Page 1: REPORTER - · Hermitage of the Heart 7:00 p.m. Every other Thursday Hermitage of the Heart provides us with a space and time for renewal, stillness and peace amid the


REPORTER Newsletter of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Akron

Volume 80, Issue 5 May 2020

1 Minister’s Musings,Take Care, Rev Tim class 5 Hunger Walk, Religious Education 2 Minister’ Fund, Dave Brown, Hermitage 6 HAPPENINGS 3 President’s Corner, GA 7 Calendar 4 Sunday Services; Caring Corner 8 Staff Hours and Info; Board of Trustees; UUCA Mission


Religion in 60 Minutes

Join Rev. Tim on alternating Tuesday evenings at 7PM

for “Religion in 60 Minutes.” In the coming weeks, we will look at a number of religious traditions, including

Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. The next class will take place on Tuesday, May 12 at 7PM and all classes will be held online over Zoom. Links for logging on to class will

be sent out via church email

I still can’t believe it’s been six weeks since we had to close the church building and move all of our services and most of our programs online. One day we were preparing for the Inter-dependence Day service that Abby, Carolyn, and I had been plan-ning for weeks and the next, we were moving everything to Zoom and no longer able to gather face-to-face. I know this time has been hard on all of us and I want to offer my love and sympathy for all who have suffered loss – the loss of a loved one or friend, the loss of a job or source of eco-nomic support, and the loss of the physical contact with family, church, and community that plays such a vital role in helping us find meaning and hope, especially during a time like this. Physi-cal distancing is vitally important for keeping us healthy and safe. But it is taking a toll on our hearts and our spirits and I want to acknowledge the struggles many are experiencing, myself includ-ed. But if there is a silver lining I have discovered from all the physical distancing I am having to do, it is to be reminded of just how much community and connection matter in my life. Too often, I take for granted those circles of connection and communi-ty that enrich my life. Maintaining physical distance from those connections has shown me how precious they are and how deter-mined I am not to take them for granted now and in the future. And there is one more thing I’ve learned from this crisis. Physical distance does not have to mean spiritual distance, com-munal distance, or social distance. In fact, I’m no longer going to use the term “social distancing,” replacing it instead with “physical distancing.” Being apart physically does not mean we have to be distant socially or spiritually, and our church commu-nity is proof positive of the power of connections and bonds that transcend the physical distance we must maintain to keep our bodies safe and healthy. Let me conclude by thanking all of you for your love and

commitment to the church during this very trying time. Your words of support and encouragement mean the world to me and the way all of you are supporting the church by volunteering for our many ministries and by sharing your precious financial re-sources has been nothing short of amazing! All I can say is


Many Blessings, Tim

"Take Care Tuesdays" The Integrated Health Ministries will be offering "Take Care Tuesdays" every other Tuesday beginning on May 5th via Zoom. Take Care Tuesdays will be an opportunity for us to increase our connection while focusing on an area of self and community care. Pam Garn-Nunn will begin the series on May 5th at 7 p.m. More information to follow in our monthly newsletter, weekly updates, and in Sunday morning announcements.

Page 2: REPORTER - · Hermitage of the Heart 7:00 p.m. Every other Thursday Hermitage of the Heart provides us with a space and time for renewal, stillness and peace amid the


Hermitage of the Heart 7:00 p.m.

Every other Thursday Hermitage of the Heart provides us with a space and time for renewal, stillness

and peace amid the clamoring from our lives. Come join our community,

seeking wholeness of body, spirit and mind. We experience light and darkness,

silence and song, inspiring words and sustained time for reflection and

meditation as sources of hope and courage. As the earth reawakens and life and energy burst forth, take the time to nurture yourself and reconnect to the

sources of meaning in your life. Join us every other week

May 7th and May 21st at 7 p.m.


Minister’s Benevolent Fund

In these challenging economic times, we want to make sure all in our congregation are aware that the church has a fund to help with financial emergen-cies. The Minister’s Benevolent Fund is available to offer assistance to any church member who needs help paying a utility bill, a rent or mortgage pay-ment, groceries, or any essential expense. If you are in need of financial assistance, please contact Rev. Tim at [email protected] or con-tact Carolyn Stevens at the church office by phone or email ([email protected]) In order to meet growing financial needs, the church is always accepting donations to the Minis-ter’s Benevolent Fund. If you would like to make a donation, please mail a check to the church with “Minister’s Benevolent Fund” in the memo line or go on the church website ( and make a donation through PayPal.


