Page 1: Edition 41 Becca Pizzi

The Rose Reporteredition 41

March 7th, 2016

Lead Story, Shayna interviews World Marathoner Becca Pizzi…..The World Marathon is a pretty incredible event. For starters ONE marathon is a HUGE event! A marathon is running a race that is over 26 miles long!!! That is basically like running from the Woodward School to Fenway Park!!!! Now that is one marathon, the World Marathon event is running SEVEN marathons in SEVEN days!!! Oh and by the way it is on SEVEN different continents!!!!! Does this sound impossible? Well it almost is, but there is ONE woman in the whole country that did it, that’s right ONE, Ms. Becca Pizzi, and she readers is this weeks Rose Reporter featured interview! In addition to completing the World Marathon Challenge Ms. Pizzi has ran the Boston Marathon 15 times and ran a marathon in over 30 different states!! She is on her way towards completing all 50 states!Shayna: What inspires you?Becca: My eight year old inspires me to run, inspires me to be a better parent, to be a better athlete. Having the opportunity to do what I love, I love to run and I love to travel, getting to do those two things and have people follow me is a dream come true.Shayna: She sounds like a great inspiration!Becca: She’s my number one fan!Shayna: Can you tell me the most memorable part of your seven day journey?Becca: Ummm, I was VERY happy that all 15 runners finished. We all had our goals and we all put our minds to it and got it done, so that was very exciting. And Antarctica was very exciting for me.Shayna: What do you enjoy doing when you aren’t training?Becca: I like to take my daughter to dance, that’s her favorite sport, and gymnastics. Lot’s of time we’re doing homework or at the park. I also manage an ice cream shop in Belmont, Moozy’s Ice Cream Shop, so quite often we’re thereShayna: That ice cream shop sounds great!Becca: Yeah, it’s really good!Shayna: What are three things you can’t live without?Becca: I can’t live without my Garmin, which is my watch, I rely very heavily on it. There is a virtual partner in there, so if I’m feeling a little tired I just set the virtual partner, it tells me how fast I’m going so I don’t have to think about it. I can’t live without Starbuck’s because when I’m tired I need my Starbucks and it is the best way to start my day. And what would be the third thing…hmmmmShayna: Running???

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Becca: Yes, I can’t live without running, again it is one of my favorite ways to start the day and then at night after I put my daughter to bed I like to run around town or on my treadmill and clear my mind and then start all over again the next day.Shayna: What was your favorite continent?Becca: I had two favorites, Antarctica because it was like nothing else I had ever seen before. It was SO beautiful! Then Australia was awesome! The people were so friendly, they cheered for us the whole time! I also got to see a kangaroo, and a koala bear!Shayna: I always finish my interviews asking what is your favorite meal and dessert?Becca: Ok, so my favorite meal is pasta, I could eat pasta for breakfast, and I like chicken or shrimp on it! My favorite dessert is cookie dough icec cream with extra sprinkles!Shayna: I love that dessert too!Becca: What is your favorite dessert?Shayna: I love chocolate ice cream but cookie dough is my second favorite!Becca: Chocolate is my 2nd favorite. I think we should mix the two together and that would be a great day!!Shayna: YES!! Thank you so much for this interview and I will be cheering for you in the Boston Marathon this year!Becca: Thank you so much!

Meet Becca Pizzi!!!If you want to meet Becca Pizzi yourself you can! She will be appearing at:


In the Natick MallMarch 18th !!!

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Becca Pizzi ran in seven different cities on seven different continentsCan you match the right city to the right continent?

1) Antarctica A) Madrid 2) South America B) Dubai 3) North America C) Marrakech 4) Europe D)Sydney 5) Africa E) Miami 6) Asia F) Union Glacier 7) Australia G) Punta Arenas

Rose Reporter SportsThe sports news is starting to get a little more exciting

slowly but surely. The Red Sox are in full spring training mode in Florida and opening day is less than a month

away! I think at the very least it should be a much more exciting season than last year was! The Bruins have been playing better and even beat the Chicago Blackhawks this week! With the playoffs coming up The Rose Reporter is going to have to start paying closer attention to this team. The Celtics are still the favorites here at the Rose Reporter despite a tough loss to Cleveland this weekend. It’s not a team that is likely to win the championship but the thing

about this team is the fight harder than any team out there and are just so much fun to watch!!!

Quote of the Week!“Everbody is smart in different ways.

But if you judge a fish by it’s ability to climb a tree,it will live it’s life believing it is stupid.”

-Lynda Mullaly Hunt

Joke of the Week!

Question: Why does Peter Pan always fly?

Page 4: Edition 41 Becca Pizzi

Answer: Because he can “Neverland”

The Rose Reporter Book Review“Who Was Amelia Earhart?”

-By Kate Boehm JeromeAmelia Earhart was a woman of many "firsts." In 1932, she became the

first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. In 1935, she also became the first woman to fly across the Pacific. From her early years

to her mysterious 1937 disappearance while attempting a flight around the world, readers will find Amelia Earhart's life a fascinating story.

The Rose Reporter Weather

Editor in Chief Shayna Anne RoseTo see more of my interview with Becca Pizzi please check If you have any suggestions or contributions for The Rose Reporterplease email them to [email protected]

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