Las street#*, ca" - j a sid wain to it repaired with g -od pine plain*, two inches thick, w here Lec.saary, witidn fiveday s. On the north side of Amherst street, between E»it street and a poiu. mdway between East and •hom..- *ou street-, cause a ‘Li*W*tk to be repair d wiib goo#l pinu plank, two ii.cSc*thick, where nectasary with n fi\c day*. On the south -ide of Amherst street, betweenTon - wanda st eet and a point midway betwe n Tona- wanda and Thompson street.*, call e a sidewalk to I t repaired with good pine plank, two inches tiiick, where necessity, within five dsys. #Jn ihe s-iuth s de of Ainhcrst street, between Thompson street and a jjoint midway between Thompson ai dTouawoi'da s.rects, causj a sidewalk t<> I t repaired with good jime pauk, two inch#* thick, where nec<a>sary, within five days. On tue south side of Amherst rtreet, between Tnompson street and a point midway between I’ho.i pson and Eas. s reels, cau-e a sidewalk to e repaired win good pine ;> 'ank, two ine:es thick, wherenecessary, withinfive days. on the south sideof Amherst street, between Fam street and a point midway i>etw«n Ea t andThump ! sonstreets, cause a sidewalk-to be repaired ft good j»ine plank two iuchM thick, where necessary, witnin fivedays. Ou the north side of Amh‘rst s'reet, between a jKiint a out 5>o feet easterly of louawanda s ami a point a'out 158 feet easterly there roni, cause as dewalk to be re-pairea of good pine p.ank ro inchesthick .where necessary, within fivedays. Ou the south side #f Amherst street, betwe# n TonawauJas reet and apoint 246feet eas erlv there from, c->useasi-jewak to lie rejiaired of good pine plat.k two inclu* tl.ics, where necessary, within live days. On tiie south sid* of Amherst street, between a jioint 94Sfeet eas*. ofToiikwuiKtastreet and a jioint 332 feet easterly therefrom, cause a sidewalk to t* repaired of good pine pUnk two inches thick, here necessary, within flv« days. On the south stie of Amherst s'reet, lietween a {Joint 1286feet castof Ti nawenda.street and a j»in* 266f ct easterly therefrom, eaus*a sidewalk to b epaircdof g .odpiuc plans, two inches thick, where necessary, wiihin fivedays. south sideof Amheret street, between a t oint 1480feet east of Tom waii'1%street and a point 20o feeteast rly therefr- in, cause a sidewai- u lit r. - aired of goodpine plank, two inches thick, where it*: ssary, within five days Unthe south side of Amherst street, b tween a jioint 16 0 foot it't of 'louawanda street, and a point 200 feet ea-tcriy therefrom, cau.-e a sidewalk be repair.d of gooi j»in j.lauh, two iucLesthick, where necessary, within fivedays. Gn’the south siile of Amherst str- et, between a point 1880 foet feet east of i naw .niastreet and the tate di ch, causea sidewalk to be repaired or good p ne pUi.k, two .nch- s thick, where nece-sary, witli.n nvedays. On the northeasterly S 'dc of Eleventh street, lie- v#cn Massachusetts street sn . a poi t m idw-av ctween ii mp-liire and Ma.*sachusettsstreet*, cause sidewa-k t.. he repaired bv sul«titu ing g od hem lock pi nk, three inches thick, wh* ro ne essa v, wiihin five days. the south s dc of Mackinaw str* et betw cn Hamburg and Ala aina -treet* cau* a s dewalk to e rejiaired with good hemlock pla k ihree inche.- tiii k wh#roi.eccs ary, within fivedays On the northwest -ide of Georgia str- et, between Fou th and Efner treet , cause a side‘al- to be re- pai.eJ with good hcnil"-k jilank thre. inches thick, wuer nece-sary, wi hin live days. On the nortli#rl sideoi Tenth street, between th- north#astcrly curb line of Ten h street and the southeast#.-! lycuib 1 eof Hu 9011 street, int ecity f Buffalo c.usea sid- wlk to be tas# 11 upa dreiaiii to conformwitnthe present pavingof Te th str et, and subs-itu.e new j-la.ik, where necessary, within avedays. Tne above work isto b« done under the direc- ion of the M treet <, and if not done i< he maimer and within thc time tjieciflvd, then th. street Commissi-mer ■■ authorized to dothe same at the expense of the ownersof ti.eland. GEORGE E. WARDWELL, Ot, Cl'-k Dated Buffs lo, Sept. 29th, 1869. j36-5t VJEWEK AND RE EIVER AT UOR. O NEROFMORGAN AND EDWARD STREET'. - :e s hereby gi« niliat Healed jno,os&i will <-re- ceivcd at t#"e(.fficeof the Street Commssio er im ti- Wednesday, Oct 6, lb '-'J, a lO-.'clnk A M ., t«n c nst ucting •* s wer and receiver with a cast iron t 11 ht apat tlie southwe t corner of Morgan and Edwardstreets. ALEXANDER BRUSH, Street Commissioner. Buffalo, Sept. 29, 1869. j30-6t .EWER and RECEIVER- AT OOR * NEROF M IV AND SEN ECvSTS.—Notice i- he #:bygiven that seal d i»rop sds will be re* eiveo at the St eet Commissioner's o c- until Wed ncsday, Oct *, 1869 at It)o'c (Kk A M ., for c n- ‘tructinj a sewer and reiceiver with a ca-tir n stench trap at .he northwest corner of Maiu and Seneca st:eels. ALEXANDER BRUSH, Street Conunissionei. Buffalo. Sept. 29. 1869. ___________ j.H"-6t UEWKU AND i Li 'ELVER Ai OR IO NEK jF MAIN ANDNORTHDIVISIONSTS Notice is r.ereby given that seal. 6jm-jxj al- will b received at the office of the street Commiss oner until Wednesday *ct. 6, 1869, at 16 o’ciock A . M, lerconstn.ctinga sewer snd receiver at the north east corner of Mainand Noith Divisi n streets. ALEXANDERBRUSH, Street Commissioner. Buffalo. Sept. 29. 1869. ___________ j3')-6t LAGGING JC ACKCS4 TCPPKR MREET.- SiONE CROSSWALKS ishe. c - by ea that sealed projjosals will lie receive.: a# the officeof ilie Street Commissioner until Wednes day, Oct. 6, 1869, at 1 # ' o’clock a . M, for c nstruct ing six-foot o*cn cro-swalku across Toj»jier street, ou thc east anti west sides of Eli cott street, ALEX A NDKtw BRUSH, Street Commisstorie*. Buffalo, Sept. 29,1869. ___________ j30-0t EUFTEENTH #>TKEEI’ EXTENSION — J. No ice is hereby g.ven that the Com mon Countil rf the ci#y of Buffalo have de termined. and do here y determine, to take tne la d andjiroperty nec#s#aarv to lay out and ex'end e fteentn street, f omits jrresent terminationst York street U<Jersey str -et. commenc ng at a point 2o» feet easterly from Fourteenth street, on the soutli- erl line of York street, #u ning thence southerly and 1 are 11 el with Fourteenth street to Jersey street: thence at right angles easterly along the cortherl.v line of Jersey street 50 feet; then e at rig'-t angl«* northerly oYork street; ihence alongth? » utheriy line of York street 60I et, to the placeof beginning; and the saidComrno. council will applytoth#- supe rior Co :rt of Buffalo, at a moti n term there-.f, to be held at the rooms of the Buffalo 1 aw Libraryin the Young M-n’s Aa*ociati«jn Build'n.s, co ner of Mainand Kaglest-eet-, in the city of But- falo, on Tuesday, the 19lh day of Oct- ber, 1869, at the op ning of said court on that day, or as soon tnereafter as counsel can he h< ard, for the appnm men of thre-.- ers to ascer-ainar.drej>rt the just cumpeiiM tion to be paid to the personor personsownin/ cr havingan interest i 1 thclandand jiropertysopropoaed to b« taken. GEORGE 8 WARDWELL, City Clerk. Dated Buffalo. Sept 28. IM» _______j^9 Ita : of Dela- For con-trurti g a .tone crew-walk acrosi Eleventh street, ex -ended o . toe westerly s de of Cami. a rtreet .................... >or coustructhiga et j*e crosswak sc n#i pearl street n the es.utherl. sue ofAden street ......................................................... .. v • • • For re»aun g atone oro **' lkacross M i. hi gan street ou the southerly : ide of Clin ton s. reet ................................... For rejairing the no:theriy end ot c-oss- w wkacr. s • *» iagara str jet wtste lvside of Morgan rtreet ....................................................... For constructing s stone cn ssw-lk ser '"s Fr«nkl>n street < n th#. routhe ly »ide of Allen ................................... For takingupan«l relayingcross walkscrosi Fa-k s eet ou the north rly side ot VIr- gniastreet ................................. F rc nstructsnr a -ton- crosswalk aero* Bark street # n the southerlyside of Allen st eet ....................................... rt iuc rexu. For repa'ring and maintaining Prospect HiUPh-ks............................................................ For conWructinga sewer in H dson street, from itepre ent terminatw-n near Twcfth sceet north#r yto the southwes'erly line of Widsworths net ....................... F> r cinstructinga re«er ia B#w ton a’ley fromth*sewer n Tupper street n#»rher ly to with u 160feet of Goodell street... For rejvairingthe mainsewer inDockstreet *1 Buffalo Rjver ........................... OYCAMUKE STKtEl' EXlKNoloX— O Notice is hereby given that the Conunun Council of the city of Buffslo have dtU-rm ned and do hereby det rmine t> take and sppio- priate the land snd property neceHsary t«. 1-y out and extend Sycamore »tre*~ from the eo.t- eriy line of :effer*on street north-aste rly to the westerlyUneof Walden street, th- o. ntre line of aid exteLHtouto be a atraight c -ntinuat onof th- centre li e of S ca 4 -ore s reet a* now l*id out b-tween Oak ar.d J -ffe-soust-e te. the north and south fane# of said extension t be S3 fe* t distant at ri_ht a;i glea fron aod paral el to h a -ove de-eri ce- tr liue; »»»dtoe said Commn Council will applyto ite Suite io # ourt of Buffaloat a motiont 10 here"!, to be neld at the room or t e Buff.lo L w Library, in the Young M # ''’s A-s clatio" Buil ings, c rner ol Mataand ragi street-, ta toe dty I Buff-1.., on Tuesday, the19th dayof #l*ctob-r. lo#?#,- th opening ot said Cou>t u bat day . or a* *-on ther.arter •* oounsai an be heard, tor the appointment of three commiaMunentt--as ertam an.l re*-trt ihe jus com peiosateoii 'o be j* u t. the per su.t o. p rson* own ing or having an in er*st in th<*land -nd proitertj. s j propusedto c* taken. GEORGE S. WARDWELL, Ctty Clerk. Dated Bnffal". Sep* 28 IW» ih* "t CUBA. ARRIVAL OF THE AL-BA If AAT FERNANDI NA . FLA, WITH 400FILLIBU3TE8S—STEAM ERS AT CEDAR KEYS AWAITING THEIR SHIPMENT—SEIZURE OF TOE HORNET Al WILMINGTON, N . C—OFFICERS OF THE CAPTURED PKIYATEER. ^ ««terday morning s Ss vannah 3Vto» hu 'eports from Florida of tb* arrival of th# ’iteamahip Alabama at Fem aorina on Fri- Uy night from New York w ith 40t nen including sixty t fficer* for th. L^nban expedition, now tendecvonaing 01 he Galf coast. The men Were immediate!v jut aboard the car*, and aent to C etiai Keys, where steam, rs await them. Tw* mndred men arrived at Baldwin, Florida rom Savannah on Saturday night, aup tjosed to be a portion of the command no* ■rganizing in middle Georgia. The Hoanet a/icu Cuba appeared ofl 'mithville. North Carolina, Saturday even ng, flying Unban colors. It has been defi litely ascertained that she has two hundre#: men and thirty officers on board. A ma jority of the latter are ex confederates 'he anchored inside the fcar and sent hei •ugmeer and purser to VVUmington to se cure a supply of coal, th»z taken on boani jff New York not being adapted to quick movements. Suspicion being soon aroused the officer* after engaging a supply o1 coal returned to their vessel without making arrangements to get the coal aboard fhey left thia ciiy about twelve o’clock for S m ith ville, thirty-five rfiles below, in a *mall row boat. Colllector Rumley char tered the steam tug Alpha thia morning at tour o ’c l o c k , and haviutf placed in thi haods of a 1># puty United. States Marsha a warrant i»su*d by a United States Com tnitaioner, placed him on board, with a pari of the customs force, with orders to detain the privateer until further orders. Colone. rank,commanding the United States troop- at the post of SruithviJle is expected to cooperate with the Deputy Marsha] if necessary. The officers who visite#l tht city were very boiti ai.d contiilent, insisting that there is u/> process by wnich the pri vateer can be legally detaiiied. The event creates much excitement xnd comment. LATER. The privateer Hoi net or Uuba w as seize#! by the Deputy United States Marshal at Smithville at J2 M. to-d:iy, and brought up and anchoret! half a mil# I elow tb# city this eveding. A numl r of hei oflicen are now iu the city - and it is posi tive that there is no pretext unacr which she can be detained by tbe authorities longer thau it is necessary *0 have an inves tigation into her armament and crew. The (Juba is a formidable vessel, and is repre sented as having great speed. She is short of coal and provisions now*, and her ma chiuery is considerably derknged. Among her officers are Commander Ed ward Higgins, Commander Thomas L. Darwin, Lieutenant Commander David A ieifair, navigating officer, and Lieutenant C. W. Read, Dr. Frederick J. McNulty, -Surgeon; Engeno Valient, Paymastri; Prentiss Ingr;#m, Captain of Mamies anu private secretary to the Commodore; Dr ci. \V. Du In us. Assistant Surgeon; D. D. Muuroe, First Lieutenant of Marines. THE STORM. DISASTROUS EFFECT# OF THE LATE RAIN— THE ERIE CANAL RENDEREDUSELESS FOR TWOWEEKS T >COME RAILROAD TRAVEK bLSPENDED IN ALL DIRECTIONS—GREAT D . STRUCT oN OF PROPERTY, AND SEV ERAL PERSONS INJURED. The Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Directors held a meeting yesterday in New York, but the result has not transpired. James Browm A Co. have begun a suit in the United States Circuit C*>urt for $2,500,- 000, d’ffirences on $7,000,Cc0 of gold sold by them through All>ert Spey era at $1 60 ou Friday to Fisk A CoulcL The accounts received from all section* show the storm to have be'in general, and to have caused considerable damage. The telegraph, save the cable, has been mu< h interrupted. Many railroai bridges have been carried away. From W hitehall breaks are reported in the canal at various places, and two hundred jand fifty feet of tow path carried away between Mechanics- ville and Waterford, tifty feet at Dunham’s basin, about three uiiles north of Fort Ed ward. At Fort Ann, a man named Julias Les son, of W hitehall, endeavoring to cross the road, was drowned with h# team. Seve ral bridges on the Rensselaer A Saratoga Railroad are swept rway, and the track ia also waahed out in several places. Several bridges are gone on the R itland A Wash ington Kailroad. Tbe through travel on the Boston a Albany Kailroad, is stopped on account of bad breaks, both east and west of Springfield. The fall of water at Springfield reached eight inches. The vil lage of VYesttieid is inundated, and it is reported that the loss will amount to a hundred thousand dollars. No trains through ou the Hudson River Railroad since early yesterday morning. Near C'astieton two hundred feet of rood b**d, and both tracks are gone. The bridge at Stuy vesaut lighthouse is also damaged; and the culvert near Livingston station, is partially destroyed. In the towm of Kbinebeck, four out of rive bridges are destroyed. Approaches to Khinebeck are cut off. The Harlem rail road is washed away in several places; the main difficulty being between Chatham and Dover Plains. The passenger trains which left Albany at twenty iniautes past six this morning, left Poughkeepsie to-night a seven o’clock for New York. Hudson dispatches report the bridge at Ghent on the Harlem Railroad waa washed away, together with many others on the lina between Ghent and Copake. The Hudson it Boston Kailroad could run no trains through to Chatham yesterday. About tifty feet of track was waahed away near Claverack depot, ami other damage was done te tbe road, which will he re paired by this morning. Ihe construction train on the Hudson River Railroad, which left Hudson abont nine o’clock in the morning to assiat in the repairs at Livingston Creek, met with an accident at Mount Merino, abont one mile and a half from the city, by means of the failing of a culvert aa the train was pas sing over it. The locomotive waa thrown over, and the tender fell through the cul vert. Several laborers were injured. A Schenectady dispatch says several asms in the suburbs of that city are gone, and the flats are submerged. Several of thc main Rtreets of the city are under water. The Mohawk River is ten feet above low water mak. The Erie Canal is in a very bad condition. Their are two two breaks on the Four-mile Level, five miles west <*f that city. A portion of the aqueduct ta aloa gone on the Seven-mile Level. It will take two weeka to repair damages. - The Central Railroad trains going W est are water boand at that city. The track six miles west of that city is under water, aad a portion of tha culvert is gone. The storm ia tha severest of the kio#l eve' known in that vicinity. 