Download - BAWANG


BAWANG (Allium sativum)

Bawang or Garlic (Allium sativum) is a low herb that spices up food preparation and is one of the most widely used herbal medicines in the Philippines. The Philippine Department of Health recognized the therapeutic value of the garlic and endorsed it as one of the Top 10 Philippine herbs.Its active component, Allicin, has been used since World War II in treating wounds and infections of soldiers. Garlic contains sulfur-rich derivatives of the amino acid cysteine, including allicin, that are thought to give medicinal benefits. Little or no allicin is present in the intact garlic clove. The enzyme allinase interacts with the cysteine compound alliin producing allicin only when garlic is cut or crushed. Deodorized garlic powder may not contain the active components thought to inhibit cholesterol synthesis. Fresh garlic may achieve a significant amount of allicin in the diet, but the odor and stomach upset caused by raw garlic make it a difficult agent to use for a cholesterol-lowering agent. Cooked garlic may be better tolerated but prolonged cooking will inactivate the sulfur-containing compounds thought to be beneficial.

Health Benefits Good for the heart (CAD prevention) Helps lower LDL cholesterol Aids in lowering blood pressure Remedy for arteriosclerosis Cancer prevention (colorectal malignancies, gastric cancer) Boost immune system With antioxidant and anticoagulant properties Cough and cold remedy Relieves sore throat, toothache Aids in the treatment of tuberculosis Helps relieve rheumatism pain

As supported by medical findings, lowering blood pressure, reduction of platelet aggregation, and boosting of fibrinolytic activities are among the herbal functions of garlic. Based on population-based studies, it has been shown that substances contained in the garlic reduce the risk of certain types of cancer (i.e colorectal malignancy , gastric cancer). Studies also indicate that key enzymes in cholesterol biosynthesis, including HMG-CoA reductase, may be inhibited by the sulfur-containing compounds in garlic. Aside from its use as an alternative herbal medicine, garlic may also be used in maintaining good health.

Medicinal Uses and Preparations DISINFECTING WOUND - crush and juice the garlic bulb and apply - afflicted area may be covered with a gauze and bandage

SORE THROAT and TOOTHACHE - peel the skin and chew - swallow the juice

FEVER - decoction of the bawang bulbs and leaves NASAL CONGESTION - steam and inhale: vinegar, chopped garlic, and water

ARTHRITIS, TOOTHACHE, HEADACHE, RHEUMATISM- cloves of garlic may be crushed and applied to affected areas to reduce the pain

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