Page 1: Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe


Page 2: Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe

Elements of a Novel

Plot – the related series of events that make up a story

Exposition- the first part of the plot that explains the background and often introduces the characters and setting

Climax- (part of the plot) the turning point of the story Emotional highpoint for the character

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Conflict – the struggles between opposing forces, usually characters

Person vs. person (problem with another character) Person vs. self (problem deciding what to do or think) Person vs. nature (problem with environment) Person vs. society (problem with laws or beliefs)

Character- the individuals involved in the action of the story Protagonist- main character(s) central to the action Antagonist- a force working against the protagonist

Setting- the time and place, or where and when, the action occurs

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Point of view- the viewpoint from which a story is told

Theme- the main idea behind a literary work; the “message” in the story

Mood-the feeling the reader gets from a story (happiness, sadness, scariness, excitement)

Tone-expression showing a certain attitude

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Imagery- language that appeals to the senses Sight Sound Touch Taste Smell

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Foreshadowing- clues that hint or suggest what will happen late in the story

Symbolism-a device in literature where an object represents an idea (rose=love

Point of view- the perspective from which a story is told First person - I Third person - you Omniscient narrator – all knowing

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Vocabulary 1. acute - adjective - sharp or keen (as in an acute

sense of hearing)

2. audacity - noun - presumption; insolence; impudence; bold courage;


  3. derision - noun - contempt or ridicule

  4. foresight - noun - a looking forward; the power to

see what will happen; thoughtful regard for the future

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Vocabualry 5. mockery - noun - a person or thing receiving

or deserving ridicule or derision; an impertinent imitation

  6. premises - noun - a piece of real estate; a

house or building and its land

  7. profound - adjective - marked by intellectual

depth; deeply or intensely felt

8. raved - verb - to talk wildly with excessive enthusiasm (about someone or something)

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9. refrained - verb - held back; kept from doing something

  10. sagacity - noun - keen perception or penetrating

intelligence; sound judgment

  11. stifled - verb - to suppress or hold back; to check

or stop

  12. unperceived - verb - not seen or understood


11. stifled - verb - to suppress or hold back; to check or stop 12. unperceived - verb - not seen or understood

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13. vehemently - adverb - acting with great force; violently or forcefully

  14. vex - verb - to disturb or annoy; to terrify

  15. waned - verb - to become less intense (as in:

The light of the moon waned as dawn approached.)

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