daniel g, cody d, darryn r

$1.00 World religions What religions rule our world Look inside and find out (pg 6- 10)

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a discriptional magazine about religions


Page 1: Daniel G, Cody D, Darryn R


World religions

What religions rule our world

Look inside and find out (pg 6-


Page 2: Daniel G, Cody D, Darryn R
Page 3: Daniel G, Cody D, Darryn R

Table of Contents

Pg 6 = Buddhism

Pg 7 = Christianity

Pg 8 = Islam

Pg 9 = Hinduism

Pg 10 = Judaism

Ddc teen religion was created by:

Daniel Ginter Darryen Reed and

Cody Dufresne

Page 4: Daniel G, Cody D, Darryn R
Page 5: Daniel G, Cody D, Darryn R
Page 6: Daniel G, Cody D, Darryn R

Buddhism is not

that much of a religion as it

is a way of life. Buddhism

is following an enlighten

path of life. The person

who made the Buddhism

way was Siddhartha a no-

ble that never left his home

until his high 20s and then

realized all the pain in the

world he then lived an

enlighten life which was

the start of Buddhism.

Buddhism doesn’t believe

in god but the right path in

life. Buddhist do not have a

churches instead they have

temples in which they go to

and pray or meditate so

they can always be on the

right path of life.

Siddhartha the

maker of Buddhism and

also known as the Buddha

was born in 500BCE in a

land named Nepal. He

lived in his palace for his

entire life without knowing

the outside world. He

started the Buddhism when

he saw all the pain in the

world when for the first

time he left his house in his

late 20s and saw all the

pain and evil in the world.

He decided to find spiritual

enlightenment in life so he

can counter all the evil in


the world. This once shel-

tered man became the icon

leader of a religion.

Buddhist is to live

a non-corrupt life Buddhist

must live with the right

view, right mind, and the

right intentions and a num-

ber of other good things.

Buddhist also meditate to

help find enlightenment

and to help walk the right

path in life. To Buddhist

finding enlightenment is

there one of their biggest

goals in life. Buddhist sees

death a reincarnation. Re-

birth to them is to be re-

born as in a way you acted

in your last life. If you

were bad then you will be

reborn in a bad life if you

were good you would be

reborn in a fulfilling life.

All of the Buddhist belief is

way to enlightenment and

a good life.

Buddhism is a

very unique religion be-

cause Buddhist can do

their worshiping at home

or a temple. Their why of

worship is by meditation,

chanting, and playing mu-

sic because they are trying

to reach enlightenment.

Buddhism has a very im-

portant festival called We-

sak. This festival is on the

first full moon of May and

that festival marks the Bud-

dha’s birthday. Buddhist

practice lots of things but

all they do is just to find

enlightenment like the


Buddhism was all

made in Nepal a mountain-

ous country with more

than 300million Buddhist.

Nepal was the land where

Siddhartha was born and

raised within his own pal-

ace. Nepal is in southeast

of china. Most Buddhist

lives in or around Nepal.

In conclu-

sion Buddhism is a religion

that helps seek enlighten-

ment away from evil and

pain in the world. The Bud-

dha the man who found

enlightenment now has

many worshipers that also

seek enlightenment. Bud-

dhism is a religion that can

help be a better person and

live a happy life though all

kinds of practices.


Page 6 Ddc

This is a picture of


Buddhism is not

that much of a

religion as it

is a way of


Page 7: Daniel G, Cody D, Darryn R

Christianity is

the world’s largest

religion with the

most worshipers.

This religion has a

wide range of a his-

tory behind it. They

worship 1 God in

churches; the

leader of the church

is the pastor.

Christianity follows

the teaching of Naz-

areth from Jesus.

Jesus is known as

the messiah that

was promised in the

Old Testament.


anity was made

back in 80CE about

2000years ago, and

the creator was Je-

sus, Jesus was

known as gods son

brought to earth to

save us from our

sins. So he spoke

of the word of god

to everyone and

everywhere he

went. Until he was

crucified on a cross

for an unrighteous

Christianity reason, Jesus was

killing because he

spoke the word and

authority of god.

Everything Jesus

spoke of became

the Old Testament

in the bible and af-

ter he did a couple

years’ later people

started to write

more of what he

said and that be-

came the New Tes-



worshiper worship

God and Jesus in

churches they visit

every Sunday and

Wednesday. When

they go to church

the pastor of the

church preaches of

the word of God

though the bible.


Page 7 Volume 1, Issue 1

This is a picture of a cross

Christianity is the

world’s largest

religion with the

most worshipers.

Page 8: Daniel G, Cody D, Darryn R

Islam began in the

Middle East about 1400

years ago. Islam was

started by the prophet Mu-

hammad. The Middle East

is just one big desert and

mountainous. Islam be-

lieves in only one god

which they call Allah. Is-

lam is a huge religion tak-

ing part in the worlds’



started Islam about 1400

years ago. When Muham-

mad was forty the angel

Gabriel came to him and

told him to preach his be-

liefs. Muhammad founded

Islam in Mecca, Saudi Ara-

bia about 1400 years ago.

