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North Eastern Health Board annual report 1996 Item type Report Authors North Eastern Health Board (NEHB) Publisher North Eastern Health Board (NEHB) Downloaded 11-May-2018 00:47:46 Link to item http://hdl.handle.net/10147/241631 Find this and similar works at - http://www.lenus.ie/hse

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North Eastern Health Board annual report 1996

Item type Report

Authors North Eastern Health Board (NEHB)

Publisher North Eastern Health Board (NEHB)

Downloaded 11-May-2018 00:47:46

Link to item http://hdl.handle.net/10147/241631

Find this and similar works at - http://www.lenus.ie/hse

OR H EASTERN HEALTH BOARD o d la nt an ·r Thua" c·, t

N A ORT 1996

Tht Chief Htr.ald of I lld ~ IN Caat ol .6.nns ~ on ltl• c.,..r cl our ot.nnual fl.epon "' rhc Nanh E,asr.wn H rd. The dc:J&n t"'ktJ d'!ll ~· OM or lht mmt noab6r ~ tllriS r:Jl n

On 11ht beM. wtuclh np · ~ RMr JkJ:rrw. • tad d-oe ( 1he raardl •nd ~l«<p ~ .u mlldidnCI


lnU'Oductlon to the North Eutern H~lth brd

Mesup frGm me ChAJn'T\an

MM~ from the Chief bcecutlve omcer

Aims. P\lrpose,\lalues, Quafiry 1\ppro.adl

Mcmben gf the North Entem Hmlth ~rd

Standing Committets of me Boa.rd

M nqemern Tc;un

Services. for Children & ~ •es

Se!"Wlces for me Elderty

Sentlci!S for Persons Wtth Lurn Dlubll tle.t.

Services forTraYeller"i

Manl:ill Hufth ScnKIII

S.r.oloc:s (or Per$Qn$ wtth 1 T c:rmln~ lncn














Serlices fOt" Penohs With Phf$ & ScnK~ry OIRbitrtics lS

Sel"'t'l'-es to Prevent Drup and Subla.nce Abuse

Women's Hokh

Co-<IJI'IDDOn and Workin& Ta&e er

PriiTW}' Hc.IIU. ure 5ervt(:et

Gcnenl Pracuce

Oenul Scrvi~ Envlronmant&l H~lth Se.rYJCt$

Co.ntnll ty ~at"1NC)' Scrm;c:5 Comnw ry Support S.rvic.n

Acute HoJp1tal SeNtces

Hutth S.rv~ee$ lnfruuuaurt

OaJH.rtment of Public H lth

Support ~ces P~nrwl Ocparunent Fin2nce DtJNrtmem t'bnapment ScN~ceJ Departmetu

Techntal Servlt:es Oep:u-tmenc:




... ~3


45 15 46





59 bl




The North East rn Health Boa~ (NEHS) n!Jion c0112rs the" counties of lol.ld1, H~tath, Cavan and Mon;agi"Lan. I IOtlll of 6,3.)3 1CJ. kilometres. The tollll populatlOf'l for me CeMSUI year 1996 W2$

305.70') a.nd for the census: yar 1991 w.u 100,183. This repl'l!!ients 4f1 acrual popub.tich i l'l<tn!aSe or S,510 ( 1 .~). The following table tho-M tl'le population c:hanges for e:1d1 NEHB county over rho S yur period. ~ un be seen from the figur"e$ the brgest incnuse in popul4tf.on w:as in Co. Meath. Rgun!S published here iU1!! tabn from the last: iJVallablll!! da.ta iiLt time of wntlng.

Poputiltion of I!~ NEHB county

Ap structure or population Ffg.ufiC I depias the ase muro.~tc of 'd'l popubdon for the N EH B from the 1991 c:ensus. The age strUcture from the I '196 cerm~l wtll be JMil~ble fn l~lll! 1997.

ThOU~!! of flenonl

Births. deaths and rnaJTlaces. Birth rates fell over the period 1985 to 1995 and this was r:efleetrd fn each or th NEHB counties. The birth rate for the NEHB (l99S was 13.3 per 1.000 of the popul tion. This ls compa~ to tht national rue of I l.S In 1995.

The (oiJowin& cable presents d\e tOtal number of marrf~es, blrths :and b rt.1u OL) de Of nurriJ&t for ead' NEHB county for I CJ90 arLd t 995. The table outl nes eh lncrusing proportion of births ouuide marriage.

Total number of rnarriacM, b~rtbt nd births outside marriaa


Th following table presenu the Mlmber of people reg1ne~d as unemployed in each NEHB county. Figures represent the numboer of people unemployed at your ertd·llg 19CJS and 1996 t the rate per t ,000 of the counry poP'JiiiUOI"b Th•s tabl 1hows th3t lcuth hu a Vf!f"Y 1'1 tgh unemployment level 11\ companson r::o the ether counties, wtth He;nh hJV ng the lo~t .... t 1 000 1

, • 1!. per . peep c:.

Un mployment ratet for e.ach NEHB County

OeponOon<y ....... The ..,.,.Kf tMIO 11 eN ~ ol penons .,ed 0.14 ,..n and 6S ,...n and O¥W u a perc~ at llho&e lll'd IS .... a.....d~ ~ t"l unsus,.the dependltqo r.-oforcNNEHiwu 670andfor ........

"' o-..~Mtesncy rados In the NIEHI.,... {I HI Ceontw)


C\Mi ...... T'"• 7ia

- ::: :t ~:t -1 Hortalky In The North Eucern Heatth Board tt.pon M tmporunt lnd!Qtor o( the heakh StatuS of a populadon tl la M01'GI1ty pttttrn 1'h1 anafy~ 5ooks at death M1 the North Eastarn Realon over a five year petiocl, Thor. .,.. owr flYe huncr.d different tauau o(

death to whkh an lndMduaJ can be usizned. HowtM!r betwMn BS·~ ol dftthlln che North Eutem HeaJch &o.rd R.q;on In any one year ean be apportioned tO orculatory ~. (~7'%) mallpm dlseue (l4"} "''"""~ dl'"" (In:) dutlo from injury ~ndu<fo>& rood tnf!i< o<tl-} ond poUonln& (4%). These flcuru mer. or leu reflect the nulonal plmwe wtth rile octpdon of road tra11c acctdems. The Nonh &otorn Hoaidllloonjl\opon hu • ~ 11111>er .._..,"l' lrom rood orafllt octklonto ~ to "'"_.. pGt>Uio ....

AMra...., ...,... lialn ..,. helkh ptOI'I'IOdOft ...aa.uws aaon eN ""C' ollowd ......ces ionN a map­pvt"'- _, 0.,-_. ... """'""'" ....... ............_ ......... No- Roods-, - .. -."""'" ...... ......, ........ &, andkure tn I tH W. ....,..,. l.SOO ,,.. ........, .... br .....-. The toal ~ ._...,... by <hi Nonh &so!m

.._kh lol.rd Ol'llu tef"¥1<• In 1996 was £116.7m. The: ~·••~~t cosa ~M folow1.:·

Go:ewcw~ C:.. "'ow•=-c..m.land c~ ecto•••c..., s.r..c .. - ...

101 IIU

The [)epa.rtmoWK of H•llh provided £104,7m to fund our~ with eN bManc.e belna~net'lwd thi'OUJh the Board'• own re~rces. Play cosa: for the y.r ww. C77 Sm.

Du...,. 1996 • tou1 o/44 toplal pro,ecu _..In lw>d ~!he,...........,....., chomljor dow1l~ 1ft our MtpKik to dMI pnaler but no less~ mnc: pro;eca tn Ol.lf" helkh UI'IC:r'WS and - T- copou1 _........, .,.,......,... £Stmlnd ........... copoul _....... -•d 0$11.

1"'-.,.,._~~~on beNI cl she~-- tJI SoaiiW M • and chol 001U r:A--. .. ""_..,

! EL-" •• ou 1


I am very pteased ro .ntroduce the first ann~,ql

report of the Nonf1 Eastern Health Board.

I would nke lO rec:ord me Board's :appred3VOf'l

of the co·operation rec:eived from the Minister

of Health and hi~ Depa:rtmem.and those other

s~tutory voluntary ilnd community groups

with whom we du.l.

I extend to my fellow boan::t members my

personal rnank.s and appreci::u:lon for their'

~upport: and hard work in ftJrtherlng th

obJectives or me Boan::l during 1996.

I ake this opposwnity to thank our Chief

Dr. Hup Dolon .. Chctlrman

Executive Officer and iJII of lhe Board's staff for the excellence of therr wor:k.

I am most gr.u:eful to all of our parmen in me sa.wtory and volunary trctor who we -

with us to serve all n the North East. Our p:trmershipl will continue to develop and

evolve over the c~ ng years.

I hope dl-.t dlls report is h~Jpful In expblnlng how w d sdw-ged our very consid na.bl

responStb lrties during the put year. The people on who~e behalf we won are dle

benefid:uie$ of our success.


Mr. Donal 0 Shea, Chief Executive Officer

The Board has the objectives of promoting healthy lifestyles,

preventing and diagnosing ill health, of caring for those

suffering from illness or experiencing disability and providing

personal social services for individuals and families at risk.

We provide care for the young and not so young using all of

our skills and talents to give treatment, comfort, reassurance

and hope to those who experience illness or disability or are

disadvantaged in our region.

We are grateful to the Minister for Health and his

Department for the .resources provided which enable us to

support an extensive network of care. We continue to strive

for excellence in all our services. We are grateful to all in the

North East for their continuing support.

My thanks are due to the Chairman and members of the

Board without whose direction, our care system could not

deliver effectively. Our front-line staff are deserving of our

thanks and praise as it is their continuing commitment and dedication that enables us to maximise

health and social gain for all our clients, patients and the wider community it is our privilege to


I am fortUnate to lead a team of determined, experienced clinicians, managers and support staff, whose primary focus is to serve their clients and patients.

I set out hereunder the aims, purpose, values and quality approach of the Board and its 3,500 staff.

This statement of values represents a challenge and a commitment to all involved in the care process in the North Eastern Health Board.

There is a legal obligation on all health boards to produce an annual report in 1997 for the first

time. I trust that this report will prove useful and informat ive to its readers.

The publication 1n I 994 of the Health Strategy "Shaping a healthier future" set out the national

strategy for the development of health services, incorporating the principles of equity, quality of

serviCe and accountability: the re-o rientation of health services so that they focus primarily on

Improving people's health and quality of life. The policies and action plans of the · North Eastern

Health Board reflect those principles and mirror the targets of health and social gain.


Alms The North Wc.m Htlakh Board~ to pr~ Mld d .. atop •¥ .,atrcy hiMh S4lrlice boch 1t1 d\1 pt'Cli"'OQOf'l ol heald'l and In N pt'WIIIMMOft. +tc:~ and U.UI'ItiiM d ~ "Ne: Un to xtt ..... et. In a fNIW\IW~ "'eq;atW ... ta ~~and~ to the needs olthcoe ~ olthe lt<WO. u> the .all enuusled wtd!"' del!•oty ond the r-Po ol one Nonll Eas~

We are ~ committed to tM: foltowvtg;; • pn>mo<Jrc l>e•lthr li!es<yles • pnventlna. di~smg Mld treibnl tl1 health • c:arl.ng fot those .suffering from &one ttnn lllneu and d1sabilities • pnwldinz social services to Individuals ~l1d bmlllts ac: risk

Purpose To promote and lmp""'o si:IJ1dard< oll>e•lth and SO<I>I -l~bo"'l fa< •I r-Po ol one Nonh Eas< throu&h o.w OWfl wortc 1nd Influence Mld In coUabor.tbon wrth ocMn

Values 11~ · Few .. "'" people ol"'" Nonllbs< and""--."""--and

--.""-and-"""--- ho>lthllldl<w-~ W -.eh ~ ,....,.... ol our ~ull and for ad\ pws.on who

pot1ldpO<a in "'" delioe<y olhukh >nd - -- Ill .... Nonll &st. Torollon dle ~ ol c-.~ >nd -""""' pnoxy>nd do...-rof ___ _

Self llellance • _, people "' be .. ind~t .. f'OIJ'blo ond 10 .... rospomilllity ""

....... tndivldu>1 - and SO<I>I - bolf1&. E•collen<e • ~ luJh si:IJ1dard< of porlonmnce In oll that wo do.

Quality Approach In lu pursuft of -.,cc.elltnce cM tk»rd insists that all of iu aervices are o( a unilormly hiJh quality. Tho Board boil_, 11>>< • quality seoke Is:

Equlcable ·

Elloctlw . Ellldent ·

Appropriate •

~­DicnHiocl ·

ponc<ll with ldential needs rocoM!ll the Amo u•ndard ol caro reprdlen at wtter. they ltve. where chey ilre u-ated and what eMir tn<O'N is ... ,..,..,. ....... re>dy xuu to the -osllley nood -llley MOd d>em.IU faf u po5Si* Mt'Vtea are ~ tocaly. uch pa<*K .- l"' d!e best po01~ ,...,.. ,._,....,.. u.,_ and are.

- ... orpnosed >nd _ ... In • _, - - .... best ..... "" - __ of __ .. ,.._,-...... --of~

., our ~t/l?trf .Jyuem. cht ~·must me« loal Neds. ..o.d unnec•ury .,_....q on~ or -and be-_."' cope- .... nood "'~ ,_._rollonoheneedsandw-olthe r-Po--. --roftea .... - ot._ . .-ualo<y and- """'" prM<y ond ...,.,.,. of d>e indMdual

Members of the North Eastern Health Board as at 30th June, 1996

J\ p p o H1t d B ) LocJ u t "'f"'! IJcs: c-... eo. e-a: Mr.l'lcnck eon..,.. ~ c...n. Mr.lvKty aa.-~c...n. Mr Edwanl Fetly. S<nrwnont.. Bbdclion. Co. C...... Mr. PaU1<k 0'1\eill)' Qnr), Murmod. Vlrp. Co. c...._ l.outll Co. Co..,cll: Mr. -r S.V.. Molllt>nce. G-. Co. Loud\. Mr Docl•n &r..thnoch. AnNJhs M<Cann. Knock~o. D""oblk. Mr. Tommy Murphy. Sl Purse Pari<, Dro&f>o<l>. Mr. Ft'1'JS O'Dowd. 24 S• Muy's Vlilas, D~

H•ath Co. Coundl: Mr. M4cn..l 4'nch. Cocon s....... Oldcasd.. eo. Mud\. S...t0t joM Fsrnlty, Hun:llesdown.l<ells. Co. M.W.. Mr. Gtrry Mon-y. Moin Sa-. Du1ee1c. Co. M .. d\. Mr. Bmn Fitqenkl. TD.w.n-.ns-IQ1cock.Co.Mud\.

f1onachon eo. co ... ci~ Hr joM F Conlon.Maln SU.C. Bollyboy. Co. t1oN(Ioan. Mr ,lotnmy ~TA~ Smidlboro, Co Morootfuon,(Va a.-.-1 Hr - Hu&t-K....._.,. C.sdeblw>ey. Co ~ Hr ....... Mc&noy.~-Mor.oofw·

"" rnbt r t I '·'"""' Un11411r Heatdl Boanl (C!od.toa Of M•••••) flhri(UIItiOIV0 1971 -........-.. Dr. E.) Ho,..,.,.,n. S7. O..rdl Sa-. C...... Mr. T. Sannel~ Wiaon Cross.. SI ... Rood. N>von. Dr. F.). Borotn, "SonQ S.rt»,..",.Jervis So:reet,Anlee. Dr. Hup. Dolan, s.ndymount Dme. Bladtrook. Dunoblk. (Chairman) Dr. P. McC.rthy, ~. Dunoblk. Dr. PM, W.shlreb. Cov>n Road, Ko11s.. Co. Mud\. VlCIIICf

114 ... - Deo>lilt: Dr.WG Hyland. ThoAntllos.. -.--.Do.,.,_, ~ ll'harnweudal a-nlsc Mr.,._ K.lly. Scnnd 1\oed. L-. eo.-RaaktMed ... M::

Mo.S. -.o..r.-.-ldsu-.NMn. "-at•twect PI)Ct 1, one Nun.: 11o. M.-TultJIONI. NWa. Co Louth.

~~ NomMalll! Mr 0. Llncty. Orumcoo-• ......,......,, Co c.-. Mr N Mcc.l>o. Crin""""'-""*· Co.l.oWI Mr J. Manpn. Rad>fol&ll, Toro. Co ........,_

l"'r. 11!. o·...,.


Jf. ...... A. O'lri 1t

Mr. P.


... ~. F. o•oawd

...... G. ,.......,



'' , ... -· .. ~~-,,. I !8, .. :

• • •• i •'-:fl I

If . -- -

Dr. F.J.

" s.



Dr. H. DD !.I

Dr W. G. H,tarod

Hr: D.


The- hu ,_ s..n.cc-.- .... ._..,-Md ....,.., ...., - .. ""' ono lor c-....cy _., one! ..,_ lor die elderly The Common- clucuu ond c..­chlt policy. polcy- Md-. reports Md mob p<op<>S>Is Md I'OCOIIIIMtldoaons "'dio llootd They c-Md repcn 10 die llootd on .. macten •ofo...-..1 to diem by the 8oJrd. Thoy also act as 'ltt•onc ccwnrn.aees to hospials. homu and setvKe c~ ~te eo each "'"''""'"\ fuiiCUOnL The membenhlp of die Coinilli<tHS wu 11 follows for I 976

.-P.co.., Mr.A.O'Ioloa Mr.!ODooool Mr.D.._adl

"'·~ ..... .., -a• •• Mr. I. flap old t1r.p.--d PlrT.Samol Dr,E.Hiwa•w• Hr. H l'1cBnnoy 0. H.Oolan O..FBtroen Ms. P1 Martin M• O.Brody Mr. P. S.V.p Cllr. T Kelly

...... ,.., Mr. P.a.., Mr.T. ....... Mr.G.I1ony ............ H<t~ .... ~.._.. O.P-., O.WG Hy4alld Hr N McCabe 0. H Dolan -a...,., o, p P1<C.nn, Mr M. Lyll(h Ms S Ftuikner MrJ. M•npn


CtHf' bec:ut:i.e Oflkw: Mr.OonaiOShea

Deputy Chief E.xecu- Ofllcer 6 PI"'J,.,. H..._ Community C.V.: Dr. Ambc-ose Mcloughlin

Pro,ramme Hanapr Mental Healtft • Disability Services: 11r~Ooy

.. ....,.,.,.,., "­Acuu Hospial s.mc.s: Or. ~ulah R.yan

Head of Personnel: Mr. Larry W.lsh

Finance Oflker: Hr s-,... O'Modha

TKMical Set wic:es otlker.

