
10 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

You know that the science behind the Law of Attraction is about your vibration -- the energy that you

put out. Since it’s your emotions that create that energy or vibration, then it’s in your best interest to

learn some tricks to raise your vibration. Doing so can open you up to fun experiences and financial

success, as well as improve your

relationships with others.

Since you’re human, you have a

variety of emotions and

sometimes you just feel down.

There is nothing wrong with

having a case of the blues once in

a while, but no one wants to stay

there very long.

Learning to shift your energy is a

good skill to have and a powerful

tool parents can teach their kids.

Keep in mind that you cannot

change another person. You are only responsible for your own vibration, but when you raise your own

vibration, you’ll have a much better chance of having positive interactions with people.

Even if the other person is negative or having their own blue day, their reaction will not have an effect

on you. If they do, the impact won’t be as severe because you started up high and know how to get that

energy back.

Below are some of my favorite ways to lift my vibration. You don’t have to do them all and this isn’t an

assignment to do one time and mark it done. There are also other ways to raise your vibration -- maybe

something that I’ve never thought of, or something that works uniquely for you. Whatever works for

you is great; it is your vibration we’re talking about, after all.

Check with your Internal Guidance System to see which method feels the best to you. If you’re really

down, pick the one that seems the simplest. Can’t decide? Then start at the top and work your way

down the list over time.

Remember, this isn’t a chore. It’s okay if it feels “different” or not like something you would do. Actually,

that wouldn’t be surprising since you are trying something new -- it is different, but if anything really

feels wrong, then skip that one.

1. Walk Away. Take a break from what you are doing, even if it is just for a minute. Sometimes all

we need to do is stop the string of negative thoughts and emotions.

2. Walk It Off. Get up and go for a walk, whether around the house or office or outside. Moving

your body is scientifically proven to release feel-good hormones.

3. Get Some Air. Whether stretching your legs or kicking them up, a little fresh air and sunshine

gives you a new perspective and something many people are deficient of; Vitamin D, a known


4. Shift Gears. Do something entirely different that uses different parts of your body or your brain.

By mixing it up, you automatically have an opportunity for new emotions.

5. Get Your Groove On. Turn on some music and let yourself sing along and bop around in your

chair or your car. Even better, actually get up and dance.

6. Get Out of Town. Literally, or not – just get a change of scenery. This one can take a bit more

time, but if you have a favorite spot that you love, go there often to recharge your batteries.

Maybe it’s a Sunday afternoon drive or a visit to the local beach, mountain, or lake.

7. Pets. Your pets are wonderful energy lifters. Give them some loving attention and you will

immediately feel better. Whether you’re giving belly rubs or a playing a game of fetch, allow

their unconditional love and joy over just being with you rub off.

8. Child’s Play. Play with your kids or like a kid. Let your inner child come out. Get down on the

ground, play games like tag or Red Rover, swing on the swings at the local park.

9. Accentuate the Positive. Make a list of everything positive as it relates to the situation or person

that is causing your distress. Write down the smallest things that make you feel better. It could

be that the person you are mad at has a great smile or makes a killer cup of coffee. Keep writing

and you will feel your energy shift as you focus on the positive instead of the negative.

10. Meditation. A lot of people put this first on their lists because it’s so powerful, but it also takes

some practice. Some people like guided meditations that are available on CD, but you can take a

walking meditation. Use this time to tap into your Internal Guidance System, or to clear your


Whenever you are feeling down, taking even just a minute to help raise your vibration can make the

world of difference. You will be more productive and happier, and you will be amazed at how the things

that were bugging you seem to melt away.

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