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Page 1: cm - University of the Witwatersrand · 2012-10-22 · profile to a high one. ... I•AAeoulate memherehlp ahall be extended to all parsona who accopt the alme and objectlvee of Soyco
Page 2: cm - University of the Witwatersrand · 2012-10-22 · profile to a high one. ... I•AAeoulate memherehlp ahall be extended to all parsona who accopt the alme and objectlvee of Soyco

cmS O Y C O’S P R O G R A M M E O F A C T I O N j


1. Scattered all over the ghetto.

2. U n e m p l o y e d .

J. Drop-out from school or varsity.

*. Over Indulgence in drinking.

5. Smoking dagga and taking drugs.

6. Involved In criminal offences.

7. M any are illiterate because of financial problems.

S. Poverty and hunger.


To strengthen SOYCO by establishing branches.

The main aim is to have 12 strong branches after six months.

H ow do we strengthen the b r a n c h e s ?

1. By organising seminars, workshops and gro u p discussions.

’. By holding study groups and offering literacy classes.

By offering extra tuition to students.

.. By taking care of the aged and pensioners.

5. By vlslsting families of detained members and advising them

of legal Channels.

6, By morally and physically lmlplng families of the d e c eased

members or relatives.

I. By offering strict disciplinary lessons to all S6YC0 members.

8. By organising bursaries for neeOy mambera.

9. By playing a supportive rolu In Btrugglos waged by trade unions,

student organisations, women's organisations, political

organisations and church organisations.

10. Ensurance of proper co-ordination In all the struggles waged

by all sections of the population.

II. T o Instill In the youth that spirit of loyalty and respect for the

time tesCod leadership.

12. To ifcaka sure that everybody iLtlvun for the ultimate a c h ievement

of the mi n i m u m dem.tnds stated in tho Freedom Charter.

13. To mak e sure that all the people of South Africa achieve both

social and national emancipation.

14. To follow all the campaigns and programmes of National nature


’ / w < V/d Democratic Front and tha 'under the auspices of the United Democratic Front and the

Release Mandela Campaign.

To co°t out and d e stroy all ths reactionary and c o u n t e r ­

r e vo lu tionary elements throughout the country and the world.

16. To actively support a move towards regional and National

tp- c o -ordination and c o nsolidation of the Youth structures.

TO' m a k e a principled alliance with all the progressive

forces striving towards non-racialism as embraced w i t h i n

the ever demo c r a t i c document* the beacon of the people's

liberationi the F REEDOM C H A R T E R .

18. By organising fund raising projects like film shows, gu m b a s

,j umble sales, concerts, dramas and poetry shows, picnics

outin gs and youth camps.

19. By organising inter-sports games with other youth clubs not a n t a ­

g o n is tic to our alms and objectives.

.20. By making regular visits to our members and from time to time

i nvestigating t r o u b le-torn families within our areas.

All the a b o v e -mentioned activities will gradually involve the

youth in active p a rticipation especially In a venture to solve

their day to day problem*. This will once more ensure__ma«w-mnM I l m U r

and n a s a - a c t lon. For this will d e v e l o p them from a low polit i c a l

profile to a high one. Such will ensure a thorough u n d e r s tanding

of a non-rauial d e m o c r a t i c struggle towards the a c h ievement of

a National D e mocratic country. *


1. Expand our membership.

2. M o b i l lse our membershlp.

3. Ensure U n i t y In Action.

4. T o apply flexibility of tactics in challenging the enemy.

B • long- t e r m o b j e c t i vr.s,

1. T o convert the youth Into responsible disc i p l i n e d

positions of leadership.2. T o onauru continuity and development In Leiinu of unity,

niass-particlpatlon and mass-actlon.

Page 3: cm - University of the Witwatersrand · 2012-10-22 · profile to a high one. ... I•AAeoulate memherehlp ahall be extended to all parsona who accopt the alme and objectlvee of Soyco


^ c ooETiTurirn nr •ng_snvcro ram i c n r ^ .

Annci.E o m e /c l a u s c one


I. Hhereas the youth In Sowato 1* dl sorganlsedi

J. Whereas ,tha growing number of the working d n t youth who hud bean

active.In students organisations whilst at achool and universities

have no permanent organlaatlon outside these areaai

J. Whereas tha growing political comclouanaaa of tha youth and Ilia

dally crises In our community becoaia phenomenal)

t. Whereas thara ara apaclal problema affecting tha youth In thalr day

to day llvest

J. Whereas community organisation* need salf-motlvated, anargatlo an<«

dlaclpllned youth to aunport thera actlvalyi and ' 1

t. Hharaaa thara la a noad to davalop and daapan tha social, political

and cultural outlook of tha youth*

Ha. tha youth of Sowato gathered hara today, tharofora raaoiva to form

a broad democratic youth organleatlon to cater'for a wld* aactlon of the youth In $oweto.



Tha name of tha youth organlaatlon la tha SOWETO YOUTH COHfinrss (SoycoJ

haralnaftar rafarrad to «a SO*CO . ,v?



I. To organlae and unlta tha youth of Sowato lrraapactlva of aex or

rallglon Into a coheelve, repreeentetlva and arfactlva vehicle.

3. To take up special problems affecting tha youth.

3. To promote aoclal and cultural aotlvltlea among th. youth.

*. To •obllli, end conaclentlae tha youth for Involvement In the

atruggl.a ot thalr eommunltles .

J. To mould the aoclal arid political outlook of the youth In accordance

with the non-raclal Domorratlo Principle*.

Anricic roun •• .


Thora shall be threa categories of stoaiberahlp of SOYCOi

(a) I nd iv id ual memb sr ehl pi

(b) Affiliate memberehlpf and

lo) Asaoclale MKbarihlp. —

• •


1. Membership of S01TC0 ahall be open to every Sowatan who accepts tha

alias and objectlvaa aa aat out In AnTICLE 3 and who. In addition.

Is of any aga up to 38 years.

2. On admission to mambarahlp, a parson may be required to pay mcmber-

ahlp fees and periodical subscription of an amount that will l>a

determined by the congreaa.

3. Membership may be lost through expulalon or resignation.

If any subscriptions or membership feea ara paid, they ehall not be

refundable In tha avant of expulsion or resignation.


1. Affiliate mcmberahlp ahall be open to all youth groups and/or

organleatlona {cultural cluba atudent organisations, church youth

groupa ntc.) which subaclbo to the alma, objectlvoe an.l pro;.*™.*, of the Soyco.

2. On acceptance of membership an affiliate organlaatlon may ha

required to pay euch admlaalon fee as may be determined by the

congress of Soyco Tron* time to time.

J. Affiliate membership may ba lost through withdrawal or enpultlon

In the event of mleconduct or violation of policies, of the Soyco,.

*. In the event of expulsion or withdrawal no fee shall be refunded,


I •AAeoulate memherehlp ahall be extended to all parsona who accopt

the alme and objectlvee of Soyco yet da not fall within tha acr«pt«d

definition of youth, and are willing to make auch contribution •»

may be directed by the'Executive Committee of Soyco.

2. On admlaalon fo membarahlp an aasoclate member may bo required

to pey euch mamberehlp fee aa may bo determined {ton tlm* ».o tiro by tlie congreas of Soyco.

J. Ae aou I a t e memlierahlp may ba loat aa • raault of mleconduot or

. violation of pollclee of Soyco.

Page 4: cm - University of the Witwatersrand · 2012-10-22 · profile to a high one. ... I•AAeoulate memherehlp ahall be extended to all parsona who accopt the alme and objectlvee of Soyco

ilS L 'Ig .A .W L g y T IC S o r HCHIICWSIUE

I. To attend .|| ^o.tJn,, c a „ . d b or.,JnI. ,,

ln W M c h h. not i .;r;1r;;n,- u o " - - • *

*• TO ^ . . l y ln d l.C M .IO M , d . b . t . , u „ ,• doptlon o f d . c l . I o n . ot .h « • « > « .» , p la n n in g and

1 r , ° f th * ««»*»•••, c o u n c i l , . t o .

• am .. R l l u u ir fo r o r a g a lr ia t

«• To v o t . . m . . l l n , f , nd c o n g r o . . . . .

;:rci •nd b- •i-ct-d - •* ■ « * » « , 4. th. or9.B1...

;~ = rr-~ r“ ~r........■ ~ ~ - ..........

*' ' m m " ' 01 “• .. . 1 1 c t t . a „r ...

’■ — — - ~ —



•: - : : —- -~1.1 All . „ b . „ o( „ d

. ' « . i T : , i ro“ ” •* .... ........ * « < nu ..........• Kilting, a n nembara ahall vot* anA *. uto d . U b a r . d o n a . «».cl.lon. -ub.^u.nt

J . T h . c o n g r.a a a h . l l h . v . t h . pow .r to r . v l . v and ................. O Var, up r o g r . . . , nd . c t l v l t l „ o f th<

\ :;r:: ,h*u r- th- p°w-r - ««* •“branch or .x.cutlv. commltt.. level

5* is z iz 'irc :'''"1"'th- - «—** :;vz ;:v r:•dopt °r ^ -""«*•««» » * „ . b M 1 .

a U p l . majority voto /or adoption or am.mlment. •

7 * ah* . ^ r " , r *"* *h “ 11 * U c t tf,« r x . o u t l v . C o m m ltt.* of toyco onot

« . A Spec 1 . 1 C o n y r.a a *.y b. c.,,.d 0„ jbr.neha. of SOYCO. At u . . . Y lf lh" "">"'t>.r. of

th. Counel 1 cr,:* “ thC°" "°nth' notlc- - « k b- ,.v.....


o. comic11. '■,'

| 1

» . One. b’r .n c h .a h . v . b . . n .............. c h a lr n . r . o n . . . with th. .ntlr. Sx.cutlv. C o ^ l t t '0 ; rel* ,l,,, . . . . . . . . . . Counol 1. , " S"'“

b . . « .. ............

’• £ ,h,“ b- ,h- - i»-— • — « « « . w t ..:.......

>. » . Cojtnc.l .,,.11 Co„ , „ „

*. Th. Council ahall inaet onco av.rv im.nts ►

th. CMfcutlv. Comml£t» , \ r*Cl0V* rap°rt*5 *"Th» c ,, COW" ltt## 01 S°yc° 'fd It. tranche..S..Tho Council ahall dlacuaa. r.vlew ,nS j

■ u ....... . rajpon... toward, auch problema.

-*■> — ».. p.“» r «.


'' J l V , “• ............. . « . . i l .adnlnlatratlv. body of Soyco.

». Th. C m .cut 1v. Commltt.. . h . U con.l.t of,

(») Pr.aldent and vlc.-pr.aldan^

fbl and vlc.-Sacr.t.,y (oj Tr.a.ur.

Ml Co-ordlnat.r

<•) Socr.tary for Publicity and Information, and

rtv. additional commltt,, m,Bb dr. who a h . U a.r,. ln

rl°* *ub“C0mmltt..a which may b. formed.

of l^'.Cm.“tl‘n r ^ td.,c,.*I'o*n1! cl “’j r**POMlbf

Th. Ex.cutlv. C o m m u t e , .hall fllv. lt, - !”! Co"n r M *

■ Council on a ra9»,.r b .,u „ 3.u 9 r*P°rt l° lh*commltt..., " th* of aub-

. “I : :X“ 1 -................“c‘n , - 1'" ■« - « » o,

*. A m.mb.r of th. Ex.cutlv. Co«,ltt.. who f-., .«,.»..,- ..... Wh° ,,l,« »tl«n<l ,hr..

Page 5: cm - University of the Witwatersrand · 2012-10-22 · profile to a high one. ... I•AAeoulate memherehlp ahall be extended to all parsona who accopt the alme and objectlvee of Soyco

ration ihill ImmoUlatoly cease to be • nombar o._.ho Executive


7.The Executive Committee shall aupervlee and control the use and

maintenance of the funds of SOYCO, and books of Accounts at Head­

quarter* and at the branch lovale,

a.Tho Executive Committee ihall have the power to aummon extra­

ordinary meetings of the Council.

J.The Executive Committee ahall M e t once every fortnight unleaa epeclal

circumstances demanding meetlnge arlae.

10.The quorum of the Executive Commltte* ahall be • ■lmple majority.


niHCTioHS a n d ditties o p or n c c R 3


1.Shall be the leader and Chief Executive Officer of the organlaatlon.

2.Shall preside at all meetings of Congr***,Council and Executive


3.Shell represent the organisation In Soweto and beyond.

4.Shall be eligible for re-election on expiry of tern of office.

S.Shall be one of the signatories for the withdrawal of mono'/ and

opening up of new banking accounta for the organisation.


1.Shall be the main assistant to the president In the execution of

the duties and functlone of the organleatlon.

3.Shall deputies for the prealdent In the event of the latter being .



l.Shall be the chief.administrative officer of the organisation for th*

supervision, co-ordination and admlnlstrstlon of day to day activities of the organisation.

2.Shall be eecretary of the Counoll and the Congress.

J.Shall maintain a reglater of names of members of th* organisation

ahould tl« Council direct or consider It necessary.

4.Shall lssus Invitations to Congress, Counoll end Executive Committee meetings.

S.Shall record the tiualnaae of the (Inti'jreee,Cmtnol 1 end Koeeutlv# Committee meetings.


6.Shell contTktently correepond with branches or bench committees.

7.Shell be one of the signatories for withdrawal of funds and/or

opening up of new banking accounta for the organleatlon.


1.Shall l>a the chief assistant of th* adralnatratlve secretary.

2.Shall do all the duties and functions of the adnilnls tra t tve

secretary In the latter1* absencs.


1.Shell receive and bank all money belonging to the organleatlon

within two days of receipt of such monies.

2.Shall keep and maintain accounts, booksj financial document*

vouch* report* and stock cards of tho organisation.

J.Shall bo responslblo for making all the payments of SOYCO end for

keeping copies of all roceplt* thereof.

4,Shall prepare and preaent to the Executive Committee and Council

lip tp data accounts of Income and expenditure of the organlaatlon

st tho end of each financial year.

5.Shall be responsible for fund raising projects.

{.Shall be one of tho signatories In tho ovent of withdrawal of fund*

or opening up of new banking account* for the organisation.’


J U Shall .b* responslblo for gutlnrlng, analysing, publishing and*

dlsnemlnstlng all Information about the altuatlon In Sowotp and beyond.

2.Shall ba responsible for th* preparing, editing and Issuelng of SOYCO

P r**s statements, publications and for arranging conferences as may

bo directed by th* Executive Commlttoe.

J.Shall be roeponalblo for propagating and defenco of tho policy and

programme of SOYCO through tho presstof the organisation or any othsr

approved media.

*.Shall be head of the SOYCO publications Committee.


1.Shall be responslblo for the aatahllehmnnt and ro-organlsstlon of branches

2.Shall onsuro tho lmplementstlon of tho resolutions, decisions and

directives of the organlaatlon.

J.Shall co-ordlnato activities of the organisation.

J.Shall oetsbl lah contact with Individual* and set up mooting* l.etwaen

Page 6: cm - University of the Witwatersrand · 2012-10-22 · profile to a high one. ... I•AAeoulate memherehlp ahall be extended to all parsona who accopt the alme and objectlvee of Soyco

SOrCO and other organlaatlona aa way ba dlractad by tha Exacutlva


I.Shall ba raaponalbla for tha ittangthanlng and daapanlng of ralatlona

batwaan tha organlaatlon and tha maaaaa.

(.Shall ba raaponalbla for explaining to tha maanea tha policy,

programme and alma and objactlvaa of tha organlaatlon.

7.Shall ba raaponalbla for laadtfrahlp training akllla and othar euch



Page 7: cm - University of the Witwatersrand · 2012-10-22 · profile to a high one. ... I•AAeoulate memherehlp ahall be extended to all parsona who accopt the alme and objectlvee of Soyco



Thera .hall be the following organ. of SOVCO at local leveli

a.Branch Annual Ceneral Meeting

b.Branch Executive Committee


l.Tha * a„ch General Meeting ahall meet onca . ye.r to , lect

tha branch executive committee. .

branch executive committee,

3.It ahall be the hlgheat authority at local level.

A'llZllZ?atTy con,lder au ■natter'of lo°'1recommendation, to tha Executive Committee of SOVCO.


. * £ * b - h — — ■

a.Chalrpuraon and vlce-chalrperaonb.Secretary

c.Co-ordlnator and

d.Two additional committee member*

3.Its term of office ahall ba a year.

«.Xt ahall organ!.. SOVCO member. 4 ‘recruit new one>.

•It may appoint .uch .ub-commlttee. a. „.y be nec„ foct|

carrying out of function, and activities of th«branch. « i v i t i e . of the organt.atl on In the

«.It shall generally .upervlae and co-ordinate a c t i v i t i ^

• * br" oh ,na ,h* u — - - - » • ’ z r



\ Sr , h # U a,‘U,"a ‘ 16941 ** . M . U aue or be it.

2.No member ahall ba H . b l . ,er „Bbt. lncurr.j Jn ..

dutiaa for tha organisation.



1 - : r . : : 1; r r- - r -“” * - u - -........... - •

’• S . ' . r r r * - , *•-<.

J.Sho» th. „..d lh. •

dlr.M.,, th. BOVCO Cx.cutlv. Co™,,,... ' “*.80,CO op.„ „„ 0 „ |c< ^ ^



rr:;:;:: z r i,7 •*- — -Of SOVCO having any H ^ l l i t i l / T ^ ' ' T" the

y llabllitle*, proparty may be .old to pay debt!



'TuZ:: zziz:::;: c;rw°f eoyc°—- * ■on decisive matter. .uch a, a l \ L ' 1' ^ Con* r,‘** "•/ vote

major resolution,. Each delegate a h a M t ^ n Z l T l Z nomination. iiowed one vote p , r



1.Unless inconsistent u U k . k .

Youth Congres.. ' °T^ nia^ ^ -h.ll mean Soweto

2.Unless inconsistent ul)h o.k

w » n the Executive Commltte" W * * ' th° EXeCUtlvo Coi™ l t t e e .hall3. Unless i n c o n s i s t e n t w™ ‘ °f ?01fC0-

President of SOVCO. “Xt ' th’ Pro,,denl »»*«U mean tha

. Uni 0 . 0 inconsistent uli-h*- k.

fifteen member. ^ - - organ! t

5.Un 1 e .a iB oon.i.t. n t withth co

- U denote the fnmal* da',0t,"V ........

6. tin lea. incon.latent with th. context, Congres. ,h . „ I "

Page 8: cm - University of the Witwatersrand · 2012-10-22 · profile to a high one. ... I•AAeoulate memherehlp ahall be extended to all parsona who accopt the alme and objectlvee of Soyco

Collection Number: AK2117 DELMAS TREASON TRIAL 1985 - 1989 PUBLISHER: Publisher:-Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand Location:-Johannesburg ©2012


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This document is part of a private collection deposited with Historical Papers at The University of the Witwatersrand.