commercial vegetables for fresh market: revised...


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    UPDATA 1981 :




    The Bureau of Agr1cult~ EcOJ1Olll1cs presents 1D the rollOlf1Dg tables reVised estimates of the acreage, ,:teld per acre, production, BMiBon-st'erage price ~ce1Te4 b;y gravers and value ot 27 CODD.erc1al 'Yegetables (1Dc1ud1Dg _lons) for f'resh ~t for the ;yea,re 1939-50 :lnc1usive. AlBa 1Dc1uded 1D th1s bullet:f.D are reVised estiates 'for the same period for garlic, peppe1"Jll1nt ana Bpea.mmt tor 011, ear:q cOlB6rc1al potatoes and strswber.r1es.

    'fhaIe reTised est1mtee of ~ ~ o0lllDlD1"C1&l T88&tables tor tresh ~et iDcluc1e &ll ~811-market production :troa acreage gl"OWD prDar1:q tor I&le 1D the Statd COTered. ProductiOil:, fCfr local markete 18 included u yell M productiC11 :for shipaea.t to 41stazxt marketa. ~:e revised est1Dateli. are, theretore, not Btr1C~ c~ble With ent1utee preT1ous~ publ1s'hed. The preTiO'WI eatt.tea rolated large:q to product1. in well-recognized cOJllDe:t"c1&l anae ~ produciDs tor sh1~ to distar}'c; -.zbte; NId, beDce, did not :1nc1ude SaM local--.rJtet product1on :ill ansa J1Ml.' CCYMJ1IUDg centers. 'lhe revised est1altee I as voU -. the p1'eT1oua ..t-.tes I Q.o not 1noluh prodlilCt1on tor home use f'rola f6J."JII. 8D4 ~tarm gardens. COll,Pal'llLble est1Jlates of COIlaercial ~tables for f'resh -.rket UDder tlIe nev Clefin1t:1o:a. are not ans.1lable for 1'e&I'B prior to 1939.

    As a reeul.t of the cblmge in clef'1D1t~,QIl at C~1"C1al to iDoluc1e lcc&l. -.rat product1cm, 1t'W8S nec_aar,r for _t states to .~ a uriea of _t1.-.tH tor one or :aoro b'eshIII8.'t'ket TOgetablos. Far 8X2IIIpl.e I the ..tmr.tee at 1"reah-.uoket ....eet com haft ~ mended troll 3 state. to 26 states. Tlliu tne of ~1QD ".. .,.t e:r:teua1'ft 1D lip ~an4. The D.UIlber of treeh-JllU"ket nptablee es~te4 tor JluACh'WIetts vas 1ncrease4 froa 2 to 12; 8D4 ware begm -rctr 7 cr. 1D CClllDect1cnt, 5 1D Rhode Ial.lm4, 3 1Jl Jr_ lIIuIpsh1re I!ID4 2 1D 1fa:1De. In a441t1C1l, eet~tea haTe been 1.Daugul'ste4 ~ar 2 cropu--not prey101lril1' Ht1at.a.--broccol1 in the 10 -3ctrproduc.1ng states au4 Brauuels 8p1"'Outa in 2. 81;&_. NoR o-r 'th.eGe 11ft uor.t..

    ~."t_nr55'~ . UPDATA 1981

  • start with 1949, the most recent year for which United states Census data on 8.Cl"eage are available. lI:awev'c-, where adequate basic data were available for a crop in a given state for all or pert of the 1~'39-48 period, est1mates -for th~t crop are shown for these earlier yee:rs. This has OO!lI1 done even though, for same crops, it was not possible to show est1.mate!J for all of the major producing states :prior to 1949. In some States, the Cansus figures indicated that the acreage of a certain crop had declined to an 1na1gn1f1cant amount. In such instances the series of estimates for that crop vas term:lDs.t~ t:or that State. Wh1ie the revised estimates do not include' some minor :produ.c:i!1g States, the t'resh-market production in such States is comparatively 11lsign1f1cant. For most vegetables the 1949 and 1950 redeed est1lna.tes cover 90-95 percent of the Bation's fresh-market acreage for each crop.


    The revised est1n8tes are based :primarily upon 1nf'ormat:!.on furnished ou:rrentl3 by' crop reportere , State Statisticians and cooperating State agencies. This includes check 1Di'Ol."JIIation such as rail shi:pments, available truck nnloads at the major c1ties, and, tor some sta1.eS, inspected truck DIOVemen.t !lDd I'8cordS of truck: passings. As custCl1ll!Ll'Y whenever @'i;a. :f:roln a 1J'n1ted states Census become available, the estimates have been rertsed to reflect trends indicated by the 1950 and Censuses of Agriculture. In the 1950 and 1940 Unitt)d States Censuee8 of Agricul.ture, acreage dat.a vere obtained for ~ all at the cOlIIIlodities fa!' which revised estimates are shown in these The Census acreages tor the- 1949 and 1939 crop seasons vere adjusted upward wherever check 1nf'ormat1on indicated that Census W88 incomplete. Since the Census :Included aor68ge for bot process1J:lg 8Dd f'nlsh market, tho oheel:: information used :In determining al.lawences ')r :lnccspletoDese.1 covered processing as 'Well M fresh ~. For two crope, sweet cc: end green peas, 1t vas nocess&r1' to udjuet the Census acreage figures downward. Tn certain of tbe Southern States the Census totals for sveot oom a.pparent~ include s~ field com horvested green for roasting oars. L1knise the CtmSus figures for green peas in same of the SOUth0rD. Statel!! apparont:q include scme acreage of COW];Ie8B harvested green. Us1J:lg th6 ad3't\e:ted CesUII levels as bencbmarks, the estimates for the other ya&r8 were revised in llne nth the SUl!'Vey em4 c:heck data currant~ obta1Dod :In tho usual. est1Dat:lng program.


    Sace veg&tables are harvested in SOllIe part of the united Statee eYery JIOIlth in the -roar, the estimates are broken down by h!l.rv~tiJlg SeMans in order to provide a. baa!!!! for more orderlJ lIIIft.'rltet1ng. Tho prosect S8Uc:1lAl. groupe, which. correspcnd to the "four 8easoos of' the year, Yere adopted in 19'4-3. The States haTe been cJ.aas1fied under the va.r1ous seasana.l groups accord1Dg to the period or periods when tho heanoat supplies of each orop are usual.l,y aTa1lable.

    - 2

    UPDATA 1981



    WINTER I ! 0'" ! SUMMER 11



    I I I I QARL'rS~



    JllATE SPRING I ! JS"'l-lA-TE-FA-ll"""lnl

    I I


    I+ESPR+ I I


    BO ~32B3 J'1~ 1.-~...0Dal. 6l'01lPB tor o~rc1&l yepta'bles

    tor 1'ruh arkn.

    ~ begfmrtag ~ ""''18 of thell. aeuOlUll U'e not :t1xe4 4At81'J butaPFQXi.Jllatlcms, ae thee 111 D.eC"sa.H~ 80. 0'NE"1,app1Dg. 'Wl~ each seuClll&l. group, the stat. are ~ l.1!Jtei m the 01"4er 1D. Yh1ah TOl,.. a:maa.t _~ OCClI1"8. 'Where &1fier0.. !D, tu eeuaaal pattern ot 1Dl'kt1D8 an DOt alSD1t1cmt, as tor a 8t01:'86. crop m, lAte Su-r aD1C1M, the Stat.. a1'8 l1aW 1n seosraph1c O1"4er. The clul!l1flcatlC1l o't stat_ 'b7 ....CII8J. ~, a:a4 the orie ot states Y1tD1n .eaaaul. groupa, f!lbom in tJd.a lml18tm, !laTe __ rn1ae4 where De04t.aar,r CIl 10he basi. ot the lateat a"nL1lable uta '(lIl 1'&11 ad traclI: 1h1llMD'ta.

    - 3

    Termr.llIl'.', UPDATA 1981

    ., I "'" \(.)

    , - -_ ..... -~ ..

  • 'V'l!nEr.ABIJ!S, Ccmm.erc1al crop for fresh market: Su:mmary of acreage i'or harvest by crops, United States, 1939-44 1/

    . . . . .--------~-----------------------------------CROP ; 1939; 1940 ; 1941 ; 1942 ; 1943 1944 . . . . .. . . . .

    --------------------------------~------------ Acres -

    Artichokes Asparagus Lima. beans SMP beans BeetEl Broccoli 2/ 3/BruSsels s'prOuts 11 Y Ca.bbage 5/ CantaJ.ouPs 6/

    . Carrots 1/ V Cauliflower 3/ Celery 11 -Sweet corn 11

    10,400 64~520 31,700

    184,100 12,840 9,000

    159,180 133,Boo 58,020 30,650 40,660 62,700

    10,100 71,040 30,900

    180,900 12,640 8,400

    170,390 124,900

    62,940 32,060 40,350 60,800

    9,600 71,160 34,000

    184,900 12,780 9,400

    153,330 124,950

    64,510 29,930 41,750 67,500

    9,200 59,280 28,400

    176,950 11,820 9,200

    .1.80,110 107 ,250 70,400 27,880 41,510 66,500

    7,90061,010 26,700

    205,350 ]3,510 11,600

    le2,260 e2 ,850 96,070 27,070 38,840 71,500

    6,400 52,980 25,100

    215,400 14,040 ]3,200

    230,000 106,700

    91,440 32,100 39,290 79,900

    Cucumbers 45,600 43,500 43,400 41,800 33,930 38,200 Eggplant Escarole

    4,650 1,000

    3,800 1,300

    5,150 1,000

    4,050 1,200

    5,450 1,500

    5,850 2,300

    Roney Ball melons Honey Dew melons Kale

    3,350 13,700 2,900

    4,000 14,400 2,200

    3,600 11,000 2,500

    2,700 8,750 2,400

    950 8,780 2,300

    1~100 13,050 3,000

    Lettuce 169,670 148,810 157,440 156,590 137,720 165,950 Onions 5/ Green piss Green peppers Shallots Spinach Tomatoes

    135,820 102,390 22, Boo 5,400

    65 ,830 232,500

    112,890 94,050 22,200 4,700

    65 ,910 217,850

    100,760 89,050 23,300 4,100

    J!A ,860 209,860

    138,100 74,180 21,900 5,200

    69,230 231,100

    1]3,300 66,450 24,600 5,000

    74,250 228,600

    181,760 76,310 26,550 4,000

    70,900 260,850

    \latermelons 319,100 316,450 305 ,600 248,Q50 203,100 295 ,930 Total 24 orops } I,l~50,580 1,788,'280 1,74'8,530 1,7113,050 1,b47,lr90 1,959,2'00

    All crops 9/ 1,922,280 1,857,480 1,825,430 1,793,750 1.730,590 2,052,300Garlic - - - Ij:',!00 - - 3,'890 - - 3,'860 - - lr,320 -'- '2,730 - - 2,780 Mint for 011 35 490 36 600 39 040 50 360 45 240 48 980

    Peppermint _. -31;'350 - -31;W - -31;'890 - 42;100 - -37;010 - '""41;580 Spear.mtrrc 4,140 4,740 7,150 8,260 8,230 7,400

    Early COlJll1Brcial Potatoes - !2I,200 - !2I,'800 - 34!,'800 - 31lr,700 - 311,100 - 379,200 Strawberries 174 800 166 350 170 570 156 oBo 109 340 76 900 lrAcreeee-tOr-li&=iest-; InC'1ud'Ing a;;y "PartIa.Iji' i'ia.rvest~d or-not-iiBrveated-becauseof'Ioi - prices or other economic fe.otors. 2/ For 3 states only prior to 1949.3'/ Includes crop for processing."4/ Estimates not available prior to 1949.5/ Includes crop for dehyoxation."6/ Includes Ca.sabaa, Persians and other miscellaneous melons. Does not include Honey - Ball and Honey Denv- melons. 7/ For 3 States only prior to 1948. ~/ Totals for 24 crops do not include broccoli, Brussels sprouts and sweet corn for which

    est1mstes are not avaiJAble for all 1mportant producing states prior to 1949. 2/ Totals for 26 crops, 1939-48 and 27 crops, 1949 and 19)0.

    - It.

    /MI!t1l...rwW F UPDATA 1981 lQ


  • ---------------------------------------------

    - - -----

    'VmErAm.llS, Oommercia]. crop for fresh l!IIl'ket ~ S~""'Y of acreage for ba:rvest by cro:PB, Un1ted states, ~94-5..50 !I

    . . . . .---------~-~----------------~---------------CROP ; ~945 ; ~946 ; ~947 ; ~948 ; 1949 ; ~950 . . . . .. . . ....

    - Acres -Artichokes 6,400 7,200 7,300 7,400 6,700 7,~00 Asparagus 44,780 43,540 48,330 44,040 40,090 42,~00 Lima beans 23,450 26,~50 25,700 24,700 24,850 22,450 Snap beans 198,Boo ~99 ,350 ~97 ,8:50 ~92 ,200 ~81!. ,930 ~83 ,600 Beets 1.2,070 l2,49O ~0,06o ~0,~50 ~0,870 ~0,56o Broccoli 2/3/ 13,650 ~8,7oo 15,900 ~7,6oo 39,~00 39,550 Brusse~ s.I'routs 1/ !f../ 5,000 6,400 Cabbage 5/ 199,150 178,690) 163,530 175,760 ~59,850 168,330 Canta10ujis 6/ ll9,Boo 144,300 141,300 134,100 128,600 134,200 Carrots 3/'5/ 97,300 90,650 80,650 87,370 94,600 93,570 Oailifiawer-3 I 34,820 40,460 34,590 35,550 34,300 32,700 Celery 3/ -' 42,780 49,220 41,180 4~,180 38,420 35,860 Sweet corn 7,' 76,000 72,500 70,000 72,900 210,Boo 220,Boo Cucumbers - 44,150 55,950 55,050 49,650 51,050 49,350 Eggplant 6,000 7,100 5,350 5,260 5,900 5,250 Escar01e 2,Boo 2,500 2,700 3,100 3,000 3,600 Roney Ball me10na ~,650 1,900 650 1,100 950 1,000 lIoneyDew me10na 17,000 20,150 ~4,930 1l,750 9,850 8,900 Kale 3,100 2,800 2,700 2,100 3,000 2,900 Lettuce 173,886 200,410 190,350 202,590 202,040 226,830 Onions 5/ 143,570 160,690 120,98C 132,580 322,460 135,830 Green peas 69,680 63,960 45,470 37,670 31,900 24,310 Green peppers 29,200 35,400 33,650 36,600 39,490 40,440 Shallots 4,900 5,400 4,700 4,800 4,500 4,500 Spinach 67,140 67,850 62,980 55,570 57,940 51,940 Tomatoes 283,100 290,250 238,250 234,080 24~,29O 235,440 Watermelons 348,100 417,950 383,850 344,700 383,800 374,100

    Total 24 crops! 1,973,'02'0 2,!24',360 !,912,!oO Y,'815','OoO !,'BBO,380 I,'8~,'860 All crops 9/ g,.Q61,~7.Q g,gl2,26Q !,29~,~~ l:,262.,2OQ g,132'~~ g,l:6!,~:.Q

    Garlic - 2,o~o 3,500 3 ,foOU 2,350 2,000 3 , lJ'toO Mint for 011 55 290 56 000 62 000 e.. 900 64 400 60 400

    Peppermint - '""4"6:29'0 - '""4'b;000 - '""47':7'00 - '""42;'700 - '""45":'500 - '""4"6;100 Spearmint 9,000 10,000 ~4,3OO 22,200 ~8,9oo 14,300

    Early Commercial. Potatoes - 359,'500 - 37'8,100 - 297,500 - 311,'BOO - 25'8,200 - 271,300 Strawberries 75 400 90 250 lJ2 350 116 650 116 750 ]26 850 "'!:.rAcreii,e-forJ:ii.rVest-; inCiiidIng a:;y ~Iarl:y 1iarv:est~d or-riOt-harvested-because-o'f'1ai

    prices or other economic factors.21 For 3 States only :prior to ~949.3/. Includes crop for processing. 4'/. Estimates not available prior to 1949. ;/. Includes crop for dehydration. 'b/ Includes Casabas, J?ersians and other miscellaneous me~ona. Does not include Roney - Ball and Hooey Det, me~ons. 7/. For 3 States ~ :prior to 1948, 4 States for ~948 and 26 States for ~949 and 1950. '8/ To~ for 24 oral's do not includel broccoli, BruaBe~ sprouts and sweet coxon for which - estimates are not available for all important producing states prior to 1949. 2/ To~ for 26 crops, ~939-48 end 27 crops, ~949 and 1950.

