Download - The Connection


    POSSIBLE? Dave and I met 6 1/2 years ago at a wedding in Arkansas where mutual

    friends set us up. I love to remind Dave of his words before he met me, "I was

    99% sure I wouldn't like this girl!" :) Anyway, though I

    wouldn't say it was love at first sight for either of us,

    we hit it off very well together that weekend. The next

    two years of dating were a little rough, especially

    since it was long distance, but the Lord brought us

    through, and we were married in January 2011. Our

    wedding was beautiful, albeit very cold, as it was in

    snowy northern WI where I am originally from! We

    have been married for over four years now, and it is

    been wonderful. All that we worked

    through during our dating relationship has

    made our marriage so much easier now.

    God is good!

    Since that time the Lord has blessed us with our

    blond haired blue-eyed little Patrick David, who turned

    two years old in April. He is very busy, and keeps us on our

    toes, but brings us so much joy as well! His little sister Ca-

    mille Elise just joined our family one month ago on May

    29. So far she has been an easy baby, and we are so thankful for her. Patrick

    adores her! Even though parenting is more challenging than we could have

    ever imagined, it is so worth it, and causes us to lean on the Lord for strength

    and wisdom every day!

    Dave was blessed to grow up in a Christian home, and was saved when

    he was around 7 years old and baptized when he was 10. He was home-

    schooled, and is one of nine children, seven brothers and two sisters! He

    moved here from Pennsylvania with his family when he was a teenager, and

    has lived in this area of Missouri since then.

    He began working with his dad and several of his brothers from an early

    age. In 2006 Dave started a new company, MachMotion. His company manu-

    factures cnc control systems for automated machinery. The company is grow-

    ing very quickly, and they have around 25 employees working for them at this

    time. They recently built a new plant south of Rolla where their company is

    located. When he isn't working, Dave enjoys flying his hobby planes, playing

    (Eldredge continued on page 6)

    Therefore, preparing your

    minds for action, and

    being sober-minded, set

    your hope fully on the

    grace that will be brought

    to you at the revelation of

    Jesus Christ. As obedient

    children, do not be

    conformed to the

    passions of your former

    ignorance, but as he who

    called you is holy, you

    also be holy in all your

    conduct, since it is

    written, You shall be

    holy, for I am holy.

    1Peter 1:13-16

    As followers of Je-

    sus, we are called to be

    holy. This means that as

    Jesus walked, so are we

    to walk. We are to pat-

    tern ourselves after the

    Holy One who called us.

    When I read this, I

    am compelled to look at

    my life and ask the (Continued on page 5)

  • Hebrews 11:13 records, All these people [the heroes of faith] were still living by faith when they

    died. They did not receive the things promised; they

    only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. How can you still live by faith when you die and pre-

    pare future generations to receive the promises and

    blessings from God that you only saw from a dis-

    tance? Lets look at four men in the Bible and see what legacy they left as our examples.

    1) Abraham - A Legacy of Obedience and Walking by

    Faith. Abraham was promised as many descendants

    as the stars in the heavens (Genesis 15:5). However,

    he had to obey God and persevere in faith for 25

    years until he was 100 years old (Genesis 17:17) to

    see only one promised descendant, Isaac, through his

    wife, Sarah. Then another 60 years passed before

    Isaac had Jacob and Esau (Genesis 25:26). Abraham

    did not see numerous descendants, but by his obedi-

    ence and faith while waiting for Gods timing, he gave us the legacy of walking by faith.

    2) Moses A Legacy of Teaching and Training. Mo-ses was used by God to bring the children of Israel out

    of Egypt and prepare them for the Promised Land.

    Under Gods direction, Moses instructed the children of Israel in the Passover ceremony, delivered to them

    the Ten Commandments, gave them hundreds of oth-

    er detailed laws as well as the complete instructions

    for how to build the tabernacle in the wilderness.

    Much of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuterono-

    my are Gods instructions to his people through Mo-ses. Moses was not allowed to enter the Promised

    Land, but he taught and trained Gods people how to live in order to please the Lord.

    3) David A Legacy of Financial Giving. David longed to build a glorious temple for the Lord. God

    did not allow him to build it or see it, but he did allow

    him to prepare for it. I Chronicles 29:1-5 lists the

    riches David laid up for the future temple which God

    then allowed Solomon to build: gold, silver, bronze,

    iron, wood, onyx, turquoise, fine stones and marble.

    Davids example of abundant generosity encouraged others to give bountifully as well (I Chronicles 29:6-9)

    and the magnificent Temple of Solomon was built in

    the next generation (II Chronicles 2-7).

    4) Daniel A Legacy of Prayer and Intercession Daniels heart was to see the tribe of Judah restored to their homeland and the city of Jerusalem following

    their 70 year captivity in Babylon. He did not get to

    see his home country again, but he prepared the way

    for others by fervent prayer and intercession as rec-

    orded in Daniel 9. His prayers helped to set the stage

    for the return of the exiles, the rebuilding of the tem-

    ple and the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem as rec-

    orded in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah.

