democratic press (ravenna, ohio : 1868). (ravenna, oh) 1873-05-15 … › ... › ed-1 ›...

" : " - : y , J -- .C- 1 mponum ... of Traffic! COVET OF COMMON PLKAS. The followiu? is s summary of the proceed 5 I: THE DEMOCRATIC PRESS. CU?TE1AI1J A fiTTSBTJKG KAILKOAD nnw wwir . ....... : . IUeaA!rLoLToi,.wels.kaawD citizen of Kootstown, died at the resi- dence of his briliejf inlsjw, la,rry Allen, tin Day street, in this village, re filler tetet riidSijraT UeWircledAv!!!! cfVniptelioif diseases, and as to. the character of that whith" cartsed his death the at H ' r -- 7 SS .': BPO-H- . ; (3.iti.tS Pt-J- ' ST:o I - . 'J.'-- - t .. i: v mimW a. j..3,.'.s.'.:; y XJ e j ZZi-';- t ' o CO f Co ro : Ol It." li . j,j 1 .. y ... ... i . V.i ..Uwl-- . - I m I, 'I .:' ...- - ' CO CO m o 7 ings of the Court since the commencement of Ae ssskn. Esther Whitney vjTLowia Johnson et al. Disinisse.. without Mjedue. 1. smart loi at ueAu'.V- - . ..V tJJ..,..,. . K . V OfH IS unHirKv at plaintiff's cost JL ftlt:arv turpi ft. Mvckweli of A Kuggtes-ilordeft- '1 fr, A IloiAce.fa. Tdden v Henry. li Tildejo and Cliarie S.ecl.Klit-i:-irti.i- o erftered. i John Koi ver lor put. i V. v j 1 1 i.,LTii wslielan Clattiret al 'Heittli of Gibu Hailwk sugsw.e.raii Allt aL.eci Auni r..moue parig. iun. ?oii,ijuv.. itouioton fop ilif. H. 1.-- ei t i 1 ttefr. . - ' ; tte vs i. ward Shaw ConUaiMsl, fcrt to give for appearauce wirii. Milmus llrorn auU Hatid Collins sureties in t lOML whicti done.. C. A. Eeec for atate. -" -- - Roval I. lluU'hinson va lianiel c Morton of Seuieil at deft's-eost- . .'. Ptielps lor pUT. Martin 11. Icomi:. vs John 11. lHile aetuea and oots paid. i j. . Anuea irn. v.rviuo j Leave rivea defti tvarsw.r iu 0 imiv from rising oriwnxt sad , coatiauedT. Eockweil a KuKKies lor pin. 1 - - O. ff. E kelLJA Joha Wiybtuisa Leavt given plu'. uille petition in Suoays from risina of ( ourt, ttDii oeis to answer in 20 da'y ibereaf-teran- d ruuMMuett , MoukwelL Ac Haggles loi plff. athan C. Sears vs Joel I. Hough Settled and coots paid. l'a Jt o. Canal Co. vs Ruel I.. ShirtlilT et al ui teathof Gibbs Haliet-- suggested and win'r ou mde party. Uoi kwrllAt u uggles for defis. aj Pa. A O." Canal u. vs iLlibii Luce et al. Same entry as uln-v- liockwell a Kuggles forUeit Km-- well A. vs John W iicbtman Plaintifl. have leave to file petition in 80 day? troin tern. lief't to answer iu davs tlieiaay L i C;r Mini ii Hr " mf lc(..,U.UUfl... j iu a iu m m w s tsia a ." enwf'tl rrs-- i i.Siatioiui.iea.llf.5ta1.ioi I .j i i 1.. C-,- .' uu:. In. " . i : H , " a ..! : i f iniiit . . tU f 'lVi ! .,0O :.'D;'. l O ill'l i :ltS ,. .I'll 11 Jil till; 'jliu:' ii' ,it ' i li i Vi! .'! I' "iU, t ill'.. ,7J.-tf- i Jli'll': I.': ' !m nlVr ',91: !: ..M !;.. ,.wv :uW ' i tU'; :'l 1 jini! lasir; . ill r:i. : ! .iiOii ..ffiiii .l tsi ysf iiii i ill fejpvii. j : .: l o t & ;,o' -- Jtnf u'B k! f ";,'i'!!J li '! i II Oil : t'ii Jin Jigsrldj ; nv. Sll ' v J'n : lit ii'uin I I ii'iv ii0.-- oil I lljH'2!' ii5TJnUi Illi ill II I 111 ill.'.. . . 4 mileastu' Ratenna " I i!s,...i., O9r.tlSK0B.H3!44iA.!V:.7,;l, UZ - "l if :".'- ' I' I :':: . i. Mi '!'! CD. i A t it iu if ,UH it I H . JO 0 to, r .if ii i nitnmr -- n' .iiH .;! .nil'' i ; r i i.ifTi lutiiif it i ' li. 1" i I IVlMf iiii.. 'ti- - nr CO II i:i , :''.:! : tu t j Ill .11 ' ,;i:r ..ii. In't' I h!i !nu; .Sd'tJ..' ji; ''' : 'L-j"- "-' Pi'it'ii'ii,;. hitl :ii IIL.A lO'.mmti'-- ' 1 ( 1 .ti.i i'ii-- iii .ii..' i :l li O ' l !.-:- P.i; .liu.'i ",' !... , ... l- i.jl;ea .i:.t - h iv a t;" ' ; ; ; - u:ii km . i.- - 7T? r.'. r. ;:c-.- ,i'.:0.ii!v . i ... : l 3: : I yrv :uvi :u i.; no oft-3'-- ' ' oil .u i i .i tr ' "' -imi . ' OF THE jbrtlieru Pacific Railroaa. Tha First National Bank, , 9 r uill4nAi b now selling and unheslUt-.sgi- y repenmeu.i lie bunds to their customers nan an have woncv to invest. as proniabie Sreil as sate i'liaesluwnl tuel i now oJewl to J' ' 'J '' ' llnnlilio. T , .laving mode careful inquiry o good and ibianciera wlm h.tve Lilly in.estiga-- I the securities iiKn aliieli tae told id am based uuiiwl doul. 1 lie report, bom rial and unoiucial. heretofore published. .firmed n they are by the letters of such honorable gentlemen a liaiard ,i.L-ov.liross.- oi lliiaii. l wr lryau who have recently visited the ew " tun et. Letters just published una eon be J... liank free. .. 'Living loll conhdence in these securities. fe ordered large- - amount or the l-- Gold - hiltond, mid will be pleased to supply all Jcustoioers and oth. rs who are desirous of h inis a ood. Safe and Prolttal.le n wMmelit. i" to keep on hand Bond of 1UU, MTO and fL-- v Iwhicll we exchange for t,veriutini 5 0 Id on which interne will soon ease. Thus Siring a handsome profit and the iu to i& per cent- - y (ill nay highest market price forCOupons OB raf 1U0 ant lioveriimeut Bond . -- 5 iterest sUewed ou time deposit.. grafts drawn an.t eahed on all the principal Shi. Wie Vrafts uniieu on ssvvcn. lamgtsnd. Ireland snd U Kinturo..-- , ,, ' t;Yue .j,.. 1 wmn. Cashldr. 16a. ;y kSD NATIONAL BANK, of raVens a, 6, Liquated Depositary of tta .: .. V. s. Boiidi anil Securities banght. sob! and .hanged, at our counter, at best maAct rate locks and Honda, or all kinds bought and Jon New York, or t. Market rata tor O and - tiponav old.- - Silver, and premium fundi. ' r' uHkirids." ' .rarta drawn and cashed on all the principal States;"': : i ! ! "!' - ' ies in the CnHml IKht Urartu od Kiig I mid and Treland and ate TIekeM to or" from thoHr pities at ir Vork rates. ' Revenue Stamp all si tor sale. ecounta and Depotlta of Binexs men and ividuals, vceived oJsuit favorftlfeenur lPmptandVleral" iterVirtlbTr4: Hue) dnhp tnjiy be teeilupon.v BE Leo. Uoeissom, President. .. AND -) "t .'r (lOAiv ASSOCIATION i fCAPITAIi feo-OC- $100,000. tock orDKfts jpkjgoN'Ai.ii'T xia N AlDITIOX FOtt AN. KWiLAMOUNT ; IaKIISU IOTAt lKOUir ii:fo8- - fOR3A!(l I.KIil)lT01tSO. tK.0(M). , i OF F ICI2 IN CTNA B LOC K . I (Late E. 8. Comstouk'a JUink. .... i..-- Iw'adliontoa: reneral rlaaklnp, CoJ- - X ftction and h.thn linsiiies. tliia Ao.Matum 3 Borrtsll le a lank, as deposits will be r iewed-i- a Jo-- ? iirtinent in sums of oiw dollar and. i', ud interest will I allowed thereon at the rate 5 if six per cent nr hihhm,. iouipuiuvrt. smi, I innuaMy;oilielrsdaysorilanuaryi amlJaly, 4 luusolferiiivr rare advantage to iwiwins oflim-- i to means to sue tha ocensioHal dollar, which i f the sure road to wealth. 1 i I iii ia Allowed on Time ? lertiacittcs of VHjMisit in HKioi tiun loih ini: i;irwhich'theieai4t'iiiiawi 1 i 1 if v "V c II. 8: UoikI uiiil seeuriiiea o.iiiK"i " i' fti.l,: i. 1n- - lv.q . n'A i l!i !Ut ..). .' I'jJ'i! Ift'i !u Tl. su; 4 ;,r .(ia : u!j , l . ,i:CJj -i- ls.-, 1'iii ..;.ji! ol . )1 !. ', : rt i 'jtll I .!:- -; . ,: ' -- ., .. ...' !.J !!' il Ui : ' n lb' '.! a It'U. ' ' pi ' 0 nol' id i iii: ui- i 'i!iv UJ9li IU I iVO'i !i 'Hi' iiH-.- : lo ii' -- .: ..'j i.i1,: . ,' j'..1 'i.iJi j. ll. iii t'J - O'''1 i.i ji.,!rol ii ti,f:a-f,- s : in:; j. I "r--'- ji Ai. . i ( i - B"'&''- - iSPI !.,ff inn ' . A '6 00 1) ..BUI ..! .; yiTr.7 li i l;: . '. UiK.i . ii(i! filiwi-asavioo- fl 'ji!. Jllottf. :,il y..-- I : nl ilfuq Iiiik . iTN(? ;,1 .jT IS Til Ij;;; ...litii li-- M it. , u mi oii; n:!';i iriiiTJVo. J 'U'-- ealm linu ., Iu. i Jon vi: ' .'A iOtt t:jjj i.ii n!:i)jj i.IJ "iOiM nli!" vil . - I i 'J.- - i't - - mUl Yt.'ZT- "n :.iT:: inr.r. o r . s ... " ; i.i)... s'lui '.) . The common Wood Pump has well served li day and genera4on." but has slwan Ikmh' a.,... fct. t.lm iiliiM-jin- th. l.hi. wmmIi whtire ihi iitungerwoiissoon weara away, .much. of tba rater runs nack, and tne inicaeis lieingimpeiieoti in a jsboit time al t sow aud laborious o,.erutiou to raise water, ad tie pump is of but little ue. ' ''' This isa :day of iinpeovumentsv.' ahd'by re-..' f Ttv!.lr Vnlvos ArJl - f I Tzr- -: TU,.. m.i xLi$r -- iifipt - v -- a a. ,c:i )juti;ri rl ai ivi:ii;i n SimgleDttfableEasy - of ; ActionGh(pl;; f i --oJil at best market rates.- - ' V; - tlNortlienl Paclfle KaBros L SO -- Colli I rTjonil a ilit class investment, lor sain. I lliost Market price paid for U. S. and ccutanu very imioruiut iniiruvviiwiivtnu tutMi:,( liuve l.ecn the. -- ",' j .... j !,.. . ... . i.i .Riritj-- flexible; Me tal. Lined t ! j ,.- - 'f l r ii'- - .m.ioil oill l u "V. :. ..! .i...... .. .'.j.'i;i.'. j -- .!' 4. '.7 olii f ;;::l -- . ''iii :tl Vfcltl It.'.al. Vi and after Utse. it. lsfli. Trains will leave Station. daily. (Sundays excepted.) astollows: GOING SOUTH MAIN LUtK. STATIOKa. MAIL. Olevelauil.. .. !.. l 55 r. Uuuam............ . .' 3.x - .i . itavenua 10.16 " o.i Alliance .....11.JU " . " a.Uo ". bayard ....j..Jl- - r. If. 4.41 VVelUville... .. I.IW - 1'ilUburh h.. ... . S,SUr 6,2U J GOING SOBTI1 -- M AIM ' 8TAT1UM1. ", ' tiL C IXrKKIMI. ACCOM. PittebuTgb. ........ i"a.i. 115r. u. Wellsviilc. 8 55 " 8.15 " Bayard 10!W " 4.30 " Aiiumce .HJt5 "" - 0 A. Ravenna. H.l r. 11.5 48 B UI " Hudson 145 14 " b.45 " Cleveluml..... Im " Uo " lU-t- GOING KAKT-RIT- KR DIVISION STATIONS. ACCOX . if Ail. ' Exruaa Bellair". 5.45a at. 10 50 am. s r. Bridgeport. 55 11 110 " 8 45 " Steiibenv'e. 6 57 l lfCF.M4 45 " Wellsviile. 8.15 ' 1 85 - 8.90 " Etochester.. " 85 " 7.15 " Pitb,lnrgh10.4U ttOCKG WEST KIVIR UIVISIOS. STaTIONH. ACCOM. MAIL. EX MESS. ACCOM Pituburgk MlA.M. 1 .15P.M. IfiF. M Pochester.. 7 40 t.t " 6 m VTellsville.. 8 50 " so 7 (J0 " Mteulienv'o. ri M " - 4.S0" 8 . 09 os " Bridgeport 11 tn- - - Bellair . . U.10 V 8 40" 8 80 TTJUCABVAW A8 BBAMCU. , i Ieavea Bavard. t.10 ua p. m. ISew Philadelpbia. 8.4U a.nt and 100 p.m. .Arrive. Ravard. t.4K a. m. and 4i) p. m. . New Philadelpbia, 8.(8 and 7.8 if. m. fc t r. ' .P - f m l KKd,? ft ij 1 General Passenger and Ticket A cert.:. A. W. Ky Chnge of Tin. The following are (he times of Hie departure of trains at the1 points below. - lrtook effect Monday, Jan. l.'ih : tiff. j 1 "GOIXtf WEST- S.l 5? 1 - ; EX. Mail . Ac 7.. F'tSl f i a. bi. p m., p. a. m. p. ni Windham..".'. -- : 5j0 SHIS i0 Kreolom 6aM 8 10:1K 4rti Kavenu.,.,....5:54 8:10 8:40 10:8. ib Hent 835 4K 1110 8rW i GOING EAST, i f?.' ' Mail., Brf.'SlS'tec 1'SL 'XJSi Windhirri.'.-.SK- v ' . '"J Freedom...... ..b:IO 8:18 . Ravenna. ' 8 8.x .',, t? Kent, ;..:;t;V),a1i,.;;:i Trains marked do not stop.,,tt Trains marked t stopoa signal. ,ri . ,ju.t - ",7 ; REM.EsiBEAt.;;- - ;;,;';.v,i "n The place to buy is at i I ,ir m: .i j. ' f: D. HTJBSOJI'S. - i - M. j ;; i i Li p-- .. ' f j i" . J'.1,',VT',8a.vo,3r! f Vi i"i-4- Go to J.' S.Walker's; opiwilU. Cttixena Hall.u get vour clotbsa cleaned and rpaired- - 'o look a good as new. .,.. ., . ,a f "ii' "; ' l,,.;.,r-- . Laaiy Chiuasrs. - Just received, a large lot of Flint Lamp Calm neys. 'Try Uiem SMITH. WOOD EC FF A CO. . j j CHEAP. CHEAPER. CHEAPEST. V,;"' Just opened at EEATa'T'jJ 10U army- Jackekt which cost tn Government 88 each, will b. sold at tx each. Just the thing for doing cboret In around home !.!.' SPECIAE. FRICKS ; : - 5 fin lvdrcdat 9 to reiklc stock as rsidTy a possible, at BEATTV'S." tieoemlierS-l- , 1KTS. . . . CHI.R4SN'd CLOTHKA rT(r SiliUUlforHiiljren from I D8yeaijDf.afH,M New Y01 k cost, to close out, at BE ATI' VS. i , SFECJAL JPRICKS In CTptlts and ' Stack ! re-- I diioe.1. Call at . BEATTY'S. . : M kllY MiHOK AtOV . 