Many of us will always remember Dave Brown and his wife Mary who died some years ago. Dave moved to Virginia in 2017 to be with family and passed in early February of this year. Recently we received a letter from Dave’s son, Bob, reminding us of the importance of staying in touch. “UUCA has kindly kept in touch since his move to Virginia…Dad always perked up when nice cards and notes arrived. We know his many years with UUCA provided fine memories for him. My siblings, Dave Jr. and Sara, and I are confident that he would have wanted to leave a bequest to the church to support your good work.”

Rev. Tim and I communicated with the family. It was agreed that a bequest of $5,000 in Dave’s memory would be placed in the Radebaugh Endowment Fund which provides funding for capital improvement projects. Dave was very active on the Board of the UUCA Foundation and also served on the church Board with Chuck Radebaugh, a good friend. After Chuck died his wife, Mary Lou, created the Radebaugh Endowment Fund in the care of the UUCA Foundation. What a wonderful way for Dave’s memory to have lasting tribute.

Charlie Nelson, President of the Board UUCA Foundation

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At last spring’s congregational meeting, you took the bold step of approving the Greener and Safer campaign that brought new windows and solar panels. That was just before I started my term, and looking back, I feel proud that we made such a bold commitment to our physical home, as well as our principle of being good stewards of the earth. Last June, we addressed the first of three changes that inevitably happen in the life of a church with transitions among the professional staff. In thanking Rich Roberts and Bob Carlyon during this last year for their inspiring ministries and brilliant service to the UUCA, we showed how deeply they touched us and how thankful we remain for their long service. Change is not easy, but the energy, creativity, and vision of Abby L’Bert and Brian Laasko has allowed us to imagine new possibilities and to feel doubly blessed, for what we had in Rich and Bob and for what is yet to come with Abby and Brian. I am proud of the Board for its hard work in managing these transitions. My predecessor, Sharon Geffken, and our incoming Board President, Hallie Bowie, led the searches for the DRE and Music Director, respectively, and I am so glad to have worked with them and to have had the pleasure of serving with all the members of the Board of Trustees over these last two years. I don’t have enough space to say how amazing the lay leadership is in our church, as well as to praise the many volunteers and caring members who do so much in collaboration with our professional staff to make our ministries happen. As Rev. Tim’s ministry draws to a close, my heart is overflowing with gratitude for Tim, Carol, Chris, and Carissa for sharing their talent, wisdom, compassion, and lives with us. I know that there will be other ways that the congregation will thank the Temersons, but I want to take the opportunity of my last column to thank Tim, from the bottom of my heart, for his guidance and friendship. We have truly been blessed by his wisdom, kindness, and leadership. Given what is currently happening, none of us needs to be reminded of how much can happen in a year, or even two months. Our focus has shifted dramatically from our building to the emotional, spiritual, and (yes) virtual bonds that we have forged. The Board is taking steps to ensure the financial health of our congregation so that we can continue to aspire to our highest ideals. Our community is changing, no doubt, but I believe that we are growing stronger and more connected, even as we deal with our physical absence from one another. We are indeed greener, safer, and (I’d argue) *closer* because of all that has happened during this tumultuous year. The work of this year’s Board will continue during the month of May as we consult with experts in our congregation about the best and safest way for us to return to our church home. The interim minister search committee, led by Scott Piepho, is also doing vital work and the Board is enormously grateful for their service. I’m certain that next year at this time, when we might be facing new and different challenges, that our congregation will be ready to address whatever comes and to seek new opportunities for growth. I am excited about our future! Before I close, I want to thank both Carolyn Stevens, our church administrator and RE assistant, and Brittany Gustavel, our sexton. Carolyn and Brittany support everything that happens at the UUCA and I appreciate them more than I can say. Looking ahead, I am convinced that we will remain strong, united, and connected in care for one another, our community, and the world.

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve the UUCA.

Peace to you all—Rob Sturr.

President’s corner

General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our

Unitarian Universalist Asso-ciation (UUA). Participants

worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy

for the Association through democratic process. Anyone may attend; congregations

must certify annually to have voting delegates.

Registration is open.

Page 4: REPORTER - · Hermitage of the Heart 7:00 p.m. Every other Thursday Hermitage of the Heart provides us with a space and time for renewal, stillness and peace amid the




Sunday, May 3, 2020 at 10:30 a.m.

