contact: (866) 298-9343 ext. 200 registrations ... · • adapt your strategies to different...

September 24th and 25th, 2018 | Holiday Inn Toronto International Airport Improve outcomes, quality of care, and transform your patient experience! Julie Drury, Chair of the Minister’s Patient and Family Advisory Council, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care Mireille Brosseau, Program Manager, Patient Partnerships, Health Standards Organization (HSO) & Accreditation Canada Featured Speaker: Join them and other leaders to: Exclusive “Sneak Peek” Draft Agenda Save $500 Register by June 22 nd Contact: (866) 298-9343 ext. 200 [email protected] Jo-anne Marr, CEO and President, Markham Stouffville Hospital Christine Kouri, Patient Experience Manager, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario EXPERIENCE PATIENT 6th Annual National Forum on Establish a meaningful partnerships through co-design initiatives Master PROMs and PREMs Improve communication with patients from diverse backgrounds Discover the value of patient stories and experiences Lend support to family and friend caregivers Attend #PXForum18 to continue being a champion of the patient voice!

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Page 1: Contact: (866) 298-9343 ext. 200 registrations ... · • Adapt your strategies to different patient groups • Involve patients and families in their own discharge Ensure you are

September 24th and 25th, 2018 | Holiday Inn Toronto International Airport

Improve outcomes, quality of care, and transform your patient experience!

Julie Drury, Chair of the Minister’s Patient and Family Advisory Council, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care

Mireille Brosseau, Program Manager, Patient Partnerships, Health Standards Organization (HSO) & Accreditation Canada

Featured Speaker:

Join them and other leaders to:

Exclusive “Sneak Peek” Draft Agenda

Save $500 Register by June 22nd

Contact: (866) 298-9343 ext. [email protected]

Jo-anne Marr, CEO and President, Markham Stouffville Hospital

Christine Kouri, Patient Experience Manager, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario

EXPERIENCEPATIENT6th Annual National Forum on

• Establish a meaningful partnerships through co-design initiatives

• Master PROMs and PREMs

• Improve communication with patients from diverse backgrounds

• Discover the value of patient stories and experiences

• Lend support to family and friend caregivers

Attend #PXForum18 to continue being a champion of the patient voice!

Page 2: Contact: (866) 298-9343 ext. 200 registrations ... · • Adapt your strategies to different patient groups • Involve patients and families in their own discharge Ensure you are

8:15 AM Keynote Address: Embrace Change

Face Challenges Head-on to Pave the way for Patient-centred CareIt may be difficult to see how your endeavours will make a lasting impact on the healthcare system. Bring enduring change to your organization to sustain the Patient Experience movement. Get inights to:

• Maintain empathy in the digital age• Balance individualism with standardization• Maintaining an effective PFAC on a tight budget

Make a lasting impact by ingraining patient-centred care into everything you do.

9:15 AM Case Study: Health Standards Organization and Accreditation Canada

Embrace People Powered Health to Drive Quality Improvements in Your CareWith the help of 500+ surveyors, Accreditation Canada has surveyed over 9,000 sites and services across the country. Put patients at the forefront of your care to exceed accreditation standards. Get new ideas to:

• Stay updated on the role of Patient Surveyors • Implement best practices to ensure person-centred programs• Ensure ongoing quality and safety in your organization

Use accreditation as a chance to embed patient-centred care into everything you do.

10:00 AM Industry Expert: Patient-Centric Systems

Digitize your First Point of Contact to Improve Patient Experience and Reduce Costs Patients today do most things using technology, why not their medical appointments? Reduce costs, wait times, and error rates by implementing a simple digital system. Take away specific solutions to:

• Boost your patient satisfaction• Increase operational savings• Improve ease of use and customization

Bring your organization into the 21st century and make your patients’ lives simpler with a client-centric system.

10:30 AM Morning BreakConnect with conference speakers and fellow attendees. Secure important new contacts and talk about developments in patient-centred care.