'V 'I ' Who purchases a suit ol clothes during the next 10 days. Will loss tubney naless" h calls -- uptiii 4.':. 1: K a rTY tx fore purchasing, as I am de- sirous pi reducing my stock to the lowest yossi-fil- e .Min t, prCDarrltory to the Spring trade. .tr .; .; . HATS CAPS. Notwit hstanding the lively trade In Hats and Cups, I hare still a good stock on hand as 1 am Teceiviiig almost daily additions to it, ii,' ' J.UBEiTtr. :(i:i , ,, Sonp. Soap. . .. Fine Honey Soap and Glycerine Soap at 3 cts ., per caae, at the stoic of N. Cokvuise.. . . Call and Examine it I'he new $4.5U Beil Spring, mantifactnrefl by V ance W ells, the best article ever sold lor Uu money i : Every oae guaraataed to gixts sa&isl'atv .on. . Btt-- tf. :' j HOW Tq SAVE MONET- - j , j , Ton will save money by purchasing a Davit Sewing Machine, as it is so simple that you can learn to use U in three hours, thereby saving tht trouble and expeaseof boarding an Agent iron-seve- n to ten days. SU7. i ' FLAX STRAW WANTED. The highest market price will be paid for any quantity of Flax Straw delivered at 111 y mill near the A. & G. W. Railroad Station, in Kavenna. : U. A. UQOUTTLE. ' ' Ravenna July SO. 18TC3. . S08-t- f. ' ' GlajfS'Ware. The largest stock in town may be found at May 29. 1872. 197. .DEMING'S.. FRENCH YPK SHIRTS. - r VTe are agents for- - BaHou Co.,' French Yoke Shirts, the best .fitting shirt ever made We have tbem in all grades, mneh better and cheaper than you can get them. made. Call and look at them before having any made. Dec. 18, 189S FLAT 11 POE, ..;!.!. particular Attention t... ii.. paid to cutting garments for ladies to make up by J. S. Walker, opposite Citizens Hall. K,-vr3sr.r- &: - COXSERVATORV OP MlSIl)! Reed New Block, Jfai Street. , . ' AU branches or Music taught thoroughly and systematically. .'.'., ' Tuition in each branch . f 12 80 except. Harmony Class .. 5 00 Juvenile ocal Class SOD .Misak. ISABELLA REID, Prin. P, O. Box 19. . . 898tf ; J ABTI FILIAL TEETH. Inserted on all approved bases, at H. T. C.iTAKK'8 Dental ofllceand Lahratory, over First National Bank, Ravenna, Ohio. - ' - . WH-t-f. NO. 4. - ; ;'KOi74. PHENIX - BLOCK! For the Spring;; of 1873. ; ' Having returned from the East, we are now prepared to thow our patrons the i1 i ,' ' ; ' U"ew Styles in Spring Gciocfs, Consisting dr'" M I L L I N E ll Y , Fancy and Domestic GoctM ; Our PATTERN.BONXETS are lieautifnl Burticfe's Fashion Plates and Patterns are en exhibition at eur rooms, and any pattern that play uu ticsirci will ua iiiniiaueu. 1 Our stock of ' ' ' : '' ' REAL AND IM. HAIR GOODS ' was never so large as-a- t riresenb '' Our SHILLING CALICO was never so hand-som- as now. For the benefit of all we offer . Clark's Spool Cotton at G cents French 1G bone Woven Corsets at oO cents each. Tinted Kid Gloves at 75 cents. and many other articles at equally low prices. In about two weeks we shall offers large lineoi 3? A R S O L S , ' at sbont half former prices. Mrs. Reed, as heretofore, gives the business her personal attention. ' Ii. W. REED. No,4,Phenix Block.' ' Bavenna, Ohio. April 1st, 1873. S48-4- t. Atwatcf: Station ! fr..At linnmT.mfnN m tle b.V' cularrinr and lieauiitviug thn Muire ro.Mii,' aud building iia ad.tH tonal warebonse gives m- - greater- - taoili-lies than ever for doing a grs'-ci- as business, ma,t hannclust setarneU fromHew'io.k where I have purchased s large, avwrtmeut ol tne new. s sty ie oi if y vooi. v, n ci ..p, v.. wnicn l am now receiving, couaim-iu- ui Black Alpscrs. all grades. Colored Alpacas lira i tbith, Japanese tloih. JuninrK Pla.d, ripeLraris'ri)fiilisMJJioini utripes. , .ro- - i:Aiie sin,., aroiftl - onqpimi,, iti... tm .uu Bishop Lawns, Pequo. W hits. Ball ana Figured DOMESTICS"; " Oottonades of everv kind and stvle.. Dnims. siripe-t- r Uiw I nick. Tickiiigr--frbiFtIin- Mus- lins, tjlesGhedsftid unblsaoiied, attnd-judlrtu.- n Coweliug. sll grades, aud a 1 selling cueap. Woolen Goods! WooleiS. Goods! J . ,,i...j;t. - Csssimeres, of which 1 have a nice seleciion ir all stvlt-- s anil' brices irom no cents npwaru Black Deoskins nd Broadcloth,, selling vet 1, low. '! HATS v.A.TSTDt- - CAPS: As fine su assortment of Hsts snd Caps, for Men autl Bovs. as volt ever saw. I'aliuleat. Straw, Fsney Straw, Wool snd fur bats, A splendid lot ot Ladies', stisees' and Children s trimmed Hats, all beauties. CIjOTHING! full line of Summer Clothing.' Suits for every day and fancy suits, selling very low. Shawls.!. Shawls! .iSha wis It or every oescriptioa an.. i. .u, tttti.Ty. .u ijs., ollain sad Otlomau, Selluig lor ft, and upward. All uicestyVjsi i. . . , ' Parasols Cotton and Silk, .cheap, ill!,...;. .! r...,L.l v.!?..'1' ';' ''. T ' .ii "uVJl. .H'lW-- l -' i ii Umbrellas All Qualities. Trunks, Satchels and Ladies Reticriles. NOTIONS. , . M Latfles' Glovesrfrbm 15c upward.. Hose. from 1U upward. British half bose, all prices. Uihbous. all widths asdcolors.-- r Blacky Velvet Ribbons, all widtis.. lVes iTrlmnriags.-Buttons- . Ac. Marsaille Trimmiug, and Collars. fancy KOucne lor uses, rape'' collars, nnin fronts, liuen Hdkls . bair oil, perfumery and all Jtber goods iu the Notion Iise.- - ' ". , Bpot and 3Uoes. Ladies'. Missf s snd Children's Gaiters, Moreeco shoes, chead, fancy snd plain. Faney slippers ; Mea'a and Atof a.' uoo48ananeoe. Auuzcaanu prifettasnlt.- t t T ;S ,ii , - .1 -- 1 Sugar, all arrailavfand prices, as low as-ca- he fouud elsewhere. Teas, all grades' aud kinds. Coffee, Stares,, aos chocolate. Tobacco, Cod aud Wbfoa Fish, and everything in cturtrocery line that Is generally kepi in 2 country score, j HardM'airetrNails, 4oor TriajiuiugB, j. lies, Mammers blc: y . CrocJccry I have a large stock ot Vjbeevswai-- which 1 am oneriug at a very small profit, "s Glasswartr--- a nice assortment, cbeftp WaterLim5.White Xiime, SaTfaiid other goods not mentioned. M B It will' be to the interest ot all to come and see me before Luying, as 1 sell nearly all my goods for cann, sua tne rest, on very snort credit. 1 sin enabled to sell a cheap as any ta-- b store iu tuecouuiyv . . . .! Teankful for the large amount of patronage have recieved, and hoping by lair dealing to merit s continuance ol the same, 1 iuviie ail to come and see me. Market price paid for all kiuilsof Country Jfroduce, .ALJBERTLDJX Atwater, O. May 14, 1873, m. Cballer & Tbompson Successors to CHALKEK St CAN.NOX, lake reat pleasuro in informing the people of - ' 7. ' t - ' I Ulantua Station and. vicinity that tbey hve established at the STATION j" what has long been needed there, a . . ', - "" " ioi TDry Goods & Grocery S TORE ! isriw: stokei JSTEW GOODS ! , EW PRICES! Keineaiber, last hei eifter bttainess headquar ters will be at N"0i5 Folerei 31oclc, . '.iJti-'- , &-r- V i. : where all are invited to call and examine our . . . ' ' ' StOOkof : i "I-- . - - DRT G-O- O jy&f ,"; ; ... i .. .' i. :'.- '' ' . VS 1 . Coilsifting in pari of 1 ' Ladles' Fancy Dress Goods, Dress Silks, --Japanese and Gros 1 ? ' f - -- BfacJzAlfacas, Grain' Silks, Poplins and-JSIo- - Jutirdi from the Cheapest to Oie 'Best. " '.'- - ' Ginghams,DeLainesJd5Prin ts, at Bottom Prices . All grades of Cotton Goods, "Bleached and Unbleached . - Ladies, call and see our . FANCY SHAWLS, of the very best styles. ... . - - j . - Gentlemen, remember we make aepe-ialt- y of ReaTly'rhadfi Clothing! Come, and we will try, and suit yon. Of all grades, from the cheapest to the best. , - , ! :. - r, f: French Broad Olotlis. BOOTS & SHOES ! A full line. GROGERIES JS t.: Highest price paid for all kinds of Produce. CHALKER & THOMPSON. t May 10, 1878. Mantua Station KAVtS.'iA, TBTJBSHAT, MAT IS, New Advertisement Hopkins. Seymour ft ffcrjge First,; . .tin lief A t nomMn in. owns. A. lix Emporium of TraOic. "X rarker ciotnmj;. "ros. Consumer, o i li y tiooiis. J. Kyle oung &carcber. rneoiiore ciars wanieo. Theodore Clarh For Sale.' f.Goucuer lautiou., X. Converse 1 Locals. luity Lodge. No. IS, V, ud A. M. Meets the itecoixl id fourth Monday ef each south. Tyrlsn Cbspter, No. 8 1 . R. A.M. Meets tbeftoird Weibiesday or eacb' montnli; Hall, PbeuLx Block. il.l'.OnOLSIAlI.H.P. I. O. o. F. Ravenna Lodge, tim. Bit. Meets every W eanewiay evening at dd Fel-ow- s HalL , . , ., ;, . , . ; Ravenna tamuopmest, Xo. 199, Meets every Snd and h Fridays ofeach'- '. Cotton anWBsttlnC. ,. Vnino n ' Good 4-- 4 Cotton Cloth at lKe per vaid. at tlie StoreefSfs Con verse. Good; Baiting at iic perlii,, , Tlu end, Thread 100 dot- - more of that splendid. ,200 yard- - Ptol Thread at N. Con' vrsfs store 1 Fine liooe y Toile Soap at e ier sake, and good Bar Soap at 5c per bar. Cheap, at N.COS-VEESE'- 8. ...i-.- . .i .... .j. n.i Teas, Teas. ;i Choice Green Tea a $ 1.00 per 16, and P.Tack a.', at 80c, at the cheap store of N 11 sad kerchlefa. 60 doz. of those splendid Linen Handkerchieis --4 forS N.COSVEKSE. A fine-stac- of Linen Towels from 10c up, at the storfraf JIVTonverse. - y i r- - . LatliPine Shingles For Sale! ., Fir-- t cljtss Lath Pine Shingles for Sale cbcjip. EoqilireLoC W. K. A IXXKX, a few doors east of Herts Avlttddle's Cauiage Works, or J. C. LONG at A. A'?" W. Jty.IeMtn.' J : ' W.i Sft-tf- c ;; Postponed. The-Editori-- CouTention railed to meet aft be ciiy on Thurs- - daylUe jUth. iiat, is indeQnlteJy P98t; pouetL riifn Acitotvi8 4teinecl ailvN able ou account oC Decoration D coming ou the '30lii,' (he fiecoml daj for the holding of the ConYenriori.'la fact overlooked t the .lime '. trie',' cai was . issued.. Tfae idea ot bolding the OotiVetition Is not abandoned, and the liiue lor itB fuoetuig will bp auapuoced ia due tint. iu .r. : -- (... y, i - ' Sam?l- - D.'Il arris, Prest. " VVrr Al,',pCRCHA.BO, fsec'y.'' ;The weather is not very encourag- - , A poor sight for the soda water and ice cream dealers' IWhat has become Ojl' that n tensely warm sunimsrV're'd.ctcd by the weath- - mm i 1. .. t . "i Trf ERk is no need th being in a hur- ry about putting away your lurs in ork 4, wo or f ve cput.ii,ecea ar; to be coined. ,,t V Wednesday morubi?, May 14th, weather cold, a slight sprinkling of snow. ' 1ZJ. I AX T'J.ll'JiC: Wk omit our market report, as there are no changes' to be noted since last week. ' L. (J. Dutme & Co. have sold house and lot on Mill Street to the Kavenna Gas Co. , Consideration, $1,000. Messrs-Hopkin- s, Seymour & Dodge on Monday, sold six lot3 iu llieir first' addition, to Geo. E. Eairchild. ; Con- - aideratien, jflTaO. :. '' ' " : ''- - The season ' is' approach itig when drinkiug aa .welly as drowDHig jmen will catch at straws. OlTR AlrAi.t I".iitttq iri Anof ia nf ln. live to businessl rdd doinir a trood work clearing-'OutTt- h ditrjfies aud cleaning ujtthe sta eetA. VV;'V IT ia. reported that 51cKee;iai)Kin, who pjayed ltip.Vjin'injkle'at i&eod's Opera lloase, .id;.Miiiii6;.dibrt fime ajjo.'ha appKd for ilxp ehefit of the uBtupt act 'ii (ipaoVilis liabilitieaare $1266 aaseUl' $i;000. Lioosr out foraJJL-ruann- cr of swin dlers who are traveling over the coun try claiming to lee U goods avtid d6 work for less than those who do busi- ness in your, .uidst. In jiinety-niii- e. cases oat of a 'bund red tlie so traveling agents are do wurighl frauds. Keep " ' '' ; ' "'il i' r Hear of therri. XI. 31 Bought Oct. Mr. II.. Eaiber has purchased the milk-rout- e. of Messrs., King & 'Thompson, and iss prepared to supply aU their old customers and such- - othtrs as aj' be tlfsposed to patronize him, with fresh milk, ob reasonable terms. ' lie will,, run two wagons constantly in the business. Village Property- - Sold. Dr. D. C- - Jennings has sold his fine residence on Walnut street to X. Converse. LCoritiideration $9,000. L (Thanks. Senator- - 11 arc has our thanks Jov', aj"cppy jpt?" 