connection - temple beth-el | birmingham, al

Connection Summer 2019 Sivan/Tamuz 5779 Summer Crawls in the Ham Join your Temple friends in Birmingham to explore the outdoors, our local history and some specialty beverages. **Ruffner Mountain Crusher to Crusher History Hike with Hillel Connections 8 am to noon, Sunday, July 14 Ruffner Mountain Preserve (1214 81st St. S., 35206) Join Rabbi Stephen, Bob Greenberg and our Hillel Connecons friends for a trail hike to historic crusher sites at Ruffner Mountain Preserve. Learn about local flora and fauna, stories from our history of iron and steel producon, and enjoy a gourmet brunch on the trail. Bring a water bole, day pack and a sense of adventure. Leashed dogs welcome. Meet at Ruffner Mtn. main entrance/parking lot. $18 donaon covers brunch and donaon to Ruffner Mountain Preserve. **Sephardi Jewish Kitchen Crawl 4:30-7:30 pm, Sunday, July 28 Home of Ronit & Eyal Ron Crawl on over to Mountain Brook to "travel" to a Sephardi Jewish kitchen. Ronit & Eyal Ron will guide us in how to make chicken shwarma, Moroccan carrots, bakhlava and a variety of side salads. Enjoy the spices of Morocco and Egypt, learn some history about the Jewish communies of North Africa all the way to India, and debate with Bethany & Rabbi Stephen what makes Jewish food Jewish. Bring your curiosity and an apron. Space limited to 20 people. Cost: $15 to cover the dinner/menu items. Sponsored by Temple Beth-El **Logan Martin Lake Crawl 10 am to 6 pm, Sunday, Aug. 4 Logan Martin Lake Enjoy a day of swimming, kayaking and water tubing at the Bromberg family lake house. Kids and adults of all ages welcome. Bring your own beverages and potluck items. Email Sarah Metzger to register at [email protected]. Avondale Bar Crawl 6 pm, Thursday, Aug. 15 Group will meet at 41 st Street Pub & Aircraft Sales (130 41 st St. S., #105, 35222) Join the Highland Tribe gang for a crawl through Birminghams hoest neighborhood led by local pub expert Haley Vines. Stops include the following: 41 st Street Pub & Aircraſt Sales, Saturn, Avondale Brewing, The Marble Ring and Parkside. Trunks Up! Email Haley Vines to register at [email protected]. Signup available online at and is first-come, first–served. **These programs have limited space.

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Page 1: Connection - Temple Beth-El | Birmingham, AL

Connection Summer 2019 Sivan/Tamuz 5779

Summer Crawls in the ‘Ham Join your Temple friends in Birmingham to explore the outdoors, our local history and some

specialty beverages.

**Ruffner Mountain Crusher to Crusher History Hike with Hillel Connections

8 am to noon, Sunday, July 14 Ruffner Mountain Preserve (1214 81st St. S., 35206)

Join Rabbi Stephen, Bob Greenberg and our Hillel Connections friends for a trail hike to historic crusher sites at Ruffner Mountain Preserve. Learn about local flora and fauna, stories from our history of iron and steel

production, and enjoy a gourmet brunch on the trail. Bring a water bottle, day pack and a sense of adventure. Leashed dogs welcome. Meet at Ruffner Mtn. main entrance/parking lot. $18 donation covers brunch and

donation to Ruffner Mountain Preserve.

**Sephardi Jewish Kitchen Crawl 4:30-7:30 pm, Sunday, July 28

Home of Ronit & Eyal Ron Crawl on over to Mountain Brook to "travel" to a Sephardi Jewish kitchen. Ronit & Eyal Ron will guide us in how to make chicken shwarma, Moroccan carrots, bakhlava and a variety of side salads. Enjoy the spices of Morocco and

Egypt, learn some history about the Jewish communities of North Africa all the way to India, and debate with Bethany & Rabbi Stephen what makes Jewish food Jewish. Bring your curiosity and an apron. Space limited to 20

people. Cost: $15 to cover the dinner/menu items.

Sponsored by Temple Beth-El

**Logan Martin Lake Crawl 10 am to 6 pm, Sunday, Aug. 4

Logan Martin Lake Enjoy a day of swimming, kayaking and water tubing at the Bromberg family lake house. Kids and adults of all ages

welcome. Bring your own beverages and potluck items. Email Sarah Metzger to register at [email protected].

Avondale Bar Crawl 6 pm, Thursday, Aug. 15

Group will meet at 41st Street Pub & Aircraft Sales (130 41st St. S., #105, 35222) Join the Highland Tribe gang for a crawl through Birmingham’s hottest neighborhood led by local pub expert Haley

Vines. Stops include the following: 41st Street Pub & Aircraft Sales, Saturn, Avondale Brewing, The Marble Ring and Parkside. Trunks Up! Email Haley Vines to register at [email protected].

Signup available online at and is first-come, first–served. **These programs have limited space.

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July 5 Erev Shabbat 5:45 pm Candle lighting 7:42 pm July 6 Shabbat Korach Morning service 9:30 am Maftir: Ed Fineberg Yoga Nidra with Nan Mincha 7:30 pm July 12 Erev Shabbat 5:45 pm Candle lighting 7:40 pm July 13 Shabbat Chukat Morning service 9:30 am Maftir: Josh Ivker Mincha 7:30 pm

July 19 Erev Shabbat 5:45 pm Candle lighting 7:37 pm July 20 Shabbat Balak Morning service 9:30 am Maftir: Morton Stern Mincha 7:30 pm July 26 Erev Shabbat 5:45 pm Candle lighting 7:33 pm July 27 Shabbat Pinchas Morning service 9:30 am Maftir: Robin Benjamin Mincha 7:30 pm



2019-20 Board of Directors

Marsha Asman Suzanne Bearman Fred Benjamin Barbara Brande Barry Dreayer

Steve Greene Alex Grodner Jan Jaffe Jacob Halpern Katie Hausman

Howard Kaplan Dani Kahn-Krell Naomi Kipp Leonid Mazur Rebecca Millsap

Arlene Redisch Evan Rhodes Rebecca Rothman Esther Schuster Martin Sher

Steven Sikora Robin Smith Seth Wolnek

PROFESSIONAL STAFF Rabbi Stephen Slater [email protected] Executive Director Bob Greenberg [email protected] Music & Youth Director Sarah Metzger [email protected] Communications Lindsey Herring [email protected] Bookkeeper Pam Waggoner [email protected] Office & Operations Haley Vines [email protected]


President Dan Weinrib [email protected]

Vice President Ronald Levitt [email protected]

Vice President Cathy Fingerman [email protected]

Vice President Naomi Ivker [email protected] Treasurer Steve Altmann [email protected]

Secretary Abe Schuster [email protected]

Weekday Service Schedule Daily Morning Minyan 7:00 am Sundays & Secular Holidays 8:00 am Daily Afternoon Minyan 5:30 pm*

Shabbat Service Schedule Friday Kabbalat Services 5:45 pm Saturday Morning Services 9:30 am Saturday Evening Service 7:30 pm

*Beginning July 15, daily afternoon Minyan moves to 5 pm.