    These men died in faith, not receiving the promise

    they longed for, but preparing for it nonetheless. Its your turn now. What has God put in your heart?

    What can you do to intentionally prepare future gen-

    erations to fulfill Gods purposes? What will your leg-acy be?

    Beverly Flori

  • Sixteen weeks ago a new Sunday school

    class emerged. There was an interest in doing

    something that would challenge and stretch us as

    Christian thinkers. We knew that we wanted to be

    grounded in the Word of God. We also wanted to

    be prepared to interact with a culture that is dis-

    missing Christianity as the only way to salvation,

    and assuming there are many ways.

    Our Sunday school class is called, A Ready

    Answer, because we are learning important truths

    that will help us engage the community we live in

    and reach the lost. It is about apologetics, but it is

    more about deepening our understanding of the

    Word of God as it relates the world we live in.

    KidCare America is pretty quiet right now during

    the summer break. But that doesnt mean we arent busy making plans for the fall! We have a number of

    staff & volunteer positions that we are needing to fill

    when we resume in August. Perhaps this will be your

    opportunity to get plugged in to a ministry at First As-

    sembly? We currently have several mentor positions,

    a van driver, a practical living teacher, and several tu-

    tors. Perhaps youre rather new to First Assembly and arent familiar with KidCare America. This is our after-school mentoring program that mentors, tutors, and

    teaches students about life, about God, and the im-

    portance of education. We have many ways you

    could potentially help! Please let us know if you have

    any questions. 364-4700, kcatsc@rolla-

    Sam Parker

    Beginning Sunday, July 5, we will begin a

    new series called Answering Islam. We will again

    immerse ourselves in the Bible to see what God

    says, as we look at the following three things that

    are essential elements of being able to have a

    ready answer when trying to witness to the Mus-

    lims around us.

    Those three things are: (1) Understanding

    the fundamental beliefs of Muslims, and how they

    see God, Jesus, creation and more. (2) Examining

    the criticisms that would attempt to defend the

    Muslim viewpoint, and begin to show the incon-

    sistency of Islam. (3) Examining the evidence that

    supports the Christian faith.

    We are surrounded by so many who come

    from countries that espouse Islam as their religion.

    We live in the midst of a great mission field, and

    want to be able to send out into that mission field,

    people who have a ready defensewho are trained in the truths of the Bible and have gained under-

    standing in how to address the questions that

    many Muslims will have. Join us on July 5th and see

    if this class might be for you.

    Carol Hudler



  • Starting college and finishing a chapter of

    my own life has drawn me to thinking about the

    life Ive had over the past few years. There have been many, and I mean many nights of stress, cry-

    ing, and just pure exhaustion. I even asked myself

    sometimes if I was going to make it through. As

    you can probably tell, I did, and I owe it to the per-

    son God has created me

    to be over these few

    years in my childhood

    with this church. Faith

    has always been a big as-

    pect in my life, as has

    family. I am a fourth gen-

    eration of Assemblies of

    God, with both my grand-

    parents and my uncle be-

    ing ministers. I grew up

    going to church potlucks

    (which are just simply

    amazing I must say),

    Wednesday night ser-

    vices, kids church programs, and of course Sunday

    morning services. While all these things have in-

    fluenced me in some point or fashion, they arent what have made the years at First Assembly of

    God ones of growing and practicing a faith that

    has been so instrumental in my own life. It has

    been the people continually encouraging me to

    seek what is good, and to trust in God, that have

    truly influenced me.

    The main lesson I have learned at First As-

    sembly of God would be to trust in the plans of the

    Lord. This year especially has been a big one for

    trusting, with choosing a college and pretty much

    deciding my life path in a month seemingly. I had

    this idea in my head that God would have a bill-

    board outside my house telling me EXACTLY what

    I was destined for. I became so frustrated with my-

    self, not knowing and getting upset that God did-

    nt show me the GPS of my life. However, people at church would continue to say they were praying

    for me, and they would encourage me, and tell me

    that God has a path for me. They encouraged me

    to continue to seek God in this time of uncertainty.

    This led me to the verse Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do

    not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord

    your God will be with you wherever you go. This verse told me that no matter where I went, or

    what I do, as long as I am earnestly seeking out

    the Lord, He will guide me on the path He has for

    me. So all there is for me to do is to keep God with

    me and things will work out. In my time of need, I

    went to the Lord, and I believe that this church

    has taught me that and I am so eternally thankful.

    It has provided and helped me build a firm founda-

    tion on the Lord Jesus Christ.

    As I now head off to Evangel University, my

    entire life will change. I look forward to what God

    has in store for me, and I pray earnestly that God

    will guide me on his path for me. Im so thankful that God has given me such an amazing church to

    grow in and love these past couple of years, and I

    hope I will continue to grow at Evangel. Thank you

    all for the encouragement and support. I have

    been truly blessed.

    Kalise Garner


  • important questions about my walk with the Lord.