'the Geological Survey of Ohio, VotI, a neatly bound book of 680 pages. Religions Notice. Eev. S. II. McCoJIester, President of Duclitel College will preach in the Univei salist Ctutrch i f Haven n a, ou Sunday, jtfaV 25tr,at l0 :3tf A. M.aud' 1 :30 p. m. .See the advertisement of Messrs Chalker & Thompson, in another col- umn. TRey have opened it--hu ge and attractive stock of New Goods, at Mantua Station, and offer first-rat- e inducements to bnyers. Gas Works. Tho Ilavcuna Gas Company is now lully organized and the stock taken. At the meeting on Saturday evening ten per cent, on the capital stock was paid in. Ground will be brokan on the works in a short time, and it is expected that the com- pany will be furnishing gas by the first of September. A New Addition. H. I. Day, Esq. has laid out on bis place, on Chestnut street, his second addition to Ravenna Village, comprising, ten of the most desirable building lots in' the village. We understand that he designs,during tbe coming season,' to erect three neat and commodious cottages on these lots. tending physicians arecjt jvlio.lgy ds- -' cided, thougn it, uaa many cn;iracter-istic- s of spotted fever. 'Mr. Colton wasrtfhref years of mnfX was oue tii thtj nost kctive JuUe8 ian vKootBtowti.3 lie feavesV wife arid one daughter Mrs. John Wirt to mourn their losa, . r .,:,,;,!:CAUTIpJl.b,,-- j is hertby given to each snd sll NOTICE ts trust 'w pvirwwa ori persoos ju aoouuv bv book or otaer ise, as t nU pay bijlo apt ODasvaftoU by i .) in prrsea vi u STllHUl uruer. ttavew,.fiaj Sth 18y 'j , . . .. 1 II:; . ' .' - ,. - I will tell 4 young bonesiieay and -- light and sriktJjr, on timcj- - Also, R. R. fare. Uh hit va,.ruiu r r tnir !Ii ';:! 1 1 Z", V. of lUvtaaa May. 13. 1873 I ! ! 1 J on. "l The Elegant Horse j YQUNO SEAliCHER Will moke tbe season of'STS,, commencing Slav IJtn.aJiu eauiujj rffiiy tuaaoiioys Monday and Wednesday, a the stable ot tlM subscriber, in luavenua; ruesuaja. at novas a aAoble. al Abuisdats. at t.eck- - ntnu s taunt-r- stable, in Brauaei Saturdays: at tbe stable oi aivia roe, iu ttaveuua. Yoiinir tiearcber is a bright bay. with block mane aud toU.lli x bands high, is lour year? old, auoWwr sjiiiinmiry and, notion is not sua pa sr.l o .ny porse of bis age iu .Northern obtu uiuot; Arfcadol Fair, wheat s aitv au.. has bees fcvrarded preuwm eacl yfajrjsio- c- 4verfnA.Iay 6.19TS. 841- - TO STOCK GROWERS! THK CELS.BKA A HORSE ARCH DUKE! Will' make' tbe ensuing season,' com mencing May otn ana ending July 1st, ion. si tbn Atalileoi the subscriber, one-hal- f mile north of Mantna Station, fortuge county, unio. 'ARCH DUKE is s beautiful dark mahogan) of we' W"y Wl tae Well-ano- jnorsau nunc, n.ii.H, - p Archer was rot bv the celebrated horse Bar- - uey Henry, owaoa ny air xaruey,oi uiveuiti: Vermont he rv Sianal. aud be by iiuporteu Margrave. The dam of Searcber was a Morgau are, owned by Usmuel Moore, in the Iowa ol Sfaw;rliam. Vermont. She con id trot smile li iess Iban three minutes, weighed 1J00 pounds, ana was iu every respeca. wov. .... itr ta nr . n.ri bar color, a neavv uow imtr i.i m. ii mane and tail, aud lean black nearh to ins body ; is lo bands high, snd weigheo ltou when four years old He took tut. .. U lSSf n pt SB tat tee w mawii r ii rii.l AtfUie Vermaut Stati Fitir.4ni ta pres ence of thonsauos. and oa a heavy sand track be mile. In naruess. la two minutes sue lUtv seconds. T uts feat be perlormed, sitnougn le had never been trained, nor ni uei spee. jvimi .' Arch nuke's Ham was a Henry i lavi her dam Aicb Duke, sired by General Glfiorc As for speed aud st le. srcli Duke is inferior to vn lu.rse in the State, and is. a square trotter til persons wishing toi grow; first-clas- s wkI ore reuneateu ta call aau .uiamv auw.uiasaiu Gem iiurw. .i , r i ? ; i ITERM3: Single Service, (A. pay down; Sea. .n am t., ln..Ttl at the end of the season: In surance. 813.. Iu be uaidtis soaa as thai mare is knows to lie wttn font, ... Any person parting with s mare before she it known te be .wits leai,!Wrlllvrreittbeiusurunc Person- - bringing ii srea si distance vm have thehl pastured sttlieir own 'risk. Ari l, ll.ikt. wits make is Fall season at thi ssme place, commencing August 4 and rudini Novt-iybe- r LIOTj ' C BLA1K. j .,f . e ' i;i 1(1.'.!-- . .!') i ! , .'. : a : -. S. I.I !. M ,'.:i.i ; ! ; .:'. i Gbngurners of ii 1 ;.: i'i dry goods, Motion s,":' GROCERIES, CARPETS, IrcOO ' i 1 i'- - , 1 Will find it to thsir interest to exsmine our stock, ss every department is filled with choice goou just received ana purcnasea on one oi toe most DEPRESSED snd DEMORALIZED mar kets knownfor years; and ss all our goods are marked in accordance with tbe state of the markets, it.stsnds su tabsxxl to protect tnem MXTETBRO'S wNo. t,-Phi- nix BJoek May 18th, 18n.ii !..: u: : : a,-.- :' . '' ti:c'j i I'ri-r. i'-- ac4 r i. TTave just received the cheapest line of AJL Clotbiug, Cloths, csssimeres, ncotcn suit-inn- s. Vestinirs. Hats. Cans. Trunks and Valise, ever offered in Ravenna, snd we propose to sell tnem s little below low water siar otwiijf olhei cuiicertt utis;Arsua-.- ' . a . . - . LOOK, PRICES VILL TELL Good Scotch Suits, only 910. ,God, Casslssere Salts, all wool, S14, . , f -A Ciadd Sngllsti Suits- - $ao - ' - ' All other grades between the prices named. CJ khs). Ciassti rtteres & Suitings 'For st.jle. quality and e to select from cannot lie loilnd surpassed in the city.,: Hats and Caps! We have all the neveltlet of the season. Prices from 81 lo $4 GO; aud for ilk Hals we a1. ways keep tlie latest Broadway sty le sad I lie lies! Hal ior tne money tuai can ue toiina iu any market. Trunks and Valises! ry r i 1 t ,. . In this line we profiose to be hembiUartan, as we always buy direcf from the manufactory aud make-th- first profit.. Prices from 8 up. Good Leather-Covere- d Saratoga finish only $5. FINE! AND PNCY SniRTS We-baw-e afull line and a parftM-- t fit wa rant- ed. -- Hire White-Shirt- s $1158 to $3 Oil. - Fancy Blurts I ue to s ou. ..... , i FURNISHING GOODS! We bsva s full line of Ties,' Collars, Hand Kercnieis, nosiury, t,ioves, aus.ienders, c.v A which we win sen at a very small pront, ' The Custom Department Is under the supervision of Mr. Thos. Cat) 111 who has had many years experience in the large cities. All work entrusted to him warranted satisfactory in every respect. Come and see ns and we will do you good. ' MTJSSER fc PARKER i So. S. Etna Block, Ravenna, May 14. 187. JSorthern PaciUc Gold 'iiipons, Gold, bilver nnu rSpreiniiim rimil of all kinds. ?r Sight lrrts on Kngland, Ireland, and iicotiand-an- d Passase TiaUeta to and from tho.e ; ....m i fnr .:!(' liest rates. Revenue staiiipa, a" aiiea. ir Accounts and JJeposlU aollclted, ,. . - DIUECTORS-- K. B. Babcock. J. If. Nlcliols, . B. Conant,Thoinai Gorliy and Wm. L. r'oe, ' , P. B.CONANT, FBjratDmrr. ' ' ' - j. ii.Nicnoi.a. vice pbbsidknt. : '" '' ' K. S. GOilSTUGK, GASHIDK. I Kavenna. Feb. 6. IBIS.' J.' Krr-iii- to the above. Dersons having Meuos- - its witlvme wno no not win to v iii,irw can have their deposits transferred on appiioa- - lion to tUe above institution.g r it DOMESTIC" .'V. t Vic.i! ;!-- 'tX .l.tVt. i' 8 Works in n. woather.!. '"Not over-nic- e about haiulling. when wanted. balk with a heavy load ; hior 'run away Koing down-bil- l. -- J' "Not only a nice carriage, at for a smooth -- road; but like Paddy's wheel-barro- not afraid of ghosts. ,j ,,,.!, gg-- A few days trial with? all the help yon ' ' need.'-FREK- . Old Machines taken in exchange. , . ',. Agents wanted. iiiri i B. UNDKBWOOU, Agent- - .j Raveuna, Ohio. January28,18fM. . .. . . . -- . S31--tf ir- FLOWER PLANTS ! I i od .. . i .. .j thcpulilii- - uvf bffered A perfect pump la ail respeet and at a very ioM' price.'. '"- " l I i, ..i :. :.. , v:.i-.i:i- -- j ,.nnvni. i The metal lining is inserted in tbe bore of thai pinp in such a iuanuer nitjusts itself and swelling of the wood, thusi : nloruiMir a It'riuci efiaiiioeran wnCHtne pueea '.nstr urr-l- ia M,...,.m i it i.hml hv ...rim uln tr the metal into the wood in sncll s manner vhat . it canntt possibly e loose, yet is always t flexible and . ,'t be process issim-.- ., iiie. vet for this reason all the more periect and ' valuable 1 he patent hnt-.k-e snd Valves are very , great improvements,. They are simple,' cannot got out of order, and wilt raise MORI vmi and the pump will last much longer than anv other WoihI Pump in ss-i.- t. '. f i I'have three sizes, udapteil to stock,, well and ........ i distcrn use. tverv one wantingfn (heap. Durable, i and t: tosy working I'ump sboulti cull and see one: ' Uiesc siiendld Pumps. . - "'", ..:...(.. ; ..' iu. ti'iiv.'ii.t. ti;-:u- . .'":' ''.' v-- i ii , Iii; j ... ;.; vi :'.!. v t'.'V "i I. :!'-- . ',il ' ii ... in' y. 'i ii ' .,, j, .i.iJTj:C. .PRENTISS..!.!-- kfav.ii tins.. . n;-.- . . in.:!i:r. 'i:i ii ji". a I, iii: ft Opening": ,'' .ir..i j.ait Hi f. o .i i j ; ,! i!'-"'- ' rre-t- l alleles I ! .1 i ..L1.A. . f 1.1, B NiafeftV. Kanuey Aatl(etj u(r for ileleudants Executors or flarvey Hotchkiss vs Petei Stoub et al. Mieri-T- s sale coufirilied and tieta. ordered. The orand Jury appeared at the bar of the Court on Tuesday evening, and returued theii several bills ot indictment against William K Oavi'lsou lor perjury; against George Risa loi assault and threatening; against Jacob Loud for keeping a room lor the sale of liquors .dso-ttire- e iillw g4instjJki'. 1 Hopgh'lor rtoi lation of liipior taw ; all emiorsed true bills i'hey also tiled tneir report of the condition ol the jail, liuding I hat that institution is kept iii good order nnu in compliance with the ruler laid down: and. having liuisheu their business, were discharged. In the three cases against Joel I. Hough, tbe defendant appeared in Court and entered a plea of guilty in each. In tbat lor keeping a root-- , ue was ordercl to pay a Sue of f75 and costs and his place was adjudged a nuisance and or dered to be closed. In each of the other case the ioloAlau&, wo.siiaAa.WA.tu, way ajAae titli aud td .rseeutHn. i i I i i m vy i riaart Evtcgusl aWiflnadA.aign Si vorce granted ou gro.