continuos writing

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Post on 02-Jun-2018




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  • 8/10/2019 Continuos Writing


  • 8/10/2019 Continuos Writing


    my essay as soon as they came bac" from mar"ing. o, there was nothing weird about her

    wanting to snea" a pee" at my mar"s and as usual, was swoon on over them. The only weird

    thing was the mar"s themselves. #ever in my entire life had I been awarded such mar"s. I got tomy feet once again and Mr. Ahmad Iham. )y this time he had finished giving out the papers and

    was sitting at the des" writing something in his report boo".

    0ir12 I said. !e loo"ed at me. 0I do not understand why I have been given such a low mar" for

    my essay. -hat is wrong with it12 03ou really don%t "now12 he countered. 0#o2 0I do not

    tolerate plagiarism or cut and paste $obs such as what you did. 3ou understand me12 he as"ed,his voice rising ominously with every word that he was almost yelling at me.

    0ir12 I was completely lost for words. 03ou thin" I copied my wor" from the #et or something1

    4on%t thin" lowly of me, ir.2 0#o student can produce such a wor" for me. -hat you wrote wasway beyond the ability of any student I have ever taught. 4on%t ma"e a fool out of me5 I hate


    )y now the class had their attention turned to us, but I did not care. I had to stand my ground. Iwould not ta"e it lightly when the wor" I had done all by myself was called a plagiaried $ob. I

    would not tolerate being called a cheater by this $er" of a teacher.

    0ir, I am sorry but that is ridiculous. 6erhaps you should as" the other teacher about my abilities

    first before you come to such a conclusion.2 0uch insolence and arrogance. -ho is the teacherhere1 3ou or me1 I don%t li"e your rudeness. 7ome with me to the 6rincipal%s room right now.2

    0&ine,2 I said. I was ready to stand my ground. I "new the 6rincipal would not be so hasty as my

    English teacher. I should "now that for the 6rincipal is my father. Then the English teacher toldthe 6rincipal about my behavior and my wor" that I plagiaried. My father "nows me but I "new

    what he do is a good thing so that people don%t call me a teacher%s pet. Therefore, my father gave

    me a topic and tells me to tal" about it. I tal"ed about it in clear points and ma"e the Englishteacher stunned to a pending silent. The teacher said sorry to me for not believing my ability and

    I was glad that it was finally over.