different ways to use linkedin key

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Post on 03-Jun-2018




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  • 8/12/2019 Different Ways to Use Linkedin Key


    TASK ONE. (5 x 1.5 marks= 7.5 marks)Read the followi! texts ad mat"h ea"h of them to the headi! ithe "hart that #est des"ri#es it. $rite the "orres%odi! &m#er ithe white #oxes %ro'ided. There are three headi!s o& will oteed. Text is !i'e as a exam%le.



    TE*T +ost %eo%le &se ,iked- to !et to someoe/ i order to make a sale0 form a%artershi%0 or !et a o#. -t works well for this #e"a&se it is a olie etwork ofmore tha 2.5 millio ex%erie"ed %rofessioals from aro&d the worldre%reseti! 13 id&stries. 4owe'er0 it is a tool that is &der&tili6ed0 so -'e"om%iled a to%te list of was to i"rease the 'al&e of ,iked-.

    TE*T 1

    8 addi! "oe"tios0 o& i"rease the likelihood that %eo%le will see o&r%rofile first whe there sear"hi! for someoe to hire or do #&siess with. -additio to a%%eari! at the to% of sear"h res&lts (whi"h is a maor %l&s if o&reoe of the 590 %rod&"t maa!ers o ,iked-)0 %eo%le wo&ld m&"h ratherwork with %eo%le who their frieds kow ad tr&st.

    TE*T 9.- additio to o&r ame0 o& "a also %romote o&r #lo! or we#site to sear"he!ies like :oo!le ad ;ahoo< ;o&r ,iked- %rofile allows o& to %li"i6ewe#sites. There are a few %resele"ted "ate!ories like + $e#site/0 +om%a/0 et". -f o& sele"t Other/ o& "a modif the ame of the lik. -f

    o&re liki! to o&r %ersoal #lo!0 i"l&de o&r ame or des"ri%ti'e terms ithe lik0 ad 'oila< -stat sear"he!ie o%timi6atio for o&r site. To makethis work0 #e s&re o&r %li" %rofile setti! is set to >&ll ?iew/.

    TE*T 3.,iked- is a refere"e "he"k took to i%&t a "om%a ame ad the ears the%erso worked at the "om%a to sear"h for refere"es. ;o&r sear"h will fidthe %eo%le who worked at the "om%a d&ri! the same time %eriod. Si"erefere"es %ro'ided # a "adidate will !eerall #e !lowi!0 this is a !oodwa to !et more #ala"ed data.

    TE*T @.om%aies will t%i"all "he"k o&r refere"es #efore hiri! o&0 #&t ha'e o&e'er tho&!ht of "he"ki! o&r %ros%e"ti'e maa!ers refere"es +ostiter'iewees dot ha'e the a&da"it to ask a %otetial #oss for refere"es0 #&twith ,iked- o& ha'e a wa to s"o%e her o&t.

    TE*T 5.,iked-s ewest %rod&"t0 ,iked- Aswers/0 aims to ea#le this olie. The%rod&"t allows o& to #road"ast o&r #&siessrelated B&estios to #oth o&retwork ad the !reater ,iked- etwork. The %remise is that o& will !et

    more hi!h'al&e res%oses from the %eo%le i o&r etwork tha more o%efor&ms.Adapted from A Leadership Survey, January 2007.

  • 8/12/2019 Different Ways to Use Linkedin Key





    A. A meeting place for professionals

    B. As for professional advice!. !reate your o"n "e#page.

    $. %nhance your site "ith search engines.

    %. %nlarge your visi#ility.

    &. &ind out a#out your ne" employer.

    '. (eep in contact "ith your ac)uaintances

    *. +easure the health of a company.

    . -#tain information a#out employees.