'ATI Albacy dispatcn »ays : Tho storm has caused great damage in thia city, by tearing up pavements, bursting sewi r*, and so forth. Trie city loeee, at a k»w estimate, $50,0 0. In many streets tbe water was forced into B.H rtlw .S # , w a varka at !W ("reiak, **• mOm MrtkK - - • see : •rowned Largo numbers of men have ‘teen thrown ont of employment. Lorn abont 9104000. A dispatch from Washington says the rain was unpreoedentated in violence, tiridges over the canal wero waahed away. 1 bout midnight the whole reserve force of .he Seventh Precinct wero called ont to go jo the asaistance of the families ia Purdy’s Jonrt, near Pennsylvania avenue and First >Uret, the Tiber having overflowed into the ourt, and to reacne eoane of the women iod children, the officers were obliged to vade in the water np to their nocks. * The •banties bordering the Tiber were over (lowed, but the lnmateo, mostly cob red j*4ple, got away with their rarnitv Three 00flies were waahed down the Til «nd lodged near Adams* Express offi The storm did considerable damage Georgetown ; owing to tha riee of the Poto- <eac tho merchants ia W ater atreet had to rove ont their wane. A Baltimore despatch says travel on lie Northern Central Road has been delay •sd. The railroad between Annapolis and innapolis Junction, masked away in many jlaces A Philadelphia despatch says the covered ■ridge, at Manayunk, was carried away about noon, and the wreck striking the tow path bridge, carried that away alao. la .tua city on Twenty-Third street, all -he houses are flooded from M arket atreet •o Ctdlowhill, as well aa all property be tween that and the river. In many of the the houses the occupants had to be taken out in beats. A t Norristown, t’ ee seventeen feet. The flood exceeds ist of 1850. The damage will ke immense. I’he Lehigh River haa risen fifteen feet. The damage along the valley is immense. The railroad tracks are submgrged, and there art no traias running. The water in the Schuylkill River it bove all the wharves. Six car* were car net! away from the Pennsylvania Railroao rack. Ninety-four freight cars have beer .nrned bottom up. , A Scranton, Pennsylvania, di* patch says: leavy rain for tbe last forty-eight hours >0 train* have arrived ou the Lehigh anc Suequthtnna Railroad. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Road haa ale* impended.. Thera is a great freshet a- .viauch Cuunk. Twenty boats went ove> .he daoi. The Lackawanna iron and Coa o m p a n y ’s rolling m ills have suspende# work on icconnt ot the high water. SPAIN. RABIDC 'rfLMINATION OF THK SPANISH PRO BLEM-A DOUBTFUL REPORT THAT EX KING FERDINAND OF PORTUGAL I1AS AC CEPTED THE CROWN-AN “ EIGHT DAY" PROPIIKUY. The Constitutional Cortes yesterday re- umed its session at Madrid. The govern :nent to-i;ay introduced a bill to suspend the rights of individuals until the insur rection iu the South is suppressed. The rebellions movement of the re publicans w ill have immediate effect 8usp<*nding constitutional guarantee# And of investing the government with ex tended power* necessary for the suppress iion of insurrection. It is probable that it he bill demanded by the government it jasaed, the Republican Deputies will with draw irom the Cortes. It is aaserted that the United States gov ernment has renounced all idea of inter vening in the case of Cuba. All reports which have been received in Paris of the progress of the Republican movement in Spain are confirmed. The town of Rivers, nine miles from Tarragona, has leclared for liberty. It is said that Ex-King Ferdinand, of Portugal, has by this time accepted the Spanish crown, but • f this combination does n’<t succeed within eight days Spain will be a republic. t m iw h u nruss JOB# printingdffice . OoatpVriy itocke* with THE VERY BEST MATERIAL in a'l its variety. Is prepared to exacate every dewriptto* at B CM aad M work. HO. 14 EAST SWAN STREET, (Second.Floor.) =■ ■ ' m ■• "— 5— -------- trains due up to 11 A . M . are beltind k Tbe only damage reported at th Central offiee ia the washing away of the culvert at Hoffman’s Ferry, which it is thought wall n t a be repaired. During the firemen’s prooaamon ia Phila delphia on Saturday night, on tbe recep- tton oc W illiam Wooley Hoae Company. »er Hose Company was assaulted w ith . ob aad bricks. Charle* Fitzmeyer re oatvad two balls ia has shoulder from a p.a to! fired by a policeman, who. with other* °* Hie force, are a#vuaed of leading *the f vtera. *» injured maa was ad mitted to the Klag's College Hospital in London. He haa jnst been identified aa Kelly, or Deaay, one of the Fenian prisoners recently rescued from the police. te te ------ FOREIG m new s . Prince Napoleon has written a letter to CoL Benton, Chairman, and other Ameri cana sojourning in London, thanking them for their address congratulating him for hia liberal speech in the Senate. The Prince reminds them of the bonds whioh have al ways united France and America, and con tinues : “ The preaent position bear* close resemblance to that at tLe close of last cen tury. France seeks to found a liberal De mocracy at the moment when America emerges from a gigantic straggle for the destruction of slavery, which dishonored the Republic. The methods of France and America are different but the end is the ». Constitutional liberty established in mm will place the political sentiments oi France and America in as complete ac cord aa their interests already are.” In conclusion, the Prince thanks hia American friends for having perceived in his speech moderate, liberal and demooractic senti menta, which alone can secure the end at which they aim, the alliance of the empire with liberty. Nearly all the journals express dissatis faction at the fact that the Chambers ave not been immediately assembled. The Vienna Pressc, which is generally recognized as an efficient organ of the Aua- nan government, publishes in its issue this morning, advices from Paris, to the effect hat the Emperor Napoleon hopes to open he coming tension of the Legislative Body >f France, by announcing to the members, mong other matters, the fact that an Agreement has been arrived at between the European powers, for a general simultaneous fnjOM nWTERDAT APTiaXOOX'B BBITT 0K*. INDIANAPOLIS. THE NUMBER OF KILLED NOW STATED AT ONLYTWENTY. The Coroner eives the number killed at the fair ground on Friday, including tw# wounded who have since died, at twenty. There ia still one body at W eaver’s nnder taker’s office that baa not been recognized, and the head and some fragments of flesh of an# ther body. John Loring, of Trank lin, Indiana, died at the City Hoepital yes terday, and J. McVey, from the country, uear this city, at the Surgical Institute to day. One of the bodies at Weaver’s is supposed to be John Stack, of Rob Roy, Indiana. Nine of the dead were buried here yesterday. Two or three more of the wounded are in a very critical condition, and probably will not recovei. As near as can oe ascertained, between fifty and sixty persons were wounded. The C o r o n e r ’s jury is still in session, and will not proba bly render a verdict for several daya. It has been definitely ascertained tnat no females were killed except one girl, Miss Dawson, twelve years old. Several ladies, badly wounded, are still at the hospital. vim /stA . MEETING OF THE L*G■ 8LATURE—CANVASS ING FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR. A bout fifty members of the I>egisUture have arrived in Richmond. Very few, it any, are committed to candidates for the United States Senate, and all seem to be £W siting for a caucus to determine the m atter. The names chiefly mentioned by the Walker men to-night for Senator are Franklin Stearns, General Robert Williams and Lieutenant Governor John F. Lewis A caucus of Walker men is to Im held to morrow night to nominate officers for the Legislature. Stephanos Turner and John B. Cranshaw are spoken of for Speaker of the House. The Senatorial election wiB not take place until the end of the week. GENERAL NEWS. Prince Arthur arrived in Toronto on Sat- unlay aftfernoon, and was most enthusiast! caily received by the populace. The crowd which met him at the railway station was about 30 000. The California Grand Lodge of Good Templars yesterday dedicated the Orphans’ Home at Vallejo. The building is in a good location and will accommodate throe hundred children. On Satnrday, between the hours of one and two o’clock in L e afternoon, some per son entered the banking housa of Clark * U im anat Chicago, and went behind tbe counter, entered the vault, and took a trunk containing securities amounting to 1 125,000. The robbery was not discovered v, *til some two hours after. Fortunately s me of the property taken can be made «*ailahle to the bar,lar. * The Philadelphia Council arrived at Ixm- i ;ville on Saturday- Dispatches show that the raia storm 1 bich began on Saturday night aod t «d until this ir ruing, has beau *gd severs. Ti.e (widget ( 'heat, ou tha Harlem Kailm • jne. On the Delaware Dii 1 rte Rood .tho river ia twenty fast higher t**o on Friday last. A pertaou of the t^ack is washed away ' ~ Tho his beau M eral 1 s t Oepofca aud cellars aad basements, doing great damage. 1 aad Deposit Tba latertiptas Building* unfinished w*re flooded ami work t ires at tij f a u i r place A r in KI. .»-*# —y turn tb. «o«l b.J( 0«d I K »i#A rw >A i.. C O T T A G E 8 E M 1 N A R Y , ALDEN, N. T. Boaidtag aad day school far girls Fall term opens Monday, BepSuabe. «*th, 18* Applications lor circulars or admission should bs nade W t e Pnno- paL MI8B C. H. RUNLELL, Aklen, S. Y. 0HEGARAY INSTITUTE. 5*7 AND 1M» SPRUCr. ST.. PHILADELPHIA, PA ENGLI'H AND FRENCH. FOR VOt NG LAME- A%D M S3ES Board’ag aad Day P*iAi'. Will r s n p e on Ji -s day, r oth. Fr*»-h te loe i» xua*e < destroyed. A eewer in Elk street gave way wbil. » hon. ud wwfm, with thrw p»•- n u in tb . U tter. « • » » # « ' '*• “ they were ell pfeei|Hteted tee feet icto tbe ■ewer. Owe of tb. perty. e boy nemed Peter Jonee wee. it ie femrerl, f.telly injo'ud A briek etehte erected in Hadron rtreet by Jobn Ehei. » ee bed* deM e d tb e t it w-JI hne.tebedewcli.bed. A iew d ■ h d .c c c c ' red tbe dteieeheeee redreed near N o r w e n ’r Hill, end e enlrer# ene carried ewny. A leeel af thr Brie Caseload port e< the eqne- doe* bee bw r oor nr# nwey nt HeSteea e The river farad*', md L ^onrantly sintktr ht tb« ‘n-t'tot- MWF MaDAJtK IFH1 RVILLY. Principal. The Sckayikill River (brt. and the fresbrt to swspiss every thmg hrfore it. AtPhitodrlphay ssut sl freight ean au low ground an thu meat aide td the rivar wura earned off iron Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. hu t has ohBgad tha suspsnston of traral ua Momstown RuslromL Damagu hy ffimd at other points is ropertsd. bn of tho telegraph latm-ciptaoo of tho tslsgniph wires provunts any infonnathm from being roooived. Grant J has hum dons tu thu tammant* relegrams from Dresden, report that tho mall town of Frauenstain, the seat of an xtensive linen manufacture and dye works, ying about twenty miles from the capital, •vas totally destroyed by fire laat night. CUBA. A Spanish steam transport haa arrived at the port of Havana with 1000 soldiers from Cadiz. The New York Herald's Havana corr#1- ipondent writes that a war with the United States is vastly popular in that city, th* •elief prevailing among the populace that the Spanish iron-clad* oould ailence the •vhole American navy and destroy the cities dong the American coast, while the rest of he fleet would sweep American commerce trom the sea. The Municipal authorities of Havana nave notified the Captain General that in :aae of a foreign war they will tender tho mother country their strongest support. The volunteers continue to oontrol the affairs of tho Island and the Captain Gene ral is powerless to prevent them. A gene ral feeling of insecurity and alarm prevails, and no foreigner or native feels safe. SPAIN. [By French Cable.| The republican volunteer forces collected in tho cities of Madrid, Barcelona and oth ers, with the view of rescuing the prisoners taken by the military during the late en- the barricades, have cut the telegraph wires and stopped the mail trains carrying the government dispatcher. Very considerable alarm still exists at Bejar, where the populace remains excited and iu a very unruly condition. The republican deputies who have been elected to the Cortes have organized counterrevolutionary or democratic reactionary bands in Here*# * and MartaeellL Their forces have lieen defeated at the last named place by the local authorities and troops. Most serious events nay occur in Spain at any moment, but Madrid remains qniet just at present. AHTS AND INDUSTRIE*. -Twenty-five pins have been found in the subterranean vaults of Th«be, that were made three thousand years ago. —The Erie road has now over four hun dred engines. Tbe company has ordered thirty new locomotives. The discovery of the spirit level is at tributed to MelchiaUlic Th^venot of France in 1866. Accidents from machinery in factories, in England, daring the six months ending April 90, 1869, amounted in number to 9061, of which fifty-three were fatal. -Several of the mechanics at Colt’s ' armory, in Hartford, Ct., have contracted to go to Russia and make guns for that gov ernment. They get more pay than here, and ean leave cheaper. —A peat factory is to be established in M ilford, M ass. It will manufacture tho peat from the crude form as taken from the swamp, producing an article of great valuo aa fuel. —At the Falls of St. Anthony,Minnesota, are fifteen lumber mills, two paper mills, five iron works, four breweries, two woolen mills and eigbtM n flouring mills, besides other industrial establishments. —The Rhode Island cotton mills employ twenty thousand operatives, and run oro million xpindles. Twenty firms are engaged in the ousineas, but two—Brown A Ives, and the Spragues—do nearly ooe-hal* td it. —Tlie attempts to employ naptha aa fnel have at length proved saqpsasoL On the 31st of July a train arrived safely in Katchnjan, eighty-one versts from Char- koff, Russia, whose engine was heated with raw naptha instead of coals. The henor of invention is ascribed to the miniog ueer Portzki. A huge chimney has been completed at the Earl of Dn«lley*s estate at Coneygre Works, near Dudley, England. Special ar rangement* for the consumption of ftrel ................. carrying of the stack t#» - it. It is bight of 190 feet. It 1* strengtheaed by fcr a distance of 100 feet aiwv« — At Orooo.Miane.ia said to be the largest sawmill in ths world ft is 440 feet long, sixty-six feet wide, has four gang saws, five saws, two circular aaws, fiv# lath one single and one clapboard ma chine. It saws (Duly 200,000 feet of long lumber, 20 ‘,000 laths, 10,0 0 shingles ar.d 4000 clapboard*, and burns up about 120 cords of waste wood each day. It is own. J by the Veazie heirs and rents for $25,09 per year. —Major General Pestitch has jnst hen sent by tha Russian government to the iron foaadriae at Perm, to ba peasant at tha trial of a newWeety inch gam east in the aaid This gigantic engine of war is to a shot weighing one thenas ad one iti pounds, or twenty-seven anti a half pounds, with a charge of powder of one hundred anti Tarty pounds. Tha gun in destined torn twn tinted aton a couroe of finnetriistion, which has bfcon di signed by Roar Admiral Popoii. of tha Emperor's suite. ▲ novel kind of carrions for tho seam gun will bo tried st One of tho hoavioot perieocod occurred in tho osighhorhnsd cr | mb ha Albany toot night. Soma damages hare I almost« been done on ths Central Railroad, and all paper polp by merely hooting up Mm blown fibre in woter, m an r beating or rag cugine, without or chemicals. T: • is qaitounp r- retfc -L ath i* extrem ely rish m Tl ' # are hi.ndredo «f saooro mile* r ired M;;h ths mmAmHmma. ■This, ** soon a* it is cot, ma- * -■*»—anew say bo The pulp in ths production <>r far which papier mmehe x focbth rase | crosirr.ioi. __ syU tt3g-S u«S •• m**g

