Page 1: Fight against counterfeiting in india with brands and fakes team

Fight against Counterfeiting in India with

Brands and Fakes Team

Fake products have become an everyday phenomenon. One of

the most disturbing problems for every brand owner and original

manufacturer is the awareness that its product/brand has been

infringed by a third party. Such products, which are a counterfeit

of the original greatly, mar the growth and repute of the original

brand and/or product.

These counterfeit products and deceptively similar and/or

identical brands are spread out in all areas of business and

consumer products and is not limited to any one field. In the last

20 years, the spread of counterfeits have literally gone ahead and

touched every single industry.

Page 2: Fight against counterfeiting in india with brands and fakes team

Worst is the situation where famous brands, the distinctiveness of

which travels beyond its original product for which it is being used

by its owner, is used by infringers in relation to a completely

different line of products. For e.g. take a brand like Rolls Royce

being used in relation to electrical goods.

In every case of counterfeiting, it is necessary for the owners,

investigators or even members of the public – who, of course,

have a social responsibility to curb this disease, to identify these

infringing products and bring it to the notice of their respective

owners. Providing information on fake products by persons

who are unconnected to the product and/or brand is equally

important as the owner themselves.

The process of identifying a fake product is an art in itself. While

most counterfeit products can be identified for it being simply

identical or deceptively similar, there are other products and

brands and designs which might not be able to be identified by

the common eye.

Page 3: Fight against counterfeiting in india with brands and fakes team

In order to fight counterfeiting in India, a keen sense of

knowledge of brands and original products is required to be

cultivated. Thereafter, when a person comes across a product

which could be a potentially infringing product/brand, the second

step of raising a complaint comes.

Complaining about an infringing product is not merely the act of

complaining. It is not the case that once you come across an

infringing product, you can simply go to the Police authorities and

file a complaint. No! It is not limited to that.

The first step would be to ensure that the probable counterfeit

product and/or brand is actually causing infringement. The

second step is to bring the existence of such counterfeit to the

owner of the brand and/or the manufacturer of the product.

Subsequent to bringing it to the notice of the owner and/or

manufacturer, it is required to engage a piracy investigation

service provider in order to collate all possible details about the

infringing product, its manufacturer and all other relevant details.

Page 4: Fight against counterfeiting in india with brands and fakes team

After such collation, it is required to address a Cease and Desist

notice to the infringer calling upon him to stop his act of

infringement and submit all infringing products, statement of

accounts in relation to such products.

Usually, the infringer would not cooperate and then comes the

next step of initiating a legal action before the Court of Law.

However, in order to ensure that, the necessity of a privacy

investigation service provider is paramount in order to collate

relevant information before waging the war on fake products.

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