    - 5

    ,?c.rnil.n(;j5', . \ UPDATA 1981 I:'

    ~. \ """ ..,. ~{. !

  • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    "V':EX}ErAmJ!B, Co.tmnarcial crop for fresh nzrket: S1i:JJIIIIary' of production by crollS, United States, 1939-44 !l :: : : : : :

    CROP 1939 : 1940 : 1941 : 1942 : l.943 : 1944 . . . ... . .. . . . - Tons -

    Artichokes 20,800 16,200 13,400 16,600 15,800 16,000 Asparagus 71,900 e4,100 82,200 74,700 73,500 68,800 Lima beans 35,300 30,500 30,800 31,200 27,100 26,000 Snap beans 269,400 273,100 244,500 267,200 298,100 268,200 Beets 59,900 61,200 57,700 55,400 Ce,8oo 66,400 Broccoli 2/ 3/ 25,900 21,800 24,300 22,100 27,600 35,600 Brussels B}lrouts 'J/ '/Cabbage 5/ 989,200 1,153,300 1,005,400 1,296,500 1,106,100 1,457,100 cantaloups 6/ 398,000 385,900 400,200 330,600 318,700 389,800 Carrots 3/5/ 448,400 484,800 515,900 569,400 826,100 764.,800 Caulif10wer-3/ 194,700 209,500 164.,200 175,900 171,900 199,100 Celery 3/ - 509,900 509,700 556,300 517,900 480,300 522,300 Sweet corn 7/ 320,800 127,100 149,400 152,600 140,500 155,600 Cucmnbers - 324,100 115,500 119,500 11.4,600 94,800 95,500 Eggplant 17,100 13 ,500 20,700 15 ,200 20,200 23,400 Escarole '8,100 9,700 6,900 8,800 9,800 18,100 Honey Ball melons 32,300 9,600 13,200 9,800 4,000 5,400 Honey Dew melons 48,500 43,100 50,000 39,000 45,000 63,900 Kale 9,700 ,5,100 11,000 ;"),900 8,700 9,200 Lettuce 852,800 780,000, 831,400 837,500 901,900 1,017,800 Onions 5/ 915,600 822,100 780,700 972,700 783,600 1,198,500 Green peas 142,600 128,100 121,100 100,500 92,800 90,000 Green peppers 71,400 64.,600 63,100 63 ,100 ~,0oo 71,600 Shallots 8,500 6,800 6,100 8,600 6,000 4,500 Spinach 151,300 148,600 137,900 153,800 156,700 149,800 Tomatoes 761,600 707,800 683,800 769,900 768,600 783,900 Watermelons _ ,242,20.2. !,.2.B2.,90.2. 911,.L0.2. _ ~O,!OQ _ 7~,,0 1,.2.78,~

    Total 24 crops ~ 7,065,000 7,152,700 b,~9,500 7,2~,900 7,129,900 ~,38B,900 All crops 9/ 1,go~,10.2. 1,10!'I60.2. I,.2.~,~OQ 1,!22,~OQ 1,g9~,QOQ .,.L8Q,~0.2.

    Garlic - 9,000 7, 00 1,000 10,500 0,200 7,.L00 Mint for oil 510 558 596 896 540 708

    Peppermint - - - lj:'53 - - - lj:'87 - - - lj:'70 - - - 71~ - - - lj:'i3 - - - 59'8 Spearmint 57 71 126 178 127 110

    Early Commercial potatoes !,'39~,500 I,522,lj:'00 I,lj:'79,IoO 1,lj:'54',100 1,'84'3,300 I,bll,900 Strawberries 223 300 227 300 225 500 235 800 118 100 e2 600 :!rIilcludei some-quantItIes not marketed-aiid-;,xcluded ~-cOm'Put~-vi!ue: -'- - - - -'- 2/ For 3 States only prior to 1949. '3/ Includes crop for processing.Til Estimates not e.mlilab1e prior to 1949.5/ Includes crop for de~tion."6/ Iilc1udes Casabas, Persians and other miscellaneous melons. Does not include Honey - Ball and Honey Dew melons. 7/ For 3 states only prior to 1948.'S/ Totals for 24 crops do not include broccoli, Brussels sprouts and sweet corn far - which estilztes are not available for all important produc1ng State19 prior to 1949. 2/ Totals for 26 crops, 1939-48 and 27 crops, 1949 and 1950..

    ... E)

    :."_'rr5r",[Iii~. 1 UPDATA 1981 I

  • VEmA:BrJ!S, COlIIIlerOiaJ. crop for fresh market: S~ of production 'by crops, United states, 1945-50 l./

    . . . . . .---------------------------~~---------------CROP ; ~945 ; ~946 ; ~947 ; ~948 ; ~949.; ~950

    : .. : : : : : ----~----~---~=~----------------------------- Tons oW


    Artichokes Aaparagua Lima beens Snap bee:D.B

    13,400 61,700 m,500


    ~,~~ iJIf.,ovu 33,300


    ~4,600 66,100 31,000


    ~7,000 57,100 31,000


    12,700 54,900 30,500


    14,200 59,700 29,200

    277,100 Beets roccoli gj 3/ llrt1Ssels s~uts..J1.Jj Cabbage 5/ _. Cantaloupe 6/ carrots :J/ U Ce.ullf~ower 3/C6~e17' 3/ -SWeet corn 7/ Cucumbers -

    59,000 61,400 51,400 51,~OO 47,600 51,800 35,300 46,500 37,800 42,000 90,100 93,400

    22,500 21,800 ~,548j1000 1,362,200 1,127,600 ~,265,9oo ~,15~,6oo 1,383,700

    398,600 497,900 460,400 468,600 475,300 507,600 888,200 794,700 666,600 765 ,600 727,200 791,600 228,200 256,200 225,500 250,400 251,400 226,400 569,000 663,~00 566,600 627,100 634,500 667,400 ~60,9oo 148,600 l.,1j.4,2oo 181,400 530,600 582,600 130,100 163,800 11~8,loo ~58,4oo 160,800 159,900

    Eggplant Escarole

    25,800 16,100

    3~,loo 17,300

    17,900 1~,3oo

    25 ,900 17,800

    24,300 15,900

    23,300 23,400

    Bone;y :sa:u :melons 6,600 5,800 2,300 2,900 4,700 4,600 lion"'1 Dew melons 87,000 81,000 59,800 57,500 45,800 47,200 Kal.e 10,200 9,100 8,700 7,600 1l,3OO 10,700 Lettuce 1,052,300 1,192,400 1,216,800 1,213,700 1,218,500 1,328,Boo Onions 5/ 941,700 1,26~,2oo 917,800 1,062,400 969,600 1,144,900 Greon peas 85,800 79,400 64-,100 54,000 44,700 39,Boo Green. peppers aq.,6oo 99,500 79,900 100,500 ll4,4oo 116,600 Shallots 7,500 8,400 5,500 6,400 4,800 5,700 Spinach 152,400 144,600 131,800 132,700 128,900 ll2,400 Tomatoes 909,600 927,200 808,500 827,400889,400 881,700 Watermelons 1,137,400 1,219,400 1,244,000 1,138,100 ~216,300 1,204 ,Boo

    Total 24 crops 8/ 13',72;,300 9,2'88,;00 '8,210,300 13',b213','OoO tl,;1'7,"10'O 9,lli,50'O All crops 9/- 8,921,500 9,483,600 8,392,300 8,851,400 2,160,9009,810,300

    Garlic - - - 'S,400 - - 9,'SdO - -13',900 - - "6,100 - 6,000 - - 13',900 Mint for 011 852 826 1 048 1 204 1 090 1 048

    Pepllermint - - - 7cj) - - - b72 - - -''So'S - - -'79'S - - -''Sob - - -''S1'S Spearmint 147 J.54 240 406 284 230

    Early C0l1l1lIe1"C1aJ. Potatoes 1,994,200 2,1)23,50'0 2,027,100 2,324,40~1,94'O,IOO 2,221,700 Strswberries 9J 700 127 900 160 900 188 600 157 600 197 300IFtnclUE.ea soia-quaiitItIes not ma.rketed-eild-~cluded I~-coniPut~-..;alue-: -'- - - - -'-

    2Z For 3 States only :prior to 1949.

    3/. Includes crop ~or processing.

    4Z Estimates not available prior to 1949.

    i5Z Includes orop for delQ-dretion.

    -0/ Ipcludes Casabas, Persi8llS and other miscellaneous melons. Does not include lIoney - :Ball and Honey Dew Ii!81ons.

    1/ For 3 States only :prior to 1948, 5 States ~or 1948 and 26 states for 1949 and 1950. 13'/ Totals for 24 crops do not include broccoli, Brussels sprouts and sweet corn for 'Which - estimates are not available for all important producing states prior to 1949.

    2./ ~otals for 26 creps, 1939-48, and 27 crops, 1949 and 1950.

    - 7

    ;:.fmrtnn__c'c. 1 UPDATA 1981

  • ---------------------------------------------

    ~" COlIII:Q.erc1a1 crop for fresh market: Sl.?lIJlIIarY of value by crops, Un!ted States, 1939-44 ~I

    . . . . . . r.:ROP . 1939 ; 1940 ; 1941 ; 1942 ; 1943 ; 1944 . . . . . .

    ---------------~----~----~----~----~----~----- 1,000 dollars -

    Artichokes 1,872 1,371!. 1,411 1,490Asparagus 2,212 2,6l!.08,080 10,639 11 ,558 11 ,428 L1ma beans 15,921 15,5542,938 2,714 2,861 3,361Snap beans 4,525 4,70617,439 19,327 24,035 29,700 44,065 40,415Beets 1,114 1,286 1,107 1,446 3,101 2,226Broccoli 2/ 3/ 1,773 1,618 2,327 2,922 5,494 5,959Brussels S.PI"0uts II !!I Cabbage 5/ 16,178 14,1.'31 21,6lJ.5 22,248 52,801 45,121 Canta10ups 6/ 12",909 13,683 15,628 21,976 37,614 33,397 Carrots 3/51 11,831 13,444 15,884 26,183 40,783 36,744 Caullf1ower-3/ 6,503 6,000 7,267 9-,862 16,301 15,384 Celery 3/ - 19,624 22,113 28,681 35,627 53,410 47,479 Sweet corn 7/ 2,777 4,1'76 5,037 5,795 7,937 9,030 Cucumbers 4,999 5,363 6,208 7,589 11,014 8,724 'Eggplant 694 696 1,143 1,118 2,356 1,839 Escarole 266 294 358 333 1,170 640 Honey :Ball melons 508 556 663 735 798 615 HoneyDewme1onc 1,7~ 2,28:5 2,579 3,378 6,726 6,696 Kale 268 229 282 363 821 663 Lettuce 30,126 32,681 41,928 62,980 83,676 75,320 Onions 5/ 16,209 22,877 34,307 37,474 52,499 56,101 Green peas 10,805 9,601 10,135 10,783 13,975 12,243 Green peppers 4,881 4,368 5,006 6,538 11,065 9,8:58 Shallots 317 357 452 556 706 8:52 Spinach 5,620 7,043 6,993 9,472 15,088 12,224 Tomatoes 38,983 32,292 40,837 61,,214 83,453 91,222 Watermelons 9.L056 8.z.948 9.1.847 15 612 28.1.290 32.L494

    Total 24 crops ./ - -223,002- -232,305- -290,6!,- -31h~90- -,'82,370- -'53,157-All crops 9/ 227.'52 238L099 298~179 390.207 595.801 568.146

    Gat'lic - - - - ....5b3- - -1,0;5- - -1,4'8'0- - - doff7fj - -1-;323- - -2-;3b1-Mint for 011 1 986 2 412 3 794 7 98!.~ 5 825 8 961

    Peppermint - - -1~8I2- - -2~159- - -3~23b - -~955- - ~~89a- - -?,lBB-Spearmint 174 253 558 1 029 927 773

    Early Commercial Potatoes - -32-;59'a- - 33-;991- -3'3-;571- - 55~6r;9--'89-;12g- - '81-;020-Strawberries 30 294 30 876 30 471 39 236 41 512 36 254 T./Vaiue-is for the market1':ngsaaso~ or-crop ~eir'-~-stolild not te-cOrifuie't W1th-ca1~dar - yea:r 1nccnne. 2/ For 3 States only prior to 1~~9.

    3'Z Includes crop for processing. rq Eeti:mates not available :prior to 1949.

    '5Z Includes crop for dehydration.

    151 Includes Casabas, Persians and other miscellaneous melons. Does not include Honey - :Ball em! Honey DmT melons. 7/ For 3 states only ~or to 1948. 'S/ Totals for 24 crops do not include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and ~nreet corn for - which estimates are not available for all important producing states prior to 1949.

    2,/ Totals for 26 crops" 1939,~48 and 27 crops, 1949 and 1950.