Hr Tom £pi


TM Board fN"'O"*M" the woalf.,.. ol cYdrwt And

~"-"" ~ ..... ~ f"Ke-l .. lfl& -~~· c.ar. and prot:.C:tton. Chdd car. 11\d famoly Support Mf"11fCe1 11'1 tt.. '"""" wt..,. Hoalch Boor<! optnte In tht COf'lltl(t of the Child c.,. A« 199 I, •nd .tso within otl'ltr ,..lt¥lnt Jqlslauon. •uch a. the Oomutk V\oltnct Act 1996 and lhe Famlty Lllw Act 1995.

The 8o>rd p<'O"'da.

• ,,...,.ntl•• services, by --­arwt poput.a~ (•a M

...-. .... -"""-"' toe1ll deipf"o¥ab0ft). af\d WOOl.... ...., ......eft ~ ............. ,.

• detKtlon Mrvic... '" or6er to ._.,. tn ptau

- "" "'" opeedr .... - odtnullcooUOft"' c.h.adren at mk. and the appropnate ref.n-~1 and rolow-up proctdum.

• lnte,....endon tervlces ir'l

order lO ensuA cNt chl'dren are ptOttctM and lndl~ual bmllltJ wpported

• c.,.. .. _,.,,<.. whlre the Bolrd pnMdct • ,.,. ot

""" - ,.. ~ -.Inc ............ . - ..... """-*"~do~~

The - "' "'" - """ ~-- ,. eN fvst _. ,.,..,.._.,. con• def atiOft. Due ~ • ..,.. w the w.shts of chot child. ham& r-qard to HI' ap inc1 unders...,.rc

Ou1dron .,.. _.., -toolled aftet-~ "'*" ~ ,......,. -,.....,..,.....a NI

port .. .._ ~-- The ~-Mina of fvM.u " EM> efor@ prornoc.ed and \M brd\ -actJViuls .,. directed to ~ pareno Nv."t rc:prd Ut their rict'ts u w.J u chto welfare of chfld.-en

In uwulons where c.hlkl...n muse. liYC ZWl.'f frQm homt. d1u Is a.rnnred preferably on • wolwlwy ba.ws W"<ttl ~u. the 8o:an:l and lt.lbs.llwte c.at''ln

"""'rlting '" pannent11p tO enable tht best lt'llWISD ollhe d1lld CO be mK. n..-"'"'" """"'wtom • '-kb Bcwd ....... "'""" ......

t MW polO 1ft heeJih ~ lfl

SOda! - -p•yo;holoo. child aod ~escent psydwnry. ~ """'r wppon.

• --lundoo& ... che ..... school SectOr.

• ~opine comrnunlty.b~Md

~don schema ~t help ,...,molhen.

• man honel plil(t.S lor

""'"""'' ,...., peoplo • exp~.ndin& ~Yentl>~t

_..,.,_ .. -• ~ne tM I nkaps ben:eat ~ boent tal

""" .... Gardao. • llllfMOWII che art»l:) ol

Mt'VIC-el for 'nCiln"'l ol --.. · DOW:Md~--­parents ...-ha .... after

dlidtw• on behalf ol eN --• ••loptnetlt of tpteaiMd

• "'" .... klpmMl and ~rcprocra~

• ompt'O'o"'l ~ for ~tine (OftQ(t bctnecn

adop...t penons and -Mtural fl'*rtnUi.

In I 9'96 ctt. Hlnluer ~~ dte lan f.w rem~~lnhlJ: sKtions of the Ch•ld Care An Into opti'Jtlon This lftcludtd P.art VII or the Act. wtwch fiWS

Nalch boonlo "'" - to ~ptf""''i" and itlsp«t ~ 1<11001_ .. .... ,........

""" - ol "'" ..... ~ woQrl che tMpte'bOft ol

- .... c.... c-..

... - "'­• • t1 ~ p rsva ha¥e Gbn p11a> lln NiM:IOrl ., ~ """" The ~ac VIICIIMce N:t 1996

- "'" - Board,.,_. to apply "' • Oowia Co.n ,.,.. a e.mnc Order In rupea. of family ~anc• c.ase~o Th~ Will cOMe Into eHect '" JanUilry 1997

In I 996 tMrt wu an increuq dM\Ind from Olsvkt CG«u .n

""' ,....,., "" ,.,.... from che ....... loud 01'1 • ,..... ol cto~tldrwl w+to ume to cNr ~ .... ....,.,.., of lwNtt """ .............. ~iad aueu c:u.a. Orsua Couru --...........,. ~ 01' ...... bo.nf ,.o.ettiOMI ....,..ose ... .. bOl"' . .. c.+tld QA ...


The nurnben of children

n:fcrrcd to the Nonh Eu~ H•~h.h Bcurd whC'nr abv~c

and/M netle<t is suspected ·conrlrwes t.o rise •

Of raport1 nKalvad 35~ ..,.,... conilrmed in 199S 1nd 16~ were canftrmed n 1996.

As d.c numbu- of rqxwu mcs. the amount o! activity t;pent an IU~essment mes. This u-e.nd t.s

ltbly tO condooe QW!r the next chrec years. Th• mpfcmenu.tion of the Child

Can! Aa.. incnwed lm:et"-q~ :and mu d-d sap:l1nuy c:o­~on, and £re.lltc'r public 01nd polftigt ~rt'I11!SI of me problem, ~nl all bctan , aulina this drumaoc: ri.se_

lt I! dcr lrom ~t• rt:pCWU

that IOtW work s&n'icH tu.ve h~ g conc8IKJ"I.U more and more on chJid prmecuon QHS.

In the lon&·lerm. wgfit on ~Uon -an<f f.& ily SUppot'f.

~S~. milf ba l"titrict:ed ·r thi~ tT nd n child ~

. rnls irKra.ses.,

The foQowfnz. l:ilb'o C!Udlne! rhtl number of rc:pora rM.etved m I "5 •nd 1996 md m. 11Umber of nsn confirm~ 1n both reus- lt hu been brabn dcrwtJ "nc.o buH ~pe.

·- I"'

··~·· ... ea. ...... ......... Conll ..... ... . ~ ·· 95 :n ••r-Sexual 201 7f

Emodomt Sl 17 Nqlect 289 101

Tobl 638 111

Our PlychoiOJ)' tl!:tm had a toc:.aJ er 392 n! ernls concemlnJ J38 dl !'Its n 19 h: Si worth noonc that In 199& the SlnJII! brgest loOUrt:e of rrferra.ls Mi&ln:ued from "hoGtt ( 19'1) with Social INOrk 01..d GPs eu.h <1C'C~tJill for 16'1 of all n~ferr.als. 15~ of rcfernJs. ~ m~dc by pll"'l!nts.

The p~ythoiDI}' St!l"'lkc, In m attempt to provide .111

acOM! 1e and eqtmabla 18l'VI~ li a.n open ~ern! policy MJd

1:s evident from the ubi bdaw tmt parentS hilYa been able to nWc.e u of thiS service. Rasearm dunonstret.a m:., motin ·on Jor c. lull!• 1d

pnerdlr i&hest. :and OtttCOme

matt ~bla. if cllcnu self n::f r.

I~ 6l 241 S7

12-4 27 398 101

9S7 14117

Schoob rema n the la.rgt!n sing! sou~e of r rrals but this pert n g has deuusrd ~ three ~r p«iod. To

blbncl! this, ~til referrals hJ...,a incri!:Hed slgn fiantly. Prtot to 199~, dll'eCI referrals were n(){ recel...ed. The inc~ n the number ol rnds ITDm ~itll W'Qrk from 10~ n 1915 La 16.~ '" 1996 rl!nat;"t:'l 1n inc re:ue [n child pn:lteCliDCl

Wllrk. Fimlly, nc:~rl)l' 211 of all refer!'flls (62~ corn from health are pi"'ff!WOI'lillS (i.Odill worbn. 1aneraJ pratdtlon r:S.

AMOJ. ~~ eh and l~ngu~lt

meraplsu. plychlunsu. publ hRtth nurses and d sabl ir:y s.en;c:cs).

....... :...:_ . .;. ltiS .IM·Nas ... •ltN ......... ~ .... Schools ~ 19%

GPs ISX 16% Par. nu 13% 15~

r". ·• and ll.an~ 11% 10% A.M.o . 101. 6%

SocbiWork I en; 16% Disability Sen-ic~ 7% 6%

Public Health NursH sx 7%

SodaJ W orit Senk•

A.er.rnt.s conw ~ a >t'ltnlttJ of tour'(-. The lftiiOOC1 o(relwnlo,__.,._ ptofeu- • pwbOc ...., ... f'lfolnU. t~ docton. pnlal, hotj>ab, ou M""Y

people - - ond 50mt: '~' come ~ lamly, ~ ... ..,.__..,.

orpntt.atlons. 0\lr Sodal 'Noftc Team had 71 S reftrnls in 199£.

ChUdre.n in C....

_,_~-et ¥IIOf'k ls Wl(h c:hil6ren In care.

fiautu from .. -. departr"Mnu indicate the foUowma act~Y•tl•' tn this ......


a.....~-w. on lJ 11 '"'

,.. ---,a.c..-tl 01'1)1 11 .... " -- ·-"*-'w. .... l$ .. -..;,- ·- ·-.... ..... c-- -... .,. " 0.. ............ .. U..,•..-•an n

~easel I .......... ..


p;;;iiiii-s-..1-Ne&lea &·----~~Prebl ... CUSU>dy &Acceu o.l!lcukoes

HiiDJProbi'tmsJOotnesuc. VIOienc.

Mental Hemh Probtems

Gtneral ChitdW~re


The -· lamly -~ pn>ride set'Vka 1ft

Fvri*t -- c...... ond - in a. hoMe. Thd 'NIOf1c focuses 00 the folowww ar.u

• househokf .lulls and budJ<onc

• homework Wrth cWdren • beNMotral mM~iiem..-.t Jnd

positfve relnfota!Mel'lt baled on soda! l.vning th.ory

• pby'in&. communladfl& 11nd sdmul~tin& childten

• sett t!tnpOWVment ror ~u and farnilies.

- ••

71 -,0!1\.

110 1N 140 -m

' T )S .. "" )l s" u s" Sl ~

ll "" ItS 1~

71 S 100!1\

., ....... - Keooo!shp ond """""' ....... ,. Fanoiy

~---,. ........ U'l dll\dllf' MW t0.s ond_ .... ...__ ...

~ "'wm thilt.cb w . ...... .....Ill.. .....tlombip ~·•n patWKJ and dMero •nd dws r.d~ the risk ol chlldi"M '*"a admtc:ted to c::are. tnfotmadon hm OM ol our stt'VIc.e dtpattm~~nu ln<kued that tM aboYt seMces Mre ohrtd to f 7 famllicJ and ift these casts preYented 43 chktr-.n Comtr11into N are of ,. ......... -.

.... .,_ .. , . _.._ 41 I ~

ea. Co~•Aaa•tC• - 7a

Oll*en at "* ..a m mo

Communlty Nurslna Services

es provide 1

th service. A subsr.anta~l p:art of thetr work Is n eh Id wtl~. whith il

n~~:ctod tn the rono ne r.sures

lnocrm.s.ed rr.f rrals ,and publi~ -tr::meem about die ~ or children is to be learn d. h. is the suwtory duty of the Board to promote tho welflr• of chtldrer1 In need or ~ :llld

prcm:cuon In Wi il . fhi:l; duty beJ!ru th the ldenu stlon of c:hlldren in need. The Bwrd''

tnes, lnformilton luOctJ ,and prof ss onal :LCtJVttles n~ve

nere:uc:d public and proJ ntonal.wJLreru~u, embh lh~ Bo:lr d to entif)o wd p rnorc nd mora thildren.

Servlc ' for VIctims of Domestic Violence


~ned addlltOnll

. I

Helpllne Serlkea

The Board fvnch o~Wamen'sA•d Hclpli n Ouncb! The tool numb« of h~pfl!lt alb In 1996 wn 1,034,

FfJures from th~e p tne

Hrv•ce rnd c;ar.o th:u 1.969

th ldr n :an! aff.:<tcd by dOSJH!nJc v olenc Of these. SS% were ned n belng •n ;m

Th reftJ&c: In N ..,i1n also prot{tdt~ i. pi n1 :UUYIC:~. There were 701 calh to thh l'le1p me duriltJ 19~6. 1 n

;~ddl tO these, l91 WCmt!n

ed of ad ce from th~~: by mans of perion.l

he ~rd ii1 now n the .,roCH~ of worltin& w th communi ~ aroup' In th ea~nl~;m lf'Cil th ,.

to Hr.ablishlng :a fun:.het refugo in lhott ire;, in 11997. Pin or the work of a nowl}' appolmcd eo-or in.uor for

refu&e Mr~~lca 1t1 Dundiit 11 to

11C reedy With th~ lfOUp$

U n/Monaatun with il V ew tD ~top "I lhe:se '!.C!rvk~ tu

soon u poss.ibl . A Help also b esub there,

Furun! De¥elopment1

Th Ml Stet' or State for Chi d Care hu annoonc d Wt hew not nt_rod ce M~ndatory

~eportl In n~fauon ra the repon:.&ng ol dllld abuse. but that he: 11 es of inni.11ove~ m rel~don to chlld cu s tVlCa.$. In 1996 The NoM Eau rn H~lth Bcm-d h.n don• m~otcil pr 11n'lln.try W'()(" tn rei t n to the focus of these inlmnvcs. p rucubrty h:wlnc ub!ished comprehenstva duld can tn n "B programme. ~nd a Dnzolnc li;mon and dDsCI

WO ng n!bltOI'!.~ 'P Wl the Gucb S ocluna. and othes­

n:IC'Villlt. q:cmcl ,

Child and Adole«ent: Psychiatry

Tht!! Reglona.J Ch Id nd

Adalac: t Psyth rry ~r"iKCS

we~ funher deowlopt!d tn 1996

w th 387 childrenl•do!es.ccnB

ben f•t•na from rJ\ s ur'vlce.

This, ~re~ents a.n ncreue o! <46% on the 1995 fi un. Of u-e toQJ ref~rnls 70 c;~me From

GPs, 19% from commun ry !.Cnn<:es ilnO the IJalant rrt~m


The Guu:omes from t.hu service

~how tentfnucd pro~ For the majDr dailgno~tic group-s ' en ror treatment by th Set'YICt: (tQ% fuye thoWil

!I nif;an[ Tmp~me~t and an

addtuonal 20" ha 1hown some lmprtM!m A cdon

'" ~ frequency of overdo:r;ing

nd a.n mp~ent n the

quaht)' of int~rpCJ'SI)flil

rtl~tlonstl•pt ...,,,. e'VIdent

Aaden'l< and WOfic

pwfotmal'lctl ......... ~ ~n>4M~and IS"~.~ .., S.XtMrt l4c111t..U »'ti

now .......otM 1n an extMJMt

., poo.,.,...,... a JunNr 10

attend I"'OooP crta~t

~~. and 16 pat~.-nu ......,.. n:f.,-,.,d for lnpat.tent

trNtm'"'- Proven hu been made on Cl~i(ll Audtt .and Ru~h 1n this ...,vttt.

Tht Child Cart Trall\lnJ Proa~mmt laun<htd • 12

month provamm• Multt­

d«iplonory "'"'"'l ......tullops ond ....,.,.,. h ... - pbco

"'""""""' ""' t.pon atod addlt!OIW t9KJ~hst tnt"*'&

_..,.,... - -,_,____ odw" actnat~ .... ~~

&t.--s,.. COftlwlt:auon took p&a<t Wld'l suff af'ld om.r a,:tndts W!tiJ l'qtl'd to

Imp\' 09'lna the qU&I!ty of s.....-lee A ""'P ol ......, pi"" hu boon ->Od atod it now ru4y SOr !mpltmenuuon.

Our c.hlld health servlcc'l

,.......se • ,.. ...... of deore~tAQI, W't4fart and

invnunlwuon Mn"C-. Ow ~ ...,.._ .. CIA IQ,t­

ll.ISJ cto.<m Our _.., ~ loatMct on ctM•Is ..... ._ n. ...... _.., ... .-dwul ~· ......... fern.I(Jd:h and fourch dan •n .,.,.,...,.

Khooh Mid h ,..... 11'1 post

P""'>')'.a-ls. kwu­ID me« .. chae fo1ii"J'tU _.. t..o.nhiSood> ......,...., .....

'*"" of Co. t1ead\. W-'-' cht Cznd l'1orMpn cammun.cy care .,... .-st and surth ...._ -.re a.t41d ;., most ol U.. .,... -m brth class• al.a

bt-lfll ueu.ed In the larpr . ..,.,.._ ~1. the nuMber' of chld,...n

•nd .dolt:ICents treated hll'it tncrt~sed ligrMiuntly Then. lw: been a I~ II'IU'Nst !n the

f'A.Imber of cee.ch fhsure sealed.

Thb reflects che priorlcy &I'*' in tM dcocal s.erv.cu to

~t:J'4 Mr'W:G wNch wiJ bciiute the Khle'""'*"' ol h .... .,._ ... for .,. -lOCM). n. ••~po•.....,..,_ onl hutdt enwru ~t a 1atp

..-of d>ildoeo ... ---......-....

O~odondc s.rnc.