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t m B u m i* B r a n s ,PUBLISHED BY

t h e e x p r e s s p r i x t i n g c o .KO. 14 E. 8WAN STRKfcT.

TERMS:■orelng, (per year).............................. | 1 0 oo8 S K - I : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ; ; : : : - . : : r sTHE EVENING KXPKK8H, (two edituaujot 2 and

4 P. M., delivered to city •uteM.ribcrs at SIXTEEN reata i»er week.


LKA 1)1 S O H O U SE S OF B U F F A LO . ITh.w.: o f our readers who M ake pinvhaeaa in B uf­

fa lo , oy ru ttin g tin* ou t and uning it as a referem x w ill «av„ tim e auditroub.e. T he ecU ctioo has been carefully m a .e aud te * n # * ly FIoB T C L A SS.]

' l L ' - N t S . E I X i E T ’L S , S K A T E S .L. & I ,. WHITE, 312 Exchange.O A S T I N O S A C . IIOSAkC IKuS lu u i , Umd.

b a n k e r s .II. ». BIT.T A Co.. W . cor.„ v J ? ? O K S A N D S T A T I O N E R Y .

s a w i s w r m s — ■ - — •“ - 1 9 w *“ '«*•

IIKIN* y * JEXK 4, *ou and fOSlfafti.a f u . — B O O T S A S H O E S .A. L. N< HBYVah 2H5 Ma'i.JAMEH h JEWEiT, eon Main.

b l a n k b o o k M A N C F A C T U R E R .I* Cl IICHKjTER, tM*n4 m W w hiniltoa.

C O N F I .7 T I 0 N K i t s , (W h o lM a l.! A R e t a i l .• M Ij p’LLOGK A CO., 16 H. Irv.-l ,n.

t t ( t o


j w n w u L .ietUs not exceeding Jour Une* in e r tsv

Under this heading Jor 545 cent*, each addiliona -5 cent*.

I K J A M KS M • T K B B IN S IS IN M FX. fal . he is a«t <! to c mniunira e by a u .te ! :ft aoffice, with Mat-hew (McCauley, from I’liiiadeiph.a n * arch of his ? him a- b"inir with Mr tehhinaiho baa c nx >n, r. p>.t *d t-

MV W I F E L U C Y H A V I N G L K K Tmv h»l *i,d board without just cgu r o»>r<v ration, I f.-rM-l any |wr-.,-. tru tin* «,r i.arborir * hei on my iwt. HENRV BIDDLECuM

F 'O R A D O P T IO N — A N Y P E R S O Jwlahlntr to adopt a heal hy male chiJ*! r»ie y. ■ ild c -n find suj.'. an cue Ly apply iw* 2 1 , 'th

< O K K C T JIIENRV II EARN £., N K K S , ( W h o le sa le .)

^ C R O C K E R Y .U| IN A, GL AS-i MAT I It -'O'NEIL,.OEt*. t . NEW.MA #, 441 Mam._ 4 . OA UK1AGES.®ARVi# fi Wallace. I Oca near Courter llous .

A CRACKERS, AC.IL OVBH8 A SON, It« aud 1*5? Ellicott.OOAL, / Wholesale and Retail.)

i H IHJPLhi < •»., r» r Lri • and Terrace. OfcOKC* O AIV IN, A i., Foot Oent ae?.OOAL AND FIG IRON.*}■ R- Kf4L**ON A CO., no Ohi , c r Mukissiiq-i.L. •. HLOHTROM, 2 iominercial Wharf, loot oiMain af. cet.





GROCERS, (Wholesale.)A. M. JOUNSTON, 7I Main.GROCERS (Wholesale and Retail.)K. I». HoLM aN, 17!) Main.CEO. W. hCOTT, 1 7 E. BncraGENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS.ADDISON H. STAFFORD 397 Main.B- N LAWRENCE A £0.4, 315 Main M'iTT * BENEDICT. 367 Main

GUNS AND JEWELRY.J. O. ROBfUN A- CO., 1M6 Main.HARNESS, SADDLES, AC.J. 8. LVTLE A SON, 20 Bxrhani'o, npixxtlte Mansion. DAN'L K. HUal'HHKV, Sut’cessor to Jno. Hum­phrey h Bro., 303 Maiu.

HARDWARE, IRON, AC.C. E. WALBKJ: (IE, 271 Main and 0 Swan.HORTwNS a KIP, cor I’.arl and Seneca.SIDNaY SHel'ARD A t , Main.FOWLEK A sons !«t> St Hit a.DE W.TTC. WEED A CO.,2o4 Main, cor W. Swan.HARDWARE AND METALS.TRATT * CO.. Ui. 48 and 150 Terrace.

HOT AIR FURNACES.A. D. GILBERT, 85 Main.HATS, CAPS AND FURS.C. * F. OE RP.KR, 508 Main.UERGTOLP. A HR »., 291 Main.WM. W'.VPKKT, 321 Main.

IKON FOUNDRY.KAOIF, IRON WORKS, I*, rv. - or Mississippi.CLINTON iRON WoRHS, Cuurch,cor JackM>n.IRON FOUNDERS, ENGINES, IJOILERS CIEO. W. T1FIT, Sons CO., Washington, nrOhio.

IRON FLAILS, R. U. SPIKES, AC.J’RATT a CO., 4t», 40 anti 6uTerrace.LIGHT CARRIAGE AND SLEIGH.D. C. GODWIN. 333 anti S35 Waahinctun.


MARBLE MANTLES AND GRATES.C. H. COOPER, ill Delaware.L. SWARTZ A C . 3tiS Mam.MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS.JOHN CRAWFORD, 107 and 169 Nia, ara.MILLINERY (vvhnlesaie and Retail.) HENRY O BRIEN, 290 Wain.W. H. W. OD** ARL), 409 Main.


ORGANS (Portable Pipe.)DERRICK, FELGEMAKER A CO., 39, 41 and 43 CllutuuORGANS, MELODEONS, AC.GEO. A PRINCE A CO., Niagara, 8eveuth and Ma­ryland.



PIANOS, MUSIC, AC.COTTIER k DENTON, 269 Main.PIANO MANUFACTURERS.C. KURTZMAN, 106, 106 and 110 Bua.ia.DEVINE BROS., 4ul Niagara cor Maryland.

p ap er h a n g i n g s , a c .M. H. BIROE,218 Main MOND OMKRY nllos., 295 Main.MEURVrrr NICHOLS, 679 Main.phot<k;ram’Hl:rs.W. M. KNIGHT, 'LrM Main.B. U. HAMBLEToN, 305 ami 400 Main.II. L. BLISe, 379 Main.

SEWING MACHINES.fl ROVER k BAKER S. M. CO., 411 Main.WHEELER .V WILSON S- M f(>.,275 Main, «N>r I Swan.WILCOX k GIBBS S M <’(>., 14 S. Division.11 OWE S. M. CO , 18 W. Swan.FLORENCE S. M CO., 401 Main.SADpLERY H ARDWARE, AC.PRATT * LETTdWORTH, 52 and 64 Terratte.






TOBACCONISTS.A. M. AD4MS k C »., 250 Waxhlnprton& 40k 50 Pearl. GIBSON Y HOWARD k Co., 260 Washington.WATCHES, JEWELRY A DIAMONDS.PITKIN'* JEWELRY STORE. 292 Main.T. A E. DICKINSON. 254 Main.DAN. B. CASTLE, 161 Main.BrEVENaBROS., 459 Main.


l.OsT 4\;» t o i \|* .Adrrrfine.nent* not exceeding Jour line* inner)*

under th u heading Jor 35 cent*, each additiona Une 5 cent*.

s i i 1 ~ r e w a r d l o s t , a s c o t c h* J 1 Terrier hitch, short tail *hito f.white aptr. on breast. JoHN KYAN 2 •>iarket.

feet, and Elk Street

I OST—#10 RKWSKD.J * Ik ta-t -a i.,-t al the Acad -venin V lei

L °

A B L A C Kdemy of Mu ic umt i»«*ve rewardT $ 2 5 R E W A R D . A $ 1 0 0 B IL L

between th e corner .f Wa hingv.n and kx •ml c..nie• Divixi.n and Elm ate

• tX D LOIH IM -A d verti vm a n tt not exceeding fo u r Ene* maerted

r AT* een**, ea-h add iti,.nalthi» hr a.» eem

\ \ ' N i l I) -BOARDING» » >»’e Pruteatant fanu v. nearI y a young man Lately landed. Te,I N A P R IAmerican Block ms, #... A ’drer*

I * ) r i l l F P E W A S T .— T O R K N T —- I’I'Tisaiit rooms with Ix ird can he hail hv a- l.lyin > «» 1? < h». T,. -v t.• ) • ) A P E A R L .S T ., B E T W E E N E A G L I

- + and Cnirt Ms. Board with or withou* rtfcm.H, a*r! *n a |.ieasant location Term* reasonable

F B I HAleR.Advertieemhni* not exceeding Jtm r line* inecrtec

under thi* heading Jor *5 cent*, reek additiona Une ti ernhi.L ’ O R S V L E C H E A P .— A H A MA lat e in working order. Appy *t the 8peLcti Hou e, t or. of 8. DlVud .h und Wa»» in ton at*.1,’ iK S A L E C H E A P — A C O O D G R OX c ry tounter, n arly new. Inquire at IS S. Dii laion st.

Ij OR SALE OR EXCHANGE—A DEaimhle improved farm, situate in Darien, Gtne see county, one half mi'e froiu Kailro.d I)spot, con ta s.iiur 1 »0 acre*, witn first ra't huildimr-, orchard t>: grafted fru t. etc.; is de- rat !e. W.ll be sold cheap • n easy termy or a portion f city pr -perty taken ii. -xc an :c. HASTINGS A (iTI'0,3 Brown’s Buildings.

FOR SALE—A VELOCIPEDE MaDEby Wo-d Brrjthers, of New Vork, to order, forpresent owner; ha- never been used, and is <>ne oi the best mac .in> » eve mad n this e untry; wid b« '<.!•! low . AiidriHs VKmjX, Box T , Expriys Grtice.O O M kURStfDRE F o r " S A L E

.i with lease ol room corner Seneca ami over Ba k of Attica. Inqu re at Nu.R

I ^ O R S A L E O R T O R E N T — A S P L E NX dnl suit '4M>. niture for sale cheap, con istin r ,f carjKt ng, blace walnut tiedxu ads, bureaus, wash tan s, c .air*, tte , one Morning Glor stove, hair i.attra-se-, t edding, h ack walnut lounges, etc., etc. Ko mem be rented cheap by purchasing furniture, mt a lv located ou Niagara >t. near Main Inquire icon. Party wa t- to lia c town. EDWARDS A ol < Kl.AND, 10 r. Ser.cca stC ’ O t t S A L E - A T BAKGAS4RR AI Brothers, So. 55 8cneoa st.. two eugine lathes and "ne Iron planer.

O K S A L E A T 3 3 3 M A I N S T — T H Ej-lebrat«d 1 iumph Coo mg Stove, ou- own fnamifactiirn. DUDLEY A ROCKWELL,333 Ma n stl T y R E A S O N O F S U P E R I O R W o k* ma-ship and fine reputat on the Triumph ha- :oicplete’> taken the wind out of thesa'lsof un > . -r> hy rival-. Call acd ace it. DUDLEY A ROCKWELL,3-33 Main xv.

DO i i 1,1

2 8 7 * 2 ;

(> T T S T .— A F E W B O A R Dlie ict ommi dated with hoard snd Also a few day hoarders wanted.D I V I S I O N S T . , C O R N E R O FA fi w b'larders can acv.mim -dated with pVaaant room* ami board, aiao, a i *• .lav lioarderx wanted. .

‘JO I SWAN ST.—TWO B0ABD3BS’J ■* I <*n l*e accuiiiinodv'ed in a small f.'vm:! h‘ re there are no oth* r Iwiardi rs.I A A I tD .

Advertisement* not exceeding Jour line* inserted under th is heading Jor !4» «tiU, each additional 'i cent*.

\ V a N T K I ) A S H A L L , N E A T C O T -ff tage, suitabc for a fami I v ..f three adult* in a good totality west of Main *t. Addre-t, giving lo- callon and nnw, “M./’tbla oflice./ 1K E EK U >T \V A N1 E D—A IA 5 i ■:\_J200 oe 3P0 ft front on south side r f Buffalo Kin r wanted for investment by HI ME a SANKDlfD lb MV. Swan st.

I1BLI* rK S A I.K K .Advertisement* not ezceeamo J„ur lnu

under thin heatliiuj line 5 centk

insertedJ45 cent*, each add.tiona

i lady, who is well read in4*- literature, and has some knowledge of tl-.- fine arts, is offered au opport'-nity for an applii-ati.ui ..f ber faculties in promoting thr **!<- of a fav .ri e work ofartagainxtliberalcompensati .il. Add re > ,s 11,

Advertisement* not exceeding Jour lines inserted under this heading Jor 543 cents, each additiona line 5 cents.

O U 8 I N E S 9 P R O P E R T Y F O R S A L EL J The 2-story brick office now oc upied by the Mer.-hanLs’ Dispat.-h on Exchange st., near Alabama I he building >s very substantia ly built, and will te sold at a ha-gain Also- the tavern *tand on the AM>ott plar.k road, known as the Charter « ak House, about three miles trom Main * . The building is a comm dious l story r. k, with barn and sheds, with eight acres of land. Price g jis.iu.

LYOH k B AKER, Erie Land Office.L L I N G S F O R S A L S — T H Ehrick dwelniik on the southeast cor­ner of Niagara Square. The building is near y new, substantial y ami elegantly built,and furnished with all the in deni irapro.euients necessary for omfort and convenience.Also- The new 2-story brick with wing, Nu. 482 Delaware; wi 1 be sold with or without furniture; lot 56x156 t'- %-. alley, with hart, on rear of lot. I uot sold within thirty days will be nnted ior tlie

I )v :ii

, a new 2-story brick;Al*.- No. 403 Franklin s gas aad water; lot 30x138.LYON <5t BAKER, Brie Land Office.I HAVE A VERY FINE HOUSE AND1 I ♦ or North street for sale. The house is new and hull in good modern style. The lot i' 65 feet front hy 229 deep, und can lie had at a very great bargain, as tre owner lias di- rcced me to sell it, and I am dot- nn tied to follow instructions. JOSEPH CHURCHYARD, Builder, residence 54 B wery st.; shop ami yard on A* ains t., near Clinton. 1: quire at either place for inform­ation.

B M M U M B C T M tC M .A d tr r h ~ m .n l . n m m rnnd in , fh tir K m . in m ru c

.n d tr U i . O n d .n i J m »j m n !., m d . mddiaonn ine 3 cent*.

p V E N I X O K K P L O Y M K X T — T H E A Di d v*rti->ri w«i V, M n ik u S iiu d ^ , "in“d d i m • *>' m.d join tin i< ■ „sr#L“; «_• ’,“>*• * i i r o . w ^ -w. i58s K. £M i -,on *t.. Buffalo.

A * L U L R l * m > G DRY GO *0610^1 ness for sale r<siuired capital f7600. Addres. > * -er 18 6 Lo. kp«rt, N. Y.

v y A N T E D —h O M E T H I N G N E W A N D. n J * 1- The fa-test selling article iver offeredto tbe pubic. A cha c; for young and old. A* pie sent to any address fo th rtv-five cents. For a n ■ n or aduieas KENNINGTON * C348 Main *t , fir-t r.fBce up st-d. s, Buffalo, N. Y.

Bi a i N L s s W a n t e d — a P a r t yhanng f om #3000 to #4000 cash wi*hes to pu - unaae an interest in some well established anJ huHiness. Address “B., Buffalo P. O.

F o r s a l e — b y m . M c c o m b T n o T i d-outh Divi-ion street, a first cla-s Ba ber Shop doing a good busin. ss. L cation fine. Posxesxio immediately. Th.s is an excellent chauce for a good Barber.S l L E — A T A b A K G A I N , A malt k ln iron punching machi..e, marie at Ha-- dee's n a hine works a.t yea , in perf ct order; and dies for inaki- g copp r and tin str- et gas lamp*.with a 1 the patt rns; to be s .id on acc unt of 11 health; also, the copp r.miih and plumbing buai- witu a good leas-. Apply to W. CL&RKE & > *N, «1 -eav- r st., Albanv, N. V.

ROGER V «T« *RE FOR SALE —’ Goods, fixtures and good will of a store 011 Elk street at #a00. The present owner is going west is the reason »f his selling, -.ent of store #250 per y ear. HUME k SAN KURD. 16 M ext 8w an street.

i-o blacksmiths—we ha \>. till■ xhap .n ; o- the black mith shop situate lietween Water and Erie streets, formerly o. eupied by the late Mr. S. Kinnear. We will sell s*ock an. tools, and rent or Bell the building with a lease of lot, HI ME & HANFORD, No. 16 VVnst Swan st.m o r t g a g e s .

Mo n e y t o lo a n —i h a v e f i fteen thousand dollars, which 1 wish to inv»s ureha»e money mortgages. JOHN oTTO, 18

L E G A L m i C E S .CITY AHPflOn OFFICE, I Ifiriu), (M. 4, 1 em . »

T f f E U N D E R S I G N E D A SSE SSO R .*"X of the dty o t Buffalo would hereby give n- ti«e that, in ptmuanoe of tbe dlnctloos of tbe Com m-n Council of - aid citv, we hav* mads the follow in; isiieuient rolls for the amount* aad pnrpo— her# matter mentioned, upon th* property d*rm*d bene fitted by th* improvement* beremaft* r specified, anc -’hat the said assessment roll* will remain in the offic. of the Board of Awawn for th* term of twe hr. days from date, subject to examination and review >y any person or p -raons interested thervit vix.:

T O L E T — H O I S E S .Advertisem ents not exceeding Jour lines inserted

neler this heading Jor 545 cents, each additional line H cents.

moJ. am Palmer monthP U R N I S H E D D W E L L I S g s t oX No. 166 Niagara st., 2-story and liaxement

V " . '\ sX 2-story

E L E V E N T H 8 T .• J i good girl to do general hoi well recommended.