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Message from Rabbi Stephen Slater

SHAVUOT AS A MODEL FOR JEWISH EDUCATION I am so thankful for the extraordinary Shavuot Torah Study this year at Beth-El. Each of you who came helped to make it a huge success. Each of you who planned, cooked and invited people made this brilliant evening a reality. We have hosted many, many excellent programs this year. I could use Simchat Torah, the Holocaust remembrance event, the Prayer Gathering for Shalom, Sisterhood’s Brunch with Bethany, or Men’s Club Super Bowl Party/Fundraiser, Shabbat Ruach, the Installation, the congregational bus trip to Montgomery, the Volunteer Awards Weekend, one of the many evenings hosting visiting Jewish groups, or one of our many joyous weddings, b’nai mitzvah or heartfelt Shabbat celebrations of special anniversaries or birthdays as an example. It is this Shavuot that I want to hold up as a particularly excellent model for the new direction that we are now taking together at Temple Beth-El.

Can you imagine that on Erev Shavuot, 75 people turned out in Birmingham, Alabama, for high quality Torah study that lasted late into the evening? Can you imagine that the Torah was being taught by lay people, not the professional rabbis? And the study of Torah brought people closer together. The Torah became relevant for people in a new way. And the Torah that we shared brought generations of Jews together in important ways. This is what makes me excited about being Jewish. And this is a model for how we can become a thriving Jewish community right here in Birmingham.

Lay Led Torah Our study of Torah led to deeper, more substantive conversations. It added wisdom, and it drew out the wisdom of many seated around the table. Torah connects us in surprising ways.

Torah Connects Us in Surprising Ways I saw conversations happening that might otherwise never have happened. I joined in with a group of young parents discussing approaches to parenting because we were studying a story about Moses and his mother. Our conversations connected people across the generations. I saw non-members and members, new members and longtime members together. I saw young and old people together, who normally would never have had the occasion for these deeper interactions around the ideas of Torah.

Torah Creates Deeper Listening We listened to each other more deeply. We even discovered some places where opinions divided, and therefore practiced pluralism.

Volunteer Driven Programming I like that the whole planning process was volunteer-driven and that this percolated from outside the Temple as an expressed need. Also, this was a huge fulfillment of my own vision for our congregation. When those things are aligned it's ideal. My vision for a congregation is that we become a driving community where people are learning and growing in their understanding of Judaism and their practice.

It is also an example of how we can respond to a great idea, and become enablers for excellence. This vision did not come from myself or my staff. Instead, Bethany saw the way to get congregants teaching Torah. Esther and Gail Schuster made it possible. Roz Bloomston, Shirley Froehlich, Pam Ruttenberg and Hannah Helman each baked the delicious cakes that we ate. Sherri Weissman sponsored the coffee from Filter that made it so easy to stay up way too late! (See pg. 5 for a full list of volunteers!)

This Shavuot, we breathed new life into our age-old tradition. It was good to see you at Sinai this year, as we received the Torah anew. I look forward to continuing learning and growing in Judaism, as we become a thriving Jewish community, right here in Birmingham, Alabama.

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TBE Foundation

Temple Beth-El Foundation Donations March through May 2019:

• Donations have been made in loving memory of Paul Grodner to the Charlotte & Paul Grodner Senior Adult Programming Fund by Kenneth Grodner; Arlene Fisher; Sandra Jaffe & Barry Dreayer; Roxanne Travelute & Michael Honan; Karen Pinson; Sheri & Jimmy Krell; Ira Levine; and the Zeta Beta Tau Psi Chapter Trustee Board.

• Donations were made to the Wolnek Teen Enrichment

Fund by Michelle Bearman-Wolnek & Seth Wolnek. • Donations were made to the Cemetery Fund by Jeffrey

Jacobs; Arlene Fisher; and Rhoda & Marvin Link. • Donations were made in memory of beloved

grandmother Della Katz, and beloved nana and great-grandmother Helen Goldenberg on their Yahrzeits to the Kianoff and Katz Family Youth Fund by Lisa & Alan Kianoff.

• Donations were made to the Tenenbaum/Spielberger Tikkun Olam Fund by Joyce & Maury

Shevin. • A donation was made to the Marjorie Lynn Perlman Fund by Margy Rosenbaum. • A donation was made in memory of beloved father Meyer Irving Shiland on his Yahrzeit to the

Meyer and Dorothy Shiland Adult Programming Enrichment Fund by Judy & Gerson May. • A donation was made to the Murray Saul Fisher Cantorial Fund by Arlene Fisher. • Donations were made in memory of beloved mother Rebecca Gershon and beloved father Jacob

Radwin on their Yahrzeits to the Jill Radwin Confirmation Trip Fund. • A donation was made in memory of beloved father Peter J. Kline on his Yahrzeit to the Simon and

Henrietta Wolf Dues Assistance Fund by Maxine Sklute. • A donation was made to the Laufman Family Kiddush Fund by Micky & Stanley Rubenstein. • Donations were made in memory of Joe Levy and Aunt Virginia to the Maxine and Stanley Lapidus

Special Projects Fund by Susan & Billy Lapidus.

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Holiday Wrap-Up


TO TORAH…TO FRIENDS…TO OURSELVES Thanks to all of YOU a new Shavuot tradition has been birthed at Temple Beth-El! It was an amazing evening of socializing with old and new friends, learning Torah and sharing personal insights and, of course eating yummy desserts! It couldn’t have happened without each one of you; the bakers, the helpers, the facilitators, and all the participants.

It takes a village…

Bakers, Helpers, Set Up and Clean Up

Roz Bloomston Alejandra Colon-Lopez Anna Deason Cathy Fingerman Arlene Fisher

Shirley Froehlich Hannah Helman Sue Lischkoff Pam Ruttenberg Abe Schuster

Esther Schuster Gail Schuster Joshua Richman Yihsrael Velez-Alicea Haley Vines


By Filter Coffee Shop in 5 Points South, sponsored by a donation from Sherri Weissman


Keith Abrams Michael Belenky Caryn Corenblum Dani & Asher Kahn-Krell Jem & Duncan Lamb

Rebecca Millsap Gail Schuster Allen Shealy Bethany Slater Rabbi Stephen Slater

Sharron Swain Jesse Unkenholz

*Special thanks to Bethany for identifying topics, recruiting and training facilitators and facilitating a session


Lindsey Herring

Here’s to next year!