Muhammad preached the

word of god as told by

Gabriel. These beliefs were

later written down to be-

come the Qur’an. Islam is

a strong religion created by

the prophet Muhammad.

The geography of

the Middle East is moun-

tainous and has a lot of

deserts. Islam is has the

second most followers with

about 1 billion. The follow-

ers of Islam live mostly in

the Middle East but they

are in a lot of other places

too. The Middle East is

mostly deserts and moun-


The Islam religion

Islam has a lot of different beliefs.

They believe that Allah is

the creator of the universe.

The followers’ main goal in

life is to memorize the

Qur’an. They believe that

they must preach Muslim

way of life to others. The

followers of Islam have

many beliefs in their relig-


The Islamic faith

has plenty of great prac-

tices. One of the practices

is that every Muslim must

perform a certain worship,

some personal practices

and five prayers a day.

They also fast during the

month of Ramadan. Each

Muslim is required to make

a pilgrimage to Mecca

once in their life time to be

where their religion began.

The Muslims have few

practices but each and

every one of them are very



Page 8 Ddc

This is the symbol

for Islam

Islam began in

the Middle East

about 1400

years ago.

Page 9: Daniel G, Cody D, Darryn R

Hinduism is the

world’s oldest religion dat-

ing back to 3000 BCE. It is

also the world’s 3rd largest

religion with 837 million

followers. There are over

1.1 million Hindus in the

U.S. alone. Hinduism is

the dominate religion in

India. They believe in one

over all god.

The Hindus wor-

ship their god which they

call Brahman. The Hindus

also refer to their priests as

Brahma indicating that

they are one with Brah-

man. People think that

Hindus worship more than

one god but they only wor-

ship one eternal god and

the rest are just different

aspects of Brahman. The

different aspects of Brah-

man are Brahma (the crea-

tor god), Vishnu (the god

that preserves the universe)

and Shiva (the destroyer of

the universe).

The Indus Valley

is located in what is now

Pakistan. There are almost

340 million followers of

Hinduism. Most Hindus

live in India but that is not

the only place they are

found. Hinduism is also

found in Nepal, Sri Lanka,

Fiji, Bali and the U.S.A.

Hinduism largely influ-

enced other religions like

Buddhism, Jainism, and

Hinduism Sikhism.

We do

not know who founded

Hinduism but the history is

magnificent. It was

founded in about 3000

BCE making it the oldest

religion in the Indus Valley

near the Indus River. The

Hindus religious writing is

called the Vedas. The word

Vedas means knowledge.

It was written around 1500

BCE. The Vedas was split

into four parts; the Samhi-

tas is the oldest part of the

Vedas. Then there is the

Brahmanas is telling

them the different prac-

tices and rituals. There is

also the Aranyakas which

has the different ways of

worship and meditation.

Finally there is the Upani-

shads which tells of the

teachings of hiduism.


Page 9 Volume 1, Issue 1

This is a Hindu statue

Hinduism is the

world’s oldest

religion dating

back to 3000


Page 10: Daniel G, Cody D, Darryn R

Judaism is a

4000 year of tradition

on how to be human

and also how to make

the world a holy place.

Judaism is having a

covenant relationship

with God. Abraham,

Jacob, and Isaac, the

origin of Hebrew peo-

ple. The ancient writ-

ing for Judaism is the

torah the first 5 books

in the bible. Judaism

has many holidays

that last for many


Moses led the

Hebrew slaves to the

“promised land” after

the fall of the Egyp-

tians. The Hebrew

monarchy that ended

the 6th century BCE.

Moses is the man who

foretold the fall of the

Egyptians and then he

spoke of how it would

come to be. He fore-

told the 10 plagues

such as Death of First-

born, Darkness, Lo-

custs, Hail mixed with

fire, Incurable boils,

Pestilence, Wild ani-

Judaism mals, Gnats, Frogs,

water turned into

Blood. They all came

true and helped all the

slaves to escape.

Judaism only

believes in only one

God and they read

from the Old Testa-

ment or as they call it

the Torah. The Torah

is the Judaism bible.

They pray at temples

and celebrate many

holidays. A holiday

they celebrate is Ha-

nukkah, Hanukkah is

an eight day holiday

and for each day they

light a candle on each

day of the holiday.

Judaism is a

religion that shows its

great belief in god in

any way possible.

Though there of show-

ing it is very different.

They still proudly wor-

ship god the best way

they can. That is Juda-



Page 10 Ddc

Here is a picture of

a star of David and

a menorah

Judaism is a

4000 year of

tradition on

how to be human

and also how to

make the world

a holy place

Page 11: Daniel G, Cody D, Darryn R
Page 12: Daniel G, Cody D, Darryn R