-n- of gross ueglect of du ty and extreme cruelty. The personal pro(ert anil mouey heretoioie received from deleudnn and the lur her sum of 81 tS to be paid bv defendant as aliut.ny. M. istuart foi plaintiff: Taylor A Uortou t.r defendant. btale s Jacob Luudeuslager. ludictment foi keepiug room, &c Deieudant appeared am entered a plea of guilty. - enu-ne- to pay lint of t&0 and rests, aud ordered that the room b closed, and mat he be reyuirei lo give bail, it tae iniiiotl hiw . waomges of said law. Reed for State. Jacob Pit2 vs John Witzet al. Sale under pe tition lor uartitiou confirmed and deeu ordered State vs Geonge-Uisl- r ladictment forktstaiDt '! and ihreuteniug. afefimtliiftpleacl gnilty--a- t. (5 OS and costs. Kee.1 ior state. A. L. Uussull vs T he Incorporated Village o: Kent. Tried to jury, who, ufter deliberation, return into court, and uj they fcra unable U agree iiKn a verdict, anif Were' discharged. --ockwcll it Buggies lor plaintiff; M. btuart loi defendant. J. l. Hdrten, nfcignte fI, B.mrglesl vjC j ward-B- . HrKleyfet al. New kppraiseun ut or- dered and sale ordered to be made at tbe dooi or the Court House in Ravenna, lay lor a, Hor-co- tor plaiiitill. Jas. France vV Cnrtist L4e UtA Pt-t.- Kimes Tried to Lourr; jinlgmeift tt)r 'ylainnff foi fur, 91 and costs. Rockwell A Buggies tor plain tiff; Hutcbios A Thomas for defendant. J N. stracton vs Curtiss Lee and Peter Kime Tried to court. 'w lie find for sa.kiit'ii! the sun. of lot (C. KoekwVllV Ruggtes for plaintiff Hutching A I'houias for defendant. haute vs same. Triuti to Court, finding foi plaiutiff. .iairr4!07tray.if rs fieraiMu- - (to4tt M lal-- Trierl MtfcoM jiiHgrtient tin note- - aud inf.rr-iarage- premises ordered to be sold to pay plain uif aud costs of suit. M. tuars loi olaiutiff. i The ease of John,I,.Chrst.v-r- s GeorgeiSilsoi ' is on.tvutl Itii jory.'nai ounaencedT on Moada morning aud tlie trial nas not closed at tne tinu We go ett press. Over thi rty cases have been disposed o( for thi term by continuance. , ; . itiiii.....-Mi- . i or A. II. & A. Stow have been putting t. hew and substantial boiler iuto their (f ub Factory. Wj:Thjd Sil ready too muclipgy'-ii- i hand when we received the letter 01 our Edinburgh j corfe!ipoiid(r;Stj.iljfclot-i- n the pro&eeain8"aiid bremiu'm lisl of the Fair held in that town,, and thf letter from Shalersville, to give eithei of them atteution this week. A week ago last Saturday evening. Dr. Crittenden, of Kpfvttrad ;trtfpock-e- t fcifeyed of abojft $300, -- at Efltlid Street! StAvn by a' gang of 'the iigbt-fiiiger- gentry. lie" caught them in the feriSclaiid gave jthetflarm-bnt- . they-'persist- d in their work, and safe ly AiadolT.ivith fbeir piuudej.. N; ; NAvvoods. We would call-- a tloii to the advertisem ekt efA. D.I. in another eolufnn. Ileas a largt apd elegant 6ck of new Ctpds trui ta ble for,ih season, comprisrai. the latest slyTes of lre8 'Goods, DomeV ticsLVapts ftud, ShoeJL IIat and Jl Crockery, and, in fact, everything usually kept iii weil're'ga.ated'couh- - 4he clo8tf the winter' trade.itri--.ii- u mfttie - ami auction and disposed of all his old goods, so that his jretit stock i ,newT and 'firs, and is' large and varied. He has had 8erQl-a)i).eaji-- a experience i.Le, ,lxusi- - ness, and has -- estaUisbed his reputa tion as a first class,, merchant, and . an. upright and honorable dealer. 1 j MB.rajbWER8t.-'at!NoVi- ! hits somewhat changed his business I UhtaiSptiai:JtUB. hasjrKJtcLU lHt& sj good aspprtuicut, of , Domestic, Cotton Goods,a fine stock of Crockery, Glass- ware, Wall Paper, Window Shades, and a fine stock of Groceries, i Mr. C. has now had 20 year tfclose attention to business ; with hia: expe nonce, and buying goods for cash, no one can afford to sell cheaper. .Fine Loiss.-r-Attenti- is direeted to the plat oif ,(Hopkin8, feemciiiraud Dodgefs addition to the-viUa- go of Ra. venna, which we print in another eol umn. They are pleasantly located j ust neyonrrJlhe village , limits, .con venient to business, and in the niost growing part iof -- town.(Thf j ard ver valuable -- arrd;, desirable JoJp, and are meeting" with" B rpadyTsale, eeyeral. of them hVMrbeoH Already disposed of upon .hich ""comfortable- - residences will be erected this season. Any roung onan WhA desirfej. jt9 secure Jilm fcelf s. home, or t " placed his money ' where it will do him the ihosf gdod,' will dd'Vell tb fi vest Irithis-irerf- y' it. '''U .. i t i1 i. Iw coiiseidence"of 'the lieatv rains' and almost, j'ipassabie 'coridit'ioh of the roads on its lino of travel Montgomery Queen's Menagerie and Circus failed fJ ain;iveli here On Sat- - uruuy nisi, ucjoruiug iu uuvcriinc incut. It is in town to-da- y (Wednes day aiid 'gives !wo 5crfoMian.OT9-- H afternoon und evening. Senator Hart. seems to. have the inside" track for the iJeute'iiaiit. Gov- ernorship on the Credit Mobilier tick. et. lie has done about as miich bard work for that party as "any. other mau,"sjid is entitled to some' iconsid eratioo at the hands of its Conven tiou. But ; with a Supreme Judge. Comptroller of the Treasury and the Lieutenant G over'nor. Portage' coiiuty' will have ,hor fuU 8p,are of official honors. -- i; ,i .i.i. I The Garrettsvllle Journal says the story fur circulation1 that there are sev- eral cases of small-po- x iu that town, is wholly untrue.; , ' " 1 : i IJ.-- . . '. 'l-'- l Hili: ti TVJTT stock is remarkably strong and bealthy, and embraces many new varieties ofgreat ... J i merit. the Spriidg, Traded ' I would particularly cair attention to my se- - L lectcd list or PLints at 5; as 1 bave bestowed greateare in thearrungementof thesorts.. and those varieties. bave been chosen which nre . most calculated to procure an effective display f- the whole season. ' ' ' ' For Five Dollars: i 10 VerTjetias,L named varietler;-- 9 lleli tropes, t 3 Fushias; 8 Geraniums, Zonale, one silver, two f double, one roseorseented ; 84'etnnia9;4 Fever- - few. double white; CannaM 10 Coieu, varie-- i ties; 8 Ivys; 8 Achvranthus; SCujihias; STnbe ' JKoses :S Ageratum r 1 Vincas. variegate.1 ; 1 Ga- it . zenia; 8 Lobelia: lOFlox Orummondii; 2 month -- V ly Hoses. J. '. , . VEGETABLE PLANTS IN THE1B SEASON". : ;' '.'AYM; WALLACE, , ' gasdkebto Lewis miller, Esq., f S43-2- AKRON, OHIO. , i.j lu j. ii ji;-- . i i.. -. j I v - f 'lol ,l T'l9 ' 1 .r I I. J.j.. i- . i" 11:) L. : , ii i J .k 5 5 VoPk. V ''- - 11 - ' ' f-'- i j A v 5. 7- - lH af.i.- -. 3 .Ji:i al ' ' m ml ' Jaits l...-,-MM----- - ,i ai asasHiMsnnnM ' ... ; .,. .7 i,.., i -- Uiv, ) i.: i .. n .....t: ,:.'.';.-"lS.-IlQ- . v".i i Uew Goods for !. New Dress In all the!' Desirable Sha'deg and Cplorsi; ''V ' .'u '.''.!' '.' u , 'ilitiMii .' , u.Il ' i . -- i.r'-ih :."!. t: i:i..';i I!'- IVEW OllaOXXJIS Cottonades, Checks, ; Jeans' " " '.! i " i9'! ' t 'll'J i I!'!'! - ;'I &C. ' li"':'- - - I.: :: . TI V.' ' til i . i i i : t Iti Table" Linens', ( 'itapkiris. and other Housekeeping,,. . , , Jobs in - Hdkfs,' Gloves,' Hd- - - (...'. tut. '! i eiery and N"ote Pitpei4; ' ' : '..nil o'i:l Jiini i.; : ii vitiii' a jo mil. Novel ti g ss i ji Ladies' ( Silk Ties, Ficjiu vTes, Lace and Linen Collars Em- broider! ed Jjinen iSettisXatics, Embtoiderios Edgesj, Corsets, &C, tfcC. .,!:. Coal! 1 .n.i t WADS WORTH i f; ' : and" ' DIAMOND LUMP AND : NUT, COAL, The very best in the market kept constantly on hand and delivered to customers, lam also agent for BREWSTER'S AKROX COAL, the best $5 00 Coal in themarkot.. All orders lelt at tbe Hook and Drug Store ot Smith. Woodruff ti Co., will receive prompt at- tention. K. HASBROUCK . Rayenna. .Tnn'y. 15. 18TJ. 117-t- Benjamin F. Traster's Instate. "1"OTICK is hereby given that the subscriber ij has been appoihte.1 and qualified as Ad ministrator on tne estate oi itemamin r . tras t.M I... ., rl .,, , till,, iIaiIA.BM I J,. .1 ::; i'i ir.ilu!. ,: Large assortment of - i ''" 11. ,1 I . ! lllit l Ribbons. & Millinery Joodsf I am now opening a. very com- - ' plete and varied stock of the " ,U- . v I -: - .'II'' '' - i. .'. i above - Goods, including1 all K the noyelttes in shade, sty er tfecr,' produced in RiBB;rxs.; ' ', i ...i'-:- . a At. ' . ;.'.::it.a ti :. 'n ' ,t:i hi it We have every desirable style-- 1 in Hjitss, IloTV4Bi?sii v.. .. ,( ' .. ; iii .. i it i;.i Oinaineiits and - wall MILIilNERY TRlW jG&" I. , i " !: t ti';--iri- i 'i" ' .. '. : .u:. We have also at very full 'as-',- ", sortment of Ladies ". Tri mmed '! HATS AND BoiTS; AIsq, 'Children's anjd Misses '.o- - .' li 'ii: - ! .' ti-- U a1,S, at:, . ;. , ., : ,.-..,.- VERY LOV PRICES! i' ' Attachment Jfotlce it- -; I .lohn T. Smith and fl train') 1 a '"'.: W. Shaiiafclt. lule part- - ( Ileforv) Wm. Pxlilus, ners under the Firm name '. l, of SutHcld Tp. of Smith A Shanal'elt, Portage Co. Uhio.- plaintiil's. vs. William it. j '. ' Treusb. lielundent. . -- i. J i'f !: it! lit .1 Ou the 95th day of April A. I). lfT3, aaid Jus- - tire issued an order of attachment in the above . action for tbe Sum of tlilrty-tbt- ir Imllars snd scvuuty-thrc- e cvut. i',,-- SMITH 8UANAFKLT. SnflleM. April 8tl. 18W. 848 8wk ' T II RAVENNA BH001I FACTORY. r J.; J 1 NEW GOODS! piissL-C- . JACKSON, No. 4, Reed's Opera House Block f Would say to the lalies of Rayenns and yicini- - . tv ii..ju iwctjip f XEwfemrisrd: goods! "j - ; Comprisn'g : .' . . . ', r()NNETs.,rr ats, ; v'.:; Tj ACES, KIBBONS, TliO WERS and a l.irirc and splendid artinent of Orna-- - nients, embracing everything in the lineof her ' trade, of tlie latest and. most elegant styles.. Ladies are requested to call and examine my .; stock for. themselves; . ;i - All Work Dona Promptly, and In as style sure to give KaAlanuillon. (.. B&Fo efforts spared to please Customers, Ravenna, April IS. 18TS. ' ' f. Residence for Sale! W OFFKU for nale my residence, corner of in Rooti condition nim sola tor no lauic xernu S- - ' J"f:-- :i '!l !';.V- M.STUABT. ' April ''-:- ' 84-- i For Liverpool & Queenstown Iniuan Line of Mail Steamers sailing from New York, every Saturday, and alternate Tues days. , - Tickets sold to and from England. Ireland, snd the Continent. JOHN G. DALE. Agent, 15. Broadway, N. Y., C. E. WITTER, Cashier, First National Bank "avenna. Ohio. 184-8- m Edwin T. Clark's Estate. "lfOTICE is hereby given that the subscriber i. ipts fieen fppoincea anu quaiiuea as exec- utor of the last will and tostainer.t of Edwin T. Clark, lm--- r l ortage county. Ohioi deceased. Oaten at StretUboro, this 89th day of April A. L).ia7a. A. . UCtiKEW. S45-3- A good assortment of .. ltOt'SK, tlSAKTH, W HISK.TOY.BAKX AMU ' WABKHOCSt: llKOGMS, . i.l( Manufacturetl mid kept oonstsnlly on hand. .. . Jlronm Corn matlv ua to order. All work war-rnnte- d. Call and examine work snd get prices. Kooius North end of Jtiuplre Building. - W. F. TOWW. '" " Ravenna. May T, 19T1. 848.8m . Cadwalader Crawford's Estate. Is hereby given that the anlMoribers have been aupoiuted and qualitled ss ad- ministrators on the estate of Cauwslsder CYsw- - ' ford, late of Portaireoounty. Ohio, deceased f i Dated at Streetsboro. Portage county, Uhio. -- this 8d day of May, A.D. J8TS. H. S.CRAWFORH.l -- 8t . J, A. W. oALTJkR. . ri livtedat Sultteld, this. 1st dav of May. A T. 1ET.3. WILLIAM PACI.US, 846-S-

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Page 1: Democratic press (Ravenna, Ohio : 1868). (Ravenna, OH) 1873-05-15 … › ... › ed-1 › seq-3.pdf · 2017-12-19 · y:, J--.C- 1 COVET OF COMMON PLKAS. mponum... of Traffic! The

":"- :y, J -- .C-1

mponum ... of Traffic!COVET OF COMMON PLKAS.

The followiu? is s summary of the proceed



IUeaA!rLoLToi,.wels.kaawDcitizen of Kootstown, died at the resi-

dence of his briliejf inlsjw, la,rryAllen, tin Day street, in this village,re filler tetet riidSijraTUeWircledAv!!!! cfVniptelioif

diseases, and as to. the character ofthat whith" cartsed his death the at

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ings of the Court since the commencement ofAe ssskn.

Esther Whitney vjTLowia Johnson et al.Disinisse.. without Mjedue. 1. smart loi atueAu'.V- - . ..V tJJ..,..,.. K . V OfH IS unHirKvat plaintiff's cost JL ftlt:arv turpi ft. Mvckweli ofA Kuggtes-ilordeft- '1 fr, A

IloiAce.fa. Tdden v Henry. li Tildejo andCliarie S.ecl.Klit-i:-irti.i- o erftered. i JohnKoi ver lor put. i V.v j 1 1 i.,LTii wslielan Clattiret al 'Heittliof Gibu Hailwk sugsw.e.raii Allt aL.eciAuni r..moue parig. iun. ?oii,ijuv..itouioton fop ilif. H. 1.-- ei t i 1 ttefr. . - ' ;

tte vs i.ward Shaw ConUaiMsl, fcrt togive for appearauce wirii. Milmus llrornauU Hatid Collins sureties in t lOML whictidone.. C. A. Eeec for atate. -" -- -

Roval I. lluU'hinson va lianiel c Morton ofSeuieil at deft's-eost- . .'. Ptielps lor pUT.

Martin 11. Icomi:. vs John 11. lHile aetueaand oots paid. i j. .

Anuea irn. v.rviuo jLeave rivea defti tvarsw.r iu 0 imiv fromrising oriwnxt sad , coatiauedT. Eockweil aKuKKies lor pin. 1 - -

O. ff. E kelLJA Joha Wiybtuisa Leavtgiven plu'. uille petition in Suoays from risinaof ( ourt, ttDii oeis to answer in 20 da'y ibereaf-teran- d

ruuMMuett , MoukwelL Ac Haggles loiplff.

athan C. Sears vs Joel I. Hough Settledand coots paid.

l'a Jt o. Canal Co. vs Ruel I.. ShirtlilT et al uiteathof Gibbs Haliet-- suggested and win'r oumde party. Uoi kwrllAt u uggles for defis. aj

Pa. A O." Canal u. vs iLlibii Luce et al. Sameentry as uln-v- liockwell a Kuggles forUeit

Km-- well A. vs John W iicbtmanPlaintifl. have leave to file petition in 80 day?troin tern. lief't to answer iu davs tlieiaay L i

C;r Mini ii Hr " mf lc(..,U.UUfl... j iu a iu m m wstsia a ." enwf'tl rrs-- ii.Siatioiui.iea.llf.5ta1.ioi I

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jbrtlieru Pacific Railroaa.Tha First National Bank,

, 9 r uill4nAib now selling and unheslUt-.sgi- y repenmeu.i

lie bunds to their customers nan anhave woncv to invest. as proniabie

Sreil as sate i'liaesluwnl tuel i now oJewl toJ' ' 'J '' 'llnnlilio. T

, .laving mode careful inquiry o good andibianciera wlm h.tve Lilly in.estiga-- I

the securities iiKn aliieli tae toldid am based uuiiwl doul. 1 lie report, bomrial and unoiucial. heretofore published.

.firmed n they are by the letters of suchhonorable gentlemen a liaiard

,i.L-ov.liross.- oi lliiaii. l wr lryauwho have recently visited the ew

" tun et. Letters just published una eon beJ... liank free. ..'Living loll conhdence in these securities.fe ordered large- - amount or the l-- Gold

- hiltond, mid will be pleased to supply allJcustoioers and oth. rs who are desirous ofh inis a ood. Safe and Prolttal.le n wMmelit.

i" to keep on hand Bond of 1UU, MTO and fL-- v

Iwhicll we exchange for t,veriutini 5 0

Id on which interne will soon ease. ThusSiring a handsome profit and the

iu to i& per cent- -y

(ill nay highest market price forCOupons OB

raf 1U0 ant lioveriimeut Bond . --5

iterest sUewed ou time deposit..grafts drawn an.t eahed on all the principal

Shi. WieVrafts


lamgtsnd. Ireland snd U

Kinturo..-- , ,, ' t;Yue .j,..1 wmn. Cashldr. 16a. ; y


of raVens a, 6,Liquated Depositary of tta

.: ..

V. s. Boiidi anil Securities banght. sob! and.hanged, at our counter, at best maAct ratelocks and Honda, or all kinds bought and

Jon New York, or t. Market rata tor O and -tiponav old.- - Silver, and premium fundi.

' r'uHkirids." '

.rarta drawn and cashed on all the principalStates;"': : i ! ! "!' - '

ies in the CnHmlIKht Urartu od Kiig Imid and Treland and

ate TIekeM to or" from thoHr pities at

ir Vork rates.' Revenue Stamp all si tor sale.

ecounta and Depotlta of Binexs men andividuals, vceived oJsuit favorftlfeenurlPmptandVleral"iterVirtlbTr4: Hue) dnhp tnjiy be


Leo. Uoeissom, President.

.. AND -) "t .'r(lOAiv ASSOCIATION

i fCAPITAIi feo-OC- $100,000.tock orDKfts jpkjgoN'Ai.ii'T xia


fOR3A!(l I.KIil)lT01tSO. tK.0(M). ,

i OF F ICI2 IN CTNA B LOC K .I (Late E. 8. Comstouk'a JUink. .... i..--

Iw'adliontoa: reneral rlaaklnp, CoJ- -X ftction and h.thn linsiiies. tliia Ao.Matum3 Borrtsll lea lank, as deposits will be r iewed-i- a Jo--?

iirtinent in sums of oiw dollar and. i',ud interest will I allowed thereon at the rate

5 if six per cent nr hihhm,. iouipuiuvrt. smi,I innuaMy;oilielrsdaysorilanuaryi amlJaly,4 luusolferiiivr rare advantage to iwiwins oflim-- i

to means to sue tha ocensioHal dollar, whichi f the sure road to wealth. 1

i I iii ia Allowed on Time? lertiacittcs of VHjMisit in HKioi tiun loih ini:i;irwhich'theieai4t'iiiiawi 1 i 1 if v "V

c II. 8: UoikI uiiil seeuriiiea o.iiiK"i "

i' fti.l,: i. 1n- - lv.q .

n'A i l!i !Ut..). .' I'jJ'i! Ift'i !u; 4 ;,r .(ia :

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'. A '600 1) ..BUI

..! .; yiTr.7 li i l;: . '. UiK.i .

ii(i! filiwi-asavioo-fl 'ji!. Jllottf.:,il y..-- I : nl ilfuq Iiiik

. iTN(? ;,1 .jT IS Til Ij;;;

...litii li-- M it. , u mi

oii; n:!';i iriiiTJVo. J 'U'-- ealm linu., Iu. i Jon vi: ' .'A iOtt t:jjj i.ii

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Yt.'ZT- "n :.iT:: inr.r. o r. s ... "

; i.i)... s'lui '.)

. The common Wood Pump has well served liday and genera4on." but has slwan Ikmh'

a.,... fct. t.lm iiliiM-jin- th. l.hi. wmmIi whtire ihiiitungerwoiissoon weara away, .much. of tbarater runs nack, and tne inicaeis

lieingimpeiieoti in a jsboit time al t

sow aud laborious o,.erutiou to raise water, adtie pump is of but little ue. ' '''This isa :day of iinpeovumentsv.' ahd'by re-..' f

Ttv!.lr Vnlvos ArJl- f I

Tzr- -: TU,..m.i xLi$r --iifipt - v --a a.

,c:i )juti;ri rl ai ivi:ii;i nSimgleDttfableEasy - of

; ActionGh(pl;;

f i --oJil at best market rates.- - ' V; -

tlNortlienl Paclfle KaBros L SO --ColliI rTjonil a ilit class investment, lor sain.I lliost Market price paid for U. S. and

ccutanu very imioruiut iniiruvviiwiivtnu tutMi:,(liuve l.ecn the. -- ",'

j .... j !,.. . ... . i.i .Riritj--

flexible; Me tal. Linedt !

j ,.- - 'f l r ii'- - .m.ioil oill l u "V.

:. ..! .i...... .. .'.j.'i;i.'.j

-- .!' 4. '.7 olii f ;;::l --. ''iii :tl Vfcltl It.'.al.

Vi and after Utse. it. lsfli. Trains will leaveStation. daily. (Sundays excepted.) astollows:


Olevelauil.. .. !.. l 55 r. . .' 3.x - .i .

itavenua 10.16 " o.iAlliance .....11.JU " . " a.Uo ".bayard ....j..Jl- - r. If. 4.41VVelUville... .. I.IW -1'ilUburh h.. ... . S,SUr 6,2U J



PittebuTgb. ........ i"a.i. 115r. u.Wellsviilc. 8 55 " 8.15 "Bayard 10!W " 4.30 "Aiiumce .HJt5 "" -

0 A.Ravenna. H.l r. 11.5 48 B UI "Hudson 145 14 " b.45 "Cleveluml..... Im " Uo " lU-t-


Bellair". 5.45a at. 10 50 am. s r.Bridgeport. 55 11 110 " 8 45 "Steiibenv'e. 6 57 l lfCF.M4 45 "Wellsviile. 8.15 ' 1 85 - 8.90 "Etochester.. " 85 " 7.15 "Pitb,lnrgh10.4U


Pituburgk MlA.M. 1 .15P.M. IfiF. M

Pochester.. 7 40 t.t " 6 mVTellsville.. 8 50 " so 7 (J0 "Mteulienv'o. ri M " - 4.S0" 8

. 09 os "Bridgeport 11 tn- - -

Bellair . . U.10 V 8 40" 8 80


Bavard. t.10 ua p. m.ISew Philadelpbia. 8.4U a.nt and 100 p.m.

.Arrive.Ravard. t.4K a. m. and 4i) p. m. .New Philadelpbia, 8.(8 and 7.8 if. m.

fc t r. ' .P - f m l KKd,? ftij 1 General Passenger and Ticket A cert.:.

A. W. Ky Chnge of Tin.The following are (he times of Hie departure

of trains at the1 points below. - lrtook effectMonday, Jan. l.'ih :

tiff. j 1 "GOIXtf WEST- S.l 5? 1- ; EX. Mail . Ac 7.. F'tSl

f i a. bi. p m., p. a. m. p. niWindham..".'. -- : 5j0 SHIS i0Kreolom 6aM 8 10:1K 4rtiKavenu.,.,....5:54 8:10 8:40 10:8. ibHent 835 4K 1110 8rW

i GOING EAST,i f?.' ' Mail., Brf.'SlS'tec 1'SL 'XJSi

Windhirri.'.-.SK- v '. '"J

Freedom...... ..b:IO 8:18 .

Ravenna. ' 8 8.x .',, t?Kent, ;..:;t;V),a1i,.;;:i

Trains marked do not stop.,,ttTrains marked t stopoa signal. ,ri . ,ju.t -

",7 ; REM.EsiBEAt.;;- - ;;,;';.v,i "nThe place to buy is at i I ,irm: .i j. ' f: D. HTJBSOJI'S.

- i - M. j ;; i i Li p--.. 'f j i"

. J'.1,',VT',8a.vo,3r! f Vi i"i-4-

Go to J.' S.Walker's; opiwilU. Cttixena Hall.uget vour clotbsa cleaned and rpaired- - 'o look agood as new. .,.. ., . ,a f "ii' "; '

l,,.;.,r-- . Laaiy Chiuasrs. -

Just received, a large lot of Flint Lamp Calmneys. 'Try Uiem



Just opened at EEATa'T'jJ 10U army- Jackektwhich cost tn Government 88 each, will b.sold at tx each. Just the thing for doing cboretIn around home

!.!.' SPECIAE. FRICKS ; : - 5

fin lvdrcdat 9 to reiklc stock as rsidTy apossible, at BEATTV'S."

tieoemlierS-l- , 1KTS. . .

. CHI.R4SN'd CLOTHKA rT(rSiliUUlforHiiljren from I D8yeaijDf.afH,MNew Y01 k cost, to close out, at BE ATI' VS.

i , SFECJAL JPRICKSIn CTptlts and ' Stack ! re-- I

diioe.1. Call at . BEATTY'S.

. : M kllY MiHOK AtOV . 'V 'I 'Who purchases a suit ol clothes during the next10 days. Will loss tubney naless" h calls --uptiii4.':. 1: K a rTY tx fore purchasing, as I am de-sirous pi reducing my stock to the lowest yossi-fil- e

.Min t, prCDarrltory to the Spring .; .; .

HATS CAPS.Notwit hstanding the lively trade In Hats and

Cups, I hare still a good stock on hand as 1 amTeceiviiig almost daily additions to it, ii,' ' J.UBEiTtr.

:(i:i , ,, Sonp. Soap. . ..

Fine Honey Soap and Glycerine Soap at 3 cts .,

per caae, at the stoic of N. Cokvuise.. . .

Call and ExamineitI'he new $4.5U Beil Spring, mantifactnrefl byV ance W ells, the best article ever sold lor Uumoney i : Every oae guaraataed to gixts sa&isl'atv.on. . Btt-- tf.

:' j HOW Tq SAVE MONET- - j , j ,

Ton will save money by purchasing a DavitSewing Machine, as it is so simple that you canlearn to use U in three hours, thereby saving thttrouble and expeaseof boarding an Agent iron-seve- n

to ten days. SU7.

i '

FLAX STRAW WANTED.The highest market price will be paid for any

quantity of Flax Straw delivered at 111 y millnear the A. & G. W. Railroad Station, inKavenna. : U. A. UQOUTTLE.

' 'Ravenna July SO. 18TC3. . S08-t- f.

' ' GlajfS'Ware.The largest stock in town may be found atMay 29. 1872. 197. .DEMING'S..

FRENCH YPK SHIRTS. - rVTe are agents for- - BaHou Co.,' French

Yoke Shirts, the best .fitting shirt ever madeWe have tbem in all grades, mneh better andcheaper than you can get them. made. Call andlook at them before having any made.

Dec. 18, 189S FLAT 11 POE,

..;!.!. particular Attention t... ii..paid to cutting garments for ladies to make upby J. S. Walker, opposite Citizens Hall.

K,-vr3sr.r-&: -


Reed New Block, Jfai Street., . 'AU branches or Music taught thoroughly and

systematically. .'.'., '

Tuition in each branch . f12 80except. Harmony Class .. 5 00Juvenile ocal Class SOD

.Misak. ISABELLA REID, Prin.P, O. Box 19. . . 898tf ;


ABTI FILIAL TEETH.Inserted on all approved bases, at H. T. C.iTAKK'8

Dental ofllceand Lahratory, over First NationalBank, Ravenna, Ohio. - ' - . WH-t-f.

NO. 4. - ; ;'KOi74.


For the Spring;; of 1873.; '

Having returned from the East, we are nowprepared to thow our patrons the

i1 i ,' ' ; 'U"ew Styles in Spring Gciocfs,

Consisting dr'"

M I L L I N E ll Y ,

Fancy and Domestic GoctM; Our PATTERN.BONXETS are lieautifnlBurticfe's Fashion Plates and Patterns are enexhibition at eur rooms, and any pattern thatplay uu ticsirci will ua iiiniiaueu.

1 Our stock of ' ' ' :''


REAL AND IM. HAIR GOODS' was never so large as-a- t riresenb ''

Our SHILLING CALICO was never so hand-som-

as now.For the benefit of all we offer .

Clark's Spool Cotton at G centsFrench 1G bone Woven Corsets

at oO cents each.Tinted Kid Gloves at 75 cents.and many other articles at equally low prices.In about two weeks we shall offers large lineoi

3? A R S O L S ,' at sbont half former prices.

Mrs. Reed, as heretofore, gives the business herpersonal attention.

' Ii. W. REED.No,4,Phenix Block.' ' Bavenna, Ohio.April 1st, 1873. S48-4- t.

Atwatcf: Station !

fr..At linnmT.mfnN m tle b.V' cularrinr andlieauiitviug thn Muire ro.Mii,' aud building iiaad.tH tonal warebonse gives m- - greater- - taoili-lies

than ever for doing a grs'-ci- as business,ma,t hannclust setarneU fromHew'io.kwhere I have purchased s large, avwrtmeut oltne new. s sty ie oi if y vooi. v, n ci ..p, v..wnicn l am now receiving, couaim-iu- ui

Black Alpscrs. all grades. Colored Alpacaslira i tbith, Japanese tloih. JuninrK Pla.d,

ripeLraris'ri)fiilisMJJioini utripes., .ro- -

i:Aiie sin,., aroiftl - onqpimi,, iti... tm .uuBishop Lawns, Pequo. W hits. Ball ana Figured


Oottonades of everv kind and stvle.. Dnims.siripe-t- r Uiw I nick. Tickiiigr--frbiFtIin- Mus-lins, tjlesGhedsftid unblsaoiied, attnd-judlrtu.- n

Coweliug. sll grades, aud a 1 selling cueap.

Woolen Goods! WooleiS. Goods! J.,,i...j;t. -

Csssimeres, of which 1 have a nice seleciion irall stvlt--s anil' brices irom no cents npwaruBlack Deoskins nd Broadcloth,, selling vet 1,low. '!

HATS v.A.TSTDt- - CAPS:As fine su assortment of Hsts snd Caps, for

Men autl Bovs. as volt ever saw. I'aliuleat.Straw, Fsney Straw, Wool snd fur bats, Asplendid lot ot Ladies', stisees' and Children strimmed Hats, all beauties.

CIjOTHING!full line of Summer Clothing.' Suits for every

day and fancy suits, selling very low.

Shawls.!. Shawls! .iSha wis Itor every oescriptioa an.. i. .u, tttti.Ty. .u ijs.,ollain sad Otlomau, Selluig lor ft, and upward.All uicestyVjsi i. . . , 'Parasols Cotton and Silk, .cheap,

ill!,...;. .! r...,L.l v.!?..'1' ';' ''.T ' .ii "uVJl. .H'lW-- l-' i iiUmbrellas All Qualities.

Trunks, Satchels and Ladies Reticriles.


Latfles' Glovesrfrbm 15c upward.. Hose. from 1U

upward. British half bose, all prices. Uihbous.all widths asdcolors.-- r Blacky Velvet Ribbons,all widtis.. lVes iTrlmnriags.-Buttons- . Ac.Marsaille Trimmiug, and Collars.fancy KOucne lor uses, rape'' collars, nninfronts, liuen Hdkls . bair oil, perfumery and allJtber goods iu the Notion Iise.- - ' ".

, Bpot and 3Uoes.Ladies'. Missf s snd Children's Gaiters, Moreecoshoes, chead, fancy snd plain. Faney slippers ;

Mea'a and Atof a.' uoo48ananeoe. Auuzcaanuprifettasnlt.- t t T ;S ,ii , - .1

-- 1

Sugar, all arrailavfand prices, as low as-ca- hefouud elsewhere. Teas, all grades' aud kinds.Coffee, Stares,, aos chocolate. Tobacco, Codaud Wbfoa Fish, and everything in cturtroceryline that Is generally kepi in 2 country score, jHardM'airetrNails, 4oor TriajiuiugB,

j. lies, Mammers blc: y .

CrocJccry I have a large stock otVjbeevswai-- which 1 am oneriug

at a very small profit, "sGlasswartr--- a nice assortment, cbeftp

WaterLim5.White Xiime, SaTfaiidother goods not mentioned.

M B It will' be to the interest ot all to comeand see me before Luying, as 1 sell nearly allmy goods for cann, sua tne rest, on very snortcredit. 1 sin enabled to sell a cheap as any ta--b

store iu tuecouuiyv . . . .!Teankful for the large amount of patronage

have recieved, and hoping by lair dealing tomerit s continuance ol the same, 1 iuviie ail tocome and see me.

Market price paid for allkiuilsof Country Jfroduce,

.ALJBERTLDJXAtwater, O. May 14, 1873, m.

Cballer & Tbompson

Successors to CHALKEK St CAN.NOX, lakereat pleasuro in informing the people of

- ' 7. ' t - '

I Ulantua Stationand. vicinity that tbey hve established at theSTATION j" what has long been neededthere, a . . ', - "" "

ioi TDry Goods & Grocery


isriw: stokeiJSTEW GOODS ! ,


Keineaiber, last hei eifter bttainess headquarters will be at

N"0i5 Folerei 31oclc,. '.iJti-'- , &-r- V i. :

where all are invited to call and examine our. . . ' ' 'StOOkof : i "I-- . - -

DRT G-O- O jy&f,"; ; ... i .. .' i. :'.- '' '

. VS 1 . Coilsifting in pari of 1 '

Ladles' Fancy Dress Goods,

Dress Silks, --Japanese and Gros1 ? ' f- --

BfacJzAlfacas,Grain' Silks,

Poplins and-JSIo--

Jutirdi from the Cheapest to Oie

'Best. " '.'- - '

Ginghams,DeLainesJd5Prin ts,

at Bottom Prices .

All grades of Cotton Goods,"Bleached and Unbleached .

- Ladies, call and see our .

FANCY SHAWLS,of the very best styles.... .- - j . -

Gentlemen, remember we make aepe-ialt- y


ReaTly'rhadfi Clothing!Come, and we will try, and suit yon.

Of all grades, from the cheapest to thebest. , - , ! :. - r, f:

French Broad Olotlis.


A full line.


Highest price paid for allkinds of Produce.

CHALKER & THOMPSON.t May 10, 1878. Mantua Station


New Advertisement

Hopkins. Seymour ft ffcrjge First,;. .tin lief A t nomMn in. owns.A. lix Emporium of TraOic.

"X rarker ciotnmj;."ros. Consumer, o i li y tiooiis.

J. Kyle oung &carcber.rneoiiore ciars wanieo.Theodore Clarh For Sale.'f.Goucuer lautiou.,X. Converse 1 Locals.

luity Lodge. No. IS, V, ud A. M.Meets the itecoixl id fourth Monday ef eachsouth.

Tyrlsn Cbspter, No. 8 1 . R. A . M .

Meets tbeftoird Weibiesday or eacb'; Hall, PbeuLx Block.

il.l'.OnOLSIAlI.H.P.I. O. o. F. Ravenna Lodge, tim. Bit.

Meets every W eanewiay evening at dd Fel-ow- s

HalL , . , ., ;, . , . ;

Ravenna tamuopmest, Xo. 199,Meets every Snd and h Fridays ofeach'- '.

Cotton anWBsttlnC. ,. Vnino n' Good 4-- 4 Cotton Cloth at lKe per vaid. at tlie

StoreefSfs Con verse. Good; Baiting at iicperlii,, ,

Tlu end, Thread100 dot-- more of that splendid. ,200 yard- - Ptol

Thread at N. Con' vrsfs store 1

Fine liooe y Toile Soap at e ier sake, andgood Bar Soap at 5c per bar. Cheap, at N.COS-VEESE'- 8.

...i-.- . .i .... .j. n.iTeas, Teas. ;i

Choice Green Tea a $1.00 per 16, and P.Tack a.',

at 80c, at the cheap store of N

11 sadkerchlefa.60 doz. of those splendid Linen Handkerchieis

--4 forS N.COSVEKSE.

A fine-stac- of Linen Towels from 10c up, atthe storfraf JIVTonverse. - yi r- - .

LatliPine Shingles For Sale!., Fir--t cljtss Lath Pine Shingles for Sale cbcjip.EoqilireLoC W. K. A IXXKX, a few doors east ofHerts Avlttddle's Cauiage Works, or J. C. LONGat A. A'?" W. Jty.IeMtn.' J : 'W.i Sft-tf- c


The-Editori-- CouTention railed tomeet aft be ciiy on Thurs- -

daylUe jUth. iiat, is indeQnlteJy P98t;pouetL riifn Acitotvi8 4teinecl ailvNable ou account oC Decoration D

coming ou the '30lii,' (he fiecoml dajfor the holding of the ConYenriori.'lafact overlooked t the .lime '. trie',' caiwas . issued.. Tfae idea ot bolding theOotiVetition Is not abandoned, and theliiue lor itB fuoetuig will bp auapuocedia due tint. iu .r. : -- (... y,

i - ' Sam?l- - D.'Il arris, Prest. "VVrr Al,',pCRCHA.BO, fsec'y.''

;The weather is not very encourag- -

, A poor sight for the soda water andice cream dealers'

IWhat has become Ojl' that n tenselywarm sunimsrV're'd.ctcd by the weath- -

mm i 1. .. t . "i

Trf ERk is no need th being in a hur-ry about putting away your lurs in

ork 4, wo or f ve cput.ii,ecea ar;to be coined. ,,tV Wednesday morubi?, May 14th,weather cold, a slight sprinkling ofsnow. ' 1ZJ. I AX T'J.ll'JiC:

Wk omit our market report, asthere are no changes' to be noted sincelast week. '

L. (J. Dutme & Co. have sold houseand lot on Mill Street to the KavennaGas Co. , Consideration, $1,000.

Messrs-Hopkin-s, Seymour & Dodge

on Monday, sold six lot3 iu llieir first'addition, to Geo. E. Eairchild. ; Con- -

aideratien, jflTaO. :. '' ' " : ''- -

The season ' is' approach itig whendrinkiug aa .welly as drowDHig jmenwill catch at straws.

OlTR AlrAi.t I".iitttq iri Anof ia nf to businessl rdd doinir a troodwork clearing-'OutTt- h ditrjfies audcleaning ujtthe sta eetA. VV;'V

IT ia. reported that 51cKee;iai)Kin,who pjayed ltip.Vjin'injkle'at i&eod'sOpera lloase, .id;.Miiiii6;.dibrtfime ajjo.'ha appKd for ilxp ehefitof the uBtupt act 'ii (ipaoVilisliabilitieaare $1266 aaseUl' $i;000.

Lioosr out foraJJL-ruann- cr of swindlers who are traveling over the country claiming to lee U goods avtid d6work for less than those who do busi-

ness in your, .uidst. In jiinety-niii- e.

cases oat of a 'bund red tlie so travelingagents are do wurighl frauds. Keep

" ' '' ; ' "'il i' rHear of therri.XI. 31

Bought Oct. Mr. II.. Eaiber haspurchased the milk-rout- e. of Messrs.,King & 'Thompson, and iss preparedto supply aU their old customers andsuch- - othtrs as aj' be tlfsposed topatronize him, with fresh milk, obreasonable terms. ' lie will,, run twowagons constantly in the business.

Village Property- - Sold. Dr. D.C- - Jennings has sold his fine residenceon Walnut street to X. Converse.

LCoritiideration $9,000.

L (Thanks. Senator- - 11 arc has ourthanks Jov', aj"cppy jpt?" 'the GeologicalSurvey of Ohio, VotI, a neatly boundbook of 680 pages.

Religions Notice.Eev. S. II. McCoJIester, President

of Duclitel College will preach in theUnivei salist Ctutrch i f Haven n a, ouSunday, jtfaV 25tr,at l0 :3tf A. M.aud'1 :30 p. m.

.See the advertisement of MessrsChalker & Thompson, in another col-

umn. TRey have opened it--hu ge andattractive stock of New Goods, atMantua Station, and offer first-rat- e

inducements to bnyers.

Gas Works. Tho Ilavcuna GasCompany is now lully organized andthe stock taken. At the meeting onSaturday evening ten per cent, on thecapital stock was paid in. Groundwill be brokan on the works in a shorttime, and it is expected that the com-pany will be furnishing gas by thefirst of September.

A New Addition. H. I. Day, Esq.has laid out on bis place, on Chestnutstreet, his second addition to RavennaVillage, comprising, ten of the mostdesirable building lots in' the village.We understand that he designs,duringtbe coming season,' to erect three neatand commodious cottages on theselots.

tending physicians arecjt jvlio.lgy ds- -'

cided, thougn it, uaa many cn;iracter-istic- s

of spotted fever. 'Mr. Colton

wasrtfhref years of mnfX wasoue tii thtj nost kctive JuUe8 ian

vKootBtowti.3 lie feavesV wife aridone daughter Mrs. John Wirt tomourn their losa, . r

.,:,,;,!:CAUTIpJl.b,,-- j

is hertby given to each snd sllNOTICE ts trust 'w pvirwwa ori persoos juaoouuv bv book or otaer ise, as t nU pay

bijlo apt ODasvaftoU by i .) in prrsea vi uSTllHUl uruer.

ttavew,.fiaj Sth 18y 'j ,

. . ..

1 II:; . ' .' - ,.


I will tell 4 young bonesiieay and --lightand sriktJjr, on timcj- - Also,

R. R. fare. Uh hitva,.ruiu r r tnir

! I i ';:! 1 1 Z", V. of lUvtaaaMay. 13. 1873 I ! ! 1 J on.

"l The Elegant Horse j

YQUNO SEAliCHERWill moke tbe season of'STS,, commencing

Slav IJtn.aJiu eauiujj rffiiy tuaaoiioysMonday and Wednesday, a the stable ot tlMsubscriber, in luavenua; ruesuaja. at novas a

aAoble. al Abuisdats. at t.eck- -

ntnu s taunt-r- stable, in Brauaei Saturdays:at tbe stable oi aivia roe, iu ttaveuua.

Yoiinir tiearcber is a bright bay. with blockmane aud toU.lli x bands high, is lour year?old, auoWwr sjiiiinmiry and, notion is not suapa sr.l o .ny porse of bis age iu .Northern obtu

uiuot; Arfcadol Fair, wheat s aitv au..has bees fcvrarded preuwm eacl yfajrjsio- c-

4verfnA.Iay 6.19TS. 841--


ARCH DUKE!Will' make' tbe ensuing season,' com

mencing May otn ana ending July 1st, ion. sitbn Atalileoi the subscriber, one-hal- f mile northof Mantna Station, fortuge county, unio.

'ARCH DUKE is s beautiful dark mahogan)

of we' W"y Wltae Well-ano- jnorsau nunc, n.ii.H, -

p Archer was rot bv the celebrated horse Bar- -

uey Henry, owaoa ny air xaruey,oi uiveuiti:Vermont he rv Sianal. aud be by iiuporteuMargrave. The dam of Searcber was a Morgau

are, owned by Usmuel Moore, in the Iowa olSfaw;rliam. Vermont. She con id trot smile liiess Iban three minutes, weighed 1J00 pounds,ana was iu every respeca. wov.

.... itr ta nr . n.ri bar color, a neavv uowimtr i.i m. ii mane and tail, aud lean black nearhto ins body ; is lo bands high, snd weigheoltou when four years old He took tut...U lSSf n pt SB tat tee w mawii r ii

rii.l AtfUie Vermaut Stati Fitir.4ni ta presence of thonsauos. and oa a heavy sand trackbe mile. In naruess. la two minutes sue

lUtv seconds. T uts feat be perlormed, sitnougnle had never been trained, nor ni uei spee.jvimi .' Arch nuke's Ham was a Henry i laviher dam Aicb Duke, sired by General GlfiorcAs for speed aud st le. srcli Duke is inferior tovn lu.rse in the State, and is. a square trottertil persons wishing toi grow; first-clas- s wkIore reuneateu ta call aau .uiamv auw.uiasaiuGem iiurw. .i , r i ? ; i

ITERM3: Single Service, (A. pay down; Sea..n am t., ln..Ttl at the end of the season: In

surance. 813.. Iu be uaidtis soaa as thai mare isknows to lie wttn font, ...

Any person parting with s mare before she itknown te be .wits leai,!WrlllvrreittbeiusuruncPerson- - bringing ii srea si distance vmhave thehl pastured sttlieir own 'risk.

Ari l, ll.ikt. wits make is Fall season at thissme place, commencing August 4 and rudiniNovt-iybe- r LIOTj ' C BLA1K.j .,f

. e '

i;i1(1.'.!-- .

.!') i ! , .'. :

a :

-. S. I.I !. M

,'.:i.i ; ! ; .:'. i

Gbngurners ofii 1 ;.: i'i

dry goods,Motion s,":'



IrcOO ' i 1 i'- - , 1

Will find it to thsir interest to exsmine ourstock, ss every department is filled with choicegoou just received ana purcnasea on one oi toemost DEPRESSED snd DEMORALIZED markets knownfor years; and ss all our goods aremarked in accordance with tbe state of themarkets, it.stsnds su tabsxxl to protect tnem

MXTETBRO'SwNo. t,-Phi- nix BJoek

May 18th, 18n.ii !..: u: : : a,-.- :' . ''ti:c'j i I'ri-r. i'--

ac4 r i.

TTave just received the cheapest line ofAJL Clotbiug, Cloths, csssimeres, ncotcn suit-inn- s.

Vestinirs. Hats. Cans. Trunks and Valise,ever offered in Ravenna, snd we propose to selltnem s little below low water siar otwiijf olheicuiicertt utis;Arsua-.- ' . a . . - .


Good Scotch Suits, only 910.,God, Casslssere Salts, all wool, S14, .

, f -A Ciadd Sngllsti Suits- - $ao - ' - 'All other grades between the prices named.

CJ khs). Ciasstirtteres & Suitings'For st.jle. quality and e to select from cannot

lie loilnd surpassed in the city.,:

Hats and Caps!We have all the neveltlet of the season. Prices

from 81 lo $4 GO; aud for ilk Hals we a1. wayskeep tlie latest Broadway sty le sad I lie lies! Halior tne money tuai can ue toiina iu any market.

Trunks and Valises!ry r i 1 t ,. .

In this line we profiose to be hembiUartan, aswe always buy direcf from the manufactory audmake-th- first profit.. Prices from 8 up. GoodLeather-Covere- d Saratoga finish only $5.

FINE! AND PNCY SniRTSWe-baw-e afull line and a parftM-- t fit wa rant-

ed. -- Hire White-Shirt- s $1158 to $3 Oil. - FancyBlurts I ue to s ou. ..... , i

FURNISHING GOODS!We bsva s full line of Ties,' Collars, Hand

Kercnieis, nosiury, t,ioves, aus.ienders, c.v Awhich we win sen at a very small pront,

' The Custom DepartmentIs under the supervision of Mr. Thos. Cat) 111

who has had many years experience in the largecities. All work entrusted to him warrantedsatisfactory in every respect.

Come and see ns and we will do you good.' MTJSSER fc PARKER

i So. S. Etna Block,Ravenna, May 14. 187.

JSorthern PaciUc Gold 'iiipons, Gold, bilver nnurSpreiniiim rimil of all kinds.?r Sight lrrts on Kngland, Ireland, andiicotiand-an- d Passase TiaUeta to and from tho.e; ....m i fnr .:!(' liest rates.

Revenue staiiipa, a" aiiea. irAccounts and JJeposlU aollclted, , . . -

DIUECTORS-- K. B. Babcock. J. If. Nlcliols,. B. Conant,Thoinai Gorliy and Wm. L. r'oe,


P. B.CONANT, FBjratDmrr. ' ' '-j. ii.Nicnoi.a. vice pbbsidknt. :


Kavenna. Feb. 6. IBIS.' J.'Krr-iii- to the above. Dersons having Meuos- -

its witlvme wno no not win to v iii,irwcan have their deposits transferred on appiioa- -lion to tUe above institution.g r

it DOMESTIC".'V. t Vic.i! ;!-- 'tX .l.tVt. i'

8 Works in n. woather.!.

'"Not over-nic- e about haiulling.when wanted.balk with a heavy load ; hior 'run

away Koing down-bil- l. --J'"Not only a nice carriage, at for a smooth

-- road; but like Paddy's wheel-barro-

not afraid of ghosts. ,j ,,,.!,gg-- A few days trial with? all the help yon

''need.'-FREK- .

Old Machines taken in exchange. , . ',.

Agents wanted. iiiri i

B. UNDKBWOOU, Agent-- .j

Raveuna, Ohio.January28,18fM. . .. . . . -- . S31--tf



I i od.. . i .. .jthcpulilii-- uvf bffered A perfect pump la ailrespeet and at a very ioM' price.'. '"- " l

I i, ..i :. :.. , v:.i-.i:i- -- j ,.nnvni.i The metal lining is inserted in tbe bore of thai

pinp in such a iuanuer nitjusts itselfand swelling of the wood, thusi :

nloruiMir a It'riuci efiaiiioeran wnCHtne pueea'.nstr urr-l- ia M,...,.m i it i.hml hv ...rim uln trthe metal into the wood in sncll s manner vhat

. it canntt possibly e loose, yet is always t

flexible and . ,'t be process issim-.- .,

iiie. vet for this reason all the more periect and '

valuable 1 he patent hnt-.k-e snd Valves arevery , great improvements,. They are simple,'cannot got out of order, and wilt raise MORI

vmi and the pump will last much longer thananv other WoihI Pump in ss-i.- t. '. f

i I'have three sizes, udapteil to stock,, well and........ idistcrn use.tverv one wantingfn (heap. Durable, i and t:

tosy working I'ump sboulti cull and see one:' Uiesc siiendld Pumps. . - "'",

..:...(.. ; ..' iu. ti'iiv.'ii.t.ti;-:u-

. .'":' ''.' v-- i ii , Iii;j ... ;.; vi :'.!. v t'.'V "i I. :!'-- . ',il ' ii

... in' y. 'i ii' .,, j, .i.iJTj:C. .PRENTISS..!.!--

kfav.ii tins.. . n;-.- . . in.:!i:r.'i:i ii ji". a I, iii:


Opening": ,'' .ir..i j.ait Hi f. o.i i j ; ,! i!'-"'-


rre-t- l alleles I! .1 i ..L1.A. . f 1.1, B

NiafeftV. Kanuey Aatl(etj u( for ileleudants

Executors or flarvey Hotchkiss vs PeteiStoub et al. Mieri-T- s sale coufirilied and tieta.ordered.

The orand Jury appeared at the bar of theCourt on Tuesday evening, and returued theiiseveral bills ot indictment against William KOavi'lsou lor perjury; against George Risa loiassault and threatening; against Jacob Loud

for keeping a room lor the sale of liquors.dso-ttire- e iillw g4instjJki'. 1 Hopgh'lor rtoilation of liipior taw ; all emiorsed true billsi'hey also tiled tneir report of the condition olthe jail, liuding I hat that institution is kept iiigood order nnu in compliance with the rulerlaid down: and. having liuisheu their business,were discharged.

