  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational

    2009 IBM Corporation

    Ory Segal, Security Products ArchitectRational, Application Security

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

    Quick recap of session #1

    What is secure engineering

    Security & SDLC

    Requirements Security requirements, Abuse cases & Protection Poker

    Design Secure design principles, Architectural risk analysis

    Code Secure coding, Code review tools

    Test Security testing

    Deploy Secure deployment, Enablement & Vulnerability management

    Security education & Guidance

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

    Security Products Architect, Rational (Application Security)

    Member of the IBM Security Architecture Board technical team

    Member of the IBM SAB Secure Development workgroup

    Web application security evangelist

    Web Application Security Consortium (WASC) Officer

    Contributor to projects such as: MITRE CWE, OWASP, WASC, NIST SAMATE, etc.

    Author of numerous web application security articles, research papers and


    Renowned web application security expert

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

    Session #1

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

    We are trying to secure software, because:

    Continued growth in software vulnerabilities (connectivity,

    extensibility, complexity)

    Its much cheaper to fix security defects during design/code phase(x1 vs. x30-100)

    Security flaws have a high PR cost (IBM ranked #4 in 2008)

    Customers are encouraging vendors to deliver safer systems

    Security as a competitive differentiator

    Regulations & laws

    Cybercrime big money is being made out of software


  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

    A set of concepts, principles, and best practices that ensure

    security is properly reflected and implemented in software

    Used by architects, designers, developers, and testers


    Requirements gathering

    Design (architecting)

    Code (implementation) Test (unit, function, system, integration)


    Post deployment (documentation, serviceability)

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

    Secure Development


    Trustworthy Computing Security Development Life Cycle (MS)

    Defense-in-Depth Development

    Security only at the implementation stage is not SE.SE is

    an end-to-end development approach

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation



    Abuse cases& anti



    Secure designprinciples

    Architecturalrisk analysis


    Secure coding

    Code review


    Risk analysis








    Security education & guidance

    Security strategy & metrics

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

    Security requirements are needed to ensure security is built

    into the application from the start

    Proactively specify the expected behavior of software with

    respect to security Define what new security features are required and how

    should existing features be changed

    Covers both functional security (e.g. use of cryptography), as

    well as emergent characteristics (i.e. abuse cases)

    Gathered based on the high-level business purpose of the

    software and known risks

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

    Identification process does not include all relevant stakeholders and doesnt

    use most modern/efficient techniques

    Often describe architectural constraints or implementation mechanisms

    rather than describe what the system must do (or must not do)

    Requirements are often specified without analysis or modeling

    Arbitrary, requirements being ambiguous, incomplete, inconsistent, not

    cohesive, infeasible, obsolete, neither testable nor capable of being


    Requirements management is typically weak, with ineffective forms of datacapture

    Attention is given to the functionality of the system, from the users

    perspective, but little attention is given to what the system should notdo

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

    Suggested activityRelated Project Roles

    Owner Key Contributor

    Identify global security policy Requirements specifier ---

    Identify resources and trust boundaries Architect Requirements specifier

    Identify user roles and resource capabilities Architect Requirements specifier

    Specify operational environment Requirements specifier Architect

    Detail abuse cases Requirements specifier Stakeholder

    Identify attack surface Designer ---

    Document security-relevant requirements Requirements specifier Architect

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

    Auditing &logging

    Input validation& outputencoding

    Data at rest Data in motion


    Authentication& authorization


    Cryptography &integrity


  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

    Software builders tend to describe what the software will do in a normative

    environment (UML, use cases, etc.)

