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desorpcija nikotina


. , 2012. UNIVERSITY OF BELGRADE FACULTY OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Nataa N. Lazarevi ISOTHERMAL KINETICS OF NICOTINE DESORPTION AND RELEASE FROM DIFFERRENT ADSORBENTS AND HYDROGEL Doctoral Dissertation Belgrade, 2012. : , , ! : "# $%, , & , , ' ', , (, )# , *: ++++++++++,-.,/ . . !"" #$ . % & & '#$"$ !$.# #$" ( '$." "'#'# ! . *& , & *1,:2 & * 345, *2 & 345,2& 0&,2 &6788,2 &*0 49:,,2&* 049:,2*1 / &/)& 49:,; / $ $ & -& %,# /%,#+(!C$ $'(&,",$ $+ -& #$ !D.,$$0+ +0+?#,(/ ,$',, !-,&!=%& -#&$"0%!5'" % 0+ / ' , $$0+!5''$+ 0+,$$0&& ($ ) #.+ ((/ , # -) )13*! 5 & %&/0+#$' &'"$+ & & $!, 0+ & $#$%,' & % $ $!K,((+' #$! %' # $ & !2 2.2.A ! 2.2.1. ! 5L--$(ni

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