In the seconcMry care ortho6otltie tetVI<-t 368 _.._, ............ n. CQd ...... ol orthocb• c.;&MS cwrend)t Uftdw

UWLiiOiM d 1.941 lbt lotnl ... _ ................ "" lftd cw.-.t to 1 lrw thon ,_...,..__._..., .a small tunbw ol cNkllen _""" .................... - mode. Thono will ...

1nc~Md ~ as our

-· ... ol•...,.......,. ..... - ..,. d>o _,.,.....,.,.

Onl ..,..,....,. .Mf"''IKft

C~tftCed in OtoJbedl. ~·tte ~et abo anonclod ., ......,...., .....

()roat! ••

Child lmmuNsauon •erricu b.ntflt.td ),SOO c::hlld,..,. In the North Eaa.tern Healch 8c:w'd ......, . .,,

rly m m n

c.an:r1 eo n rnu-nl ue' 111

tommunlty and our acu\

hos.p a 1 ntc s,

Heab on~l•

The Bo1rd an su volu ~ary

crpnisnioos n pn:Mamg muls or ~d rty people n lh~tr

hem ~ or In cb)i Cel\tre~ by th r pnpt~l"'ltion of m '

n th• Bc:mf1 ho~p·~s or home1. or by £1"ltlt ;d Dunn

1996 \i toal or 90,419 m~b

w ~ dtstrlbuted from 11 [CIQ! or l4 centft:S 1tn the re lon.

Tha ~r'd conarw to aurst

vo1untlii'Y badles n !M ec:t:M! del1~ry of rh!' llol!f'YKe.

On WhH'h • NEHB

!No. of Cencm 21


Ham H lpiHome Care A&sitt:anu Servk:a The Horne He4p/Hamc Care Asstsuncc Se cl! lps lndt't'ldu:~ls t~nd th r aren ro cope n their own homo, The

•• ce ls :av:ui.HIIe to those Who$ c~ms~nces an sudl I:Nt thvy. « dnur earl!~, iiiA

UT~~blt!! to provide th" gre by themsel'llet.

In 1996, then: w re 1.266

~m H IJ» 1nd 209 Home Cir-c A.nJsunu proVid "I 1.

servlc ro 1,64-1 elderly p~e.

Day C11n= Service~

Tha provuion of day Cl

sarvlcu enablu and tmpm'l't!!l tha a.hil ty of the al p~

to rem:;~ n at hontll! d lso r.upport or tan:J'$.

""" "I re d l;;ltls of th• dt!d the ~·on

Dur1n1 1996, ~ c•re v."ii'S

e}t\ nded lO Ule !olfowLnl ce:ntn!.S: Boelrurboat. 1<. lastwldra. Clone.1 , Coore tO and Oriel Hou1e Mooaglun. Thi1 t tcnllot'l meant mu. lifl

addttJon lOO t ldarfy poop In h IOfl d .UMJ t.O !a. dJy are •~rvlc br1!1!ing th~ CJ;Jtoal nYm~r of e.ld~t ly puson.! rec: il. S4U"Yk n the regron EO 2.1 1.3 .

D~ Hospital SNvi<e In)' ho lpita'l s.eMc:~s prmide ~ the uptign, t~fmi!,_ ~nd reh:ab11fm on of eldcrlr p,ujenu without M o'iem~ht lta'f 1n ho!-pltll Oay h«;.spital servicfl •rt PfO'w'lded In Sr. Fdim'J. Hospftal, UVill"', Oriel How.c. MON!hiln, S l'1;ry'~ Hospiu.l, C.utlebb.yn~y, St. )os~h·.s Hosptu.l, Tnm. lhe Cotu~e Hosp tal, Droghc<U a.nd St 0 1 r PfunJcen's Hasp W. Dund.t

Coruuttant led day hospital 5ervt~es in: ptOYided a.t Awte

~spiu Slces A coul or 2.4.09 I eldert)o pu.s.onJ retciYed d3)' arc i!I!J"Vlt :and/or day h01pfml

ienkes rqfon durinz 1996. Ne-~N ser.,iee~ re pi~ &:cl for 1997.

Boardina Out Sef"rwlcea The Boud's bo;ud1nc out ler ecJ m:a u"' puson~. who wt~uld othc..-wue rwquar lrrst~wtJon.~l care, ll home--fike soc;ial ~n lronmcn Our nz 1996, boilrd ng out urvires wue :wa ed or by 25 e derfy pcnons.

Param dlcal 5ervlt~ • Phplotherapr~

Occup~danal Th~rap)' and SpeKh Th ra.py. ~ ltfnph en the pmlo'islon

of can~ in t.hc commuMy illlnd rhe lpl!'MIIer dlnhl.f'B8 rrOfJl •an: hgJJ)itll:.. hu hi h!t!!d the need for me dw apmcnt Q/ pan.mcdial se .:es In c:he eommurut)' IUld iilllr;u hcnptta.l

Hnic.:" durt"B the year. 6.>90 rrot · these

Chiropody Th111 :a m of lilt! (h ropody s~c• ~ ~ pr~~t

d~tion of the re t nd [C

~ntrtbutll!! •IJn flantl)' tc;~ mil.lnaini 1 d1a motHiacy of elde.rly peopk! Chirq~Qdy I~ cvrn:ntly pravldttd in 1111 r~~identlill servlees :snd h; av~ih.ble 1.0 ID tllOM attendi c1q hQsptal ..serv~ce:s.

Arranawm ntJ rw the prO'ttslon of chtropady ex1s.t ln 1 num r or voluncr; cby rem:ra In 1996 a to oJ :5,000 uatmenlS weft provided.

Sp daJ CaA P'f'Vp;uomn A.Jrl!! and Opportunlry Th A,g and Opponunicy Prnrrv.n,ml:! c~;~nttnuc:d

dm:JulfhDUt d1e rl!J o.n durl the )'lt~r. Tho ioa.rd acknowledges the wortt of the r;olunW~ry uc;OOr lor its Involvement In 11 of U,~ Ago il.nd Opponunlry Prcjecu mroo,ghaot the y~r.

Hilh ~ndefqiR~&tel Co~cent CU'I!! Du rln.g I 9'6 th Board' :a rnidendal u t5 for t:he e't:lerly were further dcvclopvd to c:ondnue m provide Q.fe or Ule h!Jhi:!U! qu~tty on ;~~ nC'~ds

r•spon~i't'e biHlit. 'Set-vi!!~ pravide-d lndud p;ti~m;

ususm•llt. f'ehablli~tlon,

re:!pl~ ea~ JhOrt krm cant,

convalesc:ent. Can!, connn ulnJ. eue illld oth~r !;lip port Kr'A(u ror tha crderty il.nd their Gll"'!rs.

Thg Boilrd llnsJJrl!l dl;u bdlltie!! .al!'e :w.:ul:t.ble- ft:Jr' th~se

r.l ly patioota. wh<;~ can na lanJer be malm::t n~d their gym hcmJC cnvironmcll[ and who tuve Men M.:!.1!!!~~ :u betng in n d gf fgng t:erm carv. The Board has upgraded faolitio ;rnd scrvke at all of ml!!! unlu In the r~ton I

rmotrrt:H allow m ensure the hlzh~ quJ cy .:i'!ilt~mcnt tot ii patl4!!nt5 ln OUT are.

Tiw. resptte- are $Onrica h:'JJ.

ptovcn to be of im.IIM!f'tse sow! g01ln to both rd~tlvc:s a.nd pa.tJenu .and bu en:a.b ed jU-tlaru:s m In In d1 · own

hC!mes. ro-r kmg1!r lh " would othuwls• hM! poulble.. All of me Bo.rd's !l.~rYir;a .,_

• efde:rl)l' hrtc il. ftexlble app~h m the m,e cli ~:.pi~ are- ~ces and ~ effon !

~. to ~c;Jitutc rt!tpltc

a.dmission. Tha Boa.rd is fully eon'lmltted tQ c*l:cndlng. the" servi.ce which is Vl~l tO me Jupport f;!f c;an:n In dunr eff~ru to malru: ltl th~r elderf)i

reb.tivlt!i in thear home e:nvlrcf1mcn A dyn;mlr;; respite servit.f! ft'UIX mlses the

us af Yilluab~ nuourc:es iillnd m:tke!. ro. an eas.ll)o :u:ee:.u1ble il.fTld effective s€!T'Ike.

The conVJiescem cue service v~~nlr ftac•h~-.~:$ th~ ~::!dy dis.c~rge of pa.nent!l [mm the lu:ute hcupitab ~d an.s.una milt elderly patients rer r.ne ru:e~;S$<11ry nunrng and paramedial suppor[ before reeyrning homa. W will r.om.lnue te de..elop d'!ls l.el"'t'itl:!.

Chcrall in 19'96 the number oi admiUlOR!ri ror 4!K(e,.dfM.l

rMir$ing arc- •na-cuad

R.esplti!! ore il.dmillioriJi m the ragic,m totalled I ,.o111 while con·..aJescene a.-.: ildmlnh;ms nyml.lorrcd I SO. The largeR inp.adent rn:rup Wl!!!ll'e thOU! In the 75 • 81 rear aga band. D:!.:t hesphal and da.)' cilr• ;'ltn:.(ld;~~ncet im!:re2.1~ In me Bderl)' Care Uniu.

Effeetlve co-operu.tion m d ltalson ber:w an tha ilaru: imd non4CI,I«: S$;~ I!- mDCll fo,. 1111 ef our patient'S Wa c~mdnuctl n I 9'96 to

s~i!hOI'I me procus ilnd ro ~nsure h: worn Ei.ffk:iahtJ:r.


St. Fdirn '11 Ha.spltal, U....n offen o:l(~Eflded rwnma an:. ~spt~ an: ilnd conYillescl!'m: alll. A

dil.y hospital .md day caJ"t!o

~rvlr;c l'!i il.lso proVided. At tho end or 199.6 me number or pnlmcs w;u 117. Admis"Siom number~d 115, di"har&«.» numberl!d 167. :uunda;n~ u

th day ha~pitalld~ aru ~antra wt!n! 3,765 with ~ toul or 4 7 fim ome •trolldees.

Llsdar:an Unit for the Eldc:tlf, Cavan

The Llul•n~~n unit offers I!'JCtended nun n mre., respite

oraro imd conr¥.~.1cscr:nt ~re. The num~r of pauenu m res;idence ln the L.inbru1 Unlit wu & I &L

the end or 19'96 - 1.5% of th~~Se vron! over 85 ~r':S or ~· Thert! were 20 adminlons d~ring tho yur. the m;ljoricy l>f d-lesl!!! c:.amiog from ~ Aru~ Ho5pitnl ~~~.rvkeo.

Dr. jahn Sullionn Memorial IHo~Cann

~ded nuniog c;arc, rapltc ~nd c:cnvale.scern: are i.s prmrK!I!d u 0.-. joon ~JiV71n Mamo~l Hoine. Th!! number of patients in rnsit.knc.: iit cbc c:rtd o1 1 m w-.u 16. w11:h a't'f!J'

h:1lf ar ~ents ~"' 85 }'1:ar1

gf ~go or alder.

St. Hary'l Hospital, Castfebl:ayney. Co. Monilghilii

The numbu of ~tientl ·in ra~c:nn <tt :rear end Wi» 1 .. 1. with thcl'5e BS ye.~n of are iillnd

ov.N, rTprHcnling 3S~ ~ the totil-1 TbeJie we!"!! 7 t dml~!klm

m lon~ t.erm can!'.. Admisstoru: lor rvsprtr ca:ra I~ bt 35". nu.~rl!!! w~re 6,056 1U:lendance'5 ., th11 03)"

Ho:s.pitaiJOi:; l;i\r~; 'llervlces.. Ovrins I 99Q, dte lt)(mn:siCn md rerurba.shment of tha D:l)'

Hosptg ~' com~eted. A new unit for the Eklt!rly M ... ly I i1m was aJso corn~~ and both of th s unlu were offi opened by me M' ·nu rtlr He.1 th n Octo r, 1996

I ll)'b 'f NunJng Hol'ii1e-. M~~:~naJhan

The Board funds he con of m. lnutnln I~ bedJ ln the prm~te nur1mg home. huenc:s ror dmlss~ to ~h ~fi!ITI!d by the H

Sa~~d H rt Nuning Home, Clones.

the North East•rn Ha;alth bn:l 1Nl n~ ]] b-=ds. tn un.s Nun Home.

Oriel Hous • Monaghan

The numb r o, p.itl ts In n:sidooce r the end of r996 'NU 33, the m3Jamy of lll'hom v;we O'/Cr 75 yean of ag . Th~e ser'\'u:ct cootmue r:o 1upport our n~

~vanJMortig~n hos.pttal ~rvlces n ::a c:anng :tnd ~cnsttl• w~.

St. OUver Plunkerr: Hospital. Dundalk.

The number oJ ~t1ents in ft!slr:Jencc 11: me end a.f 1996 wu 145 c.h paticn~ :aged BS

nd ovwr represeno 31~ of m-e total T~ WV1l 5.500 attendances •t the 0~ Hos tall Day are ~ervk

St. Joseph's Hosplal, Ardee

The number of ~rtents in residence u lhe end ol 1996

s +i o wh eh J<4'l were a~ 85 ~r! or Old r,

St. Mary"' HospitAl, Df"'DDheda

The numbcf- of patlents Tn rnsid6Ke at m.~ IMd of 1996 ms. l7, dl rmjorlcy of whom wtre over 75 ,C~r:l or <J,(C.

Raphe cue was I tlued in the Ufll:t •n I 996 lor du: n.t tima re1ulttnJ in 17 adn\lss ons durm& th yur. Work rCMnmenced In 1996 an the comuucoon of 11 SO-bedded un t to rc ue cxi'tt


Corup Hosp5a.l, Drnpuil

The number of pul•nu ln ~sfdence lit tha tlld o( 19'96 wu 4] Vt~th C)'Ver I' be· 85 ye:tr t of 110 o.- ovct. Admilsionos for ~U! ar1!!! .and conv;le~ce L are in~rc;uc:d

durt".l I 996 There wue 227 admissiOn' 1:0 the 1<4 b.dd d GP Unk, S,S.S5 ;admlularu at

Out: Piluent dtNCJ lllld I , 197 x· nys were Cillriad out.

Boyne v~w House, Drogh~

The number of patients n rwdcnce tt the ef\d of 1996 wa,J 30 W fh l7 fl!Sidct'!ts. qed 7S y rt or over. lniml WOf1t r;ommenc:cd Of\ th deveJopmMt of a ~ U t f'.of" the Elderir Menalty lrdlrm.

Se. Joseph"' Hospfcal. Trim, eo. Meath.

Ther er 186 paue.na A$icfem ~e. the nd of 1996 er

which 0\'Cr 75 wen qed 7 5 y~n; or over. There w re 165 adm n10n1 ror extend~

nur nx a!'ll durlnc 1996. The Day Ho,phal CAt n on and ,rvnontion "N3.1 completed and work eomm cd ,o th di'V&lopment of :a ooit ror lhe Bderly Mentally In rm.

The lnJil!'111ary. Navan

At tN: end of I IJ96 mere wu a totilll of 11 patlanu n rMidence. There were 367 iildminlans h:lr Ciln:.

Th Louth/Mc:;a.th Hosp ~I Graup hn me fu support of our ~&erne:~ or the elderly, both ~:ommun r:y nd res.idontia!,

The appo1nt.m~t of lllisoo nurses to all acute hosplgj lllt:lo

n 1996 hn improved the rcspo!U.l! c.o pn.i~ n ccb and ensures 'i J.OIHI Cound:tuon hK furlher t:o-opmw

Privau NUJ'IOinc Homes 'Jh~"' ,~~ now 1'4 nogtJtcred pni4U! nursln, homes m th• North Ea$U!I'Tl HGfth Board region At 3 In December, I 996 thtm! ~n~~ l89 p.auen fUbwnc.ed b)' th• Bo:ard

8..-eakdawn of CateiOf"i of Subftrtted hd nu at End of De«mber 1996

NEHa • To<al ... ,.,...,.""" ilh<lwlrfoo ltM

m 1 ..

·~ J06 lS llO n so 111

115 r,... 114



To<al 1,141

c.n.r.t Senlee Oeu I !f • loMIItl In I H6

• TwoCIOiltD'IC~ ....... a,p l)w~ .... ,..,., .... '0'4d W'¥IUs '"

"'"-• The ptOJr'MI ...... ot toff

valniflc W'U lmpi'O\<td to furttl.r ..,_nte the •eNK• 1va!b.blt eo p~tlenu pattlculatty mote wnh mental lnl'il'mldn.

• Protocol' tor the can or padena.....,..dtrollc~ .... -.,. ...... hosp>QI ---..-..c ........ ~ __ ..,._ --

• The lowd.1n M'OC q ~· -"'"-----......... OIIIc. for~ Ga.n.~wMd a mator cwo d:ay confwence In

Co. c...... "' No ..... to ....._.,.-.. ..... Mn'ICe pn:h' .. I lnCf CO

""'"""'..,....... 10 ..... suppon ttt. concept of - .......

Thb Board hu l't1haptd lU servkes (or the elderly 'n che lan thrft Yftrl. FurtMr ~ in me )'Ut't ll'lead w.lf build Of'\ b COfnl'l'litmolm.

and diiCiic:auon ollll our sal' u;, ensure tha1 the ~ quoio<y--" --

Jl7 16$ .. 241 11 lit

39 24


Ill 124

lll 14 0



.,... - b.-.. ... .,.. __ ..... ,..... ..... • ~ 4rutiCrr .,. co-­~uon -..eh ....._,..,,

fP"'<""· fi"'... • lftOden\. <OffttM'~'"· CGml't'IUft!ty ..... ~.which-......... tho ond>.....,.. poo.,.ool Thoy

- - by • _ ... of 1ndMdual Pf"'OI"'.Inme pbrwf'l&

.,.. by fi'"O'Od"11-" -are accenlblt, locally butd and

wtlttt\ promott ~· .,... """",..""" ot th. penot1 w•ttl ieartlll'll .... t) ,.(J .... and .......... \en"'CI pbMina ~ bdl.utn .,ty ~ ctoce and ...... , • a 'liQI fM•'CipM M OW' Mn'l<.t ... ......., The

•••lo,rr•• ol ~ ~ ..... , .... tM - ..... ""' ...._,.­• "'1"'111' ...............