WANTED, Arework. Must come

PARK PLACE -WASTEDcompetent girl to do general housework. S. DIVISION ST IN

>sJ ELI IOO IT ST a HEAD DINING'-JO Room girl; also, a laundress wanted, in fe r ­ences rciju im l.

o any natiuiiali •'u* those con»pe 8 '.riot lefereuce

< 6 M A G flO O to do gen#


1 9

W A N T E D ,• acom; c’cnt g rl nationality to d , g, n.oai housew«.rk. n n. •so competent t»> fill t-.e situation need ap, ly. Strictefereuee wi 1 be reqirred.M A G A K A 8 T W A N T E D . A G 1 R Igeneral housework for a »*ffa i familv ini meuiately.

w . E A G L I* s r W A N T K IL Aa-ss g r: for kit< h n w.,rk in a mall fami y. Must undcrxt no her hu.-iiiesA and lunush good city referencesb Ra.N . LIN .vi— a gooiaanteJ inini- d a'i ly l.eference#2 1 6s- DIVISION ST») J i n neral h u 1 wo'k.


CO* 'hr* quired

M A .aR,good girl t>> <1

A GIRL FORman | -- ft it. il.W A NIKI »T Ahousework. Refer

4 : uCome well re by cal ing 011

0 6 8 .1

I K K L S T — ' A N T E D , A K IR S ’l• ate cook, in a smal family . one who can "nunc red mav Mar ol a good place .Mrs. COCHRANE.

iliatcly, a thoroughly compet*nt cook; requiredH E L P M A L ES.

Advertisem ents not exceeding Jour lines inserted under this heading for A S cents, each additional line. 5 cents. ______

B E B R I G H Tr 1 ife F. W.|>OY WANTED—MUSTXJ and l.-ent. Apply to Knickerltockerlns-irance Company, No. 8 S. K . AGlvS, Gdieial Agent.

wANTED—A FIRST CUSS COATmaker, to go to Sp in ville. T • a first

.1 1 g od w ig x will be paid, and cons:ant 1 loyment Appl. to J AS. Me ORMICK,Hot I, be: ween 9 A.

wM and I.I’ M.

ANTED—BY A LEADI GGoods lions 1, a lac-, silk and Dre< Clerk Address• achdepartment, through jmiDRY

1 Goods itotticcr, en

USGl\V r A> I fcD FIVE » IKiI ULAvV ergctic sa'e-mun None but thoro " p tent in wanted. Apply at SON, 129 Main at. _______ _____Vs 'iu d k n t w a n te d t o l e a r n. De tixtry Any young man coming with the j-im|>«rt|uahfi ationaaiid requL.ite»ean learn of a pla v

by in«|'iiriug at thia office.\V\NTKD—A YOUNG M A N FOR $50T \ can lat plac. ti 11 a good, p nnanent position; a knowledge of the gent's luruishing trailc neces«.- ry. AdJress B D., this office.

S I T I X TIO N H - f EM IL E X .Advertisem ents not exceeding Jour lines inserted

under this heading Jor 543 cents, each additional Une 3 cents.G t t U A T I O N W A N T E D — F O R A M ID *kj die aged girl iua private family as cook; good references given. Apply at 38 Swan st. cor. Erie.^ r A N T E D - A S I T U A T I O N

tag K Mundenitaiulx drcs ix»l refer#his office

BY Amaking a- <1 ma­in be furnished.lady hine m AddressW A# T s.-wing on thc machine, and also light work. Apply at 121 Folium St., below < hicago.

a n tid - a SITUATION as wetnurse in a fLst cknx family desired immed*- atc'y. Apply at 98 Cak st.______________

ALE AT A BARGAIN—THEand basement brick iiouxe 469.‘■eneca st., be twe n Louisiana -nd A’ab.-ma sts ; w.ll l>e sold at i price that wili pay 15 1*"- cent. 011 thc investmeft. HAS 1 I.n#US a: OTTlJ, Real Estate brokers, 3 Brown’s Buildings.F )R S A L E — I H E E L E G A N T '1-S T O R Ybrick house No. xUS Swan st.. with ira*, wster, hath, «c ; lot 35x1.5 to a paved alley. The hou-e n us r eently oeen thoroughly renovated sml is in the best po>-i ie condition throughout, and will he sold at a bargain if applnd for wvm. HASTI' G> k UTD>, tual Estate Brokers, No. 3 Brown’s Buildings.

S A L E B Y H U M E A S A N F O R D ,ext Swan sfeet « large sized modern It house, with fine lot, een ra ly located, with fur­nace, hath, gax and tixt res; ah in good orier. For sale cl-ca . or exc.-iauge or -mall house and lot, per­sonal pr pert>, or a nice farm. ______

I>»K SAX 16 Wei

L OKr is C H E A P — T H E N E A T-story frame c- ttage 16- Ninth-nt , will be -old •heap if applud for soon, as tbe owner desires to re uove We t HASTING-, k OITO, Real E-tate mokers, 3 Brown’s Building.a L K B Y E D W A R D S t B U G K -, Real Estate aud Insurance Brokers,L*UKL LAN16 East Sencca street.2-story frame house, with kitchen and small bam, on Fifth st., about 100 feet from Maryland; lot 30jx 100.1-story frame on Hampshire st., lietween Eleventh and Twelfth sts., w ith kitchen and wood shed, cistern, &c.; lot 32x1 "0. Price 81260.Also, a farm of 5 aces, with briok house and large ham, plenty of fruit, An., within the city line; Bui- >al<> and Washington Railroad stops near the house

10 s.p O R S .^ L E — B Y M . M cC O M B ,X? Divi-ion st.No. 1 Fargo «v nue,2-story frame (new) finished in fine sty:*; lot 35x156No. 3 Fargo a.enue, 2-st* ry frame (new), with wi k, ce 1 r, ga-, Ac.; iot 4lxl5o.No. 3 7 Swan >t eet, 2-story f ame; irill exchange for a g- od houae near Mi higau sTeet wort1- #4-’XM) No. 4ii5 -outh Divi-i .n s reet, 1-story inuuc; lot 4UX-20, fruit 01 all kiuda.N . 612 Swan street, lj-story frame; lot 30x133, s good jila e f r a groc-iy.No. 332 Seneca stree , 2-st*ry store and dwelling; will sell cheap as tlie parties are . ning " est.N •. 14o Brcckenridge str>.ct, 1 story frame; lot 50X175; wdl mil heap Comer Virginia and Pa'iner, 2s-tory frame, gas, water and c> liar; this is a flue location.Corn, r Albany and North Jefferson street, 2-storj brick, lot 10 0 * 2 0 ; large nun, fruit, ev*:.Several fa ms L r sale or exchange for citv prop­erty , from 7 acres up to 160 acics, in thia county, a.l under gotMl cultivation. ______ ______1MNE BUfLDlNG LOTS FOR SALE.; By HUM k S -NFORD 16 W Swan st. Southeast cor North and Eleventh sts, lOOxlti©. Pi ice #2506Niagara st, n e side, 200 ft n of Rhode Island, lOOx 264. Price *3006.College st, e side, 550 ft n of Cottage, 50x100. Price $1100.Filth st, e tide, ti of Hudson, 50x100. Price #700. Pennsylvania at, s sloe, n of Twelfth, 110x166, per foot #25Eleventh «t, w side, 200 ft n of Hudson, 57x148, p r foot #25.Htids 11 st, n ?ide. between Tenth and Eleventh, 300x200, per foot #50.Nor»h Pearl st, * sid-*, n of Virginia, 70 ft to alley. Price *40uu.Northeast cor Jersey ai d Tenth tt**, 13Sixl38j. Price #5o.Allen st, s side, 100 ft * of Coll«re, 30x110. Pric.#1060. _____________________________________

ALE—THE 2-STOKY BRICK 232 Ninth at HASTINGS k 0TT(‘, Real Brok rs, 3 Brown’a Building._______IAGARA ST— HOl'SE ANDfor s#Ie. 2-story and hascnient brick, ith brick bam and fine larg.i lot. Can b« hail on ll.hera. terms. Apply to HUME k SANFORD, No. MW. Swan st.

*/UKF hurB‘Utc h

nis .t7 0 »o* u

VV1u-T]h '

LET—A TWO STORY HOUSEd lot, 242 Maryland st.. north side, between iner and Tenth sts., well, cistern, kc Kent #23 a month Apply to ED. W. PALMEK, 143 Cottage st.LET.lasement brick, ter; furnished in good style. Reut p r mu-a, #900.ANo—The 2-story brick wi*h win', on the soutb- tast comer of Georgia and Seventh sts, with al in *dem improvements, with furuit re entireLYON A BAKER, Erie Land Offiee.

rp o LET—ONE STOR Y BRICK BUILDX in2 . near corner Chicago and Perry sta., suitable manufacturing purpose*; size < f building, 30x76. H. THOMPSON, cor. Chicago and Perry sts.10 LET— O. 1 FARGO AVRNUE, 2_ story d veiling; (house new,; fini hed off iu fine style. Apply to M. Me OMB.\ ) L E r — N O i U 7 t t W A N S T . — 1 ]. story dw elling house, nearly new, 9 or 10 room-; ssesnon 1st Oct. Apply to Ml. McCuMB.

r p o L E T — N O . 5 2 4 S W A N S T . , f S T O -X ry frame, gas, water and cellar; house new. Ap­ply to M. McCO.Mrt.rp< i L ET-NO.^95 N. DIV I s ION STI 1 s’ory dwelling, with a gjod bam; a good place for a mil - man. Apply to M. McCOMB.

F l K NISH ED HOUSE—A FIKST-imely furnish d, will lie rent* il until May 1st, 1876, to a good te ant as the occupant prop ncs being ab- -ent from Buffalo during the coming winter; posse­sion wil be given as soon as d»sired. For further KOoimation app y to Ji •!!’-' « TT>>, ?l Pearl st.

OU Es TO LET—Vk. 232 NINTHStreet, two story brie with gas, ce lar, k c , md is very desirable. Rent $10. bo 61 Clifton P*ac*, one story frame, 8 rooms, cistern, kc Rent #260. No. >4 Huds n street, one sto-y. Rent tl8 ». No. 52 C ttage street, • wo story frame, gas, cellar. kc. Rent $406. HASTINGS A OTTO, No. 3 Brown’s B u i ld in g .___________

H ‘


O K E N T — F O R 1 t l E W I N T E R O Runt1 tl e first of June, a desirabii residence on Franklin st., above Ch p ewa, with or without furin cure. Inquire at 254 Frank 1 n st.FU RN iSH ED HOUSE TO RENT.My house. No. 617 Main St., Buff*lo, with a .garden in a high s ate of cultivation attached, i to lie rented to a small lamily tor .hrce or six month- r uii’i! 'he first of May next. Possesion five a on the l-t of July next. P'ano, pictures, k c ., included •as, water, furnace. woou>hed aud bam For infor -nation, applv o . the premises on any day before 1 A M. during the present month GEoKGK W ,4“! GHT<> •, No 617 Mam *L

r y l e t k o o v i s

Advertisem ents not exceeding Jo u r lines inserted under this heading Jor 555 ceiU*. each additionalin e H c e n ts .

Tjt :

I E T - AInquire at N- L E T

" U I T O F F I V E R O o M S .. 360 Terrace.

the new- agle st , I ui ti;-.- prem

-ROOMS AND SUITS OFecond and thi d floors, just finished, <-k i.uild ng at cor <U Niagara and 33, tor offices or dwellings. Inquire

K OFFICES FOR RENT—NOS& 16 Main S t., 2 offices on 2d floor and 2 on 3d floor. No. 9 Central Wharf, one ofti c on 3d flc-r The**#: offices are fitted up and are very con­venient. Fo further par lculars apply to c ner on the premises, or of tiUME & SANJrORD, 16 West iwan st.Also—An office in -Etna Buddings, corner Prime and Llovd sts., well fitted up. For further par­ticular apply to Capt. K. P. DORR, or HUME k SiSFOal), 16 West Swan st.

{/OR RENT—THE THIRD FLOORo f the 3-st ry brick dwrelliug north*ast comer

cd Swan a d Wash ngton ‘ts., known as the Shad) s, with steam pow-r ‘f dtsi -m1. Suitable for a light r.ianufaciu’ing business. HASTINGS k OfiO, Keai R-tat - Brok- 8.

I V ” 1I / 14 I

HOOMS AND POWER TO RENTThe rooms are desirable and the power con s. ant. Inquire of i . k I». HOLM E3, Michigan st. an ! the Cana! Buffalo.P O L IT IC A L .

Wateiy.A,. _ best of references snd fully t si'uati-jn as housekeeper. Can North st.

S I T t 'A T IO X S -J IA L E S .Advertisem ent* not exceeding Jour lines inserted

under this heading Jor 545 cents, each additiona line 3 cents.

M A R R IE D .BKAlf- P’ERCE—Sept 33, at the residen#* of the bvMe’s mother, by Hev. n D Marshal, Mr L. M. Beans and Mi s Soph a L. Pi -rce, b th of this city.

D I E D .BUfGEMAN—Oct. 4 Caroline Pfeifer, wife of John Bingetnan.agod 26 ye rs and 11 m. nth*.FutMfal MTednewGy at 2 o’cloi k p. M , from the re«- idcne* of her hus -and, on Hi,h st., lwtweeu Mich- Igan snd Elm. Friends and acquvntanci -i are re- ■neetf illv invited to tte .d.

Y I T A N T E D — B Y A ( ; K N T L E M A N W H O▼ ? has had a nuns er of years' expcr ence in St«te Fairs, a position to introduce articles at the lut rra- tion.l Fair, to If held in thus citv. Address CoN STANTIN'K. thi - offi,-.i D R Y G O O D S S A L E S M A N , T H O R -

X A . ou. hly p stcd In thc trad general y, and w»-o has an extended ai-qna ntan e in thc city, is open f<> an engm.emctit. Rcfcreuies given. Address I>. #J. 8 ," this office.O l i e A T lU N NV N 1ED I AvTlLTa t”#2 to sny one that will get me (omething to do To keep i ooks or do laboriou work. Address H. F. COLU '8,334 Ter ace. _______

W/ANTED — SITUATION BYyoung mm 90years of age;/peaks


a*Mjruuetit at reasouab'e prtcea BUFFALO» MOrRNINO 8TOH*. 414 Main st., American Block.

and En’ lish'.’understands bock kee in , is w lltng ’ work and make niniself useiul. has gtw'd references Aililreai ‘A. L . this ■ ffi.e._____________t Y O U N G M A N F R O M C A N A D A .x\ a good * ng ish educ tion, w-ants empl y ment na rocery or #lry g nds-tor ;will c to ma e h ms If use iil Addres*. **W. P..** this office.

S I T U A T I O N ! > W A N ! E D JBY 2 V f H 'N t ;O men as clerks: jus# arrived from Scotland. Both, have a thorough knowled.e of book-*eepi g and m*r«anulw hoiutu iluties. Fir-t-class c rt ftcau.-. tui reference. Address OE *. H. DALGEoY, care of ROB r. SO# rt T. 24 Wl keson st.

fflafara Plaaiag Mill Ceatpaay.Door Beeh and Blind Manufactory, fW A Benen at., Buffalo. Flooring, Biding, Moulding , Brerk- ete. Kiln Dried Doore, Glared and Umrlaaed Sreh. i—u gnd OuUtie Blinds; Door and (fftndow Frarere. Alao, f’tantaff. B*wi*g m A Turning of •van dreerlption dou# to order on shert notice and

wtth dispatch. __________Glass, Glstaa. Glass.

ported Maaa. PLATE DWELLINGS at Les. __ _ t s s jm Ma. WHITS LEAD,ss * bbls. LIN8BBC OIL For reW by _A BSYNOIDH A 00 lfl Main st. and 46 Lloyd st., Buffalo, N.Y.

WA N T E D — A S IT U A T I O N B Y A R Eliable middle aged man in some active bu iness, Ha had cons’.d rabe expert# Di-e. AUdr ss MAGNUS, this offic-.