Now that the buzz is out, we have our work cut out for us—more participants, more sessions and definitely more cheesecake!

Thank you all!

Esther Schuster and Bethany Slater

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Celebrate at Temple Beth-El!

Do you have an upcoming simcha or special occasion? A birthday or anniversary? We’d love nothing more than for you to celebrate with us

and host a special Kiddush luncheon!

Call the TBE office if you’d like to sponsor a congregational Shabbat Kiddush.

Special Events


MEDITATION: JULY 6 Get some spiritual rest by joining Nan Unkenholz for Mindful Meditation at 9:30 am on July 6. This program will leave you rested after a hard week. It lasts approximately an hour. Yoga mat recommended but not required.



SURPRISE! Be sure to come early on Friday, July 12, as we participate in a surprise community activity. Please arrive with your walking shoes no later than 5:10 pm.

Mazal Tov to Jim Bor on his recent promotion of Colonel in the Army Reserves. Mazal Tov to Sylvia Berman on the birth of her great-grandson Freddy Miles Davis on March 1. Also celebrating are grandparents Jeri Berman Davis & Edward Goldberg. Mazal Tov to Nadine & Louis Cohen on the April 27 birth of their grandson Joseph Jay Cohen. Aunt & Uncle Julie & Brandon Cohen and little cousin Asher, are celebrating as well!

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Special birthdays are now published from age 25 and every 5 years thereafter. If we don’t have your birthday on file, please be sure to share it! We’d love to help you celebrate your milestone!

Special Birthdays

Happy Anniversary!


June Ilene Axelroth Gregory Friedman Kendal Jaffe Ricki Kline Andrew Newcomb Mark Nissenbaum Murray Pizette Meredith Weintraub

Ilene & Sandy Axelroth (43) Suzanne & Howard Bearman (59) Adrienne & Julian Brook (55) Pat & Alan Geldzahler (63) Shira & Matthew Goldberg (25) Barbara & Gary Gordon (42) Joan & Hunter Gordon (45) Anita & Gary Gouse (48) Karen & Reuben Halpern (48) Maurine & Jacob Halpern (20) Shirley & Jack Hasson (53) Naomi & Josh Ivker (24) Lisa & Alan Kianoff (37) Stacy & Justin Ladden (9) Eileen & Leonard Levin (53)

Sybil & Larry Michalove (59) Joan Loretta Munn & Steven Birns (42) Susan & Stuart Padove (46) Rebecca & Joshua Rothman (19) Cindi & Michael Routman (19) Rebecca Salzer & Kevin Kelleher (17) Zena & Lewis Schulman (44) Gail & Abe Schuster (36) Rhonda & Eric Siegel (38) Natalie & Albert Sikora (60) Diane & Howard Slaughter (50) Robin & Steven Smith (39) Bobbie & Howard Sokol (49) Amy & Scott Stein (24)

Carolyn & Bernard Stern (38) Sandy & Morton Stern (56) Debbie & Louis Tuck (38) Nan & Doug Unkenholz (40) Karen & Dan Weinrib (16) Meredith & Gary Weintraub (27) Sherri & Jeff Weissman (32)


Dalia & Keith Abrams (30) Cynthia & Jeffrey Barnes (34) Phyllis & Norman Berk (52) Ellen & Terry Bernstein (41) Julie & Randy Bernstein (37) Lori & Stephen Dorsky (36) Barbara & Howard Finkelstein (49)

Erica & Eric Fox (8) Barbara & Mitchell Lawley (52) Donna & Gary Schiff (39) Nan & Phil Teninbaum (43)

Melissa Altmann Marsha Asman Barbara Brande

Carol Entman Sherrie Grunfeld Ralph Holzman Sarah Kirshtein

Jeff Lindy

Rhonda Siegel Asaf Stein

Melissa Zivitz


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The arrival of Memorial Day means summer has arrived. It also reflects a moment of achievement. We are very proud of the achievements of our youth--the students who studied Hebrew Jewish practice, ethics, and history during Sunday and Shabbat classes, the confirmands who studied with Rabbi Stephen, the youth who participated (and led) programs during the year. We want to sheb nachas, share our pride, with the congregation on some recent successes of our youth and staff.

• Confirmation Service Leadership: We extend a big mazal tov to this year's confirmation class: Lillian Goldstein, Hannah Halpern, Raffi Ivker, Clara Lapidus and Ellie Sabel. The confirmands enjoyed a trip to Atlanta, led by Sarah Metzger, to visit the Bremen Jewish History Museum and Six Flags in early May, and they ably led our Confirmation Shabbat Service on May 11. View the entire Confirmation service on livestream.

• Mesch Essay Award: Congratulations to Ellie Sabel, this year's Rabbi Abraham Mesch Essay Award winner. Rabbi Stephen assigned the class 3 possible topics: God, other religions, and sacred relationships. Ellie's essay focused on her personal approach to God, and was shared during the Confirmation service. Below are excerpts and a link to the complete, award-winning essay.

• Marissa Feigelson Award: Congratulations to Hannah Halpern, the recipient of this year's Marissa Feigelson award for community service.

• Mountain Nature Preserve Lag B'omer Celebration: Our L'dor V'dor Religious School closed out the school year in high fashion this past Sunday, with Lag B'omer activities, a history hike, singing, and s'mores. Photo highlights at right.

Thank you to our teachers-Kelley Jefferson, Riva Cullinan, Robin Benjamin and Martin Klinger; our teacher aides Julia Goldberg and Kaitlyn Jefferson; Sarah Metzger, Rabbi Stephen, Bob Greenberg and Rebecca Rothman for coordinating and planning the year of learning; and to parents who studied, played and schlepped their kids and our youth with commitment and care. Wishing all a safe Memorial Day and restful summer!


Two documents from our Confirmation class directly discuss God: God, and The Six Paths. The first document listed has poems and small articles throughout, each carrying weighted words and hidden meanings about God. It describes God in an array of metaphors and similes beautifully written and pleasing to the ear, leaving readers yearning for more of the figurative language that happens to describe exactly what God is. The problem is, it doesn't tell you what God is. He is 'ineffable', and awe-provoking, and everything is secondary to Him. But what does God do, what are His thoughts, why are we important in His eyes? The Torah states that God loves us because we are Jewish. But how do we know this? This is where the second article comes in. It lists five different paths to find God: the path of belief, the path of independence, the path of disbelief, the path of return, and the path of exploration. By listing these five particular paths, this article seems to be putting people into a box-- five optional boxes, granted, but a limited number of ways to seek and understand that which cannot be understood (i.e., God). Therefore, even though the Torah and many different contemporary pieces give us excellent commentaries on the idea of God, it is up to us, the people, to find God for ourselves...