    - 8

    ;;:;'.rmmf.:rnSZl.I UPDATA 1981 ~,;~


  • ---------------------------------------------

    v:IDEr.ABL1iS, Commercial crop for fresh :ms.rket: SUIIIlmI.l7 of va.l.ue by crops, United States, 194-5-50 1,/ . . . . .---------------------------------~----------

    CROP 1945 ; 1946 ; 194-7 ; 1948 ; 1949 ; 1950 . .. .. . .. .. - 1,000 dollars -

    Arilchokee 2,251 2.160 2,190 2,978 2,576 2,769 Asparagus 16,359 16~159 16,333 13,198 13,2~5 15,259 L1.:ma beans 6,422 6,237 4,746 5,269 .4,674 3,814 Snap beans 45,934 45,414 36,962 43,786 40,396 40,828 Beets 2,223 2,019 1,749 2,350 2,070 2,010 Broccoli 21 31 7,235 8,090 6,919 7,8~ 16,169 15,609 Brussels sprouts 'J.I !J:l 4,910 4,305 Cabbage 51 40,722 38,142 47,5511- 35,662 34,869 29,604-Cantaloups 6/ 34,618 43,006 42,288 40,415 35,953 43,204-Carrots 3/'5/ 43,578 39,862 43,1l5 51,0~ 39,593 37,622 Caul1f1awer-31 19,221 18,216 17,497 17,436 15,301 13,966 Celery 31 - 62,908 44,,714 58,749 42,510 50,348 48,206 Sweet corn 71 11,925 10,599 7,630 14,509 30,920 36,027 Cucumbers - 13,578 16,38li. 13,074 15,744 13,849 14,79'1-Eggplant 2,882 2,590 2,058 1,914 1,839 2,051 Escarole 1,479 896 1,331 1,285 1,705 1,414 Honey Ball melons 678 667 332 324 419 520 Honey Dew ma10ns 9,569 8,190 6,903 6,093 4,778 4,907 Kale 736 857 583 892 630 59'1-Lettuce 88,777 88,429 lll,853 104-,881 125,207 96,214 Onions 5/ 63,254 42,849 76,191 55,526 57,034 38,752 Green peas 14,087 10,692 9,222 7,715 6,328 5,721 Green peppers 13,726 13,591 15,601 14,975 17,193 15,335 Shallots 1,010 1,269 873 845 671 937 Spinach 13,87' 11,418 11,981 12,231 12,534 12,249 Tomatoes 112,906 100,291 97 ,372 100,572 98,658 113,002 Watermelons 37 517 37 737 28.200 35 186 29 416 28 183

    Total 24 crops 8/ - b1J.1(3J2 - 591;'789 - '614.'7,'45" ~ bJ.2)b9 - bo9';25b - 571;955 All crops 9/- _ .61,!7;' _ .1.Q,~7~ _ ~,~ _ .32.,~6Q _ .61,g52. _ .21,~

    Garlic - 3,100 2,020 1,14, 2,'+77 1,315 1,509 Mint for 011 9,307 10,268 13,887 13,381 9,429 10,372

    Peppermint - - "S,27li' - - "S,54"b - -U,209 - - 9,"S85 - - 7,"61"b - - "S,b~ Spearmint 1 033 1 722 2 678 3 496 1 813 1 688

    Early Commercial Potatoes - 111:3'i8 - D.2;2'o"6 - 105:290 - 125':"b37 - -95':3'51 - -7'b:'573' Strawberries 44 570 68 940 66 996 83 562 63 280 81 799 ------------------~----~----~----~----~---~-11 Value is for the marketing Beason or crop year and should not be ccmfused with calendar - year income. 2/ For 3 States only prior to 1949. 3'/ Includes crop for processing. ~1. Estimates not available prior to 1949. 5/ Includes crop for deJ:l;y"dration.

    "6/ Includes Casabas J Persians and other miscellaneous melons" Does !lot include Hon.ey - Ball and Hone:y Dew melons. 7/For 3 states only prior to 19'1-8, 4 states for 194-8 and 26 states for 1949 and 1950. "./ Totals for 24 crops do not include broccoli, Brussels gprouta, and sweet corn for

    which estimates are notave1lab1e for all important producing states prior to 1949. 2/ Totals for 26 croDs, 1939-48, and 27 crops, 19J.~9 and 19.50.

    - 9 ..,

  • VIDErAHQ!S, COlIIIlercial crop for f'resh market: Su:mma.ry of a.creage for harvest by States, 1939-421/

    - - - ~ATE- ~ -:- - - -1939 - - -:- - - -1940 - - -:- - - I9li"l- - - ..... :- - - 1942- - -.MID :- - - -: - - - - -:- - -:- - - - - -:- - - -: - - - - -:- - -:- - - - -

    ___D~!O!! _ _:_G.!:0RBl _A2..r~~e_:_C! _A2..'r2.~e_:_CE.oRel _AE.'r2.~e_:_C!oRs.:.. _A2..'r2.~e_ No. Acres No. Acree No. Acres No. Acres

    Maine New BBmpeh1zoe M8ssachusetts 2 4,200 2 3,800 2 3,600 2 3,400 Rhode Island Connecticut New York 14 ll9,7OO 14 120,~0 14 123,550 14 121,600 New Jersey 19 99,600 19 96,100 19 89,000 19 92,600 !~Y1~~n..~ - - b'3___ _~,19Q _ 13___ ~~'2~ _13____~,!O _13___ -'~'20 ,

    BORTH KL'.wu1~J.C20 200 290 20 t::0'f0 oov 20 2oc: 550 20 200 100 ohio- - - - - - - - -b" - - -19;43'0 - -0 - - -19:'52'0 - -0 - - -19;34'0 - -0 - - -2'0;065 Indiana. 5 26,700 5 25,600 5 25,400 5 20,300 Illinois 10 26,800 10 27,750 10 27,450 10 24,450 Mich1gan 10 43,150 10 43,500 10 41,500 10 42,500 W1sconsin 2 8,100 2 11,200 2 8,700 2 9,700 Minnesota 3 7,250 3 8,000 3 6,900 3 7,750 Iowa 6 8,510 6 6,280 6 6,470 6 6,350 Missouri 4 23,200 4 16,850 4 14,150 4 10,550

    !T~ CEiiTRAL - - y}- - - !J,;ag - ~- -- 15~'m - ~- - - 15'0 f~ - ~- - - 142 ~~ J5eIaWaTe- - - - - - -5- - - -10~05'O - -5- - - - 9;000 - -5- - - - "8;100 - -5- - - - 7;55'0 Maryland 10 31,540 10 29,850 10 30,550 10 28,200 Virginia 10 42,300 10 45,300 10 36,600 10 31,450 Borth Carollna 11 56,580 11 60,760 11 60,050 11 55,590 South Carolina 11 72,960 11 73,230 11 72,430 11 63,600 Georgia 11 107 ,200 11 116,64.0 11 114,090 11 91,510

    !1~~ MAirIc- - ~} - - ~~'rgg -i} - - fr~~~ - i} -- ~~,~~ - fIr- - - ~~,~~~eiitucTiy- - - - - - -2- - - - 1:53'0 - -2- - - - I;lf."3'O - -2- - - - 1;'57'0 - -2- - - - 1;t7'O Tennessee 3 14,400 3 13,100 3 12,300 3 11,600 Alabama 5 22,100 5 20,900 5 22,800 5 21,700 ~a1ss1ppi 6 33,400 6 27,900 6 26,400 6 26,800 Arlmneaa 6 21,100 6 18,750 6 16,200 6 16,280 Louisiana 12 44 ,000 12 39,850 J2 37,250 12 37,100 Oklahoma. 4 25 ,550 4 25 ,050 4 23,700 4 20,950 Texas lJ.I. 301 250 14 285 450 . 14 272 400 14 323 200 - BoUrii Cil:ifl'RAL - - 15- - - 463'33'0 - 15- - - 432'430 - 15- - - 4J2'b20' - 15- - -- 459'3'00 ldiho - - - - - - - 4- - - -:LI;I60 -- '4- - - -15;320 - '4- - - -1I;5'60 - '4- - - - 8;100 Colorado 12 46,700 12 48,400 12 44 ,600 12 46,150 New Mexico 5 5,250 5 4,200 5 4,650 5 4,710 Arizona 10 55,390 11 51,240 10 60,370 10 62 ,520 Utah 7 6,150 7 6,070 7 5,220 6 4,200 Nevada 1 260 1 150 1 150 1 200 Washington 12 19,330 12 19,370 12 20,410 12 18,130 Oreson 11 12,430 11 14,010 11 12,970 11 11,630 Cal1fo~a 19 376 550 19 341 950 19 352 350 19 328 150 - iErIRi - - - - - 19- - - 533'240 - 19- - - 500'710' - 19- - - 512'260 - 19- - - 483'190 - litIlTIDST"ATE3 - - 20 - I "2':!'285 - 2b - I "857'1;60 - 2b - 1 '825"4"30 - 20 - 1193'750 lrAcreage-for-liirreat-; 1nCiud~ irii PartIRl;; ~ated or-nOt-~eSted-becauS~-of'Yoi - prices or other ecanom:1c factors. For orope estimated for the United states, see s'um

    rtJtJ.ry table on page 4. For crope estinBted for each state see the 1ndh'1dua1 crop tables ..

    - 10

    "'!m'ltmw""\ UPDATA 1981 "t

  • ! I

    "' ViOC}~A..HL.Es, Commercial crop for fresh market: S1.IIlIlII!U'y' of scl'eage

    for barvcst by states, 1943-46 1/ - - - STATE - .... -:- - - Y943- - - -:- - ~ Y9YP+- - - -:- - .. I9Ti5- - - -:- - - 19Tio - - -

    ft.ND ----~~------------------------------:: :::: :: ___D~!O!! __:_C!.0Jl!31. _A~~~e_:_C!.0R.sl_A~a.ge_:_C!.ogal_A~r!!.~e_:_C-E.oR.al_~~B.9_

    rio. Acres No. Acres No. .Acres No. Acres

    Maine New Hampah1re Massachusetts 2 3,200 2 3,300 2 3,000 2 3J 200 Rhode !aJ.a.nd Connecticut New York 14 121,400 14 142,050 14 131,550 14 129,900 '" N'ewJereey 1.9 93,300 19 93,400 19 90,100 19 87,200 !~y!~...!- __ ~3___ Y~'2~ _ 13____6!,1~ _ ~__ .__~,~~ _ ,!3___ _5g,~~Q

    BOREK ATLAN'l'IC 20 2 I,) ovv 20 300 110 20 20v Oov 20 21'2 0'1-0 ohio - - - - - - - - -b - - -is;430 .... -b - - -il(Soo - -0- - - -17;2'50 - -0- - -- -1:S;030 Indiana 5 16,800 5 20,500 5 19,500 5 21,100 Illinois 10 27,500 10 27,800 10 24,700 10 25,300 Michigan 10 39,500 10 43,900 10 44 ,300 10 45,200 Wisconsin 2 11,800 2 14,100 2 12,800 2 8,200 M:1nnesota 3 7,050 3 6,240 3 6,450 3 6,950 Imra. 6 5,2CO 6 4,830 6 4. ,830 6 5,270 Missouri 4. 9,400 4 11,600 4. 10,600 4 12,100 Ksnsas 1. 400 3 800 3 2 500 3 2 450 - Nom CESrI1AL - - Y:c - - 130 080 - 12- - - 14B 570 - 13- - - 142'930 - 13- - - J:4]i:"'oooDeIaiiaTe- - - - - - -5- - - - o;EOO - -5- - - - 0;540 - -5- - - - 5;'970 - -5- - - - 5;I;90 Maryland 10 29,450 9 27,600 9 27,040 9 26,850 Virginia 10 33,120 10 34-,750 9 3+,230 10 29,930 North Carolina 11 54,130 11 54 ,440 11 50,970 11 54,740'South Carolina Georgia

    11 11

    57,050 80,410

    II 11

    66,500 92,060

    11 10

    72,150 9'1-,000

    11 10

    88,650 110,200

    Florida 13 - som ~IC- - IS- -Keiitucky- - - - - - -2-

    142 850 13 - I;03'E10 - 18"" -- - 1::"820 - -2-


    189 400 15 ~7l'2g6 - 20- - 1:700 -2-

    202 850 - ~87'21o -- - ::500

    15 20 --2-

    221 800 -537'b6Q - - 2:700

    Tennessee 3 11,000 3 11,200 3 11,000 3 13,000 Alabama 5 21,250 5 2lJ. , 800 5 27,600 5 29,200 MiSSissippi Arkansas

    6 6

    26,000 18,400

    6 6

    31,300 20,800

    6 6

    27,500 18,400

    6 6

    25,650 20,400

    Louisiana. 12 36,330 12 39,450 12 39,350 12 41,700 Oklahoma 4 17,100 4 27,500 4. 19,4.00 4 24,150 Texas - scM CmrRAL - -

    14 '15-

    293 000 - 424'900

    14 15-

    40Cl 550 14 - 566'300 15-

    4.37 150 - 581'900

    15 Yb

    470 250 - "627'050

    IdihO - - - - - - '"'4- - -1I;5'50 - '"'4- - -15;bOO 4 - - -lI;W -,..- - -:12;700 Colorado BeN Mexico

    12 6

    49,030 5,330

    12 6

    56,700 4,600

    12 6

    53,550 6,330

    12 6

    51,500 8,020

    Arizona Utah IfeT8da

    10 7 1

    59,460 4,970


    10 7 1

    71,880 6,110


    10 7 1

    76,200 5,930


    1.0 7 1

    90,100 5,260

    650 'Washington Oregon

    12 11

    19,230 14,680

    12 11

    18,750 16,290

    12 II

    18,280 16,510

    12 11

    20,440 18,140

    Cal1fornia 19 -~ - - - - - 19- - mirrEo-sTATPS - ... 2()

    327 4.50 - 492"'000 -I 730'5'90

    19 19- 2b

    375 500 19 - 560'030 - 19- 2 052'300 2b

    381 950 19 - 57I;~ 0 - 19- 2063 ~o - 2b

    426,800 - "633,b1O 2',215,560

    lrAcre8i.e-ror"JiB.rVes-f; InCiud~ in.Y parbIaIli ~istel ornOt-~;Veited-b8ciUie-01 loW - prices or other ecanamic factors. For crope est:llllated for the un1ted States, see SllJIl.

    11Bl7 table on page 4. For crops est1nBted for each state, see the individual Cl'OP tables.

    - 11

    ~"."r""]r tlltmm Iii 1 UPDATA 1981

  • VOO-ETA.BL'ES, Comnerc1al crop for fresh market: s~ of acreage for barvest by states, 1~7-50 Ii

    - - - -grm- - -:- - -1947- - - -:~ -- -I94'S- - - -:- - -I97i9- - - -:- - - 195'0- - -~. ~~-~-----~--7-----~--7-~-~-~--7----

    ____ ~~IQN__:~C.~bRsl_AI'!8e_:_~Rel _A'r2.B.e_:_CE.0lal_~l'!8e_:_~Rsl J,,r!8e_ .. No. Acres No. Acres No. Acres No. Acres

    Maine 1 800 1 Boo New Hampshire 3 3,050 3 3,250 Massachusetts 2 2,700 11 23,6:50 11 22,550 11 22,960 Rhode Ie,l.and 5 2,470 . 5 2,580 COlIIl8ct1cut 6 10,300 6 10,500 .1Iew York 14 117,0)0 14 1]2,400 16 113,950 16 1ll,750 New Jersey 19 frr ,400 19 81,500 20 84 ,400 20 81,200

    !Mi~Ic- - ~} - - 2~~'m -~- --2~'~~ - ~- - - 2~'~ - ~- - - 2~'~ 'OMo- - - - - - - - -b - - -lJj:;I5'O - -b - - -lJj:;1;90 - -7- - - -21;300 - -7- - - -21;57'0 Ind1BM 5 20,200 5 16,,500 5 16,500 5 16,300 Ill.1no1s 10 22,030 10 20,920 11 28,850 11 27,680 M1ch1~ 10 38,200 10 39,500 11 50,800 11 51,300 ''''.sconsin 2 8 ,400 2 8 ,100 3 10,700 3 10,500 Minnesota 3 6,650 3 7,050 3 7,950 3 7,850 Ir:nra 6 5,050 6 4,920 6 5,100 6 4,910 Missouri 4 9,350 4 8,700 6 12,950 6 13,100 Kansas 3 1 460 3 1 310 3 3,780 3 3 070 - BoRrii C'l!iTRAL - - 13- - - I25'4'90 - 13- - - 12I:1;90 - 13- - - 157 93'0 - 13- - - 156'2'6 DelaWare - - - - - - -5- - - - 1;;'780 - -5- - - 3:900 - -5- - - - 3;~73'O - -5- - - - t;ooo Maryland 9 25,550 9 23,900 10 27,080 10 26,780 Virginia 10 32,250 10 29,630 12 41,310 12 38,130