HEN YOU BUY A NIUE HOUSElo n t forget to put into your kitchen a Tri- •nph. DUDLEY k ROCKWELL, 833 Main st.f OR SALE—THE FOLLOWING DE-sirat le res dences:No. 2i Delaware su, 2-‘tory wing and ham; gas, water and fumacx Lot 94jxll5.No. 625 Main st., 3-story, with 2-story rear; eas, w ater and f urnace. Lot 20x115, with a i extension

V> Wasiiingtoi.. t.No. 4S9 Washington st,3-story and attic, with a lot 13x36; gas, water and furnace. Lot 25x160.No 46 KastMoliawk st., 3-story &n.l attic; gas and water.A fine house and large ground at Batavia, Genesee county.No. 568 Main st., 3-story, with wing; gas, water and furnace. Lot 42x115.No. 74 Edward st., 2-story and wing. Lot 73x40.‘ No. 33 Delaware Place; gas, water and furnace. Lot 40x200No. 236 Connecticut corner Tenth st., 2-story. Lot 75x100.No. 315 E. Eagle st, 2-story front and rear. Lot 16x728.No. 302 Franklin st, 2-story front and rear; gas, veater sou furnace. Lot 40xl73J.N" 98 Johnson Place, 2-etory brick; ga*, water lumac't Lot 30x120.No. 1 Sixth st, 2-story frame, with gas and water, lot 30x132.Nn. 10 2 Seventh st , l)-story fnune, with trick bum; gas and water- Lot 26x —No. 107 Swan >t., 3-s: ury mastic front, with 2-story ifar; Niagara water, gas, furnace, Ac.Apply to JOHN oTTO, Pearl st.

• > EPUBLIGAN COUNTY CON YENLX TION.—The Republican Electors of• ..unty are requested *" choo.-e three delegates frotu th* ir respective towns and wards to represent themi.i the Coun y Convention, to he held at the Opera House Arcade Building, in the city n5 Buff d ', on ■put-day, the )2'h day <>f October next, at 2 o'clocu p. M., for the purpose of nominating oudidites for county offiocrs to be supp ,rt4-d a*, the ensuing tl c- ti<n. R.#RER1 MILLS, Chairman.8 OAKY ADAMS,D.C. WELCH,W. B SIR R E T ,ALONZO T INNER,J )IN' 11 WEB' H,LoUIS P. REICHERT, JOSIA1I SOUTH WICK, WILLIAM FLEulNG. Republican County Committee.BfFKALLO, Fept #0. 1-6I ^ I G H T H D I S T Rvertion —A Repul

T R I C T J U D I C I A L C O N -

H O ILSEH A X P C A E B IA 6 E8 .A dvertisem ents not exceeding Jour lines inserted

t nder this heading Jor 545 cents, each additional i-ne 3 cents.

__________________T iears old, sound and kind; a'«o,a light spnrg wagon and a fox cutter, suitable fo: a grocer. Buf- tal • Scale Works. 324 Exchange sr., Buffal".____


JP1 REAT INDUCEMENT—ONE BAYAJTmvre, seven vcare old, sound kind; and oi,e I uht wagon, n ar > n w; one of •* eber1- oak tanned •over mounted haru#*«8, for aal cheap App y to 4.1 Ma n s'. Buff ilo, or .-ran lbi House stvb'.e._____

lblican Un on Convention fotthe Ruhth Judiciil Distri-1 wi 1 in- held at the Tiff*. ;iouse, in th'.* citv of Buffxlo, on Wednesday, the 6th i jay of October next, at 2 P. M.. forthe pu pose of 9 0 'ininatmg t*o candidaUs forthe offic • of Justice of the Supreme Court, t • be support' d at the enaui-- irg Nove l>er election; one in the plsce of Charles >an'els, Esq., who e teim of office exp r s <>n the last dav of December next and one to till the uncx- *>ired term of Noah Davis, Ksq , resigned. Each As- fembly l>is*rict is entitled to send two delegates to lAid Convention. J. D. H. r HAMBERLIN,* L N. B4NGS.L. W. SMITH,W. S. HINCKLEY,S hRf'CB.E A. NASH,J. D. AMES,S. K. iTLKlNS, 'Dated Sept. 11. 1S69. Committee.Republ can pa|*ers in said District please copy.__

Re p u b l i c a n c o u n t y c o m m i t -TtE-l of the Committee wil be _n Id at their rooms. rinde Buil ing, Wednesduy evening of each week until further notic-. Mem­bers of the Committee ore requested to attend.ROBT. MILLS, Chairman.


RoILFor working South street between Ohio*.nd Hamburg street*..................... #2543 51or repairing Pratt street between Syca­more an Genesee strrets.................. 109 7f

For rearing Canal street between Commer-•al street and Maiden Lane ...... 101 26For r-pa'r ng Carlton atreet between fx>custand Lemon streets......................... 50 48For repairing Ash street between Sycamoreand Bat«via streets........................ 113 06For re pairing South Division street betweenrepring anu ueff rson streets............. 41 10For repairing J. (Tenon street between Ba­tavia *ud Matthews streets............... 109 20For repairing Sycamore street betweenPratt and Hickory treet*................. 101 92For ret«a ring Scott street between Heacockand Van tienss. Uer streets............... 162 90For repainug A he-st street bet ween Niag­ara and East streets......................... 5or rep.iring Amber I street between Eastand Thompson street#....................... 5

For repairing A * lisrst ■ reet betweenThompson and T i.awanda s’reet-. 5For repai'ing Twelfth street between Vir­ginia aud MsiylatK. streets.................. 17iF r repo iring Jefferson street betw. enBrown and Sycamore streets............. 5For repairing the pavement in Wash n«ton st. #Kst Ut*i«u Seneca and Exchangestreets....................................... 2<For repairing S- an otreet between the east­erly line ol Jefferson s iett aud the endof fe pavement iu Swan street........... 101For repairing the pavement on Main streetbetween .Swan at d seneca streets........ IfFor repairing north side of sycamore Jtr et sewer betwe n Oak and r hnstreets....................................... 1(Ft r repairing Willi im street over sewer at northwest corner of Will am and P Uerstreets. ( xtinded)......... IFor rei ai ing Wil iam street ov- r sewer on south side, about 70 feet west of Potterstreet, extended.......................... 5For repairing William street over sewer »nd water p pe at u rtiieast corner of Wi liamand Mortimer stieets..................... 7For repairing Swan stre et between a point mit way tet*e«n Spriru and efferaon *>rcets and the easterly line of Jeffersonstreet................. .’..................... 202For rc airing Swan street b twien the west eurb1L.eof M. higan street and a point midway betw en Michigan street andCnestnut street, (extended).............. 1202For repairing Oak street f om the northerly curb ine of Swan stre-t halfway throughto South street ................. 100For connecting the pavement in t#e north siil" of Swan street with the pavement in Washington street, to correspond with thepresent pavement in Swan street........ 65For connecting the pavement on south si te of Swan street with tbe pavement in Wa* ington street, to correspond thepresent pavement iu Swan * treet........ 77For constructing the {lavement at the inter- see inn of Swan and Micnigan streets, to coriespoiid with tha present pavtme. t inSwan street, westei ly therefrom........ 142For repairing crossing of Ohio and Washing­ton streets between curb lines............ 200

For repairing the gutters on west, side of Main street between Prim street and Buf­falo Kiver..................................For sprinkling Swan street between Wash­ington snd Michigan st eets for 1869.....For repaving tiie westerly side of the Ter­race lietween t rie and Lock streets -

I. ad be-

SIDEWALKS.For takin? up and relaying sidewalk on the north side of Seneca street, 1184 fret east of Ellicott-treet, to a point 102 feet east­erly therefrom ..........................For repairing sidewalk on thc northerly * de ol Nia. ara street between Georgiaand Carolina streets.......................For repairing eidewralk on the southerly s de of Niaga a stree between Virgi iaand Mary Iai.d -tree's.......................For rep iring sidewa k on #he north si Je of Niaga a treet bet sml Virginia and Ma­ry a id streets..............................F r repairing si it walk on the nor herly sido of Motiawk street betwe u More an street an i a | oint 46 fee wes.eriy ther. fr -m... •or c nstructing ridowa k on north side of Bat ivia street between Johnson and Her­man streets.................................For repairing sidewalk on toe north side of Court street between M«iu and Pe rlstreets.......................................F- r repairing-idvwa.k oil the east side of Niagara street b tween Fore.-t avenueand ccajaquada C’ree-....................Forreiari g sidewalk on the east ide of Niaga a str et l*etween De evan and Clin­ton av. uue*................................For rcqiair ng sidewalk on east s de of Niag­ara street beiwee Clinton ar.d Bird av-For repa ring s;dewaj# on ea-t side of Niag­ara street between Aub-rn and B .u.k av-For repairing S'dewaik on tas- side of Niag­ara street between B rd and Forest ave-lfor opairing sidewalk on cast sole of Niag­ara * re* t between Ferry and Brrekiu-rid.eatr et*............. ...................For ie airing sidewa k on < ait sid-' cf Niag­ara h reet b twe.u Bidw.l street andDclev&n avenue...........................For req>airin, s drwa'k on south side of Uti­ca stre. t between Rogers and Braytonstreets......................................For repairing sidewalk on the cast side of N agar i s.ree between Br.ckin idgeotreet »nd Auburn aveuue...............For repairing si-lewal' oo east side of Niag­ara str. et i.etween Bouck avenue and Bid-well btre ts................................For eonstr jet’ng sid. walk on south s de of l’err. street bet«een a point 35 leet west of .Michgan street anu bridge over Clarkand Bkinner Canal.........................For constructing bide walk on northerly side of Canal sti eet, from a poin 2i2) feet ea te ly of Ev ns street, to a point 20 frete s erly there'rom ...............Fer re]Kuring*:de»alk on noi hteasterly aide of Ninth *'reet be ween York and Con­necticut streets.............................For repairing side«alk on north aste ly side of l*a me. street between Hudson andMary land street*..........................For rrpiiring sidtwalkjon the southwest side of E.eventh street between Jersey a dNorth streets...............................For repairing si ‘ewalk on the southeasterly side of Pearl sirret between Terrace sndCommerc al streets........................For repairing sidewalk on the southerly sole of Y rk street between Ninth and Elev­enth stree s................................For repairing sidewalk on the east side of Niagbra street etwren Albany and t e r rys j rets.......................................Fo- repa ring siuearalk on the east side of Niagara street between School and Ninthstreet*.......................................For repa:ri:tg sidewalk on tht west side of ► «k stieet between Carlton and Hightreets.......................................For repairing side ws Ik on east sid* of Niag­ara street t etween Ninth and a point 330fevt no tberly iherefrom..................For r.-pxiring sidewalk onvhe fast si !e rf N.aga-a itrcet between Tenth street and a point 336 feet northerly from Ninthstreet.......................................For constructing a stone sidewalk on the north rly side of Whituev Flare, from the curi li e cn the reuthea-terly line of Carolina street and a po ut 191 5-12 fret souther y from the southerly line of Car­

olina street.................................For constructing a stone sidewalk on south­westerly side of Ninth street between Hudson and Pennsylvania streets........

U S U R 4 T I C K .For co istrect ng a tile i ____ ___we*- si e of Sixth street, from the centre of Maryl nd street to w ihiu 10 0 fort ofHudson street..............................For repairing main sewer in Pearl street, about 225 f el north of Seneca street....For repair ng stwc n Sereca street at t ec oasing . f Franklin -treet...............For repairing Enu ie s.reet sewer at itsmoutn in Van tc ms.Iatr st eet.........For comtmrting a sewer in Michigan str et from the cent-e < f Elk str.e to the bouthiineof Ferry stoet................. 1612 5*

CTLvmmFor cottftructinr stone cul ert» aero** Bata­via street betwe. n M akien reet at d the easterly line of WilUamsv:i e Ru-d 4374 44

john McManus,GREGORY HITT,RICn’D C. KINNEY, Assessors.Office in llte Citv Building*, corner of Franklin and Eagle streets.Office h*ur* ire»m 8 A. M. to 4 P. M.____ j4-6t

K KSALE—thr BEST familyborse ever offer, d in th'* marke ; suitable for Carriage or buggy. Is * vood trav. Her, warra. ted •oundand kind even way. A'-oon top buggy ano i.o op*a two searwd wagon. Gan ne seen at No. 8g

'■Cwt Serwca etroe* ______

® ®ol ttf pub promts and

T ® L K T - S T t K E L

ST O R E T O R E N T - T H E F I N E S T O R E85 Peart st., near Seneca, wtth privilege of atc- “ desired. HAS 11.'OS k OTTO, 3m o L E T T H E N E W R R l c K S T O R EA Nn. 30 Elli ott «t., with two upper ntorte* enn- ve ientlv fl ted u • f -r dweHinv*. with gaa, w tar Ac.; the store ia waitable for a small ammdaclTiiwmiliinet7 or other light > uainem. Alao, thestory fiaine cottage No. 13 Chestnut st.; pt____gi.-en Oct 1, 369. Rent #250. nASTlNOaAOTTO, Beal EstateBtokers, No. 3 Brown'* Building*.

U O IM C r r M i s H i i L• P B I C M P H G K N P l S a - S O S T O V t1 haa received such abuse a* the Triumph, no atovehaa had such a sale aa the Triumph. It is to bt Wid in mor* Buffalo kitchens than any otuer; and »hyfi B cnusa itM thabwt, the oaaies; manaced. ’•

muooaim), mm h » m r j o t ta r T O U u J - tk Manufactured an l for sale only by DL DLR » k ROCKWELL, 331 Main «L Naany half the hou-* W Buff lo nm our Triumph.

1 R I U f t i P H G E N U I N E — T O* how tbe Triumph la appreriafd ta on# famil* fm, Wm. B. Lvmnn gets u*s*, then Nathan Lyman,then John L. Lguan then J. C.S ltag Stove.judge. * Call and see our celebrated Triumph Coo DUDLEY A ROCKWELL. 333 Main it.

O E W E R A N D R E C E I V E R C O R N E Rkj OF EAGLE AND EMSLIE STRsETS.l i r e is her* by given tha: sealed proposals will I__pe ved -t the office of tbe 8trret Co:nmL>*;o- er until Wedn- sti ay . Oct. 6, 1869 ft 1C o’clock a. M.. for con- -tru lin a s -aer ana rece ver, with patent east iron «t nch tra}*, at th.- n rtheas*. corn r of Eagle and Em* ie streets. ALEXANDER BRUSH, Street Commiwnioner.Buffalo. vep*. 29. 1809.___________ i3 6t

No t i c e o f i n t e n t i o n . — n o t i gis hereby giver, that the C- mmon Council of :he citv of Buffalo intend '« orde-the Laxp Dis r ct exten-ied on both side* of ishington street, be twren Carlton and Virginia street*.GEO. 3. WARDWELL.01 ♦- ClerkDated Bulla'o, S pt. ‘.BKt

ST O N E C R O S S W A L K A C R O S S- CuTT STREET.-.Notic- i* h reb given that *em'ed uro osals will be rec >ved at tne Sue-t Com tms-iorwr’s Office until Wednesday. Ort. 6, at 1C o’clock A. M , for constructuig a 6-fee-’ c oee stone cro**walk aero s fcott stieet, on the west side ol Michigan street. ALEXANDER BRUSH,Buffalo. Sept. 29. 1 J99B

F l a g g i n g " s t o j * e s i d e w a l k s o sBOTH SIDES OF WELLS STKKffT. -Notice s hereby «.ven -hat wal.d prop- sals will be re- • fved a# the oflice of th* Stre # ioncr until Wed csday, Oct. ”, i860, a lOo’c’otkA M.,f**rc n- (■trvc*ing Magging «tone sidewalks on the ea*t a- d west sides of *#e la stree , betwee » tu*- northerlv -orb line of Kxc ange street and the southerly curb line of Seneca street. ALEXANDER BRUSH, Street Commissi o: er.Buffalo, Sept 2?, I860. ;30-6t

F- r constructing stone ridewalk on the southwesterly side of Ninth street be­tween Pennsylvania and Jersey streeU..CROSSWALKS.

For c 'nstructing stone crosswalk acros* 8ei eca street on tiie westerly side < f Pearlstreet.......................................

Yor repairing st* ne crossw'alk a*'r s> Fly street on tlie westerly side o: Maid- nLane......................................Forr pair nr stone cro*swa!k acresi Chip- m i i reet on the e*st rly sid;

WORK-'. OliutnhU t i l THE CUMMN COt V Ii.—Ihe owner* of the Ian- (■i-nung on tbe street , an#t between the point* her# matter namwl, are horeby required to make the im prorement* hcrtiiL»ft*r ‘jiecifitsl in frent ot or o. h ir respective lots, ir the manner and within tb# iua* iimiteu r r each rcspecu.elv, a* follow*:O* ti e southwesterly side of hinths reet, betweei Rhode Island aod Massachusetts ste#.i,ca.s .‘ide­al k to l«e cc-nstruc ed f-rnr feet wide, oi g"o ine p.ank two inches thick, witi.iu five < ay *.