...Many believe in a different god than ours. Many people believe in multiple gods. Many people believe in a higher being who

they insist isn't any type of god. Many people claim not to believe in a god at all. But the people who believe differently from us

aren't wrong. They all believe in someone or something, be it big or small, real or not. And if God is as we say, all encompassing,

then everyone, one way or another, believes in God. For me, though my approach is still evolving, I am hopeful that continued

connection to my Jewish heritage will generate a closer connection to God.

The following text was emailed to the congregation in May.

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Men’s Club

SCHOOL’S OUT FOR THE SUMMER! Every summer that rolls around, I still feel like a kid and I get soooooo excited! So, let’s do something fun, Men’s Club!!!

I got a few words for you that will bring a smile to your face.... Summer! Baseball! Barons! Men’s Club! Family! Thirsty Thursday! Birthday! Put all that got one GREAT EVENING with a

bunch of SMILES ! So, come out and join Men’s Club it comes........wait for it............wait for it......................... “Men’s Club Family Night Out at the Ball Park” with The Birmingham Barons on July 18 for Thirsty Thursday!

How can you NOT be smiling !! Mark your calendars, lock it in, shoot me an email or call that you are coming and get ready for a blast with Men’s Club! I am working with Sam Allen with The Birmingham Barons Faith & Fellowship Program and he needs a ball park number from Men’s Club on who all is coming (actually needs a hard number, just could not resist saying ball park number. Get it, ball park! ) Wait a second.... I can tell some of you are puzzled with the last word on the list? Could it be true....could someone be lucky enough to actually have their birthday fall on “Men’s Club Family Night Out at the Ball Park!” Could it be POSSIBLE ! Mom and Pops, I owe you one.....YES IT’S ME!!! So, come out and join Men's Club and all of our families and if you are not a Men's Club member, there is only one way you can join this evening out at the Ball have to be SMILING! YES, EVERYONE IS INVITED!!! Could it get any better!!! Let me know if you can make it....SEE YOU AT THE BALL PARK!! Allen Halpern President of Men’s Club RSVP at 205-369-4399 or [email protected] One more item for your calendars....Men’s Club is teaming up with The Social Action Committee for another Habitat Build in the fall. So, let’s help a family and our community build a home!

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CONDOLENCES (as of June 11) With sympathy, we wish the following families peace and love during their time of sorrow:

Judy Luks

Sister of Hilary Chiz and Mark Luks, and mother of Allison Earnest (Scott), Leslie Wearb Hirsch (Roger), Rebecca Wearb Johnson (Seth)

Pauline “Polly” Austin

Mother of Debbie Shevin

Marsha A. Simon Mother of Robin Fry (Karl) and Phillip Simon (Missy)

Tobie Reznik Axel

Wife of Bernard Axel; mother of Louis Rapkin (Karen) and Leslie Parris (Jeff); and sister of Bob Reznik (Ethel), David Reznik (Loraine) and Sara Krantz (Dennis)

May the families be comforted among the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

Chesed Committee

Israel Independence Day was celebrated with joyful songs and engaging stories led by our talented Ambassador of Music, Laughter and Smiles Sarah Metzger. Many friends also added their personal Israeli tales to everyone's delight.

Birthday cupcakes, ice cream and other refreshments along with a blue and white decor added a festive touch to the afternoon.

Our Chesed volunteers had as much fun as the Greenbriar residents; Todah Rabah to Star Bloom, Jean Bearman, Naomi Fineberg, Pat Geldzahler, Jane Gordon, Karen Halpern, Natalie & Albert Sikora, and Robin Smith.

Your efforts to help our seniors enjoy Yom Ha’atzmaut deserve a special note of appreciation.

Please contact one of our chairs to participate in our Chesed visits next fall.

Chesed Co-Chairs, Dorothy Ziff, Sandra Gilbert and Cindy May

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Message from TBE Board


Fellow congregants,

By the time you are reading this, I will have already started the second half of my presidency. Time sure does fly when you are busy taking care of business on fellow congregants’ behalf.

You should be proud of all that we have done together over these last 12 months. Among the many accomplishments:

• Thirty new memberships and seven conversions to expand our synagogue family.

• Healthy overall attendance during Shabbat, holidays, and events.

• Increases in membership participation in TBE programming, education, and other activities.

• Making our own mark on the map as a Civil Rights hub, welcoming over 1600 visitors for educational tours, some in partnership with our friends at the Birmingham Holocaust Education Center and Birmingham Jewish Federation.

• Men’s Club and Sisterhood enjoying banner years in member participation. The Men’s Club first ever Super Bowl fundraiser as well as Sisterhood’s Breakfast with Bethany, by themselves, were extraordinarily successful.

• Creating diverse programming and activities, organized by our various committees. For example, the Social Action Committee, chaired by Dalia Abrams, held successful donation drives benefitting local charities and facilitated the Legacy Museum bus trip to Montgomery, Habitat for Humanity Build Days, and a field trip to the Southern Environmental Center.

• Continued collaboration partnerships with other local Jewish agencies. The most widely known such partnership was the communal program for peace “Standing With Pittsburgh: A Prayer Gathering for Shalom,” which we hosted. Representatives from all local shuls and Jewish agencies came together and organized a deeply spiritual vigil that drew visitors across the entire faith spectrum. In my humble opinion, we witnessed TBE at its finest hour on Tuesday night, October 30, 2018.

While we should celebrate our many successes, we are not resting on our laurels. Instead, we are already looking ahead in 2019-2020, planning all kinds of opportunities for further community involvement, engagement and interaction.

As I enter these final 12 months of my presidency, my own goal for TBE remains the same today, just as when I began my term 12 short months ago: to leave TBE in even better shape than I found it.

We are excited to engage with each of you in our continued Jewish journey.

With warmest regards, Dan Weinrib, TBE President

MEMBERSHIP COMMITMENT UPDATE You should have received your membership commitment materials in the mail during the month of June. Please fill out and return as soon as possible.

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Sisterhood Newsletter Sisterhood


Sisterhood is an integral part of the TBE family, and there are many ways in which YOU can be involved. There are chairmanships open that can be divided into smaller jobs. Call a friend and say “I want to be involved in Sisterhood - let’s work together on one of the events listed below.” IT’S FUN!