MIIC:h procrtit ~ Men ,.. w.thln the Norttl huern H ... lch Board to dt~op

community bued, ho!nt•lib fac•lttlu for- people with leamlnc dtJ.abi'IU•• but tOtM l~ls remain ., ho5plul -nr " Se. .,.W's ~oal. ""'"- ond Se. o-.t\ HospQI.

~ ""'"' ... _. ~~·cart~ v-. in fwld, ... • lriUnm. m..~ ........ ........ .. ""' """"" -1rt dM ""10" et.. w. I 0&

-- ...... "" ... 41 ._.. plo<a. 14t ... ~

.,.. .. ~--­""-

... ~996. .,..,. ... was.,..,... -""' 0.,..•·-of­for - .:ldool.. u potU.: 1 ~ nurML I) Gre ....una. I spoedo ond ......... d>rapos• I 10<-al worbt •nod • -. ....... suo~~

Our""& 1996 .-.n:an::~ wu ea~ OUt eo ~ dl4 ¥t«WS ol art:rs on tht strYICn

~ded fot those ~lh 1

lfilt'flll'll cfAbittty The IUr'W)I _ .......... -... ... "'" ~·ty ol •el"riets and an ............_ ol"""""­in cM prcwwon of serw:e 1ft rec.nt 011*. k ., pt'OII"'ded UMU ..._,,raoo'\ or'! ..,._ In "'"--- .......... M,.CHMIIIIiC Ol'ftl Mc:etJOI'It.

~., .... u ... ,..,. lftduded

• d>e .,........ ol 18 -" wYth ·~ di..WtDn from Inappropriate t.c»pltal setoncs Into communtty

'"'lnc • pl&nninc cotwvnenud on a

pu1'p0St bulk. ~ntqrattd

nlnl.-. tenue (NEH8 and cM Ni.Oonal Tralntnc and Oc:,.oprnl('t lnstJWc.) for HoN&tan 10 ~ )5

pious • l new P4> homt$ In Tnm.

Ash:boume and Cor1ootpft ptowclrC _. a6ciooMI 16

~ • Carer"s V:cw ~ .-. ... ol-­

,.... ..,d • P"''"'' -:n CavAn/~ to

piG 11fl.......,. Oft MI'Wft

.~ bt.on wch lftafet'f'li'()' hotprQh to

P' oii4de tuppon. to p:annts

ol - - •. ...,.­~loo ...... -oy

• ..... o.ptMnt ellS w.d:wlduGII ~~~"' pla.cu •n

"--- lhn>uJh !he ......,.. • ~lopm•nt of an adult care

~o~Ait 1ftd N:Sidend1.l bunptowl an NIQI'I

• conts~'"l •uppon to ,.,.,~;os and ...., ......... the recttndy au.bflshed ~ tftiM Mtd the ~ ...... cmtt~t of ~ psydlolocy. """"" .,.. ---• ._,.,. t ... F Dn Ml"''"ta CO 86 ..,....,. kfOU et. ,.,.,.

• aOci:UOMI ~ .entary dar' ~ .,. dlt care Uf'iRS


Our n.w faallda are bulk w tht h!J:htn sandatds. This stn'IC• contlflfJC:l to expand. u •ddltlonal f"tiiUrc.s ~,.. ptO....tdtd to th• Bowd. Our MCWO!i( of <are wWI expand in parcn•rshlp with 'o'Oiuntary aroup&. Our thanks are due to

oil tho - In m. ......,.. who woriL 'ollo'Ch Ul CO ~ "'"""*'_ ... _and .....,olare.


The Nonh &s~n Hullh Botrd "O(IIInues to imPf"'"C IU l'ftjKinU tQ th• pircirulu oftd! of Tn.~~ellen n the aru. of health and social letvt~:es..

Health Soard Environmental

HQith Ofic•n impKC fqJting

sites periodkally u reqtJested b)' me- Loa! Authority. Pubhc ~th nurs~ 1ener.U pru'titigra~rl. d1ntist~ ind gthl!f'!i pi'VII'fcl. liervica m the ~Un1 corrunun~ on reque:n and n act.l:ll'danfe With Tr-acllers" wh~:... Rec;cmt 1wdia N.va 1hown thu bodw ltfa uptu:anq ~d buJrh satwi Df Trwtellen. an lower lhan th;u or ~ re,~l papulation.

A s.tud)' wu underflllo.en r.o pro;; blallne inforn"J;atlon Ofl

th T~ •rs with th• Soant.s area and m provide a. uJmJJJui m hwe. Tl"'.vellen· holth nMd5 prtanrlud. ~ m.dy obtltned Ut t tha T~llen Pdenll cd n

ilia Ngrth Entwrn H~alm

Bo.ud rq~an poor !;Ylnz condiuom, ht!h unemp&oym•m

•l'!d poM lll!'#eb. or e~on. iLp nnlttv~ or d\1

communlt)' rafleca thcrlr

deprlon.uon and poar hulth ~ Th 1 a t\:M! poar ln~~!J of knawwl ill rapcet of belldt nu•.s and thl'! ls refl cted n d'l lth rre.1ued

In ;uldadon to their I nz

conditions, specific Initiatives

are needed to tmprove

TrMIIcn' mowl•dp of hulth iuue:s iind to nftuence their hullh beiuv{au-r. IU tt fe5Uit or thls ..-.:port. a Tnvellert' <:ommittn Ius been nt up ro id¥lse the Ch1ef Exec:::utJ\'1! Ofl"it.er and m~ M:~m~t Tetlm On mitt~n n:~lillting kt

he~lth ;m,d hulth sen'ICel

needs of Tn.W!III!n.

This ~;ommitt~~:c Cl)nsisa of

111cmkHz:r~ of lhe brd's ~wr ~d ncmiJ~~HS af olt.er Hlte

~es lnvalftd n lh11 QJll ol the tnYtlting ~gmmunity i..fld hat th~ following functions.."-

• till t:onsu!r with the Yl;illunt3ry

bodlt!l fld ocbcf' mwmry gentle' provldrnJ. HO'If.H

nd SLippclfU klrTI"'I.veflert In

th rqion. • {Q 11!'\'iew the need" or en.

tf'tileJhnl communlt)' and ldendfr needs ~~kilt ..,-~ not kina .. dlquatei)' me1:.

• eo P"'pafe' an annl.Lll r~ew of et.. o~dequ:aq af .-.enKcs and thl!l report will be

presented each ywu not later rhm lr;r OtciPmber.

• tO it!l.:ntifJ the needl cf

c}utdrcn. adol~scuns and

Yol'gmcn In the tn~>~e:llinz

!;QfJlii1JIIIrtlty llnd me houslnJ and soe.ti.J n ods aJ •" 1i l~ In tlw! r"q~Of1

A rcc~ tl:r "ommwiOoed report on h1&lth ilnd J.odal ~rv1c:e.t fef" lhe V"a\'II!U•nl

tommUn ty tndlr;amd that eh ra

w~ra ? I 0 mornbers In th~~:

retJon. lJ9 {48%) W'efe fiiTQie

and 3&6 (52%) were male. The

11• profile of th1 tr.tYcllcl'"l. ldennfied showed l:hu <45%

were rwel~te 1~' M ~JU but only l" were over 65 None of the T I"'M!41en tdendfied

were ewer 15 ~r!l of tp.

Of the denufled ~ler-s h-. the ret1an 7 .. % IIW! In D~'l~Vm!i

or mobile homes.

We seek m buiJd a pannenhip with 'the ~ltn.g .:ommunlr.y.

We COIJ&TilnRTce m• CJTolll:ll "I commun1c:y on du11r mwy

1nl tl¥e~ !lhd. we auure them or OUT full lvpptlft ~ the )'e.u'S


The p:tl"ll'lersNp wdl bo bu1lt oo

C:QnJUltilttKMl ~d diakJ!ue.. Wa iU11 aaivdy ~O·Opl!l'llllll wid1 laul iluthorities In their ende~ur.~ lto impro't'tl th• pby$1al enY'Ironment for the tr.t~lng communlry.


t1encJI hNich *"""• promott And impfCM ~~ ol __ ..., __ bww .... ,. """"'" ol ,. North bit ~ ~ .. and saff Wl cobbortt.on wtd'l

..,.,. '"""""""' .... -ry ~- lt altO ldtntlflu dote IMI'Kll ~lth of lnd• .. lduab and speclllc croups •nd ~· tn an t#fect•"-· a,proprlu• tnd comprthtnJive manner "Mth tho obfectl.... or promotlna 1n~enc.e 1nd &eM' refunct

The buk P"I'IC.If'k ,, that .. ,........ - ,. ,.,.,.. 10 ,.

bat Wl•lablc MWICAI NaJth c.re as pw~ ot dole Match and .oaal Wt tyll""" chl.t tteatmet~t be pt'O¥Idld • N MOll: appf'Cipi'Uft ...... and chit

--bo C><M ...... ,. c.ontu.t ol an ~ c::aR ..... The polte:•e-t of tM North Euttm Health Board ar.;

• to promott mtnQI huhh in co-operation with the 'IOiunury mtntll health bod ...

• eo pro>ndt a compnahensl.,. and community onenttd psychlunc Mt''tlce

• to '"'flrtte psych•amc SWYIC:et W•th ,....I hosprol tent'l<et.. wtth ,......., .................. ~ .. Md ~ (OfNIIIIM'J" _...,....._,_... tlliCOftCII'Iutto ....... 04d'lot •aftdard of are in

...,....._ '-'"" ~· the tran~W o1 Mt"Wkts tc

altematMt tocaUON.

Th. 8o.-d il also ion!.ftte CO ...... ..._. .... -.... ....._,_.,IN._.. Mtntal bCIIkh ~·- We r-ecor.se me ~bM


TN term 'Sotcon~abOn' '' ustd tO dflCribe the process of providing a comprc:htntl\ot p1ychlat.r1c service ror • popubdon or a bown ... ,. normally resadenr Within a dearly deined d"tna. Thlt ,.,..,.,. ,, pro.,ded ~ •

multidcsdpliNiy ta~YL- Undw cht5 arranprnetc. e:adl t..n t$

~ .... .. ,. psydwtric tef"W~Cfl of IU

.ecuw and I"UN .. OI.IC1**"' 6ooa. dor core aod ,_..., facilrua- n. lonft of ~ ml'MI 1hlt .,... an no ~ between

too.piUI .,..d """""""'l' _ ... A sectOr c•m us.ally compmes 2 consuiUttt psyd1•atritt. senior nurse manager, beh01'ti0tlr therapl.n, substliKe abvM coon•ellor,

bmlly chenpbt. JOdal -·· oa> '*""' "'"'-P')'<holol'n •nd OfoltU.


TN COQI 1 gop •IIoft tor die atd'wnenc. area of CGorloes .._ ""' ........ la 100.000 n. .. dl...w.d 'f'KO lve MCtOI'S.

SL llnl!d\ Hoiplcol Ardee h.od •n lf'.patlenc 1)09ulauon of Ill

" ,. end of O..:ombor. "'' and lt\4 D.putrMnt or Plychlatry at Ou,. l.Ady"l Hospital. ~n had •n Inpatient popui1\.ICM\ of ll tt: lt the end ol O..:ombor. 1996

T'ht coat '0, ~ for did cautwneN o 104.CXIO which b .......... ., '- MIUOn.

At the W ol 1 "'-Se. Owneis Hofoocol. .......,.., h.d ... •'*" populwon o1 no .....,. IMA<uto hychmnc Uftk

" c-. Gtntr.l Hoo,ocol h.d

"'""' ....... bch of the nine MCton In cM MtnQI health seMc.e hao;e -·d local .... ,. tO

~ choe de!Mry of their ...... rwllectlf'll cht d!ffetent emphasis on trucm.nt ~In each MCtOf'

Out paOint dii'IIQ .,.. held at r ..... w. .....,..... ,_,. - ....... -o... .... """"' o...4aJI< ..... Cartil:r&font. A *" ol <MS CM piluent dnia .......... Mid~

lm '"'"'" ..... 10.612 m:endatlca of .........a. US ,.,... Inc. bfne ltt ......

Alcohol••m coyn"lhna wu ptCMded tO ll4 ll~d.e• of whom 1'1 were flrtt tJtne attendees Soc.W ~ M!r¥tCU

......,... Pf'O~~~'~ad to 179 pat~enu. of whom 164 r.c....-.d I Mn'ICe

fot the f.nt "'"· ~ U..IIPY~.,...P'~ ... ,.. - d ........ 164 """""' ~I MrW:t lor et. -- ... ......,-...,. - ,~ 10 47 c:hro ol W'holft ... wtt't ,.. .. _.. •

MnKe tor che tnc ....._

n..,.......,...,.... ..... ~ncras.,. delnwlck on ..,.. .. and .,... ohtn rett.ICUrnt to il<UIS the ITI()r. u.dttiOfW dq bC11itlt• s.tvi<" .,.,.. bot condnu.ll)o oatnoned to ensure they are ac.etnlblt and appropna~ TM d~t d .....,..nocy boHCIJdwco ond COIMUetltf'll on lkoholltm tt ... ---·~ rahopod "' !loo -ot. ""' -""" ..... _ .. _ ..... _,....,.. Ac:ute ' •rchl.atrk Unit.. ....... A new X'\10: ,..,u.acnc w.t M

0... lAdy\ ........... ""­r:IFI'led ~ No·-- ltkn.t lmponant cleoeiOfW"*"'t

NEHB • lnpatlenu By Sector In I 996 • Hale and Female

~----~ IIJ M

-~ lt.llOO f2 74

-~ 40.000 "- SJ .. - 46 -- - 40.000 " 7S -- 4).000 4) lO __ - 9 ' --

. ·- t-~

NthMon~an 28.000

!khHOftalh.., ·- 24.000

~te-n )0.000

E-c-n ll.OOO

~ a _,..,. aeutt una ... Cawvt. Nauonal poky

UI"Utet the- ~· ot prooootd.'l aa.u psydld.tnc ur'lfU. ltached to ~

holpGb. n.s new unt wu build a a cos.t ol £1.5m. s.nce CF trq it has .artnra.d 101

- 10 - (52 malo. SI ~e). To fadhtate Its

optl\l"'o the Oeoputtne"' ot Health app~ the appointment of mcd.al and nwt~na suJr u w.lf u soc.al W'Of'ken -and psycho~ttJ

Work lt underwq on a ltratqtC plan for the MetiCif ._,m ..,-vlc;u whi(h wotl conadw funn aan ~

-- ... LooM and Moo ...... ..,.; oho ....- d ...... __ ..... ,....._ KCOiftll" gM M ill k ..,.., • to ,... ... ~and St.~·,

Ho<pal. Hon•••

52 - " 4~- 45_ IOl 92 42 57 -op-

A Pf"'V*I"'VN: ot how~~ .....,Ofl 'NI"'CJ to ~te _, - ,. ....... from s.. ""'"'"' and St. ~·, ....................... -"'~ ...... be ollhe ......quok)< Wof'ldftl with a;enenJ practldonen lltd community based •o"· pro&t en hu been made ~ ltnptO'rinl our servlcu, ensur•na the hi,Mn quaUcy, acceu•bl• Mt''llku.

HoNI\el" the .,........ approtdt oJ reduc.,. pebent idrnluJons, l:ftd ·~ cbf' care and C~ty b&Md VWti'T*lU _c:.........d.....,... .. -. .,... '" 4t"'i """'" 10 -...--.


Pa'lll.ltJ~ care J lhe acuve r.cal tlre or pati nu ilnd their familtCS by il multJ professioN! le.lm W'h~n lhe pnJent.!• dtSe:tse !i no lon~:er n!spomiYI! eo

curatJY tr a~nt. lt " a PI sophy of are r.nh tmn ~ ooildin1 or ser ce and

appU blc In all c;uc ~etting& In me Nor-th Eutem Health Bond rq1on, 355 peaple. bel"'e~u:d from these servicn In 1996

following ;are [hf! spec;:ial S"Wf"'!l or d't•s rYIC:

• lt prov1des pbytic;d, psycnologlcal, na!;lal :ar!ld spiritual suppart. Wtfh il mil( ar ' lis deJivered through mutti..profarionil rollabor:at~ve LUm ipprN.ch.

• po1~ a and bmdia are supported and envolved In m:uugement pbns.

• patltntl ilAI encooragcd m I!Jq:~re-u theer pref~I"Ktl

llbout. where mey wuh m be cued for i1nd where they Wi5h to cf.e.

• arers ~nd bml ies are supported througt! d'!e lncn mto bereo~~ent: ~nd

the no.ds of the baJ'Vi...ed

are r@CC)Jnltcd and

addressed. • lhe~ s ~tlon nd

collabontJon 'With prlrrwy health are teams,~ and home a.ra s ~ to

support p:ar.tena whef'ettt' th11f1 fl1ilht be.

We provided pain ~nd symptom control and wpport ror the patitnc:.and adv1ce Vld 1\llcbnca r.c lhe family Berea~ment

follow up and ~ niKIUMY. rafcrrals ror bcrca"~Cment

couruel ~~ provided.

The servl~ Is pnwided In the North &stem HAich Board rezeon by l!ll£ht palhl.tl'le an f'\urses. l &he: Nurling abo ava.ela.bl• en the rfl&iOC\.

D lopments In Palll tlve Care Serv c IIJ~6

• The ~lnCJT1cnt er consulunt In pall~tJ'tl tare oo i1 ,ts!i.lcJml bilsl~ (~e~) funded by Heath HospiCle MDYCment..