    If software is used, its going to be abused

    Abnormal behavior must be anticipated, but theres no UML and use cases

    for software abuse

    Abuse cases enable you to think about your software the way an attacker


    Clever attackers always try to undermine the assumptions a system is built


    We are in a great position to know our system better than potential

    attackers do, we should leverage this knowledge to benefit security

    You may want to hire an external person to help you

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

    Our system is made of a client & server components

    Users must authenticate on the client, in order to submit

    requests to the server

    The server allows users to view their account details

    No authentication is done on the server, since we assume that

    only users using our client can talk to the server

    Abuse case: a potential malicious user could sniff the network,or reverse engineer our client, in order to submit manual

    requests to the server, and perform actions such as extraction

    of user details, without performing any authentication

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

    Design flaws account for ~50% of security problems

    You cant find design flaws by staring at code - a higher-level

    understanding is required (forest-level view)

    Risk analysis helps to identify and understand project levelrisks, and to effectively prioritize security initiatives

    By identifying risk, we can create a good measure of software


    Good risk analysis links system-level concerns to probability

    and impact measures

    Approaches: threat modeling, protection poker, etc.

    l l

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

    Learn as much as possible about the target of analysis

    Discuss security issues surrounding the software

    Determine probability of compromise

    Perform impact analysis

    Rank risks

    Develop mitigation strategy

    Report findings

    IBM R i l A li i S i

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

    IBM R ti l A li ti S it

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

    Similar in concept to Agile Planning Poker wideband Delphi estimation

    Leverages a diversity of ideas, experience, and knowledge related to

    software security


    Structure a collaborative, interactive, and informal practice for abuse

    case development and/or threat modeling

    It also spreads software security knowledge throughout a team

    Output: list of the overall relative security risks for each potential

    requirement for the iteration

    This list of relative risks can be used to guide the prioritization of security

    engineering resources towards the areas of the software with the highest

    risk of attack

    IBM R ti l A li ti S it

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

    Game Rules: Protection Poker is played during an iteration planning-type meeting

    Requirement is presented to the players and informal discussions of abuse

    cases and threat models ensue

    We use unit-less measures to compute risk

    Security risk = (ease of attack)*(value of asset that could be exploited with a

    successful attack)

    Unit points are 1, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40 and 100 (you can use your own values)

    Team members reveal their estimates first for ease points and then for value

    points for each requirement

    Team members with the lowest and highest estimates explain their estimates to

    the group

    More estimation rounds take place until the team can come to a consensus on a

    quantity of ease and value points for the requirement

    IBM Rational Application Security

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

    IBM Rational Application Security

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

    Software security flaws, are caused by one of the following three problems:

    Requirements and design failed to include proper security

    During implementation, vulnerabilities were inadvertently introduced

    in the code

    During deployment a configuration setting did not match the

    deployment environment

    Secure coding deals with problem #2 how do we avoid common coding

    errors, which lead to security vulnerabilities in the code

    Remember - you cant blame developers, if nobody ever told them what toavoid

    Lets discuss what to avoid (very high level)

    IBM Rational Application Security

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

    Improper Input Validation

    Improper Encoding or Escaping

    of Output

    Failure to Preserve SQL QueryStructure (aka 'SQL Injection')

    Failure to Preserve Web Page

    Structure (aka XSS)

    Failure to Preserve OS

    Command Structure

    Clear text Transmission of

    Sensitive Information

    Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

    Race Condition

    Error Message Information Leak

    Failure to Constrain Operations

    within the Bounds of a Memory


    External Control of Critical State Data

    External Control of File Name or Path

    Untrusted Search Path

    IBM Rational Application Security

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

    Failure to Control Generation of

    Code (aka 'Code Injection')

    Download of Code Without

    Integrity Check

    Improper Resource Shutdown

    or Release

    Improper Initialization

    Incorrect Calculation

    Improper Access Control


    Use of a Broken or Risky

    Cryptographic Algorithm

    Hard-Coded Password

    Insecure Permission Assignment for

    Critical Resource

    Use of Insufficiently Random Values

    Execution with Unnecessary


    Client-Side Enforcement of Server-

    Side Security

    IBM Rational Application Security

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

    IBM Rational Application Security

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

    Code review can uncover up to 50% of security issues

    Fixing problems at the code reduces fix-cost (session #1)

    While important, code review is also:

    Boring (ever tried reviewing 500K LoC?)