Sue Lischkoff – [email protected] Arlene Fisher – [email protected]

WHAT’S IN THE WORKS FOR THE COMING MONTHS Sept. 15 – Opening Meeting; Colette Grodner and Rebecca Millsap chairpersons Sept. 22 – Hiddur Mitzvah, cleaning of all of our Torah accoutrements in preparation for the High Holidays with Janet Reagan, chair. Email [email protected] to volunteer. Rosh Hashanah Apple Cakes – Shirley Froehlich/Hannah Helman/ Pam Ruttenberg will be baking Esther Lee Kimerling's apple cake recipe - soooooooooooo delicious! Email [email protected] to volunteer.

Book of Remembrance with new inspirational readings – Shirley Froehlich/Hannah Helman Chanukah Lunch, Blintz and Bake Sale, Raffle, Dec. 15 – Openings for lunch chairs, bake sale chairs and raffle chairs. Email [email protected] to volunteer. Movie Night - Eileen Levin and Arlene Shelsky Mitzvah Mixer – With Samantha St. John and Harriett Shulmister benefitting the USY David St. John Memorial Scholarship WILL YOU BE OUR NEXT GIFT SHOP CHAIR? After many years as chair of our Sisterhood Gift Shop, Esther Levy is retiring. We thank Esther for her dedication and for doing an outstanding job, keeping the Gift Shop well-stocked and beautifully merchandised.

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Hannah Helman and Arlene Fisher invite you to become a part of this year’s Torah Fund campaign … a campaign to ensure our legacy to future generations of Conservative Jews by providing:

Rabbis Cantors Educators and Administrators for Day Schools and Synagogue Schools Synagogue Administrators Social Workers Scholars Professional and Lay Leaders Researchers

Chesed means “kindness” in Hebrew. The word can also be translated as “lovingkindness,” to

convey the deep love that animates Jewish acts of kindness, done without thought of reward. The Bible has numerous examples of Chesed, such as Abraham and Sarah welcoming three strangers to their tent in the heat of the day; Abraham’s servant’s prayer for a wife for Isaac, answered by Rebecca who offers water to him and to his camels; and Ruth, who shows loyalty and kindness to Naomi, adopting her religion and peoplehood, after Naomi has experienced great loss. The rabbinic tradition enacted many laws to formalize our commitment to kindness, making Chesed one of the three central pillars of Jewish life, as Shimon HaTzaddik taught: “The world rests on three things, on Torah, on service of God, and on deeds of kindness” (Pirkei Avot 1:2). The 5780 (2019-2020) Torah Fund pin depicts a heart surrounded by three circles, one larger

than the next. This symbolizes the heart of kindness, which Jews enact in ever-widening realms of generosity: from family, to community, to the larger world; from North America, to Israel, to the world; or from Sisterhood, to region, to the larger world of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. And as it is said in Psalm 89, may we build a world of kindness.

LEVELS OF GIVING Associate Patron - $600

Guardians - $300 Benefactors - $180

Our campaign begins July 1. All who have supported our campaign in previous years - please renew your commitment. Not a current supporter? Join us! All contributors to the Torah Fund campaign will receive a gift package with the new Torah Fund pin and a couple of donation cards that you can use in the future. Email Arlene Fisher at [email protected] to join the campaign.


Sisterhood thanks Bobbie Sokol for establishing the Deborah Botnik Baby Blanket Knitting Fund. The purpose of this fund will be to purchase baby yarn for our knitters who knit baby blankets; these blankets will be included in our Beth-El Baby Baskets. If you would like to contribute to this Fund, please make the check out to Sisterhood of TBE and specify it is for the Deborah Botnik Baby Blanket Knitting Fund.

Work will soon begin on the 2019-2021 TBE Congregational Directory; please send address changes, email addresses and, especially cell phone #s to Adrienne Brook, [email protected]. This will be a two-year directory.

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DONATIONS GOOD FORTUNE FUND Most Generous Mazal Tov to Ed Fineberg on his second Bar Mitzvah Eric and Daniel Schwartz

Generous In honor of Wednesday morning Minyan and study group Sharron Swain

Double Chai Mazal Tov to Ed Fineberg on his second Bar Mitzvah Esther Schuster & Allen Shealy

Chai Mazal Tov to Rachael Shevin & Ben Hazan on their marriage Ricki & Lanny Kline Mazal Tov to Myron Radwin on his special birthday Frieda & Eph Mazer Mazal Tov to Murray Pizette on his special birthday Shirley & Ron Froehlich Mazal Tov to Norris Friedman on his special birthday Marian & Myron Radwin Mazal Tov to Sandra Jaffe & Barry Dreayer on the birth of their granddaughter Lisa & Alan Engel Cecille & Max Herzel

Mazal Tov to Marsha Asman on the baby naming of great-granddaughter Gavi Noa Stamm Marian & Myron Radwin Mazal Tov to Julie & Randy Bernstein on the birth of their granddaughter Sheri & Jimmy Krell Mazal Tov to Natalie & Albert Sikora on their anniversary Shirley & Ron Froehlich Hannah & Colin Helman Pam Ruttenberg Dorothy Shiland Mazal Tov to Aviva Goldberg on becoming a Bat Mitzvah Cathy & Irwin Fingerman Mazal Tov to Micky & Stanley Rubenstein on their anniversary Lisa & Alan Engel Mazal Tov to Ed Fineberg on his second Bar Mitzvah Rosalyn Bloomston Susan & Stuart Padove Marian & Myron Radwin Mazal Tov to Ed Fineberg on his special birthday Sharon Kahn Mazal Tov to Alejandra Colon-Lopez & Yihsrael Velez-Alicea on their marriage Cathy & Irwin Fingerman Mazal Tov to Nadine & Louis Cohen on the birth of their grandchild Wendy & Jonathan Rutkoff & family

In appreciation of Rabbi Brian Glusman Eileen & Len Levin

Additional Mazal Tov to Joyce Shevin on her appointment to the Human Rights Commission Arlene & Milton Goldstein Mazal Tov to Irwin Fingerman on his special birthday Diane & Howard Slaughter Mazal Tov to Jerry Cherner on his special birthday Carol & Jimmy Filler Mazal Tov to Rachael Shevin & Ben Hazan on their marriage Carol & Jimmy Filler Arlene & Milton Goldstein Mazal Tov to Shirley Froehlich on receiving the Light of Torah award Lori & Stephen Dorsky Mazal Tov to Barbara Royal on her honor Carol & Jimmy Filler Arlene & Milton Goldstein Mazal Tov to Alejandra Colon-Lopez & Yihsrael Velez-Alicea on their marriage Karen, Dan & Jack Weinrib Mazal Tov to Ron Froehlich on his birthday Lori & Stephen Dorsky Carol & Jimmy Filler Mazal Tov to Murray Pizette on his special birthday Natalie & Albert Sikora