In the three cases against Joel I. Hough, tbedefendant appeared in Court and entered a pleaof guilty in each. In tbat lor keeping a root-- ,ue was ordercl to pay a Sue of f75 and costsand his place was adjudged a nuisance and ordered to be closed. In each of the other casethe ioloAlau&, wo.siiaAa.WA.tu, way ajAae titliaud td .rseeutHn. i i I i i m vy i

riaart Evtcgusl aWiflnadA.aign Sivorce granted ou gro.-n- of gross ueglect of duty and extreme cruelty. The personal pro(ertanil mouey heretoioie received from deleudnnand the lur her sum of 81 tS to bepaid bv defendant as aliut.ny. M. istuart foiplaintiff: Taylor A Uortou t.r defendant.

btale s Jacob Luudeuslager. ludictment foikeepiug room, &c Deieudant appeared amentered a plea of guilty. - enu-ne- to pay lintof t&0 and rests, aud ordered that the room bclosed, and mat he be reyuirei lo give bail, ittae iniiiotl hiw . waomgesof said law. Reed for State.

Jacob Pit2 vs John Witzet al. Sale under petition lor uartitiou confirmed and deeu ordered

State vs Geonge-Uisl- r ladictment forktstaiDt '!

and ihreuteniug. afefimtliiftpleacl gnilty--a- t.

(5 OS and costs. Kee.1 ior state.A. L. Uussull vs T he Incorporated Village o:

Kent. Tried to jury, who, ufter deliberation,return into court, and uj they fcra unable Uagree iiKn a verdict, anif Were' discharged.

--ockwcll it Buggies lor plaintiff; M. btuart loidefendant.

J. l. Hdrten, nfcignte fI, B.mrglesl vjC jward-B- . HrKleyfet al. New kppraiseun ut or-

dered and sale ordered to be made at tbe dooior the Court House in Ravenna, lay lor a, Hor-co-

tor plaiiitill.Jas. France vV Cnrtist L4e UtA Pt-t.- Kimes

Tried to Lourr; jinlgmeift tt)r 'ylainnff foifur, 91 and costs. Rockwell A Buggies tor plaintiff; Hutcbios A Thomas for defendant.J N. stracton vs Curtiss Lee and Peter Kime

Tried to court. 'w lie find for sa.kiit'ii! the sun.of lot (C. KoekwVllV Ruggtes for plaintiffHutching A I'houias for defendant.

haute vs same. Triuti to Court, finding foiplaiutiff.

.iairr4!07tray.if rs fieraiMu- - (to4tt M lal--

Trierl MtfcoM jiiHgrtient tin note- - aud inf.rr-iarage-

premises ordered to be sold to pay plainuif aud costs of suit. M. tuars loiolaiutiff. i

The ease of John,I,.Chrst.v-r- s GeorgeiSilsoi 'is on.tvutl Itii jory.'nai ounaencedT on Moadamorning aud tlie trial nas not closed at tne tinuWe go ett press.

Over thi rty cases have been disposed o( for thiterm by continuance. ,

; . itiiii.....-Mi- . i or A.II. & A. Stow have been putting t.

hew and substantial boiler iuto their(f ub Factory.

Wj:Thjd Sil ready too muclipgy'-ii- i

hand when we received the letter 01

our Edinburgh j corfe!ipoiid(r;Stj.iljfclot-i- n

the pro&eeain8"aiid bremiu'm lislof the Fair held in that town,, and thfletter from Shalersville, to give eitheiof them atteution this week.

A week ago last Saturday evening.Dr. Crittenden, of Kpfvttrad ;trtfpock-e-t

fcifeyed of abojft $300,--at EfltlidStreet! StAvn by a' gang of 'the iigbt-fiiiger-

gentry. lie" caught them inthe feriSclaiid gave jthetflarm-bnt- .

they-'persist- d in their work, and safely AiadolT.ivith fbeir piuudej.. N;


NAvvoods. We would call-- a

tloii to the advertisem ekt efA. another eolufnn. Ileas a largtapd elegant 6ck of new Ctpds trui table for,ih season, comprisrai. thelatest slyTes of lre8 'Goods, DomeVticsLVapts ftud, ShoeJL IIat and JlCrockery, and, in fact, everythingusually kept iii weil're'ga.ated'couh- -

4he clo8tf the winter'trade.itri--.ii- u mfttie - ami auction anddisposed of all his old goods, so thathis jretit stock i ,newT and 'firs,and is' large and varied. He has had8erQl-a)i).eaji--

a experience i.Le, ,lxusi- -

ness, and has -- estaUisbed his reputation as a first class,, merchant, and . an.

upright and honorable dealer.1

j MB.rajbWER8t.-'at!NoVi-!

hits somewhat changed his business I

UhtaiSptiai:JtUB. hasjrKJtcLU lHt& sjgood aspprtuicut, of , Domestic, CottonGoods,a fine stock of Crockery, Glass-ware, Wall Paper, Window Shades,and a fine stock of Groceries, i

Mr. C. has now had 20 year tfclose

attention to business ; with hia: expenonce, and buying goods for cash, noone can afford to sell cheaper.

.Fine Loiss.-r-Attenti- is direetedto the plat oif ,(Hopkin8, feemciiiraudDodgefs addition to the-viUa- go of Ra.venna, which we print in another eolumn. They are pleasantly locatedj ust neyonrrJlhe village , limits, .convenient to business, and in the niostgrowing part iof --town.(Thf j ard vervaluable --arrd;, desirable JoJp, and aremeeting" with" B rpadyTsale, eeyeral. ofthem hVMrbeoH Already disposed ofupon .hich ""comfortable- - residenceswill be erected this season. Anyroung onan WhA desirfej. jt9 secure Jilmfcelf s. home, or t " placed his money' where it will do him the ihosf gdod,'will dd'Vell tb fivest Irithis-irerf- y'

it. '''U .. i t i1 i.Iw coiiseidence"of 'the lieatv rains'

and almost, j'ipassabie 'coridit'ioh ofthe roads on its lino of travelMontgomery Queen's Menagerie andCircus failed fJ ain;iveli here On Sat--uruuy nisi, ucjoruiug iu uuvcriincincut. It is in town to-da- y (Wednesday aiid 'gives !wo 5crfoMian.OT9--H

afternoon und evening.

Senator Hart. seems to. have theinside" track for the iJeute'iiaiit. Gov-ernorship on the Credit Mobilier lie has done about as miich bardwork for that party as "any. othermau,"sjid is entitled to some' iconsideratioo at the hands of its Conventiou. But ; with a Supreme Judge.Comptroller of the Treasury and theLieutenant G over'nor. Portage' coiiuty'will have ,hor fuU 8p,are of officialhonors.

-- i; ,i .i.i.

I The Garrettsvllle Journal says thestory fur circulation1 that there are sev-

eral cases of small-po- x iu that town,is wholly untrue.; , ' " 1

: i IJ.-- . . '. 'l-'- l Hili:

ti TVJTT stock is remarkably strong and bealthy,and embraces many new varieties ofgreat... Ji merit. the Spriidg, Traded' I would particularly cair attention to my se- -

L lectcd list or PLints at 5; as 1 bave bestowedgreateare in thearrungementof thesorts.. andthose varieties. bave been chosen which nre

. most calculated to procure an effective displayf- the whole season. ' ' ' '

For Five Dollars:i 10 VerTjetias,L named varietler;-- 9 lleli tropes,t 3 Fushias; 8 Geraniums, Zonale, one silver, twof double, one roseorseented ; 84'etnnia9;4 Fever--

few. double white; CannaM 10 Coieu, varie-- ities; 8 Ivys; 8 Achvranthus; SCujihias; STnbe

' JKoses : S Ageratum r 1 Vincas. variegate.1 ; 1 Ga-

it . zenia; 8 Lobelia: lOFlox Orummondii; 2 month --

V ly Hoses. J. '. , .


: ;' '.'AYM; WALLACE, ,

' gasdkebto Lewis miller, Esq.,f S43-2- AKRON, OHIO.

, i.j lu j. ii ji;-- . i i.. -. j I v -

f 'lol ,lT'l9 ' 1

.r II. J.j.. i- . i" 11:) L. : , ii i

J .k55 VoPk. V ''- - 11

- ' ' f-'- i


A v 5.7-- lH af.i.- -.





m ml'

Jaits l...-,-MM----- - ,i ai

asasHiMsnnnM' ... ; .,. .7 i,.., i -- Uiv, ) i.: i

.. n .....t: ,:.'.';.-"lS.-IlQ-

. v".i i

Uew Goods for !.

New DressIn all the!' Desirable Sha'deg

and Cplorsi; ''V '.'u '.''.!' '.' u

, 'ilitiMii .' , u.Il ' i .-- i.r'-ih :."!. t: i:i..';i I!'-

IVEW OllaOXXJISCottonades, Checks, ; Jeans'

" " '.! i " i9'!' t 'll'J i I!'!'! - ;'I

&C. ' li"':'- - -

I.: :: .

TI V.' ' til i . i

i i : t

Iti Table" Linens', ( 'itapkiris.

and other Housekeeping,,.

. , ,

Jobs in - Hdkfs,' Gloves,' Hd- -- (...'. tut. '!

i eiery and N"ote Pitpei4; ' ': '..nil o'i:l Jiini i.; :

ii vitiii' a jo mil.

Novel tig ss i ji Ladies'(

Silk Ties, Ficjiu vTes,Lace and Linen Collars Em-

broider! ed Jjinen iSettisXatics,

Embtoiderios Edgesj, Corsets,

&C, tfcC. .,!:.

Coal!1 .n.i t


f; ' : and"'


The very best in the market kept constantlyon hand and delivered to customers, lam alsoagent for

BREWSTER'S AKROX COAL,the best $5 00 Coal in themarkot..

All orders lelt at tbe Hook and Drug Store otSmith. Woodruff ti Co., will receive prompt at-tention.


Rayenna. .Tnn'y. 15. 18TJ. 117-t-

Benjamin F. Traster's Instate."1"OTICK is hereby given that the subscriberij has been appoihte.1 and qualified as Administrator on tne estate oi itemamin r . trast.M I... ., rl .,, , till,, iIaiIA.BM I

J,. .1 ::; i'i ir.ilu!. ,:

Large assortment of - i ''"11. ,1 I . ! lllit l

Ribbons. & Millinery Joodsf

I am now opening a.very com- - '

plete and varied stock of the ",U- . v I -: - .'II'' '' - i. .'. i

above - Goods, including1 all K

the noyelttes in shade, sty ertfecr,' produced in RiBB;rxs.; '


i ...i'-:- . a At. ' . ;.'.::it.a ti :. 'n' ,t:i hi it

We have every desirable style--1

in Hjitss, IloTV4Bi?siiv.. .. ,( ' .. ; iii .. i it i;.iOinaineiits and - wall

MILIilNERY TRlW jG&"I. , i " !: t ti';--iri- i 'i"

' .. '.: .u:.We have also at very full 'as-',- ",

sortment of Ladies ". Tri mmed '!


AIsq, 'Children's anjd Misses'.o- - .' li 'ii: - ! .' ti--

U a1,S, at:,. ;. , ., : ,.-..,.-


Attachment Jfotlce it- -; I

.lohn T. Smith and fl train') 1 a '"'.:W. Shaiiafclt. lule part- - ( Ileforv) Wm. Pxlilus,ners under the Firm name '. l, of SutHcld Tp.of Smith A Shanal'elt, Portage Co. Uhio.-plaintiil's. vs. William it. j '. '

Treusb. lielundent. . -- i. J i'f !: it! lit .1Ou the 95th day of April A. I). lfT3, aaid Jus--

tire issued an order of attachment in the above .

action for tbe Sum of tlilrty-tbt- ir Imllars sndscvuuty-thrc- e cvut. i',,--

SMITH 8UANAFKLT.SnflleM. April 8tl. 18W. 848 8wk '



rJ.; J 1


No. 4, Reed's Opera House Blockf Would say to the lalies of Rayenns and yicini- -

. tv ii..ju iwctjip

f XEwfemrisrd: goods!"j - ; Comprisn'g : .' . . .', r()NNETs.,rr ats, ; v'.:;

Tj ACES, KIBBONS, TliO WERSand a l.irirc and splendid artinent of Orna-- -nients, embracing everything in the lineof her

' trade, of tlie latest and. most elegant styles..Ladies are requested to call and examine my

.; stock for. themselves; . ;i- All Work Dona Promptly, and In as style

sure to give KaAlanuillon. (..

B&Fo efforts spared to please Customers,Ravenna, April IS. 18TS. ' ' f.

Residence for Sale!W OFFKU for nale my residence, corner of

in Rooti condition nim sola tor no lauic xernuS- - ' J"f:-- :i '!l !';.V- M.STUABT.'April ''-:-

' 84-- i

For Liverpool & QueenstownIniuan Line of Mail Steamers sailing from

New York, every Saturday, and alternate Tuesdays. ,

- Tickets sold to and from England. Ireland,snd the Continent.

JOHN G. DALE. Agent,15. Broadway, N. Y.,

C. E. WITTER, Cashier, First National Bank"avenna. Ohio. 184-8- m

Edwin T. Clark's Estate."lfOTICE is hereby given that the subscriberi. ipts fieen fppoincea anu quaiiuea as exec-

utor of the last will and tostainer.t of Edwin T.Clark, lm--- r l ortage county. Ohioi deceased.

Oaten at StretUboro, this 89th day of AprilA. L).ia7a. A. . UCtiKEW.


A good assortment of ..


WABKHOCSt: llKOGMS, . i.l(Manufacturetl mid kept oonstsnlly on hand. .. .

Jlronm Corn matlv ua to order. All work war-rnnte- d.

Call and examine work snd get prices.Kooius North end of Jtiuplre Building. -

W. F. TOWW. '" "Ravenna. May T, 19T1. 848.8m .

Cadwalader Crawford's Estate.Is hereby given that the anlMoribers

have been aupoiuted and qualitled ss ad-ministrators on the estate of Cauwslsder CYsw- - 'ford, late of Portaireoounty. Ohio, deceased f i

Dated at Streetsboro. Portage county, Uhio. --

this 8d day of May, A.D. J8TS.H. S.CRAWFORH.l

--8t . J, A. W. oALTJkR. . ri

livtedat Sultteld, this. 1st dav of May. A T.1ET.3. WILLIAM PACI.US,