“Facing COVID-19: A Behavioral Health Perspective”

UUCA Behavioral Health Team

We live in a time of overwhelming fear and anxiety. Today’s service is presented by the UUCA Behavioral Health ministry and will explore strategies for coping with fear and anxiety.

Sunday, May 10, 2020 at 10:30 a.m.

“Celebrating Our Journeys”

Danene Bender & Wayne Potete

As Unitarian Universalists we often use the metaphor of the “journey” to describe our spiritual lives. During today’s service, two members of our congregation share their spiritual journey stories.

Sunday, May 17, 2020 at 10:30 a.m.

Giving and Receiving: Flower Communion Sunday

Rev. Tim Temerson & Abby L’Bert, DRE

The UU Church of Akron is a community of giving and receiving. Today’s service will be a celebration of the many ways we give and serve in our congregation and will include our annual ritual of flower communion. The service will be followed by a congregational meeting.

Sunday, May 24, 2020 at 10:30 a.m.

“A Call to Peace”

Rev. Tim Temerson

Memorial Day is a day to remember and honor those who have lost their lives in war. Today’s service will argue for broadening the meaning of Memorial Day into a call to end all wars by building a world of peace.

May 31, 2020

To Be Announced


Pastoral Associates:

Mary Ann Ballinger, Coordinator 330-836-0058 [email protected]

Mary Caesar 330-929-2765 [email protected]

Susan Davis 330-329-5132 [email protected]

Linda Marx 330-873-1823 [email protected]

Pam Garn Nunn 330-869-8358 [email protected]

Mary Petrich 330-688-5410 [email protected]

Linda Rush Ryder 330-472-9821 [email protected]


Meals: Kelly Urbano at [email protected]

Ride Share: Susan Davis at [email protected]

or 330-329-5132

Chair: Susan Shah at [email protected]


Come to the Blood Pressure screening on the second Sunday of every month.

Contact Janet Wertz at 330-688-5984 for more information.


Pastoral Associates

Linda Marx 330-873-1823 [email protected] Coordinator

Ron Johnson [email protected]

Pam Garn Nunn [email protected]

Mary Petrich [email protected]

Linda Rush Ryder [email protected]

Jan Schrader [email protected]

MaryAnn Ballinger [email protected]

Lynn Hawkins [email protected]


Meals: Contact the church office. It will be set up through

Ride Share: Contact the church office.

Caring Cards Chair:

Susan Shah at [email protected]

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Religious education

AAIC HUNGER WALK This Sunday, May 3rd is the 11th annual Akron Area Interfaith Hunger Walk! Or, if these were usual times, it would be. As we are all too well aware, because these are not usual times, the need for food assistance is greater than ever. If you have not yet donated to the Akron Canton Regional Food-bank and you would like to, please come by the church Sunday afternoon between 2 and 3. Social distancing will be maintained but your cash or check donations will be very gratefully accepted. Again we remember our own Susie Davis who began the Hunger Walk. And the sun always shone for the Hunger Walk! And a great thank you to all who have already donated!

Dear friends! I can’t believe that it is already May and we have been holding church service over Zoom since March! Though it has felt difficult for me to not be able to see and interact with you and your children and youth in person, it has felt wonderful to be able to connect with you all online. Some of my favorite experiences have been being able to see some of the dancing and smiling faces of you and your young ones during our Sunday morning Zoom calls. It has touched my heart to see these little glimpses of you so very much! I’ve also really enjoyed the Zoom connections brought to us by Zale Piepho and Elizabeth Reilly for chalice making and connection on weekdays! Please take a gander below at the chalice my daughter, Aleah created for us to use at home! Another favorite happening of mine is the delightful music time put on by our pre-k teacher, David Palomo, on Friday mornings for young children and any wanting a fun, thoughtful, and very musical connection during the week:). These opportunities for connection have felt so wonderful and I hope so much that we can continue to connect in these & other ways with each other as a church family. So, here are a few more ways that we would like to connect with each other in upcoming weeks. Firstly, for our RE families, we’d like to ask you to keep an eye out in your mailboxes for a special delivery to help you connect with your RE teacher/advisors in a great way this month (cue sneaky smile:). I hear that our RE teachers miss your kids as much as I do! Secondly, I would like to invite any of you who are interested to share a photo or two of what you and your children/youth are doing this week to find joy, connection, and feel alive, however that looks for you! There is no need to photograph your faces or the faces of your youth, so feel free to only share what feels comfortable for you:). You can email these photos (with a little description of what you’ve got going on, if you please as well) to either [email protected] and/or [email protected]. Thanks again and feel free to take a look at some of what we have been doing at home as well (see below). These weeks have featured planting seedlings, making a colorful chalice, climbing trees, and using a little shaker for UU music time!

In peace and love,

Abby L’Bert, DRE

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We need items such as toilet paper, soap, etc.

There are donation bins outside the main doors at church.

Toll-Free ‘COVID Careline’ to

Provide Emotional Support for

Ohioans: 1-800-720-9616

The Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS) today joined with

Governor Mike DeWine and RecoveryOhio to launch a new, toll-free Careline to provide

emotional support for Ohioans who are experiencing stress, anxiety, fear, sadness and

loneliness amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Ohioans may call 1-800-720-9616 to connect with trained counselors for 24/7 support. The Careline is staffed by credentialed counselors who have

been trained to provide free, confidential support for a wide range of needs, including mental health concerns, substance use, problem

gambling, and more. Individuals experiencing an acute crisis can still reach out to the Ohio Crisis Text Line (keyword 4HOPE to 741 741) or the

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255). Find more information, and sample social

media posts, at Read the full media release.

►COMMUNITY GARDEN Looking for a way to get some fresh air while maintaining social distancing AND serving one of our important ministries? Well here's something to consider... On Saturday, May 16th, we will be preparing and planting our Community Garden beds for the summer season. This is the most vital day of the year in our garden and we appreciate every helping hand we can get! We already have cool-weather seeds planted, thanks to a small but energetic crew working together a few weeks ago. Now it's time for the main event! Please join us in the garden at 9AM or whenever you are able. Garden boots and gloves are recommended. Questions? Contact Karen Hoch at [email protected].

As we begin the new growing season in our community gar-den, it's probably a good time to review a few rules. Everyone is welcome to come in and enjoy. Just please keep in mind: 1. Close gate after you enter and as you exit. This helps keep the critters out. 2. Watch children who are with you and encourage them to not step into the beds. 3. If you bring your pet with you, please keep it out of the beds and please clean up after it. 4. Please do not bring in bird feeders or critter feeders of any kind or hang them on the fence. If you have left one already please move it to another area on the church grounds. We do not want to encourage wildlife to visit our garden. Thank you to all! And as always, if you are interested in get-ting involved, contact Karen at [email protected].

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Board of Trustee slate for 2020-2021 President Hallie Bowie (1 year) President-Elect Cir L'Bert Jr. (1 year) Secretary Bay Gaillard (2 year) Program Alease Vaughn (2 year) Social Action Deb Lemire (2 years) Priorities Laurel Winters (2 years) Collector Sharon McWhorter (2 years) Assistant Collector Bev Hurd (2 years) Leadership Development Sharon Geffken (3 years) Associate Treasurer Al Casino (1 year) Foundation Board of Trustees Sandra Auburn William Jordan Charlies Nelson Derek Shuttleworth Susan Wynn GA Delegates Deb Lemire Russel Kuntz Leadership Development Sharon Geffken

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UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH 3300 MOREWOOD RD. AKRON, OH 44333 Phone: (330) 836-2206 Fax: (330) 836-3106 Email: [email protected] Website:


The UUCA is a “Welcoming Congregation”

that warmly and openly encourages the full participation of gay, lesbian,

bisexual and transgender people in the life of the congregation.



We are a sanctuary of love and welcome for all, dedicated to lifelong intellectual and spiritual

exploration, and committed to leading, acting, and speaking for social justice and stewardship of the earth.


Published monthly Deadline: the 15th of every month

Articles for submission may be sent to the church,

faxed to 330-836-3106 or emailed to [email protected]

Minister Rev. Tim Temerson

Director of Religious Education Abby L’Bert

Church Administrator Carolyn Stevens

Sexton Brittney Gustavel

Director of Music Brian Laakso

Keyboard Artist Brian Laakso

Bookkeeper Sue Michael


Scott Piepho

Sarah Culver

Cir L’Bert Jr.

Daniel Marksz

Kyle Jozsa

SECRETARY Becky Dempster

TREASURER Steve Wagner



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