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Mazal Tov to Natalie & Albert Sikora on their anniversary Carol & Jimmy Filler Jeff Padawer Mazal Tov to Micky & Stanley Rubenstein on their anniversary Carol & Jimmy Filler Mazal Tov to Jeri Berman Davis & Edward Goldberg on the birth of their grandson Carol & Jimmy Filler Mazal Tov to Carrie & Richard Pizitz on the birth of their granddaughter Carol & Jimmy Filler Mazal Tov to Ed Fineberg on his second Bar Mitzvah Lynette & J.B. Mazer Mazal Tov to Aviva Goldberg on becoming a Bat Mitzvah Carol Tuck Mazal Tov to Hannah Halpern on her confirmation Gloria Weintraub

CHEVRA KADISHA Generous In memory of beloved grandmother Ida “Gaga” Jaffe on her Yahrzeit In memory of beloved grandfather “Zadie Abe” Jaffe on his Yahrzeit Their Grandchildren

Additional In memory of Bertha Luks In memory of beloved grandmother Libby Reznik on her Yahrzeit In memory of beloved father Joe Axel on his Yahrzeit In memory of Judy Luks In memory of Paul Grodner Tobie z’’l & Bernard Axel In memory of Paul Grodner Susan & Michael Stein

SPEEDY RECOVERY Chai Wishing speedy recovery & continued good health to Eph Mazer Shirley & Ron Froehlich Arlene & Milton Goldstein Hannah & Colin Helman Wishing speedy recovery & continued good health to Leah Lapidus Shirley & Ron Froehlich Wendy & Jonathan Rutkoff & family Wishing speedy recovery & continued good health to Pam Ruttenberg Linda Cohn

Additional Wishing speedy recovery & continued good health to Debra Lindy Diane & Howard Slaughter Wishing speedy recovery & continued good health to Pam Ruttenberg Carol & Jimmy Filler

Wishing speedy recovery & continued good health to Eph Mazer Natalie & Albert Sikora Tobie z’’l & Bernard Axel Wishing speedy recovery & continued good health to Leah Lapidus Natalie & Albert Sikora Wishing speedy recovery & continued good health to J.B. Mazer Charlotte Corenblum Carol & Jimmy Filler

EDIE WILENSKY MEMORIAL FUND Additional In memory of Bertha Luks In memory of Judy Luks In memory of Tobie Axel In memory of Deborah Botnik In memory of Sandra Russell Ilene & Allan Wilensky


Additional In loving memory of husband Bobby Tuck on his Yahrzeit Carol Tuck


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CHICO BOMCHEL MEMORIAL SOCIAL ACTION FUND Double Chai In memory of beloved mother-in-law Ida Bomchel on her Yahrzeit Howard Weintrob

Additional Mazal Tov to Tracy & Seth Diamond on the birth of their grandson In memory of Paul Grodner In loving memory on their Yahrzeits: Pearl Tishler, grandmother Jack Tishler, father and grandfather Karen, Dan & Jack Weinrib

RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In appreciation of Rabbi Stephen for presiding over the funeral of Deborah Botnik The Sokol and Litvine Families In appreciation of Rabbi Stephen for cemetery unveiling for Karl Friedman Mark Friedman Mazal Tov to Liam Youngblood on the occasion of his conversion Cathy & Irwin Fingerman

MEN’S CLUB CHILDREN’S FUND Additional In memory of beloved grandfather Jacob Allen on his Yahrzeit Karen & Reuben Halpern and Family

JOE KOPLON FUND Chai In memory of beloved grandfather Max Green on his Yahrzeit Ann Goldman

SISTERHOOD FUND Chai In memory of Deborah Botnik Arlene Fisher Mazal Tov to Nadine & Louis Cohen on the birth of their grandchild Mazal Tov to Sallie & Bruce Downs on the birth of their first grandchild Mazal Tov to Jeri Berman Davis & Edward Goldberg on the birth of their grandchild Wishing speedy recovery & continued good health to Leah Lapidus Wishing speedy recovery & continued good health to Eph Mazer Pam Ruttenberg & Arnold Shiland

ROBERT SPIELBERGER MEMORIAL FUND Chai In memory of beloved grandmother Selma Spielberger and grandmother Roselle Harris on their Yahrzeits Wendy & Jonathan Rutkoff

Additional In loving memory on their Yahrzeits: Roselle Harris, mother Lizzie Bloomston, grandmother Sarah Frankel, grandmother Edward Schulman, father-in-law Charles Frankel, grandfather Gene Barth, cousin Lynn & Bert Bloomston

ROSEMORE/GOLDSTEIN FOOD FOR THE NEEDY FUND Additional In loving memory on their Yahrzeits: Sidney Rosemore, grandfather Cody Rosemore, grandson Arthur Rubin, cousin Dora Goldstein, grandmother Evelyn & Andy Rosemore

PRAYER BOOK FUND Generous Mazal Tov to Jerry Cherner on his special birthday Micky & Stanley Rubenstein Mazal Tov to Edwin Fineberg on your 2nd Bar Mitzvah Eleanor Binderman


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In appreciation of Rabbi Stephen and Sarah Metzger for their support in Dylan Bor’s Bar Mitzvah Sue & Albert Tuck

ELMWOOD CEMETERY FUND Chai In loving memory of father Bobby Tuck on his Yahrzeit Debbie & Louis Tuck

Additional In memory of Paul Grodner Debbie & Louis Tuck

IN LOVING MEMORY Most Generous In memory of Paul Grodner Philip Garland In memory of Deborah Botnik John Lauriello & Southpace Properties In memory of Tobie Axel Judy Michaelson

Double Chai In memory of Paul Grodner Arlene & Marvin Shelsky

Chai In memory of Tobie Axel Shirley & Ron Froehlich Hannah & Colin Helman Rebecca & Josh Rothman Carolyn & Bernard Stern

In memory of Paul Grodner Marian & Myron Radwin Toby & Bert Siegel In memory of Deborah Botnik Sherry & Jerry Cherner Beth & John Gerwin Gail & Charles Herman Lynette & J.B. Mazer Marian & Myron Radwin Ruth Siegler & Family Dolly & David Staff In memory of Bertha Luks Rosalyn Bloomston Susan Damsky Carol & Jimmy Filler Arlene & Milton Goldstein Sylvia Gouse Toby Klein Barbara Randman Joyce & Gaston Stein In memory of Judy Luks Shirley & Ron Froehlich Arlene & Milton Goldstein Sheri & Jimmy Krell In memory of Harrison Tompkins Marian & Myron Radwin Sandra Jaffe & Barry Dreayer In memory of Mark Nathan Ruth Siegler

