cv achmad hafidz zulkarnain

Jakarta, 18 October 2016 Attention To: Human Resources Department Dear Sir/Madam, My name is ACHMAD HAFIDZ ZULKARNAIN, 23 years old, Male, single. I have graduated from INSTITUTE PERBANAS periode 2016 and the concentration of HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT. If your organization is seeking a skilled and talented person,I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss your needs and objectives with you.The accomplishments noted within the accompanying resume will illustrate the value and vision that I can bring in your team. Not only that, I posses deep understanding of how to achieve high level performance. In review of your company's objective and possible openings,I believe that my qualification is in perfect line with your current needs.If your firm is looking for a result oriented with the best performance,I would be interested in speaking with you to discuss the value that my strengths can bring to your search. Herewith I enclose my curriculum vitae, which will give details of my qualification. I hope my qualifications and experience merit your consideration and look forward to your reply. Sincerely yours, ACHMAD HAFIDZ ZULKARNAIN Phone : 0821297222437 Jl. 100 Gg. H Mahjur Rt.13 Rw.02 No.1 Kecamatan Jagakarsa, Kelurahan Lenteng Agung, Jakarta Selatan

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Page 1: cv achmad hafidz zulkarnain

Jakarta, 18 October 2016

Attention To:

Human Resources Department

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is ACHMAD HAFIDZ ZULKARNAIN, 23 years old, Male, single. I have graduated

from INSTITUTE PERBANAS periode 2016 and the concentration of HUMAN RESOURCES

MANAGEMENT. If your organization is seeking a skilled and talented person,I would appreciate

the opportunity to discuss your needs and objectives with you.The accomplishments noted within

the accompanying resume will illustrate the value and vision that I can bring in your team. Not only

that, I posses deep understanding of how to achieve high level performance.

In review of your company's objective and possible openings,I believe that my qualification is in

perfect line with your current needs.If your firm is looking for a result oriented with the best

performance,I would be interested in speaking with you to discuss the value that my strengths can

bring to your search.

Herewith I enclose my curriculum vitae, which will give details of my qualification.

I hope my qualifications and experience merit your consideration and look forward to your reply.

Sincerely yours,


Phone : 0821297222437

Jl. 100 Gg. H Mahjur Rt.13 Rw.02 No.1

Kecamatan Jagakarsa,

Kelurahan Lenteng Agung,

Jakarta Selatan

Page 2: cv achmad hafidz zulkarnain

Curriculum Vitae of Achmad Hafidz Zulkarnain

Curiculum Vitae



Address : Jl. 100 Gg. H Mahjur Rt.13 Rw.02 No.1, Jakarta Selatan

E-mail : [email protected]

[email protected]

Place / Date of Birth : Jakarta / 28 June 1993

Gender : Male .

Religion : Moslem.

Nationality : Indonesia.

Marital Status : Single

Health : Good, physically and mentally

Hobby : Futsal,Football,Travelling,Watching,Listen Music etc.


1. TK Noorini Haruni 1997-1999

2. SDN 08 Jakarta 1999-2005

3. SLTPN 242 Jakarta 2005-2008

4. SMAN 109 Jakarta 2008-2011

5. Perbanas Institute 2011-2016


2010 : Staff Nike Store at Pondok Indah Mall

2011 : Staff Giordano at Pondok Indah Mall

2012 : Staff The Goodsdept at Lotte Shopping Avenue

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Curriculum Vitae of Achmad Hafidz Zulkarnain


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Curriculum Vitae of Achmad Hafidz Zulkarnain

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Curriculum Vitae of Achmad Hafidz Zulkarnain


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Curriculum Vitae of Achmad Hafidz Zulkarnain


I declare the details stated to be true and complete.

( Achmad Hafidz Zulkarnain)