    . !forth Carolina 11 54,610 11 54,880 12 63,700 12 6:5,880 South Carollna 11 85 ,250 11 72,450 14 ~ ,100 14 93 ,250 Georg1a 10 105,450 10 84,720 10 97,700 10 101,500 Florida 1.5 202 200 16 217 680 16 235,750 16 270 100 - Sot1rH A'TLAi.rIc- - 20- - - ;15'090 - 21- - - 487'165 - 2"2- - - 55B,37'O -~ 22- - - 599''S!.0 ieiituc'ky- - - - - - -2- - - - 1;'265 - ~2- - - - 1;060 - -2- - - - - 950 - -2- - - - -'900 Tenne8see 3 10,800 3 9,200 3 8,300 3 7,800 Alabama 5 25,300 5 25,700 6 31,900 6 33,400 M1ssissippi 6 22,250 6 23,800 7 23,750 7 21,480 Arkansas 6 21,150 6 19,300 7 22,050 7 20,100 Louis1fQl8. 12 35,,800 12 29,580 12 28,750 12 29,000 Oklahoma 4 19,950 4 21,250 5 28,650 5 19,200 Texas 15 396 450 15 3~ 800 17 407,750 17 393 850 - sOUrll ~ - - Ib - - ?32'~60 - 10 - - ;12''690 - IS- - - ~52 100 - IS- - - 5~''73o laibD' - - - - - - - ~- - - -lo;Ij:oo - ~- - - -10;070 - -3- -.- ~ "8;Ij:oo - -3- - - - 'B:~oo Colorado 12 46,150 12 43,700 13 43,350 12 40,400 !few Mexico 6 5,170 6 5,570 6 5,970 6 6,600 Arizona 10 87 ,,050.. 10 89,,290 10 83 ,430 10 87,600 Utah 6 4,250' 6 3,730 7 3,980 7 3,900 Bevada 1 500 1 360 1 400 1 450 Washington 12 19,4~0 12 17,850 14 21,870 14 19,940 Oregon 11 13,520 11 12,470 13 16,210 13 15,630 "':!1tO!Jl!a_____ ~9___ 181,.25.2 _ ~9___ 195 ..~O.Q _ gl__ _ 1~,15,g _ gl__ .... !Jl!.11~

    Wl!S'l'EHJI 19 573 510 19 57"8 540 21 570,301) 21 597,2 cO - M:r'!D-g'!A'M - - 20 - I 998'000 - 20 - 1 965'500 - 27- - 2 135 2ai5 - 27- - 2' I6i blOIrA'crea;,e-f'Or-'t.W:veit -; 1nciud!~ an; partIally ~ested 'Or-nOt-~eSted-beciuS~-otrow - prices or other ecanc.an1c factors. "'or crope estimated tor the Uil1ted states, see SUIIl

    lIII!IJ.7 table on page 4. For crops estimated tor each state, see the individual croptables.

    - 12 ...

    "~e""lnn'1tr'7;, . ! UPDATA 1981 J<

  • 2 22,000 2. 25,,200 2 24,600 2 21,500

    - 13

  • Maine New Hampshire Massaohusetts 2 16,200 2 17,600 2 12,900 2 18,800 ~de Island Connecticut N9W York 14 692,600 14 816,200 14 741,400 14 950,000 New Jersey 19 281,800 1.9 257,800 19 2&:!,7oo 19 290,200 Pennsylva.n1a13 208 000 13 216 700 13 220 600 13 206 900 - Nom ~;::C- - 20- - I I9E'ooo - 20- - I 30E'3'00 - 20- - I 257'W - 20- - I 465'900 OMo- - - - - - - - -0' - -'1l9;400 - -0' - -'12'O;W - -0' - -'12'7;100 - -0' - -'I33;EOO Indiana 5 83,700 5 113,500 5 92 ,900 5 114,100 Illinois 10 119,400 10 108,600 10 119,300 10 112,500 Michigan 10 249,500 10 319,600 10 330,100 10 365,600 Wisconsin 2 83,700 2 114,900 2 139,800 2 80,900 Minnesota 3 49,300 3 45,300 3 48,Boo 3 76,300 Iowa 6 23,800 6 22,200 6 26,800 6 32,000 Missouri 4 33,900 4 47,100 4 30,600 4 39,900

    !~fu.R cmrRAL - - ~- - - 7J,~gg - ~- -- E~,~gg - I~- - - ~~'~gg - rl- ---~'~ DelaWare - - - - - - -5- - - -2'6;500 - -5- - - -2Ij:';'9oo - -5- - - -20;300 - -5- - - 221;000 Maryland 10 85 ,500 9 83 ,900 9 75 ,800 9 84 ,300 Virginia 10 87 ,400 10 90,100 9 98,500 10 90,000 North Carolina II 124,690 11 138,300 11 13[.,700 II 145,&:0 South Carolina II 114,800 11 159;>200 11 191,100 11 205,300 Georgia 11 237,100 '11 271,100 10 313,100 10 301;500 Florida 13 494 400 13 660 100 15 760 500 15 818 400 - sourn AT'.E.Airrc- - IIf" - I 17'0'300 - IEr - I 'i;:27';oo - 20- - I 39E'000 - 20- - 115$'"300 iCeiitiioity- - - - - - -2- - -'- 7;'900 - -2- - -'- 3;700 - -2- - -'- 1);1500 - -2- - -'-1Ij:';900 Tennessee 3 38,300 3 43,500 3 49,Boo 3 70,900 Al.absma 5 62,600 5 65 ,300 5 &:!,4oo 5 58,800 Mississippi 6 66,500 6 84,000 6 98,400 6 76,100 Ar}~ansas 6 40,300 6 49,700 6 46,500 6 51,600 Louisiana. l2 69,300 12 92,200 l2 97,700 l2 96,800 Oklahoma. 4 47,900 4 72,200 4 47,300 4 60,900 Texas 14 712 400 14 991 400 14 1 040,600 15 1.073 700 - sOUrR cmRAL - - 15- - I 04;5'200 - 15- - I,Ij:'oIj:"ooO - 15- - I;Ij:'6,500 - 10' - I~50"3;7ooId8:bO - - - - - - - lj.- - -'-74;700 - lj.- - -'107;W - lj.- - - -99,400 - lj.- - - -97,"600 Colorado l2 310,Boo 12 355,700 12 332,200 l2 359,700 New Mexico 6 36,200 6 37,300 6 38,900 6 41,000 Arizona 10 365,000 10 418,400 10 444,100 10 506,600 Utah 7 46,900 7 55,100 7 54 ,300 7 54,700 Nevada 1 3,000 1 6,600 1 6,000 1 10,600 Washington l2 116,600 12 1l0,3OO l2 119,5OO l2 135,900 Oregon 11 130,300 II 147,500 II 163,300 11 176,500 California 19 2 036 200 19 2,304 500 19 2,413 ,300 19 2,499 ,300 - WESTERN - - - - - 19- - '3'1l9'700 - 19- - '3 54"3'000 - 19- - - '671,000 - 19- - '3,TJ8i,9oo - UNTrED-sTATEB - - 2b -7'29E'00o - 20' -15;380;100 - 2b - ~:92I,300 - 2b - 9,483,000 IrrIicIudes soma- quantItIes'not'iiiarketed-aiid-eXcluded In- cOmPutiilg- vilue:- For-crops- estI-- mated for the United states, see summary table on page 6. For crops estimated for

    eaoh State, see the individual crop tables. - 14

  • - -

    ~A:BLl!S, COJIIIIel"Cial crop ~or :fresh markat: SUl/IIS.l"7 o~ production

    - - - STATE - - -:- - - Y9i7- - "'2.y_~~:.e!'Yri--2.0JL:- - - I91j:'9- - - -:- - - ~ -0- _ .... --' - - - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - _..- - - - - - .... --:.~- - - --Am> :: :: : = :: ___D,!VlPfO! __:_c.::0.Rs.!.P~~t!o.!!:_C!0p.iP!o2;ut.!~:_C!oR,B'!'p!~~ut!'!!:_C::0RB':"Po2;ut!~

    No. Tons Eo. Tons Ho. 'l'0IIlB lio. Tons Maine -- - - T -T,2oo T -';;200 New Ram;pehire 3 10,500 3 12 ,300 Massachusetts 2 15,200 II 126,800 II 112,600 II ll6,4OO Rhode Islm:l4 5 10,900 5 ll,800 Connecticut 6 1(7,300 6 47,800 New York 14 637,100 14 779,300 16 699,200 16 852,000 New Jersey 19 286,200 19 291,200 20 285,100 20 315,800 E~~i~Ic- - ~~- - 1: t~:~ -fo- - I ifij'~ - ~- - ! i~'i~ - fl - I ~~'~~ Oh1o- - - - - - - - -b - -'-as,bOO - -b - -'Y09;900 - -7- - -'1l7;400 - -7- - -'~TJ;700 Indi8llB. 5 90,900 5 96,300 5 76,100 5 86,800 Illinois 10 106 ,200 10 110,700 II 134,100 II 126,400 Michigan 10 273,000 10 353,200 II 273,200 II 348,600 Wisconsin 2 79,100 2 ee,2oo 3 117,5OO 3 121,200 M1nnesota 3 ~,3oo 3 78,200 3 81,700 3 89,800 Iowa 6 24,100 6 30,000 6 30,600 6 27,200 Missouri 4 25 ,400 4 29,000 6 44 ,300 6 49,200

    !~fuii ~ - - I~- - - 75~'~ - I~- - - ~'m -1~- - - ~'t~ - rl- -- 9at'~ De1avare-- - - - - - -5- - - -i6;700 - -5- - - -13;;00 - -5- - - -i15;900 - -5- - - -i5;too Ma.ryland 9 81,800 9 69,400 10 84,600 10 TI,700 V'irg1n1a 10 90 ,500 10 93,600 12 117,300 12 115,900 North Carolina. 11 132,300 II 154,000 12 159,100 12 172,300 south Carolina 11 201,900 II 157,500 14 186,300 14 192,400 Georgia 10 308,200 10 238,500 10 294,100 10 298,200 Florida 15 653 100 16 866 000 16 948 800 16 1 161 800 - SOUrR lL.rrrfj.jf]~Yc'- - 20- - I 1;&,'500 - ~1- - I ;92"''600 - 22- - I 1301'100 - 22- - 2'03~'700 Kentuclq- - - - - ~ -2- - -'- 0;000 - -2- - -'- 5;100 - -2- - -'- 4':500 - -2- - -'- 3:700 Tennessee 3 47,100 3 36,800 3 3),200 3 33,100 ALabama. 5 71,500 5 73,700 6 85i ,300 6 92,100 MiSSissippi 6 56,100 6 65,700 7 55,500 7 61,500 Arkansas 6 49,500 6 47,800 7 58,300 7 53,100 Louisiana 12 83 ,500 12 63,700 12 63,800 12 71,700 Oklah01ll8. 4 45,700 4 56,700 5 &9 ,500 5 35,500 Texas 15 1. 013 600 15 966 000 17 963,600 17 925 400 - SOUrR c~ - - 16 - 1'373'000 - 10 .... I 31.5"500 - IS- - Y,335 700 - If1 - 1,270'yooId@o - - - - - - - l~- - -'-71;;% - i+- - -'-73;000 - -3- - - -70:900 - -3- - - -73;300 Co1orlJ.Clo 12 3ll,loo 12 309,400 13 320,900 12 276,500 New Mexico 6 32,600 6 33,400 6 39,500 6 46,100 Arizona. 10 518,100 10 517,800 10 488,000 10 546,900 Utah 6 52,000 6 41,300 7 42,500 7 42,100 Nevada 1 6,800 1 4,500 1 6,800 1 6,400 Washington 12 136,100 12 115,100 14 138,400 14 138,500 Oregon 11 133,700 II ll7,200 13 158,100 13 152,800 CalUo.-....m.a 19 2 388 200 19 2 447 300 21 2 '501. 500 21 2 677,600 - ID."'STRRN - - - -- - 19- - 3''553'400 - 19- - 3'b5'9'OOO - 21- - "3:772'500 - 21- - '3';'960 200 - UrilTED-sTATl!B - - 2b - 13'392"300 - 2b - 1:(851'400 - 27- - '9,166'900 - 27- - 9,lho:300 Irrnc1udes 80iii.e--Cl::lniltItIeG'iiot'marketed-aiid-~cI~ded In-cemput1ii'g -.;a1ue-; -ior-crops-ea.- tilllated for the United states, see summary table on page 6. For crops estimated for

    each State, see the :individual crop tables.

    - 15

    .."Mt1:rt.zeitw' I UPDATA 1981 -,

    ")~.~ " _,'" ':. ,t

  • 2 7~6 2 8.53 2 2 1,~

    ... 16

    I",~"tr"S'mm'r UPDATA 1981 I

  • 2 ~,635 2 2 ~,04.7

    - 17

    ":"Xt!:tJl=rsT ~" I UPDATA 1981 t'

  • ~:;.m_rze\

  • WllfrEB Vl!G!lrABUS, CODIIIerolal crop for f20esh ID2J,l'ket: Sl!IlIII!I,l7 of acreage for harvest b,y crops, United States, ~939-50 );/

    ------------~---~--~----~---~---~--~--------~---~-------~---~ :~:~:~:~:~I~:~:~:~:~:~:~


    Art1chokes L1mI!, besns Snap been! Beets Brocco11 2/Cabbage -Carrots Caul11'lover Ce1817 SVget corn 3/ Cucumbers -Eggplent Escarole Kale Lettuce Green peas

    10,400 2,800

    31,000 1,100

    400 44,95023,600 1,~50 6,400

    ~,OOO 2,900

    29,100 ~,800

    10,100 1,100

    11,000 1,200

    450 48,830 29,100

    800 6,600

    100 1,300 2,200

    24,800 ~1 ,900

    9,600 4,200

    26,500 1,800

    600 42,600 29,300

    930 1,300

    300 1,000 2,500

    35,250 11,800

    9,200 2,000

    21,000 1,100 1,100

    61,630 3J.,300 ~,660 8,000

    250 1,200 2,400

    36,050 19,300

    1,900 2,300

    23,000 8,400 1,400

    50,860 39,900 2,100 1,500

    550 1,500 2,300

    30,800 8,900

    6,400 1,500

    38,500 9,200 1,900

    13,200 42,000 2,950 8,300

    1,000 2,300 3,000

    34,100 33,800

    6,400 2,000

    33,100 1,800 2,000

    53,200 43,650 2,850 9,200

    400 800

    2,800 3,100

    33,900 1l,600

    1,200 2,400

    35,100 8,300 2,600

    50,900 39,500 4,~50


    800 1,100 2,500 2,800

    46,100 1l.C:oo

    1,300 ~,200

    25,500 6,400 2,100

    '~9,900 40,400 4,350


    350 900

    2,100 2,100

    44,400 8,400

    1,400 1,500

    32,800 6,800 ~,600 ~,900 40,550 3,900


    1,500 330

    3,100 2,100

    50,200 6,900

    6,100 950

    30,~00 1,200

    10,900 52,900 52,000 3,500 9,200

    800 1,300

    800 3,000 3,000

    52,500 5,200

    1,100 950

    32,600 1,200

    10,950 55,500 48,550 3,600 9,650 1,900 2,600

    900 3,600 2,900

    68,600 2,900

    Green peppers Shallots

    2,500 3,000

    1,500 2,100

    3,000 2,200

    2,200 2,800

    2,900 2,100

    3,600 1,900

    3,800 2,100

    .:\,800 3,2r~

    3,500 2,100

    2,500 2,900

    3,200 2,900

    4,400 2,600

    Sp1nach TomatoBs

    39,800 39,000 39,600 45,200 43,300 43,000 39,1004~/?OO 3~,300 30,150 3f~,450 27,480_1!!,02 _ 2,lOQ _1,02 _l~,gOQ _ 2,202 _1,,2OQ _l1.,lOQ _l,gOQ _lQ,!OQ _ !!,2OQ ]~'2OQ J~,lOQ

    Total 239,500 216,180 231,480 266,590 242,210 304,~50 279,300 289,050 261,350 216,930 2)11,100 308,680

    iFA~';;';;'e-f-;'r - ';;;;;;;t- ~i,;a1~-~-;';;'1~- ';;;;;;;;;'d-~ ;ot ~,;ted ~a~; -;'f- .;;,.,,-.;rl;e-;' -;'r-ot'1;r-~~~ - -

    - factors. 2/.:ror AriZalll ~ prior to ~949.