Additional In memory of Paul Grodner Carol & Jimmy Filler Bill Goldman Jeff Padawer Wendy & Jonathan Rutkoff & family Natalie & Albert Sikora

In memory of Tobie Axel Mayer Cohen Charlotte Corenblum Milton & Arlene Goldstein Jeff Padawer Natalie & Albert Sikora In memory of Thelma Bernstein In memory of Virginia Heiman Carol & Jimmy Filler In memory of Deborah Botnik Dorothy Shiland Sylvia Gouse In memory of Winfield Scott Downs In memory of Clarence Eurton Wendy & Jonathan Rutkoff & Family In memory of Roz Mazer Lynette & J.B. Mazer In memory of Kelly Levinsohn Eileen & Len Levin

VIRGINIA HEIMAN GIFT SHOP FUND Chai In memory of beloved father Hertzl Heiman on his Yahrzeit In memory of beloved Zena Heiman on her Yahrzeit Terri Heiman

YAHRZEITS In loving memory on their Yahrzeits

Most Generous Fred Berman, husband, father and grandfather Sylvia Berman & Family

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Isaac Stein, father Gaston Stein Sadie Michaelson, grandmother Judy Michaelson Ida Schoenbaum, grandmother Teri Aronov

Generous Louis Winick, father Deborah Tessler

Double Chai Morris Green, father-in-law Anna H. Green Sidney Bernstein, husband Faye Bernstein Marion Siegel, mother Rhonda & Eric Siegel Charles Wreschner, grandfather Judith Michaelson Aunt Ray Kishinevskaya, aunt Ida Bubis Kishinevskaya, and cousin Yafim Bubis Genya Safyanova and Zinaida Gobulova Mother Annie Rosenthal Hannah & Colin Helman Neville Wallace, father Annie Ruth Wallace, mother Rose Filler, mother Carol & Jimmy Filler Steve Browdy, father, grandfather and great-grandfather Frances Perel

Pearl Broner, mother Truus & M. Bennet Broner Ann & Abe Banks, parents Karen & Rick Eberson

Chai Philip Schiff, father and grandfather Donna & Gary Schiff and Family Sheryl Siegel, sister Rhonda & Eric Siegel Shirley Lane, grandmother Sarah Dube, grandmother Susan E. Dube Jacob Radwin, father Marian & Myron Radwin Barnett Weissman, father Norman Weissman Max Matlick, grandfather Celia Matlick, grandmother, great-grandmother Sandy & Gene Siegal & Family Izzy Weintraub, husband Freddy Weintraub, son Abe & Boo Butler, parents Gloria Weintraub Audrey Rich, mother Natalie & Eric Asman Ember Cohen, great-granddaughter Natalie & Albert Sikora Claire Gettinger, mother David Gettinger Morton “Bud” Litowick, father Samantha St. John

Edna Levine, mother Ira Levine Richard Levy, brother Jack Levy Ida Mae Jaffe, mother Shirley Kraselsky Jerome Schwartz, father Kerrie Schwartz Ludwig Cohen, grandfather Stacey Roudebush Jerry Routman, father Cindi & Michael Routman Clara Mazer, mother Rhodes Mazer Harriet Krentzman, mother Marilyn Slater Robert Feirman, husband Rhoda Feirman William Torme, uncle Sylvia Berman and Family Rhoda Toranto, mother Richard Toranto Harry Erdberg, father Bette Spector Ida Itzkow, mother Susan & Gary Goldstein Frank Green, father Max Green, grandfather Rochelle & Martin Green William Torme, father The Torme Family


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Alex Reiss, grandfather Marilyn & Richard Berkowitz Sheryl Siegel, sister Marion Siegel, mother Susan & Harold Brooks Jeannette Capouya, mother Neilsen Capouya Esther Grushko, grandmother Olga Belotserkovskaya & Al Belotserkovskiy Sissy & Leon Toranto, parents Lori & Stephen Dorsky Blair Simon, father Jennie Simon, mother Stuart Simon, brother Paul Simon, nephew Arnold Simon Ernest Burnick, father Daniel Burnick David Glick, father Dolly & David Staff Max Corenblum, husband Charlotte Corenblum Herman Siegel, father Marion Siegel, mother Toby & Bert Siegel Daniel Greene, father Max Corenblum, father Susan & Steve Greene Jerry Routman, brother-in-law Penny Gordon Karl Friedman, friend Sharon Kahn

Donna Joyce Reisman, sister Toby Klein Debra Ann Rosen, sister Lisa & Alan Engel

Additional William Michalove, father Sybil & Lawrence Michalove Robert Routman, brother Cindi & Michael Routman Jack Tishler, father Steven Tishler Nathan Schwartz, brother-in-law Norma Jean Long Frances Cohen, grandmother Karen & Dan Weinrib Allyn Udell, sister Sophie Padawer, aunt Jeff Padawer Helen Ostrovsky, mother Rabbi & Raphael Ostrovsky Elise Davis, grandmother Michelle Tishler Clara Davis, mother Sue Davis LaSalle Anna Feirman, mother-in-law Rhoda Feirman Khaya Lyublinskaya, sister Tatyana Shitsel Louis M. Berman, grandfather Ann Z. Cohen

Zelda Jacobs, mother Jeffrey Jacobs Boris Mintsin, father Asya Udler, aunt Sergey Mintsin Itsk Zeltser, father Anya Treyger Lazar Golubov, grandfather Lazar Golubov Phillip Kadis, grandfather Susan Damsky Cantor Akiva Ostrovsky, father Judy & Louis Morris Thelma Ludsky Coltan, mother Jerome Ludsky, father Diane & Howard Slaughter Gizelle Steinlauf, grandmother Anne Kline, sister-in-law Maxine Sklute

Donations processed after June 6 will appear in a future edition of the Connection.

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The following donations were made in honor of Diane & Howard Slaughter’s special anniversary and Howard’s special

birthday. Thank you to all who made this such a special occasion at Temple Beth-El!

