drakensten gazette 19 okt 2012

Drakenstein Year 2 • Vrydag 19 Oktober 2012 | Tel. 021 870 4600 Catch us on Facebook & Twitter! PAARL ROCKS. One of the almost 100 participants who took part in the annual Paarl Rock Trail Run takes on a rock crater on Paarl Mountain. The 20 km men’s race was won by Andrew Hagen in a time of 01:47:02 and the 10 km men’s race was won by Luke Bax in 01:00:55. The first women (20 km) were Katya Soggot (02:07:32) and (10 km) Samantha Urquhart (01:02:03). Pic: Sieb Sieberhagen Paarl rocks! Skole sluit 3 Blindheid 4 Talent gesoek 8 In Paarl Post In the latest Paarl Post: )Man crushed to death by tree; )Two local schools close their doors; )Rugby stadium still in tatters; )Man survives hor- ror collision

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Drakensten Gazette 19 Okt 2012


Page 1: Drakensten Gazette 19 Okt 2012


Year 2 • Vrydag 19 Oktober 2012 | Tel. 021 870 4600

Catch us onFacebook & Twitter!

PAARL ROCKS. One of the almost 100 participants who took part in the annual Paarl Rock Trail Run takes on a rock crater on Paarl Mountain. The 20 km men’s race was won by Andrew Hagen in a timeof 01:47:02 and the 10 km men’s race was won by Luke Bax in 01:00:55. The first women (20 km) were Katya Soggot (02:07:32) and (10 km) Samantha Urquhart (01:02:03). Pic: Sieb Sieberhagen

Paarl rocks!Skole sluit 3 Blindheid 4 Talent gesoek 8

In Paarl PostIn the latest PaarlPost:)Man crushed todeath by tree;)Two local schoolsclose their doors;)Rugby stadiumstill in tatters;)Man survives hor-ror collision

Page 2: Drakensten Gazette 19 Okt 2012

2 | DRAKENSTEIN GAZETTE Vrydag | 19 Oktober 2012Enter ta inment ­ Vermaak

Rappin Donkeystel CD vryDIE bekendstelling van die nuwe CD vanAmeen Levy (Rappin Donkey) vind plaas op31 Oktober om 20:00 by Funky Buddha in diePaarl.

Die CD, genaamdDis lekker, dis nice bevat19 lekker danssnitte. By die bekendstellingsal die Rockets, Public Opinion, Little Dyna-mics, Johny Star, Ronnie Apollis en SelwynBartlett ook optree. Grant Johnson is die se-remoniemeester.

Die aandopenmet ’ndokumentêre film (30minute) oor Levy.

Kaartjies is R250 per dubbel insluitend dienuwe CD.

CD’s sal ook teen R100 verkoop word. Virkaartjies, skakel Marie by 021 862 1618 of 073575 3008.

STYLE. The learners Michaele van den Heever (left),Suzaan du Toit and Megan Schnackenberg of La Ro-chelle High attended their matric farewell which wasrecently held at Kronenburg.

CONCERT. The well-known Paarl soprano, Jonette Le Kay, recently performed on the Last Night of theHamburg Proms Concert in Germany. Here she is on stage in the Laeiszhalle with the Klassik PhilharmonicOrchestra under the baton of conductor Robert Stehli. During her visit to Germany, she also attendedmaster classes in Augsburg.

Trek aan joudansskoeneDIE Boeremusiekgilde se Boland-takhou ’n dans opVrydag 26Oktobermetdie orkes van Chrisjan Knoetze.

Die dans word aangebied by Laer-skool Noord-Eind in die Paarl.

Toegang isR35 vir lede (R45 vir nie-lede). Almal word uitgenooi om dieaand te kom geniet.

Vir verdere navrae, kontak CiceelWentzel by 083 346 7083.

) ’n Langarmdans word gehou op26 Oktober om 19:00 te Paarl-OosThusong-sentrum, New Orleans metdie orkes Five Stars Dance Band vanGrabouw (wenners van die 2003DSTV/Kyknet “Sakkie Langarm Bat-tle of the Bands”).

Fondse is vir onder andere sport-toerustingvir die jeug enombehoefti-ge huishoudings by te staan in Wyk26. Toegang is R80.

Kaartjies is beskikbaar by WendyPhilander of by die deur.

Daar is ’n kontantkroeg, maar jykan jou eie drankies en eetgoed saam-bring. Vir meer inligting, skakel virPhilander by 021 807 6252 of 076 5281211.

Friday 19 October)KayleneSauls, a young female rappper,will performatNew

Orleans Secondary School Hall on 19 October at 19:00. Ticketscost R40. Contact Jeron on 078 971 1224.

Saturday 20 October) The Vissies will host a high tea in aid of the Cansa Relay

for Life on Saturday 20 October from 15:00 to 18:00 at BergkrooninWellington. Tickets at R80 can be booked with Thelma Paulseon 072 392 3175.

Vrydag 26 Oktober) Die Christen Gemeentes Paarl hou ’n basaar op Vrydag 26

Oktober vanaf 17:00 tot 22:00 en Saterdag 27 Oktober vanaf 07:00tot 22:00. Daar sal verskeie stalletjies wees en lekker vermaak.Almal is welkom. Vir navrae, skakel Cornelius Maans by 076518 6858 of Erwin Julies by 084 956 4380.

)DieNGKWellington-Ooshouvanaf 26 tot 27Oktoberbasaar.Vrydag 26 Oktober is daar (18:00) gratis treinritte vir die kin-

ders. Daar is ook boereworsrolle, koffie en koeldrank te koopen om 19:00 is daar ’n gemeentekonsert. Toegang is gratis. Sater-dag om 07:00 begin ’n draf/stap en fietsry. Ontbyt sal teen R45te koop wees. Daar is ook ’n “Fancy Dress”-kompetisie vir kin-ders (voorskool tot gr 6). Om 18:00 is daar ’n hoenderbraai. Koopvooraf kaartjies vir die ontbyt en hoenderbraai by die kerkkan-

toor.Saterdag 27 Oktober

) ’n Oggendtee vir kinders met kanker word aangebied deurLittle Fighters Cancer Trust op 27 Oktober by Picardie-gaste-plaas om 10:00. Kaartjies is R150 by Luchelle Jooste by 071 8698631 of by [email protected].

) The choir of the Annunciation Church presents a trip toHout Bay and the casino on Saturday 27 October. Tickets costR120 and can be booked with Ray on 073 602 2095.

Dinsdag 30 Oktober) Die oudstudente van New Orleans Sekondêr bied ’n toer

na die Suid-Kaap aan vanaf 30 Oktober tot 2 November. Vir na-vrae, skakel Kevin by 083 601 8611 of Ricardo by 076 680 6289.

Dinsdag 13 November)DieLigstraalSkoolhouopDinsdag13NovemberenDonder-

dag 15 November om 19:00 hul jaarlikse konsert met die temaHollywood in die Paarl-Oos Thusong-sentrum.

Kaartjies is R30 per persoon vir volwassenes en kinders.Vir verdere navrae, kontak gerus die skool by 021 862 7182.

Saterdag 24 November) Die klas van 1992 van Bergrivier Sekondêr hou hul reünie

op 24 November. Alle oud-onderwysers van 1992 word ook uitge-nooi. Skakel Karin by 076 100 1479 of Vanessa by 079 454 0759.

What’s happening...

Country legends keep it realON Saturday 27 November, the GoldenValleyCasino inWorcesterwill stageTheCountry Legends, an unforgettable eve-ning of country music starring South Af-rican legendsLance James, BarbaraRay,Billy Forrest, TommyDell andTheRodeoGirls.

Withhis illustrioussingingcareerandico-nic radio programmeKeep It Country, LanceJames has been at the forefront of the SouthAfricanCountrymusicscene fordecadesandhe and Barbara, Billy and Tommy have gar-nered many gold status.

Countrymusic doesn’t get any better than

this stellar line-up.The Country Legends show will be staged

inamarqueeandseatingwillbeonhaybales.To add to the atmosphere picnic baskets willbe available and therewill also be a spitbraaiand cash bar.

Show tickets are R60 each, the spitbraaiis R120 a head and the picnic basket is R80per basket. Bookings for Country Legends,as well as for the spitbraai or picnic basketcan be made at the Cash Desk at the GoldenValley Casino.

For more information, please call 023 3487200.

Lettie kom kuier saam met LollosOP Saterdag 27 Oktober om 10:00 is Lollos opdie planke by die Ou Meul-teater.

Hierdie keer kom Lettie saam en dis haareerste kuier op aarde.

Lollos, Minki en Disco vertel vir haar vanal die wonderlike plekke en dinge wat hulleal in Suid-Afrika gesien het.

Dié SAMA-wenners sing liedjies van hul

splinternuwe vierde CD en kyk na al die din-ge in Suid-Afrikawaaroor ons gaande is: die-re, mense, tale, kos, dorpe en nog vele meer.

Die vertoning bestaan uit vrolike musieken dansbewegings en natuurlik sal daar ookaltyd iets geleer word.

Kaartjies is R55 en kan bespreek word by083 564 0056 of [email protected].

Page 3: Drakensten Gazette 19 Okt 2012

Vrydag | 19 Oktober 2012 DRAKENSTEIN GAZETTE | 3News ­ Nuus

DIEReik-na-HerstelBorskanker-onder-steuningsgroep van die Paarl bestaanreeds sedert November 1991 en bied aanpersonewatborskankerhetofgehadhetondersteuning.Reik-na-Herstel is ’n geregistreerde vry-

willige organisasie wie se dienste landwydgratis beskikbaar is aan enige man of vrouwat met borskanker gediagnoseer is.Ingrid Rossouw was die eerste opgeleide

vrywilliger en is nog steeds betrokke by dieorganisasie.Die groep bestaan uit sewe opgeleide vry-

willigers, waarvan twee opMalmesbury is.Die vrywilligers bestaan uit ’n groep vrouewat self gediagnoseer is met borskanker,chirurgie ondergaan het, behandelings ge-had het, herstel het en wat deeglike oplei-ding ontvang het om pasiënte in die hospi-taal of tuis te besoek.“’nVrywilligerkanas ’nrolmodeloptree,

omdatsyofhyheeltemalnormaalengesondlyk vir iemand wat borskanker gehad het.Die pasiënt kandusvrymoedigmethaar ge-sels, aangesien sypresiesweethoedit voel enweetwaar-deur die pasiënt gaan,” sê voorsitter Annaleen Genade.PaarlReik-na-HerstelwerkmetpasiëntevandiePaarl

en die omliggende dorpe soos Malmesbury, Wellington,Riebeek-Wes/Kasteel, Porterville, Piketberg, Fransch-hoek en Pniel.“Ons het baie gegroei, omdat die publiek meer bewus

geword het van die organisasie deurmiddel van dieme-

dia en bewusmakingsveldtogte.“Ons doelwit is dat elke persoon bewusmoet wees dat

hy of sy nie nodig het om alleen die pad te stapmet bors-kanker nie en dat ons gratis beskikbaar is omhulle deurdit te help.”Volgens Genade werk die chirurge en hospitale baie

goed saammethulle en laatweethullewanneerpasiëntegediagnoseer en geopereerword, sodat hulle die pasiënt

kan besoek en ondersteun.“Ons staan pasiënte by deur praktiese en

emosionele hulp, die verskaffing van drein-sakkies, kussinkies en oefensponsie, inlig-ting oor oefening en literatuur wat basieseinligting oor die tipes behandelings bevat.“Ons verskaf ook ’n tydelike prostese en

gesubsidieerdeprosteseaanpasiëntewatnieaan ’n mediese fonds behoort nie en dit niekan bekostig nie.”GenadeverteldatReik-na-Herstel reeds in

1952 deur Terese Lasser in die VSA begin is,in ’n tydperk toe pasiënte aangeraai is omnie hul operasies met ander pasiënte te be-spreek nie.“Sy was gediagnoseer met borskanker en

het ’n mastektomie ondergaan. Sy het besefdaarwordniegenoeggedoenvirdievrouwiese lewe binne ’n paar uur drasties verandernie. Sy het geglo dat sy ander kan help omdie trauma van borskanker-chirurgie en be-handeling te oorkom.

Sy was bewus van die sielkundige belang-rikheid van persoonlike kontak wanneer

vrouegehelpwordomsogoumoontliknabors-chirurgieweer ’n vol lewe te lei.In 1967 het sy Suid-Afrika besoek, waarna Reik-na-

Herstel in Suid-Afrika begin is.”Genade meen dat organisasies soos Reik na Herstel

beslis ’n lig aan die einde van die tonnel is vir vroueen mans wat die stryd teen borskanker moet aanpak.Reik-na-Herstel kan gekontak word by 021 862 6733.

