compare/contrast essay writing making sense of similarities and differences…

Compare/Contrast Essay Compare/Contrast Essay Writing Writing Making sense of similarities and differences…

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Page 1: Compare/Contrast Essay Writing Making sense of similarities and differences…

Compare/Contrast Compare/Contrast Essay WritingEssay Writing

Making sense of similarities and differences…

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We all know how to find similarities and differences between two works, but now we have to learn to write about it.

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Patterns for comparisons and Patterns for comparisons and contrasts…contrasts…

Remember to structure your essay in the way that works best (is most natural for your message.)

There are two patterns to follow:◦1. DIVIDED pattern.◦2. ALTERNATING pattern.

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DIVIDED PATTERN: You give all of the information on one part of your comparison before presenting the other.

EX: You might thoroughly discuss Anne Bradstreet’s poem in 2 or 3 paragraphs in regard to tone, imagery, and language use before examining your song in the following 2 or 3 paragraphs examining the same issues.

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ALTERNATING PATTERN: When you alternate between your two topics according to each point.

EX: You might start by examining Bradstreet’s poem in terms of tone and then directly follow with an examination of your song’s tone.

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Use the text to support your claims.

Look at the following student example:

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Example… (look at this original Example… (look at this original passage)passage)

They are both similar in the fact that they have a deep love for someone. They both love the other greatly even if the love is not returned. The poem talks about loving someone and loving them forever.[a1] 

 [a1]Give a specific example here. HOW does the reader know this??

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They are both similar in the fact that they have a deep love for someone. They both love the other greatly even if the love is not returned. The poem talks about loving someone and loving them forever. Bradstreet proclaims the everlasting quality of her love with her final line, “That when we live no more, we may live ever.” 

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The bold print adds specific support to the writer’s claim and keeps the essay from being vague and boring.

Use this technique to support the points you make about both the poem and your song.

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Common mistakes on this Common mistakes on this particular essay…particular essay…

Writing about literature in the past tense.“Anne Bradstreet wrote about how much

she loved her husband.”CORRECT:Anne Bradstreet writes about how much

she loves her husband.Think about literature and songs as

always happening again and again. Each time you read or listen, it happens again, so use present tense.

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Common mistakes on this Common mistakes on this particular essay…particular essay…

Using the 2nd person point of view (you, your etc…) REVISE by substituting “the reader,” as in “Bradstreet shows her readers that she loves her husband.” This replaces the weak “Bradstreet shows you…”

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Common mistakes on this Common mistakes on this particular essay…particular essay…

Using the author’s first name. Only use that if you know them personally and are writing in a personal manner either to or about them (WHICH NONE OF YOU DO.)

Replace with the writer or artist’s last name.

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Common mistakes on this Common mistakes on this particular essay…particular essay…

Calling songs poems.

A song is not a poem, and neither is a poem a song…

Use the word “work” to refer to a piece of literature that is being compared to another of a different form.

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Common mistakes on this Common mistakes on this particular essay…particular essay…

LACK OF SPECIFIC SUPPORT.Show your reader how the author creates

tone, imagery, etc… Don’t just tell your reader that they do…

i.e. By comparing her love to “whole mines of gold,” Bradstreet creates a strong visual image where she values her love above all material goods.

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Common mistakes on this Common mistakes on this particular essay…particular essay…

Capitalization and punctuation of titles…

Capitalize the main words of a title…“To My Dear and Loving Husband” (it’s in

the book for crying out loud).Put songs and poems in quotations marks,

and underline or italicize titles of movies or books.

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Remember:a. Pay attention to your pattern.b. Use specific examples from the song or poem to support your claims.c. Pay attention to your style (present tense, avoid 2nd person etc…).