cultural heritage in regional networks regnet e-shop

Cultural Heritage in REGional Cultural Heritage in REGional NETworks NETworks REGNET REGNET E-SHOP E-SHOP

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Page 1: Cultural Heritage in REGional NETworks REGNET E-SHOP

Cultural Heritage in REGional NETworksCultural Heritage in REGional NETworks



Page 2: Cultural Heritage in REGional NETworks REGNET E-SHOP

3 February 2003


Functionalities of E-SHOPFunctionalities of E-SHOP

Search facility of the Z-SHOP (figure 1)Free Search:

Name of the product / description etc.

Category of the product (The user is able to select from the predefined different categories that the system provides, by using a specific combo box or a scroll bar that exists on the left of the screen).

Specify the supplier.

The user is able to provide a price range for the search (lower than or higher).

Search through the different categories.

Page 3: Cultural Heritage in REGional NETworks REGNET E-SHOP

3 February 2003


Figure 1 – Search Functionality

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3 February 2003


… … Functionalities (2)Functionalities (2)

Shopping Cart (Basket) – (You can see figure 2)Add an item to the shopping cartRemove item from the shopping cartView item Details (all information regarding the product can be viewed to another page box)Move item to wish listChange the quantity of a productCalculate the total amount of the orderUpdate the basketChange the currency of the price (by default is in Euro). Proceed an order

Page 5: Cultural Heritage in REGional NETworks REGNET E-SHOP

3 February 2003


Figure 2 – Basket

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3 February 2003


… … Functionalities (3)Functionalities (3)

Wish List (figure 3)Move to basket. A product may be transferred from the wish list to the basket

Update the wish list

Buy from the wish list the selected items

View wish list, the client may access and manage his wish list

Delete from wish list

Request item details (You can see item details to another web box)

Change the quantity and the currency

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3 February 2003


Figure 3 – Wish List

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3 February 2003


… … Functionalities (4)Functionalities (4)

OrderDelivery address

The system request user’s info from the user’s profile or the user can specify the different information that he/she wants, in order to deliver him/her the requested product.

(figure 4)

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3 February 2003


Figure 4 – Delivery address

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3 February 2003


Review order before the final transaction.

The system gives the ability to users to verify their orders and also to specify the shipment costs.

(figure 5)

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3 February 2003


Figure 5 – review order

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3 February 2003


E-Payment (figure 6)

Users can select the way that they prefer to pay.

1. Payment with credit card.

Then the system will send an email with the confirmation of the order and then any user can finish his/her order by submitting the credit card number in a Internet Secure Environment (see figure 7).

2. Deposit in a Bank Account.

Then an email with the confirmation of the order will be send to users with the details of the payment and the bank account.

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3 February 2003


Figure 6 – selection of payment

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3 February 2003


Figure 7 – Credit card Transaction Form

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3 February 2003


View order history Any user can see the history of his/her orders

(figure 8)

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3 February 2003


Figure 8 – Order History

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3 February 2003


… … Functionalities (5)Functionalities (5)

Terms and Conditions

There some terms and conditions that offered to users before they use the functionalities of the specific component.

Return to portal

Users can exit from the e-shop component by pressing the button “return to portal”.