Borskankergroep reik uit en help

ONDERSTEUNING. Die Reik na Herstel borskanker-ondersteuningsgroepe het verlede week (4 Oktober)’n funksie aangebied ter viering van Borskankermaand. Pretprater Elsabé Aldrich en sangsensasieRiaan Hunter het opgetree. Van links is Ilza Allies, Ingrid Rossouw, Annaleen Genade (voorsitter),Annalien Vollgraaff, Petro Malherbe en Elsabe Schlichter. Foto: Liezl Davids

Firearm registrationA DELEGATION from theCentralFirearmRegisterwillvisit the Western Cape from23-27 October.The purpose of the visit

will be to conduct Imbizo’swith local dealers, gunsmithsand members of the commu-nity.An overview will be given

of theirworkingmethodologyand questions will be an-swered in relation to theirfunctions and responsibili-ties.

The South African PoliceService is committed to theimplementation of the Fire-arms Control Act, as well asmaking sure that there is asound relationship betweentheCentralFirearmRegister,firearm dealers and firearmowners.On25October Imbizo’swill

beheldatSAPSCollege,Paarlat 08:00–11:00 for dealers andgunsmiths and from 11:00-14:00 for members of the com-munity.

Two schools will close in DecemberTHE minister of educa-tion, Donald Grant hasmadehis final decision toclose down LK Zeeman(Amstelhof) and Berg-rivier Primary (Welling-ton) Schools at the end ofthis year.Bosplaas Primary is

one of the lucky schoolswho was short-listed forclosure, but missed thechop.“The fight for our

schoolwasworthit,”saysprincipalNadiaAdamsofBosplaas.Donald Grant has pre-

sentedaplanaimedat im-proving the lives of over4 000 learners in thisprovince. This plan in-cludes measures to en-hance the quality of edu-cation at some schoolsandtotransfer learnerstoschools that are better equipped to provide a quality edu-cation.“Any decision that I have made has been made with

restraint andhas been informedand is ultimately guidedby what is in the best interests of the learners.“Having carefully considered each and every repre-

sentation made, I have decided to close 20 schools.”Sixteen are in rural areas and four are in urban dis-

tricts. Fifteenof the schools (75%)are small farmschools,with learner enrolment ranging from seven to 87 learn-ers, with an average of 41.The learners attendmultigrade classes, with children

in several grades in the same class.The department plans to place the learners in schools

that provide better access to single-grade classes, better

facilities, extramural activities and team sports, and toschools that achieve better literacy and numeracy re-sults.For example, atLKZeemanPrimary, learnernumbers

have dropped to 217. These learners can now attend Am-stelhof Primary, which is a mere 700 m away.Bergrivier Primary’s learners and their two perma-

nent teachers will continue their education from 2013 atSoetendal Primary.“I would like to convey to the parents of learners at

schools that will close, not to stress or to worry aboutenrolment for the 2013 school year.The WCED will inform their school of the plans we

have in place to accommodate their children,” says Don-ald.

NO MORE LK ZEEMAN. There will no more be a LK Zeeman Primary from January. Pic: Devidean Moses

CLEAN-UP. A call has been madeto showcase the good work donein Correctional Services advan-cing the execution of its manda-te of rehabilitation and correcti-on of offender behaviour for pu-blic safety. Here inmates cleanthe banks of the Berg River nearthe Paarl Police Station and Ma-gistrate’s Court. With them isArea Commissioner Kosie Sinclairof Allandale.

Mbekweni police servicesMbekweni Police service will behosting a church service on 21October from 14:00 at IhlumeloSecondary School.Mbekweni Police would like

the community to support thisevent. The Purpose of this servi-ce is to commemorate the policethat died while serving the com-

munity. To pray about crime inMbekweni, especially murders,rape, and all crimes committedagainstwomenandchildren.TheCommunityPoliceForumwillbehosting their Annual GeneralMeeting on 24 October at theMbekweni Community Hallfrom 18:00.

Page 4: Drakensten Gazette 19 Okt 2012

4 | DRAKENSTEIN GAZETTE Vrydag | 19 Oktober 2012Li festy le ­ Leefsty l

Kyk skerp om blindheid te voorkomDAAR is ’n beraamde 1,4 mil-joen blinde kinders in die wê-reld en een uit elke vyf vanhulle woon in Afrika suid vandie Sahara.Die helfte van hierdie blinde

kinders sou kon sien as hulletoegang tot behoorlike oogsorggehad het. Dit is hierdie feit watdie internasionale nie-winsge-wende organisasie ORBIS seveldtog om sig te red, motiveer.Vir kinders is tydsbereke-

ning deurslaggewend. PrasidhRamson, programbestuurdervan ORBIS Afrika, verduidelikdat kinders se sig tot op die ouderdomvan ses jaar steedsontwikkel. Die lig en donker wat die oog waarneem, sti-muleerdieontwikkelingvandiebreinsevermoëombeel-de te interpreteer, wat visuele bane in die brein opstel.Indien ’n kind op hierdie vroeë ouderdom sigproblemehet, is ditmoontlik dat die visuele stelsel nooit behoorlikontwikkel nie.“Ongelukkig word baie kinders se oogprobleme eers

opgemerk wanneer hulle metskool begin en in sommige gevallekan dit dalk te laat wees.”Omouers en versorgers te help,

het ORBIS ’n kontrolelys saamge-stel ommoontlike oogprobleme opte merk en gou op te tree. Dit sluitin:

) Wanneer jou kind geboreword, maak seker dat sy of haaroë nagegaan word. “’n Pasgebore-ne kan konjunktivitis (bindvlies-ontsteking) ontwikkel weensblootstelling aan bakterieë tydensgeboorte. Kinders kan ookmet ka-tarakte gebore word, wat gewoon-

lik deur chirurgie reggestel kan word.”)Herhaaldelike infeksie. “Pofferige oë, rooiheid, oor-

matige waterigheid of afskeiding is tekens om op die uit-kyk voor te wees.” Onmiddellike mediese aandag wordvereis totdat die probleme opgelos is.

)Skeeloë,oëwatniedieselfdegrootteisnie,ofuitpeul.) ’n Melkerigheid in die pupil (die swart middelpunt

van die oog) kan katarakte aandui. Groeiende kinderskan katarakte ontwikkel weens ’n beseringof ’n sistemiese toestand soos diabetes.

) Vanaf die ouderdom van drie maandebehoort die oë bewegende voorwerpe te kanvolg.

) Oogbeserings is baie algemeen. Moetnooit oë met enigiets anders as koel, skoonkraanwater uitwas nie en moenie self pro-beeromvreemdevoorwerpe teverwydernie.Kry so gou as moontlik mediese hulp.Besoek www.orbis.org.za

Lesing inWellingtonDIE PsycologyHUB, Wellington, bied ’n ge-meenskaplesing aan op 24 Oktober om 19:00by die Breytenbach-sentrum.Die spreker, Annalie Beukes, sal praat oor

“Die emosionele intelligensie van my lyf -hoe my binnewêreld my buitewêreld beïn-vloed”.Kom luister nahierdie onderwerpwat ook

deur navorsing bevestig word. Kostes is R20.Virnavraeepos Irenes@mweb .co.zaofanna-lie@ panacea.co.za.

AuditionsARE you dreaming of being an actorin a movie?You can now audition for themovie

WhenIwasayoungboy.Auditionswilltake place on Saturday 3 November atthe Lord Charles Hotel in SomersetWest from 08:00 till 14:00.For more information, contact Ge-

orge on 078 319 1324 or Bernice on 084304 4216.

Page 5: Drakensten Gazette 19 Okt 2012

Vrydag | 19 Oktober 2012 DRAKENSTEIN GAZETTE | 5People ­ Mense

VIERINGE. Newton-dienssentrumvereniging vir Bejaardes het hul 21ste gedenkjaar gevier met ’n swierigevyfmaal-ete by VGK Newton.

TEAM BUILDING.Drakenstein Munici-pality’s ElectricityDepartment recentlyheld a team buil-ding session tokeep staff motiva-ted and excited forchallenges ahead.The activities focu-sed on the impor-tance of leadership,accountability, com-munication and te-amwork. Here aremembers of staffbusy interacting inteam building acti-vities.

DONOR. Shereen Dol-lie (manager of theWP Blood TransfusionService in Paarl) withMzukisi Gladman Mfowho donated blood atthe Heritage Day cele-brations in Mbekweni.The event was organi-sed by Siyahluma De-velopment ProjectPic: Adanaan Arnold

BOME. Die Wellingtonse Droomprojek het verlede week ’n kaal oop ruimte op die hoek van Champagne-en Versaillesstraat in ’n boomryke nuwe park en speelterrein vir die buurt se kinders omskep. Hier kyk’n groep kinders hoe een van die buurt se inwoners, Abel Allies, ’n boom plant terwyl sy buurman, BennieMinnaar (links agter), saammet die kinders toekyk. Die Droomprojek is ’n landwye organisasie wat inwonersvan veral plattelandse dorpe help om verval in die dorpe te stuit, om blomme en bome goedkoop in diehande te kry om langs strate te plant en om oop ruimtes te verfraai. Meer besonderhede oor dieWellingtonseDroomprojek kan verkry word by 082 4435 464. Foto: Johan Nel

BESOEK. Die inwoners van die Rusoord-aftree-oord in die Paarl se harte is onlangs verbly toe die haasbekkiesvan die Pixie-kleuterskool kom kuier het. Hulle het vir die inwoners geskenke uitgedeel en vir hulle liedjiesgesing.

Page 6: Drakensten Gazette 19 Okt 2012

6 | DRAKENSTEIN GAZETTE Vrydag | 19 Oktober 2012Adver tensie

LENINGS tot R100000.Konsolidasies. Navrae ­ Sel:082 707 9169. Huis: 087 8057724. Faks: 086 561 2164.Email: [email protected]

HERSTEL by die huis ys­ envrieskaste, stowe, wasma­sjiene en mikrogolfoonde.Skakel 071 755 3390.

1ml SAND, klip, kompos &bogrond (topsoil) in kleinareas afgelewer, sowel asbourommel en vullisverwy­dering. Skakel Neels: 021 8729397 of 083 412 8810.

WANT TO be your ownBoss?We register companies,non­profit companies andcooperatives. Contact 071716 7227 or [email protected]. 32 KerkStreet, Wellington, 1st floor,Office 104, WellingtonSentrum (Shoprite Building).Business Place.

PAARL/Wellington/Klap­muts: 1 ­ 4 Slpk. Verdien upermanent R4000 ­ R30 000+pm? Kontak 072 805 3574.

Page 7: Drakensten Gazette 19 Okt 2012

Vrydag | 19 Oktober 2012 DRAKENSTEIN GAZETTE | 7Schools ­ Skole


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MATRIEKDIENS.DieHuguenot VGK inKleinDrakensteinweg, in samewerkingmet dieWes-KaapDepartementvanOnderwys endie plaaslike sekondêre skole, het onlangs hul jaarlikse spesiale kerkdiens virmatrikulanteen studente gehou. Saam met die leerders van die verskeie skole in die Drakenstein is dr Noël Adamsvoor links, (Portefeuljehouer Maatskaplike Dienste, Gesondheid en Gemeenskapsontwikkeling), ConradPoole (Drakenstein onderburgemeester), adv Gesie van Deventer (Drakenstein burgemeester) en eerwaardeFreddie Ayford van die kerk.

GOOD-BYE! Matriculants of New Orleans Secondary celebrated their last day of school.

ALMA MATER. Charleston Hill Primêr het hul jaarlikse afsluitingspartytjie vir hul matrikulante gehou. Hierstaan skoolhoof Vincent Parrott (links) saam met van die matriekleerders.

GOLDEN. After their valedictory service, the La Rochelle matric class of 2012 gathered on the goldenstaircase to sing the school song for one last time. Hereafter they were presented with a special cake.

FEES. Paulus Joubert Primêr se graad 6- en 7 ballerinas het deelgeneem aan die skolekunstefees indie Kunstekaap-teater in Kaapstad. Die tema van hulle dans was: “Ons is lief vir Suid-Afrika”. Agter(van links) is Tamerin-Lee Jacobs, Victoria Petersen, Meighlynn September, Shannes Solomons, JayrodeneFortuin, Amber van Zyl, Charlen Daniels, Brittney Martin en Cay-Lee Abrahams. Middel is Faron Hendricks,Danielle Cupido, Kay-Lynn Collins en Amy-Lee Hanekom. Voor is Inge Lewis, Elskhe Johnson, Carin Fortuinen Jamie-Lee Fredericks.

VELDSKIET. Danie Obermeyer (regs) het die voorreggehad om vir David Tubb (links) Amerikaanse skiet-kampioen van Ohio te ontmoet tydens die Suid-Kaapope veldskietkompetisie. Danie het algeheel derdeplek behaal en penkoppe sowel as nie-lid afdelinggewen.

AMPER KLAAR! Hierhet leerders van HoërJongenskool Paarl Her-schelle Fredericks(links), Weylin Dani-els, Ambrose Pheifferen Matthew Williams,wat oud-leerders vanPrimêre Seunskoolwas, in hul laerskoolse swembad gespringop hul laaste skool-dag verlede week.

SPAN.Dieo.10Aeno.13A-netbalspanne vanGimnasiumLaerskool wasdiealgehelewenners van ’nPaarl-net-baldag. Die lede van die o.10-span is van links Zoë Eksteen, Lené la Grange, Mia Swart (kaptein), DanielaSchmidt, Leandré Afrika, Alexi Hugo en Landie van Rooyen.

Page 8: Drakensten Gazette 19 Okt 2012


Year 2 • Vrydag 19 Oktober 2012 | Tel. 021 870 4600

GHOLFDAG. McCarthyToyota Paarl het verle-de Donderdag ’n suk-sesvolle gholfdag bydie Wellington-gholf-klub aangebied. Vanlinks is Ludwig Binde-man (klubkaptein vandie Wellington-klub),Rudi de Bruyn(McCarthy Toyota),Evan Macdonald enDavid Louw.Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen

MIK HOËR. Natasha Obermeyer van Hoër Meisieskool Paarl seil oor die dwarslat in die Bolandse eerste talentsoek-byeenkoms wat Saterdag op die Daljosafat-stadion aangebied is. Sy hetin die o.17-meisiespaalspring die eerste plek behaal met ’n hoogte van 3,0 m. Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen

Paarl thrashed neighbours in first Time Cricket matchTHE first cricket team of Paarl CricketClub got off to a great start in the firstseries of Boland’s Time Cricket competi-tion, when they thrashed Paarl East by113 runs at the Parys grounds on Satur-day.

After winning the toss, the home team ca-me away with 20 match points, when theyposted 198/9 in their allotted 65 overs and

needed only 38 overs to dismiss the oppositi-on for a paltry 85.

Solid contributions came from DarrylHendricks (34), Godfrey Stevens (34), RiaanNieuwoudt (35), Lynal Jansen (27) and Grae-me Adams (23), while leg spinner WayneMinnies (6/76) bowled an impressive 22overs to keep the home team in check.

Hendricks (5x4) started like a house on fi-re, hitting two boun-daries in the ope-ning over, but beca-me Minnies’ firstvictim, caught be-hind when attemp-ting to cut. Nieu-woudt also reached

the boundary on five occasions, whileAdams hit the only six.

For the visitors, Llewellyn Sedgwick (19)fought a lone battle against the accuratePaarl bowling attack.

Rabian Engelbrecht showed why he wasrated the fastestbowlerat the2011u.19WorldCup in New Zealand, with the Paarl East toporder clearly being out of their depth againsthis devastating pace.

Hisaccurate lineand lengthbuilt thepres-sure, to create the opportunity for debutantKeegan van Aarde (3/6 in 3 overs) to wrapup the match, after the damage was done byspinners Jansen (4/14) and Stevens (3/29).

Paarl’s second XI crashed to their first de-feat in Vredenburg, after misreading the

conditions.In the other match at the Parys grounds,

Paarl’s 3rd XI scored an impressive 47 runwin over Paarl East in a 40 over match.

Burton Francis (83) showed that his ta-lents stretch further than the No. 10 jerseyin the Super Rugby competition, hitting se-ven sixes and four boundaries from 68 balls.

He was well supported by captain CarloCrotz (59)with five boundaries in his patientknock, to lay the foundation for a total of202/7 with their 128 run partnership for thefourth wicket. Paarl East was dismissed for155, after fine bowling by Elton Du Plessis(4/36)andJustinAlbertus (3/28).VeteranJa-ques Daniels (74) was the only visiting bats-man to offer substantial resistance.