    J/l!!8t1llates not avaUable prior to 1949.

    WJNrEll VIDErAllI.]S, CommerciaJ: crop :for :fresh markst: S1.IIIlIIlfIry of production by crops, United statss, 1939-44!/

    - - - - - - - - - - - -:- - - - - - - -:- - - - - - - -:- - - - - - - -:- - - - - - - -:- - - - - - - -:- - - - - - - --CROP 1939 1940 ~941 1942 1943 1944

    ------------L-------L-- _____L _______L _______L _______L _____ ~ __

    -!.2.-Artichokes 20,800 16,200 13,400 ~6,600 35,800 16,000Lima besne 2,700 100 1,700 ~,900 ~,600 1,100Snap besne 39,500 ~1,900 23,800 26,800 21,600 43,300Beets 24,000 24,300 26,300 25,800 30,600 38,300Brocco11 y 1,200 ~,500 2,~OO 2,500 3,100 4,600CabbB8e 210,100 258,~00 212,600 389,200 242,500 455,200Carrots 130,600 151,500 164,300 187,500 240,900 248,400Caullflover 4,400 4,000 4,400 1,300 13,000 33,200Ce1e17 112,500 129,100 122,200 133,100 116,100 139,600Sveet corn 3/Cucumbers -Eggplant 500 1,100 1,400 4,~00 6,200Escarole .8,100 9,100 6,900 8,900 9,800 18,100Kale 9,700 5,100 ll,OOO 5,900 8,100 Q,200Lettuce 193,100 152,200 181,500 196,000 ~B5,900 24l,l00Green peas 18,900 20,400 19,900 23,100 5,000 1l,100Green peppers 12,500 3,200 1,300 8,000 ~O,OOO 16,900Shallots 4,400 3,400 2,800 4,400 3,600 2,400 Sp1nach 69,400 65,200 61,6ocJ 19,000 69,800 12,300Tomatoes __ _1!!,lOQ _____2~,!!O _____21,gOQ _____41,lOQ _____2!,20 ____ .),,02 __

    Total 941,800 B93,800 1,161,900 ~,olO,600 1,393,600

    ---------------------------------.--------------------------11 Inc~udes some quantities not marketed ~ excluded in coaput1n8 value. ~/ For Arizona ~ prior to ~949.

    '11 EIIt1llatss not avaUab18 Itdor to 1949.


    :ww"'.tmrn": UPDATA 1981 ! ..

  • ------------------------------------------------------------

    WJl'll'ER VE".m!Al!r.m, CClllDeroiaJ. crop tor freBh markot: SUl!IIIB:r';T of production by crope, United StataB, 1.945-50 l;./

    ------------~-------~-------~-------~-------~-------~-------CROP 1.945 1.946 1.947 1.948. 1.949 1950

    ------------L-------L-------L _______L _______L _______L ______ _


    ArtichokeB 1.3,400Lilla be8ns 2,200

    ll,5OO 14,600 17,000 12,700 1.4,200 snap bellllB

    3,200 1,600 2,000 1.,700 1.,60045,500 56,200 32,500 41,800 47,400 46,400Beets 31,400 31,300Broccoli Y 4,200 4,900 25,800 26,500 1.9,700 27,1.004,600 3,500 22,400 25,800Cabbage 371,400 294,800 327,900 399,000 323,000 382,700Cerrots 261,200 254,100 257,100 248,900 2~,6oo 276,400Caulltlawer 16,000 21,900 20,700 19,700 1.7,1.00 1.6,500Ce1er.\'" 153,700 184,400 142,000 173,800 1.55,500 1.93,200Svaet com 3/ 2,300 6,400Cucumbers 700 2,500 800 3,600 6,1.00 1.3,1.00Eggpl.8nt 4,600 7,1.00 3,600 1,700 5,300 5,900Escarole 1.6,1.00 17,300 12,300 17,800 15,900 23,400Kale 1.0,200 9,1.00 8,700 7,600 ll,300 1.0,700Lettuce 246,200 31.9,600 297,700 320,300 342,200 360 ,200 Green peas 12,400 ll,4oo 8,400 3,600 3,500 2,700Green peppers 15,900 16,800 14,600 12,300 20,000 20,900Shallots 4,700 5,600 3,000 4,000 3,600 3,100Sp1Dach 67,400 61,500 57,000 52,000 50,000 39,600Tomatoes - - _7,!OQ ____ .-5l;.,lOQ ____ _22,!OQ _____21,~ _____Cg,.2O.Q _____8J.,~

    Total 1,347,600 1,258,300 1,378,700 1,385,200 1,553,700 ~----------------------------------------------------- ----!I. Inc1udos Bame quantities not marketed end excluded in computing value. 2/ For Arizona ~ prior to 1949.

    J.I Estimates not avail.ab1e prior to 1949.

    \-IINTER VIDI!ll'ABLES, Commercial crop tor trash market: SUl!IIIB:r';T of' value by crope, United states, 1939-50 y

    - - - - -~; - - -- -:- ~9;9-:- ~;O-:- ~;1-:- ~;2-:- ~;3-:- ~~-:- ~;5-:-~;6-:-~;7-:- ~~-:- ~;9-r~;0-. .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .. .. .... ...... .. .. ..

    - 1,000 dollaro -

    Artichokes 1,872 1,374 1,4ll 1,490 2,212 2,640 2,251 2,160 2,190 2,978 2,576 2,769Lima bellllB 353 123 289 324 478 5~6 595 TI4 459 420 320309Snap baena 3,426 2,440 3,975 4,106 5,520 7,942 8,946 8,492 5,016 6,279 8,848 8,052Beets 212 328 183 358 941 618 484 476 595 663 529 591Broccoli 2/ 53 72 148 218 822 589 860 1,006 814 672 4,671 4,302Cabbage - 2,467 4,042 5,549 4,171 13,904 9,542 9,169 ll,737 8,245 13,091 8,31.2 6,562Carrots 3,353 3,502 4,383 6,949 ll,959 10,284 ll,799 1.2,945 1.2,768 22,228 1.2,506 12,661Caul.1tlawer 1.l!4 187 244 1,088524 1,098 1,568 1,965 1,576 1,531. 1,697 1,334Celery 5,

  • ------------------------------------------------------------

    Sl'RIJel Vl!IDWIL'IS, CcIa:Iroial. 01'0lI far treeh~: ~ of ~ far hanect '117 C1\)pIII, UD1teU statu, 1939-50 !I

    --- ---- --- --,----:----:-- --,--- -:- ---:--- -:- - - -:-- - -:----1- ---1-- --,-'" --

    CROP : 1939: 10: 1~1: 12: 13: 1~: 15: 16: 1~7: 1~: 1~9' 1~0



    AllpareI/JUII 6.,520 71,~0 71,160 59,280 61,010 ~,980 44,780 ~3,540 48,330 44,~ 40,090 42,100 Lilla 00ana 8,800 10,100 8,600 6,800 6,800 6,500 5,900 8,000 8,100 6,900 6,600 6,100 Snap betms 69,200 74,200 70,100 69,700 72,700 72,400 &5,900 67,000 78,600 ~,500 61,900 65,200 Beets 2,340 2,l4o 1,980 1,720 1,6lO 1,6.0 1,370 1,490 1,360 1,050 1,270 1,260 I!rocc01.1 gj 3,200 2,900 3,300 3,700 4,100 5,200 4,800 8,600 6,500 6,700 8,900 7,700 cabbt'lge 34,050 34,650 31,860 33,960 37,870 47,800 46,6.0 41,100 38,240 37,130 35,160 37,710Cantaloupe 27,900 20,700 18,600 21,600 14,000 20,550 20,700 32,300 33,100 31,400 27,800 28,600 Carrots 1,500 800 1,300 2,400 4,900 3,eoo 4,700 6,000 5,100 3,000 2,600 3,700Caul11'laver 9,450 10,260 9,020 8,520 7,770 8,750 9,~0 12,250 1O,~ ll,l.5O lCI,OOO 8,400 Celer7 3,600 3,900 4,600 4,800 3,800 4,700 6,200 7,200 6,300 7,400 6,500 6100 sweet COl'll 3/ 600 45,200 56;700CueUlll.bers - 25,400 24,000 23,200 23,400 15,830 20,800 25,200 33,200 32,600 27,150 28,350 26,900 Bgspl.ant 1,000 400 900 700 700 1,200 J.,600 1,700 1,400 2,500 1,800 1,200 Rone,- lIall mel.o:lB 2,900 3,500 2,900 2,400 950 1,000 1,600 1,800 650 1,100 950 1,000 Haaey Dew melanB 4,600 4,900 3,100 2,700 2,000 3,100 3,200 3,500 4,900 1,200 600 800 Lettuce 6.,270 49,060 52,340 55,310 35,760 47,560 52,450 60,750 51,100 56,840 57,750 55,700 0ni0Il>! 67,250 47,100 37,400 68,250 50,550 96,400 71,200 8'"J.OOO 55,000 63,470 49,330 62,550 Green peas ~2,240 39,850 35,050 28,700 28,800 33,130 31,000 29;200 18,070 15,370 13,500 ll,930Green peppers C ,400 2,100 2,100 2,500 2,700 3,400 4,800 6,000 5,400 8,300 6,700 9,100 Shallots ~.,~oo 2,000 1,900 2,400 2,300 2,100 2,200 2,200 2,000 1,900 1,600 1,900 Spill8ch 13,480 13,510 12,210 ll,430 14,100 14,000 12,150 12,500 12,150 1l,750 12,290 12,480 Tauatoea '77,000 95,100 84,300 101,900 98,900 123,200 133,~00 138,100 107,400 ,100 !iI9,800 98,900 Wate1'lDlllons _2~,0.2 _2.2,~ _3~.0.2 _21,~ _l~,:lOQ _31,2,02 _4~,~ .JI!,02 YJ.,g02 -,g,0.2 _~,0.2 _7',:lO2

    Total 586,100 541,210 506,520 539,170 483,650601,710 592,410 651,440579,540548,150584,290 622,530

    IIA-;r;,;;,;-f";';~e;t-~~~-~-~i~- .;;;;~ti.a.-~ ;ot barv;ated: b~;'; ";i"i:sv-Fj;~ ";r-ot~r-~~~ - - - fe.ctare. 2/ For Ce.l1fornia only prior to 1~9."1/ Eat11etes not available prior to 1~8, J'lor1da only for 1~8. lIZld 6 states for 19 end 1950.

    S~ VIDEreAmJ!S, COIIIIlerc1al. crop for fresh market: S~ ot" production'117 crope, U'IlIited States, 1939-44 1/

    : : : : : : CROP 1939 1941 1942 1944

    - - - - - -- - - - - -:- - - - - - - -:- - - - - - - -:- -- - - - - -:- - - - - - - -:- -- - - - --:- - - - - - -- Tone -

    Aep8rIIgIIB 71,900 84,100 82,200 74,700 73,500 68,800 Lima beans 10,300 8,000 6,500 6,700 6,700 6,900 Snap beans 90,300 96,400 78,900 8;\,300 8"(,300 68,600 Beete 8,800 9,400 7,600 5,800 5,800 5,200 ~roccol1 2/ 9,400 7,600 7,600 9,300 9,900 15,300Cabba,ge - 191,300 171,600 172,300 167,200 173,900 240,000 C811tal.oupe 89,200 57,700 78,200 78,500 66,600 86,600 Carrots 12,900 7,500 1l,400 23,700 41,000 37,100 Caullf101lsr ~,loo 63,000 47,200 52,100 50,900 66,900 Ce1eI7' 93,800 84,800 100,700 80,600 ~,500 75,800 sYeet com 3/Cucumbers - 61,100 59,800 58,400 54,900 35,300 39,600 l!:S8PlImt 6,600 2,400 5,600 3,500 3,500 6,400 Hone,- Ball malone 10,200 7,300 10,200 8,400 4,000 4,900 Rone,- Dew me10ne 18,900 12,800 13,600 10,400 8,400 11,~ Lettuce 227,300 220,000 224,600 226,300 232,300 260,300 Onione 163,300 127,700 114,000 218,600 150,500 241,500 Green peas 68,800 50,000 39,800 34,900 49,100 41,800 Green l18Ppers 9,600 8,700 8,800 8,100 7,400 8,500 Shallots 4,100 3,400 3,300 4,200 2,400 2,100 Spinach 43,500 43,500 35,900 37,500 42,800 43,100 Tomatoes 206,300 209,800 186,300 229,000 213,100 241,200 'W lltel'lllBlone __ ,!lg,!t02 ____ .!l!t,lOQ ____ ~,~OQ ____ 12!t,~ _____B1:,Q~ ____ !3~,2.O2 __

    Total 1,574,100 ).,411,100 1,541,700 1,1~09 ,900 1,711,000

    - 21 3.,. n_I- UPDATA 1981 T


  • ------------------------------------------------------------


    Sl'RllD YmmrABL1!S, C-=-:o;--,il1J. crop tar freeh IIm'lret: SuIIpaJ::r at production'b7 craPII, l1ll1ted statee, 1~5M50 y

    - -- - - --- - - --:--- -- - - -:- - -- -- - -:- - - --- - -1-- - -- -- -:- - - - - -- -:- - - - - ---CROP 1],94, 191J6 1947 1948 1949 1950

    : : I : : :


    ~ 61,700 EiIJ,600 66,100 57,100 54,900 59,700 Lia 'bMnIII 7,900 10,000 7,1.00 8,400 7,600 7,2"00 BMP baaIuI 83,300 87,600 92,100 74,600 84,400 87,600 :Beata 5.900 6,500 5,800 4,800 6,300 6,500 lIrocco11 g/ ~,600 24,400 16,400 19 .000 22,700 20,100 Cabbeee 321,200 255,700 1~,500 200,9P

  • ------------------------------------------------------------


    stMIER VIDEI.'ABI.J!S, CoIl:IIIerCial crop ~ar freSh market: SUllI.2II!,'!'T of acreaee far harvest by crops, United states,. 1939-50.!/

    ~p : 1939 ~ 1940 ~ 1941 ~ 1942: 1943 ~ 1~~ ~ 1945: 1946: 1947 ~ 1948: 1949: 1950


    Lima be8ZlB 19,100 18,700 20,200 18,400 16,800 16,100 14,800 15,000 15,400 15,200 16,300 14,600 Snap beans 42,700 41,000 44,200 49,450 58,950 61,200 54,600 49,850 48,850 47,200 50,830 48,700 Beets 3,400 3,300 3,000 3,000 3,500 3,200 2,900 2,700 2,300 2,300 2,400 2,100 cabbage 31,500 33,500 31,050 33,200 37,100 40,100 36,000 32,510 28,850 28,400 28,540 29,220 Centaloupe ~~~~~~85~~~M~~~m~~~~~~800~~ Carrots 8,800 8,500 9,300 10,400 16,600 13,

