

Why is reading books such a significant part of David’s Men? Typically, most men aren’t avid

readers. Reading great books stretches a man, providing opportunities to learn from great Christian

authors and for deeper reflection on spiritual insights and disciplines.

And yet, no human-authored book comes close to God’s Word:

• All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16

• For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

• The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever. Isaiah 40:8 • Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. Matthew 24:35 • As for God, his way is perfect: The Lord’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him.

Psalm 18:30

Participation in David’s Men is not designed nor intended to replace your personal time in

God’s Word…indeed, it’s incapable of effectively doing so! And so, as a reminder of the

importance of reading, studying, and meditating on God’s Word, this month we’re focusing on a

book in the Bible: Ephesians. Pastor Bruce led us thru a study of Ephesians during Biltmore

Church’s fall series United. This month, we’ll take a deeper dive into this book of scripture.

Ephesians is (by far) the shortest book we’ll read this year, and its brevity provides several


• The opportunity to read it several times during the month. • The opportunity to read without being rushed. • Opportunities for in-depth reflection on every part of the book. • Opportunities to focus on small sections of verses each day.

Take advantage of these (and other) opportunities to dwell richly in God’s Word with other men!

Current Month Assignments

• Spend time in God’s word every day for the next 30 days. Read, ponder, and listen. • 1st 13 Days of the Month: Complete the provided Ephesians Study for David’s Men (one

section each day: read the verses and respond to the questions in each section). • The rest of the month: Complete one (or more) of the following options:

(NOTE: Do not rush thru these this! Slow down and let the Holy Spirit speak to you. Listen intently. Meditate on what you’re reading.)

o Repeat Ephesians Study for David’s Men and spend additional time on the concepts that stick out to you.

o Identify a few words/verses in Ephesians that stick out to you and ponder those concepts.

o Read one chapter of Ephesians a day and write down what impacts you. o Read Ephesians from more than one version of the Bible (e.g., NIV, ESV, CSB, The

Message, KJV, etc.).

• In lieu of the typical book summary, write a one-page summary covering the following items (based on your study of Ephesians):

o 1-2 verses/concepts that really rocked your world. o How did they impact you? o How are they going to change your future actions? o Reflect on what God showed you during your times of study.

• Memorize the verses attached. Be prepared to quote each verse and reference. Review your verses from previous months to ensure they become deeply rooted.

• Man-date: Discuss what you are learning from Ephesians and review your verses from the entire year!


• Ephesians Study for David’s Men (follows memory verses below)

Memory Verses

Deuteronomy 6:5-10

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These

commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children.

Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and

when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them

on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

2 Timothy 3:16

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

+1: 2 Timothy 3:17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Joshua 1:8

Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be

careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Acts 1:8

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in

Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Ephesians Study for David’s Men


Paul, an apostle of Jesus, wrote this letter to the church in Ephesus while he was being held in Rome

(Acts 28). The first three chapters of Ephesians lay out our standing in Christ (called, alive, raised

up with Jesus, seated with Jesus, brought near), and the last three chapters of Ephesians show us

how to live in light of our standing in Christ.

Ephesians repeatedly shows the stark difference before and after following Christ. Paul explains

that we were once dead but are now alive (2:5); at one time separated and alienated from Christ

but now bought near by the blood of Christ (3:12-13); at one time in darkness but now light in the

Lord (5:9).

Paul is calling all believers toward Christlike maturity by knowing who we are in Christ then by

living out of that newfound identity in Christ.

Section 1: Every Blessing

Read Eph 1:1-14.

What are the important words in this section? (NOTE: Two examples from the ESV bible translation

are below. Other translations might use different words with similar meaning.)

- lavished - - - guarantee - - - - -

Write out three or more observations you have from these verses.

- Example: Because God loves me, he adopted me as his son (verse 5) - -

Why does Paul start his letter to the church in Ephesus this way?

What are some specific, measurable ways that you will apply these truths?

- Example: I will write down verses 7-9 then read the verses aloud every day this week, remembering who I am in Christ.

- -

Section 2: Praying for my Brothers

Read Eph 1:15-23.

What are the important words in this section?

- eyes of your hearts - - - inheritance - - - - -

Write out three or more observations you have from these verses.

- Example: Paul loved his brothers and sisters in Christ and constantly thought of them and prayed for them (16)

- -

Paul not only prays for his brothers and sisters in Christ, he takes time to tell them that he prayed

for them. How will you implement this practice (prayer and encouragement) in your daily life?

What are some specific, measurable ways that you will apply these truths?

- Example: At least once a week at lunch time, I will text my wife to tell her I just prayed for her (after I actually prayed for her!).

- -

Section 3: Grace through Faith

Read Eph 2:1-10.

What are the important words in this section?

- course of this world - - - but God - - - - -

Write out four or more observations you have from these verses.

- - - -

How you would use these verses to share the gospel with a friend in less than one minute? Write

what you would say.

What are some specific, measurable ways that you will apply these truths?

- Example: I will share my testimony with a coworker this week— that I was dead (1), but God (4) made me alive (5).