    Am I living a holy life? Am I walking in the Spiritin obedience? In an honest examination, I am aware of

    my lack, and I ask the question, can I walk in holi-

    ness? Is holiness possible for me?

    Because I know that our Lord is a just God, I be-

    lieve He would not tell me to do something that is im-

    possible. It may be unmanageable in my flesh, but

    when I rely on Him, there is possibility. Colossians

    3:1-10 gives me a plan of action that will enable to

    stay on the path of holiness, and will redirect me

    when I stray from it.

    If the old person has died, let it stay dead.

    Jesus covers me and hides my life. Therefore by the

    grace of God, I can walk in this new life. I am not left

    alone to try to figure this out. Paul is descriptive in

    the patterns that I am to follow as I learn to walk in


    (Holiness continued from page 1) Holiness is a choice. Paul tells us that since we

    have been crucified with Christ we have the oppor-

    tunity for holiness (Col. 3:1). We are to set our minds

    on things above, and put to death the earthly pas-


    But now you must put them all away: anger,

    wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your

    mouth. Do not lie to one another, seeing that you

    have put off the old self with its practices and have

    put on the new self, which is being renewed in

    knowledge after the image of its creator (Col. 3:8-10).

    It is tempting to think that holiness an impossi-

    ble dream. It is only impossible if we try to operate

    outside of the workings of the Holy Spirit. It is God

    who began this work in us and, and it is God who will

    finish it (Phil. 1:6). We know that we are to walk in

    holiness, and we must believe that God will supply

    what we need. We just need to pick up the supplies.

    (Holiness continued on page 6)

    Our quarterly week of prayer is the first full

    week in July. We plan to meet each morning before

    VBS from 7-8 am in the conference room, and will fo-

    cus on praying for VBS and other children's outreach


    VBS is a vital ministry to our children and to

    the children in our community. Join us at 7:00 am,

    WEEK OF PRAYER JULY 5 - 10 every day or even one day. Whatever you can give in

    time of prayer will be multiplied into the lives of

    these children.

    We will have prayer watch from 8-12 on Friday

    the 10th of July, and will continue in prayer for the

    planning of the fall programs and outreach to com-


  • As followers of Jesus, we have endless provi-

    sions (Phil 4:19). He provides us with inward strength

    and the permeating influence of the Holy Spirit,

    whom He has sent as our helper (John 14:26). Holi-

    ness is a possibility because the Holy Spirit lives with-

    in us.

    It begins with a commitment to the Lord Jesus

    Christ. Then it then it takes action on the part of the

    believer, i.e. (1) set your mind on things above, (2) put

    (Holiness continued from page 5) to death earthly passions, (3) get rid of anger, malice,

    slander and obscene talk, (4) dont lie, (5) put on a compassionate heart and kindness, (6) dress yourself

    in humility and meekness, (7) forgive.

    The call to be holy is a challenge to change the

    way you think. Prepare your mind for this work of ho-

    liness. Realize that even with your daily imperfec-

    tions, God can still supply all that you need to live a

    holy life. Be attentive to the leading of the Holy Spirit,

    and dont grieve Him (Eph. 4:30). Be obedient (1Peter 1:14), and walk in the Spirit (Gal 5:16). As

    you walk in the Spirit, He will produce fruit in your life.

    Read Galatians 5:16-23, and ask the Lord how you

    can keep step with the Holy Spirit. As He shows you

    areas, that need to change, work on being obedient

    to His call to change. Holiness is possible. God will

    equip you with the strength you need.

    Carol Hudler

    racquetball, and spending time with family and


    I lived in northern WI all of my life up until Dave

    and I were married, and was also blessed to grow up

    in a Christian home. I was homeschooled as well, and

    am one of eleven children, five boys and six girls. I

    was saved when I was 10 years old, and baptized

    shortly afterwards. I am thankful to be able to stay at

    home with my babies, taking care of them and all the

    tasks that make a house a home. I enjoy volleyball,

    being out on the water, four wheeling, sunshine, thun-

    derstorms, baking, shopping, reading, coffee, dates

    with my hubby, and a girls night out now and then! :)

    We are both thankful for our church home at

    First Assembly, for Pastor Chuck, and for the body of

    believers we have to come and worship with every

    Sunday. God bless!

    Rebecca Eldredge

    (Eldredge continued from page 1)

  • PA



    S &




    Sam Parker After School Ministries &

    Missions Director [email protected]

    Karen Turner Administrative Assistant

    [email protected]

    Mark Berry Facility Manager

    Pansy Bingham Business Administrator

    [email protected]

    Abby Swearingen Media Assistant

    [email protected]

    Chuck Whitmire Lead Pastor

    [email protected]

    Ray Cook Associate Pastor

    [email protected]

    Brian Feller Childrens Pastor

    [email protected]

    Jason Gibson Youth Pastor

    [email protected]

  • 1608 N Oak St Rolla MO 65401-2342




    A READY ANSWER A new Christian Education Class


    KALISE GARNER Growing up at First Assembly

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