    Requires deep security knowledge

    Time consuming

    Automated tools can assist code reviewers

    Static analysis tools

    Dynamic analysis tools

    IBM Rational Application Security

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

    Total PotentialSecurity Issues



    Environment Configuration Issues Patch Level Issues Runtime Privileges Issues Authentication Issues Protocol Parser/Serializer Issues Issues in external 3rd partycomponents

    Null Pointer Dereference Threading Issues Code Quality Issues Issues in Dead Code Insecure Crypto Functions Issues in Back-End ApplicationCode (Multi-Tier Applications)

    SQL Injection Cross Site Scripting HTTP Response Splitting OS Commanding LDAP Injection(Taint propagation issues)

    Application Logic Issues /Insecure Design Issues

    Runtime Analysis

    Runtime Analysis serves asthe glue between Static &Dynamic Analysis. It helpscorrelate results andimprove overall accuracy &actionability

    IBM Rational Application Security

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    IBM Rational Application Security

    2009 IBM Corporation

    IBM Rational Application Security

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    pp y

    2009 IBM Corporation

    Ensure that security requirements have been implemented and that the application

    is free of vulnerabilities

    Involves using manual techniques and automated tools*

    Web application scanners, Fuzzers, Fault Injectors, Protocol Fuzzers, Code


    What do we test for? There are several resources with lists of common weaknesses:

    MITRE CWE, OWASP Testing Guide, Top 10, Top 25, etc.

    MITRE CVE, National vulnerability database,

    Create security test plans

    Use threat models, abuse cases, security requirements, documentation to locate

    weak points to test

    Use external audit teams

    IBM Rational Application Security

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    pp y

    2009 IBM Corporation

    Careful configuration and customization of software deployment environment can

    greatly enhance security posture

    Secure deployment tips:

    Only retain services and features necessary to meet system requirements

    Replace services that are known to be insecure

    Deploy relevant system patches

    Access control eliminate default accounts & passwords. Restrict access appropriately

    Fine tune access controls at the network and OS level

    Protect sensitive data (stored, on the wire)

    Configure event logging and monitoring (for incident response operations)

    Remember attacks will happen! Be prepared

    IBM Rational Application Security

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    pp y

    2009 IBM Corporation

    Security enablement:

    Gathering security critical information from dev teams and

    communicating it to the users and operators of the software

    Without this information, even the most securely designed

    software carries undue risks since important security

    characteristics and choices will not be known at a deployment site


    Vulnerability Management:

    Security incident response process

    Metrics & analysis of root-causes

    IBM Rational Application Security

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    2009 IBM Corporation

    IBM Rational Application Security

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    2009 IBM Corporation

    Building secure software requires knowledge and skills

    Security awareness programs for dev teams is a must

    Knowledge level required from the different team members:

    Product managers: need to understand the level of security that is

    necessary for the product and ensure that it is described in their

    requirements documents. Fundamentals of software security and

    specifically the impact of security issues. Knowledge of industry

    standards & government regulations

    Development managers: need to understand the impact of securityissues. Learn secure development frameworks & methodologies, threat

    modeling & risk assessment

    IBM Rational Application Security

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    2009 IBM Corporation

    Software architects: understanding of security issues & impacts. Training

    in secure coding practices, know security features and controls in

    specific platforms, threat modeling & risk assessment

    Developers: understand the coding mistakes that lead to security issues,

    understand the principles for secure coding and be able to test their own


    QA: understand the security issues they have to watch out for. They

    would also benefit from training on application security testing

    techniques and methodologies as well as training on different security

    testing tools

    IBM Rational Application Security

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    2009 IBM Corporation

    An internal IBM document

    A set of recommended guidelines and best practices to help

    IBMers build secure software

    The purpose of the SEF is to help you build security into thedevelopment process from the beginning and ensure products

    will meet or exceed IBMs security requirements and industry

    best practices

    Scope: to educate the reader on what activities should beperformed, and not on the details of how to perform them

    Provides further reference to training and education materials

    that will provide deeper information

    IBM Rational Application Security

  • 8/2/2019 Overview of Secure Engineering


    SEF document:

    IBM Secure Engineering Community:

    Build Security In (DHS) web site:

    Protection Poker:

    MITRE CWE (common weaknesses enumeration) :

    SANS Top 25 most dangerous programming errors:

    Open Software Assurance Maturity Model (OpenSAMM):

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