    6,200 6,070 6,300 6,llO 6,440 6,510 7,180 8,320 7,230 7,630 7,970 6,790 Sweet corn 2/ Ee,700 60,800 67,500 66,500 71,'00 79,900 76,000 72,500 70,000 72,300 161,500 157,800 Cucumbers 15,350 14,800 15,000 14,000 13,100 12,900 13,350 14,100 15,000 13,400 14,100 12,650 Eggplent 2,200 1,900 2,050 2,000 2,200 2,150 1,900 2,100 1,850 1,930 1,800 1,700 Roney Ball melons 450 500 700 300 100 50 100 Raney Dew melC11lB :).100 9,500 7,900 6,050 6,780 9,9')0 13,800 16,650 10,030 10,550 9,250 8,100 Lettuce 30,600 27,200 29,800 23,300 26,000 30,800 30,200 35,500 31,600 33,800 35,000 39,900 Onioi:lB 68,570 65,790 63,360 69,850 Ee,750 85,360 72,370 79,690 65,980 69,110 73,130 73,280 Green peas 20,850 24,050 23,050 21,350 21,550 20,280 16,580 15,560 12,500 9,400 8,000 5,830 Green peppers 13,100 13,500 13,600 13,600 14,600 15,600 15,800 18,900 18,900 18,750 21,090 20,040 Spinach


    2,000 2,350 2,550 2,800 3,650 3,900 4,100 3,400 2,600 2,600 1,&00 1,650 91,300 90,65088,160 89,5ro 92,900 94,150 96,500 97,150 87,1~50 88,480 89,090 84,440

    \Iatormel.ons g9,Q,2.02 g8'1,!t52 g72,,Q02 ~,25.Q .!8,~ g6'!,!t3.Q 1~,!02161,25.Q 13.Q,.59. g9g,!02 11~,g02 g91,~ Tomatoes

    Total 830,120820,360 815,070 742,510 714,820 852,180 881,580 958,680 873,490 834,300 955,500 926,950

    !r Acr~e for liarveet,-fiiclud:\iig-~- jarti'iill;r-hirVootBaor not harVested because oriOv- pricee or- otb6r- ecoiioiDic - - factors. y For 3 statea only prior to 1948, 4 states for 1948 and 21 States far 1949 and 1950.

    stn.tIER VIDEI.'ABI.J!S, COIlm8rcial crop for fresh market: SUlllllB.l"y of production by crops, United states, 1939-44 1/

    - - - - - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - -:- - - - - - - -:- - - - - - - -:- - - - - - - -:- - - - - - - -:- - - - - - -

    ~p 1 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 ____________L _______L ______ ________L _______L _______L_-----~

    - Tans

    21,400 20,400 21,900 21,800 18,000 16,700

    Snap beans 73,500 73,100 72,800 90,800 100,800 94,900

    27,100 27,500 23,800 23,800 26,400 22,900

    Lima bee:IuI


    cabbage 214,800 241,800 207 ,000 259,800 244 ,200 267,400

    308,800 328,200 322,n:,-' 252,100 252,100 303,200Centaloups 85,900 80,900 M,lOB

    3,218,400 3,205,000 3,169,600 3,784,000Total 3,283,800 3,421,900

    11 Includes some quentitieo nat JIilIrketed end m:cluded in computing value.r/ J'or 3 states cmJ.i prior to 1948.

    - 23

    ..'NmrmnrrCmri,_ UPDATA 1981 I:

  • StHIER VlIll!!l'AlUS, C~ro1al. crop ~ar f'resh lllU'ket: SUJI!III17 of product1an117 crops, nntted States; 1945-50 l:.1

    ------------~-------~-------~-------~-------~-------~-------CIlOP 1945 1946 1947 le 1949. . . . . . 1950------------~-------~-------~------~--------~-------~----~--- !!!!! -

    L1la 'beauII l6,800 18,800 20,500SrJap 'beauII 88,800 87,600 92,400 19,000 19,800 19,000

    lIeete 21,700 23,600 19,800 86,100 88,200 8],000

    Ca'iibege 276,400 248,400 218,400 19,800 21,600 18,200

    Centaloupa 311,000 378,600 340,400 231,500 219,800 260,000

    Cerrote 109,700 116,300 105,000 355,800 349,600 372,200

    Caul1f'l.cNllr 135,900 106,900 122,10036,100 37,400 30,600 32,900Coler.J 93,900 116,100 30,600 32,200Swe.t corn y 93,000 114,800 127,800 115,400160,900 148,600 144,200 169,400Cucumbers 44,000 50,500 401,300 413,10048,500 47,600EssPJ,ant 7,100 7,300 7,300 7,700 48,900 46,400lfOll87 Ball. III!tlons 200 500 7,600 7,700IroIIe,r Dew 1II8l.C1D8 73,500 71,200 48,200 ~1,600 42,300Lettuce 250,200 262,200 269,500 43,3000n1C1D8 293,600 280,700 308,200751,500 1,005,300 716,500 865,000 812,300Greeo Pe8II 25,300 924,800

    Gram peppers 39,900

    19,600 17,400 14,600 11,800 8,50048,500 44,700Sp1D&ch 50,400 57,700 53,60011,,300 10,300 6,800 7,200T~toee 392,300 390,000 387,800 394,700 3,800 3,200

    WI!lte1wtlmla 408,600 388,200___9l..LEi:Qo___ _1.L015.L~_ ___1.L011.L3.QO____ _9l:.0~_ ___ fl-.LO.QO____ _B.16-".QO__Total. 3,752,200 4,082,400 3,808,100 4,013,300 4,105,600-----------------~-----------------------------------1/ !:Deludes BCIE qwmt1t1ee not lIBl'teted IIZId excluded in cCDPl1t1Ds veJ.11It. - ------II Par 3 States ~ to 1948, 4 Statee far 1948 end 21 States f~ 1949 end 1950.

    StHIER 'Vl!ImI.'AlILE9, C~1al. crop for treeh DlIIZket I S~ of -mlue117 crops, UDiWd States, 1939-50 Y

    ,... - - - - - - -- ---1- -- -1- - - -:- - - -1- - -1- - - -,- ---:- - - -1- - - -1--- -1- - - -,- - - -:- - - ____________I 1939: 1940 1 1941: 1942: 1943: 1946, ______ ___~ ___ 1~ I 1945: 1947 IL ___L ___~ ~ ~ ~


    . __ ____ ___ ___ ___ 1948: 1949: __1950_~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - 1,000 dollAra -

    LDa beazuI 1,715 1,861SJIII,p beaa 3,991 5,112

    1,861 2,240 2,760 2,573 3,687 3,676 2,798 3,295 2,805 2,2315,890 7,677 12,748 12,610 lh,778 13,638lIHte 9,431 lh,6!i4 11,642 11,891548 546 586 739 1,495 1,036 1,Jh.4Cabbage 4,'*5 3,074 982 7ll 986 9(2 Bl3


    5,077 ',9(2 9,953 10,960 9,388 7,634 l.O,968 7,538 8,503 7,ooS8,437 10,'*9 10,88:! 15,787 26,070 23,182 25,440 29,68i.Carrote 2,266 3,026 2,732 4,516 26,1

  • I I I I : I I : : : : :-----------------------------------------~---------------~--~p 1~9: 1~0 I 1~1 I 1~2: 1~3: l~ I 1~5 I 1~6: 1~7 I 1~8: 1~9: 1~0

    __________ _ _ 1_ ___:__'__:____':____:___ _ t_ ___,____:___ _ ~.__ __,__ "'"' _t____:_._ -


    1,000 1,000 1,000 1,200 800 1,000 750 750 1,000 1,100U. 'beaz:JJt ~1,200 ~8,7OO 44,100 36,800 50,700 43,300 44,600 46,800 44,900 49,700SlaP beImB ,,400 5,Q50 ",00 4,400 6,100 6,100 6,~o 7,500 7,300 9,300Broccoli 2/ :BruJl8elB ip:roat. 'if 61.,310 511-,180 46,540 47,330Cabbaee 34,250 32,650 24,750 30,970Canota 15,800 17,~0 ll.,7oo JJ.,900caul.1tl.onr 20,200 21.,600 17,300 15, snet corn 'J/ CUc~

    :!s8PlJ!mt Lettuce Gre;m peu Green peppers Sp1Jmch l'cat.toeB

    Total ITJ:iieaie-tOr-lZiieit.-; !nOJ.ii4IDS iDi Pai1;I~ liarviatcl Or- riOCtia:mit.'id-liecitii,,-01 Icii Pifcis-or other ec~jomTc- - - 1ac1:orII. 2/For ClIlHom1a. anIl PcM;rl'fllll1a CII1lJ prior to 1~9.

    11 Bet1.s.ts8 not an1lA1Ile prior to 1~9.

    FIlLL v"IDErJll3L."\S COl:llllerciel crall for fresh mnrJ:et: Sl~ of producticn , by crops, Uni1;ed States J 1939-1111 2=/

    ------------~-------~-------~------~--------~-------~-------1~19 1

  • FAIJ:. VIDErABLES, C-:maereial. crop f:or :freah market: s~ of: production by .:rope, United states, 15-502;/

    - - - - - - - - -- - -:- - - - - - - -:- - - - - - - -:- - - - - - - -:- - - - - - - -:- - - - - - - -:- - - - - - --CROP 11 18 1950------------L-------L---- ___L _______L _______L _______L ______ _

    -~-LbB be8ne 600 1,300 1,500 1,600 1,400 1,400Sno.p beene 61,000 12,000 66,000 84,400 62,600 56,100Broccoli Y 15,500 11,200 16,800 19,500 ~5,000 41,500Brussels aprouts 3/ 22,500 21,800Cabbage 519,000 563,3(JO 386,800 434,500 lf06,3oo 514,200Carrots 402,100 359,100 245,200 329,100346,300 351,500Cauli.f'l.ower 101,400 101,000 97,200 109,200 128,100 109,209Celery 210,800 233,000 206,600 198,300 197,000 191,900Swetlt corn 1I 8,100 11,400Cucumbers 20,400 22,900 24,400 31,100 32,500 34,100Eggplant 5,500 5,600 2,400 3,100 3,600 3,100Lettuce 292,400 324,400 341,800 328,400 309,200 328,100Green peae 10,100 9,600 1,900 8,800 6,600 6,100Green peppers 12,300 16,200 13,200 15,400 11,400 14, 33,300 31,100 29,600 33,300 35,800 31,000T~toes - - 2;1~,~02 ____ !12,!C2 ____ !4~'202 ____ !12,~02 ____ 152,Qo.Q ____ .!61,2o.Q __

    Total. 1,896,000 1,932,800 1,587,900 1,190,400 1,10,000 1,895,800

    -~-----------------------------------------------.---- -------1/ Includes aome quantities not marketed and excluded in computing value.

    'JI For Cal..1fornia and Pennsylvania anl;r prior to 19.

    11 EatbBtea not availAble :prior to 1949.

    FAIJ:. VIDErABLES, COIII!lercial. crop .for 1'reeh market: S1Ill!lJl!U7 of value by crope, United States, 1939-50.!/

    - - - - - - - - - - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - ~ :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~

    - - - - - - - - - - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:... - - -:- - - -:- - - -!- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - -

    - 1,000 dollare -

    Lima beane 98 o 80 142 91 114 154 252 208 136 210

    Snap beene 4,140 6,534 9,244 12,811 9,611 9,908 11,393 1O,~ 9,902 8,639 10,026

    llroccoli 2/ 912 1,501 1,112 2,690 3,222 3,213 2,962 3,315 3,549 1,440 1,122

    Brusaels jjproute 3/ 4,910 4,305

    Cabbllae - 6,354 4,329 1,118 8,550 16,611 16,118 11,035 10,259 19,014 8,137 11,292 10,855

    Carrots' 5,IM 6,556 8,269 13,391 18,401 16,954 11,832 15,262 19,685 14,365 18,096 15,618

    Caulit'lover 2,193 2,466 3,331 4,198 6,811 ',Eno 7,~5 6,13 1,212 1,160 6,156 5,934

    Celery 1,416 8,044 11,213 11,~2 18,90 16,666 20,614 12,431 15,530 14,899 12,942 15,111

    Sweet corn 3/ 700 166Cucumbers 629 612 869 1,203 2,186 1,431 2,291 2,929 2,186 2,318 2,635 3,262Eggplant ~ m M ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ _ ~ m Lettuce. 8,994 8,415 12,099 22,129 23,139 23,523 24,301 24,502 29,033 24,,111 34,118 22,747GrI!IeIl peas 2,5$4 2,338 2,5 1,351 2,221 2,320 2,288 2,089 1,510 1,619 1,338 1,10 Gr:1eU PEpperB B 928 929 1,4f3!!. 1,726 1,548 ).,134 1,894 2,552 2,113 1,785 2,610 Sp1nach 1,293 1,580 1,105 2,618 3,312 2,685 3,150 2,421 2,165 3,008 2,681 3,021 TOl!I!Ltoee _.,.!1~_2,~_~,.12 _:tg,23_1,25~_1.,~!_2~,.2.1_2J,1~ _2,23~_2g,13Q .JQ,26_2~,ld

    Total. 49,117 46,303 63,~2 98,304 126,599 111,818 129,301111,128 lIfl,oQ 115,283 13li-,ll+9 128,456

    -------------------------------------~---------------- ------1/ Value ill tor lIII!l.l'keting aeeilcm or crop year lind should not be cont'ueed with caJ.'!!ndar year income. !I For Call1'ar.n1a lind PfIIIIIB)"l-nm1a 0DlJ' :priOl." to 1949.

    'II :lats..ta not a-.a1lAble :prior to 19'J9.

  • ------------------------------------------------------------

    ASPAllAGW, COlIm!S1"CiaJ. crop for :f'reel!. market: Plented acresse, 1~6-50 11 - -- -sEAtdiAI: --_.'-.--- - - - - - - -: - -- - - - -- -.- - - - - - - _ ... -: - - - -- - - --.- - - - -- -'- --

    GRCl!JI?AIiD 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950

    _____S!~_____=_ -- - - -.- --..!. - - - - - - - - -:- -- - - -- - -..!. - - - -- - - ---:- - - - - - - - - -~-

    E8r!!Jpr1Dg1 23,200 21,200 25,300



    South Carolina

    C omia 19,200 25,300

    ___ _ .L _________, __________ ______ - _ _ ,f:?_ ______ - - - - - - ~.L~_ - - - - - -k~~ - --- -- -2lj:,~ - - - - - -2y!!5g 2" -ig- - - - - - 3.L - -Gro:up total.

    4,500 4,100 3,000 3,000 2,100

    ~--53~-_-----lj:~~-------3~~"';-----3~~------2Y~--~_________, _____ - - .L3 - ____ .L __________,_________, - - _

    La~m?p . 1,200 1,200 1,100 830 800 390 480 450 330 250

    New Jeree,.


    8,'700 9,200 9,300 8,000 7,700

    penns,.lva,tt;.a 2,(XlO 2,000 1,800 1,800 1,400

    IllInois 1,200 1,700 1,400 1,600 1,500

    Massachusetts 1,800 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,500

    Michigan 1,000 900 800 800 800

    250 250 200 200 200IO'Il8 Group total. :::: :::: : !~o::::: : :::: :::: : :)'1,~)2 : : : : : : :f~2 :::: :::: : : : :)2,!62: : : : : :::: !4:;:1:20: : : :

    48,330 44,040 40,090 42,100ALL STATES

    11 Data on planted acreage not aVIl.llab1e prior to 1946.

    ASPARl>GIE, COlIInerc1aJ. crop for fresh market: Acreage for harvest, 1939-50 11 - - - -SEASoNAL - - - -.- - - -.-'. - -~- - - -.- - - -.- - - -.- - - -.- - - -.- - - -.- - - -.- - - -.- - - -.- - -

    ~AIiD ;~;~;~;~;~;~;~;~;~;~;~;~ ____ _f!!lIf!!}J!_ __ __:__ - _:_ - - _:_ - ___:_ - - _:_ - - _:_ - - _:_ - - _:_ - - ,.... !_ - - _t_ - - -:- - - -:- - -


    Earq Spring:




    South Carolina

    Group total

    Mi~-Spring: wlIShington


    Group total.

    Late Spring: 1,900 1,800 1,800 1,900 1,600 1,400 1,300 1,200 1,200 1,100 830 800Mar7i8lid ~ 800 ~ ~ 600 ~ ~ m ~ ~ m ~ Del.tunn'e 9,900 11,400 9,400 9,800 8,900 8,000 8,300 8,700 9,200 9,300 8,000 7,700Nw J.erae,. 1,~ 2,000 2,100 2,000 2,100 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 1800 1,800 1,400penns,.lvan1a 2,100 2,700 2,600 2,000 2,200 2,000 1,300 1,200 1,700 1;400 1,600 1,500Illin01s 1,900 1,900 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,500~sachusetts 1,400 1,300 1,300 1,200 1,100 1,000 1,000 1,000 900 800 800 800Mich1gan ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 200 200 ~ Iowa

    Group total :22,~ :~,lcQ :2,~Q :2,0 :l~,lo :l~,24q :)~,~2 :1~,~ :1~['132 :i,: 5Q :11,:!6 :1!f,:!5Q GJ.,520 71,040 71,160 59,280 61,010 52,980 44,780 43,540 48,330 44,040 40,090 42,100


    11 Acresse for l~eBt, including any partlall'3 harvested or not harveBt&d because of low prices or other economic


    - 27

    ..P?"'wr""i"'"'olt.~ .. ,"1 UPDATA 1981 ...

  • ASP.AlltGtB. COIIIDerCial. crop :roZ' treoh l!lIU'ket: Yield per acre. 1939-50

    - - - -siASoiAL ----:- -- -:- - --,:- -,- -:- -- -:- -- -:- - - -:- - - -:-- - -:- -~ -:-_ ... -:- - --:- - - ~~ I~:~:~:_:~:~I~:~:~I~:~:~ __ ... _ _f1.Ifg]!!_ ___ _ t_ ___:___ _ If'- __ _ t_ ___:____J____:____:____:___ _ 1_ ___:__. _ _ z_ __ _


    C i'Oi'nia ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Arizona 70 50 60 45 50 50 Georgia 20 15 15 20 20 20 South Caro1:ll.1a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Group total. : : :6l : : :62 : : :~ ::: : :~ : : :6!! : : :7! : : :~ : : :81 : : :ffJ. : : :62 ::: : :7! : : :B! Mid-8pring:

    Washington 115 130 130 150 150 155 1~ 170 150 160 15' 1~ Oregon ~ 90 105 80 ~ 70 105 95 70 ~ 110 70

    Grou:? total. : : !J.2 : : !2~ : : !21 : : ~~ : : w : : ~1 : : !61 : : !61 : : !4~ : : !51 : : !5! : ::: !72 . Late St!!:

    MeryJ..M 100 100 105 95 ~ 90 95 100 90 100 120 100 Delaware ~ 90 95 "95 90 110 110 115 95 ~ 100 100

    . New Jersey 100 95 115 115 90 110 105 120 90 115 120 120 Pennay1wnia ~ ~ ~ 90 ~ ~ ~ 75 ~ 70 75 65 Illinois 70 75 70 75 60 65 70 ~ ~ 90 90 ~ Massachusetts 65 65 60 70 65 65 65 60 60 60 65 70 Michigan ~ ~ 90 ~ 100 95 75 90 100 90 &; ~ Iowa 65 ~ 90 " " ~ 60 ~ " 65 ~ 60Group total. : : :82 : : :B!! : : :91 : : :9!! : : :~ : ::: :9! : : :9! : : !O! : : :B! : : :92 : : !1 : : !O!

    ALL STATl!8 74 79 77 84 ~ B7 92 99 91 86 91 95

    !/ crntes oontain.:!ng aJ?1ll'OXilll1tel;r 30 pounds.

    ASPARAGUS, COIIIIIercial. crop tor fresh market: Produotion, 1939-50

    - - - -SEASONAL - - - -:- - - -:':- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -,- - - -:- - - -:- - --GROUP AND : 1939: 1940 I 1941: 1942: 1943: 1944: 1945: 1946: 1947 I 1948: 1949: 1950 _____S!~_____:____:____1____1____:____:____1____:____1____,____1____1___ _

    - 1,000 Crates y -Early Springl.

    Cal1f'Qrnia Arizona Georgia South Carolina

    Group total

    Mid-8ftline: Was ngton ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Oregon 50 43 60 48 38 30 59 48 14 25 31 14

    ~_______________________ ___________ 2 __________ 1_Group total - - 1i8'i - - 002 - - 1597 - - 79"'8 - - 90"8 - - ~~ - - "BG; - - "'8l3 - - !e- - - 505 - - 1i915 - - -cj2

    Late Spring: Maryle.nd 190 1~ 189 1~ 136 l26 124 120 108 110 100 ~ Delaware 68 72 81 86 54 48 52 45 46 38 33 ~ New Jersey 990 1,083 1,081 1,127 ~1 880 872 1,044 828 1,070 960 924 PeIllIBY 1 V&l1a 162 160 168 1~ 168 150 150 150 150 126 135 91 Illlnois 147 202 182 150 132 130 91 96 128 126 144 120 Massachusetts 12~" 124 108 126 117 117 117 108 96 96 104 105 Michigan 112 104 117 96 110 95 75 90 90 72 68 68 Iowa 26 32 36 22 22 15 15 18 14 13 14 12

    Group total : !,~12 : !,251 : !,2~ ::: !,261 : !,24:2 : !,11l! ::: l,!f9~ ::: l,~7l ::: l)!6 ::: l,:5! ::: !,~5~ :: !,E~ ALL STATm 4,791 5,609 5,478 4,977 4,906 4,589 4,112 4,310 4,408 3,~7 3,662 3,981

    J:./ Crates containing a!)prox1matel;r 30 pounds.

    - 28

    UPDATA 1981

  • ------------------------------------------------------------


    ASPARAGtS, CClIIIIIIrC1al crop tor treIIh JBtket: S_on 8TOre.Qe price }ler crate received 'b7 g1'OV81"I!I, 1939-50

    ---~~~---~---~---~---~---~---~---~---~---~---~---~---~----~~ ;~;~;~;~;~;~;~;~;~;~;~;~

    STAn : : : : : : : : : : : : --------~--------------------------------------------- ------


    Earll Spr1!!g: Cal.1torn1a Ar:I.zona Georgia South

    Group total

    Mid-Spr1!!g: WIIBh1Jlgton Oregon

    Group total

    lAte Spring: 3.25 3.60 5.00 3.30 3.70 3.75 3.45 3.851.1~0 l.30 l.70 1.90MarrJ.and

    1.45 1.60 2.90 3.30 4.75 3.05 3.55 3.75 3.35 4.20 Delavare 1.25 1.20 5.10 3.80 3.55 3.70 3.50 3.80New Jersey l.80 1.65 l.90 2.05 3.10 3.45 4.75 6.10 4.95 4.10 4.45 4.15 5.10 P8DlllIylvama 2.25 2.20 2.10 2.40 3.75 4.35 4.65 3.&.i 4.55 Illinois 1.50 1.95 1.80 1.95 3.15 3.75 3.30 3.15

    2.75 3.10 3.25 4.65 4.45 5.80 5.25 5.10 5.30 5.20 5.20Massachusetts 2.90 3.00 4.30 4.30 3.75 4.55 4.70 3.851.90 1.80 2.40 3.00 3.75 Iowa __________________ 2~ ____________________________ Michigan

    ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-Group total 2.30 3.25 3.39 3.98 3.75 3.71 3.47 3.61 3.83 ALL STATES 1.69 1.90 2.11

    !/ Per crate conta1n1nS approx1matel3' 30 pounds.

    ASPARAGUS, Commercial crop for fresh IIBl'ket: Value, 1939-50

    ---s~~---:---:---:---:---:---:---:---:---:---:---:---:---GROUP AND : 1939: 1940: 1941: 1942: 1943: 1944: 1945: 1946: 1947: 1948: 1949: 1950

    ____ ~~----~---l~--l---l---l---l---l---l---l---l---l---l __ _ - 1,000 dollarB -

    Early Spr1!'!8: California Arizona Georgia South Carolina

    Group total

    Mid-Sp=:WlIBhi on Oregon

    Group total

    lAte SpriDg: Mar3'lend Delaware lIew J ereey Pennay1'YM.1a IllinoiS Massachusetts Michigan Iowa

    Group total


    - 29

    , >0?MI',aiilllPe h",., UPDATA 1981 b.


  • ------------------------------------------------------------


    LlMA m:AliS, COIlIDerciaJ. crop ~or .fresh market: Planted acreaee, 1946-50 1:./

    - - - -siASoifAL - - - -:- - - - - - - - -:- - - - - - - - - :- - - - - - - - - -:- - - - -"- - - -:- _ .... _______ _ GROUP Am> 1946 1$147 1948 1949 1950

    - - - - ~~_ - - - - _t_________ .:. _ _ , _,- ____ 1.._________:__ _ , ____ ~ _:__________ _


    ~: J'l.orida 6,400 5,550 4,450 3,600 3,350South Carolina 2 800 3 400 2,900 3 000 2 900Group total. - - - -9~200- - - - - - - 1!'-950 - - - - - -7,350 - -. - - - - -f."600- - - - - - -?'250- - - -

    ----~---------~-----------------~--------~------SUllIIIer: ~g1!1. 6,300 6,300 5,900 6,200 6,000liorth Carolina 1,400 1,500 1,700 1-,600 1,600

    Mar,yl.!md 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,600!fev JerseT 2,700 2,600 3,000 3,600 2,800lIev York:

    Group total. - - - y~~~~- .. - - - - -l~'tgg - - - - - -l~'~gg - -- ---I~m------~~~--------~---------~--------~--------~--------~------

    - - - - ]2..0_______ ~,QO.Q ______ !,!0.Q ______ _ l.z.oQO_ _______80____ _ ALL ST.ATE3 27,850 27,650 25,/550 25,450 22,950

    l;/ De.t!I. on pl.Bnted acreage not ava1l.!1.b1e prior to 1946.

    LTIlA BEANS, Connnercial. crop 1'ox' f'resh market: Acre1l{':e 1'or hR.l"'Vest, 1939-50 ~/ - - - -SEASONAL - - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:___ _

    G~ f~ : 1939: 194o: 1941: 1942: 1943: 19~1: 1945: 1946: 1947: 1948: 1949: 1950 ____ .T.AT] _____:____:____:____:____:____:____:____:____:____:____:____:___ _

    - Acres -Winter: Florida

    ~: Florida 4,200 5,100 3,700 3,600 3,:;100 3,600 3,400 5,200 4,700 4,000 3,600 3,200South Carolina 4,600 5,000 4,900 3,200 2,900 2,900 2,500 2,800 3,400 2,900 3,000 2,900Group total : ~I~ :1,];0 : :!1,~ : ~,~ : ~,~ : ~,~OQ : ~,20Q : :!1,goQ : ~,IO : ~,20 : ~,~ : ~,];O

    Summer: Georgia 7,000 7,300 8,600 7)000 6,200 6,000 5,300 6,300 6,300 5,900 6)200 6,000North Carolina 3,100 2,900 3,100 2,900 2,300 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,500 1,700 1,600 1,600Mar;r1and 1,800 1,700 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,600Nev Jersey 3,600 3,300 3,100 3,300 3,100 3,000 3,000 2,700 2,600 3,000 3,400 2,800Nev York 3,600 3,500 3,600 3,400 3,400 3,500 3,200 2,900 3,300 2,900 3,400 2;600

    Group total :12,];OQ :1:!1,10Q :2Q,gO :l~,~OQ :l~,~Q :l~,];OQ :1~,~ :l~,goQ :l~,~OQ :l~,gOQ :l~,lOQ :l~&)Q Fall:

    Virginia - ~,QOQ _ !,QOQ _ .!,QOQ _ ~,gOQ __ QaQ _ .!,QO.Q __ 15Q __ 15Q _ .!,QOQ _ ~,,!OQ _ ~,QOQ __ QaQ ALL STATJlS 31,700 30,900 34,000 28,400 26,700 25,100 23,450 26,150 25,700 24,700 24,850 22,450

    1/ Acreage 1'or harvest, including any partially harvested or not harvested because of' 10v prices or other economic - 1'actors.

    - 30 -

    UPDATA 1981

  • LIMA BIAIB, C~1al. 01'0p ~rtr treeh .u1tet: neld por acre, 193950 - - - - - --.- - --.-- - -.-- - -.- - - -.- - - -.- -- -.- -- -.- - - -.- -- -.- - - -.--- -.- - - -~ ~~ ;~;~;~;~;~;-;~;~;~;~;~;~

    - ~ ---~- - - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -~l:./-

    ~: """'JIOrfaa

    South CarollDa Group total

    ~; Georgia ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ " lforth CarollDa 45 50 ~ 50 35 40 40 55 55 70 70 ~ Mlt.r7lan4 70 90 70 90 55 80 45 75 80 75 90 75 'Bev JflrBf!q 80 ~ W 80 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 80 ~ I 'Bev York __ _~g___~ __~ __~___1~___ ~___~~___~ __~___~~__~}- __l~ _______________________________ 1 _____________~--

    Group total

    FAll: Virginia __ -'2 ___82. ___42 ___32 ___6Q ___42 __ -'2 __ l:.02 ___92. ___9Q ___82. __ l:.O2

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TI 80 ~ ~ TI ~

    y Bushels conta1niD8 approx1Jnate~ 32 pcunds in the shell.

    LlMA :BEANS, COIIIIIBrcial crop for fresh I!IU'ket: Production, 1939-50

    --------------------------------------------------- -------_.SEASONAL : : : : : : : : : : : : ~~ :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~

    STATE ------------~--~----~--~-. --~---~---~---~---~---~---~---~---

    - 1.000 bushels l:./ -

    Winter: FICirtda

    Spring ""FlOrida 441 326 233 245 273 288 2/ 340 2/468 2/ 306 2/ 380 342 2/ 304

    South Carol1ne. _______________ ___________________ 2 ___ 2 _______ _ - - ~~ --~- -~~ -- *JE - - ki~ -- k~i --- ~~ - == ~~ --- ~d .:- ~~2 - - k~~ --~ ~~ Group total ~ SUllID&r: Georgia North Carol1ne. Maryl.end New Jeree1 New York

    Group total

    ___52 ___82. ___42 ___4g ___4, ___42 ___3, ___72 ___92 ___92 ___82 _ __B!!.

    ALL STATl!S 2,207 1,906 1,922 1,947 1,695 1,~2 1,720 2,080 1,939 1,941 1,909 1,822

    if.BUshels-containInB apprOxImatelY 32-";unda in-the-shell: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21 Includes SOI!l8 quantities not ma.rksted and excluded in computing value: Winter, Flonda, 28,000 bushels in 1946, - 25,000 bushels in 1948 and 3,000 bushels in 1950; Spring, Florida, 14,000 bushels in 1945, 59,000 bushels 1n 1946,

    ll,OOO bushels in 1947. 15,000 bush,els in 1948 and 19,000 bushels 1n 1950; Sumner, New York, 50,000 bushels 1n 194~ 30,000 'ba8hela 1n 1949 am 40,000 bMhels in l~O.