• Bere.l.'l'emCint suppon &rotJP set up t.n Meath n Jul)o 1996 12 fully 041med YOiuntee~

provida "uppon .s.enfce:s tw'i(l! monch!Y. 1i na and expenm futly funded by M th Hmp ~ MoYemenL

• ~l of an adcfitlonal ~ care n~ne Co. Ho~nbyMo~ Hospce Comtnltt •

• Hoqliul and Community ~ litnlHI been meeanz n order to reYM!w suffirc ~:and adm nion pollq to Hasp c Units A new draft pohcy



• Agnei1'M!M lul been ruched between the Nonh Eoutern He:ilth brd and SL Ctuis.tophef'"$ ro lcue l.he buitdtng tD Oisabtht)' Scokes Thrr:e bed' In St. Chrmophus have btlt!n :a!Joo~ to rermln:aD)' I Cilllcwr patl na nd 11

~ to be rody for use dunnz summer 1997.

• GPs and consu WlU

throu&hout the rtzlon conDn~J~t to suppon hiPJy spt( li:led servfc~.

W. re &r"H~ ndebt.ed LO the I h Ur!c r So cty,

Home Cat1e


m ni t c :r;uppon. e-u: wrvic:u t0rnpl1111 tho Boi.n:l'1 u:n'lc:es nd add 1 ~ifl,.;andy m lhe

fllt"'lrrrl r;~ grw m me ,...

A Hwth Promatlon St~o~tq)' In

IIM: w th ·s p I1J A Hulthter FJAtura' wd 'The donaJ HN!th Promotion SUi11LefY' Pw ~-n davwiC!pMI.

D lopm ntl I D96

• fJ. R~Jfo!'l,al Hciilth Promouon Officl!!r wu lppom.d.

• Th He:J d1 Promotion !lepartn~ rrt w.u restnJcwr!<l m ~;commod3 lopmmu and pl:1

• A ~Bwlness. PbJII :and S~teJ)" it'QI pradur~ed whh::h lt il p~nn - a:~ publish .!hont)t.

• Resourrce lrnpi!Ciltton:s for Cl.ITTl!llL ii~Des illld lonJ tl!!rm pbn5i W't!t'il!i ld!em!tled.

• Tha He~lth Promotion Oepanm.:m: betm bulldlnt. ill

nel"werlc of eommu · tJOn involvin-z ~~~ heildl Qrt

pnJife!:slons, other :su.turnrY i£encies .:o-ml'f'luntlles-. cornmertQI :n.!c;tt~n mtc in 11

oltnJc multi :11ency ~~,pproach r:o he.alm promorJOR,

Childhood Acadcnt Por'fte~Won Propam:rne

Thl! i omw:: wu ambfn.hed In 1 996 :and is rurrendy bcf

piloted In the D~ ~ The objea~<res o the project. i1 fl! to CruUI'I:e m!.tli'IJ methocb er n!du~n1 acddcniS to children j._,il"ll In 11rci1S.

of hlgn depr4Yi1Cion, tG des I" 1n

intarnntlon t!nabl "I community prvrC!a: ~ to

meet with ~u lndiYidua Uy on il n!pb.- bui~ i111d oo

11ddreu cctdent pr~en on luucs; ~II!Y.lnt to young


Hl!~thJ ~haoh ProJect

This protect in~l"s: 0"3.lnlng

.1nd SUPIXI" for t~dM!n. to !lddreu In the ebumom seront

all .np~~;a oil lth lncWn&

d ruts educa.O:on. ougiCJon. e:w;~seo md self .m:e-em. The nuin focu, 1IJ. on de.Yelaplfll pE!rsonill iUld :socf.ll Is ~U

as pnwtdmg llforrn.atJon on 111 hGtlth mJ.a:en. This wu expinded fro,_ 19 ro 10 $'Chaobi m I 'H6 fon:)o rutan ~;omme~~Ced mtfnmg to df!!felop

J programme for uconcl ~ nudenta 1JiC04'p01"'31ing a r;)hot ed\l'Cloon, drug educadon, life do; 11 s fnlli in1 ~:nd ruu1

mill\ilgerlH!.nL A p.M·.ICd\11!

lnii'DI~ t f'rtJrn a:achert. M1

"wdena i1 il ke"J" elemrnt of rhr nies:adve.

A consuiDtJve proc:•n w-as anicd OIU ""f'th a.- paopl• from ~ four c:ou11tl Identify ng th•ir i\ edJ n rcbnion to ancer ~ndclft. coron ry gr~. rnerrtal ~llh

.1nd fety. h tilltlon

of nuny af th rcmmmcnbDOOI proposed b)'

cld1,. people bqiin The d~elcpment of in ...:e a.nd opparwnit)' t~thos dvcuJhotrt LM· n:pm r::ootfnull!d.

~if Add

Pcri-conc;r,:prUill role!: uad 11

not;ommended fM women '" Of"dttt" to reveM ftf'Ur.ltl l"Utn1 defect in rhelr ~ born. A J.t.udy tn rh~ Non.h Ea.stem H~lth brei area ihoYted lhat only 26 .5~ ot M>men 'll'l'll!ft

tlki11,1 folic: arid before they become pn!IIW'L The m~c :about w n~ ~ ltllaJ l'vhc a-dd r.o ~t r.iJ rube

de'fecu •• no galltinz w these who to know. lu • l'l!Sult

of Ul.ls swdy, lh J-ftlllh P'rofngoon [)epln::n"'ent in The Noc-t:h wte:m H~l Bcn:rd i1

d~opln,a " uratwv (O

:~~ddteu thb n cd

A •wd)l' wu untten:ak.en a lclok lit tnl!! brwlt _ n1 r1 In

i:ha rtgton. Th~ nuct, hi ii&fl"ted du 35,;. of rnothen bi"UUl r..t .ill As • t

of r.he !liwdy efi"oru h;we bl!"l!!n ~ r n the Bo~nl

nt I 11 m e.-ea th1 proportion of wom 11 who 'tt'ir;h 111:1

Healthy Cities Initiative -Drogheda

A Healthy Cities ProJect commenced development 1n Drogheda. This aims to promote a co-ordinated approach between health boards. local authonoes and other statutory agencies and the community to improve the physical. social and mental well­being of urban dwellers. Two seminars were held In the Drogheda area in 1996 and the basts of a healthy cities mitiative for the area was established.

Coronary Care

A range of initiatives were developed under this head1ng including campaigns regarding smoking. nutrition. healthy eaong and e.xerc1se. A feature under th1s imtiaove was the Ten Million Mile Walk where a total of over 700.000 thousand miles were achieved in the region for the duration of the campaign in 1996.

Youth skills

An early school leavers proJect was established for young people.

job Suss. An Initiative called 'Job Suss' a~med to help young people who are long term unemployed was launched.

Traimng packages for Youthreach 1n conjunction with VECs were put in place.

National Issues

We contributed to the development of a Nat1onal Strategy on Physica1 ActiVIty providmg secretarial support. We also made major contributions to the development of a strategy for the Smoking Target Action Group 1nttiaove.

Health Hospitals

Promotion In

At the Cavan/Monaghan Hospital a number of illness prevention/health lifestyle programmes are ongoing. Smoking awareness lectures. smoking cessation programmes, programmes for lifestyle challenges, and accident prevention on the farm are just some of the initiatives organised m 1996.

At the Louth/Meath Hospital Group, Healthy Lifestyle A cg a uues Included presentations/ discussions on subjects such as arthritis and osteoporosis. A health promotion stand ts at the main entrance and monthly talks on topics including stress, addiction and back care.

National Healthy Eating Week is held during May each year in whtch each of the acute hospitals and other non-acute hospitals and homes participate.


.. __ --­...... ~ ...... ---.. .............. __ . -In .... _

• kap.d !WpOI'It• '"""" .... puc. In pl.k•

• kutarm wu put 1n ,...,., to """''- llld ... de dNp OJid ·~1'1« !ft cht "CIOn

·s....-.--....... ,..:wnmtt .... puc: .. ,.... .. ,._ ... ~ CD ideoaly ... .-..pood .......,..., ....... ol!w suppcn: &o ~Hi~ m -d-

• CJoM Coibbor1tloft Wtth

,...., ,...,.. iWid 'OOI••"'Y -• A Recoon>f D<vp Cotwol

Gr(M.Ip was c:OfMI'Ied


~••c .,_ eJU.ettt,...

~~~ . .,. _...,_ ...... __ ... Moo-, Gto.p ... '«~~MM '1 heakt\ IS_._,H

~ - ,.,.... "' che Non!, &s.., H- 8olrd wt\l(h Wl) ldopt.cj by th• 8oot.! In I m Tho ,.,....

idtnofl..t -\--· •nd m~odt: rt<ommendatlon.s for their lntiJI1tKM'I Into h•alth ~~ P"'VUion

A-d-­ODn'lftWIICed In 1996 ~

... """"""' d - ond post.naal care to IMt.~re hospat ind (Oti'II'I'IUnit)' out~

r&th $~ lA rapon$1~ to the needs of WOMM. Famity pl.annfnc seNiceJ wol'e .xpanded tfltouP the )Qint co­oper:adon ol hos:pltals aMI ,._., procotionen. Spodalos• 1nc:onooenc;eo servKa \flllllfA

liBitJated J.t holpltal Jnd (~ le¥el Qual.:ty ~ .,-e OI'1PIJ ~ dw 8olrd's set¥JCa

1or women m .- teechdt • ,..._, ..... ......,.« W"''''CC$ delwaed.

......tonCII'Iwe:to'fliiiCII"'t~n _,._.,. ~ -·· Gonloi. ---.... .... .... ._ .... « .... .... -·-

Thrt~~~)Aa c:am. lnto opetatJIQQ In

s.p..,w. I m ""'""" Ht'ACtt IYaliabk for d•«nu ...., ""'- conuoaed HopaOtis C from cht I.IH of And 0 or­~ trlns~Jons. W. 1Hk to tupport In 4'ftf') w.y those who hM aull'ertd so ~ from t~lt lnfecllol'l We wiU condnut to •hln JUffererl In ....., W1<f poulble. A ...,.,. olkw hu been dttipc.d to Co-ordll'llll OW rupont.e.

ta our rtcfon chin an

.........tr•- .... -H-'dt {~ YnJs. • c.OIIC ot Ql.OOO .. 1"'-


- --------

CAWT 11 che ~ey rNr bcifiata the ~;o-opr.r.~oon ~d ~ tOJI!Ither Cif 'thl!! l'oioii'Ch &rtam Halm Bmrd iVJd the Nonh Welwn ~I Board n V. A.epubiK CJf lrwbnd and the So.lther11 ~ Watm~ Soci I Sl!rW:M hrm In Ncr!Mm lrebnd

CAWT ta uplot oppDfllftDeS for ~non 1n cht nmnz Mid pn:r~w~ of halth •nd sCKJal ~erric:et 1rro5!1i

me border, ring tnl mllm!um 1~1 of m.cperaoon

~ th• artrll Qlf1

The crconne«ed niiiiNll of the world In whlc:h 'll'!l'e h~ Ius ~ been. fatmr in bordCII" ~ The p:t~rnt of peot:Jies ltvn, whe~ dlt)' work. shop or sOdJJIR. ~ nee.~ comorm to r;Jffidal-ufmtnl~rradYt!l

boondu'1e. In die- p:nr thb lw 0\ISed problem~ b.a~ ~en!! Wi5 !'IQ vffectl\le admii'IStrE'Ie

Wll)' ol ~illnr,: thi' ill):.

CAWT pii"CN!det 11 miWU gf

~omrng thcso 1prabrerrtL lt 110(. only ~ w. 11 ooha!U!t Utc !it Eur~ lbel but n;

~tha~m~rn· prt)(ess or dMopment ..mtch "ft)Uid nat b. poJMblc urh::d)' ~ ill n~oarul contut.

D opm _nts In I Sl90

• Proveu WH rmd1 trt llHkh Plllmoc;go wld1 thtl

~~op~ Of a CQU'Irt1Ullit)'

dlUdt)ood u:ddent ~den prgfect,

• A 1'1Mew af a:he prewibed drul' t::ompti;ance rat.at

~!{ me eld•rly wu


llt'!Othet' Important project. • A menw halth conlert!nce

WJ!Ii also lJIGnwred iMf hppOr"ted

• Human resource. In heillm are hu 11wi1)'$ been ~I

CAWT SJIOI'!Kired a lrOOy cf cros.1 bordw rec:l"''8tmf:nt !Id R1ectlon pnetkes... A feu1bil t)' .sw~ on lhe dPmopmcnc of~~~ lnfonnulon J)'U~m' for

bordlr ~"~~"'"s w~ Cirnc:d out CAWT 1l'o Jocu.ucl on di!'Wiopl~t~ pnrnary hl!!:lllth

• lt 5.ft gut ID impi"'Ve ud davelillf gcneraj pom'e .a.enilcu h, lhe bOrder ~ru.

• le: dent.~fied nd s.uamed wmrnon qua[K)' mrxtu-dt for JS!Inl practice. CAWT tw propm;ed con 51rA(e!

cct*l re.tlmi be JIRivlded n prumry ar• :u~runp

border re;ctgn~ tnd it ~s :wgf!ued 11 eommort ~ tO m• CQtnposidafl cF ell'!aMt prim.vy ,.~ tura- P~al v;:lfS ol i~ tttl'lltnunlty

phirr!Uit1ttt In ~rmcrsNps. wfth rneral pr.a~oon n. wwe abo ld!ncifred..

• Soc:til *P~" cop Gl the llpldl. Jur CAWT. Lurninl diSJINit')' service ~ iVld the chlld and bmily ~ 111ft hml b~ tM s.tJbrl~t of nu1or re'liews ~ appmpmre ltlllici m Identify Pratem md proceucJ thu h P parierlts 1nd diena on bcnh s.idei ~ tM border.

• Co~tjOft A tt'le KUte

hoSptc;;al .seetor 111d pubiK he dl wt catM:~W on

spec~ serw:e:s ;and ldMufy opporwn ties. for co--oplll!r~tmfl ti1d WOr:killJ rqether.

• CAWT h.u p1n forward • sena ol propo t (l;.r Q'D$S

border PrntKB m tha bropr.~n P~ce and RKonc:ill.arion 'TADft The:s art: the diUd acclden~

pl"l!'o'l!ntlon prvrr;rmm~. N c:n:t5i border fiDtJ Wod!n sthcm• md the CAWT support .senKe./l.ppro • ~ly £600,000 W;aJ ~d In 1996 rhrau.Jh che pcl[e md ~dflgli;CXJn rauarhte 2nd a 1«ctnd round

oF applildltJr:H'ls M' ~ub aed

CAWT hu I""""" In m imd impOrtlln~ UMI!IIN!Le Wlt3dlie lt.epJ ~ cakl!n back in 1992. P'rof"HS Jw bun mlde tt~ ~ wide front and il

momenwm h;u; bHrl amted.

We ~ mO$ v;,teful to our tall1!3igues in the Sou !UTI illld

We.l.m' Hakh a~td Sodil ~Bout~! In Northern


GINII\AL PRACTICE The objow... al m. Board 11 to flt!IIUte, support and ..., CeftCnJ praruce to tnha«e ser.o.ct• for our _ .. G.erW P"''CCK'e G ~ IN IGndltd ol MrW:a whch .- Plberll I'K~ w. .,.. c:otnl'rlotttd to d'le efliaenc. a.nd tffecti'Ye devek>pment of ..,....., pncUce in order to l'llJtwnoJe the heah.h and soaal .... ol ... population "' lho ~ 11'1 tillf"'"nf ol xuubbty. wropna_t.-..s,s a.n4 cl&c.K1 ot-.

Deudopn~ Tl.t North &stern Health 8oMd •n con;unction w1th me Nof-th Weuem Health Boud Is WOttdna O'l a ~rehen1.Nt ltflttaic. .and deYelopmeM plan r.r...,.,., ___ c-., pracoc:e ........... 11'1

lt't6 <On<...-.c.d on;

• lnhsttuctwal O...lopments

• P.titnt Wvtces • Interlace With other heaJth

care i>"<Mden • .__ Toch.>e>loQ

• £kawn & Res.ard\ ....._..._.. o .... , ..... .a ... ..._.. .. .,..j ~ol pt'actK., we.-. ~ The •"~''"' of tadrtWt and equipment.. esptti~Uy amon• ,,,.,._ htnded GPt WJ 1

--.., ond .... ......-. .,. 6no.acpl'l'loel'll of Local kQJm c... u.... .... -

ht:ient S.rwk .. Enormous proven hu btto mad. •n me ~tnt of rot.lS m chot North U1ttrn

- lloanj .. 1996 _.. ) • pet'$01'1 f'OQ:I ""'"


A f'lllfTiber ol Pracoce manacws Nvt btcn employtd in 1996 u a result a~-pooaq" of subt~d .. t an pi'Ktle.ft This ~ t.hl' ~and~d piLtefll CIA P'OC'~

,. ..... DliP illf E:moa ... ICJ --In I 996. special daNc.al k.u

...,.. fN.dl ~· 10 ,.,_. prubtioners 1n the folowkoc areu

• Crilr.,d. ea. t.o.ld\ • ~eo.~ • Swwlii ... CaC... .~


"" ...a- • a-. cam.d Olit at ,...sent ~ the ~u of the too to our plutf\U

,.....,,...,... c-.1_ ..... ---­.,...~..,-

lofmylltJOI'I ol cht ~~ pokr on .....,., ... • ...,"" fa!Wiy ,........,.. fw McOIM •

~· luue fer .a 0411 ....,.., pnc uc.onen wtlo oflw tkt IY• ,..,.. oJ ...,._.. KJ'O'l the -

In 1996 tht tmptc)ym.,nt or feM. a.uuunu Oft a itUIONt

buts and the Cl<fW'IiO" of the t'll.lmber of prattl(t nune~ ~ .... ~ouncecl fomiiy ploonioa ._ for _... .....-. .... P'XtJcA ,......... ...... PFo•4dld and ll'tUN"eeernft -......~

&eneral pr1CliOOntf'1 WVt

promoted. Vft altO tnc~ the pro'Wis1on of \'Ut<tOmr KN!ces in ~~ pracme ..... C Il l cdoft Md 0...,.., s.. «• a.-...... -. .. .-y ol~'iaW~ and IN~ al blood ~ • now • r..u.,.,.. o( OVtt s.et'Y!Ct

knmunhadon Senlcu GPI .,... eonpaM tn

.-.....g(IOI'I •Nil proottdrt

........ - .......... _ ....... __ wppon. lftd ..... I • fllllot..S on ¥Wt .....U. a poot'lr ~

-m.~tS'I. kll -.mated ~t ).500 chl..., beneftad from the

lmmun!Uuon Se"*"• In t '"


The _,... -·­.,.,.,.,. our ho., llil w"'f _.. ,..__. ""' C.GNO •• ....,. .. tliOplli. A _d_,._... .... Qt'Wl nwu.. MW tfOW In--. ..

JointGft~ Swvkes: liaison Ps)'dtiatry OINCS ~

bean .se1 up In thf1H GP PracticH In Co. Monqtwt. Racardl links have been established ber:we~n GP Practices and hospital comutunu. A simlbr :serw::e is now belna de-weloped In Co. Uv&n in conJunction with !h. Acute Ps)'Chlatrtc Un.t at Cavan G.-..nl Hospitll.

Community Dietetia: The GP Un t s currently looking at WIYI of enha.nona community d1ec.etk.t ~es at pnrn~ry c.arw 18'11'1!1. Then U1!

rurrendy • number of dteddans. working in GP ~«Jca.


Ounnc 19'96, 9.985 dulu receiwd uuanent under dle Dehul Treatment Ser"vkes Scheme.

Under the Ocm.tl Trutmcnt s.er ... ,e.u Scheme. eme,..ency trutmcnt h ~i1~ble to I el bh! adults; routine md dcntun: u-catment s t¥;atlable to rpadenu apd -cwwr 65 yun;, fuill upper ~nd lower denwro to padenu apd bet'M!en lS -lt4 yean who ha...e na nawraJ C,..U, illld r'QUtlne treatment is IVI.Jbhle to padenu apd b«wwcn 16 • ]o4 ~

Sarvfcc:s ~re provi ded by pr-lva~ ~rdc.Jpldfll denosts who hold contrKU With the Nor-th &stern Hnlth Bovtl to protride adult denul ~rvic;es.. A ..-.umt.r C)( m. lkNrd'l dendns

~Tedw.Oio&Y· 8y the end ol 1996. 6~ ol GP pn.coces wer. cornputtfised ft t1 pbnned tO have 9~ of p,...cttces computuised by 1998. tiT prolecu currently ~"I d~ lndude:

• An lnuaner: wnh butletin board project haa been piloted ln ten tnlnlng pncuc.es earlier thb yar. The bolrty Will pro~nde

nformatlon on :serv•ces iiVirlab._ throu1hout the f'eCion.

• A rq~ona.l practiCe da.abue tw been dewloped ~0 help ~n i\fld upende equipment and t.cllldes walable &n the repon.

• Specbl somrue provamma llre now avaibble [O nwcimiM the e4Jecdven.ess of GP preKribing

~::onti!"IIH m proW:te emef'II!I\C)'

!l.ervice1 whet"e no priViC. dentist panicipilun1 In the ~theme

Tha sKond phase of the scheme ccmmene:ed n June 1996, Thu; extended the 1rneme lO Include pat..,u ~W~chll'l dte 16 • l4 .- cohcn il.nd to pmYide Ml denture

f.nr:.atment to ~-ts wtlo haw oo nuural tlleth.

The emerzency elemenr cl dw! «heme •b5orbcd mor11 dWl h.il..lf of the loa.! bud&ef2r7 alloc:auon. h: thauld be nKOp!l.ed dul the ernerJency element of the Kheme reJMti811md a very qll.ablc and

porum. r.erv1ce ro ellzlblc paueno tn pain. W&~tint omes hM! been tlznlflcandy redu(ocl

Ecluadan & ~h: In 1996. arants were prov1ded m 'iOaoona.l tninlrc pi"'.CCces.. A libnry bcility w1dl lntnn«t access wu made 1\'lllable IIW:i oncolnl finandal support was &fwn to d1e ICGP for ttalni"l, We continued r.o disseminate up-to-datllt Information on relevant health service developmenu, ruidetlnu on -appropriate uae of \lariout services thrnu&h GP mall shoa and the GP New1 L.etur. We supported research which epcplorwd the role of th4l GP wtth me bmily and spedflc t3I'JWt lf'DUps. .1. the elderiy, the phrt.tcalt)' dbabled and me tllnninalty ill.

or eliminated. Thouah In pbce b- only twa yelt1., thil s.cheme b .-.cacnised as hMn& been mou valuable to a a.tp nurnbw of pa.tienu In Jcwer ncome rroups.

Number MdliJM of Dental Trutmenb

NEHa • 19M


• Compfa1nu coflcernlnJ dr'Jn 1 wate-r and ~u for d oe on ce cunmutd dnn nJ lntlr were responded to s a cmner of u~ W conrlnut!d our wuer fluoridar. Oli

mon1tonng progr.~mm

In 1996 n ~recnu!nt 'Wili

finaft~~d o., a new contnct with the lruh PhumJuutu:al Unton IDf' the fKO'ii\IQn of &t!rvlca to

our runomer.s.

The m.a n f turel or thiS

~~-• a n•w contAct for the

provb1on of I eammun~ ~C)' .s.erv ces u~ c:be Hemh Act. 1970 which pro.~ttrvc In promctlnJ 1

qu~lny dnven and eost• effe«iv. urYic:ct r.o chl!l pi.derl1., as opposed 1)0 m• current tOi\D"JCt which 1' def1r: •nt fn ITW1)' areas.

• the lncroducoon of appropriate accouna.tMI•ty a.rr:ana enu n me operatb\ of the community ~ Kbemes, the !Kk of which hu been lhe JUbiect of s.erious and onpna ufdomt by the Com,ptral er ;and

Audkor General. • 1 rww, ~ electiw and

Afer arnnzement for che

• The rwsponse lO complalnu

of poor housJn" COnditiOns

'NU crud)' prowd wk.h a mmmum of t"NN weekl bern& permuted from me ttm~ of compla t:. lOO tm~C'bons .,.,.,... carried out under the T.uk Force

Hou1inc Scheme

A .-espon~ tlrM WJft of (~ ~ on complalnts of pubflc hulch nuisance ~ reached acnm cho n:&iOn· Urcent co~mu of huldl lunnf1 were ~oded to tmmedbuly

diSpel'il"'' of hl&h·tedl drup rhrooJh communuy phvmades.

• pnu for contmulnJ education ~o improve stJndards 1nd for l'lformatlon u:chnoloo eo m,prow e.ffidtnq tn

comiTIUilltY ph.nnacin and In t.Qmmunfaoon belweln phum~au. hu.lth boards and rbe GHS (Paym•nu) Board

• ~e dte potential for dle D•rtment nd hulth boNch w oert•se 1 ctqree of ~lflt concrol ovar drup praeribtd under the wnous communlty drvzs 1ehames.

• to flalrtu• • JYStem of l'el'l atlnl the crancJn& of ph~nmq 'ontracts ~n a.ccordanc:e with publ t

hcah:h critenA d! would

~ .... me effta of impf'OV!n 5»tient scceu ~ pNtmXY se~es.•mpfCMn& sundlrds br1 nglna. And brinlin& this country imo tne wWI ~ EU\EEA M~bcr 'Smte~ when! such conuoi.J exist in one fiorm or anothe •

~nlftam. thmpl ln pohcy on food Afety m nd cook ~te n 1996 Our sarr s rudy and

wt in& to ptq thctr pan In ens.unn1 dut food ~ and Ar.:ty c.onttol 'YtWmt 'Ire of the hiJtlest ponlble stan~ In our ,.._,Ion.

The benriu to servlce usen are u fallows: • ~ stria st111d.lrds o(

pn!m Sl!!li, pntr:uce:s nd ~rd·~ in l'W'Ipcct or £11 philllrm:&tl' eonLtJcu gnhr.ed by health bo;uch,

• e~Kouraae.' the Jn!~[•r ~ ol phmm s.u n the dl!ch.u;re of th lr

prcf'.e:ssfcmiiJ resporu htles. lndud1n1 the proteaicm of public l'teakh,

• ~ zrcatcr ttneftt

in c;ommunll')' plumudn, ' eq pmcn f.a~::~l tlu, rc(erenc.e wcu nd 11.0dts..

so u r;.o eot.t.~re that the fu pi'IMmptJon rnod cine and hutch are nee-d1 of the populnion 1re :tdequ1U!ty met.

• bcilitz a Jn!~ter

p rmo1dsu plw'Tmcy Operllfil

n mber

n •">' I tin~'" kmpr

hoUrs Wtth mpntftd acces&tb ·~ or ~b~ il:r1d m mcreu.e the pro(eUN)n ICdV1tln

within dm ph;Jnmq.

This •creem•nt forms part of our plan tc provide a ~ quality wrvice for both medical card and non me(! cal card holders in the rea'on

We cum:ntly h~ 96 ph:anruic:ies contr"Kted Ill thil

ret'On and 5 I 6 peopl~ ~nefited from this S8f"VIt~ in 1996,

We endu.oured to ~ lhar the mon wffectm1 thltr.apautic re~es were mJ.de avatl:lble tO

patlenu In the moSt con effKdvl! way, to improve the ma~UJement o( all COI1'lnlUOit)'

drug schemes and to ensure there Is mDft accountability for ~xpendirure bom at regional :and loeal 11!\tel.

The ta.ble below outRnes the cost to thl• Boant in 1996 o, the Drua Con Subsldiswan Se~. the Lone Term llllncu ~. the Refund of DI'Uf' Stheme and the HIJh Te.;h Drugs Scheme.

Real efforti tNI\'e been nuda eo control the com of dnJ& expenditure w1thln tho commun ty and th• hospital service. Efforts eo contra~ me incrtulnl COst of th• druJ bud&et within m. Boa~ were made, th"' enabhnt rMOUrce' to be tnmferred to Mr'Vkes .and ~rpt JY01A1» wbete need! are areateSt.. Our plans will '~ c'-ar tara•ts ror-ac~ent,

Scheme b Dltpenlina of Hjp Tech Medldnes New arnngements were IntrOduced wrth e~t from November t996 for the 'SUpply

and dl~"*'"' or h gh te.;h mcdictna1 products Uti"'ulh community (retail) phanmaas. The new arnn1emenu re desr&ned lo provide M1

~cr:eniblc and quahty commun t'f b:ucd Hfvice b)' ensurinc the actiY@ profeuiONI involvement of community phamuaru Jn the dispcmin1 of cMse mediclna

COMMUNI1'Y SUPPORT SERVICES Our Beard's Community l"ef1rnl Set'vices. We ilrt

W.lbre :54mllces cantlnu.ed to sua:~ In our efforts tCJ

de¥elop .du na 1996 There b ill make the deltvery or our co.ntinUlfll d&fmlld for rhe ~«VIce ewn more suvicu provided w1th tha comp~ensi¥e and user U1U3l upward nod in pqmenu ~ for rent and mor'&<Jzc supplements. In additiort to the increu "' level of ~ymentS nec~d to allevi3te me problems encoumel"flf by cut' thencs. there has :dso been a nall1ced ii"KJ"ftw an 11.dvice and

Communtty 'Wtib,... O«ic~~n deal not only with Supplem.nury Welfue Allowance, but with cba anenmem. of a rani" of ler-¥tces which allio •n~ludes:

Certain hJVI tcch medicines wh eh were fonnally only available throuJh hospfu.Js or by speml arnngancnt with hukh boards "Ire now ava• ble from the local community ptlll1n'QC)'

Thue ft'MdiC.ioa vn I 1enenly ~ be pres~rlbed or T c.ated by the hosp ul ccn:sutgm:Jdoc.tor md tndudt 11.1~ medu: r11e:. u and·refe(uon druas for trlmpl.tnt puitnu :~nd mec:Uclnas used '" conjuncuon wlc.h ~enapy and crowm hormones.

~denu normnate the r loal commun ty pturmacy Tht pharm<lCIIU monitor the pa ern's o"tCnn drut therapy hiiVIn,& recud tO other medicinc~ the ~ticne3 may be I"!Mer\lrft& and omer VIal clinical 'informnion.

• &dr. m School OatNnc 01nd Footwur Scherrle,

• Flrnnaal -il!ncsimenc fot medial an:k.

• Blind We lW. Allowance,

• N~ng Home SubwmiQn,

• Extendedlresp~te care and fnstituaonal usisance.

• Damieiliary Care Alfowan.;e.

• Mob f.'/ ·'""•J<n¥a

• MOtoriR<I Tram~ G n

lnt va Short 'J nn Schem (15TS)

Thb 111 11 ioln pro the OcPJrtm nt Welfare 'lm! h lth rmplttmantlltJan

or more and

Jn total, 1:e11 l~ t lr...e on tSTS dunng 1996, tomrn ncrng In July wtlh U. n,.-,t two outleu:; one iilt Ca.r c.km:across, Co. ~11 i111d 0 IKOOd at Ardee,Go.l,Quth These JW'O'Ied to bo IUCceufu'l aD upKU

111d aub~eque dy fol owed br 1gb' ddrtron.a.l

te.s going Jrve In October. The irnp em~ntation or these A!!'tWorbd ~~ pt'tWrdeod the Comm1.1 icy Welfare Office" wl ue~ to Ul ~rtment o Sot:rill W~lfare d:u;.tb;ucs whim f.lCJ ~te.d ~mpr~nt

n rforJ"Nncc •nd dtnvery of scrY!ce b)' ~ queun, omd offerrn' ~o·ce.s of p.tyment methods LO dl This tw lbulted in a more effiocnt uw or tJme, and , provided rn~~em~t with extcnsrYe mfcmmtion which ultfmul'ly will mp11PYC .::onrrols nd Ptovlda 01 h ,eh qual ty.

reJ.ponsi~ Sl!ntKR to dlena

ntroduroon or tm dneloped r;;ommuma on,

«m stency and <1Yil~1•ty of infornvtiOR, olnd aided in the developmenl of up-[«rd.1te

CCOn'lrno<bUCin ror GUr

customers Ydlkh I <onuibute to w pt"OYltaon of i: hflh

_ IQ' scnfc:e.

on ... st.Shop . Information DkMmtn.don

The On.-Stop-Shap concept of Commu!"' ty Welfare 5erv CJe wu developed further thro~

pt'OVIs on of nrormaaon ch)'1/even 1111 m volunury JrQUP /organ•s<ario bt cemmun ry welfar offi~ rs. One-Stop-Shop oudeu ~ opened Nlnn. Oro&flcda and ~n and Mll In time bel drvcklped throughout the


SWA Rquladon1

Much work ~' evrled otn in d~lopmg a Proc~ure1

Mmual for the ~on of poflq ;and proc:edures lhrou,ghout chc North Entern H th Board. Thet.e I b laul'lthed in 1997.

P1one)' Adlnce And Bucfretint §«vices (MAIS)

At l:hc b!SfnnrnJ of 1996 th~~ wtre fOUf' MonC? A.dvitc and ~nl Set* (MASS) m ope~oon in the Nordl Eut rt:_PJn Thae ~ toa1ed 1n Ound Dro~H~ and Uv1l1 Ourang ~ <O'li'Y of !he yur nep-s were ukMt to «NI,.I e vcp:amfoi'l af d'!He s.e iliocs to

fte,ian·Wide Mon.y Ad t

"a.Od Bucfteti!l& Se.ndces Th~eo Included.

servrce tn Councy Me~th Aucust 1996. W ~n this 111rvke l!li futly ~on , rt

I be rhe ~rgcst the region h a s.aff ar twO

F:lmrly Budget AdYilOrs nd r:Jna full.-ome Cleorial AnJs.unt.

• The ~nston ot &M urb.l bur:d sr:mtl! n Ound;~l to mer or Nonh and Mid· Lourh. and the ~nsJon of th uri)an bued s.Mce ln Drozhl!dl to ClUer rar South Lo1.1 ilnd att Me.. A tllf'rflcam deve-lopment In bach Dunda \1.1M! Dratheda wn th iilppo ntm~n' of !.uppart worken tc1 the Money Adlfice Offi~:c.r.J.

Du~ 1996. tll Min tllr 11pproved 1 three ~,.

conv.u:t for Droghocb and Dund In re1p0nse to 1

'11¥0rk pl01n Jubm 1:1:ed by the Board. - ' JMUred the lm edilU! ruwre ror the prefect iilnd appr~d liNnceo needed m kMp mM@

~tr:rnccs 1n plate. Tr:J cnwrc mn the! pub c .,...erl!: tc~i1~ tl)' m cle ~ er m~ MASS proJect.. a. il.dYcnistni eamp~lrn wu uncJ.e.ru en t;li'Oughout the eaunty.

• s~rvic~ n Cc. ,M<m;a&fun Wl!f"W ~nd d rh~ the drminJ of 1 thr -ymr- pbn In Mq 1996 ThiJ thi'IH-Yfll' pb.rl au:~ fgr d rlr;al staR, ;dyertis 11nd lidcy 1.1

..wJJ , b:a~ •Up WJff,

:a~cammod<Ldon. compu~i

o • Thtt pbn wt ~ee e ex~nstOC\ of tl'le wn'f.; s iiL~d me l!!ltabltlhm~t oJ

outka In eh of • COUftt)'

Ac:~:ommod cion for CommunJty W lfue Serv'

Du ng I 996 addllitMW furtd:"'& w:t.!ll secun!"d from the Ocpllnmem of ~i WelfMa to provide new rvi outletS far- om ~tortu~.r. This wn ut hsed .:o upgr.r.d ex stin at4:ommo~uon a.nd also iUdad , the provtlion g{ ~~n:ro...e

:accomtnO<!atlOri for ouduts in Cannon 1\aw, avan. l;yn~ Howc:, Ftmh~ StrftL Uvi.n nd c ce~ at Nord'l OUJy,


Suppfernenw-y Weffa.re ~h ma

The Jmln ob ectivc or lh• Suppl~menary W fJ~ Allow~nce Sche.m•s tl me prcwis on of an lm:om nu numance packa~:a ~o 1persot1s who luvt ther no lnc::ome or nsufflcl~m: mAw·u; to meet = c requu·emcnts.. The1e ake the lonn of bade per5Clo0.11 ~m· Ui or suppl t1 re exis os; lnwme. lt lso IIKiodei once-off ~menu in liwiiltir;Mu of excepcjonal or Ufldil need~. and the ~ck to School Oothma & Footwc:v- Scheme, Attached are me sutlsrlat analyses of uunutcd S'WA t:JI:Pen rure l'or 1996.

BatOk To S£hao ClomlnJ & Foorwur Schemll!i (E.Itimate) 1996

la. .... . 1 .. 181.1

AnaiJ · and Cotr of Applla.tJo_,1 , ... ..

6,738 5,195

1.. ..:..,: ~.: * .~ .....

n6 14.67o4 £971,059

Un Horn · Act. we re-ce d a to~ of 40 ~e,all er wh eh l1 wen: upbe;ld


In 199), the North Eastern Halth Bei.rd idopted il

c.ompret~·u;1 pol cy on acute hospiaJ J.erVICe&. fmpl•mentildon of this policy lw rea.ul' d In the reo-ultm4M of 21 ~ a.nd repbcemeru: consultant posu and O"W'e:r 60 support nVf cover "I :a 1"3ngt of spe<tahtles •t the end of 1996 AI ncrw consulants proltlde serv•cel wtthm the hoipir:al group11 ildopted br the Boird, Progress. wu abo achtcvwd n de-vdopinz Bcud policy on il r.anp of rqional spcmlloes tndudin& ancalou, derrnuoiOC1· mlcrobtology. h.ema~IOJY .tnd uro.loJy.

At the kMat~cn af tha Medic; Htno~onmes of M~.ry. nezot~aticm commenced With the brlfs. rm~t wtth a "~~..W to transferrin& the ovmersh•p of Our LJdy of lourdu t-bspiQI~ Orozhedia t.a

tha Norm E s~trn Hetlch 8aani This detielopmen1 wu wwlcorn~ u~nlmous~ b1 brd members who re-cmphut~cd their pal r::y comn;itment to cnsunn1 comp~Jve -.M n~ttd SINite:s wfthin the J'eliOn,

Consolldiltlon or the Bo.lrd's policy on group1n1 hospkals 'WJ.J achie\'ed throuJh the ppomtmmt or a llneral

man • .,. ilnd director uf I'IYI"Jin& to neh hosplcalzroup dun,_, 1996. These dtNelopmentS will eraur. 1

Uni6ed senice Kros.s hos.pttals for rh. acchme1t popul&tion ~

Service Developments

The planned 19H ·~ lewls n the KJJte hotpitab were

rna•ncatned and .rt't!n bCeeded,

Annu&l Jncreues ln both medial .admtUIOOS illld A I E 'luendanees seen 1n prr;Jous rurs Mlled elf The number or b rdu within the ,..on lncre.ued as did ~I ~ttdlatnc work. The bigest lnerus.es n ac:uvll)' were In pnutoiOJY ill ~rt oF .a tlfltted WtlaUYe •n women\ health, and in ~ IUI'J\!f'Y at (AQn/Hona.,chatt.

TM Bo.irdls hos.prta s W'e'l'l!

apln ~ouc:cessful i'rl biddln& for Wlitln&I!St ini~ote financ• for • ~ of si.Ok: ne dermatolol}'. surrery. I)'NCCOIOI}' and orthopaediCS. In 11 cases th111 12tJft1 set wa~ met 1nd mou w.re oceeded

CT Stann•n~: MJ"¥Jtes were de-veloped i1t Our lady af Lourda Hospu~t. Droshecb and t Cavan.

The uttroducdon. m 1996, of new conwlantl and support suff CO d\11 rtJion ~ DlM I

ran,e ol both in•p.JtltNlt and

out-patient sennces not preY~ouSiy ble with n the Nonh Eau. These ndud consubnt assenmc:nt and ~lcatlCM\ kK ~ tideftr, .lpt(blesr ore ol n~ bom, pa rei•-' dtnlct and IJI'H I t nurslnt for brean t.1N :and ,toma are apptVQf of add!donal fJO'U ~10 reduced the lewl af s e nded contultant pc»a In med10ne 1

Nlttin and Ound1l ~nd n ~dlolou :u Dund lk ;md Yvmi'Monqban

Customer feedback to hospital rnanaaemcnc IS I OKUSII')' ~00

for the OOJOln.& ~ment: :and l'lnprowemcnc of .JI!f"VM:es. C4.ntamft- ~ IU~S ~ in ttltHI at each Sit• tO

ucercain ~bent view~ on the quality ar are and creacmenl ~ rec~vt:d Thue Included pauenu' sulshctkln w1th

phys•othenpy servfca a lity of life nudy ol paatl ts recetvtnc ru trsu ~tr111:1Jt ~ a :wrvcy of use~l of me bontor~ ser"YICI!.

Every opporwn oi ~IJ conatt wtth lwtc! ho1piul ~rv.,cs is u•ed ro n s.e 8WI.rl!nHI Of thi!! po iti benefl~ or hJU dl pnxnooon.. Spec:1fr<: pro,nmmeJ 'o be addres.sed Ul mdudc • brmut r ed llJ inltliUIQ, smokJ

to prgzru~ I

~scr;-.,111,.. prouunme ndd

ffectcd in provtd ng lnfor~tion on w~dn, ~ ~rung nrlier I :dbuk gn

p tlent diseh:u·tr:e! nd hcilit.ni"l dlrcct GP ~cca.J w hos.p a s ee.s for 1ibonmry iiKI )(-ray sCirvkes

Th111 lntrod c;uon o• liiis.on nurses n acum nospfals h:u n!!lult d i the smoo-h tr:tn!lotr.lOn of p:uiencs (from the acuoo hos.plta1!5) to ~ommunity !er\' ces when the need for .acu toV"C haJ rm ah . The l1.2tson nurse hat e:na.blt~;hed

lin with chi d care. m tal luncfap te.rvlce:s, 5erVkes for the p~1cally diu.bled. the eJd rty etc. and thls hu ~u ted in verr l~CtJic qualitative ch:.nzws for d1c cl enr voups set ~.

R~ognisl the need fer highly

mouvatcd d forward d1 1dng saff. me ~rd con nuad to

provtdc cni ng m e~ 211 t:rn.des of staff tD p~ctkc md develop their knowledge 'Jind stcilfs and LO .he Aaxlbla

eds of ~ pwent are.

A.Jret!!ftent wu rnc.hed with the Flop! Col ol SUrgCQn$ In lrebnd in 1996 ta dewlap und rgracknt mcdic:al rn•ncn& 2 t rhe Cavan:.tMonaztwl Ho) cal AITI~tt. aho mact. wim Trinir:t COI!qt! OY tn for d'la ~ g(

physlothctrapy sWdctna.. 'These d ~opmenu promote t

n<Ogntdon of ~MCiflalhm Hosp ~I u a t eh n..: nst.ltilaon and Wl ensura mu

hosplw Will contlnu ta pro d top q\Qiity prafaniON.I sCllf.

The ff et of 11 con1uiWit 1ppomunenu and ~ single milnagcffi.C11t $tr\JCture acrou the r:wo hos utes continued to pro&rcSS dcltvcry Of :a un fiN! and mon!! ~ompreht:m aa.u: ho.tal ser~ ce for me p~e or u~n :and Mon~h;m

The :~~pp<Mntm t of con,u1unu w1th dJffenn& 5Ub1pa(:t~lity rtterc:ns f1c:llluted the

derv k)pmcnt o leompreheJII:. ve t.Utn or phys.i!;WU who provid Hrvi~ IC'Iolty far peopll!. The !l;pe~tllllu st:rvkes ln.clucltr mcdi i for­the elderly. ardl:u: rl!habfhtatlon. dQtyJCI and dl!dlated clln1a for asrhnu and

ctic arc.

• Con1ultan' I:JiU:diatrh; .\ervkes w~ lncr~ed •t M~;~n;g~n 11nd ind~ d th<! e;omill.loon or new bom al cha hospitid.

• Ob:\tctric nd gyf'IOiecoloo wrYices condnued tO focu1 on rh~:~ qu01 r.y bsuu ourlil'l~ by wamen In th consult>ltion process on women's hulth tndudln& mprovcmcnu In the

pn::wiJICn ol f#Jn!ly p~nntfiiJ ser;'t epidunl pain rcf r dul'IAJ childblrth a.nd contln nc::e promotion.

,. I - of .JUIIOJ ~nd mt nsivo ure servi 'conunued to provtde n 'l!".!IP~=d W~ge md votvme of Mf"V\CeJ :at t.w'O hotpita;


•x connflant appomunents wcra made to the lou h Moth

Hosp als m 1996 In the ~pecr.tJitic~ of ana~the1i.1, ~~uia u d medlcine ior

l!ld rly. As wt•h UYlii\I'Moru&lutn, 1 unified mM~agcm n nructure wn tntr:Oduced Jot the N van and Dundalk H cnpit:al~. with th appcununenc or ll eneral m;t~g~r i111d ~ director or nursing.

Sped a! ist Servl ces

• A consu mnt neon:ata~otln w.u ppotnted n I 996 to Our lady of Lourd Si

Ho1pital, Dro<~ c<:b, to pi'O'I'ide a orul servfce for the care of 'lid 11 w born as well u pf'O)tt"3 paediJ.trk s;aPiicas at Oundalk and N1vah. Tra n1t11 pmgranunet ware providod ta mtf in the ldentlfkatlon of iuuet rel&tiox ro c.hDd pmlKtlon •

• The f&nt fel'tUrlci:. wok up dut)' ln Nov~ll'~r and eng~ed tn a stratcg e pla.nning exercise far the doe¥elopm nl of consu Q.nt sen1ces for d1e elderty llCI'"OJ. th thne bospi~I.J.

• Obstetrics were nuinQJned

t Dundafk ind wc:cess. 'n wail.l"f 'tn Initiative bid rcJufted in~ spedfk lnt.n!.»o in gyna to,ogy &crvh;cl provided :..: the l11»plul.

• Sur&lal Service:s w ·re llWnwned In both Nw.m an Ourwhlk hospcalJ unci nteruiv ca.re suppo~

S4!f'Vices ~nz im~ u both hosplctll.

A cut o p t Is • Activity Details goe by peel I 'I




The ~rd"s a.mbubnce !.I!!Nice

contmuod to deltller ill h 1h •tlndard of pre.hospful can r.o lhe poputnlon of me Narth ~ ln t 996 illmon 11.000 r»auenu va1led o, ~r2mpon ICrllke,, wh•<:h n!pri!Sena a ~ increase 'n the YOlume ol gl

~ ......... .. .,.. nabOn of the BcMrd:s Pflo~l&y C10 luve two penon ~~ on al eddem. a.nd Clll.eriency vwhlc I!J wu lthie"ttd. Ten ~mbul.t.nc pef"IOnnl!l bcGml! profklmt in tatdiac ea~ and iJ.II fronr: ~•n•

aoc:ident: and cmerrncy ambubtKes w.:n: fufly equipped wim monlton iJ.nd


An {n4ervke tn

estabGshcd at the Repaml AmbUlance ConO'tll Centrl!, N3Yan. nas d.e Rm t o(

rs ldnd tJo~l • nd it. prvifd. a wide! flll,e of s deve:topmen• for ambubnc• p~rsonnel md by th m for other lle.a.ld'l are stafl nd


1.611 4.846 2.261 507

2.188 7.243 1 2.928

In lln~ with the 1repi1c.em- t pol1cy, n w

rx l wwe purth:aled n I '9'%. A iun:.h~r ¥"Chi cl w.u mQdl ~ tu ii.Ct ill I. rlpld raspon!e de. ro rmfor

I! _ dent~ in {t\e Czvm'Mon;actwt lll"e.\..

lt Is well doaamcntcd chat th. pflysic:al environment In ¥1hkh set"'fces :.re Mfiyel'@d to cflena hu M1 lnftuence on th r afth, dw speoed of their nrcovwy and ~;omphance w 1:11 hulth gn~ adttke. n,e on-colna dt'feaopml!nt a( our fotnlth Slf"ric.a nhnrucwra continued &lrtng 1996, lmprnvemenr.s In con mun I)' Mlr'ik:es 'ft'll!ft!! a.rried mn: at:

the t'ollowtfllloadom.::· • ~ • Moun nlodp.

Bi.ltyjamHdurt'. KlngsecMJrt and Tulfyvin

• Loo1h - Mukl't StTHt. Dunda!k,

• Ma.th - .-.sh.bourne, Dunbayne. Enneld. Sliinll, Tom artd Summerh I

• Honi.Jhan • &.11)'~.

Work commenc.ed an chc fotlowinc m;afW dcvc~pmenu ;at:-

• Hulth Care Un..t. Ounshau£hlin. Work COirnlne1\eed Of'l this she n

~November: • Hulth C.. Unit. Mo~

COflStruetiOI'I IJIVICH'k on Ptuslt U of this developm t 1

ftGrl"' compl@tion.

Considen.ble procress wu also made on dle pbnnlnc 'lOd desian of IOQJ hcalch an uniu K VirJinia and &llyconncll. A ITliiJO(- fM yar capital de.eiopmenc: programme was s:ubmined m me Departtnent of Health.

lt~ m. Acut. Ho1pital Ser'Yica the frlflowtnt *"elopmena too6l plaa~ in 1996: • A prouanun• af

malntenAnce and uperadq

'UJ lmpi'CMI the qu;al.q o( the phy1ial enVIronment n wbkh patlet1b are ured for was implemented In each hospitll

• ~ 11 ord~~ ~ Dundalk which included the nf'W aut·pWcncs dcpanment was completed.

• The BoMd's ~ for -a new medical wud md coroNt)' carw unit at Our bdy't Hotpltat, Nwan wu

~-• A specw ~IJocadon wu

made lor the provmon ol nCMO et'! ~uita ~nd ~throom

hc•l oe• at Mon,apn Hospital

• Wort conttnued on the apmr ~c: :~.t t.outh C~Hospitsl

Menml he2kh Mrvtl:es

dewjopmt~N ndude: • A 26 bH atute psychuaui.:

unit 'lt Our LadY s Hcnpim , Nwan. W2S complewd.

• The ~hatton wua• u St. ~·, wu c.ompf•tcd..

• SubstantDt works 'III'Cre arried out In hostels Vld p'C!Up homo dlrou;chou


Dt!wlopment! In learn fll dlsabllity s.emces ndude: • &Jidltll convnenotd an ill

purpcne bu•lt ntqrated ~ ,,~ n Mol'\qtwl.

• Group homes. n Trim. Ashba&Jme nd Corturpn w~re rnJde rudy for QClCUPli1CY in 1996

• The Adult Care Untt at CQ1111n0n't Rc:gd, ~n ..,..dco~

• o .... optnent at 6 pQc I1W1 dependenC1 tdendll

~tJJ UMI Ht!SOry d1 tty


• The purpo-se built unit gffcrillJ J"elpito care :at

Commoru 1\oad. ~ w.u ncannz eompledon at lhe end of 191J6

• Plann nJ t'Ommenced to deYtlop a n:sldcnual unit \ Uvan.

Eldefiy ten\CM

• \'Vorlt cl)f1Vn61ted an the c:onstnJnton of a new urm for dle eJderty In Drope.ib :and pbnnin, for further u ts

.n Sallyeonnell and 'lli ¥m unde~ by dle end of 1996.

and grric:d

n out 1 St. Of1'ill!t Piu Hospit'll, Oundi St. CPtn: St.

C.Ud•bbyn~ jDs~'s. Trtm

Si1n ont llftnmcnt n

~di111 b ldt '· n t.et\.uant •nd niC'W nd ~u m r. i!qU pm•nt h.as ~n rrw:le Q'II'CJ' d1e U. COUJM

or ~ t eun 1 and pW\'1 u-a n for c.ontinu n1

d w

The role of dle 0eputr1'1e0t

of Public Health is t.c ;assess r:he health nHck and heafth and soci1l status of the popubtion In the rezion

The D partmem is lmolved En assessing health needs.

evaluni"' hetkh serw:e intervenoons and the prevention and contrOl or communka.ble cAseases.

In en:sunng dut hntth and :socb.l pin ts ~chieoied, our publte hellm ~eru haYe ' rmjor role [O pby In the developm.nt of stra.tecrc pbns fcM" our Je~H mduding :Kute hCHpltal se ces, episodic are, the

elderly. c.hl dren. ell bilrty ~rvices and the l'lWntaiJy Ill.

Our- Public Health tarn

worlu wrth oth« seNic.es. professiomls and crou~ rn uses.san1 need and pbnnin~ SU~Qble nterwntlons to

a.ddrm these needs

The te3m lfWOtved tn

pro;eca n .all ol the Board's ,servkes. ProiiCU that Initiated durin& 1996 indude stUdies on suicides. IJ'tiltsadon of hospit~l services. an uatfon or ouccomes follcwfn& hip ~cements.. the us of ~ sen~cesbfokJ.,-persorp

illld patient u.d,factlon s:wdies. In a.ddrtion, paw ms of morbidrty and morn1rty and reined fJ.aors within the Board's ;aru ,.re bem1 esW)Irs.hed ..

Competed reporu 1996 mduded mxftes on &m ly pbnnin&. breut feedtfl.C. folic add trl\lellers health and digb•lrty services.

Thb nimbi resource u now I:M!Ioa u sed [0 bnnz th m;urimum ben rru possable ro our r:ustom rs.

w v lu our aH


4 The em1ronmenc In Whid'l the

h lth 01!'1d personal 5octal r;erntCJI art dtl t.<tte'd 11 3

consuntly ctan&lng Of'le,

Everycne bwaf¥1!d '" the NEHB mus be prep:arcd to :UJeU m wtut axr t high suncbtds :m: ~"I met. a11d, more lrnporundy. c:o contribute m tha procc.u ~et. wt:.l eruure

Uu.t rood qua icy services in!

~ civen. The lu1l

commitment nd puuei~fiOft of the Boards mployccs is II!:Cp«ted In the ach31!Vement or Sti"''IIC8 ll!liCeilet'ICI!.

Th• Bo.m:l is oplliH1 md pm­'cri In relation [0 dte ~ed$.

of the in~vidual~ who male up _ orpniAdon;

• naH are J•ven ~\ rn"dJ respomlb r r.y and ~utboriry

:a• posl• • nil are ~c~oum:able Within

thl! pa.n~m~ters of the·r responsi _ IQft ~nd iuthority

dn~ brd ~ lD m ml$c

liLI11 disrupli~ .: -:.:1.. of chl.nge by ~~~Jintl 'nr; 100d «lirtlrn.unl uoo welh 11

•~:~Vc.ls of suff and tht'lr ~~

• the So;ml il ~pan.tl to

th tn need:. ilnd ~-naof

• the Board encourJ.fe1

and entefjpriu •mon1 ru m-"

ft IJ ~ thn the most

¥2 IDbte and mon imporwu

:a.uet of ~ny orpn s.al.iQn ts Its

Jtaff. llte Board In iu m:atmE::hC

of lu stt~ff recognises thi~

principle and mivos to b11 borh fair and ~r iog..

Every 11\11\3 er n oil ~1!1 is

expe~c:d to

• u~r l!~ry staff ml!mbl!r wnh covrtmy 1\d ro.specr

• ensure 311 member:s or hiS/her SQ" ur~d~l"lUI'Id v.+.u. is ~·~cted of r.:h~m iillnd fl!IUf.arfy di.SCUSl melr

performal'lc:c with th~m

indrVJduall)' • suppan, tlll!fe11d ~nd

ncouragc ltilff to tMrJ tMlt

their wonc lO a '&h JDnd1rd

er pror~u on•l srn a.nd ~ concern themsefve1 'lbout their he:Lhh. sa~ ry and welhre

• c:nc:oun1e perKJnill dcrvelopment and good re:amwork by ide:ntifyln1 ~~R dnC! opmenc. ne~d1 , md iW.kt In ~in1 mans of llf.covclopinz lililrt'

• Jmlce sure th~~ 11 1taff h~ equal oppommit)' 11[ work

• b pr11p;u-ed c.o ena»Ur.~p

inncv.uive Ideas ilmooJ: sntr

ln reu.rm. dle Botrd cxp«ts tan sufi hors m:

• bl! fully c:omm tted tO duttr work

• mi¥e ~ ~ the hlgf1~sc IPI'QfuliofW sonduds

• to-cper tc: V¥ m orthttr

m~b r• or nllff n the

mtcrc:it of prov•dinz the best. poutbll! servkc oo patl~ts and dlei"'U

• obiervl! confldmi:Aitt)' In ill nlllfU!f"!l.

Tralnln1 and DeW!Iopment

A stnr.e it= appi'Olch ro tnio iiiKI dcvrloprnent hu bl!en

adopted. 't nlng is clo~Cty

linked to the Bo.~.rd's !U!!rvke pi:aM md a.keli ful cognqan~

of cmgotn.~ re~ rd\.

• St~ff' h-1"1' equity or ucrn to

tnifi'Unl • :S.OndJrdcsaticn o' procedure!

reprrling fundmz. I~Ye cc.c: ~s.u~ equiu.ble trmancnt.

• Una mm;x rs are acti lnvol'led In dia,cno~i• a tf'iilllnrng n cd.s. and m

pbnnlnr. deli'l'el'lll'l, monnorin&

the dalll:lopmcnt :tctMtid of

their own naif. • .AJI coun.e de• I&"

I"'CCC"P'f'At.el spec:ific obfect:Ml in 1i wich &:ard policy D..nd the leunln1 n~t-ds of ~t

VO"Plo· • lndJVK!uals ue reqUI!stt!d w

Identify ~r own need~. • fe.edbJ.ck on learning Is

qui d to facillat~ the tnnsf~ to dla workpbc:e,

• Contmulng e'lllu;ation re mone[or paybilck tnd eot\Unu;LIIy rnpn:wc qui1 r.y of tnlnfng.

• Un~ m:~n:qers r raponsible ror the d@Y'ttopmcnt of lherr own staff.

• A sqrufianr proporuon or era funds are c.o trollf!d

br th• li na& r, wt.o requfted m 11"1\'Mt I of the

PlY buda t m 1Wf d ment.

• Clear wpa .md obj«DYE~ allgned CO orpnltatiOMI obiKdves 3..l'e euilbllshed foe •11 tr'linlnz fN'OCI'il.mmes.

• Ew.Jua tion wh d1 monitors

ttatnln,g ol.ltcom ' nd lnmrpor2w the conr:epa or

u for mon~ is an incq~l part ,of the pn)een,

Th.~ was ptt culv efll>huis in 1996 on lh• following·

• M:uugam11nt O«!Wioprnent T~nlnJ

• Contmulna Nunc duatlon ProEra.mme

• ChiJd Cara Eduatlon Pro&nrnrne

• Non-Nunlnc Education flrozra.mme

• PW Tedmology T raltlin1 • Per onal Developmmr/Self

Cue Prog;amrne.s • The d~elopment of loa!

U'llnenlf: i'tiltOI"l

A pbn fat- tht development of a

1\et~l Eduadon ilnd Train' & C~u.: b:ued :at SL &igtcf§. Hosptbl, Ardt'e wu deYll!lopcd.

A comp~an1ivo report on hbrary i.nd Information

1'1eqult ments n the North Eutem HA!th Boa_rd rqlon WU a.l~ compSeted.

Th~ wt'll also :a number of fficant publicadons ~t

m year.

ndboo • All new

nllff ll'ld exlttlng satr now

~ aa:eu tO a copy. • A Good Ston - The Bo.vd's

poliq on saff lnducdon.

• Em nt Procttce (or Controa Imp on - A a~mprehen ru de to r.he imphtilm!Q'tion of contnw

• Trcumng C'tfld tdrJ o Gwd nt~ • G~ ror manqers and Jta.ff for i1Vl111mg of eduation


A Co-on:luutor for Child Un! EduODon and Tra n ne wu appo nted 1n 1996 nd 1

eomprehens•ve ranc• of tOUI'"Set appropriate lO those wor;kinc n r Id ~re w~nt offerM.

The Bcnrd 1!1 commlrud ll»

cgntlnuins adL.~catJon and hfe

lone l~rnlng which enabltJo staff to I~ tMir ~rfor:~Nnee ICld proles~ competenQ . In INs re.prd we condnue to

~ met support ,wr tD

se-D opportu 1 for r own dewlapment.

St<df Rtiadont

The flc(sonnel Oe~rtment

!!OntmUed ts pro-1ai'lt! polq or Pf"'rnotlnl ,eood wo ·nz r•lilOQnS lpt amQnp.t the Smrd·s staff ai'WI m gtpi11JlUOns reprmcttdl'll staff

Tnteresu F:.;pen dvk p dance, cand wpport wu e m

e ~natus re1pect of employee re om al"d other


Safecy. Health a We~

t dM poGcy of che 1\ov'd to

muure IJ br as tonJblr

practiab1e. ~ sa.feey, hulth :tnd ~lfare of I lu suff throu,gh the pt'OYJ on and mainu!I'Wlce o! Ala piata of work, .safe ptar,c 11111d equ1pmenc and a:afe systerrU of work. TM ~rd so •nu t:c t.niure the ufety lilld Matth of all per oos

who ~Dme In cana.a 'Mth eh~: wo.rk CtJWitl~ of th li

e~rp_niauon. To h~Jp ~c ew th1 ~ objccd'le. I 996 saw the condnuinc development of the IOC'lltlon and rtment .safety sts~m~. A numbtr of COYrJ~ ~ haurd ldentifkatlon 111\d ns 1ssess et~daudidna

~ ques n.rn ror sWf resporu· d f'CV!ewins AFery s~r.emcnts.

The 8oml:. Palq on ~"uJ.I

Handl nz: wat ~ev.reil and commlanenl ~ to priOYid mresher U'linifll to nstru(t.O and sf2lf' in actortb.na: W1th I'J~11 fi'Dm the Hahh and ~~[)' .Amhoricy.

A eaurv oo lnfcaJOn CotKJ'OI wnh emphuu on sh "P" dJSpcnilt, wute dispcml and princl of nfeaion ~trol w.u d.vcloped nd is now 5ncluded 1n the don of Rlcvant tall'

R cru tment

The Recru tm nt Section continu d to prOVJd an

1dcm and qcallty senit.l: m lin men mplemendng

belL pr.u:o~ n r:vcrv~trn~nt

and s lcc;tion prcxedures.

The Bo:ard W1l.! IUCtl!Ssful In 1996 n achl .ng 3 obJecow of pm b OQ bbl for

mon vades. m;tldn.& appomtm.ettt ~roe more

mon ton•ng mJ;~Ioytn rn lcve'"' d rewrm lO th Ottputrnunt Hcahh. The section hu

ed In ri I nz bath nd 1opmant

pmu whiln ll"'<lJrn.~umfll IWiil"'! le Is thin the approve:d Ocparun nt of Health lmlployment lt\g


a two cby Rid~ nt Course wn h d In October 1996 aterl for 1ti.ff m r1i (and

pannct:lo) r tlrlng during 1 96197.

Conunwng tu . m o.f provld a quail~ serri~. ben~fttl lnformilti.on uuerroents. W1!rc:

~u;>p! ~ to f'Ol! ·~tcl~ 300

NEHB snff

We tt~1u our uaff ~nd

to sttl I! for W &re proud of

cort.trl tlon oUT ~aff ma.kll! to research nd le enune ende!iVOU and tht!- eff&t dut the p0$itivc: t · su a. of t.fut cn<k.waur h.u on tha &enk:es mu we pt'O de for the people

we tcrVe. w arc 1f11!t.cful to ~u staff auocia.tions and

IJiltlons who work with U\

to cnwrc a positlve workfn! nunosph • one bned on tt'tnt.

itnd 1W resp

we man g: OUI' ~ sources effectively


Accountability Legillation The Board's AnnWII Accounts for ~995 were pre3ented Within U.e ume sale pr scnbed by the Camptro le,. nd Auditor Gene1':11.1. Dunnt 1996. with dle ntrOduct on of lM Hea rh

Am ndmem (No. 3 • Act:. dte ame sCil.e for the prcsencaoon or An nu I finm al ltat - tr.

for 1997 ~11d •utn!!quem ynr• was lhonened. Processes were put In place to enturo that the new fl!tllllr"l:men[J Wt!re met

N.w FinD~d I Procedun!l And Re~Ulations The •nuodu~;;tion of Actoununc Standards pnmmted an opporw ity for the Bo.lrd eo

une a review and ~ umon of iu curren pnxeduri!S and r~u n•ons. These SGnd rds and the irn:roduedon of l!

s~w~ory ~tc for submineon of annLial accounts to the Compti'OIIer and A.udl[or Gener&J pf.a.;Rd new demmcb on the Boar:d to m t ts

r'epOrung rl!q rl!:mena n ~ more timely ;md responsive: ~nner. The Bo:mi rn mectinl U! 1 clul cnp In 1 pro-uuvo W"A'J s.et a.bout the lruroducuon of u own Financi 1 ProcedW1!1 and 1\ lulom du W 996. These new procedures CO'tCf"

dea I the forlowfl'lg :arus lntenqJ Control, PlyroU. PurthHifll,. Atcounu Payable, Al!owant.:i, Refund of Cosu of Medic•nu. ln,ome. Supplarn ntary WcJfilre and fitxed Anecs nd Funds M~~eme:nt ilreu The Procedur:c.s wh eh were


fornu.uy w.. d by m.e Chief E~ccutJve Offi(cr on September 7th, 1996 luve been tlrculated to ;Ill fmnilen; wtthtn the Sl!r'W!:S Ultf rorm a aida part or lhlll famndal contrel medultilm in operatJon wfth1n the North &nem Health Board.

Eleetrot'dc Fund Trantmbsion S~

mcpam10n of the Elettro t

Fund Tnnsmlulon Synem (Ply Path b ty) took pbc;a m 1996, fh•s system Uawt (or the direct transfer of w•es nd smnes pa)'mentJ to t~ k a~countJ ol dMI Boird's. stll WoU&hout the M'!fion. The S)'Jtcm hu pbyed il !or n: n enfWlC I'll the senke ~

the Anance Depar.trnent pn:w des to rhe Bmrd's n.1r. ensunn,g a spHdy nd e ent ulary payment wh e t

same ume mpvv}f'll ec11rity md nepung ~'led for t1

t their bank br-Jnchet to

"'arders e

Hulttl Board Audit

Co Gen

wed terms of the Ch ., r:x ... t:UU'n:

~ Board.

Keoun m~ ;l11o ukad m meet1n1 of the Public: Accovna Comm of O&il ETrunn. Th nzpc1n: of lhe C&AG and fi1Une.al tnam nu for the r n&

31 n December, 1994 were enm•n by the P~bl~

~c®nu Com n 'Sep~;ern r, 1996 and th brd's Chef ~ Oft'icer responded to ;;a

by the COimriiLIW!:e.,


nd c y t m


The H~trAgemeot Ser\'ices funetJon pto'l'ldes Md supports the Information technolocr and telecommunications nfnnrutt.Un! for m. Board.

loformatton and telecommunkalions underpin the Boinfs b\nincu at1d cfmlaJ Cfl\'lronment.

The O~rtment pt'O\'fdes Is nd &er'll'k:es to UJCr1 In

• orp wdonil.l 1nd proudural developm.nt. pro,eet ma.~1 me1u and !)'lt.elm ilNI)"IS

• proaramm n1 and ~entatlon suppon:

• techmuf and netwOrk RifPOrt

• penonal computlnJ •od ~ce rysums cftlnln&

• computer operadoru •n.d sys(ems ma~ent

• telephone and wo Qe ~ems

The mu'! r:omputer cenuw lae2~ t hudquii..I'Uf:l with daa r:ommun eadem tnkl Oft!" 11 w1de area ~ m c.mres In \he l"fddn

• paU.nt ad an system afl ilalte and non-i('i.D hospiub

• d cat depanmcn I rysr:wms ndudlnc botawry. radioloJ1. ~· trt ind pttyttochcnpy

• humiln rnaun:~ synemt ntludlnJ payroll ~nd

personnel ~.nt • community care ~Ysteml

mdudin1 med~UI gnf • envlranmenml hu:tlh.

ttzt:ned ~hort-tcrm schemes (ISTS), soc· 'MX'k ~nd (Omm ty dn~Jl schemes

• ~ rrfomwlon syuenu lndudin1 accovntinz and ~tqsa!ms

• GP syncmt tn~ud the GP 1 nD"an!'t'

• offiu: :support .t.YJtefn!

Tht! (olloWinl de OpmcnU. took pi :ace durin1 I H6

• pbnn "I Dl the IQr new RMIIV'I:II

.. ~.,.,, ol mun tlon system

• devtiopm of new ;ys b mmmun lJ dr1Yp ICht:ma

• tlated woO; Jr'VUP'I i communka ont and teftwV for c.ommunlty scrYi

• e...and d hosp u l tO tha homes

our custom rs and staH d~erve the &>est qualJty environment


The~ mlln rolill or llha Tcc.1hRl~ Servlce:s Departmem is ijn thl!! !)l;liiAIRJ .. .,d pi"'''f1:don of l"r!P!W

bulldtrtg$ andiCK' extem n tcJ

ednfrJ! buUdingli to mnt tha 1!¥11!!,. ~.lltiJ.l'tJ. needs of me ~a depiU'Itn'.etttl.. DurinJ me year. -« PI"OJICCU were


5m.l!Jer proJom llr~ de:J gned in-nouse whi lit. <~11 :ll'ler proja~ mre lundlcd b)' external cor1~ult11"1l .Jrchlt«tl l!'1dl Mlfnto~n I~ Is ~rDil'IL tmlt our bulldl,g,~ lltl!

et.onllfTI~I runnlnt; 1co-tts.

.-re. Jes;chctt~lly plostng bwc most lrnporand}t th:lt dN!y :u. usM" (rlcndl'y lbr both dJI!n[

groups md for 5WI'.

Are ~fety WJthi.n :ill OUT

bulldiltzs n. af 'llitil! mpOI"allLL Wrr: I!IUUf'O l.hU .all of mM s:tatVtoor')l r-equlrcrl' u for fire

p:1"4!'1ft!nti0n are iiltdhered m.

Are d't!:n!tUc._ sysoofYI1 ,•nd emerpncr l~htinJ srsmn' fl!

~~alnmlnad. and JUPI' lt"lln nz In 'Ill r;i ml!! instit.Utlom under' me hrnth boud'1 (ontrttl We Qrpniscd Jl!!rolr"Ct net !i n;t'S.

fur a!l cue ~ In rel:atJCNI \0

flft! pret'l!!otion aod e~Duan

pnK-.d!Jres. In :uldttJOf'l the fkp~r'1l11cri111P1r.1 MtaaiCIII'I ~ n ~ lg,ptlont n

eh~ ~ll'lfli 1~ a.s p of an ~ priKnli AI 0,1!1 E!!JI;I:IoUn,&

5J'ikntSo tn IIVI!1'J loc. lii~:~n illra ma.intainled UJ tha htghHt IOM;ucl

Dwi11g 1996, Wll con"'*buted 10

a. nnionaJ group 1c up by Deparuntnt af Hulth to p~ a !iU'l.'tq)' far mo d~ l!'f He:dth Care IUs


14.1 il/1 QtFntaatitJn .,.e I'YC • lead n maJnT.illnl"l ~ qu er er the emr1ronmam b)' ei"'«i<.~ ll aur 'SV'Yic~s. m di-'p.Ottl ar ftfQSI:!I In 11 ufe aoo mYJronmen~ lt fnendl)l manner.