Most Generous donations from each of the following:

Anne Rosensky Annette Henkin

Ying-Ying T. Yuan

Generous donation from each of the following:

Richard Epstein Family Wanda & Ross Cohen

Roslyn & Peter Mannon Robert Yuan Terry Kopel

Double Chai donations from each of the

following: Bobbie & Howard Sokol Judy & Edwin Rutsky

Esther Schuster & Allen Shealy Arlene Fisher

Gail & Abe Schuster Shirley & Ron Froehlich

Dolly & David Staff

Chai donations from each of the following:

Sandy & Morton Stern Naomi & Edwin Fineberg

Lleniece & Larry Baker Sherry & Jerry Cherner

Mayer Cohen Marian & Myron Radwin

Cynthia & Raymond Tobias Dodie Sokol & Howard Weintrob

Rebecca & Joshua Rothman Lynn & Bert Bloomston

Toby Klein Nan & Phil Teninbaum

Sandra Jaffe & Barry Dreayer Natalie & Albert Sikora

Hannah & Colin Helman Pam Ruttenberg & Arnold Shiland

Dorothy Shiland Susan & Gary Goldstein

Additional donation from each of the following:

Hazel & Murray Pizette Karen & Reuben Halpern Barbara & Scott Brande Carol & Jimmy Filler Lynette & J.B. Mazer

Karen & Reuben Halpern Ann Cohen

Marjie & Myron Butler Karen & Dan Weinrib

Thea Ostroy Milton & Arlene Goldstein

Jeff Padawer Susan & Michael Stein

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Community Announcements

Volunteer Opportunities:

To cook or serve, contact Priscilla Denard at [email protected].

To organize your When Pigs Fly Kosher BBQ team, contact Seth Diamond at [email protected].

To become an event sponsor, contact Dan Tourtellotte at [email protected].

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July 5-6 Selma Brande Chaya Cohen Conrad Cypress Tom Davis *Florence Epstein Abe Feldman Louis Fleisher *Lillian Perrin

Friedman Michael Gates Helen Ginsburg *Herman Greenberg Theodore Gregory Elizabeth

Hirschberg Isadore Itzkow *Benjamin Jaffe *Sidney Jaffe *Sam Joffe Marisha Kahn Kalmen Kleiman *Thomas Kramer Feiga Kurman Charles Levey Marion Levin *Hannah Levy *Josephine Lipsitz *Yankee Marcus Helga Mendel *Leon Newman *Mark Nozick *Dora Perel *Albert Perling Lee Schaeffer *Bertha Schiffer *Jean Schwartz *Henry Shugerman Zev Meir Siegel *Isaac Sirote *Morris Sokol *Rose Suferin *David Weinstein *Heiman Weinstein *Rae Weinstein Mary Wolf I.J. Zuckerman July 12-13

*Monroe Cohen *Rose Filler Abe Gross Lois Katz *Leah Kimerling Leah Kolodkin *Stella Levy *Abram Lewis *Pearl Lewis *Mary Margolis *Nathan Miles Rachel Mossin *Harold Newman *Harold Schnaper David Shweky Morris Slive Yetta Slive *Helene Spira Max Teninbaum *Leon Weinstein *Leon Weinstein Alfred Weiss Sprinze Wilensky Zvi Wilensky July 19-20 *Rose Band *Hilda Beck *Rosa Berkowitz *Julius Bloomston Yetta Bloomston Leona Braverman *Cecile Cohen Lazur Cooper *David Danneman *Rachel Davis Isadore Eubanks Gabriel Fineberg *Bernard Goldstein Harry Greenberg *Ruth Greenberg *Sam Greenberg *Gerald Hallerman Sally Ivker Simon Jacobs *Bluma Kadis *Joe Koplon Moisey Koshin Haya Koshina *Estelle Kurman *Ethel Laufman

Mark Levin *Bluma Lewis Sophie Litvine *Seymour Marcus *Ruth Mazer Clara Mazor *Dena Padawer *Jake Pollock *Sadie Randman Herbert Raymond Seymour Sadowsky *Sarah Sarasohn *Helene Scheuer *Jacob Scheuer Robert Schlesinger *Pauline Schuster Katerina Shal Esther Shelsky Raye Staff Florence Stein *Sam Temerson *Iris Weiner Joe Weinstein Sara Weinstein *Alex Weslock July 26-27 *Morris Applebaum *Ira Beck *Nathan Caine Herman Cohen *Tessie R. Cohen *Samuel Corenblum *Pearl Cypress Ellen Dorsky *Ida Feinberg *Mary Feinberg Fannie Fine Harold Frankel Oscar Gershon *Rose Ginsburg Celia Goldberg *Jerry Gordon-

Hellman Sheldon Gross *Sylvia Helman Hermine Herzfeld *Moisey Kalikhman Abraham Kertzner *Barbara Kisber *Eve Koplon *Ben Kravitz

*Irving Lapidus *Rita Laufman Jack Lerer *Bernard Letaw Zelda Lupion *Eva Mazer *Robyn Mazer Beatrice McHale Richard Mendel *Tillie Nathan Jeanette Reiss *Jacob Rotenstreich *Abe Salkend *Bertha Sarasohn Louise Schwartz *Jacob Seligman Leon Shapiro *Emanuel Sherry Hyman Sokol Julius Stark Nathan Stern *Harold Teninbaum *Bertha Torme Joseph Werbin Louise Winick Aug. 2-3 Faye Baker *Max Berk Grigory Bolshinskiy *Irwin “Chico”

Bomchel Helene Bresler Irving Crown *Joe Cypress *Annie Davidson *Ethel Denaburg *Henry Emmerich Victor Feigelson Esther Feinblum Jacob Filler Selma Friedman *Sid Friedman Zerach Gershman *Malvin U. Goldstein *Morris Goldstein Leon Gottlieb Jack Green Charles Gross *Ernst Guenther James Hara

*Daniel Harel Isenberg

*Morris Jaffe Miriam Kartus *Jacob Korpus Jeanie Kulpe Helene Levitt *Jennie Levy Lee Litvine *Julie Love John Majeau *Marie Majeau Dorothy Marks Linda Marks *Ruth Marx *Vellie Mesch Harry Michelson George Mitnick Peter Nelubin Lillian Nissenbaum Frieda Polakoff Jerome Randman Leya Reznichenko Anna Rikelman Basya Rotenberg Gladys Rubin Chippy Rudderman Gertrude Schwartz Gersh Shitsel *Hyman Shugerman *Etta Silverfield *Max Slaughter Cindy Staff Gizella Steinlauf Dorothy

Tenenbaum Jack Tolbert Katherine Virago Annie Ruth Wallace Gertrude Weinrib *Anne Weisner *Lena Wise Mulka Zonenberg


*denotes perpetual memorial plaque in Sanctuary

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5:45 PM. JULY 19.