deviance ppt

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  • 7/29/2019 Deviance Ppt


    Essential Question

    In what ways does

    crime and deviancemold culture?

  • 7/29/2019 Deviance Ppt


    Crime and Deviance from the

    Symbolic Interactionist,Functionalist, and Conflict

    perspectives of sociology

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    Symbolic Interactionist

    Differential Association Theory

    Control Theory

    Labeling Theory

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    Differential Association (SI)

    Sutherlandproclaims that deviation is learnedthrough the different groups that we associate with

    Who we associate with gives us mixed messages

    about conformity and the end result may tilt us inthe direction of deviation

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    Control Theory (SI)

    Inner controls (morality) and Outer controls(people) influence us not to deviate

    Attachments, Commitments, Involvements, and

    Beliefs (SELF-CONTROL) fosters strong innercontrols

    Continued interactions with various symbols thatkeep one from deviating should start early in


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    Scenario for Control Theory

    There is pressure to take drugs at a party

    Most people at the party are taking drugs, and simplecuriosity pushes you into the mind frame toparticipate as well

    Inner conscience and parental influence andteacher influence (outer) alert you to danger

    What to do? Follow the pushes or your inner andouter controls?

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    Labeling Theory (SI)

    Focus on significance of labels that we are givenwhich influence our self-concept.which, in turn, actas a diversion to deviance or sends us along a path ofdeviance

    Most people do resist these labels even while beingdeviants (see techniques of neutralization handout)

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    Please remember:

    *It is impossible to follow EVERY societal norm ALLof is therefore necessary to justify small actsof deviance to neutralize the moral demands ofsociety.

    *Sociologists have research that shows that peoplewill deflect labels through a variety of techniques.

    They will deny responsibility, deny injury, deny thevictim, condemn the condemner, and appeal tohigher loyalties

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    Denial of Responsibility

    I couldnt help myself

    Its not my fault

    It was an accident.

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    Denial Of Injury

    I wasnt hurting anyone

    I was just fooling around

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    Denial of Victim

    They deserved it.

    I was getting him/her back for.

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    Condemning the Condemner

    Who are you to accuse me.

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    Appeal to Higher Loyalties

    I had to help my friend

    Wouldnt you have done the same?

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    The Functionalist Perspective~ Theory one~

    Durkheim states that crime contributesto the maintenance of social order

    Deviance performs 4 functions Clarifies Moral Boundaries

    Affirms Norms

    Promotes social unity

    Promotes social change

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    ~Theory Two~It begins with the myth


    AND SERVICES(the American Dream)

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    One of the most fundamental social values is to

    train the most talented people to take over jobs insociety, whether they are wealthy or

    impoverished, in order to keep up with modern

    society (Cloward and Ohlin, 1960)

    Society therefore tries to motivate everyone

    including the poor, primarily through the media,

    into wanting to own things. showing the middle

    class and others enjoying many luxuries tosucceed therefore competition is created

    Competition to reach the American Dream

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    ?What happens when people experienceunequal access to the institutionalized means

    necessary to succeed?

    Pimping, drug dealing, gambling, even white

    collar crime ( DID YOU KNOW>>>>that white

    collar crime costs more (in dollars) than streetcrime?) or otherillegitimate opportunities aretaken to deal with the STRAIN, and/or achieve

    set goals

    In other wordscrime becomes functional

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    They are still exposed to the AmericanDreamthat is hard to obtain nowthey

    become discontented or a dissatisfaction

    with ones self, frustrated with the will to

    better ones self in order to

    compete.but no longer has the means to

    do so

    .this is called

    STRAIN (F)

    The all stratification levels

    begin their education (an

    institutionalized mean)The middle class runs the

    public school sectorby

    high school it does not

    serve the impoverished

    culture.some drop out

    (see demographics for dropouts)

    ~Example One~

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    ~Example Two~


    studied whitecollar crime)

    A wealthy woman works for a

    corporation. A great life. Is living the

    American Dream. She is exposed to

    colleagues that have a yacht, travelabroad, are trading in their 5 bedroom

    homes for 7 bedroom homes.she has

    done everything she can to be

    promotable for some reason she had

    not received the promotion. (In other

    words, her institutionalized mean has

    broken down)

    She is stressed and frustrated and

    feels the

    discontent.STRAINED.She begins

    embezzling illegitimateopportunity (a crime in this case) that

    helps her achieve more of the

    American Dream

    Crime is



    opportunity to

    achieve the

    American Dream

  • 7/29/2019 Deviance Ppt


    To summarize:

    Goals or high status and wealth are desiredandthen a higher status and more wealth

    BUTsociety withholds institutionalized means

    Therefore STRAIN (F) or frustration turns intodeviance

    As a result people participate in illegitimateopportunity and/or experience anomie (another oneof Durkheims concepts)


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    er on s ra n eory(refer to the handout)

    Merton studied ANOMIE a feeling of normlessnessis felt by those that experiencing strain

    Since working and getting and education do not getthem close to pursuing the American Dream theycannot identify with the norms

    Therefore, societys norms seem illegitimate

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    M O V I E A N D A S S E S S M E N T P A P E R

    Roger and Me and Social Strain

  • 7/29/2019 Deviance Ppt


    The Conflict Perspective and Deviance

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    Where is the conflict?

    Deviance is the strugglebetween those that

    own the means of production and those thatdo not

    Main Social Conflict social inequality and power

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    The power elite protectsits power by passing laws

    that ensures that anyonethat threatens the power

    goes to prison

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    Stratification within U.S. Society

    Capitalists: buy labor and control the workers

    Working Class: those who sell their labor

    Marginal Working Class: those who have few skillsand are subject to layoffs, have low pay for the

    labor they sell, are part-time or seasonal This class supplies our prison system

    Desperation leads to street crime, which leads to severepunishment because that crime comes in conflict with social order

    a s cs

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    a s cs

    a s cs
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    a s cs
  • 7/29/2019 Deviance Ppt


    Additional information on the conceptscovered in this packet can be found in

    Chapter 8 or your text. Sign out a book if

    you the supplemental information!

  • 7/29/2019 Deviance Ppt


    Project begins that will

    help us answer ouressential question