7:15 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:00 AM Opening Comments from the Chair

Register today by calling 1-866-298-9343 x 200 © Strategy Institute 2018. Agenda is Subject to Change

Join the LinkedIn Group: Patient Experience Forum and chat with speakers + attendees before the summit starts.

Follow and tweet @PatientXForum for exclusive updates and offers. Connect with other leaders attending #PXForum18

DAY ONEMonday Sept 24th, 2018

Keith Taylor, Patient Advisor, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre

Page 3: Contact: (866) 298-9343 ext. 200 registrations ... · • Adapt your strategies to different patient groups • Involve patients and families in their own discharge Ensure you are

Register online at



Delegates will have the option to choose between two tracks. Source specialized information most pertinent to your priorities and interests. Interact with fellow peers, exchange ideas, and take away solutions to your biggest concerns.

Delegates will have the option to choose between two tracks. Source specialized information most pertinent to your priorities and interests. Interact with fellow peers, exchange ideas, and take away solutions to your biggest concerns.

Track A: Getting Started

Track A: Third-party Engagement

Track B: Taking the Next Step

Track B: Measurement Strategies

11:00 AM Case study: Building a PFAC

Build a Toolkit to Form Your Organization’s Patient and Family Advisory Council Engaging your patients and their families in quality improvement initiatives is a key part to improving your patient experience. Identify and tailor an engagement framework to inspire partnership within your organization. Get insights to:

• Identify opportunities for improvement • Recruit and support your patient partners • Develop and implement patient experience solutions

Create your own engagement program to initiate real progress in patient-centred care.

1:30 PM Case study: Family and Friend Caregivers

Recognize the Critical Role of Family Caregivers to Improve Patient Experience Canadian caregivers provide $5 billion worth of unpaid labour to the healthcare system. Develop a better understanding of the importance of the role of caregivers to support their efforts in providing quality care. Create a plan to:

• Recognize caregiver needs to provide adequate support• Ensure doctors are aware of community resources available to

caregivers• Collaborate with both patients and family caregivers in

treatment decisions

Advocate for family caregivers to ensure a better healthcare experience for all.

11:45 AM Case study: Patient and Family Voices

Understand the Patient Perspective to Transform the Way You Deliver CarePatient and family feedback can offer invaluable insight into identifying gaps in your care. Manage feedback to recognize opportunities for improvement and drive the quality of your care. Get new ideas to:

• Identify and work with patient and family expectations• Incorporate the patient perspective into organizational

decision-making • Minimize complaints by ensuring they are addressed efficiently

Discover the value of patient and family voices to change the way you deliver care.

2:15 PM Case study: Staff and Physician Engagement

Communicate the Value of Patient-centred Care to Get Staff and Physician Buy-inThere’s a clear link between engaged staff and physicians and improved patient outcomes. Work closely with your staff to improve communication to drive Patient Experience. Source strategies to:

• Implement sustained efforts to communicate your goals to staff• Offer resources and training when necessary• Improve opportunities for physicians to offer input on

organizational decisions

Demonstrate your organization’s commitment to PX by driving staff engagement.

11:00 AM Case study: Sustainability

Develop a Plan to Take Your Patient Experience Strategy to the Next LevelMany organizations already have patient engagement programs, but more must be done to improve and sustain them. Evaluate your current strategy to improve patient experience and drive quality care in your organization. Build a roadmap to:

• Engage in effective strategy mapping• Conduct program audits to identify areas of improvement• Implement effective change management to handle improvements

Transform the way you deliver care to sustain the patient experience movement.

1:30 PM Case study: Real-time Feedback

Take Action Quickly with Real-time Feedback to Improve Your Patient SatisfactionReceiving patient feedback and managing concerns quickly can help you identify and address issues as they arise. Use real-time feedback to improve the quality of your care and boost patient satisfaction. Create a road map to:

• Implement easy real-time surveys to asses care on a daily basis • Develop an action-plan to address a low-response • Actively engage patients and family members in developing ideas

for improvement

Gather real-time feedback to evaluate your care on a daily basis.

