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Marketers are stuck in ‘campaign’ mode

Real Time is like a Fairy Tale in India

Most campaigns use data as old as 6 months or more

Campaigns are replicated not (re)evolutionary

Remarketing is considered as Real Time Marketing

Digital is stuck at 5 ~ 7% of spends (excluding ecomm)

Creative strategies are static & worse in remarketing

We really haven’t challenged the digital platforms

We are still a last click industry.

Agency & Clients don’t see eye-to-eye

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Real Time Marketing EcoSystemIt Spans – Onsite, Offsite and Beyond Site

Site Analytics Reservation Buy

Programmatic Buy

Dynamic Creative

Real Time Marketing

What the user is doing on your


The usual way you buy internet

advertising by reserving slots on


Leverage RTB via DSPs to buy audience in real time across the

internet, devices & plaforms

Use data from all the previous steps to make that perfect creative on

the fly either for branding or acquisition or


This should sit on a single technology stack which integrates with your offline or CRM systems. So you are able to get a single view of your customer

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Boston Consulting Group – real data!

“Cutting Complexity, Adding Value: Efficiency and Effectiveness in Digital


1. Digital media delivers powerful results for advertisers; but there is an opportunity to make the end-to-end process of buying and executing on digital media much more efficient

2. The BCG study concluded that moving to a single ad technology stack can generate resource-productivity improvements of up to 33% across the campaign lifecycle

3. The study also found that further productivity gains can be generated by combining a single ad technology stack with wider organisational change -- freeing up talent for higher-value activities

Commissioned by Google, conducted by BCG

Studied digital campaign processes, tools, workflow from 15 agencies across UK, Italy, Netherlands, Germany used to execute 24 digital campaigns

Study focussed on agencies, but equally valuable for direct clients

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In IndiaIt is a very myopic/one sided marketing view

Site Analytics Reservation Buy

Programmatic Buy

Dynamic Creative

Real Time Marketing

There is an absence of a single platform that links all of this together to give you a single view of your online audience.

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Real Time MarketingRequires 4 Essential Elements

And some marketing money

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Real Time Campaigns

Programmatic Creative = using data to improve and optimize creative and messages to your audience through DoubleClick’s dynamic creative / dynamic remarketing offerings.

Programmatic Buying = Cross-channel marketing through a platform which enables you to buy, manage, report, and analyze across channels.

Data + Technology = Performance + Scale

Ready Today and is been around for a while

The future (already here)

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Programmatic Buy!ek aur naya internet jargon

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What Matters in Real Time Marketing


Which consumers will see my ads?


Will these ads work for the campaign?


What media to place my ads on?


When and how often?


What creative to use?

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Programmatic buyinguses technology and data to bring advertisers and publishers together

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Why Programmatic has come of age

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The key element of programmatic buying—what makes it powerful—is that the advertiser gets to decide the target.

Scott Spencer

Director of Product Management, DoubleClick Ad ExchangeIn “Programmatic in the Future” hangout series by DoubleClick

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Why programmatic?Use data and technology to better connect you with consumers

Massive scaleReach across exchanges and engage with publishers with direct programmatic deals.

Performance Use powerful optimization and better data to maximize ROAS for all your buys.

Precise targetingFind the right audiences in the right context to engage with your brand.

Operational efficiencyStreamlined workflows with all your buying and reporting in one place, spend more time on strategic work.

TransparencyGlean insights from transparent reporting to find the best performing inventory and adjust your strategy in real time

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Winning the Right Moments

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I’m using data for everything—reporting, targeting, creative decisions. That’s really where we want to be—the right ad at the right time to the right person. Data is really the only way for us to get that done.

Joel Aranson

VP, Media Operations & Technology, DigitasIn “Programmatic in the Future” hangout series by DoubleClick

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To be successful in real-time marketing, marketers and their agencies need to rethink the creative process

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A vision for the perfect adIt’s about reaching the right audience at the right time with the right ad



Right format

Right audience

Right setting(time, place, context)

Right creativeand message

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Programmatic CreativeUse dynamic creative to bring the same data-driven learning and optimization to your creative that you use in your buying

Templates allow for efficient creation and use

of millions of creative iterations with dynamic


Improve campaign performance by showing the best creative combination for

each viewer at each moment

Assign creative elements based on media, ad-server or audience data signals

The system learns which creative combinations work the best and optimizes for improved campaign performance

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Shifting the creative process1. “Newsfeed” mentality

We consume everything in an ongoing stream. Find ways to stand out.

2. Cultural Touchpoints are fleetingTrends are short-lived. Capitalize quickly.

3. Life happens “now”Consumers are used to getting everything on demand. Being slow can be deadly for marketers.

4. Thousands of little moments over one big moment It’s the little moments that count. Many small moments of engagement can be more effective than one big marketing event.

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Impact of Real Time MarketingChange in consumer sentiment post-real time media exposure

Feel Positive +48%

Consider +88%

Recommend +69%

Interested in +64%

Try/buy +60%

Source: eMarketer, Behavior of US consumers before and after exposure to real-time marketing, Feb 2012

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How will this look in a Business Situation?

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Here is a Business CaseA remittance services company wants to target varied online audiences to provide remittance services

to them. The online channel should be able to identify the user 'nationality' and show him/her the relevant ad. And, subsequently, retarget them differently depending on if they are an existing customer or potential customer who dropped out in the funnel. All of this in real time, please.

India News

Philippines News

Shows ad with Realtime INR Rates

Shows ad with Realtime Peso Rates

Website with Dynamic Content

based on Ad & Audience


Lost User

Known User

Shows ad with Realtime Peso Rates

Indians only remit money on high exchange rates or

salary day

Rates Increase?

Closer to remittance date

Show ads before target week/date with

better rates offer

Show ads closer to the remittance date

Programmatic Media


Frequency Cap to Avoid wastage

Programmatic Media

+ Creative

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Here is another oneA CPG advertiser with multiple brands trying to understand on which

site s/he gets the best response for multiple brands & prioritize the delivery of messaging based on audience insights

Brand 1

Brand 2

Brand 3

Reservation Media BuyAd Technology

(DoubleClick for Advertisers)

Dynamic Messaging Engine will show the right ad to the user

Show feminine ad content to women

Show masculine ad content to men

Show masculine ad content to older men

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Set rules by dateWhen key dates in a campaign require a change of message, use dynamic creative to automate the change

Serve ads between January 2nd and January 8th with

“Sunday” season premiere date

Serve ads through EOD January 1st with “January 9th”

season premiere date

Source: Showtime creatives from

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Set rules by languageMatch the language used in your ad copyto the language in our targeted country

Serve ads with English language copy in the UK

Serve ads with Spanish language copy in Spain

Source: Verizon creatives from

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So, now what...

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To ConcludeReal Time Marketing is a Real Time Reality

Real Time Marketing is not as scary as we think it is

Using right technology platforms we can solve the challenges

Have to use Data

Creative Messaging

Reservation Buys

Programmatic Buys

Real Time Marketing is – Scalable & Economical than Perceived

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thank you@Prabhvir_Sahmey

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