1 «Jn the north side of Amherst street, b twee- ThompiMiu stieet ml n point midway Let»e#-i Tli"U-pson a d Tonaaanda street , cause a s-d walk re be rejiaired with g o#l pine p a"k two incbe# tiiick, where n#-Ces*a y, within five days.Ou the n-rth side of Ainiier st street, between Toua anda street and a p iut mid ay : et*e«. louawanda ar.d ihomjMon streets, cau e a-idewa s to bv rep-ired with go#sJ 1 1 #- j>l «.k, two tache. thick, where necessary , witnin five d.yj.Ou the north side of Amherst ‘tree., betwe n Thompx n treet ai.d a |>oi.ii midway betacen I'bompson and Las street#*, ca" -j a sid wain to it repaired with g -od pine plain*, two inches thick, w here Lec.saary, witidn five day s.On the north side of Amherst street, between E»it street and a poiu. m dway between East and •hom..- *ou street-, cause a ‘Li*W*tk to be repair d wiib goo#l pinu plank, two ii.cSc* thick, where nectasary with n fi\ c day*.On the south -ide of Amherst street, between Ton - wanda st eet and a point midway betwe n Tona- wanda and Thompson street.*, call e a sidewalk to It repaired with good pine plank, two inches tiiick, where necessity, within five dsys.#Jn ihe s-iuth s de of Ainhcrst street, between Thompson street and a jjoint midway between Thompson ai d Touawoi'da s.rects, causj a sidewalk t<> It repaired with good jime p auk, two inch#* thick, where nec<a>sary, within five days.On tue south side of Amherst rtreet, between Tnompson street and a point midway between I’ho.i pson and Eas. s reels, cau-e a sidewalk to e repaired win good pine ;>'ank, two ine:es thick, where necessary, within five days.on the south side of Amherst street, between Fam street and a point midway i>etw «n Ea t and Thump ! son streets, cause a sidewalk-to be repaired f t good j»ine plank two iuchM thick, where necessary, witnin five days.Ou the north side of Amh‘rst s'reet, between a jKiint a out 5>o feet easterly of louawanda s ami a point a'out 158 feet easterly there roni, cause a s dewalk to be re-pairea of good pine p.ank ro inches thick .where necessary, within five days.Ou the south side #f Amherst street, betwe# n TonawauJa s reet and a point 246 feet eas erlv there­from, c->use a si-jewa k to lie rejiaired of good pine plat.k two inclu* tl.ics, where necessary, within live days.On tiie south sid* of Amherst street, between a jioint 94S feet eas*. of ToiikwuiKta street and a jioint 332 feet easterly therefrom, cause a sidewalk to t* repaired of good pine pUnk two inches thick, here necessary, within flv« days.On the south s tie of Amherst s'reet, lietween a {Joint 1286 feet cast of Ti nawenda .street and a j»in* 266 f ct easterly therefrom, eaus * a sidewalk to b epaircd of g .od piuc plans, two inches thick, where necessary, wiihin five days.

south side of Amheret street, between a t oint 1480 feet east of Tom waii'1% street and a point 20o feet east rly therefr- in, cause a sidewai- u lit r. - aired of good pine plank, two inches thick, where it*: ssary, within five days Un the south side of Amherst street, b tween a jioint 16 0 foot it't of 'louawanda street, and a point 200 feet ea-tcriy therefrom, cau.-e a sidewalk be repair.d of goo i j»in j.lauh, two iucLes thick, where necessary, within five days.Gn’the south siile of Amherst str- et, between a point 1880 foet feet east of i naw .n ia street and the tate di ch, cause a sidewalk to be repaired or good p ne pUi.k, two .nch- s thick, where nece-sary, witli.n nve days.On the northeasterly S'dc of Eleventh street, lie- v#cn Massachusetts street sn . a poi t midw-av ctween ii mp-liire and Ma.*sachusetts street*, cause sidewa-k t.. he repaired bv sul«titu ing g od hem­lock pi nk, three inches thick, wh* ro ne essa v, wiihin five days.

the south s dc of Mackinaw str* et betw cn Hamburg and Ala aina -treet* cau* a s dewalk to e rejiaired with good hemlock pla k ihree inche.- tiii k wh#ro i.eccs ary, within five days On the northwest -ide of Georgia str- et, between Fou th and Efner treet , cause a side ‘al- to be re- pai.eJ with good hcnil"-k jilank thre. inches thick, wuer nece-sary, wi hin live days.On the nortli# rl side oi Tenth street, between th- north#astcrly curb line of Ten h street and the southeast#.-! ly cuib 1 eof Hu 9011 street, int e city f Buffalo c .use a sid- w lk to be tas# 11 up a d reiaiii to conform witn the present paving of Te th str et, and subs-itu.e new j-la.ik, where necessary, within ave days.Tne above work is to b« done under the direc- ion of the Mtreet <, and if not done i< he maimer and within thc time tjieciflvd, then th. street Commissi-mer ■■ authorized to do the same at the expense of the owners of ti.e land.GEORGE E. WARDWELL,Ot, Cl'-kDated Buffs lo, Sept. 29th, 1869. j36-5tVJEWEK A N D RE EIVER A T UOR.O NEROF MORGAN AND EDWARD STREET'. - :e s hereby gi« n iliat Healed jno,os&i will <-re- ceivcd at t#"e (.ffice of the Street Comm ssio er imti- Wednesday, Oct 6, lb'-'J, a lO-.'clnk A M., t«n c nst ucting •* s wer and receiver with a cast iron t 11 ht ap at tlie southwe t corner of Morgan andEdward streets. ALEXANDER BRUSH, Street Commissioner. Buffalo, Sept. 29, 1869. j30-6t

.EWER a n d RECEIVER- A T O O R* NEROF M IV AND SEN EC v STS.—Notice i- he #:by given that seal d i»rop s ds will be re* eiveo at the St eet Commissioner's o c- until Wed ncsday, Oct *, 1869 at It) o'c (Kk A M., for c n- ‘tructinj a sewer and reiceiver with a ca-tir n stench trap at .he northwest corner of Maiu and Seneca st: eels. ALEXANDER BRUSH, Street Conunissionei. Buffalo. Sept. 29. 1869.___________ j.H"-6tUEWKU AND i Li 'ELVER Ai ORIO NEK jF MAIN AND NORTH DIVISION STS Notice is r.ereby given that seal. 6 jm-jxj al- will b received at the office of the street Commiss oner until Wednesday * ct. 6, 1869, at 16 o’ciock A. M , lerconstn.cting a sewer snd receiver at the north­east corner of Main and Noith Divisi n streets.ALEXANDER BRUSH, Street Commissioner. Buffalo. Sept. 29. 1869.___________ j3')-6t

L A G G IN GJC ACKCS4 TCPPKR MREET.-SiONE CROSSWALKSis he. c -by ea that sealed projjosals will lie receive.: a# the office of ilie Street Commissioner until Wednes­day, Oct. 6, 1869, at 1 #' o’clock a . M , for c nstruct­ing six-foot o*cn cro-swalku across Toj»jier street, ou thc east anti west sides of Eli cott street,ALEX A NDKtw BRUSH, Street Commisstorie*. Buffalo, Sept. 29,1869.___________ j30-0tE U F T E E N T H # > T K E E I’ E X T E N S I O N —J. No ice is hereby g.ven that the Com­mon Count il r f the ci#y of Buffalo have de­termined. and do here y determine, to take tne la d and jiroperty nec#s#aarv to lay out and ex'end e fteentn street, f omits jrresent termination st York street U< Jersey str -et. commenc ng at a point 2o» feet easterly from Fourteenth street, on the soutli- erl line of York street, #u ning thence southerly and 1 are 11 el with Fourteenth street to Jersey street: thence at right angles easterly along the cortherl.v line of Jersey street 50 feet; then e at rig'-t angl«* northerly o York street; ihence along th? » utheriy line of York street 60 I et, to the place of beginning; and the said Comrno . council will apply to th#- supe­rior Co :rt of Buffalo, at a moti n term there-.f, to be held at the rooms of the Buffalo 1 aw Library in the Young M-n’s Aa*ociati«jn Build'n.s, co ner of Main and Kagle st-eet-, in the city of But- falo, on Tuesday, the 19lh day of Oct- ber, 1869, at the op ning of said court on that day, or as soon tnereafter as counsel can he h< ard, for the appnm men of thre-.- Com ers to ascer-ain ar.d rej> rt the just cumpeiiMtion to be paid to the person or persons ownin/ cr having an interest i 1 thc land and jiroperty so propoaed to b« taken.

GEORGE 8 WARDWELL,City Clerk.Dated Buffalo. Sept 28. IM»_______j 9 Ita

: of Dela-For con-trurti g a .tone crew-walk acrosi Eleventh street, ex -ended o . toe westerlys de of Cami. a rtreet....................>or coustructhig a et j* e crosswak sc n#i pearl stre et n the es.utherl. sue of Aden

street......................................................... .. v • • •For re»aun g a to n e oro **' lk across Mi. hi­gan street ou the southerly : ide of Clin­ton s. reet...................................

For rejairing the no: theriy end ot c-oss- w wk acr. s • *» iagara s tr jet wtste lv side ofMorgan rtreet.......................................................

For constructing s stone cn ssw-lk ser '"s Fr«nkl>n street < n th#. routhe ly »ide ofAllen ...................................For taking up an«l relaying cross walk scrosi Fa-k s eet ou the north rly side ot VIr-g nia street.................................F rc nstructsnr a -ton- crosswalk aero* Bark street # n the southerly side of Allenst e e t.......................................

rt iuc rexu.For repa'ring and maintaining Prospect

H iU P h -k s............................................................

For conWructing a sewer in H dson street, from ite pre ent terminatw-n near Twcfth sceet north#r y to the southwes'erly lineof Widsworth s n e t .......................F> r c instructing a re«er ia B#wton a’ley from th* sewer n Tupper street n#»r her­ly to with u 160 feet of Goodell street... For rejvairing the main sewer in Dock street

* 1 Buffalo Rjver...........................

O Y C A M U K E S T K t E l ' E X l K N o l o X —O Notice is hereby given that the Conunun Council of the city of Buffslo have dtU-rm ned and do hereby det rmine t> take and sppio- priate the land snd property neceHsary t«. 1-y out and extend Sycamore »tre*~ from the eo.t- eriy line of :effer*on street north-aste rly to the westerly Une of Walden street, th- o. ntre line of aid exteLHtou to be a atraight c -ntinuat on of th- centre li e of S ca 4-ore s reet a* now l*id out b-tween Oak ar.d J -ffe-sou st-e te. the north and south fane# of said extension t be S3 fe* t distant at ri_ht a;i glea fron aod paral el to h a -ove de-eri ce- tr liue ; »»»d toe said Comm n Council will apply to ite Suite io # ourt of Buffalo at a motion t 10 here"!, to be neld at the room or t e Buff.lo L w Library, in the Young M #''’s A-s clatio" Buil ings, c rner ol Mata and ragi street-, ta toe dty I Buff-1.., on Tuesday, the 19th day of #l*ctob-r. lo#?#, - th opening ot said Cou>t u bat day . or a* *-on ther. arter •* oounsai an be heard, tor the appointment of three commiaMunent t- - as ertam an.l re*-trt ihe jus com peiosateoii 'o be j* u t. the persu.t o. p rson* own­ing or having an in er*st in th<* land -nd proitertj. s j propused to c* taken.GEORGE S. WARDWELL, Ctty Clerk.Dated Bnffal". Sep* 28 IW» ih* "t


'e p o r ts fro m F lo r id a o f t b * a r r iv a l o f th# ’i te a m a h ip A la b a m a a t F e m a o r i n a o n F ri- U y n ig h t f ro m N e w Y o rk w i th 40t n e n in c lu d in g s ix ty t fficer* fo r th .

L^nban e x p e d i tio n , n o w te n d e c v o n a in g 01 h e G a lf c o a s t. T h e m e n W ere im m e d ia te !v j u t a b o a rd th e ca r* , a n d a e n t to C e tia i K e y s , w h e re s te a m , r s a w a i t th e m . Tw * m n d re d m e n a r r iv e d a t B a ld w in , F lo r id a ro m S a v a n n a h o n S a tu r d a y n ig h t , au p

tjo sed t o b e a p o r t io n o f t h e c o m m a n d n o * ■rganizing in m id d le G e o rg ia .

T h e H o a n e t a/icu C u b a a p p e a re d ofl 'm i th v i l l e . N o r th C a ro lin a , S a tu r d a y even ng , f ly in g U n b a n c o lo rs . I t h a s b e e n defi l i te ly a s c e r ta in e d t h a t sh e h a s tw o hundre#: m en a n d t h i r t y o ff ic e rs o n b o a rd . A m a jo r i ty o f t h e l a t t e r a re ex c o n fe d e ra te s 'h e a n c h o re d in s id e t h e fcar a n d s e n t h e i •u g m ee r a n d p u r s e r to V V U m ington to se cu re a s u p p ly of co a l, th»z t a k e n o n b o a n i j f f N e w Y o rk n o t b e in g a d a p te d to q u ick m o v e m e n ts . S u s p ic io n b e in g so o n a ro u se d th e officer* a f te r e n g a g in g a s u p p ly o 1 co a l r e tu r n e d t o t h e i r v e sse l w i th o u t m a k in g a r r a n g e m e n ts t o g e t th e co a l a b o a rd f h e y l e f t th ia c iiy a b o u t tw e lv e o ’c lo c k fo r

S m ith v ille , t h i r ty - f iv e r f i l e s b e lo w , in a *m all ro w b o a t. C o ll le c to r R u m le y c h a r te re d t h e s te a m t u g A lp h a th i a m o rn in g a t to u r o ’c lo c k , a n d h a v iu tf p la c e d in th i h a o d s of a 1># p u ty U n ite d . S ta t e s M a rs h a a w a r r a n t i»su*d by a U n i te d S ta te s C om tn ita io n e r , p la c e d h im on b o a rd , w i th a p a r i o f t h e c u s to m s fo rce , w i th o rd e r s to d e ta in th e p r iv a te e r u n t i l f u r th e r o rd e rs . C o lone .

ra n k ,c o m m a n d in g th e U n i te d S ta te s tro o p - a t t h e p o s t o f S ru ith v iJ le is e x p e c te d to c o o p e ra te w i th t h e D e p u ty M a rsh a ] if n e c e s s a ry . T h e o ff ic ers w h o v isite# l t h t c i ty w e re v e r y bo iti a i .d c o n ti i le n t , in s is tin g th a t th e r e is u/> p ro c e s s b y w n ic h th e p r i ­v a te e r c a n b e le g a lly d e ta ii ie d . T h e e v e n t c r e a te s m u c h e x c i te m e n t x n d c o m m e n t.

LATER.T h e p r iv a te e r H o i n e t o r U u b a w as seize#!

b y th e D e p u ty U n i te d S ta te s M a r s h a l at S m ith v i l le a t J2 M . to -d :iy , a n d b ro u g h t u p a n d a n c h o re t! h a l f a mil# I e lo w tb# c i ty t h i s e v e d in g . A num l r o f h e i o f l ic e n a r e n o w iu t h e c i ty - a n d i t is p o s i­t iv e t h a t th e r e is n o p r e te x t u n a c r w h ic h sh e c a n b e d e ta in e d by t b e a u th o r i t i e s lo n g e r t h a u i t is n e c e s s a ry *0 h a v e a n in v e s t ig a t io n in to h e r a r m a m e n t a n d c re w . T h e (Ju b a is a fo rm id a b le v e sse l, a n d is r e p r e ­s e n te d a s h a v in g g r e a t s p e e d . S h e is sh o r t o f c o a l a n d p ro v is io n s now*, a n d h e r m a c h iu e ry is c o n s id e r a b ly d e rk n g e d .

A m o n g h e r o fficers a r e C o m m a n d e r E d ­w a rd H ig g in s , C o m m a n d e r T h o m a s L. D a rw in , L ie u te n a n t C o m m a n d e r D a v id A ie i f a i r , n a v ig a tin g o fficer, a n d L ie u te n a n t

C. W . R e a d , D r. F red erick J . M c N u lty , -Surgeon; E n g en o V a lie n t , P a y m a s t r i ; P re n t i s s Ing r;#m , C a p ta in o f M a m ie s an u p r iv a te s e c re ta ry to t h e C o m m o d o re ; D r ci. \V . D u In us. A s s i s ta n t S u rg e o n ; D . D. M u u ro e , F i r s t L ie u te n a n t o f M a r in e s .



D ire c to rs h e ld a m e e tin g y e s te r d a y in N e w Y o rk , b u t t h e r e s u l t h a s n o t t r a n s p i r e d .