11:45 AM Case study: Lay of the Land

An Updated Look Into the State of Patient Experience in Canada A national survey recently polled more than 30,000 Canadians to determine their patient experience. Identify opportunities to improve patient transitions at a system level to address gaps in your care. Get new ideas to:

• Implement tools to allow patients to communicate with their doctors• Address the emotional side-effects of illnesses from diagnosis to

post-treatment• Ensure patient-centred care is the new normal

Identify areas of improvement to ensure your patients’ needs are met throughout their care.

2:15 PM Case study: PX Analytics

Collect and Analyze Your Patient Experience Data to Identify Areas of Improvement The sheer volume and variety of patient data can be overwhelming if you’re new to analytics. Develop a plan to make sense of your data to make meaningful improvements in your care. Create a plan to:

• Ensure staff understand the value of collecting patient experience data

• Take inventory of existing sources of data• Develop easy metrics to make informed data-driven decisions

Develop a system for collecting and analyzing data to drive quality improvements.

12:30 PM Networking LunchJoin the conference speakers and your peers for a relaxing luncheon.

Page 4: Contact: (866) 298-9343 ext. 200 registrations ... · • Adapt your strategies to different patient groups • Involve patients and families in their own discharge Ensure you are

Register today by calling 1-866-298-9343 x 200


3:30 PM Afternoon Address: A Year in Review

Get Actively Involved in our Healthcare System to Revolutionize Patient-Centred CareIt has been a full year since Julie Drury became the Chair of the Ontario Minister’s Patient and Family Advisory Council. Recognize the steps the Ontario ministry is taking to improve your patient experience. Get fresh new ideas to:

• Stay informed on health care plans in Ontario• Give your patients a voice in decisions that impact their care

and experiences• Coordinate with all ministry patient engagement efforts

Participate in provincial programs and policies to drive meaningful change.

4:15 PM Case Study: The Role of Patient Navigators

Implement a ‘Navigator’ to Enhance the Healthcare Experiences of Vulnerable Populations In 2016, CHEO provided pediatric acute care and rehabilitation to over 1,200 Syrian Refugees. Use Navigators to develop a partnership outside of the hospital to provide culturally competent care. Get new ideas to:

• Identify the steps its takes to implement standard work and external partnerships

• Overcome language and cultural barriers with your patients • Provide relevant resources and support

Tend to the needs of all Canadian patients from the start to set them up for a lifetime of health.

4:45 PM Case Study: Universal Pharmacare

Join the Conversation on Pharmcare to Prepare for the Future of Canadian HealthcareCanada is the only country with universal health care that does not include prescription drug coverage. Debunk myths about pharmacare to realize how universal coverage can impact patient experience. Gain insights on:

• Benefits of universal access to necessary medications • Ensuring the distribution of prescription medications is fair• Promoting safe and appropriate prescribing

Discover what universal drug coverage could mean for Canadian healthcare.

Julie Drury, Chair of the Minister’s Patient and Family Advisory Council, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care

Joel Lexchin, MD, Professor Emeritus, School of Health Policy and Management, Faculty of Health, York University, Emergency Physician, University Health Network

5:30 PM Health and Wellness SocialEnjoy a variety of relaxing and healthful activities alongside your partners in patient-centred care. Visit our different stations and recharge your batteries. Meet new people, reflect on the day, and unwind!

DAY TWOTuesday Sept 25th, 2018

3:00 PM Afternoon BreakNetwork with conference speakers and fellow attendees.

8:15 AM Keynote Address: Support Throughout the Patient Journey

Provide Support to Your Patients and Their Families Outside of Your OrganizationTransitioning from acute to home or community care can be challenging for patient and their families. Determine the factors that help your patients feel more secure to ensure they recover. Identify opportunities to:

• Recognize the information patients value when they transition• Adapt your strategies to different patient groups• Involve patients and families in their own discharge

Ensure you are delivering quality care to your patients throughout the patient journey.

