dedicated grant mechanism for indigenous peoples...

DGM SAWETO PERU: LIVING MEMORY Peru is the third largest country in South America, with a total area of 1 285 216 km2. The amazon country is the ninth in forest areas worldwide, with over 73 million hectares of forests. It has the second extension in forests throughout Latin America and it ranks as fourth in tropical forests, being one of the twelve megadiverse countries in the entire globe. Nearly 15 million hectares are owned or managed by indigenous communities. This vital landscape is home to 2250 indigenous communities approximately. The Dedicated Grant Mechanism (DGM) was created as a special window of the Forest Investment Program (FIP) to provide the indigenous and local communities in the FIP pilot countries financing and learning mechanisms to support their participation in and complement the FIP investment programs and projects, as well as other REDD+ processes at local, national and global scales. DGM takes place in eight countries, including Peru. This mechanism will support indigenous communities in the Peruvian Amazon, in order to improve their forest management practices in a more sustainable way. Over the last year, the DGM Saweto Peru National Steering Committee (NSC), comprised by local amazon indigenous organizations gathered in the Association for the Development of the Peruvian Amazon (AIDESEP) and the Peruvian Confederation of Amazonian Peoples (CONAP), along with the World Bank, have worked in a proposal to manage this fund. OVERALL VIEW Deforestation in Peru generates nearly half GHGs emissions nationwide. Peru’s Forest Investment Program (PI-FIP) points out that agricultural expansion, megaprojects and roads building for non-regulated timber exploitation, are the main drivers of deforestation. According to this program, bulk of deforestation takes place in areas without entitlements allocated legally to territories. On the other hand, territorial reserves – including indigenous lands and protected areas – showcase lower deforestation rates. A FUTURE VISION Where: Peruvian Amazon Budget: USD 5.5 millions When: 2015 – 2020 Funding: World Bank National Executing Agency (ANE): WWF Peru DGM SAWETO PERU ©Diego Pérez / WWF-Peru OUR ACTIONS - Recognition and registration - Land demarcation and titling Land Titling Indigenous Forest Management - Agroforestry systems - Fish farming - Timber and non-timber activities Institutional strengthening and governance, and gender equality DGM Saweto Peru For further information, please contact: AIDESEP: [email protected] CONAP: [email protected] WWF Peru (ANE): [email protected] DEDICATED GRANT MECHANISM FOR INDIGENOUS PEOPLES AND LOCAL COMMUNITIES NSC DGM Peru: [email protected]

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Page 1: DEDICATED GRANT MECHANISM FOR INDIGENOUS PEOPLES … · 2015. 12. 9. · 18 indigenous federations and organizations who will


Peru is the third largest country in South America, with a total area of 1 285 216 km2. The amazon country is the ninth in forest areas worldwide, with over 73 million hectares of forests. It has the second extension in forests throughout Latin America and it ranks as fourth in tropical forests, being one of the twelve megadiverse countries in the entire globe. Nearly 15 million hectares are owned or managed by indigenous communities. This vital landscape is home to 2250 indigenous communities approximately.

The Dedicated Grant Mechanism (DGM) was created as a special window of the Forest Investment Program (FIP) to provide the indigenous and local communities in the FIP pilot countries financing and learning mechanisms to support their participation in and complement the FIP investment programs and projects, as well as other REDD+ processes at local, national and global scales. DGM takes place in eight countries, including Peru. This mechanism will support indigenous communities in the Peruvian Amazon, in order to improve their forest management practices in a more sustainable way. Over the last year, the DGM Saweto Peru National Steering Committee (NSC), comprised by local amazon indigenous organizations gathered in the Association for the Development of the Peruvian Amazon (AIDESEP) and the Peruvian Confederation of Amazonian Peoples (CONAP), along with the World Bank, have worked in a proposal to manage this fund.

OVERALL VIEWDeforestation in Peru generates nearly half GHGs emissions nationwide. Peru’s Forest Investment Program (PI-FIP) points out that agricultural expansion, megaprojects and roads building for non-regulated timber exploitation, are the main drivers of deforestation. According to this program, bulk of deforestation takes place in areas without entitlements allocated legally to territories. On the other hand, territorial reserves – including indigenous lands and protected areas – showcase lower deforestation rates.


Where: Peruvian AmazonBudget: USD 5.5 millionsWhen: 2015 – 2020Funding: World BankNational Executing Agency (ANE): WWF Peru



iego Pérez / W



OUR ACTIONS- Recognition and registration- Land demarcation and titling

Land Titling

Indigenous Forest Management- Agroforestry systems- Fish farming- Timber and non-timber activities

Institutional strengthening and governance, and gender equality

DGM Saweto Peru

For further information, please contact:

AIDESEP: [email protected]

CONAP: [email protected]

WWF Peru (ANE): [email protected]


NSC DGM Peru: [email protected]

Page 2: DEDICATED GRANT MECHANISM FOR INDIGENOUS PEOPLES … · 2015. 12. 9. · 18 indigenous federations and organizations who will

2250 native communities in the amazon regionIndigenous women leaders of territorial-based organizations


GOALS310 native communities of the Amazon recognized in the National Registry of Native CommunitiesLand demarcation and titling for 130 native communities representing at least 780,000 hectares of land70 subprojects related to food security, agroforestry, fish farming, and non-timber forest management5 small-scale and sustainable timber subprojectsUSD 500 000 allocated to subprojects proposed and/or managed mainly by women

STAKEHOLDERSThe National Steering Committee (NSC) of the Dedicated Grant Mechanism (DGM) Saweto Peru, comprised of 10 representatives from local indigenous organizations associated to AIDESEP and CONAP.18 indigenous federations and organizations who will implement the DGM Peru subprojects, which include:- Representatives of 9 regional organizations to AIDESEP1: ARPI-SC, CORPI-SL, CORPIAA, ORAU, COMARU, FENAMAD, ORPIAN-P, ORPIO, CODEPISAM.

National Executing Agency: WWF Peru.


1Asociación Regional de Pueblos Indígenas de la Selva Central, Coordinadora Regional de los Pueblos Indígenas de San Lorenzo, Coordinadora Regional de los Pueblos Indígenas

de Aidesep Atalaya, Organización Regional Aidesep Ucayali, Consejo Machiguenga del río Urubamba, Federación Nativa del río Madre de Dios y Afluentes,Organización Regional de

Pueblos Indígenas de la Amazonía Norte, Organización Regional de los Pueblos Indígenas del Oriente, Consejo de Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas de la región San Martín.2Organización Central de Comunidades aguarunas del alto Marañón, Federación de Mujeres Indígenas Artesanas de Loreto, Federación de Pueblos Indígenas de Bajo Corrientes,

Asociación de Comunidades Indígenas Kukamiria del Distrito de Urarinas, Unión de Comunidades Indígenas Fronterizas del Perú, Federación de Comunidades Nativas del Distrito de

Callería, Central Ashánika del Río Tambo, Federación de Comunidades NAtivas Campa Ashaninca, Organización de Comunidades Ashanincas de Mazamari.

- Representatives of 9 indigenous federations to CONAP2: CART, OCAM, FECONACA, FEMIAL, OCCAAM, FECONADIC, UCIFP, FEPIBAC, ACONAKKU.

Orientation Level

Decision-making Level

Technical Level

Implementation Level

Coordination LevelWorld Bank Global

Steering Committee





9 regional organizations of AIDESEP and 9 indigenous federations of CONAP

Federations and Native Communities