J a m e s B row m A Co. h a v e b e g u n a s u i t in th e U n i te d S ta te s C ir c u i t C*>urt fo r $ 2 ,5 0 0 ,- 000, d ’f f ir e n c e s on $ 7 ,0 0 0 ,C c0 o f g o ld so ld by th e m th r o u g h A ll> ert S pey era a t $1 60 o u F r id a y to F is k A C oulcL

T h e a c c o u n ts re c e iv e d fro m a l l se c tio n * sh o w th e s to rm to h a v e b e 'in g e n e ra l , an d to h a v e c a u s e d c o n s id e r a b le d a m a g e . T h e te le g r a p h , s a v e t h e c a b le , h a s b e e n mu< h in te r r u p te d . M a n y r a i l r o a i b r id g e s h a v e b ee n c a r r ie d a w a y . F ro m W h ite h a l l b re a k s a r e re p o r te d in t h e c a n a l a t v a r io u s p la c e s , a n d tw o h u n d re d ja n d f if ty fe e t of to w p a th c a r r ie d a w a y b e tw e e n M ec h an ics - v ille a n d W a te r f o rd , t i f ty fe e t a t D u n h a m ’s b a s in , a b o u t t h r e e u ii le s n o r th of F o r t E d ­w a rd .

A t F o r t A n n , a m a n n a m e d J u l i a s L e s ­so n , o f W h i te h a l l , e n d e a v o r in g to c ro s s t h e ro a d , w a s d ro w n e d w ith h # te a m . S e v e ­ra l b r id g e s on t h e R e n s s e la e r A S a ra to g a R a ilro a d a r e s w e p t rw a y , a n d t h e t r a c k ia a lso w a a h e d o u t in s e v e ra l p laces. S e v e ra l b r id g e s a r e g o n e o n t h e R i t l a n d A W a s h ­in g to n K a ilro a d . T b e th r o u g h t r a v e l on th e B o s to n a A lb a n y K a ilro a d , i s s to p p e d on a c c o u n t o f b a d b re a k s , b o th e a s t a n d w e s t of S p rin g fie ld . T h e fa ll o f w a te r a t S p rin g fie ld r e a c h e d e ig h t in c h e s . T h e v i l ­la g e o f V Y esttieid is in u n d a te d , a n d i t is r e p o r te d t h a t t h e lo ss w i l l a m o u n t to a h u n d r e d th o u s a n d d o l la r s . N o t r a in s t h r o u g h o u th e H u d s o n R iv e r R a ilro a d s in c e e a r ly y e s te r d a y m o rn in g . N e a r C 'a s t ie to n tw o h u n d re d fe e t of ro o d b**d, a n d b o th t r a c k s a r e gone. T h e b r id g e a t S tu y v e s a u t l ig h th o u s e is a lso d a m a g e d ; a n d th e c u lv e r t n e a r L iv in g s to n s ta t io n , is p a r t ia l ly d e s t ro y e d .

I n t h e tow m of K b in e b e c k , f o u r o u t of rive b r id g e s a r e d e s t ro y e d . A p p r o a c h e s to K h in e b e c k a r e c u t off. T h e H a r le m r a i l ­ro a d is w a s h e d a w a y in s e v e ra l p la c e s ; t h e m a in d if f ic u lty b e in g b e tw e e n C h a th a m a n d D o v e r P la in s . T h e p a s s e n g e r t r a i n s w h ic h le f t A lb a n y a t tw e n ty i n ia u te s p a s t s ix t h i s m o rn in g , l e f t P o u g h k e e p s ie to - n ig h t a sev e n o ’c lo c k fo r N e w Y o rk .

H u d s o n d i s p a tc h e s r e p o r t t h e b r id g e a t G h e n t o n t h e H a r le m R a i l ro a d w a a w a sh e d a w a y , t o g e th e r w i th m a n y o th e r s o n th e lin a b e tw e e n G h e n t a n d C o p a k e . T h e H u d s o n it B o sto n K a ilro a d c o u ld r u n no t r a in s t h r o u g h to C h a th a m y e s te r d a y . A b o u t t i f ty fe e t o f t r a c k w a s w a a h e d a w a y n e a r C la v e ra c k d e p o t , a m i o th e r d a m a g e w a s d o n e t e t b e ro a d , w h ic h w ill h e r e ­p a ire d b y th i s m o rn in g .

I h e c o n s tru c t io n t r a in o n th e H u d so n R iv e r R a il ro a d , w h ic h l e f t H u d s o n a b o n t n in e o ’c lo c k in t h e m o rn in g to a s s ia t in th e r e p a i r s a t L iv in g s to n C re e k , m e t w i th a n a c c id e n t a t M o u n t M e r in o , a b o n t o n e m ile a n d a h a l f fro m t h e c i ty , b y m e a n s o f t h e fa il in g o f a c u lv e r t a a t h e t r a i n w a s p a s ­s in g o v e r i t . T h e lo c o m o tiv e w a a th ro w n o v e r , a n d t h e t e n d e r fe ll t h r o u g h t h e c u l ­v e r t . S e v e ra l l a b o re rs w e re in ju re d .

A S c h e n e c ta d y d i s p a tc h s a y s s e v e ra l a s m s in t h e s u b u rb s o f t h a t c i ty a r e g one, a n d t h e f la ts a r e s u b m e rg e d . S e v e ra l o f t h c m a in R tre e ts o f t h e c i ty a r e u n d e r w a te r . T h e M o h a w k R iv e r is t e n fe e t a b o v e lo w w a te r m a k . T h e E r ie C a n a l is in a v e r y b a d c o n d it io n . T h e i r a r e tw o tw o b r e a k s on t h e F o u r -m ile L e v e l, five m ile s w e s t <*f t h a t c i ty . A p o r t io n o f t h e a q u e d u c t ta a loa g o n e o n t h e S e v e n -m ile L ev e l. I t w ill t a k e tw o w e e k a to r e p a i r d a m a g e s . - T h e C e n t r a l Railroad t r a in s g o in g W e s t a r e w a te rboand a t t h a t c i ty . T h e t r a c k s ix m ile s w e s t o f t h a t c i t y is u n d e r w a te r , a a d a p o r t io n o f t h a c u lv e r t is go n e. T h e s to r m ia t h a s e v e re s t o f t h e kio#l e v e ' k n o w n in t h a t v ic in i t y .

'ATI A lb a c y d i s p a t c n » a y s : T h o s t o r m h a s c a u s e d g r e a t d a m a g e i n t h ia c i t y , b y t e a r in g u p p a v e m e n t s , b u r s t in g se w i r* , a n d s o fo r th . T rie c i t y loeee, a t a k»w e s t im a t e , $50,0 0. In m a n y s t r e e t s t b e w a t e r w a s fo r c e d in t o

B .H r t l w . S # , w a varka a t ! W ( " r e i a k , * * • mOm M r t k K - - •

s e e :• ro w n e d L a r g o n u m b e rs o f m e n h a v e

‘te e n th r o w n o n t o f e m p lo y m e n t . L o rn a b o n t 9 1 0 4 0 0 0 .

A d i s p a t c h f r o m W a s h in g to n s a y s t h e ra in w a s u n p r e o e d e n ta te d in v io len ce , tir id g e s o v e r t h e c a n a l w e ro w a a h e d a w a y . 1 b o u t m id n ig h t t h e w h o le r e s e r ve fo rc e o f

.h e S e v e n th P r e c in c t w e ro c a l le d o n t t o g o jo t h e a s a is ta n c e o f t h e fa m ilie s i a P u r d y ’s J o n r t , n e a r P e n n s y lv a n ia a v e n u e a n d F i r s t > U ret, t h e T ib e r h a v in g o v e r f lo w e d i n t o t h eo u r t , a n d t o r e a c n e eoane o f t h e w o m e n

io d c h i ld r e n , t h e o ff ic e rs w e r e o b l ig e d to v a d e in t h e w a te r n p t o t h e i r n o c k s . * T h e •b a n tie s b o r d e r in g t h e T ib e r w e r e o v e r (lo w ed , b u t t h e ln m a te o , m o s t ly co b re d j* 4 p le , g o t a w a y w i t h t h e i r r a r n i tv T hree 00f l ie s w e re w a a h e d d o w n t h e T i l «nd lo d g e d n e a r A d am s* E x p r e s s offi T he s to r m d id c o n s id e r a b le d a m a g e G eorgetow n ; o w in g t o t h a r ie e o f t h e P o to -

<eac th o m e r c h a n ts i a W a t e r a t r e e t h a d to rove o n t t h e i r w a n e .A B a lt im o re d e s p a tc h s a y s t r a v e l on

lie N o r th e r n C e n t r a l R o a d h a s b e e n d e la y •sd. T h e ra il r o a d b e tw e e n A n n a p o lis a n d in n a p o l is J u n c t io n , m a s k e d a w a y in m an y j la c e s

A P h ila d e lp h ia d e s p a tc h s a y s t h e co v e red ■ridge, a t M a n a y u n k , w a s c a r r ie d a w a y

a b o u t n o o n , a n d t h e w r e c k s t r i k in g t h e to w p a th b rid g e , c a r r ie d t h a t a w a y a lao . l a .tu a c i ty o n T w e n ty - T h i r d s t r e e t , a ll -h e h o u s e s a r e flo o d ed f ro m M a r k e t a t r e e t •o C td lo w h ill , a s w e ll a a a l l p r o p e r ty be­tw e e n t h a t a n d th e r iv e r . I n m a n y o f t h e th e h o u s e s t h e o c c u p a n ts h a d t o b e ta k e n o u t i n b e a t s . A t N o r r is to w n , t ’

ee s e v e n te e n fe e t . T h e flood e x c e e d s i s t o f 1850. T h e d a m a g e w il l k e im m e n se . I ’h e L e h ig h R iv e r h a a r is e n f if te e n fe e t.

T he d a m a g e a lo n g t h e v a l le y is im m e n se . T he r a i l r o a d t r a c k s a r e su b m g rg e d , a n d th e r e a r t n o t r a i a s ru n n in g .

T h e w a te r i n t h e S c h u y lk i l l R iv e r i t b o v e a l l t h e w h a rv e s . S ix c a r* w e re c a r ­

n e t! a w a y fro m t h e P e n n s y lv a n ia R a ilro a o ra c k . N in e ty - f o u r f r e ig h t c a r s h a v e b e e r

.n r n e d b o t to m u p . ,A S c ra n to n , P e n n s y lv a n ia , di* p a t c h s a y s :

le a v y ra in fo r t b e l a s t fo r ty - e ig h t h o u rs >0 t r a in * h a v e a r r iv e d o u th e L e h ig h a n c S u e q u th tn n a R a ilro a d . T h e D e la w a re , L a c k a w a n n a a n d W e s te r n R o a d h a a ale* im p e n d e d . . T h e r a is a g r e a t f r e s h e t a- .v iauch C u u n k . T w e n ty b o a ts w e n t ove> .h e d a o i. T h e L a c k a w a n n a i r o n a n d C oa

o m p a n y ’s ro l l in g m ills h a v e suspende# w o rk on ic c o n n t o t t h e h ig h w a te r .



u m e d i t s se s s io n a t M a d r id . T h e g o v e rn :n e n t to - i ;a y in t ro d u c e d a b il l to su sp e n d th e r i g h ts o f in d iv id u a ls u n t i l t h e in s u r ­re c tio n iu t h e S o u th i s su p p re s se d . The re b e l l io n s m o v e m e n t o f t h e r e ­p u b lic a n s w il l h a v e im m e d ia te effec t

8usp<*nding c o n s t i tu t io n a l g u aran tee # And o f i n v e s t in g t h e g o v e r n m e n t w i th ex te n d e d p o w e r* n e c e s s a ry fo r t h e suppress i io n o f in s u r re c t io n . I t is p ro b a b le t h a t it h e b il l d e m a n d e d b y t h e g o v e r n m e n t it jasaed , t h e R e p u b l ic a n D e p u tie s w i l l w i t h ­

d r a w i ro m t h e C o rte s .I t i s a a s e r te d t h a t t h e U n i te d S ta te s g o v ­

e r n m e n t h a s re n o u n c e d a l l id e a o f i n t e r ­v e n in g in th e c a se o f C u b a .

A ll r e p o r t s w h ic h h a v e b e e n re c e iv e d in P a r is o f t h e p ro g r e s s o f t h e R e p u b lic a n m o v e m e n t in S p a in a r e c o n f irm e d . T h e to w n of R iv e rs , n in e m ile s f ro m T a r ra g o n a , h as le c la re d f o r l ib e r ty . I t i s s a id t h a t E x -K in g F e r d in a n d , o f P o r tu g a l , h a s by th i s t im e a c c e p te d th e S p a n is h c r o w n , b u t • f t h i s c o m b in a tio n d o e s n ’<t su c c e e d w ith in e ig h t d a y s S p a in w ill b e a re p u b lic .

t m i w h u n r u s s

JOB# p r i n t i n g d f f i c e .O oatpV riy itocke* with

THE VERY BEST MATERIALin a 'l its variety.

Is p re p a re d to exacate every dewriptto* at B

CM aad M work.H O . 14 E A ST SW A N STR E E T ,

(Second. Floor.)= ■ ■' m — ■ • "— 5— --------

trains d u e u p to 11 A . M . are b e lt in d k Tbe o n ly damage reported a t t h •

Central offiee ia the washing away o f t h e culvert a t Hoffman’s Ferry, which i t is thought wall n t a be repaired.

D u r in g t h e f ire m e n ’s p ro o a am o n i a P h i l a ­d e lp h ia o n S a tu r d a y n ig h t , o n t b e re c e p - t to n oc W il l ia m W o o le y H o a e C o m p a n y .

» e r H o s e C o m p a n y w a s a s s a u l t e d w i th . o b a a d b r ic k s . C h a rle * F i t z m e y e r re

o a tv a d tw o b a l ls i a h as s h o u ld e r f ro m a p .a to ! f ire d b y a p o lic e m a n , w h o . w i th o th e r* °* H ie fo rce , a r e a# v u aed o f le a d in g * t h e f

v tera .

* » in ju r e d m a a w a s a d ­m i t te d t o t h e K la g 's C o lle g e H o s p i ta l in L o n d o n . H e h a a j n s t b e e n id e n tif ie d a a K e lly , o r D e a a y , o n e o f t h e F e n ia n p r is o n e rs r e c e n t ly r e s c u e d f ro m t h e p o lice .

t e t e ------F O R E I G m n e w s .

P r in c e N a p o le o n h a s w r i t t e n a l e t t e r to CoL B e n to n , C h a irm a n , a n d o th e r A m e r i­c a n a s o jo u rn in g i n L o n d o n , th a n k in g th e m fo r t h e i r a d d r e s s c o n g r a tu la t in g h im fo r h ia lib e ra l s p e e c h in t h e S e n a te . T h e P r in c e re m in d s t h e m o f t h e b o n d s w h io h h a v e a l ­w a y s u n i te d F r a n c e a n d A m e r ic a , a n d c o n ­t in u e s : “ T h e p r e a e n t p o s i t io n b e a r* c lo se r e s e m b la n c e t o t h a t a t tL e c lo se of la s t c e n ­tu r y . F ra n c e s e e k s t o fo u n d a l ib e ra l D e­m o c ra c y a t t h e m o m e n t w h e n A m e r ic a e m e rg e s fro m a g ig a n t ic s t r a g g le fo r t h e d e s t r u c t io n o f s la v e r y , w h ic h d is h o n o re d th e R e p u b lic . T h e m e th o d s o f F ra n c e a n d A m e r ic a a r e d if fe re n t b u t t h e e n d is t h e

». C o n s ti tu t io n a l l ib e r ty e s ta b l is h e d in mm w il l p la c e t h e p o l i tic a l s e n t im e n ts

o i F ra n c e a n d A m e ric a in a s c o m p le te a c ­c o rd a a t h e i r in t e r e s ts a l r e a d y a r e .” I n c o n c lu sio n , t h e P r in c e th a n k s h ia A m e r ic a n f r ie n d s fo r h a v in g p e r c e iv e d in h i s sp e e c h m o d e ra te , l ib e ra l a n d d e m o o ra c tic s e n t i m e n ta , w h ic h a lo n e c a n s e c u re t h e e n d a t w h ic h th e y a im , t h e a l l ia n c e o f t h e e m p ire w i th l ib e r ty .

N e a r ly a l l t h e jo u rn a ls e x p r e s s d i s s a t i s ­fa c tio n a t t h e f a c t t h a t t h e C h a m b e rs

a v e n o t b e e n im m e d ia te ly a sse m b le d .T h e V ie n n a Pressc, w h ic h is g e n e ra l ly

re co g n ize d a s a n e f f ic ie n t o rg a n o f t h e A u a- n a n g o v e r n m e n t , p u b l is h e s in i t s is su e t h i s

m o rn in g , a d v ic e s fro m P a r i s , t o t h e effec t h a t t h e E m p e r o r N a p o le o n h o p e s to o p e n h e c o m in g ten s io n o f t h e L e g is la t iv e B ody >f F ra n c e , b y a n n o u n c in g to t h e m e m b e rs , m o n g o t h e r m a t t e r s , t h e f a c t t h a t a n

A greem ent h a s b e e n a r r iv e d a t b e tw e e n t h e E u ro p e a n p o w e rs , fo r a g e n e ra l s im u l ta n e o u s



ONLY TWENTY.T h e C o ro n e r e iv e s t h e n u m b e r k i l le d a t

th e f a i r g ro u n d o n F r id a y , in c lu d in g tw# w o u n d e d w h o h a v e s in c e d ie d , a t tw e n ty . T h ere ia s t i l l o n e b o d y a t W e a v e r ’s n n d e r t a k e r ’s office t h a t b a a n o t b e e n re co g n ize d , a n d t h e h e a d a n d so m e f r a g m e n ts o f flesh o f an# t h e r b o d y . J o h n L o r in g , o f T r a n k lin , In d ia n a , d ie d a t t h e C i ty H o e p ita l y e s ­te r d a y , a n d J . M c V e y , fro m t h e c o u n try , u e a r t h i s c i ty , a t t h e S u rg ic a l I n s t i t u t e t o ­d a y . O n e o f t h e b o d ie s a t W e a v e r ’s is s u p p o s e d t o b e J o h n S ta c k , o f R o b R o y , In d ia n a . N in e o f t h e d e a d w e re b u rie d h e re y e s te r d a y . T w o o r th r e e m o re o f t h e w o u n d e d a r e in a v e r y c r i t i c a l c o n d it io n , a n d p r o b a b ly w ill n o t r e c o v e i. A s n e a r a s c a n oe a s c e r ta in e d , b e tw e e n f i f ty a n d s ix ty p e rso n s w e re w o u n d e d . T h e C o ro n e r’s j u r y is s t i l l i n s e s s io n , a n d w ill n o t p ro b a ­b ly re n d e r a v e r d ic t fo r s e v e ra l d a y a . I t h a s b e e n d e f in i te ly a s c e r ta in e d t n a t no fe m a les w e re k i l le d e x c e p t o n e g ir l , M iss D a w so n , tw e lv e y e a r s o ld . S e v e r a l la d ie s , b a d ly w o u n d e d , a r e s t i l l a t t h e h o sp ita l .

v i m / s t A .


A b o u t f if ty m e m b e rs o f t h e I> eg isU tu re h a v e a r r iv e d in R ic h m o n d . V e r y fe w , it a n y , a r e c o m m it te d t o c a n d id a te s fo r t h e U n i te d S ta t e s S e n a te , a n d a l l s e e m to b e £W s i t i n g fo r a c a u c u s t o d e te r m in e th e m a t te r . T h e n a m e s c h ie f ly m e n t io n e d by t h e W a lk e r m e n to -n ig h t fo r S e n a to r a re F r a n k l in S te a r n s , G e n e ra l R o b e r t W ill ia m s a n d L ie u te n a n t G o v e rn o r J o h n F . L ew is A c a u c u s o f W a lk e r m e n is to Im h e ld t o ­m o rro w n ig h t t o n o m in a te o ff ic ers fo r th e L e g is la tu re . S te p h a n o s T u r n e r a n d J o h n B. C ra n s h a w a r e s p o k e n o f fo r S p e a k e r of t h e H o u se . T h e S e n a to r ia l e le c t io n w iB n o t t a k e p la c e u n t i l t h e e n d o f t h e w e ek .

G E N E R A L N E W S .P r in c e A r th u r a r r iv e d in T o ro n to o n S a t-

u n l a y aftfernoon , a n d w a s m o s t e n th u s ia s t ! c a ily re c e iv e d b y t h e p o p u la c e . T h e c ro w d w h ic h m e t h im a t t h e r a i lw a y s ta t io n w a s a b o u t 3 0 000.

T h e C a lifo rn ia G r a n d L o d g e o f G o o d T e m p la r s y e s te r d a y d e d ic a te d t h e O r p h a n s ’ H o m e a t V a lle jo . T h e b u i ld in g is i n a good lo c a tio n a n d w il l a c c o m m o d a te t h r o e h u n d re d c h i ld re n .

O n S a tn r d a y , b e tw e e n t h e h o u r s o f o n e a n d tw o o ’c lo c k i n L e a f te rn o o n , so m e p e r ­son e n te r e d t h e b a n k in g h o u s a o f C la r k * U i m a n a t C h ic a g o , a n d w e n t b e h in d tb e c o u n te r , e n t e r e d t h e v a u l t , a n d to o k a t r u n k c o n ta in in g s e c u r i t ie s a m o u n t in g to 1 125,000. T h e ro b b e ry w a s n o t d isc o v e re d v, * t i l so m e tw o h o u rs a f te r . F o r tu n a te ly s m e o f t h e p r o p e r ty ta k e n c a n b e m a d e « * a i la h le t o t h e b a r , l a r .* T h e P h ila d e lp h ia C o u n c il a r r iv e d a t Ixm-

i ;v ille o n S a tu rd a y -D is p a tc h e s s h o w that the r a i a s to rm

1 b ic h b eg a n o n S a tu r d a y night aod t «d u n t i l t h i s i r ru in g , h a s b e a u *gd s e v e rs . T i .e (w idge t ( 'heat, o u tha H a r le m K a i l m • jn e . O n t h e D e la w a re Dii 1 rte Rood .tho r i v e r ia twenty fast higher t* * o o n F r id a y la s t . A p e r ta o u o f the t^ a c k is w a s h e d a w a y

' ~ Tho

his beau M era l 1 s t Oepofca aud

c e l la r s a a d b a s e m e n ts , d o in g g r e a t d a m a g e . 1 a a d D e p o s i t T b a l a t e r t i p t a s B u ild in g * u n f in ish e d w *re flooded a m i w o rk t ires a t t i j f a u i r place ■

A r in K I . . » - * # — y turn t b . « o « l b .J(0« d I

K » i # A r w > A i . .

C O T T A G E 8 E M 1 N A R Y ,


Boaidtag aad day school far girls Fall term opens Monday, BepSuabe. «*th, 18* Applications lorcirculars o r adm ission should bs nade W t e P nno- paL MI8B C. H. RUNLELL, Aklen, S . Y.


5*7 A N D 1M » SPR U C r. S T .. P H IL A D E L P H IA , PAE N G L I 'H A N D F R E N C H .

FOR VOt NG LAME- A%D M S3ES Board’a g aad Day P*iAi'. Will r s n p e on Ji -s

day, r oth. F r*»-h te loe i» xua*e <

d e s tro y e d . A e e w e r in E lk s t r e e t g a v e w a y w b i l . » h o n . u d w w fm , w i th t h r w p »•- n u in t b . U t t e r . « • » » # « ' '*• “t h e y w e re e l l p fe e i |H te te d t e e fe e t i c to t b e ■ ew er. Owe o f t b . p e r ty . e b o y n e m e d P e t e r J o n e e w ee. i t ie femrerl, f . t e l l y in jo 'u d A b r ie k e te h te e r e c te d in H a d r o n r t r e e t by J o b n E h e i. » e e b e d * d e M e d t b e t i t w-JI h n e . t e b e d e w c l i . b e d . A iew d ■ h d . c c c c ' re d

t b e d t e i e e h e e e e r e d r e e d near N o r w e n ’r H ill , e n d e e n l r e r # e n e c a r r ie d e w n y . A

leeel af th r Brie Caseload port e< the eqne- doe* bee bw r oor nr# nwey n t HeSteea e

The river

farad*', m d L ^on ran tly s in tk tr h t tb« ‘n-t'to t- MWF M aDAJtK IFH1 RVILLY. Principal.

The Sckayikill River (brt. and the fresbrt to sw spiss every thmg hr fore it. AtPhitodrlphay ssut sl freight ean au low ground an thu meat aide td the rivar wura earned o ff iron Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. hu t has ohBgad tha suspsnston of traral ua Momstown RuslromL Damagu hy ffimd a t other points is roper t sd. bn

of tho telegraphlatm-ciptaoo of tho tslsgn iph wires provunts any infonnathm from being roooived. Grant J has hum dons tu thu tammant*

r e le g ra m s f ro m D r e s d e n , r e p o r t t h a t th o m a ll to w n o f F r a u e n s ta in , t h e s e a t o f an x te n s iv e l in e n m a n u f a c tu r e a n d d y e w o rk s , y in g a b o u t tw e n ty m ile s fro m th e c a p i ta l , •vas t o t a l l y d e s t r o y e d b y fire la a t n ig h t .

C U B A .A S p a n is h s te a m t r a n s p o r t h a a a r r iv e d a t

th e p o r t o f H a v a n a w i th 1000 so ld ie rs fro m C ad iz .

T h e N e w Y o r k H era ld 's H a v a n a corr#1- ip o n d e n t w r i te s t h a t a w a r w i th t h e U n ite d S ta te s is v a s t ly p o p u la r in t h a t c i ty , th* •elief p re v a i l in g a m o n g t h e p o p u la c e t h a t

t h e S p a n is h iro n -c la d * o o u ld a ile n c e t h e •vhole A m e r ic a n n a v y a n d d e s t ro y t h e c i t ie s d o n g t h e A m e r ic a n c o a s t, w h i le t h e r e s t o f h e f le e t w o u ld s w e e p A m e r ic a n c o m m e rc e

tro m t h e sea .T h e M u n ic ip a l a u th o r i t i e s o f H a v a n a

n a v e n o tif ie d t h e C a p ta in G e n e ra l t h a t in :aae o f a fo re ig n w a r th e y w ill t e n d e r th o m o th e r c o u n t r y t h e i r s t r o n g e s t s u p p o r t .

T h e v o lu n te e r s c o n t in u e t o o o n tro l t h e a f fa irs o f th o I s la n d a n d t h e C a p ta in G e n e ­ra l is p o w e r le s s t o p r e v e n t th e m . A g e n e ­ra l fe e lin g o f in s e c u r i ty a n d a la rm p re v a i ls , a n d n o f o r e ig n e r o r n a t iv e fe e ls sa fe .

S P A I N .[By French Cable.|

T h e re p u b lic a n v o lu n te e r fo rces c o lle c te d in th o c i t ie s o f M a d r id , B a rc e lo n a a n d o t h ­e r s , w i th t h e v ie w o f r e s c u in g th e p r is o n e rs t a k e n b y th e m i l i t a r y d u r in g th e la te e n - g a g e m e n ts .a t t h e b a r r ic a d e s , h a v e c u t t h e te le g r a p h w ire s a n d s to p p e d th e m a il t r a in s c a r ry in g t h e g o v e r n m e n t d is p a tc h e r . V e ry c o n s id e ra b le a la rm s t i l l e x is ts a t B e j a r , w h e re t h e p o p u la c e re m a in s e x c ite d a n d iu a v e ry u n r u ly c o n d it io n . T h e re p u b lic a n d e p u t ie s w h o h a v e b e e n e le c te d to t h e C o rtes h a v e o rg a n iz e d c o u n te r r e v o lu t io n a r y o r d e m o c ra t ic r e a c t io n a r y b a n d s i n Here*# * a n d M a r ta e e llL T h e i r fo rces h a v e lieen d e fe a te d a t t h e la s t n a m e d p la c e b y t h e lo ca l a u th o r i t ie s a n d t ro o p s . M o s t s e r io u s e v e n ts n a y o c c u r in S p a in a t a n y m o m e n t, b u t M a d r id re m a in s q n i e t j u s t a t p re s e n t .

A H T S A N D I N D U S T R I E * .

-T w e n ty -f iv e p in s h a v e b e e n fo u n d in t h e s u b te r r a n e a n v a u l t s o f T h « b e , t h a t w e re m a d e th r e e th o u s a n d y e a rs ago .

— T h e E r ie ro a d h a s n o w o v e r fo u r h u n ­d r e d e n g in e s . T b e c o m p a n y h a s o rd e re d t h i r t y n e w lo c o m o tiv e s .

T h e d is c o v e ry o f t h e s p i r i t lev e l is a t ­t r i b u t e d t o M elch ia U lic T h ^ v e n o t o f F ra n c e in 1866.

A c c id e n ts fro m m a c h in e ry in fa c to r ie s , i n E n g la n d , d a r in g t h e s ix m o n th s e n d in g A p r il 90 , 1869, a m o u n te d in n u m b e r to 9061 , o f w h ic h f i f ty - th r e e w e re f a ta l .

-S ev e ra l o f t h e m e c h a n ic s a t C o l t ’s ' a r m o r y , in H a r t f o r d , C t . , h a v e c o n t r a c te d to go t o R u s s ia a n d m a k e g u n s fo r t h a t g o v ­e r n m e n t . T h e y g e t m o re p a y t h a n h e re , a n d e a n le a v e c h e a p e r .

— A p e a t f a c to ry is t o b e e s ta b l is h e d in M ilfo rd , M a s s . I t w i l l m a n u fa c tu re th o p e a t fro m th e c r u d e fo rm a s ta k e n fro m th e s w a m p , p ro d u c in g a n a r t i c le o f g r e a t v a lu o a a fu e l.

— A t th e F a l l s o f S t. A n th o n y ,M in n e s o ta , a re f ifte e n lu m b e r m ills , tw o p a p e r m ills , five i ro n w o r k s , fo u r b r e w e rie s , tw o w o o len m ills a n d e ig b tM n flo u rin g m ills , b es id es o th e r in d u s tr ia l e s ta b l is h m e n ts .

— T h e R h o d e Is la n d c o t to n m ills e m p lo y tw e n ty t h o u s a n d o p e r a t iv e s , a n d r u n o r o m illio n x p in d le s . T w e n ty f irm s a r e e n g a g e d in t h e o u s in eas , b u t t w o — B ro w n A Iv e s , a n d t h e S p ra g u e s — d o n e a r ly o o e-h a l* td i t .

— T lie a t t e m p t s t o e m p lo y n a p th a a a fn e l h a v e a t le n g th p ro v e d sa q p sa so L O n th e 31st o f J u l y a t r a i n a r r i v e d s a f e ly in K a tc h n ja n , e ig h ty -o n e v e r s ts fro m C h a r- koff, R u ss ia , w h o se e n g in e w a s h e a te d w ith r a w n a p th a i n s te a d o f c o a ls . T h e h e n o r o f

in v e n t io n is a s c r ib e d t o t h e m in io g u e e r P o r tz k i .A h u g e c h im n e y h a s b e e n c o m p le te d a t

t h e E a r l o f D n«lley*s e s t a t e a t C o n e y g re W o r k s , n e a r D u d le y , E n g la n d . S p ec ia l a r ­ra n g e m e n t* fo r t h e c o n su m p tio n o f ftrel

................. c a r r y in g o f t h e s ta c k t#» -i t . I t i sb ig h t o f 190 fe e t . I t 1* s t r e n g th e a e d by

f c r a d is ta n c e o f 100 f e e t aiwv«

— A t O ro o o .M ia n e .ia sa id to b e th e la rg e s t sa w m ill in t h s w o r ld f t i s 44 0 fe e t lo n g , s ix ty - s ix fe e t w id e , h a s fo u r g a n g s a w s , five

sa w s , tw o c i r c u la r aa w s , fiv# l a th one s in g le a n d o n e c la p b o a rd m a ­

c h in e . I t s a w s (D uly 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 f e e t o f lo n g lumber, 20 ‘,000 la th s , 10,0 0 s h in g le s ar .d 4 0 0 0 c la p b o a rd * , a n d b u r n s u p a b o u t 120 c o rd s o f w a s te w o o d e a c h d a y . I t is o w n . J by t h e V e az ie h e ir s a n d r e n ts fo r $ 2 5 ,0 9 per year.

—Major G e n e ra l P e s t i t c h has jnst h e n sent by tha Russian government to the iro n foaadriae a t Perm, to ba peasant a t tha t r i a l of a newW eety inch gam east in the aa id

This gigantic engine of war i s t o a shot weighing one then as a d o n e iti pounds, or twenty-seven anti a h a l f

pounds, with a charge of powder of one hundred anti Tarty pounds. Tha g u n in

destined to rn tw n t i n t e d aton a cou roe of finnetriistion, w h ic h

has bfcon di signed by Roar Admiral Popoii. of tha Emperor's s u i te . ▲ novel k in d of carrions for tho seam gun will bo t r i e d s t

O n e o f tho hoaviootperieocod occurred in tho osighhorhnsd cr | m b ha Albany toot night. Soma damages hare I almost«been done on ths Central Railroad, and all

paper polp by merely hooting up Mm blown f ib re in woter, m a n

r beating or rag cugine, without or chemicals. T: • is qaitounp r-

retfc -L ath i* e x tre m e ly rish m T l ' # a re h i.n d r e d o « f saooro mile* r ired M;;h ths m m Am H m m a.

■This, ** so o n a* it is cot, ma- * -■*»—anew

say bo T h e p u lp

in t h s p r o d u c t io n <>r far which papier mmehe x focbth rase |

c r o s ir r .io i. _ _

s y U t t 3 g - Su«S •• m * * g