9:00 AM Industry Expert: Wait-times

Provide your Patients with the Tools to Manage Wait-times and Reduce ER VisitsThe greatest complaint among Canadian patients is not receiving timely access to care. Empower your patients by providing them with the tools to manage their wait-times. Source solutions to:

• Give your patients options• Help patients plan their day around doctor’s appointments • Allow patients to choose a male or female doctor

Use technology to help patients manage wait-times and decrease ER visits.

9:30 AM Case study: Engagement in Paediatric Care

Engage Children at Their Level to Give all Patients a Voice and Advance CareIn paediatric care, engagement efforts are often focussed on the parents of patients. Engage your paediatric patients to deliver a child-friendly care experience. Source practical tips to:

• Develop an effective Children’s Advisory Council• Identify the priorities and expectations for your paediatric patients• Deliver flexible and child-friendly care

Incorporate the voices of all patients – no matter how small - into your care plan.

10:15 AM Morning BreakInteract with conference speakers and fellow attendees.

7:15 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:00 AM Opening Comments from the Chair

Keith Taylor, Patient Advisor, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre

Page 5: Contact: (866) 298-9343 ext. 200 registrations ... · • Adapt your strategies to different patient groups • Involve patients and families in their own discharge Ensure you are

CHOOSE YOUR TRACKDelegates will have the option to choose between two tracks. Source specialized information most pertinent to your priorities and

interests. Interact with fellow peers, exchange ideas, and take away solutions to your biggest concerns.

Track A: Vulnerable Populations Track B: Mental Health

10:45 AM Case study: Native American Communities

Reach out to the Native American Community to Address Care Needs and Achieve EquityIt can be difficult to engage with patients from Native American communities. Remove barriers to communication and harness the perspectives of your patients from diverse backgrounds. Master strategies for:

• Developing population-specific materials• Training and hiring staff for interpersonal skills• Relationship building in the long-term

Better understand the needs of your patients to provide inclusive care.

11:30 AM Case study: Disadvantaged Populations

Ensure Dignity in all Interactions With Your Patients to Drive True Change in Healthcare Chronic homelessness results in an estimated 1,300 deaths in Canada each year. Recognize the challenges of health equity to ensure all of your patients have access to health and social support. Get news ideas to:

• Give your patients improved access to care • Approach healthcare with a degree of flexibility• Be humanistic in your treatment of patients from

vulnerable populations

Empower vulnerable patients to revolutionize the healthcare system.

10:45 AM Case study: Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health

Forge a Path Towards Patient-centred Care for Mental Health Patients It takes creativity to develop co-design programs with patients who suffer from mental health illnesses. Take a unique approach to patient engagement to ensure you’re connecting with everyone in your patient population. Get new ideas to:

• Develop a strategic plan that considers the needs of mental health patients

• Consider podcasts as a tool to give your patients a voice• Provide patients with a comfortable environment where they

can share

Discover a unique approach to co-design to improve your patient outcomes.

11:30 AM Case study: Participatory Storytelling

Apply Participatory Methodologies to Break Down Mental Health Stigmas Patients who suffer from a mental illness sometimes struggle to communicate their experiences. Listen to your patients’ stories with new methodologies to combat mental health stigmas. Build a toolkit to:

• Enable self-representation within disadvantaged populations• Create tools for advocacy and communication • Promote awareness within the wider community

Share your patients’ experiences through participatory storytelling.

12:15 PM Networking LunchJoin the conference speakers and your peers for a relaxing luncheon.

Register online at


1:15 PM Interactive Session: World Café

Connect with your Peers to Identify Solutions to Cultivate Meaningful EngagementTap into the knowledge of fellow speakers and attendees to tackle challenges facing your organization. Engage in discussion on what you can do to improve patient experience. Collaborate to:

• Identify cost-effective solutions• Cultivate a patient-prioritized environment• Implement change from the top-down and bottom-up

Take away experienced perspectives to bring change to your healthcare organization.