    - 31 1 0 - 53 - 3

    UPDATA 1981

  • LmA BEANS, Commercial. crop for fresh IlllU'ket: Seaacn average price per bushel raceived by grovers, 1939..50

    - - - -siASoiAL - -- -:-- - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - --:-- - -:- -- -:-- --:-- --:- - -:--- -: - - -:-- --GROUP AND : 1939: 1940: 1941: 1942: 1943: 1944: 1945: 1946: 1947: 1948: 1949: 1950 _____S.NJ!.E_____:____:____:____:____:____:____:____:____:____:.____:___ :___ _



    ~: Florida 1.30 1.35 1..85 1.85 2.60 4.00 4.65 2.90 3.00 3.00 2.85 2.60 South 1.05 1.10 1.25 1.50 3.00 2.40 3.40 2.90 2.30 2.50 2.50 2.15

    Group total :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~ SUlIIIIer: Georgia 1.05 1.15 1.15 1.20 2.15 2.00 3.15 2.35 2.70 2.65 2.80 2.05 North 1.50 1.75 1.40 1.80 2.85 2.90 4.00 4.00 3.10 2.00 2.45 2.55 Maryland 1.25 1.35 1.45 1.55 2.40 2.65 5.15 3.75 1.95 3.55 2.10 2.40 New Jersey 1.00 1.45 1.65 1.55 2.20 2.30 4.40 3.50 2.10 2.95 2.15 1.15 New York 1.60 1.65 1.30 2.10 2.85 2.90 2.90 3.30 1.95 2.15 2.10 1.65

    Group total ::1:;:2~: :1:;:4~::1:;:3~::1:;:6!l::2:;:4~::2:;:4: ::3:;:52 ::3:;:11::2:;:21::2:;:11: J!:;:3g: ).:;:9! Fall:

    Virg:l.n1e. __1.:.42 __1.:.12 __1.:.42 __1.:.9,2 __2.:.92. __2.:.12. _ _3.:.OQ _ _1.:.9.2 __2.:.6,2. __2.:.1,2 __1.:.6.2 __2..:.5Q

    ALL STATJ!S 1.33 1.42 1.49 1.13 2.61 2.90 3.16 3.13 2.53 2.11 2.49 2.11

    --------------------------------------------------~--- ------!/ Per buehel cOntaining approximatel,y 32 pounds in the Ahell.

    LlMA BEANS, COMll1ercial crop for fresh market: Value, 1939-50.!l - - - -SEASONAL - - - -.- - - '-.- - - -.- - - -.- - - -.- - - -.- - - -.- - - -.- - - -.- - - -.- - - -.- - -.C- --

    GROUP AND ; 1939; 1940; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1949; 1950 _____STATE_____:____:____:____:____.:____:____:____:____:____:_ __:____:__ _

    - 1,000 dollars -

    Winter: "'"FlOrIda __ 151 __ 1,21 __ g82 __ 12~ __ ~7~ __ 23' __ ,29,2 __ 17~ __ !i52 __ 102 __ ~2Q __ 12Q

    ~: Florida 513 440 431 453 710 1,152 1,516 1,186 885 1,095 975 141 South Carolina

    Group total ________________ - - ~t - I~2 -__,2 ___,~~ , - I ,ij~- I ,ig~____- I '_.ii~ - I ,~~__,_ .2 I 16~ -2 ____ ____ ____ ___ - - ~~~ - -~ - - ~~ - I ~t __ Summer: Georgia North Carolina Maryland New Jersey NeW York

    Group total

    ___B2 ___9~. ___6.2 ___8Q __ !4g ___91 __ !l~ __ !5~ __ g5g __ go~ __ !3. __ glQ ALL STAT1!S 2,938 2,114 2,861 3,361 4,525 4,106 6,422 6,237 4,746 5,269 4,674 3,814

    !/ Value is for the marketing season or crop year and should not be coDf'used with calendar year income.

    - 32 .,:'YStmntM"",*' '( . 1 UPDATA 1981

  • ____ _______ ______


    - -- -

    - -

    SKAP BUIS, C~1al CZ'Op ~or traah BIbt: l".I.IInted ac:reage, 1~"l:.1 - - - -siAScifAI - - - -1- - - - - - - - - -: - - - - - - - - -:- - - - - - - - - -: - - - - - - - - -:- - - - - - - --

    aBOO'P MD 1 19'16 t 191J7 r 1948 : 191t9 I 1950 ____ _~N!!l_ ___ _1___ ______ .!. _________:_________ .!. ---------:- -- - - - - -


    J!:II.I'l;r SpriJ!g: r !,lorida

    Group total

    N1d~ LOuts Georgia South Carollna Misaiss1pp1Ala__

    Group total

    Late Sprjng:cant01'll1a lforth CCZ'OlliIa Arkansas v1rg1n1a

    Group total

    l!'.8r~l-r:iiiii4 lfmr Jers,q ." York, L.I. ClXIIIOCticut 2/ Rbodl> IB'U!rI:IA-2/ PCllll!lT1'9I!Il1a Il.l.1IIo1s

    (l.!'Oup t~


    Georgia .orth Cll.1'OliD1l. V1rgin1a lfew TOrk, other MaellllChusette 31 lfsv Hlmpshire '2/Michigl!ll1 -Colorado TI!IDneSSOB

    Group total

    EBr~ Fall: It!iV JeresT Mar,rlllnd V1rg1n1a l'lOl'th CaroliDll. South Cll.1'OliDIl. Mislliss1pp1 A!i:mUlas Lou1B1111\a Call1'omia

    Groul' total

    Late Fall:FlOrida TSEaII

    Group total AU. SlATlfS

    6,000 ',500 8,500 5,000 ____ :l; _________, _________ :L _______ _ ~zl.,_ _______ --- R.I.~- - ----~.~ ------~~- ------~I~ - - - -

    7,200 ,,~ 4,500 3,700 7,500 6;900 ,,000 ~,5OO 8,200 9,300 8,800 9,~00 2,900 3,500 3,600 3,300

    4,100 __,- _g9.&.72~.I.~ -

    4,~ 6,000

    9,600 3,200

    ___ :L __________________ ~________ 1,.1; ________ .&.7__ -_- - - {If.~- - - - - - -J;i~ ------ '2;.&.~- - - - - - -i'~~ -- --- - ~.&.~- - 3,600 3,800 ~,9OO 3,300 3,600 ',500 6,300 ',700 5,800 6,200 2,200 2,600 2,400 2,400 1,700 6 700 . . 6,700 , 300 , 400 4 500

    : : : ~CO: : : : : : :1~,!~ : : : : : : !~3~: : : : : : :1~:202 : : : : : : !~@: : = 4,900 3,500 2,400

    4,500 4,300 2,200

    4,100 3,900 2.&.~.20 ~,~ ___ !.7.J.:.20_ _____ .J._,i.C ______

    3,100 2,000 3,600 3,100 5,1!oo 7,600 ~o 650

    13,000 12,000

    3,300 3,400 1,300 1,200

    ____ _________ _______ l~ _________ ________ ~l __ _~ ~ ~- - - 3~.&.~- - - - - --J',m-- -----{~-- -- ---J'~- --- -- 3~.&.i~- -

    4,200 3,800 4,000 4,000 4,000 3,700 1,8')0 2,200 2,200

    1,150 1,250 380 420

    3,600 4,100 3,300 It.&.~- - - - - - - ~,!iC - - - - - - I~5,r>- - ! .&.uIt.,O_______1:.1.,,23,2 _______ :.&.3.1.0_ -

    1,500 1,300 1,500 2,800 2,800 2,400 8,100 8,300 8,400

    700 800 ~o

    12,000 1:3,800 12,500 1,700 1,500 1,450

    500 470 2,700 2,800 2,600 1,200 1,100 1,100

    T./: Da~-O![ WIn~~ '&~ fio'r lLTIi1T.a'mi Prio'P w~94't.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '21 Eet1De.tllll not available prior to 1949."j/ Bet1matee not available prior to 1948.

    2,900 2,500 2,300 2,700 1,300 1,200 1,200 1,300 5,700 8,000 7,900 7,900 1,1!oo 1,000 1,100 1,000 4,900 4,400 4,600 3,900 2,100 2,500 2,100 2,100m 800 800 _ 2,900 3,000 2,400 2,400 2 800 3 300 3 000 2 800

    - - - 24~7Oc- - - - - - -21)'-00 - - - - - - '25:4'&i- - - - - - -21;'- ____ :.&. _________,1 ________ :.&. _________,2C.Q

    32,950 22,600 24,000 27,500 ___ 'If,2.,.3,%!_______ i'~ ___ - - - ~~0.20____ - - _1'~0C ___ vrlt.,0_ _____ Yr'7i.- _______ .&.~.o_______3,2, C

    232,200 23q,0;>0 200,0;>0 201, 30


    2,1100 1,100 8,000 1,200 3,300 1,800b 2,200 3 300

    - - '23.1.9

  • SlIAP lDWIS, C~1al crop tor 1'rHh -mt: Acnase tor !ulrreet, 1939-50 Y -.- - -siAS

  • SNAP B!AIS, C~ial. crop fbr f'reeh lllUitet; Yield per acre, J.939-50

    - - - -sE'ASaifAL - - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - --:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - -:- - - ~~ :~:~I~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~ ____ _'i!f~_ ____:____1____:____=____:____:____:____:____:____:____:____:___ _

    - BwlhelB !/ -W1nter: ~da ___~ ___72 ___~ __ _91 _ __I!Q ___7:2. ___~ __ !02 ___~ __ _81 _ _!02 ___92

    BarJePl"1!s: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 55' ~ ~

    Flor1da Group total. : : ~ : : f~ : : :~ : : :~ : : W : : :~ : : :~ : : :~ : :: :i~ : : :~ : :.~~ : : :~

    M14-8F1Y: Lou1eil1111l " 55 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Georgia ~ ~ 55 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ South CarollDa ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ M1ss1Bs1ppi ~ 55 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AlANa _______________________ 2 _______________________ _

    Group total. ---~ ---;i ---~ --7~ - - -;~ - - _2 - - -~ - - -it ---~ ---~ ---~ ---~ Late Spr1Dg:

    Cal.U'ornia ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ lforth Caro11na 1.5 ~ 55 ~ ~ 55 ~ ~ ~ 80 75 70 Al1amaae ~ ~ ~ ~ 55 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V1rg1D1& ___92 _______________9__________________ __________ '" Group total. -- -~ - - r~---~- --~ - - -1f -- -~-- -~ - -I'!,f--I~ - -I~- - I1~ - - ~t ~S~:

    liil! 40 ~ ~ ~ 75 ~ ~ ~ 95 ~ ~ 80 IrfIV Jerae-r ~ ~ ~ ~ 95 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m lIfIV York, L.I. ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ CClllMCticut 2/ J.35 135 llhode Ialald-2/ 130 140 P_-r1Y1m1a - m ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I1l1noiu

    ~1'ftlI total. - - u&J - -~ - -~ - - I11 - - Ii - - I~ - - ~ - - ~ - - ~ - - I1'?}. -_______ _ t.~ --~ --_~--------------------- ______ - _______ 2 LateS~:

    AlIibailil 85 55 ~ ~ ~ ~ 70 70 ~ ~ ~Georgia 95 ~ ~ 70 ~ 85 ~ ~ 100 95 95 ~ ~lIIorth Caro11na ll5 100 95 llO 120 ~ 1.lO ll5 120 ll5 100 llOV1rglD1a 85 70 ~ ~ ~ 65 85 llO 105 ~ ~ 95lffIV York, other ~ 145l~ 1~ 150 1.25 J.30 145 1~ J.50 J.40 135Mllauachuuette 3/ 150 130 130lfev w-peh1re "2/M1ch1gan - 125 1.25~ 70 80 95 90 70 105 70 ~ 90 90 ~Col.orB4o 170 195 1~ 130 J.70 J.40 llO 160 1.30 150 120 1~'l'61UIIIBBee

    Group total. ---*--~--~--.;32 - -~ - - I~ - - ~ - - H2 --~t --~ --~ --H2-----------~--~---------------2------ _________ 2 Earl: Fal.l:

    jev JerB8'J' 120 ~ ~ 95 ~ ~ ~ ~ 75 ~ uo 95Mllr'J'land ~ ~ ~ ~ 65 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V1rg1D1a 95 ~ 50 ~ 85 ~ 95 100 125 130 95 ll5North Carol1na ~ 50 ~ 55 ~ 50 35 6045 ~ 70 70South Carolina ~ 70 ~ ~ 70 ~ 30 100 45 55 ~ ~Mississippi 40 ~ 50 ~ 55 45 50 45 40 75 50 ~ Ark1mBaa ~ ~ 70 ~ 45 40 ~ 50 50 45 50 ~ Louisiana ~ ~ ~ 55 ~ 75 ~ 95 50 .~ ~ ~ Cal.U'Ol'D1a

    Group total. - - h~ -- t~ --~ - -rot - - g~ - - ~ - - t~ -- i8Q - - f~ - - ti2 - -t~ - - ii2-------------------------------~---~---2 _______ 2

    Late Fal.l.: PIOr1& '1'_

    Group total. ALL ST.A!I.'!S 98 J.0l. 88 101 rn 83 95 J.OJ. 95 J.OO J.02 J.01rrBiiah.Is-oOntaIn1iiS ii:~tiil 30-xiOUiiii.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    2Z Eat1mtetl DOt lmUJ.abJ.e prior to 1949.

    'll BaM_tes not prior to J.948.

    :}i_rt"w,m~. 1 UPDATA 1981 fl',.

  • SIIAP lIlWIB, C~~ crop ~or tlwh 1IS1't;et: Proc111C't1Cl1l, 1939-50

    - - - -sltiS'dfAt- -- -:----:--- -:- - - -:- - - -:--- -:-..:--:- ---:- - - -:- -- -:- ---:- - - -:- -- ~~ :~:~:~I~l~:_l~:_:~:~:~:~ ~ 1 : : : : 1 1 .1 : I : I

    - - - -- -- -- - -- --- - - -- - -- - - - - --- -:-1,000 baiibOli'!r-- -- - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - --Winter: PIOrlaa _ g,3~ _ h~9.2 _l:.~9.2 _l:,1~ _l:,~ _ g,~ glJ,~31 .w,1~~,l:~ g/g,l~ _ 1,l:~ _1,.291 Earl{ sl!MDB:

    or_ J'lor1c1a

    Group total

    Georgia South Carol1r.a Mil!sie1ppi Ala'be!a

    Group total.

    Late Spr1J!g: CiilUom1~ lforth Caro11r.a Arkaneae V1rg1D1a

    Group total

    'kr~SUIIIIIIBr:hii4 324 285 374 414 416 2/ 428 336

    lfew J 1Il'Be;r 720 600 650 468 420 - 473 440 lfn York, L.I. 412 360 300 322 352?:./ 350 g/ 272 g/ Coanect1out 3/ IIbo4e D!land-3/ p_,.lY11D1a -


    Group total


    AiAliBJB 119 83 221 204 217 120 ~

    Georgia 333 324 432 459 360 294 266 Worth Carolina 506 400 550 682 62l2/ 912 932 Virg1n1a 68 63 58 72 - 68 60 lfn York, other ~ 1,008 1,840 2,075 1,885 g/1,920 l,8oo