- -

Section 4: Members of the Household of God

Read Eph 2:11-22.

What are the important words in this section?

- dwelling place - - - - - - - -

Write out three or more observations you have from these verses.

- - - -

Paul says, “remember that you were once alienated from God, but now you have been brought near

by the blood of Christ” (2:12-13). Why does Paul keep driving home the idea that you now have a

new identity in Christ?

What are some specific, measurable ways that you will apply these truths?

- Example: Jesus is building His church (2:19-22); I will encourage the people who sit around me in worship service every week by asking how they’re doing and asking how I can be praying for them.

- -

Section 5: Mystery of the Gospel

Read Eph 3:1-13.

What are the important words in this section?

- - - - - - - - -

Write out three or more observations you have from these verses.

- - -

Why does Paul say, “I am the very least of all the saints” (8)?

What are some specific, measurable ways that you will apply these truths?

- Example: I will share the “unsearchable riches” of Christ with at least one person every single week.

- -

Section 6: The Fullness of God

Read Eph 3:14-21.

What are the important words in this section?

- - - - - - - - -

Write out three or more observations you have from these verses.

- - -

If you truly believe verses 20-21, what difference will it make in your prayer life?

What are some specific, measurable ways that you will apply these truths?

- Example: I will physically bow my knees in prayer (verse 14) every Sunday before leaving for church.

- -

Section 7: Unity in the Church

Read Eph 4:1-16.

What are the important words in this section?

- equip - - - - - - - -

Write out four or more observations you have from these verses.

- - - -

How else can I contribute to the “work of the ministry” within our church?

What are some specific, measurable ways that you will apply these truths?

- Example: I will ask a church leader how else I can “build up the body of Christ” (12) by the end of this week.

- -

Section 8: A New Way to Live

Read Eph 4:17-32.

What are the important words in this section?

- - - - - - - - -

Write out four or more observations you have from these verses.

- - - -

How does Paul describe people who do not follow God, and how does he describe how a follower of

Jesus should live?

What are some specific, measurable ways that you will apply these truths?

- Example: I need to work on my anger (26). I will ask a brother in my David’s Men group to hold me accountable in this area by the end of this week.

- -

Section 9: Every Blessing

Read Eph 5:1-21.

What are the important words in this section?

- look carefully - - - - - - - -

Write out four or more observations you have from these verses.

- Example: There shouldn’t be even a hint of sexual immorality in my life. (3) - - -

Paul exhorts us to “take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness” (11). How are all sinful actions

unfruitful? What does he mean?

What are some specific, measurable ways that you will apply these truths?

- Example: Paul says to “look carefully how you walk” (15). I will evaluate my media choices from the past week in order to look carefully at how I am walking with God in what I take into my mind.

- -

Section 10: Christlike Marriage

Read Eph 5:22-33.

What are the important words in this section?

- - - - - - - - -

Write out five or more observations you have from these verses.

- - - - -

Paul tells husbands to love their wives “as Christ loved the church” (25). How did Christ love the

church? What are the implications for us?

What are some specific, measurable ways that you will apply these truths?

- Example: Paul says to “nourish and cherish” my wife. I will ask my wife how I can pray for her today.

- - -

Section 11: Children and Parents

Read Eph 6:1-4.

What are the important words in this section?

- - - - - - - - -

Write out three or more observations you have from these verses.

- - -

In what ways do I “provoke my children to anger” (4)? How can I better parent my children’s hearts

in order to “bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (4)?

What are some specific, measurable ways that you will apply these truths?

- Example: I will read some verses from the Bible to my kids every night before they go to sleep.

- -

Section 12: At Work

Read Eph 6:5-9

Adapted from ESV preface: The word “bondservant” (Greek doulos) can be misunderstood in

modern times. This word covers a range of relationships. Your Bible translation may use the word

“slave,” which carries associations with the often brutal and dehumanizing institution of slavery in

19th century America. In Old Testament times, for example, one might enter slavery voluntarily (to

pay off a debt) or involuntarily (captured in battle, judicial sentence). Protection for all servitude in

ancient Israel was provided by the Mosaic Law. In Ephesians 6, doulos is often described as a

“bondservant”—that is, as someone bound to serve his master for a specific (usually lengthy)

period of time, but also someone who might own land, achieve social advancement, and even be

released or purchase his freedom.

What are the important words in this section?

- - - - - - - - -

Write out three or more observations you have from these verses.

- - -

What can we learn from Paul saying that there is “no partiality” (9) with God?

What are some specific, measurable ways that you will apply these truths?

- - -

Section 13: Stand Firm

Read Eph 6:10-24.

What are the important words in this section?

- - - - - - - - -

Write out five or more observations you have from these verses.

- Example: Paul mentions to “stand” 4 different times. - - - -

What are the 5 items of protection and the weapon Paul mentions as the armor of God? What can

we learn from Paul exhorting us to “put on the whole armor of God?”

What are some specific, measurable ways that you will apply these truths?

- Example: To fasten the belt of truth, I will memorize my David’s Men verses. - -

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