3:00 PM Industry Expert: Accessibility

Increase Accessibility to Services and Information to Empower your Patients One in five Canadians report waiting over seven days to see a doctor. Reduce patient wait-times and increase accessibility to health services and information. Gain insights to:

• Fast-track your patient’s access to test results • Inform your patients on their health information • Prepare your patients for their doctor’s appointments

Give your patients direct access to their health information to improve accessibility.

3:30 PM Panel: The Digital Patient Experience

Navigate New Technologies to Embrace the Future of Patient-centred CareTechnological innovation is rapidly changing the way patients and healthcare providers communicate with one another. Discover the role technology can play to increase your patient engagement. Get new ideas to:

• Use tools to improve healthcare management and health literacy• Reconcile the challenges of information-sharing and privacy• Preserve the human element of healthcare while using

new technologies

Embrace technology to improve your communication and ensure quality care.

1:45 PM Case study: Process Design

Consult Your Patient and Family Partners to Identify Innovative SolutionsIncluding patients in process design is an effective way to understand patient needs and Change the way you think about service delivery to effectively engage with patients and families. Explore solutions to:

• Involve patients in high-level organizational decisions• Overcome staff doubts• Benefit from patient-led modifications

Invite patients to shake up the status quo and become a leader in patient-centred care.

2:30 PM Afternoon BreakGet together with speakers and fellow delegates to network and discuss the afternoon’s sessions.

Shirley Fenton, Vice President, National Institute of Health Informatics

Page 6: Contact: (866) 298-9343 ext. 200 registrations ... · • Adapt your strategies to different patient groups • Involve patients and families in their own discharge Ensure you are

Register today by calling 1-866-298-9343 x 200

4:15 PM Afternoon Address: Customer Experience

Take a Customer Experience Approach to Drive Improvements in Patient-Centred CareIt will take time for the healthcare system to catch up with patient-centred care. Overcome the status quo by benchmarking your patient experience to the customer service industry. Source practical tips to:

• Identify the role of consumerism and expectations• Tackle the challenges of measurement • Determine where to focus your efforts and strategy

Consult models outside of healthcare to create the best experience for your patients.

5:00 PM Conference Adjourns

POST-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS Wednesday, September 26th, 2018

Garner Physician Buy-inn to achieve patient-centred care.To get physicians on board with PX initiatives, organizations must be able to provide them with adequate support and resources. Develop a strategy to educate and engage your physicians on the value of patient-centred care. Create a plan to:

1. Promote inter-professional collaboration2. Foster empathy between patients and staff3. Overcome resistance to change

Get your physicians behind you to achieve patient-centred care in your organization.

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Workshop A: Change Management for Physicians

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Engage Your Patients in Health Research to Drive Innovative DiscoveriesPatient engagement in research leads to more accountable and transparent research and new insights and discoveries. Foster a climate where your patients and researchers can work collaboratively to discover the value of the patient voice. Source strategies to:

1. Establish clear mutual expectations 2. Address potential bias and incorporate a diversity of views 3. Provide appropriate training and resources to your patient


Advance patient engagement in research to get new insights and better results.

Workshop B: Patient Engagement in Research

Follow and tweet @PatientXForum for exclusive updates and offers. Connect with other leaders attending #PXForum18

Join the LinkedIn Group: Patient Experience Forum and chat with speakers + attendees before the summit starts.

Seulana Taha, Patient Navigator, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario

Joel Lexchin, MD, Professor Emeritus, School of Health Policy and Management, Faculty of Health, York University, Emergency Physician, University Health Network

Claudia Houle, Patient Expert, Health Standard Organization (HSO) & Accreditation Canada

Cheryl Morris, Patient and Family Advisor, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Canadian Partnership Against Cancer

Keith Taylor, Patient Advisor, Thunder Bay Regional Health Science Centre

Shirley Fenton, Vice President, National Institute of Healthcare Informatics

Confirmed Speakers: